1 00:00:01,501 --> 00:00:04,212 If it weren't for those damn Tripods, 2 00:00:04,212 --> 00:00:07,215 we'd be living it up in Highland right now. 3 00:00:07,215 --> 00:00:11,052 We could blow a fortune in just one night! 4 00:00:11,052 --> 00:00:13,054 Don't often see you here, dreamer boy! 5 00:00:13,555 --> 00:00:15,974 This here will give you something to dream about. 6 00:00:16,474 --> 00:00:18,101 This right here! 7 00:00:23,231 --> 00:00:24,899 Mam, you got a minute? 8 00:00:25,400 --> 00:00:26,776 Young Kanata. 9 00:00:28,403 --> 00:00:30,822 How many times do I have to tell you? 10 00:00:30,822 --> 00:00:34,075 I can't help you with fairy tales like Histoire. 11 00:00:34,075 --> 00:00:36,119 You can take that nonsense of yours and-- 12 00:00:36,119 --> 00:00:37,412 I want to work. 13 00:00:37,996 --> 00:00:39,372 Huh? 14 00:00:40,206 --> 00:00:41,666 I want to practice. 15 00:00:41,666 --> 00:00:43,501 So please, if you know anything-- 16 00:00:43,501 --> 00:00:46,338 Tokio finally scraped the crap off his shoe? 17 00:00:46,338 --> 00:00:48,923 That is, if you have anything for me. 18 00:00:48,923 --> 00:00:51,217 Or maybe he kicked you to the curb. 19 00:00:52,552 --> 00:00:53,970 Morgan! Clint! 20 00:00:54,471 --> 00:00:58,808 What tough, burly men you are to be picking on a fledgling Drifter! 21 00:00:58,808 --> 00:01:01,561 You've fallen on your asses many times. 22 00:01:01,561 --> 00:01:03,521 Maybe I ought to tell Kanata all about it? 23 00:01:05,398 --> 00:01:07,025 - Kanata. - Yes? 24 00:01:08,026 --> 00:01:09,402 I got something for ya. 25 00:01:09,402 --> 00:01:14,282 But if you wanna be a real Drifter, chew out your own critics next time. 26 00:01:15,658 --> 00:01:16,659 Okay! 27 00:02:51,588 --> 00:02:52,922 Todra Gorge. 28 00:02:53,590 --> 00:02:57,010 There are a lot of reports of numerous Enders around Point 13 29 00:02:57,010 --> 00:02:59,763 which appear to have no correlation to the weather. 30 00:03:01,473 --> 00:03:06,102 The marsh there is likely to have high levels of Blueschist Density. 31 00:03:06,936 --> 00:03:09,314 So it'll be great if you can dig for treasures 32 00:03:09,314 --> 00:03:11,775 while out there getting combat experience. 33 00:03:11,775 --> 00:03:12,859 Yes. 34 00:03:12,859 --> 00:03:15,904 I can't be relying on you and Noir forever. 35 00:03:17,072 --> 00:03:19,074 I need to hone my own skills. 36 00:03:19,074 --> 00:03:21,451 That's the spirit. 37 00:03:21,451 --> 00:03:24,329 So then why are you tagging along? 38 00:03:24,829 --> 00:03:26,915 This is something I need to do on my own. 39 00:03:26,915 --> 00:03:29,209 Come on, don't hurt my feelings. 40 00:03:29,209 --> 00:03:31,419 I'm still here for you! 41 00:03:31,419 --> 00:03:32,545 Pardon? 42 00:03:32,545 --> 00:03:34,422 I'm just killing time. 43 00:03:34,923 --> 00:03:37,050 I won't interfere, so don't you worry. 44 00:03:38,802 --> 00:03:41,805 And you only have to do the bare minimum navigation, Noir. 45 00:03:41,805 --> 00:03:44,224 You don't need me? 46 00:03:45,642 --> 00:03:47,936 I can't always be relying on you. 47 00:03:49,104 --> 00:03:50,563 I need to be strong, too. 48 00:03:51,064 --> 00:03:53,358 You've really got your eye on the ball. 49 00:03:53,900 --> 00:03:56,444 No wonder the old mule is going soft on him. 50 00:03:57,654 --> 00:04:01,783 Looks like the heavens are smiling upon us with a swift opportunity for training. 51 00:04:06,371 --> 00:04:07,372 Behind us! 52 00:04:07,372 --> 00:04:10,709 Are they chasing us? 53 00:04:10,709 --> 00:04:12,585 Or are they on a mission somewhere? 54 00:04:12,585 --> 00:04:15,880 - Let's go, Noir! - Okay. 55 00:04:24,848 --> 00:04:26,182 Mini Enders. 56 00:04:26,182 --> 00:04:27,642 Ten of them. 57 00:04:27,642 --> 00:04:28,935 Engagement imminent. 58 00:04:28,935 --> 00:04:30,520 {\an8}Got it. 59 00:04:30,520 --> 00:04:32,689 {\an8}You just sit back from here, Noir. 60 00:04:35,984 --> 00:04:38,445 I can do this. 61 00:04:38,945 --> 00:04:41,156 First, I'll pick them off at a distance. 62 00:04:42,949 --> 00:04:44,367 They dodged? 63 00:04:45,285 --> 00:04:46,286 Right? 64 00:04:47,120 --> 00:04:48,538 No, left! 65 00:04:53,710 --> 00:04:55,170 They're just tires! 66 00:05:04,387 --> 00:05:07,098 {\an8}- Two Enders are headed for the Carrier. - Damn it. 67 00:05:07,849 --> 00:05:08,850 Tokio! 68 00:05:09,642 --> 00:05:13,104 Oh, no. I am so scared. Won't somebody rescue me? 69 00:05:15,774 --> 00:05:18,193 Damn it! Hit them, hit them! 70 00:05:19,944 --> 00:05:22,572 Kanata, shall I set the sights? 71 00:05:24,491 --> 00:05:25,492 Oh, dear. 72 00:05:26,076 --> 00:05:28,203 You can't be cool if you lose your cool. 73 00:05:29,746 --> 00:05:30,997 Mouton! 74 00:05:31,623 --> 00:05:33,208 Huh? 75 00:05:35,710 --> 00:05:38,046 - What? - Kanata, above us. 76 00:05:43,593 --> 00:05:46,221 That was a bit of a whimper. 77 00:05:46,221 --> 00:05:49,140 Shall we go for raging hot instead? 78 00:05:49,140 --> 00:05:50,725 Okay! 79 00:05:54,187 --> 00:05:59,359 Flim Flame POW! 80 00:06:08,743 --> 00:06:10,620 Is that... 81 00:06:15,458 --> 00:06:17,502 That was a Magus Skill. 82 00:06:18,128 --> 00:06:21,089 Right, and one that only a Type Zero can use. 83 00:06:40,483 --> 00:06:43,028 Hey, thank you for your help. 84 00:06:56,291 --> 00:06:57,917 Nice to meet you. 85 00:06:59,294 --> 00:07:03,214 Offering yourself up on a platter to a Coffin rider you don't even know... 86 00:07:03,715 --> 00:07:06,259 That's pretty careless for a Drifter. 87 00:07:06,259 --> 00:07:09,971 - Let me go! - But to be so frightened of me. 88 00:07:09,971 --> 00:07:11,556 What a meanie. 89 00:07:14,642 --> 00:07:17,020 - Hey, stop! - Excuse me, Madam Seductress. 90 00:07:17,520 --> 00:07:20,774 That guy's just a newbie. He's a little lacking in experience. 91 00:07:20,774 --> 00:07:22,150 I can tell. 92 00:07:22,650 --> 00:07:24,569 He could do with a teacher. 93 00:07:24,569 --> 00:07:25,987 Stop! 94 00:07:25,987 --> 00:07:28,448 I'm sure you'd love for her to teach you. 95 00:07:28,448 --> 00:07:30,742 After all, you do like the boing boings. 96 00:07:32,494 --> 00:07:34,037 Boing boing? 97 00:07:35,455 --> 00:07:38,041 Hey, Clauds, no fair! 98 00:07:38,541 --> 00:07:40,210 - What? - Let me join! 99 00:07:40,210 --> 00:07:42,379 Hey, wait! Who are you? 100 00:07:42,379 --> 00:07:44,422 Don't just copy what she's doing! 101 00:07:44,422 --> 00:07:46,883 And what is she doing? 102 00:07:46,883 --> 00:07:49,761 Won't ya tell me, mister? 103 00:07:49,761 --> 00:07:53,056 No, wait! Stop! 104 00:07:54,849 --> 00:07:57,686 My name is Claudia. 105 00:07:57,686 --> 00:07:59,396 And this is my partner, Flamme. 106 00:07:59,396 --> 00:08:01,356 I'm Flammy! Nice to meet ya. 107 00:08:01,356 --> 00:08:05,068 And you'll be Kana, Noi Noi, Tokky, and Moo. 108 00:08:05,652 --> 00:08:09,572 We veterans stick our noses in and help others out in a pinch. 109 00:08:09,572 --> 00:08:11,116 That's the Drifter's Way. 110 00:08:11,616 --> 00:08:12,784 So don't hold it against me. 111 00:08:14,035 --> 00:08:15,036 The way of the Drifter? 112 00:08:15,036 --> 00:08:16,413 By the way, Kanata. 113 00:08:16,413 --> 00:08:19,249 - Wanna get rich quick? - What? 114 00:08:19,249 --> 00:08:20,959 Well, well, Miss! 115 00:08:20,959 --> 00:08:23,753 If this is a honeypot situation, I'd be happy to take the bait! 116 00:08:23,753 --> 00:08:27,340 I thought you were keeping a safe distance? 117 00:08:27,841 --> 00:08:30,635 I thought you didn't want to get involved. 118 00:08:30,635 --> 00:08:31,845 You are indeed prudent. 119 00:08:32,887 --> 00:08:34,180 So, how about it? 120 00:08:37,142 --> 00:08:40,061 You're so talented, and you have a Type Zero Magus, 121 00:08:40,729 --> 00:08:43,398 and yet you want help from a flunky like me? 122 00:08:45,483 --> 00:08:47,318 You'll understand when we get there. 123 00:08:58,204 --> 00:08:59,330 Wow... 124 00:09:03,418 --> 00:09:06,880 Daisies. Fields of them. 125 00:09:07,547 --> 00:09:09,549 How unusual to find them in a place like this. 126 00:09:09,549 --> 00:09:11,092 The flowers aren't half bad, 127 00:09:11,593 --> 00:09:14,137 but that treasure outshines them all. 128 00:09:18,058 --> 00:09:19,142 An AO Crystal? 129 00:09:19,809 --> 00:09:22,395 What do you think? It's pretty big. 130 00:09:22,395 --> 00:09:24,939 Noi Noi! Over here! 131 00:09:26,483 --> 00:09:28,651 I finally found a big one, 132 00:09:28,651 --> 00:09:31,571 but I can't mine it with all the Enders around. 133 00:09:31,571 --> 00:09:33,073 I see. 134 00:09:33,073 --> 00:09:36,201 The AO Waves emitted from a crystal of this size 135 00:09:36,201 --> 00:09:38,787 are sure to attract a large number of Enders. 136 00:09:38,787 --> 00:09:43,124 Couldn't you just raise your shields and mine it that way? 137 00:09:43,124 --> 00:09:47,003 I thought I'd have my work cut out for me doing it solo. 138 00:09:47,003 --> 00:09:50,840 So you found an impressionable newbie to help you out? 139 00:09:50,840 --> 00:09:53,301 That's about it. No hard feelings, eh? 140 00:09:53,301 --> 00:09:55,470 Not at all. I get it. 141 00:09:55,970 --> 00:09:58,640 It's better than twisting things to make me look good. 142 00:09:59,140 --> 00:10:01,726 You give yourself too little credit. 143 00:10:02,435 --> 00:10:05,021 But still, I like that. 144 00:10:05,522 --> 00:10:07,232 We'll split it, 50-50. 145 00:10:07,232 --> 00:10:10,485 Not only is it big, but you can tell the quality is top-notch. 146 00:10:10,485 --> 00:10:13,530 We could sell it for dirt cheap and still be on easy street! 147 00:10:13,530 --> 00:10:18,618 You've done a meticulous job so far. 148 00:10:18,618 --> 00:10:19,953 Right? 149 00:10:19,953 --> 00:10:21,705 Why go through all that trouble? 150 00:10:21,705 --> 00:10:25,834 Why not just blow up the entire area and any Enders along with it? 151 00:10:25,834 --> 00:10:28,545 Believe me, I'd love to... 152 00:10:29,129 --> 00:10:32,257 ...but Flamme really likes this area. 153 00:10:32,257 --> 00:10:35,719 - Isn't it pretty? - I'd like to leave this place unscathed. 154 00:10:41,099 --> 00:10:42,100 Yeah! 155 00:10:44,185 --> 00:10:45,186 For you! 156 00:10:49,524 --> 00:10:51,067 Having fun, Noir? 157 00:10:53,319 --> 00:10:54,654 I don't know. 158 00:10:55,530 --> 00:10:56,781 But... 159 00:11:00,035 --> 00:11:03,246 I like how white and pretty these are. 160 00:11:09,586 --> 00:11:10,837 Claudia! 161 00:11:11,588 --> 00:11:13,548 I'll do it! 162 00:11:14,549 --> 00:11:16,217 Then we have a deal! 163 00:11:34,110 --> 00:11:37,072 Let's come up with our action plan while we eat. 164 00:11:37,072 --> 00:11:38,823 We work at night. 165 00:11:38,823 --> 00:11:40,909 I trust you understand why? 166 00:11:41,910 --> 00:11:44,454 The Enders slow down at night. 167 00:11:46,373 --> 00:11:50,126 It's go time once we deactivate the AO Wave Insulation Shield. 168 00:11:50,919 --> 00:11:53,797 {\an8}The Enders will be on the move within ten minutes. 169 00:11:54,714 --> 00:11:57,217 {\an8}One of us will keep them at bay in the gorge, 170 00:11:57,759 --> 00:12:01,554 {\an8}and the other will mine the AO Crystal in the Coffin. 171 00:12:03,223 --> 00:12:06,685 It's hardly an action plan, being so simple and all. 172 00:12:06,685 --> 00:12:07,894 Not at all. 173 00:12:07,894 --> 00:12:10,230 I say, "Simple is best." 174 00:12:10,230 --> 00:12:16,611 Now all that's left is to decide who will defend and who will mine. 175 00:12:16,611 --> 00:12:17,946 About that... 176 00:12:19,114 --> 00:12:20,699 {\an8}There's another access point? 177 00:12:20,699 --> 00:12:23,910 {\an8}Yes, though it's hard to recognize. 178 00:12:24,536 --> 00:12:28,039 There is a chance that Enders could come from there. 179 00:12:28,039 --> 00:12:29,416 That's easy. 180 00:12:29,958 --> 00:12:32,210 Leave that part to me. 181 00:12:32,210 --> 00:12:35,338 - You'd do that for us? - I'm just here to kill time. 182 00:12:35,839 --> 00:12:39,342 That shouldn't put too much of a damper on your training, right? 183 00:12:39,968 --> 00:12:41,011 Tokio... 184 00:12:41,011 --> 00:12:42,345 Thank you. 185 00:12:42,345 --> 00:12:45,348 Now we just need to decide on the main defense and the miner. 186 00:12:45,348 --> 00:12:48,852 Naturally, I'll be on defense. 187 00:12:48,852 --> 00:12:50,270 What? 188 00:12:51,062 --> 00:12:53,565 I'm a little worried about ammo, 189 00:12:54,065 --> 00:12:56,151 but I think I can hold out for one last fight. 190 00:12:56,151 --> 00:12:57,444 Hey! 191 00:12:57,444 --> 00:12:58,862 What is it? 192 00:12:58,862 --> 00:13:00,321 The main defense. 193 00:13:01,698 --> 00:13:03,283 Could you let me handle it? 194 00:13:04,284 --> 00:13:07,662 Don't let the numbers fool you just because it's nighttime. 195 00:13:08,538 --> 00:13:10,331 - You ready to risk your life? - I am. 196 00:13:14,627 --> 00:13:17,005 All right, then. I'll leave it to you. 197 00:13:19,424 --> 00:13:21,551 Kanata. 198 00:13:22,260 --> 00:13:25,055 Reminds me of old times. 199 00:13:25,722 --> 00:13:28,141 Your own days of yore? 200 00:13:28,641 --> 00:13:30,560 No, yours, master. 201 00:13:30,560 --> 00:13:31,644 What? 202 00:13:34,522 --> 00:13:37,192 This guy's name is GLENSHINOBI! 203 00:13:37,942 --> 00:13:41,029 He's a super strong buddy for me and Clauds! 204 00:13:41,029 --> 00:13:45,992 - And Kana's buddy looks to be an Ogre. - Ogre? 205 00:13:45,992 --> 00:13:49,704 They got these big horns and are super scary and strong, 206 00:13:49,704 --> 00:13:52,999 and the legends say that only beans can calm them down. 207 00:13:54,250 --> 00:13:55,460 Ogre. 208 00:13:55,460 --> 00:13:59,130 And your big, strong Ogre can protect us! 209 00:13:59,631 --> 00:14:03,218 So my friends can keep smiling their pure innocence! 210 00:14:04,052 --> 00:14:05,178 Pure innocence? 211 00:14:05,178 --> 00:14:08,390 Long ago, people gave meanings to different flowers. 212 00:14:08,390 --> 00:14:11,393 White daisies symbolized purity and innocence! 213 00:14:11,393 --> 00:14:13,520 They suit you, Noi Noi! 214 00:14:14,896 --> 00:14:16,106 But, 215 00:14:17,107 --> 00:14:19,567 I can't get it back. 216 00:14:24,114 --> 00:14:25,740 Just kidding! 217 00:14:25,740 --> 00:14:29,869 I can just format my memory and become a clean slate! 218 00:14:29,869 --> 00:14:32,372 'Cause I'm a Magus! 219 00:14:42,757 --> 00:14:45,343 - Yes. I will protect you. - What? 220 00:14:45,343 --> 00:14:47,512 I, Kanata, and the Ogre. 221 00:14:48,013 --> 00:14:50,598 We'll protect you. 222 00:14:51,099 --> 00:14:52,100 Huh? 223 00:14:53,893 --> 00:14:56,396 Did I say something? 224 00:14:58,982 --> 00:15:01,651 You're funny. 225 00:15:02,235 --> 00:15:03,987 You're a good girl, Noir. 226 00:15:04,571 --> 00:15:07,657 I hope you never change! 227 00:15:13,204 --> 00:15:15,999 Amazing! It's like brand new! 228 00:15:18,043 --> 00:15:20,378 You didn't have to do maintenance for me. 229 00:15:21,671 --> 00:15:24,299 I'll have to pay you back in kind. 230 00:15:24,299 --> 00:15:27,635 This is just a quick fix to increase our chances of success. 231 00:15:28,136 --> 00:15:30,388 The weapons and joints are worn, 232 00:15:30,388 --> 00:15:32,807 so you'll have to fix them at a later date. 233 00:15:33,558 --> 00:15:35,060 Especially around here. 234 00:15:35,727 --> 00:15:37,437 It's on its last legs. 235 00:15:37,437 --> 00:15:39,022 You'll want to swap it out. 236 00:15:39,522 --> 00:15:41,274 Call it jury-rigged if you will, 237 00:15:41,274 --> 00:15:45,362 but a mechanic who can patch things up that quickly is worth his weight in gold. 238 00:15:45,362 --> 00:15:46,780 Thank you. 239 00:15:47,364 --> 00:15:50,075 Do you perform maintenance on Noir as well? 240 00:15:50,575 --> 00:15:52,160 No, not yet. 241 00:15:52,160 --> 00:15:54,454 Flamme is a Type Zero unit too, 242 00:15:54,454 --> 00:15:57,415 so she needs Amasian-grade parts and technology. 243 00:15:57,415 --> 00:15:59,376 You'd best be prepared for steep fees. 244 00:15:59,376 --> 00:16:02,087 You mean, Noir is a Type Zero? 245 00:16:02,087 --> 00:16:03,380 Didn't you know? 246 00:16:03,963 --> 00:16:05,924 I heard she might be, 247 00:16:06,424 --> 00:16:08,134 but I never thought it'd be true. 248 00:16:09,719 --> 00:16:11,054 According to Flamme, 249 00:16:11,054 --> 00:16:14,349 Type Zero units can tell each other apart. 250 00:16:14,349 --> 00:16:15,600 You'd best be careful. 251 00:16:16,101 --> 00:16:19,771 Some people will stop at nothing to get their hands on a Type Zero Magus. 252 00:16:20,271 --> 00:16:21,981 You must protect her. 253 00:16:21,981 --> 00:16:23,066 I will. 254 00:16:29,614 --> 00:16:31,574 My mechanical skills aside, 255 00:16:31,574 --> 00:16:34,786 I'm nothing more than a hack when it comes to being a Drifter. 256 00:16:35,412 --> 00:16:38,289 Why did you want to become a Drifter? 257 00:16:39,249 --> 00:16:43,670 I've always wanted to visit the legendary Histoire... 258 00:16:43,670 --> 00:16:46,172 Mmm. I think that's lovely. 259 00:16:46,172 --> 00:16:47,257 What? 260 00:16:48,925 --> 00:16:53,221 You and Tokio are the only people who haven't laughed at me for that. 261 00:16:53,221 --> 00:16:55,890 - It must be nice. - How? 262 00:16:56,975 --> 00:16:59,436 You have a dream, and you have the skill. 263 00:17:00,020 --> 00:17:04,274 When I left my hometown, I had nothing. 264 00:17:05,817 --> 00:17:06,901 Claudia... 265 00:17:07,986 --> 00:17:10,739 Kanata, Drifters are free. 266 00:17:11,531 --> 00:17:13,908 You're free to fight and live the way you want. 267 00:17:14,659 --> 00:17:16,661 So fight in your own way. 268 00:17:17,370 --> 00:17:18,371 It's your life. 269 00:17:23,585 --> 00:17:24,586 What? 270 00:17:27,130 --> 00:17:28,798 That was for the maintenance. 271 00:17:29,674 --> 00:17:30,800 See you tonight! 272 00:17:31,384 --> 00:17:33,470 Hey! 273 00:17:34,929 --> 00:17:37,766 She's a free spirit, all right. 274 00:17:39,559 --> 00:17:41,811 Do things my way? 275 00:17:59,579 --> 00:18:01,706 What a lovely night this turned out to be. 276 00:18:02,957 --> 00:18:04,668 The mining's going well. 277 00:18:05,377 --> 00:18:07,420 But the gate-crashers could show up at any moment. 278 00:18:08,004 --> 00:18:09,839 Come on, guys. We got this! 279 00:18:11,716 --> 00:18:12,717 Huh? 280 00:18:13,301 --> 00:18:14,719 Did you do this, Noir? 281 00:18:14,719 --> 00:18:17,055 Yes. Do you not like it? 282 00:18:17,055 --> 00:18:18,848 No, I don't mind. 283 00:18:19,557 --> 00:18:21,768 We can do what we want, right? 284 00:18:24,062 --> 00:18:25,897 Will you navigate, Noir? 285 00:18:25,897 --> 00:18:27,649 Of course. 286 00:18:29,234 --> 00:18:30,568 Enders approaching. 287 00:18:30,568 --> 00:18:33,363 Seven, the same as this afternoon, and one intermediate. 288 00:18:33,363 --> 00:18:34,823 An intermediate, too? 289 00:18:38,618 --> 00:18:41,079 Let's go for round two. 290 00:18:51,798 --> 00:18:53,675 This is as far as we got this afternoon. 291 00:18:56,219 --> 00:18:58,513 - Enemies are in the kill zone. - Let's detonate! 292 00:19:08,398 --> 00:19:10,442 And so it begins. 293 00:19:10,442 --> 00:19:13,570 The first failure is the basis for the next harvest. 294 00:19:14,070 --> 00:19:16,781 - You could learn a thing or two, master? - No way. 295 00:19:17,991 --> 00:19:19,993 Well, he's got one thing going for him. 296 00:19:19,993 --> 00:19:21,453 Don't let them move! 297 00:19:30,628 --> 00:19:33,340 Stay calm, and take them out one by one! 298 00:19:55,862 --> 00:19:57,155 That makes six. 299 00:19:57,155 --> 00:19:58,782 - Which leaves-- - Kanata. 300 00:20:15,840 --> 00:20:17,384 Wait. 301 00:20:22,180 --> 00:20:23,431 It's Tokio! 302 00:20:23,431 --> 00:20:24,849 Hey, now! 303 00:20:24,849 --> 00:20:28,478 Alley-oop! 304 00:20:28,478 --> 00:20:30,063 Come here, you! 305 00:20:40,699 --> 00:20:42,617 Man, you're pretty rusty! 306 00:20:44,244 --> 00:20:46,955 Still, I'd call that a pass. 307 00:20:48,373 --> 00:20:50,542 Someone still had to come to my rescue. 308 00:20:54,129 --> 00:20:55,630 I'll get there next time! 309 00:21:02,637 --> 00:21:03,888 Claudia! 310 00:21:03,888 --> 00:21:05,890 How did your mining go? 311 00:21:06,474 --> 00:21:07,475 What's that? 312 00:21:10,395 --> 00:21:11,479 Claudia? 313 00:21:13,273 --> 00:21:15,817 - Kanata. Look there. - Huh? Whoa! 314 00:21:18,153 --> 00:21:19,279 Claudia? 315 00:21:19,779 --> 00:21:22,032 Oops, you found me. 316 00:21:22,615 --> 00:21:24,034 Sorry, Kanata. 317 00:21:24,034 --> 00:21:26,619 I need the money for Flamme's maintenance. 318 00:21:26,619 --> 00:21:28,538 Kana! Noi Noi! 319 00:21:28,538 --> 00:21:30,123 And DAISYOGRE. 320 00:21:30,707 --> 00:21:32,876 Thanks for protecting the flowers! 321 00:21:33,793 --> 00:21:35,420 DAISYOGRE? 322 00:21:35,920 --> 00:21:38,506 You'll have to tell me more about your dream next time. 323 00:21:38,506 --> 00:21:39,758 See you again. 324 00:21:39,758 --> 00:21:40,842 Bye. Ciao. 325 00:21:42,635 --> 00:21:44,137 No way! 326 00:21:44,679 --> 00:21:46,056 She got us. 327 00:21:53,772 --> 00:21:56,566 Never let your guard down when someone betrays you. 328 00:21:57,317 --> 00:21:59,986 This is also the way of the Drifter. 329 00:21:59,986 --> 00:22:03,281 A bit of an expensive way to learn a lesson. 330 00:22:05,700 --> 00:22:06,743 That's not true. 331 00:22:06,743 --> 00:22:08,661 Right, Noir? 332 00:22:09,287 --> 00:22:12,207 Yes, we now have something wonderful. 333 00:22:12,207 --> 00:22:13,333 Yeah? 334 00:22:16,252 --> 00:22:17,712 We're in this together. 335 00:22:18,838 --> 00:22:20,173 DAISYOGRE. 336 00:23:55,185 --> 00:23:57,187 Translated by Rychelle Brittain