1 00:00:02,236 --> 00:00:03,271 * MTV. * 2 00:00:08,409 --> 00:00:10,111 -SYLVESTER: Are we here? -SISTINE: We have arrived. 3 00:00:10,211 --> 00:00:11,412 Italia, buon giorno. 4 00:00:11,512 --> 00:00:13,114 SISTINE AND SOPHIA: Oh, my God. 5 00:00:13,214 --> 00:00:14,648 Hey. 6 00:00:14,748 --> 00:00:16,984 SCARLET: This is like Stallone festival. 7 00:00:18,952 --> 00:00:20,654 People think when you're doing movies, 8 00:00:20,754 --> 00:00:22,656 wow, you're so lucky, you're in Italy. 9 00:00:22,756 --> 00:00:24,092 You're exhausted, you come home, 10 00:00:24,192 --> 00:00:25,593 room service every night. 11 00:00:25,693 --> 00:00:27,161 SOPHIA: There was no romance in Rome? 12 00:00:27,261 --> 00:00:28,362 Zero. 13 00:00:28,462 --> 00:00:30,798 Then this is your chance to redeem 14 00:00:30,898 --> 00:00:33,434 the romance of Rome for the two of you. 15 00:00:34,435 --> 00:00:36,170 SCARLET: Mom, I'm really stressed about Louis. 16 00:00:36,270 --> 00:00:37,305 He hasn't been texting me. 17 00:00:37,405 --> 00:00:38,806 He hasn't been calling me. 18 00:00:38,906 --> 00:00:40,974 He's been not himself. 19 00:00:44,112 --> 00:00:45,313 Surprise. 20 00:00:49,683 --> 00:00:52,220 * * 21 00:00:53,721 --> 00:00:55,689 SYLVESTER: Can you do me a favor, baby love? 22 00:00:55,789 --> 00:00:58,726 Right near the bedside is a little thing with pills. 23 00:00:58,826 --> 00:01:00,394 -Yeah. -SYLVESTER: Hurry, baby. 24 00:01:00,494 --> 00:01:01,862 Hurry, hurry, please. 25 00:01:01,962 --> 00:01:04,532 Bedroom, bedside. Did he say bedside? 26 00:01:04,632 --> 00:01:06,167 ("Slide" by Hazel English playing) 27 00:01:06,267 --> 00:01:08,969 * I want to wake up where you are * 28 00:01:10,404 --> 00:01:13,174 * I won't say anything at all * 29 00:01:13,274 --> 00:01:14,575 Surprise. 30 00:01:14,675 --> 00:01:15,976 * So, why don't you slide... * 31 00:01:16,977 --> 00:01:18,979 What is going on? 32 00:01:19,079 --> 00:01:21,749 Seeing Louis, my body froze. 33 00:01:21,849 --> 00:01:23,651 I felt like I was in a fever dream. 34 00:01:23,751 --> 00:01:26,920 Come here. Come here. 35 00:01:27,020 --> 00:01:29,390 * Put your arms around me * 36 00:01:29,490 --> 00:01:31,759 * What you feel is what you are * 37 00:01:31,859 --> 00:01:33,926 * And what you are is beautiful... * 38 00:01:34,027 --> 00:01:35,263 (crying) 39 00:01:35,363 --> 00:01:37,631 SCARLET: I've never had someone I love 40 00:01:37,731 --> 00:01:40,368 surprise me like this. 41 00:01:40,468 --> 00:01:44,305 It completely just made my heart want to explode. 42 00:01:44,405 --> 00:01:45,906 I love you. 43 00:01:46,006 --> 00:01:47,808 Oh, my God. 44 00:01:47,908 --> 00:01:48,942 SOPHIA: Where are they? 45 00:01:49,042 --> 00:01:50,911 Where is she? 46 00:01:51,011 --> 00:01:53,281 Aw. 47 00:01:53,381 --> 00:01:54,815 -(laughs) -I'm gonna cry. 48 00:01:54,914 --> 00:01:56,517 SOPHIA: Oh, she's crying. 49 00:01:56,616 --> 00:01:58,352 Hey, what are you doing in my bedroom? 50 00:01:58,452 --> 00:02:01,755 -Yeah. -Oh, my God, Louis. 51 00:02:01,855 --> 00:02:03,056 LOUIS: Hello, guys. 52 00:02:03,157 --> 00:02:04,792 -Oh, my God. -Hey, bro. Good to see you. 53 00:02:04,892 --> 00:02:06,627 -Good to see you. -Mission accomplished. 54 00:02:06,727 --> 00:02:07,995 LOUIS: Mission accomplished. 55 00:02:08,095 --> 00:02:09,630 You guys look great. 56 00:02:09,729 --> 00:02:11,499 Well, she was not expecting this at all. 57 00:02:11,599 --> 00:02:13,434 -Did you have any idea? -No idea. 58 00:02:13,534 --> 00:02:15,068 JENNIFER: Seeing Scarlet 59 00:02:15,169 --> 00:02:17,438 see Louis out on our balcony 60 00:02:17,538 --> 00:02:18,706 was priceless. 61 00:02:18,806 --> 00:02:20,808 SYLVESTER: She literally had 62 00:02:20,908 --> 00:02:22,543 a loving meltdown. 63 00:02:22,643 --> 00:02:25,112 I mean, this is it. Unabashed young love. 64 00:02:25,213 --> 00:02:28,682 This is what we all went through before we became a little jaded. 65 00:02:28,782 --> 00:02:32,453 This is the pure thing. I went, "Damn. Aw." 66 00:02:32,553 --> 00:02:34,855 What guy flies to freaking Italy 67 00:02:34,954 --> 00:02:36,590 -to surprise his girlfriend? -I know. 68 00:02:36,690 --> 00:02:38,526 Pretty cool, huh? 69 00:02:38,626 --> 00:02:40,928 -This is where you take some notes. -I will, baby. 70 00:02:41,028 --> 00:02:43,664 SCARLET: You know I am so happy. 71 00:02:43,764 --> 00:02:45,666 SOPHIA: Now you guys can have your little Italian romance. 72 00:02:45,766 --> 00:02:47,768 -Great surprise, Louis. -Thank you. 73 00:02:47,868 --> 00:02:50,204 -Come on, baby. -A father's worst nightmare. 74 00:02:50,304 --> 00:02:52,340 Oh, come on. Geez, Louise. 75 00:02:52,440 --> 00:02:54,242 * * 76 00:02:54,341 --> 00:02:57,010 -My heart is pounding. -Oh, my God. 77 00:02:57,110 --> 00:02:59,179 I actually don't feel like this is real right now. 78 00:02:59,280 --> 00:03:00,381 This does not feel real. 79 00:03:00,481 --> 00:03:02,216 Considering where we left things off, 80 00:03:02,316 --> 00:03:04,752 I am so shocked that this man 81 00:03:04,852 --> 00:03:06,954 is standing right in front of me 82 00:03:07,054 --> 00:03:10,324 after I was being hard on him. 83 00:03:10,424 --> 00:03:13,294 I'm so excited to just see him face-to-face. 84 00:03:13,394 --> 00:03:14,895 I know we need to talk it out, 85 00:03:14,995 --> 00:03:17,698 but that can wait until tonight when we are alone. 86 00:03:17,798 --> 00:03:19,700 You don't realize how much she missed you. 87 00:03:19,800 --> 00:03:21,769 -I'm-I'm so happy. -SOPHIA: Oh, my God. 88 00:03:21,869 --> 00:03:23,237 She talked about what she wanted to buy you, 89 00:03:23,337 --> 00:03:25,273 why your phone was broken, blah, blah, blah. 90 00:03:25,373 --> 00:03:27,275 I hate leaving things on a bad note. 91 00:03:27,375 --> 00:03:30,077 I hate, like, having this off vibe. 92 00:03:30,177 --> 00:03:33,013 That's so nice to travel across the world 93 00:03:33,113 --> 00:03:35,416 to say, "I'm here. No matter where you go, 94 00:03:35,516 --> 00:03:36,917 -I'm going." -LOUIS: Yeah. 95 00:03:37,017 --> 00:03:39,152 I don't mind doing the traveling if it's to see Scarlet. 96 00:03:39,253 --> 00:03:42,923 -Oh, my God. -SISTINE: Ah! I'm so single! 97 00:03:43,023 --> 00:03:46,727 Sylvester, you need to fly across the world for me. 98 00:03:46,827 --> 00:03:48,496 Oh, I would crawl across the world for you. 99 00:03:48,596 --> 00:03:50,398 -Oh. -Aw. Right. 100 00:03:50,498 --> 00:03:52,966 His back would go out first. 101 00:03:53,066 --> 00:03:54,735 You can't even get to the floor. 102 00:03:54,835 --> 00:03:56,870 If you lay down the floor, you might not be able to get up. 103 00:03:56,970 --> 00:03:59,106 (chuckles) He needs one of those buttons that's like, 104 00:03:59,206 --> 00:04:00,874 "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up." 105 00:04:00,974 --> 00:04:02,743 -Help. -Life Alert? 106 00:04:02,843 --> 00:04:05,479 -My grandma has that. -See? 107 00:04:05,579 --> 00:04:06,880 She's like 87. 108 00:04:06,980 --> 00:04:08,782 Oh, no! 109 00:04:08,882 --> 00:04:10,551 SYLVESTER: Okay, on that note... 110 00:04:10,651 --> 00:04:12,586 Roasted. Roasted. Roasted. 111 00:04:12,686 --> 00:04:15,188 -See? Only, like, seven years apart. -Ten. 112 00:04:15,289 --> 00:04:16,557 SYLVESTER: There's a bus leaving in ten minutes. 113 00:04:16,656 --> 00:04:18,392 I'll be under it. See you later. 114 00:04:19,427 --> 00:04:21,795 * Talk to me, baby * 115 00:04:21,894 --> 00:04:25,466 * I'm goin' blind from this sweet, sweet craving, whoa-oh * 116 00:04:25,566 --> 00:04:29,803 * Let's lose our minds and go crazy, crazy * 117 00:04:29,903 --> 00:04:31,739 * I-I-I-I-I * 118 00:04:33,907 --> 00:04:35,709 * I-I-I-I-I. * 119 00:04:43,384 --> 00:04:44,852 * * 120 00:04:44,952 --> 00:04:46,754 GUIDE: We are in San Bonaventura al Palatino. 121 00:04:46,854 --> 00:04:48,255 How old is this? 122 00:04:48,356 --> 00:04:53,527 The convent was founded in 1685 by Spanish friars. 123 00:04:53,627 --> 00:04:55,729 It's a contemporary artist studio. 124 00:04:55,829 --> 00:04:58,231 -Right. -GUIDE: His name is Sidival Fila. 125 00:04:58,332 --> 00:04:59,767 Lives and works here. 126 00:04:59,867 --> 00:05:02,235 SYLVESTER: The friars are definitely in good shape. 127 00:05:02,336 --> 00:05:03,604 (guide laughs) 128 00:05:03,704 --> 00:05:05,806 SYLVESTER: It's wonderful to actually 129 00:05:05,906 --> 00:05:07,074 vacation with Jennifer. 130 00:05:07,174 --> 00:05:09,042 We've been here many times before, 131 00:05:09,142 --> 00:05:10,177 but always for work. 132 00:05:10,277 --> 00:05:12,212 So it was never a vacation. 133 00:05:12,312 --> 00:05:14,114 It was just obligations. 134 00:05:14,214 --> 00:05:16,384 You can't fix that, 135 00:05:16,484 --> 00:05:17,985 but you can fix tomorrow. 136 00:05:18,085 --> 00:05:19,420 And when we got to Rome, 137 00:05:19,520 --> 00:05:24,625 I said, "Ah, finally. I can start to dote on her 138 00:05:24,725 --> 00:05:26,827 "and show her how much I love her and really appreciate 139 00:05:26,927 --> 00:05:29,830 our one-on-one time." 140 00:05:29,930 --> 00:05:30,898 Finally. 141 00:05:30,998 --> 00:05:32,265 GUIDE: From here, 142 00:05:32,366 --> 00:05:34,267 you have the most unbelievable view of the city. 143 00:05:34,368 --> 00:05:36,770 By a whole three people. 144 00:05:36,870 --> 00:05:38,071 JENNIFER: Sly, stop that. 145 00:05:38,171 --> 00:05:40,107 I'm really, really nervous. 146 00:05:40,207 --> 00:05:43,411 While Sly and I are on this history tour, 147 00:05:43,511 --> 00:05:45,813 the girls are going on a Vespa tour, 148 00:05:45,913 --> 00:05:49,517 which I love because it's so, you know, Roman holiday. 149 00:05:51,018 --> 00:05:52,653 SOPHIA: Oh, we're so excited. 150 00:05:52,753 --> 00:05:53,954 SISTINE: So ready. 151 00:05:54,988 --> 00:05:59,058 -Oh, my gosh. -It looks good. (chuckles) 152 00:05:59,159 --> 00:06:01,629 -I get on first? -You look like an egg. 153 00:06:01,729 --> 00:06:04,264 Hey, I look like an egg? You look like an egg. 154 00:06:04,364 --> 00:06:05,699 (laughs) 155 00:06:05,799 --> 00:06:07,234 There's no better way to see Rome 156 00:06:07,334 --> 00:06:09,870 than on a Vespa with an Italian man. 157 00:06:11,672 --> 00:06:12,873 SOPHIA: Are we ready? 158 00:06:12,973 --> 00:06:15,075 -Ready? -SISTINE: Yeah. (whoops) 159 00:06:15,175 --> 00:06:17,344 * * 160 00:06:19,146 --> 00:06:22,215 GUIDE: This was the Roman emperor's palace. 161 00:06:22,315 --> 00:06:25,252 If you want, you can also ring the bell. 162 00:06:25,352 --> 00:06:26,854 -SYLVESTER: Really? -GUIDE: Yeah. 163 00:06:30,858 --> 00:06:32,292 JENNIFER: Come on, Sly. 164 00:06:33,861 --> 00:06:35,162 Use a little muscle, Rambo. 165 00:06:35,262 --> 00:06:38,265 -(bell tolls) -There you go. There you go. 166 00:06:40,501 --> 00:06:43,637 Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears. 167 00:06:43,737 --> 00:06:46,073 -Dinnertime. -Yeah. (laughs) 168 00:06:46,173 --> 00:06:48,108 SISTINE: Yeah! (whoops) 169 00:06:50,478 --> 00:06:51,812 Feels so good. 170 00:06:51,912 --> 00:06:53,647 It's gorgeous. 171 00:06:53,747 --> 00:06:55,749 I live in Miami. It's nothing like this. 172 00:06:55,849 --> 00:06:57,784 ("Glow" by Distant Matter playing) 173 00:06:59,753 --> 00:07:00,788 It is so romantic here. 174 00:07:00,888 --> 00:07:02,790 SOPHIA: I am in my summer 175 00:07:02,890 --> 00:07:04,958 of no men, no problems. (chuckles) 176 00:07:05,058 --> 00:07:06,760 But there's something about being in Italy 177 00:07:06,860 --> 00:07:08,028 that is just making me mushy. 178 00:07:08,128 --> 00:07:10,130 I just wish I was with someone. 179 00:07:10,230 --> 00:07:12,332 Smile. 180 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:14,301 (laughs) 181 00:07:14,401 --> 00:07:15,803 (horns honking) 182 00:07:15,903 --> 00:07:17,270 SISTINE: Oh, my goodness. It's crazy. 183 00:07:17,370 --> 00:07:19,106 That was so fun. 184 00:07:19,206 --> 00:07:20,808 -Oh, thank you. -MAN: Thank you so much. 185 00:07:20,908 --> 00:07:22,876 That was amazing. 186 00:07:24,712 --> 00:07:27,214 * I go wherever you go * 187 00:07:28,716 --> 00:07:30,984 * Don't need no plan * 188 00:07:33,086 --> 00:07:34,387 Sly, are you in-- 189 00:07:34,488 --> 00:07:37,124 No, no, no. You're too soon. 190 00:07:37,224 --> 00:07:38,526 What are you doing? 191 00:07:38,626 --> 00:07:40,227 You always say, the last time we were in Rome, 192 00:07:40,327 --> 00:07:41,461 I'm always working, 193 00:07:41,562 --> 00:07:43,531 not romantic, you're not this and that. 194 00:07:43,631 --> 00:07:45,666 When in Rome, do as the Romans. 195 00:07:45,766 --> 00:07:47,768 So I say we take a Roman shower. 196 00:07:47,868 --> 00:07:49,503 (chuckles) 197 00:07:49,603 --> 00:07:51,371 A romantic bathroom night? 198 00:07:51,471 --> 00:07:52,973 And I'm looking around going 199 00:07:53,073 --> 00:07:54,975 "There's, like, ten other people in this room." 200 00:07:55,075 --> 00:07:56,544 -Come on. -Are you kidding? 201 00:07:56,644 --> 00:07:57,778 I'm serious. 202 00:07:57,878 --> 00:07:59,713 You've got to be kidding. Hold on, hold on. 203 00:07:59,813 --> 00:08:01,181 -Check it out. -Have you turned around? 204 00:08:01,281 --> 00:08:04,484 There's a cameraman right there. You think I really...? 205 00:08:04,585 --> 00:08:05,853 -I-I really...? -Even better. 206 00:08:05,953 --> 00:08:07,821 We can show the kids how it's done. 207 00:08:07,921 --> 00:08:09,022 -(chuckles) -You really think...? 208 00:08:09,122 --> 00:08:11,525 -Don't be shy. -I'm incredibly shy. 209 00:08:11,625 --> 00:08:13,827 -First of all, my makeup is already running off. -It is a little steamy. 210 00:08:13,927 --> 00:08:15,162 My hair is going flat. 211 00:08:15,262 --> 00:08:17,297 And you're gonna burn me in there, okay? 212 00:08:17,397 --> 00:08:19,132 Are you steaming vegetables or--? 213 00:08:19,232 --> 00:08:20,500 (quietly): Fuck. Yes. 214 00:08:20,601 --> 00:08:23,170 So that was negated. 215 00:08:23,270 --> 00:08:25,973 -Seriously. -Are you saying this is not happening? 216 00:08:26,974 --> 00:08:28,475 -This is definitely not happening. -Okay. You're out. 217 00:08:28,576 --> 00:08:30,143 -You're done. That's it. -This is the most unromantic. 218 00:08:30,243 --> 00:08:32,145 I've never been so insulted. I'm out of here. 219 00:08:32,245 --> 00:08:33,947 -That's it. -If you're gonna bake a potato, 220 00:08:34,047 --> 00:08:35,347 you can stay in here. 221 00:08:42,389 --> 00:08:44,858 * * 222 00:08:47,861 --> 00:08:49,396 LOUIS: Scar, you ready? 223 00:08:49,496 --> 00:08:51,632 SCARLET: Yeah, but I need a Band-Aid. (chuckles) 224 00:08:51,732 --> 00:08:53,433 (whoops) 225 00:08:53,533 --> 00:08:55,235 -Look at you. -Oh, my God. Stop. 226 00:08:55,335 --> 00:08:56,637 Tell me I look really pretty. 227 00:08:56,737 --> 00:08:58,939 -You look stunning. -Oh, my God. Thanks, babe. 228 00:08:59,039 --> 00:09:00,473 I need a Band-Aid really badly. 229 00:09:00,574 --> 00:09:01,975 I'm excited. Where are we going? 230 00:09:02,075 --> 00:09:04,712 -Surprise. -Ooh. 231 00:09:04,812 --> 00:09:06,013 He's such a romantic. 232 00:09:06,113 --> 00:09:08,015 I definitely think Louis is winning 233 00:09:08,115 --> 00:09:09,950 in the relationship 100%. 234 00:09:10,050 --> 00:09:12,019 You're gonna show my boob, Louis. 235 00:09:12,119 --> 00:09:13,253 Stop grabbing my dress. 236 00:09:13,353 --> 00:09:15,623 -(laughs) -Thank you. 237 00:09:15,723 --> 00:09:16,890 Thank you. 238 00:09:16,990 --> 00:09:18,358 Nice. 239 00:09:18,458 --> 00:09:20,227 * Date night! * (whoops) 240 00:09:20,327 --> 00:09:22,195 * * 241 00:09:25,899 --> 00:09:27,935 JENNIFER: This is incredible. 242 00:09:28,035 --> 00:09:29,870 -Wow. -So beautiful. 243 00:09:29,970 --> 00:09:32,539 -This is amazing. Thank you. -The chair for you. 244 00:09:32,640 --> 00:09:33,941 Grazie. 245 00:09:34,040 --> 00:09:36,076 -Thank you. -Doesn't get better. 246 00:09:36,176 --> 00:09:37,645 -Yeah. -I mean, seriously. 247 00:09:37,745 --> 00:09:39,913 This is quite the night. 248 00:09:40,013 --> 00:09:41,148 -Yeah. -Excuse me, madame. 249 00:09:41,248 --> 00:09:43,083 -Hello. -For you. (speaks Italian) 250 00:09:43,183 --> 00:09:44,852 Let's give it a chance here. 251 00:09:44,952 --> 00:09:46,754 -Okay. -(laughing) 252 00:09:46,854 --> 00:09:49,657 -I dare you. -Taste it, Sylvester. 253 00:09:51,959 --> 00:09:53,593 (exhales) 254 00:09:53,694 --> 00:09:55,362 You call that wine--? (laughing) No, it's great. 255 00:09:55,462 --> 00:09:57,064 (laughing) 256 00:09:57,164 --> 00:09:59,266 SYLVESTER: The shower didn't work very well... 257 00:09:59,366 --> 00:10:03,771 and we moved on to a very, very romantic dinner. 258 00:10:03,871 --> 00:10:05,939 It's nerve-racking in the sense that 259 00:10:06,039 --> 00:10:08,108 it's almost like we're dating again. 260 00:10:08,208 --> 00:10:10,844 There's no one around, there's no paparazzi. 261 00:10:10,944 --> 00:10:14,815 And you look into that person's eyes and you know 262 00:10:14,915 --> 00:10:16,750 exactly why you love her. 263 00:10:16,850 --> 00:10:18,418 Well, here we are. 264 00:10:18,518 --> 00:10:20,120 -Bon appétit. -Bon appétit. 265 00:10:20,220 --> 00:10:22,856 -Grazie. (speaking Italian) -Okay. 266 00:10:22,956 --> 00:10:25,125 -(laughs) Whatever that means. -Yeah, well. 267 00:10:25,225 --> 00:10:27,027 This is beautiful. 268 00:10:27,127 --> 00:10:29,663 Beautiful wife, beautiful food. 269 00:10:29,763 --> 00:10:32,032 Makes me... reminisce 270 00:10:32,132 --> 00:10:34,467 to the first time I saw you. 271 00:10:34,567 --> 00:10:36,536 All of a sudden... 272 00:10:36,636 --> 00:10:38,839 I see this... light. 273 00:10:38,939 --> 00:10:41,074 -(laughs) -And you were coming 274 00:10:41,174 --> 00:10:43,576 closer and closer. 275 00:10:43,677 --> 00:10:46,079 -And the hair and the eyes. -(laughs) 276 00:10:46,179 --> 00:10:47,815 -My big Valley hair. -Yeah. 277 00:10:47,915 --> 00:10:50,183 -The Valley hair, the smile. -And blue eyeshadow. 278 00:10:50,283 --> 00:10:52,720 It just was... seismic. 279 00:10:52,820 --> 00:10:54,654 It was-- whoo-- 280 00:10:54,755 --> 00:10:57,257 like mini earthquake, and 281 00:10:57,357 --> 00:11:00,493 I never... got over that feeling. 282 00:11:00,593 --> 00:11:02,495 -Oh. -And here we are, 283 00:11:02,595 --> 00:11:04,331 -and the earth's still moving. -(laughs) 284 00:11:04,431 --> 00:11:05,999 35 years later. 285 00:11:07,634 --> 00:11:10,637 When I look at you, I think it's the foundation. 286 00:11:10,738 --> 00:11:12,405 It's what holds it all together. 287 00:11:12,505 --> 00:11:14,808 -Thank you. -It's the truth. 288 00:11:14,908 --> 00:11:16,343 To me, the most important thing in life... 289 00:11:16,443 --> 00:11:18,245 -Mm-hmm. -...is to have family 290 00:11:18,345 --> 00:11:19,847 and to have love. 291 00:11:19,947 --> 00:11:21,882 That's all I wanted in my whole life. 292 00:11:21,982 --> 00:11:24,752 I know we've been saying some flattering things, 293 00:11:24,852 --> 00:11:27,187 but I'd like to do, 294 00:11:27,287 --> 00:11:30,490 like, a Jennifer love celebration. 295 00:11:30,590 --> 00:11:33,326 -(laughs) -A moment where the girls 296 00:11:33,426 --> 00:11:35,362 get involved, I get involved, 297 00:11:35,462 --> 00:11:38,165 and we celebrate you. 298 00:11:38,265 --> 00:11:40,768 -That's beautiful. Thank you. -Okay? 299 00:11:40,868 --> 00:11:43,536 Yeah, I'm a little shy about that, but... 300 00:11:43,636 --> 00:11:45,272 -can we just make it... -Cause we wouldn't do it... 301 00:11:45,372 --> 00:11:47,040 -...a love family fest or something? -No, no. 302 00:11:47,140 --> 00:11:49,642 It's a celebration of Jennifer. 303 00:11:49,743 --> 00:11:51,144 -Will you show up, please? -But... 304 00:11:51,244 --> 00:11:52,880 -I will show up. -You deserve it. 305 00:11:52,980 --> 00:11:55,148 -I promise. -I'll drink to that. 306 00:11:55,248 --> 00:11:56,817 See you at the celebration. 307 00:11:56,917 --> 00:11:58,752 (laughs) Where is it going to be? 308 00:12:00,587 --> 00:12:03,656 SYLVESTER: Over almost 36 years, I've missed 309 00:12:03,757 --> 00:12:07,427 a lot of occasions-- birthdays and holidays-- 310 00:12:07,527 --> 00:12:10,931 so I wanted to do something for Jennifer 311 00:12:11,031 --> 00:12:13,266 that was so romantic, 312 00:12:13,366 --> 00:12:15,602 and show her how much I really appreciate her 313 00:12:15,702 --> 00:12:17,204 and how life would be 314 00:12:17,304 --> 00:12:19,072 nothing without her. 315 00:12:19,172 --> 00:12:21,241 JENNIFER: I can't imagine anybody else 316 00:12:21,341 --> 00:12:23,276 -in my life but you. -Mm. 317 00:12:23,376 --> 00:12:24,644 It's us forever. 318 00:12:24,744 --> 00:12:25,879 It is us forever. 319 00:12:25,979 --> 00:12:27,614 You are it. 320 00:12:27,714 --> 00:12:29,416 -I love you, babe. -I love you too, angel. 321 00:12:29,516 --> 00:12:31,051 JENNIFER: Sly doesn't really 322 00:12:31,151 --> 00:12:33,954 surprise me with, like, flowers or, 323 00:12:34,054 --> 00:12:36,289 "I booked a trip." Like, never happens. 324 00:12:36,389 --> 00:12:38,091 (laughs) He's not that kind of guy. 325 00:12:38,191 --> 00:12:40,961 So all of these little things Sly's been doing 326 00:12:41,061 --> 00:12:42,629 is starting to make sense for me now. 327 00:12:42,729 --> 00:12:45,465 It's super special and very meaningful 328 00:12:45,565 --> 00:12:47,935 to see that he is putting so much time and energy 329 00:12:48,035 --> 00:12:50,804 to make me feel so good and feel so special. 330 00:12:50,904 --> 00:12:53,306 -Cheers. -Salute. 331 00:12:53,406 --> 00:12:56,009 It's another excuse to get drunk, but I'm gonna salute you 332 00:12:56,109 --> 00:12:57,510 -again. -I'm going to salute us 333 00:12:57,610 --> 00:12:59,446 because, you know, it takes two. 334 00:13:05,785 --> 00:13:07,554 SISTINE: Let's go this way. 335 00:13:07,654 --> 00:13:09,857 -Towards the steps. -Yeah. 336 00:13:09,957 --> 00:13:11,859 Let's go to the most romantic city ever 337 00:13:11,959 --> 00:13:13,293 and hang out with each other like we do... 338 00:13:13,393 --> 00:13:14,694 -We're on a date. -...all the time. 339 00:13:14,794 --> 00:13:16,129 -We're on a date. -Wait, no. 340 00:13:16,229 --> 00:13:17,497 -I don't like it held like this. -Oh, you're so... 341 00:13:17,597 --> 00:13:19,199 I would hate to date you. You're so... 342 00:13:19,299 --> 00:13:21,168 Also, I'm the girl. You're supposed to be... 343 00:13:21,268 --> 00:13:23,436 -I'm supposed to be on the sidewalk. -Why am I the boy? 344 00:13:24,437 --> 00:13:26,173 SOPHIA: Rome is so much prettier at night. 345 00:13:26,273 --> 00:13:28,541 -So romantic. -I know. 346 00:13:28,641 --> 00:13:30,043 SISTINE: It's so stunning. 347 00:13:30,143 --> 00:13:31,678 Let me actually get a photo of you right now. Go. 348 00:13:31,778 --> 00:13:33,113 (gasps) 349 00:13:33,213 --> 00:13:35,782 Oh, this is so cute! 350 00:13:35,883 --> 00:13:37,985 -Right? She's beautiful. -Oh, my God. 351 00:13:38,986 --> 00:13:40,553 Okay, no more photos for you. 352 00:13:40,653 --> 00:13:42,990 -That's so... -Thank you. 353 00:13:43,090 --> 00:13:44,624 I don't... I don't have any money. 354 00:13:44,724 --> 00:13:46,326 Oh, that's not fair. Give... 355 00:13:46,426 --> 00:13:48,028 -I don't have any money. -We have no money with us. 356 00:13:48,128 --> 00:13:50,230 I have no money. I have no money. 357 00:13:50,330 --> 00:13:52,365 -(laughs) -Sorry. 358 00:13:53,333 --> 00:13:56,269 (both laughing) 359 00:13:56,369 --> 00:13:57,905 I've never been humbled so fast. 360 00:13:58,005 --> 00:13:59,672 What? This is the definition 361 00:13:59,772 --> 00:14:01,608 of our experience in Rome right there. 362 00:14:01,708 --> 00:14:05,712 Sophia, I've never been humbled so fast in my life. 363 00:14:05,812 --> 00:14:07,948 My intention for this night out with Sophia was just 364 00:14:08,048 --> 00:14:11,351 to embrace our singleness, have a little fun together. 365 00:14:11,451 --> 00:14:12,953 We don't need a man. 366 00:14:13,053 --> 00:14:14,754 It actually did the very 367 00:14:14,854 --> 00:14:16,323 opposite of that. 368 00:14:16,423 --> 00:14:17,925 We feel worse. We're in the city 369 00:14:18,025 --> 00:14:20,493 of love. No love. 370 00:14:20,593 --> 00:14:22,695 -That was brutal. -That was my love life in a nutshell. 371 00:14:22,795 --> 00:14:25,565 "Here's a little something. Just kidding." Taking it away. 372 00:14:25,665 --> 00:14:27,667 SOPHIA: So many fucking couples. 373 00:14:27,767 --> 00:14:29,436 SISTINE: They look so happy. 374 00:14:29,536 --> 00:14:31,438 The only intimate relationship I want tonight is 375 00:14:31,538 --> 00:14:33,073 with an ice cream cone. 376 00:14:33,173 --> 00:14:35,675 -Yeah, 'cause you can lick it. -Okay. 377 00:14:35,775 --> 00:14:37,978 You took it there. It didn't need to go there. 378 00:14:40,113 --> 00:14:41,514 SCARLET: Look at that! 379 00:14:41,614 --> 00:14:44,918 That's insane. 380 00:14:45,018 --> 00:14:46,786 -My phone's buzzing. -(phone ringing) 381 00:14:46,886 --> 00:14:48,588 Hello? 382 00:14:48,688 --> 00:14:50,490 -Hi, Scar. -Hi, sis. 383 00:14:50,590 --> 00:14:52,759 We're literally looking at the Colosseum right now, 384 00:14:52,859 --> 00:14:55,295 -and you're not here. -SISTINE: We're sitting 385 00:14:55,395 --> 00:14:59,099 in a random alley eating ice cream from a grocery store. 386 00:14:59,199 --> 00:15:02,069 Not gonna lie. It's pretty sad. 387 00:15:02,169 --> 00:15:04,504 SCARLET: Sorry you don't have a boyfriend 388 00:15:04,604 --> 00:15:06,773 to look at the Colosseum with. 389 00:15:06,873 --> 00:15:08,741 SOPHIA: In the last few months, I've been 390 00:15:08,841 --> 00:15:10,944 really focused on, "Figure out what you want, Sophia. 391 00:15:11,044 --> 00:15:12,779 Do it on your own." 392 00:15:12,879 --> 00:15:17,450 But right now, I don't know if it's the Italian air, 393 00:15:17,550 --> 00:15:20,153 I don't know if it's the gelato and the flowers, but 394 00:15:20,253 --> 00:15:23,323 I don't know. It would be really nice to spend this with someone. 395 00:15:23,423 --> 00:15:24,958 We're happy you guys are having fun. 396 00:15:25,058 --> 00:15:26,326 Drink an Aperol for us. 397 00:15:26,426 --> 00:15:27,594 (laughing): Will do. 398 00:15:27,694 --> 00:15:28,661 Bye. 399 00:15:28,761 --> 00:15:31,264 (laughing): Bye. 400 00:15:31,364 --> 00:15:33,733 I am so happy. 401 00:15:33,833 --> 00:15:36,436 Do you want me to get down on one knee? 402 00:15:36,536 --> 00:15:38,738 No. Get up right now. Get up right now. 403 00:15:38,838 --> 00:15:40,407 In front of everyone? How embarrassing is that? 404 00:15:40,507 --> 00:15:44,244 No, no, no. Walk away. Walk away. (laughs) 405 00:15:51,618 --> 00:15:52,952 * * 406 00:15:54,621 --> 00:15:56,323 How's it going? 407 00:15:58,258 --> 00:15:59,993 LOUIS: It's stunning. 408 00:16:00,093 --> 00:16:01,494 SCARLET: Looking out into the view 409 00:16:01,594 --> 00:16:02,895 of the Colosseum-- 410 00:16:02,996 --> 00:16:04,864 it is heart-dropping. 411 00:16:07,267 --> 00:16:08,668 -Ooh. -I've never had caviar before. 412 00:16:08,768 --> 00:16:10,870 -You'll like it, I promise. -I don't... 413 00:16:14,141 --> 00:16:16,676 (muffled laughter) 414 00:16:16,776 --> 00:16:18,378 -You like it? -Mm. 415 00:16:18,478 --> 00:16:21,081 -So good. So... -I'm so glad I came. 416 00:16:21,181 --> 00:16:22,515 I'm really glad you came, too. 417 00:16:22,615 --> 00:16:24,017 The way we left it 418 00:16:24,117 --> 00:16:27,320 when you left to Italy just didn't sit right with me. 419 00:16:27,420 --> 00:16:30,190 That's why I wanted to come here and clear the air. 420 00:16:30,290 --> 00:16:35,095 We had the discussion about me leaving school, and I had 421 00:16:35,195 --> 00:16:38,831 no idea where your head is at, at all. 422 00:16:38,931 --> 00:16:40,100 As amazing as 423 00:16:40,200 --> 00:16:41,434 this dinner is, we can't keep dancing 424 00:16:41,534 --> 00:16:42,702 around this conversation 425 00:16:42,802 --> 00:16:44,204 about whether 426 00:16:44,304 --> 00:16:45,838 I should stay in Miami. 427 00:16:45,938 --> 00:16:47,907 I'm honestly just terrified, because the last thing 428 00:16:48,007 --> 00:16:49,409 I want to do is 429 00:16:49,509 --> 00:16:51,278 come in and ruin something good. 430 00:16:51,378 --> 00:16:52,979 The future didn't involve both of us. 431 00:16:53,080 --> 00:16:56,216 It only involved separate lives, so, 432 00:16:56,316 --> 00:16:59,752 that's why it put such a... strain on me. 433 00:16:59,852 --> 00:17:01,888 You want to go to New York? 434 00:17:01,988 --> 00:17:05,157 -Right? -Yeah. I mean, this is... 435 00:17:05,258 --> 00:17:07,794 I love the film industry, I love writing, 436 00:17:07,894 --> 00:17:11,231 and I love acting, and I love being in that business. 437 00:17:11,330 --> 00:17:13,465 And everyone that I'm working with-- 438 00:17:13,566 --> 00:17:15,468 -they're all in New York. -Yeah. 439 00:17:15,568 --> 00:17:17,503 And Miami doesn't provide any of that, 440 00:17:17,604 --> 00:17:20,307 but college and you. 441 00:17:22,075 --> 00:17:25,078 For me, what makes me happy is knowing that 442 00:17:25,178 --> 00:17:27,714 you're happy, and that you're doing what you want to do. 443 00:17:27,814 --> 00:17:30,783 So if you're holding yourself back because of me, 444 00:17:30,883 --> 00:17:33,786 it's difficult to... to wrap my head around. 445 00:17:33,886 --> 00:17:36,489 'Cause, like, if you want to move to New York, then, 446 00:17:36,589 --> 00:17:38,625 I've always been someone to be like, "Go do it." 447 00:17:38,725 --> 00:17:42,795 Like, no matter how far the distance is, 448 00:17:42,895 --> 00:17:45,565 my heart will always be drawn to you. 449 00:17:45,665 --> 00:17:49,102 And, like, I just did this short trip in Italy, a surprise. 450 00:17:49,202 --> 00:17:51,638 I don't mind doing that in the future. 451 00:17:52,805 --> 00:17:54,441 SCARLET: Hearing him say this 452 00:17:54,541 --> 00:17:56,376 just makes me feel so much more settled 453 00:17:56,476 --> 00:17:59,112 and kind of like a weight lifted off me. 454 00:17:59,212 --> 00:18:00,947 I think it's good to have the conversations 455 00:18:01,047 --> 00:18:03,350 about looking ahead, but not take it so much to heart. 456 00:18:03,450 --> 00:18:04,451 Yeah. 457 00:18:04,551 --> 00:18:05,852 I have 458 00:18:05,952 --> 00:18:08,355 very, very, very bad trust issues, and I always 459 00:18:08,455 --> 00:18:09,889 think the worst. 460 00:18:09,989 --> 00:18:11,991 And sometimes I just need to calm down, 461 00:18:12,091 --> 00:18:14,060 and I need to trust him 462 00:18:14,161 --> 00:18:15,728 and not expect the worst from people. 463 00:18:15,828 --> 00:18:18,665 You never realize, 464 00:18:18,765 --> 00:18:21,634 like, when you... when you really love someone until 465 00:18:21,734 --> 00:18:25,037 you feel like they're being pushed away. 466 00:18:25,138 --> 00:18:28,641 Coming here kind of clears the air with everything. 467 00:18:28,741 --> 00:18:31,378 -Yeah. -And I'm glad we could have a dinner like this. 468 00:18:31,478 --> 00:18:33,513 (laughs) 469 00:18:35,315 --> 00:18:38,551 As cheesy and romantic as it is... (laughs) 470 00:18:38,651 --> 00:18:40,787 ...we love this stuff. (laughs) 471 00:18:40,887 --> 00:18:44,457 * I already know I love you singing in the doorway * 472 00:18:44,557 --> 00:18:49,162 * I already know I love to see you walking my way * 473 00:18:49,262 --> 00:18:50,563 * I already know, already know... * 474 00:18:50,663 --> 00:18:52,965 SCARLET: I can't believe you're leaving. 475 00:18:53,065 --> 00:18:55,067 No! 476 00:18:55,168 --> 00:18:57,204 No! No! 477 00:18:57,304 --> 00:18:58,838 It's so sad. 478 00:18:58,938 --> 00:19:00,540 -I loved being here. -I know. 479 00:19:00,640 --> 00:19:01,708 And being with you and your family, 480 00:19:01,808 --> 00:19:03,776 it's just been super special. 481 00:19:03,876 --> 00:19:06,213 -Yeah. -I think it's a bucket-list thing... 482 00:19:06,313 --> 00:19:09,081 It is a bucket list, but I want to come back with you. 483 00:19:09,182 --> 00:19:10,950 -We'll see each other soon. -I just... I just... 484 00:19:11,050 --> 00:19:12,385 -Three days. -But you just, like... 485 00:19:12,485 --> 00:19:14,020 Can you last three days without me? 486 00:19:14,120 --> 00:19:17,757 No, I obviously didn't last a week, so... 487 00:19:17,857 --> 00:19:19,759 Even though Louis is leaving, 488 00:19:19,859 --> 00:19:23,095 I finally, for once, don't feel anxious, 489 00:19:23,196 --> 00:19:26,132 and I don't feel unsure about the relationship. 490 00:19:26,233 --> 00:19:29,536 The questions were answered, and I can 491 00:19:29,636 --> 00:19:33,440 finally just relax and enjoy the trip with my family. 492 00:19:33,540 --> 00:19:35,275 -LOUIS: I love you so much. -I love you, too. 493 00:19:35,375 --> 00:19:37,043 I love you, too. 494 00:19:37,143 --> 00:19:38,745 Enjoy the rest of the trip. 495 00:19:38,845 --> 00:19:40,880 Send me lots of pictures. 496 00:19:47,487 --> 00:19:49,522 * * 497 00:19:55,027 --> 00:19:56,363 -You guys know what to do when you meet the Pope? -No. 498 00:19:56,463 --> 00:19:57,830 -Curtsy. -Every single person in my family 499 00:19:57,930 --> 00:19:59,499 will do something embarrassing. 500 00:19:59,599 --> 00:20:01,133 -Ready? We box. -(laughter) 501 00:20:01,234 --> 00:20:03,836 Do you feel like love is in the air? 502 00:20:03,936 --> 00:20:05,104 SOPHIA: A little bit. 503 00:20:05,204 --> 00:20:06,773 His name is Flavio. 504 00:20:06,873 --> 00:20:08,107 SISTINE: We really want to make 505 00:20:08,207 --> 00:20:09,642 this love ceremony special for my mom. 506 00:20:09,742 --> 00:20:12,279 -You're choking me up. Christ almighty. -Oh, my God. 507 00:20:17,450 --> 00:20:19,252 * Come on now, roll with the crazy * 508 00:20:19,352 --> 00:20:21,153 * Dance like 1980 * 509 00:20:21,254 --> 00:20:24,924 * Ooh, ooh * 510 00:20:25,024 --> 00:20:27,159 * Roll with the crazy * 511 00:20:27,260 --> 00:20:29,929 * Dance like 1980 * 512 00:20:30,029 --> 00:20:33,032 * * 513 00:20:33,132 --> 00:20:35,335 * Roll with me, baby * 514 00:20:35,435 --> 00:20:37,870 * You ain't gonna save me * 515 00:20:37,970 --> 00:20:39,739 * Ooh, ooh. * 516 00:20:39,839 --> 00:20:42,842 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org