1 00:00:10,100 --> 00:00:12,400 [Whitney McGehee] She was strong and tough 2 00:00:12,467 --> 00:00:14,266 and she wasn't going to take anything from nobody. 3 00:00:15,900 --> 00:00:17,266 [Jamie McMillen] She probably had a list of girls 4 00:00:17,266 --> 00:00:19,100 that she went out on a hunt for 5 00:00:19,100 --> 00:00:21,467 every single day to make their lives absolutely miserable. 6 00:00:21,467 --> 00:00:23,767 [Sara Patterson] She was hanging out with the wrong people. 7 00:00:23,767 --> 00:00:25,400 She was preyed upon. 8 00:00:25,467 --> 00:00:27,066 [Amanda Richards speaking] 9 00:00:30,967 --> 00:00:33,967 [Det. Brian Martin] No one could foresee what was going to happen. 10 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:37,166 This was much more than just a girl fight. 11 00:00:42,867 --> 00:00:44,967 We were terrible bitches to each other 12 00:00:44,967 --> 00:00:46,500 but she was still my friend. 13 00:00:57,266 --> 00:00:59,300 [siren blaring] 14 00:01:00,867 --> 00:01:02,900 [police talking over radio] 15 00:01:07,867 --> 00:01:10,266 [Det. Martin] Shortly before 11:00 p.m., 16 00:01:10,266 --> 00:01:11,700 the Fort Wayne Police Department 17 00:01:11,767 --> 00:01:13,166 and Fire and Ambulance 18 00:01:13,166 --> 00:01:16,166 responded to a 911 call at Guthrie St. 19 00:01:18,667 --> 00:01:21,300 District officers had previously responded 20 00:01:21,367 --> 00:01:23,467 to this address, hours before 21 00:01:23,467 --> 00:01:26,000 and it was a small party where there was loud music 22 00:01:26,000 --> 00:01:27,433 and a neighbor had called 23 00:01:27,433 --> 00:01:29,867 because they were annoyed by the young people who had gathered. 24 00:01:31,567 --> 00:01:32,667 [Jamie] And the party should have been broken up 25 00:01:32,667 --> 00:01:34,066 but it wasn't. 26 00:01:34,066 --> 00:01:36,300 So now, let's fast forward to 90 minutes later. 27 00:01:39,000 --> 00:01:41,266 [Det. Martin] The police department and medics arrive 28 00:01:41,266 --> 00:01:44,867 and they found a young lady in the driveway. 29 00:01:44,867 --> 00:01:46,166 She was bleeding from the chest. 30 00:01:48,767 --> 00:01:51,600 She was rushed to the Trauma Center in Fort Wayne 31 00:01:51,667 --> 00:01:55,100 to be treated for, what turned out to be, life-threatening injuries. 32 00:02:03,066 --> 00:02:04,367 [Jamie] Fort Wayne is definitely 33 00:02:04,367 --> 00:02:08,200 like an all-American type of your hometown. 34 00:02:08,266 --> 00:02:10,266 And we do your Friday Night Lights here. 35 00:02:11,100 --> 00:02:13,667 Baseball, football. 36 00:02:13,667 --> 00:02:15,767 [narrator] In 2002, Wayne High School 37 00:02:15,767 --> 00:02:18,867 could be ripped from any classic teen movie. 38 00:02:18,867 --> 00:02:21,100 I would say our high school had a lot of cliques. 39 00:02:24,166 --> 00:02:25,467 I feel like it's the same 40 00:02:25,467 --> 00:02:26,867 everywhere in the United States. 41 00:02:26,867 --> 00:02:29,567 You had, like, the stoner kids, the skaters. 42 00:02:30,200 --> 00:02:32,100 Your goth kids. 43 00:02:32,100 --> 00:02:33,533 You had the preppy kids 44 00:02:33,533 --> 00:02:36,500 that wore, you know, Abercrombie & Fitch, Aéropostale, 45 00:02:36,567 --> 00:02:39,066 American Eagle, that type of thing. 46 00:02:39,066 --> 00:02:41,700 [Jamie Duffy] And in any kind of high school, 47 00:02:41,767 --> 00:02:43,367 there are always mean girls. 48 00:02:45,166 --> 00:02:46,100 We made some good memories. 49 00:02:46,166 --> 00:02:48,800 We didn't always make smart decisions. 50 00:02:57,467 --> 00:02:59,900 [narrator] In the Wayne High social hierarchy, 51 00:02:59,967 --> 00:03:00,000 junior Stacy DeGrandchamp 52 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:01,767 junior Stacy DeGrandchamp 53 00:03:01,767 --> 00:03:03,300 is at the top of the pyramid. 54 00:03:04,166 --> 00:03:05,400 [Sara] Stacy, in high school, 55 00:03:05,467 --> 00:03:07,767 belonged with the preppy kids. 56 00:03:07,767 --> 00:03:09,400 She liked being a part of that group. 57 00:03:09,467 --> 00:03:12,467 She loved her name brands and things like that. 58 00:03:12,467 --> 00:03:14,500 She was always dressed so cute, too. 59 00:03:15,467 --> 00:03:16,900 [Jamie] Stacy loved volleyball, 60 00:03:16,967 --> 00:03:18,767 loved to play volleyball. 61 00:03:18,767 --> 00:03:21,767 She had a very, like, goofy, outgoing personality. 62 00:03:21,767 --> 00:03:24,467 Stacy would frequently trip over her feet, 63 00:03:24,467 --> 00:03:25,800 trying to get to the ball 64 00:03:25,867 --> 00:03:26,967 and she just laughed it off 65 00:03:26,967 --> 00:03:28,367 and she just had the great attitude. 66 00:03:31,600 --> 00:03:33,667 [Jamie] Stacy grew up as an only child. 67 00:03:33,667 --> 00:03:35,000 Her mom was a single mom 68 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:37,667 and her mom and my mom are twins. 69 00:03:37,667 --> 00:03:40,266 And we always grew up together. 70 00:03:40,266 --> 00:03:42,367 She lived one street down from me. 71 00:03:43,467 --> 00:03:46,266 [Sara] She was so confident and beautiful. 72 00:03:46,266 --> 00:03:48,667 I mean, it was almost, like, looking at a movie star. 73 00:03:48,667 --> 00:03:51,967 You were just like... [gasps] You know? 74 00:03:51,967 --> 00:03:53,900 [narrator] But being a pretty, popular girl 75 00:03:53,967 --> 00:03:55,600 comes with its downsides. 76 00:03:57,467 --> 00:04:00,000 [Rachel] I feel that sometimes she was 77 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:01,166 [Rachel] I feel that sometimes she was 78 00:04:01,166 --> 00:04:05,400 too harshly judged by girls. 79 00:04:05,467 --> 00:04:08,567 I know this sounds like such a cliché 80 00:04:08,567 --> 00:04:10,266 but she was so beautiful that 81 00:04:10,266 --> 00:04:12,400 a lot of girls were envious. 82 00:04:14,000 --> 00:04:16,266 [narrator] Some might call her a "Goody two-shoes." 83 00:04:16,266 --> 00:04:18,667 Then, in the spring of 2002, 84 00:04:18,667 --> 00:04:20,367 Stacy meets high school grad 85 00:04:20,367 --> 00:04:23,100 Brandon Muff at a house party. 86 00:04:23,100 --> 00:04:25,266 [Det. Martin] Brandon was approximately 20 years old 87 00:04:25,266 --> 00:04:27,367 and Stacy at age 17, 88 00:04:27,367 --> 00:04:29,867 I think she was, kind of, drawn to the older guy. 89 00:04:30,767 --> 00:04:33,100 Maybe that was a cool thing to do. 90 00:04:34,266 --> 00:04:35,400 Brandon was a bad boy. 91 00:04:36,867 --> 00:04:38,266 [Duffy] Sometimes, you know, 92 00:04:38,266 --> 00:04:40,300 if what you're known is a good girl, 93 00:04:40,367 --> 00:04:42,800 you want to break out of that a little bit. 94 00:04:42,867 --> 00:04:44,300 [Sara] I just knew it was a boy 95 00:04:44,367 --> 00:04:45,667 that was a bit older than us 96 00:04:45,667 --> 00:04:47,767 that Stacy was dating and she was head over heels. 97 00:04:49,400 --> 00:04:52,200 All of a sudden, Stacy wasn't around. 98 00:04:52,266 --> 00:04:54,166 Stacy was hanging out with the group 99 00:04:54,166 --> 00:04:55,767 that was associated with Brandon. 100 00:04:58,200 --> 00:05:00,000 [narrator] That group includes high school party girls, 101 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:01,200 [narrator] That group includes high school party girls, 102 00:05:01,266 --> 00:05:03,600 Amanda Richards and Whitney McGehee. 103 00:05:03,667 --> 00:05:06,367 The part spot was wherever somebody's parents 104 00:05:06,367 --> 00:05:08,200 were not going to be at. 105 00:05:08,266 --> 00:05:10,200 Or wherever they were going to let us 106 00:05:10,266 --> 00:05:11,367 take over their house. 107 00:05:12,266 --> 00:05:13,567 [narrator] The group often ends up 108 00:05:13,567 --> 00:05:16,200 at 16-year-old Holly Boisvert's house, 109 00:05:16,266 --> 00:05:19,100 a queen bee in the neighborhood party scene. 110 00:05:20,166 --> 00:05:22,066 [Whitney] Holly had a pool at her house 111 00:05:22,066 --> 00:05:24,066 and her dad would let us go swimming, 112 00:05:24,066 --> 00:05:25,967 hang out, do whatever. 113 00:05:25,967 --> 00:05:28,700 I mean, we could have 30 kids at their house 114 00:05:28,767 --> 00:05:30,000 and her dad would have been okay with it. 115 00:05:30,000 --> 00:05:30,467 and her dad would have been okay with it. 116 00:05:32,100 --> 00:05:34,200 [Jamie] I know that Holly, Whitney and Amanda 117 00:05:34,266 --> 00:05:36,266 were all pretty good friends 118 00:05:36,266 --> 00:05:40,166 and I believe that they were all friends with Brandon. 119 00:05:40,166 --> 00:05:42,767 Amanda was a little bit more quieter 120 00:05:42,767 --> 00:05:46,000 and Holly wanted to be the head of the trio. 121 00:05:47,000 --> 00:05:49,000 [Whitney] Holly could come off as a bully, 122 00:05:49,000 --> 00:05:50,800 or a mean girl, yes, 123 00:05:50,867 --> 00:05:52,767 and if you didn't know how to take her 124 00:05:52,767 --> 00:05:55,600 or understand that, yeah. 125 00:05:55,667 --> 00:05:57,400 But she was fun to be around. 126 00:05:57,467 --> 00:05:59,967 I think that's why we all hung out with her. 127 00:06:04,667 --> 00:06:06,667 [narrator] As Brandon's girlfriend, 128 00:06:06,667 --> 00:06:10,200 Stacy becomes an official member of the party crowd. 129 00:06:10,266 --> 00:06:13,700 But turns out, there's friction between Stacy and Holly 130 00:06:13,767 --> 00:06:17,166 that dates back to middle school. 131 00:06:17,166 --> 00:06:18,867 [Jamie] There was a time when Stacy was in eighth grade 132 00:06:18,867 --> 00:06:20,467 and they all went over to Holly's house. 133 00:06:20,467 --> 00:06:21,600 Stacy had her feet in the water 134 00:06:21,667 --> 00:06:22,967 and Holly made fun of the way 135 00:06:22,967 --> 00:06:25,467 that she was splashing. 136 00:06:25,467 --> 00:06:28,166 "You are prancing around like a little effing princess." 137 00:06:28,166 --> 00:06:30,000 Something to that effect was said 138 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:30,467 Something to that effect was said 139 00:06:30,467 --> 00:06:31,667 and in front of everybody else 140 00:06:31,667 --> 00:06:32,867 and, so, of course, everybody laughed. 141 00:06:32,867 --> 00:06:35,467 So Stacy got up and left the pool party. 142 00:06:35,467 --> 00:06:36,800 [Whitney] Holly was rough and tough 143 00:06:36,867 --> 00:06:39,000 and she wasn't going to take anything from nobody. 144 00:06:41,467 --> 00:06:44,066 [narrator] By the time Stacy enters Wayne High, 145 00:06:44,066 --> 00:06:47,166 she and Holly seem to have buried the hatchet. 146 00:06:47,166 --> 00:06:50,200 Holly and Stacy both had really strong attitudes, 147 00:06:50,266 --> 00:06:53,200 really strong personalities. 148 00:06:53,266 --> 00:06:55,567 [Natasha Cole] I think that Stacy and Holly were cordial, 149 00:06:56,367 --> 00:06:58,000 they had mutual friends, 150 00:06:58,000 --> 00:07:00,000 but I don't think that she really paid 151 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:01,867 but I don't think that she really paid 152 00:07:01,867 --> 00:07:03,200 much attention to Holly. 153 00:07:05,867 --> 00:07:08,066 [narrator] But Stacy's recent addition to their group 154 00:07:08,066 --> 00:07:10,266 touches a nerve for Holly. 155 00:07:10,266 --> 00:07:11,767 [Jamie] Holly dated Brandon 156 00:07:12,667 --> 00:07:14,066 before Stacy dated Brandon. 157 00:07:15,467 --> 00:07:18,467 Brandon and Holly were a thing in the past. 158 00:07:20,567 --> 00:07:22,767 But now, her and Brandon are just friends. 159 00:07:22,767 --> 00:07:24,100 [Jamie] And I think that Holly thought 160 00:07:24,100 --> 00:07:27,166 that she and Brandon would get back together. 161 00:07:27,166 --> 00:07:28,867 [Natasha] I absolutely think that 162 00:07:28,867 --> 00:07:30,000 Holly was jealous of Stacy. 163 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:31,767 Holly was jealous of Stacy. 164 00:07:31,767 --> 00:07:35,100 She's beautiful and she has a great sense of humor 165 00:07:35,100 --> 00:07:38,100 and she was dating Brandon. 166 00:07:41,700 --> 00:07:45,867 [narrator] Once again, there's friction between Holly and Stacy, 167 00:07:45,867 --> 00:07:49,066 but this time, Stacy's not walking away. 168 00:07:49,066 --> 00:07:53,000 Stacy felt that Holly was more aggressive 169 00:07:53,066 --> 00:07:56,266 and she brought all this animosity towards Stacy 170 00:07:56,266 --> 00:07:57,500 and Stacy's just like, 171 00:07:57,567 --> 00:07:59,367 "Why are you coming to me, 172 00:07:59,367 --> 00:08:00,000 you know, when I'm his girlfriend now? 173 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:01,967 you know, when I'm his girlfriend now? 174 00:08:01,967 --> 00:08:04,000 You need to just step back." 175 00:08:04,066 --> 00:08:06,367 [Whitney] I don't think Stacy 176 00:08:06,367 --> 00:08:08,500 would have cared enough about Holly 177 00:08:08,567 --> 00:08:10,400 to want to fight her. 178 00:08:10,467 --> 00:08:13,166 But if Holly is going to come at Stacy 179 00:08:13,166 --> 00:08:14,300 and try to fight her, 180 00:08:15,066 --> 00:08:16,400 Stacy's not going to back down 181 00:08:16,467 --> 00:08:18,367 and Stacy is going to stand her ground. 182 00:08:19,500 --> 00:08:20,900 There was a conflict of interest. 183 00:08:20,967 --> 00:08:22,467 I was friends with both of them. 184 00:08:22,467 --> 00:08:24,400 They were both my very good friends. 185 00:08:24,467 --> 00:08:27,300 Now there was a boy in between them 186 00:08:27,367 --> 00:08:30,000 and, then, my friendships with them. 187 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:30,467 and, then, my friendships with them. 188 00:08:30,467 --> 00:08:33,667 Holly had just expressed to me that she didn't like Stacy, 189 00:08:33,667 --> 00:08:37,166 and Stacy, pretty much, didn't like Holly. 190 00:08:37,166 --> 00:08:39,900 [narrator] These two were headed for a fight 191 00:08:39,967 --> 00:08:42,467 and only one will walk away. 192 00:08:42,467 --> 00:08:46,100 They were pitted against each other, 193 00:08:46,166 --> 00:08:48,367 it almost seemed like, the moment 194 00:08:48,367 --> 00:08:50,800 that they even knew of the other's existence. 195 00:08:51,967 --> 00:08:54,166 [narrator] But soon, Holly's not the only one 196 00:08:54,166 --> 00:08:56,166 who has a beef with Stacy. 197 00:08:56,166 --> 00:08:59,300 Then, me and Stacy got into a fight. 198 00:08:59,367 --> 00:09:00,000 [Det. Martin] Whitney felt that Stacy was talking behind her back, 199 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:02,367 [Det. Martin] Whitney felt that Stacy was talking behind her back, 200 00:09:02,367 --> 00:09:04,700 which, ultimately, led to 201 00:09:04,767 --> 00:09:09,100 just your high school, petty backstabbing. 202 00:09:09,100 --> 00:09:11,200 [Whitney] I think there was a miscommunication 203 00:09:11,266 --> 00:09:13,066 on something that was said 204 00:09:13,066 --> 00:09:16,000 behind my back to my ex-boyfriend. 205 00:09:17,400 --> 00:09:20,800 Apparently, Stacy caused embarrassment 206 00:09:20,867 --> 00:09:25,367 by inferring that Whitney was pining after this boy. 207 00:09:25,367 --> 00:09:27,367 It was something silly that got out of hand. 208 00:09:27,367 --> 00:09:30,000 Whitney had a lot of anger towards Stacy. 209 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:30,367 Whitney had a lot of anger towards Stacy. 210 00:09:30,367 --> 00:09:32,767 [narrator] And Holly was there to stir the pot. 211 00:09:33,900 --> 00:09:36,500 [Natasha] I think that Holly was also jealous 212 00:09:36,567 --> 00:09:38,767 of the friendship between Whitney and Stacy. 213 00:09:38,767 --> 00:09:40,166 And she would have been happy 214 00:09:40,166 --> 00:09:42,567 if there was any beef between their mutual friends. 215 00:09:42,567 --> 00:09:44,467 [Jamie] It's probably Holly putting 216 00:09:44,467 --> 00:09:47,266 imaginary daggers in Stacy's back, meaning, 217 00:09:47,266 --> 00:09:49,900 spreading rumors that probably are not true 218 00:09:49,967 --> 00:09:52,266 about what Stacy said or didn't say. 219 00:09:53,867 --> 00:09:56,100 [Duffy] Rumors and hurt feelings 220 00:09:56,100 --> 00:09:59,000 and gossip and things like that 221 00:09:59,000 --> 00:10:00,000 are the main tools that mean girls use. 222 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:01,900 are the main tools that mean girls use. 223 00:10:03,200 --> 00:10:04,867 [telephone beep] 224 00:10:05,767 --> 00:10:07,166 [Whitney talking over phone] 225 00:10:14,200 --> 00:10:16,200 [Det. Martin] I don't think anybody truly realized 226 00:10:16,266 --> 00:10:19,166 that it was going to escalate to the point that it escalated. 227 00:10:19,166 --> 00:10:20,567 [Whitney talking over phone] 228 00:10:21,367 --> 00:10:23,166 [phone call ending] 229 00:10:29,967 --> 00:10:32,100 [narrator] High school drama is heating up 230 00:10:32,100 --> 00:10:34,667 between Whitney McGehee and Stacy DeGrandchamp, 231 00:10:35,367 --> 00:10:36,800 but it's Holly Boisvert 232 00:10:36,867 --> 00:10:38,667 who is adding fuel to the fire. 233 00:10:40,467 --> 00:10:42,400 [Whitney] Holly, who was wanting everybody 234 00:10:42,467 --> 00:10:43,867 to become enemies with Stacy. 235 00:10:45,166 --> 00:10:47,100 Holly was perfectly fine 236 00:10:47,100 --> 00:10:49,367 with me having a falling out with Stacy. 237 00:10:49,367 --> 00:10:51,166 [Jamie] It's one of those things where 238 00:10:51,166 --> 00:10:52,166 if I'm mad at her, 239 00:10:52,166 --> 00:10:53,767 you're going to be mad at her, too, with me 240 00:10:53,767 --> 00:10:55,500 and that's just the type of person Holly was. 241 00:10:57,100 --> 00:10:59,166 Holly was... She was a mean girl. 242 00:10:59,166 --> 00:11:00,600 She probably had a list of girls 243 00:11:00,600 --> 00:11:02,900 that she went out on a hunt for every single day 244 00:11:02,967 --> 00:11:04,467 to make their lives absolutely miserable 245 00:11:04,467 --> 00:11:06,567 because that was just the type of person she was. 246 00:11:10,367 --> 00:11:13,100 [Natasha] Stacy would not put up with anything 247 00:11:13,100 --> 00:11:16,200 from somebody like Holly threatening her. 248 00:11:16,266 --> 00:11:19,200 [Rachel] Stacy, she would stick up for herself. 249 00:11:19,266 --> 00:11:21,266 She wouldn't pick fights or nothing, 250 00:11:21,266 --> 00:11:23,166 but if she felt like 251 00:11:23,166 --> 00:11:25,100 she needed to stick up for herself, 252 00:11:25,100 --> 00:11:26,417 she would have no problem doing so. 253 00:11:26,417 --> 00:11:27,100 she would have no problem doing so. 254 00:11:27,767 --> 00:11:29,367 [Sara] Outside looking in 255 00:11:29,367 --> 00:11:32,367 to this group of friends, 256 00:11:32,367 --> 00:11:34,667 that were spending their time with Stacy, 257 00:11:34,667 --> 00:11:36,800 I felt like 258 00:11:36,867 --> 00:11:38,600 she was hanging out with the wrong people. 259 00:11:39,767 --> 00:11:42,000 [narrator] By August of 2002, 260 00:11:42,000 --> 00:11:44,166 Stacy had come to the same conclusion. 261 00:11:46,767 --> 00:11:47,900 [Jamie] Holly was spreading 262 00:11:47,967 --> 00:11:51,767 negative words and rumors about Stacy 263 00:11:51,767 --> 00:11:54,000 just to create more enemies for Stacy. 264 00:11:54,066 --> 00:11:56,417 [Duffy] I think the intensity of the rumors 265 00:11:56,417 --> 00:11:57,567 [Duffy] I think the intensity of the rumors 266 00:11:57,567 --> 00:12:00,100 made her feel like she needed to step back, 267 00:12:00,100 --> 00:12:01,967 and, so, she was just taking a break from it all 268 00:12:01,967 --> 00:12:04,700 because, you know, the mean girl thing 269 00:12:04,767 --> 00:12:07,467 was just getting out of control. 270 00:12:07,467 --> 00:12:09,467 [narrator] Meanwhile, her relationship with Brandon 271 00:12:09,467 --> 00:12:11,266 is falling apart. 272 00:12:11,266 --> 00:12:13,967 [Natasha] I knew that him and Stacy were, kind of, like, 273 00:12:13,967 --> 00:12:17,266 I don't know. They were not in a great place. 274 00:12:17,266 --> 00:12:19,100 [Sara] Life was getting a little bit more serious. 275 00:12:19,166 --> 00:12:20,800 We were going to be seniors. 276 00:12:20,867 --> 00:12:22,867 I think that we were trying to, you know, 277 00:12:22,867 --> 00:12:26,266 think about, like, get a little bit ahead of the game. 278 00:12:26,266 --> 00:12:26,417 [narrator] With only a few weeks left 279 00:12:26,417 --> 00:12:27,967 [narrator] With only a few weeks left 280 00:12:27,967 --> 00:12:30,767 before the start of senior year at Wayne High, 281 00:12:30,767 --> 00:12:32,967 Stacy makes a big decision. 282 00:12:32,967 --> 00:12:34,467 [Sara] She broke up with Brandon 283 00:12:34,467 --> 00:12:37,100 and stopped hanging out with him. 284 00:12:37,100 --> 00:12:38,700 [Jamie] Stacy was getting ready to go into college 285 00:12:38,767 --> 00:12:41,800 and what her dreams and her future held and it wasn't with him. 286 00:12:45,867 --> 00:12:49,367 [narrator] Stacy makes a break from Brandon and the clique, 287 00:12:49,367 --> 00:12:51,867 except for one new bestie she met over the summer. 288 00:12:52,266 --> 00:12:54,467 Abby Oswald. 289 00:12:54,467 --> 00:12:56,166 [Jamie] Abby was good friends with Brandon 290 00:12:56,166 --> 00:12:56,417 before Stacy and Abby even met. 291 00:12:56,417 --> 00:12:58,767 before Stacy and Abby even met. 292 00:12:58,767 --> 00:13:01,266 So Stacy met Abby through Brandon. 293 00:13:02,767 --> 00:13:05,000 Abby and Stacy were very close. 294 00:13:05,000 --> 00:13:06,800 I'd say they had a good friendship. 295 00:13:07,667 --> 00:13:09,166 [Sara] I really didn't know 296 00:13:09,166 --> 00:13:11,266 Abby that well, Abby Oswald. 297 00:13:11,266 --> 00:13:14,166 She wasn't, like, in with our group of friends 298 00:13:14,166 --> 00:13:16,000 as far as like high school went, 299 00:13:16,000 --> 00:13:19,266 but I did notice her coming around more. 300 00:13:19,266 --> 00:13:22,367 I just remember being like, "Who's this chick?" 301 00:13:22,367 --> 00:13:24,667 But not real impressed by her. 302 00:13:24,667 --> 00:13:26,417 I think, even like, a little jealous, annoyed. 303 00:13:26,417 --> 00:13:28,066 I think, even like, a little jealous, annoyed. 304 00:13:28,066 --> 00:13:30,467 That, you know, like, "Here is this new girl 305 00:13:30,467 --> 00:13:31,667 that Stacy's hanging out with." 306 00:13:40,500 --> 00:13:42,467 [Jamie] Stacy was with Abby Oswald. 307 00:13:43,367 --> 00:13:44,634 Stacy and Abby decided 308 00:13:44,634 --> 00:13:46,300 that they were going to go to the mall together. 309 00:13:46,367 --> 00:13:49,200 And she was going to pick out her senior picture outfit. 310 00:13:52,500 --> 00:13:55,667 Later, Abby proposed to Stacy that 311 00:13:55,667 --> 00:13:56,417 they should go to a party. 312 00:13:56,417 --> 00:13:57,367 they should go to a party. 313 00:13:57,367 --> 00:14:00,400 [narrator] The party's in a run-down neighborhood on Guthrie St. 314 00:14:05,567 --> 00:14:07,367 [Natasha] The house on Guthrie, 315 00:14:07,367 --> 00:14:09,200 it was not our normal scene. 316 00:14:09,266 --> 00:14:11,400 I don't think that that was a very safe place to be. 317 00:14:13,266 --> 00:14:16,867 [narrator] But it's where Brandon lives with his roommate Justin. 318 00:14:16,867 --> 00:14:19,400 I believe that Brandon had asked Abby 319 00:14:19,467 --> 00:14:21,467 when they got done shopping to come by the Guthrie house. 320 00:14:22,400 --> 00:14:25,166 I was told that Brandon wanted Stacy back, 321 00:14:25,166 --> 00:14:26,417 um, even though that's not what she wanted to do. 322 00:14:26,417 --> 00:14:27,700 um, even though that's not what she wanted to do. 323 00:14:27,767 --> 00:14:31,166 And Stacy decided that she didn't really want to go. 324 00:14:31,166 --> 00:14:33,600 [narrator] She's concerned that Holly, Amanda 325 00:14:33,667 --> 00:14:34,800 and Whitney might be there. 326 00:14:36,200 --> 00:14:37,367 [Jamie] But somebody had said that 327 00:14:37,367 --> 00:14:39,000 they weren't going to be at the party. 328 00:14:39,066 --> 00:14:40,000 [Duffy] Abby is the kind of girl 329 00:14:40,066 --> 00:14:42,367 that just won't take "no" for an answer. 330 00:14:42,367 --> 00:14:44,100 Abby says, "You've got to come. 331 00:14:44,166 --> 00:14:45,900 You've got to come." Won't take a "no". 332 00:14:45,967 --> 00:14:47,266 And, so, Stacy finally says, 333 00:14:47,266 --> 00:14:49,066 "Yeah, why not? I'll go to the party." 334 00:14:51,400 --> 00:14:54,000 Why not? It's just a party. 335 00:14:54,066 --> 00:14:56,417 [Det. Martin] It is approximately 9:30 in the evening, 336 00:14:56,417 --> 00:14:56,667 [Det. Martin] It is approximately 9:30 in the evening, 337 00:14:56,667 --> 00:15:00,266 when Abby pulls in the driveway with Stacy, 338 00:15:00,266 --> 00:15:02,166 at Justin's home on Guthrie. 339 00:15:04,300 --> 00:15:08,800 And Stacy, as she arrived with her friend Abby, says, 340 00:15:08,867 --> 00:15:10,367 "What is she doing here?" 341 00:15:12,467 --> 00:15:13,467 [Natasha] I don't think she knew 342 00:15:13,467 --> 00:15:16,367 what she was walking into, by any means. 343 00:15:25,867 --> 00:15:27,567 [narrator] On a hot summer night, 344 00:15:27,567 --> 00:15:30,000 Whitney and Amanda decide to stay clear 345 00:15:30,066 --> 00:15:31,567 of the party on Guthrie Street. 346 00:15:32,900 --> 00:15:35,567 [Whitney] If our parents found out that we hung out there, 347 00:15:35,567 --> 00:15:37,166 we would be in really big trouble. 348 00:15:39,767 --> 00:15:42,767 We were going to hang out with another group of friends, 349 00:15:42,767 --> 00:15:44,567 me and Amanda Richards. 350 00:15:44,567 --> 00:15:45,967 [narrator] But riding with them that night 351 00:15:45,967 --> 00:15:47,767 is the queen bee of their group, 352 00:15:47,767 --> 00:15:51,667 Holly Boisvert and she does want to go to the party. 353 00:15:51,667 --> 00:15:52,171 [Whitney] I remember driving over there 354 00:15:52,171 --> 00:15:53,567 [Whitney] I remember driving over there 355 00:15:53,567 --> 00:15:57,667 and we drop Holly off at the house 356 00:15:57,667 --> 00:16:00,667 and she was supposed to page 357 00:16:00,667 --> 00:16:02,400 when she was ready. 358 00:16:02,467 --> 00:16:03,867 And if she did not page 359 00:16:03,867 --> 00:16:05,667 before we left where we were going, 360 00:16:05,667 --> 00:16:07,367 then we would just come back and pick her up. 361 00:16:09,000 --> 00:16:12,100 [narrator] Whitney and Amanda never get a page from Holly. 362 00:16:12,100 --> 00:16:15,100 So they head back to Brandon's house around 11:30, 363 00:16:15,100 --> 00:16:16,567 to pick her up as planned. 364 00:16:17,200 --> 00:16:19,000 [police talking over radio] 365 00:16:20,266 --> 00:16:22,166 [Whitney] When we pull up to the house, 366 00:16:22,166 --> 00:16:22,171 there is police and ambulance everywhere. 367 00:16:22,171 --> 00:16:25,667 there is police and ambulance everywhere. 368 00:16:25,667 --> 00:16:29,467 The whole block was pretty much shut down by police. 369 00:16:29,467 --> 00:16:31,400 [narrator] Just 30 minutes earlier, 370 00:16:31,467 --> 00:16:33,500 a young woman is rushed to the hospital. 371 00:16:35,100 --> 00:16:37,867 A group of teens are gathered outside. 372 00:16:37,867 --> 00:16:40,600 Abby Oswald tells detectives what happened. 373 00:16:43,066 --> 00:16:44,367 [Det. Martin] Brandon and Holly 374 00:16:44,367 --> 00:16:46,266 they were sitting on the front porch together, 375 00:16:46,266 --> 00:16:49,266 when Abby and Stacy first pulled up. 376 00:16:51,100 --> 00:16:52,171 And Stacy sees Holly and says, 377 00:16:52,171 --> 00:16:54,867 And Stacy sees Holly and says, 378 00:16:54,867 --> 00:16:56,400 "What is she doing here?" 379 00:16:57,700 --> 00:17:01,700 Holly and Stacy have a verbal argument. 380 00:17:01,767 --> 00:17:05,667 [Duffy] Within 10 minutes of Stacy DeGrandchamp's arrival, 381 00:17:05,667 --> 00:17:10,000 she and Holly are in a shouting match together. 382 00:17:10,066 --> 00:17:13,066 Eventually they are fighting with each other. 383 00:17:14,000 --> 00:17:15,767 There is hair pulling, 384 00:17:15,767 --> 00:17:19,000 there is punching, there is kicking. 385 00:17:19,066 --> 00:17:21,400 They are rolling around on the grass. 386 00:17:22,767 --> 00:17:24,867 [Jamie] Holly had every intention on going out there 387 00:17:24,867 --> 00:17:26,867 and giving Stacy a beating, 388 00:17:26,867 --> 00:17:28,900 but Stacy was beating her pretty bad. 389 00:17:30,600 --> 00:17:32,700 [Det. Martin] Stacy was getting the best of Holly, 390 00:17:32,767 --> 00:17:34,767 to the point where she was kicking Holly 391 00:17:34,767 --> 00:17:36,066 in the head or in the face. 392 00:17:38,100 --> 00:17:39,767 [Duffy] Then, all of a sudden, 393 00:17:39,767 --> 00:17:42,667 it seems as though Stacy is going limp 394 00:17:42,667 --> 00:17:44,667 and losing her strength. 395 00:17:46,100 --> 00:17:50,166 And that's when Brandon decided to reach down 396 00:17:50,266 --> 00:17:52,171 and pull Stacy away from Holly. 397 00:17:52,171 --> 00:17:54,400 and pull Stacy away from Holly. 398 00:17:54,467 --> 00:17:56,600 [narrator] Brandon grabs Stacy by the ankles 399 00:17:56,667 --> 00:17:59,000 and pulls her into some recycling bins in the yard. 400 00:18:02,100 --> 00:18:04,800 Stacy gets up and staggers down the driveway. 401 00:18:05,667 --> 00:18:06,967 Abby says, "Let's get out of here." 402 00:18:07,800 --> 00:18:10,166 And as Stacy is walking around 403 00:18:10,166 --> 00:18:14,166 to the passenger's side of the vehicle, she collapses. 404 00:18:14,166 --> 00:18:16,767 She appeared to be having some type of seizure. 405 00:18:17,667 --> 00:18:20,266 Abby runs over to her, 406 00:18:20,266 --> 00:18:22,171 to try and figure out what's wrong. 407 00:18:22,171 --> 00:18:23,000 to try and figure out what's wrong. 408 00:18:23,000 --> 00:18:25,600 [Det. Martin] Brandon came over almost immediately 409 00:18:26,767 --> 00:18:28,300 and pulled up Stacy's shirt 410 00:18:28,367 --> 00:18:30,600 and noticed that her bra was saturated with blood. 411 00:18:34,166 --> 00:18:35,600 [sirens blaring] 412 00:18:37,100 --> 00:18:39,166 [Det. Martin] Stacy DeGrandchamp was put in 413 00:18:39,166 --> 00:18:40,266 the back of the ambulance 414 00:18:40,266 --> 00:18:42,400 and rushed to the hospital. 415 00:18:44,467 --> 00:18:47,600 I don't think anybody at that party realized, initially, 416 00:18:47,667 --> 00:18:50,400 that Stacy was hurt as bad as she was. 417 00:18:52,100 --> 00:18:52,171 Holly and Brandon were taken 418 00:18:52,171 --> 00:18:55,000 Holly and Brandon were taken 419 00:18:55,000 --> 00:18:56,800 from the scene to the police station. 420 00:18:58,667 --> 00:19:00,700 When crime scene units arrive, 421 00:19:00,767 --> 00:19:02,166 crime scene tape is up. 422 00:19:02,166 --> 00:19:06,667 They began taking photographs and videotaping the scene. 423 00:19:06,667 --> 00:19:09,100 [narrator] Since Stacy was bleeding from the chest, 424 00:19:09,166 --> 00:19:11,300 investigators look for weapons. 425 00:19:11,367 --> 00:19:15,000 Detectives did not observe any sharp-type objects, 426 00:19:15,066 --> 00:19:16,800 knives or anything of that type 427 00:19:16,867 --> 00:19:19,367 in the backyard or driveway of the residence 428 00:19:19,367 --> 00:19:21,200 as they had presumed, 429 00:19:21,266 --> 00:19:22,171 possibly, it would be in the area 430 00:19:22,171 --> 00:19:22,967 possibly, it would be in the area 431 00:19:22,967 --> 00:19:25,266 of where the girls fought and struggled on the ground. 432 00:19:26,266 --> 00:19:28,367 They went into the residence, 433 00:19:28,367 --> 00:19:30,500 after obtaining a search warrant, 434 00:19:30,567 --> 00:19:32,066 and they took some kitchen knives 435 00:19:32,066 --> 00:19:33,500 that were laying on the counter. 436 00:19:37,867 --> 00:19:40,667 [narrator] In the operating room at Parkview Hospital, 437 00:19:40,667 --> 00:19:43,266 doctors are working to save Stacy's life. 438 00:19:45,000 --> 00:19:46,367 [Det. Martin] She sustained a stab wound 439 00:19:46,367 --> 00:19:48,266 to the upper chest area, 440 00:19:48,266 --> 00:19:49,567 in the area of her breast 441 00:19:49,567 --> 00:19:52,166 and she also had a second stab wound 442 00:19:52,166 --> 00:19:52,171 to her abdomen area. 443 00:19:52,171 --> 00:19:53,266 to her abdomen area. 444 00:19:55,767 --> 00:19:58,100 Rita, Stacy's mom, didn't know that 445 00:19:58,166 --> 00:19:59,367 something happened to Stacy. 446 00:19:59,367 --> 00:20:01,800 She gets the voice message around 11 o'clock. 447 00:20:01,867 --> 00:20:03,100 It's from Brandon. 448 00:20:03,166 --> 00:20:05,166 -[telephone beeps] -[Brandon talks on phone] 449 00:20:16,700 --> 00:20:20,066 [Jamie] Rita gets to Parkview, Randallia Hospital 450 00:20:20,066 --> 00:20:22,171 to only be approached by the hospitalist. 451 00:20:22,171 --> 00:20:22,667 to only be approached by the hospitalist. 452 00:20:22,667 --> 00:20:24,700 She said, "Oh, you're Stacy DeGrandchamp's mother?" 453 00:20:24,767 --> 00:20:26,767 And Rita answered, "Yes," and they said, 454 00:20:26,767 --> 00:20:28,367 "Well, unfortunately, she's passed away." 455 00:20:31,667 --> 00:20:33,000 [Sara] It breaks my heart. 456 00:20:34,166 --> 00:20:35,700 Oh, sorry. 457 00:20:36,867 --> 00:20:38,567 [chuckles] Sorry. 458 00:20:38,567 --> 00:20:40,266 It's something I haven't thought about it in a long time. 459 00:20:40,266 --> 00:20:42,500 [sniffling] 460 00:20:42,567 --> 00:20:45,667 Oh, I can't imagine having to go and do that with your only child. 461 00:20:45,667 --> 00:20:46,600 [sobs softly] 462 00:20:48,400 --> 00:20:51,200 We had so many questions, and no answers. 463 00:20:53,100 --> 00:20:55,967 [narrator] Because the stab wounds appear intentional, 464 00:20:55,967 --> 00:20:58,867 Fort Wayne police open a homicide investigation. 465 00:20:59,600 --> 00:21:00,867 At the station, 466 00:21:00,867 --> 00:21:03,266 Holly shares her version of events. 467 00:21:03,266 --> 00:21:05,000 [Det. Martin] Holly stated that 468 00:21:05,066 --> 00:21:07,567 she had nothing to do with, uh, the injuries 469 00:21:07,567 --> 00:21:09,867 that took place to Stacy, 470 00:21:09,867 --> 00:21:13,100 that they'd merely gotten into an, an argument, or a fight. 471 00:21:42,266 --> 00:21:43,667 [Duffy] But, of course, 472 00:21:43,667 --> 00:21:45,100 very important, 473 00:21:45,100 --> 00:21:48,100 Holly said, she had no knife. 474 00:21:48,100 --> 00:21:50,500 [Det. Martin] She says she believes that Stacy 475 00:21:50,567 --> 00:21:52,171 might have fallen on glass in the recycling bins. 476 00:21:52,171 --> 00:21:53,567 might have fallen on glass in the recycling bins. 477 00:22:01,200 --> 00:22:04,100 [Det. Martin] Detectives also interviewed Brandon. 478 00:22:04,100 --> 00:22:06,867 [narrator] His shirt, stained with Stacy's blood, 479 00:22:06,867 --> 00:22:08,567 has been taken as evidence. 480 00:22:34,066 --> 00:22:36,500 [no audio] 481 00:22:36,567 --> 00:22:39,266 [Det. Martin] He was trying to allude to the fact that 482 00:22:39,266 --> 00:22:41,467 Stacy's injuries being caused by 483 00:22:41,467 --> 00:22:44,266 cut or broken glass, or glass shards 484 00:22:44,266 --> 00:22:46,700 that were in the recycle bin that she fell into. 485 00:22:48,000 --> 00:22:50,100 [narrator] But Holly and Brandon's stories 486 00:22:50,100 --> 00:22:52,171 don't match up to the evidence. 487 00:22:52,171 --> 00:22:53,000 don't match up to the evidence. 488 00:22:53,066 --> 00:22:55,700 [Det. Martin] Crime scene took photographs of the recycle bins, 489 00:22:55,767 --> 00:22:57,467 and there was no broken glass. 490 00:22:57,467 --> 00:23:00,066 There was no marks that glass had been swept up, 491 00:23:00,066 --> 00:23:01,800 There was no blood, 492 00:23:01,867 --> 00:23:04,166 in our around the recycle tubs. 493 00:23:04,166 --> 00:23:06,467 It was very clear from the coroner's report 494 00:23:06,467 --> 00:23:08,467 that those injuries were sustained, 495 00:23:08,467 --> 00:23:09,800 and inflicted, 496 00:23:09,867 --> 00:23:14,066 by a single edge, sharp, bladed knife. 497 00:23:14,066 --> 00:23:15,867 They were described as knife wounds. 498 00:23:15,867 --> 00:23:18,667 But the knife was not located at the scene, 499 00:23:18,667 --> 00:23:21,667 or on any potential suspects at the time. 500 00:23:21,667 --> 00:23:22,171 [narrator] Holly and Brandon are released. 501 00:23:22,171 --> 00:23:23,667 [narrator] Holly and Brandon are released. 502 00:23:23,667 --> 00:23:26,667 But this remains an open homicide investigation. 503 00:23:32,567 --> 00:23:35,767 On August 19th, 2002, 504 00:23:35,767 --> 00:23:38,367 Stacy DeGrandchamp is laid to rest. 505 00:23:40,100 --> 00:23:41,667 She's buried in her senior outfit 506 00:23:41,667 --> 00:23:43,467 that she was supposed to do senior pictures in. 507 00:23:45,667 --> 00:23:47,367 [narrator] It's a full house, 508 00:23:47,367 --> 00:23:50,400 including Stacy's friends from the party crowd, 509 00:23:50,467 --> 00:23:52,171 Abby, Whitney, and Amanda. 510 00:23:52,171 --> 00:23:52,700 Abby, Whitney, and Amanda. 511 00:23:52,767 --> 00:23:55,266 Holly Boisvert is notably absent. 512 00:23:57,166 --> 00:23:59,166 [Jamie] We had teachers there. 513 00:23:59,166 --> 00:24:01,266 She had a lot of her classmates that came. 514 00:24:02,467 --> 00:24:03,600 Coaches. 515 00:24:04,100 --> 00:24:06,400 But one 516 00:24:06,467 --> 00:24:09,467 person showed up that, in my mind, 517 00:24:09,467 --> 00:24:11,767 was not invited to come to that funeral. 518 00:24:11,767 --> 00:24:13,000 Brandon Muff showed up. 519 00:24:14,767 --> 00:24:17,100 And, all eyes are on him. 520 00:24:18,667 --> 00:24:20,467 We couldn't believe that he had 521 00:24:20,467 --> 00:24:22,171 the guts to show up. 522 00:24:22,171 --> 00:24:22,667 the guts to show up. 523 00:24:22,667 --> 00:24:24,667 We felt he had something to do with this. 524 00:24:29,266 --> 00:24:32,100 [narrator] Rumors are spreading through Wayne High School, 525 00:24:32,100 --> 00:24:33,567 that Brandon and his friends 526 00:24:33,567 --> 00:24:35,800 tricked Stacy into coming to the party, 527 00:24:35,867 --> 00:24:38,066 so Holly could hurt her. 528 00:24:38,066 --> 00:24:40,266 [Det. Martin] It leads the detectives to wonder, 529 00:24:40,266 --> 00:24:42,166 was this a conspiracy 530 00:24:42,166 --> 00:24:45,900 to have one of the girls eliminate the other. 531 00:24:45,967 --> 00:24:48,867 I do believe that Stacy was led into a trap. 532 00:24:48,867 --> 00:24:50,667 They knew what was gonna happen that night. 533 00:24:59,400 --> 00:25:01,600 After Stacy's death, 534 00:25:01,667 --> 00:25:04,000 nobody was going to hang out with Holly. 535 00:25:04,567 --> 00:25:06,300 Holly called my house. 536 00:25:07,467 --> 00:25:09,467 I remember talking to her, 537 00:25:09,467 --> 00:25:12,166 and in the conversation, said, "How could you do this?" 538 00:25:12,166 --> 00:25:13,667 and she said, "You know me, 539 00:25:13,667 --> 00:25:15,367 you know I would never do this." 540 00:25:16,367 --> 00:25:17,900 And, then... 541 00:25:17,967 --> 00:25:19,300 I never talked to her again. 542 00:25:21,000 --> 00:25:23,533 The rumor mill, when school stated back up, 543 00:25:23,533 --> 00:25:23,600 The rumor mill, when school stated back up, 544 00:25:23,667 --> 00:25:25,567 it was all over the place, 545 00:25:25,567 --> 00:25:28,100 as far as what took place at the party. 546 00:25:29,767 --> 00:25:32,300 [Rachel] The only common thread was 547 00:25:32,367 --> 00:25:35,266 Holly stabbed her, Holly killed her. 548 00:25:36,467 --> 00:25:38,300 That was the common thread. 549 00:25:39,600 --> 00:25:41,967 [narrator] But another rumor makes its way to police. 550 00:25:42,800 --> 00:25:44,667 Whitney had something to do with it. 551 00:25:45,700 --> 00:25:46,767 [answer machine beeps] 552 00:25:54,867 --> 00:25:57,800 For a detective to hear a voicemail like we heard, 553 00:25:57,867 --> 00:26:01,000 that was given to us by Rita, Stacy's mother, 554 00:26:01,066 --> 00:26:04,166 where somebody is saying, "You better watch your back", 555 00:26:04,166 --> 00:26:05,467 and then, 556 00:26:05,467 --> 00:26:07,800 in very, uh, short time, 557 00:26:07,867 --> 00:26:10,300 that individual is, is killed, 558 00:26:11,367 --> 00:26:12,867 uh, it's very concerning. 559 00:26:14,667 --> 00:26:16,367 [knock on door] 560 00:26:16,367 --> 00:26:18,700 [Whitney] The detective came to my house, 561 00:26:18,767 --> 00:26:20,767 to interview me there. 562 00:26:20,767 --> 00:26:23,533 [Det. Martin] We have to ask her why exactly she left this message, 563 00:26:23,533 --> 00:26:24,367 [Det. Martin] We have to ask her why exactly she left this message, 564 00:26:24,367 --> 00:26:28,700 and eliminate or include her as a potential suspect 565 00:26:28,767 --> 00:26:32,367 in Stacy's homicide, whether she had a role of setting it up. 566 00:26:34,166 --> 00:26:37,600 [Whitney] The message was never, ever a threat, it was... 567 00:26:37,667 --> 00:26:40,700 A warning, so that she knew to watch out for herself, 568 00:26:40,767 --> 00:26:43,200 because I knew that Holly wanted to fight her. 569 00:26:45,166 --> 00:26:48,867 So, Stacy needs to know that Holly is mad, 570 00:26:48,867 --> 00:26:50,367 because I didn't want them to end up 571 00:26:50,367 --> 00:26:52,400 at the same place, at the same time. 572 00:26:54,100 --> 00:26:57,400 [narrator] But if Whitney was trying to keep Holly and Stacy apart, 573 00:26:57,967 --> 00:26:59,467 it appears Brandon 574 00:26:59,467 --> 00:27:03,200 was actively trying to set them on a collision course. 575 00:27:03,266 --> 00:27:05,000 [Det. Martin] Detectives learned through Whitney, 576 00:27:05,066 --> 00:27:06,867 that on August the 15th, 577 00:27:06,867 --> 00:27:09,367 Brandon had called over to Holly's house, 578 00:27:09,367 --> 00:27:13,100 and said, "If you don't come over to this party, over on Guthrie, 579 00:27:13,100 --> 00:27:15,867 then I'll never speak to you again." 580 00:27:15,867 --> 00:27:18,166 [Whitney] I thought they were just gonna hang out and talk, 581 00:27:18,166 --> 00:27:21,600 I had no idea that Stacy was going to even be at the party. 582 00:27:27,300 --> 00:27:29,700 [Det. Martin] So detectives had to try to figure out 583 00:27:29,767 --> 00:27:33,266 if this was some sort of trap that was, uh, 584 00:27:33,266 --> 00:27:37,000 laid out by Brandon to get both girls at the house to fight. 585 00:27:38,300 --> 00:27:40,867 I'm sure it absolutely hurt Brandon's ego 586 00:27:40,867 --> 00:27:42,700 that Stacy broke up with him. 587 00:27:43,667 --> 00:27:47,000 Was he working to get even with her, 588 00:27:47,000 --> 00:27:50,467 maybe there was a little bit of revenge on his part, 589 00:27:50,467 --> 00:27:51,800 in this whole affair. 590 00:27:53,300 --> 00:27:53,533 [Whitney] Holly's jealousy and Brandon's spite 591 00:27:53,533 --> 00:27:56,900 [Whitney] Holly's jealousy and Brandon's spite 592 00:27:56,967 --> 00:27:58,467 is what got them both there. 593 00:27:59,967 --> 00:28:02,166 [narrator] But there is another person who is key 594 00:28:02,166 --> 00:28:05,266 in persuading Stacy to go the party that night, 595 00:28:05,266 --> 00:28:07,667 her new friend, Abby Oswald. 596 00:28:07,667 --> 00:28:11,266 I think that Abby insisting that Stacy go to that party 597 00:28:11,266 --> 00:28:14,500 is because Abby was friends with Brandon. 598 00:28:15,467 --> 00:28:17,367 From a detective's point of view, 599 00:28:17,367 --> 00:28:19,500 I wondered why 600 00:28:19,567 --> 00:28:23,000 Abby would bring her friend over to the Guthrie St. house, 601 00:28:23,066 --> 00:28:23,533 knowing that there's a possibility 602 00:28:23,533 --> 00:28:25,400 knowing that there's a possibility 603 00:28:25,467 --> 00:28:27,467 that Holly was there, or... 604 00:28:27,467 --> 00:28:29,567 As they were pulling up, seeing Holly, 605 00:28:29,567 --> 00:28:31,000 and knowing the tension, 606 00:28:31,000 --> 00:28:34,800 why she didn't just say, "Hey, now's not the time, let's leave." 607 00:28:36,000 --> 00:28:37,867 [Sara] My suspicion at the time, 608 00:28:37,867 --> 00:28:40,600 was that Abby was a part of the... 609 00:28:41,567 --> 00:28:43,967 The game plan to get Stacy there, 610 00:28:43,967 --> 00:28:45,667 to the party. 611 00:28:45,667 --> 00:28:48,000 Whether that was actually driving, 612 00:28:48,066 --> 00:28:49,667 talking her into going, 613 00:28:49,667 --> 00:28:52,367 I think that is the part that Abby had played. 614 00:28:52,367 --> 00:28:53,533 [narrator] But when detectives speak to Abby, 615 00:28:53,533 --> 00:28:54,900 [narrator] But when detectives speak to Abby, 616 00:28:54,967 --> 00:28:56,867 she denies any involvement. 617 00:28:57,767 --> 00:28:59,867 Abby also said that she was the one 618 00:28:59,867 --> 00:29:01,400 who tried to break up the fight. 619 00:29:02,567 --> 00:29:05,100 [narrator] With all roads leading back to Brandon, 620 00:29:07,200 --> 00:29:10,367 detectives call in his roommate from Guthrie St., 621 00:29:10,367 --> 00:29:11,800 Justin Troop. 622 00:29:13,367 --> 00:29:16,100 [Det. Martin] The interview with Justin to law enforcement 623 00:29:16,100 --> 00:29:18,867 was on the 26th of August. 624 00:29:18,867 --> 00:29:21,567 Justin appeared to be a very credible witness. 625 00:29:23,400 --> 00:29:23,533 According to Justin's account, 626 00:29:23,533 --> 00:29:25,100 According to Justin's account, 627 00:29:25,100 --> 00:29:28,667 he tried to break the fight up, between Stacy and Holly. 628 00:29:28,667 --> 00:29:30,800 And Brandon pushes him aside, 629 00:29:30,867 --> 00:29:33,066 and says, "No, let them fight." 630 00:29:33,066 --> 00:29:37,367 It's almost as if Brandon is enjoying the fight. 631 00:29:37,367 --> 00:29:41,200 [Duffy] So, did he set it up? Possibly. 632 00:29:41,266 --> 00:29:44,700 Did Brandon intend for any harm to come to Stacy? 633 00:29:44,767 --> 00:29:46,700 That's tougher to prove, 634 00:29:46,767 --> 00:29:48,133 and harder to say. 635 00:29:53,100 --> 00:29:53,533 [Det. Martin] Justin was able to tell law enforcement 636 00:29:53,533 --> 00:29:55,867 [Det. Martin] Justin was able to tell law enforcement 637 00:29:55,867 --> 00:29:57,500 that Brandon made the statement, 638 00:29:57,567 --> 00:29:59,867 "Just tell them", 639 00:29:59,867 --> 00:30:01,300 referring to the police, 640 00:30:01,367 --> 00:30:03,500 that Holly didn't do anything, 641 00:30:03,567 --> 00:30:06,166 and that Stacy just fell. 642 00:30:06,166 --> 00:30:08,367 It made law enforcement very suspicious 643 00:30:08,367 --> 00:30:10,700 that maybe Brandon had more, 644 00:30:10,767 --> 00:30:12,233 uh, solid information, 645 00:30:12,233 --> 00:30:14,667 but was just not bringing it forward to law enforcement. 646 00:30:14,667 --> 00:30:17,000 Whether he was afraid, whether he was trying to 647 00:30:17,066 --> 00:30:19,000 stonewall the investigation, 648 00:30:19,066 --> 00:30:21,600 or whether he was attempting to 649 00:30:22,100 --> 00:30:23,533 cover for Holly. 650 00:30:23,533 --> 00:30:23,567 cover for Holly. 651 00:30:27,266 --> 00:30:30,867 Brandon was, uh, ultimately interviewed a second time 652 00:30:30,867 --> 00:30:33,667 and it was during the course of this interview 653 00:30:33,667 --> 00:30:38,000 that Brandon refused to give any other information. 654 00:30:38,000 --> 00:30:40,400 Brandon made the comment to law enforcement, 655 00:30:40,467 --> 00:30:43,500 to the detectives, that he, uh, "was no snitch", 656 00:30:43,567 --> 00:30:46,367 and that he did not see Holly with a knife. 657 00:30:47,400 --> 00:30:50,400 [narrator] But to many, one thing is certain. 658 00:30:50,467 --> 00:30:53,467 They fought, it's clear as day, 659 00:30:53,467 --> 00:30:53,533 that Holly did it, like, it's clear as day. 660 00:30:53,533 --> 00:30:55,867 that Holly did it, like, it's clear as day. 661 00:30:56,767 --> 00:30:59,367 To us, it was, "She murdered Stacy." 662 00:30:59,367 --> 00:31:00,800 We-We've got our killer. 663 00:31:01,767 --> 00:31:03,967 I thought, within three to four months, 664 00:31:03,967 --> 00:31:07,166 we would be in court, and I would watch her, in my mind, 665 00:31:07,166 --> 00:31:08,467 get the death penalty, you know, 666 00:31:08,467 --> 00:31:11,000 like, I was going to actually see justice. 667 00:31:12,567 --> 00:31:14,166 It's normal to 668 00:31:14,166 --> 00:31:16,000 think, they're going to keep interviewing, 669 00:31:16,000 --> 00:31:17,367 and they are going to be able to find 670 00:31:17,367 --> 00:31:19,500 a couple witnesses that are willing to speak. 671 00:31:20,266 --> 00:31:21,800 Just one, just one witness. 672 00:31:21,867 --> 00:31:23,533 And of all these people that were at this party that night, 673 00:31:23,533 --> 00:31:24,100 And of all these people that were at this party that night, 674 00:31:24,166 --> 00:31:25,767 not one person was willing to come forward 675 00:31:25,767 --> 00:31:27,100 and say that they'd seen something. 676 00:31:28,767 --> 00:31:31,700 [narrator] With no witnesses, and no murder weapon, 677 00:31:31,767 --> 00:31:33,400 there are no arrests made. 678 00:31:36,567 --> 00:31:38,266 [Jamie] Months upon months upon months, 679 00:31:38,266 --> 00:31:40,767 no phone calls back, then, you know, 680 00:31:40,767 --> 00:31:42,266 days turn into years. 681 00:31:44,100 --> 00:31:46,000 We were extremely discouraged, I mean, 682 00:31:46,066 --> 00:31:48,000 you can only imagine after all those years 683 00:31:48,000 --> 00:31:50,000 of trying to get justice, that, 684 00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:52,166 it just won't ever come. 685 00:31:52,166 --> 00:31:53,533 [narrator] But sometimes, justice comes from the most unlikely places. 686 00:31:53,533 --> 00:31:56,467 [narrator] But sometimes, justice comes from the most unlikely places. 687 00:32:16,667 --> 00:32:18,700 [narrator] By 2019, 688 00:32:18,767 --> 00:32:22,467 students at Wayne High have heard the story for 17 years. 689 00:32:23,166 --> 00:32:24,900 If you're mean enough, 690 00:32:24,967 --> 00:32:26,467 you can get away with murder. 691 00:32:28,767 --> 00:32:32,066 It felt like Stacy's case was on the backburner, 692 00:32:32,066 --> 00:32:34,100 and nothing was being done, 693 00:32:34,166 --> 00:32:36,500 and nobody understood why. 694 00:32:38,000 --> 00:32:39,467 [narrator] But, Stacy's cousin 695 00:32:39,467 --> 00:32:41,888 Jamie McMillen refuses to let the case die. 696 00:32:41,888 --> 00:32:44,000 Jamie McMillen refuses to let the case die. 697 00:32:44,000 --> 00:32:47,467 She finally connects with cold case detective, Brian Martin. 698 00:32:48,500 --> 00:32:51,266 [Det. Martin] In March of 2019, 699 00:32:51,266 --> 00:32:54,367 I received a telephone call from Jamie McMillen. 700 00:32:54,367 --> 00:32:58,700 Jamie was wanting to speak to me about her cousin's case. 701 00:32:58,767 --> 00:33:01,367 [Jamie] When Detective Martin called me back, 702 00:33:01,367 --> 00:33:03,700 I thought, "Okay, this is a step in the right direction." 703 00:33:06,000 --> 00:33:10,467 Jamie believed that if I would be able to talk to Brandon, 704 00:33:10,467 --> 00:33:11,888 Holly, Abby, and Amanda, 705 00:33:11,888 --> 00:33:13,600 Holly, Abby, and Amanda, 706 00:33:13,667 --> 00:33:16,166 that I would probably be able to get the answers 707 00:33:16,166 --> 00:33:20,000 to the questions that we'd been looking for all along. 708 00:33:20,000 --> 00:33:22,500 There is a benefit to the cold cases, 709 00:33:22,567 --> 00:33:24,166 and interviewing witnesses. 710 00:33:24,166 --> 00:33:26,800 Maybe they've gotten older, matured, 711 00:33:26,867 --> 00:33:30,066 gotten out of that lifestyle and are more willing to talk to us. 712 00:33:32,166 --> 00:33:35,867 [narrator] Detective Martin first tracks down Abby Oswald. 713 00:33:35,867 --> 00:33:37,200 [Det. Martin] Let me ask you this, 714 00:33:37,200 --> 00:33:40,166 -at any time, did you see Holly with a knife? -No. 715 00:33:40,166 --> 00:33:41,888 I never saw a weapon, that's why this is so hard 716 00:33:41,888 --> 00:33:43,166 I never saw a weapon, that's why this is so hard 717 00:33:43,166 --> 00:33:45,266 -and why I-- -You just thought it was like a fight... 718 00:33:45,266 --> 00:33:46,634 -Yes, yeah. -...in a yard, and then all of a sudden, 719 00:33:46,634 --> 00:33:49,100 -this happens? -Yeah, and like her mom, we, you know, 720 00:33:49,100 --> 00:33:50,734 when we were talking after the fact, 721 00:33:50,734 --> 00:33:54,567 she then wanted me to say, "I saw a weapon", or, "I know something". 722 00:33:54,567 --> 00:33:56,867 But I can't sit here and say, "I saw a weapon"... 723 00:33:56,867 --> 00:33:58,600 -Don't. -..."I saw a knife", when I didn't. 724 00:34:02,600 --> 00:34:05,700 [narrator] Detective Martin then speaks to Brandon Muff, 725 00:34:05,767 --> 00:34:08,500 who says he wishes he saw more. 726 00:34:08,567 --> 00:34:11,500 [Det. Martin] I observed Brandon to be, uh... 727 00:34:11,567 --> 00:34:11,888 He was remorseful. 728 00:34:11,888 --> 00:34:12,800 He was remorseful. 729 00:34:12,800 --> 00:34:15,367 He, you could tell this has been weighing on Brandon 730 00:34:15,367 --> 00:34:17,467 for 17 years. 731 00:34:17,467 --> 00:34:20,300 But he doesn't recall seeing Holly with a knife. 732 00:34:23,300 --> 00:34:26,967 Approximately one month after speaking with Brandon Muff and Abby, 733 00:34:26,967 --> 00:34:29,467 I was able to track down Holly Boisvert, 734 00:34:29,467 --> 00:34:31,467 in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. 735 00:34:31,467 --> 00:34:33,767 -[knocks on door] -[door opens] 736 00:34:33,767 --> 00:34:36,867 [Det. Martin] It took Holly quite a while to answer the door, but when she did, 737 00:34:36,867 --> 00:34:40,667 I introduced myself as, uh, Detective Martin from Fort Wayne, 738 00:34:40,667 --> 00:34:41,888 and, I was working on a cold case. 739 00:34:41,888 --> 00:34:42,900 and, I was working on a cold case. 740 00:34:42,967 --> 00:34:44,967 The look on her face, she was, uh... 741 00:34:44,967 --> 00:34:47,300 She got rather pale. 742 00:34:47,367 --> 00:34:50,266 I indicated that I knew that it'd been some time, 743 00:34:50,266 --> 00:34:52,367 and I asked her if she remembered the party. 744 00:34:54,200 --> 00:34:56,166 Nothing makes sense, 745 00:34:56,166 --> 00:34:57,667 about the whole thing. 746 00:34:57,667 --> 00:34:58,800 [Det. Martin] How so? 747 00:34:59,867 --> 00:35:03,767 Everybody there, we were all friends. 748 00:35:03,767 --> 00:35:05,133 -I mean, it was-- -[Det. Martin] But, you and Stacy had, 749 00:35:05,133 --> 00:35:08,367 kinda had a little beef going on, because of Brandon. 750 00:35:08,367 --> 00:35:10,567 -It was so stupid, that was-- -[Det. Martin] It was, uh, it... 751 00:35:10,567 --> 00:35:11,888 I agree, it was like one of those just, 752 00:35:11,888 --> 00:35:11,900 I agree, it was like one of those just, 753 00:35:11,900 --> 00:35:14,300 -petty, high school girl things, right? -Exactly. 754 00:35:14,367 --> 00:35:17,100 -[Det. Martin] Okay, so... -I know everybody says that 755 00:35:17,100 --> 00:35:20,000 I did something to her, I know that they blame me. 756 00:35:20,066 --> 00:35:22,800 [Det. Martin] There were several things that, uh, really stuck out to me. 757 00:35:22,867 --> 00:35:25,166 First and foremost, she kept referring 758 00:35:25,166 --> 00:35:27,367 to Stacy as her friend. 759 00:35:27,367 --> 00:35:30,467 She was my friend, we were terrible teenage girls, 760 00:35:30,467 --> 00:35:32,000 but she was still my friend. 761 00:35:32,066 --> 00:35:34,667 "And I would never intentionally stab my friend." 762 00:35:34,667 --> 00:35:37,667 I would not have done that to her. 763 00:35:37,667 --> 00:35:41,888 Intentionally, I never would've pulled a knife on her. 764 00:35:41,888 --> 00:35:42,500 Intentionally, I never would've pulled a knife on her. 765 00:35:42,567 --> 00:35:47,367 We were terrible bitches to each other, but she was still my friend. 766 00:35:47,367 --> 00:35:49,767 I didn't expect that we were gonna fight. 767 00:35:52,667 --> 00:35:55,867 [narrator] Holly admits to owning a pocket knife at the time, 768 00:35:55,867 --> 00:35:58,767 saying she carried it around for protection. 769 00:35:58,767 --> 00:36:00,300 [Det. Martin] Do you recall, 770 00:36:00,300 --> 00:36:02,667 did you have, uh, your pocket knife with you that day? 771 00:36:02,667 --> 00:36:04,700 I didn't even have it with me, 772 00:36:04,767 --> 00:36:07,400 like, if it was there, it was in my bag, 773 00:36:07,467 --> 00:36:09,667 it's not like I walk around holding it. 774 00:36:09,667 --> 00:36:11,867 [Det. Martin] Have you seen it recently, do you have it now? 775 00:36:15,266 --> 00:36:16,567 Uh, let me... 776 00:36:17,467 --> 00:36:18,700 [softly] Let me look somewhere. 777 00:36:20,500 --> 00:36:24,266 And she got up, and she went back to a bedroom area. 778 00:36:25,967 --> 00:36:29,200 What's crossing my mind when Holly hands me this knife is, 779 00:36:29,266 --> 00:36:32,667 one, is she trying to throw me off of what's really happening, 780 00:36:32,667 --> 00:36:34,400 and where that knife really is, 781 00:36:34,467 --> 00:36:37,100 or two, did I catch her in a moment of weakness, 782 00:36:37,100 --> 00:36:38,467 and she actually gave me the knife 783 00:36:38,467 --> 00:36:40,000 used to kill Stacy? 784 00:36:43,266 --> 00:36:45,567 I then returned back to Fort Wayne, and began 785 00:36:45,567 --> 00:36:47,767 putting information together in the case. 786 00:36:49,000 --> 00:36:51,300 [narrator] While test results show that Stacy's DNA 787 00:36:51,367 --> 00:36:53,700 is not on Holly's knife, 788 00:36:53,767 --> 00:36:57,266 Detective Martin does further testing on the weapon. 789 00:36:57,266 --> 00:36:59,300 I ultimately showed this pocket knife 790 00:36:59,367 --> 00:37:01,967 to the chief pathologist who investigated this case. 791 00:37:03,500 --> 00:37:06,800 [Duffy] Dr. Scott-Wagner reviewed the autopsy photos, 792 00:37:06,867 --> 00:37:09,567 and came to the conclusion 793 00:37:09,567 --> 00:37:11,888 that the knife Holly Boisvert turned over to Brian Martin, 794 00:37:11,888 --> 00:37:14,367 that the knife Holly Boisvert turned over to Brian Martin, 795 00:37:14,367 --> 00:37:17,367 was consistent with the stab wounds 796 00:37:17,367 --> 00:37:19,100 that DeGrandchamp received. 797 00:37:22,767 --> 00:37:25,700 That information, along with information 798 00:37:25,767 --> 00:37:27,400 from the initial investigation, 799 00:37:27,467 --> 00:37:30,767 began to get us to a point where we were able to 800 00:37:30,767 --> 00:37:33,100 present this case to the Prosecutor's office. 801 00:37:34,266 --> 00:37:37,300 [Duffy] On Wednesday, March 25th of 2020, 802 00:37:37,367 --> 00:37:39,867 Holly Boisvert was taken into custody. 803 00:37:43,166 --> 00:37:46,166 [Sara] To get her just even back to Indiana, 804 00:37:46,166 --> 00:37:48,467 and in Fort Wayne's jail, 805 00:37:48,467 --> 00:37:52,667 was just like, holy, you know what, like, this is... 806 00:37:52,667 --> 00:37:55,667 You know, it's the first time that 807 00:37:55,667 --> 00:37:56,967 I felt like 808 00:37:56,967 --> 00:37:59,000 Stacy might actually get justice. 809 00:38:01,400 --> 00:38:03,367 The pre-trial conferences were conducted by 810 00:38:03,367 --> 00:38:05,967 the Allen County Prosecutor's Office. 811 00:38:05,967 --> 00:38:09,066 [narrator] After years of silence from the group of friends, 812 00:38:09,066 --> 00:38:11,888 a star witness finally decides to come forward, 813 00:38:11,888 --> 00:38:12,166 a star witness finally decides to come forward, 814 00:38:12,767 --> 00:38:14,367 Amanda Richards, 815 00:38:14,367 --> 00:38:17,367 who was in the car with Holly and Whitney the night of the party. 816 00:39:03,900 --> 00:39:06,867 And one of the last things Amanda remembers doing 817 00:39:06,867 --> 00:39:10,100 is handing Holly her knife, 818 00:39:10,166 --> 00:39:11,888 and Holly walking up to the house. 819 00:39:11,888 --> 00:39:13,367 and Holly walking up to the house. 820 00:39:13,367 --> 00:39:17,100 [Whitney] I was in the car, I didn't even know Holly 821 00:39:17,166 --> 00:39:19,266 and Amanda has exchanged a knife. 822 00:39:22,667 --> 00:39:25,600 [Det. Martin] I can't speak to why Amanda 823 00:39:25,667 --> 00:39:27,767 waited so long to bring that information out, 824 00:39:27,767 --> 00:39:29,367 I'm just thankful that she did. 825 00:39:30,567 --> 00:39:33,166 [narrator] In consultation with Stacy's family, 826 00:39:33,166 --> 00:39:36,600 Allen County offers Holly Boisvert a plea deal. 827 00:39:36,667 --> 00:39:38,467 [Det. Martin] Holly ultimately acknowledged the fact that 828 00:39:38,467 --> 00:39:41,700 she did, in fact, stab Stacy, causing her death. 829 00:39:41,767 --> 00:39:41,888 [narrator] Holly never implicates Brandon, or Abby. 830 00:39:41,888 --> 00:39:44,767 [narrator] Holly never implicates Brandon, or Abby. 831 00:39:44,767 --> 00:39:47,767 She insists she acted on her own. 832 00:39:47,767 --> 00:39:50,266 [Jamie] She just sat there and stated, 833 00:39:50,266 --> 00:39:53,600 to the judge that she had killed Stacy DeGrandchamp, 834 00:39:53,667 --> 00:39:55,200 and he said then, "How did you do it?" 835 00:39:55,266 --> 00:39:57,266 And she said, "I had a knife in my hand, 836 00:39:57,266 --> 00:39:59,367 and I stabbed her once here", 837 00:39:59,367 --> 00:40:01,400 and she said, "and I stabbed her once here." 838 00:40:01,467 --> 00:40:03,100 He said, "And how would you like to plead?" 839 00:40:03,100 --> 00:40:04,266 And she said, "Guilty." 840 00:40:06,867 --> 00:40:08,100 [Whitney] I was emotional. 841 00:40:08,767 --> 00:40:10,100 It hit me hard, 842 00:40:10,900 --> 00:40:11,888 that finally... 843 00:40:11,888 --> 00:40:12,467 that finally... 844 00:40:14,100 --> 00:40:15,567 Finally, she admitted to it. 845 00:40:20,100 --> 00:40:24,867 [Duffy] Holly was sentenced on January 14th of 2022. 846 00:40:24,867 --> 00:40:28,567 The plea deal called for 25 years, with five years suspended, 847 00:40:28,567 --> 00:40:31,867 and three years of adult probation following it. 848 00:40:31,867 --> 00:40:35,600 [narrator] With time already spent in jail and good behavior, 849 00:40:35,667 --> 00:40:38,867 Holly could be out of prison as early as 2030. 850 00:40:38,867 --> 00:40:41,888 [Jamie] I absolutely believe that Holly should've gotten more time. 851 00:40:41,888 --> 00:40:42,967 [Jamie] I absolutely believe that Holly should've gotten more time. 852 00:40:42,967 --> 00:40:46,166 I felt, at least, the full 20 years, 853 00:40:46,166 --> 00:40:47,266 behind bars. 854 00:40:48,667 --> 00:40:50,800 [Det. Martin] To me, I think closure, uh, 855 00:40:51,467 --> 00:40:53,000 quite frankly is [bleep]. 856 00:40:53,000 --> 00:40:55,667 Um, and I say that because 857 00:40:55,667 --> 00:40:57,767 I don't how you can have a loved one 858 00:40:57,767 --> 00:40:59,767 taken from you in a violent manner, 859 00:40:59,767 --> 00:41:01,467 for no reason at all, 860 00:41:01,467 --> 00:41:03,367 and ever be able to, uh, 861 00:41:03,367 --> 00:41:06,300 wrap your brain around how and why that happened. 862 00:41:08,367 --> 00:41:10,467 [narrator] Even all these years later, 863 00:41:10,467 --> 00:41:11,888 Stacy's friends and family can't fathom 864 00:41:11,888 --> 00:41:13,000 Stacy's friends and family can't fathom 865 00:41:13,066 --> 00:41:15,166 how teen mean girl drama 866 00:41:15,166 --> 00:41:16,500 turned so deadly. 867 00:41:18,100 --> 00:41:20,467 I think the most important piece of it all 868 00:41:20,467 --> 00:41:24,767 is that life is so fragile and can be taken at any point in time. 869 00:41:24,767 --> 00:41:27,266 And even, something senseless over a a boy 870 00:41:27,266 --> 00:41:30,800 or over, just, being upset about rumors. 871 00:41:32,467 --> 00:41:35,767 There are families that never get justice for their lost loved ones, 872 00:41:35,767 --> 00:41:37,867 and so, at least, 873 00:41:38,367 --> 00:41:39,867 Stacy got something. 874 00:41:44,166 --> 00:41:45,567 I wrote a poem for Stacy, 875 00:41:45,567 --> 00:41:48,767 and, um, they actually published it inside her yearbook 876 00:41:48,767 --> 00:41:51,300 for Wayne High School for 2003 graduating class, 877 00:41:51,367 --> 00:41:52,567 which would've been her. 878 00:41:52,567 --> 00:41:54,767 And I actually have it here, 879 00:41:54,767 --> 00:41:57,066 "Her eyes so bright her smile so wide 880 00:41:57,066 --> 00:41:59,700 we always let her know that we are right by her side, 881 00:41:59,767 --> 00:42:02,166 so never forget her never let her leave your mind, 882 00:42:02,166 --> 00:42:03,900 tell her you love her just one more time."