1 00:00:10,100 --> 00:00:12,367 NYKKY: There was always that group of girls 2 00:00:12,467 --> 00:00:15,266 that are just brutally mean in school. 3 00:00:15,266 --> 00:00:17,066 She's like, "Who the [bleep] is this?" 4 00:00:17,066 --> 00:00:19,166 And pointed at me. 5 00:00:19,266 --> 00:00:22,567 Loyalty meant a lot to her. 6 00:00:23,767 --> 00:00:26,667 They just welcomed her with open arms. 7 00:00:26,667 --> 00:00:30,000 She felt like she belonged. 8 00:00:30,000 --> 00:00:30,200 She felt like she belonged. 9 00:00:30,266 --> 00:00:33,767 KAYLA: They would come up with a way to manipulate it. 10 00:00:33,867 --> 00:00:36,000 They were mean girls. 11 00:00:37,300 --> 00:00:39,467 [woman speaking] 12 00:00:44,300 --> 00:00:45,800 It almost seemed like she was trying to get 13 00:00:45,867 --> 00:00:47,600 out from behind it. 14 00:00:47,667 --> 00:00:49,066 [detective speaking] 15 00:00:53,700 --> 00:00:56,400 [theme music playing] 16 00:01:02,200 --> 00:01:03,266 [music stops] 17 00:01:03,367 --> 00:01:07,400 [distant train whistle blowing] 18 00:01:07,467 --> 00:01:11,266 BRITTANY: Buffalo, Minnesota, is about 45 minutes 19 00:01:11,266 --> 00:01:14,266 west of the Twin Cities. 20 00:01:14,367 --> 00:01:17,600 You have a mix of people who have moved from 21 00:01:17,667 --> 00:01:20,467 the outer suburbs to a little bit more 22 00:01:20,467 --> 00:01:24,000 of a smaller town feel. 23 00:01:24,066 --> 00:01:27,166 KAYLA: Growing up in Buffalo was difficult, 24 00:01:27,166 --> 00:01:29,867 because everybody knew everybody. 25 00:01:29,967 --> 00:01:30,000 So if you said something, that person found out. 26 00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:33,300 So if you said something, that person found out. 27 00:01:33,367 --> 00:01:35,867 If you did something that somebody didn't like, 28 00:01:35,867 --> 00:01:37,367 they talked about it. 29 00:01:40,100 --> 00:01:42,567 BRITTANY: Being a teen 30 00:01:42,567 --> 00:01:44,900 in Buffalo, as a popular girl, 31 00:01:45,000 --> 00:01:48,000 you had it more easy, because you had parents that were able 32 00:01:48,066 --> 00:01:50,700 to provide everything for you. 33 00:01:50,767 --> 00:01:53,567 So when it came to, like, their driver's license, 34 00:01:53,667 --> 00:01:57,166 the majority of the girls got a brand-new spanking car that 35 00:01:57,266 --> 00:01:58,767 was like a Mercedes. 36 00:02:06,400 --> 00:02:07,400 KAYLA: In high school, 37 00:02:07,467 --> 00:02:11,467 there are girls that play sports. 38 00:02:11,467 --> 00:02:13,300 There's girls that like anime. 39 00:02:13,367 --> 00:02:17,066 There's girls that party a lot. 40 00:02:17,066 --> 00:02:19,467 BRITTANY: It depends what social class you were in 41 00:02:19,467 --> 00:02:20,500 where you fit in, 42 00:02:20,567 --> 00:02:23,367 if you were part of the popular group, 43 00:02:23,367 --> 00:02:27,266 the kind of in-betweens or the geeks or the goths. 44 00:02:27,367 --> 00:02:29,767 NARRATOR: And ruling from the top of Buffalo High's 45 00:02:29,867 --> 00:02:30,000 social pyramid are the preppy girls. 46 00:02:30,000 --> 00:02:33,100 social pyramid are the preppy girls. 47 00:02:33,166 --> 00:02:35,467 The preppies, their parents had money. 48 00:02:35,467 --> 00:02:41,166 So, you know, kids like me -- it was a struggle. 49 00:02:41,266 --> 00:02:44,767 We were picked on for our clothes not being, like, 50 00:02:44,867 --> 00:02:46,567 Hollister or Abercrombie. 51 00:02:46,667 --> 00:02:50,367 You know, it was just the good old Miley Cyrus from Walmart 52 00:02:50,367 --> 00:02:52,300 that were cute, 53 00:02:52,367 --> 00:02:55,400 but they just weren't up to the social standards. 54 00:02:55,467 --> 00:02:59,166 BRYANNA: If the popular clique passed you, 55 00:02:59,166 --> 00:03:00,000 they would always be talking to themselves, 56 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:00,967 they would always be talking to themselves, 57 00:03:00,967 --> 00:03:03,667 laughing about something, pointing. 58 00:03:03,767 --> 00:03:05,667 You just kind of knew that they were making fun 59 00:03:05,767 --> 00:03:09,500 of you, and there was nothing you could really do. 60 00:03:09,567 --> 00:03:13,667 It was a very judgy place to be. 61 00:03:18,367 --> 00:03:21,000 NARRATOR: Quirky 14-year-old Cheyenne Clough and her besties 62 00:03:21,100 --> 00:03:24,100 are certainly not part of the preppy crowd. 63 00:03:24,166 --> 00:03:26,100 BRITTANY: Personally, I think our friend group were just 64 00:03:26,166 --> 00:03:27,567 kind of the middle men, 65 00:03:27,567 --> 00:03:30,000 the we're good but not good enough, 66 00:03:30,066 --> 00:03:34,700 and had a good mixture of people and personalities 67 00:03:34,767 --> 00:03:37,367 that could fit in any of the social tiers. 68 00:03:38,600 --> 00:03:42,467 I remember Cheyenne being more of a floater. 69 00:03:42,567 --> 00:03:45,767 She made a lot of different friends from a lot of 70 00:03:45,767 --> 00:03:48,066 different groups, and I remember 71 00:03:48,066 --> 00:03:51,100 her being at a lot of parties I was at. 72 00:03:54,367 --> 00:03:56,667 BRITTANY: She liked to be a social butterfly. 73 00:03:56,667 --> 00:03:59,500 She wasn't like one of those people 74 00:03:59,567 --> 00:04:00,000 that need to be the center of attention. 75 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:01,567 that need to be the center of attention. 76 00:04:01,567 --> 00:04:04,000 She was okay with, like, taking a step back. 77 00:04:04,100 --> 00:04:06,467 But if she sees someone struggling with something 78 00:04:06,467 --> 00:04:07,900 or someone getting bullied, 79 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:11,000 she's always gonna be the first one there to stand up 80 00:04:11,066 --> 00:04:12,367 for them. 81 00:04:12,467 --> 00:04:14,367 NARRATOR: But Cheyenne finds herself 82 00:04:14,367 --> 00:04:16,867 a favorite target for the preppy squad. 83 00:04:18,100 --> 00:04:20,767 BRITTANY: They would just make snide comments or remarks 84 00:04:20,767 --> 00:04:23,867 about what she's wearing, 85 00:04:23,967 --> 00:04:27,900 what's in her hair, what her hair looks like that day. 86 00:04:28,000 --> 00:04:30,000 They would make rude, snide remarks about her weight, 87 00:04:30,000 --> 00:04:31,967 They would make rude, snide remarks about her weight, 88 00:04:31,967 --> 00:04:35,367 because her jean size was not a size zero. 89 00:04:35,367 --> 00:04:38,667 NYKKY: There's always that group of girls that are just 90 00:04:38,667 --> 00:04:42,567 brutally mean in school, and she did get bullied a lot. 91 00:04:44,000 --> 00:04:47,467 They would make fun of her for having eczema. 92 00:04:47,467 --> 00:04:49,166 She had it really bad. 93 00:04:50,266 --> 00:04:54,967 They called her "Hamburger Head" and "Snakeskin." 94 00:04:57,667 --> 00:04:58,567 BRITTANY: It cut her deep. 95 00:04:58,667 --> 00:05:00,000 It brought her down a dark hole, 96 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:00,200 It brought her down a dark hole, 97 00:05:00,266 --> 00:05:02,000 but we all helped pull her out of it, 98 00:05:02,100 --> 00:05:03,467 and she pulled herself out, 99 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:08,300 NARRATOR: Cheyenne stands her ground, refusing to be 100 00:05:08,367 --> 00:05:11,100 bullied by a pack of mean girls. 101 00:05:11,166 --> 00:05:13,667 She got to this point where she would 102 00:05:13,667 --> 00:05:17,300 sometimes snap back and say something really smart, 103 00:05:17,367 --> 00:05:19,567 and they didn't know how to respond to that, 104 00:05:19,567 --> 00:05:23,066 because nobody would talk back to them like that. 105 00:05:23,066 --> 00:05:25,000 BRITTANY: She'd be like, "If you really have a problem, 106 00:05:25,066 --> 00:05:27,367 we can take this up after school gets out. 107 00:05:27,367 --> 00:05:30,000 I don't think she actually ever beat 'em up, 108 00:05:30,000 --> 00:05:30,367 I don't think she actually ever beat 'em up, 109 00:05:30,467 --> 00:05:33,900 but it would kind of take them by surprise. 110 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:35,967 They realized that she wasn't somebody 111 00:05:35,967 --> 00:05:38,500 to pick on anymore. 112 00:05:41,166 --> 00:05:44,066 NARRATOR: Cheyenne's battles with the mean preppy girls make 113 00:05:44,066 --> 00:05:46,767 her especially devoted to her circle of friends. 114 00:05:47,967 --> 00:05:51,867 Loyalty meant a lot to her. 115 00:05:51,867 --> 00:05:54,367 And it was more if you can't be truthful and honest, 116 00:05:54,367 --> 00:05:57,600 how can I trust you to have my back 117 00:05:57,667 --> 00:05:59,600 when I need you to have my back? 118 00:06:00,867 --> 00:06:03,367 NARRATOR: Then Cheyenne discovers boys, 119 00:06:03,367 --> 00:06:05,867 which changes everything. 120 00:06:11,467 --> 00:06:13,667 One day, Cheyenne came to me 121 00:06:13,767 --> 00:06:15,867 and said she had something to tell me, 122 00:06:17,000 --> 00:06:19,400 and she told me that she was pregnant, 123 00:06:19,467 --> 00:06:23,000 and I was the first person that she had told. 124 00:06:23,100 --> 00:06:27,100 She was 15, and that is 125 00:06:27,166 --> 00:06:29,567 young to have a kid, and we were 126 00:06:29,567 --> 00:06:30,000 worried about if she was ready for that or not. 127 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:33,166 worried about if she was ready for that or not. 128 00:06:33,166 --> 00:06:36,967 And she was just super excited about it, because 129 00:06:36,967 --> 00:06:39,367 it would be a big life-changing moment for her. 130 00:06:40,600 --> 00:06:42,367 NARRATOR: But her pregnancy takes the bullying 131 00:06:42,367 --> 00:06:43,867 to a whole new level. 132 00:06:45,700 --> 00:06:49,000 BRITTANY: The preppies were whispering about it at school. 133 00:06:49,066 --> 00:06:53,467 That caused her to bring it to social media and be like, 134 00:06:53,567 --> 00:06:56,000 "Yes, I am pregnant," 135 00:06:56,100 --> 00:06:58,767 and then you had all the backlash of all the people 136 00:06:58,867 --> 00:07:00,000 of like, "Are you kidding me? 137 00:07:00,000 --> 00:07:00,467 of like, "Are you kidding me? 138 00:07:00,567 --> 00:07:04,166 You're gonna go nowhere with your life," and people would try 139 00:07:04,266 --> 00:07:06,000 to speculate who the baby daddy was 140 00:07:06,066 --> 00:07:09,300 and acted like it was the worst thing in the world. 141 00:07:11,967 --> 00:07:14,800 NYKKY: Cheyenne was devastated 142 00:07:14,867 --> 00:07:18,000 when her and her son's father broke up, 143 00:07:18,066 --> 00:07:20,867 because she thought they were gonna get married and, 144 00:07:20,867 --> 00:07:24,300 you know, live happily ever after and be a family. 145 00:07:24,367 --> 00:07:26,400 BRYANNA: Cheyenne lived at her mom's. 146 00:07:26,467 --> 00:07:29,767 She and her mom were trying to raise the baby, and I believe 147 00:07:29,767 --> 00:07:30,000 they just had disagreements on how to raise him. 148 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:34,166 they just had disagreements on how to raise him. 149 00:07:34,266 --> 00:07:36,700 NYKKY: She just adored him, 150 00:07:36,767 --> 00:07:40,266 but it got to a point where she decided that she should not 151 00:07:40,367 --> 00:07:42,800 be the full-time caregiver for her son. 152 00:07:42,867 --> 00:07:46,667 And Cheyenne kind of took it upon herself to leave 153 00:07:46,667 --> 00:07:52,166 and just let her mom raise her son how she wants to raise him. 154 00:07:53,767 --> 00:07:55,767 NARRATOR: But the high school dropout is determined 155 00:07:55,767 --> 00:07:57,567 to build a better life for herself 156 00:07:57,567 --> 00:07:58,867 and her young son. 157 00:07:58,967 --> 00:08:00,000 She works retail and restaurant jobs 158 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:02,100 She works retail and restaurant jobs 159 00:08:02,166 --> 00:08:03,367 and finds a place to live 160 00:08:03,467 --> 00:08:06,767 in small town Maple Lake, just outside Buffalo. 161 00:08:10,000 --> 00:08:13,800 Her new housemates, two young women and their boyfriends, 162 00:08:13,867 --> 00:08:15,166 include boy crazy 163 00:08:15,266 --> 00:08:17,500 19-year-old Callie Anderson. 164 00:08:17,567 --> 00:08:22,467 She thought she was super nice and super personable. 165 00:08:22,467 --> 00:08:24,166 I know Callie didn't have a job. 166 00:08:24,166 --> 00:08:27,266 And she craved 167 00:08:27,367 --> 00:08:29,467 male attention. 168 00:08:29,467 --> 00:08:30,000 BRYANNA: She lived there with her boyfriend, Shawn. 169 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:33,867 BRYANNA: She lived there with her boyfriend, Shawn. 170 00:08:33,867 --> 00:08:38,166 I think she was just trying to be who she wanted to be. 171 00:08:39,667 --> 00:08:41,367 Things between Callie and Cheyenne were 172 00:08:41,367 --> 00:08:43,300 going really good at the house. 173 00:08:43,367 --> 00:08:47,000 I started seeing posts on Cheyenne's Facebook. 174 00:08:47,066 --> 00:08:50,867 She would post pictures of herself and Callie. 175 00:08:50,867 --> 00:08:53,266 BRYANNA: Cheyenne felt welcome, 176 00:08:53,266 --> 00:08:56,800 and I think Callie had a lot to do with it. 177 00:09:00,266 --> 00:09:01,600 NARRATOR: In the cozy house, 178 00:09:01,667 --> 00:09:04,367 Cheyenne also grows close to another roommate, 179 00:09:04,467 --> 00:09:08,266 33-year-old nurse, Natasha Brandenburger. 180 00:09:08,367 --> 00:09:09,767 They all just kind of clicked. 181 00:09:09,867 --> 00:09:14,467 Tasha was originally a nurse at the Buffalo Hospital, 182 00:09:14,567 --> 00:09:18,667 but she was also someone that did tattoos, and Cheyenne was 183 00:09:18,767 --> 00:09:22,700 wanting just a little tattoo that Natasha could do for her. 184 00:09:24,567 --> 00:09:28,767 Was interesting, honestly, to watch the friendship bloom. 185 00:09:30,767 --> 00:09:33,467 NARRATOR: For the first time since leaving high school, 186 00:09:33,567 --> 00:09:36,200 18-year-old Cheyenne feels like she has a new 187 00:09:36,266 --> 00:09:37,767 and devoted friend group. 188 00:09:39,400 --> 00:09:42,300 They just welcomed her with open arms. 189 00:09:42,367 --> 00:09:45,767 She felt like she belonged, she felt safe, 190 00:09:45,867 --> 00:09:48,100 she felt supported. 191 00:09:48,166 --> 00:09:51,367 NYKKY: They basically called themselves a family, 192 00:09:51,367 --> 00:09:53,066 and they would all 193 00:09:53,066 --> 00:09:55,567 look out for each other, and they said they would 194 00:09:55,667 --> 00:09:58,500 always encourage each other to do good things in life, 195 00:09:58,567 --> 00:10:00,000 and they would never turn their backs on each other. 196 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:01,367 and they would never turn their backs on each other. 197 00:10:01,367 --> 00:10:04,266 [train whistle blows] 198 00:10:06,367 --> 00:10:08,967 NARRATOR: There's only one problem -- since Natasha 199 00:10:08,967 --> 00:10:11,667 and Callie's boyfriends also live at the house, 200 00:10:11,667 --> 00:10:14,800 singleton Cheyenne feels a little left out. 201 00:10:14,867 --> 00:10:18,266 So she finds her own man, a bad boy, 202 00:10:18,266 --> 00:10:20,667 23-year-old Devon Boyles. 203 00:10:21,867 --> 00:10:26,000 Devon had a troubled past with being in and out of jail. 204 00:10:27,567 --> 00:10:30,000 I heard something about a stolen car. 205 00:10:30,000 --> 00:10:30,400 I heard something about a stolen car. 206 00:10:31,600 --> 00:10:36,000 BRYANNA: And I was told that he was in a gang also. 207 00:10:36,100 --> 00:10:38,266 Some people thought it was a lie. 208 00:10:38,367 --> 00:10:41,900 Some thought it was real. 209 00:10:42,000 --> 00:10:44,200 Cheyenne never complained about it. 210 00:10:44,266 --> 00:10:46,967 She was blinded by love. 211 00:10:48,166 --> 00:10:51,100 Cheyenne did confide in me sometimes 212 00:10:51,166 --> 00:10:54,467 about him being abusive to her. 213 00:10:54,567 --> 00:10:56,200 BRYANNA: I think she just wanted to believe 214 00:10:56,266 --> 00:10:59,300 that he was still a good guy. 215 00:10:59,367 --> 00:11:00,000 But as -- as friends looking in, 216 00:11:00,000 --> 00:11:01,867 But as -- as friends looking in, 217 00:11:01,867 --> 00:11:04,767 we saw it the complete opposite way. 218 00:11:04,767 --> 00:11:08,567 We were all worried about her ending up dead. 219 00:11:17,367 --> 00:11:20,667 NARRATOR: After high school days plagued with mean girl moments, 220 00:11:20,767 --> 00:11:24,166 Cheyenne Clough is enjoying a love fest with her housemates, 221 00:11:24,266 --> 00:11:27,567 Callie Anderson and Natasha Brandenburger. 222 00:11:27,667 --> 00:11:29,166 She just thought they were 223 00:11:29,266 --> 00:11:32,467 the coolest people ever to hang out with. 224 00:11:32,467 --> 00:11:35,567 I can understand why it would feel welcome for her, going 225 00:11:35,667 --> 00:11:38,867 through a lot of the things that she did go through. 226 00:11:38,867 --> 00:11:42,000 I can understand why that was so 227 00:11:42,066 --> 00:11:43,381 important to her to feel like she belonged. 228 00:11:43,381 --> 00:11:44,166 important to her to feel like she belonged. 229 00:11:45,266 --> 00:11:47,100 NARRATOR: But as the new girl, she needs 230 00:11:47,166 --> 00:11:49,600 to remember her place in the household hierarchy, 231 00:11:51,400 --> 00:11:54,200 with the oldest couple, Natasha's boyfriend, 232 00:11:54,266 --> 00:11:57,667 and, by extension, Natasha, at the top. 233 00:11:57,667 --> 00:12:02,166 BRYANNA: Justin's role in the house was the master, 234 00:12:02,166 --> 00:12:05,867 I guess -- he just didn't like if you didn't listen. 235 00:12:05,867 --> 00:12:10,400 So he just kind of had that leader aspect of the house. 236 00:12:10,467 --> 00:12:13,381 And Natasha definitely got her power 237 00:12:13,381 --> 00:12:14,567 And Natasha definitely got her power 238 00:12:14,667 --> 00:12:16,700 from Justin, 239 00:12:16,767 --> 00:12:20,100 and so she automatically inherited 240 00:12:20,166 --> 00:12:22,200 the leadership role of the females. 241 00:12:22,266 --> 00:12:25,166 So people would just fall in line with that. 242 00:12:31,166 --> 00:12:33,767 NARRATOR: At first, Natasha and Justin approve of Cheyenne's 243 00:12:33,867 --> 00:12:37,367 new relationship with bad boy, Devon Boyles. 244 00:12:37,467 --> 00:12:41,066 But soon, they too begin to see some red flags. 245 00:12:41,066 --> 00:12:43,381 Cheyenne and Devon were almost inseparable. 246 00:12:43,381 --> 00:12:43,667 Cheyenne and Devon were almost inseparable. 247 00:12:43,667 --> 00:12:46,900 They had to do almost everything together. 248 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:49,767 He was protective, you know, over the things that she did. 249 00:12:49,767 --> 00:12:52,900 And if, you know, there was something that he didn't like, 250 00:12:53,000 --> 00:12:55,367 he, you know, would always go with her 251 00:12:55,367 --> 00:12:57,567 to make sure that she was safe. 252 00:12:57,567 --> 00:12:59,867 He didn't trust a lot of people. 253 00:12:59,967 --> 00:13:04,000 Cheyenne also never introduced me to Devon, because she had 254 00:13:04,066 --> 00:13:08,000 already confided in me about him being abusive to her, 255 00:13:08,066 --> 00:13:11,867 and she knew how protective I was of her and she didn't, 256 00:13:11,967 --> 00:13:13,381 you know, want me to do anything crazy to him, 257 00:13:13,381 --> 00:13:15,367 you know, want me to do anything crazy to him, 258 00:13:15,467 --> 00:13:17,600 because she just didn't want to have 259 00:13:17,667 --> 00:13:20,200 a later argument with him over it. 260 00:13:20,266 --> 00:13:24,367 So she did her best to make sure me and him never crossed paths. 261 00:13:25,900 --> 00:13:28,900 BRYANNA: After a while, it kind of became clear to me 262 00:13:29,000 --> 00:13:31,700 that he was more trying to control the things 263 00:13:31,767 --> 00:13:33,767 that Cheyenne was doing versus 264 00:13:33,867 --> 00:13:35,700 just being there for her. 265 00:13:35,767 --> 00:13:39,000 There were certain things that she would want to do, 266 00:13:39,066 --> 00:13:43,381 and he would basically, "No, you're not gonna do that." 267 00:13:43,381 --> 00:13:43,500 and he would basically, "No, you're not gonna do that." 268 00:13:45,100 --> 00:13:49,266 I think it -- it could have went really south if 269 00:13:49,367 --> 00:13:52,367 she didn't listen to what he wanted her to do. 270 00:13:54,100 --> 00:13:56,166 NARRATOR: Devon may be dangerous, 271 00:13:56,166 --> 00:13:59,500 but Cheyenne's new posse are keeping a close eye on her. 272 00:14:01,867 --> 00:14:05,700 They all lived together like a family, and she, you know, 273 00:14:05,767 --> 00:14:08,367 really felt in her heart that they would always look out for 274 00:14:08,467 --> 00:14:09,767 her no matter what. 275 00:14:09,767 --> 00:14:12,200 NARRATOR: They also keep each other's secrets. 276 00:14:12,266 --> 00:14:13,381 And party girl, Callie, it turns out is full of those. 277 00:14:13,381 --> 00:14:16,300 And party girl, Callie, it turns out is full of those. 278 00:14:16,367 --> 00:14:20,667 BRYANNA: Callie had a warrant out for her arrest for assault, 279 00:14:21,767 --> 00:14:26,367 and she had gone to jail previously for it but 280 00:14:26,467 --> 00:14:31,900 got out on bail, and she missed her bail hearing. 281 00:14:32,000 --> 00:14:34,967 And from what she had told me, 282 00:14:34,967 --> 00:14:38,567 there was a night that Cheyenne learned that Callie 283 00:14:38,567 --> 00:14:41,667 was setting up, I would say dates 284 00:14:43,567 --> 00:14:46,100 on a dating app. 285 00:14:46,166 --> 00:14:48,066 But when she would meet up with these men, 286 00:14:48,066 --> 00:14:51,200 she would take the money and run. 287 00:14:51,266 --> 00:14:53,467 Callie tried to get Cheyenne 288 00:14:53,467 --> 00:14:56,166 to do it too, but she didn't want any part of it. 289 00:15:01,867 --> 00:15:04,000 NARRATOR: After refusing to catfish with her, 290 00:15:04,066 --> 00:15:07,767 the dynamic in the house starts to shift, as Cheyenne 291 00:15:07,767 --> 00:15:10,367 gets a dose of Callie's hidden mean girl. 292 00:15:10,467 --> 00:15:13,381 NYKKY: Callie talked down on her or would say, you know, 293 00:15:13,381 --> 00:15:14,467 NYKKY: Callie talked down on her or would say, you know, 294 00:15:14,467 --> 00:15:18,667 "You're just here so you can do stuff for us." 295 00:15:18,767 --> 00:15:21,200 Cheyenne would talk to me, you know, like, "Hey, 296 00:15:21,266 --> 00:15:23,767 "they're mad at me because I didn't do something. 297 00:15:23,867 --> 00:15:27,400 So now everyone's looking at me like I'm an outsider." 298 00:15:28,467 --> 00:15:30,166 You know, it would really bother her. 299 00:15:31,900 --> 00:15:34,200 NARRATOR: Complicating dynamics even further, 300 00:15:34,266 --> 00:15:36,200 Cheyenne becomes jealous of the time 301 00:15:36,266 --> 00:15:39,100 Callie and Queen Bee Natasha spend with each other. 302 00:15:40,166 --> 00:15:42,867 BRYANNA: I think Callie got more of 303 00:15:42,867 --> 00:15:43,381 Natasha's attention just because Callie was there 304 00:15:43,381 --> 00:15:46,500 Natasha's attention just because Callie was there 305 00:15:46,567 --> 00:15:48,600 most of the time. 306 00:15:48,667 --> 00:15:53,000 When Cheyenne was away to be with her son, not saying that 307 00:15:53,066 --> 00:15:55,266 Cheyenne and Natasha didn't get along, 308 00:15:55,266 --> 00:15:58,467 but Callie and Cheyenne would go hang out in one room 309 00:15:58,567 --> 00:16:00,500 and be with each other. 310 00:16:00,567 --> 00:16:04,600 And then later on, Natasha and Cheyenne would go hang out. 311 00:16:04,667 --> 00:16:06,367 So it would almost be like they weren't 312 00:16:06,467 --> 00:16:09,967 all hanging out at the same time, but separately. 313 00:16:12,066 --> 00:16:13,381 NARRATOR: The girl drama prompts Cheyenne to spend even more 314 00:16:13,381 --> 00:16:14,567 NARRATOR: The girl drama prompts Cheyenne to spend even more 315 00:16:14,667 --> 00:16:17,900 time with Devon, hanging out together at the house, 316 00:16:20,066 --> 00:16:22,100 which angers the other two couples. 317 00:16:23,767 --> 00:16:27,667 The whole dynamic was a recipe for disaster. 318 00:16:31,266 --> 00:16:34,400 I do think something was bound to happen. 319 00:16:54,767 --> 00:16:56,467 [indistinct radio chatter] 320 00:16:57,667 --> 00:16:59,166 NARRATOR: Wright County paramedics arrive 321 00:16:59,166 --> 00:17:01,200 at a disturbing scene. 322 00:17:01,266 --> 00:17:05,066 They found a young female who was laying head down 323 00:17:05,066 --> 00:17:06,100 in the park. 324 00:17:06,166 --> 00:17:08,667 It appeared to the first responders 325 00:17:08,667 --> 00:17:11,400 that she was deceased, 326 00:17:11,467 --> 00:17:13,800 and then a Wright County sheriff's deputy was 327 00:17:13,867 --> 00:17:16,867 able to determine that the female was still alive. 328 00:17:17,867 --> 00:17:19,066 The injuries that she had, 329 00:17:19,100 --> 00:17:21,400 that was a concern of law enforcement was what appeared 330 00:17:21,467 --> 00:17:23,095 to be bullet holes 331 00:17:23,095 --> 00:17:23,200 to be bullet holes 332 00:17:23,266 --> 00:17:25,567 to her back and to the back of her head. 333 00:17:26,600 --> 00:17:30,266 BRIAN: She was taken to Buffalo Hospital 334 00:17:30,266 --> 00:17:33,767 and was later airlifted to an extreme trauma hospital. 335 00:17:35,967 --> 00:17:37,767 JOE: I first got involved because it just didn't 336 00:17:37,867 --> 00:17:39,467 sound like your typical kind of call 337 00:17:39,467 --> 00:17:41,600 that you get in the morning in that area. 338 00:17:41,667 --> 00:17:43,100 We don't normally have bodies being 339 00:17:43,166 --> 00:17:45,266 reported as being found in parks. 340 00:17:46,467 --> 00:17:47,767 BRIAN: With a canvass of the area, 341 00:17:47,767 --> 00:17:50,567 we learned that approximately early morning hours, 342 00:17:50,567 --> 00:17:52,166 somewhere between two and three o'clock, 343 00:17:52,166 --> 00:17:53,095 some residents heard a female screaming and also heard what 344 00:17:53,095 --> 00:17:56,000 some residents heard a female screaming and also heard what 345 00:17:56,100 --> 00:17:58,266 they believed to be shots fired. 346 00:17:59,266 --> 00:18:01,300 NARRATOR: The victim is soon identified as 347 00:18:01,367 --> 00:18:03,867 19-year-old Cheyenne Clough. 348 00:18:09,100 --> 00:18:13,100 I was at work like I would be on any normal day. 349 00:18:13,166 --> 00:18:15,500 My mom had called me 350 00:18:15,567 --> 00:18:18,400 and asked me to meet her 351 00:18:18,467 --> 00:18:21,800 at North Memorial Hospital, and I asked her why, 352 00:18:21,867 --> 00:18:23,095 what was going on, and she told me 353 00:18:23,095 --> 00:18:25,600 what was going on, and she told me 354 00:18:25,667 --> 00:18:28,400 Cheyenne had been shot. 355 00:18:28,467 --> 00:18:30,900 I just remember I was going, like, 100 miles an hour 356 00:18:31,000 --> 00:18:33,867 on the highway, trying to just hurry up and get there. 357 00:18:36,300 --> 00:18:38,400 BRITTANY: I clicked on the news article. 358 00:18:38,467 --> 00:18:41,767 It struck me, because it was so close to home. 359 00:18:41,867 --> 00:18:45,166 And I literally said, "I hope it's somebody I don't know." 360 00:18:45,166 --> 00:18:47,700 And then Kayla messaged me, and she goes, 361 00:18:47,767 --> 00:18:52,000 "It's Chey," and I just kind of dropped my phone, 362 00:18:52,066 --> 00:18:53,095 and all the memories over the years came in, 363 00:18:53,095 --> 00:18:57,567 and all the memories over the years came in, 364 00:18:57,567 --> 00:19:01,367 and I felt guilty, because she just messaged me, like, 365 00:19:01,367 --> 00:19:04,367 a week and a half prior wanting to hang out, 366 00:19:04,467 --> 00:19:06,066 and I couldn't hang out, 367 00:19:06,066 --> 00:19:08,600 because I had to go to work the next day. 368 00:19:08,667 --> 00:19:10,867 I remember thinking... 369 00:19:12,266 --> 00:19:13,867 she had to make it. 370 00:19:13,967 --> 00:19:17,467 She had to, 'cause... 371 00:19:17,467 --> 00:19:19,000 she didn't deserve that. 372 00:19:21,800 --> 00:19:23,095 NARRATOR: As doctors work to save her life, 373 00:19:23,095 --> 00:19:24,066 NARRATOR: As doctors work to save her life, 374 00:19:24,066 --> 00:19:27,100 police interview Cheyenne's family. 375 00:19:27,166 --> 00:19:31,266 So Cheyenne's mom told us that, in the hours before we found 376 00:19:31,266 --> 00:19:33,166 her in Crow Springs Park, 377 00:19:33,166 --> 00:19:37,467 Cheyenne made a phone call to her at approximately 2:45 AM. 378 00:19:37,467 --> 00:19:38,967 Her mom didn't answer the phone, 379 00:19:38,967 --> 00:19:41,100 but she left a voicemail saying that 380 00:19:41,166 --> 00:19:43,767 she's on her way home and gonna be there soon. 381 00:19:45,266 --> 00:19:47,667 We didn't have any other real information 382 00:19:47,767 --> 00:19:49,100 as to who was taking her home. 383 00:19:50,967 --> 00:19:53,095 NYKKY: While I was in the hospital with Cheyenne, 384 00:19:53,095 --> 00:19:53,266 NYKKY: While I was in the hospital with Cheyenne, 385 00:19:53,367 --> 00:19:56,266 the detectives were asking me questions, 386 00:19:56,367 --> 00:19:58,600 like if I knew if Cheyenne had 387 00:19:58,667 --> 00:20:01,467 any enemies or if I knew of anyone who would want to 388 00:20:01,467 --> 00:20:03,166 hurt her. 389 00:20:03,166 --> 00:20:07,467 I remember just trying to think who could have did this. 390 00:20:07,467 --> 00:20:09,266 Why would they have done it? 391 00:20:10,467 --> 00:20:13,667 My first thoughts were Devon. 392 00:20:13,767 --> 00:20:15,266 So when the cops did show up, 393 00:20:15,266 --> 00:20:16,667 I did say that she had been 394 00:20:16,667 --> 00:20:19,100 spending a lot of time with Devon. 395 00:20:19,166 --> 00:20:22,166 NYKKY: I told them I was wondering why I couldn't get 396 00:20:22,166 --> 00:20:23,095 ahold of him, and I'm like, he has to know 397 00:20:23,095 --> 00:20:25,967 ahold of him, and I'm like, he has to know 398 00:20:25,967 --> 00:20:29,166 something, because him and Cheyenne were inseparable. 399 00:20:33,000 --> 00:20:34,900 NARRATOR: While police search for Devon Boyles, 400 00:20:35,000 --> 00:20:36,467 family and friends point them 401 00:20:36,467 --> 00:20:38,400 in the direction of another guy 402 00:20:38,467 --> 00:20:42,000 Cheyenne dated about a year after her baby's father left 403 00:20:42,066 --> 00:20:43,800 and until around the time she moved 404 00:20:43,867 --> 00:20:45,266 into the house in Maple Lake. 405 00:20:46,367 --> 00:20:49,667 BRYANNA: I told them that his name was Darrian Edwards. 406 00:20:49,767 --> 00:20:53,095 He was a great person towards her and her son, 407 00:20:53,095 --> 00:20:54,266 He was a great person towards her and her son, 408 00:20:54,266 --> 00:20:58,667 but, at one point, their relationship changed. 409 00:20:58,667 --> 00:21:01,567 NYKKY: I did, like, mention this to the detectives. 410 00:21:01,667 --> 00:21:03,400 I only met him a few times, 411 00:21:03,467 --> 00:21:07,266 but I know Cheyenne really loved him, like, they were 412 00:21:07,367 --> 00:21:11,166 together for quite a while and were really close. 413 00:21:11,166 --> 00:21:13,600 They did have, you know, their arguments. 414 00:21:15,266 --> 00:21:16,800 So when they did break up, 415 00:21:16,867 --> 00:21:19,367 they were also not on great terms. 416 00:21:21,200 --> 00:21:23,095 BRIAN: Darrian Edwards was brought in as a person 417 00:21:23,095 --> 00:21:24,000 BRIAN: Darrian Edwards was brought in as a person 418 00:21:24,066 --> 00:21:25,467 of interest, and they learned 419 00:21:25,467 --> 00:21:27,767 he and Cheyenne had broken up approximately 420 00:21:27,867 --> 00:21:31,166 a year ago and that he did not have any contact with her 421 00:21:31,266 --> 00:21:33,900 and even blocked her from Facebook. 422 00:21:34,000 --> 00:21:35,967 NARRATOR: But Edwards has an intriguing piece of 423 00:21:35,967 --> 00:21:38,867 information to share about the whereabouts of Cheyenne's 424 00:21:38,967 --> 00:21:40,600 current boyfriend. 425 00:21:40,667 --> 00:21:43,300 BRIAN: He stated that he was working with 426 00:21:43,367 --> 00:21:47,800 a bounty hunter who had arrested Devon Boyles. 427 00:21:47,867 --> 00:21:53,095 The arrest was at the house in Maple Lake on May 31, 2016, 428 00:21:53,095 --> 00:21:54,600 The arrest was at the house in Maple Lake on May 31, 2016, 429 00:21:54,667 --> 00:21:58,000 which was the day before Cheyenne was found. 430 00:21:59,300 --> 00:22:00,867 We went down to the jail, 431 00:22:00,867 --> 00:22:03,767 and we spoke with Devon Boyles. 432 00:22:10,000 --> 00:22:11,667 I told him that Cheyenne had suffered 433 00:22:11,767 --> 00:22:15,000 gunshot wounds, and she was in critical condition. 434 00:22:15,100 --> 00:22:19,000 I asked him where he had been and when he was arrested. 435 00:22:34,266 --> 00:22:36,867 BRIAN: The timing of Devon Boyles being arrested over at 436 00:22:36,867 --> 00:22:39,700 the house in Maple Lake and taken to jail 437 00:22:39,767 --> 00:22:43,166 removed him as a suspect in the shooting of Cheyenne, 438 00:22:43,166 --> 00:22:46,266 because he was in custody at the time she was shot. 439 00:23:32,000 --> 00:23:34,367 NARRATOR: Investigators race to the house in Maple Lake 440 00:23:34,367 --> 00:23:36,667 to speak to Natasha and the other occupants. 441 00:23:37,800 --> 00:23:39,266 We wanted to talk to the people that had 442 00:23:39,367 --> 00:23:41,667 last seen Cheyenne before we found her 443 00:23:41,667 --> 00:23:45,700 in Crow Springs Park, but there was nobody 444 00:23:45,767 --> 00:23:47,567 in that place, it was vacant 445 00:23:47,567 --> 00:23:49,500 and looked like it had been left in a hurry. 446 00:23:56,200 --> 00:23:58,367 NARRATOR: The house in Maple Lake that Cheyenne shared with 447 00:23:58,467 --> 00:23:59,900 Natasha Brandenburger 448 00:24:00,066 --> 00:24:03,967 and Callie Anderson is deserted, but a thorough search 449 00:24:03,967 --> 00:24:05,900 yields some troubling finds. 450 00:24:06,000 --> 00:24:08,867 JOE: It was a complete disaster. 451 00:24:08,967 --> 00:24:10,467 There were bullet holes in the wall. 452 00:24:10,467 --> 00:24:15,400 We were finding shell casings for a .22 on the ground. 453 00:24:15,467 --> 00:24:17,300 And the police were very interested in this, 454 00:24:17,367 --> 00:24:18,867 because they knew that 455 00:24:18,867 --> 00:24:22,367 Cheyenne had been shot with a firearm in the park. 456 00:24:23,467 --> 00:24:24,667 JOE: In the back room, 457 00:24:24,667 --> 00:24:25,058 there was an ID 458 00:24:25,058 --> 00:24:26,667 there was an ID 459 00:24:26,667 --> 00:24:30,000 for Natasha Brandenburger -- since there might have been 460 00:24:30,066 --> 00:24:31,867 some ill will between her and Cheyenne, 461 00:24:31,967 --> 00:24:33,800 she was one that we wanted to talk to. 462 00:24:33,867 --> 00:24:38,166 So we ultimately put out a BOLO to 463 00:24:38,266 --> 00:24:41,467 locate Natasha Brandenburger and her boyfriend, 464 00:24:41,567 --> 00:24:42,667 Justin Jensen. 465 00:24:44,567 --> 00:24:47,867 We asked Cheyenne's friends to see if there was any 466 00:24:47,967 --> 00:24:51,967 issues between Cheyenne and the people living in the house. 467 00:24:51,967 --> 00:24:53,900 NARRATOR: And her closest friends have a lot to say 468 00:24:54,000 --> 00:24:55,058 about Cheyenne and her new not-so-nice besties. 469 00:24:55,058 --> 00:24:57,200 about Cheyenne and her new not-so-nice besties. 470 00:24:59,100 --> 00:25:00,867 I think Callie and Natasha 471 00:25:00,967 --> 00:25:04,867 played with Cheyenne's emotions and feelings. 472 00:25:04,967 --> 00:25:07,066 They were mean girls. 473 00:25:08,200 --> 00:25:11,200 NARRATOR: Natasha once made her feel like a sister, 474 00:25:11,266 --> 00:25:13,767 but now Cheyenne and her guests 475 00:25:13,867 --> 00:25:15,700 feel unwelcome in her own home. 476 00:25:18,100 --> 00:25:20,066 Natasha, I met her once. 477 00:25:22,200 --> 00:25:24,000 I was hanging out with Cheyenne 478 00:25:24,100 --> 00:25:25,058 and Justin, and Natasha walked in, 479 00:25:25,058 --> 00:25:26,567 and Justin, and Natasha walked in, 480 00:25:28,100 --> 00:25:30,867 and she's like, "Who the [bleep] is this?" 481 00:25:30,867 --> 00:25:32,767 And pointed at me. 482 00:25:32,867 --> 00:25:35,367 And she's like, "What's this whore doing here?" 483 00:25:35,467 --> 00:25:37,867 And they're like, "What?" 484 00:25:37,967 --> 00:25:40,166 She said, "I don't want her here," and they're like, 485 00:25:40,166 --> 00:25:42,200 "Why? You don't even know her." 486 00:25:42,266 --> 00:25:45,266 And then she told them that she wanted me out. 487 00:25:45,367 --> 00:25:49,200 And then after that, she slammed Justin's bedroom door. 488 00:25:50,567 --> 00:25:52,767 I was just like, "Uh, okay. What the [bleep]? 489 00:25:52,767 --> 00:25:55,058 I don't even know you, but all right, cool." 490 00:25:55,058 --> 00:25:55,166 I don't even know you, but all right, cool." 491 00:25:57,367 --> 00:26:00,266 BRYANNA: Sometimes, Justin and Natasha 492 00:26:00,266 --> 00:26:02,767 would be talking to Shawn and Callie, 493 00:26:02,767 --> 00:26:05,100 and Cheyenne would be 494 00:26:05,166 --> 00:26:08,767 coming back from being at her mom's with her son, 495 00:26:08,767 --> 00:26:12,767 and Natasha would be saying some nasty comment 496 00:26:12,767 --> 00:26:15,767 about Cheyenne, that she's a part-time mom, 497 00:26:15,767 --> 00:26:18,467 with Cheyenne being within earshot. 498 00:26:18,467 --> 00:26:21,800 Just not very nice. 499 00:26:23,567 --> 00:26:24,867 And I think Cheyenne just felt 500 00:26:24,867 --> 00:26:25,058 really hurt, because she thought she belonged. 501 00:26:25,058 --> 00:26:27,800 really hurt, because she thought she belonged. 502 00:26:27,867 --> 00:26:29,600 BRIANNA: I think it affected Cheyenne, 503 00:26:29,667 --> 00:26:33,000 because Natasha was two-faced, because, like -- 504 00:26:33,066 --> 00:26:35,200 because I'd be hanging out with, and she'd be showing me 505 00:26:35,266 --> 00:26:38,066 text messages from Natasha, 506 00:26:38,066 --> 00:26:41,300 and, like, her saying she has a big head and she's just 507 00:26:41,367 --> 00:26:44,467 a bitch, but then, like, she tried to just be 508 00:26:44,567 --> 00:26:47,500 best friends and act like nothing happened to Cheyenne. 509 00:26:47,567 --> 00:26:49,066 NARRATOR: But being a bitch doesn't 510 00:26:49,066 --> 00:26:51,066 mean you shot your friend. 511 00:26:57,000 --> 00:27:00,400 Two days after Cheyenne was found in the park, police get 512 00:27:00,467 --> 00:27:03,400 word that a vehicle associated with Natasha and her boyfriend, 513 00:27:03,467 --> 00:27:07,000 Justin, was caught on camera north of Minneapolis. 514 00:27:07,066 --> 00:27:10,300 JOE: We found out that there was video at a gas station 515 00:27:10,367 --> 00:27:13,567 involving this Chrysler 300 that 516 00:27:13,567 --> 00:27:18,066 we were looking for, where a white Honda pulls up next to 517 00:27:18,066 --> 00:27:19,967 it at the gas pump. 518 00:27:19,967 --> 00:27:21,867 The driver got out to speak 519 00:27:21,867 --> 00:27:24,567 to the person driving the Chrysler 300. 520 00:27:24,667 --> 00:27:25,058 BRIAN: He was identified as a man named Ed Zelko. 521 00:27:25,058 --> 00:27:27,500 BRIAN: He was identified as a man named Ed Zelko. 522 00:27:27,567 --> 00:27:30,266 And the video from the gas station shows 523 00:27:30,367 --> 00:27:35,467 Justin Jensen with Natasha Brandenburger walking a dog. 524 00:27:35,467 --> 00:27:37,867 And then Zelko and Benson 525 00:27:37,967 --> 00:27:42,667 and Callie Anderson were in Ed's Chrysler 300. 526 00:27:42,667 --> 00:27:44,166 And that's when we knew that they 527 00:27:44,166 --> 00:27:46,300 were now traveling in two different vehicles. 528 00:27:47,300 --> 00:27:50,166 BRIAN: The police figured out where the suspects were going, 529 00:27:50,166 --> 00:27:51,900 in part from a photo that 530 00:27:52,000 --> 00:27:55,058 Justin Jensen sent via Facebook message to someone who 531 00:27:55,058 --> 00:27:56,100 Justin Jensen sent via Facebook message to someone who 532 00:27:56,166 --> 00:27:59,000 lived in the International Falls area, 533 00:27:59,066 --> 00:28:02,400 with him sitting on a couch, holding a weapon in 534 00:28:02,467 --> 00:28:06,767 one hand and a stack of cash in the other hand. 535 00:28:06,767 --> 00:28:08,867 So the police suspected they were fleeing 536 00:28:08,867 --> 00:28:10,667 to International Falls, 537 00:28:10,767 --> 00:28:14,066 which is directly on the border with Canada. 538 00:28:14,066 --> 00:28:18,500 [hospital monitor beeping] 539 00:28:18,567 --> 00:28:20,400 NARRATOR: As authorities race to track down 540 00:28:20,467 --> 00:28:22,200 her so-called friends, 541 00:28:22,266 --> 00:28:24,367 Cheyenne has taken off life support. 542 00:28:25,800 --> 00:28:29,800 NYKKY: June 4th really took a toll on my family. 543 00:28:29,867 --> 00:28:32,567 We just stayed up all night, 544 00:28:32,567 --> 00:28:34,667 talking about memories about Cheyenne 545 00:28:34,767 --> 00:28:38,166 as we sat by her bedside, and... 546 00:28:38,266 --> 00:28:42,000 you know, had a lot of laughs, had a lot of cries. 547 00:28:42,066 --> 00:28:44,967 She just had so much life still ahead of her. 548 00:28:46,867 --> 00:28:50,900 BRITTANY: I felt very disappointed, very, very angry, 549 00:28:52,500 --> 00:28:54,700 because there was gonna be a little boy 550 00:28:54,767 --> 00:28:55,058 who grew up without his mom, and... 551 00:28:55,058 --> 00:28:58,567 who grew up without his mom, and... 552 00:28:58,567 --> 00:28:59,667 the hole... 553 00:29:01,900 --> 00:29:03,867 that was left from her. 554 00:29:04,800 --> 00:29:07,567 And just knowing that I never get to talk to her again. 555 00:29:07,567 --> 00:29:09,066 I'd never get to see her. 556 00:29:12,967 --> 00:29:15,367 And... 557 00:29:15,367 --> 00:29:17,767 [sniffles] 558 00:29:17,867 --> 00:29:18,800 Thank you. 559 00:29:24,166 --> 00:29:25,058 BRYANNA: I was devastated. I... 560 00:29:25,058 --> 00:29:28,500 BRYANNA: I was devastated. I... 561 00:29:28,567 --> 00:29:30,266 I -- there's no other word. 562 00:29:30,367 --> 00:29:31,600 [voice breaking] I was devastated. 563 00:29:33,100 --> 00:29:37,266 She made a bigger impact in my life than 564 00:29:37,266 --> 00:29:39,200 I thought she ever would. 565 00:29:39,266 --> 00:29:40,500 She was just one of those friends 566 00:29:40,567 --> 00:29:42,300 that she always had your back. 567 00:29:43,867 --> 00:29:45,567 The thoughts that were going through my mind 568 00:29:45,567 --> 00:29:48,667 was who could have done this? 569 00:29:48,667 --> 00:29:50,300 Why would they do it? 570 00:29:50,367 --> 00:29:54,166 Because she just didn't have a mean bone in her body. 571 00:29:56,100 --> 00:29:58,166 NARRATOR: As Cheyenne's friends and family struggle 572 00:29:58,166 --> 00:29:59,567 to cope with their loss, 573 00:30:02,367 --> 00:30:05,500 police now have a homicide on their hands. 574 00:30:05,567 --> 00:30:06,667 They locate the house of 575 00:30:06,767 --> 00:30:09,700 Justin's associate in International Falls. 576 00:30:09,767 --> 00:30:12,500 JOE: The Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office ended up 577 00:30:12,567 --> 00:30:15,300 drafting a search warrant for that residence. 578 00:30:15,367 --> 00:30:18,166 When they executed that warrant, they found at 579 00:30:18,266 --> 00:30:22,367 that location Justin Jensen, Natasha Brandenburger, 580 00:30:22,367 --> 00:30:25,058 Callie Anderson, and Shawn Benson. 581 00:30:25,058 --> 00:30:25,100 Callie Anderson, and Shawn Benson. 582 00:30:27,867 --> 00:30:29,700 NARRATOR: All four are arrested on suspicion 583 00:30:29,767 --> 00:30:32,300 of murder and held for questioning, 584 00:30:32,367 --> 00:30:35,667 but without concrete evidence connecting anyone to the crime, 585 00:30:35,767 --> 00:30:38,400 Detective Adams and his partner rush upstate, 586 00:30:38,467 --> 00:30:39,900 knowing that their case 587 00:30:40,000 --> 00:30:42,700 depends on them getting a confession out of someone. 588 00:31:00,166 --> 00:31:01,667 JOE: Detective Lindquist and I came up with 589 00:31:01,767 --> 00:31:04,467 a game plan as to who we would talk to first. 590 00:31:04,467 --> 00:31:07,266 And we figured Callie Anderson may have had the most 591 00:31:07,367 --> 00:31:09,166 minimal involvement, 592 00:31:09,166 --> 00:31:12,767 but she may have known what happened since she had been on 593 00:31:12,767 --> 00:31:16,166 this road trip with them, thinking she would have 594 00:31:16,266 --> 00:31:17,867 information that they had talked about. 595 00:31:17,867 --> 00:31:19,300 So we interviewed her first. 596 00:31:20,800 --> 00:31:22,867 NARRATOR: Callie says the last time she saw her close friend, 597 00:31:22,967 --> 00:31:25,058 Cheyenne, was the night before they left for 598 00:31:25,058 --> 00:31:25,300 Cheyenne, was the night before they left for 599 00:31:25,367 --> 00:31:26,667 International Falls, 600 00:31:28,467 --> 00:31:31,567 Right after Cheyenne's boyfriend was arrested at the house. 601 00:31:45,166 --> 00:31:48,166 Callie told us that there had been a disagreement at 602 00:31:48,266 --> 00:31:51,967 the home in Maple Lake between Natasha Brandenburger 603 00:31:51,967 --> 00:31:53,166 and Cheyenne. 604 00:31:53,166 --> 00:31:55,058 She said that after Devon had been turned 605 00:31:55,058 --> 00:31:56,066 She said that after Devon had been turned 606 00:31:56,066 --> 00:31:57,667 in to the bounty hunters, 607 00:31:57,667 --> 00:32:02,667 Cheyenne believed that Natasha had made that call. 608 00:32:02,767 --> 00:32:05,667 So in turn, Cheyenne was pretty upset about this. 609 00:32:38,000 --> 00:32:39,467 [buzzing noise] 610 00:32:42,300 --> 00:32:44,467 JOE: But ultimately, she didn't have any other real 611 00:32:44,467 --> 00:32:46,767 information as to who took Cheyenne home, 612 00:32:46,867 --> 00:32:48,700 how she got home. 613 00:32:48,767 --> 00:32:50,467 The second interview we conducted 614 00:32:50,467 --> 00:32:52,367 was with Natasha Brandenburger. 615 00:32:58,200 --> 00:33:01,266 We felt that it was important to figure out the nature 616 00:33:01,266 --> 00:33:03,900 of what the argument was between her and Cheyenne 617 00:33:04,000 --> 00:33:05,100 before the shooting. 618 00:33:17,800 --> 00:33:20,166 She pretty much came out and said that she's done. 619 00:33:25,166 --> 00:33:26,166 It seemed like she wanted to 620 00:33:26,266 --> 00:33:27,667 tell the truth about what happened. 621 00:33:43,166 --> 00:33:44,700 It almost seemed like she was trying to get out 622 00:33:44,767 --> 00:33:46,066 from behind it. 623 00:33:56,400 --> 00:33:57,667 NARRATOR: Queen Bee Natasha, 624 00:33:57,667 --> 00:34:00,867 now a suspected killer bee, says that the day before 625 00:34:00,967 --> 00:34:02,967 the murder, Cheyenne was at the house 626 00:34:02,967 --> 00:34:05,066 with her boyfriend, Devon Boyles, 627 00:34:05,066 --> 00:34:08,467 when suddenly a man stormed in and arrested him. 628 00:34:08,567 --> 00:34:12,400 Natasha told us that after Devon had been turned into 629 00:34:12,467 --> 00:34:13,767 the bounty hunters, 630 00:34:13,867 --> 00:34:17,367 Cheyenne believed that she had made that call. 631 00:34:57,667 --> 00:34:59,500 NARRATOR: Afraid that Cheyenne will throw her under 632 00:34:59,567 --> 00:35:01,667 the bus for her outstanding assault warrant, 633 00:35:01,767 --> 00:35:03,667 Callie joins the confrontation. 634 00:35:14,767 --> 00:35:16,266 So the three of them are now all mad 635 00:35:16,367 --> 00:35:19,367 at each other, and they start physically fighting. 636 00:35:20,467 --> 00:35:22,567 And that's when Justin Jensen arrives home, 637 00:35:22,567 --> 00:35:24,300 and he breaks up the fight between them. 638 00:35:26,467 --> 00:35:30,667 Ultimately, the decision was made that Cheyenne needed to go. 639 00:35:30,667 --> 00:35:34,266 So Justin asked Brandenburger to get the gun, 640 00:35:34,367 --> 00:35:36,166 which was the .22 pistol. 641 00:35:36,266 --> 00:35:39,400 He said it was sitting by the chair on the floor. 642 00:35:49,800 --> 00:35:52,000 NARRATOR: Justin passes it on to Callie's boyfriend, 643 00:35:52,100 --> 00:35:54,490 Shawn, who's with Eddie Zelko, 644 00:35:54,490 --> 00:35:54,800 Shawn, who's with Eddie Zelko, 645 00:35:54,867 --> 00:35:57,166 that third guy who had been spotted on that gas station 646 00:35:57,166 --> 00:35:58,567 video talking to Justin. 647 00:36:12,700 --> 00:36:14,767 On their way to taking Cheyenne home, 648 00:36:14,867 --> 00:36:18,500 she made a phone call to her mom at approximately 2:45 AM. 649 00:36:18,567 --> 00:36:21,266 She left a voicemail saying that she's 650 00:36:21,367 --> 00:36:23,166 on her way and gonna be there soon. 651 00:36:25,200 --> 00:36:27,467 NARRATOR: But Cheyenne never made it to her mom's. 652 00:36:38,000 --> 00:36:40,000 [voice breaking] Shawn shot Cheyenne. 653 00:36:46,567 --> 00:36:51,000 Natasha Brandenburger indicated that when Ed Zelko 654 00:36:51,066 --> 00:36:54,490 and Shawn Benson returned to the Maple Lake home, 655 00:36:54,490 --> 00:36:54,500 and Shawn Benson returned to the Maple Lake home, 656 00:36:54,567 --> 00:36:58,567 that Shawn Benson gave a signal to Justin Jensen indicating 657 00:36:58,667 --> 00:37:01,000 that Cheyenne Clough had been shot. 658 00:37:02,200 --> 00:37:03,967 JOE: They go into Justin's bedroom, 659 00:37:03,967 --> 00:37:07,266 and Natasha overhears what they're talking about, and it 660 00:37:07,266 --> 00:37:11,567 becomes quite apparent that Benson shot Cheyenne, 661 00:37:11,667 --> 00:37:14,500 believed to be with the gun that she had picked up on 662 00:37:14,567 --> 00:37:16,667 the floor of the house and given to Justin. 663 00:37:33,967 --> 00:37:34,867 NARRATOR: In her story, 664 00:37:34,967 --> 00:37:37,300 Natasha, perhaps through crocodile tears, 665 00:37:37,367 --> 00:37:38,900 does everything she can 666 00:37:39,000 --> 00:37:41,100 to remove herself from the murder scene. 667 00:38:04,400 --> 00:38:05,600 Yes. 668 00:38:23,700 --> 00:38:24,490 NARRATOR: Natasha Brandenburger sells out boyfriend Justin 669 00:38:24,490 --> 00:38:26,467 NARRATOR: Natasha Brandenburger sells out boyfriend Justin 670 00:38:26,567 --> 00:38:28,667 and the rest of her so-called family 671 00:38:28,767 --> 00:38:31,200 from the house to save her own skin. 672 00:38:32,300 --> 00:38:35,800 During his interrogation, Justin confesses to his role in 673 00:38:35,867 --> 00:38:39,266 the murder and tells police why Cheyenne was killed. 674 00:38:40,600 --> 00:38:44,166 He talked about basically giving the order to 675 00:38:44,166 --> 00:38:48,000 Ed Zelko and Shawn Benson to execute Cheyenne. 676 00:38:48,066 --> 00:38:50,900 He said she was too much trouble, and she was threatening 677 00:38:51,000 --> 00:38:52,467 Callie to be arrested, 678 00:38:52,567 --> 00:38:54,490 which also angered Shawn Benson, who was Callie's boyfriend. 679 00:38:54,490 --> 00:38:56,567 which also angered Shawn Benson, who was Callie's boyfriend. 680 00:38:57,700 --> 00:38:59,867 NARRATOR: The murder weapon is never recovered. 681 00:39:01,467 --> 00:39:04,767 Justin Jensen, Shawn Benson, and Edward Zelko 682 00:39:04,767 --> 00:39:08,467 plead guilty to second-degree intentional murder 683 00:39:08,467 --> 00:39:11,300 and are sentenced with 30 to 40 years in prison. 684 00:39:12,567 --> 00:39:15,367 Despite their ongoing bullying of Cheyenne 685 00:39:15,467 --> 00:39:18,300 and their assault on her that night, 686 00:39:18,367 --> 00:39:23,000 mean girls, Natasha and Callie, avoid charges in the murder. 687 00:39:23,100 --> 00:39:24,490 We didn't have any overt acts or evidence 688 00:39:24,490 --> 00:39:26,500 We didn't have any overt acts or evidence 689 00:39:26,567 --> 00:39:31,166 to charge Natasha Brandenburger or Callie Anderson, 690 00:39:31,166 --> 00:39:34,100 and candidly, we needed witnesses to tell us 691 00:39:34,166 --> 00:39:35,100 what happened, 692 00:39:35,166 --> 00:39:37,066 and Natasha Brandenburger provided 693 00:39:37,066 --> 00:39:39,467 the only statement that implicated Jensen. 694 00:39:39,567 --> 00:39:41,767 So we had to make a choice, which was honestly 695 00:39:41,767 --> 00:39:46,367 an easy choice, to use Natasha Brandenburger as a witness. 696 00:39:46,467 --> 00:39:51,200 She appeared before the grand jury and testified. 697 00:39:51,266 --> 00:39:54,000 The subsequent statement of Callie Anderson 698 00:39:54,066 --> 00:39:54,490 was also used to implicate those individuals. 699 00:39:54,490 --> 00:39:59,100 was also used to implicate those individuals. 700 00:40:00,767 --> 00:40:04,567 NARRATOR: For Cheyenne's family and friends, justice is served, 701 00:40:04,667 --> 00:40:06,700 but only in part. 702 00:40:06,767 --> 00:40:09,467 They feel the full truth about who really 703 00:40:09,467 --> 00:40:12,700 wanted Cheyenne dead is a lot more complicated. 704 00:40:13,800 --> 00:40:15,600 The way they had presented it is 705 00:40:15,667 --> 00:40:19,600 that Justin was the mastermind behind it all. 706 00:40:19,667 --> 00:40:24,367 And then I heard also that Natasha had taken 707 00:40:24,467 --> 00:40:24,490 a plea deal. 708 00:40:24,490 --> 00:40:26,300 a plea deal. 709 00:40:26,367 --> 00:40:30,000 I almost feel sometimes that she was more the mastermind, 710 00:40:30,066 --> 00:40:31,667 because if it wasn't for her saying, 711 00:40:31,667 --> 00:40:34,700 "Do something about her," Cheyenne could still be 712 00:40:34,767 --> 00:40:36,967 here right now. 713 00:40:36,967 --> 00:40:39,166 NARRATOR: While the men pulled the trigger, 714 00:40:39,166 --> 00:40:41,867 the women may have pulled the strings. 715 00:40:41,867 --> 00:40:42,967 I believe she could have 716 00:40:42,967 --> 00:40:46,100 prevented this all 100 percent from happening. 717 00:40:46,166 --> 00:40:49,100 Natasha, I hold her very responsible. 718 00:40:49,166 --> 00:40:51,467 I would label her as the two-faced friend 719 00:40:51,467 --> 00:40:53,667 and not somebody you could trust, 720 00:40:53,767 --> 00:40:54,490 and I don't think you could ever trust her. 721 00:40:54,490 --> 00:40:57,166 and I don't think you could ever trust her. 722 00:40:57,166 --> 00:40:59,000 After she was released, 723 00:40:59,100 --> 00:41:00,800 I ran into her, and I said, 724 00:41:00,867 --> 00:41:05,100 "I can't believe you have the audacity or the guts to show 725 00:41:05,166 --> 00:41:09,400 your face around this town when everybody knows what you did." 726 00:41:09,467 --> 00:41:12,400 NYKKY: Natasha and Callie are worse than the mean girls 727 00:41:12,467 --> 00:41:14,567 you would experience in school for 728 00:41:14,567 --> 00:41:17,367 the simple fact that the mean girls, 729 00:41:17,467 --> 00:41:19,867 they're honest with you for the fact that they don't like you. 730 00:41:19,967 --> 00:41:22,166 Natasha and Callie are the complete opposite. 731 00:41:22,166 --> 00:41:24,490 They lied, they manipulated Cheyenne, 732 00:41:24,490 --> 00:41:26,500 They lied, they manipulated Cheyenne, 733 00:41:26,567 --> 00:41:30,000 and pretended to be somebody that they weren't. 734 00:41:32,266 --> 00:41:34,266 NARRATOR: Cheyenne trusted the wrong women 735 00:41:34,367 --> 00:41:37,100 and paid the ultimate price. 736 00:41:37,166 --> 00:41:39,600 NYKKY: Cheyenne was my number one supporter 737 00:41:39,667 --> 00:41:41,667 in anything I did in life. 738 00:41:41,767 --> 00:41:43,300 She was always someone I could go to. 739 00:41:43,367 --> 00:41:46,467 No matter what, she was, you know, my ride or die. 740 00:41:48,467 --> 00:41:50,367 BRITTANY: Cheyenne was 741 00:41:50,467 --> 00:41:52,367 the light in everybody's world, 742 00:41:52,467 --> 00:41:54,490 so full of life that was cut short. 743 00:41:54,490 --> 00:41:55,400 so full of life that was cut short. 744 00:41:55,467 --> 00:41:57,667 KAYLA: If I could talk to Cheyenne now, 745 00:41:57,767 --> 00:42:01,467 I want her to know I'd be proud of her 746 00:42:01,467 --> 00:42:04,700 for sticking up for herself till the very end.... 747 00:42:07,266 --> 00:42:07,567 and that I love and miss her.