1 00:00:15,000 --> 00:00:19,793 Having fun with Kenzie was very much a serotonin rush. 2 00:00:19,862 --> 00:00:23,379 She was a lot more driven than other kids at that school. 3 00:00:23,379 --> 00:00:25,793 Mackenzie's friends followed her everywhere. 4 00:00:25,793 --> 00:00:27,586 Any bathroom Mackenzie was in, 5 00:00:27,586 --> 00:00:29,793 she had ten girls in there with her. 6 00:00:29,793 --> 00:00:31,379 Most of them wanted to be models, 7 00:00:31,448 --> 00:00:33,172 they wanted to be Instagram famous. 8 00:00:33,172 --> 00:00:35,586 This is a girl who might have a lot of enemies. 9 00:00:35,655 --> 00:00:37,379 Well, I'm just one of those girls that can do 10 00:00:37,379 --> 00:00:39,586 a lot of drugs and not die. 11 00:00:39,586 --> 00:00:41,896 I think there is a dark side to being on social media, 12 00:00:41,896 --> 00:00:44,793 and sometimes teenagers can find themselves 13 00:00:44,793 --> 00:00:47,793 in dangerous situations. 14 00:00:47,793 --> 00:00:51,586 [Mackenzie speaking] 15 00:00:51,586 --> 00:00:53,793 She will burn your world down. 16 00:00:53,862 --> 00:00:56,482 It's like a teenage movie nightmare. 17 00:00:56,482 --> 00:01:01,896 She will come after you until you have nothing left to give. 18 00:01:01,965 --> 00:01:05,068 [man speaking] 19 00:01:05,137 --> 00:01:09,448 [theme music playing] 20 00:01:16,379 --> 00:01:19,000 [sirens wailing] 21 00:01:22,827 --> 00:01:26,448 [Tim] In the morning on July 31, 2022, 22 00:01:28,310 --> 00:01:29,896 police responded to 23 00:01:29,896 --> 00:01:33,586 a horrific, catastrophic car crash. 24 00:01:33,586 --> 00:01:36,965 [officer] Radio, this car is split in two. 25 00:01:38,689 --> 00:01:41,103 [officer] Radio, there's an occupant inside. 26 00:01:41,103 --> 00:01:42,448 We got to bust the window out. 27 00:01:44,000 --> 00:01:45,378 Send us some more units. 28 00:01:46,620 --> 00:01:49,586 [indistinct radio chatter] 29 00:01:49,586 --> 00:01:52,378 -Now! -[indistinct reply on radio] 30 00:01:52,378 --> 00:01:54,586 This is not a fresh accident either. 31 00:01:54,586 --> 00:01:56,689 She's been here for a while. 32 00:01:56,758 --> 00:01:59,689 [Tim] This was a clear summer morning in July. 33 00:01:59,689 --> 00:02:03,379 It was not raining. The roads were dry. 34 00:02:03,379 --> 00:02:06,172 The car looks like it's exploded. 35 00:02:06,241 --> 00:02:08,275 The police didn't think that anybody could have 36 00:02:08,275 --> 00:02:09,896 survived this. 37 00:02:09,896 --> 00:02:12,379 So the first thing they do is run the plate. 38 00:02:12,379 --> 00:02:15,000 [dispatcher] I have a 17-year-old female, Mackenzie. 39 00:02:15,034 --> 00:02:19,275 [narrator] The car belongs to 17-year-old Mackenzie Shirilla. 40 00:02:19,344 --> 00:02:21,275 [bleep] 41 00:02:21,275 --> 00:02:22,896 [officer] That's the worst I've ever seen. 42 00:02:36,103 --> 00:02:38,379 Strongsville, Ohio, is about 20 minutes 43 00:02:38,379 --> 00:02:44,067 southwest of Cleveland, nice little suburb of the city, 44 00:02:44,137 --> 00:02:46,896 some very affluent neighborhoods. 45 00:02:46,965 --> 00:02:50,034 Strongsville's definitely seen as upper class. 46 00:02:53,172 --> 00:02:56,275 You have kids that come from the great big houses 47 00:02:56,344 --> 00:03:00,689 and the parents that buy them everything brand new. 48 00:03:00,689 --> 00:03:03,586 As well-off as they might be, there is a lot of pressure 49 00:03:03,586 --> 00:03:06,172 on teenagers to do well and hopefully better than 50 00:03:06,172 --> 00:03:09,172 their parents did and they want to see their children strive 51 00:03:09,172 --> 00:03:11,482 and achieve something more after high school. 52 00:03:13,896 --> 00:03:15,379 [narrator] And if you're a teenage girl 53 00:03:15,379 --> 00:03:17,379 at Strongsville High, 54 00:03:17,379 --> 00:03:20,482 you're probably focused on sports, SATs, 55 00:03:20,551 --> 00:03:22,275 and applying to the best colleges 56 00:03:22,275 --> 00:03:24,896 as a springboard to the good life, 57 00:03:24,896 --> 00:03:28,275 but 16-year-old Mackenzie Shirilla has her sights set on 58 00:03:28,275 --> 00:03:30,689 a different path to success. 59 00:03:30,689 --> 00:03:32,689 ♪ It's a glow up You can hashtag that ♪ 60 00:03:32,758 --> 00:03:34,896 ♪ Upgrade, new style 61 00:03:34,965 --> 00:03:36,067 ♪ Glow up 62 00:03:36,067 --> 00:03:38,172 ♪ Better go glow girl 63 00:03:38,172 --> 00:03:40,172 [Jaina] When I first met Mackenzie in middle school, 64 00:03:40,172 --> 00:03:41,586 I thought she was 65 00:03:41,586 --> 00:03:45,275 the most beautiful, bright, happiest girl, 66 00:03:45,275 --> 00:03:46,862 and I wanted to just be her friend. 67 00:03:48,586 --> 00:03:51,586 She had a very big personality. 68 00:03:51,586 --> 00:03:52,689 I remember hanging out, 69 00:03:52,689 --> 00:03:54,689 laughing, just having so much fun. 70 00:03:54,689 --> 00:03:57,275 It made me just want to be friends with Kenzie forever. 71 00:03:57,275 --> 00:04:02,000 Having fun with Kenzie was very much a serotonin rush. 72 00:04:06,896 --> 00:04:09,000 [Rachel] Even as a young girl, Mackenzie was driven 73 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:11,275 to have her image out there. 74 00:04:11,275 --> 00:04:12,586 She was always posting 75 00:04:12,586 --> 00:04:15,896 every part of her life on social media, 76 00:04:15,896 --> 00:04:20,000 every friend that she had, everything that she was doing. 77 00:04:20,034 --> 00:04:22,000 Once Mackenzie started high school, 78 00:04:22,000 --> 00:04:25,586 I did notice a drastic change in her, 79 00:04:25,586 --> 00:04:29,068 and she dressed like she was going to apply 80 00:04:29,068 --> 00:04:32,068 for a job in a strip club almost. 81 00:04:32,137 --> 00:04:35,896 In high school, it was half shirts, booty shorts, 82 00:04:35,965 --> 00:04:38,896 furry boots that go up to your knees. 83 00:04:38,896 --> 00:04:41,482 [Davyne] When she came into school, she had new Prada bags 84 00:04:41,482 --> 00:04:43,275 and new fuzzy shoes. 85 00:04:43,344 --> 00:04:46,068 Mackenzie definitely wanted to be the "it" girl 86 00:04:46,068 --> 00:04:48,689 and like everyone looking at her. 87 00:04:48,689 --> 00:04:51,379 Like all her poses would be the same, 88 00:04:51,379 --> 00:04:55,482 like the same like kissy face, the same outfits. 89 00:04:55,482 --> 00:04:58,793 Kenzie did want to be an influencer. 90 00:04:58,793 --> 00:05:02,172 She was a lot more driven than other kids at that school. 91 00:05:02,172 --> 00:05:06,275 She very much wanted to start her career. 92 00:05:06,275 --> 00:05:08,275 This is the one thing I started doing that made me 93 00:05:08,344 --> 00:05:10,482 significantly more attractive. 94 00:05:10,482 --> 00:05:14,689 I am a TikTok content creator and social media strategist. 95 00:05:14,758 --> 00:05:18,379 In order to really build a successful personal brand, 96 00:05:18,448 --> 00:05:21,793 you have to be willing to put yourself out there and be in 97 00:05:21,862 --> 00:05:25,172 touch with what's cool, what's trending of the moment. 98 00:05:25,172 --> 00:05:28,689 A lot of influencers, Their ultimate goal is to make 99 00:05:28,689 --> 00:05:31,482 a living and make a business off of being themselves 100 00:05:31,482 --> 00:05:35,034 and entertaining people who are interested in them. 101 00:05:36,586 --> 00:05:40,172 [Jaina] I would say Kenzie's brand was definitely fashion. 102 00:05:40,172 --> 00:05:41,793 She was very fashionable. 103 00:05:41,862 --> 00:05:45,275 She knew how to put clothes together and to do her makeup, 104 00:05:45,275 --> 00:05:49,482 and she knew what went with what. 105 00:05:49,551 --> 00:05:54,000 I believe she was getting packages from big companies 106 00:05:54,000 --> 00:05:57,586 and having her test them out and post about them. 107 00:06:01,482 --> 00:06:02,896 ♪ All eyes on me 108 00:06:02,965 --> 00:06:05,103 ♪ I shine with everything I do ♪ 109 00:06:05,103 --> 00:06:06,896 ♪ All eyes on me 110 00:06:06,896 --> 00:06:10,172 ♪ Yeah, I'll do me and you do you ♪ 111 00:06:10,172 --> 00:06:14,172 There's absolutely an association with how you look 112 00:06:14,172 --> 00:06:18,896 and how your social media post performs, 113 00:06:18,965 --> 00:06:20,689 and there is a great pressure 114 00:06:20,689 --> 00:06:23,482 to dress well, to have expensive things, 115 00:06:23,551 --> 00:06:26,379 because, "I wanna follow pretty people online." 116 00:06:26,448 --> 00:06:28,793 ♪ Yeah, I'll do me and you do you ♪ 117 00:06:28,862 --> 00:06:30,586 ♪ Yeah, yeah 118 00:06:30,655 --> 00:06:31,793 [narrator] But building a brand 119 00:06:31,793 --> 00:06:34,482 requires more than just the right look. 120 00:06:34,551 --> 00:06:37,482 [Rachel] In order to have the whole party girl package, 121 00:06:37,551 --> 00:06:39,896 you needed the girlfriends to go with it. 122 00:06:39,896 --> 00:06:41,793 You needed the backup. 123 00:06:41,793 --> 00:06:44,275 Mackenzie had that support. 124 00:06:44,275 --> 00:06:46,586 Mackenzie's friends followed her everywhere. 125 00:06:46,586 --> 00:06:48,793 Any hallway Mackenzie walked, 126 00:06:48,862 --> 00:06:52,000 they were walking in a line down the hallway. 127 00:06:52,034 --> 00:06:53,793 Any bathroom Mackenzie was in, 128 00:06:53,862 --> 00:06:56,586 she had 10 girls in there with her. 129 00:06:56,586 --> 00:06:59,793 Her main girls were Rosie and Nina. 130 00:07:01,586 --> 00:07:03,275 [Jaina] Mackenzie was definitely the queen bee, 131 00:07:03,275 --> 00:07:06,068 the star of the show, 132 00:07:06,068 --> 00:07:10,689 and it kind of seemed like they were her security guards. 133 00:07:10,689 --> 00:07:12,172 [Davyne] Most of them wanted to be models, 134 00:07:12,241 --> 00:07:14,379 they wanted to be Instagram famous, like, 135 00:07:14,448 --> 00:07:16,482 "Oh, look at me, I'm out at this party," 136 00:07:16,482 --> 00:07:20,689 or, "Look at this new outfit I got." 137 00:07:20,758 --> 00:07:24,586 They definitely think that they're hot [bleep], 138 00:07:24,655 --> 00:07:27,275 [narrator] And there's one final essential accessory 139 00:07:27,275 --> 00:07:31,137 that Mackenzie flaunts online -- a boyfriend. 140 00:07:32,379 --> 00:07:33,482 [Fiona] When you see a girl online 141 00:07:33,482 --> 00:07:35,068 who has this cute boyfriend 142 00:07:35,068 --> 00:07:37,482 and this relationship that you might not have, that could 143 00:07:37,482 --> 00:07:39,482 be a reason why you follow her, 144 00:07:39,551 --> 00:07:42,000 almost like a reality TV show. 145 00:07:42,000 --> 00:07:43,000 What is she up to now? 146 00:07:43,000 --> 00:07:44,103 Where is she going? 147 00:07:44,103 --> 00:07:45,758 What's her and her boyfriend doing? 148 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:50,482 [Stacey] Dominic Russo is an older boy. 149 00:07:50,482 --> 00:07:54,482 He was a junior when Mackenzie started dating him. 150 00:07:54,482 --> 00:07:57,000 She was three years younger than him. 151 00:07:57,000 --> 00:08:00,172 By the time 2022 comes around, they've been together for 152 00:08:00,172 --> 00:08:04,068 a couple of years. He's 20 and out of school. 153 00:08:04,068 --> 00:08:06,793 He came from a pretty well-to-do family. 154 00:08:06,862 --> 00:08:10,172 Dominic lives in the house next door to his parents. 155 00:08:10,172 --> 00:08:13,896 He had a recording studio in his house. 156 00:08:13,965 --> 00:08:18,896 He also dabbled in investing and Bitcoin. 157 00:08:18,896 --> 00:08:21,172 Obviously, she's very thrilled. 158 00:08:21,241 --> 00:08:24,793 Dom was definitely every girl's dream. 159 00:08:24,862 --> 00:08:28,172 He has curly hair, super tall. 160 00:08:28,172 --> 00:08:31,000 I remember seeing him at school and thinking 161 00:08:31,000 --> 00:08:33,172 oh, my goodness, he is such a gorgeous man, 162 00:08:33,172 --> 00:08:35,586 but he was very bright, he was nice. 163 00:08:35,586 --> 00:08:38,551 Girls were definitely jealous that Kenzie had Dom. 164 00:08:39,620 --> 00:08:41,275 Dominic was goal-oriented. 165 00:08:41,275 --> 00:08:43,275 He had done well with stocks. 166 00:08:43,275 --> 00:08:45,793 He had opened up clothing lines. 167 00:08:45,793 --> 00:08:49,068 He wanted to be a singer. He was writing songs. 168 00:08:50,379 --> 00:08:53,793 He made the money, and he provided for Mackenzie. 169 00:08:53,793 --> 00:08:56,068 She was glued to Dominic's hip. 170 00:08:56,137 --> 00:08:58,241 From the day that they met, they were inseparable. 171 00:09:04,586 --> 00:09:07,586 Mackenzie basically lives in Dominic's house as well, 172 00:09:07,586 --> 00:09:10,379 even though she's only 17. 173 00:09:10,379 --> 00:09:14,068 They're having people over, they're entertaining. 174 00:09:14,137 --> 00:09:15,793 [narrator] By the time her senior year 175 00:09:15,793 --> 00:09:17,103 of high school rolls around, 176 00:09:17,103 --> 00:09:20,275 Mackenzie Shirilla seems to have it all. 177 00:09:20,275 --> 00:09:24,275 A hot boyfriend, a loyal girl squad, 178 00:09:24,275 --> 00:09:26,379 and companies sending her cute merch to model. 179 00:09:26,379 --> 00:09:30,379 She's just living this life that any other girl her age 180 00:09:30,379 --> 00:09:31,655 would envy. 181 00:09:36,103 --> 00:09:39,896 [narrator] But living the life comes with a dark side. 182 00:09:39,965 --> 00:09:42,275 Having an online presence absolutely opens you up 183 00:09:42,275 --> 00:09:43,793 to haters. 184 00:09:43,793 --> 00:09:45,379 There's -- no matter what you post, no matter what 185 00:09:45,379 --> 00:09:48,275 you look like, what you're saying, there are going to be 186 00:09:48,275 --> 00:09:52,068 people who want to start drama. 187 00:09:52,068 --> 00:09:55,172 Being on social media can give you enemies, a lot of them. 188 00:09:58,000 --> 00:09:59,586 Mackenzie had a lot of enemies. 189 00:10:14,275 --> 00:10:18,000 Mackenzie's senior year, she's putting it all out there online. 190 00:10:18,000 --> 00:10:20,896 She's had this rock star life. 191 00:10:20,896 --> 00:10:23,379 She's kind of showing off. 192 00:10:23,379 --> 00:10:26,379 It seems like she's just sitting on top of the world. 193 00:10:26,379 --> 00:10:29,896 A lot of 17-year-olds, like Mackenzie, use these 194 00:10:29,965 --> 00:10:34,482 universal teenager experiences of going to school, 195 00:10:34,551 --> 00:10:37,103 of partying with your friends, of shopping for clothes, 196 00:10:37,103 --> 00:10:39,482 and then take it to the next level, 197 00:10:39,482 --> 00:10:43,172 but there usually are people who are going to be jealous. 198 00:10:43,172 --> 00:10:45,068 So someone on TikTok might see it and feel, 199 00:10:45,137 --> 00:10:46,482 oh, I do those things too, 200 00:10:46,482 --> 00:10:49,758 but why does her life feel one step more glamorous? 201 00:10:49,827 --> 00:10:52,379 Why does it have this kind of extra edge that mine 202 00:10:52,379 --> 00:10:54,275 doesn't have? 203 00:10:54,275 --> 00:10:56,482 [narrator] It's one thing to look great on the 'gram, 204 00:10:56,551 --> 00:11:00,068 but it's quite another to turn yourself into a business. 205 00:11:00,068 --> 00:11:03,482 Mackenzie has followers on her social media accounts, 206 00:11:03,482 --> 00:11:06,482 but it's basically people who directly know her. 207 00:11:06,551 --> 00:11:09,000 She's not TikTok famous yet. 208 00:11:09,000 --> 00:11:13,586 [Jaina] I actually remember Kenzie posting her TikTok 209 00:11:13,655 --> 00:11:17,379 amount of money that she would get from her lives, her videos, 210 00:11:17,379 --> 00:11:18,793 and it wasn't much. 211 00:11:18,793 --> 00:11:20,758 [narrator] If she ever wants to make serious coin 212 00:11:20,758 --> 00:11:23,586 as an influencer, she may need to level up. 213 00:11:23,655 --> 00:11:26,793 I imagine that a young person who gains traction online, 214 00:11:26,793 --> 00:11:30,482 there is a pressure from family and friends to make it 215 00:11:30,482 --> 00:11:33,379 a business and kind of create a lane for themselves, 216 00:11:33,448 --> 00:11:37,586 because once you start, you can really go far with it. 217 00:11:37,586 --> 00:11:41,000 There is this pressure to be online pretty much all 218 00:11:41,000 --> 00:11:45,379 the time, trying new things, being risky, going out of your 219 00:11:45,379 --> 00:11:48,103 comfort zone and opening yourself up, 220 00:11:48,103 --> 00:11:51,758 and it's hard to draw a boundary. 221 00:11:51,758 --> 00:11:53,275 [narrator] You never know who is on 222 00:11:53,344 --> 00:11:56,000 the other side of that screen. 223 00:11:56,000 --> 00:11:57,689 [Fiona] I think there is a dark side 224 00:11:57,758 --> 00:11:59,172 to being on social media 225 00:11:59,172 --> 00:12:01,896 because you do experience negativity, you do experience 226 00:12:01,896 --> 00:12:04,000 these insecure people who might be interacting with 227 00:12:04,000 --> 00:12:08,000 your posts and pages, and it's very unpredictable, 228 00:12:08,000 --> 00:12:11,275 and sometimes teenagers who are willing to take risks 229 00:12:11,275 --> 00:12:13,965 can find themselves in dangerous situations. 230 00:12:15,275 --> 00:12:20,068 Mackenzie always wanted herself seen, whether it was in 231 00:12:20,068 --> 00:12:23,172 a positive way or a negative way. 232 00:12:23,172 --> 00:12:25,689 She always wanted to be seen. 233 00:12:25,689 --> 00:12:29,000 Someone so reckless like Mackenzie definitely does not 234 00:12:29,000 --> 00:12:31,275 care about the repercussions. 235 00:12:31,344 --> 00:12:33,551 Mackenzie should be watching her back. 236 00:12:36,689 --> 00:12:38,896 [narrator] But Mackenzie is too busy living her life 237 00:12:38,896 --> 00:12:41,793 to be bothered by online creepers. 238 00:12:41,793 --> 00:12:44,068 Mackenzie Ford Shirilla. 239 00:12:49,517 --> 00:12:52,068 [narrator] She has a bright future to get to. 240 00:13:02,068 --> 00:13:06,379 [Stacey] It's July 30, 2022, in Strongsville, Ohio, 241 00:13:06,448 --> 00:13:08,586 a lot of graduation parties going on. 242 00:13:08,655 --> 00:13:12,000 It's beautiful weather, and Mackenzie and Dominic are 243 00:13:12,034 --> 00:13:15,103 looking for something fun to do. 244 00:13:15,103 --> 00:13:16,758 So they call up their friend Kelly, 245 00:13:16,827 --> 00:13:18,862 and they decide to stop over there. 246 00:13:20,000 --> 00:13:21,586 [narrator] Along for the ride that evening 247 00:13:21,586 --> 00:13:25,000 is Dominic's good friend Davion Flanagan. 248 00:13:25,000 --> 00:13:28,758 My brother Davion and Dom, they both were into writing 249 00:13:28,827 --> 00:13:31,758 music and singing and Dom did have a studio, 250 00:13:31,827 --> 00:13:34,586 so Davion would just rap at his studio. 251 00:13:34,586 --> 00:13:38,068 Davion is exactly the kind of person that Mackenzie would 252 00:13:38,137 --> 00:13:39,482 want to be seen with. 253 00:13:39,482 --> 00:13:43,896 A 19-year-old popular football player. 254 00:13:43,965 --> 00:13:46,275 [narrator] Turns out Kelly's party isn't poppin', 255 00:13:46,275 --> 00:13:49,896 and Mackenzie's eager to find a cooler crowd. 256 00:13:49,896 --> 00:13:53,379 [Rachel] I did hear that it was a chill time, 257 00:13:53,379 --> 00:13:57,379 and if there's no action, she's leaving. 258 00:13:57,379 --> 00:14:00,275 The three of them only spend about 20, 30 minutes at 259 00:14:00,344 --> 00:14:04,000 Kelly's house, and they stop back at Dominic's to find out 260 00:14:04,000 --> 00:14:07,275 what else might be going on, and then they wind up 261 00:14:07,275 --> 00:14:08,896 at Paul's house. 262 00:14:08,965 --> 00:14:11,379 Mackenzie's really good friends Nina and Rosie are there. 263 00:14:11,379 --> 00:14:13,896 It's not a wild time, but they're content to just 264 00:14:13,896 --> 00:14:18,172 kind of hang out, and around 1 o'clock or so, 265 00:14:18,172 --> 00:14:20,551 Mackenzie falls asleep on the couch. 266 00:14:22,689 --> 00:14:26,379 5:15 in the morning, she, Dominic, 267 00:14:26,448 --> 00:14:28,586 and Davion decide to get up and leave, 268 00:14:28,586 --> 00:14:30,379 to presumably drive home. 269 00:14:33,931 --> 00:14:35,448 The three never made it back. 270 00:14:43,896 --> 00:14:45,965 [officer] Split in half from hitting the building here. 271 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:50,275 It looks like this is where it split. 272 00:14:50,275 --> 00:14:53,482 [Tim] It is a horrific crash. 273 00:14:53,482 --> 00:14:57,172 There are pieces of the car scattered all over. 274 00:14:57,172 --> 00:15:00,172 It looks like it's exploded. 275 00:15:00,172 --> 00:15:02,586 They look inside. 276 00:15:02,655 --> 00:15:04,000 [officer] Oh, my god. 277 00:15:04,034 --> 00:15:06,689 You can hear the distress in the officer's voice. 278 00:15:06,758 --> 00:15:10,482 Who can hear my voice? Holy [bleep] man. 279 00:15:10,482 --> 00:15:12,068 [officer 2] Not good, not good. 280 00:15:12,068 --> 00:15:15,068 [Tim] They see a female driver. 281 00:15:15,137 --> 00:15:18,862 She is wedged with her head underneath the dashboard. 282 00:15:21,896 --> 00:15:23,551 -[officer 2] She's breathing? -[officer 1] She's breathing. 283 00:15:27,275 --> 00:15:30,000 She's breathing. 284 00:15:30,034 --> 00:15:31,275 What's your name, dear? 285 00:15:32,896 --> 00:15:34,034 [Mackenzie speaking] 286 00:15:47,379 --> 00:15:48,586 Just before 6:30, 287 00:15:48,586 --> 00:15:50,965 the Strongsville Fire Department arrives. 288 00:15:51,000 --> 00:15:52,896 [officer] Driver, 17-year-old female, 289 00:15:52,896 --> 00:15:53,965 Still breathing, 290 00:15:54,000 --> 00:15:55,758 wedged in there. 291 00:15:55,827 --> 00:15:58,482 The driver turned out to be 292 00:15:58,482 --> 00:15:59,827 Mackenzie Shirilla. 293 00:16:01,448 --> 00:16:04,758 She was wearing her seat belt. She did have airbags, 294 00:16:04,758 --> 00:16:08,620 and the primary impact was on the passenger side of the car. 295 00:16:10,068 --> 00:16:12,241 She was incredibly lucky to be alive. 296 00:16:12,241 --> 00:16:14,862 Anybody would be lucky to be alive 297 00:16:14,931 --> 00:16:17,034 after a crash of this magnitude. 298 00:16:19,586 --> 00:16:21,000 [narrator] Mackenzie is airlifted 299 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:26,137 to a hospital in Cleveland in critical condition, 300 00:16:26,137 --> 00:16:29,000 but she wasn't alone in the car. 301 00:16:29,000 --> 00:16:31,344 [officer] Radio, we got at least two occupants in here. 302 00:16:31,344 --> 00:16:32,448 No one's moving. 303 00:16:35,448 --> 00:16:36,758 Oh, my God. 304 00:16:39,758 --> 00:16:40,965 Oh, my God. 305 00:16:42,586 --> 00:16:44,068 We got two that are gone. 306 00:16:45,482 --> 00:16:48,586 Police were able to confirm the bodies were those of 307 00:16:48,586 --> 00:16:49,862 Dominic Russo 308 00:16:51,448 --> 00:16:52,758 and Davion Flanagan. 309 00:16:55,482 --> 00:16:59,172 They found they were not wearing their seat belts. 310 00:16:59,172 --> 00:17:02,448 The destruction on especially the passenger side of the car 311 00:17:02,448 --> 00:17:06,689 was so bad that airbags would have been almost useless. 312 00:17:08,000 --> 00:17:09,827 They couldn't have survived this. 313 00:17:15,241 --> 00:17:16,896 It's a gut punch. 314 00:17:16,896 --> 00:17:18,964 You think, what's the worst that could happen? 315 00:17:19,000 --> 00:17:21,344 And the worst that could happen is to get that phone call 316 00:17:21,344 --> 00:17:23,000 from the police. 317 00:17:23,000 --> 00:17:28,103 I literally couldn't speak for about 15 seconds. 318 00:17:28,103 --> 00:17:31,000 The air just left my body. 319 00:17:31,000 --> 00:17:34,068 I hung up the phone and I took a couple minutes just to 320 00:17:34,068 --> 00:17:37,241 myself trying to think, 321 00:17:37,310 --> 00:17:43,758 how the heck am I going to tell my wife and daughters 322 00:17:43,758 --> 00:17:45,172 that Davion is gone? 323 00:17:46,689 --> 00:17:48,448 My parents said, we need to talk to you, 324 00:17:48,448 --> 00:17:50,758 and I said, what happened to Davion? 325 00:17:50,758 --> 00:17:52,275 I'm like, is Davion okay, 326 00:17:52,275 --> 00:17:54,862 because I had, like, a feeling. 327 00:17:54,862 --> 00:17:58,172 And they were like, no, he passed away. 328 00:17:58,172 --> 00:18:00,965 My heart just, like, sunk to the floor. 329 00:18:01,000 --> 00:18:03,758 I was like, how? 330 00:18:03,758 --> 00:18:06,689 This is not real. 331 00:18:10,862 --> 00:18:13,482 I had a call, and it was my dad. 332 00:18:13,482 --> 00:18:17,103 But I could hear something wrong with his voice. 333 00:18:17,103 --> 00:18:19,103 I just sensed it right off the bat. 334 00:18:21,068 --> 00:18:22,862 All's I heard was Dom's, Dom's -- 335 00:18:22,931 --> 00:18:24,068 D-Dom, Dom's gone. 336 00:18:27,793 --> 00:18:29,862 It was just complete, um, 337 00:18:29,931 --> 00:18:33,689 complete shock as to 338 00:18:33,758 --> 00:18:35,586 what had happened, why it happened, 339 00:18:35,586 --> 00:18:39,344 and was Kenzie going to survive? 340 00:18:41,965 --> 00:18:47,896 How sad she'd be when she woke up and realized 341 00:18:47,896 --> 00:18:50,551 you accidentally killed the love of your life 342 00:18:50,620 --> 00:18:52,241 and his friend. 343 00:18:57,793 --> 00:18:59,586 [Tim] Mackenzie had suffered some injuries. 344 00:18:59,586 --> 00:19:01,000 She had a broken femur. 345 00:19:01,000 --> 00:19:04,379 She had a broken humerus bone, several fractured ribs, 346 00:19:04,379 --> 00:19:05,689 and some internal damage. 347 00:19:05,689 --> 00:19:08,344 I know she underwent several surgeries. 348 00:19:08,344 --> 00:19:11,586 When I heard the news, I had texted her and asked her if 349 00:19:11,586 --> 00:19:13,758 she was still alive and if she was okay. 350 00:19:15,000 --> 00:19:17,793 I never got a text back. 351 00:19:17,793 --> 00:19:22,862 So I originally thought that Mackenzie was dead as well, 352 00:19:22,862 --> 00:19:24,137 that she died in the hospital. 353 00:19:24,137 --> 00:19:27,137 That's what most people thought, 354 00:19:27,137 --> 00:19:29,689 and then once she got her phone back, she was on 355 00:19:29,758 --> 00:19:32,413 social media, again, posting stuff. 356 00:19:33,379 --> 00:19:37,482 Initially, she's asking, what happened? 357 00:19:37,482 --> 00:19:39,379 Where are Dominic and Davion? 358 00:19:39,379 --> 00:19:41,620 And she's told that they did not survive. 359 00:19:43,275 --> 00:19:45,586 She's absolutely distraught. 360 00:19:45,586 --> 00:19:48,241 Of course, the first question everybody has for Mackenzie 361 00:19:48,310 --> 00:19:49,517 is, what happened? 362 00:19:52,241 --> 00:19:55,241 My dad was in communication with her and her parents 363 00:19:55,310 --> 00:19:56,689 the whole entire time. 364 00:19:56,758 --> 00:19:59,551 Mackenzie would talk to my dad almost every day 365 00:19:59,620 --> 00:20:02,965 after it happened. She would just cry. 366 00:20:03,000 --> 00:20:05,241 She said she blacked out, couldn't remember. 367 00:20:05,310 --> 00:20:06,862 She hit her head. 368 00:20:06,931 --> 00:20:09,862 She was sorry, and she didn't remember anything. 369 00:20:14,551 --> 00:20:16,482 [narrator] Eight days after the crash, 370 00:20:16,482 --> 00:20:18,827 Dominic Russo is laid to rest. 371 00:20:20,068 --> 00:20:22,758 Mackenzie posts a tribute to her beloved Dom from 372 00:20:22,758 --> 00:20:24,241 her hospital bed. 373 00:20:24,241 --> 00:20:26,448 [Stacey] She starts posting how much she loved him. 374 00:20:26,517 --> 00:20:29,793 She comments, I miss you, Nug, and how much she misses 375 00:20:29,793 --> 00:20:31,586 him and won't be able to go on without him. 376 00:20:31,586 --> 00:20:34,586 The response to her on social media is overwhelming. 377 00:20:34,586 --> 00:20:37,241 Her friends responding, you got this, Kenz. 378 00:20:37,310 --> 00:20:41,931 Strangers just telling her how much they love and support her. 379 00:20:44,275 --> 00:20:46,241 [narrator] One week later, 380 00:20:46,310 --> 00:20:48,896 a funeral is held for Davion Flanagan. 381 00:20:48,896 --> 00:20:53,482 Thank you to Davion for being Davion, the person who I had, 382 00:20:53,482 --> 00:20:56,448 the person who I lost, but will never stop loving, 383 00:20:56,448 --> 00:20:58,965 the person who passed, but will never stop living. 384 00:20:58,965 --> 00:21:01,689 Number five on the football field, but number one 385 00:21:01,689 --> 00:21:02,862 in our hearts. 386 00:21:02,931 --> 00:21:04,344 Thank you, brother, for the memories, 387 00:21:04,413 --> 00:21:07,379 and thank you, my angel, for watching over me. 388 00:21:07,379 --> 00:21:09,896 [Scott] There was an outpouring of support. 389 00:21:09,896 --> 00:21:14,758 There were calls and letters to try to support us 390 00:21:14,827 --> 00:21:17,689 in our loss, but you want to get details. 391 00:21:17,758 --> 00:21:20,344 You want information. 392 00:21:20,344 --> 00:21:22,344 I want to know what happened to our son. 393 00:21:24,137 --> 00:21:26,551 [narrator] As family and friends mourn, 394 00:21:26,620 --> 00:21:27,862 investigators start to build 395 00:21:27,862 --> 00:21:30,172 their theories about what happened. 396 00:21:30,172 --> 00:21:33,034 The starting assumption 397 00:21:33,034 --> 00:21:36,793 was that this was teenagers probably partying on 398 00:21:36,793 --> 00:21:40,344 a Saturday night, driving too fast, acting recklessly, 399 00:21:40,413 --> 00:21:42,172 acting out of control. 400 00:21:42,172 --> 00:21:44,103 [Christine] I was assuming, I don't know, 401 00:21:44,103 --> 00:21:45,068 that she could have been drinking. 402 00:21:45,068 --> 00:21:46,448 They were young. 403 00:21:46,448 --> 00:21:49,034 I thought maybe she was just going fast or something 404 00:21:49,034 --> 00:21:51,103 and lost control. 405 00:21:51,103 --> 00:21:52,551 [Stacey] Another consideration was, 406 00:21:52,551 --> 00:21:54,758 did Mackenzie suffer some sort of medical condition 407 00:21:54,827 --> 00:21:56,551 at the last minute that prevented her 408 00:21:56,551 --> 00:21:59,862 from slamming on the brakes or seeing what was going on, 409 00:21:59,931 --> 00:22:01,241 but police found that there was nothing 410 00:22:01,241 --> 00:22:02,862 in her medical history 411 00:22:02,931 --> 00:22:05,655 or anything that was found when she was in the hospital. 412 00:22:07,275 --> 00:22:09,448 [Tim] Mackenzie's blood was submitted 413 00:22:09,448 --> 00:22:10,793 for toxicology results, 414 00:22:10,793 --> 00:22:13,758 and there was no alcohol in her blood. 415 00:22:13,827 --> 00:22:16,586 The only thing that was in her blood was THC, 416 00:22:16,586 --> 00:22:18,862 consistent with smoking marijuana, 417 00:22:18,931 --> 00:22:20,689 and they're thinking, she's high. 418 00:22:20,689 --> 00:22:25,000 This has got to be the most likely cause of this crash. 419 00:22:25,000 --> 00:22:28,758 [narrator] It looks like yet another teenage tragedy. 420 00:22:28,758 --> 00:22:31,137 But a review of surveillance footage from the night of 421 00:22:31,137 --> 00:22:35,068 the accident reveals something far more disturbing. 422 00:22:35,068 --> 00:22:37,965 There was a camera on a local business that was pointed 423 00:22:37,965 --> 00:22:39,862 almost directly at the intersection 424 00:22:39,862 --> 00:22:41,793 of Progress and Alameda. 425 00:22:41,793 --> 00:22:45,275 What you see at 5:34 in the morning is the Toyota, 426 00:22:45,275 --> 00:22:49,448 driven by Mackenzie slowly approaching a right-hand turn. 427 00:22:49,448 --> 00:22:53,068 The turn signal is on. She's applying the brakes. 428 00:22:53,068 --> 00:22:56,965 And it's a very slow and controlled and deliberate 429 00:22:56,965 --> 00:22:58,379 right-hand turn. 430 00:22:58,379 --> 00:23:03,103 She was not driving consistently with being high on THC. 431 00:23:03,103 --> 00:23:05,793 This was not reckless driving. 432 00:23:05,793 --> 00:23:06,965 [narrator] So what could have happened 433 00:23:06,965 --> 00:23:10,586 to turn this ordinary car ride lethal? 434 00:23:10,586 --> 00:23:13,379 [Tim] Officers are able to locate 435 00:23:13,379 --> 00:23:15,862 video from several businesses. 436 00:23:15,862 --> 00:23:20,379 So the next video is the crash impact video and this is about 437 00:23:20,379 --> 00:23:23,551 50 seconds after the first video. 438 00:23:23,551 --> 00:23:28,137 The video shows the car driven by Mackenzie 439 00:23:28,137 --> 00:23:30,103 for just a matter of seconds. 440 00:23:30,103 --> 00:23:32,896 It's going at an incredibly high rate of speed, 441 00:23:32,896 --> 00:23:35,448 just a white blur like a missile... 442 00:23:38,000 --> 00:23:39,448 ...into the building. 443 00:23:39,517 --> 00:23:44,689 [loud crash] 444 00:23:44,689 --> 00:23:46,551 [narrator] From the video, it appears the brakes 445 00:23:46,551 --> 00:23:47,758 were not applied. 446 00:23:49,689 --> 00:23:51,689 Could they have been tampered with? 447 00:23:51,758 --> 00:23:55,862 It was the speed and the absence of braking that really 448 00:23:55,931 --> 00:23:58,689 made the investigators start thinking this may not 449 00:23:58,758 --> 00:23:59,965 have been an accident. 450 00:24:09,241 --> 00:24:11,793 One of the things investigators notice right off 451 00:24:11,793 --> 00:24:14,896 is that in that video, you never see the brake lights 452 00:24:14,896 --> 00:24:17,862 on the back of the car. There are no skid marks. 453 00:24:17,862 --> 00:24:21,793 There was no sign that the brakes were ever applied 454 00:24:21,793 --> 00:24:25,551 in that car. So they're wondering why. 455 00:24:25,551 --> 00:24:28,344 Police always have to consider, did maybe somebody 456 00:24:28,413 --> 00:24:30,275 sabotage the car? 457 00:24:30,275 --> 00:24:32,448 Was there someone who purposely did something to 458 00:24:32,517 --> 00:24:36,068 the vehicle to make it go out of control? 459 00:24:36,068 --> 00:24:40,275 [narrator] But who doesn't like the most popular girl in school? 460 00:24:40,275 --> 00:24:43,344 It turns out, almost everyone. 461 00:24:44,689 --> 00:24:49,344 Kenzie's change in high school was very drastic. 462 00:24:49,344 --> 00:24:54,344 Kenzie's personality shifted to kind of a darkness. 463 00:24:54,344 --> 00:24:58,103 She was very mean and just aggressive. 464 00:24:58,103 --> 00:25:02,965 It was a very toxic environment to just even be around her. 465 00:25:03,000 --> 00:25:07,758 In reality, Mackenzie was just the meanest girl in school, 466 00:25:07,827 --> 00:25:11,068 and just tore everybody down with her. 467 00:25:11,068 --> 00:25:13,655 When you saw Mackenzie coming down the hallway, 468 00:25:13,724 --> 00:25:16,448 it's best to just get out of the way, 469 00:25:16,517 --> 00:25:20,344 because you don't want the confrontation. 470 00:25:20,413 --> 00:25:24,551 [Davyne] Mackenzie was popular, but for the wrong reasons. 471 00:25:24,620 --> 00:25:28,758 She wasn't a nice popular, she was like the mean popular. 472 00:25:28,758 --> 00:25:32,655 If she was having a bad day, everyone was having a bad day. 473 00:25:32,655 --> 00:25:35,586 [narrator] And Mackenzie didn't just make enemies, 474 00:25:35,586 --> 00:25:37,344 she kept a list. 475 00:25:37,413 --> 00:25:40,448 [Stacey] As investigators dig deeper into who Mackenzie is, 476 00:25:40,448 --> 00:25:44,448 they find that she has this list with a friend that is 477 00:25:44,517 --> 00:25:46,965 their bitch list. 478 00:25:47,000 --> 00:25:50,000 It's a very malicious list of people that they don't like 479 00:25:50,000 --> 00:25:52,758 and whatever they did to the person or what they wanna 480 00:25:52,758 --> 00:25:54,896 do to this person too. 481 00:25:54,896 --> 00:25:57,137 It's just, it's very malicious. 482 00:25:57,137 --> 00:26:01,068 Me and Kenzie had a falling out and she spread lies about it 483 00:26:01,068 --> 00:26:05,275 and put me on social media and called me names. 484 00:26:05,275 --> 00:26:10,965 It was very frustrating. I've had my fair share of 485 00:26:11,000 --> 00:26:13,620 almost fighting Kenzie. 486 00:26:14,689 --> 00:26:18,068 I know I'd be on that list. 487 00:26:18,068 --> 00:26:22,275 Mackenzie wanted Strongsville High School to be played out 488 00:26:22,275 --> 00:26:23,448 like Mean Girls. 489 00:26:23,448 --> 00:26:25,000 She was Regina George, 490 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:27,586 and everybody else were little peasants. 491 00:26:27,586 --> 00:26:30,241 She will burn your world down. 492 00:26:30,241 --> 00:26:35,000 She will come after you until you have nothing left to give. 493 00:26:36,137 --> 00:26:38,689 All of the people that Mackenzie hurt, 494 00:26:38,689 --> 00:26:41,379 they want revenge. 495 00:26:41,379 --> 00:26:44,000 Police are starting to see this is a girl who might have 496 00:26:44,000 --> 00:26:45,068 a lot of enemies. 497 00:26:47,241 --> 00:26:49,344 [narrator] And now the suspect list could include 498 00:26:49,344 --> 00:26:53,551 seemingly every wronged girl at Strongsville High. 499 00:26:53,620 --> 00:26:57,103 [Tim] Investigators had to look at every possibility that there 500 00:26:57,103 --> 00:26:58,620 could have been foul play. 501 00:27:00,241 --> 00:27:04,655 The police department called in a renowned expert 502 00:27:04,724 --> 00:27:07,965 forensic mechanic who was able to conduct a thorough 503 00:27:08,000 --> 00:27:09,551 investigation of that Toyota. 504 00:27:10,965 --> 00:27:14,344 They discovered that the braking systems were 505 00:27:14,344 --> 00:27:17,103 working properly, that the acceleration system 506 00:27:17,103 --> 00:27:21,000 was working correctly, that the suspension was 507 00:27:21,000 --> 00:27:24,655 working properly and that there had not been any 508 00:27:24,655 --> 00:27:27,241 tampering with any of the vital systems of that 509 00:27:27,241 --> 00:27:29,413 Toyota to add to this crash. 510 00:27:32,068 --> 00:27:35,344 [narrator] The mystery of what caused the collision continues. 511 00:27:35,413 --> 00:27:39,000 Perhaps this was just a tragic accident. 512 00:27:39,000 --> 00:27:42,137 The crash may have taken Mackenzie's boyfriend, 513 00:27:42,137 --> 00:27:45,862 but it's also delivering the thing she craves most. 514 00:27:45,862 --> 00:27:49,137 And when she was in the hospital and posting about the situation, 515 00:27:49,137 --> 00:27:51,965 she did gain a lot of followers. 516 00:27:52,000 --> 00:27:54,758 She was in news articles. She was on TikTok. 517 00:27:54,758 --> 00:27:58,448 She was on Instagram. She was trending on Instagram. 518 00:27:58,448 --> 00:28:01,551 While Kenzie was in the hospital, on Instagram, 519 00:28:01,551 --> 00:28:04,965 she had some modeling agency 520 00:28:05,000 --> 00:28:06,655 that was commenting on her pictures, 521 00:28:06,655 --> 00:28:08,758 telling her how beautiful she was and how they would 522 00:28:08,827 --> 00:28:13,551 love to collab and work with her. 523 00:28:13,620 --> 00:28:15,655 She responded, 524 00:28:15,724 --> 00:28:17,482 "Oh, I can't wait either, 525 00:28:17,482 --> 00:28:20,068 thank you so much for this opportunity." 526 00:28:20,068 --> 00:28:21,724 It was shocking. 527 00:28:23,551 --> 00:28:25,896 [Stacey] Two people have just died and you were the driver 528 00:28:25,896 --> 00:28:28,137 of the vehicle, 529 00:28:28,137 --> 00:28:32,793 and yet you're over the moon that this agency has just 530 00:28:32,793 --> 00:28:34,344 reached out to you on social media. 531 00:28:41,793 --> 00:28:44,758 She gets out of the hospital and one of the first things 532 00:28:44,827 --> 00:28:51,275 she does is go to a concert, and she's in a wheelchair 533 00:28:51,275 --> 00:28:53,793 on her phone, presumably on social media, 534 00:28:53,793 --> 00:28:57,034 but she's dressed in a cute little outfit and out partying 535 00:28:57,034 --> 00:28:58,655 with her friends. 536 00:28:58,655 --> 00:29:02,551 [narrator] It's not a crime to have a good time, but my oh my, 537 00:29:02,551 --> 00:29:05,655 how quickly Mackenzie has moved on. 538 00:29:05,655 --> 00:29:07,965 I'm not even cool, I'm just one of those girls that can do 539 00:29:07,965 --> 00:29:09,758 a lot of drugs and not die. 540 00:29:11,586 --> 00:29:16,000 I mean, there's no one who can rationalize why a person would 541 00:29:16,000 --> 00:29:17,241 post something like that, 542 00:29:18,689 --> 00:29:23,034 but the most shocking thing was that Halloween video. 543 00:29:25,172 --> 00:29:28,896 It's now three months after the crash, and it's Halloween, 544 00:29:28,896 --> 00:29:30,551 and Mackenzie posts a video. 545 00:29:30,620 --> 00:29:33,793 It looks like she's dancing in a hotel room with a couple 546 00:29:33,793 --> 00:29:38,655 of her friends, and they jump from dancing 547 00:29:38,724 --> 00:29:42,379 to them in costumes dressed as corpses, 548 00:29:42,379 --> 00:29:46,241 and the reaction was just, it went wild. 549 00:29:46,241 --> 00:29:48,379 [Davyne] I got really, like, upset. 550 00:29:48,379 --> 00:29:49,551 And I'm like, what are they doing? 551 00:29:49,551 --> 00:29:50,965 Like, why are they dressed like that? 552 00:29:51,000 --> 00:29:53,103 So I went to my parents. 553 00:29:53,103 --> 00:29:55,103 [Scott] Davyne was a little detective. 554 00:29:55,103 --> 00:29:58,241 She was getting a lot of information that we were able 555 00:29:58,310 --> 00:30:00,241 to share with the police. 556 00:30:00,241 --> 00:30:05,862 We were just absolutely blown away 557 00:30:05,931 --> 00:30:12,482 by the sheer audacity, the sheer lack of empathy 558 00:30:12,482 --> 00:30:16,000 that those pictures entailed. 559 00:30:16,000 --> 00:30:18,655 Show some remorse. 560 00:30:18,724 --> 00:30:21,413 Put down your phone for five minutes and grieve. 561 00:30:23,275 --> 00:30:26,241 [narrator] Davion's family aren't the only ones going to 562 00:30:26,241 --> 00:30:29,551 the police with stories of Mackenzie's behavior. 563 00:30:29,620 --> 00:30:32,103 While Mackenzie's posting these things, members of 564 00:30:32,103 --> 00:30:36,034 Dominic's family are coming forward and giving an entirely 565 00:30:36,034 --> 00:30:38,310 different side of Mackenzie. 566 00:30:40,586 --> 00:30:43,689 I would say the trouble started when Mackenzie had 567 00:30:43,689 --> 00:30:46,965 first moved in like full time to Dom's house. 568 00:30:48,655 --> 00:30:50,758 She just inserted herself all the time. 569 00:30:50,827 --> 00:30:52,896 Like even if you go through pictures and things like that 570 00:30:52,896 --> 00:30:56,862 and you see Dom with the boys, and there's Kenzie at his hip, 571 00:30:56,931 --> 00:30:59,758 Dom at dinner with his friends at his friend's birthday dinner. 572 00:30:59,758 --> 00:31:01,275 There's Kenzie. 573 00:31:01,275 --> 00:31:03,758 Mackenzie controlled everything Dominic did. 574 00:31:03,827 --> 00:31:06,172 He was responsible for taking her to school 575 00:31:06,172 --> 00:31:07,758 and back sometimes. 576 00:31:07,758 --> 00:31:11,482 He was responsible for cooking her very demanding diet. 577 00:31:11,482 --> 00:31:13,655 He was responsible for entertaining her, 578 00:31:13,655 --> 00:31:15,068 taking her on vacation. 579 00:31:17,275 --> 00:31:20,379 [Stacey] And by the spring of 2022, there's a huge rift 580 00:31:20,379 --> 00:31:23,965 in their relationship, and Mackenzie and Dominic are 581 00:31:24,000 --> 00:31:25,965 not getting along well at all. 582 00:31:27,275 --> 00:31:29,655 [Christine] Every time they would argue or fight, 583 00:31:29,655 --> 00:31:31,965 Mackenzie would throw a fit, 584 00:31:31,965 --> 00:31:34,344 belittle him, call him names, 585 00:31:34,344 --> 00:31:36,137 things like that. 586 00:31:36,137 --> 00:31:38,896 [narrator] Between her demands and her jealousies, 587 00:31:38,896 --> 00:31:40,965 Dom was losing patience. 588 00:31:43,379 --> 00:31:45,965 By the time graduation approaches for Mackenzie 589 00:31:45,965 --> 00:31:49,241 in June of 2022, their three-year relationship 590 00:31:49,310 --> 00:31:50,551 is on the rocks. 591 00:31:52,862 --> 00:31:56,275 I believe people definitely noticed the energy that Dom 592 00:31:56,275 --> 00:31:59,000 was giving her was kind of wearing off. 593 00:31:59,000 --> 00:32:04,241 The presence, him posting her, was kind of slowing down. 594 00:32:04,241 --> 00:32:08,448 I think like he was just outgrowing her, honestly. 595 00:32:08,517 --> 00:32:11,413 [narrator] But nobody ever says no to Mackenzie Shirilla. 596 00:32:19,000 --> 00:32:21,655 [Tim] Dominic's mother had uncovered 597 00:32:21,655 --> 00:32:23,241 videos made by Dominic. 598 00:32:23,241 --> 00:32:27,689 He was using a friend's phone to record an incident where 599 00:32:27,689 --> 00:32:30,965 Mackenzie came to their house and was demanding access 600 00:32:31,000 --> 00:32:32,103 to the house. 601 00:32:49,172 --> 00:32:51,758 [Tim] You can hear the intensity in her voice. 602 00:32:51,758 --> 00:32:55,551 You can hear her intensifying by saying, 603 00:32:55,620 --> 00:32:57,068 "Open up this door right now," 604 00:32:57,068 --> 00:32:59,241 and then she starts saying the things she's going to do. 605 00:33:09,689 --> 00:33:13,655 Hearing the tape and hearing threats, so many threats, 606 00:33:13,655 --> 00:33:18,344 and Dominic's tone just really showed what kind of person 607 00:33:18,344 --> 00:33:21,413 she was, and it brought light to how their relationship was. 608 00:33:24,068 --> 00:33:27,655 [Tim] Dominic certainly was not a perfect person, 609 00:33:27,655 --> 00:33:31,448 and Dominic was as involved in these fights as Mackenzie was 610 00:33:31,448 --> 00:33:33,655 a lot of the time, 611 00:33:33,724 --> 00:33:38,896 but what makes a 20-year-old man make this recording? 612 00:33:38,896 --> 00:33:42,758 He's trying to leave some kind of a trail. 613 00:33:42,827 --> 00:33:46,862 He's trying to leave something because something is coming. 614 00:33:49,586 --> 00:33:53,275 We learned from Dominic's mother that there was 615 00:33:53,275 --> 00:33:56,000 an incident about two weeks before the crash 616 00:33:56,000 --> 00:33:59,241 where Dominic had called his mother. 617 00:33:59,310 --> 00:34:04,000 He was in a car with Mackenzie on Interstate 71. 618 00:34:04,000 --> 00:34:05,344 He was telling his mother 619 00:34:05,344 --> 00:34:07,344 that Mackenzie was driving erratically... 620 00:34:07,344 --> 00:34:08,757 [car revving] 621 00:34:08,757 --> 00:34:10,516 ...and threatening to crash the car. 622 00:34:12,585 --> 00:34:14,034 [crashing] 623 00:34:19,585 --> 00:34:22,068 [Stacey] At this point, police have already ruled out 624 00:34:22,068 --> 00:34:24,137 mechanical or sabotage 625 00:34:24,137 --> 00:34:26,000 or drugs or alcohol. 626 00:34:26,000 --> 00:34:27,965 They've ruled out medical. 627 00:34:27,965 --> 00:34:30,551 While police continue to canvass for evidence, 628 00:34:30,551 --> 00:34:32,310 they get cell phone records. 629 00:34:33,688 --> 00:34:38,206 What was retrieved from Mackenzie's phone was a GPS 630 00:34:38,206 --> 00:34:42,862 hit literally at that intersection of the impact site, 631 00:34:42,931 --> 00:34:46,137 indicating that at least her cell phone had been there 632 00:34:46,137 --> 00:34:49,241 just three days before the crash. 633 00:34:49,241 --> 00:34:51,482 [Stacey] And the question is, why would she be there? 634 00:34:51,482 --> 00:34:54,793 It's not near her home. She doesn't work there. 635 00:34:54,793 --> 00:34:57,482 It's in the middle of an industrial park, 636 00:34:57,482 --> 00:34:58,758 an office park, 637 00:34:58,758 --> 00:35:02,275 and yet, there she is driving this same path. 638 00:35:03,310 --> 00:35:08,103 [narrator] To investigators, it looks like a dry run. 639 00:35:08,103 --> 00:35:11,551 [Tim] Mackenzie knew that street. 640 00:35:11,620 --> 00:35:14,310 I believe she knew exactly what she was going to do when 641 00:35:14,310 --> 00:35:16,655 she turned on to Progress, 642 00:35:16,724 --> 00:35:20,172 and I think that most likely that night, Dominic told 643 00:35:20,172 --> 00:35:21,517 Mackenzie he was leaving. 644 00:35:22,896 --> 00:35:25,034 Mackenzie is not used to being told no. 645 00:35:25,034 --> 00:35:27,655 She gets her way, or something is going 646 00:35:27,655 --> 00:35:29,793 to happen. 647 00:35:29,793 --> 00:35:32,862 [Stacey] Without Dominic, Mackenzie loses the free 648 00:35:32,862 --> 00:35:34,965 lifestyle at his house. 649 00:35:35,000 --> 00:35:38,448 She loses the boyfriend on her arm. 650 00:35:38,517 --> 00:35:43,172 Mackenzie loses her whole identity without Dominic. 651 00:35:43,172 --> 00:35:44,793 [Tim] He's such a big part of her image. 652 00:35:44,793 --> 00:35:46,689 He's such a big part of her brand, 653 00:35:46,689 --> 00:35:49,068 and without that, 654 00:35:49,068 --> 00:35:51,551 she has to go back home and be a normal high school kid again. 655 00:35:53,482 --> 00:35:56,275 I think that you see that when she's posting, 656 00:35:56,275 --> 00:35:58,103 I'm the girl you die for. 657 00:36:01,275 --> 00:36:05,862 She turned that corner and she put her fuzzy Prada slipper 658 00:36:05,931 --> 00:36:07,379 to the floor of that Toyota 659 00:36:09,000 --> 00:36:10,344 and never lifted it up. 660 00:36:10,344 --> 00:36:12,896 She never attempted to hit the brakes. 661 00:36:12,896 --> 00:36:15,586 [narrator] Investigators arrive at a conclusion 662 00:36:15,586 --> 00:36:19,241 almost too unbelievable to bear. 663 00:36:19,241 --> 00:36:22,448 [Tim] She did this on purpose. 664 00:36:25,586 --> 00:36:30,000 This was her solution to life without Dominic. 665 00:36:30,000 --> 00:36:34,482 And Davion was seen as just cargo to Mackenzie. 666 00:36:34,482 --> 00:36:37,586 She was clearly trying to take all three of their lives. 667 00:36:37,586 --> 00:36:39,965 The detectives struggled to believe it because 668 00:36:39,965 --> 00:36:44,103 they couldn't comprehend that somebody could do this, 669 00:36:44,103 --> 00:36:48,655 a, and survive, but do it intentionally, 670 00:36:48,655 --> 00:36:53,862 but there was no other possible explanation. 671 00:36:53,862 --> 00:36:57,827 Nobody leaves her. The devil wears Prada. 672 00:37:06,275 --> 00:37:07,689 [officer] Hi, Mackenzie. 673 00:37:07,689 --> 00:37:09,758 You're under arrest for aggravated murder times two. 674 00:37:09,758 --> 00:37:11,862 Could you please be careful taking this one off so 675 00:37:11,862 --> 00:37:13,103 it doesn't break the bracelet, please? 676 00:37:13,103 --> 00:37:14,379 [officer] You got it. You got it. 677 00:37:14,379 --> 00:37:17,965 [Scott] It was shocking, and yet it felt -- 678 00:37:18,000 --> 00:37:20,344 [sighs] You felt a sense of relief. 679 00:37:20,344 --> 00:37:22,862 Like, all we wanted was the truth from the very start. 680 00:37:22,931 --> 00:37:24,758 That's all we ever wanted. 681 00:37:25,965 --> 00:37:28,862 [narrator] Mackenzie faces 12 separate charges, 682 00:37:28,862 --> 00:37:31,448 including for the murder of Dominic Russo 683 00:37:31,517 --> 00:37:33,586 and Davion Flanagan. 684 00:37:33,586 --> 00:37:35,448 She will be tried as an adult. 685 00:37:40,310 --> 00:37:42,137 [Stacey] I covered Mackenzie's trial, 686 00:37:42,137 --> 00:37:45,896 and what stood out to me is to look at how she showed up 687 00:37:45,896 --> 00:37:51,310 at trial, all demure and young and innocent looking, 688 00:37:51,310 --> 00:37:55,551 no makeup on her face and her hair just brushed straight down, 689 00:37:55,620 --> 00:37:58,000 very different from the image that she had put out there 690 00:37:58,000 --> 00:37:59,275 for the world. 691 00:38:00,310 --> 00:38:03,034 She still claimed she was innocent, 692 00:38:03,034 --> 00:38:07,206 tearfully apologized, saying she would never do this on purpose. 693 00:38:07,206 --> 00:38:11,000 Her defense, they were claiming, 694 00:38:11,000 --> 00:38:14,344 she blacked out and doesn't remember and woke up 695 00:38:14,344 --> 00:38:16,965 in the hospital, and that's it. 696 00:38:16,965 --> 00:38:19,275 She loved him. 697 00:38:19,275 --> 00:38:21,896 My dad was always very forgiving of her, but the way 698 00:38:21,896 --> 00:38:24,758 that the prosecution, you know, presented it... 699 00:38:24,758 --> 00:38:27,068 But she used the car to kill Dominic Russo. 700 00:38:27,068 --> 00:38:29,344 ...that really changed our minds about 701 00:38:29,344 --> 00:38:31,655 her and everything, the whole situation. 702 00:38:31,655 --> 00:38:33,172 The car was the weapon. 703 00:38:33,172 --> 00:38:35,862 And it is just exactly like that she took a gun and shot 704 00:38:35,862 --> 00:38:37,172 Dominic and Davion. 705 00:38:41,689 --> 00:38:44,448 Your decisions forever robbed Dominic and Davion 706 00:38:44,448 --> 00:38:46,896 of the futures that they had before them. 707 00:38:46,896 --> 00:38:48,862 She had a mission, and she executed 708 00:38:48,862 --> 00:38:50,862 it with precision. 709 00:38:50,862 --> 00:38:56,000 Her actions were controlled, methodical, deliberate, 710 00:38:56,000 --> 00:39:00,448 intentional, and purposeful. This was not reckless driving. 711 00:39:00,517 --> 00:39:02,379 This was murder. 712 00:39:02,379 --> 00:39:05,551 [Tim] She delivered a verdict guilty on all counts, 713 00:39:05,551 --> 00:39:09,551 including the purposeful murder of Davion Flanagan 714 00:39:09,620 --> 00:39:10,724 and Dominic Russo. 715 00:39:11,862 --> 00:39:14,448 [Scott] I didn't feel happy at all. 716 00:39:14,448 --> 00:39:16,655 I didn't feel joy. 717 00:39:16,655 --> 00:39:21,000 I felt relief, like, good, she's not out there anymore. 718 00:39:21,000 --> 00:39:23,034 She can't hurt anyone else. 719 00:39:23,034 --> 00:39:24,965 She can't hurt herself even. 720 00:39:25,000 --> 00:39:28,275 Um, just, just put her away 721 00:39:28,275 --> 00:39:31,586 and let there be justice for Davion and Dominic. 722 00:39:31,586 --> 00:39:33,310 [judge] There's only one person who's responsible 723 00:39:33,310 --> 00:39:34,965 for the pain of everyone in this room, 724 00:39:35,000 --> 00:39:38,103 and that person is you, Mackenzie. 725 00:39:38,103 --> 00:39:41,068 [narrator] Mackenzie Shirilla is sentenced to a minimum 726 00:39:41,068 --> 00:39:44,448 of 15 years to life in prison. 727 00:39:44,517 --> 00:39:46,482 Mackenzie, she wanted the likes, 728 00:39:46,482 --> 00:39:51,000 she wanted the followers, she wanted to be at the top. 729 00:39:51,000 --> 00:39:54,793 Mackenzie gets what she wants. Mackenzie is never punished, 730 00:39:54,793 --> 00:39:57,655 and now Mackenzie is punished, 731 00:39:57,655 --> 00:40:00,965 and there's nothing Mackenzie or her family can do. 732 00:40:03,034 --> 00:40:06,862 I believe that Kenzie was terrible to people because 733 00:40:06,931 --> 00:40:09,551 that's just how she felt within herself. 734 00:40:11,137 --> 00:40:15,241 I know she could have been a lot more if she just chose 735 00:40:15,241 --> 00:40:18,137 a different route and got the help she needed. 736 00:40:21,551 --> 00:40:25,551 And I can't really put into words, especially putting into 737 00:40:25,551 --> 00:40:28,034 words what Dominic means to our family, 738 00:40:28,034 --> 00:40:29,551 and the loss, that's, you know, 739 00:40:29,551 --> 00:40:31,103 what it's done to us. 740 00:40:31,103 --> 00:40:33,551 It's just that there's no, there's not many words for it. 741 00:40:40,137 --> 00:40:42,482 The most important thing I want people to know about 742 00:40:42,482 --> 00:40:47,965 Davion is that he wasn't just backseat cargo. 743 00:40:47,965 --> 00:40:53,965 Like, he was someone's kid, 744 00:40:53,965 --> 00:40:59,551 and he was, like, my brother to me and my sister, 745 00:40:59,620 --> 00:41:03,000 and just because, like, he's gone now doesn't mean, 746 00:41:03,000 --> 00:41:05,586 like, the memory of him should fade. 747 00:41:05,586 --> 00:41:10,655 Like, that's all I have left, and I want it to last forever. 748 00:41:17,241 --> 00:41:19,241 On the next Mean Girl Murders... 749 00:41:19,241 --> 00:41:21,344 Everything about uptown is luxury, 750 00:41:21,344 --> 00:41:24,379 The typical uptyown girl enjoys a skinny latte, 751 00:41:24,379 --> 00:41:27,379 enjoys going to yoga, buys from Lululemon. 752 00:41:27,379 --> 00:41:29,482 Crystal wants to Brenda 753 00:41:29,482 --> 00:41:31,448 and Brenda wants to be Kendra 754 00:41:31,448 --> 00:41:32,793 no matter the cost.