1 00:02:24,390 --> 00:02:25,980 你睡的好吗 警督 {\fscx070\fscy070}How'd you sleep, Lieutenant? 2 00:02:25,980 --> 00:02:28,400 -想让我撒谎吗 -算是吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}You want me to lie to you? - Sort of. 3 00:02:28,400 --> 00:02:30,900 超好 像个婴儿 {\fscx070\fscy070}Fantastic. Like a baby. 4 00:02:32,400 --> 00:02:33,820 早上好 警探 {\fscx070\fscy070}Good morning, Detective. 5 00:02:36,620 --> 00:02:38,570 早上好 睡得超好 {\fscx070\fscy070}Good morning. Lieutenant slept great. 6 00:02:38,580 --> 00:02:40,950 我没问 而且她不可能睡得好 {\fscx070\fscy070}I didn't ask. And no, she did not. 7 00:02:45,250 --> 00:02:48,920 梅森认为安东尼·阿科斯塔的死亡时间是下午三点到五点 {\fscx070\fscy070}Mason puts Anthony Acosta's death between three and five p...m. 8 00:02:48,920 --> 00:02:50,000 猎枪确认了吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Confirmation of shotgun? 9 00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:51,170 就是凶器 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's the murder weapon. 10 00:02:51,670 --> 00:02:53,050 近亲属呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}Next of kin? 11 00:02:53,050 --> 00:02:56,180 主要嫌疑人 妻子勒奈特·阿科斯塔 消失了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Primary suspect, the wife, Lynette Acosta, vanished. 12 00:02:56,800 --> 00:02:59,760 他们有个女儿 莱蒂 在圣克鲁兹上学 {\fscx070\fscy070}They have one daughter, Letty, studying up in Santa Cruz. 13 00:02:59,760 --> 00:03:01,720 应该在来这的路上了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Should be on her way down here now. 14 00:03:01,720 --> 00:03:03,180 你通知她的 {\fscx070\fscy070}You gave her the news? 15 00:03:07,810 --> 00:03:10,270 那么 那我们要怎么找到他妻子呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}So, how do we find the wife? 16 00:03:10,940 --> 00:03:14,610 唯一的近亲属是她的妹妹 索菲亚·贝利耶 {\fscx070\fscy070}Only other next of kin is the sister, Sofia Bellier. 17 00:03:19,240 --> 00:03:20,370 谁干的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Who did this? 18 00:03:21,290 --> 00:03:23,830 嘿 这谁干的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Hey! Who did this? 19 00:03:26,160 --> 00:03:27,830 谁在板子上乱改的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Who changed our board? 20 00:03:27,830 --> 00:03:30,500 一个人死了 主要嫌疑犯失踪了 {\fscx070\fscy070}A man is dead. Our primary suspect is missing. 21 00:03:30,500 --> 00:03:31,670 这不是开玩笑的 {\fscx070\fscy070}This is not a joke. 22 00:03:34,210 --> 00:03:37,510 达芙妮 我要知道是谁干的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Daphne, I wanna know who did this. 23 00:03:39,010 --> 00:03:40,890 妈 {\fscx070\fscy070}Mom 24 00:03:40,890 --> 00:03:42,560 不 我们不需要一本关于城堡的杂志 {\fscx070\fscy070}No, we don't need a magazine about castles. 25 00:03:43,350 --> 00:03:44,310 放回去 {\fscx070\fscy070}Put it back. 26 00:03:45,680 --> 00:03:47,060 -不行 -就是支唇彩 {\fscx070\fscy070}Uh- uh. It's just lip gloss. 27 00:03:47,060 --> 00:03:48,980 我前晚看了个纪录片 {\fscx070\fscy070}You know, I watched a documentary the other night, 28 00:03:48,980 --> 00:03:51,310 我们可以用蜂蜡自己做唇彩 {\fscx070\fscy070}we can make our own lip gloss out of beeswax. 29 00:03:51,320 --> 00:03:53,400 就像我们自己做洗涤剂 结果都出疹了一样吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Like when we made our own detergent and all got rashes? 30 00:03:53,400 --> 00:03:55,570 那也可能是口蹄疫 我们没法确定 {\fscx070\fscy070}That could have been foot and- mouth, we don't know. 31 00:03:55,570 --> 00:03:57,280 你为什么不能学学你妹呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}Why can't you be more like your sister? 32 00:03:57,280 --> 00:03:58,570 她刚想吃除臭剂呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}She just tried to eat deodorant. 33 00:03:58,570 --> 00:04:00,160 你看她多开心啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}And look how happy she is. 34 00:04:06,500 --> 00:04:08,410 好的一共是 {\fscx070\fscy070}AII right. Your grand total is one 35 00:04:08,420 --> 00:04:10,580 168.47 {\fscx070\fscy070}168.47. 36 00:04:10,580 --> 00:04:15,130 173.81 不过你估算的还挺准的 {\fscx070\fscy070}$173.81. Good guess though. 37 00:04:15,130 --> 00:04:17,840 嗯 就是168.47 {\fscx070\fscy070}Yeah, it's- it's 168.47. 38 00:04:17,840 --> 00:04:20,340 -抱歉 是100 -也许你忘了给我减优惠券的钱了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sorry, it's one hundred- - Oh. Maybe you missed a coupon. 39 00:04:21,510 --> 00:04:27,350 洗衣粉七折 7.87 减掉2.36就是5.51 {\fscx070\fscy070}Uh, 30%off detergent at 7. 87, that's 2. 36 for a total of 5. 51. 40 00:04:27,940 --> 00:04:30,140 草莓打八五折 也就是84美分 {\fscx070\fscy070}15%off strawberries, that's 84 cents. 41 00:04:30,150 --> 00:04:32,310 最多两个 所以你扫这个两次就行了 {\fscx070\fscy070}And up to two, so you can scan this one twice. 42 00:04:33,900 --> 00:04:38,740 好的 菜籽油折价35% 7.88 总共5.13 {\fscx070\fscy070}Okay. 35%off canola oil at 7. 88, 5. 13 total. 43 00:04:38,740 --> 00:04:42,110 好吧 其实我担心的是这个 {\fscx070\fscy070}Oh. Okay, I was worried about this one'cause I had a little falling- out 44 00:04:42,120 --> 00:04:43,950 因为我和高朋团购的人闹翻了 但我道歉了 {\fscx070\fscy070}with the Groupon people, but I apologized, 45 00:04:43,950 --> 00:04:45,990 -所以应该没事了 -那个我扫过了 {\fscx070\fscy070}We were supposed to be good. - That one scanned. 46 00:04:45,990 --> 00:04:47,700 再加3.12 {\fscx070\fscy070}3. 12 more then. 47 00:04:49,330 --> 00:04:51,960 火腿明天过期 所以给了六折 {\fscx070\fscy070}The ham expires tomorrow, so we get 40%off. 48 00:04:51,960 --> 00:04:55,210 6.15 {\fscx070\fscy070}That is $6.15. 49 00:04:55,210 --> 00:04:58,090 没错 所以总数是168.47 {\fscx070\fscy070}Yeah, the total is 168.47. 50 00:05:09,100 --> 00:05:11,770 4.99加上税5.34 {\fscx070\fscy070}4.99 plus tax is 5.34. 51 00:05:11,770 --> 00:05:16,230 173.81减去5.34就是168.47 {\fscx070\fscy070}173.81 minus 5.34 is 168.47. 52 00:05:18,240 --> 00:05:19,240 谢谢 {\fscx070\fscy070}Thank you. 53 00:05:30,410 --> 00:05:32,870 这谁啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}Who the hell is this? 54 00:05:41,470 --> 00:05:42,720 什么时候我们才能把车取回来啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}When are we getting the car back? 55 00:05:42,720 --> 00:05:44,590 你知道化油器要花多少钱吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Do you have any idea how much carburetors cost? 56 00:05:45,510 --> 00:05:47,510 395.95 {\fscx070\fscy070}$395.95. 57 00:05:47,510 --> 00:05:48,720 再加上税呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}Now, plus tax. 58 00:05:48,720 --> 00:05:50,730 420.89 -加人工 {\fscx070\fscy070}-420.89.-Plus labor. 59 00:05:50,730 --> 00:05:53,850 -我不知道人工要加多少 -没人知道 {\fscx070\fscy070}I don't know how much labor costs. - Nobody does. 60 00:05:53,850 --> 00:05:55,730 你们俩别显摆了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Stop showing off, both of you. 61 00:05:56,320 --> 00:05:58,020 你们可以像正常人那样在超市付款 {\fscx070\fscy070}You can pay for groceries like a normal person. 62 00:05:58,030 --> 00:05:59,900 -没必要演 -我又不是故意的 {\fscx070\fscy070}You don't have to perform. - It's not on purpose. 63 00:05:59,900 --> 00:06:01,530 我看到数字就会这样 控制不了 {\fscx070\fscy070}I just see the numbers. I can't help it. 64 00:06:02,200 --> 00:06:03,030 我们到站了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Oh. This is our stop. 65 00:06:04,030 --> 00:06:05,160 司机 能放一下残疾人坡道吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Driver, can you put out the disabled ramp? 66 00:06:05,700 --> 00:06:07,410 让他把残疾人坡道放下来 {\fscx070\fscy070}Ask him to put out the disabled ramp. 67 00:06:07,410 --> 00:06:08,370 -不要 妈 -司机 {\fscx070\fscy070}No. Mom! - Driver! 68 00:06:13,370 --> 00:06:14,370 你能去捡一下吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Could you grab'em? 69 00:06:14,960 --> 00:06:16,830 -我们有很多选择 -我知道 {\fscx070\fscy070}We got a lot of options. I know, buddy. 70 00:06:16,840 --> 00:06:18,000 你饿不 走吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}You hungry? Let's gol 71 00:06:20,710 --> 00:06:22,550 里面见 克洛伊 {\fscx070\fscy070}Ooh. Oops I' 72 00:06:24,640 --> 00:06:26,550 都没人帮个忙吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Don't even offer to help 73 00:06:26,550 --> 00:06:28,220 我来吧 我来 {\fscx070\fscy070}I got it. I got it. 74 00:06:28,220 --> 00:06:29,430 没事 亨利 我能搞定 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's okay, Henry. I can manage. 75 00:06:29,430 --> 00:06:30,390 谢谢 {\fscx070\fscy070}Thank you. 76 00:06:31,350 --> 00:06:32,560 来吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Come on. 77 00:06:32,560 --> 00:06:34,390 别把你的老身子骨弄折了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Don't break your old body. 78 00:06:34,390 --> 00:06:36,230 我现在可不能没保姆用 {\fscx070\fscy070}I can't afford to lose a babysitter right now. 79 00:06:36,230 --> 00:06:38,480 你的关心真是让人感动啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}Your concern is truly touching. 80 00:06:39,690 --> 00:06:41,190 你有卢多的消息吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Have you heard from Ludo? 81 00:06:41,860 --> 00:06:44,490 我们每天都通话 亨利 共同抚养嘛 {\fscx070\fscy070}We talk every day, Henry. We co- parent. 82 00:06:44,490 --> 00:06:47,410 我们不是敌人 只是不在一起了 {\fscx070\fscy070}We're not enemies, we're just not together anymore. 83 00:06:47,410 --> 00:06:49,870 他有问起过我吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Does he ever ask about me? 84 00:06:51,040 --> 00:06:52,200 一直都有 {\fscx070\fscy070}All the time. 85 00:06:52,200 --> 00:06:53,620 他说失去你是最难熬的 {\fscx070\fscy070}He says losing you was the hardest part. 86 00:06:56,540 --> 00:06:58,290 这样最好 你知道的 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's for the best and you know it. 87 00:06:58,290 --> 00:07:00,420 -卢多搞不定我 -很少人能吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Ludo can't handle me. - Few can. 88 00:07:03,880 --> 00:07:06,300 摩根·吉洛里 我是卡拉迪克警探 {\fscx070\fscy070}Morgan Gillory, I'm Detective Karadec. 89 00:07:06,300 --> 00:07:09,050 这位是奥兹迪尔警探 我们需要你到警局来一趟 {\fscx070\fscy070}This is Detective Ozdil We need you to come down to the station. 90 00:07:22,190 --> 00:07:24,440 有时候音乐掌控一切 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sometimes the music takes control. 91 00:07:25,490 --> 00:07:28,320 篡改刑事案件是重罪 {\fscx070\fscy070}Tampering with a criminal case is a serious crime. 92 00:07:28,870 --> 00:07:30,530 妨碍司法公正也是 {\fscx070\fscy070}So is obstruction of justice. 93 00:07:30,530 --> 00:07:33,330 我没有篡改啊 我看到了其中的问题就试图解决了 {\fscx070\fscy070}It wasn't tampering. I saw a problem and I tried to fix it. 94 00:07:33,330 --> 00:07:35,160 -你是想帮我们咯 -不是 {\fscx070\fscy070}You were trying to help us? - No. 95 00:07:35,160 --> 00:07:37,460 我不在乎你们 我只是想睡个好觉 {\fscx070\fscy070}I don't care about you. I wanted to be able to sleep. 96 00:07:39,750 --> 00:07:42,340 我有一种纠正错误的冲动 {\fscx070\fscy070}I have a compulsion to put things right. 97 00:07:42,340 --> 00:07:44,460 如果我看到有错 我就得纠正过来 {\fscx070\fscy070}If I see a mistake, I need to correct it. 98 00:07:44,460 --> 00:07:46,220 否则我整晚都会睡不着 {\fscx070\fscy070}Otherwise, I'm up all night obsessing. 99 00:07:46,680 --> 00:07:48,590 我只是在清理你们的烂摊子而已 {\fscx070\fscy070}That's all I was doing, cleaning up your mess. 100 00:07:48,590 --> 00:07:50,090 因为这个你们要抓我吗 行 那就抓呗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Wanna arrest me for that? Fine. Go ahead. 101 00:07:50,100 --> 00:07:51,260 行 {\fscx070\fscy070}You got it. 102 00:07:54,770 --> 00:07:56,390 你看到什么错误了 {\fscx070\fscy070}What mistakes did you see? 103 00:08:02,570 --> 00:08:06,490 好吧 这是一具尸体 {\fscx070\fscy070}Okay. So you got a dead body. 104 00:08:09,950 --> 00:08:11,490 我猜你们认为这位女士杀死了她丈夫 但那是不可能的 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'm assuming you think this lady offed her husband, but that's not possible. 105 00:08:11,490 --> 00:08:12,620 看看这个房间 {\fscx070\fscy070}Look at this room. 106 00:08:12,620 --> 00:08:14,330 这个沙发 {\fscx070\fscy070}Look at this couch. 107 00:08:14,330 --> 00:08:17,620 所有抱枕都是均匀间隔的 颜色交替 {\fscx070\fscy070}AlI of these pillows are evenly spaced with alternating colors. 108 00:08:17,620 --> 00:08:19,000 看看这些架子 {\fscx070\fscy070}Check out these shelves. 109 00:08:19,000 --> 00:08:21,580 这些摆件的尺寸都很完美 {\fscx070\fscy070}Those objects are perfectly sized. 110 00:08:21,590 --> 00:08:23,500 连金属的选择都是一致的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Even the choice of metals is consistent. 111 00:08:23,500 --> 00:08:26,550 这房子一尘不染 房主肯定有洁癖 {\fscx070\fscy070}This house is immaculate. The owner is a tidiness freak. 112 00:08:26,550 --> 00:08:27,590 除了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Except 113 00:08:30,010 --> 00:08:32,350 所有这些窗帘都是用一根窗帘绳系紧的 {\fscx070\fscy070}all of these curtains are fastened with a tieback 114 00:08:32,350 --> 00:08:34,140 除了这根 不知出于何种原因 {\fscx070\fscy070}except for one for some reason. 115 00:08:36,180 --> 00:08:37,270 奇怪 对吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}That's odd, isn't it? 116 00:08:37,270 --> 00:08:39,100 你是说这个 {\fscx070\fscy070}You're telling me this woman, 117 00:08:39,100 --> 00:08:40,940 精心整理沙发靠枕的女人 {\fscx070\fscy070}who meticulously arranges her couch pillows, 118 00:08:40,940 --> 00:08:42,860 不在乎她的窗帘吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}doesn't care about her curtains? 119 00:08:43,980 --> 00:08:46,320 所以这根窗帘绳肯定是被用在别的地方了 {\fscx070\fscy070}So the tieback must have been used for something else. 120 00:08:47,030 --> 00:08:49,280 看这个 有头发粘在椅子腿上 {\fscx070\fscy070}See, look. You've got hair stuck to the chair leg. 121 00:08:49,280 --> 00:08:51,910 有人用胶带缠上了它 然后又撕了下来 {\fscx070\fscy070}Somebody put tape around it, ripped it off, 122 00:08:51,910 --> 00:08:54,370 胶粘住了小块碎片 {\fscx070\fscy070}the glue stayed and trapped the little bits. 123 00:08:54,990 --> 00:08:57,410 样品在检验部门 现场没有发现胶带 {\fscx070\fscy070}The samples are at the lab. We found no tape at the scene. 124 00:08:57,410 --> 00:09:00,580 也就是说有人被窗帘绳绑住了脚踝 {\fscx070\fscy070}That means someone was tied up with the curtain cord 125 00:09:00,580 --> 00:09:02,540 然后绑在了椅子上 {\fscx070\fscy070}and taped to the chair around their ankles. 126 00:09:02,540 --> 00:09:05,630 鉴于死者手腕上没有痕迹 {\fscx070\fscy070}And since there are no marks on the victim's wrist, 127 00:09:05,630 --> 00:09:07,300 被绑的人不是他 {\fscx070\fscy070}it wasn't him who was tied up, 128 00:09:07,970 --> 00:09:10,300 也就是说现场还有第三个人 {\fscx070\fscy070}which means there was a third person. 129 00:09:10,800 --> 00:09:14,100 所以是勒奈特被绑在了椅子上 受害人躺在地上 {\fscx070\fscy070}We have Lynette tied to the chair, victim on the ground 130 00:09:14,100 --> 00:09:16,220 而这个未知的束缚狂 {\fscx070\fscy070}and our unknown bondage freak, 131 00:09:16,220 --> 00:09:18,270 绑架或杀害了勒奈特 {\fscx070\fscy070}who has either kidnapped or bumped off Lynette. 132 00:09:18,270 --> 00:09:20,310 那才是你们要找的人 {\fscx070\fscy070}That's the person you need to find. 133 00:09:21,190 --> 00:09:24,980 所以 你们搞错了 我纠正了 {\fscx070\fscy070}So, you guys made mistakes, I've fixed them. 134 00:09:25,480 --> 00:09:26,980 也不是什么大不了的事 {\fscx070\fscy070}Let's not make a big deal out of this. 135 00:09:26,980 --> 00:09:28,780 你们要去找嫌疑人 {\fscx070\fscy070}You got a suspect to find. 136 00:09:28,780 --> 00:09:32,110 我在明天之前得把临期的火腿吃了 {\fscx070\fscy070}I have some expired ham to fry up before tomorrow. 137 00:09:32,110 --> 00:09:34,240 -所以 不介意的话我失陪了 -坐下 {\fscx070\fscy070}So, if you will excuse me. Sit down. 138 00:09:35,200 --> 00:09:36,580 我们等下检验结果 {\fscx070\fscy070}Let's wait for the lab results. 139 00:09:36,580 --> 00:09:37,990 现在你只是猜测而已 {\fscx070\fscy070}For now, this is just speculation. 140 00:09:38,620 --> 00:09:40,040 我们拿到了监控视频 {\fscx070\fscy070}We have the surveillance footage. 141 00:09:40,040 --> 00:09:42,620 有人看见一名妇女在谋杀发生时进入房子 {\fscx070\fscy070}A woman was seen entering the house at the time of the murder. 142 00:09:42,620 --> 00:09:43,670 第三个人 {\fscx070\fscy070}The third person. 143 00:09:47,090 --> 00:09:48,960 奥兹 请送吉洛里小姐去拘留室 {\fscx070\fscy070}Oz, please escort Miss Gillory to the holding cell 144 00:09:48,960 --> 00:09:50,760 -什么 -我们得核实一下你的说法 {\fscx070\fscy070}What? - We have to check your story out. 145 00:09:50,760 --> 00:09:52,930 如果没问题 那你就没什么好担心的 {\fscx070\fscy070}If it all checks out, then you have nothing to worry about. 146 00:09:52,930 --> 00:09:55,090 -我会自己站起来 -夫人 {\fscx070\fscy070}Yeah, I know how to stand. - Ma'am- - 147 00:09:55,100 --> 00:09:56,100 谢谢啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}Thanks. 148 00:09:57,260 --> 00:09:59,600 我就是在收拾你们的烂摊子 {\fscx070\fscy070}I was just cleaning up your mess. 149 00:09:59,600 --> 00:10:01,180 不客气 {\fscx070\fscy070}You're welcome. 150 00:10:01,190 --> 00:10:03,980 什么时候开始你都把正在调查的案件给平民看了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Since when do you show an open case file toa civilian? 151 00:10:03,980 --> 00:10:05,440 还可能是一个潜在的嫌疑人 {\fscx070\fscy070}A potential suspect? 152 00:10:05,440 --> 00:10:07,440 你能反驳她的话吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Can you refute anything she said? 153 00:10:09,940 --> 00:10:11,030 不能 {\fscx070\fscy070}No. 154 00:10:11,860 --> 00:10:13,700 我们必须核实 因为如果她说的对 {\fscx070\fscy070}We have to be sure because if she's right- - 155 00:10:13,700 --> 00:10:17,740 那我们现在的凶杀案调查就搁浅了 没有任何线索 {\fscx070\fscy070}Then we currently have a botched homicide investigation with no leads. 156 00:10:17,740 --> 00:10:19,620 甚至更糟糕 {\fscx070\fscy070}And even worse 157 00:10:22,540 --> 00:10:23,660 还有第二个受害人 {\fscx070\fscy070}We have a second victim. 158 00:10:30,300 --> 00:10:31,420 喂 {\fscx070\fscy070}Hello? 159 00:10:33,970 --> 00:10:35,840 这是阿科斯塔家 {\fscx070\fscy070}This is footage from the Acosta house 160 00:10:35,840 --> 00:10:37,550 在谋杀发生时的视频 {\fscx070\fscy070}at the approximate time of the murder. 161 00:10:37,550 --> 00:10:38,680 她是谁 {\fscx070\fscy070}Who is she? 162 00:10:38,680 --> 00:10:40,350 丽施卡·张 {\fscx070\fscy070}Lishka Zhang. 163 00:10:40,350 --> 00:10:42,560 几个月前 她对勒奈特·阿科斯塔的一个客户 {\fscx070\fscy070}A few months ago, she filed a civil lawsuit 164 00:10:42,560 --> 00:10:44,560 提起了民事诉讼 {\fscx070\fscy070}against one of Lynette Acosta's clients. 165 00:10:44,560 --> 00:10:47,560 阿斯科塔赢了官司 张好像不太能接受这个结果 {\fscx070\fscy070}Acosta won the case. It appears Zhang didn't take it well. 166 00:10:47,560 --> 00:10:50,070 她开始给阿科斯塔发威胁邮件 {\fscx070\fscy070}She started sending threatening emails to Acosta. 167 00:10:55,700 --> 00:10:59,870 张小姐 3个月前 你起诉了布莱恩·戴蒙 {\fscx070\fscy070}Miss Zhang, three months ago, you sued Brian Dimon 168 00:10:59,870 --> 00:11:01,830 你在空间技术公司的老板 {\fscx070\fscy070}your boss at Spatial Technologies. 169 00:11:01,830 --> 00:11:04,410 他骚扰了我几个月 {\fscx070\fscy070}He harassed me for months. 170 00:11:05,250 --> 00:11:06,960 我用尽一切方法拒绝了他 {\fscx070\fscy070}I ran out of ways to tell him no. 171 00:11:06,960 --> 00:11:11,460 然后有一晚 他把我锁在他办公室里猥亵了我 {\fscx070\fscy070}So, one night, he locked me in his office and assaulted me. 172 00:11:11,460 --> 00:11:14,300 我报了警 我想你们这里应该有记录 {\fscx070\fscy070}I reported it to the police. I'm sure you have that in your file. 173 00:11:14,300 --> 00:11:15,930 证据不足 {\fscx070\fscy070}Insufficient evidence. 174 00:11:17,090 --> 00:11:20,300 不能提起刑事指控 所以我就把他给告了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Couldn't file criminal charges, so I sued him. 175 00:11:20,310 --> 00:11:21,350 但你没告赢 {\fscx070\fscy070}And you lost. 176 00:11:22,770 --> 00:11:24,100 所以你才一直给勒奈特·阿科斯塔发威胁邮件吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Is that why you've been sending Lynette Acosta threatening emails? 177 00:11:24,100 --> 00:11:26,270 我只是想问勒奈特·阿科斯塔 {\fscx070\fscy070}I was just questioning why Lynette Acosta 178 00:11:26,270 --> 00:11:29,610 为什么她要跟人同谋 欺负我这样一个弱女子 {\fscx070\fscy070}chose to be complicit in the suffering of women like me. 179 00:11:29,610 --> 00:11:31,070 你生她的气 {\fscx070\fscy070}You were angry at Mrs. Acosta? 180 00:11:31,070 --> 00:11:32,400 当然 {\fscx070\fscy070}Of course. 181 00:11:32,400 --> 00:11:35,190 即便袭击你的是戴蒙 {\fscx070\fscy070}Even though Dimon was the one who assaulted you. 182 00:11:35,200 --> 00:11:37,360 我当然也生他的气 {\fscx070\fscy070}I am angry with him too, 183 00:11:37,360 --> 00:11:40,120 但是警局在这件事上辜负了我 {\fscx070\fscy070}but the police failed me on that front. 184 00:11:43,500 --> 00:11:45,830 你昨天去阿斯科塔家做什么 {\fscx070\fscy070}What were you doing at Acosta's house yesterday? 185 00:11:45,830 --> 00:11:48,120 我昨天没进她家 {\fscx070\fscy070}I wasn't at her house yesterday. 186 00:11:48,130 --> 00:11:49,710 监控拍到你了 {\fscx070\fscy070}We have you on video. 187 00:11:50,500 --> 00:11:54,670 而且在你到达后30分钟 安东尼·阿科斯塔就死了 {\fscx070\fscy070}And 30 minutes after you arrived, Anthony Acosta was dead. 188 00:11:57,970 --> 00:11:59,050 这不可能 {\fscx070\fscy070}That's impossible. 189 00:11:59,050 --> 00:12:01,550 不 我昨天没去那 {\fscx070\fscy070}No. No, I- I wasn't there yesterday. 190 00:12:03,180 --> 00:12:06,600 我昨天一整天都在家办公 {\fscx070\fscy070}I was at home all day working. 191 00:12:06,600 --> 00:12:08,020 有人能证明吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Can anyone confirm that? 192 00:12:11,320 --> 00:12:12,570 没有 {\fscx070\fscy070}No. 193 00:12:17,240 --> 00:12:20,160 你没事了 只需要签个字就可以走了 {\fscx070\fscy070}You're cleared. Just need you to sign your paperwork and you're good to go. 194 00:12:21,410 --> 00:12:23,660 张说不知道勒奈特在哪 {\fscx070\fscy070}She claims to know nothing about Lynette's whereabouts, 195 00:12:23,660 --> 00:12:25,790 但她没有不在场证明 {\fscx070\fscy070}but Zhang has no alibi. 196 00:12:25,790 --> 00:12:27,620 监控拍到她在现场出现 而且她也有动机 {\fscx070\fscy070}We have her at the scene, and we have motive. 197 00:12:27,620 --> 00:12:30,290 一旦我们逮捕了她 就会向她询问勒奈特的位置 {\fscx070\fscy070}Once we make the arrest, we'll lean on her for Lynette's location. 198 00:12:30,290 --> 00:12:31,920 -开始记录吧 -好 {\fscx070\fscy070}Start writing it up. Yeah. 199 00:12:34,170 --> 00:12:36,210 视频的时间戳上日期有问题 {\fscx070\fscy070}The video has the wrong date on the time stamp. 200 00:12:36,220 --> 00:12:38,170 这事跟你没关系了 {\fscx070\fscy070}This doesn't concern you anymore. 201 00:12:38,180 --> 00:12:39,180 太好了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Great. 202 00:12:40,760 --> 00:12:42,930 等等 你在说什么 {\fscx070\fscy070}Wait, what are you talking about? 203 00:12:44,220 --> 00:12:45,600 那不是昨天的视频 {\fscx070\fscy070}That's not from yesterday. 204 00:12:45,600 --> 00:12:46,810 看看那些树 {\fscx070\fscy070}Look at the trees. 205 00:12:46,810 --> 00:12:48,600 风从南吹到北 {\fscx070\fscy070}The wind is blowing from south to north. 206 00:12:52,900 --> 00:12:55,360 洛杉矶盆地的风在夏季从南方吹来 {\fscx070\fscy070}Wind in the LA basin blows from the south in the summer, 207 00:12:55,360 --> 00:12:57,900 特别是在7月中旬到9月 {\fscx070\fscy070}specifically mid July to September. 208 00:12:57,900 --> 00:12:59,360 然后在深秋 {\fscx070\fscy070}Then in late fall, 209 00:12:59,360 --> 00:13:02,570 风从北方吹来 在一月份达到顶峰 {\fscx070\fscy070}winds shift in from the north, peaking in January. 210 00:13:03,080 --> 00:13:04,780 所以那肯定是几个月前的了 {\fscx070\fscy070}So that's gotta be from several months ago. 211 00:13:04,790 --> 00:13:06,830 你怎么知道风往哪个方向吹的 {\fscx070\fscy070}How do you know which way the wind is blowing? 212 00:13:06,830 --> 00:13:08,700 你好好看视频了吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Have you even looked at your footage? 213 00:13:09,580 --> 00:13:10,830 有个教堂对吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}You got a church. 214 00:13:14,800 --> 00:13:15,920 教堂是朝东的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Churches face east. 215 00:13:17,420 --> 00:13:19,470 好吧 在八世纪 {\fscx070\fscy070}Okay, uh, around the eighth century, 216 00:13:19,470 --> 00:13:22,220 牧师们开始将他们的教堂朝向东方 {\fscx070\fscy070}priests started orienting their churches facing east. 217 00:13:22,220 --> 00:13:25,850 他们说这是基于耶路撒冷圣殿的设计 {\fscx070\fscy070}They said it was based off the designs for the holy temple in Jerusalem. 218 00:13:25,850 --> 00:13:30,230 但也有可能他们想让身后的日出让自己看起来更像神 {\fscx070\fscy070}But it's also possible that they wanted the sunrise behind them 219 00:13:30,230 --> 00:13:33,310 更令人印象深刻 有上帝的感觉 {\fscx070\fscy070}to make themselves appear more godlike and impressive. 220 00:13:34,270 --> 00:13:36,070 但现在我们不需要深挖这个 {\fscx070\fscy070}But that's not something we need to get into right now. 221 00:13:36,780 --> 00:13:38,940 所有教堂都是朝东的吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}AlI churches face east? 222 00:13:38,940 --> 00:13:41,280 而且风难道不会转向吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}And can't the wind change direction? 223 00:13:41,280 --> 00:13:44,570 这里的天主教堂是建于19世纪的 所以是的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Catholic churches built here in the 1800s do, so yes. 224 00:13:45,030 --> 00:13:48,450 而且昨天刮的绝对是北风 {\fscx070\fscy070}And the wind was definitely blowing from the north yesterday. 225 00:13:51,460 --> 00:13:54,080 这两点她都说对了 {\fscx070\fscy070}She's right on both counts. 226 00:13:56,090 --> 00:13:57,630 有人篡改了视频 {\fscx070\fscy070}Someone doctored the video. 227 00:14:00,670 --> 00:14:01,840 走了哈 {\fscx070\fscy070}See ya. 228 00:14:02,970 --> 00:14:04,470 我的天哪 {\fscx070\fscy070}Good Lord. 229 00:14:04,470 --> 00:14:06,600 等会儿 {\fscx070\fscy070}Wait. 230 00:14:07,310 --> 00:14:09,020 你是怎么做到的 {\fscx070\fscy070}How do you do that? 231 00:14:09,020 --> 00:14:11,890 我不是说了吗 我不怎么睡 看了好多纪录片 {\fscx070\fscy070}Like I told you, I don't sleep much. Watch a lot of documentaries 232 00:14:11,890 --> 00:14:15,310 这可解释不了 {\fscx070\fscy070}That doesn't remotely explain this. 233 00:14:17,650 --> 00:14:21,150 而且我智商160 所以可能也有点关系 {\fscx070\fscy070}I also have an IQ of 160, so that might have something to do with it. 234 00:14:21,150 --> 00:14:23,150 但你能从一部好的纪录片中学到很多 {\fscx070\fscy070}But you can learn a lot from a good documentary. 235 00:14:23,160 --> 00:14:24,490 多到超乎你想象 {\fscx070\fscy070}You'd be surprised. 236 00:14:25,160 --> 00:14:27,200 是因为智商高啦 搞清楚了 我能走了不 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's a high IQ, we get it. Can I go now? 237 00:14:27,200 --> 00:14:31,790 我认识很多很聪明的人 但都跟你不一样 {\fscx070\fscy070}I know a lot of really smart people and they're not you. 238 00:14:33,330 --> 00:14:36,040 专业术语是高潜能智力 {\fscx070\fscy070}The technical term is high potential intellectual. 239 00:14:36,040 --> 00:14:38,540 意思是拥有高级的认知能力 {\fscx070\fscy070}Means you have advanced cognitive abilities. 240 00:14:38,550 --> 00:14:42,340 智力创造力 过目不忘之类的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Intellectual creativity, photographic memory, stuff like that. 241 00:14:42,340 --> 00:14:44,800 但我也不知道 我一直都这样 {\fscx070\fscy070}But I don't know, I've just always been this way. 242 00:14:44,800 --> 00:14:46,720 所以这算是种天赋吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}So, it's some sort of a gift? 243 00:14:46,720 --> 00:14:48,510 不 不是天赋 {\fscx070\fscy070}No, not a gift. 244 00:14:49,010 --> 00:14:51,390 我会纠结于看到的每个小问题 {\fscx070\fscy070}I obsess over every little problem I see. 245 00:14:51,390 --> 00:14:54,350 我大脑不停的疯狂运转 {\fscx070\fscy070}My mind is constantly spinning out of control, 246 00:14:54,900 --> 00:14:59,480 让我没办法正常工作 维持关系 {\fscx070\fscy070}which makes it impossible to hold a job, relationship 247 00:15:00,190 --> 00:15:01,480 完成一场谈话 {\fscx070\fscy070}A conversation. 248 00:15:05,200 --> 00:15:06,240 不是天赋 {\fscx070\fscy070}Not a gift. 249 00:15:15,670 --> 00:15:17,000 摩根 {\fscx070\fscy070}Morgan. 250 00:15:17,000 --> 00:15:18,750 卢多 你怎么会在这儿 {\fscx070\fscy070}Ludo? What are you doing here? 251 00:15:18,750 --> 00:15:20,960 艾略特打给我说你又被捕了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Elliot called me and told me you were arrested again. 252 00:15:20,960 --> 00:15:22,920 严格来说这次不算是被捕 {\fscx070\fscy070}I was not technically arrested this time. 253 00:15:22,920 --> 00:15:24,300 真棒 倒是让人松了口气 {\fscx070\fscy070}Well, great That's a relief. 254 00:15:24,300 --> 00:15:25,720 -孩子谁在看啊 -嘿 {\fscx070\fscy070}Who's watching our children? - Hey. 255 00:15:26,260 --> 00:15:27,760 去别处吵去 {\fscx070\fscy070}Take it somewhere else. 256 00:15:28,260 --> 00:15:30,470 我也想 但你们挡道了啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}Id love to, but you're standing right in the way. 257 00:15:31,850 --> 00:15:33,810 -瞅他干嘛 -麻烦别瞅我 {\fscx070\fscy070}Why are you looking at him? - Please don't look at me. 258 00:15:33,810 --> 00:15:36,230 -把她带走 -他不会带我去任何地方 {\fscx070\fscy070}Take her out of here. He's not taking me anywhere. 259 00:15:36,230 --> 00:15:38,060 他是驾校教练 {\fscx070\fscy070}He is a driver's ed instructor. 260 00:15:38,060 --> 00:15:39,610 现在说这个也没啥关系 {\fscx070\fscy070}That's not really relevant right now. 261 00:15:39,610 --> 00:15:41,270 要你开着练习车过来就有关系了 {\fscx070\fscy070}It is if you show up in your rehearsal car 262 00:15:41,280 --> 00:15:42,780 -那样我就不会被抓 -我不在乎 {\fscx070\fscy070}which I will not be caught- - - I don't care. 263 00:15:42,780 --> 00:15:44,360 给她戴上嚼子 不然我就动手了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Put a muzzle on her or I will. 264 00:15:44,360 --> 00:15:46,070 你不该说这话 {\fscx070\fscy070}Oh. That's not what you should say. Oh. 265 00:15:46,070 --> 00:15:48,450 -你刚是说 别碰我 好吗 -好了 摩根 {\fscx070\fscy070}Did you say- Don't touch me, okay? - Okay. Morgan- 266 00:15:48,450 --> 00:15:50,780 -摩根 别 -行 没事 我不会 {\fscx070\fscy070}Morgan, let's not Okay. That's fine. I'm not gonna 267 00:15:50,780 --> 00:15:52,200 -她有 -嘿 {\fscx070\fscy070}She's got a- - Hey! 268 00:15:53,250 --> 00:15:54,580 放开我 {\fscx070\fscy070}Get off me! 269 00:15:57,880 --> 00:16:00,040 -见到你总是很开心 摩根 -别挑事儿哈 {\fscx070\fscy070}Always fun to see you, Morgan. Don't start. 270 00:16:02,880 --> 00:16:04,840 嘿 还要多久啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}Hey, how much longer is this gonna take? 271 00:16:04,840 --> 00:16:07,430 你们知道请保姆照顾孩子有多贵吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Do you have any idea how expensive childcare is these days? 272 00:16:07,430 --> 00:16:09,090 等等 你现在给亨利钱了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Wait, you're paying Henry now? 273 00:16:09,090 --> 00:16:10,720 不 这就不必告诉她了 {\fscx070\fscy070}No, she doesn't have to know that. 274 00:16:13,430 --> 00:16:14,970 对了 亨利很想你 {\fscx070\fscy070}Henry misses you, by the way. 275 00:16:24,940 --> 00:16:28,110 莱蒂·阿科斯塔 我是卡拉迪克警探 我们通过电话 {\fscx070\fscy070}Letty Acosta, I'm Detective Karadec. We spoke on the phone. 276 00:16:28,110 --> 00:16:30,700 我负责调查你父亲的死因 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'm handling the investigation of your father's death. 277 00:16:30,700 --> 00:16:32,990 节哀顺变 {\fscx070\fscy070}Im very sorry for your loss. 278 00:16:36,830 --> 00:16:38,330 我妈妈也死了是吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}My mom's dead too, isn't she? 279 00:16:39,830 --> 00:16:41,080 不清楚 {\fscx070\fscy070}I don't know. 280 00:16:41,960 --> 00:16:44,420 但我相信她还健在 {\fscx070\fscy070}But I believe that she's out there, and she's alive, 281 00:16:44,420 --> 00:16:47,050 我一定会找到她的 {\fscx070\fscy070}and I will not stop looking until I find her. 282 00:16:48,220 --> 00:16:49,590 但我需要你帮忙 莱蒂 {\fscx070\fscy070}But Ineed your help, Letty. 283 00:16:49,590 --> 00:16:52,090 你告诉我的越多 我们行动就越快 {\fscx070\fscy070}The more you can tell me, the faster we can move. 284 00:16:56,060 --> 00:16:57,850 妈妈最近日子很不好过 {\fscx070\fscy070}Mom's been having a hard time. 285 00:16:57,850 --> 00:17:00,020 她有个同事 {\fscx070\fscy070}She had a colleague at work. 286 00:17:00,020 --> 00:17:01,060 自杀了 {\fscx070\fscy070}She killed herself. 287 00:17:01,690 --> 00:17:03,480 妈妈应该是觉得很内疚 {\fscx070\fscy070}I think Mom felt guilty about it 288 00:17:03,480 --> 00:17:05,570 -她同事叫什么 -不知道 {\fscx070\fscy070}Who was this colleague? - I don't know 289 00:17:05,570 --> 00:17:09,530 但几周前她给妈妈写了封信 自那以后 {\fscx070\fscy070}But she wrote Mom a letter a couple weeks back and after that, 290 00:17:10,110 --> 00:17:11,360 妈妈就开始胡思乱想了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Mom started to spiral. 291 00:17:11,370 --> 00:17:12,950 信上说了什么 {\fscx070\fscy070}What did the letter say? 292 00:17:12,950 --> 00:17:14,030 她不肯跟我说 {\fscx070\fscy070}She wouldn't tell me. 293 00:17:14,030 --> 00:17:15,490 但她被吓到了 {\fscx070\fscy070}But it shook her up bad. 294 00:17:16,950 --> 00:17:18,910 这一切就是从那时候开始的 {\fscx070\fscy070}And that's really when all this started. 295 00:17:19,460 --> 00:17:22,080 你知道你妈妈可能把信藏哪里吗 莱蒂 {\fscx070\fscy070}Do you know where your mom might keep a letter like that, Letty? 296 00:17:22,080 --> 00:17:24,630 如果家里没有 就在她办公室 {\fscx070\fscy070}If it's not at the house, it would be in her office. 297 00:17:25,210 --> 00:17:26,500 你不知道寄信人是谁 {\fscx070\fscy070}And you don't know who sent it? 298 00:17:26,510 --> 00:17:28,460 只知道叫什么 是叫 {\fscx070\fscy070}Only her first name. It was um- 299 00:17:29,050 --> 00:17:30,010 萨拉 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sarah. 300 00:17:31,590 --> 00:17:33,890 因为这是谋杀案调查的物证 {\fscx070\fscy070}Because it's material evidence into a homicide investigation. 301 00:17:37,220 --> 00:17:39,060 我明白 我明白 {\fscx070\fscy070}I understand. I understand. 302 00:17:39,060 --> 00:17:40,390 好的 先生 谢谢 {\fscx070\fscy070}Yes, sir. Thank you. 303 00:17:41,020 --> 00:17:42,140 没用 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's no use. 304 00:17:42,150 --> 00:17:43,940 勒奈特·阿科斯塔是个辩护律师 {\fscx070\fscy070}Lynette Acosta is a defense attorney. 305 00:17:43,940 --> 00:17:47,190 我们没办法仅凭她提到有个叫萨拉的人寄了封信 {\fscx070\fscy070}There's no way we're gonna get a warrant to search her law offices 306 00:17:47,190 --> 00:17:50,320 就申请搜查令搜查她的律师事务所 {\fscx070\fscy070}based on the vague mention of a letter from someone named Sarah. 307 00:17:50,320 --> 00:17:52,820 我去他们办公室看看能不能说服他们改变态度 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'm gonna go down to their offices and appeal to their better nature. 308 00:17:52,820 --> 00:17:54,280 我觉得可能性不大 {\fscx070\fscy070}I don't like our odds. 309 00:17:54,280 --> 00:17:55,950 我也不看好 但什么办法都得试试 对吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Neither do I, but we have to try everything, right? 310 00:17:55,950 --> 00:17:57,870 有个女人失踪了 我们也没其他法子了 {\fscx070\fscy070}A woman is missing, and we're desperate here. 311 00:18:02,670 --> 00:18:04,330 把摩根·吉洛里一起带去 {\fscx070\fscy070}Take Morgan Gillory with you. 312 00:18:06,710 --> 00:18:08,300 要不是她 我们还是无头苍蝇 {\fscx070\fscy070}If it wasn't for her, we'd be nowhere. 313 00:18:08,300 --> 00:18:11,420 还在继续把勒奈特当成头号嫌疑人呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}We'd still be treating Lynette as the primary suspect. 314 00:18:12,220 --> 00:18:13,220 她去做什么 {\fscx070\fscy070}What is she supposed to do? 315 00:18:14,680 --> 00:18:16,260 做她一直在做的 发现警探们没发现的东西 {\fscx070\fscy070}Same thing she's been doing, spot the things my detectives miss. 316 00:18:19,730 --> 00:18:21,730 公平讲 我也没发现 {\fscx070\fscy070}To be fair, I missed them too. 317 00:18:22,440 --> 00:18:24,310 -是这样没 -跟你商量 亚当 {\fscx070\fscy070}Look- - - This isn't a debate, Adam. 318 00:18:26,400 --> 00:18:29,440 看来我得在这多待一会儿了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Looks like I m gonna be stuck here a little bit longer than I thought. 319 00:18:34,530 --> 00:18:37,330 跟他说我爱他 我会尽快回家的 好吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Just tell him I love him, and I'll be home as soon as I can, okay? 320 00:18:38,160 --> 00:18:39,950 谢谢 亨利 我欠你个人情 {\fscx070\fscy070}Thank you, Henry. I really owe you. 321 00:18:49,170 --> 00:18:53,720 嘿 莱蒂 很抱歉发生了这些事 {\fscx070\fscy070}Hey, Letty, I'm so sorry about everything that's happened. 322 00:18:54,260 --> 00:18:55,220 谢谢 {\fscx070\fscy070}Thanks. 323 00:18:55,930 --> 00:18:56,970 不好意思 你哪位 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sorry, who are you? 324 00:18:56,970 --> 00:18:58,550 这 {\fscx070\fscy070}Oh. It's- - 325 00:18:59,180 --> 00:19:00,770 说来话长 我看过你档案 {\fscx070\fscy070}Long story. I saw your file. 326 00:19:03,440 --> 00:19:05,560 -他们会找到你妈妈的 -你又没法确定 {\fscx070\fscy070}They're gonna find your mom. You can't know that. 327 00:19:07,400 --> 00:19:09,400 抱歉 大家都这么说 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sorry, everyone keeps saying the same thing. 328 00:19:10,400 --> 00:19:11,400 别放弃希望 {\fscx070\fscy070}"Don't give up hope. " 329 00:19:12,110 --> 00:19:15,700 我爸死了 现在我妈也消失了 {\fscx070\fscy070}My dad's dead and now my mom is gone. 330 00:19:15,700 --> 00:19:17,660 我该怎么办 {\fscx070\fscy070}So, what am I supposed to do? 331 00:19:22,790 --> 00:19:23,790 理解 {\fscx070\fscy070}Yeah. 332 00:19:26,420 --> 00:19:27,580 你有她照片吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Do you have any pictures of her? 333 00:19:35,260 --> 00:19:37,340 这张是她两天前刚发我的 {\fscx070\fscy070}This one, she just sent me two days ago. 334 00:19:38,970 --> 00:19:41,510 她真漂亮 {\fscx070\fscy070}Wow. She's beautiful. 335 00:19:42,640 --> 00:19:44,230 是我手上最后一张她的照片 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's the last photo I have of her. 336 00:19:45,480 --> 00:19:48,860 对我来说真正有帮助的是回想那些微不足道的瞬间 {\fscx070\fscy070}You know, what was really helpful for me was to think of the little moments. 337 00:19:48,860 --> 00:19:50,820 想想你妈妈的笑声 {\fscx070\fscy070}Think of your mom's laugh. 338 00:19:50,820 --> 00:19:52,480 想想她最喜欢的食物 {\fscx070\fscy070}Think about her favorite foods. 339 00:19:54,030 --> 00:19:56,650 在想她的时候 你必须转移思绪 {\fscx070\fscy070}You're gonna have to redirect your brain when you think about her. 340 00:19:57,240 --> 00:19:59,700 不然 在等待过程中你只会把自己逼疯 {\fscx070\fscy070}Otherwise, you're just gonna drive yourself crazy while you wait. 341 00:20:01,700 --> 00:20:02,950 你失去过亲人 {\fscx070\fscy070}You lost someone? 342 00:20:05,370 --> 00:20:07,370 有过 很久以前的事了 {\fscx070\fscy070}I did, yeah. Long time ago. 343 00:20:10,630 --> 00:20:12,710 阿科斯塔小姐 他们可以见你了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Miss Acosta, they're ready for you. 344 00:20:21,970 --> 00:20:25,430 嘿 你找到他们了吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Hey, did you ever find them? 345 00:20:30,360 --> 00:20:31,810 抱歉 {\fscx070\fscy070}Well, I'm sorry. 346 00:20:33,360 --> 00:20:34,360 谢谢 {\fscx070\fscy070}Thank you. 347 00:20:37,450 --> 00:20:41,450 所以在我看来 罪名将是篡改证据 {\fscx070\fscy070}So, the way I see it, we're looking at evidence tampering, 348 00:20:41,450 --> 00:20:43,120 袭警 斗殴 {\fscx070\fscy070}assault on an officer, battery. 349 00:20:43,120 --> 00:20:44,740 即使降为轻罪 {\fscx070\fscy070}Even if we knock it down to misdemeanors, 350 00:20:44,750 --> 00:20:47,660 还是要面临至少六个月监禁以及数千美元的罚款 {\fscx070\fscy070}you're still looking at six months minimum and thousands in fines. 351 00:20:48,710 --> 00:20:50,830 你真以为这样能吓到我吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Did you really think this was gonna work? 352 00:20:51,420 --> 00:20:54,960 你要怎么着 恐吓我 好让我帮你们 {\fscx070\fscy070}You're gonna what, intimidate me into helping you? 353 00:20:55,670 --> 00:20:58,090 要你想要我帮你 就该客气点 {\fscx070\fscy070}If you'd like my help, you should just ask me nicely. 354 00:20:59,890 --> 00:21:01,300 有个女人失踪了 {\fscx070\fscy070}A woman is missing. 355 00:21:02,220 --> 00:21:05,180 拜托 帮我们找到她 {\fscx070\fscy070}Please, help us find her. 356 00:21:13,610 --> 00:21:14,730 没问题 {\fscx070\fscy070}You got it. 357 00:21:20,070 --> 00:21:22,780 我们知道的是 安东尼·阿科斯塔昨天下午去世 {\fscx070\fscy070}Here's what we know. Anthony Acosta died yesterday afternoon. 358 00:21:22,780 --> 00:21:26,120 勒奈特最后一次被人见到是两天前在她律师事务所 {\fscx070\fscy070}Last time anyone saw Lynette, however, was two days ago at her law office. 359 00:21:26,120 --> 00:21:29,330 好的 但我想知道这个案件板是谁做的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Okay. But I'm wondering who made this case board. 360 00:21:29,330 --> 00:21:30,920 因为这工作量很大 {\fscx070\fscy070}Cause this is a lot of work. 361 00:21:33,210 --> 00:21:34,750 而且我不允许进好必来了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Also I'm banned from Hobby Lobby. 362 00:21:35,420 --> 00:21:38,460 他们的女儿莱蒂认为勒奈特的一位客户 {\fscx070\fscy070}Their daughter, Letty, believes that one of Lynette's clients, 363 00:21:38,470 --> 00:21:39,630 只知道叫萨拉 {\fscx070\fscy070}identified only as Sarah, 364 00:21:40,970 --> 00:21:42,050 写了封信 导致她父母关系紧张 {\fscx070\fscy070}wrote a letter causing significant tension between her parents. 365 00:21:43,600 --> 00:21:45,010 我们会去找律所谈谈 但得先去询问勒奈特的妹妹 {\fscx070\fscy070}we're gonna talk to the firm but only after we interview Lynette's sister 366 00:21:45,010 --> 00:21:46,640 妹妹 因为她是最后一个跟勒奈特说话的人 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sister. Because she's the last person who spoke to Lynette, 367 00:21:46,640 --> 00:21:49,810 这个案件板上有写 {\fscx070\fscy070}which I learned from looking at this case board. 368 00:21:49,810 --> 00:21:52,690 另外 我刚发现角落里的那位先生 就是他 {\fscx070\fscy070}Also, guys, I just figured out this gentleman in the corner, he's the one. 369 00:21:52,690 --> 00:21:54,110 他做的案件板 {\fscx070\fscy070}He makes the case boards. 370 00:21:54,730 --> 00:21:55,940 还杵着干嘛 {\fscx070\fscy070}Why aren't we moving? 371 00:22:02,740 --> 00:22:04,530 好 先跟你说清楚 {\fscx070\fscy070}Okay, let's be very clear. 372 00:22:04,530 --> 00:22:07,160 你什么都不许说 什么都不许碰 {\fscx070\fscy070}You are not gonna say anything, you are not gonna touch anything, 373 00:22:07,160 --> 00:22:09,540 什么都不许做 {\fscx070\fscy070}and you are not going to do anything. 374 00:22:09,540 --> 00:22:13,170 行 没问题 我就该被绑起来 以防手痒 {\fscx070\fscy070}Right, right. I should probably be strapped in case things pop off. 375 00:22:13,170 --> 00:22:15,670 我认真的 什么都别做 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'm serious. Do nothing. 376 00:22:27,100 --> 00:22:29,680 你住我卧室就好 我睡沙发 {\fscx070\fscy070}You can take my bedroom, and I'll sleep on the couch. 377 00:22:35,810 --> 00:22:39,030 索菲亚 你姐有提过她工作方面 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sophia, did your sister mention anyone from her professional circle 378 00:22:39,030 --> 00:22:42,110 最近有谁自杀了吗 一个叫萨拉的 {\fscx070\fscy070}who may have died of suicide recently? Someone named Sarah? 379 00:22:42,110 --> 00:22:43,530 对这名字不熟 {\fscx070\fscy070}Doesn't sound familiar. 380 00:22:45,530 --> 00:22:49,040 她给勒奈特写了封信 我们认为信中内容让她很痛苦 {\fscx070\fscy070}She wrote Lynette a letter. We believe something in it caused her distress. 381 00:22:49,540 --> 00:22:53,250 抱歉 能把那个放下吗 很容易碎 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sorry. Could you put that down? It's breakable. 382 00:22:53,250 --> 00:22:54,500 她什么都没说吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}She said nothing? 383 00:22:55,330 --> 00:22:56,290 可能会提到萨拉的 {\fscx070\fscy070}May get the Sarah part. 384 00:22:57,420 --> 00:22:58,710 现在每三个人女性当中就有一个叫萨拉的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Every third woman's name is Sarah these days, but 385 00:22:59,880 --> 00:23:02,800 但有人给我姐写了封信 然后还自杀了 {\fscx070\fscy070}somebody writes my sister a letter, and then she offs herself. 386 00:23:02,800 --> 00:23:04,840 她可能会聊天提及 {\fscx070\fscy070}Like, she's probably gonna say something. 387 00:23:06,220 --> 00:23:08,430 我没姐姐 但你明白的 {\fscx070\fscy070}I don't have a sister, but you get it. 388 00:23:09,640 --> 00:23:11,390 抱歉她是哪位 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sorry. Who is she? 389 00:23:11,390 --> 00:23:13,310 她是我们顾问 {\fscx070\fscy070}She is consulting for us. 390 00:23:13,310 --> 00:23:15,230 你最后一次跟你姐说话是什么时候 {\fscx070\fscy070}When was the last time you spoke to your sister? 391 00:23:15,230 --> 00:23:18,900 两天前 她打给我祝我演讲顺利 {\fscx070\fscy070}Two days ago, she called to wish me luck with my presentation. 392 00:23:18,900 --> 00:23:19,980 你是生物学家 {\fscx070\fscy070}You're a biologist? 393 00:23:21,360 --> 00:23:24,820 是的 我刚弄完博士答辩 {\fscx070\fscy070}Um, yeah, I had a PhD defense. Um... 394 00:23:26,450 --> 00:23:29,410 当同行的面 我很紧张 她让我冷静下来 {\fscx070\fscy070}in front of my peers. I was nervous, and she calmed me down. 395 00:23:30,910 --> 00:23:33,500 你能这个里读出来 {\fscx070\fscy070}You can read that from over there? 396 00:23:33,500 --> 00:23:36,120 只读了一半 生物学很无聊 {\fscx070\fscy070}I only read half of it. Biology is boring 397 00:23:36,120 --> 00:23:37,710 所以你昨天是在那里对吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Is that where you were yesterday, 398 00:23:37,710 --> 00:23:39,040 -去做演讲 -摩根 {\fscx070\fscy070}at your presentation- Morgan. 399 00:23:39,040 --> 00:23:40,460 -大概 下午3到5点之间 -别说了 {\fscx070\fscy070}...from, like, 3:00 to 5:00 p. m.? - Stop it. 400 00:23:40,460 --> 00:23:42,090 我就想问下她的不在场证明 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'mjust asking about her alibi. 401 00:23:42,090 --> 00:23:44,670 天 他怎么跟萌新一样呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}My goodness. You'd think he's never done this before. 402 00:23:45,760 --> 00:23:49,680 要你不能闭嘴 那麻烦你对我们证人有点同情心 {\fscx070\fscy070}If you can't keep your mouth shut, please treat our witnesses with some compassion, 403 00:23:49,680 --> 00:23:51,850 尤其是受害者家属还在悲痛中的时候 {\fscx070\fscy070}particularly grieving members of the victim's family. 404 00:23:51,850 --> 00:23:53,810 你不觉得那个萨拉的事有点怪吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}You don't think the Sarah thing was a little weird? 405 00:23:53,810 --> 00:23:55,980 要你今天死了 我肯定会去跟别人说呀 {\fscx070\fscy070}You died today, I'm telling people about it, 406 00:23:55,980 --> 00:23:57,650 而且我才认识你 四个小时 {\fscx070\fscy070}and I've only known you for, like, four hours. 407 00:23:57,650 --> 00:23:59,480 我们必须拿到那封信 {\fscx070\fscy070}We have to get our hands on that letter. 408 00:23:59,480 --> 00:24:00,860 没错 我们去拿 {\fscx070\fscy070}Yes, exactly. Let's do it. 409 00:24:01,570 --> 00:24:04,740 我们会让埃默里·沃克搜查阿科斯塔的办公室 {\fscx070\fscy070}We will ask Emery Walker to search Acosta's office. 410 00:24:04,740 --> 00:24:07,110 你在车里等着 {\fscx070\fscy070}You will wait in the car. 411 00:24:09,410 --> 00:24:12,080 要我坐进后座 他就会把我锁车里 对吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}If I get in that back seat, he's gonna lock me in the car, isn't he? 412 00:24:12,740 --> 00:24:14,290 可能吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Probably. 413 00:24:14,290 --> 00:24:16,870 到底带我来干嘛 你到底要不要我帮忙 {\fscx070\fscy070}What am I even doing here? Do you want my help or not? 414 00:24:16,870 --> 00:24:18,290 我不需要 {\fscx070\fscy070}No, I do not 415 00:24:19,880 --> 00:24:21,670 我还以为自己说的很清楚了 我认为这个想法很白痴 {\fscx070\fscy070}I thought I made that absolutely clear. I think this whole ldea is moronic, 416 00:24:21,670 --> 00:24:23,960 我只希望你能放弃 然后 {\fscx070\fscy070}and I am praying that you will just quit and 417 00:24:26,630 --> 00:24:28,050 走开 {\fscx070\fscy070}and walk away. 418 00:24:30,930 --> 00:24:32,510 好 去确认下她妹妹的不在场证明 {\fscx070\fscy070}Okay. Let's confirm the sister's alibi. 419 00:24:32,510 --> 00:24:34,140 你去大学 找她同事谈谈 {\fscx070\fscy070}You go to the university, talk to her colleagues, 420 00:24:34,140 --> 00:24:35,640 我去找埃默里·沃克 {\fscx070\fscy070}and I'll deal with Emery Walker. 421 00:24:36,600 --> 00:24:37,600 那她呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}What about her? 422 00:24:38,600 --> 00:24:39,940 不再是我们的问题了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Not our problem anymore. 423 00:24:41,230 --> 00:24:43,020 卡拉迪克警探 {\fscx070\fscy070}Detective Karadec 424 00:24:43,030 --> 00:24:46,570 我个人非常愿意以任何可能的方式协助你们调查 {\fscx070\fscy070}it is my personal desire to assist your investigation in any way possible, 425 00:24:46,570 --> 00:24:50,490 您也知道 我也必须代表我律所的权益 {\fscx070\fscy070}but as you can understand, I must also represent the interests of my law firm. 426 00:24:50,490 --> 00:24:52,620 但你合伙人可能有生命危险 {\fscx070\fscy070}But your partner's life might be in danger. 427 00:24:52,620 --> 00:24:56,290 如果你拿着搜查令回来 我很乐意配合 {\fscx070\fscy070}And if you return with a warrant, I'll be happy to comply. 428 00:25:11,930 --> 00:25:13,510 -你好 卫生间朋友 -天 {\fscx070\fscy070}Hello, bathroom friend. - Jesus. 429 00:25:14,770 --> 00:25:16,100 你怎么会在这儿 {\fscx070\fscy070}What are you doing in here? 430 00:25:16,100 --> 00:25:17,890 我想着你见完人之后肯定会来这里 {\fscx070\fscy070}I figured I'd find you in here after the meeting. 431 00:25:17,890 --> 00:25:21,100 你以为我没注意到你像有洁癖一样 {\fscx070\fscy070}Did you think that I wouldn't notice you compulsively washing your hands 432 00:25:21,100 --> 00:25:22,480 强迫自己洗手吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}like some sort of clean freak? 433 00:25:23,650 --> 00:25:26,360 -你知道这是在求救 对吧 -你不能在这里 {\fscx070\fscy070}You do know that's a cry for help, right? You can't be here. 434 00:25:26,360 --> 00:25:27,690 我知道 {\fscx070\fscy070}Oh, I know. 435 00:25:29,400 --> 00:25:31,200 想象一下对于一个注意每个小细节的人来说 男厕是什么样的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Imagine what a men's room is like for somebody who notices every little detail. 436 00:25:31,780 --> 00:25:34,740 冷静 我找到萨拉的信了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Calm down. Found the Sarah letter. 437 00:25:35,370 --> 00:25:37,580 什么 怎么找到的 {\fscx070\fscy070}What? How? 438 00:25:37,580 --> 00:25:39,710 我潜进她办公室拿到的呀 {\fscx070\fscy070}Oh, I broke into her office and took it. 439 00:25:58,180 --> 00:26:02,980 看这封信 萨拉·阿特金森是布莱恩·戴蒙案的助理律师 {\fscx070\fscy070}Read the letter. Sarah Atkinson was a paralegal on the Brian Dimon case. 440 00:26:02,980 --> 00:26:06,230 猜猜怎么着 布莱恩·戴蒙也猥亵过她 {\fscx070\fscy070}And guess what? Brian Dimon assaulted her also. 441 00:26:06,230 --> 00:26:08,280 信上都写了 跟之前方式一样 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's all in there. Same pattern as before. 442 00:26:08,280 --> 00:26:10,650 她恳求阿科斯塔对她的客户采取行动 {\fscx070\fscy070}She begs Acosta to take action against her client. 443 00:26:10,650 --> 00:26:14,410 我认为勒奈特·阿科斯塔良心发现 {\fscx070\fscy070}I figure, Lynette Acosta had a crisis of conscience, 444 00:26:14,410 --> 00:26:17,490 打算揭发戴蒙 于是他下手了 {\fscx070\fscy070}was going to turn on Dimon, so he did something about it. 445 00:26:18,750 --> 00:26:20,910 动机有了 还有个连环杀手 {\fscx070\fscy070}We have motive. We have a serial criminal. 446 00:26:20,910 --> 00:26:22,000 去抓他呀 {\fscx070\fscy070}Let's go arrest him. 447 00:26:22,000 --> 00:26:22,960 别说了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Stop. 448 00:26:23,500 --> 00:26:25,710 你根本不知道你干了什么 {\fscx070\fscy070}You have no idea what you have done. 449 00:26:26,250 --> 00:26:27,380 我们手上什么都没有 {\fscx070\fscy070}We have nothing here. 450 00:26:28,800 --> 00:26:30,010 这封信在法庭上不会被采纳 我也不能拿着这封信 {\fscx070\fscy070}This letter is inadmissible. I can't have this in my possession. 451 00:26:30,010 --> 00:26:31,920 什么 你要因为个技术细节让他逍遥法外吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}What? You're gonna let him go on a technicality? 452 00:26:31,930 --> 00:26:34,640 不 这不是技术问题 这是法律规定 {\fscx070\fscy070}No, these are not technicalities. These are laws. 453 00:26:34,640 --> 00:26:37,720 我毕生致力于扞卫的原则 {\fscx070\fscy070}Principles that I have devoted my entire life to protect 454 00:26:37,720 --> 00:26:39,680 天 我以为我生活就够悲催的了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Jesus. I thought my life was sad. 455 00:26:39,680 --> 00:26:40,850 你生活确实悲催 {\fscx070\fscy070}Your life is sad. 456 00:26:42,440 --> 00:26:43,600 你家院子里有三家不同超市的购物车 {\fscx070\fscy070}You've got shopping carts from three different grocery stores in your yard. 457 00:26:43,600 --> 00:26:45,100 我也不想去不同超市啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}I wouldn't have to go to different stores, 458 00:26:45,110 --> 00:26:47,730 可赛富威超市的装了防盗轮锁 {\fscx070\fscy070}but Safeway has those weird wheel locks. 459 00:26:47,730 --> 00:26:49,480 这是法律 现在完全没证据 {\fscx070\fscy070}This is the law. There is absolutely nothing here 460 00:26:49,480 --> 00:26:51,150 能证明布莱恩·戴蒙杀了人 {\fscx070\fscy070}that proves that Brian Dimon murdered anyone. 461 00:26:51,150 --> 00:26:53,490 即使有 你猜怎么着 也不能拿去法庭上用 {\fscx070\fscy070}And even if there was, guess what, we can't use it in court. 462 00:26:53,490 --> 00:26:55,240 因为不管你怎么想 {\fscx070\fscy070}Because despite what you may think, 463 00:26:55,240 --> 00:26:58,660 我们是不能随便乱闯人办公室 随便抓人的 {\fscx070\fscy070}we can't run around breaking into offices and arresting people at whim. 464 00:26:58,660 --> 00:27:00,450 法律就是这样的 {\fscx070\fscy070}That's not how the law works. 465 00:27:00,950 --> 00:27:04,040 现在 这里唯一明确的罪行是你犯下的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Right now, the only clear crime here has been committed by you. 466 00:27:05,250 --> 00:27:07,130 但我是不会抓你的 {\fscx070\fscy070}And by me if I let you get away with it. 467 00:27:07,130 --> 00:27:09,300 -但如果 -憋说话了 {\fscx070\fscy070}But if- - Stop talking. 468 00:27:11,880 --> 00:27:14,630 好吧 这事没发生 {\fscx070\fscy070}Okay. This didn't happen. 469 00:27:14,640 --> 00:27:15,680 你拿上这封信 {\fscx070\fscy070}You're gonna take this letter, 470 00:27:16,930 --> 00:27:17,890 然后放回你找到的地方 {\fscx070\fscy070}and you're gonna put it back exactly where you found it. 471 00:27:19,060 --> 00:27:21,270 如果你被抓了 那我就亲自逮捕你 {\fscx070\fscy070}And if you get caught, I am going to arrest you myself. 472 00:27:24,980 --> 00:27:26,310 然后呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}And then what? 473 00:27:27,060 --> 00:27:29,150 然后我们去跟布莱恩·戴蒙谈谈 {\fscx070\fscy070}And then we're gonna go talk to Brian Dimon. 474 00:27:34,450 --> 00:27:38,870 戴蒙先生 几个月前 你被丽施卡·张起诉了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Mr. Dimon. Afew months ago, you were sued by Lishka Zhang. 475 00:27:38,870 --> 00:27:40,620 -我赢了 -是 {\fscx070\fscy070}And I won. Yes. 476 00:27:41,500 --> 00:27:46,500 她给你的律师写信说 他骚扰了我整整六个月 {\fscx070\fscy070}Uh, she wrote to your lawyer in fact, "He harassed me over the course of six"... 477 00:27:46,500 --> 00:27:49,000 这是我第一次参与审讯 我们该怎么做 {\fscx070\fscy070}This is my first interrogation. What do we do? 478 00:27:49,000 --> 00:27:50,210 你什么都不用做 {\fscx070\fscy070}You don't do anything. 479 00:27:50,210 --> 00:27:52,090 是黑脸白脸那套吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Is it like a good cop, bad cop situation? 480 00:27:52,090 --> 00:27:53,670 你需要我进去掀桌子吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}You want me to go in and flip the table over? 481 00:27:53,670 --> 00:27:56,090 不用 {\fscx070\fscy070}No. Hmm. 482 00:27:56,090 --> 00:27:57,640 官司她打输了 {\fscx070\fscy070}She lost her case. 483 00:27:58,760 --> 00:28:02,140 陪审团看到了真相 丽施卡·张就是个怀恨在心的员工 {\fscx070\fscy070}The jury saw the truth. Lishka Zhang is simply an employee with a grudge. 484 00:28:02,770 --> 00:28:04,600 这些事好像总发生在你身边啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}Those seem to follow you around. 485 00:28:04,600 --> 00:28:06,690 给我讲讲你跟萨拉·阿特金森的关系吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Tell me about your relationship with Sarah Atkinson. 486 00:28:08,360 --> 00:28:10,150 我们什么时候可以用电话簿打他 {\fscx070\fscy070}When do we get to hit him with a phone book? 487 00:28:10,150 --> 00:28:11,480 永远不能 {\fscx070\fscy070}Never. 488 00:28:12,320 --> 00:28:13,320 嘿 情况如何了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Hey, how's it coming? 489 00:28:14,900 --> 00:28:16,700 准备好他的不在场证明吧 给我一份案发当天他的行踪 {\fscx070\fscy070}Let's get ready for his alibi. Give me a data print on the day of the murder. 490 00:28:16,700 --> 00:28:17,530 我正在调 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'm on it. Yeah. 491 00:28:19,070 --> 00:28:20,070 还有告诉达芙妮我拿了她一根棒棒糖 我很抱歉 {\fscx070\fscy070}Also tell Daphne I took one of her lollipops, and I feel bad about it. 492 00:28:20,080 --> 00:28:21,120 我不会告诉她的 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'm not telling her that. 493 00:28:21,120 --> 00:28:23,040 我听见了 谢谢 {\fscx070\fscy070}I heard her. And thank you. 494 00:28:23,040 --> 00:28:25,750 我以为你叫我来是为了寻找失踪 {\fscx070\fscy070}I thought I was here to help with my lawyer's disappearance, 495 00:28:25,750 --> 00:28:27,330 而不是再次提起诉讼的事 {\fscx070\fscy070}not relitigate old claims. 496 00:28:28,040 --> 00:28:30,330 阿特金森的事没过去多久 {\fscx070\fscy070}The Atkinson claims are not old. 497 00:28:31,300 --> 00:28:33,840 如果有新的投诉 我怎么不知道 {\fscx070\fscy070}Well, if there have been new claims against me, I'm not aware of them. 498 00:28:36,380 --> 00:28:38,090 -怎么样 -坏消息 {\fscx070\fscy070}Yeah? I got bad news. 499 00:28:38,090 --> 00:28:41,180 戴蒙在谋杀当天不在城里 甚至离这里很远 {\fscx070\fscy070}Dimon wasn't in town the day of the murder. Wasn't anywhere close. 500 00:28:41,180 --> 00:28:42,470 他在丰塔纳 {\fscx070\fscy070}He was in Fontana. 501 00:28:42,470 --> 00:28:43,890 你确定吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}You certain? 502 00:28:43,890 --> 00:28:45,180 确定 {\fscx070\fscy070}Positive. 503 00:28:46,980 --> 00:28:51,110 丰塔纳 加州的肯塔基吗 丰塔基 {\fscx070\fscy070}Fontana? The Kentucky of California? "Fontucky"? 504 00:28:51,110 --> 00:28:52,770 他去丰塔纳干嘛 {\fscx070\fscy070}What the hell was he doing in Fontana? 505 00:28:52,770 --> 00:28:53,980 不重要 他不在现场 {\fscx070\fscy070}Doesn't matter. He wasn't here. 506 00:28:58,240 --> 00:29:03,280 看看他的鞋 意大利手工缝制 {\fscx070\fscy070}Look at his shoes. Those are Italian seams handcrafted. 507 00:29:03,290 --> 00:29:04,790 再看看他的表 {\fscx070\fscy070}Look at his watch. 508 00:29:05,700 --> 00:29:09,170 那种人死都不会去丰塔纳的 {\fscx070\fscy070}That guy is not gonna be caught dead in Fontana. 509 00:29:10,380 --> 00:29:12,750 你去丰塔纳只有两个理由 {\fscx070\fscy070}There are only two reasons you go to Fontana. 510 00:29:12,750 --> 00:29:16,510 第一 你想在水上乐园染上肝炎 {\fscx070\fscy070}Number one, you wanna catch hepatitis at the water park. 511 00:29:17,260 --> 00:29:20,930 第二 你不得不去你表亲的单身派对 {\fscx070\fscy070}Number two, you have to go to your cousin's bachelorette party, 512 00:29:20,930 --> 00:29:22,350 而她还缺钱 {\fscx070\fscy070}and she is on a budget. 513 00:29:24,600 --> 00:29:27,350 我现在就能想出一百个去丰塔纳的理由来 {\fscx070\fscy070}I can literally think of a hundred other reasons to go to Fontana. 514 00:29:27,350 --> 00:29:28,390 行 你去问他 {\fscx070\fscy070}Okay, ask him. 515 00:29:29,650 --> 00:29:32,310 让卡拉迪克问戴蒙 他去丰塔纳干嘛了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Tell Karadec to ask Dimon what he was doing in Fontana. 516 00:29:32,310 --> 00:29:34,980 我的律师 朋友 失踪了 {\fscx070\fscy070}My lawyer, my friend, is missing 517 00:29:34,980 --> 00:29:38,280 请告诉我你叫我来不是为了重复讨论 {\fscx070\fscy070}Please tell me you didn't bring me in here to rehash vague grievances 518 00:29:38,280 --> 00:29:39,610 那些歇斯底里员工的不满的 {\fscx070\fscy070}by hysterical employees. 519 00:29:39,610 --> 00:29:42,370 到底怎么回事 我现在就要见他 {\fscx070\fscy070}What is happening, huh? I gotta see him right now. 520 00:29:42,370 --> 00:29:43,950 我明白 我明白 {\fscx070\fscy070}I understand. I understand. 521 00:29:43,950 --> 00:29:45,450 我们现在就处理 {\fscx070\fscy070}Let's take care of this right now. 522 00:29:45,450 --> 00:29:46,990 玩忽职守 {\fscx070\fscy070}The incompetence! 523 00:29:47,000 --> 00:29:48,000 告诉卡拉迪克啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}Tell Karadec. 524 00:29:48,000 --> 00:29:49,250 流程不是这样的 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's not how this works. 525 00:29:53,790 --> 00:29:55,800 问他丰塔纳 {\fscx070\fscy070}Ask him about Fontana. 526 00:29:55,800 --> 00:29:57,630 -嘿 -什么鬼 {\fscx070\fscy070}Heyl The hell is this? 527 00:29:59,590 --> 00:30:00,630 多余的话一句都别说 {\fscx070\fscy070}Don't say another word. 528 00:30:00,630 --> 00:30:02,930 戴蒙先生 谢谢您的宝贵时间 {\fscx070\fscy070}Mr. Dimon, thank you for your time. 529 00:30:03,930 --> 00:30:05,260 什么 {\fscx070\fscy070}What? 530 00:30:06,930 --> 00:30:08,100 不 {\fscx070\fscy070}No! 531 00:30:09,850 --> 00:30:13,020 切斯特·埃默里的秘书注意到一名穿着 {\fscx070\fscy070}Chester Emery's secretary noted a woman dressed, quote, 532 00:30:13,020 --> 00:30:15,480 “对于保洁人员来说过于招摇”服装的女子 {\fscx070\fscy070}"quite provocatively for the cleaning staff" 533 00:30:15,480 --> 00:30:18,030 今天下午两次进入阿科斯塔的办公室 {\fscx070\fscy070}entered Acosta's office twice this afternoon. 534 00:30:19,070 --> 00:30:20,070 到底怎么回事 {\fscx070\fscy070}What happened? 535 00:30:27,740 --> 00:30:28,870 卡拉迪克 {\fscx070\fscy070}Karadec. 536 00:30:30,460 --> 00:30:33,460 卡拉迪克 戴蒙在谋杀当天去了丰塔纳 你得问他为什么 {\fscx070\fscy070}Karadec. Dimon was in Fontana on the day of the murder. You gotta ask him why. 537 00:30:33,460 --> 00:30:37,380 够了 结束了 这白痴的试验已经结束了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Stop. We're done. This entire idiotic experiment is finished. 538 00:30:37,380 --> 00:30:38,550 这根本说不通 {\fscx070\fscy070}It doesn't make any sense. 539 00:30:38,550 --> 00:30:40,880 别再假装你能行了 结束了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Stop pretending you can do this. It's over. 540 00:30:41,510 --> 00:30:43,380 你不用坐牢就偷着乐吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Be grateful you're not in jail. 541 00:30:43,390 --> 00:30:47,640 回到你真实生活中去吧 摩根 查案的事交给专业人士 {\fscx070\fscy070}Go back to your real life, Morgan. Leave this to the professionals. 542 00:31:06,660 --> 00:31:09,450 你知道中世纪城堡里所有楼梯的走向吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Do you know what direction all stairs went in medieval castles? 543 00:31:09,450 --> 00:31:11,660 顺时针 你知道为什么吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Clockwise. You know why? 544 00:31:12,960 --> 00:31:15,630 这样就方便砍向上楼梯的人了 {\fscx070\fscy070}To make it easier to chop people coming up the stairs? 545 00:31:15,630 --> 00:31:16,790 没错 {\fscx070\fscy070}Exactly. 546 00:31:16,790 --> 00:31:18,500 但如果你是左撇子呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}But what if you're left- handed? 547 00:31:18,500 --> 00:31:23,800 这个世界并不是为与众不同的人而建的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Well, the world wasn't exactly built for people who are different. 548 00:31:24,720 --> 00:31:26,090 吃饭时不能玩手机 {\fscx070\fscy070}Phone away at the table, please. 549 00:31:26,930 --> 00:31:29,010 像个正常人一样跟家人一起吃晚饭吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Eat dinner with your family like a normal person. 550 00:31:45,990 --> 00:31:50,120 克洛伊和艾略特这个周末会去卢多那 {\fscx070\fscy070}Um, you know, Chloe and Elliot are gonna be with Ludo this weekend. 551 00:31:50,120 --> 00:31:53,660 所以我想我们可以像以前那样一起去公园 买个冰淇淋吃 {\fscx070\fscy070}So I was thinking we could go to the park like we used to. Get some ice cream. 552 00:31:53,660 --> 00:31:55,080 我又不是6岁小孩 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'm not six. 553 00:31:58,090 --> 00:31:59,500 你怎么了 {\fscx070\fscy070}What's going on? 554 00:32:06,840 --> 00:32:08,760 我跟你和艾略特不一样 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'm- I'm not like you and Elliot. 555 00:32:08,760 --> 00:32:13,770 他有你的记忆力 你的 你的大脑 你注意到各种事物的方式 {\fscx070\fscy070}He's got your memory, your... your brain, your way of noticing everything. 556 00:32:14,600 --> 00:32:16,770 你也继承了我的一些品质啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}Well, you got some of my qualities too. 557 00:32:17,600 --> 00:32:22,320 你继承了我的叛逆 我对权威的不信任 {\fscx070\fscy070}You know, you got my rebelliousness, my distrust of authority, 558 00:32:22,320 --> 00:32:24,990 -我的时尚品味 -我继承的都是你的缺点 {\fscx070\fscy070}my sweet fashion sense. - I have your worst qualities. 559 00:32:26,070 --> 00:32:27,780 艾略特和克洛伊却什么都有 {\fscx070\fscy070}Elliot and Chloe have everything. 560 00:32:29,280 --> 00:32:31,780 说实话 克洛伊还是个宝宝 我们不知道她什么样 {\fscx070\fscy070}To be fair, Chloe is still a baby. We don't really know her deal yet. 561 00:32:33,040 --> 00:32:35,000 我说的不是这个意思 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's not what I'm talking about. 562 00:32:37,880 --> 00:32:39,960 卢多把你当成他的女儿 {\fscx070\fscy070}Ludo thinks of you as his daughter. 563 00:32:40,790 --> 00:32:42,250 那不一样 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's not the same. 564 00:32:42,750 --> 00:32:45,590 不 你说的对 不一样 {\fscx070\fscy070}No. No, you're right. It's not. 565 00:32:46,630 --> 00:32:49,970 宝儿 你父亲非常爱你 {\fscx070\fscy070}Honey, your father loved you so much. 566 00:32:50,800 --> 00:32:53,470 当然 所以他才离开的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sure. That's why he left 567 00:32:54,220 --> 00:32:56,680 不 这比那要复杂的多 {\fscx070\fscy070}No, it's more complicated than that. 568 00:32:56,690 --> 00:32:59,190 没事 随便吧 我都不记得他 谁在乎 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's fine. Whatever. I don't even remember him. Who cares? 569 00:32:59,190 --> 00:33:01,020 -如果他能在这 -我很高兴他不在 {\fscx070\fscy070}If he could be here- - - I'm glad he's not. 570 00:33:02,230 --> 00:33:03,230 我想自己呆着 {\fscx070\fscy070}I wanna be alone. 571 00:33:10,950 --> 00:33:11,950 好吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Okay. 572 00:33:39,060 --> 00:33:41,150 等等 艾略特 别忘了你的科学作业 {\fscx070\fscy070}Wait, Elliot, don't forget your science project. 573 00:33:41,150 --> 00:33:43,400 艾娃 你早餐不能吃甜甜圈 {\fscx070\fscy070}Ava, you can't have doughnuts for breakfast. 574 00:33:43,400 --> 00:33:46,110 我们吃东西吧 你今天为什么这么不听话啊 来 {\fscx070\fscy070}Shall we eat? Why are you being a jerky today? Here you go. 575 00:33:46,110 --> 00:33:47,110 艾略特 {\fscx070\fscy070}Elliot. 576 00:33:47,780 --> 00:33:49,530 院子里站着一个人 {\fscx070\fscy070}There's a man standing in our yard. 577 00:33:56,250 --> 00:33:58,540 你为什么想让我问戴蒙有关丰塔纳的事 {\fscx070\fscy070}Why did you want me to ask Dimon about Fontana? 578 00:34:03,000 --> 00:34:04,590 进来 {\fscx070\fscy070}Come inside. 579 00:34:04,590 --> 00:34:07,050 这米糊要让孩子吃掉 {\fscx070\fscy070}This mush needs to go into this kid. 580 00:34:08,800 --> 00:34:11,090 戴蒙不是会去丰塔纳的那种人 {\fscx070\fscy070}Dimon is not a Fontana guy. 581 00:34:11,090 --> 00:34:14,430 更重要的是 我昨天在索菲亚的公寓注意到一些东西 {\fscx070\fscy070}More importantly, I noticed something in Sofia's apartment yesterday. 582 00:34:14,430 --> 00:34:18,720 她架子上所有的小摆件都满是灰尘 只有一件除外 {\fscx070\fscy070}All of the little tchotchkes on her shelves were dusty except for one. 583 00:34:19,980 --> 00:34:23,980 索菲亚最近去过丰塔纳 戴蒙也是 {\fscx070\fscy070}Sofia was in Fontana recently. So was Dimon. 584 00:34:23,980 --> 00:34:25,900 那又如何 人们总是会去丰塔纳的嘛 {\fscx070\fscy070}So what? People go to Fontana. 585 00:34:25,900 --> 00:34:28,110 他们俩呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}Both of them? 586 00:34:29,780 --> 00:34:31,900 那又有什么关系 谋杀发生时他们俩都有不在场证明 {\fscx070\fscy070}Why does it matter? They both have alibis for the time of the murder. 587 00:34:42,540 --> 00:34:44,500 接电话啊 {\fscx070\fscy070}Come on. 588 00:34:46,170 --> 00:34:47,840 接电话啊 亨利 {\fscx070\fscy070}Pick up the phone, Henry! 589 00:34:47,840 --> 00:34:50,800 你今天不能借我的车 {\fscx070\fscy070}You can't borrow my car today. 590 00:34:50,800 --> 00:34:52,720 我今天不需要借你的车 {\fscx070\fscy070}I don't need to borrow your car today. 591 00:34:52,720 --> 00:34:55,300 我今天确实需要借他的车 但那不是重点 {\fscx070\fscy070}I did need to borrow his car today. But that's beside the point. 592 00:34:55,300 --> 00:34:56,430 赶紧过来 {\fscx070\fscy070}Just come over here! 593 00:34:57,850 --> 00:34:59,770 你送完花后多久它们会枯萎 {\fscx070\fscy070}How long does it take for flowers to die after you deliver them? 594 00:34:59,770 --> 00:35:01,230 就是变褐色彻底枯萎那种 {\fscx070\fscy070}Like, wilted and brown die? 595 00:35:01,230 --> 00:35:04,150 那有很多因素 不过主要看花的种类 {\fscx070\fscy070}It depends on a few factors. Mainly, the type of flower. 596 00:35:08,070 --> 00:35:10,860 -毛茛属呢 -至少四天 {\fscx070\fscy070}Ranunculus? - Four days, at least. 597 00:35:11,450 --> 00:35:12,450 亨利 {\fscx070\fscy070}Henry. 598 00:35:13,700 --> 00:35:15,780 你是个好人 还是个更好的养花人 {\fscx070\fscy070}You are a good man. And an even better florist. 599 00:35:15,780 --> 00:35:16,950 走了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Let's gol 600 00:35:16,950 --> 00:35:18,240 什么 {\fscx070\fscy070}What? 601 00:35:18,240 --> 00:35:19,950 我路上解释给你听 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'll explain on the way. 602 00:35:20,700 --> 00:35:22,250 快快快 拿上汽车座椅 {\fscx070\fscy070}Go, go, go. Grab the car seat. 603 00:35:23,420 --> 00:35:24,460 拿上汽车座椅 {\fscx070\fscy070}Grab the car seat. 604 00:35:25,080 --> 00:35:26,880 戴蒙和索菲亚有一腿 {\fscx070\fscy070}Dimon and Sofia are having an affair. 605 00:35:26,880 --> 00:35:30,380 他想像招揽其他女人一样对她 但她答应了 {\fscx070\fscy070}He was trying to groom her like the others, but she was on board. 606 00:35:34,470 --> 00:35:36,010 他这么做接近勒奈特 {\fscx070\fscy070}He's doing it to stay close to Lynette 607 00:35:36,010 --> 00:35:38,760 因为他知道自己有罪 他需要筹码 {\fscx070\fscy070}because he knows he's guilty and he needs leverage. 608 00:35:38,760 --> 00:35:40,060 我们能拉警笛吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Can we run the siren? 609 00:35:40,060 --> 00:35:41,640 -绝对不能 -好的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Absolutely not. - Sure. 610 00:35:41,640 --> 00:35:44,060 不不 妈 别这样 我马上到学校了 {\fscx070\fscy070}No, no. Mom, no, stop. Not in the drop- off line. 611 00:35:54,320 --> 00:35:59,200 这里是洛杉矶警局 全境通告 通缉两个小可爱 {\fscx070\fscy070}This is the LAPD. We have an APB out on two extreme cutie- pies. 612 00:36:01,330 --> 00:36:01,910 好了 祝你们今天愉快 快去吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}AII right. Everyone, have a good day. Go, bulldogs. 613 00:36:01,910 --> 00:36:03,450 拜 爱你们 {\fscx070\fscy070}Bye. Love you. 614 00:36:05,750 --> 00:36:07,250 所以 戴蒙知道勒奈特改变了心意 对吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}So, Dimon, he learns of Lynette's change of heart, right? 615 00:36:07,250 --> 00:36:09,880 他知道自己要完蛋了 他现在狗急跳墙了 {\fscx070\fscy070}He knows this is the end for him. He's desperate now. 616 00:36:09,880 --> 00:36:13,920 他和索菲亚去了勒奈特的家 给她施压 但是意外的发现 {\fscx070\fscy070}He and Sofia go to Lynette's house to put pressure on her. But, surprise. 617 00:36:13,920 --> 00:36:15,550 她老公安东尼也在 {\fscx070\fscy070}Her husband Anthony is there too. 618 00:36:15,550 --> 00:36:18,140 之后事情就迅速变得一发而不可收拾 {\fscx070\fscy070}And that is when things quickly get out of hand. 619 00:36:18,930 --> 00:36:20,680 我 我跟一个学生在一起呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}I- - I'm with a student. 620 00:36:20,680 --> 00:36:23,680 太好了 你可以教她如何安装汽车安全座椅 谢了亲 {\fscx070\fscy070}Oh. Great. You can teach her how to install a car seat. Thanks, babe. 621 00:36:27,350 --> 00:36:28,440 -可问题是 -他们俩都有不在场证明嘛 {\fscx070\fscy070}Again, the problem is- - - That they both have alibis. 622 00:36:29,860 --> 00:36:34,110 但如果谋杀本来就不发生在我们以为的那个时间呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}But what if the murder did not happen when we think it happened? 623 00:36:59,180 --> 00:37:00,260 好吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}Okay. 624 00:37:01,010 --> 00:37:03,890 戴蒙和索菲亚试图威胁勒奈特 {\fscx070\fscy070}Dimon and Sofia are trying to threaten Lynette. 625 00:37:06,140 --> 00:37:10,230 着名的第二修正案狂热者安东尼·阿科斯塔参与其中 {\fscx070\fscy070}Noted Second Amendment enthusiast Anthony Acosta gets involved. 626 00:37:14,740 --> 00:37:17,360 结果这对他来说并不是最好的选择 {\fscx070\fscy070}Turns out to be not the best decision for him. 627 00:37:17,360 --> 00:37:20,700 现在我们有了具尸体 {\fscx070\fscy070}And now we've got a dead body. 628 00:37:21,410 --> 00:37:24,580 真的是让人蛋疼 因为现在我们要怎么对勒奈特呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}Which is a real kick in the nards 'cause what are we gonna do with Lynette? 629 00:37:26,750 --> 00:37:28,160 但他们是如何打掩护的呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}But how did they cover it up? 630 00:37:28,170 --> 00:37:30,120 死亡时索菲亚正在做演讲 {\fscx070\fscy070}Time of death was during Sofia's presentation. 631 00:37:30,130 --> 00:37:31,420 她的所有同事都在 {\fscx070\fscy070}AlI of her colleagues are there. 632 00:37:41,760 --> 00:37:45,010 莱蒂最后一张她妈妈的照片是3天前拍的 {\fscx070\fscy070}Letty's last picture of her mom was taken three days ago. 633 00:37:46,020 --> 00:37:49,100 当时这些花还是新鲜的 它们应该还是粉色的才对 {\fscx070\fscy070}These flowers were fresh and new. They should still be pink 634 00:37:49,100 --> 00:37:53,020 但现在它们在犯罪现场的照片里就已经枯萎了 {\fscx070\fscy070}But they were already dead in the crime scene photos. 635 00:37:56,360 --> 00:37:57,780 戴蒙是做什么营生的 {\fscx070\fscy070}What does Dimon do for a living? 636 00:37:57,780 --> 00:37:59,320 安保技术 {\fscx070\fscy070}Security technology. 637 00:37:59,320 --> 00:38:01,110 索菲亚呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}And what does Sofia do for a living? 638 00:38:01,110 --> 00:38:02,410 植物学家 {\fscx070\fscy070}She's a botanist 639 00:38:03,030 --> 00:38:05,030 你知道这房间是什么吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Do you know what this room is? - Uh- uh. 640 00:38:08,790 --> 00:38:10,410 温室 {\fscx070\fscy070}A greenhouse. 641 00:38:11,120 --> 00:38:14,380 没错 这是最先进的气候控制系统 {\fscx070\fscy070}Yes. Yes. These are state of- the- art climate control. 642 00:38:14,380 --> 00:38:17,260 所以戴蒙把整个地方变成了一个巨大的冰箱 {\fscx070\fscy070}So Dimon turns the entire place into one giant refrigerator. 643 00:38:18,720 --> 00:38:21,130 他把阿科斯塔的尸体冻住后离开了 {\fscx070\fscy070}He freezes Acosta's body and leaves. 644 00:38:21,130 --> 00:38:23,800 那晚 他篡改了监控视频 栽赃到丽施卡·张头上 {\fscx070\fscy070}That night, he doctors the video, framing Lishka Zhang. 645 00:38:23,800 --> 00:38:26,140 第二天 他远程提高了温度 {\fscx070\fscy070}The next day, he raises the temperature remotely, 646 00:38:26,140 --> 00:38:28,220 给整个房子加热 所以才让验尸官 {\fscx070\fscy070}cooking the house and completely messing up 647 00:38:28,230 --> 00:38:29,770 无法确定正确的死亡时间 {\fscx070\fscy070}the coroner's time of death estimate. 648 00:38:31,900 --> 00:38:33,400 那他们把勒奈特怎么样了呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}And what did they do with Lynette? 649 00:38:33,400 --> 00:38:35,650 如果他们要杀她 那他们在这就动手了 {\fscx070\fscy070}If they were gonna kill her, they would've done that here. 650 00:38:35,650 --> 00:38:37,530 聪明之举 {\fscx070\fscy070}That's the smart move. 651 00:38:37,530 --> 00:38:40,150 也许索菲亚有点挣扎 {\fscx070\fscy070}Well, maybe Sofia has a hard time with that. 652 00:38:40,150 --> 00:38:44,450 毕竟是她姐姐 所以他们绑架了她 对吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}I mean, it is her sister, so they kidnap her, right? 653 00:38:44,450 --> 00:38:45,660 给他们争取点时间 {\fscx070\fscy070}To buy themselves some time. 654 00:38:46,540 --> 00:38:47,910 那他们带她去哪了呢 {\fscx070\fscy070}And where did they take her? 655 00:38:49,750 --> 00:38:52,540 问戴蒙他去丰塔纳做什么了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Ask Dimon what he was doing in Fontana. 656 00:38:52,540 --> 00:38:55,330 你看哈 丰塔纳离这不远 一定要距离够近才行 {\fscx070\fscy070}You see, Fontana's not that far away. It has to be relatively close. 657 00:38:55,340 --> 00:38:57,170 他们要一个晚上赶到那然后再回来 {\fscx070\fscy070}They gotta get there and back in the same night. 658 00:38:57,170 --> 00:39:00,010 没有书面记录 也没有对他们俩的指控 {\fscx070\fscy070}And there's no paper trail, no charges for either of them in that area. 659 00:39:00,010 --> 00:39:03,970 所以他们把她带到一个安全的地方 某一个人拥有的地方 {\fscx070\fscy070}So they're taking her someplace secure. Someplace one of them owns. 660 00:39:05,600 --> 00:39:08,510 一个他们幽会的地方 {\fscx070\fscy070}Someplace they've been meeting up to have their affair. 661 00:39:09,310 --> 00:39:10,600 一个遥远 {\fscx070\fscy070}Someplace remote 662 00:39:14,100 --> 00:39:15,150 但却又熟悉的地方 {\fscx070\fscy070}but familiar. 663 00:39:56,520 --> 00:39:57,650 好了 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's okay. 664 00:40:04,030 --> 00:40:06,660 因为你勒奈特·阿科斯特得救了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Lynette Acosta is gonna be okay thanks to you. 665 00:40:13,710 --> 00:40:15,040 有个职位给你 {\fscx070\fscy070}It's a job offer. 666 00:40:16,330 --> 00:40:20,000 来做顾问吧 全职 我们需要你 {\fscx070\fscy070}Come be a consultant. Do this full time. We need you. 667 00:40:35,770 --> 00:40:37,440 我不是这块料 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'm not cut out for this. 668 00:40:40,480 --> 00:40:41,690 但还是谢谢你 {\fscx070\fscy070}But thank you. 669 00:40:45,070 --> 00:40:48,110 如果你改变了主意 就来找我吧 {\fscx070\fscy070}If you change your mind, you know where to find me. 670 00:41:10,930 --> 00:41:12,050 妈妈 {\fscx070\fscy070}Mom. 671 00:41:13,890 --> 00:41:16,600 妈 妈 妈 {\fscx070\fscy070}Mom. Mom! Mom! 672 00:41:16,600 --> 00:41:20,480 -莱蒂 -妈妈 {\fscx070\fscy070}Letty! - Mom! Mom! 673 00:41:41,080 --> 00:41:42,880 艾娃 我需要跟你谈谈你爸爸 {\fscx070\fscy070}Ava, I need to talk to you about your dad. 674 00:41:42,880 --> 00:41:43,920 妈 不要 {\fscx070\fscy070}Mom, no. 675 00:41:45,460 --> 00:41:47,220 你真该看看我告诉他我怀孕时他脸上的表情 {\fscx070\fscy070}You should have seen the look on his face when I told him I was pregnant. 676 00:41:47,220 --> 00:41:49,380 -别说了 -他当时好开心 {\fscx070\fscy070}Stop it. He was so happy. 677 00:41:49,380 --> 00:41:50,550 那他为什么离开 {\fscx070\fscy070}Then why did he leave? 678 00:41:53,010 --> 00:41:56,520 他没离开 他 他消失了 {\fscx070\fscy070}He didn't leave. He...He vanished. 679 00:41:56,520 --> 00:41:57,980 他一定是出事了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Something happened to him. 680 00:41:57,980 --> 00:41:59,600 警察根本不信我 {\fscx070\fscy070}And the police, they never believed me. 681 00:41:59,600 --> 00:42:03,020 但我知道他不会那样离开你的 {\fscx070\fscy070}But I know that he would not have left you. 682 00:42:03,020 --> 00:42:04,980 嘿 但他就是离开了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Hey, but he did. He's gone. 683 00:42:04,980 --> 00:42:08,570 他已经离开15年了 妈 这事你骗我也没有用 {\fscx070\fscy070}He's been gone for 15 years, Mom, and lying to me about it isn't gonna help. 684 00:42:08,570 --> 00:42:10,700 宝儿 我不是在骗你 {\fscx070\fscy070}Honey, I'm not lying to you. 685 00:42:11,280 --> 00:42:14,120 我跟你说 他不会那样对我们的 {\fscx070\fscy070}I'm telling you that he would not have done that to us. 686 00:42:14,120 --> 00:42:16,740 那就别再自欺欺人了 {\fscx070\fscy070}Then stop lying to yourself. 687 00:42:38,730 --> 00:42:42,270 我想要加薪 你开的条件再加30% {\fscx070\fscy070}I want a raise. Add 30% to your offer 688 00:42:42,270 --> 00:42:47,110 不 加20%还有看孩子 你自己想办法 {\fscx070\fscy070}No, add 20%and childcare. You figure that part out 689 00:42:47,110 --> 00:42:48,320 就这吗 {\fscx070\fscy070}Is that it? 690 00:42:48,900 --> 00:42:50,610 如果我给你工作 你也得给我工作 {\fscx070\fscy070}IfI work for you, you work for me, too. 691 00:42:51,820 --> 00:42:53,070 我需要你找个人 {\fscx070\fscy070}I need you to find someone. 692 00:42:53,700 --> 00:42:55,030 他叫罗曼·辛克拉 {\fscx070\fscy070}His name is Roman Sinquerra 693 00:42:56,240 --> 00:42:58,080 他15年前小时了 {\fscx070\fscy070}And he vanished 15 years ago. 694 00:42:58,080 --> 00:43:01,040 警方说他离开了这里 但我知道他没有 {\fscx070\fscy070}The police say that he just skipped town but Iknow that he didn't. 695 00:43:01,920 --> 00:43:04,670 所以 我需要帮助 {\fscx070\fscy070}So, I need help 696 00:43:07,710 --> 00:43:10,920 请帮我找到他 {\fscx070\fscy070}Please help me find him. 697 00:43:14,930 --> 00:43:16,180 成交 {\fscx070\fscy070}You got a deal.