1 00:00:01,477 --> 00:00:01,511  Te                              2 00:00:01,511 --> 00:00:01,544  Tedd                            3 00:00:01,544 --> 00:00:01,577  Teddy:                          4 00:00:01,577 --> 00:00:01,611  Teddy: H                        5 00:00:01,611 --> 00:00:01,644  Teddy: How                      6 00:00:01,644 --> 00:00:01,677  Teddy: Howev                    7 00:00:01,677 --> 00:00:01,711  Teddy: However                  8 00:00:01,711 --> 00:00:01,744  Teddy: However y                9 00:00:01,744 --> 00:00:01,778  Teddy: However you              10 00:00:01,778 --> 00:00:01,811  Teddy: However you m            11 00:00:01,811 --> 00:00:01,844  Teddy: However you mig          12 00:00:01,844 --> 00:00:01,878  Teddy: However you might        13 00:00:01,878 --> 00:00:01,911  Teddy: However you might t      14 00:00:01,911 --> 00:00:01,944  Teddy: However you might tra    15 00:00:01,944 --> 00:00:01,978  Teddy: However you might trave  16 00:00:01,978 --> 00:00:02,078  Teddy: However you might travel 17 00:00:02,078 --> 00:00:02,111  Teddy: However you might travel    fr                            18 00:00:02,111 --> 00:00:02,145  Teddy: However you might travel    from                          19 00:00:02,145 --> 00:00:02,178  Teddy: However you might travel    from p                        20 00:00:02,178 --> 00:00:02,211  Teddy: However you might travel    from poi                      21 00:00:02,211 --> 00:00:02,245  Teddy: However you might travel    from point                    22 00:00:02,245 --> 00:00:02,278  Teddy: However you might travel    from point A                  23 00:00:02,278 --> 00:00:02,311  Teddy: However you might travel    from point A t                24 00:00:02,311 --> 00:00:02,345  Teddy: However you might travel    from point A to               25 00:00:02,345 --> 00:00:02,378  Teddy: However you might travel    from point A to po            26 00:00:02,378 --> 00:00:02,412  Teddy: However you might travel    from point A to poin          27 00:00:02,412 --> 00:00:02,445  Teddy: However you might travel    from point A to point         28 00:00:02,445 --> 00:00:02,478  Teddy: However you might travel    from point A to point B.      29 00:00:02,478 --> 00:00:05,615  Teddy: However you might travel    from point A to point B...    30 00:00:05,715 --> 00:00:08,251     Aliya: ...there's comfort        and then there's luxury.     31 00:00:08,351 --> 00:00:09,252     Man: Do you not love it?     32 00:00:09,352 --> 00:00:10,620           Teddy: I do.                I thought it was just--     33 00:00:10,720 --> 00:00:11,954        How are the guests               going to love this?       34 00:00:12,055 --> 00:00:13,222               Yeah.              35 00:00:13,322 --> 00:00:15,825     From red-carpet treatment        aboard a palace on wheels    36 00:00:15,925 --> 00:00:17,360     gliding through India...     37 00:00:17,460 --> 00:00:19,662         The stained glass                 is from Paris.          38 00:00:19,762 --> 00:00:22,398    Teddy: ...to eating caviar            on the high seas,        39 00:00:22,498 --> 00:00:24,300          while creating             your journey on the fly...    40 00:00:24,400 --> 00:00:27,570        The passengers will              decide where we go.       41 00:00:27,670 --> 00:00:29,972      So, for me, it will be           pretty much a surprise.     42 00:00:30,073 --> 00:00:31,340       (Indistinct chatter)       43 00:00:31,441 --> 00:00:34,077       Aliya: ...To scoring           a golden ticket in Japan     44 00:00:34,177 --> 00:00:38,214  aboard an ultra exclusive train      serving up decadence...     45 00:00:38,314 --> 00:00:41,017      That is the single best       piece of sushi I've ever had.  46 00:00:41,117 --> 00:00:43,820  Aliya ...and a six-star cruise         ship that promises        47 00:00:43,920 --> 00:00:46,823          not just luxury                  but discovery.          48 00:00:46,923 --> 00:00:49,659      Pilot: It is just magic              flying it here.         49 00:00:49,759 --> 00:00:52,995   Teddy: These are some of the       finest luxury experiences    50 00:00:53,096 --> 00:00:55,298    to put on your bucket list.   51 00:00:55,398 --> 00:01:02,371                 ♪                52 00:01:02,472 --> 00:01:05,241  These are the mightiest planes,         trains and ships         53 00:01:05,341 --> 00:01:07,176    humankind has ever devised.   54 00:01:07,276 --> 00:01:10,313   And they can sometimes be the   most comfortable, most decadent 55 00:01:10,413 --> 00:01:13,382     luxury experiences anyone           could ever imagine.       56 00:01:13,483 --> 00:01:15,318         And they have the               price tag to match.       57 00:01:15,418 --> 00:01:16,819       Yeah, they really do,              and you know, AJ,        58 00:01:16,919 --> 00:01:18,054   as the host of Mighty Trains,  59 00:01:18,154 --> 00:01:19,722           I really got               the red-carpet treatment     60 00:01:19,822 --> 00:01:22,492         on the legendary                Maharajas' Express,       61 00:01:22,592 --> 00:01:24,794        travelling through           the heart of India by rail.   62 00:01:24,894 --> 00:01:27,463      And I got to experience              the epic beauty         63 00:01:27,563 --> 00:01:31,167         of Kyushu, Japan,          with a glass of sake in hand,  64 00:01:31,267 --> 00:01:33,669       and that was onboard         the Seven Stars cruise train.  65 00:01:33,769 --> 00:01:35,138            Ooh-la-la!            66 00:01:35,238 --> 00:01:38,374  Well, I too am excited to talk     about sea and rail journeys   67 00:01:38,474 --> 00:01:40,209         fit for royalty,         68 00:01:40,309 --> 00:01:42,778     like the surprise cruise           aboard the Europa II,      69 00:01:42,879 --> 00:01:45,815   where the passengers actually        set the destination.       70 00:01:45,915 --> 00:01:47,483        Teddy: That is such              a cool novel idea.        71 00:01:47,583 --> 00:01:48,885            I love it.            72 00:01:48,985 --> 00:01:50,586   Now, I don't want to rub this            next one in,           73 00:01:50,686 --> 00:01:52,121      but I can still barely             believe it myself.        74 00:01:52,221 --> 00:01:55,324   I just recently got back from    the coast of Norway on a ship  75 00:01:55,424 --> 00:01:58,227   that calls itself the world's       first discovery yacht.      76 00:01:58,327 --> 00:02:00,196  And that's because, in addition         to all the luxury        77 00:02:00,296 --> 00:02:02,064  and five-star dining on board,  78 00:02:02,165 --> 00:02:04,800      guests also experience           unbelievable excursions     79 00:02:04,901 --> 00:02:07,770           on the ship's                  very own Zodiacs,        80 00:02:07,870 --> 00:02:08,771     helicopter and submarine.    81 00:02:08,871 --> 00:02:09,805           You did not?           82 00:02:09,906 --> 00:02:10,806 I did.                           83 00:02:10,907 --> 00:02:12,275  Okay, I need to call my agent.  84 00:02:12,375 --> 00:02:14,544  Why was there no luxury clause           in my contract?         85 00:02:14,644 --> 00:02:16,479    I can't help you with that.             I don't know.          86 00:02:16,579 --> 00:02:18,080      But the yacht is called              Scenic Eclipse,         87 00:02:18,181 --> 00:02:21,250             and, AJ,                  it's got all the toys.      88 00:02:21,350 --> 00:02:25,021                 ♪                89 00:02:25,121 --> 00:02:29,892         At 165.7 metres,                 or 544 feet long,        90 00:02:29,992 --> 00:02:31,727    with eight passenger decks,   91 00:02:31,827 --> 00:02:35,097     Scenic Eclipse is smaller      than the average cruise ship.  92 00:02:35,198 --> 00:02:41,671  But this six-star vessel trades   size for style and substance.  93 00:02:41,771 --> 00:02:43,472   Captain Griffiths: She looks          like a super yacht,       94 00:02:43,573 --> 00:02:45,474        but she is actually               a discovery yacht        95 00:02:45,575 --> 00:02:47,276   with a nice reinforced hull,   96 00:02:47,376 --> 00:02:50,313     exceptionally overpowered        for a ship of this size.     97 00:02:50,413 --> 00:02:53,382  Obviously, the Eclipse, there's   a lot of moving parts to it,   98 00:02:53,482 --> 00:02:55,585     which really adds to the             complexity of it,        99 00:02:55,685 --> 00:02:56,686     and is one of the reasons    100 00:02:56,786 --> 00:02:58,988       that actually we have            a ratio of one-to-one      101 00:02:59,088 --> 00:03:00,389    with guests and passengers.   102 00:03:00,489 --> 00:03:01,857    It's good to have you here.            Welcome aboard.         103 00:03:01,958 --> 00:03:03,259                       Thank you. 104 00:03:03,359 --> 00:03:07,163 Teddy: The VIP treatment extends    to the excursions off-ship,   105 00:03:07,263 --> 00:03:10,967   led by dedicated expert crews       called Discovery Teams.     106 00:03:11,067 --> 00:03:13,202        Jason: They're from              all over the world,       107 00:03:13,302 --> 00:03:15,104  various different experiences,  108 00:03:15,204 --> 00:03:18,207      PhDs, master beholders,           because it's not just      109 00:03:18,307 --> 00:03:21,277   about managing and mitigating              the risk,            110 00:03:21,377 --> 00:03:25,448      but it's also about the        experience for the guests.    111 00:03:25,548 --> 00:03:27,717        Teddy: And remember                I said "toys"?          112 00:03:27,817 --> 00:03:30,486  Well, put on your flight suit.  113 00:03:30,586 --> 00:03:32,488                 ♪                114 00:03:32,588 --> 00:03:34,190  We're actually the only cruise          ship in the world        115 00:03:34,290 --> 00:03:36,726          to permanently               carry two helicopters.      116 00:03:36,826 --> 00:03:39,295       (Indistinct chatter)       117 00:03:39,395 --> 00:03:41,430   Pilot: It looks a little bit         different from here.       118 00:03:41,530 --> 00:03:45,968  Teddy: The Scenic Eclipse also     carries a fleet of Zodiacs,   119 00:03:46,068 --> 00:03:50,439    small inflatable boats that     are both fun and functional.   120 00:03:50,539 --> 00:03:51,607                 ♪                121 00:03:51,707 --> 00:03:55,044    So it's just a quick recce,          uh, reconnaissance,       122 00:03:55,144 --> 00:03:56,979       to have a look to see           if there's any dangers.     123 00:03:57,079 --> 00:03:59,649                 ♪                124 00:03:59,749 --> 00:04:02,652      Teddy: And if being on             or above the water        125 00:04:02,752 --> 00:04:04,720     doesn't float your boat,     126 00:04:04,820 --> 00:04:06,989    you can dive, dive, dive...   127 00:04:07,089 --> 00:04:08,557          Where do we go?         128 00:04:08,658 --> 00:04:10,793   Teddy: ...on Scenic Eclipse's           own submarine.          129 00:04:10,893 --> 00:04:13,963        Chris: So, as soon            as we get to the bottom,     130 00:04:14,063 --> 00:04:16,465    we could find some kind of,         some weird creatures.      131 00:04:16,565 --> 00:04:17,466            You never,            132 00:04:17,566 --> 00:04:19,168       you just never know.       133 00:04:19,268 --> 00:04:20,403      So, it's very exciting.     134 00:04:20,503 --> 00:04:22,104         So, look at this.           Right out of the darkness,    135 00:04:22,204 --> 00:04:23,706        we got the hull of             this shipwreck-- whoa!      136 00:04:23,806 --> 00:04:24,707      Man:                        Whoa, big fish.                  137 00:04:24,807 --> 00:04:25,708         Chris: Big fish!         138 00:04:25,808 --> 00:04:27,143              Teddy:                      So much adventure        139 00:04:27,243 --> 00:04:29,612        is sure to work up                  an appetite.           140 00:04:29,712 --> 00:04:32,114       But no need to worry.      141 00:04:32,214 --> 00:04:35,518     Scenic Eclipse takes food       to the next level as well.    142 00:04:35,618 --> 00:04:38,020    Tom: I think what makes us           quite different is        143 00:04:38,120 --> 00:04:40,489       we're trying to focus      144 00:04:40,589 --> 00:04:41,590        on my simple items        145 00:04:41,691 --> 00:04:43,559             and do it                 the very best quality.      146 00:04:43,659 --> 00:04:45,528    It's good.                    Shall we try it?                 147 00:04:45,628 --> 00:04:46,629         Yes, definitely.         148 00:04:47,630 --> 00:04:49,465       This is really, yeah.      149 00:04:49,565 --> 00:04:52,068                 Excellent.       150 00:04:52,168 --> 00:04:56,472       Teddy: Scenic Eclipse          can carry 228 passengers     151 00:04:56,572 --> 00:04:59,809   and the crew is getting ready       for its next adventure.     152 00:04:59,909 --> 00:05:03,012  Daniel: Well, we're looking at    the ship from top to bottom.   153 00:05:03,112 --> 00:05:05,715     We gave guests coming on             in a couple hours        154 00:05:05,815 --> 00:05:07,049          and after that,                  it's showtime.          155 00:05:07,149 --> 00:05:09,151      Teddy: While everything            is coming together        156 00:05:09,251 --> 00:05:10,419         onboard the ship,        157 00:05:10,519 --> 00:05:13,556          the same can't            be said dockside, literally.   158 00:05:13,656 --> 00:05:15,524                 ♪                159 00:05:15,624 --> 00:05:18,494       This one is too far.               So, big problem.         160 00:05:18,594 --> 00:05:19,995       You take this gangway      161 00:05:20,096 --> 00:05:22,031          from the back,                  from the luggage,        162 00:05:22,131 --> 00:05:23,366       and connect it here.       163 00:05:23,466 --> 00:05:25,735     You need a lot of people.    164 00:05:25,835 --> 00:05:28,371 Teddy: Hotel director Daniel has   emerged to join the efforts.   165 00:05:28,471 --> 00:05:30,673              We need                    more weight on it.        166 00:05:30,773 --> 00:05:32,375             (Chatter)            167 00:05:32,475 --> 00:05:33,709        You got it?               168 00:05:33,809 --> 00:05:36,045             Is it in                       or is it out?          169 00:05:36,145 --> 00:05:37,046 Man: It's in.                    170 00:05:37,146 --> 00:05:38,080              (Bang)              171 00:05:38,180 --> 00:05:39,081            (Cheering)                          Opa!               172 00:05:39,181 --> 00:05:41,317        Teddy: So, the ship               at the back here         173 00:05:41,417 --> 00:05:43,018         was too far away                  from the dock.          174 00:05:43,119 --> 00:05:44,987     They weren't able to get             the provisions on        175 00:05:45,087 --> 00:05:46,689     with the normal platform              that they use.          176 00:05:46,789 --> 00:05:47,923         So, they've taken                 this gangplank          177 00:05:48,023 --> 00:05:49,625        from the other end                  of the ship,           178 00:05:49,725 --> 00:05:51,127          brought it over                 with a forklift--        179 00:05:51,227 --> 00:05:52,128     really difficult to do--     180 00:05:52,228 --> 00:05:53,362             and now,                   they've attached it.       181 00:05:53,462 --> 00:05:56,799    And they're going to bring         all of these provisions     182 00:05:56,899 --> 00:05:58,334        onto the ship here.       183 00:05:58,434 --> 00:05:59,435           It looks like                  this has worked,         184 00:05:59,535 --> 00:06:00,870        but they still have            all of these provisions     185 00:06:00,970 --> 00:06:02,371       and a lot of luggage                to get onboard.         186 00:06:02,471 --> 00:06:03,472          Time's tickin'.         187 00:06:04,473 --> 00:06:06,842        We need more people                  out there.            188 00:06:06,942 --> 00:06:07,843             Let's go.            189 00:06:07,943 --> 00:06:10,379        (Unclear shouting)        190 00:06:10,479 --> 00:06:13,349              Teddy:                    Back aboard the ship,      191 00:06:13,449 --> 00:06:16,018      Daniel checks one last            ultra-luxury location      192 00:06:16,118 --> 00:06:18,387    before embarkation begins.    193 00:06:18,487 --> 00:06:20,790        Daniel: Right now,           we're in the Scenic Lounge.   194 00:06:20,890 --> 00:06:22,525         It's a beautiful,                comfortable area.        195 00:06:22,625 --> 00:06:25,428          And, of course,           we have the, uh, whisky bar.   196 00:06:25,528 --> 00:06:27,730        Over 135 whiskies.        197 00:06:27,830 --> 00:06:29,899                      Milos,                       good afternoon. 198 00:06:29,999 --> 00:06:31,333          Good afternoon.         199 00:06:31,434 --> 00:06:32,701                  How is your bar                      today?      200 00:06:32,802 --> 00:06:33,803       The bar is excellent.      201 00:06:33,903 --> 00:06:35,438          Right. All your bottles               are on-point?      202 00:06:35,538 --> 00:06:36,539       Daniel's just talking                 with staff,           203 00:06:36,639 --> 00:06:38,741      making sure everything             is in perfect shape       204 00:06:38,841 --> 00:06:40,142     before the guests get on.    205 00:06:40,242 --> 00:06:42,611       All the pillows look good.         The chairs look right.   206 00:06:42,711 --> 00:06:44,814        We're gonna sample          some of those whiskies later.  207 00:06:44,914 --> 00:06:46,482             Thank you very much.                 That's great.    208 00:06:46,582 --> 00:06:49,351          But you can cut                  that part out.          209 00:06:49,452 --> 00:06:51,954   Champagne is cold and we are         ready for operations.      210 00:06:52,054 --> 00:06:52,955                    Really, okay,                     excellent.   211 00:06:53,055 --> 00:06:54,657       Thank you very much.                 Looks great.           212 00:06:54,757 --> 00:06:56,058 Milos: You're welcome.                 Thank you.                 213 00:06:56,158 --> 00:06:59,028     Tom: I think we have all     the fruit and vegetables aboard, 214 00:06:59,128 --> 00:07:00,396    so we're gonna be fine, so.   215 00:07:00,496 --> 00:07:02,131       Looks like everything                 is coming.            216 00:07:02,231 --> 00:07:03,833     We checked the boxes, so.    217 00:07:03,933 --> 00:07:05,634      We should be all right.     218 00:07:05,734 --> 00:07:07,403            Looks good.           219 00:07:07,503 --> 00:07:08,938           We're lucky.           220 00:07:09,038 --> 00:07:10,473     Will be                      a good cruise.                   221 00:07:10,573 --> 00:07:12,541   Teddy: While the provisioning      continues on the gangway,    222 00:07:12,641 --> 00:07:15,044            the baggage                   gets loaded with         223 00:07:15,144 --> 00:07:16,979        some more creative                 troubleshooting         224 00:07:17,079 --> 00:07:19,248              Daniel:                 Ship from top to bottom.     225 00:07:19,348 --> 00:07:20,983     All the suites are good.     226 00:07:21,083 --> 00:07:23,452         The public venues           look excellent, the rooms.    227 00:07:23,552 --> 00:07:25,888            Uh, we have                 a green light, okay?       228 00:07:25,988 --> 00:07:28,724                 ♪                229 00:07:28,824 --> 00:07:29,892            Welcome to              the beautiful Scenic Eclipse.  230 00:07:29,992 --> 00:07:30,893         My name is Pablo.        231 00:07:30,993 --> 00:07:32,061        I'm your Assistant                Cruise Director.         232 00:07:32,161 --> 00:07:33,596          Welcome aboard!         233 00:07:33,696 --> 00:07:36,765            Follow me.            234 00:07:36,866 --> 00:07:39,001       Teddy: Now, finally,                it's showtime.          235 00:07:39,101 --> 00:07:40,669                 ♪                236 00:07:40,769 --> 00:07:43,272           This will be                   Scenic Eclipse's         237 00:07:43,372 --> 00:07:45,007  first trip to Norwegian Waters. 238 00:07:45,107 --> 00:07:48,677          And it promises                to be spectacular.        239 00:07:48,777 --> 00:07:53,182        Scenic Eclipse will             set out from Bergen,       240 00:07:53,282 --> 00:07:56,418        stopping in Vikoyri                   and Flam.            241 00:07:56,519 --> 00:07:57,686         Continuing north,        242 00:07:57,786 --> 00:08:00,923       we'll visit Norway's            magnificent Sognefjord,     243 00:08:01,023 --> 00:08:02,858     and then Geirangerfjord.     244 00:08:02,958 --> 00:08:06,495     From there, we'll stop at           the Lofoten Islands       245 00:08:06,595 --> 00:08:09,164            and Tromso.           246 00:08:09,265 --> 00:08:12,034         Captain Griffiths            and his bridge crew meet     247 00:08:12,134 --> 00:08:14,069  to review their operating plan. 248 00:08:14,169 --> 00:08:16,805   Okay, everyone, so departure            Bergen tonight.         249 00:08:16,906 --> 00:08:19,141    We're currently on two DGs.   250 00:08:19,241 --> 00:08:22,044    We'll start the Azipods and   the thrusters just before we let 251 00:08:22,144 --> 00:08:25,180  go of the lines, we'll pin the    ship alongside the dock using  252 00:08:25,281 --> 00:08:27,816  thrusters and Azipods and then      we'll start singling up.     253 00:08:27,917 --> 00:08:31,020 The challenge with the Norwegian    fjord is that they are very   254 00:08:31,120 --> 00:08:34,223   narrow and the Scenic Eclipse  isn't a huge cruise ship but she 255 00:08:34,323 --> 00:08:37,693 does weigh 17.5 thousand tonnes,  so we are always aware that it  256 00:08:37,793 --> 00:08:40,829       takes us a good while              to stop the ship.        257 00:08:40,930 --> 00:08:44,500  Teddy: The Norwegian fjords are  so tricky to navigate, special  258 00:08:44,600 --> 00:08:48,103 local pilots are required on the   bridge for our entire journey  259 00:08:48,203 --> 00:08:49,705       along the coastline.       260 00:08:49,805 --> 00:08:52,641     These pilots, they're ex      captains themselves but they're 261 00:08:52,741 --> 00:08:55,210    super knowledgeable in the          waters around Norway.      262 00:08:55,311 --> 00:08:57,379 Okay, so we've got full control? 263 00:08:57,479 --> 00:08:58,480             Yes, sir.            264 00:08:58,581 --> 00:09:00,583      Okay, we'll just start              slowly thrusting.        265 00:09:00,683 --> 00:09:03,919  Okay, when you're ready, single       up, forward and out.       266 00:09:04,019 --> 00:09:04,920           Forward out.           267 00:09:05,020 --> 00:09:05,921            Single up.            268 00:09:06,021 --> 00:09:07,122        Single up, forward.       269 00:09:07,222 --> 00:09:09,191       Up, let go all lines.      270 00:09:09,291 --> 00:09:10,426           Let go lines.          271 00:09:10,526 --> 00:09:15,297       Teddy: While Captain       Griffiths keeps a close watch on 272 00:09:15,397 --> 00:09:19,668     Scenic Eclipse, the pilot        scans ahead for trouble.     273 00:09:19,768 --> 00:09:22,371           Go stations,                 and remember travel.       274 00:09:22,471 --> 00:09:25,641 Forward and give us the control. 275 00:09:25,741 --> 00:09:28,344     Just behind us there now.    276 00:09:28,444 --> 00:09:29,411               Wait.              277 00:09:29,511 --> 00:09:31,547            Wait here.            278 00:09:31,647 --> 00:09:34,750       Starboard side five.       279 00:09:34,850 --> 00:09:36,885          Starboard five.         280 00:09:36,986 --> 00:09:37,953               Yes.               281 00:09:38,053 --> 00:09:39,521                 ♪                282 00:09:39,622 --> 00:09:41,824     Waiting six minutes here.    283 00:09:41,924 --> 00:09:42,825      Captain, this is great.     284 00:09:42,925 --> 00:09:44,460         Teddy: Thanks for               the access up here.       285 00:09:44,560 --> 00:09:46,362         Does it feel good                to be under way?         286 00:09:46,462 --> 00:09:47,363        Captain Griffiths:                     It is.              287 00:09:47,463 --> 00:09:48,530    It's great to be underway.    288 00:09:48,631 --> 00:09:50,899       Ships are meant to be            at sea, not in port,       289 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:51,900         that's for sure.         290 00:09:52,001 --> 00:09:52,901       Teddy: And we're off.      291 00:09:53,002 --> 00:09:54,770         The epic wonders                 of Norway await.         292 00:09:54,870 --> 00:09:59,708                 ♪                293 00:09:59,808 --> 00:10:00,809              Teddy?              294 00:10:00,909 --> 00:10:03,312         Sorry, I was just            reminiscing a bit there.     295 00:10:03,412 --> 00:10:07,483  Mm, yeah. In a bit mostly just     Teddy goes but we all go...   296 00:10:07,583 --> 00:10:10,319   around the world experiencing     the planet's most luxurious   297 00:10:10,419 --> 00:10:14,223  experiences by sea and by rail      to India, Japan and more.    298 00:10:14,323 --> 00:10:17,092    Yeah, I returned to Scenic      Eclipse as a prepared the sub  299 00:10:17,192 --> 00:10:19,161     for a deep-sea adventure            and you know what?        300 00:10:19,261 --> 00:10:22,031     If we ever get on a space       shuttle, that's all yours.    301 00:10:22,131 --> 00:10:23,032       I'll take that deal.       302 00:10:23,132 --> 00:10:24,033               Okay.              303 00:10:24,133 --> 00:10:25,567 It's not in writing though so... 304 00:10:25,668 --> 00:10:31,707     (Instrumental rock music)    305 00:10:34,610 --> 00:10:34,643       (D                         306 00:10:34,643 --> 00:10:34,677       (Dri                       307 00:10:34,677 --> 00:10:34,710       (Drivi                     308 00:10:34,710 --> 00:10:34,743       (Driving                   309 00:10:34,743 --> 00:10:34,777       (Driving i                 310 00:10:34,777 --> 00:10:34,810       (Driving ins               311 00:10:34,810 --> 00:10:34,843       (Driving instr             312 00:10:34,843 --> 00:10:34,877       (Driving instrum           313 00:10:34,877 --> 00:10:34,910       (Driving instrumen         314 00:10:34,910 --> 00:10:34,943       (Driving instrumenta       315 00:10:34,943 --> 00:10:35,044       (Driving instrumental      316 00:10:35,044 --> 00:10:35,077       (Driving instrumental                 ro                    317 00:10:35,077 --> 00:10:35,110       (Driving instrumental                 rock                  318 00:10:35,110 --> 00:10:35,144       (Driving instrumental                 rock m                319 00:10:35,144 --> 00:10:35,177       (Driving instrumental                 rock mus              320 00:10:35,177 --> 00:10:35,210       (Driving instrumental                 rock music            321 00:10:35,210 --> 00:10:39,848       (Driving instrumental                 rock music)           322 00:10:39,948 --> 00:10:43,352      Push up to 10 knots now             to get in there.         323 00:10:43,452 --> 00:10:45,120               Yeah.              324 00:10:45,220 --> 00:10:48,190   Teddy: Captain Griffiths and    his team are approaching their  325 00:10:48,290 --> 00:10:49,925   second port of call, Vikoyri.  326 00:10:50,025 --> 00:10:53,362 About 140 of the passengers will      actually be getting off     327 00:10:53,462 --> 00:10:55,731           the ship this                morning and then they      328 00:10:55,831 --> 00:10:58,834   will actually go over land to        our next destination       329 00:10:58,934 --> 00:11:00,235          which is Flam.          330 00:11:00,335 --> 00:11:03,639     And that we can go stand       by 7-12, take the thrusters.   331 00:11:03,739 --> 00:11:07,076    Teddy: The seabed close to         shore at Vikoyri is too     332 00:11:07,176 --> 00:11:10,145  delicate for Scenic Eclipse to   approach, so Captain Griffiths  333 00:11:10,245 --> 00:11:12,481    stops here over deep waters            where an anchor         334 00:11:12,581 --> 00:11:14,283         would be useless.        335 00:11:14,383 --> 00:11:18,053       It's well over 1,000       metres underneath the keel right 336 00:11:18,153 --> 00:11:20,355         now so, more than                   3,000 feet.           337 00:11:20,456 --> 00:11:24,193   So you obviously cannot drop        anchor and that type of     338 00:11:24,293 --> 00:11:25,360         depth of waters.         339 00:11:25,461 --> 00:11:28,163          Standby the way                  on nav, please.         340 00:11:28,263 --> 00:11:29,164           Captain has.           341 00:11:29,264 --> 00:11:30,499      Speed and maintenance.      342 00:11:30,599 --> 00:11:31,500            Starboard.            343 00:11:31,600 --> 00:11:33,001           Yes, we are.           344 00:11:33,102 --> 00:11:36,305   Teddy: He maneuvers the ship     to find a location that will   345 00:11:36,405 --> 00:11:38,107        protect the tenders                from the wind.          346 00:11:38,207 --> 00:11:39,775      Monitoring the speed of             the wind as well         347 00:11:39,875 --> 00:11:41,243    to make sure that we end up   348 00:11:41,343 --> 00:11:43,545   where we need to be and then       we'll actually engage our    349 00:11:43,645 --> 00:11:45,514        dynamic positioning                system to avoid         350 00:11:45,614 --> 00:11:47,449        dropping anchor on                   the seabed.           351 00:11:47,549 --> 00:11:50,986   We need to literally press a            button and the          352 00:11:51,086 --> 00:11:54,123     ship will use satellites         and its internal systems     353 00:11:54,223 --> 00:11:56,859       to actually maintain          a really precise position.    354 00:11:56,959 --> 00:12:01,463  Have about another 40° left in    the swing and then when we've  355 00:12:01,563 --> 00:12:03,065     swung and we're pointing             straight back out        356 00:12:03,165 --> 00:12:05,501  where we came, we'll just back          up a little bit.         357 00:12:05,601 --> 00:12:08,670            Okay, now.                 Engage DP now, please.      358 00:12:08,771 --> 00:12:11,340                 ♪                359 00:12:11,440 --> 00:12:13,675             (Beeping)            360 00:12:13,776 --> 00:12:15,677                 ♪                361 00:12:15,778 --> 00:12:17,679         We're on DP now.         362 00:12:17,780 --> 00:12:20,015        Captain Griffiths:          DP engaged. Okay, very good.   363 00:12:20,115 --> 00:12:22,017                 ♪                364 00:12:22,117 --> 00:12:24,353     Teddy: A few decks below,         the Scenic Eclipse crew     365 00:12:24,453 --> 00:12:27,189    is prepping the tenders for          their run to shore.       366 00:12:27,289 --> 00:12:30,192    So, soon passengers will be           loading out here         367 00:12:30,292 --> 00:12:32,528      and into these tenders,              taken to shore          368 00:12:32,628 --> 00:12:35,631 and they'll-- they'll go on some      really cool excursions.     369 00:12:35,731 --> 00:12:38,967                 ♪                370 00:12:39,067 --> 00:12:42,471      Once ashore, passengers            will explore one of       371 00:12:42,571 --> 00:12:45,140        Scenic's Discovery                   Excursions:           372 00:12:45,240 --> 00:12:49,378         the world-famous                   Flam Railway.          373 00:12:49,478 --> 00:12:53,715     Stretching 20 kilometres             or 12 miles long,        374 00:12:53,816 --> 00:12:56,885       this railway descends                 866 metres,           375 00:12:56,985 --> 00:13:00,122       or about 1,000 yards,            to sea level at Flam.      376 00:13:00,222 --> 00:13:02,791                 ♪                377 00:13:02,891 --> 00:13:06,161        The Flam Line began             construction in 1924       378 00:13:06,261 --> 00:13:08,497            to open up                    the Flam Valley,         379 00:13:08,597 --> 00:13:11,066          one of Norway's                 hidden treasures.        380 00:13:11,166 --> 00:13:13,735         There are several                   waterfalls,           381 00:13:13,836 --> 00:13:16,405          but they're not             just part of the scenery,    382 00:13:16,505 --> 00:13:19,575       they also help power                  the train.            383 00:13:19,675 --> 00:13:23,245  The Kjosfossen Falls are one of      the line's first stops.     384 00:13:23,345 --> 00:13:26,615     The cascade runs through        a two generator power plant   385 00:13:26,715 --> 00:13:29,418         beside the falls,           creating enough electricity   386 00:13:29,518 --> 00:13:32,020      to power the Flam Line,               Flam Village,          387 00:13:32,120 --> 00:13:34,957              and the                   Bergen Line Railway.       388 00:13:35,057 --> 00:13:37,793           The falls are                     as powerful           389 00:13:37,893 --> 00:13:40,929      as they are spectacular            and unforgettable.        390 00:13:41,029 --> 00:13:42,931                 ♪                391 00:13:43,031 --> 00:13:45,100             After the                    Kjosfossen Falls,        392 00:13:45,200 --> 00:13:48,871    the train crisscrosses down           the Flam Valley.         393 00:13:48,971 --> 00:13:52,875    The scenery is incredible,        and it's hard to imagine     394 00:13:52,975 --> 00:13:54,977        that this rail line                   was built            395 00:13:55,077 --> 00:13:57,813           a century ago                  using hand tools.        396 00:13:59,314 --> 00:14:00,883       (Train horn squeals)       397 00:14:00,983 --> 00:14:02,885          Passengers head                 to Flam by rail,         398 00:14:02,985 --> 00:14:06,355        and Scenic Eclipse            races to meet them there.    399 00:14:06,455 --> 00:14:09,358             En route,                 not a second is wasted.     400 00:14:09,458 --> 00:14:11,360           On the deck,                  the Discovery Team        401 00:14:11,460 --> 00:14:14,830   takes to the air to research          future excursions.        402 00:14:14,930 --> 00:14:17,833                 ♪                403 00:14:17,933 --> 00:14:19,835           (Over radio)                Just look at this view.     404 00:14:19,935 --> 00:14:21,837     Look at the fjord and the       mountains in the background.  405 00:14:21,937 --> 00:14:24,506        We're doing a pretty            steep turn right now.      406 00:14:24,606 --> 00:14:26,341       It's quite a feeling.      407 00:14:26,441 --> 00:14:28,677                 ♪                408 00:14:28,777 --> 00:14:31,847        Pilot: I never had            an unhappy passenger yet.    409 00:14:31,947 --> 00:14:35,017    It's, uh-- it is just magic            flying in here.         410 00:14:35,117 --> 00:14:38,687   Teddy: The landscape here is       just so epic and stunning.   411 00:14:38,787 --> 00:14:42,024        This is like nowhere                else on Earth.         412 00:14:42,124 --> 00:14:44,526        On other journeys,             these scouting missions     413 00:14:44,626 --> 00:14:47,029        are also essential              for ship navigation.       414 00:14:47,129 --> 00:14:50,198        Yeah, in Antarctica             it's mostly important      415 00:14:50,299 --> 00:14:53,201          for the ship for             the ice reconnaissance.     416 00:14:53,302 --> 00:14:56,038        That we can look if               a passage is open        417 00:14:56,138 --> 00:14:58,707          or if we need to                  go around it,          418 00:14:58,807 --> 00:15:01,543           and that makes                 a big difference.        419 00:15:01,643 --> 00:15:04,713         Oh, you see there,             straight ahead there's     420 00:15:04,813 --> 00:15:09,384      the Eclipse, and it just       looks stunning from up here.  421 00:15:09,484 --> 00:15:13,388       Teddy: As we come in              for a safe landing,       422 00:15:13,488 --> 00:15:16,391         Captain Griffiths               and his team shift        423 00:15:16,491 --> 00:15:19,728   their attention from the air        to our arrival in Flam.     424 00:15:19,828 --> 00:15:21,563        Captain Griffiths:          You actually have this river.  425 00:15:21,663 --> 00:15:23,065     You can see the waterfall           up on the mountain.       426 00:15:23,165 --> 00:15:24,900    It's actually running down            into this river,         427 00:15:25,000 --> 00:15:27,569      and then the water flow       out the river actually causes  428 00:15:27,669 --> 00:15:30,072     the ship to veer one way               or the other           429 00:15:30,172 --> 00:15:32,074        as we back through            the line of that current.    430 00:15:32,174 --> 00:15:34,242       So, that's one of the          challenges that we have.     431 00:15:34,343 --> 00:15:38,080      Teddy: It's a hands-on,         full attention operation,    432 00:15:38,180 --> 00:15:41,583 and Captain Griffiths brings his   years of experience to bear.   433 00:15:41,683 --> 00:15:45,420   Captain Griffiths: It's about       220 metres to cut soon.     434 00:15:45,520 --> 00:15:46,922         So, line up these                 springs first.          435 00:15:47,022 --> 00:15:48,090             Man: Yes.            436 00:15:48,190 --> 00:15:50,759    Okay, so it's looking calm.             No wind here.          437 00:15:50,859 --> 00:15:54,763                 ♪                438 00:15:54,863 --> 00:15:56,765            The spring                      is in there.           439 00:15:56,865 --> 00:15:59,101        Captain Griffiths:                  Speed there?           440 00:15:59,201 --> 00:16:01,603               Man:                           0.8, sir.            441 00:16:01,703 --> 00:16:03,939     Yeah, so we're alongside               now in Flam,           442 00:16:04,039 --> 00:16:06,608          which is, uh--                   which is great.         443 00:16:06,708 --> 00:16:09,511        Teddy: Just in time             for guests returning       444 00:16:09,611 --> 00:16:12,781      from the Flam railway.      445 00:16:12,881 --> 00:16:14,883       Teddy, it looks like               what guests enjoy        446 00:16:14,983 --> 00:16:16,618     on and off Scenic Eclipse    447 00:16:16,718 --> 00:16:18,353         is nothing short                  of spectacular.         448 00:16:18,453 --> 00:16:19,554       That's totally true,       449 00:16:19,654 --> 00:16:22,424         and once you see              those Norwegian fjords      450 00:16:22,524 --> 00:16:23,625        from a helicopter,        451 00:16:23,725 --> 00:16:24,760 you'll never forget it.          452 00:16:24,860 --> 00:16:27,062 Right now, I wanna take            everybody to India.            453 00:16:27,162 --> 00:16:29,364     Ah, the Maharaja Express             which, I am told,        454 00:16:29,464 --> 00:16:32,534    is one of the most opulent        train rides in the world.    455 00:16:32,634 --> 00:16:35,137         It absolutely is,            and, you know, on board,     456 00:16:35,237 --> 00:16:37,806     they really make you feel            like a maharaja.         457 00:16:37,906 --> 00:16:38,907   There's gold-plated cutlery,   458 00:16:39,007 --> 00:16:40,475       hand-carved crystal,              and butler service.       459 00:16:40,575 --> 00:16:43,045  It's a once-in-a-lifetime trip. 460 00:16:43,145 --> 00:16:44,846         (Train rumbling)         461 00:16:44,946 --> 00:16:46,048           Teddy: India,          462 00:16:46,148 --> 00:16:49,351     home to more than 12,000             passenger trains.        463 00:16:49,451 --> 00:16:52,487         (Wheels rattling,                 horns blaring)          464 00:16:52,587 --> 00:16:56,491      And the most luxurious                 of them all           465 00:16:56,591 --> 00:16:58,760    is the Maharajas' Express.    466 00:16:58,860 --> 00:17:01,363         (Wheels rattling)        467 00:17:01,463 --> 00:17:03,965          (Horn blaring)          468 00:17:04,066 --> 00:17:05,801          Built in 2008,          469 00:17:05,901 --> 00:17:07,803     every detail is designed     470 00:17:07,903 --> 00:17:10,906        to treat passengers             like Indian royalty.       471 00:17:11,006 --> 00:17:12,641        The maharajas were                   local kings           472 00:17:12,741 --> 00:17:14,743           who ruled for                  hundreds of years        473 00:17:14,843 --> 00:17:18,413      in unparalleled wealth               and splendour.          474 00:17:18,513 --> 00:17:20,248                 ♪                475 00:17:20,348 --> 00:17:22,317         (Hubbub of crowd)        476 00:17:22,417 --> 00:17:24,219          We're welcomed             with garlands of marigolds    477 00:17:24,319 --> 00:17:26,721           and a bindi,               a dab of vermilion paint     478 00:17:26,822 --> 00:17:28,390        on our foreheads--        479 00:17:28,490 --> 00:17:29,491      Thank you.                  480 00:17:29,591 --> 00:17:32,694         A sign that we're                 about to embark         481 00:17:32,794 --> 00:17:34,963     on an auspicious journey.    482 00:17:35,063 --> 00:17:35,997                 ♪                483 00:17:36,098 --> 00:17:37,499    Any question?                              Group:                          No, sir.             484 00:17:37,599 --> 00:17:38,967        Anybody?                              No, sir.             485 00:17:39,067 --> 00:17:41,803   Teddy: The last of the guests            are on board.          486 00:17:41,903 --> 00:17:45,841     We've got the green light               to head out           487 00:17:45,941 --> 00:17:50,479    and the Maharajas' Express            is ready to roll.        488 00:17:50,579 --> 00:17:52,013              Teddy:                   It's amazing, isn't it?     489 00:17:52,114 --> 00:17:54,082                       It is                      beautiful, yeah. 490 00:17:54,182 --> 00:17:55,083               Wow!               491 00:17:55,183 --> 00:17:56,451             Hello...             492 00:17:56,551 --> 00:17:57,819             Hello...             493 00:17:57,919 --> 00:18:00,155        Each carriage bears                the Indian name         494 00:18:00,255 --> 00:18:01,723       of a precious jewel.       495 00:18:01,823 --> 00:18:02,891        For emerald: Panna.       496 00:18:02,991 --> 00:18:05,994      Other coaches are named         for rubies and sapphires.    497 00:18:06,094 --> 00:18:08,530    In the middle of the train,   498 00:18:08,630 --> 00:18:10,132       there are two lounges      499 00:18:10,232 --> 00:18:11,333       and two restaurants,       500 00:18:11,433 --> 00:18:12,901         the pride and joy        501 00:18:13,001 --> 00:18:15,537        of Executive Chef,                   John Stone.           502 00:18:15,637 --> 00:18:16,671             Namaskar.            503 00:18:16,771 --> 00:18:18,573            Welcome to               the Mayur Mahal Restaurant,   504 00:18:18,673 --> 00:18:20,642       which literally means           the Peacock Restaurant.     505 00:18:20,742 --> 00:18:24,446    Teddy: The restaurants show    another side of the maharajas,  506 00:18:24,546 --> 00:18:27,015           their love of                 imported luxuries.        507 00:18:27,115 --> 00:18:30,519          As you can see,            the hand-blown glass chips    508 00:18:30,619 --> 00:18:33,155   come all the way from Spain.   509 00:18:33,255 --> 00:18:36,591         The stained glass                 is from Paris.          510 00:18:36,691 --> 00:18:39,895         The theme is such            that everything resembles    511 00:18:39,995 --> 00:18:41,463    the beautiful bird peacock.   512 00:18:41,563 --> 00:18:43,431           Everything is                   blue in colour.         513 00:18:43,532 --> 00:18:45,967          The chairs are                    all handmade.          514 00:18:46,067 --> 00:18:48,436         The wood used is                     mahogany             515 00:18:48,537 --> 00:18:49,905            and it has            516 00:18:50,005 --> 00:18:51,740     cushioning fitted to it.     517 00:18:51,840 --> 00:18:54,476          And no machine                    was ever used          518 00:18:54,576 --> 00:18:56,311       to make these chairs.      519 00:18:56,411 --> 00:18:57,679                 ♪                520 00:18:57,779 --> 00:18:59,014          (Horn blaring)          521 00:18:59,114 --> 00:19:00,182                 ♪                522 00:19:00,282 --> 00:19:01,550              Teddy:                    The restaurants have       523 00:19:01,650 --> 00:19:02,884    everything you could want,    524 00:19:02,984 --> 00:19:04,719  including a really smooth ride  525 00:19:04,819 --> 00:19:06,288        so nothing spills.        526 00:19:06,388 --> 00:19:07,856           That's due to          527 00:19:07,956 --> 00:19:11,226            the special                   suspension system        528 00:19:12,561 --> 00:19:14,129               Wow!               529 00:19:14,229 --> 00:19:16,231                 ♪                530 00:19:16,331 --> 00:19:19,234         All of the rooms                are really ornate,        531 00:19:19,334 --> 00:19:21,336            but this is              the most luxurious of all.    532 00:19:21,436 --> 00:19:22,904              This is                  the Presidential Suite.     533 00:19:23,004 --> 00:19:25,106    That's the master bedroom,             right in there.         534 00:19:25,207 --> 00:19:27,375            You can see                there's a full bathroom     535 00:19:27,475 --> 00:19:29,344      with a tub and a shower     536 00:19:29,444 --> 00:19:30,612           on that side,          537 00:19:30,712 --> 00:19:33,848       and then, you've got        this amazing living room area.  538 00:19:33,949 --> 00:19:35,850       And through there is               a guest bedroom.         539 00:19:35,951 --> 00:19:37,652           So, this is,                this is really amazing.     540 00:19:37,752 --> 00:19:39,921            The cost of                     this luxury?           541 00:19:40,021 --> 00:19:44,025    Prices range from $5,000 US         to almost $24,000 US,      542 00:19:44,125 --> 00:19:45,860         making it one of         543 00:19:45,961 --> 00:19:47,896        the most expensive                 train journeys          544 00:19:47,996 --> 00:19:48,964           in the world.          545 00:19:49,064 --> 00:19:51,166                 ♪                546 00:19:51,266 --> 00:19:54,869    My fellow passengers and I          are living the life:       547 00:19:54,970 --> 00:19:58,139     Pure luxury, zero stress.    548 00:19:58,240 --> 00:19:59,140         Hey, how are ya?         549 00:19:59,241 --> 00:20:02,577                 ♪                550 00:20:02,677 --> 00:20:05,680                 ♪                551 00:20:05,780 --> 00:20:08,683       (Instrumental music)       552 00:20:08,783 --> 00:20:10,986   What a romantic and nostalgic       way to experience such      553 00:20:11,086 --> 00:20:11,987       a beautiful country.       554 00:20:12,087 --> 00:20:13,488        Yeah, you said it.        555 00:20:13,588 --> 00:20:15,590   It's really something, or you   think of Scenic Eclipse, right? 556 00:20:15,690 --> 00:20:18,526      One of the best ways to       explore the coast of Europe.   557 00:20:18,627 --> 00:20:20,629    And some of the incredible            cuisine on offer.        558 00:20:20,729 --> 00:20:23,398  I mean, imagine being on board     Scenic Eclipse and eating a   559 00:20:23,498 --> 00:20:25,967    mouthwatering dish that was        scooped from the ocean      560 00:20:26,067 --> 00:20:27,602       just moments before.       561 00:20:27,702 --> 00:20:30,772     That's what the five-star      cuisine onboard is all about.  562 00:20:30,872 --> 00:20:33,174         Let's have a look              at the caviar, right?      563 00:20:33,275 --> 00:20:34,175      Also unloading, right?      564 00:20:34,276 --> 00:20:35,677           Man: Yeah...           565 00:20:35,777 --> 00:20:38,647  Teddy: Tom Goetter is Scenic's     food and beverage director    566 00:20:38,747 --> 00:20:40,515          overseeing not                 just Scenic Eclipse       567 00:20:40,615 --> 00:20:43,051       but also every one of            the company's ships.       568 00:20:43,151 --> 00:20:45,153     He's a man with a vision.    569 00:20:45,253 --> 00:20:48,189    Well, I would love to have       the first vegan restaurant    570 00:20:48,290 --> 00:20:49,391        on our ocean ship.        571 00:20:49,491 --> 00:20:50,859     I think it's about time.     572 00:20:50,959 --> 00:20:53,561      I think we already late              if you ask me.          573 00:20:53,662 --> 00:20:56,231    And where we are right now            with the cuisine,        574 00:20:56,331 --> 00:20:58,633          we just source            right now, it's group effect.  575 00:20:58,733 --> 00:21:00,101        This is the future.       576 00:21:00,201 --> 00:21:02,537    Teddy: While floating vegan     eatery is still just a dream,  577 00:21:02,637 --> 00:21:06,675  Tom does plan to explore a very    appropriate ingredient for    578 00:21:06,775 --> 00:21:09,010      this seafaring kitchen,                 seaweed.             579 00:21:09,110 --> 00:21:11,980   I think seaweed has a lot of          judgement going on,       580 00:21:12,080 --> 00:21:14,249          and seaweed is                so full of carotene,       581 00:21:14,349 --> 00:21:15,850          and potassium.          582 00:21:15,950 --> 00:21:18,253         So many different           flavours you can play with.   583 00:21:18,353 --> 00:21:21,289     So, I think guests gonna           be a little bit mind       584 00:21:21,389 --> 00:21:23,692         open more to that                because it is an         585 00:21:23,792 --> 00:21:24,893          expedition food                journey, let's say.       586 00:21:24,993 --> 00:21:27,662                 ♪                587 00:21:27,762 --> 00:21:30,865   Later in the show we'll take   a helicopter to source this rare 588 00:21:30,965 --> 00:21:34,469   and tasty delicacy and we'll     jump in the submarine for an   589 00:21:34,569 --> 00:21:37,072       awe-inspiring dive to          see a deep sea shipwreck.    590 00:21:37,172 --> 00:21:38,073     It's unforgettable stuff.    591 00:21:38,173 --> 00:21:40,342    Do you see any sharks down                 there?              592 00:21:40,442 --> 00:21:43,311    No sharks but just being in      that submarine on the ocean   593 00:21:43,411 --> 00:21:45,113         floor was a real          once-in-a-lifetime experience.  594 00:21:45,213 --> 00:21:46,681            I loved it.           595 00:21:46,781 --> 00:21:50,352    We also travel to Japan for      the ultimate luxury aboard    596 00:21:50,452 --> 00:21:53,321  the Seven Stars, and we go on a  cruise where passengers set the 597 00:21:53,421 --> 00:21:54,923     destinations on-the-fly.     598 00:21:55,023 --> 00:21:56,758           I love that.           599 00:21:56,858 --> 00:21:59,160  But before that we're with the   crew of Scenic Eclipse as they  600 00:21:59,260 --> 00:22:03,198     navigate choppy waters on       zodiacs to see if it's safe   601 00:22:03,298 --> 00:22:06,201       for a guest excursion             through the Fjords.       602 00:22:06,301 --> 00:22:12,107           (Driving rock                 instrumental music)       603 00:22:14,242 --> 00:22:14,275           (D                     604 00:22:14,275 --> 00:22:14,309           (Dri                   605 00:22:14,309 --> 00:22:14,342           (Drivi                 606 00:22:14,342 --> 00:22:14,376           (Driving               607 00:22:14,376 --> 00:22:14,409           (Driving r             608 00:22:14,409 --> 00:22:14,442           (Driving roc           609 00:22:14,442 --> 00:22:14,542           (Driving rock          610 00:22:14,542 --> 00:22:14,576           (Driving rock                 in                        611 00:22:14,576 --> 00:22:14,609           (Driving rock                 inst                      612 00:22:14,609 --> 00:22:14,642           (Driving rock                 instru                    613 00:22:14,642 --> 00:22:14,676           (Driving rock                 instrume                  614 00:22:14,676 --> 00:22:14,709           (Driving rock                 instrument                615 00:22:14,709 --> 00:22:14,743           (Driving rock                 instrumental              616 00:22:14,743 --> 00:22:14,776           (Driving rock                 instrumental m            617 00:22:14,776 --> 00:22:14,809           (Driving rock                 instrumental mus          618 00:22:14,809 --> 00:22:14,843           (Driving rock                 instrumental music        619 00:22:14,843 --> 00:22:21,116           (Driving rock                 instrumental music)       620 00:22:21,216 --> 00:22:24,119     Teddy: Another day aboard             Scenic Eclipse,         621 00:22:24,219 --> 00:22:25,620     another spectacular view.    622 00:22:25,720 --> 00:22:31,893  After two days at sea, Captain   Griffiths approaches Geiranger, 623 00:22:31,993 --> 00:22:36,131  a spectacular Fjord surrounded       by dramatic mountains,      624 00:22:36,231 --> 00:22:39,768     steep cliffs and majestic           waterfall plunges.        625 00:22:39,868 --> 00:22:43,004  Okay, so the plan is obviously           just keep above         626 00:22:43,104 --> 00:22:45,173    14 knots all the way down.    627 00:22:45,273 --> 00:22:48,243   Obviously it's getting a lot         narrow as we head in.      628 00:22:48,343 --> 00:22:51,980   It is a bit windy so as we've       discussed you can have      629 00:22:52,080 --> 00:22:54,416    quite strong winds come out          of nowhere really.        630 00:22:54,516 --> 00:22:55,884               Yeah.              631 00:22:55,984 --> 00:22:57,852   The mountains actually create   quite unique localized weather  632 00:22:57,952 --> 00:22:59,687  conditions, so you can go from  633 00:22:59,788 --> 00:23:01,489   maybe 5, 10 knots to suddenly  634 00:23:01,589 --> 00:23:03,958   have 30, 40, even 50 knots of          wind just within         635 00:23:04,058 --> 00:23:05,460          a few minutes.          636 00:23:05,560 --> 00:23:08,830   Teddy: But Scenic Eclipse is   designed to battled the elements 637 00:23:08,930 --> 00:23:11,533  to deliver discovery cruising.  638 00:23:11,633 --> 00:23:14,102      This ship has the best           propulsion system yeah,     639 00:23:14,202 --> 00:23:16,671 two ports, keep those horsepower           in the bows,           640 00:23:16,771 --> 00:23:19,240      so, you can do whatever          you like with the ship.     641 00:23:19,340 --> 00:23:21,075          She is so good.         642 00:23:21,176 --> 00:23:26,381    Teddy: Another busy day of    luxury and discovery is on order 643 00:23:26,481 --> 00:23:28,116   and the crew aims to deliver.  644 00:23:28,216 --> 00:23:31,719     When the quakes come over     we have to be aware of ruffle,  645 00:23:31,820 --> 00:23:34,389   these really steep cliffs on          this side, so we'll       646 00:23:34,489 --> 00:23:36,791           have to make                the team aware of that.     647 00:23:36,891 --> 00:23:39,694    If the winds pick up beyond       the threshold of what is     648 00:23:39,794 --> 00:23:42,096     safe to take guests out,            then we will cancel       649 00:23:42,197 --> 00:23:43,965   and what we'll then do is get  650 00:23:44,065 --> 00:23:46,601     our guests who were going          to go with us today,       651 00:23:46,701 --> 00:23:47,936       out at a later time.       652 00:23:48,036 --> 00:23:51,339                 ♪                653 00:23:51,439 --> 00:23:54,676    Teddy: Right now, the crew       and I are in a zodiac with    654 00:23:54,776 --> 00:23:56,611      Ross and Jason from the              discovery team          655 00:23:56,711 --> 00:23:58,847     and we're going out to do          Recce reconnaissance       656 00:23:58,947 --> 00:24:00,682           to make sure                  the conditions are        657 00:24:00,782 --> 00:24:03,351     okay to bring guests out          on various excursions.      658 00:24:03,451 --> 00:24:05,854        That's where we're                headed right now.        659 00:24:05,954 --> 00:24:08,523       It's a little rough,                but it's great.         660 00:24:08,623 --> 00:24:13,027  Let's try to see if we can find  any nesting areas along shores. 661 00:24:13,127 --> 00:24:14,863       They did let us know                 to be careful          662 00:24:14,963 --> 00:24:16,698        of rock fall in the              area, as well, so.        663 00:24:16,798 --> 00:24:18,533                  Stay away from                     the edges.    664 00:24:18,633 --> 00:24:22,203    The main thing to see here,    if they can get around in time, 665 00:24:22,303 --> 00:24:25,039       is the Seven Sisters            and the other waterfall     666 00:24:25,139 --> 00:24:26,541              on the                       opposite side.          667 00:24:26,641 --> 00:24:28,676         I think it's just              coming into view now.      668 00:24:28,776 --> 00:24:32,013   Teddy: These Norwegian fjords     are full of natural beauty,   669 00:24:32,113 --> 00:24:34,516             but this                      is next level.          670 00:24:34,616 --> 00:24:37,519            Jackpot for                  the discovery team.       671 00:24:37,619 --> 00:24:42,023   Approaching a waterfall like      this on a small inflatable,   672 00:24:42,123 --> 00:24:44,359             it's just                       incredible.           673 00:24:44,459 --> 00:24:45,860              I mean,                       look at this.          674 00:24:45,960 --> 00:24:47,695 We're getting some footage right     now of these waterfalls.     675 00:24:47,795 --> 00:24:49,364        They're called the                 Seven Sisters,          676 00:24:49,464 --> 00:24:51,366       considered one of the           most epic, impressive,      677 00:24:51,466 --> 00:24:53,368       beautiful waterfalls                   on Earth.            678 00:24:53,468 --> 00:24:54,702           Look at that.          679 00:24:54,802 --> 00:24:57,038      This area is actually a        UNESCO World Heritage site,   680 00:24:57,138 --> 00:24:59,707           obviously for                    good reason.           681 00:24:59,807 --> 00:25:02,043                 ♪                682 00:25:02,143 --> 00:25:04,312     All drivers, all drivers.    683 00:25:04,412 --> 00:25:06,814       We've made it out to              the seven Sisters.        684 00:25:06,915 --> 00:25:09,484     We can make the run from             the ship easily.         685 00:25:09,584 --> 00:25:10,985        It's a great spot.        686 00:25:11,085 --> 00:25:13,154  Make sure you bring your guests   out so they can check it out.  687 00:25:13,254 --> 00:25:17,325     Teddy: The word is given;          excursions are a go.       688 00:25:17,425 --> 00:25:19,160           If today the                 weather deteriorates,      689 00:25:19,260 --> 00:25:20,995         or we need to get                 everyone back,          690 00:25:21,095 --> 00:25:23,164   we just sound one long blast         on the ship's whistle      691 00:25:23,264 --> 00:25:25,333      and all of our guides,           all of our team leaders     692 00:25:25,433 --> 00:25:27,001         know that that's                    the signal            693 00:25:27,101 --> 00:25:28,670      to get back to the ship           as soon as possible.       694 00:25:28,770 --> 00:25:30,505          They can splash                the tender now, eh?       695 00:25:30,605 --> 00:25:33,508     Man: The sun's coming out      and there's a bit of a wind.   696 00:25:33,608 --> 00:25:37,612    So, it's looking great for          our excursion today.       697 00:25:37,712 --> 00:25:40,615                 ♪                698 00:25:40,715 --> 00:25:43,618         Kayaking is a go.        699 00:25:43,718 --> 00:25:45,787           And then our                   Zodiac cruisers,         700 00:25:45,887 --> 00:25:47,789        of course, will be              ready to go, as well.      701 00:25:47,889 --> 00:25:49,290         Who's first time?        702 00:25:49,390 --> 00:25:51,125             Yeah? Oh,                    there's a couple.        703 00:25:51,225 --> 00:25:53,127         Are you excited?                   Don't worry.           704 00:25:53,227 --> 00:25:54,462         (Guests laughing)        705 00:25:54,562 --> 00:26:02,470                 ♪                706 00:26:02,570 --> 00:26:05,707                 ♪                707 00:26:05,807 --> 00:26:09,377   Teddy: Back on Scenic Eclipse      Captain Griffiths steers     708 00:26:09,477 --> 00:26:11,713        through the narrow                fjord for guests         709 00:26:11,813 --> 00:26:14,882     who aren't on the Zodiacs         to get a view, as well.     710 00:26:14,983 --> 00:26:18,886                 ♪                711 00:26:18,987 --> 00:26:22,056     No matter how you choose            to see the sights,        712 00:26:22,156 --> 00:26:24,726          Scenic Eclipse                  has you covered.         713 00:26:24,826 --> 00:26:28,229      Zodiacs and kayaks and            helicopters, oh, my.       714 00:26:28,329 --> 00:26:29,897              Woman:                    Really breathtaking.       715 00:26:29,998 --> 00:26:31,065                   Yeah.          716 00:26:31,165 --> 00:26:34,068       Yeah. I'd do it again            and again and again.       717 00:26:34,168 --> 00:26:42,076                 ♪                718 00:26:42,176 --> 00:26:45,346                 ♪                719 00:26:45,446 --> 00:26:47,348        It's so interesting                  to me, AJ,            720 00:26:47,448 --> 00:26:49,350      because the guests see          all this natural beauty.     721 00:26:49,450 --> 00:26:51,352        It's like seeing a           swan gliding on the water,    722 00:26:51,452 --> 00:26:54,856     but under the surface its       feet are kicking furiously.   723 00:26:54,956 --> 00:26:56,858       That's like the crew               working so hard.         724 00:26:56,958 --> 00:26:58,860      Yeah, it clearly takes           a lot of effort to keep     725 00:26:58,960 --> 00:27:01,362         luxury passengers              safe and entertained.      726 00:27:01,462 --> 00:27:04,365    But now, how about keeping         passengers in suspense?     727 00:27:04,465 --> 00:27:05,867            Like on the                       Europa 2?            728 00:27:05,967 --> 00:27:09,203   Right. You've got all of the    expected five-star indulgences, 729 00:27:09,303 --> 00:27:11,205         but on a Europa 2                 Surprise Cruise         730 00:27:11,305 --> 00:27:13,708        passengers vote on             their next port of call     731 00:27:13,808 --> 00:27:15,710            every step                       of the way.           732 00:27:15,810 --> 00:27:19,647  So, the guests and the crew are     constantly on their toes.    733 00:27:19,747 --> 00:27:24,485      On this special cruise         personal service isn't just   734 00:27:24,585 --> 00:27:27,488         about getting the           passengers to their rooms.    735 00:27:27,588 --> 00:27:30,792       (Indistinct chatter)       736 00:27:30,892 --> 00:27:33,127          It's also about                 giving the guests        737 00:27:33,227 --> 00:27:35,963       a choice of where the                ship will go.          738 00:27:36,064 --> 00:27:39,801           It's called a                  Surprise Cruise.         739 00:27:39,901 --> 00:27:42,370        The concept of the                 Surprise Cruise         740 00:27:42,470 --> 00:27:45,540        is basically to do             something very special      741 00:27:45,640 --> 00:27:49,711      and also to enable our             passengers to vote        742 00:27:49,811 --> 00:27:51,612          about the route                  we are taking.          743 00:27:51,713 --> 00:27:54,449          Aliya: Not even               Christian Van Zwamen,      744 00:27:54,549 --> 00:27:56,451            the ship's                        captain,             745 00:27:56,551 --> 00:27:58,786          knows where the                   ship will go.          746 00:27:58,886 --> 00:28:02,323    The passengers will decide        where we go, when to go,     747 00:28:02,423 --> 00:28:06,461   and so also for me it will be       pretty much a surprise.     748 00:28:06,561 --> 00:28:13,301                 ♪                749 00:28:13,401 --> 00:28:16,804  Aliya: From Istanbul there are      many itineraries in play     750 00:28:16,904 --> 00:28:20,141    featuring stops in idyllic           and storied places        751 00:28:20,241 --> 00:28:24,812      such as Crete, Rhodes,               and Santorini.          752 00:28:24,912 --> 00:28:27,148         It all depends on               which route garners       753 00:28:27,248 --> 00:28:29,484        the most votes from                  the guests.           754 00:28:29,584 --> 00:28:34,489       (Indistinct chatter)       755 00:28:34,589 --> 00:28:37,391                 ♪                756 00:28:37,492 --> 00:28:40,728        Captain Van Zwamen               oversees the vote.        757 00:28:40,828 --> 00:28:43,064    --very warm welcome for all       our international guests.    758 00:28:43,164 --> 00:28:45,166     I'm happy to see you here             in the theatre.         759 00:28:45,266 --> 00:28:47,502                 ♪                760 00:28:47,602 --> 00:28:50,338    Aliya: The guests are asked           to choose between        761 00:28:50,438 --> 00:28:52,507             Myrina in                       the north,            762 00:28:52,607 --> 00:28:57,612        Volos in the west,             or Naxos to the south.      763 00:28:58,913 --> 00:29:00,314          Here's my vote.         764 00:29:00,414 --> 00:29:01,649           Crew Member:                      Go for it.            765 00:29:01,749 --> 00:29:03,151            Depends on                       what I say.           766 00:29:03,251 --> 00:29:04,819          Yes, so you're                      the boss.            767 00:29:04,919 --> 00:29:06,487             Man: Yes.                       As always.            768 00:29:06,587 --> 00:29:07,822              Woman:                         As always.            769 00:29:07,922 --> 00:29:11,993                 ♪                770 00:29:12,093 --> 00:29:14,629         Aliya: The guests                vote with chips.         771 00:29:14,729 --> 00:29:16,764          Three buckets,                    three routes.          772 00:29:16,864 --> 00:29:21,769       (Indistinct chatter)       773 00:29:21,869 --> 00:29:25,039       Whatever the result,         it will send the ship's crew   774 00:29:25,139 --> 00:29:30,511    scrambling to make plans in        just the next few days.     775 00:29:30,611 --> 00:29:34,015      The passengers and crew                of Europa 2           776 00:29:34,115 --> 00:29:37,185        are on the edge of                  their seats.           777 00:29:37,285 --> 00:29:39,520          After 500 votes                   are tallied,           778 00:29:39,620 --> 00:29:43,524   Captain Christian Van Zwamen         announces the winner.      779 00:29:43,624 --> 00:29:50,364     (Speaking other language)    780 00:29:50,464 --> 00:29:52,200         (Light applause)         781 00:29:52,300 --> 00:29:54,869     Aliya: A strong majority,        two-thirds of the guests,    782 00:29:54,969 --> 00:29:57,205     has voted that the first               port of call           783 00:29:57,305 --> 00:30:00,041            will be the                   island of Naxos.         784 00:30:00,141 --> 00:30:04,145        From there Europa 2             will head to Rhodes,       785 00:30:04,245 --> 00:30:06,647       the island of Crete,       786 00:30:06,747 --> 00:30:10,818     and to the remains of an       ancient volcano in Santorini.  787 00:30:10,918 --> 00:30:12,653           Are you happy                  with the choice?         788 00:30:12,753 --> 00:30:14,155               Yes,                          very happy.           789 00:30:14,255 --> 00:30:18,993     Santorini was at the top          of the list, so, uh...      790 00:30:19,093 --> 00:30:21,996                 ♪                791 00:30:22,096 --> 00:30:26,534   Aliya: The Europa 2 heads off        on its winning route.      792 00:30:26,634 --> 00:30:31,172     They have no idea what's            in store for them.        793 00:30:31,272 --> 00:30:34,175  Alright, one of the most unique    things about Scenic Eclipse   794 00:30:34,275 --> 00:30:36,510          is that there's            a submarine right on board.   795 00:30:36,611 --> 00:30:38,846    So, can guests just go dive          whenever they want?       796 00:30:38,946 --> 00:30:40,181               Yeah,                         absolutely.           797 00:30:40,281 --> 00:30:42,016     I mean, that's not normal          for a cruise, is it?       798 00:30:42,116 --> 00:30:43,851         It is not normal                      at all.             799 00:30:43,951 --> 00:30:45,353         But if one of my                 favourite movies,        800 00:30:45,453 --> 00:30:47,355          The Abyss, has                 taught us anything,       801 00:30:47,455 --> 00:30:50,057  it's that going for a dive can    be really dangerous business.  802 00:30:50,157 --> 00:30:52,560        So, the crew takes                every precaution         803 00:30:52,660 --> 00:30:54,829      to make sure passengers            are safe and sound.       804 00:30:54,929 --> 00:30:58,165       Right now you can see          Scenic Eclipse behind us.    805 00:30:58,266 --> 00:31:00,568 We've just gotten on this Zodiac     with Jason and our crew,     806 00:31:00,668 --> 00:31:03,137      and we're going out to         take a sub under the water.   807 00:31:03,237 --> 00:31:07,141                 ♪                808 00:31:07,241 --> 00:31:09,143        Time to go under to               see what's below.        809 00:31:09,243 --> 00:31:13,314                 ♪                810 00:31:13,414 --> 00:31:17,652   Our pilot has something very    special in mind for this dive.  811 00:31:17,752 --> 00:31:21,022       We're going to try to            go find a shipwreck.       812 00:31:21,122 --> 00:31:23,524 Yeah, we like to do a scouting--     uh, scouting dive before     813 00:31:23,624 --> 00:31:25,526     we bring the guests out,       just to see what we can see.   814 00:31:25,626 --> 00:31:26,861          As you can see,               the water visibility       815 00:31:26,961 --> 00:31:28,462     isn't the greatest today.    816 00:31:28,562 --> 00:31:31,699  Teddy: The sub is so high-tech          and comfortable,         817 00:31:31,799 --> 00:31:34,368           it feels like               something from a movie.     818 00:31:34,468 --> 00:31:38,072         Topside, topside,                this is Neptune.         819 00:31:38,172 --> 00:31:40,241               Man:                       Neptune, Topside.        820 00:31:40,341 --> 00:31:42,910        My hatch is locked,              closed, and secure.       821 00:31:43,010 --> 00:31:45,413        My equalizing valve                  is closed.            822 00:31:45,513 --> 00:31:47,848     Oxygen is on and flowing.    823 00:31:47,949 --> 00:31:50,551   Teddy: When passenger safety             is at stake,           824 00:31:50,651 --> 00:31:54,722  everything has to be airtight,             literally.            825 00:31:54,822 --> 00:31:57,058            Here we go.           826 00:31:57,158 --> 00:32:01,195   (Dramatic instrumental music)  827 00:32:01,295 --> 00:32:04,098              Chris:                   One and a half metres.      828 00:32:04,198 --> 00:32:05,633      We should start seeing               the bottom now.         829 00:32:05,733 --> 00:32:07,601        Yeah, there it is.        830 00:32:07,702 --> 00:32:09,603       We can see the bottom              right down here.         831 00:32:09,704 --> 00:32:13,474         It's so, so cool.        832 00:32:13,574 --> 00:32:15,910    We're almost touching down.   833 00:32:16,010 --> 00:32:17,411           Look at this.          834 00:32:17,511 --> 00:32:19,246     The window is right here.    835 00:32:19,347 --> 00:32:22,216          It's, it's such                an incredible view.       836 00:32:22,316 --> 00:32:24,952      It was all murky gloom            and the odd starfish,      837 00:32:25,052 --> 00:32:26,220            but then...           838 00:32:26,320 --> 00:32:28,222         So, look at this,           right out of the darkness,    839 00:32:28,322 --> 00:32:30,057             we've got               the hull of this shipwreck.   840 00:32:30,157 --> 00:32:32,059         It just appeared                 all of a sudden.         841 00:32:32,159 --> 00:32:36,063       We got it on camera,             and it's spectacular.      842 00:32:36,163 --> 00:32:37,298               Whoa!              Chris: Ah, big fish.             843 00:32:37,398 --> 00:32:38,532             Big fish.            844 00:32:38,632 --> 00:32:44,238     Just looking at the hull,       it's absolutely brilliant.    845 00:32:44,338 --> 00:32:47,208         More marine life.        846 00:32:47,308 --> 00:32:49,043          Just seeing it              come out of the darkness     847 00:32:49,143 --> 00:32:50,911    was absolutely incredible.    848 00:32:51,012 --> 00:32:53,781       Really makes you feel              like an explorer.        849 00:32:53,881 --> 00:32:56,117                 ♪                850 00:32:56,217 --> 00:32:57,918            This one is                absolutely incredible.      851 00:32:58,019 --> 00:33:00,087   I mean, the water visibility           isn't fantastic,         852 00:33:00,187 --> 00:33:02,056    but we have lots of stars,    853 00:33:02,156 --> 00:33:04,325           lots of fish,                lots of life on here.      854 00:33:04,425 --> 00:33:06,594      Do you think the guests          are gonna love it too?      855 00:33:06,694 --> 00:33:08,095        Do you not love it?                           Teddy: I do. 856 00:33:08,195 --> 00:33:10,831        How are the guests              not gonna love this?                           Teddy: Yeah. 857 00:33:10,931 --> 00:33:13,200          Unfortunately,               Scenic Eclipse's guests     858 00:33:13,300 --> 00:33:15,770      won't get to experience             this dive today.         859 00:33:15,870 --> 00:33:17,438   There's just not enough time.  860 00:33:17,538 --> 00:33:20,574        But the Neptune sub           has passed its test runs,    861 00:33:20,674 --> 00:33:22,643          uh, swimmingly.         862 00:33:22,743 --> 00:33:24,645      So, we're about to head          back up to the surface,     863 00:33:24,745 --> 00:33:27,214           but it's been            a really successful mission.   864 00:33:27,314 --> 00:33:29,517              Chris:               Topside, Topside, radio check.  865 00:33:29,617 --> 00:33:31,552              Teddy:                What a phenomenal experience.  866 00:33:31,652 --> 00:33:34,889   But I'll admit, I'm grateful         to see the sky again.      867 00:33:34,989 --> 00:33:38,759                 ♪                868 00:33:38,859 --> 00:33:40,261      Well, it's a big ocean,     869 00:33:40,361 --> 00:33:41,762         so there will be                more opportunities        870 00:33:41,862 --> 00:33:43,564          for passengers                 on Scenic Eclipse.        871 00:33:43,664 --> 00:33:46,901       Okay, and coming up,          Teddy boards the luxurious    872 00:33:47,001 --> 00:33:49,070    Seven Stars train in Japan.   873 00:33:49,170 --> 00:33:51,405     And you know, I've ridden       trains all over the world.    874 00:33:51,505 --> 00:33:53,240          This is easily                one of my favourites.      875 00:33:53,340 --> 00:33:56,243        And Scenic Eclipse          navigates challenging waters   876 00:33:56,343 --> 00:34:00,081      on its quest to deliver      the ultimate luxury experience. 877 00:34:00,181 --> 00:34:03,084     (Rock instrumental music)    878 00:34:03,184 --> 00:34:05,519                 ♪                879 00:34:07,521 --> 00:34:07,555     (R                           880 00:34:07,555 --> 00:34:07,588     (Roc                         881 00:34:07,588 --> 00:34:07,621     (Rock                        882 00:34:07,621 --> 00:34:07,655     (Rock in                     883 00:34:07,655 --> 00:34:07,688     (Rock inst                   884 00:34:07,688 --> 00:34:07,721     (Rock instru                 885 00:34:07,721 --> 00:34:07,755     (Rock instrume               886 00:34:07,755 --> 00:34:07,788     (Rock instrument             887 00:34:07,788 --> 00:34:07,822     (Rock instrumental           888 00:34:07,822 --> 00:34:07,855     (Rock instrumental m         889 00:34:07,855 --> 00:34:07,888     (Rock instrumental mus       890 00:34:07,888 --> 00:34:07,922     (Rock instrumental music     891 00:34:07,922 --> 00:34:10,291     (Rock instrumental music)    892 00:34:10,391 --> 00:34:14,061                 ♪                893 00:34:14,161 --> 00:34:18,566     Woman: So, we're crossing         Arctic Circle tonight.      894 00:34:18,666 --> 00:34:21,368         The ship is built              for the polar region,      895 00:34:21,469 --> 00:34:25,539     so we are built to cross     the Arctic and Antarctic Circle. 896 00:34:25,639 --> 00:34:27,374         So, in this case,              we are heading north.      897 00:34:27,475 --> 00:34:29,143      So, we're gonna end up           all the way to Svalbard     898 00:34:29,243 --> 00:34:32,012           and Greenland          and hopefully Northwest Passage. 899 00:34:32,113 --> 00:34:35,749              Teddy:              With a Polar Class 6 ice rating, 900 00:34:35,850 --> 00:34:39,053          Scenic Eclipse            can safely handle icy waters.  901 00:34:39,153 --> 00:34:42,590     But this particular trip      may not be much of a challenge. 902 00:34:42,690 --> 00:34:44,592           According to                  latest ice charts,        903 00:34:44,692 --> 00:34:48,762    the ice is really retracted        up high over Svalbard.      904 00:34:48,863 --> 00:34:51,765           So, we might                 get some glacier ice       905 00:34:51,866 --> 00:34:54,201          around Svalbard                   but not much.          906 00:34:54,301 --> 00:34:57,605              Teddy:                     We continue north,        907 00:34:57,705 --> 00:35:01,775       crossing open waters,              and by morning...        908 00:35:01,876 --> 00:35:03,277    Crossed the Arctic Circle.             Wow.                    909 00:35:03,377 --> 00:35:05,079    Now, look, we're in sight.    It's beautiful.                  910 00:35:05,179 --> 00:35:07,081             Dmitrij:                   And it is beautiful.       911 00:35:07,181 --> 00:35:10,784      Teddy: We crossed into       the Arctic at exactly 2:33 AM.  912 00:35:10,885 --> 00:35:13,621  This is the first time they've     had this ship in this area,   913 00:35:13,721 --> 00:35:15,122    so there's a lot going on.    914 00:35:15,222 --> 00:35:18,225    The bridge team cautiously          navigates the Arctic,      915 00:35:18,325 --> 00:35:22,997            arriving at            the Lofoten Islands with ease.  916 00:35:23,097 --> 00:35:25,733            (Whirring)            917 00:35:25,833 --> 00:35:28,702    It's exactly where Chef Tom              wants to be           918 00:35:28,802 --> 00:35:34,041 for a very special shopping trip   that can only happen by air.   919 00:35:34,141 --> 00:35:35,743            (Whirring)            920 00:35:35,843 --> 00:35:38,412           Tom: Let's go               to the coast somewhere,     921 00:35:38,512 --> 00:35:40,915   because it's one of the best     coasts in the world at the--   922 00:35:41,015 --> 00:35:43,117   Just the perfect mix between        current and temperature     923 00:35:43,217 --> 00:35:46,587             for doing                 much more than fishing.     924 00:35:46,687 --> 00:35:49,056  Ah, look at this. There's some    really good-looking seaweed.   925 00:35:49,156 --> 00:35:50,925  You actually can see from here.         (Pilot chuckling)        926 00:35:51,025 --> 00:35:53,093           Did you know             there's more than a thousand   927 00:35:53,194 --> 00:35:54,862     seaweed kinds out there?     928 00:35:54,962 --> 00:35:57,898          Pilot: Really,                more than a thousand?       Yeah, it's all over the place.  929 00:35:57,998 --> 00:36:00,100       Some of the best are        more expensive than frog legs.  930 00:36:00,201 --> 00:36:02,136            Pilot: Wow.             Tom: Really, really craving.   931 00:36:02,236 --> 00:36:04,772              Teddy:                 Tom's not just dropping in    932 00:36:04,872 --> 00:36:07,274     to find delicious seaweed               on his own;           933 00:36:07,374 --> 00:36:11,912   he's meeting two specialists    to guide him to the good stuff. 934 00:36:12,012 --> 00:36:13,514      Tom: They're providing            Michelin restaurants       935 00:36:13,614 --> 00:36:15,015       all around the world               with the seaweed.        936 00:36:15,115 --> 00:36:16,951       And these two ladies                  are crazy,            937 00:36:17,051 --> 00:36:20,654          and I'm hoping              to find them today here.     938 00:36:20,754 --> 00:36:22,156             Yoo-hoo!             939 00:36:22,256 --> 00:36:24,858        Teddy: Fortunately,        their wetsuits gave them away.  940 00:36:24,959 --> 00:36:26,260   Let's go, let's go, let's go.  941 00:36:26,360 --> 00:36:28,262              Woman:                    Let's show you, yeah.      942 00:36:28,362 --> 00:36:29,763        We're ready to go.        943 00:36:29,863 --> 00:36:31,565               Tom:                             Whoo!              944 00:36:31,665 --> 00:36:34,568       So, it's a little bit               slippery, heh.          945 00:36:34,668 --> 00:36:37,071        A little red algae.                 And we taste.          946 00:36:37,171 --> 00:36:40,074      Tell me what you think?     947 00:36:40,174 --> 00:36:42,309     Wow. It literally tastes               like truffle.          948 00:36:42,409 --> 00:36:45,045     Woman: It's also the most      expensive because we have to   949 00:36:45,145 --> 00:36:47,081       pick it like berries                  and dry it.           950 00:36:47,181 --> 00:36:50,050           It becomes--             You know, it's really light.   951 00:36:50,150 --> 00:36:52,152       I can't get over it.       It actually tastes like truffle. 952 00:36:52,253 --> 00:36:54,321     Angelita: Yeah, it does.            Tom: It's shocking.                 It's amazing.          953 00:36:54,421 --> 00:36:56,757      Angelita: It's actually         the most nutritious-dense    954 00:36:56,857 --> 00:36:58,259       plant on the planet.       955 00:36:58,359 --> 00:37:03,297      It is a sustainable and      climate-friendly food product.  956 00:37:03,397 --> 00:37:04,765              My head                   is already rotating.       957 00:37:04,865 --> 00:37:06,800        It's full of ideas          what I want to do with that,   958 00:37:06,900 --> 00:37:11,438  and I cannot wait to come back  to the kitchen and play with it. 959 00:37:11,538 --> 00:37:14,441   I can't recall the last time       a chef put on a dive suit    960 00:37:14,541 --> 00:37:16,510     to go prepare my dinner,           but I am here for it.      961 00:37:16,610 --> 00:37:18,012 Isn't that wild?                               Yeah.              962 00:37:18,112 --> 00:37:20,381         But before I try            that one-of-a-kind creation   963 00:37:20,481 --> 00:37:22,216       with the best seaweed                in the world,          964 00:37:22,316 --> 00:37:24,051        I want to tell you           about a really unbelievable   965 00:37:24,151 --> 00:37:26,053         dining experience                 I had in Japan          966 00:37:26,153 --> 00:37:27,721        on the Seven Stars                  cruise train.          967 00:37:27,821 --> 00:37:30,524   I heard there's a really long      waitlist for that train.     968 00:37:30,624 --> 00:37:33,394    Yeah, it takes a long time       to even get the opportunity   969 00:37:33,494 --> 00:37:35,729         to buy a ticket,           which is pretty mind-blowing.  970 00:37:35,829 --> 00:37:37,398           And something             that really stood out to me   971 00:37:37,498 --> 00:37:39,233    on this train was the food.   972 00:37:39,333 --> 00:37:41,735        It's this fantastic         traditional Japanese cuisine,  973 00:37:41,835 --> 00:37:45,572  prepared with local ingredients    by Michelin-trained chefs.    974 00:37:45,673 --> 00:37:47,574 (Atmospheric instrumental music) 975 00:37:47,675 --> 00:37:50,678              Kyushu,               Japan's third largest island,  976 00:37:50,778 --> 00:37:52,980            the setting                  for one of the most       977 00:37:53,080 --> 00:37:55,949     sought-after train rides               in the world.          978 00:37:56,050 --> 00:37:59,019   (Dynamic instrumental music)   979 00:37:59,119 --> 00:38:02,089              Hello.                        Konnichi wa.           980 00:38:02,189 --> 00:38:05,793     I've come here to embark        on an extraordinarily posh    981 00:38:05,893 --> 00:38:07,428      four-day rail journey.      982 00:38:07,528 --> 00:38:08,962          (Gentle music)          983 00:38:09,063 --> 00:38:11,765       It takes years to get            one of only 30 spots       984 00:38:11,865 --> 00:38:13,767   aboard this incredible train.  985 00:38:13,867 --> 00:38:15,769       Good morning, Teddy.       Ah, Konnichi wa.                      Hello.                      986 00:38:15,869 --> 00:38:17,304           Konnichi wa.                     How are you?           987 00:38:17,404 --> 00:38:18,806  I have to punch on this ticket. 988 00:38:18,906 --> 00:38:20,307       This is                    the golden ticket.               989 00:38:20,407 --> 00:38:21,909              Teddy:                   A ticket so exclusive,      990 00:38:22,009 --> 00:38:23,944     passengers have to enter                 a lottery            991 00:38:24,044 --> 00:38:26,413            just to get                  on to the waitlist.       992 00:38:26,513 --> 00:38:29,083     The demand for the train         is about 10 times greater    993 00:38:29,183 --> 00:38:30,617        than its capacity.        994 00:38:30,718 --> 00:38:33,287        Let's get rolling.        995 00:38:33,387 --> 00:38:37,124    To pull off an unparalleled           rail adventure...        996 00:38:37,224 --> 00:38:38,659           (Clattering)           997 00:38:38,759 --> 00:38:42,830  there's three times more staff   than passengers for every trip. 998 00:38:42,930 --> 00:38:44,865   (Dramatic instrumental music)  999 00:38:44,965 --> 00:38:46,333          Oh, here it is.                       Wow.               1000 00:38:46,433 --> 00:38:48,435          It's beautiful.         1001 00:38:48,535 --> 00:38:53,073   Launched in 2013, Seven Stars   cost a whopping 3 billion yen,  1002 00:38:53,173 --> 00:38:56,477           or more than                20 million US dollars.      1003 00:38:56,577 --> 00:39:00,414     It's one of a kind, with         no replacement carriages.    1004 00:39:00,514 --> 00:39:01,815                 ♪                1005 00:39:01,915 --> 00:39:05,419   In the dining car, head chef     Takuo Yamanaka starts us off   1006 00:39:05,519 --> 00:39:08,021         on our Seven Star             of culinary experience.     1007 00:39:08,122 --> 00:39:10,290         (Text on screen)         1008 00:39:10,391 --> 00:39:15,062                 ♪                1009 00:39:15,162 --> 00:39:18,031  To minimize the risk of injury         on a moving train,        1010 00:39:18,132 --> 00:39:21,602      Yamanaka prepares well          in advance of departure.     1011 00:39:21,702 --> 00:39:25,038         (Text on screen)         1012 00:39:25,139 --> 00:39:33,280                 ♪                1013 00:39:33,380 --> 00:39:39,353                 ♪                1014 00:39:39,453 --> 00:39:44,591                 ♪                1015 00:39:44,691 --> 00:39:49,797                 ♪                1016 00:39:49,897 --> 00:39:51,965       I don't want to talk              with my mouth full.       1017 00:39:52,065 --> 00:39:56,203      That is the single best      piece of sushi I have ever had. 1018 00:39:56,303 --> 00:39:59,873  Everyone aboard feels the same       way, and lucky for us,      1019 00:39:59,973 --> 00:40:02,242        more high-end chefs                board the train         1020 00:40:02,342 --> 00:40:03,811 throughout the four day journey. 1021 00:40:03,911 --> 00:40:05,012     (Speaking other language)    1022 00:40:05,112 --> 00:40:08,315       It looks really cool.             (Speaking Japanese)       1023 00:40:08,415 --> 00:40:10,083                 ♪                1024 00:40:10,184 --> 00:40:13,153         (Text on screen)         1025 00:40:13,253 --> 00:40:17,758                 ♪                1026 00:40:17,858 --> 00:40:20,594          So this is not              your typical bento here.     1027 00:40:20,694 --> 00:40:22,196    This is next level, right?    1028 00:40:22,296 --> 00:40:24,665    This is like a work of art,        to be honest with you.      1029 00:40:24,765 --> 00:40:28,769         (Text on screen)         1030 00:40:28,869 --> 00:40:30,771            (Applause)            1031 00:40:30,871 --> 00:40:32,739                 ♪                1032 00:40:32,840 --> 00:40:35,809     (Speaking other language)    1033 00:40:35,909 --> 00:40:37,211     Man: That's really good.     1034 00:40:37,311 --> 00:40:39,346          Hmm! Very good.         1035 00:40:39,446 --> 00:40:42,049         (Text on screen)         1036 00:40:42,149 --> 00:40:44,685                Mm!               1037 00:40:44,785 --> 00:40:47,254     (Speaking other language)    1038 00:40:48,922 --> 00:40:48,956   Te                             1039 00:40:48,956 --> 00:40:48,989   Tedd                           1040 00:40:48,989 --> 00:40:49,022   Teddy:                         1041 00:40:49,022 --> 00:40:49,056   Teddy: A                       1042 00:40:49,056 --> 00:40:49,089   Teddy: As                      1043 00:40:49,089 --> 00:40:49,122   Teddy: As ou                   1044 00:40:49,122 --> 00:40:49,156   Teddy: As our                  1045 00:40:49,156 --> 00:40:49,189   Teddy: As our th               1046 00:40:49,189 --> 00:40:49,223   Teddy: As our thir             1047 00:40:49,223 --> 00:40:49,256   Teddy: As our third            1048 00:40:49,256 --> 00:40:49,289   Teddy: As our third da         1049 00:40:49,289 --> 00:40:49,323   Teddy: As our third day        1050 00:40:49,323 --> 00:40:49,356   Teddy: As our third day dr     1051 00:40:49,356 --> 00:40:49,389   Teddy: As our third day draw   1052 00:40:49,389 --> 00:40:49,490   Teddy: As our third day draws  1053 00:40:49,490 --> 00:40:49,523   Teddy: As our third day draws             to                    1054 00:40:49,523 --> 00:40:49,556   Teddy: As our third day draws             to a                  1055 00:40:49,556 --> 00:40:49,590   Teddy: As our third day draws             to a c                1056 00:40:49,590 --> 00:40:49,623   Teddy: As our third day draws             to a clo              1057 00:40:49,623 --> 00:40:49,656   Teddy: As our third day draws             to a close            1058 00:40:49,656 --> 00:40:50,891   Teddy: As our third day draws             to a close,           1059 00:40:50,991 --> 00:40:53,961    another guest chef prepares      us a mouth-watering dinner.   1060 00:40:54,061 --> 00:40:55,963                 ♪                1061 00:40:56,063 --> 00:40:58,398     (Speaking other language)    1062 00:40:58,499 --> 00:41:00,234            Thank you.            1063 00:41:00,334 --> 00:41:03,003     (Speaking other language)    1064 00:41:03,103 --> 00:41:05,305            Thank you.            1065 00:41:05,405 --> 00:41:07,207        It looks delicious,           and I've got to tell you,    1066 00:41:07,307 --> 00:41:11,245     the food on this train is      absolutely five-star dining,   1067 00:41:11,345 --> 00:41:13,814       and the theme tonight             is French cuisine.        1068 00:41:13,914 --> 00:41:15,782                 ♪                1069 00:41:15,883 --> 00:41:19,319       (Indistinct chatter)       1070 00:41:19,419 --> 00:41:22,022                 ♪                1071 00:41:22,122 --> 00:41:25,092      It actually tastes even           better than it looks.      1072 00:41:25,192 --> 00:41:27,895         An unforgettable                 culinary journey         1073 00:41:27,995 --> 00:41:30,697          pairs perfectly             with the lush landscapes     1074 00:41:30,797 --> 00:41:35,269  along one of the most luxurious     train rides in the world.    1075 00:41:35,369 --> 00:41:38,138       After the break, the         breathtaking Norwegian fjords  1076 00:41:38,238 --> 00:41:39,373          by helicopter,          1077 00:41:39,473 --> 00:41:42,009          and we finally              get the dive, or no dive,    1078 00:41:42,109 --> 00:41:44,044        for excited guests               on Scenic Eclipse.        1079 00:41:44,144 --> 00:41:47,047       (Driving rock music)       1080 00:41:47,147 --> 00:41:50,017 ♪                                1081 00:41:52,519 --> 00:41:52,553       (D                         1082 00:41:52,553 --> 00:41:52,586       (Dri                       1083 00:41:52,586 --> 00:41:52,619       (Drivi                     1084 00:41:52,619 --> 00:41:52,653       (Driving                   1085 00:41:52,653 --> 00:41:52,686       (Driving r                 1086 00:41:52,686 --> 00:41:52,719       (Driving roc               1087 00:41:52,719 --> 00:41:52,753       (Driving rock              1088 00:41:52,753 --> 00:41:52,786       (Driving rock mu           1089 00:41:52,786 --> 00:41:52,819       (Driving rock musi         1090 00:41:52,819 --> 00:41:55,222       (Driving rock music)       1091 00:41:55,322 --> 00:41:57,658                 ♪                1092 00:41:57,758 --> 00:42:00,827       This is the mightiest           of luxury experiences,      1093 00:42:00,961 --> 00:42:00,994      an                          1094 00:42:00,994 --> 00:42:01,028      and                         1095 00:42:01,028 --> 00:42:01,061      and wh                      1096 00:42:01,061 --> 00:42:01,094      and what                    1097 00:42:01,094 --> 00:42:01,128      and what a                  1098 00:42:01,128 --> 00:42:01,161      and what a c                1099 00:42:01,161 --> 00:42:01,194      and what a cel              1100 00:42:01,194 --> 00:42:01,228      and what a celeb            1101 00:42:01,228 --> 00:42:01,261      and what a celebra          1102 00:42:01,261 --> 00:42:01,295      and what a celebrati        1103 00:42:01,295 --> 00:42:01,395      and what a celebration      1104 00:42:01,395 --> 00:42:01,428      and what a celebration           of                          1105 00:42:01,428 --> 00:42:01,461      and what a celebration           of a                        1106 00:42:01,461 --> 00:42:01,495      and what a celebration           of a r                      1107 00:42:01,495 --> 00:42:01,528      and what a celebration           of a ret                    1108 00:42:01,528 --> 00:42:01,562      and what a celebration           of a retur                  1109 00:42:01,562 --> 00:42:01,595      and what a celebration           of a return                 1110 00:42:01,595 --> 00:42:01,628      and what a celebration           of a return to              1111 00:42:01,628 --> 00:42:01,662      and what a celebration           of a return to t            1112 00:42:01,662 --> 00:42:01,695      and what a celebration           of a return to tra          1113 00:42:01,695 --> 00:42:01,728      and what a celebration           of a return to trave        1114 00:42:01,728 --> 00:42:03,430      and what a celebration           of a return to travel.      1115 00:42:03,530 --> 00:42:05,599     It's true, and I've been        saving up my travel budget    1116 00:42:05,699 --> 00:42:08,669    for two or three years now,       so I am ready to splurge.    1117 00:42:08,769 --> 00:42:11,505    Or you can just, you know,           wait til Season 2.        1118 00:42:11,605 --> 00:42:13,040     Ah, that's a better idea.    1119 00:42:13,140 --> 00:42:14,274           Well played!           1120 00:42:14,374 --> 00:42:15,876    All right, now we're going        return to Scenic Eclipse     1121 00:42:15,976 --> 00:42:17,911     where guests may finally             get to experience        1122 00:42:18,011 --> 00:42:20,714   some of the not-to-be-missed     excursions throughout Norway.  1123 00:42:20,814 --> 00:42:21,882         And the seaweed!         1124 00:42:21,982 --> 00:42:23,317         I want to see you                try the seaweed!         1125 00:42:23,417 --> 00:42:25,919      Yeah, and, sneak peek,                it was good.           1126 00:42:26,019 --> 00:42:28,589                 ♪                1127 00:42:28,689 --> 00:42:31,124          Scenic Eclipse              continues its exploration    1128 00:42:31,224 --> 00:42:33,560 of the stunning Lofoten Islands. 1129 00:42:33,660 --> 00:42:35,462                 ♪                1130 00:42:35,562 --> 00:42:37,598           With today's                picture-perfect weather     1131 00:42:37,698 --> 00:42:40,267        the discovery team              launches into action.      1132 00:42:40,367 --> 00:42:44,204                 ♪                1133 00:42:44,304 --> 00:42:49,409     The helicopter team gives        guests a bird's eye view.    1134 00:42:49,509 --> 00:42:51,778       There's nothing I've            done before like this.      1135 00:42:51,878 --> 00:42:55,616    Teddy: Passengers dive for     treasure aboard Scenic Neptune. 1136 00:42:55,716 --> 00:42:58,085    Now I'm extremely excited.    1137 00:42:58,185 --> 00:42:59,119           I can't wait.          1138 00:42:59,219 --> 00:43:01,188                 ♪                1139 00:43:01,288 --> 00:43:04,358 Teddy: This sub is bursting with          excited guests,         1140 00:43:04,458 --> 00:43:05,559         turned explorers.        1141 00:43:05,659 --> 00:43:08,328                 ♪                1142 00:43:08,428 --> 00:43:11,131      Meanwhile, back aboard              Scenic Eclipse...        1143 00:43:11,231 --> 00:43:12,199       (Indistinct yelling)       1144 00:43:12,299 --> 00:43:13,433       ...its award-winning                 chefs reveal           1145 00:43:13,533 --> 00:43:16,603        the mouth-watering             ingredient of the day.      1146 00:43:16,703 --> 00:43:18,839      Tom: But it's all about          seaweed tonight, yeah.      1147 00:43:18,939 --> 00:43:20,140    It's just an amazing dish.    1148 00:43:20,240 --> 00:43:22,376        It becomes creamy.           The seaweed comes together.   1149 00:43:22,476 --> 00:43:24,011       The bacon gives some             salty flavour to it.       1150 00:43:24,111 --> 00:43:25,212         I'm sure they're                 going to love it.        1151 00:43:25,312 --> 00:43:26,847      Shall we run it, guys?      1152 00:43:26,947 --> 00:43:28,882     (Speaking other language)    1153 00:43:28,982 --> 00:43:32,419                 ♪                1154 00:43:32,519 --> 00:43:34,421     So, ladies and gentlemen,    1155 00:43:34,521 --> 00:43:36,690          our first dish,               it's seared scallops.      1156 00:43:36,790 --> 00:43:37,691           Please enjoy.          1157 00:43:37,791 --> 00:43:39,059          Man: Thank you.         1158 00:43:39,159 --> 00:43:40,894              Teddy:                    Thank you very much.       1159 00:43:40,994 --> 00:43:42,496         It's incredible.         1160 00:43:42,596 --> 00:43:43,897       Oh, what do you think               of the seaweed?         1161 00:43:43,997 --> 00:43:46,533      It adds something nice          to it, doesn't it? Yeah.     1162 00:43:46,633 --> 00:43:47,534       Mm! Like a saltiness.      1163 00:43:47,634 --> 00:43:48,702               Yeah.              1164 00:43:48,802 --> 00:43:51,471       Like a brine, briny--               It's delicious.         1165 00:43:51,571 --> 00:43:54,241     Teddy: The scenic kitchen        reveals humble seaweed's     1166 00:43:54,341 --> 00:43:57,577         hidden identity:               a luxurious delicacy.      1167 00:43:57,678 --> 00:43:59,546          Truffle seaweed                risotto. Oh, yeah!        1168 00:43:59,646 --> 00:44:02,182    And it tastes like truffle.           It's crazy, huh?         1169 00:44:02,282 --> 00:44:06,219        Like fresh truffle,              very like truffle.        1170 00:44:06,319 --> 00:44:08,955    (Unclear) this other one's         going to get cold, uh.      1171 00:44:09,056 --> 00:44:11,291     We have to plate it fast.    1172 00:44:11,391 --> 00:44:15,062        Our next course is           a truffle seaweed risotto.    1173 00:44:15,162 --> 00:44:18,532         Lots of seaweed,          like a sea-lettuce combo nori,  1174 00:44:18,632 --> 00:44:21,535       and finished with dry             sea lettuce on top,       1175 00:44:21,635 --> 00:44:23,437     just for the texture, and      a little bit of truffle oil.   1176 00:44:23,537 --> 00:44:24,438           Please enjoy.          1177 00:44:24,538 --> 00:44:27,007     Oh, thank you very much.     1178 00:44:27,107 --> 00:44:29,876       Man: I've never be so        excited about seaweed before!  1179 00:44:29,976 --> 00:44:32,913                 ♪                1180 00:44:33,013 --> 00:44:36,983  It never really crossed my mind  to put these flavours together. 1181 00:44:37,084 --> 00:44:38,051     Teddy: It works, though.     1182 00:44:38,151 --> 00:44:39,219        Yeah, it's amazing.       1183 00:44:39,319 --> 00:44:41,755        Just like (Unclear)           in your mouth, isn't it?     1184 00:44:41,855 --> 00:44:42,756       We just keep thinking                  about it.            1185 00:44:42,856 --> 00:44:44,658        It's beautiful. Mm!       1186 00:44:44,758 --> 00:44:46,159       Very good. Delicious.      1187 00:44:46,259 --> 00:44:47,160           What a whirl!          1188 00:44:47,260 --> 00:44:48,895       Teddy: What a whirl!       1189 00:44:48,995 --> 00:44:51,198        All: What a whirl!        1190 00:44:51,298 --> 00:44:52,299               Yeah!              1191 00:44:52,399 --> 00:44:54,201                 ♪                1192 00:44:54,301 --> 00:44:56,937  Teddy: As we savour every bite, 1193 00:44:57,037 --> 00:45:00,073     and every stunning view,     1194 00:45:00,173 --> 00:45:04,611      above and underwater...     1195 00:45:04,711 --> 00:45:06,546       The bottom is another              80 metres below.         1196 00:45:06,646 --> 00:45:10,417                 ♪                1197 00:45:10,517 --> 00:45:14,955    Teddy: ...Captain Griffiths    sails on towards the North Pole 1198 00:45:15,055 --> 00:45:19,493    for more discovery and more       magical moments aboard...    1199 00:45:19,593 --> 00:45:20,961      Man: That's incredible.     1200 00:45:21,061 --> 00:45:22,028       Woman: Truly amazing.      1201 00:45:22,129 --> 00:45:24,464     Teddy: ...Scenic Eclipse.    1202 00:45:24,564 --> 00:45:27,634   (Dynamic instrumental music)   1203 00:45:27,734 --> 00:45:34,641                 ♪                1204 00:45:34,741 --> 00:45:41,615                 ♪                1205 00:45:41,715 --> 00:45:48,655                 ♪                1206 00:45:48,755 --> 00:45:53,093        (Musical flourish)