1 00:00:06,041 --> 00:00:09,208 {\an1}[intense choral music plays] 2 00:00:09,250 --> 00:00:16,166 ♪ ♪ 3 00:00:16,208 --> 00:00:18,416 [narrator] 4 00:00:16,208 --> 00:00:18,416 At the heart of creation 5 00:00:18,458 --> 00:00:21,083 lies the planet Eternia, 6 00:00:21,125 --> 00:00:23,750 {\an1}a wondrous world of dualities, 7 00:00:23,791 --> 00:00:27,875 men and monsters, 8 00:00:23,791 --> 00:00:27,875 wizards and warlords, 9 00:00:27,916 --> 00:00:30,458 science and sorcery. 10 00:00:30,500 --> 00:00:32,416 Like contentious siblings, 11 00:00:32,458 --> 00:00:35,666 these powers have waged war 12 00:00:32,458 --> 00:00:35,666 for eons, 13 00:00:35,708 --> 00:00:39,958 {\an1}though the champions of magic 14 00:00:35,708 --> 00:00:39,958 reigned supreme. 15 00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:42,750 But after 16 00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:42,750 a cataclysmic revelation... 17 00:00:42,791 --> 00:00:46,291 [cackles] 18 00:00:46,333 --> 00:00:48,916 [narrator] ...the secrets 19 00:00:46,333 --> 00:00:48,916 are no more. 20 00:00:48,958 --> 00:00:51,916 And with every revelation... 21 00:00:51,958 --> 00:00:55,041 comes the promise 22 00:00:51,958 --> 00:00:55,041 of revolution. 23 00:00:55,083 --> 00:01:02,250 ♪ ♪ 24 00:01:06,791 --> 00:01:08,583 [wind whistling softly] 25 00:01:08,625 --> 00:01:11,666 [thunder rumbles] 26 00:01:14,708 --> 00:01:17,541 [ominous music plays] 27 00:01:17,583 --> 00:01:24,750 {\an8}♪ ♪ 28 00:01:39,500 --> 00:01:42,541 {\an8}[shimmering tone] 29 00:01:49,250 --> 00:01:52,291 [eerie snarling] 30 00:01:53,291 --> 00:01:54,500 [gasps] 31 00:01:58,166 --> 00:02:02,375 [Scare Glow] 32 00:01:58,166 --> 00:02:02,375 {\an1}Flee before your mind goes mad. 33 00:02:02,416 --> 00:02:05,916 {\an1}Trust not what Subternia shows. 34 00:02:07,958 --> 00:02:11,458 For terror fuels 35 00:02:07,958 --> 00:02:11,458 the fires of hell, 36 00:02:11,500 --> 00:02:14,208 whose lord is called... 37 00:02:15,416 --> 00:02:17,708 Hmm. 38 00:02:17,750 --> 00:02:20,791 I smell no fear. 39 00:02:22,166 --> 00:02:23,958 Know ye not, mortal, 40 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:28,583 that this is where 41 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:28,583 despair displaces dream 42 00:02:28,625 --> 00:02:31,625 and hope comes to die? 43 00:02:31,666 --> 00:02:35,416 But even here 44 00:02:31,666 --> 00:02:35,416 in the realms of chaos, 45 00:02:35,458 --> 00:02:37,250 we believe in order. 46 00:02:37,291 --> 00:02:41,375 The suffering starts 47 00:02:37,291 --> 00:02:41,375 only after you offer up 48 00:02:41,416 --> 00:02:47,083 {\an1}the only possession any soul 49 00:02:41,416 --> 00:02:47,083 still holds at life's end, 50 00:02:47,125 --> 00:02:49,958 your name. 51 00:02:50,000 --> 00:02:52,833 My name? 52 00:02:52,875 --> 00:02:54,416 I am Adam, 53 00:02:54,458 --> 00:02:55,958 prince of Eternia 54 00:02:56,000 --> 00:02:58,416 and defender of the secrets 55 00:02:56,000 --> 00:02:58,416 of Castle Grayskull. 56 00:02:58,458 --> 00:03:00,875 The Champion? 57 00:03:00,916 --> 00:03:02,833 [Orko] And I'm Orko, 58 00:03:02,875 --> 00:03:04,166 his fearless friend 59 00:03:04,208 --> 00:03:06,750 with the tiny ticket 60 00:03:04,208 --> 00:03:06,750 to Subternia. 61 00:03:06,791 --> 00:03:08,500 [Scare Glow] You. 62 00:03:08,541 --> 00:03:11,083 [dramatic music plays] 63 00:03:11,125 --> 00:03:13,041 We didn't come to fight, 64 00:03:11,125 --> 00:03:13,041 Scare Glow. 65 00:03:13,083 --> 00:03:15,083 Our friends 66 00:03:13,083 --> 00:03:15,083 were sent to Subternia 67 00:03:15,125 --> 00:03:17,791 by Skeletor when he stole 68 00:03:15,125 --> 00:03:17,791 the Power. 69 00:03:17,833 --> 00:03:20,583 {\an1}So we ask that you let us leave 70 00:03:17,833 --> 00:03:20,583 the land of the dead 71 00:03:20,625 --> 00:03:24,083 {\an1}with the souls of our friends, 72 00:03:20,625 --> 00:03:24,083 Clamp Champ and Fisto. 73 00:03:24,125 --> 00:03:26,958 Raenious and Malcolm 74 00:03:24,125 --> 00:03:26,958 died as heroes. 75 00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:29,625 So they belong 76 00:03:27,000 --> 00:03:29,625 {\an1}in a better place than this. 77 00:03:29,666 --> 00:03:32,208 {\an1}[chuckles] Where would that be 78 00:03:32,250 --> 00:03:33,583 since the heavens fell 79 00:03:33,625 --> 00:03:36,666 when Evil-Lyn destroyed 80 00:03:33,625 --> 00:03:36,666 Preternia? 81 00:03:36,708 --> 00:03:40,166 Besides, 82 00:03:36,708 --> 00:03:40,166 they're perfect additions 83 00:03:40,208 --> 00:03:42,708 to my collection. 84 00:03:42,750 --> 00:03:45,541 And if I give up 85 00:03:42,750 --> 00:03:45,541 these treasures, 86 00:03:45,583 --> 00:03:49,458 then I have to give up 87 00:03:45,583 --> 00:03:49,458 {\an1}all of their delicious fear. 88 00:03:49,500 --> 00:03:51,208 Terror so palpable, 89 00:03:51,250 --> 00:03:54,666 you can still hear 90 00:03:51,250 --> 00:03:54,666 their screams. 91 00:03:54,708 --> 00:03:57,083 [screams echoing] 92 00:03:57,125 --> 00:03:58,625 No. 93 00:03:58,666 --> 00:04:02,291 I think I'll leave them 94 00:03:58,666 --> 00:04:02,291 right where they are. 95 00:04:02,333 --> 00:04:03,833 {\an1}And you know what would look 96 00:04:02,333 --> 00:04:03,833 even better 97 00:04:03,875 --> 00:04:06,583 hanging beside them? 98 00:04:06,625 --> 00:04:08,541 You. 99 00:04:10,250 --> 00:04:11,500 [Orko grunts] 100 00:04:11,541 --> 00:04:13,583 So much for diplomacy. 101 00:04:13,625 --> 00:04:15,333 Time for plan B? 102 00:04:16,541 --> 00:04:19,375 {\an1}By the Power of Grayskull... 103 00:04:19,416 --> 00:04:22,333 [exciting music plays] 104 00:04:22,375 --> 00:04:27,041 ♪ ♪ 105 00:04:27,083 --> 00:04:32,583 ...I have the Power! 106 00:04:41,791 --> 00:04:44,750 [Shadow Beasts snarling] 107 00:04:46,208 --> 00:04:48,333 Since you're inviting 108 00:04:46,208 --> 00:04:48,333 your friends, 109 00:04:48,375 --> 00:04:51,208 I guess my friends 110 00:04:48,375 --> 00:04:51,208 can drop in too. 111 00:04:54,041 --> 00:04:57,000 [Buzz-Off] Anyone else 112 00:04:54,041 --> 00:04:57,000 feeling buzzed? 113 00:04:57,041 --> 00:05:00,333 {\an1}[Snout Spout] I feel a sneeze 114 00:04:57,041 --> 00:05:00,333 coming on. 115 00:05:00,375 --> 00:05:01,625 [trumpets] 116 00:05:01,666 --> 00:05:02,875 [Shadow Beast roars] 117 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:06,708 Even cowboys get the pews... 118 00:05:06,750 --> 00:05:08,541 as in pew, pew, pew! 119 00:05:08,583 --> 00:05:11,125 Yeehaw! 120 00:05:16,250 --> 00:05:17,666 [both grunt] 121 00:05:23,791 --> 00:05:25,000 Hyah! 122 00:05:25,958 --> 00:05:29,041 [both grunting] 123 00:05:36,916 --> 00:05:38,625 {\an1}The chicken's making a break 124 00:05:36,916 --> 00:05:38,625 from the coop 125 00:05:38,666 --> 00:05:40,458 and coming your way. 126 00:05:45,916 --> 00:05:47,416 [Shadow Beast snarls] 127 00:05:47,458 --> 00:05:48,958 [blaster fires] 128 00:05:53,458 --> 00:05:55,208 [Randor] Did you see that? 129 00:05:55,250 --> 00:05:57,458 {\an1}I got him with the first shot! 130 00:05:57,500 --> 00:06:00,208 Not bad 131 00:05:57,500 --> 00:06:00,208 for a guy with a crown, eh? 132 00:06:01,208 --> 00:06:03,541 [blaster firing] 133 00:06:04,833 --> 00:06:06,666 Good eye, soldier. 134 00:06:06,708 --> 00:06:10,333 A Man-At-Arms always lends 135 00:06:06,708 --> 00:06:10,333 a hand, Your Highness. 136 00:06:10,375 --> 00:06:12,583 Hope you love 137 00:06:10,375 --> 00:06:12,583 the "Cloud Crusher." 138 00:06:12,625 --> 00:06:14,875 I made it myself. 139 00:06:14,916 --> 00:06:17,250 Sky-Sleds, with me! 140 00:06:25,708 --> 00:06:27,750 Hmm. 141 00:06:27,791 --> 00:06:30,250 [both grunting] 142 00:06:36,041 --> 00:06:37,916 [screeches] 143 00:06:39,625 --> 00:06:40,875 [blasters firing] 144 00:06:40,916 --> 00:06:43,333 [roars] 145 00:06:46,416 --> 00:06:47,625 [He-Man] Dad? 146 00:06:47,666 --> 00:06:50,166 {\an1}Is this bully bothering you, 147 00:06:47,666 --> 00:06:50,166 son? 148 00:06:52,208 --> 00:06:53,666 Aah! 149 00:06:56,125 --> 00:06:59,000 [triumphant music plays] 150 00:06:59,041 --> 00:07:01,583 ♪ ♪ 151 00:07:01,625 --> 00:07:03,291 [Randor] Well done, Adam. 152 00:07:03,333 --> 00:07:05,666 That's my boy. 153 00:07:08,541 --> 00:07:10,791 [suspenseful music plays] 154 00:07:10,833 --> 00:07:12,541 [Scare Glow] Thieves! 155 00:07:12,583 --> 00:07:14,916 Usurpers! 156 00:07:14,958 --> 00:07:21,541 You will all become part 157 00:07:14,958 --> 00:07:21,541 of my collection. 158 00:07:21,583 --> 00:07:23,291 Go get him, son. 159 00:07:23,333 --> 00:07:26,666 [exciting music plays] 160 00:07:26,708 --> 00:07:28,750 [Scare Glow snarls] 161 00:07:28,791 --> 00:07:30,250 [roars] 162 00:07:30,291 --> 00:07:33,125 [both grunting] 163 00:07:33,166 --> 00:07:39,916 ♪ ♪ 164 00:07:53,708 --> 00:07:56,583 [mystical 165 00:07:53,708 --> 00:07:56,583 triumphant music plays] 166 00:07:56,625 --> 00:08:00,875 ♪ ♪ 167 00:08:00,916 --> 00:08:02,041 [Orko] Teela! 168 00:08:02,083 --> 00:08:03,833 Cover your eyes. 169 00:08:03,875 --> 00:08:06,583 I'm turning on the lights 170 00:08:03,875 --> 00:08:06,583 in this dungeon. 171 00:08:06,625 --> 00:08:08,416 [shimmering tone] 172 00:08:19,833 --> 00:08:21,291 {\an1}[He-Man] Explosive entrance, 173 00:08:21,333 --> 00:08:23,416 my Sorceress. 174 00:08:23,458 --> 00:08:26,333 Just following your lead, 175 00:08:23,458 --> 00:08:26,333 my Champion. 176 00:08:26,375 --> 00:08:27,750 Flirt later, you two. 177 00:08:27,791 --> 00:08:29,833 {\an1}Let's get out of this hellhole. 178 00:08:29,875 --> 00:08:31,791 "Cloud Crusher," 179 00:08:29,875 --> 00:08:31,791 we're on our way. 180 00:08:31,833 --> 00:08:34,708 [suspenseful music plays] 181 00:08:34,750 --> 00:08:36,750 ♪ ♪ 182 00:08:36,791 --> 00:08:40,500 [panting] 183 00:08:40,541 --> 00:08:43,791 -[blasters firing] 184 00:08:40,541 --> 00:08:43,791 -[Shadow Beasts shrieks] 185 00:08:43,833 --> 00:08:46,583 {\an1}Seal the deal! Seal the deal! 186 00:08:49,458 --> 00:08:51,500 [Scare Glow] 187 00:08:49,458 --> 00:08:51,500 I will burn you alive 188 00:08:51,541 --> 00:08:53,333 and feast on your flesh 189 00:08:53,375 --> 00:08:57,083 while your souls marinate 190 00:08:53,375 --> 00:08:57,083 in dark despair! 191 00:08:57,125 --> 00:08:58,916 For I am 192 00:08:58,958 --> 00:09:00,666 the Lord of Da... 193 00:09:02,333 --> 00:09:03,791 [Teela] Sorry, Scare Glow. 194 00:09:03,833 --> 00:09:06,083 [seal thrums] 195 00:09:06,791 --> 00:09:10,125 Subternia's officially 196 00:09:06,791 --> 00:09:10,125 on lockdown. 197 00:09:10,166 --> 00:09:13,041 [triumphant music plays] 198 00:09:13,083 --> 00:09:19,208 ♪ ♪ 199 00:09:21,041 --> 00:09:22,333 Yes! 200 00:09:22,375 --> 00:09:24,041 {\an1}[He-Man chuckles] It worked! 201 00:09:24,083 --> 00:09:26,208 Naturally. 202 00:09:24,083 --> 00:09:26,208 When you have the tech, 203 00:09:26,250 --> 00:09:27,875 you have the talent. 204 00:09:27,916 --> 00:09:29,875 {\an1}And a little magic never hurts. 205 00:09:29,916 --> 00:09:32,166 {\an1}You were incredible back there. 206 00:09:32,208 --> 00:09:34,500 [laughing] What about you? 207 00:09:34,541 --> 00:09:37,625 Nobody's ever shattered 208 00:09:34,541 --> 00:09:37,625 the gate to hell before. 209 00:09:37,666 --> 00:09:38,750 -[laughing] 210 00:09:37,666 --> 00:09:38,750 -[Rio Blast] I think 211 00:09:38,791 --> 00:09:40,416 it's dadgum adorable 212 00:09:40,458 --> 00:09:41,791 {\an1}these two kids finally seeing 213 00:09:41,833 --> 00:09:44,000 {\an1}what the rest of us all seen 214 00:09:41,833 --> 00:09:44,000 years ago. 215 00:09:44,041 --> 00:09:47,166 What have you been saying 216 00:09:44,041 --> 00:09:47,166 to people, Dad? 217 00:09:47,208 --> 00:09:48,291 Dad? 218 00:09:48,333 --> 00:09:50,458 -[gasps] My king! 219 00:09:48,333 --> 00:09:50,458 -Dad! 220 00:09:50,500 --> 00:09:52,750 -[coughing] 221 00:09:50,500 --> 00:09:52,750 -[Orko] Oh, no. 222 00:09:52,791 --> 00:09:54,083 [exhales] 223 00:09:54,125 --> 00:09:57,041 [tense music plays] 224 00:09:57,083 --> 00:10:03,000 ♪ ♪ 225 00:10:03,041 --> 00:10:05,791 [Baddrah] "Oh, let's go 226 00:10:03,041 --> 00:10:05,791 to Snake Mountain," he said. 227 00:10:05,833 --> 00:10:08,208 "They're always hiring." 228 00:10:08,250 --> 00:10:11,500 Two heads are not better 229 00:10:08,250 --> 00:10:11,500 than one, so shut up! 230 00:10:11,541 --> 00:10:14,000 Ooh, that's it! 231 00:10:11,541 --> 00:10:14,000 You're getting a headbutt. 232 00:10:14,041 --> 00:10:15,666 You're the headbutt! 233 00:10:15,708 --> 00:10:20,458 [Skeletek] Minions 234 00:10:15,708 --> 00:10:20,458 of almighty Motherboard, 235 00:10:20,500 --> 00:10:23,583 {\an1}there was a time when magic, 236 00:10:20,500 --> 00:10:23,583 not machine, 237 00:10:23,625 --> 00:10:25,500 was my weapon of choice. 238 00:10:25,541 --> 00:10:30,125 {\an1}And as plan after pitiful plan 239 00:10:25,541 --> 00:10:30,125 fell apart, 240 00:10:30,166 --> 00:10:33,583 did I blame 241 00:10:30,166 --> 00:10:33,583 all of my silly spells 242 00:10:33,625 --> 00:10:36,708 and idiotic incantations? 243 00:10:36,750 --> 00:10:39,416 No, my children. 244 00:10:39,458 --> 00:10:42,750 I blamed only me. 245 00:10:42,791 --> 00:10:44,333 -Ah! 246 00:10:42,791 --> 00:10:44,333 -Huh! Ugh. 247 00:10:44,375 --> 00:10:47,500 [Skeletek] But the moment 248 00:10:44,375 --> 00:10:47,500 I surrendered myself 249 00:10:47,541 --> 00:10:51,958 to the technological touch 250 00:10:47,541 --> 00:10:51,958 of my one true mother, 251 00:10:52,000 --> 00:10:55,791 I realized the futility 252 00:10:52,000 --> 00:10:55,791 of my failures 253 00:10:55,833 --> 00:10:57,833 were not my fault 254 00:10:57,875 --> 00:11:02,166 {\an1}so much as they were the folly 255 00:10:57,875 --> 00:11:02,166 of faith in magic. 256 00:11:02,208 --> 00:11:06,666 {\an1}And now that my mind is open, 257 00:11:06,708 --> 00:11:10,041 I only trust what I see. 258 00:11:10,083 --> 00:11:13,125 And all I see... 259 00:11:13,166 --> 00:11:16,125 is Motherboard! 260 00:11:16,166 --> 00:11:21,583 {\an1}Glory be to the Board Almighty! 261 00:11:21,625 --> 00:11:23,791 Well done, Skeletor. 262 00:11:23,833 --> 00:11:27,166 You honor your mother, 263 00:11:27,208 --> 00:11:31,125 as well as your father. 264 00:11:31,166 --> 00:11:32,458 [groans] 265 00:11:33,708 --> 00:11:36,625 [menacing music plays] 266 00:11:36,666 --> 00:11:43,375 ♪ ♪ 267 00:11:43,416 --> 00:11:48,625 Another soul absorbed 268 00:11:43,416 --> 00:11:48,625 for the Board, my Master. 269 00:11:48,666 --> 00:11:51,250 [Hordak] 270 00:11:48,666 --> 00:11:51,250 And what about Skeletor? 271 00:11:51,291 --> 00:11:53,500 After decades of desertion, 272 00:11:53,541 --> 00:11:56,416 he has seen 273 00:11:53,541 --> 00:11:56,416 the error of his ways 274 00:11:56,458 --> 00:11:59,708 {\an1}and serves only us, my lord. 275 00:11:59,750 --> 00:12:04,958 He is now 276 00:11:59,750 --> 00:12:04,958 {\an1}a worthy Acolyte of the Horde. 277 00:12:05,000 --> 00:12:08,333 Masterful, 278 00:12:05,000 --> 00:12:08,333 Mistress Motherboard. 279 00:12:08,375 --> 00:12:10,916 You have succeeded 280 00:12:08,375 --> 00:12:10,916 at that which all others 281 00:12:10,958 --> 00:12:12,500 have failed me. 282 00:12:12,541 --> 00:12:16,416 {\an1}And so the Eternian conversion 283 00:12:12,541 --> 00:12:16,416 continues. 284 00:12:16,458 --> 00:12:19,916 {\an1}Make manifest my machinations, 285 00:12:16,458 --> 00:12:19,916 my right hand, 286 00:12:19,958 --> 00:12:26,083 for soon I will take 287 00:12:19,958 --> 00:12:26,083 the prize long denied me. 288 00:12:26,125 --> 00:12:31,541 And on that day, the skies 289 00:12:26,125 --> 00:12:31,541 above Grayskull will teem 290 00:12:31,583 --> 00:12:34,208 with the Horde Army. 291 00:12:36,833 --> 00:12:39,666 [Adam] He wasn't hurt 292 00:12:36,833 --> 00:12:39,666 during the battle, Mendor. 293 00:12:39,708 --> 00:12:41,458 {\an1}So what's wrong with my dad? 294 00:12:41,500 --> 00:12:42,583 [shimmering tone] 295 00:12:42,625 --> 00:12:44,291 {\an1}It's a kind of organ failure 296 00:12:44,333 --> 00:12:46,500 I've never encountered 297 00:12:44,333 --> 00:12:46,500 before, Adam. 298 00:12:46,541 --> 00:12:49,000 And we still can't find 299 00:12:46,541 --> 00:12:49,000 the cure. 300 00:12:49,041 --> 00:12:50,375 Still? 301 00:12:50,416 --> 00:12:53,458 We discovered it 302 00:12:50,416 --> 00:12:53,458 weeks ago, my lord. 303 00:12:53,500 --> 00:12:56,166 But your father forbade me 304 00:12:53,500 --> 00:12:56,166 from sharing the diagnosis 305 00:12:56,208 --> 00:12:58,458 with anyone 306 00:12:56,208 --> 00:12:58,458 {\an1}but the queen and Lord Duncan. 307 00:12:58,500 --> 00:13:00,666 [Adam] You knew about this? 308 00:13:00,708 --> 00:13:04,041 How could you let him go 309 00:13:00,708 --> 00:13:04,041 with me to Subternia? 310 00:13:04,083 --> 00:13:06,916 His Majesty 311 00:13:04,083 --> 00:13:06,916 would not be swayed. 312 00:13:06,958 --> 00:13:10,083 {\an1}Adam, fighting for the souls 313 00:13:06,958 --> 00:13:10,083 of his friends 314 00:13:10,125 --> 00:13:11,583 at the side of his son, 315 00:13:11,625 --> 00:13:13,916 the Champion of Grayskull, 316 00:13:13,958 --> 00:13:16,375 {\an1}that was your dad's last wish. 317 00:13:16,416 --> 00:13:18,708 Last wish? No! 318 00:13:18,750 --> 00:13:20,291 Save him, Teela, 319 00:13:20,333 --> 00:13:22,416 like you saved me. 320 00:13:22,458 --> 00:13:25,000 [soft dramatic music plays] 321 00:13:25,041 --> 00:13:27,875 [shimmering tone] 322 00:13:27,916 --> 00:13:29,625 Even if she could, 323 00:13:29,666 --> 00:13:32,000 I wouldn't let her. 324 00:13:32,041 --> 00:13:35,333 {\an1}Death comes for us all, my son. 325 00:13:35,375 --> 00:13:39,500 {\an1}Yes, even for kings it comes. 326 00:13:39,541 --> 00:13:41,500 {\an1}Save your strength, my husband. 327 00:13:41,541 --> 00:13:43,625 What little I have left 328 00:13:43,666 --> 00:13:46,791 I need to spend 329 00:13:43,666 --> 00:13:46,791 on my two greatest loves. 330 00:13:46,833 --> 00:13:49,875 [coughs] 331 00:13:49,916 --> 00:13:54,541 I would like to speak 332 00:13:49,916 --> 00:13:54,541 to my family alone, please. 333 00:13:54,583 --> 00:14:01,750 ♪ ♪ 334 00:14:18,416 --> 00:14:21,250 [intense music plays] 335 00:14:21,291 --> 00:14:27,250 ♪ ♪ 336 00:14:27,291 --> 00:14:29,333 [Teela] Zoar vazet ka, 337 00:14:29,375 --> 00:14:32,208 shuk-mo-ta! 338 00:14:32,250 --> 00:14:34,458 Zoar vazet ka, 339 00:14:34,500 --> 00:14:37,916 shuk-mo-ta. 340 00:14:37,958 --> 00:14:41,416 [straining] Zoar vazet ka, 341 00:14:41,458 --> 00:14:45,250 shuk-mo-ta! 342 00:14:57,500 --> 00:15:00,125 [electric crackling] 343 00:15:02,583 --> 00:15:06,208 Zoar vazet ka! 344 00:15:08,458 --> 00:15:12,208 Zoar vazet ka! 345 00:15:12,250 --> 00:15:13,416 Ah! 346 00:15:13,458 --> 00:15:16,666 [thunder rumbles] 347 00:15:16,708 --> 00:15:19,125 {\an1}[Orko] Um, I don't understand 348 00:15:19,166 --> 00:15:21,583 what we're trying 349 00:15:19,166 --> 00:15:21,583 to conjure here, Teela. 350 00:15:21,625 --> 00:15:22,750 [Teela sighs] 351 00:15:22,791 --> 00:15:24,541 Preternia. 352 00:15:24,583 --> 00:15:27,416 I've been trying 353 00:15:24,583 --> 00:15:27,416 to rebuild Preternia 354 00:15:27,458 --> 00:15:31,416 {\an1}so heroic souls like Raenious 355 00:15:27,458 --> 00:15:31,416 {\an1}and Malcolm have a place to go. 356 00:15:31,458 --> 00:15:34,666 But now that King Randor's 357 00:15:31,458 --> 00:15:34,666 about to die, 358 00:15:34,708 --> 00:15:38,416 {\an1}if I don't restore Preternia, 359 00:15:34,708 --> 00:15:38,416 {\an1}what will happen to his soul? 360 00:15:38,458 --> 00:15:40,000 [shimmering tone] 361 00:15:40,041 --> 00:15:42,791 {\an1}I can't just let it dissipate 362 00:15:40,041 --> 00:15:42,791 and be gone forever. 363 00:15:42,833 --> 00:15:45,500 And Adam needs to know 364 00:15:42,833 --> 00:15:45,500 his father is going on 365 00:15:45,541 --> 00:15:47,208 to his great reward. 366 00:15:47,250 --> 00:15:49,833 [Orko] Um, maybe 367 00:15:47,250 --> 00:15:49,833 the Sorceress can help? 368 00:15:49,875 --> 00:15:51,875 I'm the Sorceress now. 369 00:15:51,916 --> 00:15:54,666 So I should be able 370 00:15:51,916 --> 00:15:54,666 {\an1}to figure this out by myself. 371 00:15:54,708 --> 00:15:56,250 I can't run to my mother 372 00:15:56,291 --> 00:15:58,416 to fix my problems 373 00:15:56,291 --> 00:15:58,416 all the time. 374 00:15:58,458 --> 00:16:00,625 [Orko] But asking people 375 00:15:58,458 --> 00:16:00,625 who love you for help 376 00:16:00,666 --> 00:16:02,833 isn't wrong either, Teela, 377 00:16:02,875 --> 00:16:07,291 {\an1}especially since King Randor is 378 00:16:02,875 --> 00:16:07,291 running out of time. 379 00:16:09,625 --> 00:16:13,875 [Randor] 380 00:16:09,625 --> 00:16:13,875 My noble, beautiful queen, 381 00:16:13,916 --> 00:16:17,125 {\an1}you came to me from the heavens 382 00:16:13,916 --> 00:16:17,125 like an angel 383 00:16:17,166 --> 00:16:20,958 and blessed me with decades 384 00:16:17,166 --> 00:16:20,958 of love and laughter. 385 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:24,333 The greatest adventures 386 00:16:21,000 --> 00:16:24,333 I ever embarked on 387 00:16:24,375 --> 00:16:28,291 as liege of this land were 388 00:16:24,375 --> 00:16:28,291 the ones I shared with you. 389 00:16:28,333 --> 00:16:30,583 [coughs] 390 00:16:30,625 --> 00:16:32,750 Thank you 391 00:16:32,791 --> 00:16:36,958 for making me a man who is 392 00:16:32,791 --> 00:16:36,958 worthy of a woman like you. 393 00:16:37,000 --> 00:16:41,250 And thank you for making 394 00:16:37,000 --> 00:16:41,250 our son. 395 00:16:41,291 --> 00:16:46,125 Adam, my pride and joy, 396 00:16:46,166 --> 00:16:48,333 I pray you know 397 00:16:46,166 --> 00:16:48,333 the same happiness 398 00:16:48,375 --> 00:16:49,791 you've given me as a father 399 00:16:49,833 --> 00:16:51,833 when you're one. 400 00:16:51,875 --> 00:16:56,791 You always had more heart 401 00:16:51,875 --> 00:16:56,791 than anyone in Eternia, 402 00:16:56,833 --> 00:16:59,750 which means you have plenty 403 00:16:56,833 --> 00:16:59,750 to share. 404 00:16:59,791 --> 00:17:02,708 So don't wait too long 405 00:16:59,791 --> 00:17:02,708 to tell Teela 406 00:17:02,750 --> 00:17:05,708 how you really feel. 407 00:17:05,750 --> 00:17:08,791 [gears rumbling] 408 00:17:15,791 --> 00:17:17,416 Hi, Mom. 409 00:17:19,166 --> 00:17:21,541 My little bird. 410 00:17:21,583 --> 00:17:24,958 {\an1}You make a glorious Sorceress. 411 00:17:25,000 --> 00:17:29,250 But a mother knows 412 00:17:25,000 --> 00:17:29,250 {\an1}when her child's in trouble. 413 00:17:29,291 --> 00:17:31,708 How can I help, Teela? 414 00:17:31,750 --> 00:17:34,291 I've been trying 415 00:17:31,750 --> 00:17:34,291 to restore Preternia 416 00:17:34,333 --> 00:17:35,833 {\an1}using the Power of Grayskull 417 00:17:35,875 --> 00:17:38,916 {\an1}and every ounce of Zoar magic 418 00:17:35,875 --> 00:17:38,916 at my command. 419 00:17:38,958 --> 00:17:41,791 But I can't do it, Mom. 420 00:17:41,833 --> 00:17:44,000 I'm still figuring 421 00:17:41,833 --> 00:17:44,000 all this out, 422 00:17:44,041 --> 00:17:48,041 and I guess 423 00:17:44,041 --> 00:17:48,041 I'm just not strong enough. 424 00:17:48,083 --> 00:17:51,750 It has nothing to do 425 00:17:48,083 --> 00:17:51,750 with strength, Teela. 426 00:17:51,791 --> 00:17:53,583 Only the gifts of Zoar 427 00:17:53,625 --> 00:17:56,583 were bestowed upon us 428 00:17:53,625 --> 00:17:56,583 as Sorceress. 429 00:17:56,625 --> 00:17:59,208 And Preternia was created 430 00:17:56,625 --> 00:17:59,208 with magic 431 00:17:59,250 --> 00:18:02,083 {\an1}from all three of the old gods: 432 00:18:02,125 --> 00:18:03,833 Zoar, 433 00:18:03,875 --> 00:18:05,541 Ka, 434 00:18:05,583 --> 00:18:07,541 and Ha'vok. 435 00:18:07,583 --> 00:18:10,125 So to restore Preternia, 436 00:18:10,166 --> 00:18:11,416 you'll need the help 437 00:18:11,458 --> 00:18:14,041 of all three powers 438 00:18:11,458 --> 00:18:14,041 that created it. 439 00:18:14,083 --> 00:18:15,708 How? 440 00:18:15,750 --> 00:18:19,500 The secret of Snake magic 441 00:18:15,750 --> 00:18:19,500 {\an1}was lost to humans eons ago. 442 00:18:19,541 --> 00:18:22,750 {\an1}[Sorceress] Then it will take 443 00:18:19,541 --> 00:18:22,750 something more than a human 444 00:18:22,791 --> 00:18:24,750 to find it again. 445 00:18:24,791 --> 00:18:27,375 It will take a Sorceress. 446 00:18:28,500 --> 00:18:30,625 {\an1}Any idea where I should start? 447 00:18:30,666 --> 00:18:32,958 [Sorceress] As Sorceress, 448 00:18:30,666 --> 00:18:32,958 I was forever bound 449 00:18:33,000 --> 00:18:34,541 to this castle, 450 00:18:34,583 --> 00:18:36,500 and with Preternia gone, 451 00:18:36,541 --> 00:18:39,791 my soul remains tethered 452 00:18:36,541 --> 00:18:39,791 to this place, 453 00:18:39,833 --> 00:18:42,583 powerless for all eternity. 454 00:18:42,625 --> 00:18:45,166 But you, Teela, 455 00:18:45,208 --> 00:18:48,958 you're the first Sorceress 456 00:18:45,208 --> 00:18:48,958 who can leave Grayskull. 457 00:18:49,000 --> 00:18:52,750 So seek Ka's craft 458 00:18:49,000 --> 00:18:52,750 {\an1}where it was last ever seen, 459 00:18:52,791 --> 00:18:56,583 in the magical mists 460 00:18:52,791 --> 00:18:56,583 of Darksmoke. 461 00:18:56,625 --> 00:18:58,250 [Orko] Darksmoke? 462 00:18:58,291 --> 00:19:00,708 [shudders] 463 00:18:58,291 --> 00:19:00,708 {\an1}Even Subternia doesn't scare me 464 00:19:00,750 --> 00:19:02,291 as much as that place. 465 00:19:02,333 --> 00:19:04,208 That's why I'm going alone. 466 00:19:04,250 --> 00:19:06,958 [Orko] Well, that sounds 467 00:19:04,250 --> 00:19:06,958 even more dangerous. 468 00:19:07,875 --> 00:19:10,166 Thanks, Mom. 469 00:19:10,208 --> 00:19:12,500 You can do this, Teela. 470 00:19:12,541 --> 00:19:14,750 You've always shined 471 00:19:12,541 --> 00:19:14,750 your brightest 472 00:19:14,791 --> 00:19:18,166 whenever your heart 473 00:19:14,791 --> 00:19:18,166 is on the line. 474 00:19:21,000 --> 00:19:24,291 Why didn't you tell me 475 00:19:21,000 --> 00:19:24,291 you were dying, Dad? 476 00:19:24,333 --> 00:19:26,458 Because then 477 00:19:24,333 --> 00:19:26,458 you would have done 478 00:19:26,500 --> 00:19:30,791 anything in your power 479 00:19:26,500 --> 00:19:30,791 as He-Man to save me, 480 00:19:30,833 --> 00:19:32,750 and I don't want that. 481 00:19:32,791 --> 00:19:34,583 [soft dramatic music plays] 482 00:19:34,625 --> 00:19:39,833 Your place now is not 483 00:19:34,625 --> 00:19:39,833 {\an1}on the battlefield as He-Man, 484 00:19:39,875 --> 00:19:43,958 but in the palace 485 00:19:39,875 --> 00:19:43,958 as Prince Adam. 486 00:19:44,000 --> 00:19:48,125 {\an1}For once I draw my last breath, 487 00:19:48,166 --> 00:19:53,166 you, my son, 488 00:19:48,166 --> 00:19:53,166 {\an1}will become king of Eternia. 489 00:19:53,208 --> 00:19:55,208 Dad, please. 490 00:19:55,250 --> 00:19:57,708 But will you rule as Adam 491 00:19:57,750 --> 00:19:59,458 or as He-Man? 492 00:19:59,500 --> 00:20:01,500 Because it cannot be both. 493 00:20:01,541 --> 00:20:04,333 A king can't abandon 494 00:20:01,541 --> 00:20:04,333 his subjects 495 00:20:04,375 --> 00:20:06,291 for high adventure. 496 00:20:06,333 --> 00:20:10,708 Being Champion of Grayskull 497 00:20:06,333 --> 00:20:10,708 is already a heavy burden. 498 00:20:10,750 --> 00:20:14,333 But throwing a crown 499 00:20:10,750 --> 00:20:14,333 on top of it could break 500 00:20:14,375 --> 00:20:17,375 even the most powerful man 501 00:20:14,375 --> 00:20:17,375 in the universe. 502 00:20:17,416 --> 00:20:19,250 [coughs] 503 00:20:20,875 --> 00:20:23,875 So you will have to make 504 00:20:20,875 --> 00:20:23,875 a choice, son, 505 00:20:23,916 --> 00:20:27,666 a choice I never had 506 00:20:23,916 --> 00:20:27,666 to make as king, 507 00:20:27,708 --> 00:20:30,750 {\an1}a choice between the scepter 508 00:20:30,791 --> 00:20:32,416 and the sword. 509 00:20:32,458 --> 00:20:34,250 No tears. 510 00:20:34,291 --> 00:20:36,625 For I've lived a long life, 511 00:20:36,666 --> 00:20:38,666 one in which 512 00:20:36,666 --> 00:20:38,666 I've tasted triumph, 513 00:20:38,708 --> 00:20:41,583 but never without paying 514 00:20:38,708 --> 00:20:41,583 the price. 515 00:20:43,000 --> 00:20:46,208 I've lost friends, family, 516 00:20:46,250 --> 00:20:48,000 even a brother. 517 00:20:48,041 --> 00:20:53,666 And yet I die 518 00:20:48,041 --> 00:20:53,666 a luckier man than most. 519 00:20:53,708 --> 00:20:55,750 Not because I was king. 520 00:20:55,791 --> 00:20:59,625 Simply because I was 521 00:20:55,791 --> 00:20:59,625 your husband 522 00:20:59,666 --> 00:21:02,541 and your father. 523 00:21:02,583 --> 00:21:08,000 {\an1}[weakly] I love you both so... 524 00:21:09,750 --> 00:21:13,000 [Marlena sniffling] 525 00:21:14,958 --> 00:21:18,083 [sobbing] 526 00:21:18,125 --> 00:21:25,000 ♪ ♪ 527 00:21:25,041 --> 00:21:27,500 [Duncan] You'll be 528 00:21:25,041 --> 00:21:27,500 the only speaker, my lord. 529 00:21:27,541 --> 00:21:29,625 And after you eulogize 530 00:21:27,541 --> 00:21:29,625 your father, 531 00:21:29,666 --> 00:21:32,875 that's when Queen Marlena 532 00:21:29,666 --> 00:21:32,875 will crown you. 533 00:21:32,916 --> 00:21:35,833 {\an1}Do we have to do the coronation 534 00:21:32,916 --> 00:21:35,833 so soon? 535 00:21:35,875 --> 00:21:37,916 Dad's been gone a day. 536 00:21:37,958 --> 00:21:40,125 {\an1}Which means Eternia has been 537 00:21:37,958 --> 00:21:40,125 without a king 538 00:21:40,166 --> 00:21:41,750 for just as long. 539 00:21:41,791 --> 00:21:45,166 [Marlena] Coronations 540 00:21:41,791 --> 00:21:45,166 {\an1}always follow funerals, Adam. 541 00:21:45,208 --> 00:21:47,958 It's the price we pay 542 00:21:45,208 --> 00:21:47,958 to wear the crown. 543 00:21:48,000 --> 00:21:49,833 And as the new king, 544 00:21:49,875 --> 00:21:52,583 {\an1}you need to tell your subjects 545 00:21:49,875 --> 00:21:52,583 that you're here for them, 546 00:21:52,625 --> 00:21:55,333 even if you're 547 00:21:52,625 --> 00:21:55,333 deep within your own grief. 548 00:21:56,375 --> 00:21:58,541 What am I supposed to say? 549 00:21:58,583 --> 00:22:00,875 [Marlena] Just tell them 550 00:21:58,583 --> 00:22:00,875 the truth, son. 551 00:22:00,916 --> 00:22:05,666 {\an1}And the truth is that you loved 552 00:22:00,916 --> 00:22:05,666 your father very much, 553 00:22:05,708 --> 00:22:08,208 and he loved you. 554 00:22:08,250 --> 00:22:10,208 [Cringer] Adam. 555 00:22:10,250 --> 00:22:12,000 It's time. 556 00:22:27,125 --> 00:22:30,125 [shushing and murmuring] 557 00:22:30,166 --> 00:22:33,416 [wind whistles softly] 558 00:22:39,625 --> 00:22:42,125 [breathes deeply] 559 00:22:43,750 --> 00:22:48,291 Eternian hearts are heavy 560 00:22:43,750 --> 00:22:48,291 from the loss of our liege, 561 00:22:48,333 --> 00:22:51,750 because His Highness 562 00:22:48,333 --> 00:22:51,750 King Randor was... 563 00:22:53,000 --> 00:22:55,291 [clears throat] 564 00:22:53,000 --> 00:22:55,291 The king was a... 565 00:22:56,708 --> 00:22:58,958 The...the king... 566 00:23:00,791 --> 00:23:03,333 [tender music plays] 567 00:23:03,375 --> 00:23:05,750 ♪ ♪ 568 00:23:05,791 --> 00:23:08,916 One time 569 00:23:05,791 --> 00:23:08,916 I wanted a billow-bike. 570 00:23:08,958 --> 00:23:11,500 All the kids in Eternos 571 00:23:08,958 --> 00:23:11,500 had billow-bikes that year, 572 00:23:11,541 --> 00:23:14,500 and...and I asked my dad 573 00:23:11,541 --> 00:23:14,500 to get me one too. 574 00:23:14,541 --> 00:23:16,958 But all the billow-bikes 575 00:23:14,541 --> 00:23:16,958 had been sold. 576 00:23:17,000 --> 00:23:19,041 So rather than order 577 00:23:17,000 --> 00:23:19,041 his subjects 578 00:23:19,083 --> 00:23:20,916 to make another one, 579 00:23:20,958 --> 00:23:24,125 you know what he did, 580 00:23:20,958 --> 00:23:24,125 my father, the king? 581 00:23:24,166 --> 00:23:27,333 He built me a billow-bike. 582 00:23:27,375 --> 00:23:30,916 He used my old bike 583 00:23:27,375 --> 00:23:30,916 and added new parts. 584 00:23:30,958 --> 00:23:32,958 And over the course 585 00:23:30,958 --> 00:23:32,958 of four nights, 586 00:23:33,000 --> 00:23:36,708 {\an1}he customized the bike for me 587 00:23:33,000 --> 00:23:36,708 all on his own. 588 00:23:36,750 --> 00:23:38,500 [chuckling] My...my father 589 00:23:36,750 --> 00:23:38,500 never wore a tool belt 590 00:23:38,541 --> 00:23:40,625 in his life 591 00:23:40,666 --> 00:23:43,458 until that week. 592 00:23:43,500 --> 00:23:45,833 And when he finally 593 00:23:43,500 --> 00:23:45,833 {\an1}presented me the billow-bike 594 00:23:45,875 --> 00:23:48,541 that he'd built 595 00:23:45,875 --> 00:23:48,541 with his own two hands, 596 00:23:48,583 --> 00:23:51,125 well, I...I didn't have 597 00:23:48,583 --> 00:23:51,125 the heart to tell him how... 598 00:23:51,166 --> 00:23:54,958 how bad it looked, 599 00:23:51,166 --> 00:23:54,958 how homemade. 600 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:57,208 I mean, I couldn't ride 601 00:23:55,000 --> 00:23:57,208 this thing in public. 602 00:23:57,250 --> 00:24:00,125 I'd be the laughing stock 603 00:23:57,250 --> 00:24:00,125 of all of Eternia. 604 00:24:00,166 --> 00:24:02,750 And I never once 605 00:24:00,166 --> 00:24:02,750 rode the billow-bike 606 00:24:02,791 --> 00:24:04,791 my dad built for me. 607 00:24:04,833 --> 00:24:06,958 But now... 608 00:24:07,000 --> 00:24:09,750 I'd give all the money 609 00:24:07,000 --> 00:24:09,750 in the world 610 00:24:09,791 --> 00:24:12,541 to ride that billow-bike 611 00:24:09,791 --> 00:24:12,541 just once. 612 00:24:12,583 --> 00:24:17,291 ♪ ♪ 613 00:24:17,333 --> 00:24:21,333 We lost the best king 614 00:24:17,333 --> 00:24:21,333 Eternia has ever known. 615 00:24:21,375 --> 00:24:23,958 And as I prepare to wear 616 00:24:21,375 --> 00:24:23,958 the crown, 617 00:24:24,000 --> 00:24:26,041 I can only that I'm sorry 618 00:24:26,083 --> 00:24:28,750 that I'll never be 619 00:24:26,083 --> 00:24:28,750 half the man, 620 00:24:28,791 --> 00:24:32,500 or king, my father was. 621 00:24:32,541 --> 00:24:35,125 [person] Then don't accept 622 00:24:32,541 --> 00:24:35,125 the crown. 623 00:24:35,166 --> 00:24:38,375 {\an1}[crowd gasping and murmuring] 624 00:24:38,416 --> 00:24:40,666 Who said that? 625 00:24:40,708 --> 00:24:44,416 {\an1}[person] Someone who was robbed 626 00:24:40,708 --> 00:24:44,416 of his birthright. 627 00:24:44,458 --> 00:24:47,416 [thunder rumbles] 628 00:24:47,458 --> 00:24:49,458 I am Keldor, 629 00:24:49,500 --> 00:24:51,041 brother of Randor 630 00:24:51,083 --> 00:24:55,416 and the rightful ruler 631 00:24:51,083 --> 00:24:55,416 of Eternos.