1 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:07,875 [magical tinkling] 2 00:00:07,958 --> 00:00:09,083 [unicorn neighs] 3 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:13,000 [magical music plays] 4 00:00:19,125 --> 00:00:20,208 [fate fairy] It's time. 5 00:00:20,291 --> 00:00:22,291 [uplifting music plays] 6 00:00:30,416 --> 00:00:33,375 [unicorn neighs] 7 00:00:34,916 --> 00:00:36,458 [unicorn neighs] 8 00:00:37,958 --> 00:00:39,625 [unicorn neighs] 9 00:00:41,291 --> 00:00:43,291 [uplifting music continues] 10 00:00:57,666 --> 00:00:59,500 [unicorns neigh] 11 00:00:59,583 --> 00:01:01,583 [uplifting music continues] 12 00:01:09,166 --> 00:01:10,250 [music fades] 13 00:01:10,333 --> 00:01:12,333 [gentle music plays] 14 00:01:16,375 --> 00:01:17,750 [lively music plays] 15 00:01:22,750 --> 00:01:24,916 [laughs] Attagirl! 16 00:01:25,416 --> 00:01:27,500 -Hyah! This way. Let's go. -[horse neighs] 17 00:01:35,625 --> 00:01:36,500 [laughs] 18 00:01:36,583 --> 00:01:38,583 [lively music continues] 19 00:01:40,666 --> 00:01:42,958 Last jump. Let's make it a good one. 20 00:01:43,541 --> 00:01:45,166 [strains and grunts] 21 00:01:46,625 --> 00:01:48,875 [gentle music plays] 22 00:01:50,583 --> 00:01:51,500 [music fades] 23 00:01:55,208 --> 00:01:56,875 [boy] Aw, man. 24 00:01:56,958 --> 00:02:01,208 Mom's gonna freak when she finds out you took Mary Lou off the ranch. 25 00:02:01,291 --> 00:02:03,250 Just guessing since she said, 26 00:02:03,333 --> 00:02:06,541 "Don't even think about taking Mary Lou off the ranch." 27 00:02:06,625 --> 00:02:09,250 Luckily, Mom never has to find out. 28 00:02:09,333 --> 00:02:12,291 She's making dinner. You know lasagna always gets the better of… 29 00:02:12,375 --> 00:02:14,208 -[Mom coughs] -…her. 30 00:02:14,291 --> 00:02:16,583 It did. I ordered pizza. 31 00:02:16,666 --> 00:02:19,166 Which I will bring inside. 32 00:02:19,958 --> 00:02:21,333 Hey, Mom. Whoa! 33 00:02:21,416 --> 00:02:23,291 Uh-uh. No, don't "Hey, Mom" me. 34 00:02:23,375 --> 00:02:26,625 How many times have I told you not to go riding off the ranch? 35 00:02:26,708 --> 00:02:28,916 But Mary Lou needed to stretch her legs. 36 00:02:29,000 --> 00:02:32,291 I just took her out on the trail. Dad and I used to ride it all the time. 37 00:02:32,875 --> 00:02:36,000 Sophia, I'm just trying to keep you safe. 38 00:02:36,083 --> 00:02:39,333 I'm a good rider, Mom. You don't have to worry about me. 39 00:02:39,416 --> 00:02:42,541 [scoffs] Really? Last week you rode in a thunderstorm 40 00:02:42,625 --> 00:02:44,166 to catch a chicken that got out. 41 00:02:44,250 --> 00:02:46,500 The week before, you played tag with a bull. 42 00:02:46,583 --> 00:02:48,000 -Fair point. -[Mom chuckles] 43 00:02:48,083 --> 00:02:52,625 Why can't you ever do some non-dangerous, typical teenager stuff? 44 00:02:52,708 --> 00:02:56,916 You could make some friends, go to the movies, have sleepovers. 45 00:02:57,458 --> 00:03:01,458 Friends are overrated. I'm more of a likeably rebellious loner 46 00:03:01,541 --> 00:03:04,166 with a love of adventure that drives her mom nuts. 47 00:03:04,250 --> 00:03:05,583 You've got that right. 48 00:03:06,750 --> 00:03:08,666 Oh, and about you sneaking out? 49 00:03:09,208 --> 00:03:10,291 [Sophia] Grounded? 50 00:03:10,375 --> 00:03:12,208 -[Mom] Yep. -[Sophia] I figured. 51 00:03:15,625 --> 00:03:16,708 [Sophia yawns] 52 00:03:17,416 --> 00:03:18,666 -Morning, Dad. -[knocking] 53 00:03:18,750 --> 00:03:19,708 I got it. 54 00:03:23,458 --> 00:03:24,291 Hello? 55 00:03:24,875 --> 00:03:26,875 [suspenseful music plays] 56 00:03:30,166 --> 00:03:31,458 [magical music plays] 57 00:03:31,541 --> 00:03:32,666 Huh. 58 00:03:41,708 --> 00:03:42,916 [music fades] 59 00:03:44,125 --> 00:03:47,791 Better hurry if you want pancakes. Your brother's a flapjack fiend. 60 00:03:47,875 --> 00:03:49,000 What's that? 61 00:03:49,083 --> 00:03:50,250 I don't know. 62 00:03:51,625 --> 00:03:53,250 [magical music plays] 63 00:03:53,333 --> 00:03:54,458 [cogs whir] 64 00:03:58,375 --> 00:03:59,250 [Sophia] Oh! 65 00:04:01,416 --> 00:04:05,250 “We are pleased to invite you to attend Nuncior Academy, 66 00:04:05,333 --> 00:04:08,833 the world’s leading school for promising equestrian riders." 67 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:11,125 A school where I get to ride all day? 68 00:04:11,708 --> 00:04:13,708 It looks amazing. Can I go? 69 00:04:13,791 --> 00:04:15,500 -Can I have her room? -[Sophia laughs] 70 00:04:15,583 --> 00:04:17,125 What about your school here? 71 00:04:17,208 --> 00:04:21,541 They don't let me bring a horse to class. And it's not like anyone would miss me. 72 00:04:21,625 --> 00:04:24,375 But I would miss you. Marco would miss you. 73 00:04:24,458 --> 00:04:27,666 The new bedroom would heal the pain. 74 00:04:29,416 --> 00:04:31,500 I'll go finish my pancakes. 75 00:04:32,958 --> 00:04:34,458 Mom, I know you worry about me, 76 00:04:34,541 --> 00:04:37,625 but I just have this feeling that I'm meant to do this. 77 00:04:37,708 --> 00:04:39,916 I'm sorry, but I don't think this is a good idea. 78 00:04:40,000 --> 00:04:42,541 Wh… what? Seriously? 79 00:04:42,625 --> 00:04:44,541 Mom, this is a riding academy. 80 00:04:44,625 --> 00:04:47,166 This is my dream. Dad would want me to go. 81 00:04:47,250 --> 00:04:49,291 -If he were here, he'd-- -But he's not. 82 00:04:52,583 --> 00:04:55,000 Our family has lost enough. 83 00:04:55,083 --> 00:04:57,208 I don't want you leaving, Sophia. 84 00:05:04,916 --> 00:05:05,875 [sighs] 85 00:05:09,791 --> 00:05:11,791 [melancholy music plays] 86 00:05:15,708 --> 00:05:16,625 [sighs] 87 00:05:30,416 --> 00:05:33,666 [Sophia sighs] I hope I didn't get you in trouble yesterday. 88 00:05:33,750 --> 00:05:36,625 Mom doesn't get how much we need to run sometimes. 89 00:05:37,166 --> 00:05:38,000 [chuckles] 90 00:05:38,750 --> 00:05:41,666 -Remember our rides with Dad? -[Mary Lou whinnies] 91 00:05:42,666 --> 00:05:46,041 He always said I was destined for something extraordinary. 92 00:05:47,666 --> 00:05:48,541 [sighs] 93 00:05:49,250 --> 00:05:51,375 I just wish I knew what it was. 94 00:05:53,208 --> 00:05:57,416 [sighs] Do you ever feel like there has to be more out there? 95 00:05:57,500 --> 00:06:01,083 Like there's something inside of you that's bursting to come out? 96 00:06:01,166 --> 00:06:02,500 [chicken clucks] 97 00:06:02,583 --> 00:06:04,333 [giggles] You too, huh? 98 00:06:05,833 --> 00:06:07,083 [magical music plays] 99 00:06:20,958 --> 00:06:24,500 [Sophia] ♪ It feels like the light burning Brighter and brighter ♪ 100 00:06:24,583 --> 00:06:27,166 ♪ A feeling I just can't ignore ♪ 101 00:06:28,083 --> 00:06:31,791 ♪ A pull to keep riding Towards the horizon ♪ 102 00:06:31,875 --> 00:06:34,166 ♪ To places I've not been before ♪ 103 00:06:34,250 --> 00:06:37,833 ♪ A world to explore ♪ 104 00:06:37,916 --> 00:06:41,750 ♪ I've got to explore ♪ 105 00:06:42,458 --> 00:06:45,958 ♪ You know in those books Where they're chasing adventure? ♪ 106 00:06:46,041 --> 00:06:48,541 ♪ That story is calling to me ♪ 107 00:06:49,625 --> 00:06:51,041 ♪ If I know one thing ♪ 108 00:06:51,125 --> 00:06:55,791 ♪ It's that staying in one place Won't teach a girl anything ♪ 109 00:06:55,875 --> 00:06:59,375 ♪ I need to explore ♪ 110 00:06:59,458 --> 00:07:03,458 ♪ I'm ready for more ♪ 111 00:07:04,166 --> 00:07:07,416 ♪ I have this dream of what could be ♪ 112 00:07:07,500 --> 00:07:11,041 ♪ A fire that's burning to be set free ♪ 113 00:07:11,125 --> 00:07:16,541 ♪ There's a light inside of me ♪ 114 00:07:18,500 --> 00:07:23,583 ♪ I feel the powerful winds of change Guiding me somewhere… ♪ 115 00:07:23,666 --> 00:07:25,541 I know. It sounds strange. 116 00:07:25,625 --> 00:07:30,875 ♪ Could this be fate calling for me? ♪ 117 00:07:31,666 --> 00:07:38,666 ♪ My destiny? ♪ 118 00:07:40,625 --> 00:07:46,291 ♪ And should I just follow this light Inside of me? ♪ 119 00:07:47,833 --> 00:07:51,541 ♪ There's got to be more ♪ 120 00:07:51,625 --> 00:07:55,375 ♪ Got to be more ♪ 121 00:07:56,041 --> 00:07:59,375 ♪ I have this dream of what could be ♪ 122 00:07:59,458 --> 00:08:02,833 ♪ A fire that's burning to be set free ♪ 123 00:08:02,916 --> 00:08:08,958 ♪ There's a light inside of me ♪ 124 00:08:10,208 --> 00:08:15,958 ♪ Who am I meant to be? ♪ 125 00:08:16,041 --> 00:08:19,125 ♪ The light burning inside of me ♪ 126 00:08:19,708 --> 00:08:23,416 ♪ Is that what they call destiny? ♪ 127 00:08:35,625 --> 00:08:37,416 [melancholy music plays] 128 00:08:37,500 --> 00:08:40,208 [sighs] 129 00:08:46,666 --> 00:08:47,500 [Sophia] Oh. 130 00:08:47,583 --> 00:08:48,458 Uh, uh… 131 00:08:49,166 --> 00:08:50,166 Hi. 132 00:08:50,250 --> 00:08:51,083 Hi. 133 00:08:59,708 --> 00:09:00,958 [Mom] I miss him too. 134 00:09:03,208 --> 00:09:05,583 I can't believe it's been five years. 135 00:09:05,666 --> 00:09:07,125 [gentle music plays] 136 00:09:07,208 --> 00:09:10,000 He'd love that you still wear the necklace he gave you. 137 00:09:10,791 --> 00:09:12,375 You were his shining star. 138 00:09:15,166 --> 00:09:18,375 [chuckles] He'd also get a kick out of you wearing his old shirt, 139 00:09:18,458 --> 00:09:20,625 but it's definitely due for a wash. 140 00:09:21,250 --> 00:09:22,083 [chuckles] 141 00:09:23,291 --> 00:09:26,833 When we'd ride together, it felt like I could do anything. 142 00:09:26,916 --> 00:09:29,416 Like the whole world was there in my reach. 143 00:09:30,208 --> 00:09:34,000 [sighs] Sometimes I just want to try and feel that again. 144 00:09:34,083 --> 00:09:36,333 He loved you so much, Sophia. 145 00:09:36,833 --> 00:09:38,750 He had so many dreams for you. 146 00:09:39,416 --> 00:09:42,250 He would tell me you were destined for something… 147 00:09:42,333 --> 00:09:43,666 [both] Extraordinary. 148 00:09:44,791 --> 00:09:46,208 [laughs] 149 00:09:46,958 --> 00:09:48,666 You remind me so much of him. 150 00:09:49,625 --> 00:09:52,666 Do you know your dad also went to a riding academy? 151 00:09:52,750 --> 00:09:54,625 Really? Wait. 152 00:09:55,500 --> 00:09:57,375 What do you mean "also"? 153 00:09:57,458 --> 00:09:58,291 [Mom chuckles] 154 00:09:58,375 --> 00:09:59,958 [gentle music continues] 155 00:10:00,041 --> 00:10:01,250 Better get some sleep. 156 00:10:01,333 --> 00:10:05,208 We've got a lot of packing to do tomorrow if you're going off to a new school. 157 00:10:05,291 --> 00:10:06,250 [gasps] 158 00:10:06,333 --> 00:10:09,041 [laughs] Thank you, thank you, thank you! 159 00:10:12,000 --> 00:10:13,041 [music fades] 160 00:10:14,416 --> 00:10:16,291 [gentle music plays] 161 00:10:17,333 --> 00:10:18,333 [Mom] We're here. 162 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:24,041 There's my ride! 163 00:10:24,125 --> 00:10:25,166 [Marco] Whoa! 164 00:10:25,875 --> 00:10:27,750 Your school bus is a boat? 165 00:10:28,250 --> 00:10:29,625 Lucky! 166 00:10:31,208 --> 00:10:33,583 Sophia, we're going to miss you. 167 00:10:33,666 --> 00:10:36,000 So call. A lot. 168 00:10:36,958 --> 00:10:38,333 I promise. 169 00:10:38,416 --> 00:10:40,125 [gentle music continues] 170 00:10:45,583 --> 00:10:50,666 [sighs] Now, it's all on you to get into a little trouble while I'm gone. 171 00:10:50,750 --> 00:10:51,583 [chuckles] 172 00:10:55,041 --> 00:10:56,333 Bye! 173 00:10:56,416 --> 00:10:58,416 [gentle music plays] 174 00:11:04,541 --> 00:11:05,416 [exhales] 175 00:11:07,666 --> 00:11:09,458 Thanks for the lift. I'm Soph-- 176 00:11:10,041 --> 00:11:10,875 Huh? 177 00:11:11,583 --> 00:11:12,875 [engine revs] 178 00:11:16,458 --> 00:11:18,291 [gentle music plays] 179 00:11:23,125 --> 00:11:28,208 [chuckles] I've heard of driverless cars, but driverless boats? 180 00:11:28,291 --> 00:11:29,875 This academy is fancy. 181 00:11:31,083 --> 00:11:31,958 Huh? 182 00:11:32,041 --> 00:11:33,125 [magical tinkling] 183 00:11:33,208 --> 00:11:34,208 Huh?! 184 00:11:34,291 --> 00:11:36,000 Uh… Whoa! 185 00:11:37,250 --> 00:11:38,083 Uh… 186 00:11:38,166 --> 00:11:40,166 [mysterious music plays] 187 00:11:42,458 --> 00:11:44,083 [Sophia] What is happening? 188 00:11:45,125 --> 00:11:46,375 [Sophia yells] 189 00:11:48,583 --> 00:11:49,708 [Sophia] Whoa! 190 00:11:49,791 --> 00:11:51,500 [uplifting music plays] 191 00:11:56,166 --> 00:11:57,250 [laughs] 192 00:11:59,458 --> 00:12:00,708 [Sophia] Whoo-hoo! 193 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:17,625 [breathes deeply] 194 00:12:17,708 --> 00:12:19,708 [uplifting music continues] 195 00:12:24,541 --> 00:12:25,500 [gasps] 196 00:12:26,250 --> 00:12:28,458 What kind of school is this? 197 00:12:40,208 --> 00:12:41,166 [music fades] 198 00:12:41,666 --> 00:12:42,666 [Sophia] Whoa. 199 00:12:42,750 --> 00:12:47,541 Okay, Sophia. You fell asleep, and this is totally just a dream. 200 00:12:47,625 --> 00:12:49,125 -[male voice] Hello! -Ah! 201 00:12:49,208 --> 00:12:53,291 Oh, it's no dream. But what a delightfully dreamy day. 202 00:12:53,375 --> 00:12:58,125 Sunshine with a crisp breeze. Did you have a pleasant trip? 203 00:12:58,708 --> 00:13:00,416 It was great. Thank you. 204 00:13:00,500 --> 00:13:02,208 But, uh, quick question. 205 00:13:02,958 --> 00:13:06,875 Where am I? Who are you? And when did they invent flying fairy-winged boats? 206 00:13:07,875 --> 00:13:09,500 Oh my! The tock is ticking. 207 00:13:09,583 --> 00:13:11,000 [jaunty music plays] 208 00:13:11,083 --> 00:13:13,000 If you would please follow me. 209 00:13:13,083 --> 00:13:14,333 Uh, h… hey! 210 00:13:14,916 --> 00:13:16,916 I'm Fernakus. Welcome. 211 00:13:18,083 --> 00:13:18,916 -Sorry. -Huh? 212 00:13:19,791 --> 00:13:24,916 We dwerpins have been assisting the day-to-day at the academy for generations. 213 00:13:25,708 --> 00:13:27,875 Dwerpins? What… Sorry. 214 00:13:30,166 --> 00:13:31,666 Uh, w… w… wait! 215 00:13:31,750 --> 00:13:35,250 Look, Fernakus, my brain's about to explode. 216 00:13:35,333 --> 00:13:38,791 I thought I was going to a riding academy. You know, horses, a stable. 217 00:13:38,875 --> 00:13:42,916 I have the invitation right here. "We are pleased to invite you to attend…" 218 00:13:43,416 --> 00:13:44,250 [Sophia gasps] 219 00:13:44,750 --> 00:13:46,583 "…Unicorn Academy"? 220 00:13:49,333 --> 00:13:51,333 [uplifting music plays] 221 00:13:59,708 --> 00:14:01,333 Whoa! 222 00:14:01,416 --> 00:14:05,083 Come. Come. Orientation will begin in a few wiggles and a shake. 223 00:14:05,166 --> 00:14:07,208 Uh, s… sorry. Uh, unicorns? 224 00:14:07,291 --> 00:14:09,000 [scoffs] No. No way. 225 00:14:09,083 --> 00:14:12,541 Oh, I see. You're one of those goof-maloofs 226 00:14:12,625 --> 00:14:15,500 who grew up believing that there's no such thing as magic, 227 00:14:15,583 --> 00:14:17,666 that unicorns aren't real. 228 00:14:17,750 --> 00:14:19,416 Well, because they're not. 229 00:14:19,500 --> 00:14:24,250 Ha! Next you'll be telling me that dwerpins don't have two left feet. 230 00:14:24,833 --> 00:14:25,875 Wait. Do they? 231 00:14:27,250 --> 00:14:29,458 Mum's the word about this place. 232 00:14:30,333 --> 00:14:33,166 -[giggles] -But magic is real as you or me. 233 00:14:33,250 --> 00:14:35,833 And Unicorn Island is the source of it all. 234 00:14:37,208 --> 00:14:38,666 -Excuse me. -Oh. Oh! 235 00:14:38,750 --> 00:14:40,375 Oh! Ow. 236 00:14:46,625 --> 00:14:48,541 Ooh, I love your shirt. 237 00:14:49,333 --> 00:14:52,708 -Purple is one of my 19 favorite colors. -Uh… 238 00:14:52,791 --> 00:14:56,666 I'm Ava. It's so nice to meet you. 239 00:14:56,750 --> 00:14:58,708 Um, okay. 240 00:14:58,791 --> 00:14:59,791 I'm Sophia. 241 00:14:59,875 --> 00:15:04,583 Ooh, I have loved unicorns for literally forever. 242 00:15:04,666 --> 00:15:07,041 Can you believe we're actually here? 243 00:15:07,125 --> 00:15:09,791 Uh, no. I… I don't believe any of this. 244 00:15:09,875 --> 00:15:12,541 Oh, you're not a legacy. 245 00:15:13,041 --> 00:15:15,458 My brothers went here, and when I got my invitation, 246 00:15:15,541 --> 00:15:17,916 they secretly told me everything. 247 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:20,708 You must be totally confused and weirded out. 248 00:15:20,791 --> 00:15:22,541 [chuckles] Uh, just a little. 249 00:15:22,625 --> 00:15:27,250 [bells chime] 250 00:15:27,333 --> 00:15:28,208 [Ava giggles] 251 00:15:30,375 --> 00:15:32,333 [thrilling music plays] 252 00:15:36,958 --> 00:15:38,875 [students gasp] 253 00:15:41,708 --> 00:15:44,666 Those are… unicorns. 254 00:15:45,333 --> 00:15:47,250 Real unicorns? 255 00:15:47,958 --> 00:15:49,000 [unicorn snorts] 256 00:15:49,083 --> 00:15:52,458 Welcome all to Unicorn Academy. 257 00:15:52,541 --> 00:15:53,708 [unicorn neighs] 258 00:15:54,750 --> 00:15:55,583 Pinch me! 259 00:15:56,833 --> 00:16:00,708 Hmm. It should look a bit more festive on such an important day. 260 00:16:00,791 --> 00:16:02,208 Don't you agree, Ethera? 261 00:16:02,291 --> 00:16:03,208 [Ethera neighs] 262 00:16:03,291 --> 00:16:05,208 [magical music plays] 263 00:16:06,083 --> 00:16:07,291 [Ethera snorts] 264 00:16:15,125 --> 00:16:17,333 [students] Whoa! 265 00:16:17,416 --> 00:16:18,791 That's more like it. 266 00:16:20,083 --> 00:16:24,916 I'm Ms. Primrose, head teacher at Unicorn Academy. 267 00:16:25,000 --> 00:16:27,875 And this is Unicorn Island. 268 00:16:28,625 --> 00:16:32,125 All the world's magic comes from here. 269 00:16:32,208 --> 00:16:35,166 And unicorns are its protectors, 270 00:16:35,250 --> 00:16:39,250 the only creatures mighty enough to keep the island safe from danger. 271 00:16:39,750 --> 00:16:45,916 You have all been invited to join a long history of unicorn riders. 272 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:49,625 Huh. Definitely not the kind of riding academy I expected. 273 00:16:49,708 --> 00:16:54,833 Some of you have been chosen for your extraordinary skills and talents. 274 00:16:54,916 --> 00:16:57,500 Others follow in the footsteps of a family member 275 00:16:57,583 --> 00:16:59,666 who was a unicorn rider before you. 276 00:17:00,291 --> 00:17:03,750 All of you have the potential to bond with a unicorn. 277 00:17:04,291 --> 00:17:07,250 Now, get settled. Your journey begins tomorrow. 278 00:17:09,000 --> 00:17:11,166 [uplifting music plays] 279 00:17:11,250 --> 00:17:12,166 [student 1] Wow! 280 00:17:13,166 --> 00:17:15,916 -[student 2] Yay! -[student 3] Can you believe it? 281 00:17:19,791 --> 00:17:20,833 [Sophia] Wow. 282 00:17:22,750 --> 00:17:25,000 Oh, this place is… 283 00:17:25,541 --> 00:17:26,541 Incredible. 284 00:17:28,250 --> 00:17:31,375 New students, gather for room assignments. 285 00:17:31,458 --> 00:17:32,666 [unicorn neighs] 286 00:17:34,541 --> 00:17:37,666 The fate fairies will select a gemstone that best suits you. 287 00:17:37,750 --> 00:17:40,291 Proceed to the corresponding dormitory. 288 00:17:41,833 --> 00:17:45,791 [squeals] We're both in Sapphire Dorm! It's fate. 289 00:17:45,875 --> 00:17:49,083 I just know we're gonna be besties. [squeals] 290 00:17:49,166 --> 00:17:50,541 -[laughs awkwardly] -Boom! 291 00:17:50,625 --> 00:17:54,916 Work the hair. Hashtag "Dream life." Hashtag "Wait, is this a dream?" 292 00:17:55,000 --> 00:17:57,625 Hashtag "Help. I'm trapped in a dream." 293 00:17:58,750 --> 00:18:00,416 Seriously, are you guys seeing this? 294 00:18:00,500 --> 00:18:02,041 -[unicorn grunts] -[gasps] 295 00:18:03,208 --> 00:18:07,500 We take our oath of secrecy here very seriously, Mr. Carmichael. 296 00:18:08,375 --> 00:18:11,583 Right, right. Got it. Zipping the lips. 297 00:18:12,666 --> 00:18:17,750 Just out of curiosity, was I invited because of my epic dirt bike riding skills 298 00:18:17,833 --> 00:18:19,625 or my legendary sense of humor? 299 00:18:19,708 --> 00:18:21,583 -[unicorn snorts] -[laughs nervously] 300 00:18:25,333 --> 00:18:26,166 Phew. 301 00:18:26,250 --> 00:18:28,166 Must have been the dirt bikes. 302 00:18:28,250 --> 00:18:29,708 [grunts] Hey! 303 00:18:29,791 --> 00:18:32,458 In case you didn't notice, there are, like, people here. 304 00:18:33,166 --> 00:18:34,000 [scoffs] 305 00:18:35,083 --> 00:18:37,791 -Who is she? -That's Valentina. 306 00:18:37,875 --> 00:18:40,333 She's, like, a super legacy. 307 00:18:40,416 --> 00:18:44,000 Her relatives were some of the founders of Unicorn Academy. 308 00:18:44,083 --> 00:18:46,750 Her aunt is Ms. Furi, the magic teacher. 309 00:18:47,250 --> 00:18:50,916 Valentina is basically Unicorn Academy royalty. 310 00:18:51,000 --> 00:18:54,291 And definitely not used to getting called out. [giggles] 311 00:18:54,375 --> 00:18:55,541 Hmm. 312 00:18:55,625 --> 00:18:57,625 [thrilling music plays] 313 00:19:03,125 --> 00:19:04,875 -Wow. -Whoa! 314 00:19:05,625 --> 00:19:07,458 I could live here. 315 00:19:07,541 --> 00:19:10,250 Nice. I hope my room's near the fridge. 316 00:19:10,333 --> 00:19:13,333 The energy in this room is amazing. 317 00:19:16,208 --> 00:19:18,583 Ugh. How's the energy now? 318 00:19:18,666 --> 00:19:21,625 Great. This'll be fun. 319 00:19:21,708 --> 00:19:22,958 [jaunty music plays] 320 00:19:27,041 --> 00:19:29,583 I need a library stat! Whoa! 321 00:19:30,625 --> 00:19:34,000 I knew something was up when I got an invitation for a riding academy 322 00:19:34,083 --> 00:19:36,000 and I've never been on a horse in my life. 323 00:19:36,083 --> 00:19:38,291 I had a hunch this was some elite secret school, 324 00:19:38,375 --> 00:19:39,958 a scientific government thing. 325 00:19:40,041 --> 00:19:45,125 Code-breaking, rocket building. But unicorns and magic? Mind blown. 326 00:19:45,208 --> 00:19:47,666 Phew. Glad I'm not the only one. 327 00:19:47,750 --> 00:19:50,916 I'm Ava. This is Sophia. 328 00:19:51,000 --> 00:19:52,083 I'm Layla. 329 00:19:52,166 --> 00:19:56,875 Okay, I better get unpacking, organizing, and, well, let's be honest, reorganizing. 330 00:20:00,208 --> 00:20:02,166 Oh, hi. Are we roommates? 331 00:20:02,250 --> 00:20:03,583 I don't do roommates. 332 00:20:05,041 --> 00:20:06,375 Hey, is this my room? 333 00:20:06,458 --> 00:20:07,541 No! 334 00:20:13,083 --> 00:20:15,083 [gentle music plays] 335 00:20:16,916 --> 00:20:19,500 Ooh, so many books! 336 00:20:20,333 --> 00:20:22,041 Sup, dude? I'm Isabel. 337 00:20:22,791 --> 00:20:23,875 That's impressive. 338 00:20:23,958 --> 00:20:25,916 [scoffs] Barely a warm-up. 339 00:20:26,000 --> 00:20:30,250 -What about you, roomie? You work out? -Uh, does speed-reading count? 340 00:20:30,333 --> 00:20:31,500 [Isabel laughs] 341 00:20:31,583 --> 00:20:34,291 Just curious, is this an all-the-time thing? 342 00:20:34,375 --> 00:20:37,500 Whoo! Nope. Just a couple of hours at 5 a.m, 343 00:20:37,583 --> 00:20:39,166 but not every day. [exhales] 344 00:20:39,250 --> 00:20:41,000 Ah, great. 345 00:20:41,083 --> 00:20:42,166 [Isabel grunts] 346 00:20:42,250 --> 00:20:45,708 On the other days, I do K-boxing. [grunts] 347 00:20:45,791 --> 00:20:46,750 Ugh! 348 00:20:52,291 --> 00:20:53,708 [gasps] 349 00:20:56,000 --> 00:20:57,000 Ooh! 350 00:20:58,750 --> 00:21:02,083 "Sparklebook, A Comprehensive Guide to Unicorn Island." 351 00:21:04,833 --> 00:21:06,916 [unicorn neighs] 352 00:21:07,000 --> 00:21:10,958 Can someone fall in love with a book? Because I'm in love with a book. 353 00:21:13,208 --> 00:21:15,833 They decorate our rooms to match our personalities and-- 354 00:21:15,916 --> 00:21:17,583 -[gasps] -Whoa! 355 00:21:18,583 --> 00:21:22,708 [Ava] This place is so, so wow. 356 00:21:23,666 --> 00:21:27,166 I love, love, love it! [giggles] 357 00:21:27,250 --> 00:21:28,125 Wow! [gasps] 358 00:21:28,208 --> 00:21:29,750 Look at this! [squeals] 359 00:21:29,833 --> 00:21:32,916 [giggles] 360 00:21:33,000 --> 00:21:34,166 Amazing. 361 00:21:38,875 --> 00:21:40,833 [gasps] Whoa! 362 00:21:41,416 --> 00:21:42,333 [laughs] 363 00:21:42,916 --> 00:21:45,541 Flowers? Yeah, no. Definitely not my room. 364 00:21:46,791 --> 00:21:47,833 [chuckles] 365 00:21:47,916 --> 00:21:49,916 [gentle music plays] 366 00:21:55,250 --> 00:21:57,958 [sighs contentedly] It's perfect. 367 00:22:02,000 --> 00:22:04,000 [gentle music continues] 368 00:22:08,750 --> 00:22:09,916 Whoa! 369 00:22:15,291 --> 00:22:17,291 [gentle music continues] 370 00:22:25,208 --> 00:22:27,583 -[gasps] -[creature squeaks] 371 00:22:27,666 --> 00:22:28,916 [creature sniffs] 372 00:22:32,208 --> 00:22:34,125 [magical tinkling] 373 00:22:34,833 --> 00:22:38,291 Dad, I think I found my extraordinary. 374 00:22:39,458 --> 00:22:41,458 [gentle music continues] 375 00:22:45,791 --> 00:22:48,833 [magical tinkling] 376 00:22:51,791 --> 00:22:56,833 Ugh, whichever student is responsible for this will face consequences. 377 00:22:57,333 --> 00:22:59,416 [both laugh] 378 00:23:06,791 --> 00:23:09,291 -[sinister squeaking] -[gasps] 379 00:23:09,375 --> 00:23:11,208 What was that? 380 00:23:11,291 --> 00:23:13,500 [suspenseful music plays] 381 00:23:13,583 --> 00:23:15,666 [squeaking continues] 382 00:23:18,208 --> 00:23:20,958 [squeaking continues] 383 00:23:23,250 --> 00:23:24,833 -[creature roars] -[girls scream] 384 00:23:24,916 --> 00:23:25,791 [snores] 385 00:23:25,875 --> 00:23:27,083 [girls scream] 386 00:23:28,416 --> 00:23:31,916 Sorry. Since we're training to be Unicorn Island heroes, 387 00:23:32,000 --> 00:23:33,791 I'm reading about some of the villains. 388 00:23:33,875 --> 00:23:35,166 [Isabel snores] 389 00:23:40,875 --> 00:23:44,708 So this place isn't all lollipops and rainbows? 390 00:23:44,791 --> 00:23:46,208 Um, no. 391 00:23:46,291 --> 00:23:49,000 There are frost goblins, swamp shifters, 392 00:23:49,083 --> 00:23:51,583 something called a silver mountain cyclops. 393 00:23:51,666 --> 00:23:52,666 Big list here. 394 00:23:53,166 --> 00:23:56,416 They come from the island kingdom of Grimoria, 395 00:23:56,500 --> 00:23:59,041 home base of something called grim magic. 396 00:23:59,125 --> 00:24:01,541 [magical tinkling] 397 00:24:01,625 --> 00:24:03,541 Who is that? 398 00:24:03,625 --> 00:24:06,666 Ravenzella, Queen of Grimoria. 399 00:24:07,166 --> 00:24:11,833 Uh, I know it's not real, but she's giving me the creeps. 400 00:24:12,333 --> 00:24:14,458 She almost took over Unicorn Island. 401 00:24:15,083 --> 00:24:17,666 [Ravenzella laughs] 402 00:24:17,750 --> 00:24:20,291 [Layla] But a brave unicorn rider defeated her 403 00:24:20,375 --> 00:24:23,041 and locked her away in the Cell of Eternity. 404 00:24:23,125 --> 00:24:25,291 [Ravenzella screams] 405 00:24:25,375 --> 00:24:27,708 [Layla] And made Grimoria vanish. 406 00:24:28,291 --> 00:24:31,125 Definitely not all lollipops and rainbows. 407 00:24:32,250 --> 00:24:34,250 [foreboding music plays] 408 00:24:35,250 --> 00:24:37,250 [whispering] 409 00:24:56,333 --> 00:24:58,166 [snoring] 410 00:24:59,041 --> 00:25:01,000 [sputters] Ooh! 411 00:25:01,083 --> 00:25:02,583 Ladybug. 412 00:25:03,291 --> 00:25:05,250 Quit it, Ash. It's me. 413 00:25:05,333 --> 00:25:07,958 -Oh! -I have a message for our queen. 414 00:25:10,125 --> 00:25:11,833 It's time. 415 00:25:13,541 --> 00:25:15,416 Well, well. 416 00:25:16,166 --> 00:25:17,708 How lovely. 417 00:25:20,541 --> 00:25:21,833 [music fades] 418 00:25:22,791 --> 00:25:24,791 [tranquil music plays] 419 00:25:25,333 --> 00:25:31,458 [Ms. Primrose] Good morning, students. And welcome to Wonder Wood Forest, 420 00:25:31,541 --> 00:25:34,750 where the unicorns of this island roam. 421 00:25:34,833 --> 00:25:36,375 And today, 422 00:25:36,458 --> 00:25:42,166 you will discover if one of those unicorns is destined to be yours. 423 00:25:43,583 --> 00:25:45,416 Aha! Right on time. 424 00:25:47,083 --> 00:25:51,041 If you find the unicorn that is your destined match, 425 00:25:51,125 --> 00:25:53,291 the fate fairy will glow brighter. 426 00:25:54,625 --> 00:25:56,041 [giggles] 427 00:25:56,708 --> 00:25:59,208 For those of you who match with a unicorn, 428 00:25:59,291 --> 00:26:03,666 you'll get your uniforms at the Enchanted Archway this afternoon. 429 00:26:03,750 --> 00:26:05,458 For those who don't, 430 00:26:05,541 --> 00:26:10,458 becoming a unicorn rider was not your destiny, and you will be sent home. 431 00:26:10,541 --> 00:26:16,041 Don't worry. Just follow your heart and see if it leads you to a unicorn. 432 00:26:16,583 --> 00:26:19,916 But remember, as you search for your unicorn, 433 00:26:20,000 --> 00:26:23,708 you must not go beyond the Shimmerstone Wall. 434 00:26:24,583 --> 00:26:29,416 -Last one to find a unicorn buys lunch. -I mean, food here is free, but you're on. 435 00:26:29,500 --> 00:26:32,458 Your destiny awaits. Good luck. 436 00:26:32,541 --> 00:26:34,375 Come on! Let's go! 437 00:26:36,958 --> 00:26:40,708 Ooh, I can't wait to meet the unicorns we match with. 438 00:26:40,791 --> 00:26:42,166 If we match. 439 00:26:42,250 --> 00:26:44,583 [Sophia] Yeah. No pressure or anything. 440 00:26:48,041 --> 00:26:50,791 We will find unicorns. We will find unicorns. 441 00:26:50,875 --> 00:26:52,208 We will find unicorns. 442 00:26:57,291 --> 00:26:59,041 [exciting music plays] 443 00:27:01,625 --> 00:27:06,208 Whoa! Fast, strong, powerful. 444 00:27:06,291 --> 00:27:07,375 [unicorn snorts] 445 00:27:07,458 --> 00:27:09,416 Yep. I have found my-- 446 00:27:10,458 --> 00:27:11,375 What? 447 00:27:11,916 --> 00:27:12,833 [unicorn snorts] 448 00:27:13,875 --> 00:27:15,250 My unicorn? 449 00:27:16,208 --> 00:27:19,250 So, uh, looks like we're a, um, team. 450 00:27:19,791 --> 00:27:20,625 [unicorn snorts] 451 00:27:20,708 --> 00:27:23,416 Congratulations, you two. 452 00:27:23,500 --> 00:27:27,500 Wh… wh… what? This has gotta be a mistake. 453 00:27:27,583 --> 00:27:29,500 If that's not my unicorn, then… 454 00:27:32,041 --> 00:27:33,541 [unicorn neighs] 455 00:27:36,208 --> 00:27:37,208 [unicorn neighs] 456 00:27:38,541 --> 00:27:40,333 [groans] Dude! 457 00:27:41,666 --> 00:27:45,875 [boy hums] 458 00:27:45,958 --> 00:27:46,875 [boy] Whoa! 459 00:27:49,083 --> 00:27:51,291 A unicorn with a sense of humor, huh? 460 00:27:52,125 --> 00:27:52,958 Huh? 461 00:27:53,958 --> 00:27:55,125 Yes! 462 00:27:56,000 --> 00:27:57,125 [unicorn neighs] 463 00:27:58,750 --> 00:28:00,000 Whoa! 464 00:28:00,708 --> 00:28:01,541 [Ava gasps] 465 00:28:04,458 --> 00:28:06,250 [Ava gasps and squeals] 466 00:28:06,333 --> 00:28:07,833 [giggles] 467 00:28:07,916 --> 00:28:10,166 Aw, tigerlilies. 468 00:28:13,541 --> 00:28:14,541 [unicorn neighs] 469 00:28:15,375 --> 00:28:16,458 Wow! 470 00:28:21,583 --> 00:28:24,916 Please be glowing. Please be glowing! 471 00:28:25,625 --> 00:28:27,250 [squeals] 472 00:28:27,333 --> 00:28:31,250 So, so, so glad to meet you! Mm. 473 00:28:32,291 --> 00:28:35,666 -We'll see you on the other side, okay? -Yeah. 474 00:28:35,750 --> 00:28:38,958 I'm sure I'll find my unicorn any minute. 475 00:28:39,041 --> 00:28:40,708 [unicorn neighs] 476 00:28:41,333 --> 00:28:44,041 [unicorn neighs] 477 00:28:45,250 --> 00:28:46,208 [gasps] 478 00:28:46,291 --> 00:28:47,583 [unicorn neighs] 479 00:28:48,291 --> 00:28:51,416 Hmm, fierce. I like it. 480 00:28:51,500 --> 00:28:52,666 [unicorn grunts] 481 00:28:53,541 --> 00:28:54,500 [unicorn snorts] 482 00:28:57,791 --> 00:28:58,833 [unicorn snorts] 483 00:29:02,041 --> 00:29:04,041 [magical music plays] 484 00:29:08,291 --> 00:29:09,583 [music fades] 485 00:29:10,416 --> 00:29:12,541 Hmm. You can do this, Sophia. 486 00:29:12,625 --> 00:29:14,750 You just need a better… 487 00:29:15,458 --> 00:29:17,416 [magical music plays] 488 00:29:17,500 --> 00:29:18,708 …view. 489 00:29:23,208 --> 00:29:26,125 I'm guessing this is the Shimmerstone Wall. 490 00:29:26,708 --> 00:29:31,333 Ms. Primrose said not to cross it, but this is a unicorn-finding emergency. 491 00:29:32,208 --> 00:29:33,666 [magical tinkling] 492 00:29:35,083 --> 00:29:36,666 And if I'm gonna be fighting evil, 493 00:29:36,750 --> 00:29:39,333 I think I can handle a quick trip out of bounds. 494 00:29:39,416 --> 00:29:41,416 [suspenseful music plays] 495 00:29:42,958 --> 00:29:44,000 [fate fairy] Ooh. 496 00:29:50,625 --> 00:29:52,000 [Sophia grunts] 497 00:29:54,041 --> 00:29:55,958 -[dramatic music plays] -Huh? Uh… 498 00:29:56,041 --> 00:29:57,833 Uh-oh. [yells] 499 00:29:58,333 --> 00:29:59,958 Agh, not good! 500 00:30:00,041 --> 00:30:00,916 Agh! 501 00:30:01,000 --> 00:30:02,916 [Sophia strains] 502 00:30:05,375 --> 00:30:07,791 Huh? [yells] 503 00:30:07,875 --> 00:30:09,208 [Sophia groans] 504 00:30:10,041 --> 00:30:12,041 [magical music plays] 505 00:30:12,958 --> 00:30:13,791 Huh? 506 00:30:15,583 --> 00:30:17,583 [magical music swells] 507 00:30:19,541 --> 00:30:20,750 [unicorn neighs] 508 00:30:23,875 --> 00:30:24,708 [music fades] 509 00:30:24,791 --> 00:30:25,625 [sighs] 510 00:30:25,708 --> 00:30:29,041 [gasps] I did it. I… I found my unico-- 511 00:30:29,625 --> 00:30:30,708 Huh? 512 00:30:31,791 --> 00:30:33,583 Hey, where are you going? 513 00:30:35,208 --> 00:30:36,041 Wait! 514 00:30:36,125 --> 00:30:40,083 [panting] They said if the fate fairy glows, you're my match. 515 00:30:40,166 --> 00:30:43,375 And they said it was, you know, fate. 516 00:30:43,458 --> 00:30:44,416 [unicorn snorts] 517 00:30:47,041 --> 00:30:51,458 Okay. Maybe you just need to get to know me. 518 00:30:52,208 --> 00:30:54,416 I'm Sophia. Sophia Mendoza. 519 00:30:55,125 --> 00:30:58,666 -[unicorn snorts] -I live on a ranch in northern California. 520 00:30:58,750 --> 00:31:01,916 I've got a little brother. I love pizza and… 521 00:31:02,541 --> 00:31:03,708 Oh. Uh… 522 00:31:03,791 --> 00:31:04,875 [unicorn sniffs] 523 00:31:05,500 --> 00:31:06,833 [unicorn neighs] 524 00:31:07,333 --> 00:31:09,750 You like it? My mom says I wear it too much. 525 00:31:09,833 --> 00:31:11,125 [unicorn whinnies] 526 00:31:11,833 --> 00:31:14,666 So, we're… we're doing this? 527 00:31:14,750 --> 00:31:15,958 [unicorn neighs] 528 00:31:16,041 --> 00:31:17,500 [laughs] Yes! 529 00:31:18,583 --> 00:31:24,125 Horses are my thing, and horses, unicorns, kinda sorta similar. [laughs] 530 00:31:24,208 --> 00:31:26,833 So I'm feeling pretty confident about all thi-- 531 00:31:26,916 --> 00:31:27,750 [squelching] 532 00:31:29,208 --> 00:31:31,458 And I just stepped in unicorn poop. 533 00:31:31,541 --> 00:31:33,000 [unicorn neighs] 534 00:31:37,916 --> 00:31:39,666 [gentle music plays] 535 00:31:41,041 --> 00:31:44,333 -Guess we didn't all find a unicorn. -[Sophia] Don't worry, Val. 536 00:31:46,458 --> 00:31:47,916 I'm not leaving yet. 537 00:31:48,500 --> 00:31:49,833 -Whoo-hoo! -Yes! 538 00:31:49,916 --> 00:31:51,750 -[boy] All right! -[Isabel] Awesome! 539 00:31:53,791 --> 00:31:56,458 -Care to explain this, Miss Mendoza? -Huh? 540 00:31:57,333 --> 00:32:00,166 A leaf from a tangletwist tree. 541 00:32:00,250 --> 00:32:03,041 You were instructed to not cross the Shimmerstone Wall. 542 00:32:03,125 --> 00:32:04,125 But I-- 543 00:32:04,208 --> 00:32:08,416 Breaking rules might be your thing back home, Miss Mendoza, 544 00:32:08,500 --> 00:32:10,666 but we take them seriously at Unicorn Academy, 545 00:32:10,750 --> 00:32:12,791 and this is grounds for dismissal. 546 00:32:13,958 --> 00:32:15,625 [gasps] No! 547 00:32:16,541 --> 00:32:18,416 -[unicorn snorts] -Head back to your dorm. 548 00:32:18,500 --> 00:32:19,416 Pack your things. 549 00:32:20,083 --> 00:32:21,833 -[sighs] -[unicorn grunts] 550 00:32:21,916 --> 00:32:24,041 I… I'm sorry. 551 00:32:25,541 --> 00:32:26,500 [unicorn snorts] 552 00:32:27,625 --> 00:32:29,250 What was I thinking? 553 00:32:29,333 --> 00:32:32,166 Me? A unicorn rider? 554 00:32:35,041 --> 00:32:35,875 [gasps] 555 00:32:36,625 --> 00:32:41,125 -That's… my dad. -[Ms. Primrose] It is indeed. 556 00:32:42,666 --> 00:32:46,625 Ms. Primrose. I-I… I-I don't understand. 557 00:32:47,333 --> 00:32:49,666 Was my dad a unicorn rider? 558 00:32:49,750 --> 00:32:53,125 -One of our best. -But why didn't he ever tell me? 559 00:32:53,208 --> 00:32:56,833 He wasn't allowed to. But he told us all about you. 560 00:32:58,791 --> 00:33:02,833 Like all unicorn riders, your father graduated 561 00:33:02,916 --> 00:33:07,000 and was an extraordinary protector of Unicorn Island. 562 00:33:07,750 --> 00:33:12,375 He left to raise your family back home, but always returned when we needed him. 563 00:33:13,000 --> 00:33:14,083 Five years ago, 564 00:33:14,708 --> 00:33:17,500 when this island was in the gravest of danger, 565 00:33:18,458 --> 00:33:21,541 he came back to join the fight against Ravenzella. 566 00:33:21,625 --> 00:33:23,625 [Ravenzella] No! 567 00:33:24,708 --> 00:33:29,333 That was him in the Sparklebook. We always thought he died in an accident. 568 00:33:29,416 --> 00:33:34,375 Your father sacrificed himself to save this island 569 00:33:34,458 --> 00:33:37,541 and lock Ravenzella in the Cell of Eternity. 570 00:33:37,625 --> 00:33:40,500 He was incredibly brave, Sophia. 571 00:33:43,250 --> 00:33:47,250 -Hey, the unicorn I matched with-- -[Ms. Primrose] Was your father's unicorn. 572 00:33:48,041 --> 00:33:50,541 Her name is Wildstar. 573 00:33:51,250 --> 00:33:52,333 Wildstar. 574 00:33:53,541 --> 00:33:55,708 [Wildstar neighs] 575 00:33:56,500 --> 00:33:58,208 You knew my dad. 576 00:33:58,291 --> 00:33:59,666 [Wildstar neighs] 577 00:34:04,916 --> 00:34:06,250 You miss him too, huh? 578 00:34:09,500 --> 00:34:11,083 [Wildstar whinnies] 579 00:34:11,166 --> 00:34:15,000 [Ms. Primrose] Unfortunately, when a unicorn loses their rider, 580 00:34:15,083 --> 00:34:17,875 they lose their magical ability. 581 00:34:18,666 --> 00:34:21,000 It's up to me to bring her magic back? 582 00:34:21,625 --> 00:34:24,458 Fate works in interesting ways, Sophia. 583 00:34:25,083 --> 00:34:27,208 Now, you broke a rule today. 584 00:34:27,958 --> 00:34:30,625 But I think you deserve another chance. 585 00:34:30,708 --> 00:34:35,000 I have faith you'll be more mindful of our rules moving forward. 586 00:34:40,208 --> 00:34:42,916 Please, please, please, please tell me you get to stay. 587 00:34:44,750 --> 00:34:45,583 Uh-huh. 588 00:34:45,666 --> 00:34:46,916 -[Isabel] Whoo-hoo! -Yay! 589 00:34:47,708 --> 00:34:48,541 Hmm. 590 00:34:49,500 --> 00:34:54,666 You have reached the next step toward becoming unicorn riders. 591 00:34:54,750 --> 00:35:00,666 The fate fairies shall name your unicorns and give you your riding uniforms. 592 00:35:00,750 --> 00:35:02,750 [magical music plays] 593 00:35:05,666 --> 00:35:07,625 Ava and Leaf. 594 00:35:07,708 --> 00:35:08,541 [squeals] 595 00:35:15,583 --> 00:35:16,416 Whoa! 596 00:35:17,083 --> 00:35:18,541 [giggles] 597 00:35:19,041 --> 00:35:21,708 Layla and Glacier. 598 00:35:21,791 --> 00:35:23,708 [magical music continues] 599 00:35:25,166 --> 00:35:26,583 [Glacier neighs] 600 00:35:27,833 --> 00:35:30,000 Rory and Storm. 601 00:35:30,083 --> 00:35:31,166 [laughs] 602 00:35:32,000 --> 00:35:33,916 Isabel and River. 603 00:35:35,791 --> 00:35:37,000 Yes! 604 00:35:37,083 --> 00:35:39,708 [fate fairy] Valentina and Cinder. 605 00:35:42,625 --> 00:35:45,708 Sophia and Wildstar. 606 00:35:45,791 --> 00:35:47,791 [magical music continues] 607 00:35:52,083 --> 00:35:53,250 Whoa! 608 00:35:53,750 --> 00:35:55,291 [Wildstar neighs] 609 00:35:57,666 --> 00:35:59,375 -Beautiful. -Yes! 610 00:36:00,000 --> 00:36:03,166 These uniforms are a change from tradition. 611 00:36:03,750 --> 00:36:08,750 It seems the fate fairies feel this class has a lot of… personality. 612 00:36:10,500 --> 00:36:12,500 [tranquil music plays] 613 00:36:15,583 --> 00:36:18,750 -[Rory] Mm, some digs. -[Valentina] This'll do. 614 00:36:18,833 --> 00:36:22,375 Wow. Little different than the barn back home. 615 00:36:22,458 --> 00:36:25,500 The magical water flowing here from Starglow Lake 616 00:36:25,583 --> 00:36:29,541 will keep your unicorns in tip-top magical shape. 617 00:36:29,625 --> 00:36:32,916 And they'll have as many skyberries as they can nibble. 618 00:36:33,000 --> 00:36:33,833 Ow! 619 00:36:34,333 --> 00:36:36,458 [Fernakus groans] 620 00:36:36,541 --> 00:36:37,500 Ow! 621 00:36:40,708 --> 00:36:42,708 [gentle music plays] 622 00:36:45,916 --> 00:36:47,125 What do you think, girl? 623 00:36:48,458 --> 00:36:51,875 Huh. I… it's like my necklace. Nice. 624 00:36:56,041 --> 00:36:58,125 My dad called me his shining star. 625 00:37:00,250 --> 00:37:03,875 Okay. You should get some rest. Training starts tomorrow. 626 00:37:04,458 --> 00:37:05,458 We're gonna bond. 627 00:37:06,208 --> 00:37:10,833 You'll get your magic back, and I'm gonna be a great unicorn rider like my dad. 628 00:37:11,333 --> 00:37:12,416 Sound like a plan? 629 00:37:15,833 --> 00:37:19,666 [Ravenzella] I didn't expect eternal imprisonment to be pleasant, 630 00:37:19,750 --> 00:37:26,000 but not being able to use my magic is so painfully boring. 631 00:37:27,166 --> 00:37:31,416 ♪ Rotting in a cave That I can hardly stand ♪ 632 00:37:31,500 --> 00:37:35,875 ♪ At least I've got these two Who do whatever I command… ♪ 633 00:37:35,958 --> 00:37:39,000 Crimsette! Ash! Now, listen up. 634 00:37:39,083 --> 00:37:41,291 -♪ I've got a little plan… ♪ -Do tell. 635 00:37:41,375 --> 00:37:45,375 ♪ When I escape this hideous place I'll vanquish this land ♪ 636 00:37:46,250 --> 00:37:50,250 ♪ They think they can imprison me For all eternity… ♪ 637 00:37:50,333 --> 00:37:53,125 -Nice try. -♪ I hate to disappoint ♪ 638 00:37:53,208 --> 00:37:55,833 ♪ But I strongly disagree ♪ 639 00:37:55,916 --> 00:38:00,750 ♪ They made my home vanish But now I can foresee ♪ 640 00:38:00,833 --> 00:38:05,291 ♪ We'll eliminate this academy I guarantee ♪ 641 00:38:05,875 --> 00:38:08,708 -♪ When I break free ♪ -♪ I'll bring out the bad ♪ 642 00:38:08,791 --> 00:38:10,458 ♪ Just leave it to me ♪ 643 00:38:10,541 --> 00:38:12,208 ♪ When I break free ♪ 644 00:38:12,291 --> 00:38:15,666 ♪ Good magic will no longer be ♪ 645 00:38:15,750 --> 00:38:19,958 ♪ I'll take my revenge And then you'll see just what I mean… ♪ 646 00:38:20,041 --> 00:38:21,875 -Yeah! -♪ Good intentions? ♪ 647 00:38:21,958 --> 00:38:23,083 [laughs] Come on. 648 00:38:23,166 --> 00:38:25,541 I find them so passé. 649 00:38:25,625 --> 00:38:29,291 You know the queen of Grimoria Eventually gets her way. 650 00:38:29,375 --> 00:38:30,791 Isn't she dreamy? 651 00:38:30,875 --> 00:38:35,208 ♪ Stuck here in a cage Planning my escape ♪ 652 00:38:35,291 --> 00:38:39,375 ♪ When you crossed Ravenzella You made a very, very big mistake… ♪ 653 00:38:39,458 --> 00:38:42,166 -You did. -♪ You little fools, you better run back ♪ 654 00:38:42,250 --> 00:38:45,250 -♪ Run back ♪ -♪ To your little school ♪ 655 00:38:45,333 --> 00:38:49,291 ♪ Run, hide, flee ♪ 656 00:38:50,166 --> 00:38:53,000 -[all] ♪ When I break free ♪ -♪ I'll bring out the bad ♪ 657 00:38:53,083 --> 00:38:55,041 ♪ You can count on me ♪ 658 00:38:55,125 --> 00:38:56,208 ♪ When I break free ♪ 659 00:38:56,291 --> 00:39:00,041 ♪ Ugh, good magic will no longer be ♪ 660 00:39:00,125 --> 00:39:03,291 ♪ I'll take my revenge And then you'll see ♪ 661 00:39:03,375 --> 00:39:07,041 ♪ When I break free ♪ 662 00:39:07,125 --> 00:39:09,416 ♪ If boredom doesn't kill me first ♪ 663 00:39:09,500 --> 00:39:12,208 -♪ You can all expect the worst… ♪ -Yeah. 664 00:39:12,291 --> 00:39:14,875 ♪ 'Cause that's exactly What you'll get from me… ♪ 665 00:39:14,958 --> 00:39:16,583 -And me! -And me! 666 00:39:16,666 --> 00:39:22,458 -[all] ♪ When I break free ♪ -♪ When I break free ♪ 667 00:39:22,541 --> 00:39:23,458 [Crimsette] Oh! 668 00:39:25,083 --> 00:39:27,833 [Ravenzella] You know what I need. Get it. 669 00:39:28,375 --> 00:39:30,375 [tranquil music plays] 670 00:39:37,916 --> 00:39:41,166 I guess the whole "daughter of the guy who took down Ravenzella" thing 671 00:39:41,250 --> 00:39:42,416 is out of the bag. 672 00:39:42,500 --> 00:39:46,875 It is pretty awesome. It's like you're riding in his footsteps. 673 00:39:46,958 --> 00:39:50,833 [scoffs] Your dad might be some hero or whatever, but you? 674 00:39:51,333 --> 00:39:52,333 I don't see it. 675 00:39:52,416 --> 00:39:55,666 Uh-oh. Sounds like someone is jealous. 676 00:39:56,333 --> 00:39:57,291 Ugh. 677 00:39:58,875 --> 00:40:02,583 Howdy, Sapphires. Y'all ready to have some fun? 678 00:40:02,666 --> 00:40:06,750 I'm Ms. Wildwood, and this here is Rush. 679 00:40:06,833 --> 00:40:10,416 Congratulations on finding your matches. 680 00:40:10,500 --> 00:40:14,708 But to stay at this academy, you’ll have to bond with your unicorn. 681 00:40:14,791 --> 00:40:19,041 Mm-hmm. And the first step is learnin' how to ride. 682 00:40:19,125 --> 00:40:23,500 Some of you greener riders might be nervous, but it's important to-- 683 00:40:23,583 --> 00:40:26,583 Stay calm. Unicorns can feel your energy. 684 00:40:26,666 --> 00:40:31,000 That's exactly right, Layla. When you're ready to climb on, just-- 685 00:40:31,083 --> 00:40:34,708 Hold the reins, push up, and ease down slowly on the saddle. 686 00:40:34,791 --> 00:40:38,208 She stayed up all night reading the Sparklebook, didn't she? 687 00:40:38,708 --> 00:40:42,125 What do you say we get this party kickin' and give it a try? 688 00:40:42,208 --> 00:40:44,333 -Yay! -[Leaf nickers] 689 00:40:44,416 --> 00:40:47,208 [giggles] 690 00:40:47,791 --> 00:40:49,875 [jaunty music plays] 691 00:40:52,416 --> 00:40:53,541 [Wildstar snorts] 692 00:40:54,125 --> 00:40:55,125 Oh. Uh… 693 00:40:57,458 --> 00:40:59,666 Thanks. But I know how to mount. 694 00:41:00,625 --> 00:41:04,250 Now start with a little trot, nice and easy. 695 00:41:05,166 --> 00:41:06,375 [Layla grunts] 696 00:41:06,458 --> 00:41:07,916 Okay. Nice and-- 697 00:41:08,708 --> 00:41:10,958 -[Glacier neighs] -[Layla] Easy! Ah! 698 00:41:11,041 --> 00:41:15,666 Rush, we got a runner. Yee-haw! 699 00:41:15,750 --> 00:41:17,458 Someone help me! 700 00:41:17,541 --> 00:41:19,416 [exciting music plays] 701 00:41:23,000 --> 00:41:24,166 [Layla groans] 702 00:41:24,250 --> 00:41:26,333 That didn't go according to the Sparklebook. 703 00:41:27,291 --> 00:41:29,291 [jaunty music plays] 704 00:41:35,833 --> 00:41:37,958 We can do that. Let's ride. 705 00:41:39,583 --> 00:41:40,416 [Wildstar squeals] 706 00:41:40,500 --> 00:41:42,500 [jaunty music continues] 707 00:41:47,291 --> 00:41:50,083 Aw, she's starting you on the kiddie ring. 708 00:41:54,041 --> 00:41:58,666 Hey, I know my dad was an amazing rider and you think I'm a newbie, but trust me. 709 00:41:58,750 --> 00:41:59,791 I have skills. 710 00:41:59,875 --> 00:42:00,750 [Wildstar snorts] 711 00:42:00,833 --> 00:42:02,375 -[rustling] -Huh? 712 00:42:02,958 --> 00:42:04,250 Did you hear something? 713 00:42:05,666 --> 00:42:07,416 Come on. Let's check it out. 714 00:42:07,500 --> 00:42:08,833 [suspenseful music plays] 715 00:42:10,916 --> 00:42:12,708 [Wildstar neighs and snorts] 716 00:42:13,583 --> 00:42:15,875 You know I'm training to be a unicorn rider, right? 717 00:42:15,958 --> 00:42:20,041 Protectors of the island, saving magic for the whole entire world. 718 00:42:20,125 --> 00:42:21,541 [Wildstar neighs] 719 00:42:22,958 --> 00:42:23,791 [Wildstar snorts] 720 00:42:23,875 --> 00:42:25,458 [sighs] Okay. 721 00:42:26,041 --> 00:42:26,958 I get it. 722 00:42:28,958 --> 00:42:30,416 [intriguing music plays] 723 00:42:33,833 --> 00:42:35,666 Oh, we missed our chance. 724 00:42:36,666 --> 00:42:39,916 Whoa. How'd she know we were here? 725 00:42:40,000 --> 00:42:42,541 [groans] She probably smelled you. 726 00:42:42,625 --> 00:42:44,958 [sniffs] I'm musky. 727 00:42:47,083 --> 00:42:49,541 [teacher] Welcome to Unicorn Care and Grooming. 728 00:42:49,625 --> 00:42:53,000 My name is Ms. Rosemary, and this is Rhapsody. 729 00:42:53,083 --> 00:42:54,583 -[Rhapsody neighs] -Fernakus? 730 00:42:54,666 --> 00:42:55,708 Roger. 731 00:42:57,041 --> 00:43:00,666 [chuckles] A carebrush for a little care and flair. 732 00:43:00,750 --> 00:43:04,000 -[Ava giggles] -A winklewash for a sparkle-tastic clean. 733 00:43:05,333 --> 00:43:09,041 Okay, Wildstar, you are gonna be cleaner than you've ever been in your life. 734 00:43:10,125 --> 00:43:11,041 [Wildstar snorts] 735 00:43:12,791 --> 00:43:13,916 -[Wildstar snorts] -What? 736 00:43:14,000 --> 00:43:15,791 -[Wildstar neighs] -I got this. 737 00:43:16,541 --> 00:43:17,625 Hey! 738 00:43:17,708 --> 00:43:18,583 [Sophia grunts] 739 00:43:20,000 --> 00:43:20,833 Uh-oh. 740 00:43:20,916 --> 00:43:22,500 -[gurgling] -Whoa! 741 00:43:22,583 --> 00:43:24,666 -[Rory laughs] -[Sophia chuckles awkwardly] 742 00:43:25,166 --> 00:43:26,250 Uh… 743 00:43:26,333 --> 00:43:29,958 Soph, you're just supposed to use one drop of winklewash. 744 00:43:31,583 --> 00:43:34,291 -Don't look at me like that. -[Wildstar snorts] 745 00:43:35,625 --> 00:43:36,458 Mm. 746 00:43:39,458 --> 00:43:41,500 [giggles] Twinsies. 747 00:43:41,583 --> 00:43:43,083 -[Leaf whinnies] -Aw! 748 00:43:44,208 --> 00:43:45,083 [gasps] 749 00:43:45,708 --> 00:43:47,083 Whoa! 750 00:43:47,166 --> 00:43:48,875 I think it's happening! 751 00:43:48,958 --> 00:43:50,958 [magical music plays] 752 00:43:54,416 --> 00:43:56,416 [Leaf neighs] 753 00:43:59,583 --> 00:44:01,708 [Fernakus laughs and sighs] 754 00:44:01,791 --> 00:44:03,500 Plant magic. 755 00:44:03,583 --> 00:44:06,333 -Huh. Congrats, Ava. -Thanks. 756 00:44:06,416 --> 00:44:09,500 I just know you and Wildstar will be the next ones to bond. 757 00:44:09,583 --> 00:44:11,250 Uh, so not worried. 758 00:44:11,333 --> 00:44:13,666 We've got all week. [chuckles nervously] 759 00:44:16,625 --> 00:44:18,625 [lively music plays] 760 00:44:21,625 --> 00:44:22,666 [Wildstar grunts] 761 00:44:29,791 --> 00:44:31,041 [sighs] 762 00:44:37,500 --> 00:44:38,416 [River snorts] 763 00:44:45,541 --> 00:44:49,541 [unicorns neigh] 764 00:44:49,625 --> 00:44:51,000 [lively music continues] 765 00:44:55,916 --> 00:44:56,875 [Sophia yells] 766 00:44:58,125 --> 00:44:59,166 [music fades] 767 00:44:59,250 --> 00:45:00,250 [Wildstar grunts] 768 00:45:00,750 --> 00:45:01,583 [sighs] 769 00:45:05,208 --> 00:45:07,708 Well, the first week of training has been going great 770 00:45:07,791 --> 00:45:09,208 for everyone except us. 771 00:45:09,750 --> 00:45:12,208 Kinda get the feeling you don't think I can do this. 772 00:45:12,291 --> 00:45:13,333 [Wildstar grunts] 773 00:45:13,416 --> 00:45:16,458 If we don't bond soon, I'll be sent home. 774 00:45:16,541 --> 00:45:18,166 -[River neighs] -Whoa! 775 00:45:18,250 --> 00:45:20,041 [creatures squeak] 776 00:45:21,916 --> 00:45:24,041 Everybody, stay calm. 777 00:45:24,125 --> 00:45:27,166 Those are fluffhoppers. They're not easy to catch. 778 00:45:27,250 --> 00:45:29,375 -Let's get it, River. -[River snorts] 779 00:45:29,458 --> 00:45:30,625 [River neighs] 780 00:45:30,708 --> 00:45:33,041 [exciting music plays] 781 00:45:35,750 --> 00:45:37,125 I'll get the other one. 782 00:45:39,208 --> 00:45:41,125 This is our chance. Let's go. 783 00:45:46,041 --> 00:45:47,291 [fluffhoppers squeak] 784 00:45:47,791 --> 00:45:54,458 All right, dude. You are a unicorn. A strong, powerful unicorn. 785 00:45:54,541 --> 00:45:58,333 I know you don't have magic yet, but we can do this. 786 00:45:59,500 --> 00:46:01,583 [magical tinkling] 787 00:46:01,666 --> 00:46:04,166 Whoo! Yes! 788 00:46:04,250 --> 00:46:05,708 [fluffhopper squeaks] 789 00:46:05,791 --> 00:46:08,000 [exciting music continues] 790 00:46:11,041 --> 00:46:12,125 [fluffhopper squeaks] 791 00:46:14,875 --> 00:46:16,458 [River neighs] 792 00:46:16,541 --> 00:46:19,833 Yep. My unicorn is awesome. 793 00:46:19,916 --> 00:46:21,916 [exciting music plays] 794 00:46:28,458 --> 00:46:29,541 Come on, Wildstar. 795 00:46:30,875 --> 00:46:33,166 [fluffhopper squeaks] 796 00:46:33,916 --> 00:46:36,208 -[Wildstar neighs] -[Sophia yells] 797 00:46:37,208 --> 00:46:39,541 [exciting music plays] 798 00:46:39,625 --> 00:46:41,250 [fluffhopper squeaks] 799 00:46:43,208 --> 00:46:45,166 [magical tinkling] 800 00:46:45,250 --> 00:46:47,333 [exciting music continues] 801 00:46:48,541 --> 00:46:50,708 [Cinder neighs] 802 00:46:50,791 --> 00:46:53,708 Yes, Cinder! We did it! Obviously. 803 00:46:54,500 --> 00:46:57,375 Last fairy boat off the island leaves at six. 804 00:46:57,458 --> 00:46:58,583 Better get packed. 805 00:46:59,625 --> 00:47:01,666 [Wildstar snorts] 806 00:47:01,750 --> 00:47:03,791 I thought we were in this together. 807 00:47:03,875 --> 00:47:06,750 What happened to the plan? Don't you want your magic back? 808 00:47:07,250 --> 00:47:11,166 When we matched, I thought you were a second chance to, I don't know, 809 00:47:11,250 --> 00:47:12,791 have a piece of my dad with me. 810 00:47:13,291 --> 00:47:15,125 But maybe the fate fairy made a mistake. 811 00:47:15,208 --> 00:47:17,625 You obviously don't think I'm worth bonding with. 812 00:47:20,833 --> 00:47:21,791 [Wildstar sighs] 813 00:47:25,000 --> 00:47:29,416 How can we bond if Wildstar won't let me show her how good a rider I am? 814 00:47:29,500 --> 00:47:33,166 I think bonding with a unicorn might be more than just riding. 815 00:47:33,833 --> 00:47:36,833 It's connecting. Understanding each other. 816 00:47:37,416 --> 00:47:39,416 Like getting to know a friend? 817 00:47:40,833 --> 00:47:41,666 Oh. 818 00:47:42,208 --> 00:47:43,041 No wonder. 819 00:47:44,833 --> 00:47:47,333 The friend thing isn't really my specialty. 820 00:47:48,083 --> 00:47:50,000 Haven't had a lot of them since… 821 00:47:50,875 --> 00:47:51,750 Since what? 822 00:47:53,333 --> 00:47:55,208 My dad and I were super close. 823 00:47:57,875 --> 00:48:01,333 When he died, I didn't want to feel that kind of hurt again. 824 00:48:01,916 --> 00:48:05,333 Getting close to someone and… losing them. 825 00:48:06,708 --> 00:48:10,000 So I decided I'd be better off alone. 826 00:48:14,291 --> 00:48:16,791 Maybe you and Wildstar have something in common. 827 00:48:17,291 --> 00:48:20,208 She probably hurt when she lost your dad too. 828 00:48:21,333 --> 00:48:24,000 And maybe she's being extra protective of you 829 00:48:24,083 --> 00:48:26,916 because she feels like she couldn't protect your dad. 830 00:48:28,875 --> 00:48:29,708 Oh. 831 00:48:31,083 --> 00:48:35,166 It's not that Wildstar doesn't trust me. She doesn't trust herself. 832 00:48:40,083 --> 00:48:42,083 [melancholy music plays] 833 00:48:44,791 --> 00:48:45,625 [Wildstar sighs] 834 00:48:47,166 --> 00:48:48,375 [sinister whooshing] 835 00:48:48,458 --> 00:48:49,458 [Wildstar sniffs] 836 00:48:51,875 --> 00:48:53,250 [Wildstar neighs] 837 00:48:53,333 --> 00:48:54,875 -Wildstar? -Did you hear that? 838 00:48:54,958 --> 00:48:57,250 -It came from the stables. -[dramatic music plays] 839 00:48:57,333 --> 00:48:58,625 [Fernakus] Help! 840 00:48:59,458 --> 00:49:02,000 [muffled] Help! 841 00:49:02,083 --> 00:49:04,541 [Fernakus groans] 842 00:49:05,250 --> 00:49:06,666 -Fernakus! -[Fernakus] Oh! 843 00:49:07,166 --> 00:49:09,083 -[groans] -[Sophia] What happened? 844 00:49:09,166 --> 00:49:11,666 Well, I was cleaning carebrushes one minute 845 00:49:11,750 --> 00:49:15,291 and tossed in a barrel like rotten skyberries the next. 846 00:49:16,458 --> 00:49:17,500 Wildstar? 847 00:49:17,583 --> 00:49:19,958 -Uh, Sophia-- -[Sophia gasps] Oh no! 848 00:49:21,000 --> 00:49:24,750 -Where's Wildstar? -I'm so sorry. They took her. 849 00:49:24,833 --> 00:49:29,583 -Wh… what do you mean? -It… it was a shadow sprite and an ogre. 850 00:49:29,666 --> 00:49:31,208 They… they took her away. 851 00:49:31,291 --> 00:49:34,750 Fernakus, try to remember. Did they say anything? 852 00:49:34,833 --> 00:49:38,500 -Where are they taking Wildstar? -Oh, it all happened so fast. 853 00:49:38,583 --> 00:49:41,958 B… but I believe they mentioned the long journey, 854 00:49:42,041 --> 00:49:45,208 uh, to the Crystal Caves. 855 00:49:45,291 --> 00:49:47,375 Sophia, that's where Ravenzella is. 856 00:49:47,458 --> 00:49:48,916 I've gotta save Wildstar. 857 00:49:50,083 --> 00:49:51,208 I'm going with you. 858 00:49:52,208 --> 00:49:54,875 I guess now'd be a good time to start breaking the rules. 859 00:49:54,958 --> 00:49:56,625 Fernakus, tell Ms. Primrose. 860 00:49:56,708 --> 00:49:58,500 [sputters] Right away. 861 00:50:01,916 --> 00:50:04,291 [tense music plays] 862 00:50:04,375 --> 00:50:05,208 Huh? 863 00:50:07,000 --> 00:50:09,000 [suspenseful music plays] 864 00:50:30,500 --> 00:50:32,125 -[Sophia] Wow. -[Layla] Wow. 865 00:50:33,958 --> 00:50:35,291 [suspenseful music fades] 866 00:50:35,375 --> 00:50:38,250 According to the Sparklebook, this is Phoenix Bridge. 867 00:50:38,333 --> 00:50:40,875 The Crystal Caves are just on the other side. 868 00:50:40,958 --> 00:50:42,500 [tense music plays] 869 00:50:42,583 --> 00:50:46,708 Unicorns, fluffy bunnies, pink, sparkly anything. 870 00:50:46,791 --> 00:50:47,708 You okay? 871 00:50:47,791 --> 00:50:51,333 Uh, just a little scared of heights, so thinking happy thoughts. 872 00:50:52,916 --> 00:50:55,708 Glitter pens. Baby goats wearing pajamas. 873 00:50:55,791 --> 00:50:57,583 [bridge creaks] 874 00:50:57,666 --> 00:50:59,708 [bats squeak] 875 00:51:00,291 --> 00:51:03,000 -[Glacier neighs] -[girls scream] 876 00:51:03,875 --> 00:51:04,875 Whoa! 877 00:51:04,958 --> 00:51:06,041 Go back, go back! 878 00:51:06,125 --> 00:51:10,083 [girls scream] 879 00:51:14,166 --> 00:51:15,875 [girls scream] 880 00:51:17,208 --> 00:51:19,083 [exhales] Nice catch, Leaf. 881 00:51:19,166 --> 00:51:22,166 [gasps] Think happy thou… 882 00:51:22,250 --> 00:51:26,000 Totally not cool that you snuck out of school to have fun without me. 883 00:51:26,083 --> 00:51:26,958 [all] Rory! 884 00:51:27,041 --> 00:51:29,541 Off-the-grid shady stuff is my middle name. 885 00:51:30,625 --> 00:51:32,291 Actually, it's Lolliver. [chuckles] 886 00:51:32,375 --> 00:51:33,541 It's weird. I know. 887 00:51:33,625 --> 00:51:36,833 Can we talk about your name when we're not about to fall into a pit? 888 00:51:36,916 --> 00:51:38,291 Could use a little help here. 889 00:51:38,375 --> 00:51:39,625 -[creaking] -[girls scream] 890 00:51:41,125 --> 00:51:43,875 All right, buddy girl. I think we gotta try the hero thing. 891 00:51:43,958 --> 00:51:44,791 You up for it? 892 00:51:44,875 --> 00:51:46,166 [Storm neighs] 893 00:51:47,416 --> 00:51:49,666 [Sophia] It's too far. You won't make it. 894 00:51:49,750 --> 00:51:54,833 It'll be just like jumping a double on my dirt bike back home. I hope. 895 00:51:57,916 --> 00:51:59,291 [dramatic music plays] 896 00:51:59,875 --> 00:52:01,375 Whoo-hoo! 897 00:52:01,458 --> 00:52:03,208 [yells] Oh! 898 00:52:03,833 --> 00:52:05,125 [screams] 899 00:52:06,750 --> 00:52:09,083 You can do this. I know you can. 900 00:52:10,541 --> 00:52:13,500 -[Storm snorts] -That's it. A little more. 901 00:52:14,375 --> 00:52:16,333 [gasps] You did it! 902 00:52:16,416 --> 00:52:18,750 [magical music plays] 903 00:52:21,458 --> 00:52:24,291 Weather magic? You're even cooler than I thought. 904 00:52:24,375 --> 00:52:25,708 [girls] Rory! 905 00:52:26,416 --> 00:52:29,083 Hmm. Uh, hit that tree, Storm. 906 00:52:29,166 --> 00:52:30,666 [dramatic music plays] 907 00:52:30,750 --> 00:52:32,625 [thunder crashes] 908 00:52:33,125 --> 00:52:34,875 -[Sophia] Look out! -[screaming] 909 00:52:36,000 --> 00:52:37,833 [Sophia] Quick, swing to the tree. 910 00:52:37,916 --> 00:52:41,000 [girls strain] 911 00:52:41,083 --> 00:52:43,083 [Glacier neighs] 912 00:52:43,166 --> 00:52:44,166 -[Sophia sighs] -Whoa. 913 00:52:44,250 --> 00:52:45,666 -[Glacier neighs] -Are you okay? 914 00:52:45,750 --> 00:52:47,041 Uh, yes? 915 00:52:47,125 --> 00:52:49,125 -[Leaf whinnies] -Whoo-hoo! 916 00:52:49,208 --> 00:52:50,166 Yeah! 917 00:52:54,083 --> 00:52:55,208 Hey, guys. Sup? 918 00:52:56,125 --> 00:52:58,166 -Thank you. -[Rory] Don't mention it. 919 00:52:58,250 --> 00:53:01,500 [grunts] That was amazing. 920 00:53:01,583 --> 00:53:03,708 You just like me for my storm magic. 921 00:53:03,791 --> 00:53:04,708 [Storm snorts] 922 00:53:06,666 --> 00:53:09,041 Come on. The Crystal Caves are that way. 923 00:53:11,583 --> 00:53:14,958 You had no idea the tree would fall at that perfect angle, did you? 924 00:53:15,041 --> 00:53:17,541 [Rory] Not a clue. Kinda surprised it worked. 925 00:53:19,333 --> 00:53:21,333 [suspenseful music plays] 926 00:53:24,166 --> 00:53:25,958 [Ava] I think we're here. 927 00:53:29,458 --> 00:53:30,458 [Sophia] Let's go. 928 00:53:31,083 --> 00:53:32,916 [dramatic music plays] 929 00:53:33,000 --> 00:53:34,916 -[students scream] -[unicorns neigh] 930 00:53:37,083 --> 00:53:38,416 Nice welcoming party. 931 00:53:39,416 --> 00:53:40,416 [Glacier neighs] 932 00:53:42,500 --> 00:53:44,416 -So we're doing this? -[Sophia] Come on! 933 00:53:48,083 --> 00:53:49,750 [Layla] Ha! Nice, Glacier. 934 00:53:51,208 --> 00:53:52,500 Look out! 935 00:53:53,458 --> 00:53:54,333 Whoa! 936 00:53:59,458 --> 00:54:00,375 [all sigh] 937 00:54:00,458 --> 00:54:02,458 [tense music plays] 938 00:54:13,291 --> 00:54:14,166 Look. 939 00:54:14,250 --> 00:54:15,833 [tense music continues] 940 00:54:22,000 --> 00:54:24,500 [Ravenzella laughs] 941 00:54:28,083 --> 00:54:29,291 Wildstar! [gasps] 942 00:54:29,791 --> 00:54:30,833 [Fernakus] Hello! 943 00:54:30,916 --> 00:54:31,916 [all gasp] 944 00:54:32,000 --> 00:54:35,708 What a delightfully dreamy day. [laughs] 945 00:54:36,416 --> 00:54:38,291 Fernakus. Where's Ms. Primrose? 946 00:54:38,375 --> 00:54:41,458 Oh, I decided it best to not tell her. 947 00:54:42,083 --> 00:54:46,375 Our visitors have arrived! 948 00:54:47,166 --> 00:54:50,583 -No, dude. Sh! -Wait. You're with Ravenzella? 949 00:54:50,666 --> 00:54:52,333 I do feel terrible about it, 950 00:54:52,416 --> 00:54:55,250 but when the opportunity presented itself, I thought, 951 00:54:55,333 --> 00:54:57,750 "Maybe I am a dwerpin who's meant for more 952 00:54:57,833 --> 00:55:01,833 than cleaning carebrushes and picking skyberries." 953 00:55:01,916 --> 00:55:03,541 -[Crimsette laughs] -Hey! 954 00:55:04,958 --> 00:55:06,916 Ash, they're all yours. 955 00:55:07,791 --> 00:55:10,291 [Ash strains] 956 00:55:11,541 --> 00:55:12,541 [yelps] 957 00:55:12,625 --> 00:55:13,791 [all scream] 958 00:55:15,500 --> 00:55:17,625 [Wildstar neighs] 959 00:55:17,708 --> 00:55:21,583 Come out, come out, wherever you are. 960 00:55:22,208 --> 00:55:23,416 [gasps] 961 00:55:24,208 --> 00:55:25,541 [all yelp] 962 00:55:26,958 --> 00:55:28,000 [all scream] 963 00:55:29,291 --> 00:55:30,875 [all scream] 964 00:55:30,958 --> 00:55:31,791 [Layla grunts] 965 00:55:33,125 --> 00:55:35,250 Oh man, oh man. Help! 966 00:55:36,500 --> 00:55:40,000 Oh, there has to be something in here that can help. I don't know what to do. 967 00:55:40,083 --> 00:55:41,750 [Glacier neighs] 968 00:55:41,833 --> 00:55:44,125 Right. No time for the Sparklebook. 969 00:55:44,208 --> 00:55:46,875 In case you didn't notice, I'm not that great at riding. 970 00:55:46,958 --> 00:55:49,166 But let's give it a go! 971 00:55:49,666 --> 00:55:51,208 [dramatic music plays] 972 00:55:51,958 --> 00:55:52,958 [Leaf neighs] 973 00:55:54,291 --> 00:55:55,500 [Leaf neighs] 974 00:55:57,875 --> 00:56:00,625 Oh, it's too slippery to grab! 975 00:56:01,125 --> 00:56:02,416 What's that noise? 976 00:56:04,333 --> 00:56:05,958 [Rory] Aw, come on! 977 00:56:06,041 --> 00:56:07,708 Hang on! We're coming! 978 00:56:09,166 --> 00:56:11,291 Do it. We can't slow down. 979 00:56:11,791 --> 00:56:13,791 [dramatic music plays] 980 00:56:17,000 --> 00:56:18,958 [magical music plays] 981 00:56:22,416 --> 00:56:26,500 Whoa! Bonding in real life is way better than in the books. 982 00:56:26,583 --> 00:56:29,458 I don't like this ride! 983 00:56:29,541 --> 00:56:31,333 [dramatic music continues] 984 00:56:31,416 --> 00:56:33,666 -[Glacier neighs] -[magical music plays] 985 00:56:33,750 --> 00:56:35,833 -Whoa! -[Ava yelps] 986 00:56:37,208 --> 00:56:39,125 [dramatic music fades] 987 00:56:39,916 --> 00:56:41,708 -Yes! -We're alive! 988 00:56:41,791 --> 00:56:42,625 [Storm neighs] 989 00:56:42,708 --> 00:56:44,500 -[Rory and Ava] Layla! -Come on! 990 00:56:45,541 --> 00:56:47,500 [Wildstar neighs] 991 00:56:47,583 --> 00:56:49,708 Here she is, Your Magnificence. 992 00:56:52,166 --> 00:56:53,250 [Sophia strains] 993 00:56:53,333 --> 00:56:57,500 [Wildstar neighs] 994 00:56:57,583 --> 00:56:59,791 I'm okay. Did they hurt you? 995 00:56:59,875 --> 00:57:01,208 [Wildstar neighs] 996 00:57:02,125 --> 00:57:07,833 Oh, how sweet, in a nauseatingly ick sort of way. 997 00:57:07,916 --> 00:57:12,125 -If you hurt Wildstar, I'll-- -You'll what? Tell a teacher on me? 998 00:57:12,208 --> 00:57:15,750 Or use your unicorn's magic against me? 999 00:57:15,833 --> 00:57:18,291 Oh, that's right. 1000 00:57:18,958 --> 00:57:21,166 You two haven't bonded yet. 1001 00:57:21,250 --> 00:57:24,041 [gasps] I'm terrified. 1002 00:57:24,125 --> 00:57:27,291 [Ash and Crimsette laugh] 1003 00:57:27,375 --> 00:57:31,541 You have your father's eyes, Sophia. 1004 00:57:31,625 --> 00:57:36,083 -[gasps] -Oh yes. I remember him all too well. 1005 00:57:36,166 --> 00:57:40,708 The unicorn rider who locked me away in this infernal cell. 1006 00:57:40,791 --> 00:57:43,291 You'll be out in the blink of a wink, oh pointy one. 1007 00:57:43,375 --> 00:57:47,208 I've delivered the key, as promised. 1008 00:57:47,291 --> 00:57:49,333 [Wildstar neighs] 1009 00:57:49,416 --> 00:57:52,750 -No. Wildstar! -[Ravenzella] Oh, sweetie. 1010 00:57:52,833 --> 00:57:54,125 Taking your pet 1011 00:57:54,208 --> 00:57:58,583 was just my clever little way to get you to bring the key to me. 1012 00:57:58,666 --> 00:58:00,166 It can't be. That's mine. 1013 00:58:00,250 --> 00:58:03,708 I know. From your father, yes? 1014 00:58:05,083 --> 00:58:10,916 I have been tasting this moment for a very long time. 1015 00:58:13,375 --> 00:58:15,166 [sinister music plays] 1016 00:58:16,541 --> 00:58:19,250 [Ravenzella laughs] 1017 00:58:21,833 --> 00:58:25,458 Freedom is, mm, delicious. 1018 00:58:25,541 --> 00:58:28,625 [Crimsette, Fernakus, and Ash laugh] 1019 00:58:28,708 --> 00:58:32,958 "The most powerful, magical creatures." 1020 00:58:33,041 --> 00:58:34,541 Ha! Pathetic. 1021 00:58:34,625 --> 00:58:36,166 [Crimsette and Ravenzella laugh] 1022 00:58:36,250 --> 00:58:38,583 It's time for all unicorn riders 1023 00:58:38,666 --> 00:58:42,750 to pay the price for making my home of Grimoria disappear 1024 00:58:42,833 --> 00:58:47,541 by making their precious unicorns disappear. 1025 00:58:47,625 --> 00:58:49,708 But first-- 1026 00:58:49,791 --> 00:58:51,125 -No! -[Wildstar squeals] 1027 00:58:54,000 --> 00:58:54,833 [gasps] 1028 00:58:55,541 --> 00:58:57,208 -Wildstar. -[Wildstar groans] 1029 00:58:57,291 --> 00:58:58,125 [Ash laughs] 1030 00:58:58,208 --> 00:59:00,708 Like I said, pathetic. 1031 00:59:00,791 --> 00:59:04,166 But here. Take your daddy's precious gift. 1032 00:59:04,250 --> 00:59:05,625 It's tacky anyway. 1033 00:59:06,458 --> 00:59:08,416 I'd say it's nothing personal, 1034 00:59:09,125 --> 00:59:10,541 but it is. 1035 00:59:10,625 --> 00:59:13,166 [Ravenzella laughs] 1036 00:59:13,250 --> 00:59:14,708 [rocks crumble] 1037 00:59:16,166 --> 00:59:20,833 Wait, Your Maliciousness! What about me?! 1038 00:59:21,750 --> 00:59:23,208 Petula! 1039 00:59:23,291 --> 00:59:25,291 [rocks crumble] 1040 00:59:26,250 --> 00:59:28,666 Wildstar, w… what's happening to you? 1041 00:59:29,750 --> 00:59:31,500 [somber music plays] 1042 00:59:36,375 --> 00:59:37,416 [Wildstar whinnies] 1043 00:59:39,750 --> 00:59:41,750 [Wildstar whinnies] 1044 00:59:42,541 --> 00:59:44,875 Mm-mm. I'm not leaving without you. 1045 00:59:44,958 --> 00:59:46,875 [rocks crumble] 1046 00:59:46,958 --> 00:59:47,958 I'm sorry. 1047 00:59:48,041 --> 00:59:50,708 All you've been doing is trying to protect me. 1048 00:59:51,208 --> 00:59:53,708 I know how much you miss my dad. I do too. 1049 00:59:54,500 --> 00:59:58,416 But you never really lost him. He lives in you, Wildstar. 1050 00:59:59,583 --> 01:00:03,083 [cries] And you don't have to be afraid of losing me either, 1051 01:00:03,750 --> 01:00:06,166 'cause I'm with you till the end. 1052 01:00:06,250 --> 01:00:07,291 [magical tinkling] 1053 01:00:07,375 --> 01:00:08,958 Please don't go. 1054 01:00:09,750 --> 01:00:11,208 You are my destiny. 1055 01:00:11,916 --> 01:00:12,791 [cries] 1056 01:00:13,833 --> 01:00:15,958 [rocks crumble] 1057 01:00:18,750 --> 01:00:21,250 Oh no. How are we gonna get through? 1058 01:00:23,166 --> 01:00:24,000 What? 1059 01:00:24,083 --> 01:00:25,333 [magical tinkling] 1060 01:00:27,000 --> 01:00:29,375 -[uplifting music plays] -[Layla gasps] 1061 01:00:33,375 --> 01:00:35,041 I think they're good. 1062 01:00:36,625 --> 01:00:38,125 [Wildstar neighs] 1063 01:00:39,000 --> 01:00:41,375 You're both okay. And you bonded. 1064 01:00:41,458 --> 01:00:44,666 And I feel so much happiness right now I'm gonna burst. 1065 01:00:44,750 --> 01:00:47,458 -[Sophia chuckles] -Light magic. Cool. 1066 01:00:47,958 --> 01:00:49,250 And we're gonna need it, 1067 01:00:49,333 --> 01:00:53,666 because Ravenzella is free and about to get rid of every unicorn on this island. 1068 01:00:53,750 --> 01:00:57,500 Not if we have anything to do with it. Let's do this! 1069 01:00:57,583 --> 01:00:58,708 [Storm neighs] 1070 01:00:59,333 --> 01:01:02,500 What? No one messes with unicorns on my watch. 1071 01:01:03,833 --> 01:01:05,833 [dramatic music plays] 1072 01:01:07,875 --> 01:01:08,833 [music fades] 1073 01:01:08,916 --> 01:01:10,916 [sinister whooshing] 1074 01:01:12,791 --> 01:01:13,958 [Ravenzella] Hmm. 1075 01:01:15,375 --> 01:01:17,333 [laughs] 1076 01:01:18,083 --> 01:01:20,083 [suspenseful music plays] 1077 01:01:23,500 --> 01:01:24,375 [gasping] 1078 01:01:27,166 --> 01:01:28,375 Grim magic! 1079 01:01:29,625 --> 01:01:33,625 We can't let it get to the stables. Go, check on the unicorns. 1080 01:01:34,583 --> 01:01:37,666 -[sinister whooshing] -[grunts] We're locked in! 1081 01:01:38,583 --> 01:01:41,500 [Ravenzella laughs] 1082 01:01:42,333 --> 01:01:43,166 Hmm. 1083 01:01:44,416 --> 01:01:45,250 [kisses] 1084 01:01:46,333 --> 01:01:48,166 [suspenseful music plays] 1085 01:01:50,083 --> 01:01:53,916 Now let's erase the rest of the unicorns on this repulsive island. 1086 01:01:54,000 --> 01:01:56,750 -[groans] -[dramatic music plays] 1087 01:01:58,791 --> 01:01:59,833 [snarls] 1088 01:01:59,916 --> 01:02:01,625 I like this place the way it is. 1089 01:02:01,708 --> 01:02:05,041 I see you have your father's annoying persistence too. 1090 01:02:05,916 --> 01:02:08,583 [Ravenzella laughs] 1091 01:02:08,666 --> 01:02:10,750 [Ash roars] 1092 01:02:12,875 --> 01:02:13,916 [Sophia gasps] 1093 01:02:19,333 --> 01:02:20,500 [Wildstar neighs] 1094 01:02:21,541 --> 01:02:22,666 [gasps] 1095 01:02:23,291 --> 01:02:24,500 [Crimsette laughs] 1096 01:02:24,583 --> 01:02:26,291 [dramatic music continues] 1097 01:02:29,458 --> 01:02:30,666 Whoa! 1098 01:02:30,750 --> 01:02:32,375 -Yes! -[Crimsette] Missed me. 1099 01:02:32,458 --> 01:02:34,250 -[Crimsette laughs] -[Leaf neighs] 1100 01:02:35,125 --> 01:02:36,000 [Leaf neighs] 1101 01:02:37,416 --> 01:02:38,250 [Fernakus] Ow! 1102 01:02:39,416 --> 01:02:42,750 -[Fernakus gasps] -[Ash laughs] 1103 01:02:42,833 --> 01:02:43,875 [Ash grunts] 1104 01:02:45,750 --> 01:02:46,625 [Layla] Whoa! 1105 01:02:50,208 --> 01:02:52,041 [laughs] 1106 01:02:52,791 --> 01:02:57,083 [growling] 1107 01:02:57,166 --> 01:03:00,125 Okay. We can handle one giant shadow creature. 1108 01:03:00,208 --> 01:03:01,833 [shadow creature growls] 1109 01:03:01,916 --> 01:03:03,000 [magical tinkling] 1110 01:03:03,083 --> 01:03:05,083 [dramatic music continues] 1111 01:03:06,458 --> 01:03:08,666 [growling] 1112 01:03:08,750 --> 01:03:09,875 Spoke too soon. 1113 01:03:09,958 --> 01:03:12,625 [shadow creatures growl] 1114 01:03:14,708 --> 01:03:16,208 [unicorn neighs] 1115 01:03:19,375 --> 01:03:20,958 [dramatic music fades] 1116 01:03:21,041 --> 01:03:22,708 Apparently, you need some help. 1117 01:03:22,791 --> 01:03:25,291 I so wish I could say I don't, but thanks. 1118 01:03:27,166 --> 01:03:29,583 Three on two? I like those odds. 1119 01:03:29,666 --> 01:03:32,208 [shadow creatures growl] 1120 01:03:33,375 --> 01:03:35,041 [Isabel] Two down, one to go! 1121 01:03:38,375 --> 01:03:41,083 -[River neighs] -Game over, grim magic. 1122 01:03:43,125 --> 01:03:44,083 [laughs] 1123 01:03:44,166 --> 01:03:47,916 Hey, Rory, you know how air and motion affects the rate of acceleration? 1124 01:03:48,000 --> 01:03:52,500 Nope. But if it's something to do with kicking this guy's butt, I'm in. 1125 01:03:52,583 --> 01:03:54,208 [yells] 1126 01:03:54,291 --> 01:03:56,458 -[Glacier neighs] -[magical music plays] 1127 01:03:58,583 --> 01:04:01,875 [wind howls] 1128 01:04:03,000 --> 01:04:04,041 [Ash groans] 1129 01:04:04,833 --> 01:04:05,666 -Yes! -Yes! 1130 01:04:07,166 --> 01:04:10,583 Didn't anyone ever teach you guys not to play with fire? 1131 01:04:10,666 --> 01:04:12,666 [dramatic music plays] 1132 01:04:14,666 --> 01:04:15,625 [Cinder neighs] 1133 01:04:20,541 --> 01:04:21,958 [gasps] Whoops! 1134 01:04:22,458 --> 01:04:24,208 [magical music plays] 1135 01:04:30,541 --> 01:04:34,916 -Need a little help? -Thanks. And, Sophia, great hair. 1136 01:04:36,041 --> 01:04:38,166 But this doesn't mean we're friends. 1137 01:04:39,833 --> 01:04:41,250 Oh, I know. 1138 01:04:41,333 --> 01:04:43,250 [Ravenzella laughs] 1139 01:04:43,333 --> 01:04:45,125 -[Crimsette laughs] -[Ava groans] 1140 01:04:45,833 --> 01:04:49,250 I really don't like you. And I like just about everybody. 1141 01:04:49,333 --> 01:04:51,916 Aren't you a special kind of perky? 1142 01:04:52,000 --> 01:04:53,875 Huh? [strains] 1143 01:04:54,583 --> 01:04:58,500 [Crimsette yelps] I should've called in sick! 1144 01:04:58,583 --> 01:05:00,083 How's that for perky? 1145 01:05:01,125 --> 01:05:03,000 [dramatic music plays] 1146 01:05:03,083 --> 01:05:04,041 [groans] 1147 01:05:09,250 --> 01:05:12,250 That little trick might protect you, but… 1148 01:05:12,875 --> 01:05:13,708 No! 1149 01:05:13,791 --> 01:05:15,875 [sinister whooshing] 1150 01:05:15,958 --> 01:05:18,041 [unicorns neigh] 1151 01:05:19,708 --> 01:05:21,541 Leaf, no! 1152 01:05:23,791 --> 01:05:25,833 You're gonna regret hurting my friends. 1153 01:05:27,083 --> 01:05:29,541 [Wildstar neighs] 1154 01:05:29,625 --> 01:05:30,583 [Ravenzella laughs] 1155 01:05:32,750 --> 01:05:33,875 [Wildstar neighs] 1156 01:05:35,916 --> 01:05:37,875 [tense music plays] 1157 01:05:41,958 --> 01:05:45,250 [Ravenzella laughs] 1158 01:05:45,333 --> 01:05:46,416 [Wildstar whinnies] 1159 01:05:58,750 --> 01:06:00,250 [Wildstar neighs] 1160 01:06:02,708 --> 01:06:03,958 [strains] 1161 01:06:07,333 --> 01:06:08,250 [Sophia yells] 1162 01:06:09,166 --> 01:06:14,041 You're a fool to think light could overpower my darkness. 1163 01:06:14,958 --> 01:06:17,208 [dramatic music plays] 1164 01:06:18,750 --> 01:06:21,708 Oh, I wish your father was here to see this. 1165 01:06:23,875 --> 01:06:26,250 [uplifting music plays] 1166 01:06:27,250 --> 01:06:28,500 [Wildstar neighs] 1167 01:06:33,083 --> 01:06:34,916 [magical tinkling] 1168 01:06:35,000 --> 01:06:36,750 So do I. 1169 01:06:36,833 --> 01:06:38,333 [Wildstar neighs] 1170 01:06:38,416 --> 01:06:40,458 [dramatic music plays] 1171 01:06:47,708 --> 01:06:49,083 [screams] 1172 01:06:53,583 --> 01:06:54,750 [Ravenzella groans] 1173 01:06:56,916 --> 01:06:57,750 [groans] 1174 01:06:57,833 --> 01:06:59,291 [cracking] 1175 01:07:00,416 --> 01:07:01,625 [Ravenzella] No, no! 1176 01:07:02,125 --> 01:07:04,458 No! 1177 01:07:09,875 --> 01:07:11,791 [splashing] 1178 01:07:15,791 --> 01:07:17,791 [uplifting music plays] 1179 01:07:24,666 --> 01:07:26,375 -[Rory gasps] -[Storm snorts] 1180 01:07:26,458 --> 01:07:28,500 Storm, you're okay! 1181 01:07:32,666 --> 01:07:36,208 Sophia and Wildstar did it. They beat Ravenzella. 1182 01:07:36,291 --> 01:07:37,166 Booyah! 1183 01:07:37,250 --> 01:07:38,958 Uh, with our help. 1184 01:07:39,041 --> 01:07:40,083 [unicorns neigh] 1185 01:07:40,166 --> 01:07:41,791 [uplifting music continues] 1186 01:07:50,916 --> 01:07:51,875 [music fades] 1187 01:07:51,958 --> 01:07:53,208 Sophia! 1188 01:07:55,333 --> 01:07:59,583 -That was insane. -You guys are pretty epic. For freshmen. 1189 01:08:00,208 --> 01:08:02,916 Did some seniors just tell us we're epic? 1190 01:08:03,000 --> 01:08:04,333 I think they did. 1191 01:08:04,833 --> 01:08:05,666 [Fernakus] Whoa. 1192 01:08:07,083 --> 01:08:10,625 Am I crazy, or does that planter have legs? 1193 01:08:11,208 --> 01:08:12,041 [Fernakus groans] 1194 01:08:12,833 --> 01:08:13,666 [planter smashes] 1195 01:08:15,875 --> 01:08:18,416 What a delightfully dreamy day. 1196 01:08:18,500 --> 01:08:22,916 Yes indeed. [laughs awkwardly] 1197 01:08:23,000 --> 01:08:26,500 W… well done, unicorn riders. 1198 01:08:26,583 --> 01:08:31,666 I knew you could do it! 1199 01:08:32,458 --> 01:08:34,333 [all laugh] 1200 01:08:34,416 --> 01:08:38,333 I must say, the freshman class shows a great deal of potential. 1201 01:08:38,416 --> 01:08:39,500 Well done. 1202 01:08:40,833 --> 01:08:43,791 Just remember, we have rules here at Unicorn Academy. 1203 01:08:43,875 --> 01:08:47,666 You broke several. And in the future, that will not be tolerated. 1204 01:08:49,083 --> 01:08:51,916 Sometimes rules are meant to be broken. 1205 01:08:53,041 --> 01:08:55,041 [magical music plays] 1206 01:09:05,291 --> 01:09:06,333 [music fades] 1207 01:09:06,416 --> 01:09:10,041 Well, Dad, first week here was pretty great. 1208 01:09:10,125 --> 01:09:13,583 Weird. Insane. But great. 1209 01:09:17,833 --> 01:09:20,458 Could I actually be a legendary unicorn rider 1210 01:09:20,541 --> 01:09:21,750 like my dad one day? 1211 01:09:22,541 --> 01:09:23,375 Huh? 1212 01:09:24,833 --> 01:09:26,125 You will be, Sophia. 1213 01:09:29,375 --> 01:09:30,208 [gasps] 1214 01:09:38,500 --> 01:09:39,541 Everything okay? 1215 01:09:40,208 --> 01:09:43,666 I think I just saw my dad. 1216 01:09:44,500 --> 01:09:45,333 [gasps] 1217 01:09:48,291 --> 01:09:50,291 [uplifting music plays] 1218 01:10:02,416 --> 01:10:06,583 ♪ Follow your heart Straight to the stars ♪ 1219 01:10:06,666 --> 01:10:11,041 ♪ Your bond already shows The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪ 1220 01:10:12,500 --> 01:10:14,666 ♪ Be yourself Nothing to hide ♪ 1221 01:10:14,750 --> 01:10:18,875 ♪ Take a chance and you will find Adventures wait for you to take ♪ 1222 01:10:18,958 --> 01:10:19,916 ♪ Let's go ♪ 1223 01:10:21,291 --> 01:10:24,500 ♪ Chase your dreams Run wild and free ♪ 1224 01:10:24,583 --> 01:10:25,708 ♪ Wild and free ♪ 1225 01:10:25,791 --> 01:10:28,916 ♪ Trust in your destiny ♪ 1226 01:10:29,000 --> 01:10:33,458 ♪ Follow your heart Straight to the stars ♪ 1227 01:10:33,541 --> 01:10:37,875 ♪ Your bond already shows The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪ 1228 01:10:37,958 --> 01:10:42,416 ♪ So follow your heart Straight to the stars ♪ 1229 01:10:42,500 --> 01:10:46,791 ♪ Your bond already shows The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪ 1230 01:10:46,875 --> 01:10:48,833 ♪ So follow your heart ♪ 1231 01:11:06,208 --> 01:11:09,625 ♪ Chase your dreams Run wild and free ♪ 1232 01:11:09,708 --> 01:11:10,708 ♪ Wild and free ♪ 1233 01:11:10,791 --> 01:11:14,500 ♪ Trust in your destiny ♪ 1234 01:11:16,291 --> 01:11:20,583 ♪ Follow your heart Straight to the stars ♪ 1235 01:11:20,666 --> 01:11:25,000 ♪ Your bond already shows The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪ 1236 01:11:25,083 --> 01:11:29,541 ♪ So follow your heart Straight to the stars ♪ 1237 01:11:29,625 --> 01:11:33,916 ♪ Your bond already shows The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪ 1238 01:11:34,000 --> 01:11:38,541 -♪ So follow your heart ♪ -♪ Follow your heart ♪ 1239 01:11:38,625 --> 01:11:42,875 -♪ Straight to the stars ♪ -♪ The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪ 1240 01:11:42,958 --> 01:11:45,041 ♪ So follow your heart ♪