1 00:00:11,875 --> 00:00:16,125 ♪ Follow your heart Straight to the stars ♪ 2 00:00:16,208 --> 00:00:20,500 ♪ Your bond already shows The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪ 3 00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:25,291 ♪ Chase your dreams Run wild and free ♪ 4 00:00:25,375 --> 00:00:26,500 ♪ Wild and free ♪ 5 00:00:26,583 --> 00:00:29,791 ♪ Trust in your destiny ♪ 6 00:00:29,875 --> 00:00:34,166 ♪ Follow your heart Straight to the stars ♪ 7 00:00:34,250 --> 00:00:38,500 ♪ Your bond already shows The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪ 8 00:00:38,583 --> 00:00:42,791 - So follow your heart- Follow your heart ♪ 9 00:00:42,875 --> 00:00:47,333 - Straight to the stars- Straight to the stars ♪ 10 00:00:47,416 --> 00:00:49,583 ♪ So follow your heart ♪ 11 00:00:57,166 --> 00:00:59,000 Rory! Storm! 12 00:00:59,083 --> 00:01:00,541 - This isn't funny. - Rory! 13 00:01:00,625 --> 00:01:02,541 - Storm? - Where are you? 14 00:01:03,708 --> 00:01:07,083 They have to be out there somewhere. Keep looking. 15 00:01:12,625 --> 00:01:13,791 Rory? 16 00:01:15,250 --> 00:01:17,125 Oh, thank the stars. 17 00:01:17,708 --> 00:01:19,041 Are you okay? 18 00:01:21,666 --> 00:01:25,291 May have swallowed a magical fish or two, but otherwise fine. 19 00:01:26,375 --> 00:01:27,750 Thanks for the save, girl. 20 00:01:28,833 --> 00:01:30,875 - Oh. - That was amazing, Rory. 21 00:01:32,541 --> 00:01:34,708 - Ow! - Don't ever do it again. 22 00:01:36,500 --> 00:01:39,083 I'm so relieved you're all okay. 23 00:01:39,166 --> 00:01:42,000 That was incredibly dangerous. 24 00:01:42,083 --> 00:01:46,250 Which is exactly why we told you to stay at the school. You could've been killed. 25 00:01:46,333 --> 00:01:47,791 But we weren't. And even better, 26 00:01:47,875 --> 00:01:51,500 Rory and Storm got the grim magic out of the water and saved Starglow Lake. 27 00:01:51,583 --> 00:01:52,791 And Unicorn Island. 28 00:01:52,875 --> 00:01:55,000 And all the unicorns. 29 00:01:55,083 --> 00:01:56,291 They're heroes. 30 00:01:57,791 --> 00:02:01,708 Then I suppose congratulations are in order. 31 00:02:01,791 --> 00:02:03,791 Oh, you know, just doing my job. 32 00:02:04,500 --> 00:02:06,708 I mean, can it still be my job? 33 00:02:13,708 --> 00:02:17,250 In light of your heroics, it's only fair. 34 00:02:17,333 --> 00:02:21,916 You are officially reinstated to Unicorn Academy, Mr. Carmichael. 35 00:02:24,083 --> 00:02:24,916 Really? 36 00:02:25,000 --> 00:02:29,500 As long as you promise to take your time here more seriously. 37 00:02:29,583 --> 00:02:33,500 Yes! Thank you, Ms. Primrose. I won't let you down. 38 00:02:33,583 --> 00:02:35,791 I'm relieved to hear that, Rory. 39 00:02:35,875 --> 00:02:37,916 - Now, if you could just… - Right. 40 00:02:40,250 --> 00:02:44,708 You hear that, girl? We're back. Give me that sweet, sweet unicorn five. 41 00:02:46,083 --> 00:02:48,333 Totally. We should celebrate. 42 00:02:48,416 --> 00:02:50,583 I mean, "We Survived the Giant Grim Cyclone" 43 00:02:50,666 --> 00:02:52,375 is a pretty good theme for a party. 44 00:02:52,458 --> 00:02:54,666 Think the Dwerpins have stuff for a party sub? 45 00:02:54,750 --> 00:02:58,125 We could put Rhapsody on jams, but I gotta talk to her about the playlist. 46 00:03:20,166 --> 00:03:21,666 You've done well. 47 00:03:21,750 --> 00:03:25,000 And while freedom is delicious, 48 00:03:25,083 --> 00:03:26,791 this isn't nearly enough. 49 00:03:33,291 --> 00:03:35,125 I need to gather my strength. 50 00:03:35,958 --> 00:03:37,041 Take me to them. 51 00:03:48,833 --> 00:03:50,541 Sophia! Wait up! 52 00:03:51,916 --> 00:03:56,250 I got up extra early to make you a special "I'm super glad you're okay" breakfast. 53 00:03:57,958 --> 00:04:01,458 Thanks, Ava. This is really… nice? 54 00:04:01,541 --> 00:04:02,708 No problem. 55 00:04:02,791 --> 00:04:05,291 Just glad I could do something. 56 00:04:05,375 --> 00:04:07,916 Especially since yesterday I was so worried about you, 57 00:04:08,000 --> 00:04:11,000 but you didn't tell me where you were going or what you were doing. 58 00:04:13,583 --> 00:04:16,375 You know, I totally would've helped if you did tell me. 59 00:04:16,458 --> 00:04:20,166 I mean, I am your BFF, and we did make a promise. 60 00:04:21,750 --> 00:04:24,166 Right. Uh, that's my bad. 61 00:04:24,250 --> 00:04:27,375 I got a little carried away, and I figured I could handle it. 62 00:04:27,458 --> 00:04:30,541 - With Rory? - To be fair, he just kinda showed up. 63 00:04:32,291 --> 00:04:35,458 Okay, okay. 64 00:04:35,541 --> 00:04:38,250 You're right. I'm sorry. I'll work on it. 65 00:04:38,750 --> 00:04:42,166 I-I'm working on it. Okay, put away the eyes. 66 00:04:42,250 --> 00:04:44,583 That's all I could ask for, bestie. 67 00:04:46,791 --> 00:04:48,500 - Morning, Layla. - Morning. 68 00:04:48,583 --> 00:04:52,291 So tell me everything that happened yesterday. Like, everything. 69 00:04:52,375 --> 00:04:55,000 I-I mean, you know all the important parts. 70 00:04:55,083 --> 00:04:58,000 - Well, uh, except for one thing. - Ooh! 71 00:04:58,083 --> 00:05:01,291 Rory and I passed these weird talking trees. 72 00:05:01,375 --> 00:05:04,708 I knew trees could talk. But they never answer me. 73 00:05:04,791 --> 00:05:08,916 Well, these ones told me, "A vision awaits you beneath the water." 74 00:05:09,000 --> 00:05:12,375 - Like, what does that even mean? - Did you say talking trees? 75 00:05:12,458 --> 00:05:14,750 Those are called The Whispering Willows. 76 00:05:14,833 --> 00:05:18,166 They did seem willowy. And they were definitely whispery. 77 00:05:18,250 --> 00:05:20,166 The Whispering Willows are ancient trees 78 00:05:20,250 --> 00:05:23,250 whose root systems extend through the entire island, 79 00:05:23,333 --> 00:05:26,416 so they know everything that happens here, and they never forget. 80 00:05:27,208 --> 00:05:30,541 - That's kinda creepy. - But also kinda cool. 81 00:05:30,625 --> 00:05:32,958 They must've had something important to say to you. 82 00:05:33,041 --> 00:05:35,250 But it didn't make any sense. 83 00:05:35,333 --> 00:05:38,083 "A vision awaits you beneath the water"? 84 00:05:38,166 --> 00:05:41,458 The only thing I saw in the water yesterday was grim magic. 85 00:05:41,541 --> 00:05:43,458 Maybe they meant a different kind of water. 86 00:05:43,541 --> 00:05:46,958 The island's got all sorts of magical mysteries. I'll look into it. 87 00:05:47,041 --> 00:05:50,958 If I find your gross, sweaty boxing gloves in the common room one more time… 88 00:05:51,041 --> 00:05:55,375 I put them down for two seconds to do burpees, Valentina. Chill. 89 00:05:56,625 --> 00:05:58,000 Good morning, students. 90 00:05:58,083 --> 00:06:03,000 Today we'll be going over some theories of fate fairy evolution. 91 00:06:03,666 --> 00:06:08,625 Ah, Rory. Late again. Good to know that after everything you've been through, 92 00:06:08,708 --> 00:06:10,625 you remain consistent. 93 00:06:10,708 --> 00:06:12,250 Ah, thanks, Ms. Furi. 94 00:06:12,333 --> 00:06:16,458 But I have a good reason this time. Uh, not that I didn't all the other times. 95 00:06:16,958 --> 00:06:20,208 To commemorate me saving Starglow Lake, Unicorn Island, 96 00:06:20,291 --> 00:06:24,625 and basically the entire world, I thought we should have a party. 97 00:06:25,291 --> 00:06:26,958 Ms. Furi, you in? 98 00:06:27,041 --> 00:06:30,708 I know there's a party animal deep down in there somewhere. 99 00:06:31,291 --> 00:06:33,125 Deep, deep down. 100 00:06:33,208 --> 00:06:34,458 I'll pass. 101 00:06:35,000 --> 00:06:39,166 And I will remind you all that grim magic is still a threat. 102 00:06:39,250 --> 00:06:42,000 Now, back to our lesson. While they all share… 103 00:06:42,083 --> 00:06:44,250 Would you mind showing up early for the party? 104 00:06:44,333 --> 00:06:46,583 You need help setting up, don't you? 105 00:06:46,666 --> 00:06:51,541 Wow. Can I just say how impressed I am with your BFF mind meld? 106 00:06:51,625 --> 00:06:55,625 And it is so nice of you guys to offer to help me like that. 107 00:06:55,708 --> 00:06:59,125 Okay, fine. I'm in. But I'm not the best decorator. 108 00:06:59,208 --> 00:07:00,500 Leave that part to me. 109 00:07:01,000 --> 00:07:03,958 Aw, cool. Then Sophia can be on snack duty, and… 110 00:07:06,375 --> 00:07:10,375 It would be a shame if you had detention on the day of your own party. 111 00:07:10,458 --> 00:07:15,041 Right. Fairies. This is me learning the fairies. 112 00:07:15,625 --> 00:07:20,666 Oh. Ravenzella's been gone a long time now, Ash. 113 00:07:20,750 --> 00:07:27,083 Yeah. It's hard to do what she wants if she's not here to tell us what it is. 114 00:07:27,666 --> 00:07:30,416 Which is why we need a new boss. 115 00:07:30,500 --> 00:07:34,583 Someone even stronger, smarter, and scarier than Ravenzella. 116 00:07:34,666 --> 00:07:40,250 Ooh, I'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of responsibility, Crimsette. 117 00:07:40,333 --> 00:07:43,375 I'm not talking about you. 118 00:07:43,458 --> 00:07:46,500 I'm talking about me, dummy. 119 00:07:47,583 --> 00:07:52,375 I'm gonna be the new boss. An even better version of Ravenzella. 120 00:07:52,458 --> 00:07:55,083 Oh! 121 00:07:55,166 --> 00:07:58,041 Then we're agreed. Now, applause. 122 00:07:58,125 --> 00:08:01,041 Huh? 123 00:08:05,791 --> 00:08:07,083 Uh… 124 00:08:07,583 --> 00:08:10,375 Ravenzella, you're… You're… You're alive. 125 00:08:10,458 --> 00:08:13,083 I mean, y-you're alive! I'm… I'm so glad. 126 00:08:13,166 --> 00:08:14,250 Oh? 127 00:08:14,333 --> 00:08:17,916 But you seemed to be doing so well without me. 128 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:23,083 Oh, thank you. I… I mean, no. Of course we're not fine without you. 129 00:08:23,166 --> 00:08:25,083 We missed you so much. 130 00:08:25,166 --> 00:08:29,666 Ash was just saying how it's been so hard without you around. 131 00:08:29,750 --> 00:08:32,583 Then Crimsette said she'd be the better version… 132 00:08:32,666 --> 00:08:38,541 And then I said we, your loyal servants, should always be here for you, 133 00:08:38,625 --> 00:08:42,291 oh powerful and merciful Queen of Grimoria. 134 00:08:42,375 --> 00:08:46,791 I'm so glad you feel that way. Because it's time to get back to work. 135 00:08:47,416 --> 00:08:49,291 So, what's the plan? 136 00:08:49,375 --> 00:08:50,916 Revenge. 137 00:08:51,500 --> 00:08:57,541 But first, I need to regain my strength by finding my grim magic. 138 00:08:57,625 --> 00:08:59,083 Sure, sure, sure. 139 00:08:59,166 --> 00:09:03,208 But it's kinda been running loose all over the island since you left, 140 00:09:03,291 --> 00:09:06,750 so how do we collect it all, exactly? 141 00:09:06,833 --> 00:09:10,000 I need something very special. 142 00:09:13,875 --> 00:09:16,000 Maybe we're too, too early. 143 00:09:16,083 --> 00:09:18,750 - More like Rory's late. - He's definitely late. 144 00:09:18,833 --> 00:09:22,541 While I've been waiting, I looked into what The Whispering Willows told Sophia, 145 00:09:22,625 --> 00:09:25,125 and I think they were talking about the Vision Pool. 146 00:09:25,208 --> 00:09:29,791 It's a magical body of water that provides clarity to those who seek answers. 147 00:09:29,875 --> 00:09:33,541 This says it grants one vision to those who look beneath the water. 148 00:09:33,625 --> 00:09:37,791 Beneath the water? That has to be what The Whispering Willows meant. 149 00:09:38,791 --> 00:09:41,083 They also told me "he" had a message for me. 150 00:09:41,166 --> 00:09:44,333 D-Do you think this vision is about my dad? 151 00:09:44,416 --> 00:09:45,916 Uh, maybe. 152 00:09:46,000 --> 00:09:48,875 You're the best, Layla. I've gotta check it out. 153 00:09:48,958 --> 00:09:50,583 Uh, where is this Vision Pool? 154 00:09:50,666 --> 00:09:54,500 Looks like it's in Hidden Forest past the Shimmerstone Wall. 155 00:09:54,583 --> 00:09:58,250 So in a super hard to get to, totally off-limits part of the island. 156 00:09:58,333 --> 00:10:01,291 Which is too bad, 'cause I'd like to see it myself. 157 00:10:01,375 --> 00:10:05,416 According to this, there are all sorts of magical stones and gems in the cavern. 158 00:10:05,500 --> 00:10:07,166 I'd love to study some of them. 159 00:10:07,250 --> 00:10:09,333 Well, it doesn't look that hard to get to. 160 00:10:09,416 --> 00:10:12,208 We could totally make it there and back in time for the party. 161 00:10:12,291 --> 00:10:15,625 But the teachers are all over the place patrolling for grim magic. 162 00:10:15,708 --> 00:10:18,833 And the last time they caught you sneaking over the Shimmerstone Wall, 163 00:10:18,916 --> 00:10:20,375 you were expelled. 164 00:10:21,083 --> 00:10:23,541 The island is trying to tell me something about my dad. 165 00:10:23,625 --> 00:10:26,041 - I have to find out what it is. - I know. 166 00:10:26,125 --> 00:10:28,458 It's just everyone's on high alert right now. 167 00:10:28,541 --> 00:10:32,750 {\an8}Once everything's safe, we'll go to the Vision Pool together. Promise. 168 00:10:33,958 --> 00:10:36,375 You're right. I'll wait. 169 00:10:37,291 --> 00:10:39,125 All right, decorations committee. 170 00:10:39,208 --> 00:10:42,958 I grabbed everything, so I guess our theme is "everything." 171 00:10:43,041 --> 00:10:44,500 - Go wild. - You got it. 172 00:10:52,291 --> 00:10:53,208 Good idea. 173 00:10:53,291 --> 00:10:56,583 We could tie some lanterns to these vines, and then… Ooh! 174 00:10:56,666 --> 00:11:00,083 And we really should talk party themes. Obviously, I'm partial to flowers. 175 00:11:00,166 --> 00:11:04,416 But there's also glitter or, like, under the sea. Leaf, is seaweed a plant? 176 00:11:04,500 --> 00:11:05,583 Uh… 177 00:11:05,666 --> 00:11:09,083 Yeah, we need some ice for the drinks. Wildstar and I will go get it. 178 00:11:09,166 --> 00:11:12,041 But we have a unicorn with ice powers right here. 179 00:11:18,208 --> 00:11:22,458 What? I said I would wait, and I waited. Like, almost a full minute. 180 00:11:23,166 --> 00:11:27,208 Ugh. I know sneaking out again totally violates the friendship pact, 181 00:11:27,291 --> 00:11:29,708 but if I told Ava, she would've wanted to come. 182 00:11:29,791 --> 00:11:32,291 And she's right. We could get in serious trouble. 183 00:11:32,375 --> 00:11:35,125 But I've gotta see this through. 184 00:11:35,708 --> 00:11:38,333 These dreams about my dad, and now talking trees. 185 00:11:38,416 --> 00:11:40,250 Something's going on, Wildstar. 186 00:11:40,333 --> 00:11:43,166 And this Vision Pool might be the only way to get some answers. 187 00:11:44,916 --> 00:11:48,083 Exactly. So it looks like it's just you and me on this one, girl. 188 00:11:49,875 --> 00:11:52,541 This brings back memories. 189 00:11:53,083 --> 00:11:55,625 But we've gotta do this. 190 00:12:14,000 --> 00:12:15,000 Whoa! 191 00:12:39,791 --> 00:12:42,458 There. What do you think? Too much? 192 00:12:42,541 --> 00:12:44,208 Uh-huh. Yep. Looks great. 193 00:12:44,708 --> 00:12:48,208 Thanks, Layla. Maybe I'll get a second second opinion. 194 00:12:48,958 --> 00:12:49,958 Sophia? 195 00:12:54,458 --> 00:12:58,333 Huh? She's still not back yet? I'm almost done decorating. 196 00:12:58,416 --> 00:13:02,000 I know, right? How long does it take to get some ice? Sheesh. 197 00:13:02,083 --> 00:13:04,958 Isabel, have you or River seen Sophia anywhere? 198 00:13:05,041 --> 00:13:08,125 Yep. Saw her and Wildstar riding off campus a while ago. 199 00:13:09,000 --> 00:13:12,333 You don't think they snuck off to the Vision Pool without us, do you? 200 00:13:13,458 --> 00:13:17,583 - Come on. We better go after them. - Who wants to test the punch? 201 00:13:17,666 --> 00:13:20,208 It's my special family recipe. 202 00:13:20,291 --> 00:13:22,291 By which I mean I just made it up. 203 00:13:25,916 --> 00:13:28,791 - Isabel, do you wanna maybe… - Intense pass, my dude. 204 00:13:32,375 --> 00:13:36,541 Right. Not just super hard to get to, but also super high up. 205 00:13:40,208 --> 00:13:41,541 We got this. Right? 206 00:14:17,875 --> 00:14:19,666 Wildstar? 207 00:14:36,916 --> 00:14:38,416 Wow! 208 00:14:56,833 --> 00:14:58,333 The Vision Pool. 209 00:15:09,875 --> 00:15:10,958 I'm gonna check it out. 210 00:15:22,416 --> 00:15:24,291 Huh? 211 00:15:27,333 --> 00:15:29,333 Dad! 212 00:15:45,875 --> 00:15:47,708 Hello? Dad? 213 00:15:48,375 --> 00:15:49,416 Are you there? 214 00:15:50,041 --> 00:15:51,875 Dad! 215 00:15:52,500 --> 00:15:53,791 Is it really you? 216 00:15:53,875 --> 00:15:56,583 Sophia, my shining star. 217 00:15:59,041 --> 00:16:00,041 Huh? 218 00:16:00,666 --> 00:16:03,000 - What is this? - I had to talk to you, Sophia. 219 00:16:03,083 --> 00:16:05,208 There's not a lot of time. Danger is coming. 220 00:16:05,291 --> 00:16:07,833 Dad, please, I haven't talked to you in so long. I… 221 00:16:07,916 --> 00:16:10,083 Sophia, this is important. Listen. 222 00:16:10,166 --> 00:16:12,250 No. Nothing is more important to me than you. 223 00:16:12,333 --> 00:16:14,125 Sophia, I'm running out of time. 224 00:16:16,458 --> 00:16:18,458 - Dad! - You need to watch out for… 225 00:16:20,500 --> 00:16:22,750 Don't worry, Sophia. I got you. 226 00:16:24,208 --> 00:16:26,208 No! Dad! 227 00:16:27,625 --> 00:16:30,000 How could you do that? 228 00:16:30,083 --> 00:16:32,791 I thought you were drowning. I was saving you. 229 00:16:32,875 --> 00:16:36,666 I didn't need to be saved. I was with my dad. He was right there. 230 00:16:36,750 --> 00:16:38,916 What do you mean? 231 00:16:39,000 --> 00:16:40,416 Like, another dream? 232 00:16:40,500 --> 00:16:42,291 No. It was my dad. 233 00:16:42,375 --> 00:16:44,833 But, Sophia, your dad is gone. 234 00:16:44,916 --> 00:16:47,000 No. I know it was him. 235 00:16:47,083 --> 00:16:49,916 He was alive. He… I was right there with him. 236 00:16:50,000 --> 00:16:52,000 - But how? - I don't know, Ava! 237 00:16:54,125 --> 00:16:55,750 Now I'll never know. 238 00:16:55,833 --> 00:17:00,083 The Vision Pool grants one vision per person. 239 00:17:00,166 --> 00:17:01,791 And you ruined it! 240 00:17:02,333 --> 00:17:05,875 I… I'm sorry. You were in the water, and… and I didn't know. 241 00:17:05,958 --> 00:17:08,000 I wish you had just told me you were coming 242 00:17:08,083 --> 00:17:09,625 instead of being all secret-y. 243 00:17:09,708 --> 00:17:12,000 I didn't tell you because you'd try to stop me. 244 00:17:12,083 --> 00:17:14,416 No. I would've come with you. 245 00:17:14,500 --> 00:17:17,500 We promised to face danger together, remember? 246 00:17:17,583 --> 00:17:21,375 - Do you know how worried I was? I… - This isn't about you! 247 00:17:21,458 --> 00:17:23,791 And a real best friend would understand that. 248 00:17:44,250 --> 00:17:45,416 What happened here? 249 00:17:45,500 --> 00:17:49,958 Someone smashed it up good. 250 00:17:51,208 --> 00:17:53,291 While I can't pretend to be heartbroken 251 00:17:53,375 --> 00:17:56,750 over the destruction of the ancient Temple of the Guardians, 252 00:17:56,833 --> 00:18:00,250 it does house something very useful. 253 00:18:16,833 --> 00:18:20,041 Are you okay, my queen? 254 00:18:21,083 --> 00:18:22,791 I need to save my strength. 255 00:18:23,416 --> 00:18:24,666 Now what? 256 00:18:24,750 --> 00:18:26,375 Start digging. 257 00:18:32,666 --> 00:18:35,583 Ooh, sweet moves, Mr. Tansy. 258 00:18:35,666 --> 00:18:38,333 Isabel, right on target as usual. 259 00:18:39,041 --> 00:18:43,583 Glacier, beautiful work, but I'm thinking maybe that unicorn needs a rider? 260 00:18:44,125 --> 00:18:48,541 Maybe a really handsome one that also happens to look just like me? 261 00:18:48,625 --> 00:18:50,458 Of course. 262 00:18:50,541 --> 00:18:52,833 How could I forget my best girl? 263 00:18:52,916 --> 00:18:56,916 Glacier, if you could make the unicorn look like the other hero of the hour, 264 00:18:57,000 --> 00:18:58,916 Storm here, we'd appreciate it. 265 00:18:59,666 --> 00:19:03,625 Woo-hoo-hoo! This is my jam. Come on, Storm! 266 00:19:20,916 --> 00:19:23,791 - Wow, that's… - Tacky. 267 00:19:24,375 --> 00:19:25,375 Yeah. 268 00:19:25,833 --> 00:19:27,208 - Tragic. - And lame. 269 00:19:27,291 --> 00:19:28,875 The trifecta of loser. 270 00:19:28,958 --> 00:19:31,625 Valentina, sidekicks, welcome. 271 00:19:31,708 --> 00:19:33,541 Great party, Rory. 272 00:19:34,041 --> 00:19:34,958 I know, right? 273 00:19:35,041 --> 00:19:38,666 Can I offer you some party snacks? Or party hats? 274 00:19:40,916 --> 00:19:44,541 Resounding no. We're just here to save Cinder from the trauma. 275 00:19:45,041 --> 00:19:48,750 - Is he making s'mores?! - Yes, and you can't take him. 276 00:19:48,833 --> 00:19:51,833 I've got a whole pyrotechnic show planned for later. 277 00:19:51,916 --> 00:19:56,291 You don't need him. This party is already going down in flames. 278 00:20:00,333 --> 00:20:03,416 - Not having any fun either, Layla? - Uh, yeah, I am. 279 00:20:03,500 --> 00:20:06,458 This is the most fun I've had all week. If I keep on pace, 280 00:20:06,541 --> 00:20:09,750 I'll have the first third of the entire Sparklebook memorized. 281 00:20:09,833 --> 00:20:11,833 That's when the real party starts. 282 00:20:11,916 --> 00:20:15,625 Well, as long as you're happy. Oh, I almost forgot. 283 00:20:15,708 --> 00:20:18,208 Oh my gosh. It's even better in real life! 284 00:20:19,083 --> 00:20:20,750 I mean, I should probably tell you 285 00:20:20,833 --> 00:20:23,833 that sneaking out to go to the Vision Pool was reckless and stupid, 286 00:20:23,916 --> 00:20:25,583 but it's too late anyway. 287 00:20:25,666 --> 00:20:28,583 So I'm just gonna enjoy this. Thank you, Sophia. 288 00:20:30,833 --> 00:20:32,250 It's fine. 289 00:20:32,333 --> 00:20:34,291 She can hang out with whoever she wants. 290 00:20:34,375 --> 00:20:37,958 I'm not sad. And I'm definitely not jealous. 291 00:20:38,041 --> 00:20:41,375 Even if she did get Layla a pretty gem present. 292 00:20:42,916 --> 00:20:45,416 After throwing away the pretty gem present I gave her. 293 00:20:52,125 --> 00:20:55,166 Me? No way. She started it. 294 00:21:00,083 --> 00:21:01,791 Don't look at me like that. 295 00:21:01,875 --> 00:21:06,333 I know she was just worried about me. But still, I was talking to my dad. 296 00:21:09,208 --> 00:21:12,541 If she doesn't get how important that is, why should I bother explaining? 297 00:21:13,166 --> 00:21:17,375 Yeah, I tried, but maybe I'm just not cut out for the whole BFF thing. 298 00:21:19,208 --> 00:21:21,291 I don't need anyone but you anyway. 299 00:21:39,166 --> 00:21:42,875 Where is the stone?! 300 00:21:44,375 --> 00:21:45,375 Show me. 301 00:21:48,166 --> 00:21:49,750 My queen, your strength. 302 00:21:49,833 --> 00:21:52,583 I need to know. 303 00:21:55,875 --> 00:21:58,333 Ooh, so shiny. 304 00:21:58,416 --> 00:22:01,916 Huh. It's strange. It's like the statues are guarding it. 305 00:22:02,000 --> 00:22:04,916 - I really wanna touch it. - Ava, I don't think that's a good idea. 306 00:22:05,000 --> 00:22:06,458 What if you break it? 307 00:22:07,291 --> 00:22:09,791 - Did you touch it? - No, I-I-I swear. 308 00:22:11,291 --> 00:22:12,291 The gem! 309 00:22:22,208 --> 00:22:24,458 Sophia again! 310 00:22:25,041 --> 00:22:27,625 Always thwarting my plans. 311 00:22:27,708 --> 00:22:29,833 This time I'll make her pay. 312 00:22:30,791 --> 00:22:34,916 You two, I have a task for you. 313 00:22:36,500 --> 00:22:40,666 Bring me my gem. 314 00:22:42,416 --> 00:22:46,458 ♪ Follow your heart Straight to the stars ♪ 315 00:22:46,541 --> 00:22:50,833 ♪ Your bond already shows The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪ 316 00:22:50,916 --> 00:22:55,541 - So follow your heart- Follow your heart ♪ 317 00:22:55,625 --> 00:22:59,708 - Straight to the stars- The magic glows, our friendship grows ♪ 318 00:22:59,791 --> 00:23:01,791 ♪ So follow your heart