1 00:00:11,886 --> 00:00:15,640 Oh, this is clicking. It's, like, literally clicking. 2 00:00:15,640 --> 00:00:18,309 Like, move it and it'll go click or something. 3 00:00:19,686 --> 00:00:21,980 Dunno, feels a bit broke, to be honest. 4 00:00:23,106 --> 00:00:24,607 Can you move it? 5 00:00:26,151 --> 00:00:28,111 It's banged up, like. 6 00:00:28,111 --> 00:00:29,320 It's banged up. 7 00:00:35,493 --> 00:00:37,912 A hand injury's always difficult. 8 00:00:37,912 --> 00:00:40,040 {\an8}It's an injury to the joint, 9 00:00:40,040 --> 00:00:43,752 {\an8}and it's actually worse than a fracture, 10 00:00:43,752 --> 00:00:46,337 in that it's going to take more time. 11 00:00:46,337 --> 00:00:49,132 It's gonna require an operation, 12 00:00:49,132 --> 00:00:51,509 and we're looking at some time off training, 13 00:00:51,509 --> 00:00:53,887 something in the region of 12 weeks. 14 00:00:53,887 --> 00:00:56,306 - Twelve?! - Twelve. 15 00:00:58,183 --> 00:01:01,436 How does a guy who's so concerned with putting work in, 16 00:01:01,436 --> 00:01:04,606 how does he cope with rehabilitation and time on the sideline? 17 00:01:04,606 --> 00:01:07,984 I'm fight-- to be honest, I'm probably fighting depression daily. 18 00:01:09,235 --> 00:01:11,738 I'm fighting myself, know what I mean? 19 00:01:11,738 --> 00:01:13,907 'Cause you are fighting yourself. There is no-- 20 00:01:13,907 --> 00:01:16,951 there is no opponent, you know what I mean? It's you versus you. 21 00:01:16,951 --> 00:01:20,205 For an athlete, for a guy like me, you know, if I can't train, 22 00:01:20,205 --> 00:01:23,833 or if I have nothing to work towards, it's tough, but, 23 00:01:23,833 --> 00:01:26,836 I need to be strong, 'cause other people have came back and conquered it, 24 00:01:26,836 --> 00:01:28,546 so that's what I plan on doing. 25 00:01:30,340 --> 00:01:33,468 I always had that belief that in my head, that I was gonna return. 26 00:01:33,468 --> 00:01:37,138 And not only return, return better than anybody has ever returned before. 27 00:01:54,280 --> 00:01:56,574 You're gonna have to be very careful with it. 28 00:01:56,574 --> 00:01:59,119 And I was even thinking of maybe holding it like this. 29 00:01:59,119 --> 00:02:00,829 Yeah. 30 00:02:00,829 --> 00:02:03,289 At least then I got none coming back on the thumb, 31 00:02:03,289 --> 00:02:06,751 whereas this way, there's always the risk I'm gonna come on the thumb 32 00:02:06,751 --> 00:02:07,919 if I get a bit tired. 33 00:02:07,919 --> 00:02:09,838 You're not training to be a rower, 34 00:02:09,838 --> 00:02:12,465 {\an8}you're just trying to workout out of the thing. 35 00:02:12,465 --> 00:02:14,175 {\an8}If you want that, that's... 36 00:02:14,175 --> 00:02:17,428 {\an8} Conor, he's not a guy that'll sit around doing nothing, 37 00:02:17,428 --> 00:02:19,389 even if you tell him to. 38 00:02:19,389 --> 00:02:22,976 So, pretty much straight after he got back out of the hospital, 39 00:02:22,976 --> 00:02:25,854 straight down to the gym, straight back training. 40 00:02:25,854 --> 00:02:28,398 - How's the hand feeling, Conor? - It's all right. 41 00:02:28,398 --> 00:02:30,942 It's not bad. Still yelps me. 42 00:02:30,942 --> 00:02:32,861 Had a rough week. 43 00:02:32,861 --> 00:02:35,530 Did a week where it got, like, infected. 44 00:02:35,530 --> 00:02:39,409 Antibiotics and fuckin'... It was a bleedin' heavy week, it was. 45 00:02:39,409 --> 00:02:42,120 Like I dipped down badly, know what I mean? 46 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:44,455 Like, you have it and then you just lose it, 47 00:02:44,455 --> 00:02:46,457 and then you just have to fight to get it back. 48 00:02:46,875 --> 00:02:50,295 Conor can be up and down and it's just a question of reading him. 49 00:02:50,295 --> 00:02:53,339 - So sometimes you have to hold him back 50 00:02:53,339 --> 00:02:57,010 or he'll stay there too long, or do too much. 51 00:03:01,180 --> 00:03:03,308 This is a nuisance, everything. 52 00:03:03,308 --> 00:03:06,895 A lame paw. It's like a lion without a paw, know what I mean? 53 00:03:07,562 --> 00:03:09,814 It's been a fuckin' rough couple of bleedin'-- 54 00:03:09,814 --> 00:03:12,734 In my headspace, dunno what's gonna happen. 55 00:03:17,614 --> 00:03:20,992 How much of your game do you think is mental versus physical? 56 00:03:20,992 --> 00:03:23,161 It's probably 100% mental, I believe-- 57 00:03:23,161 --> 00:03:26,581 People say it's 90% mental, 10% physical, 58 00:03:26,581 --> 00:03:28,416 I just think it's 100% mental. 59 00:03:28,416 --> 00:03:30,293 I think everything is an illusion, you know, 60 00:03:30,293 --> 00:03:33,671 the mind is what creates these things, you know, it's just-- 61 00:03:33,671 --> 00:03:35,965 The mind is a powerful thing, 62 00:03:35,965 --> 00:03:37,967 and I'm only learning that, I'm growing at that, 63 00:03:37,967 --> 00:03:40,220 and I mean, so what's to stop me? 64 00:03:43,640 --> 00:03:46,351 When I was a kid, I realized I was getting these nerves. 65 00:03:46,351 --> 00:03:49,187 I'd sit back and I'd be analyzing those emotions I had 66 00:03:49,187 --> 00:03:52,190 and saying, they're a weird emotion I just had, 67 00:03:52,190 --> 00:03:55,443 and ultimately, that was what drove me to combat sport. 68 00:03:55,443 --> 00:03:57,946 To be able to manage those emotions. 69 00:03:57,946 --> 00:03:59,405 That was when I first got into it. 70 00:03:59,405 --> 00:04:01,866 So every time I'd go to a boxing gym, 71 00:04:01,866 --> 00:04:04,786 I would feel them butterflies that I felt that time, 72 00:04:04,786 --> 00:04:08,206 and I'd be thinking, "yes, now I'm getting more comfortable." 73 00:04:08,206 --> 00:04:09,749 Now I'm feeling these feelings more. 74 00:04:09,749 --> 00:04:12,335 The more I feel them, the more I'm gonna be comfortable in them. 75 00:04:12,335 --> 00:04:14,504 That's why I will always search for that feeling. 76 00:04:14,921 --> 00:04:18,716 Now I'm fucking fighting in the MGM Grand, and I don't give a shit, know what I mean? 77 00:04:22,136 --> 00:04:25,848 You know, that showed me that the mind is a powerful thing. 78 00:04:33,064 --> 00:04:35,775 Croia Mairead, I baptize you 79 00:04:35,775 --> 00:04:38,528 - in the name of the Father... - Good girl. 80 00:04:38,528 --> 00:04:40,238 ...and of the Son, 81 00:04:41,239 --> 00:04:43,658 and of the Holy Spirit. 82 00:04:44,701 --> 00:04:46,452 Amen. 83 00:04:46,452 --> 00:04:49,205 - Yeah! 84 00:04:49,205 --> 00:04:51,165 Good girl, good girl. 85 00:04:57,630 --> 00:05:00,174 Now, little girl, this is all for you. 86 00:05:00,174 --> 00:05:02,885 This is all for you, little girl. 87 00:05:06,055 --> 00:05:08,975 So what happened was, I'd done it, had two wires put in it. 88 00:05:08,975 --> 00:05:13,104 {\an8}It was taken out the cast after five days, it was too soon. 89 00:05:13,104 --> 00:05:15,398 {\an8}Then I was shadow boxing again and moved it, 90 00:05:15,398 --> 00:05:18,818 and then the wires came loose. So I had to go again. 91 00:05:18,818 --> 00:05:21,696 It's not bad, though. It's getting-- it just takes time. 92 00:05:24,282 --> 00:05:27,452 {\an8} Conor was almost like this beacon of good health. 93 00:05:28,369 --> 00:05:30,121 {\an8}So him injuring his hand 94 00:05:30,121 --> 00:05:32,415 {\an8}was like a rare sign of vulnerability 95 00:05:32,415 --> 00:05:34,917 that this guy is, like, actually kind of human. 96 00:05:36,085 --> 00:05:38,629 Around that period, I had heard 97 00:05:38,629 --> 00:05:41,758 that there was talk of booking him a fight 98 00:05:41,758 --> 00:05:44,635 and I believe the hand injury screwed it up. 99 00:05:47,221 --> 00:05:50,099 People were talking about when can he go fight again. 100 00:05:58,232 --> 00:06:00,526 I was in great shape before I broke the hand. 101 00:06:00,526 --> 00:06:02,904 Like, really, good shape, like fight shape. 102 00:06:02,904 --> 00:06:06,074 I done a couple solid rounds the other day with 18 ounce gloves. 103 00:06:06,074 --> 00:06:07,950 - Brand new, I felt. So-- - Queally? 104 00:06:07,950 --> 00:06:10,536 With Queally. I'm not bad, like fitness-wise. 105 00:06:10,536 --> 00:06:12,747 But when there's a crowd and everything, then it makes it... 106 00:06:12,747 --> 00:06:14,999 Know what I mean? That's what I want, that's what I need, 107 00:06:14,999 --> 00:06:17,835 to get the feet wet, know what I mean? 108 00:06:17,835 --> 00:06:19,337 Are you announcing a fight? 109 00:06:19,337 --> 00:06:22,215 No, I'm not announcing, but I'd love to fuckin' announce a fight. 110 00:06:22,215 --> 00:06:23,841 I don't know what way to play. 111 00:06:24,467 --> 00:06:25,802 Let's suss it out. 112 00:06:25,802 --> 00:06:28,346 Let's have a couple of days, I need to suss it out. 113 00:06:28,346 --> 00:06:31,140 I'd almost like to do a December one, like for charity or something. 114 00:06:31,140 --> 00:06:34,310 If they're not giving me that tune-up fight I wanted. 115 00:06:34,310 --> 00:06:36,646 I don't care, necessarily, about the money or anything like that. 116 00:06:36,646 --> 00:06:39,148 That's the excuse for the Frankie thing. 117 00:06:39,148 --> 00:06:40,650 It's a bigger picture thing. 118 00:06:40,650 --> 00:06:42,235 I want it up for a season. 119 00:06:42,235 --> 00:06:43,861 I wanna come back, I wanna fight Frankie, 120 00:06:43,861 --> 00:06:46,364 then I wanna fight, fucking, whoever, 121 00:06:46,364 --> 00:06:50,243 like, early next-- 2020, then continue with, like, a season. 122 00:06:50,243 --> 00:06:51,869 The way I've fuckin' always done it 123 00:06:51,869 --> 00:06:54,455 before the bleedin' politics of the prize got involved. 124 00:06:54,455 --> 00:06:56,749 D'you know what I mean? 125 00:06:56,749 --> 00:06:58,918 Let's see what happens anyway. 126 00:07:00,169 --> 00:07:02,505 Three, two, one, go. 127 00:07:04,549 --> 00:07:08,010 {\an8} The way we take every Conor fight is that you let the fight happen, 128 00:07:08,010 --> 00:07:10,221 you let the division play out, 129 00:07:10,221 --> 00:07:12,223 then as it gets closer for Conor to fight, 130 00:07:12,223 --> 00:07:14,183 you see what the landscape looks like. 131 00:07:15,643 --> 00:07:17,728 But you know, we look at what could screw up 132 00:07:17,728 --> 00:07:19,730 making the fights that we wanna make. 133 00:07:19,730 --> 00:07:22,608 Injuries, contract negotiations, 134 00:07:22,608 --> 00:07:24,610 and fame. 135 00:07:26,320 --> 00:07:28,406 You get to a certain point 136 00:07:28,406 --> 00:07:29,991 where you've made a bunch of money. 137 00:07:29,991 --> 00:07:32,285 Now you've got other business opportunities 138 00:07:32,285 --> 00:07:34,662 that compete with fighting. 139 00:07:34,662 --> 00:07:37,457 And, you know, there's always something 140 00:07:37,457 --> 00:07:40,334 interesting and new going on with Conor. 141 00:07:47,216 --> 00:07:49,844 It doesn't matter where you go in the world, 142 00:07:49,844 --> 00:07:52,180 everybody has heard of Conor McGregor. 143 00:07:53,431 --> 00:07:57,268 Conor is one of the biggest stars ever in the history of the sport, 144 00:07:57,268 --> 00:08:01,272 and he's the guy who helped truly take the sport global. 145 00:08:06,152 --> 00:08:08,988 To be a sex symbol... 146 00:08:08,988 --> 00:08:11,157 Sex symbol? 147 00:08:11,157 --> 00:08:13,284 It's about you. 148 00:08:13,284 --> 00:08:16,621 Conor McGregor here, everybody! 149 00:08:19,040 --> 00:08:22,460 It's unbelievable actually to see you, really, here. 150 00:08:22,460 --> 00:08:24,545 Thank you so much. I appreciate that. 151 00:08:24,545 --> 00:08:26,047 Like, it's really you! 152 00:08:26,047 --> 00:08:29,050 If anything bad goes wrong, it was a clone, you know what I'm saying? 153 00:08:30,968 --> 00:08:34,180 Now, you're very so kind, so calm. 154 00:08:34,180 --> 00:08:35,890 What is your true face? 155 00:08:35,890 --> 00:08:38,643 My behavior and my attitude reacts to how... 156 00:08:38,643 --> 00:08:40,478 my surroundings, you know what I mean? 157 00:08:40,478 --> 00:08:42,563 If I'm scheduled to fight a man, and I know this man is 158 00:08:42,563 --> 00:08:45,316 gearing up to punch me in the face, and hurt me, 159 00:08:45,316 --> 00:08:47,443 my attitude and behavior is different, so. 160 00:08:47,443 --> 00:08:50,947 Right now, I'm in a relaxed environment, you know, so, 161 00:08:50,947 --> 00:08:53,824 this is it, this is my true face, you could say. 162 00:08:53,824 --> 00:08:56,244 What would be your next fight? 163 00:08:56,244 --> 00:08:59,664 We're very, very close to announcing it, 164 00:08:59,664 --> 00:09:03,125 not just yet, but surely over the course of this trip, 165 00:09:03,125 --> 00:09:06,087 we should have an announcement, that's what we're aiming for. 166 00:09:06,087 --> 00:09:07,755 - That's it. Thank you so much. 167 00:09:07,755 --> 00:09:10,550 Thank you very much. Conor will sign the gifts for you now. 168 00:09:11,592 --> 00:09:15,680 {\an8} He can capture the attention and the imagination of the world. 169 00:09:16,347 --> 00:09:21,018 People are drawn to him because he's just like this tornado 170 00:09:21,018 --> 00:09:25,773 of charisma, and success, and enthusiasm, and fun. 171 00:09:26,274 --> 00:09:27,483 You know the fan pages... 172 00:09:27,483 --> 00:09:29,527 Obviously there's fucking millions of them. 173 00:09:29,527 --> 00:09:32,697 - McGregor face, Notorious Mate. - Dee Devlin Queen. 174 00:09:32,697 --> 00:09:34,323 - Devlin Queen! 175 00:09:34,323 --> 00:09:37,034 There's bleedin' millions of them, like. 176 00:09:39,620 --> 00:09:41,455 But whatever, we love them, don't we? 177 00:09:41,455 --> 00:09:43,124 So, we're in these fan pages, 178 00:09:43,124 --> 00:09:44,959 we were in Kiev, me and Dee, 179 00:09:44,959 --> 00:09:46,586 and came all the way in the train. 180 00:09:46,586 --> 00:09:49,422 - How long she been here? - Since this morning. 181 00:09:50,256 --> 00:09:52,842 Hello, how are you? Very good, how are you? 182 00:09:52,842 --> 00:09:56,053 How could you not be inspired? The way he speaks, 183 00:09:56,053 --> 00:09:58,556 the humble beginnings, the plumber's apprentice, 184 00:09:58,556 --> 00:10:02,101 and then he becomes the biggest star in the history of the sport. 185 00:10:02,101 --> 00:10:05,896 He just believed it, and he really willed it into existence. 186 00:10:05,896 --> 00:10:09,150 And so, who can't live vicariously through that? 187 00:10:13,321 --> 00:10:16,449 In my first ever mixed martial arts competition, 188 00:10:16,449 --> 00:10:18,618 I was 17 years of age. 189 00:10:18,618 --> 00:10:21,287 So 17. You guys are 10, 11, 12. 190 00:10:21,287 --> 00:10:24,081 I had not even began training, and I rose up, 191 00:10:24,081 --> 00:10:26,584 through hard work, through focus, 192 00:10:26,584 --> 00:10:30,004 and became the multiple weight champion of the UFC. 193 00:10:30,004 --> 00:10:32,548 So you guys, you have a head start already. 194 00:10:32,548 --> 00:10:35,176 So as long as you stay focused, the sky is the limit. 195 00:10:35,176 --> 00:10:37,762 So I wish you all the best, and it's an honor to be here. 196 00:10:43,768 --> 00:10:46,145 I remember when I was in Ireland, 197 00:10:46,145 --> 00:10:48,814 there were a bunch of kids who came by, and I asked them 198 00:10:48,814 --> 00:10:50,024 why they liked him so much, 199 00:10:50,024 --> 00:10:53,110 and they said that he comes from where I come from, 200 00:10:53,110 --> 00:10:56,906 and he has given us hope that we can make it in the world. 201 00:10:58,032 --> 00:11:00,368 That's amazing, isn't it? Jesus Christ, man. 202 00:11:00,868 --> 00:11:03,204 I'm blown away. Honestly, I'm blown away to see this. 203 00:11:03,204 --> 00:11:04,580 So fair play to you. 204 00:11:04,580 --> 00:11:06,957 - It's our future to invest in. - Exactly. 205 00:11:06,957 --> 00:11:09,126 Invest in the future, yes, no doubt. 206 00:11:09,126 --> 00:11:11,003 Very good, guys, very good. 207 00:11:12,880 --> 00:11:14,632 The thing about Conor is, 208 00:11:14,632 --> 00:11:16,550 you become emotionally invested in his journey 209 00:11:16,550 --> 00:11:19,261 and then he takes you on this roller coaster ride with him. 210 00:11:19,887 --> 00:11:22,807 He brings this whole movement with him. 211 00:11:22,807 --> 00:11:24,266 And you're seeing this movement, 212 00:11:24,266 --> 00:11:26,519 and you're seeing this connection that he has with the people. 213 00:11:26,519 --> 00:11:29,146 You can't help but fall in love with the movement as well. 214 00:11:29,939 --> 00:11:33,109 There's just something about him. This doesn't happen often. 215 00:11:33,109 --> 00:11:35,361 There's, like, something magnetic about all that. 216 00:11:38,489 --> 00:11:41,951 I'd like to introduce Conor McGregor! 217 00:11:46,705 --> 00:11:49,500 I'm very, very excited to be here 218 00:11:49,500 --> 00:11:52,753 and I have some news for you all, for the world, here. 219 00:11:52,753 --> 00:11:55,047 I would like to announce to the public, 220 00:11:55,047 --> 00:11:59,927 the return of the notorious Conor McGregor will take place on January 18th 221 00:11:59,927 --> 00:12:03,013 in the T-Mobile arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. 222 00:12:03,013 --> 00:12:05,433 Ask the UFC who the authority is, 223 00:12:05,433 --> 00:12:07,518 because I do not give a fuck. 224 00:12:07,518 --> 00:12:10,020 I am going to go through the entire roster 225 00:12:10,020 --> 00:12:12,231 like a chainsaw through butter, 226 00:12:12,231 --> 00:12:13,732 make no mistake about that. 227 00:12:15,317 --> 00:12:16,819 The return of Conor McGregor. 228 00:12:16,819 --> 00:12:19,572 {\an8}Yes, the notorious one, he is, in fact, coming back 229 00:12:19,572 --> 00:12:23,367 {\an8}on January 18th against Donald Cerrone. UFC... 230 00:12:23,367 --> 00:12:26,036 {\an8}- Conor and Cowboy. - Oh, shit! 231 00:12:26,036 --> 00:12:28,080 {\an8}- It's coming up. - Give the date. 232 00:12:28,080 --> 00:12:31,625 {\an8}- Cowboy Cerrone is the opponent 233 00:12:31,625 --> 00:12:33,669 {\an8}for Conor's first appearance 234 00:12:33,669 --> 00:12:37,089 {\an8}since that UFC 229 loss to Khabib Nurmagomedov. 235 00:12:37,089 --> 00:12:40,342 {\an8}I'm surprised it's Cowboy. He is a very good fighter, 236 00:12:40,342 --> 00:12:42,803 {\an8}I think people agree with that, and a legend, 237 00:12:42,803 --> 00:12:45,764 {\an8}he's not on the level you see McGregor fight, usually. 238 00:12:45,764 --> 00:12:47,766 {\an8}If I'm gonna point out a spot 239 00:12:47,766 --> 00:12:52,021 {\an8}that I think Donald can beat Conor, it's if he can get him to the ground. 240 00:12:52,021 --> 00:12:54,940 {\an8}McGregor. He hasn't fought in 12 months in the Octagon, 241 00:12:54,940 --> 00:12:56,859 {\an8}he lost 204 by way of submission... 242 00:12:56,859 --> 00:12:59,904 {\an8}Conor's fast, Conor's tricky. So's Cowboy! 243 00:12:59,904 --> 00:13:02,823 What are your thoughts on Conor McGregor coming in to this fight? 244 00:13:02,823 --> 00:13:05,284 {\an8}I got a lot more weapons standing up than he does, 245 00:13:05,284 --> 00:13:08,078 {\an8}he's working on everything he's ready for this fight, as am I. 246 00:13:11,916 --> 00:13:14,710 {\an8}- Cerrone will always pose a threat. - Donald Cerrone! 247 00:13:14,710 --> 00:13:17,379 {\an8} He's a veteran of the game. He grows into the fight. 248 00:13:17,379 --> 00:13:20,216 Wow, and Cerrone now trying to lock up the arm 249 00:13:20,216 --> 00:13:22,051 and go for submission victory. 250 00:13:22,051 --> 00:13:23,552 That's it! 251 00:13:23,552 --> 00:13:25,846 He's tough as nails very skillful, 252 00:13:25,846 --> 00:13:28,182 he has nice set ups, and tricks, stuff like that. 253 00:13:28,182 --> 00:13:31,977 {\an8}- That's it! It's over. - Head-kick knockout. 254 00:13:31,977 --> 00:13:33,437 {\an8} The man is solid everywhere. 255 00:13:33,437 --> 00:13:35,481 {\an8}Very good off his back, with his triangle game. 256 00:13:35,481 --> 00:13:37,525 On the feet, very slick kickboxer. 257 00:13:37,525 --> 00:13:38,484 Oh! 258 00:13:38,484 --> 00:13:40,569 And let's not forget all the great wins he had 259 00:13:40,569 --> 00:13:42,988 against plenty of top level competition. 260 00:13:42,988 --> 00:13:45,449 Oh, my goodness! 261 00:13:45,449 --> 00:13:48,035 Vicious head-kick by Cowboy. 262 00:13:48,035 --> 00:13:51,038 He's a winner. He's got a winner's mentality. 263 00:13:51,038 --> 00:13:53,499 The all-time leader in wins! 264 00:14:06,387 --> 00:14:10,057 Well, it was a rest day. I let off the gas a little bit. 265 00:14:10,057 --> 00:14:11,976 I kinda just, after rest, 266 00:14:11,976 --> 00:14:16,146 I let me food go a little bit, stayed up a little later, 267 00:14:16,146 --> 00:14:18,899 those little things, and then they impacted me the next day, 268 00:14:18,899 --> 00:14:21,277 when I was waking up, 'cause I didn't get much sleep, 269 00:14:21,277 --> 00:14:23,737 and then I'm kinda try to catch it back. 270 00:14:23,737 --> 00:14:27,700 It's after the sessions that I-- If I don't... 271 00:14:27,700 --> 00:14:30,077 If I don't fully commit after the sessions, 272 00:14:30,077 --> 00:14:33,247 it just impacts everything, it's just snowballs down. 273 00:14:33,247 --> 00:14:35,875 {\an8}One day puts you back a week. One day puts you back a week. 274 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:38,419 {\an8}You know, until the fight, until the fight-- 275 00:14:38,419 --> 00:14:39,837 {\an8}I was saying to the boys, 276 00:14:39,837 --> 00:14:42,089 if I was to say a percentage of how much I'm all-in, 277 00:14:42,089 --> 00:14:43,299 I'm about 75%. 278 00:14:43,299 --> 00:14:44,717 I'm 100% when in the gym, 279 00:14:44,717 --> 00:14:46,844 I'm working as hard as I can possibly go. 280 00:14:47,386 --> 00:14:50,139 But the little touches outside of it, 281 00:14:50,139 --> 00:14:52,016 I'm not as fully committed as I could be. 282 00:14:52,016 --> 00:14:54,435 Now, don't get me wrong, I'm fucking... 283 00:14:54,435 --> 00:14:57,187 We're 10 weeks out, I'm gonna up that as well, 284 00:14:57,187 --> 00:14:59,565 as I'm closing in, it doesn't impact me. 285 00:15:04,862 --> 00:15:06,447 Yup, double bag. 286 00:15:08,240 --> 00:15:10,618 Double bag. 287 00:15:10,618 --> 00:15:13,412 You know, Conor's obviously, he's my fighter, 288 00:15:13,412 --> 00:15:16,957 {\an8}I coach a fighter. I always felt Conor was like a kid brother or something, 289 00:15:16,957 --> 00:15:18,792 {\an8}and I just didn't see the point in him doing any more, 290 00:15:18,792 --> 00:15:22,880 unless he was really up for it, unless it was really motivating to him. 291 00:15:24,340 --> 00:15:27,051 I wanted it to be that he's really enjoying it. 292 00:15:27,051 --> 00:15:29,136 Ah, good work. 293 00:15:29,136 --> 00:15:31,722 That's what I've seen in these last few months. 294 00:15:31,722 --> 00:15:35,142 The smile is back again, the post-training questions and chats, 295 00:15:35,142 --> 00:15:36,644 and looking at techniques. 296 00:15:36,644 --> 00:15:39,647 All of those things that were a lot of fun with him on the way up, 297 00:15:39,647 --> 00:15:41,148 I see a return, very strong. 298 00:15:41,148 --> 00:15:44,401 - Up! Again! Up! 299 00:15:46,737 --> 00:15:49,740 Last time, I was just not committed, simple as. 300 00:15:49,740 --> 00:15:54,036 And that led to injuries, that led to doubt in the mind. 301 00:15:54,036 --> 00:15:57,206 Keep it simple. Know what I mean? 302 00:15:57,206 --> 00:15:59,959 Put in the time, you'll get the reward back. 303 00:16:00,876 --> 00:16:02,795 {\an8} He's gonna do five-fives, 304 00:16:02,795 --> 00:16:05,339 {\an8}kickboxing rounds with takedowns... 305 00:16:05,339 --> 00:16:09,468 {\an8}with all the guys that are a similar size to Cerrone. 306 00:16:09,468 --> 00:16:12,262 And they're all high-level kickboxers 307 00:16:12,262 --> 00:16:14,556 so they're going to be able to mimic him very well. 308 00:16:14,556 --> 00:16:15,975 Look at the amount of them. 309 00:16:17,059 --> 00:16:19,353 It's a bit over the top now, 310 00:16:19,353 --> 00:16:22,064 - there's only bleedin' a million of them. 311 00:16:22,064 --> 00:16:24,441 I don't need them all, give me a minute. 312 00:16:25,275 --> 00:16:28,445 He's not preparing to beat up Donald Cerrone, 313 00:16:28,445 --> 00:16:32,074 he's preparing to give an exhibition of mixed martial arts. 314 00:16:32,074 --> 00:16:35,119 As opposed to, like, revenge, and anger, 315 00:16:35,119 --> 00:16:37,538 and aggression, and wanting to hurt somebody. 316 00:16:37,997 --> 00:16:40,207 It's very, very different mindsets. 317 00:16:40,207 --> 00:16:43,085 It's night and day, it's night and day, and that's what we see a return to here. 318 00:16:43,752 --> 00:16:46,630 He's a very different athlete since that loss. 319 00:16:46,630 --> 00:16:49,800 {\an8}Part of that's the training that we've been doing, 320 00:16:49,800 --> 00:16:52,469 that's one part, but you've gotta want to do it. 321 00:16:52,469 --> 00:16:54,847 He found that want. 322 00:16:54,847 --> 00:16:58,392 That's why his mental attitude 323 00:16:58,392 --> 00:17:01,520 and his approach to this, this time is a whole lot better. 324 00:17:02,896 --> 00:17:04,773 Set a time to train, train at that time. 325 00:17:04,773 --> 00:17:06,859 Set a time to go to sleep, go to sleep at that time. 326 00:17:06,859 --> 00:17:08,527 Set a time to get up, get up at that time. 327 00:17:09,069 --> 00:17:11,572 Don't tell yourself you need to do something and then don't do it. 328 00:17:11,572 --> 00:17:14,158 That's what I was talking about with Ariel. I said-- 329 00:17:14,158 --> 00:17:17,536 I knew in my head, I was saying, "get up at this time." 330 00:17:17,536 --> 00:17:19,371 I got-- I didn't get up at that time. 331 00:17:19,371 --> 00:17:21,665 "Train at this time." I didn't train at that time. 332 00:17:22,499 --> 00:17:24,793 "Don't eat this." I ate that. 333 00:17:24,793 --> 00:17:26,754 "Don't drink that." I drank it. 334 00:17:26,754 --> 00:17:29,673 And these all just infiltrate my mental strength. 335 00:17:29,673 --> 00:17:31,925 - Just little, kind of, defeats. - Exactly. 336 00:17:31,925 --> 00:17:35,804 Little defeats instead of wins. And it just culminates into, "ahhh." 337 00:17:35,804 --> 00:17:37,389 And you just don't wanna be here. 338 00:17:37,389 --> 00:17:39,099 So, I'm just figuring meself out, 339 00:17:39,099 --> 00:17:41,101 like I've never figured meself out before. 340 00:17:42,311 --> 00:17:47,191 {\an8} You go from a camp where there's a lot of animosity between the two people 341 00:17:47,191 --> 00:17:50,778 into a camp where it's back doing it for the love of it, 342 00:17:50,778 --> 00:17:53,030 and I always remember from day one, 343 00:17:53,030 --> 00:17:56,241 Conor fights at his best when he's like that. 344 00:17:59,286 --> 00:18:01,789 In the early days, when Conor started fighting, 345 00:18:01,789 --> 00:18:04,083 he had no kickboxing, no wrestling, 346 00:18:04,083 --> 00:18:07,753 no jujitsu, but he loved to train. 347 00:18:08,504 --> 00:18:10,172 He was always trying to improve. 348 00:18:10,172 --> 00:18:12,841 Always trying to get better technically. 349 00:18:13,550 --> 00:18:17,221 And then eventually he got the call up for Cage Warriors, 350 00:18:17,221 --> 00:18:20,182 and, obviously, Conor's results spoke for themselves, 351 00:18:20,182 --> 00:18:23,811 like all serious, unbelievable KOs, TKOs. 352 00:18:24,812 --> 00:18:27,898 Because he's the most obsessed person I've ever met 353 00:18:27,898 --> 00:18:29,566 about fighting. 354 00:18:29,566 --> 00:18:32,111 Everything I do in my life is related to this. 355 00:18:32,111 --> 00:18:35,197 I don't do nothing else, if it's not got to do with fighting. 356 00:18:36,448 --> 00:18:39,743 It's in my head 24/7. I don't think about nothing else. 357 00:18:40,869 --> 00:18:43,455 {\an8}That's why it's become a career for me, because I love it. 358 00:18:43,455 --> 00:18:45,541 {\an8}I love what I do. It's my life. 359 00:18:45,541 --> 00:18:46,750 Ireland! 360 00:18:46,750 --> 00:18:48,085 You know what I mean, there's two things I've learnt. 361 00:18:48,085 --> 00:18:50,087 Number one is that hard work pays off. 362 00:18:50,087 --> 00:18:53,215 And number two is that dreams comes true, and that's what's happened. 363 00:18:53,841 --> 00:18:56,718 A two division champion. 364 00:18:56,718 --> 00:19:00,764 The notorious Conor... 365 00:19:00,764 --> 00:19:03,851 McGregor! 366 00:19:08,897 --> 00:19:11,024 We are excited to see Conor McGregor 367 00:19:11,024 --> 00:19:12,985 step into the Octagon. 368 00:19:12,985 --> 00:19:15,612 This is my UFC debut 369 00:19:15,612 --> 00:19:17,364 and I'm very excited about it. 370 00:19:18,615 --> 00:19:20,701 I'm on an eight-fight win streak, yeah. 371 00:19:20,701 --> 00:19:23,245 Love to make it nine, but I don't really think about that. 372 00:19:23,245 --> 00:19:26,290 I just don't really think about that, just keep the head clear. 373 00:19:26,290 --> 00:19:28,959 I picture meself going in there, and feeling at home. 374 00:19:28,959 --> 00:19:30,919 And here we go. 375 00:19:30,919 --> 00:19:33,380 Quickly taking the center of the Octagon. 376 00:19:33,547 --> 00:19:37,384 Black trunks for Dublin, Ireland's McGregor. 377 00:19:37,384 --> 00:19:39,178 Look at that uppercut! 378 00:19:39,178 --> 00:19:41,263 - Looking to finish it here! 379 00:19:41,263 --> 00:19:44,558 This is why everyone's been talking about Conor McGregor! 380 00:19:44,558 --> 00:19:48,395 It is all over! Conor McGregor, another first round win! 381 00:19:48,395 --> 00:19:49,771 Wow! 382 00:19:49,771 --> 00:19:53,233 Dana, 60 Gs, baby! 383 00:19:54,651 --> 00:19:58,530 Someone is calling out for knockout of the night. 384 00:19:59,865 --> 00:20:01,825 - Well done. - Welcome to the UFC, man. 385 00:20:01,825 --> 00:20:03,368 Thank you very much. 386 00:20:03,368 --> 00:20:05,829 So, there's been a lot of hype, I guess the hype is real. 387 00:20:05,954 --> 00:20:09,249 {\an8} Even when I met him, he had that thing you can't put your finger on, 388 00:20:09,249 --> 00:20:12,002 {\an8}but a lot of people call it the "it factor." 389 00:20:12,002 --> 00:20:14,588 He's got a certain energy to him, he's exciting, 390 00:20:14,588 --> 00:20:17,341 he's funny, he's witty, he's smart. 391 00:20:17,341 --> 00:20:22,095 I knew right away if this kid could break into the top five, he'd be a big star. 392 00:20:22,095 --> 00:20:23,472 What was the feeling like? 393 00:20:23,472 --> 00:20:25,891 Describe the emotions at the end of the fight? 394 00:20:25,891 --> 00:20:27,893 To be honest, I don't know what's going on here. 395 00:20:27,893 --> 00:20:29,811 I'm just, after hearing $60,000... 396 00:20:31,271 --> 00:20:33,815 I'm just thinking about what I'm gonna spend it on. 397 00:20:33,815 --> 00:20:36,235 Just last week I was collecting the social welfare, 398 00:20:36,235 --> 00:20:38,153 you know what I mean? 399 00:20:38,153 --> 00:20:40,739 Now I suppose I'm just gonna have to tell them to fuck off! 400 00:20:42,616 --> 00:20:44,076 Conor, just one more question. 401 00:20:45,619 --> 00:20:47,537 {\an8} Before Conor's UFC debut, 402 00:20:47,537 --> 00:20:50,832 {\an8}nobody knew what MMA was in Ireland. 403 00:20:53,627 --> 00:20:55,921 {\an8}It was a very, very small scene 404 00:20:55,921 --> 00:20:58,924 but Conor captivated the Irish people. 405 00:21:04,304 --> 00:21:06,431 Why was it so important to be here tonight? 406 00:21:06,431 --> 00:21:08,976 Support teammates, support teammates. 407 00:21:09,393 --> 00:21:11,478 Are you proud to be, like, leading the way 408 00:21:11,478 --> 00:21:13,730 for more SBG and Irish fighters in UFC? 409 00:21:13,730 --> 00:21:16,608 Of course I am. You know what I mean, to give people an opportunity 410 00:21:16,608 --> 00:21:18,527 to come onto the stage, and to make money, 411 00:21:18,527 --> 00:21:22,239 {\an8}and make a living out of it, that's something nobody can take from me. 412 00:21:23,949 --> 00:21:27,369 - Focus, just calm. - It's your show. It's your show. 413 00:21:27,369 --> 00:21:30,372 I paved the way for this 414 00:21:30,372 --> 00:21:32,499 so I take great pride in this, 415 00:21:32,499 --> 00:21:34,543 and when it's all said and done, 416 00:21:34,543 --> 00:21:36,211 and when I walk away from the game, 417 00:21:36,211 --> 00:21:39,047 and I watch these young kids coming up that no one's even heard of 418 00:21:39,047 --> 00:21:40,924 at the minute, that are climbing the ladder, 419 00:21:40,924 --> 00:21:43,302 I can sit back and watch with a smile 420 00:21:43,302 --> 00:21:45,262 knowing that I played some part in that. 421 00:21:46,513 --> 00:21:49,558 {\an8} We had a great team even before Conor started fighting, 422 00:21:49,558 --> 00:21:51,810 {\an8}but we never had that belief in ourselves. 423 00:21:51,810 --> 00:21:53,312 Let's go, Peter. 424 00:21:53,312 --> 00:21:56,773 {\an8} But when Conor came in, everyone changed their belief in the gym. 425 00:21:56,773 --> 00:21:58,817 We were like, this is our boy, 426 00:21:58,817 --> 00:22:00,861 if he can do it, why can't we do it? 427 00:22:06,450 --> 00:22:09,244 {\an8} MMA wouldn't be how it is today if Conor didn't arrive. 428 00:22:09,244 --> 00:22:12,414 - Especially for Irish MMA. - Yes! There you go! 429 00:22:13,707 --> 00:22:16,293 We just weren't getting a look in until Conor came along. 430 00:22:16,293 --> 00:22:18,837 And then that put the spotlight on the country, 431 00:22:18,837 --> 00:22:21,840 and he really kind of drug Ireland into the scene. 432 00:22:33,643 --> 00:22:37,189 Yes! 433 00:22:37,189 --> 00:22:41,109 Fucking delighted, that's a hardworking man right there. 434 00:22:41,109 --> 00:22:42,486 Understand that. 435 00:22:42,486 --> 00:22:44,279 The work that man puts in. 436 00:22:44,279 --> 00:22:46,865 He commits his whole life to it. 437 00:22:46,865 --> 00:22:49,284 Fucking proud of him, swear to God, man. 438 00:22:51,036 --> 00:22:53,580 Before I got here, we weren't even on the map. 439 00:22:53,580 --> 00:22:55,791 Now it's all they seem to be talking about. 440 00:22:55,791 --> 00:22:58,710 So I will embrace it, and I will raise the tricolor high, 441 00:22:58,710 --> 00:23:00,420 and I will be proud of it. 442 00:23:07,594 --> 00:23:09,846 - Hello, how are you? - I'm good. How are you? 443 00:23:09,846 --> 00:23:12,682 I'm good, good, good. I have some paperwork for you to sign. 444 00:23:12,682 --> 00:23:15,852 Signature and full date right over here. 445 00:23:15,852 --> 00:23:18,021 Right, and one more, 14 up here. 446 00:23:18,021 --> 00:23:22,109 {\an8} Today is check-in day, it's where he signs the UFC official posters, 447 00:23:22,109 --> 00:23:26,363 {\an8}gets his gear, really sets the tone for the rest of the week. 448 00:23:26,363 --> 00:23:28,865 {\an8}- How are you? Good to see you. - Good to see you too. 449 00:23:31,409 --> 00:23:34,496 - How's the week? - Oh, that's always a little struggle. 450 00:23:34,496 --> 00:23:35,831 - Yeah. - Yours? 451 00:23:35,831 --> 00:23:38,166 I'm on that. Thank the fucking Lord! 452 00:23:38,166 --> 00:23:41,044 - All I know is I'll make it. - Yeah, good on you. 453 00:23:41,044 --> 00:23:42,879 - True pro. - Yeah, hop on. 454 00:23:44,381 --> 00:23:48,051 {\an8} There was a ton of pressure on Conor going into the Cerrone fight. 455 00:23:48,051 --> 00:23:51,012 He was coming off the disastrous Khabib fight 456 00:23:51,012 --> 00:23:52,806 and there was this long lay-off, 457 00:23:52,806 --> 00:23:56,143 and I think people were starting to think, if he stumbles here, 458 00:23:56,143 --> 00:23:58,019 the old Conor is no more. 459 00:23:58,562 --> 00:23:59,729 Perfect. 460 00:23:59,729 --> 00:24:01,439 But I think he handled it well. 461 00:24:02,107 --> 00:24:04,067 He was calm, he was relaxed. 462 00:24:04,067 --> 00:24:08,572 It just seemed like he was in a very sort of zen-like state before that fight. 463 00:24:17,664 --> 00:24:19,499 Dear fans in Scandinavia, 464 00:24:19,499 --> 00:24:21,751 UFC 246 is this Saturday, 465 00:24:21,751 --> 00:24:23,503 watch on Viaplayer. 466 00:24:23,503 --> 00:24:26,214 Tune in to see the return of the notorious one. 467 00:24:26,214 --> 00:24:31,011 Hola. Soy Conor McGregor. Enjoy UFC 246 aquí en Español. 468 00:24:31,011 --> 00:24:33,263 What are your thoughts on fighting Cowboy Cerrone? 469 00:24:33,263 --> 00:24:35,390 This is gonna be-- Sorry. 470 00:24:35,390 --> 00:24:38,560 This is going to be a... very exciting bout for the fans, 471 00:24:38,560 --> 00:24:41,146 and I'm very excited-- I hate this part of it! 472 00:24:41,146 --> 00:24:42,564 I swear to God. 473 00:24:42,564 --> 00:24:44,983 I can't, man. Okay, go again. 474 00:24:45,775 --> 00:24:48,695 You said once that what defines us 475 00:24:48,695 --> 00:24:51,198 is how well you rise after falling. 476 00:24:51,198 --> 00:24:53,700 Is that quote something that is still true for you? 477 00:24:53,700 --> 00:24:56,620 Yeah, of course. You know, I've came back-- I came back before 478 00:24:56,620 --> 00:24:58,205 right after the Diaz loss, 479 00:24:58,205 --> 00:25:00,207 and I proved everyone, I showed everyone, 480 00:25:00,207 --> 00:25:02,959 what a fully focused Conor can do. 481 00:25:02,959 --> 00:25:04,794 It's like sometimes when I get it all, 482 00:25:04,794 --> 00:25:07,130 I have to kinda give it away for me to want to get it again. 483 00:25:07,422 --> 00:25:09,216 So, maybe that's where I am right now. 484 00:25:09,674 --> 00:25:11,843 And I'm in a great spot. 485 00:25:11,843 --> 00:25:14,679 I'll get this, and I don't think I'll-- I don't think I'll give this up. 486 00:25:14,679 --> 00:25:17,015 Been focusing on the skills, you know, 487 00:25:17,015 --> 00:25:20,060 focusing on my inner self, I feel really good doing that, 488 00:25:20,060 --> 00:25:21,728 feel a lot more calmer, a lot more at peace. 489 00:25:22,520 --> 00:25:24,481 I'm treating this like a season, 490 00:25:24,481 --> 00:25:27,359 so Donald is first up, and there will be many after him. 491 00:25:29,819 --> 00:25:32,364 - You looking forward to the face-off? - Yeah, most certainly. 492 00:25:32,364 --> 00:25:34,449 It's just good to get in there, 493 00:25:34,449 --> 00:25:36,576 and get the excitement built up. 494 00:25:36,576 --> 00:25:38,370 Conor, I wanted to start with you. 495 00:25:38,370 --> 00:25:41,456 It's clear that you've got a much different energy about you this week. 496 00:25:41,456 --> 00:25:44,209 {\an8}You know, sometimes you gotta go to certain places in our life to... 497 00:25:44,417 --> 00:25:47,003 {\an8}to realize what we need to do, and I certainly-- 498 00:25:47,003 --> 00:25:48,296 {\an8}I turned over a new leaf. 499 00:25:48,296 --> 00:25:51,299 {\an8}Although I feel I'm still the same young man, 500 00:25:51,299 --> 00:25:54,177 but, I don't know, I am as real as it gets, 501 00:25:54,177 --> 00:25:55,595 like the company slogan, you know. 502 00:25:55,595 --> 00:25:58,640 I react to how the situation is. 503 00:25:58,640 --> 00:26:00,100 He has my respect, 504 00:26:00,100 --> 00:26:02,394 and although there will be blood spilled, 505 00:26:02,394 --> 00:26:03,687 on January 18th, 506 00:26:03,687 --> 00:26:04,980 it will not be bad blood. 507 00:26:04,980 --> 00:26:08,024 And for the Mystic Meg prediction, it will be a KO. 508 00:26:09,192 --> 00:26:11,361 Cowboy, many people say 509 00:26:11,361 --> 00:26:15,532 that you prefer when there's no bad blood. Does it matter to you? 510 00:26:15,532 --> 00:26:17,784 No, there's no truth. We're just professionals. 511 00:26:17,784 --> 00:26:21,162 Why can't we-- why can't Conor sit here and hold himself like he's doing, right? 512 00:26:21,162 --> 00:26:22,956 This is fucking amazing, are you kidding me? 513 00:26:22,956 --> 00:26:25,875 I mean, you guys aren't getting the clickbait and all the shit y'all want, 514 00:26:25,875 --> 00:26:28,962 but as a man, pssh, my hat's off to the sumbitch for sitting here. 515 00:26:30,005 --> 00:26:31,881 Excellent, thank you very much. 516 00:26:31,881 --> 00:26:35,135 Hey, Conor, you've laid out plans for the 2020 season, 517 00:26:35,135 --> 00:26:36,219 as you're calling it. 518 00:26:36,219 --> 00:26:38,263 I'm in a good spot, I am ready to fight, 519 00:26:38,263 --> 00:26:40,557 any weight, any division, any anything. 520 00:26:40,557 --> 00:26:42,183 Line them fucking up. 521 00:26:45,353 --> 00:26:47,522 I feel good. I feel energetic, light, fast, 522 00:26:47,522 --> 00:26:49,691 accurate, and precise. 523 00:26:49,691 --> 00:26:52,986 So if I'm going to kickstart UFCs 2020 year big. 524 00:27:08,793 --> 00:27:10,920 When am I on, 10 o'clock? 525 00:27:10,920 --> 00:27:12,422 I think so. 526 00:27:13,173 --> 00:27:16,384 See if we can find actual clarification on an exact time. 527 00:27:16,384 --> 00:27:19,179 Usually they can tell you you'll be walking out-- 528 00:27:19,179 --> 00:27:20,847 Where's your hands? 529 00:27:20,847 --> 00:27:23,266 - Where's your hands? 530 00:27:31,024 --> 00:27:33,193 Daddy's gonna fight on there later on tonight. 531 00:27:33,193 --> 00:27:35,111 - Wow, no way! - Swear to God! 532 00:27:37,989 --> 00:27:39,699 Yeah, I'm gonna boot him around. 533 00:27:39,699 --> 00:27:41,701 Yeah, and then bop! 534 00:27:41,701 --> 00:27:43,119 - Yah! - Yeah! 535 00:27:43,119 --> 00:27:45,163 - We're gonna do it! - Yes, we are, champ! 536 00:27:45,163 --> 00:27:47,791 - We're gonna fight on the telly. - Yes. Boom! 537 00:27:48,708 --> 00:27:50,877 Say, "Good luck, Daddy!" 538 00:27:50,877 --> 00:27:53,129 Let's go, Daddy! Give us a kiss. 539 00:27:53,129 --> 00:27:55,131 - Bye, now. - See you! 540 00:27:55,131 --> 00:27:56,633 See you in a bit! 541 00:27:56,633 --> 00:28:00,136 - Good luck, Daddy. See you later. - Thanks, Kathy. Thank you. Appreciate it. 542 00:28:00,929 --> 00:28:03,223 - See you later. - All right, champ. Have fun, all right? 543 00:28:03,932 --> 00:28:05,308 Aw, are you sad? 544 00:28:05,308 --> 00:28:07,602 Aw, I need your support, buddy. 545 00:28:07,602 --> 00:28:09,396 See you in a bit, all right, buddy? 546 00:28:09,396 --> 00:28:11,481 We'll watch it when we come back. 547 00:28:11,481 --> 00:28:13,608 We're gonna watch the fight when I come back? 548 00:28:16,778 --> 00:28:18,988 Places, everybody! Andy's coming! 549 00:28:19,531 --> 00:28:21,658 Buzz Lightyear will help me, won't he? 550 00:28:23,410 --> 00:28:26,955 That's okay, Daddy has to go. It's just work, Daddy has to go to work. 551 00:28:34,754 --> 00:28:36,339 Come on, come on. 552 00:28:41,469 --> 00:28:44,431 {\an8} In the Cerrone fight, he was back having fun. 553 00:28:46,725 --> 00:28:48,893 The big thing with Conor is 554 00:28:48,893 --> 00:28:51,730 when he's enjoying the challenge, he's at his best. 555 00:28:53,398 --> 00:28:56,109 When he's just in the moment, not emotional, 556 00:28:56,109 --> 00:28:59,487 just reading the game, reading the opponent, 557 00:28:59,487 --> 00:29:01,448 and finding the shots. 558 00:29:01,448 --> 00:29:04,659 There's nobody on the planet that can touch Conor when he's like that. 559 00:29:09,414 --> 00:29:12,625 Feeling very good. Energetic. 560 00:29:12,625 --> 00:29:14,919 Bags of energy, I have. 561 00:29:20,508 --> 00:29:22,802 - Perfect. 562 00:29:22,969 --> 00:29:25,388 {\an8} Conor's at a state in his career 563 00:29:25,388 --> 00:29:28,641 {\an8}where it's about leaving the legacy and the moments behind 564 00:29:28,641 --> 00:29:31,060 that he wants to be remembered by. 565 00:29:31,686 --> 00:29:33,688 Even though he's a legend, right now, 566 00:29:33,688 --> 00:29:35,523 if he decides to never compete again. 567 00:29:35,523 --> 00:29:37,650 But that's not who he is. 568 00:29:38,985 --> 00:29:42,155 When you see him so focused, so driven, 569 00:29:42,155 --> 00:29:45,867 so present in his craft, 570 00:29:45,867 --> 00:29:48,787 it's because he has that fire and that edge 571 00:29:48,787 --> 00:29:50,914 and that ambition to just go get it, 572 00:29:51,790 --> 00:29:55,710 and really just put a stamp on what he's trying to achieve. 573 00:29:56,628 --> 00:29:58,838 We're going up. We're going up. 574 00:30:19,776 --> 00:30:22,654 Did you have faith that you would be able to explode 575 00:30:22,654 --> 00:30:24,322 onto the scene, as you had? 576 00:30:24,322 --> 00:30:26,449 If I didn't, it wouldn't have happened. 577 00:30:26,449 --> 00:30:28,701 I had to believe in it. I had to feel it. 578 00:30:28,701 --> 00:30:31,996 I had to have faith in it for it to happen. 579 00:30:31,996 --> 00:30:33,540 So, you're damn right I did. 580 00:30:33,540 --> 00:30:37,377 What happens if you do lose? 581 00:30:37,377 --> 00:30:40,713 That is not in the equation, that does not process in my brain 582 00:30:40,713 --> 00:30:42,090 for one second. 583 00:30:42,090 --> 00:30:45,218 Is there like a safe, that's in your brain, that's locked, 584 00:30:45,218 --> 00:30:46,511 and it just doesn't open? 585 00:30:46,511 --> 00:30:49,264 I don't know. I'm not a neurologist, I'm not a neurologist. 586 00:30:49,264 --> 00:30:51,307 I just cannot see it, I cannot feel it. 587 00:30:53,101 --> 00:30:55,311 When you put it all together, 588 00:30:55,311 --> 00:30:57,772 not just the weigh-ins, not just the fight, 589 00:30:57,772 --> 00:30:59,315 all of the other stuff, 590 00:30:59,941 --> 00:31:01,985 nobody can do it better than me. 591 00:31:47,530 --> 00:31:49,240 Oh! 592 00:31:49,240 --> 00:31:51,534 Early head kick from McGregor! 593 00:31:51,534 --> 00:31:54,412 Cerrone covering up! Cerrone's down! 594 00:31:57,123 --> 00:32:00,501 Oh, Cerrone trying to survive, 30 seconds in. 595 00:32:04,172 --> 00:32:06,174 - Conor McGregor! 596 00:32:06,174 --> 00:32:09,344 Too easy! Wow! 597 00:32:09,344 --> 00:32:11,721 Wow. Wow. 598 00:32:13,181 --> 00:32:14,766 Less than a minute in, 599 00:32:14,766 --> 00:32:17,977 Conor McGregor announces his return 600 00:32:17,977 --> 00:32:21,564 with about as many style points as you can produce. 601 00:32:21,564 --> 00:32:26,694 Proclaimed the winner by TKO, 602 00:32:26,694 --> 00:32:30,073 the notorious Conor... 603 00:32:30,073 --> 00:32:35,745 McGregor! 604 00:32:37,080 --> 00:32:38,456 Woo! 605 00:32:38,456 --> 00:32:40,625 Oh, my God, I can't-- 606 00:32:40,625 --> 00:32:43,086 You know what Conor said to me, I think it was last week? 607 00:32:43,086 --> 00:32:45,421 {\an8}"Everyone thinks he's gonna knock me out with a head kick. 608 00:32:45,421 --> 00:32:48,967 {\an8}I'm gonna knock him out with a head kick." I swear to God. 609 00:32:50,510 --> 00:32:52,428 Congratulations, champ. 610 00:32:58,309 --> 00:33:00,144 Come on, you fucking legend! 611 00:33:00,144 --> 00:33:01,521 Yes! 612 00:33:08,945 --> 00:33:11,239 Yeah, all the boxing training. 613 00:33:11,239 --> 00:33:12,657 I banged him on his shoulder! 614 00:33:13,866 --> 00:33:15,284 Eh, d'you remember? 615 00:33:15,284 --> 00:33:17,203 D'you remember it was back in Georgia, USA? 616 00:33:17,203 --> 00:33:19,372 You turned your back and I said, "Don't go away." 617 00:33:22,417 --> 00:33:24,544 Ah, rushed that. 618 00:33:24,544 --> 00:33:26,796 Good, very good, but I rushed the finish. 619 00:33:26,796 --> 00:33:29,632 I got-- It was done, and I was like, "Ah!" 620 00:33:29,632 --> 00:33:32,176 - Then you... then you did take a second! 621 00:33:32,176 --> 00:33:34,220 And then I did take a second, yeah, then I did. 622 00:33:34,220 --> 00:33:35,847 I told him so. 623 00:33:35,847 --> 00:33:37,724 That's control, man, that's all it is. 624 00:33:37,724 --> 00:33:38,975 D'you know what that is? 625 00:33:38,975 --> 00:33:40,810 That's something out of the cage. 626 00:33:40,810 --> 00:33:42,228 That I weren't like that. 627 00:33:42,228 --> 00:33:44,313 Usually I would have just settled into it. 628 00:33:48,026 --> 00:33:49,736 Oh! 629 00:33:50,319 --> 00:33:52,113 {\an8}Fucking wow! 630 00:33:52,113 --> 00:33:53,781 {\an8}Seriously, fucking wow. 631 00:33:54,490 --> 00:33:57,410 {\an8} Every Saturday night, I gotta make people jump outta their seats 632 00:33:57,410 --> 00:34:01,122 and say, "Holy shit," and whether he won or lost the fight, 633 00:34:01,122 --> 00:34:03,541 every Conor fight, it was a "holy shit" fight. 634 00:34:03,541 --> 00:34:06,085 Is anybody else as blown away as I am by that shit? 635 00:34:06,085 --> 00:34:08,129 Am I the only guy in the whole place 636 00:34:08,129 --> 00:34:11,382 - that didn't see that coming? - Thanks, mate! 637 00:34:12,175 --> 00:34:14,385 I did not see that coming. 638 00:34:14,385 --> 00:34:16,804 I thought it was gonna be a war. 639 00:34:17,430 --> 00:34:20,141 What about the shoulder shoves, like, what are they? 640 00:34:20,141 --> 00:34:21,768 Boom, that got him. 641 00:34:21,768 --> 00:34:24,520 He's a slow starter but, Jesus Christ. 642 00:34:25,313 --> 00:34:26,939 That was madness. 643 00:34:26,939 --> 00:34:29,233 The whole fucking arena was like this... 644 00:34:29,233 --> 00:34:32,236 The whole place. Holy shit. 645 00:34:32,236 --> 00:34:34,864 Happy days, happy days. 646 00:34:39,285 --> 00:34:40,953 Conor, congratulations. 647 00:34:40,953 --> 00:34:43,915 After everything you have been through since the Khabib fight, 648 00:34:43,915 --> 00:34:46,751 is it possible to put into words what this moment means to you? 649 00:34:47,627 --> 00:34:49,587 The hard work pays, you know what I mean? 650 00:34:49,587 --> 00:34:52,048 {\an8}It's... I'm no different than I was before, 651 00:34:52,048 --> 00:34:54,425 {\an8}I just was committed, worked hard, and earned it. 652 00:34:54,425 --> 00:34:56,427 And that's it, we're all equal, I feel. 653 00:34:56,427 --> 00:35:00,306 It's the work you're willing to put in and the commitment you're willing to put in, 654 00:35:00,306 --> 00:35:02,391 and I was committed to this camp, 655 00:35:02,391 --> 00:35:06,145 and I'm happy and proud to represent my team and our work. 656 00:35:06,687 --> 00:35:09,023 Is it fair to say you're a little emotional right now? 657 00:35:09,023 --> 00:35:11,067 Of course, fighting is an emotional game. 658 00:35:11,067 --> 00:35:14,278 You've no idea, it's a rollercoaster of emotion, maybe a little more this time, 659 00:35:14,278 --> 00:35:17,281 all I've gone through, and all the team's gone through, and my peoples gone through. 660 00:35:17,281 --> 00:35:19,826 It's good to get us back where we belong. 661 00:35:20,660 --> 00:35:23,621 Very grateful for the people that stuck with me through 662 00:35:23,621 --> 00:35:27,416 this trying time, and this one's for... for them. 663 00:35:34,757 --> 00:35:37,343 Well done, mate. Great fight, you know. 664 00:35:39,762 --> 00:35:41,639 The Irish won it again. 665 00:35:41,639 --> 00:35:44,517 Yeah! 666 00:35:47,019 --> 00:35:49,105 Oh, yes. Thank you, men. I appreciate you all. 667 00:35:49,689 --> 00:35:52,024 Talk to me about the emotional release. 668 00:35:52,024 --> 00:35:55,194 - At the end... - Oh, it's... It's just a wild game, man. 669 00:35:55,194 --> 00:35:58,239 It's such a psychological rollercoaster, man. 670 00:35:58,239 --> 00:36:00,324 You know, it's just... 671 00:36:00,324 --> 00:36:02,869 It's worth every penny this business, you know, so... 672 00:36:02,869 --> 00:36:04,537 It's a good buzz. 673 00:36:04,537 --> 00:36:07,623 Conor, congratulations on your victory this evening. 674 00:36:07,623 --> 00:36:09,292 Thank you, sir, I appreciate that. 675 00:36:09,292 --> 00:36:11,961 40 seconds. I don't think a lot of people saw that one coming. 676 00:36:11,961 --> 00:36:15,339 So obviously something changed from your preparation in the Khabib fight? 677 00:36:15,339 --> 00:36:18,759 Yeah, just my commitment. You know, I just felt like I disrespected 678 00:36:18,759 --> 00:36:21,679 the people that believed in me and supported me, 679 00:36:21,679 --> 00:36:26,267 and... and that's what led me to re-center myself, 680 00:36:26,267 --> 00:36:28,895 and get back to where I was at. 681 00:36:28,895 --> 00:36:31,314 If you get to pick for your next shot here, 682 00:36:31,314 --> 00:36:33,357 in terms of when or who, 683 00:36:33,357 --> 00:36:35,026 leaning towards anything specific? 684 00:36:35,026 --> 00:36:37,820 I don't think the who matters. Right? I think I'll be ready. 685 00:36:37,820 --> 00:36:39,864 You know, I'll have a celebration tonight, 686 00:36:39,864 --> 00:36:42,909 I'll chill with my kids tomorrow, I'll show Junior the fight on the telly, 687 00:36:42,909 --> 00:36:44,035 see what he thinks of it, 688 00:36:44,493 --> 00:36:46,913 and then back to training, and carry on. 689 00:36:58,841 --> 00:37:00,927 - Ready to go, baby? - Yep. 690 00:37:04,639 --> 00:37:07,850 You have reached your destination on the left-hand side. 691 00:37:08,559 --> 00:37:11,354 Any where you like. If you wanna be in the middle... 692 00:37:15,316 --> 00:37:18,986 - Vroom, vroom, vroom. - Yay, champion! 693 00:37:18,986 --> 00:37:22,198 Woo-hoo! Yes! 694 00:37:22,198 --> 00:37:24,242 - Alligator, there, look. 695 00:37:24,242 --> 00:37:25,785 See him, buddy? 696 00:37:25,785 --> 00:37:27,745 - Conor, see him? - See that, champ? Look! 697 00:37:27,745 --> 00:37:29,413 Crocodile. 698 00:37:30,248 --> 00:37:32,875 - Look how still they stay. 699 00:37:34,752 --> 00:37:38,005 {\an8} The Cerrone fight was a way for him to redeem himself. 700 00:37:38,005 --> 00:37:40,341 {\an8}It was a way to reset everything, 701 00:37:40,341 --> 00:37:43,386 {\an8}and it was flawless, his performance was flawless. 702 00:37:43,386 --> 00:37:47,473 He came back from that and there wasn't a scratch on him. 703 00:37:48,307 --> 00:37:51,185 {\an8} It was beautiful, and, you know, you do feel 704 00:37:51,185 --> 00:37:55,147 {\an8}pressure mounting a little bit, and just to have that come off your shoulders 705 00:37:55,147 --> 00:37:58,776 and that fight, all of it is just gorgeous, 706 00:37:58,776 --> 00:38:01,195 just beautiful to watch, I'll watch it all day long. 707 00:38:04,115 --> 00:38:05,908 - Look, there! - Oh, yeah, look, it's moving! 708 00:38:05,908 --> 00:38:08,035 - It's coming right for the boat. - Oh, my God! 709 00:38:08,035 --> 00:38:09,954 It's coming right for the boat! 710 00:38:12,915 --> 00:38:14,959 Look, I'm seeing him doing his head, there. 711 00:38:17,461 --> 00:38:19,171 - Alligator. - Alligator, yeah. 712 00:38:19,171 --> 00:38:21,299 - What is it, Conor? - A gator. 713 00:38:21,299 --> 00:38:23,426 Alligator. Do you like it? 714 00:38:23,426 --> 00:38:24,885 Oh, look, alligator. 715 00:38:24,885 --> 00:38:26,262 - He knows I'm not food. - Ooh! 716 00:38:26,262 --> 00:38:28,681 What? Relax, I'm just seeing how it reacts. 717 00:38:28,681 --> 00:38:30,766 I'm in control of that thing. 718 00:38:30,766 --> 00:38:33,019 Watch, watch, watch! See? 719 00:38:33,019 --> 00:38:35,604 Told you, didn't I? He took a back step. 720 00:38:35,604 --> 00:38:37,857 Yes, off you go, son. 721 00:38:41,319 --> 00:38:42,653 Yes! 722 00:38:42,653 --> 00:38:45,239 It's going, it's submerging, it's going under. 723 00:38:45,239 --> 00:38:46,741 It's going under. 724 00:38:52,038 --> 00:38:54,040 {\an8} Conor enjoyed it in there. 725 00:38:54,040 --> 00:38:55,833 {\an8}And you could see that in the performance. 726 00:38:55,833 --> 00:38:58,711 {\an8}And you could see how quickly he dismantled Cerrone. 727 00:39:02,089 --> 00:39:04,508 We felt like we got it right in that camp. 728 00:39:04,508 --> 00:39:07,094 The energy was perfect, the training was perfect, 729 00:39:07,094 --> 00:39:10,765 and we felt like if we start putting a run together now, 730 00:39:10,765 --> 00:39:14,185 we're back on top and we're going onto even bigger things. 731 00:39:37,416 --> 00:39:41,087 {\an8} People were saying that's it for contact sports, it's over. 732 00:39:41,087 --> 00:39:44,840 No one's ever gonna play rugby again, no one's ever gonna wanna wrestle again. 733 00:39:45,549 --> 00:39:49,220 This killer disease, and it seems to be mutating, 734 00:39:49,220 --> 00:39:50,805 and taking over everything. 735 00:39:52,306 --> 00:39:56,143 {\an8} After the Cerrone fight, there was lots of talk of welterweight, 736 00:39:56,143 --> 00:39:58,020 {\an8}and welterweight title fights and stuff. 737 00:39:58,687 --> 00:40:01,649 And, you know, it could've easily been done. 738 00:40:04,026 --> 00:40:07,571 Pandemic hits, gyms are closed. 739 00:40:07,571 --> 00:40:09,907 Shows were canceled, you know. 740 00:40:10,449 --> 00:40:12,701 It was difficult. 741 00:40:14,370 --> 00:40:17,373 Could just see all these conflicting thoughts, 742 00:40:17,373 --> 00:40:20,042 but look, we keep going, 743 00:40:20,042 --> 00:40:23,129 we keep walking forward. 744 00:40:35,724 --> 00:40:37,726 That's not the one we're taking, is it? 745 00:40:37,726 --> 00:40:40,229 - We're taking the white one, yeah? - Okay. 746 00:40:40,229 --> 00:40:43,357 White ones are too common. You're better off with this one. 747 00:40:44,358 --> 00:40:48,279 I always visualize what giving would feel like. 748 00:40:48,696 --> 00:40:50,531 Givin' to people who have given to me. 749 00:40:50,531 --> 00:40:51,657 What that would feel like. 750 00:40:51,657 --> 00:40:54,243 I always dreamed of just showing up one day and being, like, here! 751 00:40:54,243 --> 00:40:56,203 And that would always give me good feelings. 752 00:40:58,539 --> 00:41:01,333 This is the first drop-off, in Connolly Hospital. 753 00:41:02,293 --> 00:41:04,420 I done two back-to-back shoulders 754 00:41:04,420 --> 00:41:06,380 in Connolly Hospital with me left paw. 755 00:41:06,380 --> 00:41:08,048 Thank you very much. 756 00:41:08,048 --> 00:41:10,259 - One for all, sir, one for all. - Good man. 757 00:41:10,259 --> 00:41:13,179 So, it's good to be back here and gifting back now. 758 00:41:13,971 --> 00:41:16,557 Now I can do what I've been dreaming of doing, 759 00:41:16,557 --> 00:41:19,059 giving back to the people who have given so much to me. 760 00:41:22,688 --> 00:41:24,773 I think it's my duty, 761 00:41:24,773 --> 00:41:26,859 it's the duty of people who are not affected 762 00:41:26,859 --> 00:41:29,320 or are in a position to help, to help. 763 00:41:29,945 --> 00:41:31,822 - Thank you very much. - My pleasure. 764 00:41:31,822 --> 00:41:34,074 Oh, no, there's one more, there's one more, sorry. 765 00:41:35,868 --> 00:41:37,995 I don't know how many weeks, now, it's been, 766 00:41:37,995 --> 00:41:40,080 so I'm only human, I've slipped a few times, 767 00:41:40,080 --> 00:41:41,832 and I was training so hard 768 00:41:41,832 --> 00:41:43,918 and then you have a week or two where you cannae let it go. 769 00:41:44,543 --> 00:41:49,548 But overall, I'm pretty good and it's been a good self-learning experience. 770 00:41:53,802 --> 00:41:55,930 {\an8} Conor was in a financially comfortable position 771 00:41:55,930 --> 00:41:58,182 {\an8}where he could just say, okay, see you later, guys. 772 00:41:59,266 --> 00:42:02,520 And he's still wanting to train, still wanting to be involved. 773 00:42:04,271 --> 00:42:06,815 And that gives you hope, that gives you courage, 774 00:42:06,815 --> 00:42:08,901 gives you purpose. 775 00:42:10,945 --> 00:42:13,405 {\an8} Nobody knew when this was gonna end. 776 00:42:14,823 --> 00:42:18,118 {\an8}But then Dana was talking about, well, we're working on stuff. 777 00:42:19,411 --> 00:42:21,622 There's a solution to every problem, 778 00:42:22,540 --> 00:42:25,876 {\an8}and my job is to figure out a solution 779 00:42:25,876 --> 00:42:27,419 {\an8}to whenever problems pop up. 780 00:42:27,419 --> 00:42:31,298 Rolling over, quitting, hiding, 781 00:42:31,298 --> 00:42:34,552 none of those things are in the way that I'm built. 782 00:42:37,930 --> 00:42:40,975 Big news, UFC president, Dana White, 783 00:42:40,975 --> 00:42:44,895 announced that UFC 251 will take place July 11th 784 00:42:44,895 --> 00:42:46,564 on Fight Island. 785 00:42:46,564 --> 00:42:48,566 Only Dana White could come up with that. 786 00:42:49,483 --> 00:42:52,570 Fight Island was the only true bubble 787 00:42:52,570 --> 00:42:54,822 that ever existed during COVID. 788 00:42:54,822 --> 00:42:58,450 We brought people onto this island, and they were there 789 00:42:58,450 --> 00:43:00,828 for weeks, away from everybody else, 790 00:43:00,828 --> 00:43:04,665 being tested, and we went into this true bubble 791 00:43:04,665 --> 00:43:08,043 that nobody ever left until it was time to go back home. 792 00:43:08,043 --> 00:43:10,754 We were talking to everybody back then, you know, 793 00:43:10,754 --> 00:43:13,132 because I have to offer them three fights a year. 794 00:43:13,132 --> 00:43:14,508 And they can say no. 795 00:43:15,217 --> 00:43:18,053 So, we were in talks with everybody, including Conor. 796 00:43:24,435 --> 00:43:27,354 - It's good to see you're well. 797 00:43:27,354 --> 00:43:29,273 I haven't had contact training in a long time. 798 00:43:29,273 --> 00:43:30,983 If you're looking for spars, we have them. 799 00:43:30,983 --> 00:43:33,110 {\an8}Let's get this session in, see where we're at. 800 00:43:33,110 --> 00:43:34,987 {\an8}- Not now. - Yeah, not now. 801 00:43:34,987 --> 00:43:38,198 {\an8}Like, I said to the doctor, I'd let you just find your spot. 802 00:43:38,198 --> 00:43:40,367 This is my first time in the gym, like, even. 803 00:43:40,367 --> 00:43:42,369 That's what I'm saying, just find your spot. 804 00:43:42,369 --> 00:43:45,789 When this Corona thing happened, I got into the best shape of me life. 805 00:43:45,789 --> 00:43:48,959 That spurred me on to stay put, stay focused, 806 00:43:48,959 --> 00:43:51,545 get your work in, and I went levels up, 807 00:43:51,545 --> 00:43:53,881 even from the last camp, 808 00:43:53,881 --> 00:43:56,675 and then it was active rest week, 809 00:43:56,675 --> 00:43:59,345 idle... devil... what's the quote? Devil fucking...? 810 00:43:59,345 --> 00:44:01,722 - What's the quote? - Devil makes work for idle hands. 811 00:44:01,722 --> 00:44:04,683 Devil makes work for idle hands, and that's what happened to me. 812 00:44:04,683 --> 00:44:07,269 I swan-dove back into the bleeding pit. 813 00:44:07,269 --> 00:44:09,313 But then I crawled myself back out of it again 814 00:44:09,313 --> 00:44:11,690 and then I was kinda like, up and down and in and out. 815 00:44:12,316 --> 00:44:14,401 And that's where I've been since, so. 816 00:44:17,196 --> 00:44:20,157 {\an8} We were really pushing to stay active. 817 00:44:20,908 --> 00:44:23,035 {\an8}Cerrone was the start of it. 818 00:44:23,035 --> 00:44:25,746 We thought that was gonna start to have him fighting 819 00:44:25,746 --> 00:44:28,290 two, three times a year, which is a good cadence, 820 00:44:28,290 --> 00:44:30,668 in terms of frequency of activity. 821 00:44:31,585 --> 00:44:33,629 I don't know what's gonna happen. 822 00:44:33,629 --> 00:44:36,840 They haven't... Haven't approached me with anything! 823 00:44:36,840 --> 00:44:38,926 They've not come near me. 824 00:44:38,926 --> 00:44:41,428 The Anderson, the Masvidal, the Usman. 825 00:44:41,428 --> 00:44:43,138 None of them. 826 00:44:45,307 --> 00:44:49,061 Ultimately, I can't tell you what they were thinking. 827 00:44:49,061 --> 00:44:53,273 The reality of it is, is they weren't booking him, weren't keeping him active, 828 00:44:53,273 --> 00:44:56,902 after numerous requests from us to them, 829 00:44:56,902 --> 00:45:00,906 knowing that, hey, listen, we want to stay active. 830 00:45:08,664 --> 00:45:11,625 {\an8} How hard is it to sit here by the sidelines 831 00:45:11,625 --> 00:45:13,419 {\an8}and watch other people fight? 832 00:45:13,419 --> 00:45:16,922 To see these great contests, and I'm sitting there, can't-- know what I mean? 833 00:45:16,922 --> 00:45:19,174 So, definitely, it's tough. 834 00:45:19,174 --> 00:45:22,386 I will fight anyone. I'll fight my corner man, I'll fight my coaches, 835 00:45:22,386 --> 00:45:24,430 I'll fight my teammates, know what I mean? 836 00:45:24,430 --> 00:45:27,141 - Yeah, man, I will fight you right now... 837 00:45:27,141 --> 00:45:30,394 ...but I'm just trying to keep a positive mindframe and always be happy, 838 00:45:30,394 --> 00:45:33,689 because why not? I mean, what else... 839 00:45:33,689 --> 00:45:36,859 nothing good ever comes from worrying, 840 00:45:36,859 --> 00:45:39,111 or sitting and feeling sorry for yourself, 841 00:45:39,111 --> 00:45:41,613 even though I've had a few nights where I felt sorry for myself, 842 00:45:41,613 --> 00:45:44,575 I just keep positive, keep pushing on, things will turn good. 843 00:45:54,168 --> 00:45:56,545 Shut the door, ring the bell, 844 00:45:56,545 --> 00:45:58,338 And no one does it better than me. 845 00:45:59,173 --> 00:46:01,467 So, stay tuned.