1 00:00:02,291 --> 00:00:05,375 [intense electronic music] 2 00:00:05,500 --> 00:00:07,750 [wolves growling] 3 00:00:14,375 --> 00:00:16,125 [wolves growling] 4 00:00:16,250 --> 00:00:17,750 [deer bleating] 5 00:00:19,708 --> 00:00:20,833 [wolves growling] 6 00:00:25,500 --> 00:00:26,916 [grunts] 7 00:00:27,041 --> 00:00:30,041 [wolves sniffing] 8 00:00:31,541 --> 00:00:32,916 [wolves growling] 9 00:00:36,583 --> 00:00:38,583 - [suspenseful music] - [sniffing] 10 00:00:52,625 --> 00:00:53,875 Whoa! 11 00:00:56,416 --> 00:00:58,583 [wolves growling] 12 00:01:00,708 --> 00:01:02,958 [deer sniffing] 13 00:01:03,083 --> 00:01:03,958 Stop, stop. 14 00:01:04,083 --> 00:01:05,083 Shoo! 15 00:01:05,125 --> 00:01:06,250 Knock it off! 16 00:01:06,375 --> 00:01:09,458 [Zoey yelling] 17 00:01:09,583 --> 00:01:13,208 [grunting, panting] 18 00:01:13,333 --> 00:01:15,166 - Easy, easy. - [deer bleating] 19 00:01:15,291 --> 00:01:16,500 Hey, I know you're scared. 20 00:01:16,625 --> 00:01:18,000 [deer bleating] 21 00:01:18,125 --> 00:01:21,666 [Zoey laughing] 22 00:01:21,791 --> 00:01:23,434 It's easy to be scared when you're all alone. 23 00:01:23,458 --> 00:01:25,791 - [bird squealing] - There you are! 24 00:01:25,916 --> 00:01:27,791 You know, I could've used your help with this. 25 00:01:28,916 --> 00:01:30,583 Where have you been? 26 00:01:30,708 --> 00:01:33,708 Jeez. Always thinking with your stomach. 27 00:01:33,833 --> 00:01:35,333 [laughing] 28 00:01:35,458 --> 00:01:39,250 [opening theme music playing] 29 00:01:47,208 --> 00:01:48,916 [Mrs. Castillo] Aw, little one. 30 00:01:49,041 --> 00:01:52,791 Did that mean old witch scare you out of your home? 31 00:01:54,166 --> 00:01:56,291 We'll take care of you. 32 00:01:57,916 --> 00:01:59,750 Izzie, if I tell you a secret, 33 00:01:59,875 --> 00:02:01,625 you promise not to freak out? 34 00:02:01,750 --> 00:02:03,208 [squealing] Tell me what it is! 35 00:02:03,333 --> 00:02:04,851 The anticipation is already killing me. 36 00:02:04,875 --> 00:02:06,916 Okay, okay. 37 00:02:07,041 --> 00:02:08,541 Well, you know how I haven't 38 00:02:08,666 --> 00:02:11,500 seen my dad since, like, forever? 39 00:02:11,625 --> 00:02:17,166 Well, yesterday, he kinda sorta came back. 40 00:02:17,291 --> 00:02:20,375 - Oh, my! - No freaking out. 41 00:02:20,500 --> 00:02:22,291 What happened? Did he apologize? 42 00:02:22,416 --> 00:02:24,351 Did he explain where he's been? Did he reveal a dark secret that 43 00:02:24,375 --> 00:02:26,215 he's been leading a double life this whole time 44 00:02:26,250 --> 00:02:28,059 and he just couldn't tell you in order to keep you safe? 45 00:02:28,083 --> 00:02:31,208 No. He just came by my place and said hello. 46 00:02:31,333 --> 00:02:34,791 It was weird. He wants to have a father-daughter day this weekend 47 00:02:34,916 --> 00:02:37,500 and like catch up or whatever. 48 00:02:37,625 --> 00:02:39,083 You are gonna go, right? 49 00:02:39,208 --> 00:02:40,666 You must be so curious. 50 00:02:40,791 --> 00:02:42,375 I'm curious what lava feels like, 51 00:02:42,500 --> 00:02:44,500 but I'm not gonna go stick my hand in it. 52 00:02:44,625 --> 00:02:46,000 But this isn't lava. 53 00:02:46,125 --> 00:02:47,708 This is your dad. 54 00:02:47,833 --> 00:02:50,208 What's the worst that could happen? 55 00:02:52,333 --> 00:02:54,375 [school bell ringing] 56 00:02:58,000 --> 00:02:59,625 [Logan groaning] 57 00:02:59,750 --> 00:03:01,541 Sun Tzu's The Art of War. 58 00:03:01,666 --> 00:03:05,083 Miyamoto Musashi's Ancient Samurai Strategy Guide. 59 00:03:05,208 --> 00:03:06,958 The Book of Five Rings. 60 00:03:07,083 --> 00:03:09,083 - What class is this for? - It's not for class. 61 00:03:09,208 --> 00:03:11,750 It gives me an edge when I face Astrid in the trials. 62 00:03:11,875 --> 00:03:13,208 Without being able to Dream Craft, 63 00:03:13,333 --> 00:03:14,875 I don't stand a chance against her. 64 00:03:15,000 --> 00:03:16,791 But I got to thinking about 65 00:03:16,916 --> 00:03:18,716 how you're dealing with your missing memories, 66 00:03:18,791 --> 00:03:21,875 so I figured I'd try something totally different too. 67 00:03:22,000 --> 00:03:23,041 Totally unexpected. 68 00:03:23,166 --> 00:03:24,500 Like studying? 69 00:03:24,625 --> 00:03:26,083 Exactly! She'll never see it coming. 70 00:03:26,208 --> 00:03:27,791 [Logan laughing] 71 00:03:27,916 --> 00:03:30,000 He knows you actually have to read those, right? 72 00:03:32,333 --> 00:03:35,916 Logan, nobody wants to beat Royce's protege more than I do, 73 00:03:36,041 --> 00:03:38,375 but I'll be honest, in this next round, 74 00:03:38,500 --> 00:03:40,875 you're gonna be facing one of the most diabolical, 75 00:03:41,000 --> 00:03:44,333 most menacing, most insidious things you've ever seen. 76 00:03:44,458 --> 00:03:46,166 An alarm clock. 77 00:03:46,291 --> 00:03:48,625 [gasping] Squeal! It's so cute! 78 00:03:48,750 --> 00:03:51,416 Look at those big, dreamy eyes. 79 00:03:51,541 --> 00:03:52,833 In order to win the next trial, 80 00:03:52,958 --> 00:03:54,791 you gotta catch this clock and hit 81 00:03:54,916 --> 00:03:57,208 the snooze button before the alarm goes off. 82 00:03:57,333 --> 00:03:59,416 No problemo. I do that every morning. 83 00:03:59,541 --> 00:04:00,958 Whoa, not so fast. 84 00:04:01,083 --> 00:04:03,541 The goal is to catch it, and in the trial, 85 00:04:03,666 --> 00:04:06,583 your opponents will use Dream Crafting to slow you down. 86 00:04:06,708 --> 00:04:08,375 So I want you three to try 87 00:04:08,500 --> 00:04:10,958 and stop Logan while he goes after the clock. 88 00:04:11,083 --> 00:04:13,583 Tap the clock, the timer resets and you advance. 89 00:04:13,708 --> 00:04:15,333 But whatever you do, 90 00:04:15,458 --> 00:04:18,541 do not be near this thing when the alarm goes off. 91 00:04:18,666 --> 00:04:20,958 Uh, what happens if the alarm goes off? 92 00:04:21,083 --> 00:04:24,000 Anyone near it will be ejected from the Dream World. 93 00:04:24,125 --> 00:04:25,708 - Game over. - Uh, Mr. Oz? 94 00:04:25,833 --> 00:04:27,208 Not now, Izzie. 95 00:04:27,333 --> 00:04:28,684 Can't you see I'm trying to explain 96 00:04:28,708 --> 00:04:30,208 to Logan about the… Whoa, wait. 97 00:04:30,333 --> 00:04:33,583 Why are you guys backing up? Is it my breath? 98 00:04:33,708 --> 00:04:34,708 Oh, nuts! 99 00:04:34,833 --> 00:04:36,541 [alarm ringing] 100 00:04:36,666 --> 00:04:39,291 - Where'd he go? - Back to the Waking World. 101 00:04:39,416 --> 00:04:41,250 That's the trick. You gotta tap the clock, 102 00:04:41,375 --> 00:04:44,000 but if anyone's too close at the wrong time, poof! 103 00:04:44,125 --> 00:04:46,750 Out you go and the timer starts all over again. 104 00:04:46,875 --> 00:04:48,333 You know, I've always wondered. 105 00:04:48,458 --> 00:04:51,000 If you and Mr. Oz are sort of the same, 106 00:04:51,125 --> 00:04:53,458 why do you stay here in the Dream World when he wakes up? 107 00:04:53,583 --> 00:04:56,791 Isn't there a part of you that's always dreaming? 108 00:04:56,916 --> 00:04:58,916 Now, who's ready to beat the clock? 109 00:05:00,375 --> 00:05:02,333 Whoa! Unexpected. 110 00:05:02,458 --> 00:05:03,958 Game on! 111 00:05:04,083 --> 00:05:06,208 [Logan panting] 112 00:05:06,791 --> 00:05:08,458 [Logan growling] 113 00:05:08,583 --> 00:05:10,750 Just trying to get you ready for the real thing. 114 00:05:10,875 --> 00:05:14,541 Fine. I'll just have to bring out the big guns! 115 00:05:14,666 --> 00:05:16,083 [yelling] 116 00:05:18,291 --> 00:05:20,333 [screams in slow motion] 117 00:05:22,041 --> 00:05:23,083 [grunts] 118 00:05:25,166 --> 00:05:26,333 [exclaims] 119 00:05:26,458 --> 00:05:28,875 [panting] 120 00:05:29,000 --> 00:05:30,125 [yelling] 121 00:05:31,375 --> 00:05:32,791 [exclaims] 122 00:05:32,916 --> 00:05:34,208 [yelling] 123 00:05:34,333 --> 00:05:35,791 Not good, not good, not good! 124 00:05:35,916 --> 00:05:37,708 - [Logan growling] - Oh, boy. 125 00:05:37,833 --> 00:05:40,333 Somehow, it's even worse than I pictured it. 126 00:05:40,458 --> 00:05:42,791 Do you really expect to win this thing 127 00:05:42,916 --> 00:05:44,625 without being able to Dream Craft? 128 00:05:44,750 --> 00:05:46,958 Well, as it says in the Art of War, 129 00:05:47,083 --> 00:05:48,351 "One may know how to conquer without 130 00:05:48,375 --> 00:05:49,458 being able to do it." 131 00:05:49,583 --> 00:05:51,125 You've certainly mastered 132 00:05:51,250 --> 00:05:53,333 the "not being able to" part. 133 00:05:53,458 --> 00:05:55,333 [giggling] He actually did read it. 134 00:05:58,125 --> 00:05:59,708 [Izzie] Hey! 135 00:05:59,833 --> 00:06:01,916 This better not be BFF talk. 136 00:06:02,041 --> 00:06:04,875 Okay, fine. I won't ask you about your dad again. 137 00:06:05,000 --> 00:06:06,720 Do you wanna come outside and train with us? 138 00:06:06,791 --> 00:06:08,071 We get to throw things at Logan. 139 00:06:08,166 --> 00:06:09,476 [Logan] Oh, man, there goes Cooper! 140 00:06:09,500 --> 00:06:11,666 - This thing is gnarly! - Tempting. 141 00:06:11,791 --> 00:06:15,625 So, have you given any more thought to meeting your dad? 142 00:06:15,750 --> 00:06:17,125 Izzie. 143 00:06:17,250 --> 00:06:19,041 Look, I know parents can be complicated. 144 00:06:19,166 --> 00:06:22,958 My mom never calls and my dad's started dating again. 145 00:06:23,083 --> 00:06:25,500 I get it. You're afraid of getting hurt. 146 00:06:25,625 --> 00:06:28,583 But come on. You just gotta give the guy a second chance. 147 00:06:28,708 --> 00:06:31,291 [Logan yelling] 148 00:06:31,416 --> 00:06:34,000 [clock beeping] 149 00:06:34,125 --> 00:06:36,166 [Logan coughing] 150 00:06:37,208 --> 00:06:39,541 Come on, Logan. Let's give it a rest. 151 00:06:39,666 --> 00:06:41,416 I'm almost out of sand. 152 00:06:41,541 --> 00:06:45,250 "In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take." 153 00:06:45,375 --> 00:06:46,833 Was that from The Art of War? 154 00:06:46,958 --> 00:06:48,666 Nah. Lewis Carroll. 155 00:06:52,250 --> 00:06:54,291 Get back here! [panting] 156 00:06:56,708 --> 00:06:58,083 Fine! 157 00:06:58,208 --> 00:06:59,726 - I'll call him when we wake up! - Yes! 158 00:06:59,750 --> 00:07:02,125 - [alarm clock ringing] - [cat purring] 159 00:07:02,250 --> 00:07:04,791 Hey, honey? If you're not feeling okay about this, 160 00:07:04,916 --> 00:07:06,291 we can call it off. Really. 161 00:07:06,416 --> 00:07:08,458 I know, Aunt Jenny. I know. 162 00:07:08,583 --> 00:07:10,416 [doorbell ringing] 163 00:07:10,541 --> 00:07:12,000 [door creaking] 164 00:07:12,125 --> 00:07:13,583 [Aunt Jenny] Brother. 165 00:07:13,708 --> 00:07:16,583 You know those are poisonous for cats, right? 166 00:07:16,708 --> 00:07:18,041 And here we go. 167 00:07:18,166 --> 00:07:21,416 [bright piano music] 168 00:07:52,166 --> 00:07:53,708 [camera shutter clicking] 169 00:08:08,000 --> 00:08:10,833 [choking] 170 00:08:15,083 --> 00:08:17,000 Zoey! How'd it go? 171 00:08:17,125 --> 00:08:19,208 [door squeaking, slamming] 172 00:08:19,333 --> 00:08:21,000 That good, huh? 173 00:08:25,083 --> 00:08:27,291 Watching Astrid train seemed like a good idea, 174 00:08:27,416 --> 00:08:29,125 but man, I'm getting concerned. 175 00:08:29,250 --> 00:08:30,291 Speak for yourself. 176 00:08:35,583 --> 00:08:38,666 [tires screeching] 177 00:08:44,458 --> 00:08:45,791 [gasping] What the… 178 00:08:48,625 --> 00:08:51,291 [deer bleating] 179 00:08:52,333 --> 00:08:53,708 Yeah, I just feel worse now. 180 00:09:05,000 --> 00:09:07,291 [tires screeching] 181 00:09:07,416 --> 00:09:09,750 Oh! Pretty. 182 00:09:09,875 --> 00:09:11,083 Oh, man, I'm doomed! 183 00:09:11,208 --> 00:09:12,791 Nah. You'll be okay. 184 00:09:12,916 --> 00:09:15,375 You always pull some crazy move no one sees coming. 185 00:09:15,500 --> 00:09:17,083 Don't you get it? 186 00:09:17,208 --> 00:09:19,250 Your Dream Crafting may be garbage without Z-Blob, 187 00:09:19,375 --> 00:09:20,875 but at least you've got an hourglass. 188 00:09:21,000 --> 00:09:22,666 What are Zoey and I gonna do 189 00:09:22,791 --> 00:09:24,517 in this trial with everyone throwing stuff at us? 190 00:09:24,541 --> 00:09:26,125 Speaking of, where is Zoey? 191 00:09:26,250 --> 00:09:27,666 I've been looking for her all night. 192 00:09:27,791 --> 00:09:29,391 She better be here for the trial tomorrow 193 00:09:29,500 --> 00:09:31,500 or she'll be disqualified. 194 00:09:31,625 --> 00:09:34,458 [Susan] Where are you, Dream Bandit? 195 00:09:34,583 --> 00:09:35,708 Aha! 196 00:09:36,666 --> 00:09:37,958 Gotcha! 197 00:09:38,083 --> 00:09:40,000 Let me show you how it's done. 198 00:09:41,416 --> 00:09:43,833 [Snivel yelping] Sorry about that, boss. 199 00:09:43,958 --> 00:09:46,000 [Night Hunter] Take this thing down. 200 00:09:46,125 --> 00:09:48,541 [Susan] You're sick of her too, huh? 201 00:09:48,666 --> 00:09:50,875 [Night Hunter] I said, take it down! 202 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:52,625 [Susan] What's your problem? 203 00:09:52,750 --> 00:09:56,000 Why you gotta ruin our target practice? 204 00:09:56,125 --> 00:09:58,375 [Night Hunter] Because that's my daughter! 205 00:09:58,500 --> 00:09:59,958 - [Susan] Your what? - Your daughter? 206 00:10:00,083 --> 00:10:01,458 [Susan] Are you sure, boss? 207 00:10:01,583 --> 00:10:05,458 I mean, I… I don't see a resemblance. 208 00:10:05,583 --> 00:10:08,166 Then why have we been fighting her all this time? 209 00:10:08,291 --> 00:10:09,916 I had no choice. 210 00:10:10,041 --> 00:10:11,291 If the Nightmare King knew, 211 00:10:11,416 --> 00:10:13,166 he would've used her against me. 212 00:10:13,291 --> 00:10:14,791 I had to keep her safe. 213 00:10:14,916 --> 00:10:16,583 Why do you think I kept letting her go? 214 00:10:16,708 --> 00:10:18,166 [Susan] To be honest, 215 00:10:18,291 --> 00:10:20,041 I just thought you were a lousy henchman. 216 00:10:20,166 --> 00:10:21,726 - [Night Hunter scoffing] - Come on, boss. 217 00:10:21,750 --> 00:10:23,541 You can tell us. 218 00:10:23,666 --> 00:10:25,392 [Night Hunter] I know she'd hate me if she ever found out, 219 00:10:25,416 --> 00:10:27,458 so I thought maybe we could reconnect 220 00:10:27,583 --> 00:10:30,041 in the Waking World and be a family again. 221 00:10:30,166 --> 00:10:32,541 [sighing] Turns out I was wrong. 222 00:10:32,666 --> 00:10:34,666 I may be the ruler of the Grim Realm here, 223 00:10:34,791 --> 00:10:37,541 but out there, I'm just another deadbeat dad. 224 00:10:37,666 --> 00:10:39,583 [Susan] So in all this time while 225 00:10:39,708 --> 00:10:41,000 you've been fighting her, 226 00:10:41,125 --> 00:10:43,125 she's never seen your real face? 227 00:10:43,250 --> 00:10:45,458 [Night Hunter] Wait. That's it! 228 00:10:45,583 --> 00:10:47,958 - [Snivel] It is? - [Susan] There he goes again. 229 00:10:48,083 --> 00:10:49,208 [Snivel sighing] 230 00:10:54,916 --> 00:10:56,541 Sorry, Zian. 231 00:10:56,666 --> 00:10:58,250 I don't feel like playing. 232 00:11:00,458 --> 00:11:02,750 [clock ticking] 233 00:11:02,875 --> 00:11:05,166 [Beau] That's quite the timepiece. 234 00:11:06,083 --> 00:11:08,041 Dad? What are you… 235 00:11:08,166 --> 00:11:09,708 Are you an aware dreamer? 236 00:11:09,833 --> 00:11:11,000 Must run in the family. 237 00:11:11,125 --> 00:11:12,750 Wow. But, um… 238 00:11:12,875 --> 00:11:14,000 Wait, how did you find me? 239 00:11:14,125 --> 00:11:16,416 Licorice. [chuckling] 240 00:11:16,541 --> 00:11:18,708 When you were little and you were mad or sad, 241 00:11:18,833 --> 00:11:20,833 I could always cheer you up with some candy. 242 00:11:20,958 --> 00:11:22,458 Your mom said not to, 243 00:11:22,583 --> 00:11:25,041 but a piece of licorice always cheered you up. 244 00:11:25,166 --> 00:11:26,625 I figured this is where you'd be. 245 00:11:26,750 --> 00:11:27,750 Right. 246 00:11:27,875 --> 00:11:29,458 You want some more? 247 00:11:29,583 --> 00:11:31,041 You won't choke on it here. 248 00:11:31,166 --> 00:11:33,125 [chuckling] Well, I'm trying to cut back. 249 00:11:33,250 --> 00:11:35,250 But it is good to see this again. 250 00:11:35,375 --> 00:11:38,500 I remember hiding it under the floorboards of my room. 251 00:11:38,625 --> 00:11:39,625 Where did you get it? 252 00:11:39,750 --> 00:11:41,291 When I moved in with Aunt Jenny. 253 00:11:41,416 --> 00:11:43,791 So this watch was… was yours? 254 00:11:43,916 --> 00:11:45,583 A long time ago. 255 00:11:45,708 --> 00:11:47,791 I loved how it could give you a second chance. 256 00:11:47,916 --> 00:11:49,458 Too bad it can't turn back time 257 00:11:49,583 --> 00:11:52,583 far enough to fix the mess I made with your mother. 258 00:11:52,708 --> 00:11:55,000 I'm sorry, Zoey. 259 00:11:55,125 --> 00:11:56,708 I'm sorry today went so bad 260 00:11:56,833 --> 00:11:59,958 and I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner. 261 00:12:00,083 --> 00:12:02,791 I guess I was just afraid of getting hurt. 262 00:12:02,916 --> 00:12:03,791 Yeah. 263 00:12:03,916 --> 00:12:05,416 I know that feeling. 264 00:12:05,541 --> 00:12:08,500 Hey, Dad, you ever dream about flying? 265 00:12:10,625 --> 00:12:11,916 [Beau laughing] 266 00:12:12,041 --> 00:12:14,250 Wow! This is incredible! 267 00:12:15,333 --> 00:12:17,333 Yeah, it sure is! 268 00:12:18,458 --> 00:12:23,916 Hey, Dad, I've got kind of a test… or contest or… 269 00:12:24,041 --> 00:12:25,583 I don't know how to explain it. 270 00:12:25,708 --> 00:12:27,508 But would you wanna come see me compete in it? 271 00:12:27,583 --> 00:12:29,750 Of course! Just tell me where! 272 00:12:29,875 --> 00:12:31,125 It's tomorrow night at this 273 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:33,500 really cool place called Castle Nocturnia. 274 00:12:33,625 --> 00:12:35,125 My friends will all be there, 275 00:12:35,250 --> 00:12:37,416 and I want you to meet our teacher, Mr. Oz. 276 00:12:37,541 --> 00:12:40,125 Oz, you say? Mr. Oz? 277 00:12:40,250 --> 00:12:44,500 Um, I'm not sure I can make it tomorrow, Zoey. 278 00:12:44,625 --> 00:12:46,250 I work the night shift some days. 279 00:12:46,375 --> 00:12:48,208 Oh. Sure. Okay. 280 00:12:48,333 --> 00:12:50,500 I mean, I'll try. I just… 281 00:12:50,625 --> 00:12:52,708 Forget about it. No big deal. 282 00:12:52,833 --> 00:12:54,666 It was a stupid idea anyway. 283 00:12:59,125 --> 00:13:04,708 - [crowd cheering] - [triumphant music] 284 00:13:15,208 --> 00:13:17,208 By the end of this round, 285 00:13:17,333 --> 00:13:19,416 we'll be closer to finding out 286 00:13:19,541 --> 00:13:22,166 who among us is the best of the best. 287 00:13:22,291 --> 00:13:24,916 Closer to taking on the Never Witch. 288 00:13:25,041 --> 00:13:27,125 - [crowd booing] - As per the tradition, 289 00:13:27,250 --> 00:13:29,375 rules for Beat the Clock are simple. 290 00:13:29,500 --> 00:13:32,083 If you catch and tap snooze, you advance. 291 00:13:32,208 --> 00:13:35,375 Every tap or every 90 seconds, the clock resets. 292 00:13:35,500 --> 00:13:38,041 We are down to 14 contestants, 293 00:13:38,166 --> 00:13:40,125 but only the first seven agents 294 00:13:40,250 --> 00:13:41,708 to hit that button will advance. 295 00:13:41,833 --> 00:13:43,791 Give it your all. And remember, 296 00:13:43,916 --> 00:13:45,208 you're allowed to Dream Craft 297 00:13:45,333 --> 00:13:47,083 whatever you want to help yourself 298 00:13:47,208 --> 00:13:51,083 or incapacitate your opponents. 299 00:13:51,208 --> 00:13:53,333 [suspenseful music] 300 00:14:00,916 --> 00:14:02,666 Zoey! What are you looking for? 301 00:14:02,791 --> 00:14:04,833 Get your head in the game! We're about to start! 302 00:14:04,958 --> 00:14:06,666 All right! Good luck! 303 00:14:06,791 --> 00:14:10,458 May the best and only the best seven Dream Chasers win. 304 00:14:11,416 --> 00:14:13,875 [clock ticking] 305 00:14:14,000 --> 00:14:15,500 [Phil] And they're off! 306 00:14:15,625 --> 00:14:18,416 They say time flies, but never quite like this. 307 00:14:22,583 --> 00:14:25,083 Check out that Dream Crafting! 308 00:14:25,208 --> 00:14:27,250 [grunts] 309 00:14:30,208 --> 00:14:31,291 Go time! 310 00:14:33,000 --> 00:14:35,208 [Phil] Mateo of Brooklyn Dream Crafts! 311 00:14:35,333 --> 00:14:36,333 [Mateo yelling] 312 00:14:36,458 --> 00:14:37,750 A snot-bug? 313 00:14:39,458 --> 00:14:41,208 Follow that alarm clock! 314 00:14:41,333 --> 00:14:44,666 [Phil] And there goes Izzie of Brooklyn! 315 00:14:44,791 --> 00:14:49,083 Oh, boy. This is gonna be one heck of a run, folks. 316 00:14:57,083 --> 00:15:00,791 [yelling] 317 00:15:00,916 --> 00:15:03,291 [glass shattering] 318 00:15:03,416 --> 00:15:04,625 Aw, man! 319 00:15:04,750 --> 00:15:06,291 Seriously? 320 00:15:06,416 --> 00:15:08,500 We just finished repairing that window. 321 00:15:08,625 --> 00:15:11,208 Come on, guys! You got this! 322 00:15:11,333 --> 00:15:14,250 [Mateo yelling] 323 00:15:14,375 --> 00:15:15,833 Aha! 324 00:15:15,958 --> 00:15:17,166 Now's our chance. 325 00:15:17,291 --> 00:15:20,458 A little closer. A little closer. 326 00:15:20,583 --> 00:15:22,541 Now, Bunchu! 327 00:15:22,666 --> 00:15:24,916 [Mateo yelling] 328 00:15:25,041 --> 00:15:26,041 No! 329 00:15:26,166 --> 00:15:27,666 Watch where you're going! 330 00:15:27,791 --> 00:15:30,583 Sorry! This thing is kind of hard to steer. 331 00:15:30,708 --> 00:15:33,416 [Mateo yelling] 332 00:15:34,666 --> 00:15:37,333 [clock ticking] 333 00:15:39,083 --> 00:15:42,083 [suspenseful music] 334 00:15:42,208 --> 00:15:44,000 [alarm ringing] 335 00:15:44,125 --> 00:15:46,375 [Phil] Oh! Looks like it's back to the Waking World 336 00:15:46,500 --> 00:15:48,833 for the whole South African branch. 337 00:15:48,958 --> 00:15:52,291 And another 90 seconds back on the clock. 338 00:15:56,166 --> 00:15:57,416 [Izzie yelling] 339 00:16:04,666 --> 00:16:06,750 Hey! Get off of my pizza-platoon! 340 00:16:06,875 --> 00:16:09,208 [Phil] Logan from Brooklyn… 341 00:16:09,333 --> 00:16:10,767 - Thanks for the lift! - Slicing it! 342 00:16:10,791 --> 00:16:12,333 [Logan laughing] 343 00:16:12,458 --> 00:16:15,833 [Logan yelling] 344 00:16:15,958 --> 00:16:18,958 Zian! Why must you always think with your stomach? 345 00:16:19,083 --> 00:16:21,041 [Izzie humming] 346 00:16:21,166 --> 00:16:22,333 He's not wrong. 347 00:16:22,458 --> 00:16:24,500 [Izzie speaks in Spanish] 348 00:16:27,708 --> 00:16:29,208 [Mateo yelling] 349 00:16:33,375 --> 00:16:35,708 [alarm ringing] 350 00:16:35,833 --> 00:16:37,208 [crowd cheering] 351 00:16:37,333 --> 00:16:40,000 That's the first snooze of the match. 352 00:16:40,125 --> 00:16:41,875 Wow! You did it! 353 00:16:42,000 --> 00:16:43,958 You got the first tap! 354 00:16:48,333 --> 00:16:51,416 [Phil] Now the clock resets and there are six slots left. 355 00:16:56,208 --> 00:16:58,916 [alarm ringing] 356 00:17:08,708 --> 00:17:10,333 [crowd cheering] 357 00:17:10,708 --> 00:17:13,291 Yeah! All right! Takashi! 358 00:17:16,458 --> 00:17:19,791 [Zoey panting] 359 00:17:19,916 --> 00:17:22,791 [Zoey yelling] 360 00:17:24,666 --> 00:17:26,083 [crowd cheering] 361 00:17:26,208 --> 00:17:27,416 Oh, man. 362 00:17:30,041 --> 00:17:34,000 - [clock beeping] - [suspenseful music] 363 00:17:34,125 --> 00:17:37,750 - Yes! - [crowd cheering] 364 00:17:37,875 --> 00:17:40,541 Zian! [yelling] 365 00:17:40,666 --> 00:17:41,791 That's it! I give up! 366 00:17:41,916 --> 00:17:43,875 Zoey! Zoey! 367 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:45,958 Dad? Dad! 368 00:17:46,083 --> 00:17:48,041 - You came! - Are you kidding me? 369 00:17:48,166 --> 00:17:49,375 Wouldn't miss it. 370 00:17:51,958 --> 00:17:54,041 Are you gonna eat that hotdog by your shoe? 371 00:17:54,166 --> 00:17:55,916 Oh, it's you. 372 00:17:56,041 --> 00:17:59,875 I mean, it's all you, all yours. Help yourself. 373 00:18:00,000 --> 00:18:01,875 [Mr. Oz] Five-second rule, am I right? 374 00:18:05,500 --> 00:18:09,458 [clock ticking] 375 00:18:09,583 --> 00:18:14,250 [Phil] What a move by Zoey from the Brooklyn branch! 376 00:18:14,375 --> 00:18:16,083 I didn't even see her coming. 377 00:18:16,208 --> 00:18:17,666 She's clinched her spot. 378 00:18:17,791 --> 00:18:19,916 Yeah! That's my girl! 379 00:18:20,041 --> 00:18:21,041 That's, uh… 380 00:18:21,125 --> 00:18:24,250 I mean, good job, Brooklyn girl! 381 00:18:24,375 --> 00:18:26,250 Say, who is that under there? 382 00:18:26,375 --> 00:18:28,750 Your voice sounds familiar. 383 00:18:28,875 --> 00:18:30,041 Who, me? 384 00:18:30,166 --> 00:18:32,833 No, I'm nobody. Just a fan. 385 00:18:32,958 --> 00:18:34,791 Will you excuse me? I gotta run. 386 00:18:37,291 --> 00:18:39,708 [Phil] That's it! Only one spot left, 387 00:18:39,833 --> 00:18:41,583 and odds-on favorite Astrid from 388 00:18:41,708 --> 00:18:43,875 the Berlin bureau still hasn't got it! 389 00:18:44,000 --> 00:18:46,083 Logan! 390 00:18:46,208 --> 00:18:47,583 [Logan yelling] 391 00:18:49,458 --> 00:18:53,291 Nice. Time to even the playing field. 392 00:18:56,041 --> 00:18:59,000 [Logan yelling] 393 00:19:00,041 --> 00:19:02,208 [crowd cheering] 394 00:19:05,333 --> 00:19:06,333 [clock beeping] 395 00:19:06,416 --> 00:19:07,958 [Phil] There it is! 396 00:19:08,083 --> 00:19:11,333 Astrid of Berlin has done it! 397 00:19:11,458 --> 00:19:14,333 The advancing finalists are set! 398 00:19:14,458 --> 00:19:15,708 [Izzie chuckling] 399 00:19:15,833 --> 00:19:19,041 [triumphant music] 400 00:19:26,041 --> 00:19:27,166 [grunts] 401 00:19:28,125 --> 00:19:29,125 Here to gloat? 402 00:19:29,208 --> 00:19:30,375 [Logan yelling] 403 00:19:31,916 --> 00:19:33,708 Go ahead. Get your fill. 404 00:19:33,833 --> 00:19:37,041 You kept up with the entire field without Dream Crafting. 405 00:19:37,166 --> 00:19:38,791 I'll be honest, 406 00:19:38,916 --> 00:19:41,833 I'm not sure even I could have pulled that off. 407 00:19:41,958 --> 00:19:44,166 Hey, now that I'm out of the competition, 408 00:19:44,291 --> 00:19:45,666 you gotta tell me. 409 00:19:45,791 --> 00:19:47,833 You let me have that jetty thingy, right? 410 00:19:47,958 --> 00:19:50,000 Have you ever read The Book of Five Rings? 411 00:19:50,125 --> 00:19:52,250 Ah, I knew it! I totally knew it! 412 00:19:52,375 --> 00:19:54,000 Classic bait and switch. 413 00:19:54,125 --> 00:19:56,250 Hey, what's your favorite chapter? 414 00:19:57,000 --> 00:19:58,750 Zoey, that was amazing, 415 00:19:58,875 --> 00:20:00,583 I've never seen anything like it. 416 00:20:00,708 --> 00:20:02,125 And you won't again. 417 00:20:02,250 --> 00:20:03,750 What's that supposed to mean? 418 00:20:03,875 --> 00:20:06,333 The rules of Beat the Clock are very clear. 419 00:20:06,458 --> 00:20:08,833 You can only use Dream Crafting. 420 00:20:08,958 --> 00:20:10,500 No outside gadgets. 421 00:20:10,625 --> 00:20:12,541 I don't make the rules. It's tradition. 422 00:20:12,666 --> 00:20:14,916 But that's not fair! She caught the clock. 423 00:20:15,041 --> 00:20:16,791 - Who cares how she did it? - I do. 424 00:20:16,916 --> 00:20:20,750 Because facing the Never Witch is no game. 425 00:20:20,875 --> 00:20:22,875 Sometimes she won't have her watch to save her. 426 00:20:23,000 --> 00:20:25,666 I'm not sending anyone but the best on this mission. 427 00:20:25,791 --> 00:20:29,625 She is disqualified and another Dream Chaser will take her spot. 428 00:20:29,750 --> 00:20:32,416 Why, you stuck up little so and so! 429 00:20:32,541 --> 00:20:34,750 - You think you can just… - Hey, it's okay. 430 00:20:34,875 --> 00:20:36,125 I don't need the win. 431 00:20:38,083 --> 00:20:40,791 I already got everything I wanted today. 432 00:20:43,541 --> 00:20:47,208 [mysterious piano music] 433 00:20:53,083 --> 00:20:56,291 [suspenseful music] 434 00:20:59,541 --> 00:21:01,625 Lower your weapon! 435 00:21:01,750 --> 00:21:05,000 Since when am I taking orders from you? 436 00:21:05,125 --> 00:21:07,750 Oh, you'll be taking lots of orders from me. 437 00:21:07,875 --> 00:21:09,666 From here on out, 438 00:21:09,791 --> 00:21:12,291 you'll be doing everything I tell you to. 439 00:21:12,416 --> 00:21:14,750 Why in the world would I do that? 440 00:21:14,875 --> 00:21:19,083 Because if you don't, I'll show your daughter this! 441 00:21:20,375 --> 00:21:22,708 No, no, no! Please don't! 442 00:21:22,833 --> 00:21:24,125 Just tell me what you want! 443 00:21:24,250 --> 00:21:26,125 What I want 444 00:21:26,250 --> 00:21:29,916 is the one they call Mateo. 445 00:21:30,958 --> 00:21:33,000 [closing theme music playing]