1 00:00:07,384 --> 00:00:09,219 [suspenseful music playing] 2 00:00:09,219 --> 00:00:10,304 [door opens] 3 00:00:11,930 --> 00:00:12,890 [door closes] 4 00:00:36,789 --> 00:00:38,207 You brought your camera, right? 5 00:00:38,207 --> 00:00:40,209 That's like asking if I brought my eyes. 6 00:00:40,209 --> 00:00:41,960 Eyes lie. Cameras don't. 7 00:00:47,925 --> 00:00:50,052 So, there was a struggle. 8 00:00:50,052 --> 00:00:51,220 But how did it end? 9 00:00:51,220 --> 00:00:52,304 Where are they? 10 00:00:53,472 --> 00:00:54,765 - [snarls] - Hmm? 11 00:00:55,766 --> 00:00:57,100 Did you hear that? 12 00:00:57,100 --> 00:00:58,352 The last tour came and went hours ago. 13 00:00:58,352 --> 00:00:59,520 We're the only ones here. 14 00:01:00,062 --> 00:01:02,231 [snarls] 15 00:01:02,231 --> 00:01:03,649 I really don't like this. 16 00:01:04,233 --> 00:01:05,192 All right, fine. 17 00:01:05,192 --> 00:01:06,652 We'll come back in daylight, 18 00:01:06,652 --> 00:01:08,821 pose as tourists and slip away from-- [gasps] 19 00:01:08,821 --> 00:01:09,988 [growls] 20 00:01:12,991 --> 00:01:14,159 What in the... 21 00:01:17,996 --> 00:01:19,581 - [screeching] - [both gasp] 22 00:01:21,500 --> 00:01:23,794 Come on. [both panting] 23 00:01:27,172 --> 00:01:28,382 [shuddering] 24 00:01:29,258 --> 00:01:30,384 [grunts] 25 00:01:32,719 --> 00:01:35,889 [gasps] [panting] 26 00:01:37,140 --> 00:01:38,225 [grunts] 27 00:01:40,811 --> 00:01:41,812 [both gasp] 28 00:01:43,438 --> 00:01:44,606 [snarls] 29 00:01:45,774 --> 00:01:46,733 What are you doing? 30 00:01:46,733 --> 00:01:47,818 Eyes lie. 31 00:01:48,569 --> 00:01:49,570 [gasps] 32 00:01:50,654 --> 00:01:51,989 [panting] 33 00:01:57,828 --> 00:01:59,329 What was that? 34 00:01:59,329 --> 00:02:01,582 And what did it do with the Justice League? 35 00:02:01,582 --> 00:02:03,000 I don't know, Jimmy, 36 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:05,252 but it definitely wasn't natural. 37 00:02:05,252 --> 00:02:07,254 - It was-- - Super natural. 38 00:02:07,254 --> 00:02:09,047 The kind of thing we bring in Superman 39 00:02:09,047 --> 00:02:10,632 and the league to help us figure out. 40 00:02:10,632 --> 00:02:12,175 But with them missing-- 41 00:02:12,175 --> 00:02:14,094 Who do you call when your heroes need heroes 42 00:02:14,094 --> 00:02:15,596 [monster snarling] 43 00:02:19,349 --> 00:02:21,935 Miss Lane? Lois? 44 00:02:21,935 --> 00:02:23,145 Get your girlfriend on the phone, Jimmy. 45 00:02:23,145 --> 00:02:25,105 Tell her Metropolis... 46 00:02:25,105 --> 00:02:27,274 Tell her the world needs help. 47 00:02:37,784 --> 00:02:39,786 [opening theme music playing] 48 00:02:42,789 --> 00:02:47,210 ♪ There is no courage without fear of the unknown ♪ 49 00:02:47,210 --> 00:02:52,132 ♪ And there's no bravery without fright ♪ 50 00:02:52,132 --> 00:02:56,720 ♪ Most never rise above the fears of flesh and bone ♪ 51 00:02:56,720 --> 00:03:01,808 ♪ While some are drawn into the night ♪ 52 00:03:01,808 --> 00:03:06,855 ♪ Come along, we'll take the less travelled path ♪ 53 00:03:06,855 --> 00:03:11,485 ♪ The rocky and most dangerous track ♪ 54 00:03:11,485 --> 00:03:16,114 ♪ For only there can mortals begin to know ♪ 55 00:03:16,114 --> 00:03:20,285 {\an8}♪ The special places only heroes go ♪ 56 00:03:20,285 --> 00:03:24,706 ♪ They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger still ♪ 57 00:03:24,706 --> 00:03:29,670 ♪ Such wisdom lights the hero's way ♪ 58 00:03:29,670 --> 00:03:34,257 {\an8}♪ When facing monsters or just battling your will ♪ 59 00:03:34,257 --> 00:03:39,429 ♪ Determination wins the day ♪ 60 00:03:39,429 --> 00:03:44,434 ♪ Come along, we'll take the less travelled path ♪ 61 00:03:44,434 --> 00:03:49,106 ♪ The rocky and most dangerous track ♪ 62 00:03:49,106 --> 00:03:53,777 ♪ For only there can mortals begin to know ♪ 63 00:03:53,777 --> 00:03:58,365 ♪ The special place where only heroes go ♪ 64 00:04:06,206 --> 00:04:07,457 [birds chirping] 65 00:04:14,715 --> 00:04:17,009 Wow. Metropolis is beautiful. 66 00:04:17,009 --> 00:04:19,219 We're not in Metropolis yet. 67 00:04:19,219 --> 00:04:21,221 Come on, Freddy. Hit the gas. 68 00:04:21,221 --> 00:04:23,306 Actually, accounting for wind gradient 69 00:04:23,306 --> 00:04:25,350 and local meteorological phenomena, 70 00:04:25,350 --> 00:04:28,228 we're already traveling at the safest speed science allows. 71 00:04:28,228 --> 00:04:30,147 Can't argue with science, Daph. 72 00:04:30,147 --> 00:04:33,108 [sighs] Okay, but it sounded urgent. 73 00:04:33,108 --> 00:04:35,318 Like speaking of urgent, we haven't stopped 74 00:04:35,318 --> 00:04:37,571 for snacks in over half an hour. [whimpering] 75 00:04:37,571 --> 00:04:39,322 And I'm not sure Scooby's full enough 76 00:04:39,322 --> 00:04:40,824 to make it all the way to lunch. 77 00:04:40,824 --> 00:04:43,326 Oh! [weeping] 78 00:04:43,326 --> 00:04:46,872 Tell the world I was brave. 79 00:04:47,998 --> 00:04:50,167 Oh, for goodness sake. 80 00:04:50,167 --> 00:04:52,502 Man, now we're talking. 81 00:04:52,502 --> 00:04:53,420 - [chuckles] - [slurping] 82 00:04:53,420 --> 00:04:55,130 Make sure you ration those. 83 00:04:55,130 --> 00:04:56,757 It's our last box until... 84 00:04:59,092 --> 00:05:00,844 Hey, look. 85 00:05:00,844 --> 00:05:04,264 "Now entering Metropolis, the city of tomorrow." 86 00:05:08,226 --> 00:05:10,896 - [people screaming] - [siren wailing] 87 00:05:10,896 --> 00:05:12,856 Like, judging by all these old photos, 88 00:05:12,856 --> 00:05:16,610 the city of tomorrow was a lot nicer yesterday. 89 00:05:18,862 --> 00:05:20,405 I wonder what could've happened. 90 00:05:20,405 --> 00:05:21,698 - [thuds] - [all grunt] 91 00:05:32,209 --> 00:05:33,960 [tires screeching] 92 00:05:33,960 --> 00:05:35,629 [grunting] 93 00:05:44,387 --> 00:05:46,890 - [all screaming] - That was Giganta. 94 00:05:48,141 --> 00:05:49,935 Hey, not nice. 95 00:05:49,935 --> 00:05:51,686 No, that's her name. 96 00:05:51,686 --> 00:05:54,898 Giganta, member of the former Legion of Doom, 97 00:05:54,898 --> 00:05:57,067 a now-defunct gang of super criminals. 98 00:05:57,067 --> 00:06:00,403 And, like, the first woman to set foot on the moon. [whimpers] 99 00:06:00,403 --> 00:06:02,489 Yeah, from the Earth. 100 00:06:02,489 --> 00:06:05,075 [Fred] Do you think she's the reason we're here? 101 00:06:05,075 --> 00:06:06,243 [Velma] Uh, no. 102 00:06:06,243 --> 00:06:08,954 She's more dangerous than mysterious. 103 00:06:08,954 --> 00:06:10,330 Unless you count the mystery 104 00:06:10,330 --> 00:06:12,415 of how she finds shoes in that size. 105 00:06:15,418 --> 00:06:17,671 Ah, Superman. 106 00:06:17,671 --> 00:06:19,089 Like, wow. 107 00:06:23,093 --> 00:06:25,011 Like, whoa! 108 00:06:25,011 --> 00:06:27,180 [laughing] 109 00:06:28,598 --> 00:06:32,477 [laughs] You said it, Puddin'. Ha! 110 00:06:33,270 --> 00:06:34,437 [screaming] 111 00:06:39,276 --> 00:06:41,403 - [all gasp] - That's the Joker. 112 00:06:41,403 --> 00:06:43,613 The Joker and Harley Quinn. 113 00:06:43,613 --> 00:06:45,782 More Legion of Doom members. 114 00:06:45,782 --> 00:06:48,201 Actually, Harley's an associate member. 115 00:06:48,201 --> 00:06:51,371 Why do you know so much about Harley Quinn? 116 00:06:58,795 --> 00:07:00,505 No mystery there either. 117 00:07:01,339 --> 00:07:02,340 [grunts] 118 00:07:03,341 --> 00:07:04,551 [all gasp] 119 00:07:04,551 --> 00:07:06,052 - [laughs maniacally] - [giggling] 120 00:07:07,387 --> 00:07:08,638 [all inhaling deeply] 121 00:07:14,895 --> 00:07:16,146 [all exhale, gasp] 122 00:07:16,646 --> 00:07:18,064 [grunts] 123 00:07:18,064 --> 00:07:19,733 - Zoinks. - [Scooby shivering] 124 00:07:21,234 --> 00:07:22,235 [grunts] 125 00:07:22,986 --> 00:07:24,321 [gulps, panting] 126 00:07:24,321 --> 00:07:25,655 [roars] 127 00:07:25,655 --> 00:07:27,199 [all screaming] 128 00:07:27,199 --> 00:07:28,658 The Creeper. 129 00:07:28,658 --> 00:07:30,660 Already solved that mystery. 130 00:07:30,660 --> 00:07:32,495 [growling] 131 00:07:33,914 --> 00:07:35,207 [tires screeching] 132 00:07:35,207 --> 00:07:36,416 [all screaming] 133 00:07:46,051 --> 00:07:47,427 Oh. 134 00:07:49,095 --> 00:07:50,680 And that wasn't even the Creeper. 135 00:07:50,680 --> 00:07:52,515 That was Solomon Grundy. 136 00:07:52,515 --> 00:07:54,893 We're not just stopping for any ghoul we see. 137 00:07:54,893 --> 00:07:56,978 Well, that's pretty mysterious. 138 00:07:56,978 --> 00:07:58,104 [rumbling] 139 00:08:05,153 --> 00:08:06,154 [all screaming] 140 00:08:10,659 --> 00:08:11,743 [Scooby yelps] 141 00:08:13,411 --> 00:08:14,579 [all gasp] 142 00:08:15,872 --> 00:08:17,499 [screaming] 143 00:08:27,092 --> 00:08:28,677 That was close. 144 00:08:28,677 --> 00:08:30,262 Oh, no. Look. 145 00:08:35,600 --> 00:08:37,143 [Scooby whimpering] 146 00:08:39,229 --> 00:08:40,230 [people screaming] 147 00:08:41,106 --> 00:08:45,277 [tires screeching] [all screaming] 148 00:08:54,202 --> 00:08:55,287 [all screaming] 149 00:08:58,206 --> 00:09:02,711 [engine revs] [all screaming] 150 00:09:12,178 --> 00:09:13,471 [tires screeching] 151 00:09:16,558 --> 00:09:17,726 [all sigh in relief] 152 00:09:17,726 --> 00:09:19,352 [whimpering] 153 00:09:19,352 --> 00:09:22,147 Oh, man, like, that's gotta be why we're here! 154 00:09:22,147 --> 00:09:25,984 Kind of a mystery, but still not exactly our thing. 155 00:09:25,984 --> 00:09:27,736 Hey, there it is. 156 00:09:36,411 --> 00:09:37,412 Wow. 157 00:09:42,000 --> 00:09:46,046 Ah, you can actually smell the ink on newsprint. 158 00:09:46,046 --> 00:09:48,715 The Daily Planet went all digital five years ago. 159 00:09:48,715 --> 00:09:51,134 Well, then that's what I smell. 160 00:09:51,134 --> 00:09:52,510 Daphne. 161 00:09:52,510 --> 00:09:54,346 Jimmy. 162 00:09:54,346 --> 00:09:56,181 You haven't changed a bit. 163 00:09:56,181 --> 00:09:57,682 Nope. 164 00:09:57,682 --> 00:09:59,517 Still overdue for that growth spurt? 165 00:09:59,517 --> 00:10:00,852 Hey, thanks for coming. 166 00:10:00,852 --> 00:10:01,936 Follow me. 167 00:10:03,146 --> 00:10:04,564 Lois Lane, meet-- 168 00:10:04,564 --> 00:10:05,648 Hang on. 169 00:10:08,443 --> 00:10:11,112 Editorial, you got incoming! 170 00:10:11,112 --> 00:10:12,364 All right. Thanks, Olsen. 171 00:10:12,364 --> 00:10:13,531 I'll take it from here. 172 00:10:13,531 --> 00:10:14,783 The kitchen's over yonder. 173 00:10:14,783 --> 00:10:16,951 I like my coffee like I like my stories. 174 00:10:16,951 --> 00:10:18,411 Dark with a twist. 175 00:10:18,411 --> 00:10:20,955 No, no, Lois, these aren't the new interns. 176 00:10:20,955 --> 00:10:22,207 They aren't? 177 00:10:23,208 --> 00:10:24,292 Hang on, Olsen. 178 00:10:24,292 --> 00:10:25,418 Let me guess. 179 00:10:25,418 --> 00:10:26,461 This is your girlfriend. 180 00:10:26,461 --> 00:10:29,339 What? No, that's Velma. 181 00:10:29,339 --> 00:10:30,382 This is Fred. 182 00:10:30,382 --> 00:10:32,050 Shaggy, Scooby-doo. 183 00:10:32,050 --> 00:10:33,676 - And-- - I'm Daphne. 184 00:10:33,676 --> 00:10:35,512 She's my girlfriend. 185 00:10:35,512 --> 00:10:37,639 - [both] What? - Of course. 186 00:10:37,639 --> 00:10:39,391 Sorry, Olsen. 187 00:10:39,391 --> 00:10:41,351 For some reason, I just thought Velma was more your type. 188 00:10:43,728 --> 00:10:44,979 And who is this? 189 00:10:44,979 --> 00:10:47,607 Oh, uh, we haven't met. 190 00:10:47,607 --> 00:10:49,984 [chuckles] Like, what are you talking about. That's-- 191 00:10:49,984 --> 00:10:53,405 - Velma! - Ah. Did not recognize you. 192 00:10:53,947 --> 00:10:54,906 Really? 193 00:10:54,906 --> 00:10:55,907 Well, yeah. 194 00:10:55,907 --> 00:10:57,325 Velma wears glasses... 195 00:10:57,325 --> 00:10:59,119 And where'd she go? 196 00:11:00,286 --> 00:11:01,996 - [gasps] - [laughs] 197 00:11:04,916 --> 00:11:07,460 Ah, there you are, Velma. 198 00:11:07,460 --> 00:11:09,212 I'm sorry, Jimmy, but have you been 199 00:11:09,212 --> 00:11:11,256 telling people you're my boyfriend? 200 00:11:11,256 --> 00:11:12,465 Of course. 201 00:11:12,465 --> 00:11:14,509 We happened to be at the same camp together 202 00:11:14,509 --> 00:11:15,802 one summer. 203 00:11:15,802 --> 00:11:16,886 When I was nine. 204 00:11:16,886 --> 00:11:20,140 And we were voted "Best Redhead couple." 205 00:11:20,140 --> 00:11:23,143 [sighs in exasperation] That wasn't a real award, Jimmy. 206 00:11:23,143 --> 00:11:24,811 We are being bullied. 207 00:11:24,811 --> 00:11:27,981 Yeah, but we got through it together. 208 00:11:27,981 --> 00:11:29,649 Well, this is all very weird and embarrassing, 209 00:11:29,649 --> 00:11:31,067 but the clock's ticking, so... 210 00:11:31,067 --> 00:11:32,652 Why did you call us here? 211 00:11:32,652 --> 00:11:34,696 Oh, right to the question. No hesitation. 212 00:11:34,696 --> 00:11:37,574 You have the instincts of a reporter, young lady. 213 00:11:37,574 --> 00:11:39,701 I called you here to help us solve the mystery of-- 214 00:11:39,701 --> 00:11:41,411 Great Caesars ghost! 215 00:11:41,411 --> 00:11:44,581 Ga-- Ga-- Great Caesars ghost? [shivering] 216 00:11:44,581 --> 00:11:46,624 Like, dude, a ghost is bad enough, 217 00:11:46,624 --> 00:11:49,085 but the ghost of a salad. Zoinks! 218 00:11:49,085 --> 00:11:51,546 No. There's no salad ghost. 219 00:11:51,546 --> 00:11:53,840 We called you here because, as you can see, 220 00:11:53,840 --> 00:11:55,675 Metropolis has gone positively Gotham 221 00:11:55,675 --> 00:11:57,760 since the Justice League disappeared a few months ago. 222 00:11:57,760 --> 00:11:59,179 [all gasp] 223 00:11:59,179 --> 00:12:00,430 - Disappeared? - [screams] 224 00:12:00,430 --> 00:12:01,681 Without a trace. 225 00:12:01,681 --> 00:12:02,932 Like an illusion. 226 00:12:02,932 --> 00:12:04,767 Here one minute, gone the next. 227 00:12:04,767 --> 00:12:07,020 Uh, with all due respect, 228 00:12:07,020 --> 00:12:09,814 what is the team of renowned investigative journalists 229 00:12:09,814 --> 00:12:11,900 need with a gang of meddling kids? 230 00:12:11,900 --> 00:12:13,610 I'm guessing there's more. 231 00:12:18,031 --> 00:12:19,782 [Fred] Looks like some kind of Phantom. 232 00:12:19,782 --> 00:12:22,202 Or Phantoms. Look. 233 00:12:23,620 --> 00:12:26,873 I guess this really is a Mystery Inc investigation. 234 00:12:26,873 --> 00:12:29,626 And while we'd love nothing more than to help solve it, 235 00:12:29,626 --> 00:12:32,003 Cheetah's back on the prowl and Sinestro just attacked 236 00:12:32,003 --> 00:12:34,005 Metropolis Harbor in a yellow submarine. 237 00:12:34,005 --> 00:12:36,466 With Superman gone, the breaking news business is booming. 238 00:12:36,466 --> 00:12:38,676 Sounds like we're on our own. 239 00:12:38,676 --> 00:12:41,471 If half of what I've heard about you kids is true, you'll do great. 240 00:12:41,471 --> 00:12:44,224 All you have to do is unmask this "Phantom." 241 00:12:44,224 --> 00:12:47,977 Then find the Justice League before all these out-of-control villains destroy the world. 242 00:12:47,977 --> 00:12:50,688 Great. So, like, no pressure. 243 00:12:50,688 --> 00:12:52,899 - [chuckles] - [both gasp] 244 00:12:52,899 --> 00:12:54,567 [all growling] 245 00:12:54,567 --> 00:12:56,569 [both screaming] 246 00:13:00,365 --> 00:13:01,407 [camera shutter clicks] 247 00:13:01,407 --> 00:13:03,535 [ominous music playing] 248 00:13:10,291 --> 00:13:12,210 [wind howling] 249 00:13:17,423 --> 00:13:18,716 [crow cawing] 250 00:13:20,385 --> 00:13:22,971 Oh, yeah. Haunted. 251 00:13:22,971 --> 00:13:24,722 - [shivering] - [sighs] I know. 252 00:13:24,722 --> 00:13:27,100 There's no way you two are stepping out of the van 253 00:13:27,100 --> 00:13:29,102 for less than five Scooby Snacks. 254 00:13:29,102 --> 00:13:31,354 But I told you, we're all out of-- 255 00:13:33,398 --> 00:13:34,524 Guys? 256 00:13:36,067 --> 00:13:37,986 [both panting and giggling] 257 00:13:42,532 --> 00:13:43,533 [both gulp] 258 00:13:44,242 --> 00:13:46,286 Wow. And I was bluffing. 259 00:13:49,998 --> 00:13:52,125 Mark what you want on the tickets. 260 00:13:54,377 --> 00:13:56,337 Excuse me, ma'am. 261 00:13:56,337 --> 00:13:58,172 We're investigating the disappearance of the Justice League. 262 00:13:58,172 --> 00:14:00,300 Those no-good do-gooders? 263 00:14:00,300 --> 00:14:02,176 They could stay disappeared, 264 00:14:02,176 --> 00:14:04,178 as far as I'm concerned. 265 00:14:04,178 --> 00:14:08,516 What? Never heard a bad word spoke about them heroes? 266 00:14:08,516 --> 00:14:10,226 For years I wanted their permission 267 00:14:10,226 --> 00:14:12,895 to park my truck here outside their HQ. 268 00:14:13,438 --> 00:14:14,606 [giggling] 269 00:14:14,606 --> 00:14:16,524 I hope you got more of these? 270 00:14:16,524 --> 00:14:20,153 Lots of hungry tourists traipse pass here everyday. 271 00:14:20,153 --> 00:14:22,614 But the league said it "weren't safe." 272 00:14:22,614 --> 00:14:26,576 They said we was trying to keep the sightseers away. 273 00:14:26,576 --> 00:14:28,953 Ha! Imagine how they'd feel 274 00:14:28,953 --> 00:14:31,789 about the Mayor's fancy new tour groups. 275 00:14:31,789 --> 00:14:32,874 Tour groups? 276 00:14:34,459 --> 00:14:36,085 [indistinct chatter] 277 00:14:36,085 --> 00:14:38,921 The ones that Phantom's been scaring off. 278 00:14:38,921 --> 00:14:40,298 I should thank him, though. 279 00:14:40,298 --> 00:14:42,258 They run right past my truck, 280 00:14:42,258 --> 00:14:46,012 and, boy, does all that screaming work up an appetite! 281 00:14:46,012 --> 00:14:49,432 So your business is thriving since the League vanished? 282 00:14:49,432 --> 00:14:51,434 You got no idea. 283 00:14:51,434 --> 00:14:53,353 Best thing that ever could have happened. 284 00:14:53,353 --> 00:14:56,189 Now, you boys finished writing up that order? 285 00:14:56,189 --> 00:14:57,857 Like, not even close. 286 00:14:57,857 --> 00:15:01,194 They'll split one order of Super Fries, please. 287 00:15:01,194 --> 00:15:02,195 Aww. [blows] 288 00:15:03,946 --> 00:15:04,947 [grunts] 289 00:15:07,158 --> 00:15:08,159 [both giggling] 290 00:15:09,661 --> 00:15:10,662 [chuckles nervously] 291 00:15:20,004 --> 00:15:21,923 Take good care of her. 292 00:15:21,923 --> 00:15:23,758 [sighs] "Her." 293 00:15:23,758 --> 00:15:25,009 [scoffs] You gotta be kidding me? 294 00:15:25,009 --> 00:15:26,511 Excuse me? 295 00:15:26,511 --> 00:15:28,304 Of course it's a "her." 296 00:15:28,304 --> 00:15:31,057 I bet "she" has a name, too. 297 00:15:31,057 --> 00:15:32,058 Aa-ha! 298 00:15:32,058 --> 00:15:33,851 I don't see how that is... 299 00:15:33,851 --> 00:15:36,020 Fancy paint, decals galore... 300 00:15:36,020 --> 00:15:37,438 What are these flowers? 301 00:15:37,438 --> 00:15:39,857 Some kind of secret experimental camouflage? 302 00:15:39,857 --> 00:15:42,694 What? No, it's just a regular van. 303 00:15:43,361 --> 00:15:44,612 Really? 304 00:15:45,405 --> 00:15:46,614 Oh, baby. 305 00:15:46,614 --> 00:15:48,866 [kissing] 306 00:15:48,866 --> 00:15:50,284 - Hey! - Sorry, sorry. 307 00:15:50,284 --> 00:15:51,577 It's just... 308 00:15:51,577 --> 00:15:52,870 You don't know how hard it's been 309 00:15:52,870 --> 00:15:54,872 parking Batmobiles and Arrowcars 310 00:15:54,872 --> 00:15:56,791 and Green Lantern Energy Bubbles. 311 00:15:56,791 --> 00:16:00,294 I mean, what's wrong with normal vehicles? 312 00:16:00,294 --> 00:16:02,130 - Nothing. - Nothing! 313 00:16:02,130 --> 00:16:05,007 Hey, if you need atomic batteries 314 00:16:05,007 --> 00:16:06,384 to catch up to a villain, 315 00:16:06,384 --> 00:16:08,469 maybe you're not cut out for the hero biz. 316 00:16:08,469 --> 00:16:09,887 You got me? 317 00:16:09,887 --> 00:16:11,472 You know, all I hear 318 00:16:11,472 --> 00:16:13,725 is how sad people are that the League is gone, 319 00:16:13,725 --> 00:16:14,976 but between us, 320 00:16:14,976 --> 00:16:16,561 I couldn't have planned it better. 321 00:16:16,561 --> 00:16:18,271 Planned it? 322 00:16:18,271 --> 00:16:20,148 Yeah, if I had. Which I didn't. But maybe did I? 323 00:16:20,148 --> 00:16:22,150 I don't know what I did. What am I doing right now? 324 00:16:22,150 --> 00:16:24,026 Did I plan it? I didn't. Maybe I did. 325 00:16:24,026 --> 00:16:25,111 [laughing maniacally] 326 00:16:25,111 --> 00:16:26,279 What a great day! 327 00:16:26,279 --> 00:16:28,239 Can I park it now? 328 00:16:28,239 --> 00:16:30,658 Uh, would you mind parking her in that big, empty space up front? 329 00:16:30,658 --> 00:16:33,494 [J.B.] You mean, Wonder Woman space? 330 00:16:33,494 --> 00:16:35,455 It's not empty, but... 331 00:16:35,455 --> 00:16:38,416 But for a regular van owner like you. 332 00:16:38,416 --> 00:16:40,376 Sure. You know, I can move some stuff around. 333 00:16:42,754 --> 00:16:43,671 [elevator dings] 334 00:16:43,671 --> 00:16:45,923 What did he mean, "not empty?" 335 00:16:45,923 --> 00:16:47,049 I don't know. 336 00:16:47,049 --> 00:16:48,301 Strange guy. 337 00:16:50,011 --> 00:16:52,013 [mellow ambiance music playing] 338 00:16:54,098 --> 00:16:56,517 - So, uh... - He's mistaken. 339 00:16:56,517 --> 00:16:58,603 It was camp, we were just friends. 340 00:16:58,603 --> 00:16:59,687 Let it go. 341 00:17:02,607 --> 00:17:03,775 [elevator dings] 342 00:17:12,742 --> 00:17:14,702 [groaning] 343 00:17:14,702 --> 00:17:16,370 Hey, what happened to you two? 344 00:17:17,455 --> 00:17:19,123 We took the challenge. 345 00:17:19,123 --> 00:17:22,668 Yeah. Like, eat ten orders of Super Fries, 346 00:17:22,668 --> 00:17:24,629 get 15 more. 347 00:17:24,629 --> 00:17:26,380 All of them for free. 348 00:17:26,380 --> 00:17:28,800 [chuckles] [groans] 349 00:17:28,800 --> 00:17:30,510 Huh. That sounds like a really good deal, 350 00:17:30,510 --> 00:17:33,054 Except you have to eat them all in one sitting. 351 00:17:34,639 --> 00:17:36,057 [belching] 352 00:17:39,310 --> 00:17:40,978 [all gasp in disgust] 353 00:17:40,978 --> 00:17:42,647 Excuse me. Are you here for the next tour? 354 00:17:42,647 --> 00:17:44,857 Uh, I suppose we are. [chuckles softly] 355 00:17:44,857 --> 00:17:46,818 Wonderful. I'm Mayor Fleming. 356 00:17:46,818 --> 00:17:48,236 You probably recognize me 357 00:17:48,236 --> 00:17:50,071 from all the campaign billboards. 358 00:17:50,071 --> 00:17:52,406 Actually, all the billboards we've seen here 359 00:17:52,406 --> 00:17:54,909 have been painted over with bright pink polka dots. 360 00:17:54,909 --> 00:17:57,745 [sighs wearily] Of course. Mad Mod. 361 00:17:57,745 --> 00:17:59,831 Mad Mod? 362 00:17:59,831 --> 00:18:03,501 An art school dropout with a flair for pastels and villainy. 363 00:18:03,501 --> 00:18:05,711 Just one of the many super criminals running amok 364 00:18:05,711 --> 00:18:08,339 in my city ever since the Justice League disappeared. 365 00:18:08,339 --> 00:18:09,757 That's why we're here. 366 00:18:09,757 --> 00:18:12,844 You're the mystery solvers Lois Lane told me about. 367 00:18:12,844 --> 00:18:15,680 I'm so glad you've agreed to help us. 368 00:18:15,680 --> 00:18:18,140 We started offering tours of the Hall of Justice 369 00:18:18,140 --> 00:18:20,017 not long after the League vanished. 370 00:18:20,017 --> 00:18:21,519 Has it paid the rent? 371 00:18:21,519 --> 00:18:24,856 Sure, but it's so much more than that. 372 00:18:24,856 --> 00:18:28,484 Being in these hallowed halls gives people the hope that, 373 00:18:28,484 --> 00:18:31,529 one day, our heroes may return. 374 00:18:31,529 --> 00:18:35,199 But ever since this "Phantom" showed up, 375 00:18:35,199 --> 00:18:37,785 fewer and fewer people want to visit this place. 376 00:18:37,785 --> 00:18:41,038 Not that it was much of an attraction to begin with. 377 00:18:41,038 --> 00:18:42,540 [all gasping] 378 00:18:44,375 --> 00:18:45,376 [growling] 379 00:18:45,918 --> 00:18:47,003 Mercy! 380 00:18:47,003 --> 00:18:48,045 [panting] 381 00:18:48,045 --> 00:18:50,548 - Sorry, I was-- - Just do it. 382 00:18:50,548 --> 00:18:51,632 [clears throat] 383 00:18:51,632 --> 00:18:53,301 Ladies and gentlemen, 384 00:18:53,301 --> 00:18:54,844 Lex Luthor, 385 00:18:54,844 --> 00:18:57,179 the President of the United States. 386 00:18:57,179 --> 00:18:59,265 [scoffs] Former president. 387 00:18:59,265 --> 00:19:04,979 Yes. Well, current billionaire genius CEO of military contractor 388 00:19:04,979 --> 00:19:07,064 and online dating portal LexCorp. 389 00:19:07,064 --> 00:19:08,399 And this is Rex. 390 00:19:08,399 --> 00:19:09,817 Rex Ruthor? 391 00:19:09,817 --> 00:19:11,485 Rat's right. 392 00:19:11,485 --> 00:19:13,988 Anywho. The Hall of Justice. 393 00:19:13,988 --> 00:19:16,407 Pretty lame destination, yes? 394 00:19:16,407 --> 00:19:18,576 So many times I told Superman 395 00:19:18,576 --> 00:19:21,871 to put in a roller coaster, animatronics, anything. 396 00:19:21,871 --> 00:19:23,331 Uh, excuse me, sir, 397 00:19:23,331 --> 00:19:26,334 but why don't I remember your presidency? 398 00:19:26,334 --> 00:19:28,336 It was short, thank goodness. 399 00:19:28,336 --> 00:19:30,630 Oh, Flemmy. 400 00:19:30,630 --> 00:19:33,174 When are you and I going to stop 401 00:19:33,174 --> 00:19:35,009 all this political bickering 402 00:19:35,009 --> 00:19:36,761 and do something good for the city? 403 00:19:36,761 --> 00:19:39,305 Luthor, the best thing you can do for Metropolis 404 00:19:39,305 --> 00:19:40,806 is leave. 405 00:19:40,806 --> 00:19:42,767 Charming. Now. 406 00:19:42,767 --> 00:19:45,353 Have you given my final offer further consideration? 407 00:19:45,353 --> 00:19:47,146 Offer? 408 00:19:47,146 --> 00:19:49,190 He's been pressuring my office to seize the Hall of Justice 409 00:19:49,190 --> 00:19:50,524 as abandoned property, 410 00:19:50,524 --> 00:19:52,860 and put it up for auction where he can get it at-- 411 00:19:52,860 --> 00:19:54,403 A steal. 412 00:19:54,403 --> 00:19:56,238 Flem. Listen. 413 00:19:56,238 --> 00:19:59,700 A fleet of LexCorp bulldozers are rolling up as we speak. 414 00:19:59,700 --> 00:20:01,869 All you need to do is say the word 415 00:20:01,869 --> 00:20:04,830 and I'll mow down this miserable mausoleum 416 00:20:04,830 --> 00:20:07,541 of moral mediocrity in minutes. 417 00:20:07,541 --> 00:20:10,711 - Woah. - Were you trying for that villainous alliteration 418 00:20:10,711 --> 00:20:12,546 or did that just happen on its own? 419 00:20:12,546 --> 00:20:14,131 Come on, kids. 420 00:20:14,131 --> 00:20:15,633 The tour's starting. 421 00:20:17,134 --> 00:20:18,552 Be careful. 422 00:20:18,552 --> 00:20:20,638 There's more to fear within these walls 423 00:20:20,638 --> 00:20:24,141 than phantoms, ghosts and super ghouls. 424 00:20:24,141 --> 00:20:26,435 - [both shivering] - Super ghouls? 425 00:20:27,603 --> 00:20:28,813 Zoinks! 426 00:20:30,356 --> 00:20:32,108 [sneering] 427 00:20:32,108 --> 00:20:33,609 Did you want me to pull the car up-- 428 00:20:33,609 --> 00:20:35,528 Not now, Mercy. 429 00:20:35,528 --> 00:20:36,946 I'm sneering. 430 00:20:38,656 --> 00:20:39,907 [clears throat] 431 00:20:40,741 --> 00:20:44,036 [sneering] 432 00:20:44,036 --> 00:20:48,541 And behind these doors, you'll find the Hall of Justice Trophy room. 433 00:20:48,541 --> 00:20:50,292 These are just some of the mementos 434 00:20:50,292 --> 00:20:53,212 collected by the Justice League to serve as a reminder 435 00:20:53,212 --> 00:20:55,923 of their many years of vigilance and service. 436 00:20:55,923 --> 00:20:56,924 [both giggling] 437 00:20:59,969 --> 00:21:01,137 Nice. 438 00:21:07,101 --> 00:21:10,479 The items in this room are both precious and priceless. 439 00:21:10,479 --> 00:21:12,440 Even these empty pedestals? 440 00:21:12,440 --> 00:21:15,943 Well, there were a few alien artefacts 441 00:21:15,943 --> 00:21:18,446 too sensitive to leave out for the tour. 442 00:21:18,446 --> 00:21:20,698 Nth metal weapons, a Mother Box, 443 00:21:20,698 --> 00:21:22,533 the Phantom Zone projector 444 00:21:22,533 --> 00:21:23,993 Phantom projector? 445 00:21:24,785 --> 00:21:25,828 Zoinks! 446 00:21:25,828 --> 00:21:27,288 Oh, It's just the name, Shaggy. 447 00:21:27,288 --> 00:21:29,790 It doesn't have anything to do with ghosts. 448 00:21:29,790 --> 00:21:31,542 Or projection for that matter. 449 00:21:32,793 --> 00:21:35,713 [growls] 450 00:21:35,713 --> 00:21:39,300 ...it's now safely locked away in a secure military facility offsite. 451 00:21:39,300 --> 00:21:41,552 [cell phone ringing] 452 00:21:41,552 --> 00:21:45,056 Okay, feel free to explore and we'll resume the tour in ten minutes. 453 00:21:45,056 --> 00:21:46,432 Hello, Mayor Fleming. 454 00:21:50,644 --> 00:21:52,063 [Scooby giggles] Shaggy, look. 455 00:21:52,063 --> 00:21:54,315 I'm a Superdog. 456 00:21:54,315 --> 00:21:56,233 Like, cute. [giggles] 457 00:21:56,233 --> 00:21:59,153 But the only Superdog I've heard of comes with extra chili 458 00:21:59,153 --> 00:22:01,238 and the side of more chili! 459 00:22:01,238 --> 00:22:02,782 [laughing] 460 00:22:04,575 --> 00:22:06,660 [grunting] 461 00:22:06,660 --> 00:22:09,455 Hey! Let go! 462 00:22:09,455 --> 00:22:11,499 [grunting] 463 00:22:11,499 --> 00:22:13,084 Has something happened? 464 00:22:13,084 --> 00:22:15,586 Ugh, Lex Luthor just increased his bid 465 00:22:15,586 --> 00:22:17,254 to purchase the Hall of Justice. 466 00:22:17,254 --> 00:22:19,632 At this rate, the City Council may not even bother 467 00:22:19,632 --> 00:22:21,008 putting it up for auction. 468 00:22:21,008 --> 00:22:22,259 Luthor will win. 469 00:22:22,259 --> 00:22:24,178 Luthor always wins. 470 00:22:24,178 --> 00:22:26,097 He didn't win the popular vote. 471 00:22:26,097 --> 00:22:28,182 And Superman always beats him. 472 00:22:28,182 --> 00:22:31,102 I'm sure he and the rest of the Justice League are out there somewhere. 473 00:22:31,102 --> 00:22:34,063 And once we solve this mystery and find them, 474 00:22:34,063 --> 00:22:36,315 imagine how sore they'll be when they find out 475 00:22:36,315 --> 00:22:38,984 you sold their headquarters to Lex Luthor! 476 00:22:38,984 --> 00:22:40,569 Oh, I hope you're right. 477 00:22:41,529 --> 00:22:42,363 Holy... 478 00:22:42,363 --> 00:22:43,864 - Jinkies! - Jeepers! 479 00:22:43,864 --> 00:22:45,241 - Zoinks! - Uh-oh. 480 00:22:45,241 --> 00:22:46,367 Uh, run? 481 00:22:48,994 --> 00:22:50,287 [roars] 482 00:22:50,287 --> 00:22:52,456 You heard him, head for the lobby! 483 00:22:52,456 --> 00:22:53,666 [indistinct screaming] 484 00:22:56,210 --> 00:22:57,920 - Shaggy! - [screaming] 485 00:22:57,920 --> 00:22:59,380 Hang on, Scoob! 486 00:23:06,137 --> 00:23:07,429 [grunts] 487 00:23:27,366 --> 00:23:28,409 [honks] 488 00:23:29,869 --> 00:23:33,038 Hey! Like, it is a projection. See? 489 00:23:33,038 --> 00:23:34,665 [electrical buzzing] 490 00:23:34,665 --> 00:23:36,250 Projections don't do that! 491 00:23:41,088 --> 00:23:42,339 [Phantom snarling] 492 00:23:50,890 --> 00:23:52,057 Oh! 493 00:23:52,057 --> 00:23:54,059 - [both gasp] - [screams] 494 00:23:56,270 --> 00:24:01,942 - [Daphne grunts] - [Fred grunts] 495 00:24:04,862 --> 00:24:05,946 [whimpering] 496 00:24:05,946 --> 00:24:06,947 [growling] 497 00:24:09,074 --> 00:24:10,868 - Come on! - [sobbing] 498 00:24:18,292 --> 00:24:19,543 [alarm blaring] 499 00:24:19,543 --> 00:24:20,669 [Shaggy] Like, man, 500 00:24:20,669 --> 00:24:21,837 you're telling me! 501 00:24:21,837 --> 00:24:23,589 [Phantom growling] 502 00:24:37,353 --> 00:24:39,188 Like, as long as we're quiet, 503 00:24:39,188 --> 00:24:40,856 there's no way that Phantom will-- 504 00:24:40,856 --> 00:24:41,941 [dog barking] 505 00:24:41,941 --> 00:24:44,109 Dude, I said quiet. 506 00:24:44,109 --> 00:24:45,569 Wasn't me. 507 00:24:45,569 --> 00:24:47,279 Well, if it wasn't you, then who? 508 00:24:47,279 --> 00:24:48,322 [dog barking] 509 00:24:48,322 --> 00:24:49,406 See? 510 00:24:49,406 --> 00:24:51,200 [whimpering] 511 00:24:51,200 --> 00:24:52,618 [dog barking] 512 00:24:52,618 --> 00:24:53,619 [both gasp] 513 00:24:58,624 --> 00:25:01,627 [roars] 514 00:25:04,213 --> 00:25:05,547 It's a... 515 00:25:09,051 --> 00:25:10,719 A Superdog! 516 00:25:15,057 --> 00:25:16,725 [growls] 517 00:25:21,563 --> 00:25:22,523 [both gasp] 518 00:25:34,326 --> 00:25:35,327 [barks] 519 00:25:38,414 --> 00:25:39,748 [barks] 520 00:25:41,458 --> 00:25:43,752 [giggles, thuds] 521 00:25:48,424 --> 00:25:51,093 [crowd screaming] 522 00:25:51,093 --> 00:25:52,678 - Hey, over here! - Over here! 523 00:25:52,678 --> 00:25:54,054 Come on! 524 00:25:54,054 --> 00:25:56,265 Um, thank you for visiting the, um... 525 00:25:56,265 --> 00:25:58,517 Aw, never mind. 526 00:25:58,517 --> 00:26:00,686 [whimpering] 527 00:26:00,686 --> 00:26:02,855 Hey, has anyone seen Shaggy and Scooby? 528 00:26:02,855 --> 00:26:04,523 They were right behind us. 529 00:26:04,523 --> 00:26:06,233 We must have gotten separated. 530 00:26:06,233 --> 00:26:09,111 Speaking of getting separated, you kids better-- 531 00:26:09,111 --> 00:26:10,946 [alarm blaring] 532 00:26:20,456 --> 00:26:22,583 Oh, no, we're sealed in. 533 00:26:22,583 --> 00:26:24,126 On the bright side, 534 00:26:24,126 --> 00:26:26,211 so is the Phantom. 535 00:26:26,211 --> 00:26:27,796 That's the bright side? 536 00:26:27,796 --> 00:26:29,381 Aha! Follow me. 537 00:26:36,180 --> 00:26:37,431 Just as I thought. 538 00:26:37,431 --> 00:26:39,183 Really great work, you two. 539 00:26:39,183 --> 00:26:41,185 Yeah! 540 00:26:41,185 --> 00:26:43,645 Locking down the facility once the civilians were evacuated-- 541 00:26:43,645 --> 00:26:46,023 To make it easier to find and catch the Phantom. 542 00:26:46,023 --> 00:26:47,524 Huh, what a trap. 543 00:26:47,524 --> 00:26:49,318 It wasn't us! 544 00:26:49,318 --> 00:26:51,403 You think we'd lock ourselves in with the Phantom? 545 00:26:51,403 --> 00:26:52,488 Uh-uh. 546 00:26:54,365 --> 00:26:55,657 [all gasp] 547 00:26:55,657 --> 00:26:56,825 [barks] 548 00:26:56,825 --> 00:26:58,952 [pants and barks] 549 00:26:58,952 --> 00:27:00,996 Aw. What a cute pup! 550 00:27:00,996 --> 00:27:03,165 Aw, look at you! 551 00:27:03,165 --> 00:27:05,376 Do you think he got left behind by one of the tourists? 552 00:27:05,376 --> 00:27:08,295 Hmm. I'd say he looks more like a stray. 553 00:27:08,295 --> 00:27:12,674 Messy fur, dirty claws, that hungry look in his eyes... 554 00:27:12,674 --> 00:27:15,135 Shaggy, are we strays? 555 00:27:15,135 --> 00:27:16,762 Yep! 556 00:27:16,762 --> 00:27:19,390 If you two didn't initiate the lockdown, who did? 557 00:27:19,390 --> 00:27:21,642 You guys, you're looking at him. 558 00:27:21,642 --> 00:27:22,726 The dog? 559 00:27:22,726 --> 00:27:24,228 Superdog! 560 00:27:26,647 --> 00:27:29,108 Man, that's not all he can do, 561 00:27:29,108 --> 00:27:31,318 he can fly and he's got heat vision. 562 00:27:31,318 --> 00:27:34,196 It's a stray dog, not Superman. 563 00:27:34,196 --> 00:27:36,824 Well, whoever did it, they just gave us a leg up 564 00:27:36,824 --> 00:27:39,076 in finding this so-called "Phantom." 565 00:27:39,076 --> 00:27:42,955 All right, so if I were a monster, where would I-- 566 00:27:42,955 --> 00:27:44,164 [dog barks] 567 00:27:44,164 --> 00:27:47,334 [whining] 568 00:27:47,334 --> 00:27:50,421 [barks and whines] 569 00:27:50,421 --> 00:27:53,298 What is it, boy? Is there something in the break room? 570 00:27:53,298 --> 00:27:54,675 [loud crash] 571 00:27:54,675 --> 00:27:56,844 Sounds like the break room's already broken. 572 00:27:56,844 --> 00:27:58,178 We'll wait here. 573 00:27:58,178 --> 00:27:59,263 Come on, you two. 574 00:28:06,770 --> 00:28:07,938 [all grunting] 575 00:28:07,938 --> 00:28:09,356 Lex Luthor! 576 00:28:09,356 --> 00:28:10,858 - Annoying kids? - [growls] 577 00:28:10,858 --> 00:28:12,025 Rex Ruthor? 578 00:28:12,693 --> 00:28:14,445 [growling] 579 00:28:17,614 --> 00:28:18,949 [laughs] 580 00:28:18,949 --> 00:28:20,826 Now that we're all reacquainted, 581 00:28:20,826 --> 00:28:22,536 what are you still doing in the building? 582 00:28:22,536 --> 00:28:23,620 We're locked down. 583 00:28:23,620 --> 00:28:25,497 I know. 584 00:28:25,497 --> 00:28:27,958 I got separated from my driver in this labyrinth and-- 585 00:28:27,958 --> 00:28:31,211 - And what? - And I got lost. Okay? 586 00:28:31,211 --> 00:28:33,380 Yes, the great Lex Luthor 587 00:28:33,380 --> 00:28:35,757 finally did what Lois Lane and Mayor Fleming 588 00:28:35,757 --> 00:28:37,634 have been telling him to do for years, 589 00:28:37,634 --> 00:28:39,845 he got lost. 590 00:28:39,845 --> 00:28:43,140 Anyway, I got locked in here, then Rexie he got hungry, 591 00:28:43,140 --> 00:28:45,893 but this infernal machine won't take my dollar. 592 00:28:45,893 --> 00:28:47,478 You have to flatten it out. 593 00:28:47,478 --> 00:28:49,480 It's perfectly crisp. 594 00:28:49,480 --> 00:28:52,149 The stupid thing just won't take my dollar. 595 00:28:53,484 --> 00:28:55,444 I had them printed up when I was President. 596 00:28:55,444 --> 00:28:58,322 They're perfectly acceptable legal tender. 597 00:28:58,322 --> 00:29:00,741 We can just give you a real dollar? 598 00:29:00,741 --> 00:29:02,743 No, it's fine. 599 00:29:02,743 --> 00:29:04,161 Been meaning to field test this anyway. 600 00:29:05,162 --> 00:29:06,622 - [all screaming] - [explosion] 601 00:29:12,002 --> 00:29:15,255 Oh, don't look at me like that. I'll pay them back. 602 00:29:15,255 --> 00:29:17,591 Believe me, 603 00:29:17,591 --> 00:29:20,719 if there's one thing Superman and the Justice League can expect from me... 604 00:29:20,719 --> 00:29:22,304 It's payback. 605 00:29:23,430 --> 00:29:24,765 Ooh, Chipzees! 606 00:29:25,682 --> 00:29:26,934 [sniffing] 607 00:29:28,185 --> 00:29:29,728 [panting] 608 00:29:29,728 --> 00:29:32,147 Oh, and... I suppose... 609 00:29:33,315 --> 00:29:35,734 if you must... help yourselves. 610 00:29:35,734 --> 00:29:39,363 Like, we thought you'd never ask, Lex ol' buddy! 611 00:29:39,363 --> 00:29:42,366 Well, I've seen super speed, but this... 612 00:30:02,386 --> 00:30:03,971 [barks] 613 00:30:03,971 --> 00:30:05,305 That was fast. 614 00:30:05,305 --> 00:30:07,140 That was Krypto. 615 00:30:07,140 --> 00:30:08,392 Krypto? 616 00:30:09,059 --> 00:30:10,561 The Superdog! 617 00:30:10,561 --> 00:30:12,771 [growls] 618 00:30:12,771 --> 00:30:13,981 [pants and barks] 619 00:30:18,819 --> 00:30:21,071 [chuckles] I knew it. 620 00:30:21,071 --> 00:30:24,283 Yes, Superman's best friend. 621 00:30:24,283 --> 00:30:26,410 Imbued with many of the same powers 622 00:30:26,410 --> 00:30:29,246 and weaknesses as the Man of Steel. 623 00:30:29,246 --> 00:30:31,498 He must've been left behind when the League vanished. 624 00:30:33,417 --> 00:30:35,002 [all exclaim] 625 00:30:38,630 --> 00:30:40,090 I wonder who's been feeding him. 626 00:30:40,090 --> 00:30:42,509 Like, apparently nobody. 627 00:30:42,509 --> 00:30:45,846 Wow! A real, live super hero dog. 628 00:30:45,846 --> 00:30:50,809 - Who's a good Superdog? Oh, he's a good Superdog. - [whines] 629 00:30:50,809 --> 00:30:52,019 I'd be careful. 630 00:30:52,019 --> 00:30:54,938 Kryptonian fleas have serrated metal claws 631 00:30:54,938 --> 00:30:57,399 and can live for several hundred Earth years. 632 00:30:57,399 --> 00:30:59,359 [chuckles nervously] 633 00:31:02,279 --> 00:31:03,739 [panting] 634 00:31:04,615 --> 00:31:07,117 [whimpers] 635 00:31:07,117 --> 00:31:10,203 Aw, he misses Superman. 636 00:31:10,203 --> 00:31:14,124 Ugh, join the club. I miss him every time I open the fire. 637 00:31:15,292 --> 00:31:16,835 All right, enough fooling around. 638 00:31:16,835 --> 00:31:18,670 We have to look for clues. 639 00:31:18,670 --> 00:31:21,632 [chuckles] Good idea. I think I saw the word "kitchen" 640 00:31:21,632 --> 00:31:25,010 - on the directory in the lobby. Scoob and I will-- - And Krypto. 641 00:31:25,010 --> 00:31:28,889 Right, Scoob and I and our bodyguard Krypto will start there. 642 00:31:31,600 --> 00:31:33,810 Oh, look. [chuckles] One left. 643 00:31:38,357 --> 00:31:39,983 [both laugh] 644 00:31:39,983 --> 00:31:41,985 Oh, hey, there's another one under my shoe. 645 00:31:45,405 --> 00:31:46,823 Lucky me. 646 00:31:46,823 --> 00:31:47,908 Let's go, guys. 647 00:31:49,159 --> 00:31:51,328 You know, if you're both good, 648 00:31:51,328 --> 00:31:53,747 I might just let you share in the bounty. 649 00:31:53,747 --> 00:31:55,832 [both chuckle] 650 00:31:57,751 --> 00:31:59,920 And since you're so good with tech Mr. Luthor, 651 00:31:59,920 --> 00:32:02,923 why don't you join me in the Command Center to go over the Hall's 652 00:32:02,923 --> 00:32:05,008 closed-circuit security camera footage? 653 00:32:05,008 --> 00:32:08,261 I know what's happening. You just want to keep an eye on me. 654 00:32:08,261 --> 00:32:10,514 But the joke's on you. 655 00:32:10,514 --> 00:32:13,433 I happen to love closed-circuit security camera footage. 656 00:32:13,433 --> 00:32:15,519 Race you to it! 657 00:32:15,519 --> 00:32:19,898 [exasperated sigh] They're gonna be a handful. 658 00:32:19,898 --> 00:32:25,612 So, what, it was like a... some kind of "co-ed" summer camp? 659 00:32:25,612 --> 00:32:26,697 Fred. 660 00:32:30,534 --> 00:32:32,828 - Faster than a speeding bullet? - [barks] 661 00:32:32,828 --> 00:32:35,872 - More powerful than a locomotive? - [barks] 662 00:32:35,872 --> 00:32:37,874 Vulnerable to Kryptonite? 663 00:32:37,874 --> 00:32:39,793 [whimpering bark] 664 00:32:39,793 --> 00:32:42,421 Wow! Just like Superman. 665 00:32:42,421 --> 00:32:45,132 Hey, here it is, "Kitchen." [chuckles] 666 00:32:45,132 --> 00:32:47,092 [barks] 667 00:32:47,092 --> 00:32:49,636 Now, trust us, Krypto, clues can be hiding anywhere. 668 00:32:49,636 --> 00:32:54,224 Even inside a freshly-made Superhero Sandwich. Isn't that right, Scoob? 669 00:32:54,224 --> 00:32:56,643 - [giggles] - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. 670 00:32:56,643 --> 00:32:58,228 [slurps] 671 00:32:59,396 --> 00:33:01,064 Uh-oh, it's locked. 672 00:33:06,862 --> 00:33:08,071 [whimpering] 673 00:33:12,743 --> 00:33:14,953 [both] We're in. 674 00:33:14,953 --> 00:33:18,415 Oh, man, I hope it's the biggest, coolest super-sized kitchen ever! 675 00:33:19,791 --> 00:33:21,251 [computer] Acknowledged. 676 00:33:21,251 --> 00:33:24,171 - Huh? - [barks] 677 00:33:27,924 --> 00:33:28,925 [Scooby] Whoa. 678 00:33:45,442 --> 00:33:50,614 Like, this is... super! 679 00:33:50,614 --> 00:33:54,785 [giggling] It's got everything! 680 00:33:57,704 --> 00:34:01,750 Well, everything except for triple-cream-salted- organic- truffle butter! 681 00:34:01,750 --> 00:34:02,834 [computer] Acknowledged. 682 00:34:05,545 --> 00:34:07,464 Wait, there it is. 683 00:34:07,464 --> 00:34:10,050 [laughing] 684 00:34:10,050 --> 00:34:13,303 You know, Scoob, when we first got to Metropolis, I was worried. 685 00:34:13,303 --> 00:34:14,554 Me too. 686 00:34:14,554 --> 00:34:16,723 There were supervillains everywhere. 687 00:34:16,723 --> 00:34:18,225 Giganta... 688 00:34:18,225 --> 00:34:19,684 [computer] Acknowledged. 689 00:34:19,684 --> 00:34:22,896 ...Joker, Harley Quinn... 690 00:34:22,896 --> 00:34:24,856 [computer] Acknowledged. Acknowledged. 691 00:34:24,856 --> 00:34:26,149 [barks] 692 00:34:26,149 --> 00:34:27,776 ...even those Kryptonian exiles. 693 00:34:27,776 --> 00:34:30,403 [computer] General Zod, Ursa and Non? 694 00:34:30,403 --> 00:34:32,197 That's right. 695 00:34:32,197 --> 00:34:35,075 [computer] Acknowledged, Acknowledged, Acknowledged. 696 00:34:35,075 --> 00:34:36,159 [barks] 697 00:34:38,036 --> 00:34:39,246 [laughing maniacally] 698 00:34:40,622 --> 00:34:42,249 [growls] 699 00:34:42,249 --> 00:34:44,751 - [barks] - Wait, not now, Krypto. 700 00:34:44,751 --> 00:34:46,253 Where was I, oh, yeah, 701 00:34:46,253 --> 00:34:50,882 it was really scary and dangerous. 702 00:34:50,882 --> 00:34:52,092 - [computer] Acknowledged. - [barks] 703 00:34:54,177 --> 00:34:55,220 - [laughing maniacally] - [growls] 704 00:34:57,222 --> 00:34:58,765 [growling] 705 00:34:59,933 --> 00:35:02,811 [chuckles] Oh, dear, excuse me. 706 00:35:02,811 --> 00:35:04,855 You're excused. 707 00:35:04,855 --> 00:35:07,482 I have to say, I now feel as comfortable, safe and secure as-- 708 00:35:18,493 --> 00:35:21,162 [both whimpering] 709 00:35:21,162 --> 00:35:24,457 It's just strange that you never mentioned him before, that's all. 710 00:35:24,457 --> 00:35:27,294 I can't believe you're not letting this go. 711 00:35:27,294 --> 00:35:30,005 Seriously, was it serious? 712 00:35:30,005 --> 00:35:31,882 I'm ignoring you. 713 00:35:31,882 --> 00:35:34,259 Is red hair your thing, is that it? 714 00:35:34,259 --> 00:35:36,011 Ha! 715 00:35:36,011 --> 00:35:38,263 Well, I don't see how laughing at me is going to help. 716 00:35:38,263 --> 00:35:42,183 Fred, nothing happened between me and Jimmy Olsen. 717 00:35:42,183 --> 00:35:45,061 [sighs in relief] Phew! 718 00:35:45,061 --> 00:35:49,733 Even though he is a fiery red-haired risk-taker. Like me. 719 00:35:49,733 --> 00:35:52,569 And I mean, he is Superman's pal. 720 00:35:52,569 --> 00:35:55,238 You know, I... I have considered dyeing my hair. 721 00:35:55,822 --> 00:35:56,907 [chuckles] 722 00:35:58,283 --> 00:35:59,409 [exclaims] 723 00:36:03,204 --> 00:36:04,748 [Fred] Hold the phone. 724 00:36:04,748 --> 00:36:05,999 [Daphne] Is that... 725 00:36:05,999 --> 00:36:08,668 A genuine Batman Utility Belt. 726 00:36:08,668 --> 00:36:10,837 Fred, we know Batman. 727 00:36:10,837 --> 00:36:13,256 It's not like you haven't seen one up close. 728 00:36:13,256 --> 00:36:18,178 Well, sure, but he'd never in a million years let me try it on! 729 00:36:18,178 --> 00:36:22,974 Freddy, put that back! It's full of Bat-gadgets and who knows what else. 730 00:36:22,974 --> 00:36:25,018 It could be dangerous. 731 00:36:25,018 --> 00:36:30,440 So you're saying, I'm taking a risk just by wearing it? 732 00:36:30,440 --> 00:36:33,401 Ha, I bet ol' Jimmy Olsen wouldn't do this! 733 00:36:33,401 --> 00:36:37,572 Official, dangerous Bat-gear! 734 00:36:37,572 --> 00:36:42,577 [in Batman's voice] So, talk about a risk, eh, Daphne? 735 00:36:42,577 --> 00:36:44,746 [giggles] You are ridiculous. 736 00:36:44,746 --> 00:36:46,247 [in Batman's voice] Wouldn't that be 737 00:36:46,247 --> 00:36:49,000 "dangerously ridiculous?" 738 00:36:49,000 --> 00:36:50,835 [giggles] Would you stop? 739 00:36:50,835 --> 00:36:52,337 We have to look for clues. 740 00:37:04,933 --> 00:37:06,434 [in Batman's voice] I'm vengeance! 741 00:37:06,434 --> 00:37:07,435 Freddy! 742 00:37:07,435 --> 00:37:09,521 I am the night! 743 00:37:09,521 --> 00:37:10,605 Freddy! 744 00:37:10,605 --> 00:37:12,023 I am... 745 00:37:12,023 --> 00:37:13,108 [Phantom growls] 746 00:37:13,858 --> 00:37:15,944 [screams] 747 00:37:15,944 --> 00:37:17,028 [teeth chattering] 748 00:37:17,696 --> 00:37:18,780 My hero... 749 00:37:18,780 --> 00:37:20,198 Oh, come on. 750 00:37:20,198 --> 00:37:21,533 [screeches] 751 00:37:21,533 --> 00:37:22,909 [both scream] 752 00:37:26,705 --> 00:37:27,789 A calculator? 753 00:37:32,877 --> 00:37:34,045 Loose change? 754 00:37:35,964 --> 00:37:37,590 Laundry chute. Come on. 755 00:37:40,885 --> 00:37:43,638 [both screaming] 756 00:37:45,056 --> 00:37:46,391 Where have you two been? 757 00:37:46,391 --> 00:37:48,893 I was trying to find a cell phone signal. 758 00:37:48,893 --> 00:37:50,562 No luck, by the way. 759 00:37:50,562 --> 00:37:54,232 This lockdown doesn't mess around and, well uh... 760 00:37:54,232 --> 00:37:55,817 You got lost again. 761 00:37:55,817 --> 00:38:00,321 No, I was temporarily under-routed. 762 00:38:01,156 --> 00:38:02,532 So, "lost." 763 00:38:03,324 --> 00:38:05,160 [mumbles] 764 00:38:05,160 --> 00:38:07,579 What are you doing with all this anyway? 765 00:38:07,579 --> 00:38:09,998 I'm attempting to hack into the Hall's computer system, 766 00:38:09,998 --> 00:38:11,916 so we can review the logged security footage. 767 00:38:13,752 --> 00:38:16,546 Oh, right. 768 00:38:16,546 --> 00:38:18,506 I meant to tell you this earlier... 769 00:38:18,506 --> 00:38:23,094 Ha! You think you can just hack into Justice League computers? 770 00:38:23,094 --> 00:38:25,555 Sweetheart, if that were possible, don't you think, 771 00:38:25,555 --> 00:38:29,017 by now, I, former President Lex Luthor, 772 00:38:29,017 --> 00:38:30,810 billionaire genius, would have-- 773 00:38:30,810 --> 00:38:32,103 I'm in... 774 00:38:32,103 --> 00:38:33,980 Sweetheart. 775 00:38:33,980 --> 00:38:37,108 Hmm, several incidents over the past month of Helen, 776 00:38:37,108 --> 00:38:39,360 the food truck lady, sneaking into the building. 777 00:38:39,360 --> 00:38:42,947 But she did say she likes the bathrooms here. 778 00:38:42,947 --> 00:38:46,242 And that must be the valet attendant that Freddy mentioned. 779 00:38:46,242 --> 00:38:48,328 Hey! That's my limo. 780 00:38:48,328 --> 00:38:49,829 Speaking of... 781 00:38:49,829 --> 00:38:51,956 My driver? When was this? 782 00:38:51,956 --> 00:38:55,752 This is actually live footage. She's in the building right now. 783 00:38:55,752 --> 00:38:59,047 Mercy? She must have been locked in like the rest of us. 784 00:38:59,047 --> 00:39:00,381 And she has my bag. 785 00:39:00,381 --> 00:39:01,549 Thank goodness! 786 00:39:01,549 --> 00:39:03,968 Daddy just found Rexie's nom noms. 787 00:39:03,968 --> 00:39:05,136 - [rumbling] - [both gasp] 788 00:39:05,136 --> 00:39:06,679 What was that? 789 00:39:06,679 --> 00:39:08,264 Sounds like Shaggy and Scooby are in trouble. 790 00:39:09,390 --> 00:39:11,059 [both screaming] 791 00:39:11,893 --> 00:39:12,936 What happened? 792 00:39:12,936 --> 00:39:16,106 [groans] Locker room... 793 00:39:16,106 --> 00:39:19,484 laundry chute... terrible, loud screeching... 794 00:39:19,484 --> 00:39:20,735 From the Phantom? 795 00:39:20,735 --> 00:39:23,905 No, from you! The whole way down. 796 00:39:24,656 --> 00:39:26,741 Oh, yeah, sorry. 797 00:39:26,741 --> 00:39:29,077 I think we landed in the parking garage. 798 00:39:29,077 --> 00:39:30,954 But on what? 799 00:39:30,954 --> 00:39:32,664 Freddy, don't look. 800 00:39:35,667 --> 00:39:37,669 Oh, my gosh, Daphne! 801 00:39:37,669 --> 00:39:40,046 I might really be Batman. 802 00:39:40,046 --> 00:39:43,842 Hey! What're you doing on Wonder Woman's Invisible Tank? 803 00:39:43,842 --> 00:39:45,093 Invisible Tank? 804 00:39:45,969 --> 00:39:48,096 Oh. Invisible Tank. 805 00:39:48,972 --> 00:39:50,431 Invisible Tank. 806 00:39:50,431 --> 00:39:53,017 [J.B.] Yeah. Right between her Invisible Plane 807 00:39:53,017 --> 00:39:55,520 and her lesser-known Invisible Trolley. 808 00:39:55,520 --> 00:39:57,772 Now, if you were aiming for the laundry truck, 809 00:39:57,772 --> 00:40:00,525 I'm afraid I moved it to make room for your van. 810 00:40:00,525 --> 00:40:02,610 How are we going to get down? 811 00:40:02,610 --> 00:40:05,613 Let me see, what would Batman do? 812 00:40:06,531 --> 00:40:07,532 I know! 813 00:40:10,910 --> 00:40:12,287 [beeps] 814 00:40:12,287 --> 00:40:13,788 Jeepers, Fred! 815 00:40:13,788 --> 00:40:14,914 [screams] 816 00:40:15,707 --> 00:40:17,876 [explosion] 817 00:40:19,669 --> 00:40:20,587 [sniffs] 818 00:40:20,587 --> 00:40:22,547 Ah, it's air freshener. 819 00:40:24,549 --> 00:40:26,134 I'll get the ladder. 820 00:40:28,136 --> 00:40:31,306 - [Shaggy whimpering] - [Giganta stomping] 821 00:40:35,059 --> 00:40:36,060 [gulps] 822 00:40:40,690 --> 00:40:41,733 [Scooby screams] 823 00:40:43,359 --> 00:40:44,319 [roars] 824 00:40:47,655 --> 00:40:49,324 Scooby-Doo, hang in there! 825 00:40:49,324 --> 00:40:52,076 [both laughing maniacally] 826 00:40:56,331 --> 00:40:58,249 [Giganta growls] 827 00:40:58,249 --> 00:40:59,667 [both laughing] 828 00:41:02,170 --> 00:41:03,129 Yikes! 829 00:41:04,255 --> 00:41:05,465 [whimpers] 830 00:41:09,052 --> 00:41:10,511 There's got to be another way out. 831 00:41:10,511 --> 00:41:12,597 Like, where did these guys come from? 832 00:41:14,682 --> 00:41:18,019 Hey, Superdog, like, we could use some little help over here. 833 00:41:18,019 --> 00:41:20,271 [barking] 834 00:41:21,981 --> 00:41:24,943 [computer distorts] Acknowl... 835 00:41:25,568 --> 00:41:26,861 Ruh? 836 00:41:28,613 --> 00:41:32,784 Like, dude, have I lost it, or did we just magically transport to... 837 00:41:32,784 --> 00:41:34,160 [barks] 838 00:41:34,160 --> 00:41:36,496 [computer distorts] Acknowleg... 839 00:41:36,496 --> 00:41:38,373 - [Harley] Huh? - The Daily Planet? 840 00:41:38,373 --> 00:41:41,876 Oh, no, I think my life is flashing before my eyes. 841 00:41:41,876 --> 00:41:43,378 [barks] 842 00:41:43,378 --> 00:41:45,380 [computer distorts] ...nowle... 843 00:41:52,971 --> 00:41:54,472 Like, wait a second, 844 00:41:54,472 --> 00:41:56,724 what if this is all just-- 845 00:41:56,724 --> 00:41:58,351 Holograms? 846 00:41:58,351 --> 00:42:02,313 Huh? Dude, I was gonna say "indigestion." [chuckles] 847 00:42:02,313 --> 00:42:04,732 How'd you get... 848 00:42:04,732 --> 00:42:07,318 [Shaggy reading] "Danger. You are entering The Justice League 849 00:42:07,318 --> 00:42:10,321 holographic training simulator, AKA, 850 00:42:10,321 --> 00:42:11,656 the kitchen." 851 00:42:11,656 --> 00:42:13,825 Huh? Holograms! 852 00:42:13,825 --> 00:42:16,244 Like, was that sign there the whole time? 853 00:42:16,244 --> 00:42:17,745 [barks] 854 00:42:17,745 --> 00:42:21,457 All right, no need to shout. 855 00:42:21,457 --> 00:42:24,168 Well, if these guys are just holographic simulations, 856 00:42:24,168 --> 00:42:26,337 all we have to do is reprogram the... 857 00:42:26,337 --> 00:42:27,922 [Krypto whines] 858 00:42:27,922 --> 00:42:30,800 Zoinks! it's fried! We're doomed! 859 00:42:30,800 --> 00:42:32,927 - [Giganta stomps] - [laughing maniacally] 860 00:42:33,469 --> 00:42:35,430 Oh, no! 861 00:42:35,430 --> 00:42:37,598 You said it, Scoob! Like, there's only one thing left to do. 862 00:42:41,019 --> 00:42:42,020 [barks] 863 00:42:46,691 --> 00:42:47,775 - [Grundy growls] - [Harley giggles] 864 00:42:47,775 --> 00:42:49,110 [growls] 865 00:42:50,653 --> 00:42:52,864 - There you are! - You're all late. 866 00:42:52,864 --> 00:42:55,700 [all groaning] 867 00:42:55,700 --> 00:42:59,120 No matter! Still plenty of time to complete our tour of beautiful Centennial Park. 868 00:42:59,120 --> 00:43:03,458 My name's Norville and I'll be your docent, if you think that's decent, 869 00:43:03,458 --> 00:43:07,295 anyone who doesn't can voice their dissent. 870 00:43:07,295 --> 00:43:10,214 Nobody? Good. Let's get started. 871 00:43:10,214 --> 00:43:11,883 Thank you, Docent Scoobert. 872 00:43:11,883 --> 00:43:14,719 Remember, folks, the T-shirts aren't just for fashion, 873 00:43:14,719 --> 00:43:17,388 they're how we keep a headcount to ensure we end the tour 874 00:43:17,388 --> 00:43:20,391 with the same number of paying customers we start with. 875 00:43:20,391 --> 00:43:24,312 But don't worry, we've never lost more than two or three guests. 876 00:43:26,064 --> 00:43:27,899 [growls] 877 00:43:27,899 --> 00:43:30,401 [laughs] Yeah, they're not all gems. 878 00:43:30,401 --> 00:43:34,781 Okay, we've got our T-shirts and we're ready to begin our walking tour 879 00:43:34,781 --> 00:43:39,118 of these historic grounds on this super sunny day, but first... 880 00:43:39,118 --> 00:43:43,998 How about a cool drink of delicious, locally-sourced, sparkling mineral water? 881 00:43:43,998 --> 00:43:46,542 Hold still. 882 00:43:46,542 --> 00:43:49,545 [Shaggy] Hydration, ladies and gentlemen, it's good for the soul and for the skin! 883 00:43:49,545 --> 00:43:53,132 You'll all thank us tomorrow, especially that pale, handsome fella 884 00:43:53,132 --> 00:43:54,842 with the million-dollar smile. 885 00:43:54,842 --> 00:43:57,929 [giggles] He's talking about you. 886 00:43:57,929 --> 00:44:00,139 Now if you'll follow us, 887 00:44:00,139 --> 00:44:03,351 we'll begin our tour with the famed Centennial Park Sludge Pits, 888 00:44:03,351 --> 00:44:05,311 just behind those trash cans over there. 889 00:44:05,311 --> 00:44:07,939 We're walking, we're walking. 890 00:44:12,193 --> 00:44:13,194 Ooh. 891 00:44:15,655 --> 00:44:19,951 Yes, the views are spectacular, please feel free to capture the memories 892 00:44:19,951 --> 00:44:24,622 and don't forget to tag all your photos with our #CheapoTours 893 00:44:25,373 --> 00:44:26,707 Oh. 894 00:44:26,707 --> 00:44:28,459 [chuckles] 895 00:44:28,459 --> 00:44:30,837 Now hold on there, let us help you find your light. 896 00:44:30,837 --> 00:44:31,879 [grunts] 897 00:44:31,879 --> 00:44:33,339 Ah, much better. 898 00:44:33,923 --> 00:44:34,966 [growls] 899 00:44:35,842 --> 00:44:39,679 [growling angrily] 900 00:44:41,139 --> 00:44:42,056 Hey! 901 00:44:50,022 --> 00:44:53,192 Like, that ought to keep them busy, right, Scoob, ol' buddy? 902 00:44:53,192 --> 00:44:55,236 Yeah! [laughing] 903 00:44:55,236 --> 00:44:57,071 How go the repairs, Krypto, my man? 904 00:44:57,071 --> 00:44:58,573 [barks] 905 00:44:58,573 --> 00:45:00,199 [computer] Acknowledged! 906 00:45:06,330 --> 00:45:08,166 Velma! 907 00:45:08,166 --> 00:45:11,002 Scooby! Shaggy! Are you okay? We heard the commotion. 908 00:45:11,002 --> 00:45:13,796 A holographic simulator? 909 00:45:13,796 --> 00:45:17,550 See, this is the kind of attraction I was talking about. 910 00:45:17,550 --> 00:45:19,010 Money in the bank! 911 00:45:19,010 --> 00:45:20,428 [computer] Identify. 912 00:45:20,428 --> 00:45:23,514 I'm Lex Luthor! Does no one know? 913 00:45:30,271 --> 00:45:32,982 [Shaggy] This just keeps getting better. [whimpers] 914 00:45:34,859 --> 00:45:36,235 What's this? 915 00:45:36,235 --> 00:45:38,446 [computer] D-d-d-displaying archive. 916 00:45:38,446 --> 00:45:39,947 Krypto Collar Cam, 917 00:45:39,947 --> 00:45:43,826 Time Index, March 15, 17:40 hours. 918 00:45:43,826 --> 00:45:45,870 Archive? 919 00:45:45,870 --> 00:45:48,456 Security footage from a camera housed in the guard dog's collar. 920 00:45:48,456 --> 00:45:50,875 From the night the Justice League vanished! 921 00:45:50,875 --> 00:45:53,127 This could be very enlightening. 922 00:45:56,380 --> 00:45:58,216 [barks] 923 00:45:58,216 --> 00:46:00,051 I think he wants us to follow him. 924 00:46:00,051 --> 00:46:01,135 Let's go. 925 00:46:03,137 --> 00:46:04,472 Sounds like trouble all right! 926 00:46:04,472 --> 00:46:05,806 [grunts] 927 00:46:09,060 --> 00:46:10,394 Superman. 928 00:46:10,394 --> 00:46:11,979 [whimpers] 929 00:46:14,273 --> 00:46:15,983 Run boy, take cover, go! 930 00:46:22,240 --> 00:46:23,741 [growls] 931 00:46:26,786 --> 00:46:29,830 Look man, there's something behind that tapestry. 932 00:46:29,830 --> 00:46:31,415 [whimpers] The Phantom? 933 00:46:31,415 --> 00:46:35,086 Why would a Phantom need to hide behind a tapestry? 934 00:46:36,420 --> 00:46:38,673 This is a holographic recording, 935 00:46:38,673 --> 00:46:42,927 unless Krypto's camera saw them there that night, we won't see them here. 936 00:46:42,927 --> 00:46:44,011 Krypto? 937 00:46:47,557 --> 00:46:49,767 [whimpering] 938 00:46:49,767 --> 00:46:51,561 Aw, we'll find him. 939 00:46:51,561 --> 00:46:55,231 [whimpers] Unless he has something to say about it. 940 00:46:55,231 --> 00:46:56,691 [growls] 941 00:46:56,691 --> 00:46:57,775 [both scream] 942 00:46:58,776 --> 00:47:02,113 [roars] 943 00:47:02,113 --> 00:47:05,575 Computer, delete Solomon Grundy program. 944 00:47:05,575 --> 00:47:08,202 [computer] Solomon Grundy is not running. 945 00:47:08,202 --> 00:47:10,496 - [roars] - Oh, yes, he is. 946 00:47:10,496 --> 00:47:12,123 And, like, so are we. 947 00:47:13,374 --> 00:47:15,209 [all whimpering] 948 00:47:15,209 --> 00:47:16,794 [Grundy growling] 949 00:47:19,213 --> 00:47:20,881 Why is everybody running? 950 00:47:20,881 --> 00:47:23,801 Because one of the holograms wasn't a hologram. 951 00:47:23,801 --> 00:47:25,011 Holograms? 952 00:47:25,011 --> 00:47:26,721 [roars] 953 00:47:26,721 --> 00:47:28,639 [all screaming] 954 00:47:33,060 --> 00:47:34,770 Lex! There you are! I've been-- 955 00:47:34,770 --> 00:47:36,731 [Lex] We're running, Mercy. 956 00:47:36,731 --> 00:47:38,941 [roars] 957 00:47:38,941 --> 00:47:40,943 Oh, okay. 958 00:47:40,943 --> 00:47:43,154 Uh, ma'am, can I help you with the bag? 959 00:47:43,154 --> 00:47:44,989 No, I've got it! 960 00:47:44,989 --> 00:47:46,949 [roars] 961 00:47:46,949 --> 00:47:48,367 [upbeat music playing] 962 00:48:00,796 --> 00:48:07,553 ♪ There's so much in life to make you jump out of your skin ♪ 963 00:48:07,553 --> 00:48:10,598 ♪ Every year there's more to fear ♪ 964 00:48:10,598 --> 00:48:12,850 ♪ Till life starts looking grim ♪ 965 00:48:14,852 --> 00:48:17,855 ♪ Oh, there's no need to scramble ♪ 966 00:48:17,855 --> 00:48:21,359 ♪ Oh, nothing you can't handle ♪ 967 00:48:21,359 --> 00:48:26,822 ♪ Oh, you're the best example When you show the world ♪ 968 00:48:26,822 --> 00:48:28,741 ♪ What it's like to brave! ♪ 969 00:48:30,368 --> 00:48:31,994 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 970 00:48:33,746 --> 00:48:36,666 ♪ What it's like to brave! ♪ 971 00:48:36,666 --> 00:48:38,709 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 972 00:48:40,378 --> 00:48:42,546 ♪ What it's like to brave! ♪ 973 00:48:43,798 --> 00:48:45,299 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 974 00:48:47,385 --> 00:48:49,178 ♪ What it's like to brave! ♪ 975 00:48:50,680 --> 00:48:52,682 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 976 00:49:02,316 --> 00:49:05,736 ♪ You're no zero You're a hero ♪ 977 00:49:05,736 --> 00:49:09,073 ♪ When you face your fear ♪ 978 00:49:09,073 --> 00:49:16,038 ♪ A cemetery's ordinary Monsters disappear ♪ 979 00:49:16,038 --> 00:49:19,583 ♪ Oh, oh, oh There's no need to scramble ♪ 980 00:49:19,583 --> 00:49:22,795 ♪ Oh, oh, oh Nothing you can't handle ♪ 981 00:49:22,795 --> 00:49:26,382 ♪ Oh, oh, oh You're the best example ♪ 982 00:49:26,382 --> 00:49:29,802 ♪ Oh, oh, oh No one holds a candle ♪ 983 00:49:29,802 --> 00:49:33,431 ♪ Oh, oh, oh Nothing you can't take on ♪ 984 00:49:33,431 --> 00:49:36,517 ♪ Oh, oh, oh When you face 'em straight on ♪ 985 00:49:36,517 --> 00:49:40,271 ♪ Oh, oh, oh Get that hero cape on! ♪ 986 00:49:40,271 --> 00:49:42,022 ♪ It's time to show the world ♪ 987 00:49:42,022 --> 00:49:44,150 ♪ What it's like to brave! ♪ 988 00:49:45,609 --> 00:49:47,361 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 989 00:49:49,196 --> 00:49:51,073 ♪ What it's like to brave! ♪ 990 00:49:52,450 --> 00:49:53,909 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 991 00:49:55,953 --> 00:49:58,038 ♪ What it's like to brave! ♪ 992 00:49:59,206 --> 00:50:01,000 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 993 00:50:02,960 --> 00:50:04,628 ♪ What it's like to brave! ♪ 994 00:50:06,088 --> 00:50:08,299 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 995 00:50:08,299 --> 00:50:09,633 [both laughing] 996 00:50:10,551 --> 00:50:11,552 [roars] 997 00:50:37,161 --> 00:50:38,704 [roars] 998 00:50:38,704 --> 00:50:41,791 ♪ Oh, there's no need to scramble ♪ 999 00:50:41,791 --> 00:50:45,336 ♪ Oh, oh, oh Nothing you can't handle ♪ 1000 00:50:45,336 --> 00:50:48,422 ♪ Oh, oh, oh You're the best example ♪ 1001 00:50:48,422 --> 00:50:52,843 ♪ Let us show the world What it's like to be brave ♪ 1002 00:50:54,094 --> 00:50:55,513 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 1003 00:50:57,598 --> 00:50:59,266 ♪ What it's like to be brave! ♪ 1004 00:51:01,185 --> 00:51:02,603 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 1005 00:51:04,271 --> 00:51:06,273 ♪ What it's like to be brave! ♪ 1006 00:51:08,067 --> 00:51:09,401 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 1007 00:51:11,403 --> 00:51:13,405 ♪ What it's like to be brave! ♪ 1008 00:51:14,949 --> 00:51:16,367 ♪ To be brave, to be brave ♪ 1009 00:51:18,202 --> 00:51:20,454 [whimpers] 1010 00:51:22,540 --> 00:51:23,541 [roars] 1011 00:51:25,876 --> 00:51:28,045 Oh, no, he's got Scooby-Doo! 1012 00:51:28,045 --> 00:51:29,755 - [Scooby whimpering] - [Grundy growling] 1013 00:51:30,631 --> 00:51:32,716 All right, no one panic. 1014 00:51:32,716 --> 00:51:35,803 Grundy may look like nothing more than a mindless brute, 1015 00:51:35,803 --> 00:51:39,849 but, I assure you, everyone has their price. 1016 00:51:39,849 --> 00:51:41,809 [roars] 1017 00:51:41,809 --> 00:51:45,062 [shrieks] Why won't anyone take my money? 1018 00:51:45,062 --> 00:51:47,064 [growling] 1019 00:51:53,279 --> 00:51:56,407 He's got them both! Somebody do something. 1020 00:51:56,407 --> 00:51:57,491 I know. 1021 00:52:02,788 --> 00:52:03,706 [all] Huh? 1022 00:52:06,750 --> 00:52:10,462 [sighs] I need to have a talk with Batman about this belt. 1023 00:52:10,462 --> 00:52:11,714 [both grunt] 1024 00:52:16,468 --> 00:52:19,680 - Grundy's vanished. - You don't think... 1025 00:52:19,680 --> 00:52:21,640 No, I don't. 1026 00:52:21,640 --> 00:52:24,393 Nope, I don't think so. 1027 00:52:24,393 --> 00:52:27,563 - [Velma] Nope, definitely not. Dream on. - [Shaggy] Not a chance, man. 1028 00:52:29,273 --> 00:52:30,316 Still... 1029 00:52:30,316 --> 00:52:34,403 [sighs] Thank goodness, we're all safe! 1030 00:52:35,029 --> 00:52:36,196 [all gasp] 1031 00:52:41,744 --> 00:52:42,828 [Phantoms growling] 1032 00:52:46,165 --> 00:52:48,709 Dude, how many of these guys are there? 1033 00:52:48,709 --> 00:52:50,336 This is the end. 1034 00:52:50,336 --> 00:52:52,588 I danced with Jimmy Olsen one time at summer camp. 1035 00:52:52,588 --> 00:52:54,965 It was the big goodbye party and no one would dance with him 1036 00:52:54,965 --> 00:52:56,675 and I felt bad 1037 00:52:56,675 --> 00:52:58,260 and it obviously meant more to him than it did to me 1038 00:52:58,260 --> 00:53:00,012 and if we really only have a few seconds left, 1039 00:53:00,012 --> 00:53:03,807 I couldn't live my last moments as a fraud! [panting] 1040 00:53:10,689 --> 00:53:12,775 Jimmy Olsen? Huh. 1041 00:53:13,442 --> 00:53:15,027 Uh, guys? 1042 00:53:15,027 --> 00:53:17,529 [growling] 1043 00:53:18,864 --> 00:53:20,950 [barking] 1044 00:53:20,950 --> 00:53:22,284 [growling] 1045 00:53:23,202 --> 00:53:25,454 [whimpering] 1046 00:53:25,454 --> 00:53:27,581 Daphne, if we get out of this, 1047 00:53:27,581 --> 00:53:29,166 I'll understand if you want to... 1048 00:53:35,381 --> 00:53:37,174 [growling] 1049 00:53:37,174 --> 00:53:38,258 [all] Huh? 1050 00:53:42,429 --> 00:53:43,722 They disappeared. 1051 00:53:43,722 --> 00:53:46,350 As mysteriously as they appeared. 1052 00:53:46,350 --> 00:53:47,977 They're not the only ones. 1053 00:53:49,812 --> 00:53:51,730 Like, the Phantoms have Mercy! 1054 00:53:51,730 --> 00:53:52,898 Have Mercy! 1055 00:53:52,898 --> 00:53:55,234 She's never around when I need her. 1056 00:53:55,234 --> 00:53:57,569 You just can't get good help these days. 1057 00:53:58,529 --> 00:54:00,155 Without her messenger bag? 1058 00:54:00,155 --> 00:54:02,074 She's been lugging this heavy thing-- 1059 00:54:02,783 --> 00:54:03,742 That's odd. 1060 00:54:03,742 --> 00:54:04,827 What is it, Velma? 1061 00:54:04,827 --> 00:54:06,078 It's empty. 1062 00:54:06,078 --> 00:54:07,162 Empty? 1063 00:54:07,162 --> 00:54:08,872 All my stuff was in there. 1064 00:54:08,872 --> 00:54:09,957 What stuff? 1065 00:54:09,957 --> 00:54:11,667 Never you mind. 1066 00:54:11,667 --> 00:54:14,294 Well, whatever it was, it's gone now. 1067 00:54:14,294 --> 00:54:16,088 Along with your ride home. 1068 00:54:16,088 --> 00:54:18,632 We can drop you somewhere when this is all over. 1069 00:54:18,632 --> 00:54:19,842 I do have a van. 1070 00:54:19,842 --> 00:54:22,177 Does it have active camouflage? 1071 00:54:22,177 --> 00:54:24,513 No, it's... it's a regular van. 1072 00:54:24,513 --> 00:54:27,558 Well, then, what's the point? 1073 00:54:27,558 --> 00:54:29,518 What's the point of any of this? 1074 00:54:29,518 --> 00:54:31,979 Why am I trapped in here with a bunch of kids 1075 00:54:31,979 --> 00:54:35,315 when I have military-grade bulldozers outside right now, 1076 00:54:35,315 --> 00:54:37,943 ready to bring this infernal building to the ground? 1077 00:54:37,943 --> 00:54:39,445 That's it. 1078 00:54:39,445 --> 00:54:41,405 What's what? 1079 00:54:41,405 --> 00:54:43,824 I was this close to figuring out the solution to the mystery, 1080 00:54:43,824 --> 00:54:46,910 but there was one tiny piece of the puzzle out of place. 1081 00:54:46,910 --> 00:54:49,705 President Luthor, you just knocked it into place. 1082 00:54:49,705 --> 00:54:51,749 [cell phone ringing] 1083 00:54:51,749 --> 00:54:54,293 I have to take this. Excuse me. 1084 00:54:54,293 --> 00:54:55,961 But Velma called me "President." 1085 00:54:55,961 --> 00:54:57,212 Everybody heard it. 1086 00:54:57,212 --> 00:54:59,048 No takesies-backsies. 1087 00:54:59,048 --> 00:55:00,466 Where have you been? 1088 00:55:02,092 --> 00:55:04,344 All right, now that Lex is gone, 1089 00:55:04,344 --> 00:55:06,764 we can get to the bottom of this Phantom business, 1090 00:55:06,764 --> 00:55:09,266 and find out what happened to the Justice League. 1091 00:55:09,266 --> 00:55:11,727 All we need is the perfect trap. 1092 00:55:11,727 --> 00:55:13,145 Say no more. 1093 00:55:14,396 --> 00:55:15,564 [all exclaiming] 1094 00:55:19,735 --> 00:55:21,153 [gulps] 1095 00:55:21,153 --> 00:55:22,654 Like, seeing as Superman's counting on us, 1096 00:55:22,654 --> 00:55:24,740 anyone got a better idea? 1097 00:55:24,740 --> 00:55:26,408 [barking] 1098 00:55:26,408 --> 00:55:28,660 I think he's trying to tell us something. 1099 00:55:28,660 --> 00:55:29,912 What is it, Krypto? 1100 00:55:40,589 --> 00:55:43,634 Yes, I got lost again! 1101 00:55:43,634 --> 00:55:45,344 And before anyone makes jokes, 1102 00:55:45,344 --> 00:55:48,514 I'll remind you, I have a wristwatch-disintegrator. 1103 00:55:48,514 --> 00:55:51,600 Ha! You're very good with science and technology, 1104 00:55:51,600 --> 00:55:52,976 aren't you, Luthor. 1105 00:55:52,976 --> 00:55:55,687 How do I put this so you'll understand? 1106 00:55:55,687 --> 00:56:00,150 "Golly, gee, Fred, you betcha! Jimpies!" 1107 00:56:00,150 --> 00:56:01,610 It's "jinkies." 1108 00:56:01,610 --> 00:56:04,113 Do I look like I care? Now, up, up, up. 1109 00:56:04,113 --> 00:56:05,155 [both growl] 1110 00:56:05,155 --> 00:56:07,825 All right, what's the plan? 1111 00:56:07,825 --> 00:56:09,368 Are we building a trap, or not? 1112 00:56:09,368 --> 00:56:11,453 My driver is missing! Look how upset I am. 1113 00:56:11,453 --> 00:56:13,163 Uh, there's no need for a trap. 1114 00:56:13,163 --> 00:56:15,165 Krypto figured it all out. 1115 00:56:15,165 --> 00:56:16,875 [barks and pants] 1116 00:56:16,875 --> 00:56:19,169 The Justice League was called away for an emergency. 1117 00:56:19,169 --> 00:56:20,420 That's all. 1118 00:56:20,420 --> 00:56:22,005 And what about the Phantoms? 1119 00:56:23,340 --> 00:56:24,842 Swamp gas. 1120 00:56:24,842 --> 00:56:28,887 [growls] Swamp gas! 1121 00:56:28,887 --> 00:56:31,723 That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. 1122 00:56:31,723 --> 00:56:33,475 And I saw Superman, the musical. 1123 00:56:35,519 --> 00:56:37,521 Turns out there's no real mystery here. 1124 00:56:37,521 --> 00:56:40,149 So they won't be able to sell you the Hall of Justice after all, 1125 00:56:40,149 --> 00:56:41,900 it's safe for tourists to come back. 1126 00:56:41,900 --> 00:56:44,027 Mayor Fleming's on her way with a group now. 1127 00:56:44,027 --> 00:56:45,112 Let's go! 1128 00:56:52,786 --> 00:56:53,787 [dialing] 1129 00:56:54,329 --> 00:56:55,581 [door opens] 1130 00:56:55,581 --> 00:56:57,207 I just got off the phone with Fleming. 1131 00:56:57,207 --> 00:56:59,418 She didn't say anything about this. 1132 00:56:59,418 --> 00:57:01,837 What about Mercy and Grundy? 1133 00:57:01,837 --> 00:57:03,172 Eh, they'll turn up. 1134 00:57:03,172 --> 00:57:05,549 They probably got lost. Like you. 1135 00:57:06,633 --> 00:57:09,178 [grunting] 1136 00:57:09,178 --> 00:57:11,221 This makes no sense. 1137 00:57:11,221 --> 00:57:14,683 What about the food truck lady? And the valet? 1138 00:57:14,683 --> 00:57:16,226 Their stories checked out. 1139 00:57:16,226 --> 00:57:18,437 Well, I would have liked to have been consulted. 1140 00:57:18,437 --> 00:57:19,980 Well, golly gee, Lex, 1141 00:57:19,980 --> 00:57:22,024 you're not really part of our team, are ya? 1142 00:57:28,822 --> 00:57:29,948 [screams] 1143 00:57:29,948 --> 00:57:33,702 [mechanical whirring] 1144 00:57:33,702 --> 00:57:35,787 [groans] 1145 00:57:37,581 --> 00:57:39,374 And here they are now! 1146 00:57:39,374 --> 00:57:41,293 The kids of Mystery Incorporated 1147 00:57:41,293 --> 00:57:43,754 and their pal, Krypto the Superdog! 1148 00:57:45,464 --> 00:57:47,841 - [camera shutter clicking] - [crowd cheering] 1149 00:57:54,056 --> 00:57:56,183 We had a deal, Fleming. 1150 00:57:57,851 --> 00:57:59,811 Nothing to say? [grunts] 1151 00:57:59,811 --> 00:58:01,897 I sure hope you're right about this. 1152 00:58:09,154 --> 00:58:12,241 Now let's see who the Phantom really is. 1153 00:58:12,241 --> 00:58:13,951 [barks] 1154 00:58:13,951 --> 00:58:15,535 [Scooby] Lex's driver? 1155 00:58:16,370 --> 00:58:17,371 Mercy! 1156 00:58:19,665 --> 00:58:21,208 You're letting her get away. 1157 00:58:21,917 --> 00:58:23,460 [barks] 1158 00:58:23,460 --> 00:58:24,544 [computer] Acknowledged. 1159 00:58:36,348 --> 00:58:37,724 Oh, nuts! 1160 00:58:37,724 --> 00:58:38,809 [groans] 1161 00:58:40,769 --> 00:58:42,980 [gasps] It was a trap! 1162 00:58:42,980 --> 00:58:47,359 Would somebody please explain what's going on? 1163 00:58:47,359 --> 00:58:50,779 [clears throat] Everyone get comfortable. 1164 00:58:50,779 --> 00:58:54,950 Mercedes "Mercy" Graves, personal assistant, driver and bodyguard to Lex Luthor-- 1165 00:58:54,950 --> 00:58:57,160 I already know all that. 1166 00:58:57,160 --> 00:58:58,662 But do you also know 1167 00:58:58,662 --> 00:59:02,291 just how tired I am of being all of that? 1168 00:59:02,291 --> 00:59:04,501 Of carting your ungrateful rear end 1169 00:59:04,501 --> 00:59:05,794 from this board meeting 1170 00:59:05,794 --> 00:59:07,963 to that red carpet charity mixer? 1171 00:59:07,963 --> 00:59:10,340 Can you just put me down for two minutes while I do this part? 1172 00:59:11,633 --> 00:59:12,718 Thank you. 1173 00:59:12,718 --> 00:59:13,969 Where was I? 1174 00:59:14,553 --> 00:59:16,221 Uh, yes. 1175 00:59:16,221 --> 00:59:19,266 Do you know how it feels to, every night, 1176 00:59:19,266 --> 00:59:22,185 see the flashbulbs light up for you, Lex, 1177 00:59:22,185 --> 00:59:24,271 then immediately go dark for me? 1178 00:59:24,271 --> 00:59:28,608 That was paparazzi you were supposed to keep away from me! 1179 00:59:28,608 --> 00:59:31,778 I wanted them to see me, Lex. 1180 00:59:31,778 --> 00:59:34,865 And not just as the chauffeur of the man who started, 1181 00:59:34,865 --> 00:59:37,701 and then dissolved, The Legion of Doom! 1182 00:59:37,701 --> 00:59:40,245 That was purely a business decision. 1183 00:59:40,245 --> 00:59:41,955 Exactly. 1184 00:59:41,955 --> 00:59:43,707 Somewhere, Lex Luthor, 1185 00:59:43,707 --> 00:59:45,876 between the Legion of Doom and the White House, 1186 00:59:45,876 --> 00:59:48,211 - you lost your edge. - Ha! 1187 00:59:48,211 --> 00:59:50,422 [scoffs] Look at you. 1188 00:59:50,422 --> 00:59:53,967 - Paying back the Justice League for a few bags of chips? - [all laughing] 1189 00:59:53,967 --> 00:59:55,635 How do you know about that? 1190 00:59:55,635 --> 00:59:58,388 I see everything, Lex. 1191 00:59:58,388 --> 01:00:00,682 Which is how I knew 1192 01:00:00,682 --> 01:00:05,062 which of our LexCorp-run military storage facilities the Mayor sent this to! 1193 01:00:05,062 --> 01:00:07,230 The Phantom Zone projector. 1194 01:00:07,230 --> 01:00:11,360 With it, I could do something Lex Luthor never could. 1195 01:00:11,360 --> 01:00:14,363 Step 1, make the Justice League disappear! 1196 01:00:14,363 --> 01:00:17,908 Step 2, move into their precious Hall of Justice 1197 01:00:17,908 --> 01:00:21,328 and convert it into a new supervillain headquarters! 1198 01:00:21,328 --> 01:00:25,499 Run by me, and with free snacks. 1199 01:00:26,500 --> 01:00:28,085 Like, where do we sign up? 1200 01:00:28,085 --> 01:00:30,337 Guys, supervillains? 1201 01:00:30,337 --> 01:00:32,881 Daphne, snacks! 1202 01:00:32,881 --> 01:00:35,217 Yoink! A passable plan, 1203 01:00:35,217 --> 01:00:38,095 but then the tour groups started coming. 1204 01:00:38,095 --> 01:00:41,181 Mercy knew she'd never have the place to herself, 1205 01:00:41,181 --> 01:00:44,184 so she used the projector on a low setting 1206 01:00:44,184 --> 01:00:46,395 to create an illusion of Phantoms 1207 01:00:46,395 --> 01:00:48,939 haunting the old, abandoned Hall of Justice. 1208 01:00:48,939 --> 01:00:51,566 Which terrified the tourists and sent them running. 1209 01:00:51,566 --> 01:00:53,318 Every time Mercy brought you to the Hall 1210 01:00:53,318 --> 01:00:55,112 for your meetings with Mayor Fleming, 1211 01:00:55,112 --> 01:00:57,322 she'd sneak away and hide, 1212 01:00:57,322 --> 01:01:00,075 then turn on the Phantom projector and scare people off. 1213 01:01:00,075 --> 01:01:03,370 But what about when Solomon Grundy got hold of the dogs? 1214 01:01:03,370 --> 01:01:05,664 When she thought the dogs were in danger, 1215 01:01:05,664 --> 01:01:07,624 she used the projector on Grundy, 1216 01:01:07,624 --> 01:01:09,376 sending him into the Phantom Zone, 1217 01:01:09,376 --> 01:01:11,461 thus saving Scooby and Krypto! 1218 01:01:13,255 --> 01:01:15,340 Wouldn't have figured that out 1219 01:01:15,340 --> 01:01:18,343 if you hadn't accidentally left your empty messenger bag at the scene-- 1220 01:01:18,343 --> 01:01:22,264 the same bag you've been hauling this baby around in for months. 1221 01:01:22,264 --> 01:01:26,184 So if the projector sent Grundy to the Phantom Zone, 1222 01:01:26,184 --> 01:01:27,853 then that means... 1223 01:01:27,853 --> 01:01:30,772 The "illusion" of the Phantoms wasn't just an illusion. 1224 01:01:30,772 --> 01:01:32,315 It was the Justice League 1225 01:01:32,315 --> 01:01:34,067 trying to break out of the Phantom Zone 1226 01:01:34,067 --> 01:01:36,027 where Mercy imprisoned them. 1227 01:01:36,027 --> 01:01:38,321 And that means, we can bring them back. 1228 01:01:38,321 --> 01:01:39,573 - Yoink. - Hey! 1229 01:01:39,573 --> 01:01:41,741 Everybody step back! 1230 01:01:41,741 --> 01:01:43,118 What are you doing, Luthor? 1231 01:01:43,118 --> 01:01:45,245 What I've been planning all along. 1232 01:01:45,245 --> 01:01:46,788 Evil. 1233 01:01:46,788 --> 01:01:48,999 And I'm really, really good at it. 1234 01:01:52,627 --> 01:01:55,213 Did you think I, Lex Luthor, 1235 01:01:55,213 --> 01:01:58,467 hadn't figured out the solution to this mystery months ago? 1236 01:01:58,467 --> 01:02:00,552 What are you saying, Lex? 1237 01:02:00,552 --> 01:02:03,889 I'm saying, "Well done, Mercy." 1238 01:02:03,889 --> 01:02:06,975 I'm saying I'm proud of your ingenuity, 1239 01:02:06,975 --> 01:02:08,810 if not your treachery. 1240 01:02:08,810 --> 01:02:10,437 That's right! 1241 01:02:10,437 --> 01:02:12,439 I've been two steps ahead of you from the beginning! 1242 01:02:12,439 --> 01:02:15,942 Which is, frankly, very on-brand for me. 1243 01:02:15,942 --> 01:02:17,652 - But I let you have your fun - [growls] 1244 01:02:17,652 --> 01:02:20,864 as long as it got the Mayor to sell me this land. 1245 01:02:20,864 --> 01:02:24,993 Which she agreed to do earlier, on the phone, 1246 01:02:24,993 --> 01:02:27,954 when you were busy setting this admittedly brilliant trap. 1247 01:02:27,954 --> 01:02:30,582 It was Krypto's plan. 1248 01:02:30,582 --> 01:02:35,378 Diabolical. Any chance you'll switch sides and work for me? 1249 01:02:35,378 --> 01:02:36,963 [growls] 1250 01:02:36,963 --> 01:02:39,216 Eh, Superman said the same thing. 1251 01:02:41,843 --> 01:02:43,386 Land, kids. 1252 01:02:43,386 --> 01:02:46,556 When I was six years old, my father said to me-- 1253 01:02:46,556 --> 01:02:47,849 - Uh, get out! - [Scooby chuckles] 1254 01:02:48,892 --> 01:02:50,852 Ha! Ha! 1255 01:02:50,852 --> 01:02:53,230 Before that, he said, 1256 01:02:53,230 --> 01:02:56,066 "Son, stocks may rise and fall, 1257 01:02:56,066 --> 01:02:59,152 utilities and transportation systems may collapse. 1258 01:02:59,152 --> 01:03:03,114 People are no dang good, but they will always need land 1259 01:03:03,114 --> 01:03:05,575 and they'll pay through the nose to get it! 1260 01:03:05,575 --> 01:03:08,662 - Remember," my father said-- - Rand. 1261 01:03:08,662 --> 01:03:11,039 That's right. Rand. 1262 01:03:11,039 --> 01:03:12,582 I mean, land! 1263 01:03:12,582 --> 01:03:16,962 This land, the former Hall of Justice 1264 01:03:16,962 --> 01:03:20,340 and site of the future tallest building in the world, 1265 01:03:20,340 --> 01:03:22,926 - the all new LexCorp Tower. - [all gasp] 1266 01:03:28,932 --> 01:03:31,768 Jimpies! This room needs windows. 1267 01:03:31,768 --> 01:03:33,895 [computer] Acknowledged. 1268 01:03:35,939 --> 01:03:37,566 [all gasp] 1269 01:03:39,484 --> 01:03:40,986 Much better. 1270 01:03:40,986 --> 01:03:42,445 - Thank you. - [computer] Don't mention it. 1271 01:03:47,659 --> 01:03:49,202 [Mercy] Bulldozers? 1272 01:03:49,202 --> 01:03:51,663 See, this is my point, Lex. 1273 01:03:51,663 --> 01:03:54,332 You're not having evil fun anymore. 1274 01:03:54,332 --> 01:03:55,417 Oh, no? 1275 01:03:56,293 --> 01:03:57,294 [whirring] 1276 01:04:13,059 --> 01:04:15,312 Robot Demolition Squad? 1277 01:04:15,312 --> 01:04:17,272 [Lex] Kryptonite powered. 1278 01:04:17,272 --> 01:04:23,028 And I have no intention of paying anyone for those Chipzees. 1279 01:04:23,028 --> 01:04:25,822 Oh, Lex, you're back! 1280 01:04:25,822 --> 01:04:27,616 Baby, I never left. 1281 01:04:27,616 --> 01:04:28,700 [growls] 1282 01:04:29,743 --> 01:04:31,411 [grunts] 1283 01:04:35,081 --> 01:04:38,209 Get off, you mangy mutt. 1284 01:04:39,794 --> 01:04:41,588 [computer] Initiate defense sequence. 1285 01:04:41,588 --> 01:04:43,840 [gasps] Rex Ruthor's a robot. 1286 01:04:43,840 --> 01:04:44,924 Ruh-roh. 1287 01:04:56,227 --> 01:04:57,646 [growling] 1288 01:05:00,357 --> 01:05:02,692 We have to get that projector away from Lex. 1289 01:05:02,692 --> 01:05:03,777 - [rumbling] - [all gasp] 1290 01:05:05,737 --> 01:05:06,738 [all groan] 1291 01:05:22,087 --> 01:05:23,546 Where's Freddy? 1292 01:05:23,546 --> 01:05:24,923 He left the Utility Belt. 1293 01:05:27,717 --> 01:05:28,718 [gasps] 1294 01:05:30,887 --> 01:05:34,849 [laughs maliciously] 1295 01:05:40,689 --> 01:05:41,898 [groaning] 1296 01:05:43,566 --> 01:05:44,901 Shaggy! Scooby! 1297 01:06:01,835 --> 01:06:02,836 [whimpering] 1298 01:06:06,464 --> 01:06:07,757 Yikes! 1299 01:06:07,757 --> 01:06:10,468 [gasps] Oh, no. A Kryptonite heart! 1300 01:06:10,468 --> 01:06:12,387 [whimpering] 1301 01:06:30,947 --> 01:06:34,409 Wow, Daphne. You'd make a pretty good Wonder Woman. 1302 01:06:34,409 --> 01:06:37,746 I prefer Batman. You're more of a Wonder Woman. 1303 01:06:37,746 --> 01:06:38,830 I wish. 1304 01:06:39,998 --> 01:06:41,916 [screaming] 1305 01:06:41,916 --> 01:06:44,002 [both grunting] 1306 01:06:47,213 --> 01:06:48,298 Woah! 1307 01:06:48,298 --> 01:06:50,133 - [grunts] - [Daphne screaming] 1308 01:06:53,428 --> 01:06:54,429 [both scream] 1309 01:06:56,848 --> 01:06:58,349 It's Fred. 1310 01:06:58,349 --> 01:07:00,268 Is that an invisible tank? 1311 01:07:02,437 --> 01:07:05,231 If not, it's got a lot of firepower for a trolley. 1312 01:07:07,817 --> 01:07:10,653 Yee-haw! 1313 01:07:10,653 --> 01:07:12,405 [J.B. laughs] 1314 01:07:12,405 --> 01:07:16,493 Oh, hey. Don't yell into the invisible headset, J.B. 1315 01:07:16,493 --> 01:07:18,036 Sorry, sorry, sorry! 1316 01:07:18,036 --> 01:07:19,954 I just never knew I could love my job this much! 1317 01:07:19,954 --> 01:07:21,372 Me, neither. 1318 01:07:21,372 --> 01:07:22,499 Helen? 1319 01:07:28,129 --> 01:07:30,548 [both whimpering] 1320 01:07:34,803 --> 01:07:35,929 [both chuckling] 1321 01:07:42,435 --> 01:07:44,479 [both screaming] 1322 01:07:50,360 --> 01:07:52,070 [Shaggy] Woah. 1323 01:07:52,070 --> 01:07:54,823 Never ever let anybody say I don't protect my customers! 1324 01:07:54,823 --> 01:07:57,450 Dude, this is one heck of a food truck. 1325 01:07:58,535 --> 01:07:59,536 [both gasp] 1326 01:08:00,245 --> 01:08:01,246 [gasps] 1327 01:08:03,289 --> 01:08:06,668 Say, Scoob, is that making you as hungry as it is me? 1328 01:08:06,668 --> 01:08:10,004 Not now, Shaggy. [chomping] But, yes. 1329 01:08:11,214 --> 01:08:12,423 Huh? Woah. 1330 01:08:13,675 --> 01:08:14,634 [snickers] 1331 01:08:14,634 --> 01:08:15,760 [groans softly] 1332 01:08:17,345 --> 01:08:18,471 [whimpering] 1333 01:08:21,099 --> 01:08:22,100 [grunts] 1334 01:08:24,853 --> 01:08:25,854 [grunts] 1335 01:08:25,854 --> 01:08:28,273 - [growls] - Hey! 1336 01:08:28,273 --> 01:08:31,276 I see you're still weak from the Kryptonite. 1337 01:08:31,276 --> 01:08:32,360 [both grunting] 1338 01:08:35,947 --> 01:08:37,532 [growls] 1339 01:08:37,532 --> 01:08:39,993 Uh-oh. I know that look. 1340 01:08:41,911 --> 01:08:43,788 Ow. Ow. Ow. 1341 01:09:18,364 --> 01:09:19,741 [yells] 1342 01:09:19,741 --> 01:09:21,492 [screaming] 1343 01:09:34,339 --> 01:09:35,590 [both gasp] 1344 01:09:38,343 --> 01:09:39,469 They just keep coming! 1345 01:09:44,349 --> 01:09:46,309 - [Fred] Here. - [grunts] 1346 01:09:47,143 --> 01:09:49,103 Then we'll keep fighting. 1347 01:09:50,355 --> 01:09:51,356 Woah! 1348 01:09:53,733 --> 01:09:54,734 [grunting] 1349 01:09:56,694 --> 01:09:57,862 [both groan] 1350 01:09:59,489 --> 01:10:01,074 [both yell] 1351 01:10:01,074 --> 01:10:03,034 I've gotta have something here that can help. 1352 01:10:03,034 --> 01:10:04,118 We do. 1353 01:10:05,870 --> 01:10:06,955 Fetch, boy! 1354 01:10:06,955 --> 01:10:08,498 [panting] 1355 01:10:11,709 --> 01:10:12,794 [groans] 1356 01:10:16,547 --> 01:10:17,548 [grunting] 1357 01:10:25,723 --> 01:10:28,184 That's it, Rexie. Fetch! 1358 01:10:28,184 --> 01:10:29,894 Fetch for me. 1359 01:10:32,397 --> 01:10:33,314 Go, Krypto! 1360 01:10:33,314 --> 01:10:34,774 Go, Rex! 1361 01:10:34,774 --> 01:10:37,402 [both groaning] 1362 01:10:42,907 --> 01:10:45,785 Oh, no! Rex's Kryptonite heart! 1363 01:11:06,723 --> 01:11:08,766 - What? How? - [Daphne and Velma cheering] 1364 01:11:08,766 --> 01:11:11,936 [Mercy] Maybe the only thing stronger than a Kryptonite heart... 1365 01:11:11,936 --> 01:11:13,312 is a Kryptonian one. 1366 01:11:14,272 --> 01:11:17,442 Ugh. You're fired. 1367 01:11:22,697 --> 01:11:25,158 Woah, Krypto. All right. 1368 01:11:28,536 --> 01:11:33,666 Krypto! Oh, yes! Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? 1369 01:11:38,379 --> 01:11:39,380 Nice! 1370 01:11:45,553 --> 01:11:48,681 - Only one thing left to do. - [barks] 1371 01:11:53,478 --> 01:11:55,396 [growls] [shivering] 1372 01:12:04,989 --> 01:12:06,032 [Superman] Good boy. 1373 01:12:06,032 --> 01:12:07,116 [panting] 1374 01:12:08,451 --> 01:12:10,912 [all cheering] 1375 01:12:10,912 --> 01:12:13,623 Lex Luthor, what have you done now? 1376 01:12:20,338 --> 01:12:22,632 [sighs wearily] 1377 01:12:22,632 --> 01:12:26,552 Well, League, it looks like we've got another villainous scheme on our hands. 1378 01:12:26,552 --> 01:12:27,887 Jinkies! 1379 01:12:36,229 --> 01:12:37,522 Super-duper. 1380 01:12:37,522 --> 01:12:40,358 Well, gang, another mystery solved. 1381 01:12:40,358 --> 01:12:41,734 Nice work. 1382 01:12:41,734 --> 01:12:43,361 You kids just took down former President 1383 01:12:43,361 --> 01:12:45,530 and current dirtbag, Lex Luthor. 1384 01:12:45,530 --> 01:12:49,867 And, like, don't forget dirtbag-in training, Mercy Graves! 1385 01:12:49,867 --> 01:12:50,993 Can I get a quote? 1386 01:12:50,993 --> 01:12:53,204 It was the perfect plan. 1387 01:12:53,204 --> 01:12:55,414 And I would have gotten away with it, too, 1388 01:12:55,414 --> 01:12:57,625 if it weren't for these meddling kids! 1389 01:12:57,625 --> 01:13:00,378 - [barks] - And the dogs. 1390 01:13:00,378 --> 01:13:01,754 Write that down. 1391 01:13:01,754 --> 01:13:03,798 Hey, what about Solomon Grundy? 1392 01:13:03,798 --> 01:13:05,633 Wasn't he part of the Legion of Doom? 1393 01:13:05,633 --> 01:13:07,635 Shouldn't he be handcuffed, too? 1394 01:13:07,635 --> 01:13:09,428 I don't think Grundy's part in all of this 1395 01:13:09,428 --> 01:13:11,889 had anything to do with doom and destruction. 1396 01:13:11,889 --> 01:13:14,142 He was just trying to make a new friend. 1397 01:13:14,142 --> 01:13:15,434 Look. 1398 01:13:15,434 --> 01:13:20,648 Solomon Grundy pet you on Monday, 1399 01:13:20,648 --> 01:13:23,609 pet you on Tuesday, 1400 01:13:23,609 --> 01:13:26,654 - pet you on... - Shaggy, help! 1401 01:13:26,654 --> 01:13:28,072 [Grundy chuckles] 1402 01:13:28,072 --> 01:13:29,740 Woah, woah, woah. Everybody back in line. 1403 01:13:29,740 --> 01:13:32,243 Eh, no cutting. No cutting. 1404 01:13:32,243 --> 01:13:34,412 - [growls] - Shaggy! 1405 01:13:34,412 --> 01:13:36,581 Sorry, scooby. Business is up 1406 01:13:36,581 --> 01:13:39,000 and Shaggy and I got an arrangement. 1407 01:13:39,000 --> 01:13:43,254 Like, dude, one for you, two for me. 1408 01:13:52,221 --> 01:13:56,100 So, Daphne, now that this is all over... 1409 01:13:56,100 --> 01:14:00,605 Oh, Jimmy. I'm sorry, but I only want to be friends. 1410 01:14:00,605 --> 01:14:02,982 That's just what I was gonna say. 1411 01:14:02,982 --> 01:14:06,277 Honestly, I feel like you've been holding me back. 1412 01:14:06,277 --> 01:14:07,862 I've... [chuckles] 1413 01:14:07,862 --> 01:14:11,574 Wait, you're breaking up with me? We weren't even-- 1414 01:14:11,574 --> 01:14:13,743 There, there, Daphne, let it all out. 1415 01:14:13,743 --> 01:14:15,119 Freddy's here. 1416 01:14:15,745 --> 01:14:17,330 Ugh. 1417 01:14:17,330 --> 01:14:19,790 Well, you did a great job, kids. 1418 01:14:19,790 --> 01:14:22,210 - You'd all make terrific reporters. - [barks] 1419 01:14:22,210 --> 01:14:24,212 Clark, where have you been? 1420 01:14:24,212 --> 01:14:27,381 Just got back from a top-secret overseas assignment, Jimmy. 1421 01:14:27,381 --> 01:14:29,425 I sure hope I didn't miss anything exciting. 1422 01:14:29,425 --> 01:14:32,470 What are you talking about? You were just here-- 1423 01:14:33,429 --> 01:14:35,264 Uh. 1424 01:14:35,264 --> 01:14:37,225 I mean, uh. [clears throat] Yeah. 1425 01:14:37,225 --> 01:14:38,559 Whatever you say, Clark. 1426 01:14:40,144 --> 01:14:41,520 My glasses. 1427 01:14:41,520 --> 01:14:43,981 I, uh, can't see a thing without my glasses. 1428 01:14:46,776 --> 01:14:48,361 - Oh. - [barks] 1429 01:14:54,784 --> 01:14:55,993 Fries. 1430 01:15:01,749 --> 01:15:03,960 Phew! Thanks, pal. 1431 01:15:03,960 --> 01:15:05,044 [barks] 1432 01:15:09,674 --> 01:15:11,634 Ooh. Thanks. 1433 01:15:14,220 --> 01:15:15,513 [Flash chomps] 1434 01:15:15,513 --> 01:15:16,597 Huh? 1435 01:15:18,474 --> 01:15:22,478 Scooby-dooby-doooooo! 1436 01:15:22,478 --> 01:15:23,562 [barks]