1 00:00:06,291 --> 00:00:08,208 [wind whistling] 2 00:00:11,208 --> 00:00:13,208 - [machine guns firing] - [soldiers shouting] 3 00:00:15,333 --> 00:00:17,333 [soldier breathing erratically] 4 00:00:17,416 --> 00:00:19,291 [projectile whistles by] 5 00:00:19,375 --> 00:00:20,875 [explodes] 6 00:00:23,416 --> 00:00:26,041 - [indistinct shouting] - [machine gun firing] 7 00:00:26,750 --> 00:00:28,083 [man in German] Us Germans... 8 00:00:30,625 --> 00:00:32,500 [soldier in German] Fire! 9 00:00:34,041 --> 00:00:38,583 ...we saw ourselves as the best army in the world. 10 00:00:44,666 --> 00:00:46,458 Then there was Stalingrad. 11 00:00:46,541 --> 00:00:49,250 [gunfire continues] 12 00:00:49,333 --> 00:00:50,750 [explosions in distance] 13 00:00:53,416 --> 00:00:57,291 From that moment, we started to fear the worst. 14 00:00:57,375 --> 00:00:59,000 [soldier running, panting] 15 00:01:17,333 --> 00:01:18,875 [narrator] 1942. 16 00:01:21,083 --> 00:01:26,458 As the war enters its third year, the conflict now engulfs the entire world. 17 00:01:28,916 --> 00:01:31,541 [announcer] The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor from the air. 18 00:01:32,750 --> 00:01:36,791 Japan has bombed Pearl Harbor, dragging America into the war. 19 00:01:36,875 --> 00:01:40,458 [Franklin Roosevelt] I ask that the Congress declare 20 00:01:40,541 --> 00:01:42,500 a state of war. 21 00:01:43,625 --> 00:01:46,500 [announcer] Japan has announced a formal declaration of war. 22 00:01:46,583 --> 00:01:50,083 {\an8}[announcer 2] This morning's news of Japan attacks on Thailand and Hong Kong. 23 00:01:50,666 --> 00:01:54,833 {\an8}In the West, most of Europe is under Axis control. 24 00:01:54,916 --> 00:01:57,166 [commentator] The French Resistance has collapsed. 25 00:01:59,916 --> 00:02:03,750 Hitler has now launched a massive invasion of the Soviet Union. 26 00:02:03,833 --> 00:02:06,125 [newscaster] The German successes against Russia 27 00:02:06,208 --> 00:02:09,125 can be compared to the biggest victories in the course of this war. 28 00:02:11,125 --> 00:02:14,000 {\an8}And now the Germans are on the march in Africa, 29 00:02:14,083 --> 00:02:16,083 {\an8}where they have the British on the run. 30 00:02:25,250 --> 00:02:27,791 So, now the stakes had never been higher. 31 00:02:31,125 --> 00:02:33,750 With the Axis powers sweeping all before them, 32 00:02:35,916 --> 00:02:38,291 can the combined forces of the US, 33 00:02:39,375 --> 00:02:40,750 the Soviet Union 34 00:02:41,875 --> 00:02:44,708 and Britain finally stop Hitler? 35 00:02:44,791 --> 00:02:48,791 Or will the Germans and the Axis powers conquer the world? 36 00:02:49,875 --> 00:02:55,250 [Hitler in German] Our great heroes have history on our side. 37 00:02:55,333 --> 00:03:00,500 We must crush our enemies until the final victory! 38 00:03:29,583 --> 00:03:32,416 [newscaster] Good morning, everyone. The start of another week of war. 39 00:03:32,500 --> 00:03:34,625 [newscaster 2] Down in the desert sands of Libya, 40 00:03:34,708 --> 00:03:38,833 everyone realizes that these are mighty serious days. 41 00:03:46,250 --> 00:03:48,875 {\an8}[Ellis] You must remember that you are in a desert, 42 00:03:49,000 --> 00:03:53,166 {\an8}and a desert is a vast expanse of nothing. 43 00:03:54,250 --> 00:03:57,125 We had a much more colorful way of describing it: 44 00:03:57,208 --> 00:04:00,250 "miles and miles and miles of sweet F-A." 45 00:04:03,708 --> 00:04:07,291 Englishman Ray Ellis has been fighting the Germans in North Africa 46 00:04:07,375 --> 00:04:08,750 for more than a year. 47 00:04:13,291 --> 00:04:17,166 Ray joined up at the start of the war, eager to do his duty. 48 00:04:17,875 --> 00:04:21,625 Now, he's starting to wonder if he'll ever see home again. 49 00:04:23,041 --> 00:04:25,625 [Ellis] I was tired of deserts and killing, 50 00:04:25,708 --> 00:04:27,916 and sick of the whole thing. 51 00:04:28,000 --> 00:04:29,500 [detectors buzzing] 52 00:04:36,750 --> 00:04:40,625 The excrement and bodies dying, being shot, and rotting. 53 00:04:40,708 --> 00:04:43,583 Obviously, flies were there by the million. 54 00:04:44,541 --> 00:04:47,791 Big, black, horrible, juicy flies. 55 00:04:52,708 --> 00:04:54,750 And then there was the Germans. 56 00:04:56,750 --> 00:04:59,000 The Germans were invincible. 57 00:05:02,458 --> 00:05:05,041 Let's face it, nothing had stopped them. 58 00:05:05,875 --> 00:05:08,083 [newscaster] Rommel's men are on the march again. 59 00:05:08,166 --> 00:05:11,291 Rommel is a daring, skillful opponent. 60 00:05:14,625 --> 00:05:17,458 [narrator] The German General, Erwin Rommel, 61 00:05:17,541 --> 00:05:20,666 {\an8}is closing in on the vital British-held port of Tobruk. 62 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:28,000 {\an8}If Rommel takes Tobruk, he could take the Suez Canal. 63 00:05:28,083 --> 00:05:31,458 {\an8}If he takes Suez, he takes Africa. 64 00:05:38,500 --> 00:05:41,875 [Ellis] Two officers came and said, 65 00:05:42,000 --> 00:05:43,916 "We've had an order, Sergeant." 66 00:05:44,041 --> 00:05:47,458 "We've got to fight to the last man and the last round." 67 00:05:48,041 --> 00:05:54,708 He said, "Don't think many of us are going to see the sun set today, Sergeant." 68 00:05:56,458 --> 00:05:58,333 We're all in it together. 69 00:06:05,458 --> 00:06:08,458 [narrator] Ray's orders: hold off Rommel's tanks. 70 00:06:09,083 --> 00:06:11,625 No retreat. No surrender. 71 00:06:12,375 --> 00:06:15,333 [Ellis] And I can remember sitting by my gun 72 00:06:15,416 --> 00:06:18,750 and just waiting for this battle to start. 73 00:06:24,583 --> 00:06:27,500 Somebody discovered a barrel of Chianti. 74 00:06:32,500 --> 00:06:35,500 Everybody was laughing and happy. It relieved all the tension. 75 00:06:36,750 --> 00:06:38,208 Back slapping. 76 00:06:44,208 --> 00:06:45,833 And then gradually it changed. 77 00:06:52,375 --> 00:06:56,416 And it was mothers, sweethearts, and wives. 78 00:06:58,666 --> 00:07:00,250 We was frightened. 79 00:07:23,208 --> 00:07:24,833 [loud explosions, gunfire] 80 00:07:24,916 --> 00:07:28,416 [noises fade] 81 00:07:28,500 --> 00:07:31,041 - [noises resume] - [soldiers shouting] 82 00:07:55,333 --> 00:07:58,208 [noises fade] 83 00:07:58,291 --> 00:08:01,166 [Ellis] All I knew was, I was spinning in the air. 84 00:08:09,208 --> 00:08:10,250 I came round. 85 00:08:10,875 --> 00:08:12,875 My gun was upside down. 86 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:18,000 My friends were wiped out. 87 00:08:18,708 --> 00:08:20,250 [flies buzzing] 88 00:08:27,708 --> 00:08:30,708 I was absolutely surrounded by Germans. 89 00:08:30,791 --> 00:08:32,791 [machine-gun fire in distance] 90 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:37,000 I got out of my hole and then I ran. 91 00:08:45,250 --> 00:08:47,041 There were two of us left. 92 00:08:54,708 --> 00:08:58,916 And this man who was helping me, he was blotted. 93 00:09:08,041 --> 00:09:09,125 And that was it. 94 00:09:12,125 --> 00:09:13,333 I was a prisoner. 95 00:09:17,583 --> 00:09:20,458 [narrator] Ray is the only survivor of his section. 96 00:09:20,541 --> 00:09:24,416 And he's about to be transported a thousand miles across North Africa 97 00:09:24,500 --> 00:09:26,291 as a prisoner of war. 98 00:09:28,291 --> 00:09:30,500 [Ellis] And so began the most dangerous journey 99 00:09:30,583 --> 00:09:32,083 I've ever made in my life. 100 00:09:36,666 --> 00:09:40,416 [narrator] The fall of Tobruk puts all of North Africa within Hitler's reach. 101 00:09:40,500 --> 00:09:43,375 [newscaster] Rommel inflicted considerable damage. 102 00:09:44,291 --> 00:09:45,791 [narrator] Meanwhile, in the Pacific, 103 00:09:45,875 --> 00:09:48,708 the Japanese have scored one victory after another. 104 00:09:48,791 --> 00:09:51,833 [newscaster] The Japanese attacked defense facilities in the Philippines. 105 00:09:51,916 --> 00:09:55,500 [narrator] They've conquered the Philippines, Malaya and Burma. 106 00:09:55,583 --> 00:09:59,125 [newscaster] The Japanese are closing in on Singapore from the north and west. 107 00:09:59,208 --> 00:10:03,500 [narrator] They're even on American soil in a remote outpost of Alaska. 108 00:10:06,208 --> 00:10:09,500 [newscaster] The Japs have set foot in the North American continent 109 00:10:09,583 --> 00:10:11,166 for the first time. 110 00:10:13,875 --> 00:10:16,583 [man in Japanese] We will wipe out the cruel oppression 111 00:10:16,666 --> 00:10:18,791 of the United States and Great Britain. 112 00:10:19,833 --> 00:10:22,666 [narrator] Now they're planning a surprise attack on the US fleet 113 00:10:22,750 --> 00:10:24,583 at the Pacific island of Midway. 114 00:10:26,791 --> 00:10:28,625 Sink her aircraft carriers, 115 00:10:28,708 --> 00:10:31,500 and they'll knock the US out of the war for good. 116 00:10:33,083 --> 00:10:34,708 There's just one problem. 117 00:10:35,958 --> 00:10:38,708 The Americans have cracked their radio codes 118 00:10:38,791 --> 00:10:40,875 and know the Japanese are coming. 119 00:11:04,541 --> 00:11:06,291 [indistinct chatter] 120 00:11:25,541 --> 00:11:28,916 {\an8}[Cheek] They called all the pilots for a briefing, 121 00:11:29,791 --> 00:11:33,458 {\an8}and somehow the codebreakers knew right to the minute 122 00:11:33,541 --> 00:11:35,541 {\an8}what the Japanese were going to do. 123 00:11:35,625 --> 00:11:37,625 {\an8}[voices muted] 124 00:11:39,583 --> 00:11:41,166 {\an8}[Best] The morning briefing said 125 00:11:41,250 --> 00:11:43,375 {\an8}these carriers have been picked up to the northwest, 126 00:11:43,458 --> 00:11:45,083 {\an8}steaming in towards Midway. 127 00:11:46,291 --> 00:11:50,541 We knew what the Japanese could do. We're under no delusions about that. 128 00:11:51,458 --> 00:11:52,791 But we know what we can do. 129 00:11:52,875 --> 00:11:55,500 We know they're coming. They don't know we're there. 130 00:11:55,583 --> 00:11:58,916 [dispatcher] Pilots, man your planes. Pilots, man your planes. 131 00:12:03,791 --> 00:12:06,625 [Cheek] It would be the most dangerous flying I ever did in my life. 132 00:12:50,166 --> 00:12:54,625 [Cheek] We were just coming up on a large bank of clouds. 133 00:12:56,833 --> 00:13:02,333 And I had no idea exactly what we were coming up on. 134 00:13:07,291 --> 00:13:08,875 I guess the best way to put it was, 135 00:13:09,666 --> 00:13:12,416 you're stepping into the main ring right now. 136 00:13:15,291 --> 00:13:17,291 [dive bomber revving] 137 00:13:30,541 --> 00:13:33,500 [narrator] Japanese fighter pilots scramble to get airborne. 138 00:13:46,500 --> 00:13:49,500 [Iyozo in Japanese] A large enemy formation in the south 139 00:13:49,583 --> 00:13:50,875 came across on the radio. 140 00:13:56,125 --> 00:14:00,750 When I looked around, I saw 20 enemy dive bombers. 141 00:14:01,333 --> 00:14:04,291 The gunfire was terrifying! 142 00:14:04,375 --> 00:14:06,916 [machine guns firing] 143 00:14:07,041 --> 00:14:10,666 {\an8}[Cheek] I look straight ahead of me and here comes a Zero diving in. 144 00:14:12,583 --> 00:14:13,833 I squeeze the trigger. 145 00:14:15,416 --> 00:14:17,375 My tracer went right into him. 146 00:14:22,166 --> 00:14:24,125 [metal clanging] 147 00:14:30,125 --> 00:14:34,458 [Iyozo] The tank was hit and the plane started burning. 148 00:14:34,541 --> 00:14:37,416 So I bailed out. 149 00:14:40,375 --> 00:14:44,333 And I hit the water. 150 00:14:50,875 --> 00:14:54,083 [narrator] US pilots shoot down a dozen Japanese fighters. 151 00:15:28,666 --> 00:15:29,767 {\an8}[Cheek] I looked over to the left, 152 00:15:29,791 --> 00:15:33,541 {\an8}and there's the biggest damn cruiser I've ever laid eyes on. 153 00:15:35,208 --> 00:15:38,041 [narrator] Japan's aircraft carriers are now defenseless. 154 00:15:39,708 --> 00:15:42,375 The US dive bombers close in. 155 00:15:47,833 --> 00:15:49,916 {\an8}[Best] The first I could make out anything, 156 00:15:50,041 --> 00:15:51,708 {\an8}I could see the bigger black blob. 157 00:15:59,083 --> 00:16:01,000 I pulled up, so the first hit... 158 00:16:03,541 --> 00:16:04,541 Second hit. 159 00:16:11,166 --> 00:16:13,625 The third hit. There must have been an inferno. 160 00:16:19,083 --> 00:16:21,541 I can see it in my mind right now. 161 00:16:25,416 --> 00:16:27,541 [narrator] Four Japanese aircraft carriers, 162 00:16:27,625 --> 00:16:29,500 almost half their navy, 163 00:16:29,583 --> 00:16:32,000 are sent to the bottom of the Pacific. 164 00:16:32,916 --> 00:16:34,708 For the first time in the war, 165 00:16:34,791 --> 00:16:38,375 the US has inflicted a major defeat on the Japanese. 166 00:16:45,750 --> 00:16:47,166 [Best] You're walking on air. 167 00:16:56,041 --> 00:16:58,500 The Japanese fleet was blunted. 168 00:17:05,833 --> 00:17:07,458 It was an ambush. 169 00:17:07,541 --> 00:17:10,375 An "ambush" is a dirty term anyway, but we did to the Japanese 170 00:17:10,458 --> 00:17:12,708 just what they'd done to us, we ambushed them. 171 00:17:12,791 --> 00:17:14,000 It was wonderful. 172 00:17:14,083 --> 00:17:16,166 [voices muted] 173 00:17:17,875 --> 00:17:19,416 [men cheering] 174 00:17:40,416 --> 00:17:42,541 [narrator] Meanwhile, on the Eastern Front, 175 00:17:43,125 --> 00:17:45,541 the Germans have failed to land a decisive victory 176 00:17:45,625 --> 00:17:48,416 over Stalin's forces at Moscow. 177 00:17:49,041 --> 00:17:52,291 [newscaster] Repeated German attacks are failing to hit Moscow's defenses. 178 00:17:53,416 --> 00:17:57,041 Hitler now makes a decision that will change the course of the entire war. 179 00:18:00,541 --> 00:18:04,791 Desperate for a quick win, he diverts his best army south 180 00:18:04,875 --> 00:18:08,666 to attack the city named after the Soviet leader... 181 00:18:09,750 --> 00:18:11,416 {\an8}Stalingrad. 182 00:18:13,625 --> 00:18:20,583 [Hitler] The seizure of Stalingrad will only deepen this gigantic victory, 183 00:18:22,250 --> 00:18:26,000 not because this place has Stalin's name, which is unimportant, 184 00:18:26,083 --> 00:18:30,583 but because it is a strategically vital location. 185 00:18:30,666 --> 00:18:37,500 And you can be sure, nobody will drive us from this place! 186 00:18:37,583 --> 00:18:39,416 [crowd cheering] 187 00:18:57,666 --> 00:19:01,833 [Schönbeck in German] We were really fired up. 188 00:19:06,291 --> 00:19:08,916 Our tanks were as fast as lightning! 189 00:19:23,000 --> 00:19:28,625 Our morale was sky high and we had amazing firepower. 190 00:19:28,708 --> 00:19:30,416 [indistinct shouting] 191 00:19:31,666 --> 00:19:34,416 [voices muted] 192 00:19:44,208 --> 00:19:46,666 [newscaster] The Germans have advanced in the last 24 hours 193 00:19:46,750 --> 00:19:50,458 and German reserves are continually arriving by air. 194 00:19:53,333 --> 00:19:57,750 But the defenders of Stalingrad keep pouring in reinforcements. 195 00:19:57,833 --> 00:20:00,333 [officer shouting commands] 196 00:20:00,416 --> 00:20:04,708 [narrator] The Soviets are outmaneuvered by the German army's speed and tactics. 197 00:20:06,250 --> 00:20:08,500 But their leader, Joseph Stalin, 198 00:20:09,208 --> 00:20:10,833 has other cards to play. 199 00:20:12,458 --> 00:20:14,375 [Stalin in Russian] Women of the resistance! 200 00:20:14,458 --> 00:20:16,666 The whole world is looking at you 201 00:20:16,750 --> 00:20:19,916 as the force to destroy the German invaders. 202 00:20:20,000 --> 00:20:23,583 [narrator] The Red Army has recruited almost a million women. 203 00:20:23,666 --> 00:20:24,833 [officer shouts] 204 00:20:26,291 --> 00:20:29,333 One of them is Alexandra Bocharova. 205 00:20:30,708 --> 00:20:35,458 [Bocharova in Russian] I was told, "Girl, you're in the army now!" 206 00:20:37,625 --> 00:20:42,166 "You will be a machine gunner." 207 00:20:42,250 --> 00:20:43,458 "Understood?" 208 00:20:49,208 --> 00:20:53,166 I liked the heavy machine gun best. 209 00:21:03,041 --> 00:21:04,125 [narrator] August 23rd. 210 00:21:06,500 --> 00:21:10,375 Luftwaffe bombers launch the first wave of attacks on Stalingrad. 211 00:21:10,458 --> 00:21:12,458 [bombs whistling, exploding] 212 00:21:21,041 --> 00:21:24,125 Down below, the Panzer regiments have arrived. 213 00:21:29,291 --> 00:21:35,625 [Schönbeck] We came to the Volga and saw this mighty river. 214 00:21:37,375 --> 00:21:43,208 We were so cocky, it was, "Great, let's shell the boats!" 215 00:21:56,208 --> 00:21:58,000 {\an8}[Bocharova] I was on a boat. 216 00:22:14,625 --> 00:22:18,500 A shell landed next to us. 217 00:22:21,791 --> 00:22:27,291 A nurse was thrown into the water. 218 00:22:27,375 --> 00:22:30,875 And she was gone to the bottom of the Volga. 219 00:22:31,666 --> 00:22:33,291 [bombs exploding, gunfire] 220 00:22:36,500 --> 00:22:38,208 Somehow we made it across. 221 00:22:52,541 --> 00:22:56,625 [narrator] The Germans prepare for a full-scale ground assault of the city. 222 00:23:04,208 --> 00:23:08,041 [Dengler in German] We saw Stalingrad burning. 223 00:23:10,166 --> 00:23:13,875 We assumed, when we take Stalingrad, 224 00:23:14,000 --> 00:23:16,250 the war would be over. 225 00:23:17,458 --> 00:23:18,708 [in German] Fire! 226 00:23:20,458 --> 00:23:23,666 [Dengler] We started the advance on Stalingrad. 227 00:23:25,750 --> 00:23:28,500 [newscaster] More news of the fighting along the Russian front... 228 00:23:28,583 --> 00:23:32,500 [newscaster 2] The German threat of Stalingrad continues to grow daily. 229 00:23:38,083 --> 00:23:42,666 [Dengler] We'd take a house or ditch... 230 00:23:42,750 --> 00:23:44,625 - [heavy gunfire] - [soldiers shouting] 231 00:23:44,708 --> 00:23:48,833 ...and they would take it back a few days later. 232 00:23:52,416 --> 00:23:57,041 We suddenly realized we had a serious opponent. 233 00:24:07,791 --> 00:24:11,416 [Bocharova] Every house was a battlefield. 234 00:24:15,250 --> 00:24:17,291 Shells were raining down like thunder. 235 00:24:21,333 --> 00:24:25,208 We lost so many troops. 236 00:24:30,083 --> 00:24:31,791 [narrator] For three months, 237 00:24:31,875 --> 00:24:35,625 the Nazis and the Soviets fight each other to a standstill. 238 00:24:49,500 --> 00:24:52,166 But the Soviets have a plan to break the deadlock. 239 00:25:19,083 --> 00:25:23,041 [Dengler] It was a mixture of astonishment and horror. 240 00:25:32,041 --> 00:25:34,958 It was like something from a movie. 241 00:25:44,625 --> 00:25:47,958 The Red Army was coming, 242 00:25:48,833 --> 00:25:51,791 from everywhere, north and south. 243 00:26:00,708 --> 00:26:03,208 [narrator] Stalin has called up reinforcements, 244 00:26:03,291 --> 00:26:05,333 catching the Germans off-guard. 245 00:26:09,375 --> 00:26:12,000 [Bechler in German] Our guns were superior. 246 00:26:17,166 --> 00:26:21,500 But there were so many of them. 247 00:26:22,833 --> 00:26:26,041 It was one wave after another. 248 00:26:36,750 --> 00:26:41,708 They weren't getting weaker, they were getting stronger! 249 00:26:49,375 --> 00:26:52,333 {\an8}[Bocharova] We didn't care about our own lives. 250 00:26:56,375 --> 00:27:00,541 All that mattered was the Motherland! 251 00:27:05,500 --> 00:27:11,583 [Bechler] Suddenly, I saw it with my binoculars. 252 00:27:14,291 --> 00:27:18,583 "My God! Stalingrad is surrounded." 253 00:27:33,208 --> 00:27:36,333 [narrator] While the German army is trapped at Stalingrad, 254 00:27:37,416 --> 00:27:40,500 in the Pacific, the Americans and the Japanese 255 00:27:40,583 --> 00:27:42,625 continue the battle for supremacy. 256 00:28:04,416 --> 00:28:06,833 [newscaster] Here are the highlights in the news of the day. 257 00:28:06,916 --> 00:28:09,125 The whole nation has its fingers crossed for the Navy 258 00:28:09,208 --> 00:28:12,125 fighting what may be one of the most crucial battles of World War II, 259 00:28:12,208 --> 00:28:13,666 in the Solomons area. 260 00:28:13,750 --> 00:28:15,125 [gunfire echoing] 261 00:28:29,083 --> 00:28:32,625 - [heavy gunfire] - [men shouting] 262 00:28:53,250 --> 00:28:55,059 [newscaster] As we must, we are suffering losses. 263 00:28:55,083 --> 00:28:57,500 But we are also inflicting losses on the enemy. 264 00:29:11,166 --> 00:29:15,041 [narrator] Meanwhile, in North Africa, the war turns again. 265 00:29:16,125 --> 00:29:19,125 [announcer] This is the BBC Home and Forces program. 266 00:29:19,208 --> 00:29:23,291 Here's some excellent news, which has come during the past hour. 267 00:29:23,375 --> 00:29:25,708 The Axis forces in the western desert 268 00:29:25,791 --> 00:29:28,125 are now in full retreat. 269 00:29:29,291 --> 00:29:32,875 Winston Churchill has appointed a new commander in Africa: 270 00:29:34,333 --> 00:29:35,750 General Montgomery. 271 00:29:38,375 --> 00:29:41,833 And he's begun to halt the advance of Rommel's Afrika Korps. 272 00:29:43,166 --> 00:29:45,046 [Montgomery] Our mandate from the Prime Minister 273 00:29:45,125 --> 00:29:48,375 is to destroy the Axis forces in North Africa. 274 00:29:49,541 --> 00:29:53,041 We are going to finish with Rommel once and for all. 275 00:29:54,333 --> 00:29:56,833 It can be done, and it will be done. 276 00:30:01,125 --> 00:30:06,375 But tens of thousands of British soldiers are still prisoners of the Axis forces. 277 00:30:16,041 --> 00:30:18,291 Since being captured near Tobruk, 278 00:30:18,375 --> 00:30:22,166 Ray Ellis has been packed on a truck in the North African desert. 279 00:30:26,791 --> 00:30:29,333 {\an8}[Ellis] I can't remember how many days it went on. 280 00:30:29,416 --> 00:30:31,208 {\an8}It was a living hell. 281 00:30:46,541 --> 00:30:48,041 You couldn't sit. 282 00:30:50,125 --> 00:30:54,125 You couldn't move. In fact, you couldn't turn round. 283 00:30:58,041 --> 00:31:01,375 Dirty, sweaty, stinking men 284 00:31:01,458 --> 00:31:04,333 who were emptying their bowels and their bladders as they stood. 285 00:31:04,416 --> 00:31:05,750 And you were doing the same. 286 00:31:09,500 --> 00:31:11,833 Many died standing up. 287 00:31:18,250 --> 00:31:21,541 Until we stopped at night, when the corpses could be carried out. 288 00:31:47,375 --> 00:31:50,833 [narrator] Ray arrives in Italy, as a prisoner of war. 289 00:31:56,250 --> 00:31:57,916 [Ellis] We'd been starved. 290 00:31:59,708 --> 00:32:01,625 Broken-down group of men. 291 00:32:05,291 --> 00:32:08,500 The street was lined with people spitting and jeering. 292 00:32:11,583 --> 00:32:14,125 "This is the British army. Look at them!" 293 00:32:38,250 --> 00:32:40,958 And then somewhere, out of the crowd, 294 00:32:43,125 --> 00:32:48,750 a young girl came and pressed into my hand a big peach. 295 00:32:52,041 --> 00:32:54,500 And then ran back again and hid herself. 296 00:32:59,333 --> 00:33:03,708 And I can remember eating it and holding my cupped hands round my mouth. 297 00:33:06,625 --> 00:33:09,166 Don't think anything ever tasted better than that peach. 298 00:33:13,916 --> 00:33:15,875 I just burst into tears. 299 00:33:20,208 --> 00:33:23,458 It made me realize that when you think the whole world is against you 300 00:33:23,541 --> 00:33:24,958 and things are going wrong, 301 00:33:25,041 --> 00:33:27,750 I always think there's a girl with a peach somewhere. 302 00:33:31,583 --> 00:33:35,375 It was a wonderful feeling, that... 303 00:33:44,416 --> 00:33:48,041 And it gave me the hope that things can change. 304 00:33:54,041 --> 00:33:57,708 {\an8}[announcer] This is London calling in the North American service for the BBC. 305 00:33:57,791 --> 00:34:00,000 {\an8}[newscaster] Yesterday afternoon at about 4:30, 306 00:34:00,083 --> 00:34:02,291 {\an8}the Axis armies were cut clean in half. 307 00:34:03,250 --> 00:34:07,708 [narrator] November has arrived, and there's momentous news from Egypt. 308 00:34:08,916 --> 00:34:12,708 The British 8th Army has defeated General Rommel's forces 309 00:34:12,791 --> 00:34:14,916 at the Battle of El Alamein. 310 00:34:16,208 --> 00:34:23,041 Now, this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. 311 00:34:23,708 --> 00:34:27,125 But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. 312 00:34:30,000 --> 00:34:32,208 [narrator] And now the Americans have landed 313 00:34:32,291 --> 00:34:35,791 to help finish off the Axis powers in North Africa. 314 00:34:35,875 --> 00:34:39,625 [newscaster] American paratroops and airborne infantry flown from Britain, 315 00:34:39,708 --> 00:34:41,166 1,500 miles away, 316 00:34:41,250 --> 00:34:43,208 have landed to capture airfields, 317 00:34:43,291 --> 00:34:46,583 while other American troops have poured ashore on the beaches. 318 00:34:51,875 --> 00:34:55,125 This is the end of the Axis African adventure. 319 00:35:01,250 --> 00:35:04,333 {\an8}[narrator] Meanwhile, Hitler's forces on the Eastern Front 320 00:35:04,416 --> 00:35:08,166 are facing the possibility of a catastrophic defeat. 321 00:35:11,416 --> 00:35:14,083 The German 6th Army is surrounded. 322 00:35:16,041 --> 00:35:18,125 And the Russian winter is closing in. 323 00:35:18,208 --> 00:35:20,125 [wind whistling] 324 00:35:32,750 --> 00:35:36,583 Hitler's generals tell him the only hope is to break out and retreat. 325 00:35:42,000 --> 00:35:45,041 But Hitler orders his army to stand and fight. 326 00:35:48,666 --> 00:35:52,375 [Hitler] These last few months have been so tremendous. 327 00:35:54,583 --> 00:35:59,250 Let's pay tribute to the soldiers that delivered this victory. 328 00:36:01,666 --> 00:36:05,916 Defeat is out of the question. 329 00:36:06,041 --> 00:36:09,500 National Socialist Germany will emerge from this war 330 00:36:09,583 --> 00:36:11,833 with a glorious victory! 331 00:36:11,916 --> 00:36:13,541 [crowd cheering] 332 00:36:17,291 --> 00:36:22,875 [Schönbeck] At first we thought, we're going to get out of this. 333 00:36:30,208 --> 00:36:34,375 But then things got really bad. 334 00:37:03,250 --> 00:37:05,291 We ran out of gas. 335 00:37:12,250 --> 00:37:15,083 Then we ran out of ammunition. 336 00:37:26,291 --> 00:37:28,875 Then we ran out of food, 337 00:37:30,791 --> 00:37:34,750 so we ate the horses. 338 00:37:40,500 --> 00:37:46,291 We got orders to demolish houses for firewood. 339 00:37:50,166 --> 00:37:53,583 We'd say, "Get out, we need your house!" 340 00:38:13,625 --> 00:38:16,333 In one house, 341 00:38:18,500 --> 00:38:20,583 there was an old couple. 342 00:38:20,666 --> 00:38:26,416 An old man from Stalingrad 343 00:38:26,500 --> 00:38:27,791 with his wife. 344 00:38:28,416 --> 00:38:33,000 They had made some soup. 345 00:38:33,750 --> 00:38:35,250 Something warm. 346 00:38:35,333 --> 00:38:39,000 He said, "Come, eat with us." 347 00:38:39,083 --> 00:38:40,541 I couldn't believe it! 348 00:38:54,541 --> 00:38:56,916 [narrator] Christmas Day, 1942. 349 00:39:02,333 --> 00:39:06,166 Hans and his men are 1,800 miles from home 350 00:39:06,250 --> 00:39:07,916 and starving to death. 351 00:39:10,375 --> 00:39:14,791 [Schönbeck] We had a little pine tree in my bunker. 352 00:39:19,750 --> 00:39:24,708 I tried to put on a brave face for my men. 353 00:39:35,541 --> 00:39:39,250 I said, "Guys, we'll get out of here somehow." 354 00:39:44,833 --> 00:39:47,291 Though I didn't believe it myself. 355 00:39:52,291 --> 00:39:54,583 And nobody else believed me either. 356 00:40:07,333 --> 00:40:10,416 [Dengler] During the course of Stalingrad, 357 00:40:12,125 --> 00:40:15,916 my whole world collapsed. 358 00:40:23,458 --> 00:40:27,083 I saw this corpse. 359 00:40:27,166 --> 00:40:30,000 Some soldiers threw themselves onto him. 360 00:40:35,500 --> 00:40:40,125 They cut out his heart and lungs and ate them. 361 00:40:51,708 --> 00:40:55,625 I thought, my God, how low have we sunk? 362 00:41:28,750 --> 00:41:31,666 [man in German] The High Command of the Wehrmacht announces... 363 00:41:31,750 --> 00:41:33,458 [man 2 in German] The 6th Army 364 00:41:33,541 --> 00:41:37,166 has succumbed to the superiority of the enemy. 365 00:41:40,500 --> 00:41:43,291 The battle for Stalingrad is over. 366 00:41:45,250 --> 00:41:48,541 [narrator] On February 2nd, the German army surrenders. 367 00:41:51,500 --> 00:41:55,708 Eight hundred thousand Axis troops have been killed or captured. 368 00:41:58,541 --> 00:42:01,916 [Bechler] A Red Army soldier shoves his gun into my chest. 369 00:42:05,125 --> 00:42:07,833 And that's it, we are prisoners. 370 00:42:14,583 --> 00:42:19,500 [narrator] It's a disaster for Hitler and his biggest defeat of the war so far. 371 00:42:26,375 --> 00:42:29,458 [Bechler] Then I started thinking of home. 372 00:42:31,083 --> 00:42:34,916 How can we win the war now? 373 00:42:46,791 --> 00:42:52,916 Sooner or later all of Germany will be surrounded like we are at Stalingrad. 374 00:42:55,000 --> 00:42:57,416 That means the fall of Germany. 375 00:42:58,041 --> 00:42:59,833 That cannot be. 376 00:43:10,250 --> 00:43:13,416 {\an8}[Bocharova] We hugged, we kissed, and shouted, "I'm alive!" 377 00:43:20,000 --> 00:43:25,666 I learned I was to receive the Order of the Red Star. 378 00:43:29,291 --> 00:43:32,750 I was walking proudly! 379 00:43:35,083 --> 00:43:40,666 It felt like the world was watching me. 380 00:43:47,791 --> 00:43:51,458 [narrator] Stalin's Red Army has stopped the Nazi tide. 381 00:44:05,125 --> 00:44:07,541 But as the conflict enters its fourth year, 382 00:44:07,625 --> 00:44:10,083 an even harder battle is beginning. 383 00:44:19,541 --> 00:44:23,500 To win the war, the Allies must take the fight to enemy territory 384 00:44:24,833 --> 00:44:28,000 and venture into the most dangerous place on Earth: 385 00:44:28,583 --> 00:44:30,416 Nazi Germany. 386 00:44:34,083 --> 00:44:38,583 [Bomber Harris] The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion 387 00:44:38,666 --> 00:44:41,333 that they were going to bomb everybody else 388 00:44:41,416 --> 00:44:43,583 and nobody was going to bomb them. 389 00:44:44,666 --> 00:44:49,458 They sowed the wind and now they are going to reap the whirlwind. 390 00:44:49,541 --> 00:44:51,291 [explosion] 391 00:44:52,041 --> 00:44:53,833 [dive bombers buzzing] 392 00:44:56,250 --> 00:44:58,890 - [pilot 1] Fighters at ten o'clock. - [pilot 2] Watch 'em, Scotty. 393 00:44:59,000 --> 00:45:00,541 [Scotty] I got my sights on 'em. 394 00:45:03,750 --> 00:45:06,125 [pilot 1] B-17 out of control at three o'clock. 395 00:45:08,458 --> 00:45:10,458 [pilot 2] Come on, you guys, get out of that plane. 396 00:45:14,166 --> 00:45:16,166 [subdued theme song playing]