1 00:00:09,500 --> 00:00:11,500 [windshield wipers clattering] 2 00:00:34,500 --> 00:00:36,125 [woman in German] So many bombs fell. 3 00:00:39,416 --> 00:00:41,291 We expected to die at any time. 4 00:00:45,416 --> 00:00:48,333 We thought there was no way out. 5 00:01:00,666 --> 00:01:03,958 [Adolf Hitler] Whatever our enemies inflict on German cities... 6 00:01:08,125 --> 00:01:11,833 ...I expect every German to fulfill his duties 7 00:01:13,833 --> 00:01:16,333 until their last drop of strength. 8 00:01:18,708 --> 00:01:23,916 I see victory ahead for Germany! 9 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:26,000 [intense music playing] 10 00:01:50,458 --> 00:01:52,500 [narrator] The end of the Second World War 11 00:01:52,583 --> 00:01:54,083 is finally in sight. 12 00:01:54,166 --> 00:01:57,208 [Franklin Roosevelt] 1945 can see the closing in 13 00:01:57,291 --> 00:02:00,083 of the Nazi reign of terror in Europe 14 00:02:01,041 --> 00:02:05,291 and the malignant power of imperialistic Japan. 15 00:02:06,291 --> 00:02:10,541 [narrator] In the Pacific, American forces are pushing back the Japanese, 16 00:02:10,625 --> 00:02:12,250 one island at a time. 17 00:02:15,125 --> 00:02:19,416 [newscaster] A report of a rapid advance is thrilling and exciting news. 18 00:02:19,958 --> 00:02:21,833 {\an8}[narrator] While in Europe, the Allies 19 00:02:21,916 --> 00:02:23,666 {\an8}have reached Germany's borders. 20 00:02:24,375 --> 00:02:27,291 [newscaster] American First Armies advanced three miles today 21 00:02:27,375 --> 00:02:29,833 and are now threatening to outflank German positions 22 00:02:29,916 --> 00:02:31,166 guarding the Cologne plain. 23 00:02:32,166 --> 00:02:34,958 [narrator] But Japan and Germany show no sign of giving up. 24 00:02:37,041 --> 00:02:39,583 [Hitler] We are fighting today 25 00:02:39,666 --> 00:02:42,208 to free our people from this crisis! 26 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:46,833 So, the Allies are considering just what it will take to end the war. 27 00:02:49,875 --> 00:02:55,083 [commentator] One bomb has more power than 20,000 tons of TNT. 28 00:02:55,166 --> 00:02:59,000 It is a harnessing of the basic power of the universe. 29 00:03:32,375 --> 00:03:34,250 [bell tolling] 30 00:03:39,416 --> 00:03:42,541 [narrator] After almost six years of global conflict, 31 00:03:42,625 --> 00:03:45,958 the war is coming home to Germany. 32 00:03:51,458 --> 00:03:56,041 Carola Stern lives with her mother in a small town in northeast Germany. 33 00:03:58,958 --> 00:04:02,541 Until now, they've escaped the worst of the fighting. 34 00:04:05,541 --> 00:04:08,500 [man speaking German over loudspeaker] 35 00:04:14,583 --> 00:04:18,375 [Carola in German] I remember Goebbels spoke on the radio and said, 36 00:04:18,458 --> 00:04:20,208 "Germany will stay German!" 37 00:04:24,416 --> 00:04:27,708 "Oh, God," my mother said. "That's lucky!" 38 00:04:27,791 --> 00:04:29,708 "We're saved!" 39 00:04:33,583 --> 00:04:36,375 Then someone said, "German tanks are coming!" 40 00:04:43,291 --> 00:04:45,750 But they were Russian tanks! 41 00:04:55,375 --> 00:04:57,656 [newscaster] Here is the latest news on the war in Europe. 42 00:04:58,291 --> 00:05:01,375 [newscaster 2] Another day of spectacular gains for the Red Army. 43 00:05:02,083 --> 00:05:04,625 [newscaster 3] Marshal Zhukov is pouring thousands of tanks, 44 00:05:04,708 --> 00:05:06,833 guns and men inside Germany. 45 00:05:15,541 --> 00:05:20,708 [narrator] For Soviet platoon commander Leonid Rozenberg, the war is personal. 46 00:05:23,250 --> 00:05:26,958 {\an8}[Leonid in Russian] The burning feeling of hatred. 47 00:05:38,125 --> 00:05:41,916 My mother, my brother, little sister 48 00:05:43,166 --> 00:05:45,583 were shot dead by Germans. 49 00:05:45,666 --> 00:05:47,500 [dog barking] 50 00:06:02,833 --> 00:06:08,833 The thing we all dreamed of was to get to Berlin! 51 00:06:17,958 --> 00:06:19,583 [newscaster] Refugees by the thousands 52 00:06:19,666 --> 00:06:21,346 continue to stream from the Russian front. 53 00:06:22,208 --> 00:06:27,000 {\an8}[Carola] We imagine wild hordes from the east, 54 00:06:27,083 --> 00:06:29,333 {\an8}sub-humans, 55 00:06:29,416 --> 00:06:32,375 {\an8}and no one would get away alive. 56 00:06:42,583 --> 00:06:47,291 You lose everything it means to be human. 57 00:07:01,166 --> 00:07:04,416 Then there's only one thing left: 58 00:07:06,333 --> 00:07:08,041 the will to survive. 59 00:07:13,875 --> 00:07:17,125 [newscaster] Russian armies are 23 miles from the German capital, 60 00:07:17,208 --> 00:07:19,500 according to the enemy itself. 61 00:07:19,583 --> 00:07:21,166 Adolf Hitler issued a special order 62 00:07:21,250 --> 00:07:24,916 calling for a stand to the death against the Soviet forces. 63 00:07:36,750 --> 00:07:39,375 [narrator] With the German military on its knees, 64 00:07:39,458 --> 00:07:42,541 Berlin's last line of defense is the Volkssturm, 65 00:07:43,666 --> 00:07:46,916 a rag-tag people's army made up of elderly men, 66 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:49,041 women and schoolboys. 67 00:07:51,458 --> 00:07:58,375 [in German] Volkssturm soldiers of Berlin, raise your right hand 68 00:07:58,458 --> 00:08:00,500 and repeat after me. 69 00:08:00,583 --> 00:08:02,375 I vow... 70 00:08:02,458 --> 00:08:04,041 I vow... 71 00:08:04,125 --> 00:08:05,916 ...that I for my fatherland... 72 00:08:06,000 --> 00:08:07,833 ...that I for my fatherland... 73 00:08:07,916 --> 00:08:09,625 ...will fight bravely... 74 00:08:09,708 --> 00:08:11,208 ...will fight bravely... 75 00:08:11,291 --> 00:08:13,708 ...and would rather die... 76 00:08:13,791 --> 00:08:15,791 ...and would rather die... 77 00:08:15,875 --> 00:08:19,916 ...than give up the freedom of my people. 78 00:08:20,000 --> 00:08:24,166 ...than give up the freedom of my people. 79 00:08:26,125 --> 00:08:28,375 [narrator] Fifteen-year-old Hans Müncheberg 80 00:08:28,458 --> 00:08:30,166 is among the volunteers. 81 00:08:30,958 --> 00:08:37,875 [Hans in German] I weighed 100 pounds and was 5' 3". 82 00:08:40,250 --> 00:08:44,958 So, I had to roll up the trousers of my uniform. 83 00:08:49,666 --> 00:08:51,666 [in German] Men of the Berlin Volkssturm, 84 00:08:53,583 --> 00:08:59,916 never drop the flag before the enemies of the Reich 85 00:09:00,000 --> 00:09:02,458 and surrender like cowards. 86 00:09:04,500 --> 00:09:07,583 [narrator] Hans's father is a loyal Nazi. 87 00:09:08,250 --> 00:09:11,583 Now it's time for little Hans to prove himself. 88 00:09:16,666 --> 00:09:19,750 [Hans] My year, those born in 1929, 89 00:09:19,833 --> 00:09:24,333 were presented to the Führer on his birthday. 90 00:09:42,416 --> 00:09:46,375 The Führer was to lead us to victory. 91 00:09:59,666 --> 00:10:04,041 First, we set up roadblocks against the Red Army. 92 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:12,291 Berlin had to be defended. 93 00:10:14,541 --> 00:10:16,625 We just have to hold on! 94 00:10:33,666 --> 00:10:35,833 [narrator] March 1945. 95 00:10:36,833 --> 00:10:39,666 The Allies are pouring across the German border. 96 00:10:40,041 --> 00:10:42,934 [newscaster] Allied armies are continuing their progress to the Rhine River 97 00:10:42,958 --> 00:10:45,416 with good results reported from all sectors. 98 00:10:46,458 --> 00:10:48,916 [Winston Churchill] Once the River Rhine is pierced, 99 00:10:49,000 --> 00:10:51,666 decisive victory in Europe will be nearer. 100 00:10:52,916 --> 00:10:55,208 [narrator] To preserve American lives, 101 00:10:55,291 --> 00:11:00,791 Roosevelt agrees that the final task of taking Berlin will fall to the Soviets. 102 00:11:00,875 --> 00:11:03,083 [Roosevelt] We have made a good start 103 00:11:03,166 --> 00:11:05,083 on the road to a world of peace. 104 00:11:06,208 --> 00:11:11,125 In New Mexico, scientists are developing a devastating secret weapon: 105 00:11:12,375 --> 00:11:13,875 the atomic bomb. 106 00:11:16,625 --> 00:11:20,333 While in the Pacific, the Americans are retaking the Philippines 107 00:11:20,416 --> 00:11:23,000 and the island of Iwo Jima. 108 00:11:23,083 --> 00:11:25,000 [Douglas MacArthur] We shall not rest 109 00:11:25,083 --> 00:11:28,750 until our enemy is completely overthrown. 110 00:11:30,958 --> 00:11:34,250 Japan itself is our final goal. 111 00:11:35,583 --> 00:11:40,541 One last obstacle now stands between U.S. forces and mainland Japan. 112 00:11:44,375 --> 00:11:46,541 [newscaster] The Pacific War's greatest invasion armada 113 00:11:46,625 --> 00:11:51,333 has put American army troops and marines ashore on Okinawa Island. 114 00:12:06,041 --> 00:12:11,166 {\an8}[narrator] If the Americans take Okinawa, an invasion of Japan will be within reach. 115 00:12:18,625 --> 00:12:22,375 For the Japanese, it's an unthinkable prospect. 116 00:12:28,000 --> 00:12:29,708 [commander shouting] 117 00:12:31,083 --> 00:12:36,833 [Kanji in Japanese] Our country had a line of Emperors 2,600 years old. 118 00:12:38,916 --> 00:12:41,916 We had never been invaded by another country. 119 00:12:49,375 --> 00:12:52,166 And we have the Samurai code of honor. 120 00:12:59,125 --> 00:13:02,166 [narrator] Japan's commanders resort to a desperate tactic 121 00:13:02,250 --> 00:13:04,000 to stop the U.S. fleet. 122 00:13:07,125 --> 00:13:09,625 The air force calls for volunteers. 123 00:13:15,375 --> 00:13:18,166 [Kanji] I was in the eighth special attack unit. 124 00:13:20,875 --> 00:13:26,041 Hundreds of people came forward. 125 00:13:34,541 --> 00:13:38,958 We believed we were doing something righteous, 126 00:13:39,041 --> 00:13:40,625 that it was a holy war. 127 00:13:44,833 --> 00:13:47,916 I would feel brave 128 00:13:49,250 --> 00:13:53,208 and think we were heroes. 129 00:13:56,583 --> 00:14:01,750 Next day, I would feel anxious and scared. 130 00:14:03,000 --> 00:14:07,916 We didn't really believe all that "Long live the Emperor" stuff, 131 00:14:08,000 --> 00:14:11,000 but as a young person, you get caught up in it 132 00:14:11,083 --> 00:14:15,083 and feel that you have to follow suit. 133 00:14:33,833 --> 00:14:35,791 {\an8}[Ari] One night, in the early hours, 134 00:14:35,875 --> 00:14:39,541 {\an8}one of the guys said, "It's Friday the 13th." 135 00:14:40,958 --> 00:14:44,541 So, we kind of had a feeling that something would happen. 136 00:14:47,791 --> 00:14:48,875 And it did. 137 00:15:01,166 --> 00:15:03,250 I was having breakfast. 138 00:15:05,000 --> 00:15:07,416 One of the lookouts yelled out, "Planes overhead!" 139 00:15:07,500 --> 00:15:09,250 [engines buzzing] 140 00:15:25,458 --> 00:15:27,666 [firing] 141 00:15:37,208 --> 00:15:42,583 When I saw another ship hit by a kamikaze, I thought they were crazy. 142 00:15:58,916 --> 00:15:59,958 There was carnage. 143 00:16:20,666 --> 00:16:24,500 I saw this plane coming in and I remember saying, 144 00:16:24,583 --> 00:16:27,333 "This is it, I'm going to die." 145 00:16:58,583 --> 00:17:03,083 [narrator] For two days, wave after wave of kamikaze suicide bombers 146 00:17:03,166 --> 00:17:05,208 attack the American ships. 147 00:17:20,833 --> 00:17:23,083 [Kanji] When my turn was approaching... 148 00:17:26,291 --> 00:17:28,625 ...I was so scared of dying. 149 00:17:40,041 --> 00:17:43,916 But you had to obey orders. 150 00:18:35,541 --> 00:18:40,416 With the enemy fleet ahead, there was no way back. 151 00:18:52,166 --> 00:18:55,791 It's a funny thing, when I knew I was going to die, 152 00:18:55,875 --> 00:19:02,250 I remembered things from childhood. 153 00:19:05,666 --> 00:19:08,333 For example, my mother's face. 154 00:19:37,041 --> 00:19:40,625 Then I was hit and blacked out. 155 00:19:50,625 --> 00:19:53,958 [narrator] Miraculously, after crash landing in the ocean, 156 00:19:54,041 --> 00:19:58,750 Kanji is thrown clear of the wreckage and picked up by a U.S. rescue boat. 157 00:20:03,166 --> 00:20:06,541 But the battle for Okinawa is just beginning. 158 00:20:15,250 --> 00:20:20,791 It's April, and in Europe, every day brings news of another German defeat. 159 00:20:26,250 --> 00:20:28,708 [newscaster] The Americans captured Cologne today. 160 00:20:28,791 --> 00:20:31,333 It's a city of rubble and devastation. 161 00:20:31,416 --> 00:20:33,583 And right now, the German garrison is in full flight 162 00:20:33,666 --> 00:20:35,375 along the west bank of the Rhine. 163 00:20:37,000 --> 00:20:40,000 [newscaster 2] United States forces have entered the Nazi city of Nuremberg, 164 00:20:40,083 --> 00:20:44,625 while Russian airborne troops have landed within 23 miles east of Berlin. 165 00:20:46,125 --> 00:20:50,166 [newscaster 3] East and West have met near the German town of Torgau. 166 00:20:50,250 --> 00:20:54,041 Nazi Germany has been split clean in half. 167 00:20:58,291 --> 00:21:01,041 [narrator] For thousands of prisoners of the Nazi regime, 168 00:21:01,125 --> 00:21:04,166 a moment of truth is approaching. 169 00:21:06,291 --> 00:21:10,000 {\an8}[Gerda] I was 15 when the war broke out. My friends were about the same age. 170 00:21:11,208 --> 00:21:14,208 {\an8}We were all young girls. Practically children. 171 00:21:18,000 --> 00:21:21,041 [narrator] Jewish teenager Gerda Weissmann 172 00:21:21,125 --> 00:21:24,916 has been held in Nazi labor camps for almost three years. 173 00:21:27,083 --> 00:21:29,000 [Gerda] I heard planes overhead. 174 00:21:30,041 --> 00:21:34,125 I remember they told us the Russian front had moved closer 175 00:21:35,708 --> 00:21:40,458 and the Germans, they were running away from the advancing Russian army. 176 00:21:46,666 --> 00:21:51,375 We were told we were going on a march the next morning. 177 00:22:02,000 --> 00:22:06,583 The SS men lifted their whips and they said, "Forward march." 178 00:22:12,625 --> 00:22:16,250 We all knew that this is going to be the end of the road. 179 00:22:20,666 --> 00:22:22,166 It was bitter cold. 180 00:22:26,041 --> 00:22:27,791 We slept outside. 181 00:22:33,333 --> 00:22:36,458 We left a bloody trail in the snow. 182 00:22:37,833 --> 00:22:39,250 It was pretty brutal. 183 00:22:44,333 --> 00:22:46,958 My friend said she wanted some water. 184 00:22:48,833 --> 00:22:51,625 And I held her and we both fell asleep. 185 00:22:58,708 --> 00:23:00,875 I woke up, but she didn't. 186 00:23:15,166 --> 00:23:18,375 [narrator] After a 350-mile forced march, 187 00:23:18,458 --> 00:23:23,666 Gerda and her fellow prisoners are locked by SS guards in an abandoned factory. 188 00:23:26,625 --> 00:23:30,500 [Gerda] The Germans planted a time bomb to blow us up. 189 00:23:34,500 --> 00:23:38,083 We tried to break out of there, and we couldn't. 190 00:23:38,166 --> 00:23:41,833 CLEAR HEIGHT 3,9M 191 00:23:43,083 --> 00:23:48,041 I remember sitting there and really knowing that this was definitely the end. 192 00:24:14,875 --> 00:24:16,833 [announcer] This is The World Today. 193 00:24:17,916 --> 00:24:20,875 [newscaster] The German resistance west of the Rhine is still crumbling 194 00:24:20,958 --> 00:24:23,833 and American columns are racing deep into Germany. 195 00:24:26,625 --> 00:24:28,875 [narrator] April 1945. 196 00:24:28,958 --> 00:24:31,416 The Americans are mopping up German resistance 197 00:24:31,500 --> 00:24:33,125 in the west of the country. 198 00:24:34,250 --> 00:24:35,791 [machine gun firing] 199 00:24:41,666 --> 00:24:44,625 [newscaster] The German army has really been cut to pieces, 200 00:24:44,708 --> 00:24:47,166 and they now find themselves in a parlous state. 201 00:24:51,000 --> 00:24:55,208 [narrator] And the Soviet Red Army has arrived at the gates of the capital. 202 00:24:55,916 --> 00:24:59,791 [newscaster] Berlin is tonight completely surrounded by Russian armies. 203 00:25:07,375 --> 00:25:09,375 - [wind whistling] - [distant explosions] 204 00:25:13,458 --> 00:25:16,166 [indistinct discussion] 205 00:25:16,250 --> 00:25:18,541 [Roman in Russian] I looked at the map. 206 00:25:19,708 --> 00:25:21,875 Berlin was 12 kilometers away. 207 00:25:24,625 --> 00:25:28,916 I said, "Guys, for all your suffering... 208 00:25:31,750 --> 00:25:33,750 for all your sorrows... 209 00:25:36,625 --> 00:25:37,958 fire!" 210 00:25:50,833 --> 00:25:51,916 [in Russian] Fire! 211 00:25:55,541 --> 00:25:56,541 Fire! 212 00:25:58,958 --> 00:26:01,541 [Roman] We gave them hell! 213 00:26:12,750 --> 00:26:16,375 The infantry jumped onto the tanks. 214 00:26:17,041 --> 00:26:19,041 On to Berlin! 215 00:26:32,541 --> 00:26:36,375 [narrator] Manning the barricades is 15-year-old Hans Müncheberg. 216 00:26:38,500 --> 00:26:42,083 {\an8}[Hans] I found myself in front of the Russians. 217 00:26:50,500 --> 00:26:55,666 I fired in the general direction of the enemy. 218 00:26:57,375 --> 00:26:59,791 It was a question of survival. 219 00:27:10,416 --> 00:27:12,416 [Leonid] We were so angry. 220 00:27:18,708 --> 00:27:24,166 Our tanks crushed the dead Germans. 221 00:27:24,833 --> 00:27:26,333 And the wounded. 222 00:27:32,833 --> 00:27:34,416 Revenge! 223 00:28:07,125 --> 00:28:12,541 {\an8}[Hans] Nine of my classmates were killed. 224 00:28:12,625 --> 00:28:16,458 We decided we were not going to surrender. 225 00:28:18,500 --> 00:28:21,666 We would try to break out. 226 00:28:28,750 --> 00:28:31,625 [narrator] After two weeks of brutal street fighting, 227 00:28:31,708 --> 00:28:34,875 Leonid Rozenberg is among the first Red Army soldiers 228 00:28:34,958 --> 00:28:36,666 to reach the Reichstag, 229 00:28:36,750 --> 00:28:39,708 the symbolic heart of the German government, 230 00:28:39,791 --> 00:28:42,666 to finally avenge his murdered family. 231 00:28:47,958 --> 00:28:50,625 [Leonid] I was ready to get to the Reichstag... 232 00:28:54,458 --> 00:28:58,166 ...and to put an end to it all. 233 00:29:11,916 --> 00:29:15,583 I climbed to the Reichstag dome... 234 00:29:30,041 --> 00:29:32,875 ...and reached the victory banner. 235 00:29:42,083 --> 00:29:46,958 For the entire war, I'd dreamed of reaching the enemy's lair. 236 00:29:49,458 --> 00:29:54,250 I reached the lair! 237 00:30:04,083 --> 00:30:07,500 [newscaster in Russian] The German army has been beaten. 238 00:30:08,125 --> 00:30:10,208 Germany is defeated! 239 00:30:13,875 --> 00:30:16,666 {\an8}[Hans] We came to a village. 240 00:30:18,166 --> 00:30:22,958 {\an8}This lady told us, "Germany has surrendered." 241 00:30:26,375 --> 00:30:30,291 I said, "That's impossible. Germany can't surrender." 242 00:30:36,708 --> 00:30:41,666 My captain put his arm on my shoulder. 243 00:30:41,750 --> 00:30:45,666 "You know, boy, sometimes it's harder to hear the truth than a lie." 244 00:30:50,625 --> 00:30:52,916 I knew it was over. 245 00:30:59,166 --> 00:31:01,766 [newscaster] Germany has surrendered unconditionally on all fronts 246 00:31:01,791 --> 00:31:06,458 and to all the allies: the United States, Great Britain, Soviet Russia and France. 247 00:31:13,250 --> 00:31:14,625 The Germans signed the papers 248 00:31:14,708 --> 00:31:18,041 at 19 minutes before three o'clock this morning, French time, 249 00:31:18,125 --> 00:31:20,958 in a little red schoolhouse at Reims, France. 250 00:31:30,708 --> 00:31:32,708 [crowd cheering] 251 00:31:47,666 --> 00:31:50,500 [announcer in German] Men and women of Germany, 252 00:31:51,458 --> 00:31:55,541 our Führer, Adolf Hitler, has fallen. 253 00:31:59,458 --> 00:32:01,375 [newscaster] Here is a news flash. 254 00:32:02,125 --> 00:32:07,166 The German radio has just announced that Hitler is dead. 255 00:32:07,750 --> 00:32:08,750 I'll repeat that. 256 00:32:08,833 --> 00:32:11,208 Hitler is dead. 257 00:32:51,708 --> 00:32:55,208 [narrator] Hitler has ended his own life with a bullet to the head. 258 00:32:55,958 --> 00:33:01,250 He leaves behind a nation in ruins and a people shattered. 259 00:33:04,333 --> 00:33:06,125 After fleeing their hometown, 260 00:33:06,208 --> 00:33:09,750 Carola Stern and her mother have been hiding from the Russians. 261 00:33:12,000 --> 00:33:16,083 [Carola] We walked until we came to a farm. 262 00:33:20,666 --> 00:33:27,375 Soldiers came past and told us, 263 00:33:27,458 --> 00:33:31,500 "The Führer fell in the battle for Berlin." 264 00:33:32,291 --> 00:33:37,000 And my mother said, "The Führer didn't know it all." 265 00:33:38,208 --> 00:33:42,291 I replied, "Forget the Führer." 266 00:33:43,291 --> 00:33:49,291 "He promised us the world, and now we're here in the dirt." 267 00:34:00,083 --> 00:34:02,791 [cheering] 268 00:34:10,833 --> 00:34:15,875 {\an8}[Churchill] We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing. 269 00:34:17,375 --> 00:34:20,458 Today is Victory in Europe Day. 270 00:35:20,166 --> 00:35:22,083 [narrator] As the celebrations begin, 271 00:35:22,875 --> 00:35:24,125 in Germany, 272 00:35:24,208 --> 00:35:28,416 U.S. intelligence officer Kurt Klein receives a troubling report. 273 00:35:30,083 --> 00:35:34,041 {\an8}[Kurt] We had heard of a group of Jewish women 274 00:35:34,125 --> 00:35:39,458 who had been dumped by their SS guards in a vacant factory building. 275 00:35:42,125 --> 00:35:44,000 And because I was German speaking, 276 00:35:44,083 --> 00:35:48,375 I was sent in together with a jeep of medics. 277 00:35:53,250 --> 00:35:57,000 {\an8}[Gerda] A couple of days earlier, the Germans locked us into the factory 278 00:35:57,083 --> 00:35:59,583 {\an8}and they attached a time bomb. 279 00:36:02,750 --> 00:36:04,333 [thunder rumbling] 280 00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:09,500 But it started to rain. 281 00:36:09,583 --> 00:36:12,291 So, the bombing timer did not connect. 282 00:36:15,541 --> 00:36:18,750 And the following morning, the doors were opened 283 00:36:18,833 --> 00:36:21,166 and people called and said the war was over. 284 00:36:24,875 --> 00:36:29,333 A very clear view of liberation came that morning 285 00:36:29,416 --> 00:36:31,916 when I saw a car coming down the hill, 286 00:36:33,208 --> 00:36:36,500 the white star on its hood and not the swastika. 287 00:36:45,625 --> 00:36:48,500 [Kurt] And I remember that next to the entrance of the building, 288 00:36:48,583 --> 00:36:50,333 I saw a girl standing. 289 00:36:56,208 --> 00:36:58,875 And I decided to walk up to her. 290 00:37:02,625 --> 00:37:04,958 And I asked her in German and in English 291 00:37:05,041 --> 00:37:07,125 whether she spoke either language, 292 00:37:07,208 --> 00:37:09,333 and she answered me in German. 293 00:37:12,166 --> 00:37:15,291 [Gerda] And I said to him, "We are Jewish, you know?" 294 00:37:18,500 --> 00:37:20,875 For a very long time he didn't answer me. 295 00:37:24,458 --> 00:37:28,416 And then his own voice betrayed his emotion. 296 00:37:32,041 --> 00:37:34,208 He said, "So am I." 297 00:37:44,708 --> 00:37:46,166 I remember I said, "Oh!" 298 00:37:46,250 --> 00:37:47,958 Of disbelief. 299 00:37:48,041 --> 00:37:50,083 He looked like God to me. 300 00:37:53,041 --> 00:37:57,000 And the impact of that, to be liberated not only by an American, 301 00:37:57,083 --> 00:37:58,958 but by a fellow Jew... 302 00:38:01,666 --> 00:38:04,458 it just, it was so totally... 303 00:38:04,541 --> 00:38:08,333 I mean, I think this is when that... 304 00:38:08,416 --> 00:38:14,083 that feeling of such an incredible joy which fills your whole being, 305 00:38:14,166 --> 00:38:15,875 it must have burst out. 306 00:38:15,958 --> 00:38:19,041 I remember I couldn't get ahold of myself. 307 00:38:19,958 --> 00:38:22,500 And then he asked a strange question. 308 00:38:23,500 --> 00:38:26,500 He said, "May I see the other ladies?" 309 00:38:27,833 --> 00:38:31,000 A form of address we hadn't heard for six years. 310 00:38:32,416 --> 00:38:37,083 I told him that most of the girls were inside but too ill to walk. 311 00:38:37,166 --> 00:38:39,375 And he said to me, "Won't you come with me?" 312 00:38:45,041 --> 00:38:48,500 He held the door open for me and let me proceed him. 313 00:38:53,916 --> 00:38:58,958 [Kurt] It's nearly impossible to describe the scene that I found inside 314 00:38:59,041 --> 00:39:02,916 with all these women scattered on the floor. 315 00:39:03,666 --> 00:39:06,166 That was simply too overwhelming. 316 00:39:08,458 --> 00:39:12,333 She pointed at them and then made sort of a sweeping gesture 317 00:39:12,416 --> 00:39:15,416 over this scene of devastation 318 00:39:16,875 --> 00:39:19,958 and said the following words: 319 00:39:22,375 --> 00:39:23,833 "Noble be man, 320 00:39:24,500 --> 00:39:26,583 merciful and good." 321 00:39:36,250 --> 00:39:40,916 And I could hardly believe that she was able to summon a poem 322 00:39:41,000 --> 00:39:47,250 by the German poet Goethe, called "The Divine," at such a moment. 323 00:39:52,083 --> 00:39:55,250 It was a totally shattering experience for me. 324 00:40:02,791 --> 00:40:06,208 [Gerda] Well, pretty soon trucks came, Red Cross trucks. 325 00:40:06,291 --> 00:40:08,333 They took us into hospital. 326 00:40:12,416 --> 00:40:16,458 I was the only one from my family who survived. 327 00:40:21,708 --> 00:40:26,791 {\an8}[Kurt] I've never forgotten the impression that this girl had made on me, 328 00:40:26,875 --> 00:40:31,791 {\an8}and I made it my business to come back to the hospital as often as I could. 329 00:40:34,458 --> 00:40:36,083 The more I talked to her, 330 00:40:36,166 --> 00:40:41,500 the more I realized she had something very special about her. 331 00:40:41,583 --> 00:40:45,958 So, from that point on, a relationship developed. 332 00:40:52,833 --> 00:40:54,875 [Gerda] Kurt came as often as he could, 333 00:40:54,958 --> 00:40:57,791 and he said, "Well, I would like you to come to America." 334 00:40:58,791 --> 00:41:01,250 And I said, "Well, what would I do there?" 335 00:41:01,333 --> 00:41:03,791 And he said, "For starters, you could marry me." 336 00:41:12,125 --> 00:41:15,000 And that was the happiest moment of my life. 337 00:41:22,583 --> 00:41:25,708 [narrator] For Gerda Weissmann, there is salvation. 338 00:41:30,791 --> 00:41:34,000 For millions of others, there is no way out. 339 00:41:40,500 --> 00:41:43,625 The Americans have arrived in the German town of Dachau. 340 00:41:50,541 --> 00:41:53,458 {\an8}[Walter] We rode down a road towards Dachau. 341 00:41:53,541 --> 00:41:55,541 {\an8}But Dachau had no meaning for me. 342 00:41:56,291 --> 00:41:58,541 {\an8}There were side railroad tracks. 343 00:42:02,291 --> 00:42:06,708 And we came to this enclosed place with gates and so on. 344 00:42:13,250 --> 00:42:15,291 There was a huge amount of people. 345 00:42:31,208 --> 00:42:35,416 There were about 30 boxcars on the railroad track, 346 00:42:35,500 --> 00:42:39,708 and when I looked into the cars, they were full of dead people. 347 00:42:43,958 --> 00:42:47,125 I was so shocked by what I saw that it just knocked me over. 348 00:42:54,541 --> 00:42:57,791 When you're in the middle of an experience of that kind, 349 00:42:58,500 --> 00:43:00,500 it's sort of like a nightmare. 350 00:43:02,333 --> 00:43:07,333 It was beyond the realm of one's imagination. 351 00:44:03,791 --> 00:44:05,750 [narrator] It will take lifetimes to comprehend 352 00:44:05,833 --> 00:44:08,250 the enormity of the crimes committed here... 353 00:44:11,083 --> 00:44:14,083 and in camps all across occupied Europe, 354 00:44:14,166 --> 00:44:17,291 where millions have been murdered in the Nazi genocide. 355 00:44:39,958 --> 00:44:43,208 In the Far East, the slaughter continues. 356 00:44:48,458 --> 00:44:54,083 At Okinawa, Japan's kamikaze pilots have failed to stop the American advance. 357 00:45:07,208 --> 00:45:10,625 By the end of June, after a desperate last battle, 358 00:45:10,708 --> 00:45:12,583 Okinawa falls. 359 00:45:26,458 --> 00:45:30,375 The final goal is within sight: Tokyo. 360 00:45:32,333 --> 00:45:34,208 [newscaster] In the Pacific, American B-29s 361 00:45:34,291 --> 00:45:38,833 hit Japanese installations on Honshu and Kyushu islands. 362 00:45:39,916 --> 00:45:43,041 [newscaster 2] The Tokyo area is once again being pounded from the air. 363 00:45:43,125 --> 00:45:47,083 Our vast task force has resumed its attacks on the enemy capital. 364 00:45:48,791 --> 00:45:50,511 [newscaster 3] There is an acute realization 365 00:45:50,583 --> 00:45:53,041 that perhaps the hardest phase of the war is still to come. 366 00:45:54,375 --> 00:45:57,041 Now, we must crush Japan. 367 00:45:57,125 --> 00:45:58,791 [missiles whistling] 368 00:46:17,541 --> 00:46:19,375 [narrator] To bring an end to the war, 369 00:46:19,458 --> 00:46:23,625 the Allies now face the prospect of a bloody invasion of Japan 370 00:46:23,708 --> 00:46:26,416 and tens of thousands more casualties. 371 00:46:31,041 --> 00:46:34,375 But they've been developing a devastating secret weapon: 372 00:46:34,458 --> 00:46:35,791 the atom bomb. 373 00:46:38,833 --> 00:46:41,666 {\an8}[Harry Truman] There can be no peace in the world 374 00:46:41,750 --> 00:46:45,375 {\an8}until the military power of Japan is destroyed. 375 00:46:47,291 --> 00:46:50,625 Only surrender can prevent the kind of ruin 376 00:46:50,708 --> 00:46:53,000 which they have seen come to Germany 377 00:46:53,083 --> 00:46:57,041 as the result of continued, useless resistance. 378 00:47:00,875 --> 00:47:05,041 [narrator] While American commanders debate the morality of this drastic step, 379 00:47:05,666 --> 00:47:09,416 some of Japan's leaders are secretly contemplating surrender. 380 00:47:15,458 --> 00:47:18,791 But Japan will never have the chance to make a peace offer. 381 00:47:49,291 --> 00:47:52,833 [pilot] Pilot to left waist gunner. We're over the I.P. 382 00:47:54,875 --> 00:47:57,333 Pilot to bombardier: your ship. 383 00:48:02,208 --> 00:48:03,791 [bombardier] Bomb bay doors open. 384 00:48:31,416 --> 00:48:33,291 [Truman] It is an atomic bomb. 385 00:48:34,250 --> 00:48:36,458 The force from which the sun draws its power 386 00:48:36,541 --> 00:48:41,666 has been loosed against those who brought war to the Far East. 387 00:48:56,791 --> 00:48:58,458 [Sakue in Japanese] There was a flash. 388 00:49:03,041 --> 00:49:06,083 The blast came rushing towards us. 389 00:49:08,083 --> 00:49:10,875 We were crying out to our mother. 390 00:49:10,958 --> 00:49:13,958 "Mom, help us, please help us!" 391 00:49:16,416 --> 00:49:19,666 I touched her with my hands. 392 00:49:23,416 --> 00:49:25,666 She crumbled into pieces, 393 00:49:28,791 --> 00:49:31,166 and ash soared into the air. 394 00:49:45,083 --> 00:49:47,184 [newscaster] The city of Hiroshima has been destroyed, 395 00:49:47,208 --> 00:49:51,708 and practically all living things were literally seared to death by the blast. 396 00:49:54,166 --> 00:49:56,916 Sixty percent of the built-up area of the city had vanished, 397 00:49:57,000 --> 00:49:58,833 almost without trace. 398 00:50:04,291 --> 00:50:07,541 [narrator] A hundred thousand Japanese are killed instantly 399 00:50:07,625 --> 00:50:12,458 in two atomic blasts over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 400 00:50:18,458 --> 00:50:22,583 A hundred and 50 thousand more will die from radiation sickness 401 00:50:22,666 --> 00:50:23,916 over the coming years. 402 00:51:01,541 --> 00:51:04,750 {\an8}[George VI] Japan has surrendered. 403 00:51:06,416 --> 00:51:08,458 {\an8}[crowd cheering] 404 00:51:08,541 --> 00:51:12,458 {\an8}War has ended throughout the world. 405 00:51:15,000 --> 00:51:17,791 I ask you at this solemn hour 406 00:51:18,416 --> 00:51:22,791 to remember all who have laid down their lives 407 00:51:23,666 --> 00:51:29,416 and all who have endured the loss of those they love. 408 00:51:33,125 --> 00:51:37,750 [Orson Welles] Congratulations for being alive and listening on this night. 409 00:51:38,666 --> 00:51:41,000 Millions didn't make it. 410 00:51:45,375 --> 00:51:47,458 New homecoming. 411 00:51:50,333 --> 00:51:53,083 The men who tilted guns of battleships 412 00:51:53,166 --> 00:51:55,458 and stoked them in epic battle 413 00:51:55,541 --> 00:51:58,500 will ride the level ferries of bay and river. 414 00:52:05,625 --> 00:52:08,000 The pilot with many missions 415 00:52:08,083 --> 00:52:11,125 will do errands for some civilian company. 416 00:52:18,583 --> 00:52:21,708 And tank men will drive a powered lawnmower 417 00:52:22,291 --> 00:52:24,125 while their fathers watch. 418 00:52:46,625 --> 00:52:51,125 [narrator] After six years of all-out war, the world counts the cost. 419 00:52:53,500 --> 00:52:55,541 More than 60 million are dead. 420 00:52:59,000 --> 00:53:03,250 Those who have lived through this conflict will carry the scars forever. 421 00:53:06,166 --> 00:53:10,125 It will fall to those who come after to learn its lessons. 422 00:53:19,458 --> 00:53:21,083 [static over radio] 423 00:53:21,166 --> 00:53:24,125 [newscaster] A couple of Nazi war criminals, Goering and Von Rundstedt, 424 00:53:24,208 --> 00:53:28,416 both of them big fish, they've been caught and they've been brought to Britain now. 425 00:53:28,500 --> 00:53:31,166 They will be tried in London for their war crimes. 426 00:53:31,250 --> 00:53:32,625 [static] 427 00:53:32,708 --> 00:53:37,166 [newscaster] The American request for opening up Palestine to Jewish refugees 428 00:53:37,250 --> 00:53:40,958 would be granted through agreement with the British government. 429 00:53:41,041 --> 00:53:44,416 But the initial indications were that neither Arabs nor Jews 430 00:53:44,500 --> 00:53:46,583 were going to be satisfied with it. 431 00:53:46,666 --> 00:53:48,333 [static] 432 00:53:48,416 --> 00:53:51,166 [commentator] We've got to prepare a climate for peace, 433 00:53:51,250 --> 00:53:53,208 a climate of understanding and goodwill. 434 00:53:53,291 --> 00:53:55,125 [static] 435 00:53:55,208 --> 00:53:59,000 [newscaster] A Human Rights Commission is expected to draft a Bill of Rights 436 00:53:59,083 --> 00:54:00,375 for all mankind 437 00:54:00,458 --> 00:54:03,708 that would serve as the conscience of the United Nations. 438 00:54:03,791 --> 00:54:06,916 [static] 439 00:54:07,000 --> 00:54:09,333 [Churchill] Sail on, O ship of state. 440 00:54:10,666 --> 00:54:13,625 Sail on, O union, strong and great! 441 00:54:15,416 --> 00:54:17,916 Humanity with all its fears, 442 00:54:18,708 --> 00:54:21,416 with all the hopes for future years, 443 00:54:22,458 --> 00:54:26,000 is hanging breathless on thy fate! 444 00:54:28,041 --> 00:54:29,833 [dramatic music rising]