1 00:00:10,916 --> 00:00:12,875 [wind whistling] 2 00:00:51,333 --> 00:00:54,083 [Volkmar] That morning, the sea was rather rough. 3 00:01:00,291 --> 00:01:04,916 This British convoy was detected in the mid-Atlantic… 4 00:01:08,125 --> 00:01:09,833 like a pin in a haystack. 5 00:01:13,791 --> 00:01:17,291 We followed the convoy all day long. 6 00:01:31,541 --> 00:01:36,125 And then when night came, we dived. 7 00:01:50,583 --> 00:01:52,166 They were so close, 8 00:01:52,250 --> 00:01:56,625 we could hear the swish of the ships' propellors running right overhead. 9 00:02:01,916 --> 00:02:03,125 This was it. 10 00:02:23,541 --> 00:02:25,750 When the torpedo hits, it gives a bang. 11 00:02:27,833 --> 00:02:29,833 [explosion] 12 00:02:29,916 --> 00:02:32,375 That's what we have been waiting for, for days. 13 00:02:32,458 --> 00:02:34,416 [explosion] 14 00:02:47,041 --> 00:02:48,458 It was a wonderful sight. 15 00:02:56,583 --> 00:02:58,916 This was a perfect job. 16 00:03:15,666 --> 00:03:17,541 [narrator] It's 1941. 17 00:03:17,625 --> 00:03:19,833 The war is intensifying. 18 00:03:21,208 --> 00:03:23,083 And Hitler is winning. 19 00:03:26,458 --> 00:03:28,458 His air force is attacking Britain. 20 00:03:28,541 --> 00:03:31,166 And London is burning. 21 00:03:32,625 --> 00:03:35,666 [newscaster] German raiders last night made a two-hour attack. 22 00:03:35,750 --> 00:03:38,208 Thousands of firebombs were showered down in London. 23 00:03:38,291 --> 00:03:41,833 [Winston Churchill] Hitler is a monster of wickedness, 24 00:03:41,916 --> 00:03:45,666 insatiable in his lust for blood. 25 00:03:45,750 --> 00:03:47,583 [narrator] British Prime Minister Churchill 26 00:03:47,666 --> 00:03:49,791 is begging America to intervene, 27 00:03:49,875 --> 00:03:52,291 but so far without success. 28 00:03:54,208 --> 00:03:59,500 [Franklin Roosevelt] Your boys are not going into any foreign war. 29 00:04:00,958 --> 00:04:03,125 [crowd applauding] 30 00:04:03,208 --> 00:04:09,583 Together, Germany, Italy and Japan, the Axis powers, seem unstoppable. 31 00:04:12,625 --> 00:04:17,166 And now, Hitler moves three million troops to the Soviet border, 32 00:04:17,250 --> 00:04:21,333 as he starts the next phase of his plan to conquer the world. 33 00:05:10,625 --> 00:05:13,041 [Heinz in German] I was a messenger. 34 00:05:15,125 --> 00:05:20,750 We were summoned and each given a sealed folder. 35 00:05:22,458 --> 00:05:26,583 I took mine to my lieutenant. 36 00:05:28,875 --> 00:05:30,541 He opened it. 37 00:05:34,791 --> 00:05:37,583 "This order is to be destroyed immediately." 38 00:05:40,791 --> 00:05:46,291 He took a lighter and burned it. 39 00:05:48,333 --> 00:05:52,333 It was an order to attack the next morning. 40 00:05:56,666 --> 00:05:59,708 [narrator] These are orders to attack the Soviet Union. 41 00:06:01,333 --> 00:06:03,708 Codenamed "Operation Barbarossa," 42 00:06:03,791 --> 00:06:06,833 it will be the biggest invasion in human history. 43 00:06:08,166 --> 00:06:11,916 Hitler tells his generals he wants a war against the people. 44 00:06:12,583 --> 00:06:14,500 A war of annihilation. 45 00:06:51,583 --> 00:06:54,208 [Wolfgang] The strength of our army, 46 00:06:54,291 --> 00:06:58,458 the power being unleashed, it was quite something. 47 00:07:00,666 --> 00:07:01,916 Quite a spectacle. 48 00:07:03,125 --> 00:07:04,458 So we were confident. 49 00:07:06,166 --> 00:07:07,375 [soldier in German] Fire! 50 00:07:15,916 --> 00:07:18,166 [newscaster] News has suddenly burst from Europe 51 00:07:18,250 --> 00:07:21,166 that Germany has declared war on Russia. 52 00:07:26,708 --> 00:07:29,458 [newscaster 2] Adolf Hitler's Blitzkrieg forces have been unleashed 53 00:07:29,541 --> 00:07:32,041 against the Soviet Union on a 2,000-mile front. 54 00:07:48,750 --> 00:07:52,291 [Gabbas in Russian] We woke up thinking it was a thunderstorm. 55 00:08:02,375 --> 00:08:03,708 We went outside. 56 00:08:03,791 --> 00:08:07,166 "Guys, that's not a thunderstorm, that's war." 57 00:08:49,083 --> 00:08:52,333 [commentator] This German invasion of Soviet Russia is the ultimate proof 58 00:08:52,416 --> 00:08:56,208 that Hitler has planned the domination of every country in the world. 59 00:08:58,416 --> 00:09:00,375 [cheering] 60 00:09:10,958 --> 00:09:14,500 [narrator] Such is the hatred for Stalin's dictatorship, 61 00:09:14,583 --> 00:09:17,583 that in some areas the Germans are even welcomed. 62 00:09:22,833 --> 00:09:27,458 [Albert in German] Stalin, for them, was synonymous with atrocities. 63 00:09:28,666 --> 00:09:34,291 Stalin let a lot of people starve to death or had them shot. 64 00:09:38,375 --> 00:09:42,166 [Bernhard in German] For us they weren't on the same level to German people. 65 00:09:43,458 --> 00:09:45,125 It was war. 66 00:09:45,833 --> 00:09:48,083 We had orders to destroy them. 67 00:09:53,208 --> 00:09:56,625 [narrator] Hitler's forces are now rapidly spreading across the globe. 68 00:10:00,291 --> 00:10:03,125 They've reached Norway and the Arctic Circle. 69 00:10:06,291 --> 00:10:08,291 They're heading towards the Middle East. 70 00:10:10,458 --> 00:10:13,041 And now he's sending his favorite general, Rommel, 71 00:10:13,125 --> 00:10:14,958 to conquer North Africa. 72 00:10:20,708 --> 00:10:22,708 [wind whistling] 73 00:10:38,375 --> 00:10:41,208 [Winrich in German] It was so exciting. 74 00:10:43,250 --> 00:10:46,125 We were the first German troops to go to Africa. 75 00:10:52,750 --> 00:10:57,250 We were entering the unknown. 76 00:11:11,666 --> 00:11:14,875 There, right on the quay… 77 00:11:19,333 --> 00:11:22,208 …gesturing us to hurry up, was General Rommel himself. 78 00:11:25,541 --> 00:11:28,000 [narrator] Rommel's on a mission to drive out the British 79 00:11:28,083 --> 00:11:29,958 from Libya and Egypt. 80 00:11:33,041 --> 00:11:35,250 For the North Africans caught in the middle, 81 00:11:35,333 --> 00:11:37,666 there's not much love for the British Empire. 82 00:11:46,041 --> 00:11:51,333 [El Latif in Arabic] World War II, it had nothing to do with us. 83 00:12:03,041 --> 00:12:07,041 The British behaved as if they owned the country. 84 00:12:18,750 --> 00:12:20,125 We hated them. 85 00:12:31,416 --> 00:12:35,666 We liked the Germans, 86 00:12:35,750 --> 00:12:38,875 although we didn't know much about them. 87 00:12:47,708 --> 00:12:49,833 [explosions] 88 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:51,916 [in German] Fire! 89 00:12:55,708 --> 00:12:58,250 [narrator] Rommel's Afrika Korps makes stunning gains. 90 00:13:07,833 --> 00:13:10,083 Forcing the British out of Libya. 91 00:13:17,541 --> 00:13:19,958 [Winrich] Rommel told us to create huge dust clouds, 92 00:13:20,041 --> 00:13:23,166 which we did by attaching brooms to our vehicles. 93 00:13:28,208 --> 00:13:32,083 That effectively made it look like 94 00:13:32,166 --> 00:13:36,166 three full armies were approaching. 95 00:13:58,625 --> 00:14:02,583 The German army is so confident, they act like they're on vacation. 96 00:14:06,875 --> 00:14:08,416 [Winrich] We had such superiority. 97 00:14:09,666 --> 00:14:14,958 We could safely do whatever we wanted, go wherever we wanted. 98 00:14:22,833 --> 00:14:26,958 It was so easy for us. 99 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:44,250 [newscaster] New, severe fighting in Libya was reported 100 00:14:44,333 --> 00:14:46,125 by the German High Command today. 101 00:14:50,666 --> 00:14:54,375 [narrator] Meanwhile, the German army has been storming through Eastern Europe. 102 00:14:58,416 --> 00:15:00,416 [newscaster] Nazis smashing towards the Russian capital 103 00:15:00,500 --> 00:15:03,083 have succeeded in breaking through another point. 104 00:15:06,458 --> 00:15:09,291 [newscaster 2] The news from Russia continues to be grave. 105 00:15:10,458 --> 00:15:12,500 The position around Kiev is critical. 106 00:15:15,250 --> 00:15:19,125 [Adolf Hitler] We are 1,000 kilometers beyond the border. 107 00:15:19,208 --> 00:15:21,583 We are facing Leningrad. 108 00:15:21,666 --> 00:15:24,166 We are standing on the Black Sea. 109 00:15:24,250 --> 00:15:25,583 [crowd cheering] 110 00:15:28,958 --> 00:15:32,541 [narrator] Hitler's forces are now just 200 miles from Moscow. 111 00:15:35,708 --> 00:15:38,708 And Hitler is already planning a victory parade. 112 00:15:45,958 --> 00:15:48,083 The Red Army is retreating. 113 00:15:50,416 --> 00:15:52,458 A million have been captured. 114 00:16:14,958 --> 00:16:17,416 The Nazis feed them like animals. 115 00:16:38,083 --> 00:16:39,708 [Wolfgang] What happened was ruthless. 116 00:16:44,000 --> 00:16:46,708 But they were on a lower level to us. 117 00:16:49,250 --> 00:16:53,750 You see, one divided Europe into three areas: Europe A, B and C. 118 00:16:53,833 --> 00:16:56,333 So, Russia was Europe C, the lowest standard. 119 00:16:59,791 --> 00:17:01,291 They are not civilized. 120 00:17:03,166 --> 00:17:04,333 Subhuman. 121 00:17:05,083 --> 00:17:06,625 That was our feeling. 122 00:17:18,666 --> 00:17:21,333 [narrator] The Germans are not just here to fight a war. 123 00:17:23,666 --> 00:17:29,458 Hitler wants them to attack civilians too and raze villages to the ground. 124 00:17:31,833 --> 00:17:35,625 [Wolfgang] We had to burn people's houses, one house after the other. 125 00:17:37,208 --> 00:17:40,208 So, I gave the order: "Pour out gas 126 00:17:40,291 --> 00:17:44,791 and spread some straw and set them afire." 127 00:17:58,208 --> 00:18:00,083 [cattle lowing] 128 00:19:14,500 --> 00:19:17,375 [narrator] As the war in Europe descends into barbarism, 129 00:19:18,541 --> 00:19:20,333 Churchill crosses the Atlantic 130 00:19:20,416 --> 00:19:23,625 with a desperate plea to America to intervene. 131 00:19:26,125 --> 00:19:29,125 He and President Roosevelt hold a secret meeting. 132 00:19:30,125 --> 00:19:35,666 They talk for four days, but Roosevelt explains his hands are tied. 133 00:19:36,833 --> 00:19:39,875 Let Europe fight her own battle. They mean nothing to us. 134 00:19:39,958 --> 00:19:43,500 I haven't the slightest idea of European affairs. 135 00:19:43,583 --> 00:19:44,666 War? Not for me. 136 00:19:44,750 --> 00:19:47,666 This time, America should keep out, and I know I will. 137 00:19:47,750 --> 00:19:50,666 [narrator] The American public is divided over the war. 138 00:19:52,458 --> 00:19:54,500 But the president can give military aid. 139 00:19:55,708 --> 00:19:59,041 He sends food and equipment across the ocean to Europe. 140 00:20:02,458 --> 00:20:06,500 The job of protecting the convoys falls to the British Royal Navy, 141 00:20:06,583 --> 00:20:09,833 who are patrolling the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. 142 00:20:22,250 --> 00:20:26,125 [David] My ship, HMS Barham, was like a floating city. 143 00:20:28,375 --> 00:20:31,625 In battles, we feared nobody. 144 00:20:31,708 --> 00:20:33,875 [plane engine humming] 145 00:20:39,458 --> 00:20:42,416 We were the greatest navy in the world. 146 00:20:42,500 --> 00:20:44,791 Britannia ruled the waves. 147 00:21:20,041 --> 00:21:22,250 [narrator] David Holmes is part of a task force 148 00:21:22,333 --> 00:21:24,458 hunting down an enemy fleet, 149 00:21:25,458 --> 00:21:29,291 but what the British don't know is that they are also being hunted. 150 00:22:22,708 --> 00:22:24,791 [David] The first torpedo struck and I thought, 151 00:22:24,875 --> 00:22:26,500 "Don't need to worry about it." 152 00:22:27,333 --> 00:22:28,708 The second one hit. 153 00:22:28,791 --> 00:22:31,083 -[explosion] -[shouting] 154 00:22:31,166 --> 00:22:32,750 And then the third and the fourth. 155 00:22:34,750 --> 00:22:37,333 Then I really knew we were in trouble. 156 00:22:42,250 --> 00:22:44,666 The ship went over at such a speed. 157 00:22:49,125 --> 00:22:52,083 I had to stand on the hull of the ship. 158 00:23:16,708 --> 00:23:18,333 [hull creaking] 159 00:23:19,875 --> 00:23:22,166 I went up, how high, I don't know. 160 00:23:26,375 --> 00:23:29,500 I was checking all my limbs, to see if I've got all my limbs. 161 00:23:36,666 --> 00:23:41,541 You think to yourself, "If they can sink that ship as easy as that, 162 00:23:41,625 --> 00:23:43,291 what chance have we got?" 163 00:23:57,291 --> 00:23:59,541 [narrator] October 1941. 164 00:24:01,500 --> 00:24:04,750 On the Eastern Front, winter is closing in. 165 00:24:34,416 --> 00:24:37,750 The advance of Hitler's army finally begins to slow. 166 00:24:48,166 --> 00:24:50,416 Their supply trucks can't get through. 167 00:25:02,250 --> 00:25:05,916 Wolfgang Horn witnesses what his commander does next. 168 00:25:09,541 --> 00:25:12,250 [Wolfgang] He ordered the shooting of Russian prisoners. 169 00:25:16,708 --> 00:25:19,916 I heard the lieutenant calling, "This one too." 170 00:25:21,500 --> 00:25:23,208 And then a shot. 171 00:25:23,291 --> 00:25:26,250 [gun firing] 172 00:25:32,166 --> 00:25:34,500 I heard shots again and again and again. 173 00:26:05,708 --> 00:26:07,166 It was hard. 174 00:26:09,250 --> 00:26:11,583 [soldier shouting in German] 175 00:26:13,041 --> 00:26:17,416 [Heinz] Some soldiers came to us with a Russian prisoner. 176 00:26:18,250 --> 00:26:21,250 My lieutenant gave me the order to shoot him. 177 00:26:29,166 --> 00:26:32,708 We walked along a forest path. 178 00:26:41,416 --> 00:26:43,541 I let him walk ahead of me. 179 00:26:48,333 --> 00:26:51,041 Then I said, "Turn around." 180 00:26:55,458 --> 00:26:59,708 At that time he probably assumed that his time had come. 181 00:27:00,666 --> 00:27:04,291 I lowered my rifle and said… 182 00:27:05,833 --> 00:27:10,333 "Don't be afraid. I'm not a killer, I am a human being." 183 00:27:14,500 --> 00:27:18,416 He took a step towards me and held out his hand 184 00:27:19,500 --> 00:27:20,875 and said, "Thank you." 185 00:27:22,375 --> 00:27:24,166 "Peace be with you!" 186 00:27:26,375 --> 00:27:28,000 And we parted ways. 187 00:27:41,458 --> 00:27:43,875 [narrator] Heinz Drossel is a rare exception. 188 00:27:46,041 --> 00:27:48,166 As well as prisoners, the German army 189 00:27:48,250 --> 00:27:51,500 is now engaged in the mass execution of civilians. 190 00:27:56,500 --> 00:28:00,583 Over a million Jewish people and other groups are murdered. 191 00:28:21,958 --> 00:28:23,500 [newscaster] Despite the heavy snow 192 00:28:23,583 --> 00:28:26,541 up and down virtually the entire Eastern Front, 193 00:28:26,625 --> 00:28:30,083 reports here persist that German advances are still being made. 194 00:28:34,166 --> 00:28:36,625 [narrator] November 1941. 195 00:28:54,708 --> 00:28:56,083 [missiles whistling] 196 00:28:56,166 --> 00:28:58,666 [newscaster] Reports from the East reveal that the Luftwaffe 197 00:28:58,750 --> 00:29:02,125 are pounding the Moscow area, hour after hour. 198 00:29:04,208 --> 00:29:07,458 [narrator] The Germans are 50 miles from the gates of Moscow. 199 00:29:09,666 --> 00:29:11,833 [newscaster] The raids are the heaviest yet carried out 200 00:29:11,916 --> 00:29:13,875 against the Soviet capital. 201 00:29:15,458 --> 00:29:17,541 [narrator] Stalin has not been seen in months 202 00:29:18,291 --> 00:29:20,875 and the whole war seems to hang in the balance. 203 00:29:24,208 --> 00:29:25,500 A meeting is called 204 00:29:25,583 --> 00:29:28,375 in the underground tunnels of the Moscow subway system. 205 00:29:41,666 --> 00:29:43,625 [crowd applauding] 206 00:30:07,291 --> 00:30:08,541 [in Russian] Comrades! 207 00:30:09,333 --> 00:30:13,916 We have a determined enemy against us. 208 00:30:14,958 --> 00:30:20,125 These people have the impudence 209 00:30:20,208 --> 00:30:23,833 to call for the destruction of our great Russian nation. 210 00:30:30,500 --> 00:30:32,833 So, from now on, our task 211 00:30:33,416 --> 00:30:38,708 will be to exterminate all the Germans, to the last one. 212 00:30:42,416 --> 00:30:47,291 If these Germans really want a war of annihilation, they can have it. 213 00:30:47,375 --> 00:30:48,916 [cheering] 214 00:31:10,416 --> 00:31:12,750 [narrator] Now, the Red Army fightback begins. 215 00:31:15,083 --> 00:31:17,208 And the war is intensified further. 216 00:31:17,291 --> 00:31:19,125 [missiles whistling] 217 00:31:36,791 --> 00:31:41,333 Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Japan's forces are on the attack. 218 00:31:46,833 --> 00:31:48,375 They've annexed Korea. 219 00:31:48,958 --> 00:31:50,208 They're in China. 220 00:31:50,291 --> 00:31:54,166 And they want Hong Kong, Malaya and the Philippines… 221 00:31:54,250 --> 00:31:56,500 as they seek to dominate the whole of Asia. 222 00:32:01,916 --> 00:32:04,458 They know there's one thing that could stop them. 223 00:32:06,500 --> 00:32:08,041 The U.S. Navy. 224 00:32:10,333 --> 00:32:11,916 But they have a plan for that too. 225 00:32:35,416 --> 00:32:40,500 [Takeshi in Japanese] Training started on September 18. 226 00:32:45,375 --> 00:32:48,458 We had to fly low, just ten meters above the water. 227 00:32:50,583 --> 00:32:54,791 We used buoys as targets. 228 00:32:56,250 --> 00:33:00,750 We were training to drop torpedoes. 229 00:33:04,291 --> 00:33:07,333 I knew the war had finally come, 230 00:33:09,000 --> 00:33:12,500 though I didn't know against who yet. 231 00:33:19,625 --> 00:33:22,583 [narrator] Japan has watched for months as America has debated 232 00:33:22,666 --> 00:33:24,333 whether to join the war. 233 00:33:25,333 --> 00:33:29,333 Now their leaders decide they're not going to wait to find out. 234 00:33:29,416 --> 00:33:32,208 Instead, they'll launch a surprise attack 235 00:33:32,291 --> 00:33:35,875 to destroy the American fleet at Pearl Harbor. 236 00:33:56,583 --> 00:34:00,000 [Zenji in Japanese] I remember that morning vividly. 237 00:34:01,416 --> 00:34:06,250 The lights from the back of the planes 238 00:34:06,333 --> 00:34:09,333 were like a swarm of fireflies. 239 00:34:12,083 --> 00:34:15,375 It was a beautiful sight. 240 00:34:17,666 --> 00:34:21,833 They had no idea what we were planning, 241 00:34:21,916 --> 00:34:25,125 but if it was Japan's destiny to fight America, 242 00:34:25,208 --> 00:34:29,708 we could never meet them on a level playing field. 243 00:34:30,125 --> 00:34:33,875 A surprise attack was our only option. 244 00:34:53,583 --> 00:34:55,375 [Jack] It was Sunday morning, 245 00:34:55,458 --> 00:34:59,041 and I was on third deck of the battleship Tennessee 246 00:34:59,791 --> 00:35:02,291 and my job was to look out. 247 00:35:02,375 --> 00:35:03,833 [plane engines humming] 248 00:35:12,416 --> 00:35:16,666 All of a sudden, a torpedo plane flew right over our bow. 249 00:35:18,208 --> 00:35:20,208 [sailors shouting] 250 00:35:30,041 --> 00:35:31,916 [explosions] 251 00:36:08,333 --> 00:36:12,291 I turned to see sailors being blown into the water. 252 00:36:14,416 --> 00:36:17,416 Then we were just engulfed in smoke. 253 00:36:20,333 --> 00:36:23,750 [narrator] Witnessing the attacks at Pearl Harbor is Harold Ward. 254 00:36:25,125 --> 00:36:26,791 He calls in the news of what's happening. 255 00:36:30,375 --> 00:36:31,916 [Harold] So, I put on the 'phones. 256 00:36:33,458 --> 00:36:35,708 A voice from out of damage control. 257 00:36:35,791 --> 00:36:37,875 He says, "What's going on up there?" 258 00:36:39,500 --> 00:36:45,875 So, I told him that we were being attacked by Japanese air force. 259 00:36:48,125 --> 00:36:52,833 "Don't you get wise with me, Ward. I asked you a question." 260 00:36:52,916 --> 00:36:56,125 So, I began to describe what I was looking at. 261 00:36:57,333 --> 00:37:01,250 And there was a dead silence when I finished speaking. 262 00:37:03,083 --> 00:37:04,458 "Very well. Thank you." 263 00:37:25,625 --> 00:37:28,291 [newscaster] We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin. 264 00:37:28,375 --> 00:37:31,333 The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, by air. 265 00:37:31,416 --> 00:37:32,791 [telegraph beeping] 266 00:37:32,875 --> 00:37:37,791 [newscaster 2] All Army and Navy bases on the island of Oahu and Hawaii… 267 00:37:37,875 --> 00:37:40,291 [newscaster 3] President Roosevelt said in a statement today 268 00:37:40,375 --> 00:37:45,125 that the Japanese have attacked the Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, from the air. 269 00:37:45,208 --> 00:37:46,333 I'll repeat that. 270 00:37:46,416 --> 00:37:48,833 President Roosevelt says that the Japanese 271 00:37:48,916 --> 00:37:51,875 have attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii from the air. 272 00:37:59,166 --> 00:38:03,000 [Zenji] I saw smoke rising into the clouds. 273 00:38:03,083 --> 00:38:07,416 It must have been 1,000 meters high. 274 00:38:11,083 --> 00:38:14,458 Then we got a Morse code message: "Tiger, tiger, tiger!" 275 00:38:15,666 --> 00:38:19,458 The mission was a success. 276 00:38:20,083 --> 00:38:21,541 We were so happy! 277 00:38:25,708 --> 00:38:29,333 [narrator] The Japanese have tried to take out the entire Pacific Fleet. 278 00:38:30,291 --> 00:38:34,250 They have sunk five battleships and three destroyers. 279 00:38:36,125 --> 00:38:38,583 And killed over 2,000 people. 280 00:38:40,833 --> 00:38:42,875 But they haven't destroyed it all. 281 00:39:04,791 --> 00:39:07,708 [Richard] I saw the destruction the next day. 282 00:39:11,791 --> 00:39:14,375 I really couldn't believe it was true. 283 00:39:16,791 --> 00:39:18,958 It was a shame and a humiliation. 284 00:39:26,125 --> 00:39:29,291 I realized, this is only the beginning. 285 00:39:31,083 --> 00:39:33,333 Now, this has to be war. 286 00:39:38,416 --> 00:39:44,458 [Roosevelt] Yesterday, December 7th, 1941, 287 00:39:44,541 --> 00:39:49,375 a date which will live in infamy, 288 00:39:50,083 --> 00:39:54,708 the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked 289 00:39:54,791 --> 00:39:58,708 by forces of the Empire of Japan. 290 00:40:03,916 --> 00:40:08,250 I ask that the Congress declare 291 00:40:08,958 --> 00:40:10,583 a State of War. 292 00:40:11,291 --> 00:40:13,291 [applause] 293 00:40:14,208 --> 00:40:18,333 [narrator] Now, finally, America fires up its war machine. 294 00:40:21,375 --> 00:40:25,166 And it will take its revenge on the Japanese. 295 00:40:34,833 --> 00:40:36,666 [subdued theme song playing]