1 00:00:17,000 --> 00:00:18,750 [tank engine humming] 2 00:00:38,916 --> 00:00:40,500 [man] I hated the Nazis, 3 00:00:40,583 --> 00:00:44,125 and I did want to do as much damage to them as I could, 4 00:00:44,208 --> 00:00:46,833 and that meant killing them, and that's all right with me. 5 00:00:53,625 --> 00:00:56,625 You get a good feeling when you kill the enemy. 6 00:00:57,333 --> 00:00:58,833 I always did. 7 00:01:02,000 --> 00:01:05,333 And that may not sound Christian-like, or whatever, 8 00:01:05,416 --> 00:01:11,458 but I think men do enjoy killing under certain circumstances. 9 00:01:13,875 --> 00:01:18,125 I hate to sound hardened, but it's either them or me. 10 00:01:34,166 --> 00:01:38,541 [announcer] This is the year 1944. Great battles lie ahead. 11 00:01:40,916 --> 00:01:43,208 [narrator] As the conflict enters its fifth year, 12 00:01:44,500 --> 00:01:47,041 the Allied leaders know that to win the war… 13 00:01:49,416 --> 00:01:52,666 they will have to invade Nazi-occupied Europe. 14 00:01:53,666 --> 00:01:56,666 [Franklin Roosevelt] We will not stop short of our final goal, 15 00:01:56,750 --> 00:02:00,250 into the frontiers of Germany itself. 16 00:02:01,416 --> 00:02:06,583 But Hitler has built a formidable line of defenses along the French coast. 17 00:02:06,666 --> 00:02:09,416 [Adolf Hitler in German] Let the war last as long as it wants to. 18 00:02:09,500 --> 00:02:12,000 [pounding lectern] Germany will never capitulate! 19 00:02:12,083 --> 00:02:13,541 [crowd applauding] 20 00:02:13,625 --> 00:02:18,041 Churchill and Roosevelt fear an invasion could lead to a catastrophic loss of life. 21 00:02:20,333 --> 00:02:22,500 But now they can wait no longer. 22 00:02:24,916 --> 00:02:29,291 A massive invasion force secretly gathers in southern England. 23 00:02:31,000 --> 00:02:35,625 [Roosevelt] Almighty God, our sons this day 24 00:02:35,708 --> 00:02:38,791 have set upon a mighty endeavor. 25 00:02:38,875 --> 00:02:41,250 Lead them straight and true. 26 00:02:41,333 --> 00:02:43,500 They will need thy blessings, 27 00:02:44,291 --> 00:02:46,375 for the enemy is strong. 28 00:03:23,458 --> 00:03:25,416 [cheering] 29 00:03:43,791 --> 00:03:45,791 [intense music playing] 30 00:03:51,041 --> 00:03:55,250 [indistinct radio chatter] 31 00:03:55,333 --> 00:03:57,916 [Dan] We were flying out right over the invasion fleet. 32 00:04:00,625 --> 00:04:02,416 And I was standing in the door. 33 00:04:05,083 --> 00:04:08,416 And that was the most magnificent sight I think I've ever seen. 34 00:04:13,500 --> 00:04:15,500 It looked like the whole channel was moving. 35 00:04:15,583 --> 00:04:18,125 I didn't think there was that many ships in the world. 36 00:04:22,208 --> 00:04:26,041 One hundred thousand Allied soldiers are crossing the English Channel. 37 00:04:30,458 --> 00:04:34,083 Up ahead, Nazi-occupied France. 38 00:04:36,125 --> 00:04:39,708 [Harold] When we got close to the French coast, 39 00:04:39,791 --> 00:04:43,041 then we started getting off the ship. 40 00:04:56,375 --> 00:04:58,041 The minute the boats hit the water 41 00:04:58,750 --> 00:05:01,125 we're thrown around like matchsticks. 42 00:05:07,041 --> 00:05:08,666 And I'm Jewish. 43 00:05:08,750 --> 00:05:13,166 I drew a large Star of David on the back of my field jacket 44 00:05:13,250 --> 00:05:15,416 with "The Bronx, New York." 45 00:05:17,125 --> 00:05:20,083 And that gave me a certain bravado. 46 00:05:35,791 --> 00:05:38,750 Most of the guys expected to die. 47 00:05:58,875 --> 00:06:01,166 [Hans in German] I looked through my binoculars. 48 00:06:02,750 --> 00:06:05,291 I thought I was seeing things. 49 00:06:08,375 --> 00:06:15,041 There were thousands of ships that were sailing towards us. 50 00:06:18,750 --> 00:06:24,500 I thought that the whole world had lined up against us. 51 00:06:33,791 --> 00:06:37,458 [Frank] We started to take the troops close to shore. 52 00:06:40,583 --> 00:06:44,000 They gave me the job of dropping the ramp in the front of the boat. 53 00:06:47,416 --> 00:06:49,166 [missile screeches past] 54 00:06:51,333 --> 00:06:52,708 [missile explodes] 55 00:06:52,791 --> 00:06:57,250 When we got close enough to the beach, my captain says to me, "Drop the ramp." 56 00:07:02,166 --> 00:07:03,666 And I froze for a few seconds. 57 00:07:03,750 --> 00:07:06,166 [bullets pinging ramp] 58 00:07:06,250 --> 00:07:07,666 I didn't want to die. 59 00:07:11,583 --> 00:07:12,916 I pulled the handle. 60 00:07:13,041 --> 00:07:15,416 [machine guns firing] 61 00:07:15,500 --> 00:07:17,375 [soldiers shouting] 62 00:07:20,791 --> 00:07:24,041 These poor guys, they had no chance. 63 00:07:24,833 --> 00:07:26,708 [soldier] Go, go, go, go! 64 00:07:35,541 --> 00:07:37,083 [missile screeches past] 65 00:07:41,416 --> 00:07:43,625 [Harold] The water was full of blood. 66 00:07:44,625 --> 00:07:47,208 Some of the guys, they were yelling, "Help me, Jesus!" 67 00:07:52,333 --> 00:07:54,375 I looked over to my right. 68 00:07:55,625 --> 00:07:58,375 This guy just yelling, "I'm hit! I'm hit!" 69 00:07:59,500 --> 00:08:02,125 The machine gun cut him in half. 70 00:08:14,708 --> 00:08:16,375 [missile screeches past] 71 00:08:16,458 --> 00:08:18,458 And then a shell went off in front of me. 72 00:08:22,125 --> 00:08:26,375 It blew off my cheek, and I was losing a lot of blood. 73 00:08:26,458 --> 00:08:27,500 [wind buffeting] 74 00:08:32,791 --> 00:08:34,625 [gunfire ceases] 75 00:08:44,583 --> 00:08:46,041 [soldier] Medic! Medic! 76 00:08:47,458 --> 00:08:51,000 Now there are only two of us alive from my boat team. 77 00:08:51,083 --> 00:08:53,458 [distant shouting and gunfire] 78 00:09:09,041 --> 00:09:12,583 The Germans didn't give up. They were pounding the beach. 79 00:09:15,708 --> 00:09:22,208 So, we were left with options: stay there and die or fight wounded. 80 00:09:27,250 --> 00:09:28,875 We decided to fight wounded. 81 00:09:32,875 --> 00:09:36,208 [narrator] By the end of D-Day, the Allies' gamble has paid off. 82 00:09:39,208 --> 00:09:42,875 Harold's unit has helped to secure the beachhead, 83 00:09:43,000 --> 00:09:45,916 and the Allies are starting to fight their way inland. 84 00:09:50,250 --> 00:09:51,791 [Harold] We weren't gonna give up. 85 00:09:56,583 --> 00:09:59,875 [newscaster] The Allied armies have made successful landings in North France 86 00:09:59,958 --> 00:10:01,708 in history's greatest invasion. 87 00:10:03,458 --> 00:10:07,541 Light airborne troops and parachutists rained down from the sky early today, 88 00:10:07,625 --> 00:10:09,708 while a vast armada of 4,000 ships 89 00:10:09,791 --> 00:10:12,791 disgorged ground troops on Hitler's fortified shore. 90 00:10:18,583 --> 00:10:21,916 [narrator] The Allies now have a foothold in Nazi-occupied Europe. 91 00:10:23,500 --> 00:10:28,333 But they know they will have to fight all the way to the German capital, Berlin. 92 00:10:30,333 --> 00:10:33,708 [Winston Churchill] There's no moment now to slack, 93 00:10:33,791 --> 00:10:36,833 hard as it may seem after five long years of war, 94 00:10:36,916 --> 00:10:40,250 to bring this slaughter to an end. 95 00:10:43,208 --> 00:10:45,333 [narrator] Meanwhile, in the Pacific, 96 00:10:45,416 --> 00:10:49,750 the US Navy is forcing the Japanese back towards their homeland, 97 00:10:49,833 --> 00:10:51,583 island by island. 98 00:10:56,791 --> 00:10:59,416 [Roosevelt] We are on the offensive all over the world, 99 00:10:59,500 --> 00:11:01,791 bringing the attack to our enemy. 100 00:11:02,416 --> 00:11:06,750 [narrator] In a series of battles, much of Japan's fleet is destroyed. 101 00:11:07,333 --> 00:11:09,666 [newscaster] Our pilots scored the greatest aerial victory 102 00:11:09,750 --> 00:11:14,500 in the history of naval warfare: 402 planes to our 26. 103 00:11:16,625 --> 00:11:22,166 And back in Europe, Stalin's Red Army launches a huge attack on Hitler's forces. 104 00:11:23,333 --> 00:11:27,166 [newscaster] Tanks and fighter bombers on a scale never seen before. 105 00:11:27,250 --> 00:11:29,875 [newscaster 2] Soviet units are reported nearly a hundred miles 106 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:31,666 beyond the Polish frontier. 107 00:11:33,000 --> 00:11:35,291 The Soviets now approach Warsaw, 108 00:11:36,791 --> 00:11:38,833 which has been occupied by Hitler's troops 109 00:11:38,916 --> 00:11:40,416 since the start of the war. 110 00:11:42,500 --> 00:11:44,875 Encouraged by the Red Army's advance, 111 00:11:45,000 --> 00:11:50,833 the Polish Resistance rises up, liberating central Warsaw from the Nazis. 112 00:12:13,416 --> 00:12:17,708 The Poles construct makeshift barricades to keep the Germans out. 113 00:12:27,083 --> 00:12:30,333 They hope they can hold on until the Red Army arrives. 114 00:12:30,416 --> 00:12:32,708 [contemplative music playing] 115 00:12:32,791 --> 00:12:34,708 [voices inaudible] 116 00:12:36,375 --> 00:12:40,333 [Witold in Polish] We were all young, poorly armed. 117 00:12:47,083 --> 00:12:49,875 It was a very dangerous situation… 118 00:12:54,333 --> 00:12:56,083 …but we were fighting for freedom. 119 00:12:59,708 --> 00:13:01,750 [explosion] 120 00:13:03,291 --> 00:13:04,791 [scattered gunfire] 121 00:13:07,208 --> 00:13:12,666 In a bid to fight back, Witold's unit mounts a raid on a German command post. 122 00:13:17,708 --> 00:13:20,208 [Witold] We were to seize the post office. 123 00:13:28,875 --> 00:13:31,791 We go up the staircase. 124 00:13:40,666 --> 00:13:43,250 And I can hear German voices. 125 00:13:50,916 --> 00:13:52,708 I see a door… 126 00:13:54,041 --> 00:13:55,458 so I open it. 127 00:13:57,583 --> 00:14:00,833 "Hands up! Everyone, hands up!" 128 00:14:03,916 --> 00:14:06,041 The hands went up. 129 00:14:06,125 --> 00:14:07,875 [soldiers jeering] 130 00:14:14,208 --> 00:14:19,291 We grabbed all of their weapons. 131 00:14:31,916 --> 00:14:37,541 [newscaster in Polish] Home Army units freed 50 civilian prisoners. 132 00:14:37,625 --> 00:14:40,291 Thirty German soldiers were killed. 133 00:14:48,625 --> 00:14:50,458 [Witold] We got a great haul. 134 00:14:51,833 --> 00:14:54,166 It was our first victory! 135 00:15:07,458 --> 00:15:09,250 [engines screeching] 136 00:15:10,916 --> 00:15:12,250 [explosion] 137 00:15:12,333 --> 00:15:14,333 [masonry clattering] 138 00:15:17,875 --> 00:15:20,750 [narrator] But the Germans still control most of Warsaw. 139 00:15:27,958 --> 00:15:30,083 [rapid gunfire] 140 00:15:39,166 --> 00:15:40,375 [glass shatters] 141 00:15:45,000 --> 00:15:46,458 [debris clattering] 142 00:15:46,541 --> 00:15:48,500 [machine gun firing] 143 00:16:06,541 --> 00:16:10,916 Polish Resistance fighter Bolesław Biega is one of the wounded. 144 00:16:17,291 --> 00:16:19,708 [Bolesław in Polish] I was taken to a small hospital… 145 00:16:21,166 --> 00:16:26,541 and my fiancée, Lili, would come and check on me. 146 00:16:34,041 --> 00:16:38,250 Then my commander says, "Why don't you get married?" 147 00:16:41,916 --> 00:16:44,875 I said, "In these circumstances?" 148 00:16:55,000 --> 00:16:57,708 I said, "We can get killed tomorrow, so why not?" 149 00:17:05,000 --> 00:17:07,541 A messenger was sent to tell Lili, 150 00:17:07,625 --> 00:17:10,625 "Your wedding is tomorrow at eleven o'clock." 151 00:17:12,333 --> 00:17:13,791 "Please show up!" 152 00:17:27,291 --> 00:17:30,291 [voice muted under dramatic orchestral music] 153 00:17:30,375 --> 00:17:32,541 [narrator] By chance, a passing film crew 154 00:17:32,625 --> 00:17:35,833 captures Bolesław and Lili's wedding ceremony. 155 00:17:47,958 --> 00:17:52,000 We used curtain rings as wedding rings. 156 00:18:02,833 --> 00:18:07,541 We threw a reception at the post office. 157 00:18:09,083 --> 00:18:12,750 We had French sardines, 158 00:18:12,833 --> 00:18:16,083 cigarettes and French wine, 159 00:18:16,166 --> 00:18:17,666 all captured from the Germans. 160 00:18:21,250 --> 00:18:25,416 Believing Soviet help is on the way, the newlyweds celebrate. 161 00:18:30,750 --> 00:18:32,875 But the Red Army isn't coming. 162 00:18:33,666 --> 00:18:34,708 [soldier] Fire! 163 00:18:37,208 --> 00:18:40,916 [narrator] Stalin has decided he would rather the Nazis and the Poles 164 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:43,083 fight it out between themselves. 165 00:19:01,125 --> 00:19:03,333 [newscaster] For developments on the Western Front, 166 00:19:03,416 --> 00:19:05,333 Admiral takes you to Paris. 167 00:19:10,750 --> 00:19:13,583 [soldiers cheering] 168 00:19:15,833 --> 00:19:17,791 [scattered gunfire] 169 00:19:17,875 --> 00:19:22,083 [newscaster] The call is this: "All to the barricades, all to the fight!" 170 00:19:22,166 --> 00:19:23,916 "Parisians, forward." 171 00:19:25,458 --> 00:19:27,708 [narrator] Having been underground for years, 172 00:19:27,791 --> 00:19:31,500 the French Resistance rise up to retake the streets of Paris. 173 00:19:39,000 --> 00:19:41,500 [newscaster] The French Resistance carrying on open warfare 174 00:19:41,583 --> 00:19:44,625 with the Germans, risking their lives for an ideal. 175 00:19:50,666 --> 00:19:52,125 [cheering] 176 00:20:10,708 --> 00:20:14,458 [George] When we landed, my regiment turned right 177 00:20:14,541 --> 00:20:16,708 and went down through northern France. 178 00:20:22,041 --> 00:20:27,833 The Germans pulled back, and we went straight on towards Paris. 179 00:20:34,166 --> 00:20:36,125 [church bells ringing] 180 00:20:39,250 --> 00:20:43,500 [Evelyn] Suddenly, they started to ring all the bells of the city. 181 00:20:55,625 --> 00:20:58,583 I said, "Ah! What are those tanks?" 182 00:21:02,458 --> 00:21:04,416 "I think they're the Allies." 183 00:21:05,708 --> 00:21:07,083 [bystander] Whoo! 184 00:21:13,375 --> 00:21:15,250 [narrator] Eleven weeks after D-Day, 185 00:21:15,333 --> 00:21:19,000 Allied troops roll into the French capital to help the Resistance. 186 00:21:26,541 --> 00:21:29,625 [Evelyn] Oh! Everybody came out and we waved. 187 00:21:33,208 --> 00:21:35,833 We had waited four years. It was so long. 188 00:21:40,125 --> 00:21:43,125 And we spent our day with the troops. 189 00:21:56,875 --> 00:21:59,500 [Stanley] I'd landed a few days after D-Day 190 00:21:59,583 --> 00:22:01,250 and ended up in Paris. 191 00:22:02,208 --> 00:22:03,833 Oh, that was great. 192 00:22:07,541 --> 00:22:10,625 You know, I sort of felt just like Queen Elizabeth. 193 00:22:10,708 --> 00:22:14,208 You know, I'd ride down waving to the crowd. 194 00:22:25,625 --> 00:22:27,291 Women were kissing and hugging 195 00:22:27,375 --> 00:22:30,500 and giving you wine and all this kind of stuff. 196 00:22:32,875 --> 00:22:34,791 And I was just a kid. 197 00:22:38,625 --> 00:22:42,791 [Charles de Gaulle] We are here in Paris, which stood strong 198 00:22:42,875 --> 00:22:47,333 and rose to free itself of its own determination. 199 00:22:54,416 --> 00:22:56,791 France, the great eternal! 200 00:23:05,125 --> 00:23:08,791 [narrator] For France and the Allies, it's a day of joy, 201 00:23:08,875 --> 00:23:11,958 but for some, it's a day of reckoning. 202 00:23:18,583 --> 00:23:21,166 [Evelyn] The afternoon of Liberation Day, 203 00:23:21,875 --> 00:23:26,208 we had also prepared some lists of all the collaborators we knew… 204 00:23:28,625 --> 00:23:32,750 all the girls who had been out with the Germans, we had all the names. 205 00:23:33,458 --> 00:23:36,916 And we handed them over to the Resistance immediately. 206 00:23:55,333 --> 00:23:57,416 [Elise in French] I had a friend who ran a café. 207 00:23:57,500 --> 00:23:59,875 She said, "I'll introduce you to someone." 208 00:24:04,500 --> 00:24:06,833 He was handsome and single. 209 00:24:10,833 --> 00:24:12,166 [voice muted] 210 00:24:12,750 --> 00:24:18,625 He was very decent and helped me survive the loneliness I had. 211 00:24:28,291 --> 00:24:29,875 He was arrested. 212 00:24:38,125 --> 00:24:40,500 The next day they came to find me. 213 00:24:46,291 --> 00:24:48,833 [crowd jeering] 214 00:24:48,916 --> 00:24:50,625 The crowd was screaming at us. 215 00:24:57,041 --> 00:24:59,125 They asked me, "How many Krauts?" 216 00:25:03,041 --> 00:25:05,625 He said, "Get up or I'll shoot you." 217 00:25:09,916 --> 00:25:12,500 "We will cut your hair. We'll shave you." 218 00:25:40,750 --> 00:25:43,000 I didn't flinch. I let it happen. 219 00:25:46,375 --> 00:25:49,833 I just glared back at them. 220 00:26:22,208 --> 00:26:24,875 [narrator] After Paris, the Allies sweep into Belgium, 221 00:26:26,750 --> 00:26:29,541 pushing closer to Germany every day. 222 00:26:29,625 --> 00:26:31,625 [cheering] 223 00:26:31,708 --> 00:26:35,291 [Roosevelt] We shall have to fight our way across the Rhine. 224 00:26:35,375 --> 00:26:40,083 We may have to fight every inch of the way to Berlin. 225 00:26:40,166 --> 00:26:44,083 But we will not stop short of our final goal. 226 00:26:46,541 --> 00:26:51,000 But in the Polish capital, Warsaw, the Resistance forces are under pressure. 227 00:26:53,583 --> 00:26:57,083 The Red Army has stopped on the outskirts of the city. 228 00:26:58,666 --> 00:27:02,000 And the Nazis have vowed to wipe Warsaw from the map. 229 00:27:02,083 --> 00:27:04,250 [radio operator] This is Warsaw calling. 230 00:27:04,333 --> 00:27:05,833 This is Warsaw calling. 231 00:27:05,916 --> 00:27:07,583 Warsaw calling. 232 00:27:07,666 --> 00:27:10,458 Warsaw calling all the free nations. 233 00:27:15,958 --> 00:27:19,875 [narrator] Newlyweds Bolesław and Lili are in the line of fire. 234 00:27:22,750 --> 00:27:29,125 [Bolesław] Me and my wife, Lili, we were exhausted and hungry. 235 00:27:34,625 --> 00:27:37,625 Our street was under siege. 236 00:27:37,708 --> 00:27:39,291 There was no escape. 237 00:27:50,458 --> 00:27:52,833 The Russians were on the other side of the river… 238 00:27:55,458 --> 00:27:56,666 but they didn't come to help. 239 00:28:00,333 --> 00:28:04,541 [newscaster in German] Our fight is with the bandits who have not yet noticed 240 00:28:04,625 --> 00:28:07,583 that they are being abandoned by all sides. 241 00:28:09,583 --> 00:28:11,916 [narrator] After two months of resistance… 242 00:28:14,625 --> 00:28:16,750 the Poles are forced to surrender. 243 00:28:30,750 --> 00:28:34,000 [Mathias in German] Masses of prisoners went past. 244 00:28:34,083 --> 00:28:36,500 They asked, "What will become of us?" 245 00:28:40,291 --> 00:28:42,791 We couldn't answer them. 246 00:29:01,125 --> 00:29:02,333 The SS came. 247 00:29:03,250 --> 00:29:07,625 Indescribable, cruel gang. 248 00:29:16,375 --> 00:29:18,583 And we heard the shots. 249 00:29:22,541 --> 00:29:24,541 [guns firing] 250 00:29:43,333 --> 00:29:47,041 [narrator] One hundred and 80 thousand men, women and children 251 00:29:47,125 --> 00:29:49,041 are massacred in the uprising. 252 00:29:51,583 --> 00:29:54,500 Bolesław and Lili are among the survivors. 253 00:29:59,500 --> 00:30:02,000 They're herded onto a train to Germany. 254 00:30:03,500 --> 00:30:06,125 They will spend the rest of the war in a prison camp. 255 00:30:20,500 --> 00:30:25,416 In the Pacific, the Americans have been continuing their island-hopping campaign, 256 00:30:25,500 --> 00:30:28,791 with the invasion of Saipan and Peleliu. 257 00:30:30,041 --> 00:30:32,083 If they can take these islands, 258 00:30:32,166 --> 00:30:37,125 they will be within bombing range of the end goal: Japan itself. 259 00:31:19,375 --> 00:31:20,875 [soldier] Fire! 260 00:31:22,666 --> 00:31:23,833 Fire! 261 00:31:25,583 --> 00:31:28,875 [narrator] Battle begins with an intense bombardment from the U.S. ships. 262 00:31:52,666 --> 00:31:56,000 [dramatic music swelling] 263 00:31:56,083 --> 00:31:57,541 [explosion] 264 00:32:03,166 --> 00:32:05,916 [muted shouting] 265 00:32:15,500 --> 00:32:18,583 [distant gunfire and explosions] 266 00:32:18,666 --> 00:32:25,250 [Chiyoko in Japanese] I always knew the war would come to Saipan. 267 00:32:32,083 --> 00:32:36,291 You could hear the sound of the bullets whizzing past. 268 00:32:37,916 --> 00:32:42,750 It was frantic, with everybody trying to take cover. 269 00:33:02,875 --> 00:33:04,916 [missile screams past, explodes] 270 00:33:05,708 --> 00:33:09,291 My elder brother was killed instantly. 271 00:33:09,375 --> 00:33:14,458 My younger brother was injured in the head. 272 00:33:27,250 --> 00:33:30,541 [newscaster] It is about 10:23 now, Saturday morning. 273 00:33:32,791 --> 00:33:35,833 Marines have been pushing forward. 274 00:33:38,875 --> 00:33:45,166 [Chiyoko] We were told that the Americans would take women as prisoners 275 00:33:45,250 --> 00:33:48,250 and would use us for their pleasure. 276 00:33:48,333 --> 00:33:49,875 [soldiers shouting] 277 00:33:54,166 --> 00:33:57,750 We had to avoid being captured at all costs. 278 00:34:02,000 --> 00:34:03,125 [machine-gun fire] 279 00:34:03,208 --> 00:34:05,708 [narrator] The Americans sweep across the island, 280 00:34:05,791 --> 00:34:07,541 flushing out resistance. 281 00:34:11,083 --> 00:34:12,666 [gunfire continues] 282 00:34:16,458 --> 00:34:20,458 [Steve] Going in on Saipan, we just didn't have time to waste. 283 00:34:22,916 --> 00:34:24,541 We had to get up and go. 284 00:34:51,791 --> 00:34:53,750 We moved up to the tip of the island, 285 00:34:54,416 --> 00:34:56,166 towards the cliff. 286 00:34:59,875 --> 00:35:03,583 We were told that there was women and children holed up there. 287 00:35:16,125 --> 00:35:18,708 Interpreters were speaking with loudspeakers 288 00:35:18,791 --> 00:35:20,708 and trying to get them to give up, you know, 289 00:35:20,791 --> 00:35:22,833 and saying, "We'll give you food and water 290 00:35:22,916 --> 00:35:25,250 and take care of your sick and everybody." 291 00:35:41,041 --> 00:35:43,416 [voice muted under somber orchestral music] 292 00:35:45,458 --> 00:35:49,041 Then, all of a sudden, we looked up there and they're jumping. 293 00:36:09,333 --> 00:36:10,708 It was unreal. 294 00:36:13,083 --> 00:36:14,583 There was nothing we could do. 295 00:36:15,375 --> 00:36:16,500 We watched. 296 00:36:30,500 --> 00:36:36,125 [Chiyoko] Those who remained 297 00:36:36,208 --> 00:36:39,333 loyal to the country 298 00:36:39,416 --> 00:36:42,791 would kill themselves if they were discovered. 299 00:36:42,875 --> 00:36:44,625 That was their mentality. 300 00:36:58,791 --> 00:37:01,791 [Steve] I think most of us felt that, "Well… 301 00:37:02,375 --> 00:37:05,666 you can't get them to give up, let them jump." 302 00:37:07,750 --> 00:37:10,791 "Let's get this thing over with, already. Enough is enough." 303 00:37:21,333 --> 00:37:24,041 [narrator] December 1944. 304 00:37:24,125 --> 00:37:28,333 Back in Europe, Germany is facing the prospect of defeat. 305 00:37:29,083 --> 00:37:32,500 But Hitler is planning one last throw of the dice. 306 00:37:33,250 --> 00:37:37,958 [Hitler] The world must know that Germany will never surrender. 307 00:37:42,375 --> 00:37:45,500 I ask you to trust in my leadership… 308 00:37:47,750 --> 00:37:50,208 to fight fanatically through this difficult battle 309 00:37:50,291 --> 00:37:54,208 for the future of our people. 310 00:37:56,458 --> 00:37:59,208 He gambles everything on a last-ditch attempt 311 00:37:59,291 --> 00:38:03,875 to split the Allied advance and drive them back to the coast. 312 00:38:21,458 --> 00:38:22,833 [soldier shouts] 313 00:38:24,625 --> 00:38:26,125 [missile screams past, explodes] 314 00:38:26,208 --> 00:38:28,625 [machine guns firing] 315 00:38:28,708 --> 00:38:31,125 [missile screams past, explodes] 316 00:38:42,708 --> 00:38:45,541 [Georg in German] The Americans got their asses kicked. 317 00:38:48,791 --> 00:38:51,916 They weren't ready for us at all. 318 00:38:52,583 --> 00:38:54,291 [soldiers shouting] 319 00:38:54,375 --> 00:38:56,791 They ran away back into Belgium. 320 00:39:05,125 --> 00:39:07,458 The Americans left everything behind them. 321 00:39:09,333 --> 00:39:12,083 They even left us their breakfast. 322 00:39:26,666 --> 00:39:28,875 [newscaster] German tanks, some of them backed up by infantry, 323 00:39:29,000 --> 00:39:31,416 are striking deeper into Belgium today. 324 00:39:33,833 --> 00:39:38,333 The German offensive still is mounting and has not yet reached its climax. 325 00:39:41,166 --> 00:39:44,000 [narrator] The Germans advance 50 miles into Belgium. 326 00:39:47,708 --> 00:39:50,333 [newscaster] This morning, the German attack continues 327 00:39:50,416 --> 00:39:51,833 in undiminished strength. 328 00:39:51,916 --> 00:39:54,833 The situation is still grave. 329 00:39:56,208 --> 00:39:58,541 [narrator] The Americans rush troops to cut them off. 330 00:40:04,541 --> 00:40:08,583 One of them is 20-year-old New Yorker William McBurney. 331 00:40:12,500 --> 00:40:16,375 [William] At the time, I knew I wanted to join the Air Force, 332 00:40:16,458 --> 00:40:19,541 and they told me they didn't have Blacks in the Air Force, 333 00:40:19,625 --> 00:40:22,083 but they did have a tank outfit. 334 00:40:23,708 --> 00:40:27,208 I said, "Okay, that's good by me." So that was it. 335 00:40:30,583 --> 00:40:33,291 Then the white soldiers cursed us out 336 00:40:33,375 --> 00:40:36,666 and called us all kinds of names, saying, "You don't belong up here." 337 00:40:39,708 --> 00:40:42,041 I tried to block it out of my mind. 338 00:40:43,500 --> 00:40:48,833 I was just proud that I was part of one of the first Black tank outfits. 339 00:40:52,458 --> 00:40:55,791 [Leonard] It was a tight bond. Very close. 340 00:40:57,500 --> 00:40:59,083 It was family. 341 00:41:00,291 --> 00:41:03,833 We wanted to prove we were the best tank outfit over there. 342 00:41:04,666 --> 00:41:07,458 We wanted to show them how good we were. 343 00:41:09,708 --> 00:41:11,583 [newscaster] The weather was pretty bad today. 344 00:41:12,500 --> 00:41:16,041 The ground forces need all the help they can get now, 345 00:41:16,125 --> 00:41:19,333 because this is a very tough fight they are in. 346 00:41:19,416 --> 00:41:20,833 [wind whistling] 347 00:41:31,500 --> 00:41:32,875 [William] It was snowing. 348 00:41:33,583 --> 00:41:35,291 Tanks sliding all over the road. 349 00:41:47,833 --> 00:41:51,041 But we wasn't gonna chicken and run out. 350 00:42:14,583 --> 00:42:18,083 We were rolling through this open field. 351 00:42:35,583 --> 00:42:37,875 And this German tank came out of nowhere. 352 00:42:37,958 --> 00:42:40,375 [thunderous explosion] 353 00:42:43,625 --> 00:42:44,916 [Leonard] We got hit. 354 00:42:48,833 --> 00:42:51,291 And so we had to get out of the tank and run. 355 00:42:56,958 --> 00:42:58,916 It was a suicide mission. 356 00:42:59,625 --> 00:43:01,583 [machine guns firing] 357 00:43:05,875 --> 00:43:07,250 [soldier in German] Fire! 358 00:43:08,166 --> 00:43:11,833 And them Germans shot everything they could throw at us, trying to kill us. 359 00:43:21,333 --> 00:43:24,541 We crawled 5,000 yards in the snow. 360 00:43:30,000 --> 00:43:32,166 [William] There was Germans everywhere. 361 00:43:35,000 --> 00:43:37,500 And I said, "Well, this is it. I've had it." 362 00:43:38,666 --> 00:43:42,166 And Smitty said, "Man, you can't stop now. You've gotta keep going." 363 00:43:42,250 --> 00:43:43,708 "You gotta get back home." 364 00:43:47,000 --> 00:43:49,166 [missile whistles past] 365 00:43:49,750 --> 00:43:51,125 [machine guns firing] 366 00:43:51,916 --> 00:43:54,500 And because of him, I kept going. 367 00:43:54,583 --> 00:43:56,208 [soldier] Run! Run! Run! 368 00:44:07,541 --> 00:44:09,541 [narrator] Suddenly, the weather clears. 369 00:44:13,041 --> 00:44:16,708 And Allied bombers can strike enemy positions at will. 370 00:44:24,833 --> 00:44:27,416 The Germans are forced to retreat. 371 00:44:42,500 --> 00:44:47,166 [William] I saw this SS soldier. Stuck my pistol up under his chin. 372 00:44:47,250 --> 00:44:48,583 And I said, "Surrender." 373 00:44:48,666 --> 00:44:50,916 Well, he said, "I don't surrender to you niggers." 374 00:44:53,916 --> 00:44:58,416 Yeah, now, see, if he said, "I don't surrender to you American soldiers," 375 00:44:58,500 --> 00:45:00,625 it'd have been fine with me, I'd have taken his gun. 376 00:45:00,708 --> 00:45:02,750 But when he said, "I don't surrender to you niggers" 377 00:45:02,833 --> 00:45:06,541 and spoke perfect English, that's when I slapped him in the mouth. 378 00:45:09,250 --> 00:45:12,666 [newscaster] And the huge roundup of beaten Nazis left behind continues. 379 00:45:13,333 --> 00:45:16,375 The prisoner count for Friday alone was almost 20,000. 380 00:45:18,458 --> 00:45:20,958 [narrator] As 1944 comes to a close, 381 00:45:21,041 --> 00:45:23,500 Hitler's armies are falling back in disarray. 382 00:45:23,583 --> 00:45:25,416 [missile whistling past] 383 00:45:25,500 --> 00:45:29,000 [Roosevelt] Our enemies still fight fanatically, 384 00:45:29,083 --> 00:45:34,875 but they themselves know that they and their evil works are doomed. 385 00:45:35,000 --> 00:45:38,041 [newscaster] American troops are moving in from north, west and south. 386 00:45:50,375 --> 00:45:52,791 [narrator] The road to Berlin is now open. 387 00:45:56,500 --> 00:45:58,833 [newscaster] Everybody is a little afraid of Berlin, 388 00:45:58,916 --> 00:46:00,375 but everybody wants to go there. 389 00:46:02,125 --> 00:46:04,125 [subdued theme song playing]