1 00:00:07,578 --> 00:00:09,164 Wow... 2 00:00:09,166 --> 00:00:11,242 That has to be a high-level gear. 3 00:00:11,398 --> 00:00:14,289 Say... that emblem... 4 00:00:14,291 --> 00:00:16,297 ...isn't that the emblem of some hardcore clan? 5 00:00:17,273 --> 00:00:20,211 What's a guy like that doing in this town for beginners? 6 00:00:25,570 --> 00:00:29,687 I heard Hizutome-kun uses the same in-game name on all of his games, 7 00:00:29,689 --> 00:00:31,538 so I thought I'd be able to find him. 8 00:00:32,039 --> 00:00:37,211 And it's unthinkable that a new player won't come to this town. 9 00:00:53,422 --> 00:00:56,070 Did we pass each other by? 10 00:01:17,995 --> 00:01:20,789 I throw away my defense and put on my bird mask headgear 11 00:01:20,790 --> 00:01:24,043 I'm a hustler My point only goes to my luck stats 12 00:01:24,043 --> 00:01:26,879 Parry parry now this is my style 13 00:01:26,880 --> 00:01:29,506 playing broken games all night... who's that knight? 14 00:01:29,507 --> 00:01:30,841 Broken game is sickness 15 00:01:30,842 --> 00:01:32,468 toxic scattered, now I'm a patient 16 00:01:32,469 --> 00:01:33,677 My heart is beating almost twice as fast 17 00:01:33,678 --> 00:01:35,080 The chaos wither get it bite that bug 18 00:01:35,081 --> 00:01:35,971 Terrible gimmick 19 00:01:35,972 --> 00:01:37,473 new game a.k.a suicide?? 20 00:01:37,474 --> 00:01:39,016 I don't give a damn 21 00:01:39,017 --> 00:01:42,061 (Do it, Do it) No, not yet NO it's not enough 22 00:01:42,062 --> 00:01:48,025 (Do it, Do it) NO it's not enough 23 00:01:48,606 --> 00:01:51,028 I still can go 24 00:01:51,029 --> 00:01:56,992 Everyone looks dirty to me 25 00:01:56,993 --> 00:02:02,289 Everything looks broken to me 26 00:02:02,290 --> 00:02:08,462 we can go, we can go 27 00:02:08,463 --> 00:02:12,049 to that mountain top, not afraid to drop 28 00:02:12,050 --> 00:02:18,055 this world is going to be mine... duh 29 00:02:29,151 --> 00:02:32,483 (A Different Kind of Player) 30 00:02:32,485 --> 00:02:36,907 (Ravenous Python) (Area Boss Rec. Level 10 Rec. Party Size 3) 31 00:02:39,817 --> 00:02:42,755 Entertain me... 32 00:02:44,846 --> 00:02:48,815 ...SLF! 33 00:02:57,404 --> 00:02:59,773 Let's start by checking its movement. 34 00:03:01,479 --> 00:03:03,433 (Tap Step Bonus to evasion) 35 00:03:14,626 --> 00:03:16,935 In the end, it's just a boss for beginners. 36 00:03:16,937 --> 00:03:19,591 It's movement is easy to read and it does not have... 37 00:03:20,555 --> 00:03:22,416 ...any instant-kill attacks! 38 00:03:24,712 --> 00:03:27,212 I can defeat this thing without taking any damage! 39 00:03:27,214 --> 00:03:30,213 Or more like, I'll die if I do get hit! 40 00:03:37,160 --> 00:03:38,254 What?! 41 00:03:38,680 --> 00:03:41,900 Although it has low durability left, it broke in just one hit?! 42 00:03:44,886 --> 00:03:47,534 Right when I was starting to get attached to it! 43 00:03:48,896 --> 00:03:50,704 Sturdy skin, huh... 44 00:03:50,706 --> 00:03:52,360 Then... 45 00:03:55,355 --> 00:03:57,377 ...I'd like to try out something. 46 00:04:01,540 --> 00:04:04,105 I'll flay you alive! 47 00:04:05,511 --> 00:04:07,498 Screw Pier... 48 00:04:16,822 --> 00:04:18,688 The heck's this?! 49 00:04:18,690 --> 00:04:19,678 Turd?! 50 00:04:20,841 --> 00:04:21,466 Huh? 51 00:04:23,254 --> 00:04:24,686 Well... 52 00:04:25,173 --> 00:04:26,891 I underestimated it a little too much. 53 00:04:30,719 --> 00:04:34,053 Heh, you think you already won? 54 00:04:34,643 --> 00:04:40,757 Look here, I've beaten tons of trash games that were way more unfair than this. 55 00:04:41,883 --> 00:04:44,741 I ain't backing down just because you threw some turds at me! 56 00:04:48,167 --> 00:04:50,563 I receive 1 damage every ten seconds. 57 00:04:50,824 --> 00:04:53,452 That means I only have around four minutes left to fight. 58 00:04:55,355 --> 00:04:59,808 I need to land multiple critical hits on this thing to kill it or I won't make it! 59 00:05:00,616 --> 00:05:03,811 Critical hits in this game aren't based on random chances. 60 00:05:04,209 --> 00:05:07,143 They appear when you land an ideal strike 61 00:05:07,145 --> 00:05:10,672 or hit one of your opponent's weak points. 62 00:05:10,674 --> 00:05:13,483 But this thing has thick scales that prevents that. 63 00:05:13,485 --> 00:05:16,556 Which mean its only weak point is its head! 64 00:05:23,082 --> 00:05:25,390 But of course, it's hard to hit. 65 00:05:25,928 --> 00:05:28,862 Then I'll just have to MAKE some! 66 00:05:33,089 --> 00:05:34,813 Screw Pierce! 67 00:05:41,527 --> 00:05:42,733 All right! 68 00:05:42,735 --> 00:05:45,936 Now I'll keep attacking its wound! 69 00:05:47,160 --> 00:05:51,509 The wound changes the nature of the flesh and opens it up to critical hit! 70 00:05:54,131 --> 00:05:58,541 All left's to attack until I run out stamina! 71 00:06:02,063 --> 00:06:05,473 Dammit! I don't know how much HP this thing has left! 72 00:06:05,475 --> 00:06:07,062 Will I make it in time?! 73 00:06:11,846 --> 00:06:13,825 I knew it... 74 00:06:13,827 --> 00:06:17,514 Beating Failia Chronicle got me a bit too cocky. 75 00:06:18,235 --> 00:06:21,239 "In the end, this is just an easy game for the mainstream." 76 00:06:21,241 --> 00:06:24,285 "I can beat it easily without recovery item!" 77 00:06:24,287 --> 00:06:25,762 Yeah, right... 78 00:06:28,365 --> 00:06:30,296 I got full of myself. 79 00:06:35,227 --> 00:06:37,258 But...! 80 00:06:41,325 --> 00:06:43,365 Flash Counter! 81 00:06:47,263 --> 00:06:47,834 (Unequipped) 82 00:06:49,398 --> 00:06:52,358 Don't think you can swallow me that easily! 83 00:06:52,360 --> 00:06:54,961 I'll make you pay for throwing turd all over me! 84 00:06:55,371 --> 00:06:56,586 Screw Pierce! 85 00:07:14,607 --> 00:07:15,607 Hm? 86 00:07:17,792 --> 00:07:21,308 Woohoo! I did it, damn it! 87 00:07:21,310 --> 00:07:23,417 Did ya see that, you stinky snake! 88 00:07:26,497 --> 00:07:26,823 (Dropped Item Python Scale) 89 00:07:26,825 --> 00:07:27,949 (Dropped Item Python Scale) (Dropped Item Python White Hair) 90 00:07:29,058 --> 00:07:32,246 These drops looks like they're worth quite a lot. 91 00:07:32,819 --> 00:07:33,713 Huh? 92 00:07:34,954 --> 00:07:37,819 Oh crap! I didn't have much time! 93 00:07:37,821 --> 00:07:41,213 Was that all the drops? Did I miss anything? 94 00:07:42,385 --> 00:07:44,624 I need to distribute the points from leveling up. 95 00:07:44,626 --> 00:07:45,866 Oh no, the time! 96 00:07:45,868 --> 00:07:50,005 Ugh, all the points go to stamina and agility! 97 00:07:50,007 --> 00:07:52,974 Once I'm in the town, I need to buy some antidote! 98 00:07:52,976 --> 00:07:55,875 Wait, I don't even know where the shop's at! I won't make it on time! 99 00:07:55,877 --> 00:07:58,653 Then I'd better update my respawn point instead! 100 00:07:58,655 --> 00:08:00,544 That means I'd better go to the inn. 101 00:08:00,546 --> 00:08:03,357 Wait, I also don't know where that is! Dammit! 102 00:08:11,222 --> 00:08:15,084 So Mia, you want to tame a dog monster, right? 103 00:08:15,086 --> 00:08:16,022 Yeah. 104 00:08:16,024 --> 00:08:18,853 I can't keep pets in my apartment, 105 00:08:18,855 --> 00:08:21,314 but I can tame monsters in this game, right? 106 00:08:21,792 --> 00:08:25,863 So I hope you can show me the ropes, Yamamoto-kun. 107 00:08:25,865 --> 00:08:27,938 After three grueling months... 108 00:08:27,940 --> 00:08:32,748 I finally got my crush to play SLF! 109 00:08:33,042 --> 00:08:38,336 I've made it so that as an old hand, I get to lecture her as a beginner! 110 00:08:38,613 --> 00:08:41,513 I've got to make the most of this! 111 00:08:41,515 --> 00:08:43,952 Um, Yamamoto-kun? 112 00:08:44,371 --> 00:08:46,600 S-Sorry, it's nothing. 113 00:08:48,587 --> 00:08:49,754 Also, Mia. 114 00:08:49,756 --> 00:08:51,961 In video game, instead of real names, 115 00:08:51,963 --> 00:08:54,410 it's customary to call each other by their in-game name. 116 00:08:54,412 --> 00:08:56,122 Oh, I see. 117 00:08:56,124 --> 00:08:58,162 Then, "Reiji"-kun, right? 118 00:08:58,657 --> 00:09:02,415 Woohoo! I successfully made her call me by my first name! 119 00:09:02,417 --> 00:09:04,343 Thank you, SLF! 120 00:09:05,966 --> 00:09:06,886 What? 121 00:09:08,587 --> 00:09:10,341 M-Monster?! 122 00:09:12,216 --> 00:09:14,846 Wait, wait! He's got a player name! 123 00:09:14,848 --> 00:09:17,068 That's a player, not a monster! 124 00:09:17,070 --> 00:09:19,602 Eh? I mustn't attack him? 125 00:09:19,604 --> 00:09:23,630 If you PK someone, you'll get a skull icon next to your name! 126 00:09:25,540 --> 00:09:27,337 Well, I don't want that. 127 00:09:27,339 --> 00:09:30,610 But why's that person running at such a high speed? 128 00:09:30,827 --> 00:09:33,969 Ah, he must've taken some poison. 129 00:09:33,971 --> 00:09:35,428 Hey! 130 00:09:35,430 --> 00:09:37,971 You, the guy with the name's Sunraku! 131 00:09:38,240 --> 00:09:41,600 Head straight! The building with white roof is the inn! 132 00:09:41,602 --> 00:09:46,035 Your respawn point won't get updated until you get on the bed, so be careful! 133 00:09:47,928 --> 00:09:49,638 Thanks! 134 00:09:50,941 --> 00:09:53,242 There were quite a lot of people like him back when 135 00:09:53,244 --> 00:09:55,888 the game launched and there's still no info around. 136 00:09:55,890 --> 00:10:00,297 Players who sprint for the town after that snake poisoned them. 137 00:10:00,299 --> 00:10:01,848 Wow... 138 00:10:01,850 --> 00:10:05,669 Judging from his look, I bet he sold his armor for more speed at the start. 139 00:10:06,027 --> 00:10:10,176 You really sound like a veteran. That's pretty cool, Reiji-kun. 140 00:10:10,178 --> 00:10:13,118 Eh? Hahaha, you think so? 141 00:10:14,551 --> 00:10:17,424 Thank you, blue bird guy. 142 00:10:18,683 --> 00:10:20,601 Are you staying today? 143 00:10:20,827 --> 00:10:27,240 This inn provides a safe rest for all of our adventurers. 144 00:10:27,242 --> 00:10:28,214 For example... 145 00:10:28,216 --> 00:10:31,009 I don't need those crap! Hurry and give me a bed! 146 00:10:31,157 --> 00:10:33,883 Very well. Allow me to examine our free rooms... 147 00:10:33,885 --> 00:10:36,365 Hurry! HURRY UP! 148 00:10:36,367 --> 00:10:39,479 I only have 1 HP left! 149 00:10:39,481 --> 00:10:42,433 - Room 2001 is ready for now. - Thank you! 150 00:10:48,787 --> 00:10:51,417 Respawn point has been updated. 151 00:10:51,747 --> 00:10:54,441 Yes! I made it in ti... 152 00:10:57,398 --> 00:10:59,889 (Penalty for Death All stats lowered for limited time) 153 00:11:05,584 --> 00:11:08,935 Phew, that was real close. 154 00:11:09,577 --> 00:11:11,756 I did die, though. 155 00:11:12,433 --> 00:11:15,427 Good thing the penalty for death wasn't to lose items. 156 00:11:16,035 --> 00:11:21,018 I should thank that player who taught me about the inn if I meet him again. 157 00:11:22,060 --> 00:11:24,846 But man, SLF is really a god-tier game. 158 00:11:24,950 --> 00:11:26,604 It's great! 159 00:11:29,505 --> 00:11:32,983 (Outpost for Marsh Journeys Secondale) 160 00:11:37,606 --> 00:11:38,995 Well then. 161 00:11:38,997 --> 00:11:43,135 Secondale is my first town in SLF. 162 00:11:43,501 --> 00:11:47,018 I should first start by getting a new map, some healing items, and equipments. 163 00:11:47,320 --> 00:11:51,704 I need a better main weapon than my Mercenary Twinblades. 164 00:11:52,086 --> 00:11:54,966 If I'm gonna play this game, I wanna get serious! 165 00:11:54,968 --> 00:11:57,442 All to become the top player! 166 00:11:58,266 --> 00:12:01,226 Pfft, what's with him? A half-nude bird man? 167 00:12:01,228 --> 00:12:02,511 Is that a player? 168 00:12:02,513 --> 00:12:04,689 Clearly a joke build. 169 00:12:04,691 --> 00:12:05,688 Eww. 170 00:12:05,690 --> 00:12:08,388 Okay, I'll get some clothes first. 171 00:12:10,714 --> 00:12:12,693 I'll just take the cheapest one for now. 172 00:12:12,695 --> 00:12:14,618 Thank you for your purchase. 173 00:12:15,575 --> 00:12:17,075 Rather than for defense, 174 00:12:17,077 --> 00:12:20,239 I just don't want players to look at me like a freak. 175 00:12:20,241 --> 00:12:22,200 Now for the head... 176 00:12:24,334 --> 00:12:26,028 I'll just stick with what I got. 177 00:12:26,348 --> 00:12:30,887 Huh? A Goblin Hand Axe? Nobody wanna buy this piece of junk. 178 00:12:31,721 --> 00:12:33,603 Well, I expect as much. 179 00:12:33,605 --> 00:12:35,992 Show the lineup you got, then. 180 00:12:35,994 --> 00:12:37,450 Here you go. 181 00:12:38,185 --> 00:12:39,458 Hmm... 182 00:12:40,436 --> 00:12:42,693 None of them stands out. 183 00:12:42,695 --> 00:12:45,792 My Vorpal Choppers are far better. 184 00:12:46,061 --> 00:12:50,123 Well, Vorpal Chopper's a pretty rare find, after all. 185 00:12:50,125 --> 00:12:51,860 Oh, it is, huh? 186 00:12:52,025 --> 00:12:55,269 If you want a better weapon, we will have to craft it. 187 00:12:55,271 --> 00:12:57,051 Oh? Can you do that? 188 00:12:57,053 --> 00:12:58,613 If you have the material. 189 00:12:59,143 --> 00:13:05,584 The marshland on the path from Secondale to the third town, Thirdrema... 190 00:13:05,586 --> 00:13:07,867 The Diremarsh Waste. 191 00:13:08,203 --> 00:13:11,669 There's a spot in here where you can mine minerals. 192 00:13:11,671 --> 00:13:16,825 So he'll craft weapons for me if I bring him some iron ore from here, eh? 193 00:13:16,827 --> 00:13:18,067 One, two...! 194 00:13:19,972 --> 00:13:21,305 (Stone Just a regular stone) 195 00:13:22,876 --> 00:13:27,285 Another stone?! This ain't giving me iron ore at all! 196 00:13:28,466 --> 00:13:32,693 He said I need five or six to craft a good weapon... 197 00:13:33,188 --> 00:13:36,695 But I only got two after swinging a pickaxe for thirty minutes! 198 00:13:37,520 --> 00:13:39,985 And the mud makes it hard to move around. 199 00:13:41,044 --> 00:13:44,725 And this pickaxe I bought to mine this stuff... 200 00:13:45,645 --> 00:13:47,780 It's way too heavy! 201 00:13:52,399 --> 00:13:55,046 (Mud Frog It has habit to cover its body in mud for protection) 202 00:13:55,617 --> 00:13:59,542 What? Don't get in my way, I'm busy. 203 00:14:09,122 --> 00:14:12,311 Okay... I get it. 204 00:14:12,313 --> 00:14:15,826 I was prepared to just leave you be because you're not attacking me... 205 00:14:16,344 --> 00:14:19,264 But if you wanna become "material" that bad, 206 00:14:19,266 --> 00:14:20,975 lemme help you! 207 00:14:25,607 --> 00:14:27,551 How's that, you stupid frog?! 208 00:14:27,553 --> 00:14:30,390 I'll finish you off now! 209 00:14:31,110 --> 00:14:33,254 The Splitblade gear I'm wearing 210 00:14:33,256 --> 00:14:37,655 was made from Mud Frog Skin and it's got slashing resistance. 211 00:14:37,657 --> 00:14:42,638 Which means chances are this frog has resistance to slashes too. 212 00:14:42,640 --> 00:14:46,053 Therefore, the only effective attack is bludgeon! 213 00:14:46,199 --> 00:14:47,631 As such! 214 00:14:47,633 --> 00:14:53,179 Now's time to use this Goblin Hand Axe that's so dull it counts as a bludgeon! 215 00:14:57,777 --> 00:14:59,200 So slow! 216 00:14:59,391 --> 00:15:01,396 I can't run in this damn muck?! 217 00:15:01,413 --> 00:15:05,415 Mud drastically lower players' mobility 218 00:15:05,417 --> 00:15:08,000 and forces them into "Walking" state. 219 00:15:09,105 --> 00:15:15,311 It seems you can't get up from your back easily with that body. 220 00:15:18,944 --> 00:15:20,253 (Dropped Item Mud Frog Skin) 221 00:15:22,317 --> 00:15:25,077 Killing a frog like this won't even improve my mood. 222 00:15:26,032 --> 00:15:28,115 Back to mining for ores... 223 00:15:28,117 --> 00:15:29,695 It sucks, but... 224 00:15:31,874 --> 00:15:34,895 I'm seeing more new players around now. 225 00:15:37,240 --> 00:15:40,268 I bet there will be more of them because of summer break. 226 00:15:40,789 --> 00:15:45,094 Once that happens, it's only a matter of time before the mad scramble for material begin. 227 00:15:45,442 --> 00:15:50,719 To avoid that, I better collect as much as I can now! 228 00:15:53,601 --> 00:15:57,811 O-Oh, you sure have gathered quite a lot in just three hours. 229 00:15:59,113 --> 00:16:02,186 With this many materials, you can make something good, right? 230 00:16:02,438 --> 00:16:05,259 Hang on. I'll get you a list. 231 00:16:07,004 --> 00:16:08,529 Whoa, whoa. 232 00:16:08,794 --> 00:16:11,733 You also got Marshcoffin Fossil?! 233 00:16:11,735 --> 00:16:14,582 Oh, yeah. I did get that odd one. 234 00:16:14,584 --> 00:16:16,423 Then I can craft you this. 235 00:16:18,688 --> 00:16:20,745 Ooh, looks good. 236 00:16:20,747 --> 00:16:23,474 Then I'll go with this one. Two of them. 237 00:16:23,717 --> 00:16:26,578 You got it! I'll make it immediately! 238 00:16:26,580 --> 00:16:28,566 (Weapon Street) (Item Street) 239 00:16:33,923 --> 00:16:36,685 Here ya go. The Marsh Daggers. 240 00:16:38,541 --> 00:16:41,700 Whoa! These blades are god-tier! 241 00:16:41,702 --> 00:16:46,748 Cutting durability reduction by half for a time after a critical hit! 242 00:16:46,750 --> 00:16:49,233 It match my style perfectly! 243 00:16:49,773 --> 00:16:52,968 Come again if you have gathered more material. 244 00:16:52,970 --> 00:16:55,467 It's our job to raise your weapons, too. 245 00:16:55,842 --> 00:16:57,134 Raise? 246 00:16:57,472 --> 00:17:02,280 Those who can use forging magic like me can not only make weapons, 247 00:17:02,282 --> 00:17:04,991 but strengthen them too. 248 00:17:05,137 --> 00:17:06,621 Ooh? 249 00:17:06,623 --> 00:17:10,139 A blacksmith's weapons are kind of like his children. 250 00:17:10,718 --> 00:17:15,111 So instead of calling it "strengthen," I call it "raise." 251 00:17:15,113 --> 00:17:16,777 I see. 252 00:17:17,079 --> 00:17:21,081 I have to say, NPCs here move and talk so well. 253 00:17:21,569 --> 00:17:24,475 They respond accordingly to my words and context. 254 00:17:24,981 --> 00:17:26,847 What kind of AI runs them? 255 00:17:27,038 --> 00:17:29,309 Oh, it's getting dark. 256 00:17:29,649 --> 00:17:34,337 You better not leave the town with that equipment. 257 00:17:34,432 --> 00:17:35,436 Why? 258 00:17:35,710 --> 00:17:39,376 Why? Because a lot of nocturnal monsters are dangerous, that's why. 259 00:17:39,510 --> 00:17:42,415 Oh, so that's how it's set up? 260 00:17:42,417 --> 00:17:44,063 Got it. I'll watch out. 261 00:17:44,065 --> 00:17:45,403 Great. See you again. 262 00:17:46,809 --> 00:17:48,221 That said... 263 00:17:48,614 --> 00:17:50,882 My penalty for death just finally expired. 264 00:17:51,703 --> 00:17:53,740 And I've got some nice info. 265 00:17:53,835 --> 00:17:55,359 All right! 266 00:17:55,361 --> 00:17:58,820 Let's test out my new twinblades and level up 267 00:17:58,821 --> 00:18:02,279 with those "dangerous night monster," then! 268 00:18:04,703 --> 00:18:06,291 Strange... 269 00:18:06,293 --> 00:18:09,364 I've searched all over the beginners' area. 270 00:18:10,606 --> 00:18:12,385 Highest Strength. 271 00:18:12,387 --> 00:18:14,390 Enchant Hellflame. 272 00:18:14,392 --> 00:18:15,926 Apocalypse! 273 00:18:19,442 --> 00:18:23,093 All I can think is that he defeated this snake 274 00:18:23,094 --> 00:18:26,743 without going to a town or dying once and headed for Secondale. 275 00:18:30,241 --> 00:18:33,774 But would a new player do such a thing? 276 00:18:35,015 --> 00:18:38,913 Knowing him... Maybe he did... 277 00:18:58,685 --> 00:19:01,840 (Redcap Goblin) 278 00:19:02,759 --> 00:19:04,535 Not bad! 279 00:19:04,537 --> 00:19:08,458 For now... Let's go through what I've learned so far. 280 00:19:08,460 --> 00:19:12,332 First, monsters definitely change between day and night. 281 00:19:13,547 --> 00:19:16,027 Just like the weapon store guy said, 282 00:19:16,029 --> 00:19:19,434 a lot of nocturnal monsters are vicious and dangerous. 283 00:19:20,054 --> 00:19:24,845 Thanks to that, I get to level up a lot and I learn new skills. 284 00:19:25,413 --> 00:19:26,862 But... 285 00:19:26,864 --> 00:19:29,537 This guy's clearly off the charts! 286 00:19:29,884 --> 00:19:31,751 They must've messed up his balancing! 287 00:19:32,965 --> 00:19:36,672 His movement and speed are way beyond the goblins I fought in the forest! 288 00:19:38,074 --> 00:19:39,777 He's loaded with HP, 289 00:19:39,779 --> 00:19:44,511 but he's also mixing feint in his attacks like it's totally normal! 290 00:19:44,797 --> 00:19:47,523 And worst of all... 291 00:19:55,149 --> 00:19:56,613 Whoa, whoa, whoa! 292 00:19:56,615 --> 00:20:00,053 Calling for allies are supposed to be a weak monsters-only's thing! 293 00:20:00,899 --> 00:20:03,574 Just one is enough of a pain, but this many... 294 00:20:04,641 --> 00:20:07,575 Even if I ran, I dunno if I'd survive... 295 00:20:09,241 --> 00:20:10,630 Run? 296 00:20:11,359 --> 00:20:13,712 Whoa, whoa. What am I saying? 297 00:20:14,068 --> 00:20:17,392 This is exactly the kinda thing I enjoy, isn't it?! 298 00:20:27,410 --> 00:20:29,780 Hah! Is this all you've got?! 299 00:20:31,151 --> 00:20:33,894 Entertain me more! 300 00:20:37,080 --> 00:20:40,882 I underestimated this game. 301 00:20:42,158 --> 00:20:44,181 I've been having fun enough. 302 00:20:45,344 --> 00:20:47,318 A god-tier game isn't so bad. 303 00:20:48,528 --> 00:20:52,063 You could even say I've gotten addicted. 304 00:20:52,833 --> 00:20:55,750 But... this game... 305 00:20:56,332 --> 00:20:59,014 ...SLF is a different beast. 306 00:21:01,245 --> 00:21:04,379 On this day... At this moment... 307 00:21:05,186 --> 00:21:08,623 I made contact with the REAL Shangri-La Frontier. 308 00:21:13,263 --> 00:21:17,178 Encountered Unique Monster, Lycagon the Nightslayer. 309 00:21:17,708 --> 00:21:20,867 Unique... Monster? 310 00:22:00,954 --> 00:22:05,533 (World Story Shangri-La Frontier Unique Monster Subjugation Count 0) 311 00:22:05,533 --> 00:22:08,994 (World Story Shangri-La Frontier Progression Rate 0%) 312 00:22:09,662 --> 00:22:12,653 I scream in envy so much it hurts 313 00:22:12,655 --> 00:22:15,184 I cry that this is where it ends 314 00:22:15,186 --> 00:22:17,751 It's going to change, I'll change it 315 00:22:17,753 --> 00:22:20,564 I don't want to think it's impossible anymore 316 00:22:31,410 --> 00:22:35,761 The goal I set up is now the starting line for me to run again 317 00:22:35,761 --> 00:22:38,175 Hit me with that despiar, it excites me 318 00:22:38,177 --> 00:22:41,337 Telling me give it a go 319 00:22:41,337 --> 00:22:45,674 I should be able to go as far as I want, yet I mistake this to be my limit 320 00:22:45,674 --> 00:22:48,133 Is getting an easy win sometimes necessary? 321 00:22:48,135 --> 00:22:51,430 It exhilarate me, telling me to give it a go 322 00:22:51,430 --> 00:23:00,398 I have a dream, so even my complaints is not a joke 323 00:23:00,398 --> 00:23:03,401 I scream in envy so much it hurts 324 00:23:03,401 --> 00:23:05,986 I cry that this is where it ends 325 00:23:05,986 --> 00:23:08,463 It's going to change, I'll change it, 326 00:23:08,465 --> 00:23:10,639 I don't want to think it's impossible anymore 327 00:23:10,641 --> 00:23:13,390 I don't mind breaking if I can move on 328 00:23:13,390 --> 00:23:15,603 I hate giving up even more 329 00:23:15,605 --> 00:23:20,566 I'm going to make it come true, make it a reality, I'm always serious 330 00:23:20,568 --> 00:23:25,297 Make it so I'm only a little away from obtaining it 331 00:23:25,297 --> 00:23:27,990 Let me ace this even if it burns me 332 00:23:39,793 --> 00:23:42,775 SLF Theater! 333 00:23:42,776 --> 00:23:43,619 (#3 Bird Frog Ensemble) 334 00:23:43,621 --> 00:23:44,910 Mini! (#3 Bird Frog Ensemble) 335 00:23:44,912 --> 00:23:46,205 (#3 Bird Frog Ensemble) 336 00:23:55,795 --> 00:23:56,869 Ribbit. 337 00:24:00,179 --> 00:24:00,981 Ribbit. 338 00:24:02,406 --> 00:24:03,233 Ribbit. 339 00:24:04,554 --> 00:24:05,235 Ribbit. 340 00:24:05,746 --> 00:24:06,566 Ribbit. 341 00:24:06,947 --> 00:24:07,816 Ribbit. 342 00:24:08,102 --> 00:24:08,989 Ribbit. 343 00:24:09,535 --> 00:24:10,240 Ribbit. 344 00:24:10,961 --> 00:24:11,615 Ribbit. 345 00:24:11,820 --> 00:24:12,513 Ribbit. 346 00:24:12,904 --> 00:24:13,666 Ribbit. 347 00:24:13,929 --> 00:24:14,613 Ribbit. 348 00:24:14,935 --> 00:24:15,638 Ribbit. 349 00:24:15,931 --> 00:24:16,644 Ribbit. 350 00:24:16,927 --> 00:24:17,611 Ribbit. 351 00:24:18,002 --> 00:24:18,607 Ribbit. 352 00:24:18,890 --> 00:24:19,818 Ribbit. 353 00:24:21,026 --> 00:24:24,071 SLF Theater! 354 00:24:24,072 --> 00:24:24,806 (#4 The Conspicuous Big White Thing) 355 00:24:24,808 --> 00:24:26,316 Mini! (#4 The Conspicuous Big White Thing) 356 00:24:26,318 --> 00:24:27,497 (#4 The Conspicuous Big White Thing) 357 00:24:31,042 --> 00:24:33,298 I'll wait Hizutome-kun here. 358 00:24:36,638 --> 00:24:38,610 Oh, a statue? 359 00:24:40,388 --> 00:24:42,269 Oh, what's that? 360 00:24:49,026 --> 00:24:50,333 Keep you waiting! 361 00:24:50,481 --> 00:24:51,604 Sorry for the wait! 362 00:24:52,629 --> 00:24:54,377 E-Eh? 363 00:24:54,379 --> 00:24:58,029 They're using me as a meeting spot?