1 00:00:20,020 --> 00:00:22,814 I throw away my defense and put on my bird mask headgear 2 00:00:22,814 --> 00:00:26,067 I'm a hustler My point only goes to my luck stats 3 00:00:26,067 --> 00:00:28,903 Parry parry now this is my style 4 00:00:28,903 --> 00:00:31,531 playing broken games all night... who's that knight? 5 00:00:31,531 --> 00:00:32,866 Broken game is sickness 6 00:00:32,866 --> 00:00:34,492 toxic scattered, now I'm a patient 7 00:00:34,492 --> 00:00:35,702 My heart is beating almost twice as fast 8 00:00:35,702 --> 00:00:37,120 The chaos wither get it bite that bug 9 00:00:37,120 --> 00:00:37,996 Terrible gimmick 10 00:00:37,996 --> 00:00:39,497 new game a.k.a suicide?? 11 00:00:39,497 --> 00:00:41,041 I don't give a damn 12 00:00:41,041 --> 00:00:44,085 (Do it, Do it) No, not yet NO it's not enough 13 00:00:44,085 --> 00:00:50,050 (Do it, Do it) NO it's not enough 14 00:00:50,633 --> 00:00:53,053 I still can go 15 00:00:53,053 --> 00:00:59,017 Everyone looks dirty to me 16 00:00:59,017 --> 00:01:04,314 Everything looks broken to me 17 00:01:04,314 --> 00:01:10,487 we can go, we can go 18 00:01:10,487 --> 00:01:14,074 to that mountain top, not afraid to drop 19 00:01:14,074 --> 00:01:20,080 this world is going to be mine... duh 20 00:01:32,008 --> 00:01:35,011 The Black Wolf's Night Attack 21 00:01:52,403 --> 00:01:53,696 So... 22 00:01:54,614 --> 00:01:58,159 You're sure his name was "Sunraku"? 23 00:01:58,701 --> 00:02:00,203 Y-Yes! 24 00:02:00,203 --> 00:02:03,039 I'm pretty sure his player name was Sunraku... 25 00:02:05,917 --> 00:02:06,876 Mia! 26 00:02:06,876 --> 00:02:10,130 Don't do it! They're a player, not a monster! 27 00:02:10,130 --> 00:02:11,840 Huh? Really? 28 00:02:11,840 --> 00:02:14,217 But they look so scary. 29 00:02:15,385 --> 00:02:17,720 They might be scary, but they're still a player! 30 00:02:19,139 --> 00:02:24,978 So, where did that Sunraku player have gone... I mean, went to? 31 00:02:24,978 --> 00:02:26,855 Oh, yes. Um... 32 00:02:26,855 --> 00:02:30,316 He was hit by the python's poison, so he dash to Secondale. 33 00:02:31,109 --> 00:02:34,320 And he was wearing a bird mask and half-naked? 34 00:02:34,445 --> 00:02:37,532 I think he has changed equipment by now, though. 35 00:02:37,532 --> 00:02:40,618 That mask had really scary eyes. 36 00:02:40,618 --> 00:02:42,495 I thought he was a monster. 37 00:02:42,996 --> 00:02:45,290 I had my suspicion, 38 00:02:45,290 --> 00:02:47,584 but I didn't expect he really did defeat 39 00:02:47,584 --> 00:02:49,919 the Ravenous Python without going to the first town. 40 00:02:50,378 --> 00:02:52,046 Thank you for the information. 41 00:02:52,046 --> 00:02:54,382 This might not be much... 42 00:02:56,342 --> 00:02:56,885 But take this. 43 00:02:56,893 --> 00:02:57,769 (Gift, Coordinate Teleporter) But take this. 44 00:03:00,555 --> 00:03:02,765 Th-Thank you. 45 00:03:02,765 --> 00:03:04,142 Well then... 46 00:03:04,642 --> 00:03:06,102 I'm in a hurry. 47 00:03:14,402 --> 00:03:17,530 So fast. What was that? 48 00:03:17,530 --> 00:03:19,157 I'm not really sure... 49 00:03:19,157 --> 00:03:21,534 But that emblem on their cape... 50 00:03:21,534 --> 00:03:23,620 I think it's one used by the clan that chase after 51 00:03:23,620 --> 00:03:25,330 the Unique Monster, Lycagon the Nightslayer. 52 00:03:25,580 --> 00:03:27,540 Unique Monster? 53 00:03:27,582 --> 00:03:28,958 Lycagon? 54 00:03:29,209 --> 00:03:35,006 Unique Monster is a category of special monsters that has nickname and individual name. 55 00:03:35,131 --> 00:03:36,174 Hm? 56 00:03:36,174 --> 00:03:39,761 Usually, when you defeat or capture a monster, 57 00:03:39,761 --> 00:03:42,972 another monster of its kind will appear after some time. 58 00:03:43,431 --> 00:03:47,977 But there's only one Unique Monster of each in this world. 59 00:03:49,354 --> 00:03:51,541 (Seven Colossi) The rumor says that there are 60 00:03:51,541 --> 00:03:53,817 (Seven Colossi) seven Unique Monsters in SLF. 61 00:03:53,817 --> 00:03:55,068 (Seven Colossi) But for most of them, 62 00:03:55,068 --> 00:03:57,696 (Seven Colossi) nobody knows how to make them show up. 63 00:03:57,696 --> 00:04:00,949 And a lot of top players have formed clans 64 00:04:00,949 --> 00:04:06,079 to defeat those so called colossus monsters. 65 00:04:08,081 --> 00:04:11,918 Oh, so it's kind of a very rare monster? 66 00:04:11,918 --> 00:04:14,295 Well, to put it simply, yes. 67 00:04:14,462 --> 00:04:18,007 But the problem is, they're unbelievably strong. 68 00:04:18,466 --> 00:04:21,511 After all, this game has been out for a year 69 00:04:21,511 --> 00:04:24,555 and has over thirty million players, 70 00:04:24,555 --> 00:04:28,685 but not a single one of them has ever defeated a Unique Monster. 71 00:04:36,568 --> 00:04:38,069 (Unique Monster, Lycagon the Nightslayer, Encountered)Encountered Unique Monster, 72 00:04:38,069 --> 00:04:40,514 (Unique Monster, Lycagon the Nightslayer, Encountered)Lycagon the Nightslayer. 73 00:04:41,531 --> 00:04:44,867 Unique... Monster? 74 00:05:00,049 --> 00:05:03,052 Those annoying Redcap Goblins... 75 00:05:04,762 --> 00:05:06,764 ...were blown away in an instant. 76 00:05:07,682 --> 00:05:10,310 If this thing hit me, I'd die instantly. 77 00:05:32,123 --> 00:05:33,583 Damn you! 78 00:05:53,478 --> 00:05:56,856 Unique Monster's not a big deal! 79 00:05:57,106 --> 00:05:59,984 Th-That was close! 80 00:06:01,986 --> 00:06:05,698 Good thing I spent the entire night grinding! 81 00:06:06,240 --> 00:06:08,076 (Perfect Parry)If I hadn't learned Perfect Parry, 82 00:06:08,076 --> 00:06:09,686 (Fully parries an enemy's physical attack by parrying at the right timing)I'd be dead already! 83 00:06:12,705 --> 00:06:14,332 Oh crap! 84 00:06:14,332 --> 00:06:16,918 If I let my guard down, it'd take me down in an instant! 85 00:06:18,127 --> 00:06:19,462 I'll go all out! 86 00:06:34,644 --> 00:06:36,312 Yeah! How was that?! 87 00:07:16,769 --> 00:07:18,104 It disappeared again! 88 00:07:19,605 --> 00:07:21,232 Where will it appear? 89 00:07:44,922 --> 00:07:46,257 It teleported?! 90 00:08:20,416 --> 00:08:21,334 Ribbit. 91 00:08:27,548 --> 00:08:31,677 Dammit! This guy's fur is way tougher than the serpent's scales! 92 00:08:32,345 --> 00:08:35,932 I've landed attacks on it for over five minutes without taking any damage! 93 00:08:35,932 --> 00:08:37,266 Yet... 94 00:08:37,308 --> 00:08:40,394 This guy's so tough I didn't feel like I've dealt any damage at all! 95 00:08:40,394 --> 00:08:44,273 I'm sure I've landed like a hundred, no, two hundreds critical hits, too! 96 00:08:45,024 --> 00:08:48,444 My Vorpal Choppers that had near full durability is already about to break! 97 00:08:49,278 --> 00:08:52,031 I need to target the softer part of his body, 98 00:08:52,031 --> 00:08:54,450 or else my weapon will be down before I do! 99 00:08:54,450 --> 00:08:56,202 Or more like... 100 00:08:56,202 --> 00:08:57,453 Although it's not impossible, 101 00:08:57,495 --> 00:09:00,039 it's clearly not an enemy I'm not ready to be fighting right now! 102 00:09:01,082 --> 00:09:02,917 But this is good! 103 00:09:03,459 --> 00:09:04,794 This is good! 104 00:09:05,044 --> 00:09:08,631 This is god-tier game... Shangri-La Frontier! 105 00:09:08,631 --> 00:09:12,301 This stinging feeling of intimidation that burns through my skin! 106 00:09:14,845 --> 00:09:18,474 I'm enjoying this game to the fullest right now! 107 00:09:18,474 --> 00:09:21,727 No bugs, horrible balancing, or unfair enemy encounters! 108 00:09:21,727 --> 00:09:25,481 I'm a gamer who has overcome the worst gaming industry has to offer! 109 00:09:28,276 --> 00:09:31,404 Against an opponent who has proper hit boxes... 110 00:09:31,404 --> 00:09:35,324 there's no way I'd just go "Okay, I surrender" that easily! 111 00:09:42,039 --> 00:09:44,667 It shouldn't be able to attack me at this distance! 112 00:09:52,758 --> 00:09:54,218 A howl?! 113 00:09:54,427 --> 00:09:56,095 I can't move my body! 114 00:10:11,944 --> 00:10:14,071 What did it just do? 115 00:10:14,905 --> 00:10:16,699 What did it hit me with? 116 00:10:22,997 --> 00:10:25,541 Reality is not that easy... 117 00:10:26,167 --> 00:10:29,378 There's no sudden awakening and unleashing some powerful attack, 118 00:10:29,378 --> 00:10:33,257 or having a power-house player swoop in to help... 119 00:10:33,257 --> 00:10:37,178 Such dramatic things just don't happen all that often. 120 00:10:37,720 --> 00:10:40,389 No, one thing did happen. 121 00:10:40,806 --> 00:10:44,060 After taking an attack like that, somehow I still have HP left. 122 00:10:44,602 --> 00:10:46,270 This is a miracle. 123 00:10:51,108 --> 00:10:54,445 You're absurdly strong. 124 00:10:55,029 --> 00:10:59,784 But that absurdity is exactly how you're programmed to be. 125 00:10:59,784 --> 00:11:03,245 The level of strength expected by the people who made you. 126 00:11:03,454 --> 00:11:05,122 To put it in another words... 127 00:11:06,082 --> 00:11:08,042 It's "absurdity you can defeat." 128 00:11:11,962 --> 00:11:13,464 I've decided. 129 00:11:13,464 --> 00:11:16,300 I don't care about the final boss or the story anymore. 130 00:11:16,717 --> 00:11:19,470 Even if I can't do it now... 131 00:11:19,470 --> 00:11:21,847 ...I will defeat you, no matter what it takes. 132 00:11:23,641 --> 00:11:26,727 You better not get defeated by anyone else before then! 133 00:11:26,977 --> 00:11:28,646 Lycagon... 134 00:11:29,188 --> 00:11:30,731 ...the Nightslayer! 135 00:11:55,421 --> 00:11:58,376 (Lycagon's Mark, have been applied) 136 00:12:05,516 --> 00:12:06,684 What? 137 00:12:12,565 --> 00:12:13,941 Mark? 138 00:12:16,200 --> 00:12:16,312 (Lycagon's Mark The parts applied with Lycagon's Mark cannot equip an equipment The character with Lycagon's Mark will have lower-level monster flee from them) 139 00:12:16,313 --> 00:12:16,496 (The character with Lycagon's Mark gain bonus to conversations with NPC The character with Lycagon's Mark gain strong magic resistance in parts the mark is applied to) 140 00:12:16,496 --> 00:12:18,821 Lycagon's Mark... A curse... 141 00:12:18,821 --> 00:12:19,567 (The curse may be removed by a Saint's prayer or by beating the one that applied it) 142 00:12:19,572 --> 00:12:24,493 "The parts applied with Lycagon's Mark cannot equip an equipment"? 143 00:12:35,880 --> 00:12:36,964 Huh? 144 00:12:38,132 --> 00:12:40,968 Am I... screwed? 145 00:12:44,805 --> 00:12:47,183 Lycagon's Mark?! 146 00:12:47,183 --> 00:12:49,685 The heck is this Mark thing?! 147 00:12:49,685 --> 00:12:52,772 Now I can't put on anything on my torso and legs! 148 00:12:52,772 --> 00:12:54,899 That darn wolf! 149 00:12:54,899 --> 00:12:58,402 It came out of nowhere, eat me, and put on marks... a curse on me?! 150 00:12:58,617 --> 00:12:58,903 (Staring Bird Mask Lycagon's Mark Splitblade Belt Lycagon's Mark None 151 00:12:58,903 --> 00:13:01,890 Also, don't just destroy the equipment I had on, man! 152 00:13:02,364 --> 00:13:06,202 "The parts applied with Lycagon's Mark cannot equip an equipment." 153 00:13:06,202 --> 00:13:10,289 "The character with Lycagon's Mark will have lower-level monster flee from them." 154 00:13:10,289 --> 00:13:12,541 "Gain bonus to conversations with NPC." 155 00:13:12,541 --> 00:13:15,961 "Gain strong magic resistance in parts the mark is applied to." 156 00:13:15,961 --> 00:13:18,172 "The curse may be removed by a Saint's prayer 157 00:13:18,172 --> 00:13:23,093 or by beating the one that applied it." 158 00:13:27,723 --> 00:13:32,061 So it's a type of curse that can only be removed by defeating the source... 159 00:13:37,817 --> 00:13:39,777 What a nice weather. 160 00:13:41,362 --> 00:13:44,156 This... This is such... 161 00:13:49,912 --> 00:13:53,123 This is such a trash game! 162 00:13:53,123 --> 00:13:54,917 Why is he half-naked? 163 00:13:54,917 --> 00:13:56,627 - So lame! - I don't wanna be like him. 164 00:13:56,669 --> 00:13:57,795 That dude's scary! 165 00:13:57,795 --> 00:13:59,213 Is it some kind of joke? 166 00:14:00,589 --> 00:14:02,341 No, calm down, Sunraku. 167 00:14:02,341 --> 00:14:05,052 Remember the three things that got me through countless trash games! 168 00:14:06,512 --> 00:14:08,264 A broad heart... 169 00:14:09,265 --> 00:14:11,100 An indomitable spirit... 170 00:14:12,268 --> 00:14:15,437 And cold decision-making skills. 171 00:14:17,898 --> 00:14:23,445 Looks like simply fighting a Unique Monster gives you quite a lot of EXP. 172 00:14:23,988 --> 00:14:26,574 Thanks to that, my level's up, my skills improved, 173 00:14:26,574 --> 00:14:28,993 I got a lot of stat points to toss around. 174 00:14:29,243 --> 00:14:32,872 Now's a good time to work on my stats build. 175 00:14:33,122 --> 00:14:36,876 I've gotta be careful applying these fifty points... 176 00:14:40,754 --> 00:14:42,882 Vitality... 6. 177 00:14:43,132 --> 00:14:46,677 In the end, I'm still a glass-cannon that can die anytime! 178 00:14:46,677 --> 00:14:50,431 What am I even supposed to do?! Two of my four armor slots are blocked! 179 00:14:50,431 --> 00:14:53,267 So boosting my vitality is just a drop in the bucket! 180 00:14:53,267 --> 00:14:54,476 Same with HP! 181 00:14:54,476 --> 00:14:57,438 So I'll have to cover it with my agility and stamina! 182 00:14:57,438 --> 00:15:00,691 And my highest stat is my Luck at 65. 183 00:15:01,942 --> 00:15:04,403 The reason I was left with 1 HP left back there... 184 00:15:04,820 --> 00:15:08,616 ...was probably because of my luck... right? 185 00:15:10,117 --> 00:15:12,077 It should have an effect. 186 00:15:12,077 --> 00:15:14,288 I mean, like... 187 00:15:14,288 --> 00:15:16,665 I've been through a lot of crap, haven't I? 188 00:15:16,665 --> 00:15:21,086 I can at least hope for some good luck, can't I?! 189 00:15:25,257 --> 00:15:26,717 What is it now?! 190 00:15:27,718 --> 00:15:29,720 Huh? Why there's a rabbit? 191 00:15:29,887 --> 00:15:31,430 Wait, isn't that... 192 00:15:31,472 --> 00:15:31,763 (Vorpal Bunny) 193 00:15:31,764 --> 00:15:33,265 (Vorpal Bunny) Vorpal Bunny? 194 00:15:34,099 --> 00:15:37,019 It is, right? It looks a bit different, though. 195 00:15:37,478 --> 00:15:40,856 Hey, hey. Do monster also appear in towns, in this game? 196 00:15:44,652 --> 00:15:46,362 Wait, hold up! 197 00:15:52,034 --> 00:15:56,121 No, judging from its outfit, it's no regular Vorpal Bunny. 198 00:15:59,041 --> 00:16:04,338 This must be a kind of event where you get a rare item if you catch it! 199 00:16:09,385 --> 00:16:11,804 All right! I got you! 200 00:16:15,474 --> 00:16:16,684 A door?! 201 00:16:27,069 --> 00:16:29,989 (Unique Scenario) (Invitation from Rabituza) 202 00:16:29,989 --> 00:16:31,073 What's this? 203 00:16:31,657 --> 00:16:34,660 Unique Scenario, Invitation from Rabituza? 204 00:16:34,827 --> 00:16:36,286 I see! 205 00:16:36,286 --> 00:16:37,955 I've heard of these in game guide site. 206 00:16:37,955 --> 00:16:38,580 I believe... 207 00:16:39,248 --> 00:16:43,919 "Adventurers of the World" is the big main story in SLF, 208 00:16:43,919 --> 00:16:47,548 but there's also countless number of side quests. 209 00:16:47,715 --> 00:16:50,592 Among them, the quests called "Unique Scenarios" 210 00:16:50,592 --> 00:16:53,929 are total mysteries that the game does not make clear 211 00:16:53,929 --> 00:16:58,308 on when, where, and how you trigger them. 212 00:16:58,809 --> 00:17:01,729 That's why the equipment, skill, 213 00:17:01,729 --> 00:17:03,736 - What's going on here? - and magic offered in these... 214 00:17:03,772 --> 00:17:07,192 ...are said to be first-class stuff. 215 00:17:07,693 --> 00:17:14,742 As such, it's not rare for clans to obsessively search of these quests. 216 00:17:16,452 --> 00:17:19,663 And I ran into one this early on... 217 00:17:19,663 --> 00:17:22,833 Looks like boosting my luck stat's finally paid off! 218 00:17:22,833 --> 00:17:24,752 I can't miss this opportunity! 219 00:17:26,796 --> 00:17:30,132 (Unique Scenario, Invitation from Rabituza) 220 00:17:30,133 --> 00:17:32,260 (Unique Scenario, Invitation from Rabituza Recommended Level: 80) 221 00:17:32,261 --> 00:17:34,804 (Recommended Level: 80) 222 00:17:34,944 --> 00:17:40,309 (Sunraku) 223 00:17:40,810 --> 00:17:44,313 (Rabituza) 224 00:17:50,611 --> 00:17:55,699 Wh-What's this place?! 225 00:18:02,623 --> 00:18:04,416 Everywhere I look... 226 00:18:05,000 --> 00:18:07,044 It's Vorpal Bunnies all over the place! 227 00:18:08,045 --> 00:18:10,714 Did I arrive at some kinda monster den? 228 00:18:11,423 --> 00:18:14,134 Welcome, Sunraku-san! 229 00:18:14,134 --> 00:18:16,345 I've been hoping to meet you! 230 00:18:18,764 --> 00:18:20,933 Y-Yes? Hello? 231 00:18:20,933 --> 00:18:25,187 Let me tell you, the whole Rabituza been carrying on all about you! 232 00:18:25,187 --> 00:18:29,900 Although weak, you have the courage to take on that Nightslayer alone! 233 00:18:29,900 --> 00:18:35,322 And the skill you have to continue landing the ideal killing blow without being hit! 234 00:18:35,322 --> 00:18:38,992 It was precisely the embodiment of the Vorpal Soul! 235 00:18:39,451 --> 00:18:40,828 Vorpal Soul? 236 00:18:40,828 --> 00:18:43,288 I really look up to you! 237 00:18:43,288 --> 00:18:46,083 But I didn't stand a chance against it, though. 238 00:18:46,083 --> 00:18:48,627 That's because you messed with a bad opponent! 239 00:18:48,627 --> 00:18:53,132 The Emperor of the Night is a colossus that eats wyvern for a snack! 240 00:18:53,173 --> 00:18:56,093 If you weren't an adventurer with the blessing of divinity, 241 00:18:56,093 --> 00:18:57,845 you wouldn't even be able to talk to me here. 242 00:18:57,845 --> 00:18:59,597 - This rabbit sure talks a lot. you wouldn't even be able to talk to me here. 243 00:18:59,597 --> 00:19:02,057 And that mark placed upon your body 244 00:19:02,057 --> 00:19:07,396 is proof that the Emperor of the Night has recognized you as an individual, not as prey! 245 00:19:07,396 --> 00:19:09,148 Wow! 246 00:19:09,148 --> 00:19:12,025 This is not the first game where monsters talk, 247 00:19:12,025 --> 00:19:14,153 but is this thing really an NPC? 248 00:19:14,153 --> 00:19:16,572 It sure talk about Lycagon a lot. 249 00:19:16,905 --> 00:19:19,283 Come to think of it, on the description it says... 250 00:19:19,533 --> 00:19:22,161 (The character with Lycagon's Mark gain bonus to conversations with NPC) 251 00:19:22,661 --> 00:19:25,038 Is this what the "bonus" referring to? 252 00:19:25,080 --> 00:19:27,708 That's why my Dad... Ahem! 253 00:19:27,708 --> 00:19:32,546 Our boss really wants to meet you, so he sent me to take you here! 254 00:19:32,838 --> 00:19:34,882 Hm? He wants to meet me? 255 00:19:34,882 --> 00:19:38,218 This isn't a revenge for all the Vorpal Bunnies I killed, right? 256 00:19:38,385 --> 00:19:39,720 Um... 257 00:19:39,720 --> 00:19:40,929 Oh! 258 00:19:40,929 --> 00:19:43,432 My name is Emul. 259 00:19:48,437 --> 00:19:50,647 Is it really an AI? 260 00:19:50,647 --> 00:19:52,774 It can even guess what I'm thinking? 261 00:19:52,941 --> 00:19:55,027 Please rest assured. 262 00:19:55,027 --> 00:19:58,197 Our boss isn't all persistent about stuff like revenge. 263 00:20:04,495 --> 00:20:07,498 (Palace of Rabituza) 264 00:20:14,337 --> 00:20:16,297 It's really well-made. 265 00:20:16,298 --> 00:20:19,760 A fair number of humans has visited Rabituza, 266 00:20:19,760 --> 00:20:24,014 but you're the first one to visit the Palace of Rabituza! 267 00:20:24,014 --> 00:20:25,474 The first?! 268 00:20:25,766 --> 00:20:27,851 That means... 269 00:20:27,851 --> 00:20:31,230 ...nobody knows about this Unique Scenario besides me?! 270 00:20:31,772 --> 00:20:35,859 I was kinda worried when that goddamn dog cursed me... 271 00:20:36,360 --> 00:20:39,321 But luck's finally turning my way! 272 00:20:39,321 --> 00:20:41,907 Now then, right this way! 273 00:20:46,411 --> 00:20:49,248 Dad... Uh, I mean, Boss! 274 00:20:49,248 --> 00:20:53,252 I brought in the "Man with the Vorpal Soul" for you! 275 00:20:53,877 --> 00:20:55,879 What kind of reward awaits... 276 00:21:11,353 --> 00:21:13,313 There you are. 277 00:21:13,313 --> 00:21:15,440 I been waitin' for ya. 278 00:21:16,024 --> 00:21:21,405 So yer the guy that puppy peed on? 279 00:21:21,655 --> 00:21:23,073 Y-Yes... 280 00:21:23,073 --> 00:21:24,157 Come on in. 281 00:21:24,157 --> 00:21:28,036 Ya'll lose your "Vorpal Souls" so fast, ya know? 282 00:21:28,036 --> 00:21:32,124 I wasn't sure what I gonna do with ya folks. 283 00:21:32,124 --> 00:21:34,918 But I guess some of you got potential, huh? 284 00:21:41,591 --> 00:21:43,218 So whaddya think? 285 00:21:43,218 --> 00:21:47,055 Would you mind lending me your time? 286 00:21:54,437 --> 00:21:57,815 I'm the boss of Rabituza. 287 00:21:57,816 --> 00:22:00,110 Vysache. 288 00:22:00,111 --> 00:22:04,990 (The Boss of Rabituza, Vysache) 289 00:22:12,706 --> 00:22:15,709 I scream in envy so much it hurts 290 00:22:15,709 --> 00:22:18,253 I cry that this is where it ends 291 00:22:18,253 --> 00:22:20,797 It's going to change, I'll change it 292 00:22:20,797 --> 00:22:23,633 I don't want to think it's impossible anymore 293 00:22:34,478 --> 00:22:38,815 The goal I set up is now the starting line for me to run again 294 00:22:38,815 --> 00:22:41,234 Hit me with that despiar, it excites me 295 00:22:41,234 --> 00:22:44,404 Telling me give it a go 296 00:22:44,404 --> 00:22:48,742 I should be able to go as far as I want, yet I mistake this to be my limit 297 00:22:48,742 --> 00:22:51,203 Is getting an easy win sometimes necessary? 298 00:22:51,203 --> 00:22:54,498 It exhilarate me, telling me to give it a go 299 00:22:54,498 --> 00:23:03,465 I have a dream, so even my complaints is not a joke 300 00:23:03,465 --> 00:23:06,468 I scream in envy so much it hurts 301 00:23:06,468 --> 00:23:09,054 I cry that this is where it ends 302 00:23:09,054 --> 00:23:11,515 It's going to change, I'll change it, 303 00:23:11,515 --> 00:23:13,809 I don't want to think it's impossible anymore 304 00:23:13,809 --> 00:23:16,436 I don't mind breaking if I can move on 305 00:23:16,436 --> 00:23:18,980 I hate giving up even more 306 00:23:18,980 --> 00:23:23,819 I'm going to make it come true, make it a reality, I'm always serious 307 00:23:23,819 --> 00:23:28,365 Make it so I'm only a little away from obtaining it 308 00:23:28,365 --> 00:23:31,159 Let me ace this even if it burns me 309 00:23:42,838 --> 00:23:45,841 SLF Theater! 310 00:23:45,841 --> 00:23:49,261 Mini! (#5 Psyger: Episode-0) 311 00:23:51,721 --> 00:23:55,517 This game is too difficult for me. 312 00:23:55,517 --> 00:23:58,270 But unless I beat it... 313 00:23:58,478 --> 00:24:05,068 I-I won't be able to go adventuring with Hizutome-kun, right? 314 00:24:05,277 --> 00:24:09,823 Say, I think you're really good at adapting to playing games, 315 00:24:09,823 --> 00:24:12,784 but I'm sure it's better for you to first get used with the orthodox 316 00:24:12,784 --> 00:24:14,911 rather than with the unconventional kinds. 317 00:24:14,911 --> 00:24:16,997 Huh? But... 318 00:24:16,997 --> 00:24:20,959 It was only after Hizutome-kun reached certain level of skill that he becomes a fre... 319 00:24:20,959 --> 00:24:23,795 Ahem, I mean, got his eccentric taste. 320 00:24:23,795 --> 00:24:26,882 I get that you don't want to hold him back, 321 00:24:26,882 --> 00:24:29,759 but it's always better to start by solidifying your basics. 322 00:24:29,968 --> 00:24:32,012 Basics? 323 00:24:32,012 --> 00:24:37,267 There is actually a game even that eccentric boy will highly likely play. 324 00:24:37,267 --> 00:24:38,143 What's that?! 325 00:24:38,852 --> 00:24:41,813 The complete opposite of trash game, a god-tier game! 326 00:24:41,813 --> 00:24:45,066 A game with outstanding thirty million players count! 327 00:24:45,066 --> 00:24:46,985 Shangri-La Frontier! 328 00:24:47,360 --> 00:24:49,488 SLF in short... 329 00:24:49,696 --> 00:24:52,574 I've heard of it. My sister is obsessed over it. 330 00:24:53,700 --> 00:24:56,077 How about you ask your sister to teach you stuff 331 00:24:56,077 --> 00:24:59,956 and become strong enough there that you can give him guidance? 332 00:25:00,123 --> 00:25:01,875 Guidance... 333 00:25:02,167 --> 00:25:04,419 Y-You're right! 334 00:25:04,628 --> 00:25:06,254 Thank you for your purchase! 335 00:25:10,050 --> 00:25:14,971 I'll become strong enough so I can teach Hizutome-kun lots of stuff! 336 00:25:15,347 --> 00:25:16,932 Mana has yet to know. 337 00:25:17,057 --> 00:25:21,603 That her good-willed advice would lead to the creation 338 00:25:21,603 --> 00:25:25,007 of one addict in the world of SLF.