1 00:00:01,168 --> 00:00:18,393 {\an1}♪ ♪ 2 00:00:18,393 --> 00:00:20,354 {\an1}[Newsreader] A web of evidence appears to be closing in 3 00:00:20,354 --> 00:00:23,065 {\an1}on Lee Harvey Oswald. 4 00:00:23,065 --> 00:00:29,780 {\an1}♪ ♪ 5 00:00:35,869 --> 00:00:50,467 {\an1}♪ ♪ 6 00:00:50,467 --> 00:00:54,554 {\an1}[Witness] Thinking back, how different this could have been, 7 00:00:54,554 --> 00:00:58,392 {\an1}were it not for a guy like Lee Harvey Oswald. 8 00:00:58,392 --> 00:01:01,311 {\an1}I'll never forget those sounds. 9 00:01:01,311 --> 00:01:04,897 {\an1}It's having heard, pow, pow, pow! 10 00:01:04,897 --> 00:01:06,942 {\an1}Methodically this guy's pulling this trigger, 11 00:01:06,942 --> 00:01:09,903 {\an1}and he knows he's killing the president of the United States. 12 00:01:09,903 --> 00:02:06,335 {\an1}♪ ♪ 13 00:02:21,642 --> 00:02:23,018 {\an1}[Newsreader] Air Force One, the big jet 14 00:02:23,018 --> 00:02:25,437 {\an1}on which President Kennedy made so many of his trips, 15 00:02:25,437 --> 00:02:28,940 {\an1}will be bringing him back to Washington the last time. 16 00:02:28,940 --> 00:02:30,734 {\an1}The plane, which is carrying the president's body 17 00:02:30,734 --> 00:02:34,780 {\an1}in a bronze casket, also has now-president Lyndon Johnson, 18 00:02:34,780 --> 00:02:37,240 {\an1}as well as Mrs. Kennedy. 19 00:02:37,240 --> 00:02:47,751 {\an1}♪ ♪ 20 00:02:47,751 --> 00:02:52,297 {\an1}[Clint Hill] On that flight between Dallas and DC, 21 00:02:52,297 --> 00:02:55,425 {\an1}there was no time for grief or anything, 22 00:02:55,425 --> 00:02:59,513 {\an1}except continue to do the best job you could, 23 00:02:59,513 --> 00:03:02,057 {\an1}and that's what I tried to do. 24 00:03:02,057 --> 00:03:06,228 {\an1}♪ ♪ 25 00:03:06,228 --> 00:03:08,939 {\an1}Mrs. Kennedy was in shock. 26 00:03:08,939 --> 00:03:12,692 {\an1}She cried terribly. 27 00:03:14,236 --> 00:03:16,530 {\an1}Here she was, a brand new widow, 28 00:03:16,530 --> 00:03:21,493 {\an1}I mean, she-- alright, with two children. 29 00:03:21,493 --> 00:03:24,204 {\an1}And now that's all that was left of that family. 30 00:03:24,204 --> 00:03:28,250 {\an1}♪ ♪ 31 00:03:28,250 --> 00:03:31,503 {\an1}Bobby Kennedy came running up the front steps of the aircraft, 32 00:03:31,503 --> 00:03:34,005 {\an1}ran all the way through the aircraft 33 00:03:34,005 --> 00:03:40,137 {\an1}to where Mrs. Kennedy and the casket was situated in the back. 34 00:03:40,137 --> 00:03:43,055 {\an1}And he was tearful. 35 00:03:45,934 --> 00:03:49,187 {\an1}It was shocking, it was emotional. 36 00:03:51,106 --> 00:03:53,650 {\an1}I couldn't break down. 37 00:03:53,650 --> 00:03:56,486 {\an1}♪ ♪ 38 00:03:56,486 --> 00:04:02,409 {\an1}[Paul Landis] I just cried, I think, all the way home. 39 00:04:02,409 --> 00:04:08,915 {\an1}♪ ♪ 40 00:04:08,915 --> 00:04:13,336 {\an1}I helped to unload the casket. 41 00:04:14,796 --> 00:04:18,800 {\an1}We were tired, we put in a long day. 42 00:04:18,800 --> 00:04:24,806 {\an1}A lot had gone on, and I hadn't handled a lot of it very well. 43 00:04:27,684 --> 00:04:30,228 {\an1}I know now I was in shock. 44 00:04:30,228 --> 00:04:34,441 {\an1}♪ ♪ 45 00:04:34,441 --> 00:04:36,860 {\an1}[Newsreader] The First Lady was still wearing the pink wool suit 46 00:04:36,860 --> 00:04:39,738 {\an1}that she had when she rode beside Mr. Kennedy 47 00:04:39,738 --> 00:04:41,823 {\an1}in the parade. 48 00:04:41,823 --> 00:05:00,800 {\an1}♪ ♪ 49 00:05:00,800 --> 00:05:03,637 {\an1}[Reporter] We have not yet seen President Johnson. 50 00:05:03,637 --> 00:05:07,182 {\an1}It's expected that he will make a public appearance 51 00:05:07,182 --> 00:05:09,100 {\an1}and a statement. 52 00:05:09,100 --> 00:05:15,816 {\an1}♪ ♪ 53 00:05:15,816 --> 00:05:19,236 {\an1}[Newsreader] The president walked haggard and alone. 54 00:05:19,236 --> 00:05:33,124 {\an1}♪ ♪ 55 00:05:33,124 --> 00:05:38,171 {\an1}[Lyndon Johnson] This is a sad time for all people. 56 00:05:38,171 --> 00:05:42,342 {\an1}I know that the world shares the sorrow 57 00:05:42,342 --> 00:05:47,681 {\an1}that Mrs. Kennedy and her family bear. 58 00:05:47,681 --> 00:05:50,976 {\an1}I will do my best. 59 00:05:50,976 --> 00:05:55,188 {\an1}That is all I can do. 60 00:05:55,188 --> 00:06:01,236 {\an1}I ask for your help and God's. 61 00:06:01,236 --> 00:06:08,410 {\an1}♪ ♪ 62 00:06:08,410 --> 00:06:11,121 {\an1}[Newsreader] The helicopter which will take him 63 00:06:11,121 --> 00:06:13,540 {\an1}to the Rose Garden of the White House 64 00:06:13,540 --> 00:06:18,712 {\an1}is in the picture now, as he embarks 65 00:06:18,712 --> 00:06:20,505 {\an1}on the last leg of the journey, 66 00:06:20,505 --> 00:06:24,217 {\an1}which will put him literally in the White House. 67 00:06:24,217 --> 00:06:28,597 {\an1}♪ ♪ 68 00:06:28,597 --> 00:06:32,267 {\an1}[Hill] I called to find out where the children were. 69 00:06:32,267 --> 00:06:34,269 {\an1}They were at the White House. 70 00:06:37,314 --> 00:06:43,028 {\an1}If John or Caroline were to see or hear that helicopter coming, 71 00:06:43,028 --> 00:06:46,072 {\an1}they would assume it was their mother and father. 72 00:06:46,072 --> 00:06:50,409 {\an1}♪ ♪ 73 00:06:50,409 --> 00:06:54,205 {\an1}They had not, at this point, been told 74 00:06:54,205 --> 00:06:56,666 {\an1}of what had happened in Dallas. 75 00:06:56,666 --> 00:07:11,181 {\an1}♪ ♪ 76 00:07:11,181 --> 00:07:13,808 {\an1}[Sid Davis] I went back to Washington, 77 00:07:13,808 --> 00:07:16,394 {\an1}got back around midnight, 78 00:07:16,394 --> 00:07:20,690 {\an1}and went to the White House. 79 00:07:20,690 --> 00:07:24,694 {\an1}I was broadcasting on the arrival of the casket. 80 00:07:26,988 --> 00:07:31,451 {\an1}This is a earth-shattering type of experience. 81 00:07:31,451 --> 00:07:33,662 {\an1}Something that many people believe could not happen 82 00:07:33,662 --> 00:07:35,872 {\an1}in the 20th century. 83 00:07:39,376 --> 00:07:43,171 {\an1}This was the president of the United States. 84 00:07:43,171 --> 00:07:46,925 {\an1}In prime of life, youngest guy elected. 85 00:07:48,927 --> 00:07:50,970 {\an1}All of us were in a state of shock, 86 00:07:50,970 --> 00:07:56,058 {\an1}but the point is, I couldn't stop to think. 87 00:07:56,058 --> 00:08:01,106 {\an1}If I stopped to think of how bad this really was at the moment, 88 00:08:01,106 --> 00:08:03,942 {\an1}I wouldn't have gotten through my broadcast. 89 00:08:05,694 --> 00:08:11,449 {\an1}Mrs. Kennedy riding as close as she can with the president. 90 00:08:11,449 --> 00:08:15,620 {\an1}♪ ♪ 91 00:08:15,620 --> 00:08:18,540 {\an1}I started wrapping up the broadcast, 92 00:08:18,540 --> 00:08:20,166 {\an1}and I did the closing and everything. 93 00:08:20,166 --> 00:08:23,044 {\an1}And I said he enjoyed Robert Frost, 94 00:08:23,044 --> 00:08:25,880 {\an1}and he used to close his campaign speeches, 95 00:08:25,880 --> 00:08:29,426 {\an1}at every stop he'd quote from Robert Frost. 96 00:08:29,426 --> 00:08:33,346 {\an1}And I had this Robert Frost poem in my pocket, 97 00:08:33,346 --> 00:08:35,390 {\an1}and I went and did it. 98 00:08:35,390 --> 00:08:37,933 {\an1}"The woods are lovely, dark and deep. 99 00:08:37,933 --> 00:08:40,395 {\an1}But I have promises to keep, 100 00:08:40,395 --> 00:08:44,774 {\an1}and miles to go before I sleep, before I sleep." 101 00:08:46,109 --> 00:08:47,902 {\an1}"I have promises to keep 102 00:08:47,902 --> 00:08:52,198 {\an1}and many miles to go before I sleep." 103 00:08:52,198 --> 00:08:54,492 {\an1}And with that, this is Sid Davis, 104 00:08:54,492 --> 00:08:56,911 {\an1}[voice breaking] reporting from the White House. 105 00:08:56,911 --> 00:09:03,460 {\an1}♪ ♪ 106 00:09:09,966 --> 00:09:12,010 {\an1}[Police Chief] We want to say this, that this investigation 107 00:09:12,010 --> 00:09:15,388 {\an1}has been carried on jointly by the FBI, 108 00:09:15,388 --> 00:09:17,515 {\an1}the Secret Service, the Rangers, 109 00:09:17,515 --> 00:09:19,100 {\an1}and the Dallas Police Department. 110 00:09:21,311 --> 00:09:22,312 {\an1}[Jesse Curry] He has not confessed, 111 00:09:22,312 --> 00:09:23,688 {\an1}he has made no statement. 112 00:09:23,688 --> 00:09:26,441 {\an1}Charges of murder have been accepted against him. 113 00:09:34,115 --> 00:09:35,533 {\an1}[Curry] We'll go get in a larger room here, 114 00:09:35,533 --> 00:09:37,994 {\an1}that's what we're talking about here. 115 00:09:37,994 --> 00:09:39,662 {\an1}[Reporter] What about the assembly room right around there? 116 00:09:39,662 --> 00:09:42,749 {\an1}[Bill Mercer] That night, I was broadcasting when they decided 117 00:09:42,749 --> 00:09:45,794 {\an1}that nobody could get their questions answered, 118 00:09:45,794 --> 00:09:47,837 {\an1}so why not have a press conference 119 00:09:47,837 --> 00:09:51,716 {\an1}with Oswald answering questions. 120 00:09:51,716 --> 00:09:53,885 {\an1}Can you imagine doing that today 121 00:09:53,885 --> 00:09:58,765 {\an1}with a person who's been arrested for murder? 122 00:09:58,765 --> 00:10:00,141 {\an1}Now this is the moment 123 00:10:00,141 --> 00:10:05,355 {\an1}that I'm sure the country's been waiting for. 124 00:10:05,355 --> 00:10:07,565 {\an1}Lee Oswald, 24, former Marine, 125 00:10:07,565 --> 00:10:11,236 {\an1}reported to have lived in Russia for three years. 126 00:10:11,236 --> 00:10:14,823 {\an1}And also reported to be a member of a pro-Castro party. 127 00:10:14,823 --> 00:10:18,409 {\an1}This is the situation now, here in Dallas. 128 00:10:23,289 --> 00:10:24,791 {\an1}[Mercer] The man has not confessed. 129 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:29,128 {\an1}He has not confessed either the murder of Tippit, 130 00:10:29,128 --> 00:10:31,256 {\an1}or the murder of the president. 131 00:10:33,758 --> 00:10:35,552 {\an1}As I walked by the detective's office, 132 00:10:35,552 --> 00:10:37,303 {\an1}one of them came out and he said, 133 00:10:37,303 --> 00:10:40,140 {\an1}"Bill, I'm gonna tell you something you might use later, 134 00:10:40,140 --> 00:10:43,309 {\an1}that we are now filling out the charge papers, 135 00:10:43,309 --> 00:10:45,854 {\an1}that Oswald murdered the president." 136 00:10:45,854 --> 00:10:56,990 {\an1}♪ ♪ 137 00:10:56,990 --> 00:11:00,785 {\an1}We're now in the basement of the Dallas Police Department. 138 00:11:04,706 --> 00:11:08,793 {\an1}It was a surreal situation. 139 00:11:08,793 --> 00:11:10,378 {\an1}I'd never been to a press conference 140 00:11:10,378 --> 00:11:12,505 {\an1}with a murder suspect. 141 00:11:14,674 --> 00:11:17,343 {\an1}It was unprecedented. 142 00:11:17,343 --> 00:11:19,637 {\an1}The indication is now that the suspect 143 00:11:19,637 --> 00:11:25,685 {\an1}is coming down the aisle, and into this identification room. 144 00:11:25,685 --> 00:11:33,067 {\an1}♪ ♪ 145 00:11:33,067 --> 00:11:34,944 {\an1}There he is, a slight fellow 146 00:11:34,944 --> 00:11:39,616 {\an1}with some scratches and marks around his face. 147 00:11:39,616 --> 00:11:42,994 {\an1}[indistinct chatter] 148 00:12:10,605 --> 00:12:15,401 {\an1}[Mercer] I was down at the edge of the stage there. 149 00:12:15,401 --> 00:12:17,278 {\an1}And a reporter next to me said... 150 00:12:19,948 --> 00:12:21,157 {\an1}[Lee Harvey Oswald] No, I've not been charged with that. 151 00:12:21,157 --> 00:12:23,785 {\an1}In fact, nobody has said that to me yet. 152 00:12:23,785 --> 00:12:24,953 {\an1}The first thing I heard about it 153 00:12:24,953 --> 00:12:29,123 {\an1}was when the newspaper reporters in the hall 154 00:12:29,123 --> 00:12:30,625 {\an1}asked me that question. 155 00:12:30,625 --> 00:12:32,377 {\an1}[Mercer] And as he turned facing me, 156 00:12:32,377 --> 00:12:34,379 {\an1}I said, "Yes, you have, you have been charged 157 00:12:34,379 --> 00:12:37,256 {\an1}with the murder of the president." 158 00:12:37,256 --> 00:12:40,218 {\an1}He kind of moved his head back. 159 00:12:40,218 --> 00:12:42,095 {\an1}And, "What?" 160 00:12:42,095 --> 00:12:43,805 {\an1}And I said, "You have been charged 161 00:12:43,805 --> 00:12:45,473 {\an1}with the murder of the president." 162 00:12:47,517 --> 00:12:48,393 {\an1}[Oswald] Sir? 163 00:12:49,894 --> 00:12:57,193 {\an1}♪ ♪ 164 00:12:57,193 --> 00:12:58,778 {\an1}[Mercer] That was Oswald. 165 00:12:58,778 --> 00:13:01,489 {\an1}Lee Oswald, who was charged with the murder 166 00:13:01,489 --> 00:13:03,366 {\an1}of the president of the United States. 167 00:13:03,366 --> 00:13:05,910 {\an1}He's being taken back upstairs. 168 00:13:05,910 --> 00:13:09,956 {\an1}♪ ♪ 169 00:13:09,956 --> 00:13:15,211 {\an1}That was one of the rare times when we saw any real reaction. 170 00:13:15,211 --> 00:13:18,298 {\an1}I think I kind of burst his balloon, 171 00:13:18,298 --> 00:13:21,050 {\an1}of thinking he was getting away with something. 172 00:13:23,261 --> 00:13:30,435 {\an1}♪ ♪ 173 00:13:30,435 --> 00:13:33,229 {\an1}Jack Ruby was up there that night. 174 00:13:33,229 --> 00:13:37,984 {\an1}♪ ♪ 175 00:13:37,984 --> 00:13:41,279 {\an1}He worked the police and gave them tickets to his club, 176 00:13:41,279 --> 00:13:44,866 {\an1}and he was always around 'em. 177 00:13:44,866 --> 00:13:47,410 {\an1}I don't think he had to show any credentials. 178 00:13:47,410 --> 00:13:49,162 {\an1}He's the police buddy. 179 00:13:52,957 --> 00:13:55,418 {\an1}[Rusty Robbins] Everybody knew who Jack Ruby was, 180 00:13:55,418 --> 00:13:57,253 {\an1}no question about it. 181 00:14:00,465 --> 00:14:03,718 {\an1}He ran, some people call 'em burlesque joints, 182 00:14:03,718 --> 00:14:06,846 {\an1}I call 'em stripper clubs. 183 00:14:06,846 --> 00:14:09,724 {\an1}Jack was known to carry a pistol. 184 00:14:09,724 --> 00:14:15,021 {\an1}Back then, if a businessman carried a personal protection, 185 00:14:15,021 --> 00:14:16,272 {\an1}it was overlooked. 186 00:14:16,272 --> 00:14:18,066 {\an1}And maybe one or two of 'em saw Jack 187 00:14:18,066 --> 00:14:20,234 {\an1}and said, "Well, that's Jack." 188 00:14:20,234 --> 00:14:29,118 {\an1}♪ ♪ 189 00:14:29,118 --> 00:14:30,369 {\an1}[Reporter] Chief, do you have any concern 190 00:14:30,369 --> 00:14:31,913 {\an1}for the safety of your prisoner, 191 00:14:31,913 --> 00:14:33,998 {\an1}in view of the high feeling among the people of Dallas 192 00:14:33,998 --> 00:14:36,584 {\an1}over the assassination of the president? 193 00:14:36,584 --> 00:14:39,378 {\an1}[Curry] No, but the precautions necessary, 194 00:14:39,378 --> 00:14:40,713 {\an1}precautions will be taken of course. 195 00:14:40,713 --> 00:14:44,926 {\an1}But I'm not--I don't think that the people will, 196 00:14:44,926 --> 00:14:48,012 {\an1}like, try to take the prisoner away from us. 197 00:14:48,012 --> 00:15:01,734 {\an1}♪ ♪ 198 00:15:01,734 --> 00:15:04,654 {\an1}[Reporter] It is anticipated that he will be moved. 199 00:15:04,654 --> 00:15:06,322 {\an1}Police are worried, they are so worried 200 00:15:06,322 --> 00:15:08,908 {\an1}they've talked about the possibility of moving him 201 00:15:08,908 --> 00:15:11,452 {\an1}in an armored vehicle. 202 00:15:11,452 --> 00:15:38,146 {\an1}♪ ♪ 203 00:15:41,858 --> 00:15:49,198 {\an1}♪ ♪ 204 00:15:49,198 --> 00:15:50,783 {\an1}[Mercer] Since 6:30 this morning, 205 00:15:50,783 --> 00:15:52,535 {\an1}people have been gathering across the street 206 00:15:52,535 --> 00:15:57,331 {\an1}from the White House, waiting to pay their last respects. 207 00:15:57,331 --> 00:16:06,966 {\an1}♪ ♪ 208 00:16:06,966 --> 00:16:08,301 {\an1}[Mourner] The people of the United States 209 00:16:08,301 --> 00:16:11,762 {\an1}have identified themselves with the Kennedy family. 210 00:16:11,762 --> 00:16:14,557 {\an1}And I think the grief that we all feel, 211 00:16:14,557 --> 00:16:17,310 {\an1}at this event, this tragedy, 212 00:16:17,310 --> 00:16:22,023 {\an1}is much more real and much more personal. 213 00:16:22,023 --> 00:16:24,984 {\an1}I came here to express, 214 00:16:24,984 --> 00:16:27,486 {\an1}somehow to express my own sympathy 215 00:16:27,486 --> 00:16:29,113 {\an1}to Mrs. Kennedy and to all the family, 216 00:16:29,113 --> 00:16:32,074 {\an1}and to the whole United States, actually, 217 00:16:32,074 --> 00:16:34,619 {\an1}for the great loss that we have suffered. 218 00:16:34,619 --> 00:16:40,082 {\an1}♪ ♪ 219 00:16:40,082 --> 00:16:41,709 {\an1}[Reporter] A lonely little boy 220 00:16:41,709 --> 00:16:43,419 {\an1}who observes his third birthday Monday 221 00:16:43,419 --> 00:16:45,504 {\an1}wandered through a big Washington house today, 222 00:16:45,504 --> 00:16:48,841 {\an1}complaining, "I don't have anyone to play with." 223 00:16:51,010 --> 00:16:52,595 {\an1}John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr., 224 00:16:52,595 --> 00:16:54,972 {\an1}says his father was killed by a bad man. 225 00:16:54,972 --> 00:16:58,684 {\an1}But he doesn't understand why the slain president is not there 226 00:16:58,684 --> 00:17:00,728 {\an1}to walk the White House corridors with him, 227 00:17:00,728 --> 00:17:04,232 {\an1}or why he's not allowed to enter the presidential office 228 00:17:04,232 --> 00:17:08,236 {\an1}as was his wont and somewhat his consistent habit. 229 00:17:08,236 --> 00:17:11,571 {\an1}♪ ♪ 230 00:17:11,571 --> 00:17:14,951 {\an1}[Hill] It had a tremendous impact on all three of 'em. 231 00:17:16,493 --> 00:17:19,579 {\an1}Now, John, you know, he was so young. 232 00:17:22,083 --> 00:17:27,296 {\an1}The agents would take him out to a playground, he'd play. 233 00:17:27,296 --> 00:17:33,052 {\an1}And one day a photographer from The Washington Post showed up. 234 00:17:33,052 --> 00:17:36,138 {\an1}And John turned to him and said, 235 00:17:36,138 --> 00:17:41,894 {\an1}"Why are you taking my picture? My daddy's dead!" 236 00:17:41,894 --> 00:17:44,897 {\an1}♪ ♪ 237 00:17:44,897 --> 00:17:50,111 {\an1}He knew; he knew his daddy had died. 238 00:17:50,111 --> 00:17:58,995 {\an1}♪ ♪ 239 00:17:58,995 --> 00:18:00,705 {\an1}[Reporter] Just a little while from now, 240 00:18:00,705 --> 00:18:03,416 {\an1}the president's body and its flag-draped coffin 241 00:18:03,416 --> 00:18:05,251 {\an1}is to be taken from the White House, 242 00:18:05,251 --> 00:18:09,505 {\an1}down Pennsylvania Avenue, and escorted to Capitol Hill. 243 00:18:12,341 --> 00:18:15,928 {\an1}[Hill] Mrs. Kennedy had gone up to the second floor 244 00:18:15,928 --> 00:18:17,596 {\an1}with members of the family. 245 00:18:17,596 --> 00:18:23,644 {\an1}They decide to have a prayer service for the family 246 00:18:23,644 --> 00:18:26,606 {\an1}there in the East Room. 247 00:18:26,606 --> 00:18:36,574 {\an1}♪ ♪ 248 00:18:36,574 --> 00:18:41,287 {\an1}She said, "Mr. Hill, I'd like to see the president." 249 00:18:41,287 --> 00:18:43,080 {\an1}I said, "Okay, give us a moment." 250 00:18:43,080 --> 00:18:45,875 {\an1}I went and opened the casket, 251 00:18:45,875 --> 00:18:50,379 {\an1}made sure that it was okay for her to look, 252 00:18:50,379 --> 00:18:52,632 {\an1}wasn't gonna be too shocking. 253 00:18:52,632 --> 00:18:57,345 {\an1}♪ ♪ 254 00:18:57,345 --> 00:19:01,057 {\an1}They went up and stood there, crying. 255 00:19:01,057 --> 00:19:06,145 {\an1}♪ ♪ 256 00:19:06,145 --> 00:19:07,521 {\an1}And then she turned to me and said, 257 00:19:07,521 --> 00:19:10,524 {\an1}"Mr. Hill, can you get me a scissors?" 258 00:19:12,735 --> 00:19:14,153 {\an1}I didn't see what happened, 259 00:19:14,153 --> 00:19:16,822 {\an1}but I could hear the clip, clip, clip, clip, 260 00:19:16,822 --> 00:19:21,327 {\an1}I knew that she was cutting a piece of his hair. 261 00:19:21,327 --> 00:19:25,414 {\an1}And so then she closed the casket. 262 00:19:25,414 --> 00:19:40,680 {\an1}♪ ♪ 263 00:19:40,680 --> 00:19:44,100 {\an1}It's hard to describe her demeanor. 264 00:19:46,185 --> 00:19:48,646 {\an1}She could control herself pretty well 265 00:19:48,646 --> 00:19:52,191 {\an1}when she was in the public eye. 266 00:19:52,191 --> 00:19:56,487 {\an1}♪ ♪ 267 00:19:56,487 --> 00:19:59,657 {\an1}But she was really suffering. 268 00:19:59,657 --> 00:20:09,750 {\an1}♪ ♪ 269 00:20:14,255 --> 00:20:21,178 {\an1}♪ ♪ 270 00:20:21,178 --> 00:20:26,100 {\an1}[Henry Wade] Oh, I think this man had planned this murder 271 00:20:26,100 --> 00:20:27,560 {\an1}weeks or months ago 272 00:20:27,560 --> 00:20:33,190 {\an1}and has laid his plans carefully and carried them out. 273 00:20:33,190 --> 00:20:34,650 {\an1}[Reporter] And you will conduct the trial? 274 00:20:34,650 --> 00:20:36,152 {\an1}[Wade] Yes, sir. I plan to. 275 00:20:36,152 --> 00:20:37,778 {\an1}[Reporter] And you will ask capital verdict? 276 00:20:37,778 --> 00:20:39,822 {\an1}[Wade] We'll ask the death penalty. 277 00:20:41,824 --> 00:20:43,534 {\an1}[Peggy Simpson] Kennedy's death was a huge blow 278 00:20:43,534 --> 00:20:45,494 {\an1}to a lot of people. 279 00:20:48,789 --> 00:20:50,583 {\an1}I just couldn't believe that that could happen 280 00:20:50,583 --> 00:20:53,586 {\an1}in our country, let alone on my doorstep. 281 00:20:53,586 --> 00:21:00,134 {\an1}♪ ♪ 282 00:21:00,134 --> 00:21:02,219 {\an1}My bureau chief called and said, 283 00:21:02,219 --> 00:21:04,263 {\an1}"You know, I want you to be in the jail 284 00:21:04,263 --> 00:21:06,140 {\an1}and show up at 10 o'clock, 285 00:21:06,140 --> 00:21:09,977 {\an1}because the cops are moving Oswald 286 00:21:09,977 --> 00:21:13,022 {\an1}from the city to the county courthouse." 287 00:21:15,900 --> 00:21:18,444 {\an1}[Reporter] Officers have checked every vehicle coming in, 288 00:21:18,444 --> 00:21:21,780 {\an1}and no one who is not a member of the press 289 00:21:21,780 --> 00:21:24,700 {\an1}and not able to show identification 290 00:21:24,700 --> 00:21:26,911 {\an1}can enter the basement. 291 00:21:26,911 --> 00:21:36,879 {\an1}♪ ♪ 292 00:21:36,879 --> 00:21:38,714 {\an1}Guards are stationed at points 293 00:21:38,714 --> 00:21:41,717 {\an1}all across the inside of the basement. 294 00:21:41,717 --> 00:21:51,936 {\an1}♪ ♪ 295 00:21:56,315 --> 00:21:58,943 {\an1}[Simpson] When I arrived at the jail, 296 00:21:58,943 --> 00:22:01,779 {\an1}there were so many people who were gathering 297 00:22:01,779 --> 00:22:04,448 {\an1}and being angry at what had happened. 298 00:22:04,448 --> 00:22:07,910 {\an1}The atmosphere, the paranoia in the atmosphere 299 00:22:07,910 --> 00:22:11,247 {\an1}that was gripping Dallas at the time. 300 00:22:13,249 --> 00:22:16,544 {\an1}There was a feeling of outrage that this could have happened, 301 00:22:16,544 --> 00:22:18,003 {\an1}this could have happened here. 302 00:22:18,003 --> 00:22:20,256 {\an1}Who is this person anyway? 303 00:22:20,256 --> 00:22:27,763 {\an1}♪ ♪ 304 00:22:27,763 --> 00:22:34,436 {\an1}I walked down the ramp into the, what was the driveway, 305 00:22:34,436 --> 00:22:39,817 {\an1}and, um, I positioned myself at the front row 306 00:22:39,817 --> 00:22:42,319 {\an1}of about 20 or 30 reporters 307 00:22:42,319 --> 00:22:46,156 {\an1}who were in front of, grouped around the opening 308 00:22:46,156 --> 00:22:48,784 {\an1}where Oswald would be brought out. 309 00:22:51,662 --> 00:22:52,872 {\an1}[Reporter] People still are wondering 310 00:22:52,872 --> 00:22:56,333 {\an1}exactly when Oswald will come down. 311 00:23:03,882 --> 00:23:07,886 {\an1}[Simpson] Everything was unusual about this whole weekend. 312 00:23:07,886 --> 00:23:11,015 {\an1}You know, it was just an unprecedented set of events, 313 00:23:11,015 --> 00:23:15,311 {\an1}that you just kept following as they kept unfolding. 314 00:23:15,311 --> 00:23:19,189 {\an1}[indistinct chatter] 315 00:23:19,189 --> 00:23:20,774 {\an1}[Reporter] Alright, we got a little activity down there, 316 00:23:20,774 --> 00:23:22,735 {\an1}I don't know what it is. 317 00:23:22,735 --> 00:23:53,390 {\an1}♪ ♪ 318 00:23:53,390 --> 00:23:58,562 {\an1}[Robbins] Oswald was going to be transferred to the county jail. 319 00:23:58,562 --> 00:24:01,023 {\an1}It was live news. 320 00:24:01,023 --> 00:24:05,611 {\an1}We were watching on my little 10-inch television, 321 00:24:05,611 --> 00:24:11,325 {\an1}watching the events as they unfolded for that day. 322 00:24:11,325 --> 00:24:14,370 {\an1}It felt like the whole of America was watching. 323 00:24:16,622 --> 00:24:18,916 {\an1}[Reporter] Security precautions have been tightened. 324 00:24:18,916 --> 00:24:22,753 {\an1}Armed guards are stationed throughout Dallas, City Hall, 325 00:24:22,753 --> 00:24:25,339 {\an1}and the Police Headquarters. 326 00:24:25,339 --> 00:24:38,352 {\an1}♪ ♪ 327 00:24:38,352 --> 00:24:40,521 {\an1}[gunshot] 328 00:24:40,521 --> 00:24:41,772 {\an1}[bleep] 329 00:24:41,772 --> 00:24:44,066 {\an1}[Reporter] He's been shot. He's been shot. 330 00:24:44,066 --> 00:24:46,360 {\an1}Lee Oswald has been shot. 331 00:24:46,360 --> 00:24:48,195 {\an1}There's a man with a gun. 332 00:24:48,195 --> 00:24:49,780 {\an1}It's absolute panic. 333 00:24:49,780 --> 00:24:51,740 {\an1}Absolute panic here in the basement 334 00:24:51,740 --> 00:24:53,909 {\an1}of Dallas Police Headquarters. 335 00:24:57,663 --> 00:25:01,417 {\an1}[Simpson] I just knew that Oswald had been badly hurt, 336 00:25:01,417 --> 00:25:06,004 {\an1}and that the cops were in astonishment. 337 00:25:06,004 --> 00:25:08,549 {\an1}You could just see the horror on their faces. 338 00:25:08,549 --> 00:25:12,261 {\an1}♪ ♪ 339 00:25:12,261 --> 00:25:14,763 {\an1}There was total chaos and total pandemonium. 340 00:25:14,763 --> 00:25:18,767 {\an1}Nobody was quite sure what on Earth was happening. 341 00:25:18,767 --> 00:25:21,729 {\an1}What was going through my mind was, "Get out of here." 342 00:25:21,729 --> 00:25:27,026 {\an1}♪ ♪ 343 00:25:27,026 --> 00:25:28,736 {\an1}I didn't even think. 344 00:25:28,736 --> 00:25:31,113 {\an1}You know, you can't think in a moment like that. 345 00:25:31,113 --> 00:25:34,032 {\an1}You have to just act on automatic pilot. 346 00:25:34,032 --> 00:25:35,117 {\an1}And I walked around 347 00:25:35,117 --> 00:25:39,788 {\an1}and went straight into the police station. 348 00:25:39,788 --> 00:25:45,169 {\an1}[Reporter] Oswald is now taken back inside the police station. 349 00:25:45,169 --> 00:25:49,089 {\an1}[Simpson] There was just this horror, sense of horror. 350 00:25:51,133 --> 00:25:52,551 {\an1}[Reporter] The situation is now 351 00:25:52,551 --> 00:25:57,806 {\an1}that Lee Harold Oswald has been shot. 352 00:25:57,806 --> 00:25:59,767 {\an1}We can hear sirens outside, 353 00:25:59,767 --> 00:26:03,771 {\an1}and an ambulance apparently is moving down now 354 00:26:03,771 --> 00:26:04,938 {\an1}into the basement. 355 00:26:04,938 --> 00:26:07,232 {\an1}Here comes the ambulance. 356 00:26:08,901 --> 00:26:12,488 {\an1}And Oswald will be removed now. 357 00:26:12,488 --> 00:26:30,380 {\an1}♪ ♪ 358 00:26:30,380 --> 00:26:32,508 {\an1}[Reporter] Captain, where will he be taken? 359 00:26:32,508 --> 00:26:34,176 {\an1}[Captain] I'm assuming Parkland Hospital. 360 00:26:34,176 --> 00:26:36,428 {\an1}[Reporter] Parkland Hospital, the irony of ironies. 361 00:26:36,428 --> 00:26:39,640 {\an1}The place where President John F. Kennedy died. 362 00:26:39,640 --> 00:26:47,981 {\an1}♪ ♪ 363 00:26:47,981 --> 00:26:50,776 {\an1}[Simpson] A sense of total disbelief. 364 00:26:50,776 --> 00:26:53,028 {\an1}How could this be happening? 365 00:26:53,028 --> 00:26:56,365 {\an1}After two days earlier, the president being shot. 366 00:26:56,365 --> 00:26:58,534 {\an1}How--who was this guy? 367 00:26:58,534 --> 00:27:01,578 {\an1}You had to absorb the fact that somebody had been there 368 00:27:01,578 --> 00:27:03,956 {\an1}to kill Oswald, and they did. 369 00:27:03,956 --> 00:27:05,165 {\an1}[Reporter] Mass confusion. 370 00:27:05,165 --> 00:27:06,667 {\an1}The man accused of assassinating 371 00:27:06,667 --> 00:27:08,836 {\an1}the president of the United States 372 00:27:08,836 --> 00:27:11,588 {\an1}has just sustained a bullet wound injury. 373 00:27:11,588 --> 00:27:14,174 {\an1}Lee Harold Oswald is now in an ambulance 374 00:27:14,174 --> 00:27:17,678 {\an1}speeding on his way to Dallas Parkland Hospital. 375 00:27:17,678 --> 00:27:30,148 {\an1}♪ ♪ 376 00:27:30,148 --> 00:27:33,861 {\an1}[Mercer] We were watching the news live. 377 00:27:33,861 --> 00:27:37,447 {\an1}We were, "Oh, my god, another one! 378 00:27:37,447 --> 00:27:41,076 {\an1}What else is gonna happen? Now who else is gonna get shot?" 379 00:27:41,076 --> 00:27:44,454 {\an1}It was just impossible to believe. 380 00:27:44,454 --> 00:27:50,252 {\an1}♪ ♪ 381 00:27:50,252 --> 00:27:54,673 {\an1}[Simpson] I was on the phone with my bureau chief, 382 00:27:54,673 --> 00:27:58,302 {\an1}and I heard the cops say, "This is Jack Ruby." 383 00:27:58,302 --> 00:28:01,471 {\an1}And I said, "This is-- they say the cops know this guy, 384 00:28:01,471 --> 00:28:03,891 {\an1}they say it's Jack Ruby." And he said, "What?!" 385 00:28:03,891 --> 00:28:07,269 {\an1}You know, "I drink in his bar! How could that be?" 386 00:28:07,269 --> 00:28:11,148 {\an1}♪ ♪ 387 00:28:11,148 --> 00:28:12,649 {\an1}He was a known person; 388 00:28:12,649 --> 00:28:15,360 {\an1}he wasn't somebody that they expected to do any harm. 389 00:28:15,360 --> 00:28:20,115 {\an1}♪ ♪ 390 00:28:20,115 --> 00:28:21,491 {\an1}[Reporter] I understand that he was here 391 00:28:21,491 --> 00:28:23,702 {\an1}passing out cards yesterday to members of the press, 392 00:28:23,702 --> 00:28:27,039 {\an1}offering them to come by and get free drinks at his clubs. 393 00:28:27,039 --> 00:28:28,373 {\an1}[Witness] That's what I understand, yeah. 394 00:28:28,373 --> 00:28:29,791 {\an1}[Reporter] Well, how does he have access 395 00:28:29,791 --> 00:28:32,085 {\an1}to the police department, a nightclub owner in Dallas? 396 00:28:32,085 --> 00:28:34,504 {\an1}How does he--I saw him walking around downstairs. 397 00:28:34,504 --> 00:28:35,964 {\an1}How does he do this? 398 00:28:35,964 --> 00:28:38,091 {\an1}Does he have a lot of friends in the police department? 399 00:28:38,091 --> 00:28:40,719 {\an1}[Witness] Well, I would think so, I don't know. 400 00:28:42,888 --> 00:28:49,227 {\an1}[Robbins] When I saw that Jack Ruby had shot Oswald, 401 00:28:49,227 --> 00:28:50,812 {\an1}I was shocked. 402 00:28:53,482 --> 00:28:57,527 {\an1}I was sorry that he had messed up like that. 403 00:28:57,527 --> 00:29:03,116 {\an1}He committed a grave error, one you can't eradicate. 404 00:29:03,116 --> 00:29:05,243 {\an1}It's gonna go down in history. 405 00:29:07,871 --> 00:29:10,749 {\an1}Jack did what he did. 406 00:29:10,749 --> 00:29:14,336 {\an1}He wanted to be somebody. 407 00:29:14,336 --> 00:29:15,963 {\an1}Everybody loved the president, 408 00:29:15,963 --> 00:29:20,342 {\an1}so everybody hated the man who had killed the president. 409 00:29:20,342 --> 00:29:23,220 {\an1}So now this is gonna make Jack a hero. 410 00:29:26,723 --> 00:29:29,935 {\an1}[Spokesman] The chief of surgery at Parkland Memorial Hospital 411 00:29:29,935 --> 00:29:35,565 {\an1}is coming into the room now to make a statement on Mr. Oswald. 412 00:29:35,565 --> 00:29:38,235 {\an1}[Chief of Surgery] Yeah, he--Mr. Oswald died 413 00:29:38,235 --> 00:29:41,822 {\an1}at 1:07 our time, in the operating room, 414 00:29:41,822 --> 00:29:45,492 {\an1}of the gunshot wound which he'd received. 415 00:29:45,492 --> 00:29:49,413 {\an1}♪ ♪ 416 00:29:49,413 --> 00:29:52,416 {\an1}[Curry] My statement will be very brief. 417 00:29:54,960 --> 00:30:00,465 {\an1}Oswald expired at 1:07 p.m. 418 00:30:00,465 --> 00:30:01,508 {\an1}[Reporter] He died? 419 00:30:01,508 --> 00:30:06,513 {\an1}[Curry] He died at 1:07 p.m. 420 00:30:06,513 --> 00:30:08,223 {\an1}We have arrested the man. 421 00:30:08,223 --> 00:30:12,102 {\an1}The man will be charged with murder. 422 00:30:12,102 --> 00:30:15,647 {\an1}The suspect's name is Jack Ruby. 423 00:30:25,532 --> 00:30:27,659 {\an1}[Mercer] Actually, what Jack Ruby did 424 00:30:27,659 --> 00:30:33,290 {\an1}was prevent justice from being served when he killed Oswald. 425 00:30:35,834 --> 00:30:39,087 {\an1}Everybody had questions about why. 426 00:30:39,087 --> 00:30:41,423 {\an1}It was just like Oswald shooting the president. 427 00:30:41,423 --> 00:30:43,258 {\an1}Somebody had to be in charge of him. 428 00:30:43,258 --> 00:30:46,386 {\an1}Somebody had to know, why would he do this? 429 00:30:46,386 --> 00:30:48,472 {\an1}And the same thing happened with Ruby. 430 00:30:48,472 --> 00:30:51,641 {\an1}People said, "Oh, he's working for somebody." 431 00:30:51,641 --> 00:30:54,686 {\an1}Everybody suspected the mafia, 432 00:30:54,686 --> 00:30:58,732 {\an1}the communists, the usual suspects. 433 00:30:58,732 --> 00:31:03,278 {\an1}♪ ♪ 434 00:31:03,278 --> 00:31:06,615 {\an1}The police said that Ruby's excuse for shooting Oswald 435 00:31:06,615 --> 00:31:10,494 {\an1}was that he just hated the man and loved the Kennedys 436 00:31:10,494 --> 00:31:14,539 {\an1}and wanted to get even for them; and he did. 437 00:31:14,539 --> 00:31:33,225 {\an1}♪ ♪ 438 00:31:33,225 --> 00:31:37,521 {\an1}[Davis] The assassination was on a Friday, 439 00:31:37,521 --> 00:31:41,691 {\an1}and I had not slept for three days. 440 00:31:41,691 --> 00:31:44,903 {\an1}And Monday morning, I got up real early, 441 00:31:44,903 --> 00:31:47,364 {\an1}I wanted to go down to the funeral. 442 00:31:49,699 --> 00:31:53,286 {\an1}I got in my car, and I started down MacArthur Boulevard 443 00:31:53,286 --> 00:31:56,373 {\an1}to go down to the parade route. 444 00:31:56,373 --> 00:32:03,171 {\an1}♪ ♪ 445 00:32:03,171 --> 00:32:07,300 {\an1}I saw a woman at the bus stop, 446 00:32:07,300 --> 00:32:10,011 {\an1}and I pulled over and I said, "Are you going to the funeral?" 447 00:32:10,011 --> 00:32:11,138 {\an1}She said, "Yes." 448 00:32:11,138 --> 00:32:13,431 {\an1}She got in the car in the front seat. 449 00:32:13,431 --> 00:32:16,393 {\an1}And we talked a little bit. 450 00:32:16,393 --> 00:32:23,692 {\an1}♪ ♪ 451 00:32:23,692 --> 00:32:26,236 {\an1}She said, "I'm a Republican." 452 00:32:26,236 --> 00:32:30,031 {\an1}♪ ♪ 453 00:32:30,031 --> 00:32:32,576 {\an1}"But I didn't know how much I admired him." 454 00:32:32,576 --> 00:32:37,038 {\an1}♪ ♪ 455 00:32:37,038 --> 00:32:39,499 {\an1}I think that was repeated millions of times 456 00:32:39,499 --> 00:32:41,585 {\an1}across the country. 457 00:32:41,585 --> 00:32:45,130 {\an1}He was an endearing guy, you just couldn't help it. 458 00:32:45,130 --> 00:32:47,090 {\an1}Even if you didn't agree with him, 459 00:32:47,090 --> 00:32:49,885 {\an1}you couldn't help but like him. 460 00:32:49,885 --> 00:32:56,474 {\an1}♪ ♪ 461 00:32:56,474 --> 00:32:59,936 {\an1}[John F. Kennedy] Let every nation know, 462 00:32:59,936 --> 00:33:04,024 {\an1}whether it wishes us well or ill, 463 00:33:04,024 --> 00:33:07,569 {\an1}that we shall pay any price, 464 00:33:07,569 --> 00:33:10,071 {\an1}bear any burden, 465 00:33:10,071 --> 00:33:12,532 {\an1}meet any hardship, 466 00:33:12,532 --> 00:33:14,951 {\an1}support any friend, 467 00:33:14,951 --> 00:33:17,621 {\an1}oppose any foe 468 00:33:17,621 --> 00:33:21,708 {\an1}to assure the survival and the success of liberty. 469 00:33:21,708 --> 00:33:43,647 {\an1}♪ ♪ 470 00:33:50,904 --> 00:33:54,616 {\an1}[Hill] Mrs. Kennedy, 471 00:33:54,616 --> 00:33:57,535 {\an1}she was determined that 472 00:33:57,535 --> 00:34:00,789 {\an1}people were not going to forget her husband either. 473 00:34:00,789 --> 00:34:07,295 {\an1}♪ ♪ 474 00:34:07,295 --> 00:34:12,050 {\an1}She wanted to walk behind the casket. 475 00:34:13,677 --> 00:34:18,098 {\an1}I had talked to her and said, "It really isn't advisable." 476 00:34:18,098 --> 00:34:19,724 {\an1}And she said, "Well, at least I'm gonna walk 477 00:34:19,724 --> 00:34:23,395 {\an1}from the White House to St. Matthew's." 478 00:34:23,395 --> 00:34:54,551 {\an1}♪ ♪ 479 00:34:54,551 --> 00:34:57,387 {\an1}[Davis] Jackie put on a show. 480 00:34:57,387 --> 00:34:58,930 {\an1}That's what she wanted to do. 481 00:34:58,930 --> 00:35:03,435 {\an1}This is "I'm gonna give him the best send-off I can 482 00:35:03,435 --> 00:35:07,731 {\an1}and give him what he deserved." 483 00:35:07,731 --> 00:35:27,876 {\an1}♪ ♪ 484 00:35:27,876 --> 00:35:29,210 {\an1}[Hill] The day of the funeral 485 00:35:29,210 --> 00:35:34,007 {\an1}was also the third birthday of John F. Kennedy, Jr. 486 00:35:34,007 --> 00:35:37,510 {\an1}♪ ♪ 487 00:35:37,510 --> 00:35:41,431 {\an1}It was very emotional. 488 00:35:41,431 --> 00:35:51,524 {\an1}♪ ♪ 489 00:35:51,524 --> 00:35:54,444 {\an1}[Father Huber] It was thought that the most appropriate 490 00:35:54,444 --> 00:35:59,824 {\an1}commemoration of this heartbreaking event 491 00:35:59,824 --> 00:36:02,077 {\an1}would be the expression 492 00:36:02,077 --> 00:36:05,455 {\an1}of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's 493 00:36:05,455 --> 00:36:09,292 {\an1}ideals and his aspirations: 494 00:36:09,292 --> 00:36:12,420 {\an1}his inaugural address. 495 00:36:15,048 --> 00:36:19,427 {\an1}"Let the word go forth from this time and place 496 00:36:19,427 --> 00:36:22,180 {\an1}to friends and foe alike, 497 00:36:22,180 --> 00:36:23,973 {\an1}that the torch has been passed 498 00:36:23,973 --> 00:36:27,560 {\an1}to a new generation of Americans. 499 00:36:27,560 --> 00:36:32,023 {\an1}Born in this century, tempered by war, 500 00:36:32,023 --> 00:36:36,277 {\an1}disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, 501 00:36:36,277 --> 00:36:39,698 {\an1}proud of our ancient heritage 502 00:36:39,698 --> 00:36:45,161 {\an1}and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing 503 00:36:45,161 --> 00:36:47,622 {\an1}of those human rights 504 00:36:47,622 --> 00:36:52,377 {\an1}to which this nation has always been committed 505 00:36:52,377 --> 00:36:57,298 {\an1}and to which we are committed today at home 506 00:36:57,298 --> 00:36:59,384 {\an1}and around the world." 507 00:36:59,384 --> 00:37:13,440 {\an1}♪ ♪ 508 00:37:13,440 --> 00:37:14,566 {\an1}[Hill] When the president's casket 509 00:37:14,566 --> 00:37:19,946 {\an1}was taken out of the church, 510 00:37:19,946 --> 00:37:23,450 {\an1}John noticed all the military saluted. 511 00:37:23,450 --> 00:37:26,703 {\an1}♪ ♪ 512 00:37:26,703 --> 00:37:29,956 {\an1}Mrs. Kennedy bent over and said something. 513 00:37:31,624 --> 00:37:35,503 {\an1}And he turned, looked at his father's casket, 514 00:37:35,503 --> 00:37:37,547 {\an1}and he saluted. 515 00:37:37,547 --> 00:37:52,020 {\an1}♪ ♪ 516 00:37:52,020 --> 00:37:57,776 {\an1}Everyone from generals on down were teary-eyed. 517 00:37:57,776 --> 00:38:07,994 {\an1}♪ ♪ 518 00:38:11,790 --> 00:38:22,342 {\an1}♪ ♪ 519 00:38:22,342 --> 00:38:26,012 {\an1}[Landis] Going up to the cemetery, 520 00:38:26,012 --> 00:38:27,806 {\an1}in the distance... 521 00:38:30,808 --> 00:38:32,602 {\an1}very... 522 00:38:34,479 --> 00:38:38,733 {\an1}...a very distinct sound 523 00:38:38,733 --> 00:38:40,944 {\an1}of Air Force One. 524 00:38:40,944 --> 00:38:51,955 {\an1}♪ ♪ 525 00:38:51,955 --> 00:38:57,418 {\an1}And Captain Swindal dipped the wings, 526 00:38:57,418 --> 00:39:01,631 {\an1}in like a final salute to the president. 527 00:39:03,800 --> 00:39:07,554 {\an1}I almost broke down really completely there. 528 00:39:07,554 --> 00:39:10,515 {\an1}I'm having a hard time now, as you can tell. 529 00:39:10,515 --> 00:39:26,614 {\an1}♪ ♪ 530 00:39:26,614 --> 00:39:28,992 {\an1}[Jackie Kennedy] I want to take this opportunity 531 00:39:28,992 --> 00:39:31,244 {\an1}to express my appreciation 532 00:39:31,244 --> 00:39:33,955 {\an1}for the hundreds of thousands of messages, 533 00:39:33,955 --> 00:39:36,291 {\an1}nearly 800,000 in all, 534 00:39:36,291 --> 00:39:38,001 {\an1}which my children and I have received 535 00:39:38,001 --> 00:39:40,670 {\an1}over the past few weeks. 536 00:39:40,670 --> 00:39:43,506 {\an1}The knowledge of the affection in which my husband was held 537 00:39:43,506 --> 00:39:46,259 {\an1}by all of you has sustained me, 538 00:39:46,259 --> 00:39:47,719 {\an1}and the warmth of these tributes 539 00:39:47,719 --> 00:39:50,597 {\an1}is something I shall never forget. 540 00:39:50,597 --> 00:39:53,808 {\an1}All his bright light gone from the world. 541 00:39:53,808 --> 00:39:56,311 {\an1}All of you who have written to me 542 00:39:56,311 --> 00:39:58,396 {\an1}know how much we all loved him, 543 00:39:58,396 --> 00:40:02,442 {\an1}and that he returned that love in full measure. 544 00:40:02,442 --> 00:40:04,986 {\an1}Each and every message is to be treasured, 545 00:40:04,986 --> 00:40:08,781 {\an1}not only for my children, but so that future generations 546 00:40:08,781 --> 00:40:11,159 {\an1}who will know how much our country 547 00:40:11,159 --> 00:40:15,288 {\an1}and people in every nation thought of him. 548 00:40:15,288 --> 00:40:19,292 {\an1}May I thank you again on behalf of my children 549 00:40:19,292 --> 00:40:22,045 {\an1}and of the president's family. 550 00:40:22,045 --> 00:40:24,005 {\an1}Thank you. 551 00:40:24,005 --> 00:40:34,349 {\an1}♪ ♪ 552 00:40:43,983 --> 00:40:49,906 {\an1}♪ ♪ 553 00:40:49,906 --> 00:40:54,661 {\an1}[Davis] Taking this man, who was a gentle, 554 00:40:54,661 --> 00:40:56,829 {\an1}brilliant president. 555 00:40:59,248 --> 00:41:03,127 {\an1}He endeared himself to the country. 556 00:41:03,127 --> 00:41:05,505 {\an1}John Kennedy was an upstanding protector 557 00:41:05,505 --> 00:41:08,883 {\an1}of civil rights of the American people. 558 00:41:08,883 --> 00:41:12,303 {\an1}Calling on Americans to change. 559 00:41:12,303 --> 00:41:14,263 {\an1}So, I've seen that it's happened. 560 00:41:14,263 --> 00:41:16,683 {\an1}We have legislation now that proves it. 561 00:41:16,683 --> 00:41:18,476 {\an1}I think we're not perfect, 562 00:41:18,476 --> 00:41:21,729 {\an1}and we're not anywhere near successful yet, 563 00:41:21,729 --> 00:41:23,648 {\an1}but I think we're a better country today 564 00:41:23,648 --> 00:41:27,610 {\an1}than we were when I came to Washington, 565 00:41:27,610 --> 00:41:30,905 {\an1}because Kennedy was president. 566 00:41:30,905 --> 00:41:33,616 {\an1}And that's pretty good. 567 00:41:33,616 --> 00:41:47,588 {\an1}♪ ♪ 568 00:41:47,588 --> 00:41:50,174 {\an1}[Landis] I wouldn't even tell people 569 00:41:50,174 --> 00:41:52,719 {\an1}that I was in the Secret Service. 570 00:41:52,719 --> 00:42:03,563 {\an1}♪ ♪ 571 00:42:03,563 --> 00:42:05,106 {\an1}The pain has gone. 572 00:42:05,106 --> 00:42:08,901 {\an1}There is no longer any pain talking about it. 573 00:42:08,901 --> 00:42:11,154 {\an1}I can get emotional, 574 00:42:11,154 --> 00:42:16,117 {\an1}but that's a nice feeling. 575 00:42:16,117 --> 00:42:34,635 {\an1}♪ ♪ 576 00:42:34,635 --> 00:42:36,763 {\an1}[Hill] They gave me a medal. 577 00:42:36,763 --> 00:42:38,347 {\an1}Yeah, that was very nice of them, 578 00:42:38,347 --> 00:42:40,725 {\an1}I appreciate it very much. 579 00:42:40,725 --> 00:42:43,811 {\an1}But I wanted to do better than I did. 580 00:42:43,811 --> 00:42:46,397 {\an1}I had always felt that, you know, I have this sense of guilt 581 00:42:46,397 --> 00:42:49,567 {\an1}that I should have been able to do more than I did. 582 00:42:49,567 --> 00:42:54,072 {\an1}The one thing that I'd be willing to do or give 583 00:42:54,072 --> 00:42:57,950 {\an1}is my life for his, if I could change it that day. 584 00:43:03,915 --> 00:43:55,174 {\an1}♪ ♪