1 00:00:06,381 --> 00:00:12,512 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 2 00:00:16,391 --> 00:00:22,564 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 3 00:00:23,524 --> 00:00:27,194 {\an1}[John F. Kennedy] Let all our neighbors know that we shall 4 00:00:27,194 --> 00:00:31,365 {\an1}join with them to oppose aggression or subversion 5 00:00:31,365 --> 00:00:34,117 {\an1}anywhere in the Americas. 6 00:00:34,785 --> 00:00:38,747 {\an1}And let every other power know that this hemisphere intends to 7 00:00:38,747 --> 00:00:41,917 {\an1}remain the master of its own house. 8 00:00:43,627 --> 00:00:46,922 {\an1}My fellow citizens of the world, 9 00:00:46,922 --> 00:00:51,343 {\an1}ask not what America will do for you, 10 00:00:51,343 --> 00:00:55,347 {\an1}but what together we can do for the freedom of man. 11 00:00:55,722 --> 00:01:02,020 {\an1}[applause] 12 00:01:09,361 --> 00:01:16,118 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 13 00:01:19,746 --> 00:01:25,294 {\an1}[applause] 14 00:01:28,797 --> 00:01:35,470 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 15 00:01:43,478 --> 00:01:50,152 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 16 00:02:00,912 --> 00:02:04,833 {\an1}[Clint Hill] I'm 91 years old now, and it's been 17 00:02:04,833 --> 00:02:07,586 {\an1}60 years this year. 18 00:02:08,836 --> 00:02:11,965 {\an1}There are a few of us left. 19 00:02:12,924 --> 00:02:15,385 {\an1}But very few. 20 00:02:16,511 --> 00:02:19,723 {\an1}I think about the event as it happened. 21 00:02:20,015 --> 00:02:22,601 {\an1}And I go right back to the moment that it happened. 22 00:02:22,601 --> 00:02:24,603 {\an1}I mean, it's there. 23 00:02:24,603 --> 00:02:27,522 {\an1}It's like a movie, run through my brain. 24 00:02:31,943 --> 00:02:37,616 {\an1}[♪ intense classical music] 25 00:02:48,918 --> 00:02:55,466 {\an1}[♪ music continues] 26 00:03:05,352 --> 00:03:12,192 {\an1}[♪ music continues] 27 00:03:31,545 --> 00:03:38,176 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 28 00:03:49,438 --> 00:03:55,902 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 29 00:04:05,454 --> 00:04:11,209 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 30 00:04:21,470 --> 00:04:28,101 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 31 00:04:35,609 --> 00:04:38,695 {\an1}[Clint Hill] I was a Secret Service agent that protected the 32 00:04:38,695 --> 00:04:42,032 {\an1}President of the United States and his wife and family. 33 00:04:44,242 --> 00:04:50,624 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 34 00:04:52,000 --> 00:04:56,963 {\an1}And I was assigned to protect Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy. 35 00:05:01,092 --> 00:05:05,847 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 36 00:05:05,847 --> 00:05:08,808 {\an1}First ladies previous to Mrs. Kennedy had done things 37 00:05:08,808 --> 00:05:13,855 {\an1}like go shopping, watch ballet, 38 00:05:13,855 --> 00:05:16,858 {\an1}play canasta, a card game, 39 00:05:16,858 --> 00:05:19,277 {\an1}and that's about the most activities the agents had 40 00:05:19,277 --> 00:05:21,988 {\an1}that were with those ladies. 41 00:05:21,988 --> 00:05:24,741 {\an1}And that's not what I aspired to. 42 00:05:24,741 --> 00:05:27,744 {\an1}I wanted to be where the action was. 43 00:05:27,744 --> 00:05:30,247 {\an1}[splashing] 44 00:05:35,585 --> 00:05:39,840 {\an1}And I did not think it would be with Mrs. Kennedy. 45 00:05:45,262 --> 00:05:48,557 {\an1}I was really mistaken in that belief, 46 00:05:48,557 --> 00:05:50,933 {\an1}it turned out. 47 00:05:56,356 --> 00:05:58,024 {\an1}It was very unusual for her 48 00:05:58,024 --> 00:06:01,152 {\an1}to participate in anything political. 49 00:06:01,152 --> 00:06:03,989 {\an1}She didn't like politics. 50 00:06:12,122 --> 00:06:13,456 {\an1}She told me that she thought 51 00:06:13,456 --> 00:06:16,501 {\an1}she would go on this trip to Texas. 52 00:06:16,501 --> 00:06:20,046 {\an1}She wanted to do everything she could to help President Kennedy 53 00:06:20,046 --> 00:06:23,300 {\an1}get re-elected in 1964. 54 00:06:23,300 --> 00:06:26,011 {\an1}They wanted to get out in front early. 55 00:06:28,305 --> 00:06:34,894 {\an1}[crowd noise, water spraying] 56 00:06:36,730 --> 00:06:41,151 {\an1}[crowd noise] 57 00:06:41,568 --> 00:06:45,322 {\an1}[Crowd] Freedom, freedom, freedom. 58 00:06:45,322 --> 00:06:46,323 {\an1}[Spokesman] Louder! Louder! 59 00:06:46,323 --> 00:06:47,616 {\an1}[Crowd] Freedom! 60 00:06:47,616 --> 00:06:48,825 {\an1}[Spokesman] Louder! 61 00:06:48,825 --> 00:06:52,245 {\an1}[Crowd] Freedom! Freedom! Freedom! 62 00:06:57,667 --> 00:07:04,007 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 63 00:07:16,144 --> 00:07:22,817 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 64 00:07:32,409 --> 00:07:38,625 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 65 00:07:49,844 --> 00:07:56,433 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 66 00:08:05,360 --> 00:08:09,823 {\an1}[Paul Landis] The whole trip brings back memories. 67 00:08:17,580 --> 00:08:21,418 {\an1}I can remember everything pretty much in detail. 68 00:08:21,918 --> 00:08:24,337 {\an1}[sighs] 69 00:08:29,843 --> 00:08:34,681 {\an1}[crowd cheering] 70 00:08:42,355 --> 00:08:48,570 {\an1}[crowd cheering] 71 00:08:59,247 --> 00:09:05,211 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 72 00:09:14,804 --> 00:09:18,933 {\an1}It was like a dream come true for me. 73 00:09:18,933 --> 00:09:21,561 {\an1}When I first joined the Secret Service, 74 00:09:21,561 --> 00:09:24,898 {\an1}this is what I wanted to do. 75 00:09:33,990 --> 00:09:37,327 {\an1}My code name was Debut. 76 00:09:37,327 --> 00:09:40,163 {\an1}I think that was just because I was so young. 77 00:09:45,627 --> 00:09:48,421 {\an1}Clint, his code name was Dazzle. 78 00:09:51,216 --> 00:09:54,719 {\an1}He knew Mrs. Kennedy like the back of his hand, 79 00:09:54,719 --> 00:09:58,431 {\an1}and there were just two of us assigned to her at that time. 80 00:09:58,431 --> 00:10:00,100 {\an1}We did everything together. 81 00:10:00,100 --> 00:10:02,227 {\an1}We began to think alike. 82 00:10:02,477 --> 00:10:08,733 {\an1}[crowd cheering] 83 00:10:12,070 --> 00:10:14,864 {\an1}[Reporter] Mrs. Kennedy is proving an able campaigner as 84 00:10:14,864 --> 00:10:16,950 {\an1}she charms the crowds with her smile, 85 00:10:16,950 --> 00:10:19,410 {\an1}handshakes and pleasantries. 86 00:10:22,288 --> 00:10:25,583 {\an1}[Paul Landis] Everybody wanted to see Jackie. 87 00:10:25,583 --> 00:10:29,170 {\an1}Chanting "Jackie, Jackie, Jackie." 88 00:10:30,797 --> 00:10:34,551 {\an1}They were like a movie star couple really. 89 00:10:34,884 --> 00:10:37,595 {\an1}I think he kind of thrived on that. 90 00:10:47,480 --> 00:10:53,736 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 91 00:10:59,576 --> 00:11:05,164 {\an1}When we got to Fort Worth that night, it was 11:00. 92 00:11:07,959 --> 00:11:12,422 {\an1}Still had a large crowd outside the hotel. 93 00:11:18,636 --> 00:11:21,639 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 94 00:11:21,639 --> 00:11:24,809 {\an1}We were all in a good mood and felt that there was no sign of 95 00:11:24,809 --> 00:11:28,146 {\an1}animosity or anything like that. 96 00:11:33,610 --> 00:11:36,571 {\an1}[♪ radio intro music] 97 00:11:36,571 --> 00:11:39,908 {\an1}[Radio Host] 570 Radio in Fort Worth, WBAP. 98 00:11:39,908 --> 00:11:40,783 {\an1}Here is Morning Edition, 99 00:11:41,117 --> 00:11:42,619 {\an1}complete news and weather coverage, 100 00:11:42,619 --> 00:11:46,164 {\an1}combining authoritative sources of WBAP and ABC, 101 00:11:46,164 --> 00:11:48,708 {\an1}brought to you by your 30 conveniently located 102 00:11:48,708 --> 00:11:51,085 {\an1}Buddies Supermarkets. 103 00:11:51,085 --> 00:11:52,962 {\an1}[Reporter] Good morning everyone. 104 00:11:52,962 --> 00:11:55,006 {\an1}President and Mrs. Kennedy arrived in Fort Worth from 105 00:11:55,006 --> 00:11:58,176 {\an1}Houston late last night to an enthusiastic reception from 106 00:11:58,176 --> 00:12:00,845 {\an1}huge crowds, and spent the night in suite 850 107 00:12:00,845 --> 00:12:03,514 {\an1}at Hotel Texas downtown. 108 00:12:09,687 --> 00:12:16,027 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 109 00:12:18,696 --> 00:12:21,032 {\an1}[Sid Davis] Thousands gathered around the presidential hotel 110 00:12:21,032 --> 00:12:23,826 {\an1}in Fort Worth this morning in drizzling rain. 111 00:12:23,826 --> 00:12:26,371 {\an1}Many starting nearly three hours before the Kennedys 112 00:12:26,371 --> 00:12:27,705 {\an1}were to come out. 113 00:12:27,705 --> 00:12:29,832 {\an1}[crowd cheering] 114 00:12:29,832 --> 00:12:31,250 {\an1}After all, it was Mrs. Kennedy's 115 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:32,752 {\an1}first trip to Texas, 116 00:12:32,752 --> 00:12:35,755 {\an1}and Texans like to make big impressions. 117 00:12:38,549 --> 00:12:41,469 {\an1}This is Sid Davis with the presidential party, Texas. 118 00:12:41,469 --> 00:12:43,471 {\an1}[laughs] 119 00:12:46,808 --> 00:12:49,268 {\an1}I was with Westinghouse Broadcasting Company 120 00:12:49,268 --> 00:12:51,229 {\an1}as a White House correspondent, 121 00:12:51,229 --> 00:12:54,857 {\an1}and I covered Kennedy wherever he went. 122 00:12:55,191 --> 00:12:57,735 {\an1}When the Dallas trip was announced, 123 00:12:57,735 --> 00:12:59,862 {\an1}we were excited at the fact that it would be a 124 00:12:59,862 --> 00:13:03,032 {\an1}good political trip because we knew that Texas was not 125 00:13:03,032 --> 00:13:05,660 {\an1}a Kennedy town or state. 126 00:13:05,660 --> 00:13:08,329 {\an1}So, there was some trepidation on the part of the press and 127 00:13:08,329 --> 00:13:10,957 {\an1}what kind of a reception Kennedy would get. 128 00:13:14,669 --> 00:13:17,922 {\an1}[Man] Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States. 129 00:13:22,260 --> 00:13:26,097 {\an1}[crowd cheering] 130 00:13:26,431 --> 00:13:29,100 {\an1}[Sid Davis] He was inspirational. 131 00:13:31,310 --> 00:13:33,563 {\an1}Even if you didn't agree with him, 132 00:13:33,563 --> 00:13:35,982 {\an1}you couldn't help but like him. 133 00:13:35,982 --> 00:13:39,861 {\an1}You know, "we shall go to the moon in this decade and return 134 00:13:39,861 --> 00:13:42,155 {\an1}the astronauts safely to Earth." 135 00:13:42,155 --> 00:13:45,074 {\an1}And everybody said, "he's nuts, he's crazy." 136 00:13:46,075 --> 00:13:49,954 {\an1}[crowd cheering] 137 00:13:49,954 --> 00:13:52,707 {\an1}[John F. Kennedy] Why choose this as our goal? 138 00:13:52,707 --> 00:13:56,627 {\an1}And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? 139 00:13:56,627 --> 00:14:00,965 {\an1}Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? 140 00:14:00,965 --> 00:14:03,342 {\an1}Why does Rice play Texas? 141 00:14:03,342 --> 00:14:06,054 {\an1}We choose to go to the moon! 142 00:14:06,054 --> 00:14:08,097 {\an1}We choose to go to the moon... 143 00:14:08,097 --> 00:14:13,895 {\an1}[applause] 144 00:14:14,145 --> 00:14:16,981 {\an1}We choose to go to the moon in this decade and 145 00:14:16,981 --> 00:14:18,149 {\an1}do the other things, 146 00:14:18,441 --> 00:14:22,403 {\an1}not because they are easy, but because they are hard. 147 00:14:22,403 --> 00:14:25,656 {\an1}[Sid Davis] Talk about being a gambler? 148 00:14:26,449 --> 00:14:29,952 {\an1}This guy had what the Spanish would call cajones, 149 00:14:29,952 --> 00:14:32,163 {\an1}you know? 150 00:14:36,918 --> 00:14:43,257 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 151 00:14:44,217 --> 00:14:46,969 {\an1}There was a breakfast that morning, 152 00:14:46,969 --> 00:14:50,890 {\an1}and I think there were about 2,000 or more people there. 153 00:14:52,308 --> 00:14:55,228 {\an1}And President Kennedy really wanted Jackie to be seen 154 00:14:55,228 --> 00:14:57,897 {\an1}by everybody in Texas. 155 00:14:57,897 --> 00:15:01,275 {\an1}Texas was such an important state. 156 00:15:01,275 --> 00:15:04,487 {\an1}He felt that with Jackie along, he would do better. 157 00:15:07,073 --> 00:15:13,496 {\an1}[applause] 158 00:15:15,832 --> 00:15:17,291 {\an1}[Reporter] As you may have noticed, 159 00:15:17,291 --> 00:15:19,252 {\an1}Mrs. Kennedy did not enter with the President. 160 00:15:19,252 --> 00:15:21,879 {\an1}So far, we have no indication of where she may be, 161 00:15:21,879 --> 00:15:24,340 {\an1}and I can tell you from where we are standing, 162 00:15:24,340 --> 00:15:26,050 {\an1}there are quite a few ladies who appear to be 163 00:15:26,050 --> 00:15:29,303 {\an1}quite disappointed that Mrs. Kennedy is not here. 164 00:15:34,100 --> 00:15:37,186 {\an1}[Clint Hill] Now, Mrs. Kennedy had indicated that she was 165 00:15:37,186 --> 00:15:39,647 {\an1}not planning to go to this breakfast. 166 00:15:39,647 --> 00:15:42,650 {\an1}And so, I went to Mrs. Kennedy's room 167 00:15:42,650 --> 00:15:45,903 {\an1}and she was preparing to leave the hotel. 168 00:15:46,320 --> 00:15:48,156 {\an1}[Reporter] Quite a few people in the ballroom are 169 00:15:48,156 --> 00:15:49,824 {\an1}watching the maitre-d. 170 00:15:49,824 --> 00:15:51,409 {\an1}He's the short man that's walking back and forth 171 00:15:51,409 --> 00:15:53,452 {\an1}behind the head table. 172 00:15:54,829 --> 00:15:57,165 {\an1}Now he's pouring coffee. 173 00:15:57,165 --> 00:15:58,124 {\an1}As he moves down the line, 174 00:15:58,457 --> 00:16:01,210 {\an1}he did not stop at Mrs. Kennedy's place. 175 00:16:02,170 --> 00:16:05,298 {\an1}[Clint Hill] Then the phone rang, 176 00:16:05,298 --> 00:16:07,675 {\an1}and it was the agent who was with the President 177 00:16:07,675 --> 00:16:10,261 {\an1}down at the breakfast. 178 00:16:10,928 --> 00:16:13,890 {\an1}He said, "Clint, the President wants you to 179 00:16:13,890 --> 00:16:16,184 {\an1}bring Mrs. Kennedy down here." 180 00:16:16,184 --> 00:16:20,062 {\an1}I said, "Oh, she's not planning to go to that breakfast at all." 181 00:16:20,897 --> 00:16:24,358 {\an1}He said, "Clint, you didn't get the message. 182 00:16:24,358 --> 00:16:29,447 {\an1}The President says, bring Mrs. Kennedy down here now." 183 00:16:29,447 --> 00:16:32,742 {\an1}I said, "Okay, I got the message." 184 00:16:40,540 --> 00:16:42,084 {\an1}The door opened, we walked in, 185 00:16:42,084 --> 00:16:44,921 {\an1}and the place absolutely erupted. 186 00:16:46,130 --> 00:16:52,428 {\an1}[applause] 187 00:16:57,391 --> 00:17:01,479 {\an1}[applause] 188 00:17:01,479 --> 00:17:03,397 {\an1}[Sid Davis] When she walked into the room, 189 00:17:03,397 --> 00:17:06,651 {\an1}the crowd just got out of its chairs and started cheering. 190 00:17:06,651 --> 00:17:13,031 {\an1}[applause] 191 00:17:17,578 --> 00:17:21,707 {\an1}[applause] 192 00:17:21,707 --> 00:17:25,419 {\an1}She was dressed in this two-piece suit, 193 00:17:25,419 --> 00:17:29,006 {\an1}and I'm not a fashion expert, so I said to one of the 194 00:17:29,006 --> 00:17:33,552 {\an1}lady reporters, I said, "Is that pink?" 195 00:17:33,552 --> 00:17:38,224 {\an1}She said, "Mrs. Kennedy wouldn't be caught dead in pink." 196 00:17:38,683 --> 00:17:40,893 {\an1}I said, "Shoot, excuse me. 197 00:17:40,893 --> 00:17:41,978 {\an1}[laughs] 198 00:17:41,978 --> 00:17:43,020 {\an1}What do you call it?" 199 00:17:43,437 --> 00:17:45,940 {\an1}She said, "You can call it strawberry or raspberry." 200 00:17:45,940 --> 00:17:48,401 {\an1}And I called it raspberry. 201 00:17:52,530 --> 00:17:54,991 {\an1}[John F. Kennedy] Ladies and gentlemen, two years ago 202 00:17:54,991 --> 00:17:57,743 {\an1}I introduced myself in Paris by saying that I was the man 203 00:17:57,743 --> 00:18:00,079 {\an1}who had accompanied Mrs. Kennedy to Paris. 204 00:18:00,079 --> 00:18:01,998 {\an1}I'm getting somewhat that same sensation 205 00:18:01,998 --> 00:18:03,874 {\an1}as I travel around Texas. 206 00:18:03,874 --> 00:18:10,464 {\an1}[laughs, applause] 207 00:18:11,882 --> 00:18:14,135 {\an1}[John F. Kennedy] Nobody wonders what Lyndon and I wear. 208 00:18:14,135 --> 00:18:19,849 {\an1}[laughs] 209 00:18:27,440 --> 00:18:29,567 {\an1}[Sid Davis] She'd been through a terrible period 210 00:18:29,567 --> 00:18:31,360 {\an1}the previous four months. 211 00:18:31,360 --> 00:18:33,654 {\an1}Her baby, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, 212 00:18:33,654 --> 00:18:37,366 {\an1}died in August, and so she was getting over that. 213 00:18:37,366 --> 00:18:40,828 {\an1}This was her first visit out of the White House in the public. 214 00:18:45,666 --> 00:18:48,502 {\an1}And so, it was an uplifting thing for people to see her 215 00:18:48,502 --> 00:18:50,504 {\an1}out and smiling. 216 00:18:50,504 --> 00:18:57,011 {\an1}[applause] 217 00:18:57,428 --> 00:18:59,055 {\an1}[Clint Hill] Prior to that you'd never see them 218 00:18:59,055 --> 00:19:01,974 {\an1}hug or kiss or hold hands in public. 219 00:19:01,974 --> 00:19:06,103 {\an1}From that point on, they didn't care who was there. 220 00:19:08,230 --> 00:19:10,608 {\an1}They'd hold hands, they'd hug. 221 00:19:10,608 --> 00:19:13,694 {\an1}And it changed their relationship. 222 00:19:16,864 --> 00:19:19,784 {\an1}It really changed everything. 223 00:19:23,788 --> 00:19:25,956 {\an1}[Sid Davis] I'd never seen her happier than 224 00:19:25,956 --> 00:19:28,042 {\an1}she was that morning. 225 00:19:29,668 --> 00:19:33,798 {\an1}[Raymond Buck] Mr. President, we know that you don't wear a hat. 226 00:19:33,798 --> 00:19:37,385 {\an1}[laughs]. 227 00:19:37,385 --> 00:19:39,595 {\an1}[Raymond Buck] Couldn't let you leave Fort Worth without 228 00:19:39,595 --> 00:19:42,556 {\an1}providing you with some protection against the rain. 229 00:19:42,556 --> 00:19:44,558 {\an1}[laughs] 230 00:19:44,558 --> 00:19:50,940 {\an1}[applause]. 231 00:20:00,533 --> 00:20:04,245 {\an1}[crowd cheering] 232 00:20:04,245 --> 00:20:06,914 {\an1}[Sid Davis] The time we were ready to leave Fort Worth that 233 00:20:06,914 --> 00:20:09,583 {\an1}morning, we drove out to Carswell Air Force Base, 234 00:20:09,583 --> 00:20:13,212 {\an1}and we got in Air Force One to fly to Dallas. 235 00:20:15,840 --> 00:20:18,342 {\an1}[Reporter] At this moment three special jetliners are supposed 236 00:20:18,342 --> 00:20:22,054 {\an1}to be in the air between Dallas and Fort Worth. 237 00:20:22,054 --> 00:20:24,390 {\an1}Right now, the eyes of Texas 238 00:20:24,390 --> 00:20:27,101 {\an1}and the nation are focused on Dallas. 239 00:20:27,560 --> 00:20:34,316 {\an1}[crowd cheering] 240 00:20:38,446 --> 00:20:45,286 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 241 00:20:55,337 --> 00:20:58,507 {\an1}[Paul Landis] The day we left, we had a briefing, 242 00:20:58,507 --> 00:21:02,094 {\an1}and everybody was given their assignments and 243 00:21:02,094 --> 00:21:04,722 {\an1}what they would be doing. 244 00:21:04,722 --> 00:21:10,144 {\an1}And this was the first I learned that Dallas 245 00:21:10,144 --> 00:21:14,356 {\an1}had a moniker, the City of Hate. 246 00:21:14,857 --> 00:21:19,403 {\an1}I, I never knew, had never thought anything about that. 247 00:21:24,116 --> 00:21:27,453 {\an1}Dallas to me was big money. 248 00:21:27,453 --> 00:21:31,874 {\an1}You had the Hunt brothers, oil country, 249 00:21:32,249 --> 00:21:34,418 {\an1}home of the big rich. 250 00:21:34,418 --> 00:21:36,879 {\an1}I was surprised to hear this. 251 00:21:36,879 --> 00:21:41,550 {\an1}I knew nothing about it being a bad political environment. 252 00:21:46,096 --> 00:21:47,765 {\an1}[Reporter] Dallas Police Chief, Jesse Curry, 253 00:21:47,765 --> 00:21:49,600 {\an1}has told the citizens and visitors that nothing must 254 00:21:49,600 --> 00:21:51,936 {\an1}occur that would be disrespectful or degrading 255 00:21:51,936 --> 00:21:53,771 {\an1}to the President. 256 00:21:55,147 --> 00:21:57,316 {\an1}But there are those opposition signs, 257 00:21:57,316 --> 00:22:00,611 {\an1}and we see in brilliant evidence right now, 258 00:22:00,611 --> 00:22:03,989 {\an1}a Texas flag and a huge Confederate flag are flying. 259 00:22:04,281 --> 00:22:06,367 {\an1}[Earle Cabell] We undoubtedly will have a few pickets, 260 00:22:06,367 --> 00:22:08,828 {\an1}as you have everywhere in the United States. 261 00:22:08,828 --> 00:22:12,623 {\an1}There will probably be a few of the radical right wing. 262 00:22:12,623 --> 00:22:15,292 {\an1}Possibly a few of the radical left wing. 263 00:22:15,292 --> 00:22:19,046 {\an1}But sincerely, we anticipate no trouble. 264 00:22:22,466 --> 00:22:26,512 {\an1}[dog barking] 265 00:22:27,596 --> 00:22:30,432 {\an1}[Buell Frazier] Being a young 19-year-old boy from Dallas, 266 00:22:30,432 --> 00:22:34,019 {\an1}I never had seen a presidential motorcade. 267 00:22:34,979 --> 00:22:39,108 {\an1}Um, I didn't know what to expect. 268 00:22:39,108 --> 00:22:41,235 {\an1}I had no idea. 269 00:22:41,235 --> 00:22:45,239 {\an1}Uh, my number one thing was you go into work and 270 00:22:45,239 --> 00:22:47,825 {\an1}doing what you had to do, and get home. 271 00:22:50,619 --> 00:22:53,747 {\an1}[♪ pleasant pop music] 272 00:22:53,747 --> 00:22:57,835 {\an1}Well, that Friday felt like any other Friday morning. 273 00:23:02,089 --> 00:23:07,553 {\an1}[♪ pleasant pop music] 274 00:23:07,553 --> 00:23:10,055 {\an1}I drove Lee Harvey Oswald to work, because 275 00:23:10,055 --> 00:23:13,017 {\an1}Lee did not own a car. 276 00:23:15,894 --> 00:23:19,023 {\an1}We listened to the radio. 277 00:23:19,315 --> 00:23:20,941 {\an1}Lee wasn't a big talker. 278 00:23:20,941 --> 00:23:24,278 {\an1}He would not initiate a conversation. 279 00:23:24,570 --> 00:23:29,366 {\an1}The thing he would talk most about was his child. 280 00:23:33,037 --> 00:23:36,248 {\an1}And I noticed a package on the backseat. 281 00:23:36,248 --> 00:23:38,959 {\an1}And I just glanced at it, I didn't look at it. 282 00:23:40,085 --> 00:23:42,880 {\an1}I said, "What's in the package, Lee?" 283 00:23:42,880 --> 00:23:46,425 {\an1}And he says, "Curtain rods." 284 00:23:46,425 --> 00:23:51,472 {\an1}[♪ ominous music] 285 00:23:52,598 --> 00:23:56,769 {\an1}Then we got to work at Texas School Book Depository. 286 00:24:04,151 --> 00:24:07,363 {\an1}And Lee gets out, gets the package, 287 00:24:07,363 --> 00:24:09,948 {\an1}and he walked off. 288 00:24:17,665 --> 00:24:21,627 {\an1}We always walked together, but not this morning. 289 00:24:25,172 --> 00:24:28,384 {\an1}And it never dawned on me anything was different. 290 00:24:37,851 --> 00:24:44,024 {\an1}[ambient crowd noise] 291 00:24:55,411 --> 00:25:02,167 {\an1}[ambient crowd noise] 292 00:25:09,883 --> 00:25:11,593 {\an1}[Gayle Newman] When we arrived at Love Field, 293 00:25:11,593 --> 00:25:15,472 {\an1}there was a huge crowd waiting to see the President. 294 00:25:15,889 --> 00:25:19,059 {\an1}I put the boys in their Sunday best clothes, 295 00:25:19,059 --> 00:25:21,520 {\an1}and we both dressed up. 296 00:25:21,520 --> 00:25:23,897 {\an1}We were excited. 297 00:25:23,897 --> 00:25:25,899 {\an1}We said we were taking the children, 298 00:25:25,899 --> 00:25:29,737 {\an1}but I think we were more interested in seeing 299 00:25:29,737 --> 00:25:33,115 {\an1}the President and First Lady than, than uh, the kids. 300 00:25:33,115 --> 00:25:35,534 {\an1}They didn't know who they were. 301 00:25:40,080 --> 00:25:43,792 {\an1}[Bill Newman] Gayle and myself were glad to be there. 302 00:25:45,085 --> 00:25:47,212 {\an1}It's not an everyday event that 303 00:25:47,212 --> 00:25:50,799 {\an1}the President of the United States comes to Dallas, Texas. 304 00:25:52,050 --> 00:25:54,762 {\an1}It looked like the best place to be was out at Love Field 305 00:25:54,762 --> 00:25:57,723 {\an1}as the plane came in. 306 00:25:59,975 --> 00:26:01,935 {\an1}[Reporter] And here comes the presidential plane, 307 00:26:01,935 --> 00:26:04,229 {\an1}Air Force number one. 308 00:26:04,730 --> 00:26:08,442 {\an1}[cheering] 309 00:26:08,442 --> 00:26:14,948 {\an1}[jet engine] 310 00:26:30,380 --> 00:26:35,344 {\an1}[jet engine] 311 00:26:35,886 --> 00:26:37,679 {\an1}[Reporter] The official greeting party is consisting of 312 00:26:37,679 --> 00:26:39,473 {\an1}the Vice President Lyndon Johnson, 313 00:26:39,473 --> 00:26:43,560 {\an1}and Mrs. Johnson of course. 314 00:26:43,560 --> 00:26:55,239 {\an1}[cheering] 315 00:27:00,035 --> 00:27:05,916 {\an1}[cheering] 316 00:27:07,209 --> 00:27:11,004 {\an1}[Clint Hill] At the airport in Love Field on arrival, 317 00:27:11,004 --> 00:27:13,006 {\an1}there's large crowds. 318 00:27:13,632 --> 00:27:16,844 {\an1}President Kennedy, he just headed straight for the fence 319 00:27:16,844 --> 00:27:18,554 {\an1}where the people were. 320 00:27:18,554 --> 00:27:21,098 {\an1}Mrs. Kennedy normally wouldn't do that. 321 00:27:21,098 --> 00:27:22,850 {\an1}But she went right along right behind him, 322 00:27:22,850 --> 00:27:25,936 {\an1}and so I accompanied her. 323 00:27:37,281 --> 00:27:43,704 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 324 00:27:46,790 --> 00:27:53,338 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 325 00:27:53,338 --> 00:27:57,009 {\an1}We knew that there was a group in Dallas that did not like or 326 00:27:57,009 --> 00:27:59,136 {\an1}did not agree with President Kennedy's position 327 00:27:59,136 --> 00:28:01,889 {\an1}on many things. 328 00:28:05,225 --> 00:28:08,770 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 329 00:28:08,770 --> 00:28:10,731 {\an1}Now, how far they were willing to go for that, 330 00:28:10,731 --> 00:28:12,858 {\an1}I did not know, we did not know. 331 00:28:15,819 --> 00:28:18,155 {\an1}You never know what's in that crowd. 332 00:28:18,155 --> 00:28:21,408 {\an1}Who's in that crowd. 333 00:28:21,408 --> 00:28:27,164 {\an1}[♪ ominous music] 334 00:28:27,164 --> 00:28:29,708 {\an1}[Gayle Newman] I mean, the crowd was pushing, 335 00:28:29,708 --> 00:28:32,878 {\an1}just surged around us and we weren't able to get any further. 336 00:28:34,671 --> 00:28:35,881 {\an1}[cheering] 337 00:28:35,881 --> 00:28:40,260 {\an1}I wasn't able to really get up close. 338 00:28:40,260 --> 00:28:41,845 {\an1}[cheering] 339 00:28:41,845 --> 00:28:44,932 {\an1}And Bill said, "I think we can probably get ahead of the 340 00:28:44,932 --> 00:28:49,978 {\an1}motorcade and get down where we can get maybe a closer look." 341 00:28:51,021 --> 00:28:52,814 {\an1}[cheering] 342 00:28:52,814 --> 00:28:54,816 {\an1}[Reporter] And now the President and First Lady 343 00:28:54,816 --> 00:28:56,485 {\an1}are retreating from the fence. 344 00:28:56,485 --> 00:28:58,445 {\an1}They're heading now for the official limousine, 345 00:28:58,445 --> 00:29:01,698 {\an1}where Governor Connally stands, waiting their arrival so that 346 00:29:01,698 --> 00:29:04,242 {\an1}they can make their way downtown. 347 00:29:05,285 --> 00:29:08,288 {\an1}[cheering] 348 00:29:11,833 --> 00:29:14,920 {\an1}[cheering] 349 00:29:14,920 --> 00:29:19,716 {\an1}[♪ ominous classical music] 350 00:29:19,716 --> 00:29:25,973 {\an1}[cheering] 351 00:29:25,973 --> 00:29:27,933 {\an1}[Man] Gotta get to the car. 352 00:29:30,435 --> 00:29:36,066 {\an1}[chatter] 353 00:29:47,911 --> 00:29:50,706 {\an1}[Clint Hill] Now, it had been raining lightly, 354 00:29:50,706 --> 00:29:53,709 {\an1}but it had stopped. 355 00:29:53,709 --> 00:29:55,711 {\an1}By the time we were ready to leave, 356 00:29:55,711 --> 00:29:59,381 {\an1}the word was "the top is to be off." 357 00:30:05,137 --> 00:30:11,560 {\an1}The President's insisted on having an open car, 358 00:30:11,560 --> 00:30:14,312 {\an1}was because he wanted to be felt 359 00:30:14,312 --> 00:30:16,982 {\an1}as close to the people as possible. 360 00:30:16,982 --> 00:30:19,860 {\an1}He wanted the people to feel there was never any barrier 361 00:30:19,860 --> 00:30:23,238 {\an1}between them and him. 362 00:30:28,035 --> 00:30:34,833 {\an1}[♪ slow ominous music] 363 00:30:44,051 --> 00:30:50,891 {\an1}We started to drive through the outskirts of Dallas. 364 00:30:54,895 --> 00:30:58,899 {\an1}And I was surveying the crowd, just scanning them to see 365 00:30:58,899 --> 00:31:01,026 {\an1}what was going on. 366 00:31:04,029 --> 00:31:10,869 {\an1}[♪ slow ominous music] 367 00:31:19,753 --> 00:31:23,799 {\an1}[♪ slow ominous music] 368 00:31:23,799 --> 00:31:27,344 {\an1}Everywhere that they could get to see President and 369 00:31:27,344 --> 00:31:31,098 {\an1}Mrs. Kennedy, they tried to get. 370 00:31:35,560 --> 00:31:41,149 {\an1}[♪ classical music] 371 00:31:44,361 --> 00:31:48,115 {\an1}I jumped from my position on the follow up car, 372 00:31:48,115 --> 00:31:53,203 {\an1}and went to the rear bumper of the presidential vehicle, 373 00:31:53,203 --> 00:31:56,581 {\an1}and got up on top of there, to be as close to Mrs. Kennedy as 374 00:31:56,581 --> 00:31:59,876 {\an1}I could be, because I didn't know what to expect from any of 375 00:31:59,876 --> 00:32:03,755 {\an1}these people who were that close to her. 376 00:32:07,467 --> 00:32:14,307 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 377 00:32:19,312 --> 00:32:22,440 {\an1}[Sid Davis] I was in the press bus, 378 00:32:22,440 --> 00:32:26,653 {\an1}'cause I could sit up front in the bus and see out. 379 00:32:30,949 --> 00:32:33,535 {\an1}There was something magical about this trip, 380 00:32:33,535 --> 00:32:36,830 {\an1}and I think it was Jackie, and the fact that he brought her. 381 00:32:39,291 --> 00:32:43,128 {\an1}I don't know, I uh... 382 00:32:43,670 --> 00:32:48,008 {\an1}I changed my opinion about Dallas and Texas. 383 00:32:48,633 --> 00:32:50,760 {\an1}It was not a cold city. 384 00:32:50,760 --> 00:32:53,555 {\an1}It made a big difference because Jackie was there. 385 00:32:53,555 --> 00:32:56,141 {\an1}I think the town really was very, 386 00:32:56,141 --> 00:32:57,976 {\an1}very welcoming to her. 387 00:32:57,976 --> 00:33:01,479 {\an1}It was a celebration, that they were getting a chance to see 388 00:33:01,479 --> 00:33:04,858 {\an1}this First Lady who'd never been to Dallas. 389 00:33:04,858 --> 00:33:09,237 {\an1}And, of course, it changed her life. 390 00:33:14,993 --> 00:33:21,625 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 391 00:33:31,051 --> 00:33:37,641 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 392 00:33:47,525 --> 00:33:54,032 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 393 00:33:57,452 --> 00:34:01,122 {\an1}[Clint Hill] I have this sense of guilt. 394 00:34:02,415 --> 00:34:05,460 {\an1}I should have been able to do more than I did. 395 00:34:10,924 --> 00:34:14,010 {\an1}I wasn't fast enough. 396 00:34:16,346 --> 00:34:19,599 {\an1}I guess I wasn't faster than a speeding bullet. 397 00:34:22,893 --> 00:34:29,567 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 398 00:34:34,239 --> 00:34:41,079 {\an1}[♪ music crescendos] 399 00:34:43,331 --> 00:34:45,333 {\an1}[Reporter] It appears as though something has happened 400 00:34:45,333 --> 00:34:46,876 {\an1}in the motorcade route. 401 00:34:46,876 --> 00:34:48,043 {\an1}Something, I repeat, has happened 402 00:34:48,043 --> 00:34:50,255 {\an1}in the motorcade route. 403 00:34:50,255 --> 00:34:53,174 {\an1}The limousine is now traveling at a very high rate of speed, 404 00:34:53,174 --> 00:34:55,802 {\an1}Secret Service men standing up in the limousine. 405 00:34:56,219 --> 00:34:58,680 {\an1}[Clint Hill] Mrs. Kennedy was screaming, 406 00:34:58,680 --> 00:35:02,475 {\an1}"they've shot his head off. I love you, Jack." 407 00:35:08,315 --> 00:35:15,113 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 408 00:35:17,574 --> 00:35:23,747 {\an1}[♪ tense classical music] 409 00:35:28,376 --> 00:35:31,087 {\an1}[Sid Davis] It was at Dealey Plaza we saw the people trying 410 00:35:31,087 --> 00:35:33,757 {\an1}to escape the danger. 411 00:35:37,761 --> 00:35:39,679 {\an1}I saw women taking their shoes off, 412 00:35:39,679 --> 00:35:42,265 {\an1}running without heels. 413 00:35:46,978 --> 00:35:49,856 {\an1}I saw a father take his little boy, 414 00:35:49,856 --> 00:35:53,109 {\an1}place the boy on the ground, 415 00:35:53,109 --> 00:35:56,154 {\an1}and put his body on top of the boy. 416 00:35:59,491 --> 00:36:02,494 {\an1}[♪ tense classical music] 417 00:36:02,494 --> 00:36:04,954 {\an1}[Gayle Newman] We were one lane width away from him 418 00:36:04,954 --> 00:36:08,083 {\an1}when he was shot in the head. 419 00:36:08,958 --> 00:36:13,588 {\an1}I think my maternal instinct kicked in. 420 00:36:14,506 --> 00:36:19,594 {\an1}[♪ tense classical music] 421 00:36:19,594 --> 00:36:22,806 {\an1}Never in my mind, when I got up that morning, 422 00:36:22,806 --> 00:36:26,559 {\an1}did I think that I would see something so horrific. 423 00:36:28,228 --> 00:36:34,692 {\an1}[♪ tense classical music] 424 00:36:37,654 --> 00:36:39,155 {\an1}[Clint Hill] I was shouting up to the driver, 425 00:36:39,155 --> 00:36:42,283 {\an1}"Get us to the hospital, get us to the hospital." 426 00:36:42,283 --> 00:36:44,077 {\an1}Mrs. Kennedy was in shock, 427 00:36:44,077 --> 00:36:47,205 {\an1}with the President's head in her lap. 428 00:36:55,797 --> 00:37:02,262 {\an1}[sirens] 429 00:37:02,262 --> 00:37:08,893 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 430 00:37:10,687 --> 00:37:15,066 {\an1}[Clint Hill] When we got to Parkland Hospital, 431 00:37:17,068 --> 00:37:19,446 {\an1}Mrs. Kennedy had a hold of his body, 432 00:37:19,446 --> 00:37:22,115 {\an1}and she would not let go. 433 00:37:22,115 --> 00:37:23,742 {\an1}I pleaded with her, I said, 434 00:37:23,742 --> 00:37:27,620 {\an1}"Please Mrs. Kennedy, let us help the President." 435 00:37:27,620 --> 00:37:30,248 {\an1}Got no response at all. 436 00:37:30,248 --> 00:37:34,252 {\an1}And then I realized, she wasn't going to let go. 437 00:37:35,211 --> 00:37:41,593 {\an1}So, I took my suit coat off, and covered up his back, 438 00:37:41,593 --> 00:37:44,762 {\an1}his head, shoulders and upper back, 439 00:37:44,762 --> 00:37:47,891 {\an1}and when I did that, she let go. 440 00:37:52,729 --> 00:37:54,647 {\an1}[Reporter] The latest unconfirmed report from 441 00:37:54,647 --> 00:37:58,401 {\an1}the emergency room is that he is still alive. 442 00:37:58,401 --> 00:38:01,529 {\an1}Texas Governor John Connally also was hit by the bullet. 443 00:38:04,699 --> 00:38:10,705 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 444 00:38:10,705 --> 00:38:14,042 {\an1}[Paul Landis] We got to trauma room one. 445 00:38:16,044 --> 00:38:19,005 {\an1}I kind of got pushed in with the crowd, 446 00:38:19,005 --> 00:38:22,425 {\an1}right beside his shoes or feet. 447 00:38:22,425 --> 00:38:24,552 {\an1}I couldn't look at the President, 448 00:38:24,552 --> 00:38:28,848 {\an1}I, I was feeling faint. 449 00:38:28,848 --> 00:38:32,560 {\an1}I knew if I looked at him, I'd pass out. 450 00:38:33,144 --> 00:38:36,940 {\an1}And it was, I, I just, you can do this Paul. 451 00:38:36,940 --> 00:38:40,443 {\an1}That was a time, you know, you're needed more. 452 00:38:42,237 --> 00:38:43,988 {\an1}You've got to stay with it. 453 00:38:43,988 --> 00:38:47,700 {\an1}You've got to hang in there. 454 00:38:47,700 --> 00:38:51,412 {\an1}I heard a doctor shout, "Let me through, let me through", 455 00:38:51,412 --> 00:38:54,582 {\an1}and they're asking everybody to evacuate the room. 456 00:38:54,582 --> 00:38:58,795 {\an1}And it was about that time somebody came out and asked 457 00:38:58,795 --> 00:39:00,922 {\an1}for the, uh... 458 00:39:00,922 --> 00:39:03,758 {\an1}if anyone knew the President's blood type. 459 00:39:03,758 --> 00:39:06,678 {\an1}And Mrs. Kennedy kind of stood up and said, 460 00:39:06,678 --> 00:39:11,182 {\an1}"Do you mean he's alive?", and it was just utter silence. 461 00:39:14,978 --> 00:39:21,442 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 462 00:39:26,072 --> 00:39:32,870 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 463 00:39:39,252 --> 00:39:45,800 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 464 00:39:50,179 --> 00:39:52,932 {\an1}[Clint Hill] My boss yelled at me, 465 00:39:52,932 --> 00:39:55,518 {\an1}"Clint, get a telephone, 466 00:39:55,518 --> 00:39:57,228 {\an1}open up a line to the White House, 467 00:39:57,228 --> 00:39:59,522 {\an1}let them know what's going on." 468 00:39:59,856 --> 00:40:02,108 {\an1}The operator said, "Mr. Hill, I'm sorry, 469 00:40:02,108 --> 00:40:05,612 {\an1}but Robert Kennedy wants to talk to you." 470 00:40:06,237 --> 00:40:08,072 {\an1}I said, "Okay, fine. 471 00:40:08,072 --> 00:40:10,283 {\an1}Mr. Attorney General, can I help you?" 472 00:40:10,283 --> 00:40:13,369 {\an1}He said, "Clint," he said, "What's going on down there?" 473 00:40:13,369 --> 00:40:15,580 {\an1}I said, "Both President Kennedy 474 00:40:15,580 --> 00:40:17,582 {\an1}and the Governor have been shot." 475 00:40:17,582 --> 00:40:20,293 {\an1}And he said, "Well, how bad is it?", 476 00:40:20,293 --> 00:40:23,796 {\an1}and so I just said, "Well, it's as bad as it could get", 477 00:40:23,796 --> 00:40:26,633 {\an1}and with that, he just hung up the phone. 478 00:40:31,679 --> 00:40:34,098 {\an1}Mrs. Kennedy, she knew. 479 00:40:34,098 --> 00:40:37,810 {\an1}As soon as he fell in her lap, I'm sure, 480 00:40:37,810 --> 00:40:41,439 {\an1}she knew that the President could not have survived and 481 00:40:41,439 --> 00:40:44,067 {\an1}was, in fact, dead. 482 00:40:48,321 --> 00:40:55,161 {\an1}[♪ emotional classical music] 483 00:41:02,043 --> 00:41:08,549 {\an1}[♪ music continues] 484 00:41:15,890 --> 00:41:22,480 {\an1}[♪ music continues] 485 00:41:33,324 --> 00:41:40,039 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 486 00:41:46,337 --> 00:41:47,797 {\an1}[Edwin Newman] This is Edwin Newman and the 487 00:41:47,797 --> 00:41:49,424 {\an1}NBC Newsroom in New York. 488 00:41:49,424 --> 00:41:50,717 {\an1}This information from Dallas. 489 00:41:51,008 --> 00:41:53,177 {\an1}President Kennedy was given the last Holy Rites of the 490 00:41:53,177 --> 00:41:55,596 {\an1}Roman Catholic Church today. 491 00:41:55,596 --> 00:41:58,599 {\an1}That was, of course, after he was shot down by a would-be 492 00:41:58,599 --> 00:42:00,810 {\an1}assassin while he was riding in the caravan through 493 00:42:00,810 --> 00:42:02,937 {\an1}downtown Dallas. 494 00:42:06,816 --> 00:42:09,318 {\an1}Two priests, who were with President Kennedy, 495 00:42:09,318 --> 00:42:11,863 {\an1}say he is dead of bullet wound. 496 00:42:11,863 --> 00:42:17,618 {\an1}This is the latest information we have from Dallas. 497 00:42:17,618 --> 00:42:22,373 {\an1}We will attempt now to get to station WBAP-TV... 498 00:42:22,373 --> 00:42:28,921 {\an1}[radio chatter] 499 00:42:32,508 --> 00:42:34,635 {\an1}[Reporter] What's your you feeling right now? 500 00:42:34,635 --> 00:42:36,763 {\an1}[Woman] I really couldn't say. 501 00:42:36,763 --> 00:42:38,097 {\an1}Really. 502 00:42:38,097 --> 00:42:40,683 {\an1}Right now, I just don't know what to do. 503 00:42:40,683 --> 00:42:44,312 {\an1}I don't even know where to go, what to say. 504 00:42:44,312 --> 00:42:47,440 {\an1}There's nothing for me to say. 505 00:42:51,235 --> 00:42:57,241 {\an1}[♪ slow classical music] 506 00:43:00,912 --> 00:43:04,248 {\an1}[Clint Hill] Yeah, it's my belief that the United States 507 00:43:04,248 --> 00:43:09,796 {\an1}lost its innocence on November 22nd, 1963. 508 00:43:14,092 --> 00:43:18,429 {\an1}[♪ emotional classical music] 509 00:43:24,227 --> 00:43:26,687 {\an1}[Reporter] The search now centers at the area near the 510 00:43:26,687 --> 00:43:29,232 {\an1}old Texas School Book Depository building, 511 00:43:29,232 --> 00:43:32,693 {\an1}and there is a possibility that the would-be assassin is still 512 00:43:32,693 --> 00:43:34,487 {\an1}inside that building. 513 00:43:34,487 --> 00:43:35,655 {\an1}[Rusty Robbins] When most people are running away, 514 00:43:35,655 --> 00:43:38,324 {\an1}that's when police officers are running in. 515 00:43:45,957 --> 00:43:47,792 {\an1}[Reporter] The plane which is carrying the President's body 516 00:43:47,792 --> 00:43:51,337 {\an1}in a bronze casket also has now-President Lyndon Johnson, 517 00:43:51,337 --> 00:43:53,714 {\an1}as well as Mrs. Kennedy. 518 00:43:56,968 --> 00:44:02,098 {\an1}[Sid Davis] She said, "let them see what they have done." 519 00:44:02,098 --> 00:44:03,432 {\an1}Captioned by Cotter Media Group.