1 00:01:48,981 --> 00:01:50,021 From the beginning. 2 00:02:03,741 --> 00:02:04,581 Please. 3 00:02:14,701 --> 00:02:16,781 "The Führer welcomes at its headquarters 4 00:02:16,781 --> 00:02:21,301 Youth Leader Axmann with a delegation of 20 Hitler Youths, 5 00:02:21,301 --> 00:02:24,221 who have excelled in their defense of the homeland 6 00:02:24,221 --> 00:02:26,861 and have been awarded with the Iron Cross. 7 00:02:27,421 --> 00:02:33,101 With these 20 boys, the German youth symbolically appeared before the Führer. 8 00:02:33,101 --> 00:02:36,981 These loyal helpers of our soldiers and the Volkssturm stand, 9 00:02:36,981 --> 00:02:40,341 brave and fearless, in highest commitment. 10 00:02:41,461 --> 00:02:43,901 - The boys tell about their--" - Stop! 11 00:02:46,981 --> 00:02:49,581 Naumann, the Führer doesn't tremble. 12 00:02:49,581 --> 00:02:52,141 The people will never see this footage. 13 00:02:52,141 --> 00:02:53,581 We only have this. 14 00:02:53,581 --> 00:02:55,581 The Führer is a shadow of his former self. 15 00:02:55,581 --> 00:02:58,301 - Terrible, but true. - I decide what's true. 16 00:02:59,781 --> 00:03:00,781 And what's true... 17 00:03:01,821 --> 00:03:04,861 ...is what's good for the German people. Do you finally get it? 18 00:03:04,861 --> 00:03:07,901 Then show what the boys report to the Führer. 19 00:03:07,901 --> 00:03:09,541 They couldn't. 20 00:03:09,541 --> 00:03:12,501 - He had to withdraw immediately. - Take other footage, Naumann! 21 00:03:13,021 --> 00:03:15,541 Take the boy we gave the Iron Cross to. 22 00:03:22,101 --> 00:03:24,981 - The Führer doesn't look well. - Catastrophic. 23 00:03:26,261 --> 00:03:27,221 Nothing left. 24 00:03:28,541 --> 00:03:30,181 Only old ones. And the boys? 25 00:03:30,981 --> 00:03:32,621 They go to their certain death? 26 00:03:36,101 --> 00:03:37,421 What difference does it make? 27 00:03:38,701 --> 00:03:39,821 That's a hero's death. 28 00:03:43,141 --> 00:03:44,341 It's time, Magda. 29 00:03:47,101 --> 00:03:48,341 Get the children. 30 00:03:57,861 --> 00:03:59,141 Helga noticed. 31 00:04:01,501 --> 00:04:03,541 She asks where we will go if we lose the war. 32 00:04:07,821 --> 00:04:09,261 There's no other way. 33 00:04:11,261 --> 00:04:12,621 We have the pictures of the boy. 34 00:04:13,581 --> 00:04:15,301 - We can show them to you. - Go ahead. 35 00:04:16,581 --> 00:04:19,381 When Russian got closer to Lauban, 36 00:04:19,381 --> 00:04:24,621 I volunteered myself to report to Lauban's combat commander. 37 00:04:24,621 --> 00:04:27,021 "If Germany is still alive today, 38 00:04:27,021 --> 00:04:31,741 if Europe, and with it, the Western world, with its culture and civilization, 39 00:04:31,741 --> 00:04:35,181 has not yet completely sunk into the vortex of the dark abyss... 40 00:04:36,901 --> 00:04:38,661 ...you have him alone to thank for this. 41 00:04:39,301 --> 00:04:42,221 Because he will be the man of this century." 42 00:04:42,901 --> 00:04:44,981 I'll tell people this on your birthday. 43 00:04:48,341 --> 00:04:49,461 Very good, Doctor. 44 00:04:56,181 --> 00:04:57,661 The Russians will be here soon. 45 00:04:58,701 --> 00:05:00,941 Everyone is urging me to leave Berlin. 46 00:05:02,381 --> 00:05:03,381 But I'm staying. 47 00:05:04,581 --> 00:05:08,861 If I succeed here, then five minutes to 12:00, I will bring about the decision. 48 00:05:08,861 --> 00:05:11,821 The enemy coalition will be breaking. 49 00:05:17,421 --> 00:05:18,861 It's just a question of whether... 50 00:05:20,621 --> 00:05:22,341 ...we're already six feet under by then. 51 00:05:25,701 --> 00:05:26,941 A devastating mood. 52 00:05:27,581 --> 00:05:30,581 Criticism against the Party is everywhere, 53 00:05:30,581 --> 00:05:31,741 including the Führer. 54 00:05:31,741 --> 00:05:34,701 The Russians will be dealt a harsh defeat here in Berlin. 55 00:05:35,381 --> 00:05:38,341 If it doesn't end well and he dies with honor, 56 00:05:38,341 --> 00:05:40,221 then Europe will become Bolshevik. 57 00:05:40,221 --> 00:05:43,941 But he will be a legendary figure in five years at the latest. 58 00:05:43,941 --> 00:05:47,741 He would be sanctified by this last great effort. 59 00:05:56,261 --> 00:05:58,941 It's all about the decision now. 60 00:05:58,941 --> 00:06:01,421 Let's face it with pride. 61 00:06:01,421 --> 00:06:04,141 The people want role models. 62 00:06:05,301 --> 00:06:06,821 In 100 years, 63 00:06:06,821 --> 00:06:09,461 a beautiful color film will be shown 64 00:06:09,461 --> 00:06:12,301 about those terrible days that we are going through here. 65 00:06:12,941 --> 00:06:15,541 Don't you want to play a part in this film? 66 00:06:16,301 --> 00:06:17,741 Then hang in there! 67 00:06:17,741 --> 00:06:21,821 So that the audience doesn't start booing when you appear on the screen. 68 00:06:22,981 --> 00:06:24,981 - Hail Hitler! - Hail Hitler! 69 00:06:58,141 --> 00:07:01,501 My diaries and pictures will shape the image of our time. 70 00:07:04,301 --> 00:07:08,061 But no one will ever know how I got the people behind the Führer. 71 00:07:10,181 --> 00:07:13,181 I strictly forbid showing techniques 72 00:07:13,181 --> 00:07:14,941 that influence the masses. 73 00:07:16,621 --> 00:07:19,421 This would be disillusionment of national affairs. 74 00:07:22,981 --> 00:07:27,941 Do you know the name of the English, or the American propaganda minister, 75 00:07:27,941 --> 00:07:29,541 or even Stalin's? 76 00:07:31,101 --> 00:07:31,981 No. 77 00:07:32,661 --> 00:07:34,141 But Joseph Goebbels? 78 00:07:42,141 --> 00:07:43,261 Everyone knows him. 79 00:07:47,141 --> 00:07:48,981 My wife, my children and I... 80 00:07:51,301 --> 00:07:54,741 We will set an example for posterity 81 00:07:54,741 --> 00:07:58,421 of what it means to be faithful until death and beyond. 82 00:07:58,421 --> 00:08:00,421 I created the Führer myth. 83 00:08:01,701 --> 00:08:03,781 With my last big enactment, 84 00:08:04,741 --> 00:08:06,781 we will be a part of it. 85 00:08:53,301 --> 00:08:58,581 Germany has become one again, one people, inseparably connected. 86 00:08:58,581 --> 00:09:03,581 In this hour, the German people in Austria 87 00:09:03,581 --> 00:09:07,501 have elevated and confessed their being German. 88 00:09:07,501 --> 00:09:10,541 A rejoicing that the world may yet... 89 00:09:10,541 --> 00:09:13,701 The Führer enters Vienna like a triumphant. 90 00:09:13,701 --> 00:09:15,021 Indescribable. 91 00:09:15,501 --> 00:09:18,381 And now the victory is complete. 92 00:09:19,901 --> 00:09:22,261 It's a historic hour, Hanke. 93 00:09:22,261 --> 00:09:24,461 We now need pictures that show 94 00:09:24,461 --> 00:09:27,141 how the Führer is welcomed with huge applause in Vienna. 95 00:09:27,141 --> 00:09:29,221 Yes, Doctor. Whatever it takes. 96 00:09:29,701 --> 00:09:32,621 The flyers have been distributed, 130 million in all. 97 00:09:32,621 --> 00:09:35,101 Our materials were in Vienna on time. 98 00:09:35,101 --> 00:09:39,261 On the special trains with our followers, we didn't have to help much. 99 00:09:39,261 --> 00:09:41,061 The people are thrilled. 100 00:09:41,541 --> 00:09:44,061 And our people teach the Jews manners. 101 00:09:44,061 --> 00:09:46,301 Brushing the streets with toothbrushes. 102 00:09:46,981 --> 00:09:48,941 Rubbing, they call it. 103 00:09:50,581 --> 00:09:52,261 That's a real Viennese slur. 104 00:09:52,861 --> 00:09:55,461 Himmler reports 20,000 arrests and 100 deaths. 105 00:09:55,461 --> 00:09:56,861 Serves the Jews right. 106 00:09:57,661 --> 00:10:00,141 But we don't say anything about it in the news. 107 00:10:00,821 --> 00:10:03,861 We're as truthful as it's useful. 108 00:10:04,501 --> 00:10:07,821 Propaganda is an art like painting. 109 00:10:08,461 --> 00:10:10,821 It's not the image that comes closest to reality 110 00:10:10,821 --> 00:10:12,501 that has the greatest value. 111 00:10:12,501 --> 00:10:16,261 No, it's the one that triggers the greatest emotions. 112 00:10:16,781 --> 00:10:19,501 We create the images that will last. 113 00:10:20,861 --> 00:10:25,141 As the Führer and Chancellor of the German nation and Reich, 114 00:10:25,901 --> 00:10:28,541 I hereby declare before German history 115 00:10:28,541 --> 00:10:32,621 the entry of my homeland into the German Reich. 116 00:10:40,381 --> 00:10:41,221 Sit down! 117 00:10:45,821 --> 00:10:46,781 Gentlemen, 118 00:10:47,501 --> 00:10:52,581 tomorrow the Führer will be given a welcome in the capital of the Reich 119 00:10:52,581 --> 00:10:55,341 that will surpass anything that has gone before. 120 00:10:55,341 --> 00:10:59,541 The propaganda troops will have to return to Berlin from Vienna immediately. 121 00:10:59,541 --> 00:11:02,621 We need new festive and banner materials. 122 00:11:02,621 --> 00:11:05,501 Businesses close, schools take a day off, 123 00:11:06,141 --> 00:11:07,701 everyone must take to the streets. 124 00:11:09,301 --> 00:11:12,941 The police will lead the people to their assigned sections. 125 00:11:13,421 --> 00:11:15,821 We'll make sure that there are no troublemakers. 126 00:11:16,581 --> 00:11:17,581 Well done, Helldorf! 127 00:11:17,581 --> 00:11:22,541 The SA has also promised 25,000 men, ensuring order and decorating streets. 128 00:11:22,541 --> 00:11:26,221 We'll work through the night to make sure everything's ready tomorrow. 129 00:11:28,261 --> 00:11:32,381 My instruction for the press: "Triumphant entry of the Führer 130 00:11:32,381 --> 00:11:35,181 into the capital of the Great German Reich." 131 00:11:35,181 --> 00:11:40,061 This will be communicated today via newspapers and loudspeakers. 132 00:11:43,741 --> 00:11:45,101 "People of Berlin, 133 00:11:45,741 --> 00:11:49,701 no one must be absent from the streets when the Führer arrives." 134 00:11:50,421 --> 00:11:54,301 Berliners, close the shops and businesses! 135 00:11:54,941 --> 00:12:00,221 No apartment, no building, no business without banners and flags. 136 00:12:00,861 --> 00:12:06,901 We want to greet and cheer the Führer in all of our deep gratitude. 137 00:12:06,901 --> 00:12:08,221 We all, of course. 138 00:12:09,021 --> 00:12:10,781 Long live Adolf Hitler! 139 00:12:10,781 --> 00:12:13,701 Long live our people and the Reich! 140 00:12:15,941 --> 00:12:17,021 Look at that! 141 00:12:17,701 --> 00:12:20,261 We've become true masters of mass domination. 142 00:12:21,061 --> 00:12:23,221 I've arrested possible troublemakers. 143 00:12:23,821 --> 00:12:26,021 And we'll give the Jews a thrashing. 144 00:12:26,021 --> 00:12:29,021 We'll do it all in the follow-up. And properly. 145 00:12:32,381 --> 00:12:34,421 Let's go. Go, go, go! 146 00:12:37,261 --> 00:12:39,821 I told you to pay attention to my signal. 147 00:12:40,381 --> 00:12:43,861 - I explained it to you in detail. - Hail Hitler, Doctor. 148 00:12:44,981 --> 00:12:47,141 See, we leave nothing to chance. 149 00:12:47,141 --> 00:12:49,221 Very well. You've learned. 150 00:12:49,221 --> 00:12:51,541 We need some time. But we'll get it done. 151 00:12:52,101 --> 00:12:54,581 Upon arrival, we let out a threefold "Hail victory!" 152 00:12:54,581 --> 00:12:56,221 And then the anthem. 153 00:12:56,221 --> 00:12:57,981 It has to look spontaneous. 154 00:12:58,701 --> 00:13:01,941 Then we wait and let the people sing, 155 00:13:01,941 --> 00:13:04,741 "We won't go home until the Führer speaks." 156 00:13:06,261 --> 00:13:08,061 We will show a jubilant city 157 00:13:08,061 --> 00:13:10,581 with songs from the heart of the German people. 158 00:13:38,661 --> 00:13:42,901 You can't play marching music all the time, even if the party wants so. 159 00:13:42,901 --> 00:13:45,781 We'll demonstrate that our grandparents' waltz 160 00:13:45,781 --> 00:13:48,541 is not the end of the story, and everything else is evil. 161 00:13:50,861 --> 00:13:55,221 - Listen, this music is touching my heart. - Not just right now. 162 00:13:55,821 --> 00:13:59,301 In propaganda, we are allowed to be generous in an erotic sense. 163 00:13:59,821 --> 00:14:02,181 In return, we strike against political jokes. 164 00:14:04,821 --> 00:14:07,221 My esteemed artists. 165 00:14:09,181 --> 00:14:11,741 To the Führer, the greatest of artists. 166 00:14:11,741 --> 00:14:13,741 To our Führer. 167 00:14:17,541 --> 00:14:19,861 We're counting on you. 168 00:14:19,861 --> 00:14:21,221 Dear Paula Wessely. 169 00:14:21,821 --> 00:14:26,061 You will vote in favor of the annexation of your homeland. 170 00:14:26,661 --> 00:14:30,461 You are all role models, even in private. 171 00:14:31,421 --> 00:14:35,221 A Jewish woman as a wife is no longer an easy thing to do. 172 00:14:35,221 --> 00:14:39,941 My dear Gottschalk, great challenges are ahead of us. 173 00:14:41,141 --> 00:14:44,461 - Here's to German art! - And to our propaganda minister. 174 00:14:44,461 --> 00:14:46,261 - Bravo. - Thank you all. 175 00:14:47,661 --> 00:14:53,901 A good government cannot exist without propaganda, and vice versa. 176 00:14:55,621 --> 00:14:59,541 I'm telling you, gentlemen, we are all propagandists. 177 00:15:00,461 --> 00:15:06,501 In every moment in which we try to conquer a woman. 178 00:15:08,101 --> 00:15:13,301 We're stupid when we boast and smart when we flatter. 179 00:15:13,301 --> 00:15:15,861 Like a propagandist, we have an intention, 180 00:15:15,861 --> 00:15:19,941 but it must be so virtuously concealed 181 00:15:19,941 --> 00:15:23,821 that this intention fulfils you without you realizing it. 182 00:15:23,821 --> 00:15:25,101 Isn't that right, ladies? 183 00:15:31,021 --> 00:15:35,981 You'll have to forgive me. That's what we're here for. 184 00:15:35,981 --> 00:15:38,261 I'll be driving here with the Führer tomorrow. 185 00:15:38,261 --> 00:15:40,621 All of Berlin is working according to my plans. 186 00:15:42,941 --> 00:15:44,941 There's nothing I can do about it, Liduschka. 187 00:15:46,181 --> 00:15:48,981 You trigger the most beautiful feeling I've ever experienced. 188 00:15:49,461 --> 00:15:52,821 Let's be reasonable, Joseph. You have a wife and sweet children. 189 00:15:52,821 --> 00:15:55,061 It'll hurt you. It'll hurt me, too. 190 00:15:56,461 --> 00:15:58,741 Don't think Magda will put up with that, right? 191 00:15:58,741 --> 00:16:00,461 But I can't be reasonable. 192 00:16:05,021 --> 00:16:06,461 A beautiful woman 193 00:16:07,421 --> 00:16:09,341 is like a sailing ship on the vast sea. 194 00:16:11,261 --> 00:16:15,061 All the winds fall on her and take her somewhere. 195 00:16:16,221 --> 00:16:20,581 And when a storm comes, it ends in a huge, 196 00:16:20,581 --> 00:16:22,341 inescapable hurricane. 197 00:16:43,261 --> 00:16:44,261 Angel... 198 00:16:45,861 --> 00:16:47,621 ...the Führer makes us so happy. 199 00:16:48,181 --> 00:16:49,981 I had the children wake up for you. 200 00:16:49,981 --> 00:16:52,701 Helga, Hilde, Helmut, say good evening to Daddy. 201 00:16:53,341 --> 00:16:56,941 - Good evening, dear Daddy. - Good evening, dear children. 202 00:16:57,541 --> 00:17:00,901 You are about to witness a great hour in history. 203 00:17:00,901 --> 00:17:03,821 Your uncle Führer's homeland is back in the Reich. 204 00:17:03,821 --> 00:17:05,861 Tomorrow, you'll attend his event. 205 00:17:05,861 --> 00:17:08,421 - Any news? - Yes. He's overjoyed. 206 00:17:08,421 --> 00:17:10,341 My call has worked wonders in Berlin. 207 00:17:10,341 --> 00:17:12,941 You heard me in the radio, the city is unrecognizable. 208 00:17:16,741 --> 00:17:18,461 On his return from Vienna, 209 00:17:18,461 --> 00:17:21,701 the Führer was welcomed by Berliners with never-ending cheers. 210 00:17:21,701 --> 00:17:23,021 AIRPORT TEMPELHOF 2KM 211 00:17:23,021 --> 00:17:26,741 Millions line the road from Tempelhof Airport to the Reich Chancellery 212 00:17:26,741 --> 00:17:30,341 in order to thank the creator of Greater Germany for his historic deed. 213 00:17:31,861 --> 00:17:34,861 The Führer will go down in history as the greatest German. 214 00:17:34,861 --> 00:17:39,661 You can hear the enthusiasm everywhere. Everything is going according to my plan. 215 00:17:40,821 --> 00:17:44,181 Every detail, every minute is determined by me. 216 00:17:54,941 --> 00:17:55,861 Children, come. 217 00:17:57,221 --> 00:17:59,021 Thank you, thank you. 218 00:17:59,021 --> 00:18:00,821 But you have grown up. 219 00:18:02,181 --> 00:18:03,741 My Führer, we thank you. 220 00:18:04,701 --> 00:18:06,701 This is the most moving hour of my life. 221 00:18:06,701 --> 00:18:09,141 My dear Magda, I am pleased. 222 00:18:25,981 --> 00:18:28,181 GERMAN-AUSTRIANS THANK THE FÜHRER 223 00:18:35,021 --> 00:18:37,661 My sorcerer has worked his magic again. 224 00:19:07,901 --> 00:19:09,101 Are these nightingales? 225 00:19:10,141 --> 00:19:11,621 Now, in April? 226 00:19:11,621 --> 00:19:14,621 With you on a night like this, how am I supposed to remember 227 00:19:14,621 --> 00:19:16,781 which season it is, or even which month? 228 00:19:18,461 --> 00:19:20,941 I not only had this song composed for you... 229 00:19:22,221 --> 00:19:23,621 ...I want a movie about our love. 230 00:19:24,581 --> 00:19:26,461 I'm sure you've heard a lot about me. 231 00:19:28,141 --> 00:19:29,261 But I swear to you, 232 00:19:30,261 --> 00:19:32,221 I've never loved a woman as much as I love you. 233 00:19:32,701 --> 00:19:35,541 We can't do that. What if the Führer finds out about us? 234 00:19:37,821 --> 00:19:39,821 He's got his own little secret 235 00:19:40,701 --> 00:19:42,301 at the Berghof. 236 00:19:42,301 --> 00:19:45,421 Fräulein Braun is always with him. But no one is supposed to know. 237 00:19:45,421 --> 00:19:46,941 Tell me more about him. 238 00:19:48,221 --> 00:19:49,501 I admire him. 239 00:19:50,301 --> 00:19:52,741 He has a superhuman inner strength 240 00:19:53,421 --> 00:19:56,821 and a deep faith in his mission. 241 00:19:57,301 --> 00:19:59,221 He is more devout than I am. 242 00:19:59,221 --> 00:20:00,901 He's like a father to me. 243 00:20:00,901 --> 00:20:03,901 But you can't trust his surroundings. 244 00:20:03,901 --> 00:20:06,381 Gentlemen, welcome. 245 00:20:06,381 --> 00:20:09,341 To my right, I would ask my general field marshal. 246 00:20:09,341 --> 00:20:12,221 The Führer speaks very highly of Göring, an old fighter. 247 00:20:12,221 --> 00:20:16,981 He was wounded in the field and has been taking morphine ever since. 248 00:20:16,981 --> 00:20:19,101 - Back in splendid uniform today. - My Führer. 249 00:20:19,101 --> 00:20:22,021 He is a pug and likes baroque clothes. 250 00:20:23,381 --> 00:20:27,181 Gentlemen, when everyone is wearing their stars and medals, 251 00:20:27,181 --> 00:20:30,541 the Führer stands out by simply not doing so. 252 00:20:32,101 --> 00:20:33,941 We actors appreciate Göring 253 00:20:33,941 --> 00:20:36,461 because he supports Gründgens as artistic director. 254 00:20:36,461 --> 00:20:38,981 - He gives us artists freedom. - Liduschka. 255 00:20:39,781 --> 00:20:42,981 This entire Gründgens scene is completely gay. 256 00:20:44,101 --> 00:20:45,821 I don't understand Göring. 257 00:20:47,941 --> 00:20:49,621 That makes my fingers tingle. 258 00:20:50,501 --> 00:20:53,581 Opposite me, I would like to call the Reichsführer of the SS. 259 00:20:53,581 --> 00:20:55,701 - My loyal Heinrich. - My Führer. 260 00:20:55,701 --> 00:20:57,541 For me, Himmler is rather eerie 261 00:20:57,541 --> 00:21:00,301 with his secret service and the SS fortress. 262 00:21:00,301 --> 00:21:02,141 He's spreading Germanic nonsense. 263 00:21:02,141 --> 00:21:06,221 And how are your excavations going? Who are you digging up next? 264 00:21:06,901 --> 00:21:09,861 My research shows the superiority of the Aryan race. 265 00:21:09,861 --> 00:21:12,301 It's in the best interest of our movement, Doctor. 266 00:21:12,301 --> 00:21:15,421 I just hope your latest findings just don't prove 267 00:21:15,421 --> 00:21:18,741 that we were still throwing stone darts sitting around an open fire, 268 00:21:18,741 --> 00:21:21,581 when Rome was already at a high level of civilization. 269 00:21:21,581 --> 00:21:24,821 Himmler is a Munich philistine. Very stubborn. 270 00:21:24,821 --> 00:21:28,781 Just like Rosenberg, trying to be the Reich's philosopher. 271 00:21:28,781 --> 00:21:32,381 Heinrich Himmler, our Reichsleiter Rosenberg. 272 00:21:32,381 --> 00:21:35,461 If it were up to him, I'd have to have men in uniform 273 00:21:35,461 --> 00:21:37,301 marching through my films all the time. 274 00:21:37,781 --> 00:21:42,701 In the end, only Widukind, Henry the Lion and Rosenberg remain of our history. 275 00:21:42,701 --> 00:21:46,501 - Much more dangerous is Ribbentrop. - My foreign minister, to the right. 276 00:21:46,501 --> 00:21:49,701 A typical low-key, would-be aristocrat. 277 00:21:50,421 --> 00:21:52,701 He confuses politics with champagne trade, 278 00:21:52,701 --> 00:21:56,261 where it's always about ripping someone off. 279 00:21:56,261 --> 00:21:58,181 A megalomaniac loser. 280 00:21:58,821 --> 00:22:02,301 The Führer overestimates him. The others are completely harmless. 281 00:22:02,861 --> 00:22:05,501 Speer is an artist, like the Führer himself. 282 00:22:05,501 --> 00:22:09,581 He commissioned him with the redesign of Berlin. 283 00:22:10,301 --> 00:22:13,341 Bormann is becoming more and more of a gray eminence. 284 00:22:14,141 --> 00:22:16,621 - A real Nazi. - My dear Speer, right here. 285 00:22:16,621 --> 00:22:18,381 And you, my dear Bormann, next to him, 286 00:22:18,381 --> 00:22:21,661 so you can discuss your building activities right away. 287 00:22:21,661 --> 00:22:24,861 As you know, Bormann is drilling the Obersalzberg. 288 00:22:27,021 --> 00:22:29,821 Facing him, our national press chief. 289 00:22:29,821 --> 00:22:31,621 Dietrich is a little dwarf. 290 00:22:31,621 --> 00:22:33,261 And a bit of a troublemaker. 291 00:22:33,261 --> 00:22:36,381 Your press release on the annexation was very witty. 292 00:22:36,381 --> 00:22:38,821 Thank you. My best ideas come in the bathtub. 293 00:22:38,821 --> 00:22:40,981 Then take more baths, Dr. Dietrich. 294 00:22:44,101 --> 00:22:45,741 And in the seat next to me, 295 00:22:46,661 --> 00:22:47,821 our Doctor Goebbels. 296 00:22:49,341 --> 00:22:50,821 He knows what he has in me. 297 00:22:51,901 --> 00:22:54,021 He trusts me with his most intimate plans. 298 00:23:01,701 --> 00:23:02,781 The Czech Republic... 299 00:23:04,141 --> 00:23:07,581 ...comes first, rigorously and at the next opportunity. 300 00:23:08,181 --> 00:23:09,021 Then... 301 00:23:11,101 --> 00:23:11,981 ...the Baltic. 302 00:23:13,301 --> 00:23:15,101 And a piece of Alsace Lorraine. 303 00:23:16,221 --> 00:23:18,621 France shall sink deeper into its crisis. 304 00:23:21,421 --> 00:23:24,701 Those are generous and constructive ideas. 305 00:23:26,421 --> 00:23:28,981 You know, the people in my family don't live to be old. 306 00:23:29,741 --> 00:23:32,861 That's why I'd rather fight a war when I'm 50 than 60 years old. 307 00:23:36,101 --> 00:23:37,101 What do you mean? 308 00:23:38,341 --> 00:23:42,221 - People are not in favor of war. - We must solve our problems with violence. 309 00:23:43,461 --> 00:23:45,901 Every generation must experience a war. 310 00:23:47,661 --> 00:23:49,221 There he is. Where is the mouse? 311 00:23:49,221 --> 00:23:52,061 Where's the mouse? Where is it? Well, where is it? 312 00:23:53,861 --> 00:23:55,661 Don't film me with your two dogs. 313 00:23:55,661 --> 00:23:58,541 - It looks ridiculous. - They are much sweeter than your giant. 314 00:23:58,541 --> 00:24:00,661 You didn't hear that, yes, look. 315 00:24:04,141 --> 00:24:05,741 Mrs. Goebbels has arrived. 316 00:24:05,741 --> 00:24:08,821 Yes. Let the lady in and serve the food. 317 00:24:08,821 --> 00:24:12,861 Where's my Stasi? You're so hilarious. 318 00:24:21,261 --> 00:24:22,461 My dear Magda. 319 00:24:25,741 --> 00:24:27,061 Olympus opens when I see you. 320 00:24:28,941 --> 00:24:30,061 You're a charmer. 321 00:24:30,061 --> 00:24:31,621 I look really worn out. 322 00:24:33,221 --> 00:24:34,901 But you look good in that new suit. 323 00:24:34,901 --> 00:24:37,301 - Yes? - I'm glad you listened to me. 324 00:24:38,421 --> 00:24:39,421 How are you? 325 00:24:40,941 --> 00:24:44,061 - I'm fine. - How is our young comrade? 326 00:24:44,981 --> 00:24:46,981 I hope you took my advice and quit smoking. 327 00:24:49,261 --> 00:24:51,701 - I'm doing my best. - You still smoke? 328 00:24:56,221 --> 00:24:58,021 Because of people like you, 329 00:24:58,021 --> 00:25:01,181 I'm going to have skulls printed on cigarette packs or ban smoking. 330 00:25:02,181 --> 00:25:05,341 Smoking is just as harmful as the animal carcasses you enjoy, 331 00:25:06,021 --> 00:25:07,781 and that I can't talk you out of. 332 00:25:09,261 --> 00:25:10,461 But I have to admit... 333 00:25:11,821 --> 00:25:14,061 ...none of this affects your beauty. 334 00:25:17,301 --> 00:25:19,341 You mustn't forbid all the joie de vivre. 335 00:25:19,341 --> 00:25:22,821 People owe their rescue to the fact I left these poisons behind. 336 00:25:23,301 --> 00:25:25,541 Or else I would have perished from all this worry. 337 00:25:26,461 --> 00:25:27,941 Yes, the danger of war. 338 00:25:29,581 --> 00:25:32,021 It's all Joseph talks about when he has time for us. 339 00:25:32,021 --> 00:25:32,981 A man... 340 00:25:34,341 --> 00:25:35,701 ...is a slave to his duty. 341 00:25:38,181 --> 00:25:40,021 Joseph says the people are not ready. 342 00:25:40,901 --> 00:25:43,101 War will come, and it will come quickly. 343 00:25:44,221 --> 00:25:45,261 I'm getting old. 344 00:25:45,261 --> 00:25:46,981 I need glasses to read. 345 00:25:47,821 --> 00:25:50,461 And I'm the only one capable of fighting this war. 346 00:25:53,981 --> 00:25:56,501 You know exactly what's best for Germany. 347 00:25:59,661 --> 00:26:01,101 But we have so much to lose. 348 00:26:03,261 --> 00:26:04,821 Only a woman can talk like that. 349 00:26:07,621 --> 00:26:08,901 You know how I think. 350 00:26:11,261 --> 00:26:13,861 I'm the first soldier of the Reich and I will win... 351 00:26:15,381 --> 00:26:17,501 ...or I won't live to see the end. 352 00:26:25,021 --> 00:26:28,181 The premiere of the Olympia movie will be a celebration of peace. 353 00:26:28,181 --> 00:26:32,021 Leni Riefenstahl created an excellent film in the service of our cause. 354 00:26:32,021 --> 00:26:33,101 Thank you. 355 00:26:37,701 --> 00:26:38,821 Mrs. Riefenstahl? 356 00:26:40,821 --> 00:26:44,221 Leni Riefenstahl, the Führer is watching your film today. 357 00:26:44,221 --> 00:26:46,861 - What does that mean for you? - It's a great honor. 358 00:26:46,861 --> 00:26:50,901 The creator of Great Germany is its most artistic person... 359 00:26:50,901 --> 00:26:53,061 She always knows exactly what to say. 360 00:26:54,701 --> 00:26:57,381 Look, our wonderful artists. 361 00:27:03,341 --> 00:27:05,061 Without us, they'd be nothing. 362 00:27:08,141 --> 00:27:09,381 Here comes Gottschalk. 363 00:27:09,981 --> 00:27:11,581 He is a German Clark Gable 364 00:27:11,581 --> 00:27:14,581 and falls for the sexual sophistication of this Jewish bitch. 365 00:27:14,581 --> 00:27:17,421 - Thank you, Mrs. Riefenstahl. - I'll do something about this. 366 00:27:19,221 --> 00:27:22,941 An epochal work enters the public eye. 367 00:27:22,941 --> 00:27:27,541 The film testifies to the resurrected power of the new Germany 368 00:27:27,541 --> 00:27:30,701 as a grand framework for the Olympic Games. 369 00:27:32,061 --> 00:27:35,541 Its spirit and its attitude illuminates the love of freedom 370 00:27:35,541 --> 00:27:40,581 of the German people and their Führer in the hearts of all people. 371 00:27:55,421 --> 00:27:57,181 Riefenstahl cost a lot of money. 372 00:27:58,141 --> 00:28:00,181 She's a wife, not a man. 373 00:28:01,061 --> 00:28:02,421 But she's a clever thing. 374 00:28:06,861 --> 00:28:10,381 Meters and meters and Germany's first runner, Emmy Albus, 375 00:28:10,381 --> 00:28:12,141 overtakes the runners from Holland 376 00:28:12,141 --> 00:28:15,301 and Hannah Brandt puts Germany in the lead. 377 00:28:15,301 --> 00:28:18,541 First change. Pass the baton! 378 00:28:19,621 --> 00:28:21,621 Germany loses the baton! 379 00:28:21,621 --> 00:28:23,221 First America. 380 00:28:23,901 --> 00:28:25,701 Second England. 381 00:28:25,701 --> 00:28:27,381 Third Canada. 382 00:28:32,021 --> 00:28:33,821 How is little Hertha? 383 00:28:34,341 --> 00:28:37,701 Does she have to cry so much because Daddy has no time? 384 00:28:37,701 --> 00:28:40,021 He has to bring Sudeten Germans into the Reich. 385 00:28:40,021 --> 00:28:42,741 Hm? Little Hertha. 386 00:28:52,381 --> 00:28:53,301 My angel. 387 00:28:54,181 --> 00:28:55,581 I have a surprise for you. 388 00:28:59,181 --> 00:29:00,581 Everything you see 389 00:29:01,461 --> 00:29:02,581 is ours now. 390 00:29:04,261 --> 00:29:07,621 Our neighbor, the Jew Goldschmidt, had to give it away at a bargain. 391 00:29:08,261 --> 00:29:11,741 You should have seen the look on his face when he heard who the buyer was. 392 00:29:13,221 --> 00:29:14,381 I know everything. 393 00:29:15,741 --> 00:29:17,461 You're cheating on me with that Czech. 394 00:29:18,141 --> 00:29:22,541 First all those women, and now you're making a mockery of me. 395 00:29:23,021 --> 00:29:26,421 Raging against Slavs, and then you sleep with that Czech whore? 396 00:29:26,421 --> 00:29:28,461 You're not betraying me and the people. 397 00:29:29,141 --> 00:29:30,821 What kind of person are you? 398 00:29:30,821 --> 00:29:32,381 It's not what you think, Magda. 399 00:29:34,341 --> 00:29:36,141 Miss Baarová and I, we love each other. 400 00:29:39,981 --> 00:29:41,021 What are you saying? 401 00:29:44,181 --> 00:29:46,301 I won't put up with this. I'm seeing the Führer. 402 00:29:48,661 --> 00:29:49,501 Magda. 403 00:29:50,701 --> 00:29:52,021 I want to make you an offer. 404 00:29:53,621 --> 00:29:55,101 I don't want a divorce. 405 00:29:56,421 --> 00:29:59,101 You're the mother of my children and the woman by my side. 406 00:30:00,581 --> 00:30:03,461 But after all these years, I have to have a girlfriend. 407 00:30:08,381 --> 00:30:09,301 I want... 408 00:30:10,661 --> 00:30:11,861 ...to give you this ring... 409 00:30:13,101 --> 00:30:15,101 ...as a token of our agreement. 410 00:30:16,501 --> 00:30:18,461 You'll always be my old lady. 411 00:30:21,461 --> 00:30:24,821 But Lida is part of the family now. As my second wife. 412 00:30:33,581 --> 00:30:35,901 With the escalating conflict with the Czech Republic, 413 00:30:35,901 --> 00:30:38,141 people fall into a psychosis. 414 00:30:38,141 --> 00:30:39,661 People are panicking. 415 00:30:39,661 --> 00:30:43,701 - That's because of your propaganda. - It has served its purpose. 416 00:30:44,341 --> 00:30:48,061 Now everyone knows what a pathetic state the Czech Republic is 417 00:30:48,061 --> 00:30:49,981 and that Sudetenland is part of the Reich. 418 00:30:49,981 --> 00:30:52,381 We achieve all goals with agitation and threats. 419 00:30:52,381 --> 00:30:54,901 Chamberlain may give us Sudetenland, 420 00:30:54,901 --> 00:30:57,141 but we have to demand the entire Czech Republic. 421 00:30:58,061 --> 00:31:01,221 The English and the French are not ready for war. 422 00:31:02,141 --> 00:31:03,301 Ribbentrop is right. 423 00:31:04,061 --> 00:31:07,501 The most radical solution is the best. Our deployment is complete. 424 00:31:07,501 --> 00:31:11,301 The mobilization will be done in a flash. I will crush the entire Czech Republic. 425 00:31:12,381 --> 00:31:14,861 I'm just afraid that at the last moment, 426 00:31:14,861 --> 00:31:18,541 some stupid emotional acrobat will get in the way with a mediation. 427 00:31:18,541 --> 00:31:20,021 Troops are marching past. 428 00:31:40,941 --> 00:31:45,061 That's your responsibility. You should have organized the cheering. 429 00:31:46,701 --> 00:31:50,541 They're not fulfilling their duties. It's an impudence to the Führer. 430 00:31:55,301 --> 00:31:57,101 That's the mood among the people. 431 00:31:58,101 --> 00:31:59,421 There's a fear of war. 432 00:32:07,301 --> 00:32:09,501 We probably have the option 433 00:32:09,501 --> 00:32:12,181 to take the Sudetendeutsch territory peacefully 434 00:32:12,181 --> 00:32:13,821 and continue to arm ourselves. 435 00:32:13,821 --> 00:32:17,221 This is the great victory that the Führer can now achieve. 436 00:32:20,781 --> 00:32:24,621 Adolf Hitler called Mussolini, Daladier, and Chamberlain 437 00:32:24,621 --> 00:32:27,061 to Munich for a final talk 438 00:32:27,061 --> 00:32:29,781 that would bring freedom to the Sudeten Germans. 439 00:32:29,781 --> 00:32:32,941 Prime Minister Chamberlain was thanked by many Munich residents, 440 00:32:32,941 --> 00:32:34,701 who took him to the airfield. 441 00:32:35,261 --> 00:32:40,141 French Prime Minister Daladier was celebrated on his departure, too. 442 00:32:43,661 --> 00:32:47,621 Everything breathes a sigh of relief. Peace is on everyone's lips. 443 00:32:48,101 --> 00:32:51,701 The Führer has achieved great merit. 444 00:32:54,341 --> 00:32:57,901 Everyone cheers for peace. Europe celebrates you, my Führer. 445 00:32:57,901 --> 00:33:00,261 I don't care. It doesn't matter if people hate me. 446 00:33:00,261 --> 00:33:01,741 If only they fear me, 447 00:33:02,381 --> 00:33:04,701 we could have crushed the whole Czech Republic. 448 00:33:04,701 --> 00:33:06,141 I'm furious. 449 00:33:07,101 --> 00:33:08,821 We got the Sudetenland without war. 450 00:33:08,821 --> 00:33:10,621 We could have had much more. 451 00:33:10,621 --> 00:33:13,181 London and Paris would never have intervened. 452 00:33:13,701 --> 00:33:16,021 And now our people are cheering 453 00:33:16,021 --> 00:33:18,181 to Chamberlain and Daladier for peace. 454 00:33:18,181 --> 00:33:19,701 Those weaklings! 455 00:33:19,701 --> 00:33:22,581 My resolve is unwavering. I will destroy the Czech people. 456 00:33:22,581 --> 00:33:26,581 I want this dead, amorphous state gone, and then I'm going to storm Poland. 457 00:33:26,581 --> 00:33:30,821 Next time, I'll act so fast the old hags won't be able to talk me down. 458 00:33:30,821 --> 00:33:34,061 - I won't tolerate such a mess. - Are the people behind us? 459 00:33:34,061 --> 00:33:38,381 The common people never want war, but it's easy to get them to join in. 460 00:33:38,901 --> 00:33:40,861 Tell them they're under attack. 461 00:33:40,861 --> 00:33:43,741 - This method works everywhere. - That's what we do. 462 00:33:43,741 --> 00:33:46,181 But we've been talking about peace for years. 463 00:33:46,181 --> 00:33:47,941 Not that easy to change the tone. 464 00:33:47,941 --> 00:33:51,301 It's your duty to make sure the people follow their Führer, 465 00:33:51,301 --> 00:33:52,381 even into war. 466 00:33:55,461 --> 00:33:57,861 Instead of stirring up the people's war spirit, 467 00:33:57,861 --> 00:34:00,141 our propaganda minister chases after women. 468 00:34:03,181 --> 00:34:05,701 I've always been distant with the type of Goebbels, 469 00:34:05,701 --> 00:34:07,221 - but I held back-- - I know. 470 00:34:07,941 --> 00:34:10,181 He's ruthless with his women. 471 00:34:10,181 --> 00:34:11,821 But he's a good propagandist. 472 00:34:12,701 --> 00:34:14,381 He will get the people ready for war. 473 00:34:14,381 --> 00:34:17,061 If he can find the time with all his busywork. 474 00:34:17,821 --> 00:34:20,341 We'll lose our credibility because of him. 475 00:34:20,341 --> 00:34:23,421 We used to disdain Jewish directors for their sexuality. 476 00:34:23,421 --> 00:34:24,941 Dr. Goebbels does the same. 477 00:34:24,941 --> 00:34:28,421 Everyone speaks ill of him, from Gauleiter to washerwoman. 478 00:34:28,421 --> 00:34:32,301 Our revolution has an abscess that attacks the healthy blood. 479 00:34:32,781 --> 00:34:36,861 Sexual compulsion of a superior towards female employees means prison. 480 00:34:37,341 --> 00:34:40,301 The doctor has committed dozens of such offenses. 481 00:34:41,861 --> 00:34:44,301 Here are the statements of the women. 482 00:34:46,341 --> 00:34:49,661 He is a heavy moral burden for National Socialism. 483 00:34:52,181 --> 00:34:53,341 Nightingales? 484 00:34:54,341 --> 00:34:57,541 Now, in April? Your Royal Highness... 485 00:34:58,701 --> 00:35:00,501 With you here on a night like this, 486 00:35:01,181 --> 00:35:04,261 how can I remember the season or even the month? 487 00:35:05,981 --> 00:35:08,261 Your Royal Highness... 488 00:35:10,501 --> 00:35:11,541 Promise me? 489 00:35:12,861 --> 00:35:15,181 - My... - Me too, a Prince. 490 00:35:15,821 --> 00:35:17,021 Should I say "Princess"? 491 00:35:50,981 --> 00:35:52,181 What do you want? 492 00:36:01,261 --> 00:36:03,021 He has promised Baarová a marriage. 493 00:36:05,901 --> 00:36:07,221 I have two letters here. 494 00:36:09,981 --> 00:36:11,021 She writes, 495 00:36:11,861 --> 00:36:14,141 "Is it still okay if I wait for you?" 496 00:36:14,141 --> 00:36:16,341 And he replies, "Yes," 497 00:36:16,341 --> 00:36:18,781 underlined three times with his green pen. 498 00:36:21,421 --> 00:36:24,101 You're taking advantage of women. 499 00:36:24,821 --> 00:36:28,461 Let the ambassador wait until you finish your escapades. 500 00:36:28,461 --> 00:36:32,061 You're allowing that the people are not ready for war. 501 00:36:35,501 --> 00:36:37,981 Magda came to see me. She was crying. 502 00:36:38,541 --> 00:36:41,941 You're cheating on your wife with a Czech woman, of all people. 503 00:36:42,461 --> 00:36:43,821 Magda was exaggerating. 504 00:36:44,581 --> 00:36:46,781 She is on the edge due to all the childbirths. 505 00:36:47,421 --> 00:36:49,341 Helldorf can attest to that. 506 00:36:50,381 --> 00:36:51,501 Let him in. 507 00:36:55,781 --> 00:36:56,661 Hail Hitler! 508 00:36:57,261 --> 00:36:58,781 What do you say, Helldorf? 509 00:36:59,421 --> 00:37:00,421 My Führer, 510 00:37:00,941 --> 00:37:03,581 the minister is the victim of a rival scheme. 511 00:37:06,621 --> 00:37:08,021 Don't bother. 512 00:37:10,061 --> 00:37:11,661 I can't afford a scandal anyway. 513 00:37:12,661 --> 00:37:15,021 After the Minister of War married a whore 514 00:37:15,021 --> 00:37:18,701 and the Commander-in-Chief is a gay man. 515 00:37:18,701 --> 00:37:21,221 - You handled that brilliantly-- - Stop, Helldorf! 516 00:37:23,061 --> 00:37:25,341 The Goebbels are the Reich's poster family. 517 00:37:25,341 --> 00:37:28,861 You know perfectly well the effect a divorce would have on the people, 518 00:37:28,861 --> 00:37:30,141 especially now. 519 00:37:32,581 --> 00:37:34,541 This thing with the little Czech... 520 00:37:36,381 --> 00:37:39,741 - ...it's nothing that can't be solved. - My Führer, I love Miss Baarová. 521 00:37:40,621 --> 00:37:44,061 - I'm going to marry her. - Christ, sacrament! I'm planning a war! 522 00:37:45,101 --> 00:37:46,981 And my propaganda minister is in love. 523 00:37:49,821 --> 00:37:52,541 I know I can no longer be minister under these circumstances, 524 00:37:53,061 --> 00:37:54,981 I ask you to relieve me of my duties. 525 00:37:57,341 --> 00:37:58,861 Be reasonable. 526 00:38:03,181 --> 00:38:06,621 I would feel betrayed. You know what happens to traitors. 527 00:38:14,461 --> 00:38:17,221 Our people are facing their biggest confrontation. 528 00:38:18,461 --> 00:38:21,221 We will create an empire the world has never seen. 529 00:38:21,221 --> 00:38:25,061 You could attain eternal glory as a prophet of the Führer. 530 00:38:27,421 --> 00:38:30,061 Give me your word of honor, you won't see her again. 531 00:38:32,741 --> 00:38:34,461 I will always be loyal to you... 532 00:38:35,581 --> 00:38:37,221 ...but this is a private matter. 533 00:38:37,221 --> 00:38:40,661 When you make history, you can't have private matters. 534 00:38:42,741 --> 00:38:46,221 Show the people you're a happy family and give me your word of honor. 535 00:38:51,101 --> 00:38:53,621 - My Führer-- - I need you for my mission. 536 00:38:57,181 --> 00:38:58,341 Your word of honor. 537 00:39:14,301 --> 00:39:15,181 Krause. 538 00:39:16,421 --> 00:39:17,501 Call Magda. 539 00:39:21,181 --> 00:39:22,301 Dear Magda... 540 00:39:24,141 --> 00:39:27,541 ...I'm pleased to inform you that your husband has agreed. 541 00:39:28,381 --> 00:39:30,461 Miss Baarová will never make another film, 542 00:39:31,301 --> 00:39:32,821 and he will never see her again. 543 00:39:38,461 --> 00:39:39,781 And I insist on a divorce. 544 00:39:40,301 --> 00:39:41,861 I can't grant that wish. 545 00:39:41,861 --> 00:39:44,621 - This is a court that decides. - Above the court is the Führer. 546 00:39:45,261 --> 00:39:48,021 A divorce could trigger a government crisis. 547 00:39:49,261 --> 00:39:50,581 You'll stay married. 548 00:39:50,581 --> 00:39:52,541 We'll arrange a grace period. 549 00:39:52,541 --> 00:39:55,981 After that, we'll see. I've already prepared the contract. 550 00:39:57,421 --> 00:40:01,621 What are we, individuals, compared to the fate of the people? 551 00:40:12,221 --> 00:40:13,221 And the children? 552 00:40:15,141 --> 00:40:17,341 When you have beautiful children like yours, 553 00:40:17,341 --> 00:40:18,661 you can't be separated. 554 00:40:22,221 --> 00:40:23,261 The best part is that, 555 00:40:24,461 --> 00:40:26,581 during the grace period, you will live completely ascetically. 556 00:40:26,581 --> 00:40:28,701 You, Doctor, like a monk. 557 00:40:30,181 --> 00:40:31,981 And you, Magda, live like a nun. 558 00:40:32,701 --> 00:40:34,301 I've been doing this for a long time. 559 00:40:37,261 --> 00:40:39,101 I suggest we take a photo. 560 00:40:42,461 --> 00:40:45,541 My conversation with the Führer shakes me to the core. 561 00:40:46,101 --> 00:40:48,261 Life is so hard and so cruel. 562 00:40:49,661 --> 00:40:52,061 I have a very sad phone call to make. 563 00:40:52,741 --> 00:40:54,701 Can only sleep with strong medicine. 564 00:40:58,461 --> 00:41:01,821 And now my new life begins... 565 00:41:01,821 --> 00:41:06,701 This whore has nothing to do here.-...a hard, cruel, duty-bound life. 566 00:41:07,461 --> 00:41:08,741 Get out! 567 00:41:08,741 --> 00:41:13,301 - The youth is now at an end. - Get out, you whore! 568 00:41:13,301 --> 00:41:15,021 Get out, you whore! 569 00:41:18,941 --> 00:41:20,581 It's the worst time of my life. 570 00:41:21,541 --> 00:41:24,141 I've sunk to the bottom, and my opponents are on top. 571 00:41:25,341 --> 00:41:26,581 On my birthday, 572 00:41:27,501 --> 00:41:29,901 the Führer sent me nothing but a frosty telegram. 573 00:41:35,941 --> 00:41:37,381 No dog wants to live like this. 574 00:41:37,381 --> 00:41:39,661 Perhaps you'll be happy to hear 575 00:41:39,661 --> 00:41:42,101 that the anger against the Jews is growing. 576 00:41:42,101 --> 00:41:44,781 They're blaming them for the antiwar sentiment. 577 00:41:44,781 --> 00:41:46,461 At least some good news. 578 00:41:47,981 --> 00:41:51,021 We have to launch a full-scale rampage now. 579 00:41:51,981 --> 00:41:55,701 That would heat up the mood and please the Führer. 580 00:41:55,701 --> 00:41:59,501 And then... the propaganda could be converted to war. 581 00:41:59,501 --> 00:42:04,101 In Paris, a 17-year-old Jew shot diplomat Ernst vom Rath. 582 00:42:08,941 --> 00:42:10,581 Why didn't you say so straight away? 583 00:42:11,181 --> 00:42:13,381 Let's talk straight now! 584 00:42:14,061 --> 00:42:16,581 I'll report this to the press right away. 585 00:42:16,581 --> 00:42:20,701 This assassination must have the worst consequences for the Jews. 586 00:42:35,301 --> 00:42:38,701 I'm very glad you have come to your senses. 587 00:42:41,861 --> 00:42:45,781 No one must know that I am in favor of today's action in exactly this way. 588 00:42:46,421 --> 00:42:48,701 The Jews need to feel the wrath of the people. 589 00:42:48,701 --> 00:42:50,941 We already organized demonstrations. 590 00:42:50,941 --> 00:42:53,941 The messenger will bring news of Rath's death. 591 00:42:53,941 --> 00:42:55,101 Then we'll start. 592 00:43:01,941 --> 00:43:02,941 My Führer... 593 00:43:33,501 --> 00:43:35,821 We've just received the sad news 594 00:43:36,741 --> 00:43:40,421 that our legation council Ernst vom Rath is dead. 595 00:43:41,261 --> 00:43:44,381 Shot... by a Jew. 596 00:43:45,061 --> 00:43:48,941 This cowardly murder will cost the Jews dearly! 597 00:43:49,621 --> 00:43:51,701 In the future, they will think twice 598 00:43:51,701 --> 00:43:54,581 before simply shooting down German diplomats. 599 00:43:55,341 --> 00:44:01,181 The party will not appear externally as the author of this. 600 00:44:01,941 --> 00:44:07,021 Among us are members of the shock squad "Adolf Hitler." 601 00:44:07,021 --> 00:44:09,981 They went ahead during the fighting period. 602 00:44:09,981 --> 00:44:15,061 They know what to do. The hour has struck for the Jews! 603 00:44:25,341 --> 00:44:29,501 - Hail SS-Men! - Hail Hitler! 604 00:44:44,581 --> 00:44:46,261 Doctor is out of his mind. 605 00:44:46,261 --> 00:44:49,661 I would have preferred he had just 200 Jews beaten to death, 606 00:44:49,661 --> 00:44:51,981 rather than destroy such values. 607 00:44:51,981 --> 00:44:53,661 Who pays for this? 608 00:44:53,661 --> 00:44:56,061 Let the Jews pay for the damage themselves. 609 00:44:56,061 --> 00:44:58,101 The insurers pay nothing. 610 00:44:58,101 --> 00:45:01,421 We'll disown Jewish businesses. Make the preparations. 611 00:45:01,421 --> 00:45:05,261 I will impose a penalty on the Jews 612 00:45:05,261 --> 00:45:08,821 of one billion reichsmarks for their heinous crimes. 613 00:45:08,821 --> 00:45:12,781 Those bastards won't dare to kill again. 614 00:45:12,781 --> 00:45:15,741 I don't want to be a Jew in Germany. 615 00:45:15,741 --> 00:45:17,941 That's right. Thank you. 616 00:45:22,261 --> 00:45:25,221 I suggest we stop this before it gets out of hand. 617 00:45:26,261 --> 00:45:30,061 We won't say anything about it in the news. In the press, very little. 618 00:45:30,061 --> 00:45:32,301 Good thing it is firmly in our hands. 619 00:45:32,301 --> 00:45:36,101 I will now inform the representatives that we are going to sound pacifist. 620 00:45:40,261 --> 00:45:41,781 Hail Hitler! 621 00:45:53,981 --> 00:45:55,101 Circumstances... 622 00:45:57,021 --> 00:45:58,221 ...forced me... 623 00:45:59,861 --> 00:46:02,421 ...for decades to talk about peace. 624 00:46:04,461 --> 00:46:10,141 It was the only way I could, step by step, achieve freedom for the German people. 625 00:46:12,981 --> 00:46:18,541 Such peace propaganda also has its questionable side. 626 00:46:19,421 --> 00:46:24,461 As the perception had been established, we wanted to preserve peace at all costs. 627 00:46:24,461 --> 00:46:27,661 But this misconception must now be rectified. 628 00:46:32,141 --> 00:46:35,421 So I have begun to make it clear to the German people... 629 00:46:36,621 --> 00:46:38,101 ...that there are things... 630 00:46:39,541 --> 00:46:42,461 ...that must be enforced by violence. 631 00:46:44,421 --> 00:46:48,541 This line of propaganda must be continued and reinforced. 632 00:46:51,701 --> 00:46:53,461 "To the mother of the nation, 633 00:46:53,461 --> 00:46:55,981 the image of the German woman. 634 00:46:55,981 --> 00:47:01,581 Immersed in devotion I stand. In your blue eyes, your rich soul I see." 635 00:47:05,981 --> 00:47:06,821 Yes? 636 00:47:08,541 --> 00:47:09,781 The doctor is here. 637 00:47:19,261 --> 00:47:21,781 It's been agreed I must give a visitation permit. 638 00:47:21,781 --> 00:47:23,221 I know everything. 639 00:47:23,741 --> 00:47:25,141 Helldorf told me. 640 00:47:25,701 --> 00:47:30,141 Hanke, of all people, is the most treacherous traitor I've ever been around. 641 00:47:30,701 --> 00:47:34,021 It's sad to have your faith in humanity taken away. 642 00:47:34,021 --> 00:47:35,781 He treats me good, unlike you. 643 00:47:35,781 --> 00:47:38,661 I'm the one who got you out of your Jewish clique. 644 00:47:38,661 --> 00:47:42,861 You were with the top Zionist, and I swept it all under the rug. 645 00:47:42,861 --> 00:47:46,061 And you got your doctorate from the Jew, joined the Socialists, 646 00:47:46,061 --> 00:47:49,061 and applied as a correspondent in American newspapers. 647 00:47:49,061 --> 00:47:51,021 You're the most depraved opportunist. 648 00:47:52,941 --> 00:47:56,421 Here's... an order from the Führer. 649 00:47:57,461 --> 00:47:59,421 Hanke is to be transferred to the Wehrmacht. 650 00:48:07,381 --> 00:48:10,141 Here's a list of people who can't enter the house anymore. 651 00:48:10,141 --> 00:48:12,181 Also an order from the Führer. 652 00:48:20,701 --> 00:48:23,021 Your beloved stepfather, the Jew Friedländer, 653 00:48:23,821 --> 00:48:25,701 made his living as a waiter. 654 00:48:27,341 --> 00:48:29,181 He was taken to Buchenwald and died. 655 00:48:43,901 --> 00:48:45,261 He was always kind to me. 656 00:48:48,381 --> 00:48:51,581 Haven't seen him since the rise to power. I'm on the Führer's side. 657 00:48:54,381 --> 00:48:57,101 Magda, please, come to your senses. 658 00:48:58,821 --> 00:49:01,941 We have no choice but to get along. 659 00:49:01,941 --> 00:49:04,461 The propaganda will incite against Poland. 660 00:49:04,461 --> 00:49:07,261 If no miracle happens, we'll soon be at war. 661 00:49:08,101 --> 00:49:09,501 The Führer needs us. 662 00:49:09,501 --> 00:49:12,461 I know. We promised the Führer. It's our duty. 663 00:49:13,701 --> 00:49:17,301 Gentlemen, I've asked you here in civilian clothing... 664 00:49:20,621 --> 00:49:23,461 ...to protect the absolute secrecy of this meeting. 665 00:49:24,061 --> 00:49:25,821 It was clear that sooner or later, 666 00:49:25,821 --> 00:49:29,061 it would have to come to a military conflict with Poland. 667 00:49:30,861 --> 00:49:32,901 Our economic situation is such... 668 00:49:36,621 --> 00:49:38,661 ...that we will last for a few more years. 669 00:49:38,661 --> 00:49:39,981 We have to act. 670 00:49:40,621 --> 00:49:42,901 Our opponents are little worms. 671 00:49:42,901 --> 00:49:45,021 The West has placed its hopes on the enmity 672 00:49:45,021 --> 00:49:47,021 between Russia and Germany. 673 00:49:47,021 --> 00:49:50,901 But now, my foreign minister is going to Moscow. 674 00:49:52,221 --> 00:49:55,861 Gentlemen, I will sign a non-aggression pact 675 00:49:55,861 --> 00:49:57,621 with the Soviet Union. 676 00:50:01,021 --> 00:50:03,461 Then Poland will be where I want it to be. 677 00:50:04,021 --> 00:50:09,581 I have given the order that the objective of war is not to reach certain lines, 678 00:50:10,341 --> 00:50:12,861 but to physically destroy the enemy. 679 00:50:13,341 --> 00:50:16,421 I will have anyone tortured who speaks one word of criticism. 680 00:50:18,261 --> 00:50:21,701 I have prepared my Totenkopf units 681 00:50:22,381 --> 00:50:26,541 to mercilessly send any man, woman, and child of Polish descent 682 00:50:26,541 --> 00:50:27,901 to their deaths. 683 00:50:27,901 --> 00:50:30,541 It's the only way to gain the habitat... 684 00:50:32,421 --> 00:50:33,381 ...that we need. 685 00:50:39,301 --> 00:50:42,301 My Führer, what a brilliant move. 686 00:50:42,301 --> 00:50:44,261 You surprised even me. 687 00:50:44,261 --> 00:50:47,301 The non-aggression pact with Stalin will be a world sensation. 688 00:50:47,301 --> 00:50:48,381 Thank you, Doctor. 689 00:50:49,741 --> 00:50:52,301 I will divide Eastern Europe with Stalin. 690 00:50:57,581 --> 00:50:59,581 About time Ribbentrop called. 691 00:50:59,581 --> 00:51:01,661 - Have a seat. - Thank you. 692 00:51:02,741 --> 00:51:04,021 I've instructed the press... 693 00:51:05,141 --> 00:51:08,061 ...that the issue of Bolshevism is not so important now. 694 00:51:09,861 --> 00:51:11,501 We get them attuned to the pact. 695 00:51:12,261 --> 00:51:16,061 For years we have gone all out in the anti-Bolshevik propaganda. 696 00:51:16,701 --> 00:51:19,221 Now we're in trouble and are eating flies like the devil. 697 00:51:19,221 --> 00:51:21,141 - Keep the people. - I will. 698 00:51:21,141 --> 00:51:22,381 But the question is, 699 00:51:23,301 --> 00:51:24,821 how will the West react? 700 00:51:26,581 --> 00:51:28,781 I don't think London wants a war right now. 701 00:51:29,821 --> 00:51:31,861 Paris is chickening out. 702 00:51:31,861 --> 00:51:34,341 I've always played across the board in life. 703 00:51:35,781 --> 00:51:37,661 The Foreign Minister, from Moscow. 704 00:51:39,141 --> 00:51:39,981 Yes. 705 00:51:49,741 --> 00:51:53,301 "Non-aggression pact for ten years," he says. 706 00:51:53,821 --> 00:51:55,941 In these hours, we are writing history. 707 00:51:59,821 --> 00:52:03,661 Since 5.45 a.m., we have been firing back. 708 00:52:06,421 --> 00:52:10,061 And from now on, we will retaliate with a bomb for a bomb. 709 00:52:13,181 --> 00:52:14,701 Gentlemen, sit down! 710 00:52:18,301 --> 00:52:19,701 We are at war. 711 00:52:20,941 --> 00:52:24,061 News policy... in war. 712 00:52:24,941 --> 00:52:26,301 That is a means of war. 713 00:52:27,101 --> 00:52:32,421 It is being used to wage war, not to give out information. 714 00:52:33,701 --> 00:52:36,861 Eavesdropping on enemy stations 715 00:52:37,541 --> 00:52:39,341 will be punished. 716 00:52:40,421 --> 00:52:42,421 Passing on enemy information... 717 00:52:43,701 --> 00:52:45,021 ...is punishable by death. 718 00:52:45,781 --> 00:52:49,621 The death sentences will be announced in the press. 719 00:52:50,541 --> 00:52:53,541 We put on an infernal concert, 720 00:52:53,541 --> 00:52:56,061 always plotting, always agitating. 721 00:52:56,861 --> 00:52:57,781 Good. 722 00:52:59,981 --> 00:53:01,341 What is there to report? 723 00:53:04,421 --> 00:53:08,701 Polish propaganda claims that we've carried out liquidations. 724 00:53:09,941 --> 00:53:13,421 Poland has established a proper factory of lies. 725 00:53:14,141 --> 00:53:15,621 That won't do them any good. 726 00:53:16,461 --> 00:53:18,861 There have been attacks on Germans as well. 727 00:53:19,661 --> 00:53:21,861 There were even deaths in Bromberg. 728 00:53:24,141 --> 00:53:25,061 That's good. 729 00:53:26,261 --> 00:53:27,421 Build that up. 730 00:53:29,101 --> 00:53:32,701 Increase the number of victims tenfold 731 00:53:33,461 --> 00:53:35,421 and repeat it over and over again. 732 00:53:35,421 --> 00:53:38,701 The simpler and more primitive, the more effective. 733 00:53:38,701 --> 00:53:40,701 Invent catchphrases. 734 00:53:41,181 --> 00:53:43,421 "Blood Sunday of Bromberg." 735 00:53:43,421 --> 00:53:44,781 That's got a ring to it. 736 00:53:44,781 --> 00:53:48,501 This is where the murderers are brought out of their hiding places. 737 00:53:48,501 --> 00:53:51,981 They committed savage acts of bloodshed against defenseless Germans 738 00:53:51,981 --> 00:53:54,861 in the Blood Night of Bromberg. 739 00:53:54,861 --> 00:53:58,021 They will be met with martial law immediately. 740 00:53:58,021 --> 00:53:59,661 We hammer it as long as it takes 741 00:53:59,661 --> 00:54:03,661 until everyone knows that Poles commit atrocities. 742 00:54:04,221 --> 00:54:08,341 It's only when the intelligence says, "We can't hear it anymore"... 743 00:54:09,381 --> 00:54:13,221 ...that the lumberjack in Bad Aibling notices and says, 744 00:54:13,221 --> 00:54:15,981 "Oh? I've never heard anything like that." 745 00:54:17,381 --> 00:54:21,181 It's like the Catholic church, no one would say to the priest, 746 00:54:21,181 --> 00:54:24,661 "Father, you preached the same thing just last Sunday." 747 00:54:24,661 --> 00:54:28,821 No. Day in, day out, year after year, the same thing. 748 00:54:29,301 --> 00:54:33,021 No priest would think of starting liturgy from the back, 749 00:54:33,021 --> 00:54:34,781 just to offer something new. 750 00:54:59,101 --> 00:55:00,501 To The Führer. 751 00:55:02,581 --> 00:55:05,661 My foreign minister, to my right. The doctor across from me. 752 00:55:05,661 --> 00:55:08,461 Please... be seated. 753 00:55:16,741 --> 00:55:20,821 I've issued amnesty for all those who broke the law out of desperation 754 00:55:20,821 --> 00:55:23,901 over the horrors committed by Poland. 755 00:55:25,101 --> 00:55:27,701 Poles are more animals than people. 756 00:55:29,021 --> 00:55:31,781 That's why our units are taking radically liquidating 757 00:55:31,781 --> 00:55:34,301 the Polish leadership and the Jews. 758 00:55:35,261 --> 00:55:38,941 Our propaganda about Polish atrocities has laid the groundwork for this. 759 00:55:38,941 --> 00:55:42,021 If your propaganda is as good as you say it is, 760 00:55:42,021 --> 00:55:44,141 the question must be allowed 761 00:55:44,141 --> 00:55:47,341 why, despite the great victory over Poland, 762 00:55:47,341 --> 00:55:50,581 is there still no real enthusiasm for war? 763 00:55:51,221 --> 00:55:53,221 People cheer for victory, 764 00:55:53,861 --> 00:55:55,901 but they fear the war's expansion. 765 00:55:55,901 --> 00:55:59,821 All the more reason for the propaganda to reach the people. 766 00:55:59,821 --> 00:56:01,301 But what does the doctor say? 767 00:56:01,301 --> 00:56:03,861 Entertainment is important, too. 768 00:56:04,901 --> 00:56:08,821 Propaganda must be close to the people, doctrines do not help at all. 769 00:56:08,821 --> 00:56:11,461 Or do you honestly believe that after the battle, 770 00:56:11,461 --> 00:56:13,501 soldiers go for your 20th-century myth? 771 00:56:14,101 --> 00:56:15,421 But we can't go on like this. 772 00:56:16,381 --> 00:56:18,861 The newsreel runs in 3000 theaters per week, 773 00:56:18,861 --> 00:56:20,341 but in a mindless manner. 774 00:56:20,341 --> 00:56:22,821 Because there's no propagandist at work. 775 00:56:23,301 --> 00:56:25,061 We only get boring material. 776 00:56:25,581 --> 00:56:29,501 That's because of the military drill. It inhibits any form of creativity. 777 00:56:29,501 --> 00:56:33,381 I mean, we have great artists in German filmmaking. 778 00:56:34,101 --> 00:56:37,021 Not everyone can withstand the pressure of war. 779 00:56:37,021 --> 00:56:38,621 You mean Leni Riefenstahl? 780 00:56:39,421 --> 00:56:41,261 She was there when Jews were shot. 781 00:56:41,261 --> 00:56:42,901 It took a toll on her. 782 00:56:43,621 --> 00:56:46,181 But, of course, she remains our poster child 783 00:56:46,181 --> 00:56:48,661 as the most famous director in the world. 784 00:56:48,661 --> 00:56:51,261 She was at my victory parade in Warsaw, 785 00:56:51,261 --> 00:56:53,061 and now she's making new films. 786 00:56:54,661 --> 00:56:58,261 Doctor, great things are happening for the mobilization of the people, 787 00:56:58,261 --> 00:57:00,341 but the German film does not take notice. 788 00:57:00,341 --> 00:57:01,981 That's your responsibility. 789 00:57:02,901 --> 00:57:06,341 - But we do have good national films. - Patriotic in general! 790 00:57:06,341 --> 00:57:08,461 But not national socialist ones! 791 00:57:08,981 --> 00:57:12,541 Our film hasn't dared to touch the Bolshevik Jewish people yet. 792 00:57:14,261 --> 00:57:16,341 The Führer is harsh in his criticism. 793 00:57:16,861 --> 00:57:19,181 I don't think it's entirely justified, 794 00:57:19,181 --> 00:57:21,261 but he has every right to do so, 795 00:57:21,781 --> 00:57:22,981 because he's a genius. 796 00:57:26,341 --> 00:57:28,181 Take 29/10. 797 00:57:29,781 --> 00:57:32,661 And then you say, "Happy birthday, Daddy." 798 00:57:32,661 --> 00:57:35,421 Happy birthday, Daddy. 799 00:57:35,941 --> 00:57:37,781 What's Rühmann doing with the kids? 800 00:57:37,781 --> 00:57:39,101 It's a surprise... 801 00:57:40,621 --> 00:57:42,421 ...that my sweetie can't know about. 802 00:57:42,421 --> 00:57:43,501 Okay. 803 00:57:47,661 --> 00:57:49,261 My wonderful children. 804 00:57:50,661 --> 00:57:52,421 If the Jews win the war, 805 00:57:53,141 --> 00:57:54,941 there will be no future for them. 806 00:57:55,981 --> 00:57:57,741 We won't let it go that far, will we? 807 00:57:58,301 --> 00:57:59,181 Sit down, please. 808 00:58:00,181 --> 00:58:05,581 Hippler... is going to make a documentary about Judaism. 809 00:58:05,581 --> 00:58:11,661 And you, Harlan, will turn the whole thing into a motion picture with your Jud Süß. 810 00:58:11,661 --> 00:58:14,181 Let's penetrate the hearts of millions 811 00:58:14,181 --> 00:58:16,941 with love, eroticism, suspense. 812 00:58:18,101 --> 00:58:19,501 How do you like the script? 813 00:58:20,901 --> 00:58:23,901 It's unappetizing. I must decline it for artistic reasons. 814 00:58:24,901 --> 00:58:26,301 Just write a new one. 815 00:58:27,261 --> 00:58:28,781 Hire the best actors. 816 00:58:29,301 --> 00:58:31,381 Your wife must be in it, too. 817 00:58:31,381 --> 00:58:33,341 - My wife is pregnant. - I pay the nurse. 818 00:58:34,341 --> 00:58:35,661 We all do our duty. 819 00:58:36,501 --> 00:58:37,821 I have five children, 820 00:58:37,821 --> 00:58:40,821 and when the war started, I trained to be a Red Cross nurse. 821 00:58:40,821 --> 00:58:43,581 My son Harald from my first marriage is a Quandt. 822 00:58:43,581 --> 00:58:45,901 He's volunteered to join the paratroopers. 823 00:58:48,061 --> 00:58:51,021 I have already asked actors. They're hesitant. 824 00:58:55,341 --> 00:58:56,941 My husband will give instructions 825 00:58:56,941 --> 00:58:59,501 not to use the word "anti-Semitic" in reviews. 826 00:58:59,501 --> 00:59:03,021 And he'll announce that the actors in the Jewish roles are not Jewish. 827 00:59:04,101 --> 00:59:06,901 - Don't worry. - That's not their point. 828 00:59:08,181 --> 00:59:09,541 They're worried 829 00:59:09,541 --> 00:59:12,541 about ruining their careers in Hollywood with the Jewish films. 830 00:59:13,141 --> 00:59:14,021 Harlan, 831 00:59:14,701 --> 00:59:16,301 - I've always promoted you. - Yes. 832 00:59:16,301 --> 00:59:18,941 We're giving our artists liberties that we don't take. 833 00:59:19,581 --> 00:59:22,021 You were allowed to marry a young Swedish girl. 834 00:59:22,021 --> 00:59:25,221 It's always nice to become famous with National Socialism 835 00:59:25,221 --> 00:59:27,861 and to be paid a lot of money. 836 00:59:28,981 --> 00:59:33,501 But if National Socialism wants something from its artists, they all say no. 837 00:59:34,821 --> 00:59:39,061 Gottschalk, for example, simply refuses to divorce his Jew wife. 838 00:59:39,061 --> 00:59:40,541 You can't do that. 839 00:59:41,741 --> 00:59:43,421 You have to understand. 840 00:59:43,421 --> 00:59:46,821 National Socialism is at war with its enemies. 841 00:59:48,341 --> 00:59:51,261 You and I are both soldiers. 842 00:59:52,581 --> 00:59:55,261 We know very well what happens to a soldier 843 00:59:55,261 --> 00:59:57,141 who dares to disobey an order. 844 01:00:09,741 --> 01:00:12,101 Who may I welcome to the Reich Chancellery today? 845 01:00:12,861 --> 01:00:16,141 - It's a pleasure. - Hail Hitler, Fräulein Braun. 846 01:00:16,141 --> 01:00:17,981 It's a pleasure to see you. 847 01:00:17,981 --> 01:00:20,021 I'm so excited. 848 01:00:20,021 --> 01:00:22,781 The Führer wants me here for his big day. 849 01:00:22,781 --> 01:00:25,621 He's so proud that we defeated France. 850 01:00:25,621 --> 01:00:29,101 It wasn't easy to get me in here secretly. 851 01:00:29,741 --> 01:00:31,661 You're competing with our newsreel. 852 01:00:31,661 --> 01:00:33,501 Today, you can film anything you want. 853 01:00:33,501 --> 01:00:37,101 The enthusiasm is genuine. Bright faces everywhere. 854 01:00:37,101 --> 01:00:38,781 Huge quantities of fresh flowers 855 01:00:38,781 --> 01:00:41,061 have to be strewn on the streets at short notice. 856 01:00:41,061 --> 01:00:43,421 All of Berlin's gardeners are committed. 857 01:00:43,421 --> 01:00:47,661 In the front rows, I've placed only young, slim, good-looking people, 858 01:00:47,661 --> 01:00:49,501 from the HJ and the BDM. 859 01:00:52,461 --> 01:00:54,661 Just this minute, the Führer arrives. 860 01:00:55,501 --> 01:00:56,661 I can't miss this. 861 01:01:08,101 --> 01:01:09,981 Today, Fräulein Braun looks 862 01:01:10,821 --> 01:01:12,541 terribly insignificant, again. 863 01:01:12,541 --> 01:01:15,941 Please, Magda. The Führer will be here soon and go up to the balcony. 864 01:01:21,981 --> 01:01:23,981 Eva! Magda! 865 01:01:25,661 --> 01:01:28,821 I'm so happy that you are here in my happiest hour. 866 01:01:30,661 --> 01:01:32,021 Everyone's cheering for you. 867 01:01:38,061 --> 01:01:40,741 Very good. And now the anti-Semitic films. 868 01:01:42,941 --> 01:01:46,181 Here we see the Jews moving into a city. 869 01:01:47,421 --> 01:01:50,861 Harlan has made an anti-Semitic film as we could only wish for. 870 01:01:53,141 --> 01:01:54,981 Hundreds of Jews move into the city. 871 01:01:54,981 --> 01:01:58,581 - The population is in turmoil. - Like locusts, they are over our land... 872 01:01:58,581 --> 01:02:03,461 At the Venice Film Festival,Jud Süß was a sensational success. 873 01:02:03,941 --> 01:02:05,301 The press is thrilled. 874 01:02:05,301 --> 01:02:06,381 Here. 875 01:02:06,981 --> 01:02:12,941 The Italian film critic Michelangelo Antonioni writes, 876 01:02:13,501 --> 01:02:17,381 "If this is propaganda, we welcome propaganda." 877 01:02:18,101 --> 01:02:19,741 Hidden in the movie, 878 01:02:19,741 --> 01:02:22,821 our message is even more effective. 879 01:02:24,021 --> 01:02:25,221 Very good. 880 01:02:25,221 --> 01:02:27,061 But now show me The Eternal Jew. 881 01:02:27,061 --> 01:02:29,221 You know how important this movie is to me. 882 01:02:30,661 --> 01:02:31,821 Good. 883 01:02:31,821 --> 01:02:33,941 Hippler! Play your movie. 884 01:02:34,781 --> 01:02:36,061 Yes, Reichsminister. 885 01:02:37,981 --> 01:02:39,101 The Eternal Jew? 886 01:02:41,021 --> 01:02:42,021 And action. 887 01:02:44,621 --> 01:02:48,101 "Where rats appear, they bring destruction into the country. 888 01:02:48,901 --> 01:02:52,821 They are cunning, cowardly, and usually appear in great numbers. 889 01:02:53,301 --> 01:02:56,061 Not unlike the Jews among men." 890 01:02:57,501 --> 01:03:01,021 Here we have Eastern Jews cross-faded into assimilated Jews. 891 01:03:01,021 --> 01:03:04,661 Some of them, we had to sort out, because they didn't look Jewish enough. 892 01:03:04,661 --> 01:03:08,581 "These physiognomies disprove the liberalist theory 893 01:03:08,581 --> 01:03:12,421 of equality in all man. 894 01:03:12,421 --> 01:03:16,981 Beard, cap and caftan mark the East Jew for all. 895 01:03:17,541 --> 01:03:21,181 When he takes them off, only sharp-eyed people 896 01:03:21,181 --> 01:03:22,901 can recognize his racial heritage." 897 01:03:22,901 --> 01:03:26,141 Slaughtering? Where are the animal slaughters? 898 01:03:26,141 --> 01:03:29,141 It's important. Those poor animals need protection. 899 01:03:29,141 --> 01:03:33,461 - Obviously. - My Führer. Again, we had to help. 900 01:03:34,181 --> 01:03:37,541 We allowed the traditional Jewish slaughtering for the filming, 901 01:03:37,541 --> 01:03:40,341 and depicted the Jews in all their depravity. 902 01:03:41,341 --> 01:03:43,101 I'd like to put a text in front of it, 903 01:03:43,101 --> 01:03:46,861 that recommends more sensitive people not to watch the sequence. 904 01:03:47,741 --> 01:03:51,661 Let's see the pictures. I've written a text about it. 905 01:03:52,581 --> 01:03:53,701 Thank you, my Führer. 906 01:03:58,461 --> 01:04:01,501 SENSITIVE PERSONS ARE ADVISED TO NOT LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING 907 01:04:01,501 --> 01:04:05,501 "Jewish law books have no sense of considerations 908 01:04:05,501 --> 01:04:08,821 that stem from the Germanic respect and love for animals. 909 01:04:09,421 --> 01:04:14,181 These images reveal the character of a race that hides its blunt rawness--" 910 01:04:14,781 --> 01:04:17,341 ...under the cloak of devout religion. 911 01:04:23,141 --> 01:04:24,541 The Führer has come to visit. 912 01:04:25,061 --> 01:04:27,221 He congratulates on the little Heide. 913 01:04:27,221 --> 01:04:28,821 What a nice surprise. 914 01:04:38,621 --> 01:04:39,701 Welcome, Doctor. 915 01:04:40,221 --> 01:04:41,781 You're a lucky man. 916 01:04:41,781 --> 01:04:44,021 She is the spitting image of her mother. 917 01:04:44,021 --> 01:04:45,701 A real child of reconciliation. 918 01:04:47,261 --> 01:04:50,221 Your visit to little Heide is an honor, my Führer. 919 01:04:53,221 --> 01:04:54,141 So. 920 01:04:58,461 --> 01:05:01,261 Come, Doctor, I have something important to tell you. 921 01:05:11,141 --> 01:05:13,661 I've decided to attack Russia. 922 01:05:20,061 --> 01:05:22,021 But if we do, we'll be caught in a two-front war. 923 01:05:23,021 --> 01:05:24,421 We always tried to avoid that. 924 01:05:25,101 --> 01:05:26,221 But it has to be. 925 01:05:27,021 --> 01:05:29,501 Stalin wants to stay out of it until Europe is bled dry, 926 01:05:29,501 --> 01:05:31,421 and then bolshevize the continent. 927 01:05:31,421 --> 01:05:33,221 A war with him is inevitable. 928 01:05:33,221 --> 01:05:35,341 Then we'll have our backs against England. 929 01:05:39,021 --> 01:05:41,341 Habitat in the East and extermination of the Jews, 930 01:05:41,341 --> 01:05:42,701 that was always my goal. 931 01:05:55,941 --> 01:05:58,941 It will be an incredible feat of strength for our propaganda. 932 01:06:00,021 --> 01:06:00,861 Yes. 933 01:06:01,901 --> 01:06:02,781 I understand. 934 01:06:05,061 --> 01:06:09,181 But a pact with Stalin has always been a break with my views. 935 01:06:09,901 --> 01:06:12,021 Now I'm free of this anguish of my soul. 936 01:06:12,021 --> 01:06:13,821 We've always fought the red pigs. 937 01:06:13,821 --> 01:06:15,381 Now we'll destroy them. 938 01:06:16,941 --> 01:06:18,701 We'll prepare an attack in secret. 939 01:06:19,581 --> 01:06:20,981 The people must not find out. 940 01:06:20,981 --> 01:06:23,141 We will tell the soldiers they are maneuvers. 941 01:06:23,701 --> 01:06:25,181 Only at the moment of the attack, 942 01:06:25,181 --> 01:06:27,941 you will read my proclamation on the radio. 943 01:06:29,301 --> 01:06:31,221 Bolshevism will collapse. 944 01:06:31,221 --> 01:06:34,061 The operation takes no longer than... four months. 945 01:06:37,541 --> 01:06:39,821 I've already come up with an idea for a fanfare 946 01:06:40,421 --> 01:06:43,221 about our victories. 947 01:06:45,141 --> 01:06:47,541 Liszt's "Les Préludes." 948 01:06:54,381 --> 01:06:57,021 Add a few more bars of Horst Wessel's song. 949 01:06:57,581 --> 01:07:00,501 Comrades, Red Front and Reaction shot in revenge 950 01:07:00,501 --> 01:07:02,901 for our comrades who were murdered by Communists. 951 01:07:18,781 --> 01:07:21,981 The Reich's Ministry of Public Information and Propaganda. 952 01:07:21,981 --> 01:07:25,781 Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels reads the Führer's proclamation. 953 01:07:25,781 --> 01:07:28,421 It reveals for the first time in front of the whole world 954 01:07:28,421 --> 01:07:31,901 the conspiracy of London and Moscow against Germany. 955 01:07:32,381 --> 01:07:33,741 "German people, 956 01:07:34,501 --> 01:07:37,501 at this very moment, a formation takes place..." 957 01:07:37,501 --> 01:07:39,661 The new fanfare is heard. 958 01:07:40,261 --> 01:07:44,821 I will read the Führer's proclamation on all channels to the German people. 959 01:07:46,021 --> 01:07:49,461 What a great and wonderful time 960 01:07:49,461 --> 01:07:51,781 for an empire to be born. 961 01:07:53,061 --> 01:07:54,701 I feel so free. 962 01:07:55,781 --> 01:07:57,501 Then I go to Schwanenwerder. 963 01:07:58,141 --> 01:08:01,181 The sun is already big and beautiful in the sky. 964 01:08:01,181 --> 01:08:03,661 The birds are chirping in the garden outside. 965 01:08:04,221 --> 01:08:07,501 I fall into bed and sleep for two hours, 966 01:08:07,501 --> 01:08:10,381 a deep and healthy sleep. 967 01:08:27,061 --> 01:08:28,261 Hail Hitler, Doctor! 968 01:08:29,261 --> 01:08:31,981 - Bormann! - Welcome to the Wolfsschanze. 969 01:08:31,981 --> 01:08:34,661 - Thank you, Bormann! - The Führer awaits you. 970 01:08:34,661 --> 01:08:36,181 Good to be seeing him. 971 01:08:36,181 --> 01:08:39,141 He complained that we chose the most swampy area. 972 01:08:39,141 --> 01:08:41,141 He wants the Air Force to go mosquito hunting. 973 01:08:42,621 --> 01:08:44,501 - He's in a good mood. - Very good. 974 01:08:44,501 --> 01:08:47,061 The war in the East is as good as won. 975 01:08:47,061 --> 01:08:49,461 There will be nothing left of Bolshevism. 976 01:08:51,261 --> 01:08:52,581 Great, my Führer. 977 01:08:53,621 --> 01:08:57,221 However, you caused quite a shock with this attack. 978 01:08:57,221 --> 01:08:59,901 Your own people were as surprised as the Russian himself. 979 01:09:01,181 --> 01:09:04,981 Such a 180-degree turn is only possible due to our tight grip on the press. 980 01:09:04,981 --> 01:09:07,181 And even the smallest bit of freedom of the press 981 01:09:08,021 --> 01:09:09,821 is the deadliest threat to the state. 982 01:09:10,381 --> 01:09:13,901 In a democracy, the people elect the head of state, 983 01:09:13,901 --> 01:09:17,021 and advertising can bring any buffoon to power. 984 01:09:17,021 --> 01:09:19,181 With us, one man decides. The Führer. 985 01:09:19,181 --> 01:09:23,661 Present it like this, "We beat Stalin to it at the last second." 986 01:09:23,661 --> 01:09:26,661 I will wipe out cities like Moscow and Saint Petersburg. 987 01:09:27,501 --> 01:09:30,421 I think we should not be too optimistic at the beginning. 988 01:09:30,421 --> 01:09:32,141 A setback could change the mood. 989 01:09:32,141 --> 01:09:36,141 Don't worry. The enemy is in disarray and will be destroyed. 990 01:09:36,141 --> 01:09:38,861 Turn on the great anti-bolshevism campaign, 991 01:09:38,861 --> 01:09:40,941 "The Slavic race is inferior." 992 01:09:40,941 --> 01:09:44,181 Only by force, Stalin succeeded 993 01:09:44,741 --> 01:09:48,581 in forming a state out of this Slavic rabbit race. 994 01:09:48,581 --> 01:09:51,821 The Jews helped him do it. We must destroy them. 995 01:09:51,821 --> 01:09:54,901 Therefore, bring back the anti-Semitic campaign again. 996 01:09:54,901 --> 01:09:57,861 I have prepared everything. Press, radio and film. 997 01:09:57,861 --> 01:10:00,621 The Eternal Jew is for the hard-boiled party members, 998 01:10:00,621 --> 01:10:04,781 and Jud Süß cuts through the heart of the masses and activates their hate. 999 01:10:05,261 --> 01:10:07,461 Himmler has him presented to the entire SS, 1000 01:10:07,461 --> 01:10:09,101 especially before executions. 1001 01:10:11,661 --> 01:10:15,101 Drowned. That Jew killed her. 1002 01:10:20,861 --> 01:10:21,941 Beat them to death! 1003 01:10:23,381 --> 01:10:26,861 - The Jew has to go. - That Jew has got to go. 1004 01:10:27,901 --> 01:10:30,661 - They can hang! - Yes! 1005 01:10:30,661 --> 01:10:33,101 I am innocent. 1006 01:10:34,061 --> 01:10:36,061 I'm just a poor fool. 1007 01:10:36,061 --> 01:10:39,581 Let me have my life. I want to live. 1008 01:10:39,581 --> 01:10:42,301 Life is what I want-- 1009 01:10:50,941 --> 01:10:52,221 Eradicating this plague 1010 01:10:52,221 --> 01:10:55,381 is to perform a historic deed for the whole of humanity. 1011 01:10:56,821 --> 01:10:58,181 I'm colossally humane. 1012 01:10:59,461 --> 01:11:02,021 It was important for me to see for myself. 1013 01:11:03,701 --> 01:11:07,101 Being in charge of life and death, you need to know what dying looks like. 1014 01:11:07,821 --> 01:11:10,501 I'm proud of my men for mastering this, 1015 01:11:11,101 --> 01:11:13,901 that they fire hundreds of times, and reload and reshoot, 1016 01:11:13,901 --> 01:11:16,581 even if the Jews scream terribly and beg for mercy. 1017 01:11:18,581 --> 01:11:22,101 The Jews must strip down, climb into the trenches, onto the corpses, 1018 01:11:22,101 --> 01:11:24,261 and lie on top of their predecessors. 1019 01:11:24,261 --> 01:11:26,101 "The sardine method" is what we call it. 1020 01:11:27,381 --> 01:11:29,821 Children in their mothers' arms saves ammunition. 1021 01:11:29,821 --> 01:11:31,461 They'll be crushed by the corpses. 1022 01:11:32,701 --> 01:11:35,141 We fire until the guns run hot. Only then, we change. 1023 01:11:35,941 --> 01:11:39,301 Blood and brain matter get sprayed on my men's clothes. 1024 01:11:39,821 --> 01:11:42,261 Some get sick. They no longer hit properly. 1025 01:11:42,981 --> 01:11:45,941 Once in a while, one of them climbs up the pile of bodies 1026 01:11:45,941 --> 01:11:47,981 shooting people's heads until they pop. 1027 01:11:48,941 --> 01:11:51,141 Shooters can drink all the liquor they want. 1028 01:11:51,821 --> 01:11:54,021 The loudspeaker truck is blasting music. 1029 01:11:54,021 --> 01:11:56,541 It's heroic what my men are doing. 1030 01:11:57,261 --> 01:12:00,021 You have to do it quickly. It's like a rotten tooth. 1031 01:12:00,861 --> 01:12:02,781 The pain is only over once it is out. 1032 01:12:04,021 --> 01:12:07,461 I have always predicted that once I am in power, 1033 01:12:07,461 --> 01:12:10,261 the extermination of the Jews is my most important task. 1034 01:12:10,901 --> 01:12:12,741 I have the Jews brought to the East, 1035 01:12:12,741 --> 01:12:14,941 and I order all Jews to be exterminated. 1036 01:12:16,421 --> 01:12:20,981 This is an honorable... yet difficult task. 1037 01:12:21,461 --> 01:12:23,101 We shoot thousands every day. 1038 01:12:23,101 --> 01:12:25,741 By the end of the year, we can barely make half a million. 1039 01:12:27,901 --> 01:12:29,661 We are looking for new ways. 1040 01:12:30,221 --> 01:12:32,581 We used gas in the mental asylums. 1041 01:12:32,581 --> 01:12:34,181 This could be the future. 1042 01:12:36,381 --> 01:12:37,781 Do whatever it takes. 1043 01:12:39,181 --> 01:12:41,381 Even innocent creatures of nature 1044 01:12:41,381 --> 01:12:46,101 like deer and rabbits sometimes have to be killed to prevent damage. 1045 01:12:46,101 --> 01:12:48,501 The Jews are a criminal race. 1046 01:12:48,501 --> 01:12:50,821 Liable for two million deaths in the Great War. 1047 01:12:50,821 --> 01:12:52,901 Now hundreds of thousands again. 1048 01:12:52,901 --> 01:12:55,261 Nobody tell me I can't do that. 1049 01:12:57,101 --> 01:13:00,901 For months, we were unable to give you the military details. 1050 01:13:01,541 --> 01:13:03,901 Now, I can let the cat out of the bag. 1051 01:13:04,941 --> 01:13:07,941 In the face of the recent successes, there is no doubt 1052 01:13:07,941 --> 01:13:10,901 that the entire Soviet front has been destroyed. 1053 01:13:11,461 --> 01:13:16,141 This means that the British dream of a two-front war is over. 1054 01:13:17,101 --> 01:13:21,581 The Soviet Union is militarily defeated with this last mighty blow. 1055 01:13:22,301 --> 01:13:25,941 The enemy in the East is defeated and destroyed. 1056 01:13:25,941 --> 01:13:27,301 Hail Hitler, Doctor. 1057 01:13:27,301 --> 01:13:30,661 Dietrich is an imbecile without sense and reason. 1058 01:13:30,661 --> 01:13:32,981 It's the biggest propaganda mistake of the war. 1059 01:13:32,981 --> 01:13:35,341 Tough battles are being fought on the front, 1060 01:13:35,341 --> 01:13:38,181 it's clear what the soldiers think of such gossip. 1061 01:13:38,181 --> 01:13:40,221 We're stuck in the mud, Doctor. 1062 01:13:40,221 --> 01:13:42,141 Literally stuck in the mud. 1063 01:13:42,141 --> 01:13:43,101 Yes. 1064 01:13:44,581 --> 01:13:47,021 People have already noticed that there are setbacks. 1065 01:13:47,021 --> 01:13:49,541 All the more devastating is Dietrich's statement. 1066 01:13:49,541 --> 01:13:52,501 Propaganda must always be related to reality. 1067 01:13:53,021 --> 01:13:54,581 The mood has plummeted. 1068 01:13:54,581 --> 01:13:57,141 The war will last longer than planned, 1069 01:13:57,661 --> 01:13:58,861 put it that way. 1070 01:14:00,141 --> 01:14:02,301 Global Judaism is waging war against us. 1071 01:14:02,301 --> 01:14:05,021 The war is getting harder. And it's the Jews' fault. 1072 01:14:05,021 --> 01:14:07,221 It's a struggle to be or not to be. 1073 01:14:08,301 --> 01:14:09,141 Yes. 1074 01:14:10,261 --> 01:14:12,541 I'll share this with the international press. 1075 01:14:13,181 --> 01:14:17,101 It will look like our enemies are going to war for the Jews, then. 1076 01:14:17,621 --> 01:14:19,101 This will create discord. 1077 01:14:19,101 --> 01:14:21,621 And then I will share it with the German people. 1078 01:14:23,381 --> 01:14:27,181 We will also introduce a Jewish badge. 1079 01:14:28,701 --> 01:14:30,261 You have no place here! 1080 01:14:32,381 --> 01:14:35,421 - If someone wears the Jewish star ... - One of the Jews. 1081 01:14:36,061 --> 01:14:38,301 ...he is labelled an enemy of the people. 1082 01:14:38,301 --> 01:14:40,341 Zack! And you too! 1083 01:14:41,021 --> 01:14:43,701 Anyone who socializes with him is one of him ... 1084 01:14:45,541 --> 01:14:47,261 ...and must be treated as a Jew. 1085 01:14:48,941 --> 01:14:49,981 It is a shame. 1086 01:14:52,621 --> 01:14:54,581 Dear Daddy, you're back. 1087 01:14:54,581 --> 01:14:56,461 Now you can see us again. 1088 01:14:56,461 --> 01:15:00,501 And you've already guessed. We're here to congratulate you. 1089 01:15:00,501 --> 01:15:04,661 We got all dressed up all the way, because it's your birthday today. 1090 01:15:04,661 --> 01:15:10,061 ♪ Daddy is my best comrade ♪ 1091 01:15:10,061 --> 01:15:14,741 ♪ And on this most beautiful day of all ♪ 1092 01:15:16,301 --> 01:15:19,821 ♪ He is finally all here ♪ 1093 01:15:20,381 --> 01:15:24,981 ♪ So, Daddy, as the years fall ♪ 1094 01:15:25,701 --> 01:15:30,581 ♪ Our song shall now win you over ♪ 1095 01:15:30,581 --> 01:15:34,861 ♪ So listen, Daddy, very closely ♪ 1096 01:15:36,501 --> 01:15:40,901 ♪ Our dear daddy is always so much fun ♪ 1097 01:15:40,901 --> 01:15:44,821 ♪ My daddy is my best comrade ♪ 1098 01:15:56,461 --> 01:15:59,461 My dear children, you have made me very happy. 1099 01:15:59,461 --> 01:16:01,821 Such a beautiful film. Thank you so much. 1100 01:16:01,821 --> 01:16:03,981 Thank you, really. 1101 01:16:10,501 --> 01:16:12,101 Gottschalk killed himself. 1102 01:16:12,981 --> 01:16:14,621 With his wife and child. 1103 01:16:20,581 --> 01:16:21,661 Those bastards. 1104 01:16:24,461 --> 01:16:25,581 Killing children! 1105 01:16:28,661 --> 01:16:29,861 What a bunch of scum. 1106 01:16:29,861 --> 01:16:33,541 - The people must not be informed. - They get wind of a lot of things. 1107 01:16:33,541 --> 01:16:35,981 There will be film people at the funeral, too. 1108 01:16:37,501 --> 01:16:39,861 The Jewish star also arouses pity. 1109 01:16:40,621 --> 01:16:44,421 - It makes the transports stand out more. - The German educated class is shit. 1110 01:16:45,581 --> 01:16:49,221 Suddenly, they are rediscovering their sense of humanity for the Jews. 1111 01:16:49,701 --> 01:16:51,781 You can't exorcise their mediocrity. 1112 01:16:51,781 --> 01:16:53,701 All the Jews have to do is send an old lady 1113 01:16:53,701 --> 01:16:56,181 with a Jewish star across Kurfürstendamm 1114 01:16:56,181 --> 01:16:59,741 and the average German forgets what the Jews did to us. 1115 01:17:01,021 --> 01:17:02,821 I get help requests all the time. 1116 01:17:03,901 --> 01:17:07,101 An old friend from school asked for help her with her daughter. 1117 01:17:07,101 --> 01:17:08,181 They're Jewish. 1118 01:17:10,301 --> 01:17:13,021 And? What did you reply? 1119 01:17:14,101 --> 01:17:16,101 She didn't use her first name Sarah. 1120 01:17:17,301 --> 01:17:18,461 I reported her. 1121 01:17:35,781 --> 01:17:40,901 Pictures like these from the Warsaw ghetto must never be seen by the public. 1122 01:17:40,901 --> 01:17:42,301 We ask a lot of the people, 1123 01:17:42,301 --> 01:17:46,581 and that's why we give them more entertainment in radio and film. 1124 01:17:47,261 --> 01:17:49,661 Good mood is essential for war. 1125 01:17:51,741 --> 01:17:53,661 That's why we're going to increase 1126 01:17:53,661 --> 01:17:56,941 the percentage of entertainment films to 80%. 1127 01:17:56,941 --> 01:17:59,821 But in the newsreel, that's where it gets down to business. 1128 01:18:00,421 --> 01:18:03,221 For this, we need spectacular combat footage. 1129 01:18:03,221 --> 01:18:06,341 That's why we're also going to step up my propaganda units. 1130 01:18:08,461 --> 01:18:11,901 In the past, reporters used to sit behind the fighting troops. 1131 01:18:11,901 --> 01:18:15,341 But my reporter, he is a soldier! 1132 01:18:15,341 --> 01:18:18,141 He delivers footage straight from the front. 1133 01:18:18,141 --> 01:18:20,781 We need creativity. 1134 01:18:20,781 --> 01:18:22,501 Hippler, present the examples. 1135 01:18:23,061 --> 01:18:24,821 Gladly, Mr. Propaganda Minister. 1136 01:18:24,821 --> 01:18:25,741 Roll the film! 1137 01:18:27,421 --> 01:18:30,941 You're looking at burning oil towers. 1138 01:18:30,941 --> 01:18:34,141 But in reality, these towers are just models. 1139 01:18:35,941 --> 01:18:39,821 Gentlemen, it's so hot on the front line in Africa 1140 01:18:39,821 --> 01:18:43,541 that you can even fry a sunny-side-up egg on a tank. 1141 01:18:45,621 --> 01:18:48,461 And here you can see that you have to adjust things occasionally. 1142 01:18:52,341 --> 01:18:55,101 This is tanks crossing a river. 1143 01:19:01,461 --> 01:19:03,901 Well, and this is how the shots were done. 1144 01:19:06,581 --> 01:19:07,581 Very good. 1145 01:19:09,781 --> 01:19:12,621 Make use of all the options. 1146 01:19:12,621 --> 01:19:15,541 Especially now, with our soldiers fighting in Stalingrad. 1147 01:19:16,101 --> 01:19:19,661 Think about Christmas. That warms up people's hearts. 1148 01:19:19,661 --> 01:19:23,101 That's when we will connect the soldiers from all fronts 1149 01:19:23,101 --> 01:19:25,021 with the homeland in a ring broadcast. 1150 01:19:25,021 --> 01:19:28,541 - With their wives. Their mothers. - Attention, calling... 1151 01:19:28,541 --> 01:19:32,541 - Stalingrad, hello? - Stalingrad here. The front on the Volga ... 1152 01:19:32,541 --> 01:19:34,141 We're bringing them all together, 1153 01:19:34,141 --> 01:19:37,781 all over the Reich, that is bigger than ever before. 1154 01:19:37,781 --> 01:19:39,621 Here's an airfield in southern France... 1155 01:19:39,621 --> 01:19:43,701 We are pushing the limits of technology. This means 5000 kilometers of cable. 1156 01:19:43,701 --> 01:19:46,941 One hundred million radio listeners in a live broadcast? 1157 01:19:46,941 --> 01:19:49,221 - That is risky. - Then be inventive. 1158 01:19:49,221 --> 01:19:52,821 Doesn't matter whether the soldier is really speaking from Stalingrad. 1159 01:19:52,821 --> 01:19:55,021 He could be in Kharkov or in the studio. 1160 01:19:55,021 --> 01:19:59,221 And record it in advance. It's the effect that counts! 1161 01:19:59,901 --> 01:20:01,821 We ask you, comrades, 1162 01:20:01,821 --> 01:20:08,261 to sing with us the beautiful old German Christmas carol, "Silent Night." 1163 01:20:08,261 --> 01:20:10,021 Let's all sing it together. 1164 01:20:10,861 --> 01:20:14,421 ♪ Silent night ♪ 1165 01:20:15,061 --> 01:20:20,461 - ♪ Holy night ♪ - ♪ Holy night ♪ 1166 01:20:20,461 --> 01:20:26,141 - ♪ All is calm ♪ - This request from our comrades 1167 01:20:26,141 --> 01:20:28,821 in the south on the Black Sea is being followed, 1168 01:20:28,821 --> 01:20:31,701 all stations are now joining in! 1169 01:20:31,701 --> 01:20:35,501 Now they are already singing at the Arctic Ocean and in Finland. 1170 01:20:36,581 --> 01:20:39,061 And now they're singing in the frontline of Brezkev. 1171 01:20:41,501 --> 01:20:45,661 And now we are adding all the other stations. 1172 01:20:45,661 --> 01:20:48,421 Leningrad! Stalingrad! 1173 01:20:49,221 --> 01:20:51,021 And now joining us... 1174 01:20:51,021 --> 01:20:53,821 France joins the program... Catania. 1175 01:20:53,821 --> 01:20:56,301 SENTENCED TO DEATH IN THE NAME OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE 1176 01:20:56,301 --> 01:20:57,861 And Africa. 1177 01:20:58,661 --> 01:21:00,701 And now everyone sings along. 1178 01:21:01,741 --> 01:21:05,101 Sing together with us all 1179 01:21:05,101 --> 01:21:07,421 the old German Christmas carol... 1180 01:21:07,421 --> 01:21:14,461 ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪ 1181 01:21:17,181 --> 01:21:18,261 It is terrible. 1182 01:21:19,021 --> 01:21:22,421 Our allies, the Hungarians, Romanians and Italians, have failed. 1183 01:21:22,421 --> 01:21:26,181 Two hundred thousand soldiers are trapped in Stalingrad. 1184 01:21:27,021 --> 01:21:28,981 I have prohibited an escape. 1185 01:21:29,901 --> 01:21:31,781 Time to tell the people the truth. 1186 01:21:31,781 --> 01:21:34,741 The Luftwaffe leadership has not kept their promise. 1187 01:21:35,661 --> 01:21:39,061 Yes, because Göring has once again bitten off more than he can chew. 1188 01:21:40,261 --> 01:21:41,141 Yes? 1189 01:21:43,461 --> 01:21:45,141 It's a call from Stalingrad. 1190 01:21:47,701 --> 01:21:48,541 Yes. 1191 01:22:01,341 --> 01:22:04,501 The Russian army has severely breached our defense lines. 1192 01:22:06,261 --> 01:22:08,981 Our troops are no longer capable of fighting. 1193 01:22:11,101 --> 01:22:12,501 We must tell the truth. 1194 01:22:12,501 --> 01:22:14,901 Not until Stalingrad is lost for good. 1195 01:22:18,701 --> 01:22:20,341 Then I'll turn it into a hero's song. 1196 01:22:22,461 --> 01:22:24,581 We'll only play mourning music on the radio now. 1197 01:22:24,581 --> 01:22:26,501 We'll have three memorial days. 1198 01:22:27,741 --> 01:22:30,581 The newspapers will all come out with a mourning edge. 1199 01:22:30,581 --> 01:22:34,981 Stalingrad must mark the turning point of our war effort. 1200 01:22:36,461 --> 01:22:38,221 What we need now is total war. 1201 01:22:38,861 --> 01:22:40,581 Labor service for all women. 1202 01:22:41,261 --> 01:22:43,981 Cessation of all non-essential industries. 1203 01:22:43,981 --> 01:22:48,181 All civilian life must be prepared for war. 1204 01:22:49,381 --> 01:22:52,101 This way, I can bring you up to two million new soldiers. 1205 01:22:56,101 --> 01:22:58,061 I know what you're thinking, Doctor, 1206 01:22:58,741 --> 01:22:59,781 and I agree with you. 1207 01:23:02,301 --> 01:23:04,501 I'll assign Lammers, Keitel and Bormann. 1208 01:23:06,741 --> 01:23:07,661 But, my Führer-- 1209 01:23:07,661 --> 01:23:10,941 I don't want to burden you with the administration of this task, 1210 01:23:10,941 --> 01:23:13,661 but you will be accompanying the committee. 1211 01:23:36,581 --> 01:23:37,781 He passed me over. 1212 01:23:40,421 --> 01:23:41,981 I won't put up with that. 1213 01:23:44,861 --> 01:23:49,101 Stalingrad is my chance to become the second man in the Reich. 1214 01:23:49,621 --> 01:23:51,581 I'm going to turn this disaster 1215 01:23:52,261 --> 01:23:54,661 into a great wake-up call for war. 1216 01:23:56,261 --> 01:23:57,861 We'll start right away. 1217 01:23:57,861 --> 01:24:00,821 Turn off that mourning music! Send in the secretaries. 1218 01:24:06,141 --> 01:24:07,141 All right, ladies. 1219 01:24:09,621 --> 01:24:10,661 Good afternoon. 1220 01:24:12,101 --> 01:24:14,941 - Here. - Yes. Sit down, please. 1221 01:24:19,181 --> 01:24:20,421 The Sports Palace... 1222 01:24:21,661 --> 01:24:23,541 ...must look as sober 1223 01:24:24,381 --> 01:24:25,981 as a Protestant church. 1224 01:24:26,661 --> 01:24:29,221 On the walls, only the banners of our movement 1225 01:24:29,221 --> 01:24:33,581 and a banner, "Total war, shortest war." 1226 01:24:34,101 --> 01:24:37,381 We'll turn this into a referendum. 1227 01:24:37,381 --> 01:24:41,661 The most representative people of our nation must be present. 1228 01:24:41,661 --> 01:24:44,701 Only the most reliable people, write down. 1229 01:24:46,221 --> 01:24:50,581 "In front of me sit rows of German wounded--" 1230 01:24:50,581 --> 01:24:51,901 ...from the Eastern Front. 1231 01:24:51,901 --> 01:24:53,581 In between them, 1232 01:24:53,581 --> 01:24:58,981 I count 50 bearers of the Oak Leaf and the Knight's Cross. 1233 01:24:58,981 --> 01:25:02,101 Behind them, a block 1234 01:25:02,101 --> 01:25:05,341 of men and women of armaments workers. 1235 01:25:05,341 --> 01:25:07,901 - Soldiers from the fighting Wehrmacht. - Doctors. 1236 01:25:07,901 --> 01:25:09,821 - Scientists. - Artists. 1237 01:25:09,821 --> 01:25:14,501 My speech must be heard everywhere, in the Sports Palace, of course, 1238 01:25:14,501 --> 01:25:18,501 but also in the radio, in the newspapers and in the newsreels. 1239 01:25:18,501 --> 01:25:19,981 The entire press is prepared. 1240 01:25:19,981 --> 01:25:23,101 All papers have your speech on page one, as instructed. 1241 01:25:24,221 --> 01:25:27,901 I will begin... with a eulogy... 1242 01:25:28,981 --> 01:25:30,501 ...for the fallen of Stalingrad. 1243 01:25:31,261 --> 01:25:35,301 I will speak from the bottom of my heart and with holy sincerity. 1244 01:25:35,301 --> 01:25:37,141 We must make it clear to the people 1245 01:25:37,141 --> 01:25:41,341 that the West will perish if we do not take drastic measures now. 1246 01:25:43,181 --> 01:25:44,381 As a climax... 1247 01:25:46,501 --> 01:25:48,661 ...I will ask the people ten questions. 1248 01:25:50,421 --> 01:25:52,421 Ten. Like the commandments in the Bible. 1249 01:25:52,421 --> 01:25:55,181 What if people don't burst into an enthusiastic yes? 1250 01:25:55,741 --> 01:25:57,421 By then, I will have spoken for over an hour. 1251 01:25:57,901 --> 01:25:59,661 I could let them climb trees. 1252 01:25:59,661 --> 01:26:04,301 Helga, Hilde, you may join me tomorrow at the Sports Palace. 1253 01:26:04,301 --> 01:26:06,981 Your father's speech will go down in history. 1254 01:26:06,981 --> 01:26:08,941 I'll ask you all tomorrow. 1255 01:26:09,621 --> 01:26:11,141 Are you prepared to stand 1256 01:26:11,141 --> 01:26:14,101 behind the Wehrmacht and the Führer as the phalanx-- 1257 01:26:14,101 --> 01:26:16,701 ...of the homeland and to continue this battle-- 1258 01:26:16,701 --> 01:26:19,701 ...with fierce determination-- 1259 01:26:19,701 --> 01:26:22,021 ...undeterred by all the vicissitudes-- 1260 01:26:22,021 --> 01:26:25,101 ...of fate until victory is-- 1261 01:26:25,101 --> 01:26:26,341 ...in our hands? 1262 01:26:26,341 --> 01:26:27,501 Yes! 1263 01:26:30,461 --> 01:26:32,341 I will drive the audience crazy. 1264 01:26:34,221 --> 01:26:36,061 I will pull out all the stops. 1265 01:26:36,901 --> 01:26:38,701 Let my voice spill over. 1266 01:26:38,701 --> 01:26:41,981 I will play the emotional scale once up and down again. 1267 01:26:44,141 --> 01:26:46,981 Write down. "I ask you--" 1268 01:26:46,981 --> 01:26:52,461 Are you determined to follow the Führer in the fight for victory 1269 01:26:52,461 --> 01:26:57,301 through thick and thin, even under the heaviest personal burdens? 1270 01:26:57,301 --> 01:26:59,901 - The answer resounds... - Yes! 1271 01:26:59,901 --> 01:27:03,821 - And then they all shout? - Führer, command, and we'll follow. 1272 01:27:03,821 --> 01:27:07,781 - Much louder! - Führer, command, and we'll follow! 1273 01:27:08,621 --> 01:27:12,301 Führer, command, and we'll follow! 1274 01:27:12,301 --> 01:27:15,621 It's best to record it beforehand and play it for backup. 1275 01:27:16,421 --> 01:27:17,861 "The most radical... 1276 01:27:18,701 --> 01:27:25,061 The most radical today is radical, and the most total today is total enough 1277 01:27:25,061 --> 01:27:27,101 to achieve victory!" 1278 01:27:27,101 --> 01:27:30,381 Naumann. Just a little idea. 1279 01:27:31,261 --> 01:27:33,581 Listen and see if you notice anything. 1280 01:27:34,701 --> 01:27:36,981 "We will confront the Jewish threat, if necessary, 1281 01:27:36,981 --> 01:27:40,301 with complete and radical eradication... 1282 01:27:41,781 --> 01:27:45,061 with... elimination." 1283 01:27:50,021 --> 01:27:51,381 This could be effective. 1284 01:27:51,381 --> 01:27:55,221 Yes. The slip of the tongue is only for the Sports Palace, of course. 1285 01:27:55,221 --> 01:27:57,661 - We will leave it out in the newspapers. - Yes. 1286 01:27:57,661 --> 01:28:03,781 ...if necessary with complete and radical era-- elimination. 1287 01:28:06,341 --> 01:28:07,301 And then... 1288 01:28:08,741 --> 01:28:10,861 ...I will ask the all-important question. 1289 01:28:13,661 --> 01:28:18,061 I ask you, do you want total war? 1290 01:28:18,661 --> 01:28:21,301 Do you want total war? 1291 01:28:21,301 --> 01:28:22,741 Yes! 1292 01:28:22,741 --> 01:28:26,861 Do you want it, if necessary, more total and radical 1293 01:28:26,861 --> 01:28:29,981 than we can even imagine today? 1294 01:28:30,621 --> 01:28:34,501 And that is why from now on the watchword is, 1295 01:28:34,501 --> 01:28:40,421 "Now, people rise up and let the storm break loose!" 1296 01:28:40,421 --> 01:28:45,701 Now, people rise up and let the storm break loose! 1297 01:28:57,901 --> 01:29:00,301 Thank you. Thank you. 1298 01:29:01,021 --> 01:29:02,941 - Thank you. - Bravo! 1299 01:29:02,941 --> 01:29:04,021 Bravo. 1300 01:29:04,741 --> 01:29:09,981 This speech will go down in history as the most important speech of the war. 1301 01:29:09,981 --> 01:29:13,701 Did you notice how people reacted to the smallest nuances? 1302 01:29:13,701 --> 01:29:16,461 The most politically educated audience you can find. 1303 01:29:16,461 --> 01:29:19,661 Had I told them to jump out of the third floor of Columbus' house, 1304 01:29:19,661 --> 01:29:21,181 they would have done it. 1305 01:29:23,141 --> 01:29:26,101 Hannibal, Caesar and Napoleon in heaven. 1306 01:29:26,101 --> 01:29:29,901 Hannibal says, "If I had had Stukas in Italy..." 1307 01:29:30,901 --> 01:29:34,061 And Caesar says, "If I had had tanks in Germania..." 1308 01:29:34,861 --> 01:29:37,581 Says Napoleon, "And if I had had Goebbels... 1309 01:29:38,581 --> 01:29:41,501 ...you wouldn't know to this day that I lost the Battle of Waterloo!" 1310 01:29:45,061 --> 01:29:46,621 A message from the Führer. 1311 01:29:47,501 --> 01:29:51,941 He calls the speech a first-class propagandistic masterpiece. 1312 01:29:52,661 --> 01:29:54,141 Let's hear it for our doctor. 1313 01:29:54,141 --> 01:29:56,541 - Cheers! - Thank you so much. 1314 01:29:57,341 --> 01:29:59,421 My doctor, by my side. 1315 01:30:00,181 --> 01:30:01,421 Congratulations. 1316 01:30:02,021 --> 01:30:03,861 Your speech was the biggest hit. 1317 01:30:07,021 --> 01:30:08,061 Thank you so much. 1318 01:30:08,621 --> 01:30:09,901 Did you see? 1319 01:30:09,901 --> 01:30:12,461 There are fantastic comments everywhere. 1320 01:30:12,461 --> 01:30:15,861 But the reports all over the Reich contain criticisms as well. 1321 01:30:16,381 --> 01:30:18,301 What do they say in industrial areas? 1322 01:30:18,301 --> 01:30:21,661 "Dear, Tommy, fly on. We're just miners here. 1323 01:30:21,661 --> 01:30:24,301 Fly on to Berlin, they're the ones that yelled yes." 1324 01:30:24,941 --> 01:30:27,341 Complainers do complain. 1325 01:30:29,181 --> 01:30:30,821 The question is, 1326 01:30:31,461 --> 01:30:34,981 why did the Luftwaffe allow the bombers to reach Berlin at all? 1327 01:30:34,981 --> 01:30:38,621 The enemy's superiority is too great. We all underestimated it. 1328 01:30:38,621 --> 01:30:42,861 That's why we need radical means for total war. 1329 01:30:43,621 --> 01:30:45,381 We don't have enough armor material. 1330 01:30:45,381 --> 01:30:47,901 The three-member board is working on solutions. 1331 01:30:47,901 --> 01:30:49,621 Sand in the gears everywhere. 1332 01:30:51,061 --> 01:30:56,501 Your favorite luxury restaurant, Mr. Reichsmarschall is still open, 1333 01:30:56,501 --> 01:30:59,341 even though angry Berliners have smashed the windows. 1334 01:30:59,821 --> 01:31:02,141 I wonder who's behind this. 1335 01:31:02,141 --> 01:31:05,301 I resent that. Do you know what people are saying? 1336 01:31:06,501 --> 01:31:08,061 When will the war be over? 1337 01:31:08,981 --> 01:31:10,741 When Göring fits Goebbels' pants. 1338 01:31:17,461 --> 01:31:20,541 I've fired my maid. 1339 01:31:20,541 --> 01:31:24,261 Frontline duty. What do I need to hear from Helldorf? 1340 01:31:24,741 --> 01:31:28,661 That you're lining the party's prominence with luxury goods that don't have brands. 1341 01:31:29,141 --> 01:31:31,101 Let's see Helldorf start with himself. 1342 01:31:33,661 --> 01:31:36,061 The war has turned... 1343 01:31:37,101 --> 01:31:39,261 ...and we can't bring ourselves 1344 01:31:39,261 --> 01:31:42,741 to ban horse racing or close gambling banks. 1345 01:31:42,741 --> 01:31:44,941 We can't be so rigorous. 1346 01:31:47,061 --> 01:31:51,741 For instance, a beer brewing ban could cause psychological setbacks in Bavaria. 1347 01:31:51,741 --> 01:31:56,181 I know you don't understand the Bavarian mentality. 1348 01:31:57,341 --> 01:31:59,701 We mustn't make women our enemy either. 1349 01:31:59,701 --> 01:32:02,021 You have to give them their beauty care. 1350 01:32:02,621 --> 01:32:05,101 You don't usually close yourself off from female charms. 1351 01:32:06,501 --> 01:32:10,421 In England, many more women work for the war than here-- 1352 01:32:10,421 --> 01:32:13,661 Gentlemen. We're already fighting an all-out, total war. 1353 01:32:14,221 --> 01:32:17,381 A race war with the aim of exterminating the Jews. 1354 01:32:21,661 --> 01:32:26,381 Foreign newspapers are reporting more and more of atrocities. 1355 01:32:27,981 --> 01:32:30,461 - How is the propaganda reacting to this? - Not at all. 1356 01:32:31,381 --> 01:32:36,181 We cannot really say that we didn't kill 2.5 million Jews, but only 2.3 million. 1357 01:32:36,981 --> 01:32:39,701 We've done so much wrong that we have to win. 1358 01:32:40,781 --> 01:32:44,821 I will talk about this with SS troop leaders and district leaders. 1359 01:32:45,461 --> 01:32:46,981 I am talking about the generals. 1360 01:32:47,781 --> 01:32:50,541 Those who know they have burnt all bridges behind them 1361 01:32:50,541 --> 01:32:54,501 fight much more unreservedly than those who still have a place to retreat to. 1362 01:32:55,821 --> 01:32:58,541 Then nobody can later say they didn't know anything. 1363 01:33:01,581 --> 01:33:02,621 Gentlemen... 1364 01:33:04,101 --> 01:33:07,701 ...I would like to mention a very difficult subject before you. 1365 01:33:09,661 --> 01:33:12,021 It shall be discussed between us, 1366 01:33:12,741 --> 01:33:16,821 and yet we will never ever talk about it in public. 1367 01:33:20,021 --> 01:33:25,781 I mean the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. 1368 01:33:27,901 --> 01:33:29,941 The extinction of the Jewish people. 1369 01:33:33,421 --> 01:33:36,141 I'm sure most of you know what it means 1370 01:33:36,141 --> 01:33:40,981 when there are 100 bodies, when there are 500 bodies, or even 1000 bodies. 1371 01:33:43,301 --> 01:33:45,981 To have endured this. 1372 01:33:48,621 --> 01:33:53,181 And, to have remained decent, apart from exceptional human weaknesses, 1373 01:33:53,901 --> 01:33:55,341 has hardened us. 1374 01:33:57,821 --> 01:34:00,581 This is a glorious page of our history 1375 01:34:01,061 --> 01:34:04,221 that has never been written and will never be written. 1376 01:34:44,501 --> 01:34:46,381 By removing the Jew, 1377 01:34:47,301 --> 01:34:53,301 I eliminated the danger of the formation of a revolutionary nucleus in Germany. 1378 01:34:55,101 --> 01:34:57,861 Couldn't this have been solved more humanely? 1379 01:34:57,861 --> 01:35:00,661 Officers, we are in a fight to the death. 1380 01:35:01,741 --> 01:35:03,581 If our opponents won this fight... 1381 01:35:04,741 --> 01:35:06,861 ...the German people would be exterminated. 1382 01:35:46,981 --> 01:35:52,021 The question came to us, what about the women and children? 1383 01:35:54,781 --> 01:35:59,501 I've decided to come up with a very clear solution here, too. 1384 01:36:01,141 --> 01:36:06,061 Because I didn't think I was entitled to exterminate the men, 1385 01:36:06,061 --> 01:36:09,981 that is, to let them kill, and letting their avengers grow up, 1386 01:36:10,661 --> 01:36:15,381 in the form of children who take revenge upon our sons and grandchildren. 1387 01:36:16,141 --> 01:36:18,261 The hard decision had to be made 1388 01:36:18,741 --> 01:36:21,061 to let these people disappear from the Earth. 1389 01:36:45,541 --> 01:36:47,741 I've put this together for the Führer. 1390 01:36:50,901 --> 01:36:53,141 But he doesn't want to watch movies any more. 1391 01:37:00,101 --> 01:37:01,901 The British bombed Berlin. 1392 01:37:03,981 --> 01:37:05,621 Thousands are dead. 1393 01:37:05,621 --> 01:37:08,141 Any news from Schwanenwerder? The children are there! 1394 01:37:09,861 --> 01:37:11,501 They hit the city center... 1395 01:37:12,541 --> 01:37:13,701 ...not the outskirts. 1396 01:37:14,821 --> 01:37:16,541 I'll have the children taken away. 1397 01:37:26,621 --> 01:37:27,981 Take the consequences. 1398 01:37:29,181 --> 01:37:30,381 The generals fail 1399 01:37:31,101 --> 01:37:33,061 and Göring still lives in his fantasy world. 1400 01:37:33,581 --> 01:37:34,981 I can't and won't do that. 1401 01:37:38,221 --> 01:37:42,181 In times of crisis, the Reichsmarschall is cold and brutal like no one else. 1402 01:37:42,181 --> 01:37:44,941 Don't take the air raids so dramatically. 1403 01:37:44,941 --> 01:37:47,661 Most cities are poorly laid out and musty. 1404 01:37:48,541 --> 01:37:50,141 We'll get space for something new. 1405 01:37:50,141 --> 01:37:52,541 I'll have 800,000 Berliners evacuated. 1406 01:37:54,541 --> 01:37:55,821 But I beg you, my Führer, 1407 01:37:56,701 --> 01:37:57,901 speak to the people. 1408 01:37:57,901 --> 01:37:59,461 I'll speak after the victory. 1409 01:38:02,101 --> 01:38:03,661 It's five minutes to midnight. 1410 01:38:05,181 --> 01:38:06,901 We need a peace treaty. 1411 01:38:09,141 --> 01:38:11,901 The British and the Americans are on the verge of invasion. 1412 01:38:11,901 --> 01:38:14,061 Drive the enemy forces back into the sea. 1413 01:38:14,061 --> 01:38:16,821 Our engineers are working very hard on the miracle weapon. 1414 01:38:16,821 --> 01:38:17,821 Listen. 1415 01:38:18,581 --> 01:38:20,941 It's not about personal ambition. 1416 01:38:21,741 --> 01:38:25,541 But I am capable of recruiting one million soldiers-- 1417 01:38:25,541 --> 01:38:29,141 When things get more serious, I resort to abnormal means. Not before! 1418 01:38:33,261 --> 01:38:35,021 You don't need a General Keitel. 1419 01:38:36,181 --> 01:38:39,301 What you need is a General Gneisenau. 1420 01:38:40,341 --> 01:38:46,541 In 1813, at Kolberg, he stood up to the French in a desperate situation. 1421 01:38:47,861 --> 01:38:51,981 I will use this material to make the greatest film ever made. 1422 01:38:52,621 --> 01:38:53,461 Very good. 1423 01:38:54,181 --> 01:38:56,861 That's your forte, Doctor. Propaganda! 1424 01:38:56,861 --> 01:39:00,221 Harlan is the right director for this story. 1425 01:39:01,421 --> 01:39:03,381 Soon 20 million will have seen Jud Süß. 1426 01:39:04,021 --> 01:39:08,661 I have empowered Harlan to seek help from the Wehrmacht, state and party. 1427 01:39:10,421 --> 01:39:12,381 For this propaganda war, 1428 01:39:12,381 --> 01:39:15,381 we will need thousands of soldiers as extras. 1429 01:39:15,381 --> 01:39:18,261 As long as you leave me a few more for the real war. 1430 01:39:18,261 --> 01:39:21,301 In the beginning, we propagandists worked for the army, 1431 01:39:21,301 --> 01:39:23,781 and now the army is working for us. 1432 01:39:25,101 --> 01:39:28,781 I already have the big speeches for the movie in my head. 1433 01:39:29,421 --> 01:39:30,541 Let's hear it. 1434 01:39:32,141 --> 01:39:37,261 "No love is more sacred than the love of one's country." 1435 01:39:37,861 --> 01:39:41,301 No joy is sweeter than the joy of freedom. 1436 01:39:41,301 --> 01:39:46,141 "You know what we will face if we don't win this battle with honor." 1437 01:39:46,701 --> 01:39:49,701 Whatever sacrifices are demanded of the individual-- 1438 01:39:49,701 --> 01:39:52,541 ...they do not outweigh the sacred values for which we fight-- 1439 01:39:52,541 --> 01:39:54,021 ...and must win. 1440 01:39:58,581 --> 01:40:02,461 You won't want to be worse than your fathers. 1441 01:40:02,981 --> 01:40:04,581 Dare to be like them. 1442 01:40:05,101 --> 01:40:08,581 You have their example, now set an example too! 1443 01:40:24,501 --> 01:40:26,741 Doctor, everything is destroyed. 1444 01:40:28,101 --> 01:40:31,101 The government district, the memorial church, the zoo. 1445 01:40:31,901 --> 01:40:33,181 Thousands of deaths. 1446 01:40:33,181 --> 01:40:36,541 We have to put the party at the center of all of our actions. 1447 01:40:36,541 --> 01:40:40,181 Good afternoon. Good afternoon. 1448 01:40:40,181 --> 01:40:43,061 We'll do everything we can to help you as soon as possible. 1449 01:40:43,061 --> 01:40:45,541 - First, you need to eat and drink. - Thank you. 1450 01:40:45,541 --> 01:40:48,061 If the destroyed living space causes concern, 1451 01:40:48,061 --> 01:40:53,421 we will say that the Führer will build six million new houses after the war. 1452 01:40:54,421 --> 01:40:57,781 When you hear that the Party is avoiding the frontline 1453 01:40:58,541 --> 01:41:03,621 we spread the word that 95% of all HJ leaders 1454 01:41:03,621 --> 01:41:07,341 and 68% of all SA men are serving in the Wehrmacht. 1455 01:41:07,341 --> 01:41:10,301 Minister, if I may ask, 1456 01:41:11,221 --> 01:41:12,941 do you think this will be enough? 1457 01:41:12,941 --> 01:41:16,021 The party is criticized openly. People say it can't go on like this. 1458 01:41:16,021 --> 01:41:18,581 I'm going to form an organization 1459 01:41:19,541 --> 01:41:21,061 that will oppose defeatists 1460 01:41:21,661 --> 01:41:23,541 with brute force. 1461 01:41:24,821 --> 01:41:26,021 Operation B. 1462 01:41:27,541 --> 01:41:30,981 In Berlin, I will have 3000 activists deployed. 1463 01:41:30,981 --> 01:41:32,541 In teams of three, 1464 01:41:32,541 --> 01:41:36,701 they confront anyone who says anything against the leadership. 1465 01:41:36,701 --> 01:41:38,221 How dare you? 1466 01:41:39,901 --> 01:41:43,141 Minister, I have an important message from the Führer's headquarters. 1467 01:41:51,581 --> 01:41:54,101 - How is he? - He has minor burns and bruises. 1468 01:41:54,101 --> 01:41:58,781 He is glad that you quickly made clear that he survived the attack. 1469 01:41:58,781 --> 01:41:59,741 Hail Hitler. 1470 01:42:14,781 --> 01:42:16,141 I was flung away. 1471 01:42:17,861 --> 01:42:19,221 Everything was on fire. 1472 01:42:21,101 --> 01:42:22,861 I tried to get out of there. 1473 01:42:25,261 --> 01:42:26,941 Keitel came towards me. 1474 01:42:27,821 --> 01:42:31,981 He threw himself into my arms crying and shouted, "My Führer, you're alive!" 1475 01:42:36,541 --> 01:42:38,621 Korten is dead. So is Brandt. 1476 01:42:41,101 --> 01:42:42,421 Schmundt is dying. 1477 01:42:44,101 --> 01:42:45,461 They were the most loyal. 1478 01:42:46,861 --> 01:42:47,941 Did you hear the news? 1479 01:42:49,141 --> 01:42:50,741 Helldorf was in on it, too. 1480 01:42:51,301 --> 01:42:52,181 What? 1481 01:42:55,341 --> 01:42:56,461 That scoundrel. 1482 01:42:59,301 --> 01:43:03,301 I've paid his debts at least five times. I'll have them all killed. All of them! 1483 01:43:10,381 --> 01:43:11,501 But I survived. 1484 01:43:15,301 --> 01:43:17,981 Destiny has confirmed my mission. 1485 01:43:18,541 --> 01:43:20,421 You work under the hand of God. 1486 01:43:20,421 --> 01:43:24,141 Fate has chosen you to bring our cause to a happy end. 1487 01:43:24,141 --> 01:43:25,581 You're right, Doctor. 1488 01:43:26,941 --> 01:43:28,941 Something needs to change fundamentally. 1489 01:43:31,101 --> 01:43:33,341 I've decided to honor your wishes. 1490 01:43:33,341 --> 01:43:37,181 I will make you Plenipotentiary of the Reich for an all-out war effort. 1491 01:43:38,661 --> 01:43:43,501 Now I have dictatorial power. I'm the first man after the Führer. 1492 01:43:44,421 --> 01:43:47,101 No one will dare plot against me anymore. 1493 01:43:49,901 --> 01:43:53,261 I affirm National Socialism. 1494 01:43:55,421 --> 01:43:58,221 Just as I understood it at the beginning. 1495 01:44:00,821 --> 01:44:04,501 I can no longer condone what is happening today. 1496 01:44:05,621 --> 01:44:07,461 In the absence of a way out, 1497 01:44:08,621 --> 01:44:12,781 everything adheres to the one single, fanatical will. 1498 01:44:15,621 --> 01:44:17,661 Unfortunately, personified by Goebbels. 1499 01:44:20,661 --> 01:44:22,181 It's disgusting to watch. 1500 01:44:24,381 --> 01:44:25,821 Where this treacherous dwarf-- 1501 01:44:25,821 --> 01:44:28,501 "...makes an appearance, people flock together 1502 01:44:28,501 --> 01:44:32,621 and feel impressed by a handshake or an autograph." 1503 01:44:36,541 --> 01:44:38,541 Even the culprit Stauffenberg 1504 01:44:39,301 --> 01:44:41,381 is not as condemnable as Helldorf. 1505 01:44:42,741 --> 01:44:44,381 We gave him all the advantages. 1506 01:44:44,381 --> 01:44:47,261 I've come up with something very special for Helldorf. 1507 01:44:48,341 --> 01:44:51,301 He has to attend three executions before he gets his turn. 1508 01:44:51,301 --> 01:44:54,021 Show me the film. I want to see everything. 1509 01:45:20,621 --> 01:45:21,501 Yes? 1510 01:45:22,341 --> 01:45:23,461 The Führer is here. 1511 01:45:29,061 --> 01:45:30,021 My Führer. 1512 01:45:31,461 --> 01:45:34,021 It is an honor that you have accepted the invitation. 1513 01:45:34,741 --> 01:45:36,261 You look beautiful, Magda. 1514 01:45:37,101 --> 01:45:39,101 I'm sorry. These are the best I could get. 1515 01:45:39,101 --> 01:45:41,341 Your husband closed the flower shops. 1516 01:45:47,141 --> 01:45:50,581 We're happy that you're here, Uncle Führer. 1517 01:45:51,741 --> 01:45:52,941 My family. 1518 01:45:54,941 --> 01:45:56,861 The girls are real ladies. 1519 01:45:58,061 --> 01:46:01,021 Very elegant, like their mother. 1520 01:46:01,501 --> 01:46:02,381 Helmut. 1521 01:46:03,421 --> 01:46:05,901 You're already a real young man, aren't you? 1522 01:46:07,341 --> 01:46:09,901 He recently wrote an essay about the war. 1523 01:46:10,621 --> 01:46:13,341 Helmut, would you please read it to the Führer? 1524 01:46:15,581 --> 01:46:18,701 "The Jews forced the war on us. 1525 01:46:18,701 --> 01:46:21,141 Because the German people have too little space, 1526 01:46:21,141 --> 01:46:23,421 we need more habitat in the East." 1527 01:46:23,421 --> 01:46:25,421 You copied that from Dad. 1528 01:46:25,421 --> 01:46:27,181 No, Daddy copied it from me. 1529 01:46:28,301 --> 01:46:31,781 He's a marvelous boy. What else do you know about war? 1530 01:46:31,781 --> 01:46:35,581 The German people have never won a war on two fronts. 1531 01:46:44,061 --> 01:46:45,901 But they will never give up. 1532 01:46:47,021 --> 01:46:48,061 Never. 1533 01:46:58,341 --> 01:46:59,381 My Führer. 1534 01:47:03,061 --> 01:47:07,221 It is a sign of weakness trying to contact Stalin now, Doctor. 1535 01:47:11,901 --> 01:47:13,861 The enemy knows how weak we are. 1536 01:47:13,861 --> 01:47:16,341 If the people are so weak, they deserve to fall. 1537 01:47:16,341 --> 01:47:17,941 Let them be destroyed. 1538 01:47:18,461 --> 01:47:22,621 I will destroy the foundation it needs for its most primitive survival. 1539 01:47:27,141 --> 01:47:29,461 We now have to scrape together what's there, 1540 01:47:29,461 --> 01:47:30,781 even if it's women. 1541 01:47:30,781 --> 01:47:33,381 There are so many women who want to shoot. 1542 01:47:33,381 --> 01:47:37,181 If we take them to the second line, the men won't run away. 1543 01:47:40,741 --> 01:47:43,501 I don't know the concept of surrender. 1544 01:47:43,501 --> 01:47:46,541 I'm a man who's worked his way up from nothing. 1545 01:47:47,901 --> 01:47:51,941 I have been... living away from the world for over four and a half years. 1546 01:47:58,421 --> 01:48:02,021 I haven't been to the theater, in a concert or a film. 1547 01:48:02,021 --> 01:48:03,981 I live only for the fight. 1548 01:48:04,861 --> 01:48:08,221 And it can only be won with my iron willpower. 1549 01:48:11,701 --> 01:48:13,701 We're with you, no matter what. 1550 01:48:15,581 --> 01:48:17,341 I will give the German people... 1551 01:48:18,421 --> 01:48:19,661 ...a great victory. 1552 01:48:20,181 --> 01:48:22,141 And I will speak on the radio. 1553 01:48:22,741 --> 01:48:23,901 Finally! 1554 01:48:23,901 --> 01:48:27,541 For far too long, I had to do without my biggest weapon. 1555 01:48:28,301 --> 01:48:30,181 My Führer, I congratulate you on this. 1556 01:48:31,501 --> 01:48:33,101 The one who settles up with life... 1557 01:48:36,421 --> 01:48:37,941 ...usually wins. 1558 01:48:37,941 --> 01:48:39,781 We do not let go. 1559 01:48:39,781 --> 01:48:42,741 Better to be buried under rubble than to surrender. 1560 01:48:43,781 --> 01:48:46,981 Better to be buried under rubble than to surrender. 1561 01:48:48,181 --> 01:48:49,381 We won't let go. 1562 01:48:51,301 --> 01:48:55,021 They'll have to cut off our hands or beat us to death. 1563 01:48:55,021 --> 01:48:56,421 One by one. 1564 01:48:57,901 --> 01:49:00,141 We won't let go. 1565 01:49:00,861 --> 01:49:04,901 It's better to be buried under rubble than to surrender. 1566 01:49:06,181 --> 01:49:07,861 You are here today, 1567 01:49:07,861 --> 01:49:10,901 on the 12th anniversary of the takeover of power, 1568 01:49:10,901 --> 01:49:13,501 witnessing the world premiere 1569 01:49:14,061 --> 01:49:15,981 of a cinematic masterpiece. 1570 01:49:16,541 --> 01:49:19,181 You, the homeland... 1571 01:49:20,341 --> 01:49:24,381 ...and the soldiers at the front in the trapped fortress of La Rochelle. 1572 01:49:26,221 --> 01:49:31,781 It's been two years since I commissioned Professor Harlan to make this major film 1573 01:49:31,781 --> 01:49:34,341 and to create an artistic homage 1574 01:49:34,341 --> 01:49:38,581 to the unshakable steadfastness of this people. 1575 01:49:39,941 --> 01:49:44,901 The greatest... is always born out of pain. 1576 01:49:46,181 --> 01:49:50,581 If a man takes all the pain upon himself... then... 1577 01:49:51,741 --> 01:49:52,781 ...he is great. 1578 01:49:54,941 --> 01:49:58,061 Now, people, stand up! 1579 01:49:58,621 --> 01:50:01,061 - And-- - ...a storm breaks loose! 1580 01:50:44,341 --> 01:50:47,221 I will have shot anyone who does not provide resistance. 1581 01:50:47,221 --> 01:50:48,981 There is nothing but bad news. 1582 01:50:51,821 --> 01:50:53,421 Kolberg could not be kept. 1583 01:50:54,381 --> 01:50:55,661 Nobody can find out. 1584 01:50:57,381 --> 01:51:00,021 That would have consequences for the Kolberg film. 1585 01:51:00,021 --> 01:51:01,101 One more thing. 1586 01:51:03,301 --> 01:51:05,461 It seems the fortress La Rochelle... 1587 01:51:06,781 --> 01:51:08,581 ...is handed over without a fight. 1588 01:51:08,581 --> 01:51:10,381 Fuel the abomination propaganda! 1589 01:51:12,461 --> 01:51:14,461 Russians rape women, kill children. 1590 01:51:19,821 --> 01:51:23,821 I have set up a resistance organization for the enemy-occupied territories. 1591 01:51:24,941 --> 01:51:26,341 A werewolf. 1592 01:51:26,341 --> 01:51:29,821 - But there isn't hardly any resistance. - Then we'll pretend there is. 1593 01:51:50,621 --> 01:51:51,901 You should have seen 1594 01:51:52,781 --> 01:51:56,541 how everyone wanted to leave as quickly as possible on the Führer's birthday. 1595 01:51:56,541 --> 01:51:58,061 Congratulations. 1596 01:51:58,061 --> 01:51:59,781 But I have again reminded the people 1597 01:51:59,781 --> 01:52:03,261 of the historical importance of the Führer. 1598 01:52:04,421 --> 01:52:06,581 If Germany is still alive today, 1599 01:52:07,501 --> 01:52:10,941 if Europe, and with it, the Western world, 1600 01:52:10,941 --> 01:52:14,901 with its culture and civilization, has not yet completely sunk 1601 01:52:14,901 --> 01:52:18,061 into the dark maelstrom of the dark abyss... 1602 01:52:18,981 --> 01:52:21,661 ...you have him alone to thank for this. 1603 01:52:22,741 --> 01:52:25,901 Because he will be the man of this century. 1604 01:52:25,901 --> 01:52:27,141 Is there any hope? 1605 01:52:28,421 --> 01:52:29,461 The magic bullet? 1606 01:52:33,341 --> 01:52:34,661 It is no good. 1607 01:52:36,981 --> 01:52:38,781 The Führer overestimates our powers. 1608 01:52:39,421 --> 01:52:40,781 It seems as if he is already... 1609 01:52:41,941 --> 01:52:43,421 ...living in the clouds. 1610 01:52:45,661 --> 01:52:49,621 But how often has he descended to us like a deus ex machina? 1611 01:52:49,621 --> 01:52:50,821 And what if not this time? 1612 01:52:56,461 --> 01:52:57,821 Then we will die. 1613 01:53:00,581 --> 01:53:01,461 All of us. 1614 01:53:04,261 --> 01:53:06,781 We will go down in history with him. 1615 01:53:12,821 --> 01:53:14,221 Glad you're here, Doctor. 1616 01:53:20,501 --> 01:53:21,701 All is lost. 1617 01:53:25,981 --> 01:53:27,701 My generals have betrayed me. 1618 01:53:30,461 --> 01:53:32,181 I have conquered all of Europe. 1619 01:53:34,141 --> 01:53:36,101 And now the Russians are in Berlin. 1620 01:53:39,261 --> 01:53:40,381 I will not fight. 1621 01:53:41,781 --> 01:53:44,661 Too great a danger I might fall into Russians hands alive 1622 01:53:44,661 --> 01:53:46,701 and they'll commit crimes against my body. 1623 01:53:50,621 --> 01:53:53,221 It will be easy to leave this agonizing existence. 1624 01:53:55,421 --> 01:53:58,061 One short moment, and I will be free. 1625 01:54:04,501 --> 01:54:05,661 We won't give up. 1626 01:54:06,501 --> 01:54:10,541 - I'll send for Magda and the children. - You know I don't think that's right. 1627 01:54:13,021 --> 01:54:14,541 But it's admirable. 1628 01:54:15,861 --> 01:54:17,461 We will fight until the end. 1629 01:54:19,541 --> 01:54:24,141 Here is the first edition of our new paper for the defenders of Greater Berlin. 1630 01:54:25,341 --> 01:54:27,901 We still do propaganda from the bunker. 1631 01:54:35,221 --> 01:54:38,101 If only everyone was cut from your cloth, Doctor. 1632 01:54:43,461 --> 01:54:44,781 The war is lost. 1633 01:54:47,141 --> 01:54:49,941 The future belongs to the stronger people of the East. 1634 01:54:53,021 --> 01:54:54,741 To the German people... 1635 01:54:56,261 --> 01:54:57,581 ...I don't shed a tear. 1636 01:55:01,061 --> 01:55:03,581 The Führer didn't force himself. 1637 01:55:03,581 --> 01:55:05,341 You chose him. 1638 01:55:06,221 --> 01:55:09,301 And now... God be with you. 1639 01:55:10,181 --> 01:55:11,861 How about you, gentlemen? 1640 01:55:13,301 --> 01:55:15,341 Why did you work for me? 1641 01:55:15,981 --> 01:55:19,901 Now... your pretty little neck will be cut. 1642 01:55:22,141 --> 01:55:23,581 Kids, have you packed? 1643 01:55:24,061 --> 01:55:25,261 Uncle Führer is waiting. 1644 01:55:26,341 --> 01:55:28,741 Everyone just one toy.-Defenders of Berlin! 1645 01:55:29,581 --> 01:55:35,381 The eyes of your wives, your mothers and your children are on you. 1646 01:55:36,181 --> 01:55:40,181 I will of course remain in Berlin with my employees, 1647 01:55:40,181 --> 01:55:43,901 my wife and children are also here and will stay here. 1648 01:55:44,701 --> 01:55:49,021 I will defend the imperial capital with all means at my disposal. 1649 01:55:49,701 --> 01:55:55,181 The Mongol storm will and must be broken at the walls of our city. 1650 01:55:55,901 --> 01:55:58,421 You have to take the view of Frederick the Great. 1651 01:55:58,901 --> 01:56:01,581 He imagined himself on a distant star. 1652 01:56:03,821 --> 01:56:07,341 From above, events on our planet seem insignificant. 1653 01:56:07,341 --> 01:56:10,781 Frederick the Great had no children. Neither does the Führer. 1654 01:56:11,261 --> 01:56:12,501 Look around, Magda. 1655 01:56:14,341 --> 01:56:15,621 Our world is falling apart. 1656 01:56:17,341 --> 01:56:18,661 The Russians are in Berlin 1657 01:56:18,661 --> 01:56:21,181 and have discovered our death camps in the East. 1658 01:56:22,461 --> 01:56:24,421 The Americans are in Buchenwald. 1659 01:56:25,341 --> 01:56:26,661 You know what I think. 1660 01:56:27,821 --> 01:56:29,421 We have done so much. 1661 01:56:30,661 --> 01:56:33,221 - We can't disappear. - Joseph, it's all been discussed. 1662 01:56:36,261 --> 01:56:38,141 I am sure of it. I will do it. 1663 01:56:39,381 --> 01:56:40,541 I'm proud of you. 1664 01:58:25,221 --> 01:58:27,101 I survived. 1665 01:58:28,781 --> 01:58:30,861 I can speak for those 1666 01:58:31,661 --> 01:58:33,381 who cannot speak. 1667 01:58:35,261 --> 01:58:38,621 I speak not only for the six million Jews... 1668 01:58:39,781 --> 01:58:44,701 ...but for all the people who were killed back then. 1669 01:58:47,381 --> 01:58:50,621 People have to respect people. 1670 01:58:50,621 --> 01:58:52,821 We're all the same. 1671 01:58:52,821 --> 01:58:56,421 We all come to this world the same. 1672 01:58:56,421 --> 01:59:00,341 That's why it is not understandable 1673 01:59:00,341 --> 01:59:06,781 that so many people were prepared to kill other people, 1674 01:59:06,781 --> 01:59:10,261 instead of recognizing them as human beings. 1675 01:59:10,261 --> 01:59:12,221 Be human! 1676 01:59:12,221 --> 01:59:14,141 That's the most important thing.