1 00:00:06,189 --> 00:00:09,618 ♪ Hazel moved to the city, feeling all alone ♪ 2 00:00:09,618 --> 00:00:12,849 ♪ Till her whole life changed with a pair quite strange ♪ 3 00:00:12,849 --> 00:00:14,255 ♪ ’Cause in reality ♪ 4 00:00:14,255 --> 00:00:17,420 ♪ They’re her new OddParents, Fairly OddParents ♪ 5 00:00:17,420 --> 00:00:20,288 - ♪ Wands and wings ♪ - ♪ Floaty crowny things ♪ 6 00:00:20,288 --> 00:00:22,453 ♪ OddParents, Fairly OddParents ♪ 7 00:00:22,453 --> 00:00:25,420 ♪ A new wish for magic hijinks ♪ 8 00:00:25,420 --> 00:00:26,552 ♪ Fish guy, pizza fries ♪ 9 00:00:26,552 --> 00:00:27,783 ♪ Penny-farthing dirt bike rides ♪ 10 00:00:27,783 --> 00:00:29,288 ♪ Ghost snoops, major whoops ♪ 11 00:00:29,288 --> 00:00:30,288 ♪ Baryonyx, time loops ♪ 12 00:00:30,288 --> 00:00:32,387 ♪ Pretty great, you’ve got it made ♪ 13 00:00:32,387 --> 00:00:35,354 ♪ With Fairly OddParents! ♪ 14 00:00:46,156 --> 00:00:49,849 Clifford, Rhonda, Louise, Smoothie, and Garfunkel, 15 00:00:49,849 --> 00:00:52,552 welcome to your new home! 16 00:00:52,552 --> 00:00:54,816 I know. You’re overwhelmed. 17 00:00:54,816 --> 00:00:57,156 We’re in a new city having to make new friends, 18 00:00:57,156 --> 00:01:00,354 and our big brother Antony left us for college. 19 00:01:00,354 --> 00:01:02,816 Well, he’s my brother, not yours. 20 00:01:02,816 --> 00:01:05,618 But we’ve got to roll with the punches. 21 00:01:05,618 --> 00:01:06,651 Toughen up, rocks! 22 00:01:06,651 --> 00:01:09,882 We’re not little kids anymore. We’re 10! 23 00:01:09,882 --> 00:01:11,354 Double digits. 24 00:01:11,354 --> 00:01:14,519 We can handle this! Right? 25 00:01:14,519 --> 00:01:18,222 I wish Antony were here to help me unpack 26 00:01:18,222 --> 00:01:21,750 and keep me from talking to a bunch of rocks. 27 00:01:23,585 --> 00:01:25,717 ♪ Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah ♪ 28 00:01:25,717 --> 00:01:29,750 ’Tis I, the Good Rock Fairy, Rocktilda. 29 00:01:29,750 --> 00:01:33,288 Since you are so kind and true of heart 30 00:01:33,288 --> 00:01:36,618 and cute and spunky, I’ve decided to grant you 31 00:01:36,618 --> 00:01:39,354 one wish! Thanks, Rocktilda. 32 00:01:39,354 --> 00:01:40,915 I am pretty great, aren’t I? 33 00:01:40,915 --> 00:01:45,618 I’d like to wish for unlimited wishes! 34 00:01:45,618 --> 00:01:47,486 That wasn’t the deal! 35 00:01:47,486 --> 00:01:50,849 Too late, ya doink! You’ve been outsmarted. 36 00:01:50,849 --> 00:01:54,222 Now start granting! 37 00:01:54,222 --> 00:01:56,684 Hazel, how are things progressing in there? 38 00:01:56,684 --> 00:01:59,882 Need any help, Hazelnut? - I’m fine. Thanks. 39 00:01:59,882 --> 00:02:02,618 If you are a fairy, you can tell me. 40 00:02:02,618 --> 00:02:05,684 I’ll follow the rules and just make the one wish. 41 00:02:05,684 --> 00:02:08,958 I just want my brother here, OK? 42 00:02:08,958 --> 00:02:11,288 Yeah, that’s what I thought. 43 00:02:11,288 --> 00:02:12,816 Is that him? 44 00:02:12,816 --> 00:02:15,288 Is Antony visiting early? 45 00:02:15,750 --> 00:02:18,958 Ah, no running in the house, please. 46 00:02:18,958 --> 00:02:20,486 It’s an apartment! 47 00:02:20,486 --> 00:02:24,354 Oh, wha-- your crown is showing. 48 00:02:24,552 --> 00:02:27,420 Antony! Huh? 49 00:02:28,222 --> 00:02:30,288 Hi there! I’m Cosmo! 50 00:02:30,288 --> 00:02:33,420 - I’m Wanda. - And we’re... 51 00:02:33,618 --> 00:02:36,255 Your next-door neighbors! 52 00:02:36,255 --> 00:02:38,288 Uh, hi, I’m Hazel. 53 00:02:38,288 --> 00:02:40,354 Angela Wells. A pleasure. 54 00:02:40,354 --> 00:02:43,958 - Marcus Wells. - We got you a welcome basket! 55 00:02:45,816 --> 00:02:48,486 Ooh, a jar of pennies. 56 00:02:48,486 --> 00:02:50,991 Keep going. 57 00:02:50,991 --> 00:02:53,882 A can of condensed milk. - Grr! 58 00:02:53,882 --> 00:02:56,684 There’s more where that came from. 59 00:02:56,684 --> 00:02:59,783 A Venus flytrap? 60 00:02:59,783 --> 00:03:01,750 The best is yet to come. 61 00:03:01,750 --> 00:03:06,024 And a portrait of you two? 62 00:03:06,024 --> 00:03:08,816 You’re welcome. 63 00:03:08,816 --> 00:03:10,024 Ah, how thoughtful. 64 00:03:10,024 --> 00:03:12,750 Would you like to come in? 65 00:03:12,750 --> 00:03:13,519 Yeah. 66 00:03:13,519 --> 00:03:16,288 Actually, we have to be invited in. 67 00:03:16,288 --> 00:03:20,519 You’re thinking of vampires. - Oh. 68 00:03:21,816 --> 00:03:23,321 Eeh. 69 00:03:23,321 --> 00:03:26,321 So what is it you do? 70 00:03:26,321 --> 00:03:28,882 I’m a therapist and author as well. 71 00:03:28,882 --> 00:03:31,651 Oh, well, feel free to take that home with you 72 00:03:31,651 --> 00:03:32,684 and give it a read. 73 00:03:32,684 --> 00:03:38,024 Wow, a smart person present. Thank you! 74 00:03:38,024 --> 00:03:38,882 Hmm. 75 00:03:38,882 --> 00:03:42,915 And what do you do, Hazel? - Well, I’m a child, 76 00:03:42,915 --> 00:03:46,057 so I mostly go to school. - Makes sense. 77 00:03:46,057 --> 00:03:47,057 What about you two? 78 00:03:47,057 --> 00:03:50,387 Oh, we’re just your basic retired couple. 79 00:03:50,387 --> 00:03:50,915 Ah! 80 00:03:50,915 --> 00:03:54,783 Living out our days couponing and eating dinner at 4:00 p.m. 81 00:03:54,783 --> 00:03:58,882 Yes, hello, baby. 82 00:03:58,882 --> 00:04:02,849 I see you and I value you. 83 00:04:02,849 --> 00:04:03,552 No, Mom! 84 00:04:03,552 --> 00:04:05,849 The neighbors, they’re-- - Shh. Later, pudding pop. 85 00:04:05,849 --> 00:04:08,090 So what brings you to Dimmadelphia? 86 00:04:08,090 --> 00:04:12,750 I took a teaching position over at the Galax Institute. 87 00:04:12,750 --> 00:04:17,816 - Ooh, sounds fancy. - What are you teaching? 88 00:04:17,816 --> 00:04:19,816 Dad! Dad! Daddy! - Later, baby. 89 00:04:19,816 --> 00:04:23,420 I’m a parascience expert. I study the unexplained. 90 00:04:23,420 --> 00:04:25,717 Unnatural phenomena, if you will. 91 00:04:25,717 --> 00:04:28,420 The unexplained and unnatural? 92 00:04:28,420 --> 00:04:30,090 Like magic? 93 00:04:30,090 --> 00:04:32,915 See, what you call "magic," 94 00:04:32,915 --> 00:04:35,519 I call yet-to-be-explained science. 95 00:04:35,519 --> 00:04:38,519 My life’s work is to unravel these mysteries. 96 00:04:38,519 --> 00:04:43,090 Crop circles, ghosts, mysterious creatures. 97 00:04:45,057 --> 00:04:48,057 Creatures? Like odd creatures? 98 00:04:48,057 --> 00:04:50,354 Fairly odd creatures? - With wands? 99 00:04:50,354 --> 00:04:51,090 And wings? 100 00:04:51,090 --> 00:04:53,024 And floaty crown-y things? 101 00:04:53,024 --> 00:04:55,453 I guess. Sure. 102 00:04:55,453 --> 00:04:57,958 Goodness! Look at the time. 103 00:04:57,958 --> 00:04:59,123 Gotta go! 104 00:04:59,123 --> 00:05:00,991 Anyway, welcome to the building. 105 00:05:00,991 --> 00:05:03,618 We probably won’t be seeing you much. 106 00:05:03,618 --> 00:05:05,991 It’s a big building. OK, bye! 107 00:05:05,991 --> 00:05:08,882 A parascience expert next door! 108 00:05:08,882 --> 00:05:11,783 What are the odds? Think they suspect anything? 109 00:05:11,783 --> 00:05:14,915 Oh, no, I think we handled that just right. 110 00:05:14,915 --> 00:05:18,618 Played it nice and cool. 111 00:05:19,882 --> 00:05:23,651 Well, that was strange. - You’re telling me! 112 00:05:23,651 --> 00:05:24,486 Did you see-- 113 00:05:24,486 --> 00:05:26,958 Some people are put off by the unconventional nature 114 00:05:26,958 --> 00:05:28,991 of my work. - Aw, Hazel. 115 00:05:28,991 --> 00:05:30,552 I hope you aren’t too disappointed 116 00:05:30,552 --> 00:05:34,420 that wasn’t your brother. - Antony! Right. 117 00:05:34,420 --> 00:05:35,783 Well, he’ll be here tomorrow. 118 00:05:35,783 --> 00:05:40,420 Plus, I start school, so the time will fly by! 119 00:05:40,420 --> 00:05:41,651 I’m proud of you, Hazelnut. 120 00:05:41,651 --> 00:05:44,651 Yes, you’ve been very mature about the move. 121 00:05:44,651 --> 00:05:46,189 You know what? I put you at a level 9 122 00:05:46,189 --> 00:05:48,882 on the Be Wells Scale of Self-Actualization. 123 00:05:48,882 --> 00:05:50,816 Trademark pending. 124 00:05:50,816 --> 00:05:53,882 That’s me! Level 9 maturity girl. 125 00:05:53,882 --> 00:05:57,783 I’m new, and everything’s gonna be fine-- 126 00:05:58,024 --> 00:06:01,222 Just take a deep breath, Hazel. You’re great! 127 00:06:01,222 --> 00:06:02,783 People love new things like new shoes 128 00:06:02,783 --> 00:06:05,156 and new movies and new car smell. 129 00:06:05,156 --> 00:06:08,816 That’s me! I’m that new car smell. 130 00:06:08,816 --> 00:06:11,156 Yeah! 131 00:06:12,024 --> 00:06:15,057 Class, this is Hazel. 132 00:06:15,057 --> 00:06:17,123 She just moved here. - Hiya. 133 00:06:17,123 --> 00:06:19,090 Tell us a bit about yourself, Hazel. 134 00:06:19,090 --> 00:06:21,486 Um, I moved here from the suburbs. 135 00:06:21,486 --> 00:06:22,453 It was a lot different there. 136 00:06:22,453 --> 00:06:26,057 I like collecting things, like rocks because they rock! 137 00:06:28,958 --> 00:06:30,651 I also love French fries. 138 00:06:30,651 --> 00:06:32,849 And I have a really cool older brother. 139 00:06:32,849 --> 00:06:33,816 He’s my best friend. 140 00:06:33,816 --> 00:06:36,057 He just started college, and this is the first time 141 00:06:36,057 --> 00:06:38,090 we’ve been apart, but he’s visiting today 142 00:06:38,090 --> 00:06:41,024 and it will totally make up for the fact that no one 143 00:06:41,024 --> 00:06:42,222 laughed at my rock joke. 144 00:06:44,090 --> 00:06:46,090 You have been a great audience! 145 00:06:46,090 --> 00:06:48,222 Thank you, Hazel. 146 00:06:48,222 --> 00:06:50,684 That was a great share. 147 00:06:50,684 --> 00:06:51,618 Ooh. 148 00:06:51,618 --> 00:06:55,057 "I love French fries and my older brother 149 00:06:55,057 --> 00:06:59,123 and literal rocks." 150 00:07:00,090 --> 00:07:05,222 ♪ Picking a empty table where no one else is ♪ 151 00:07:05,222 --> 00:07:05,882 Hey there. 152 00:07:05,882 --> 00:07:09,882 Sorry if we got off on the wrong foot earlier, Hoozle. 153 00:07:09,882 --> 00:07:10,618 Hazel. 154 00:07:10,618 --> 00:07:12,717 I’m Dev Dimmadome, son of tech mogul 155 00:07:12,717 --> 00:07:14,783 and owner of the Dimmadome Gl0bodome, 156 00:07:14,783 --> 00:07:16,750 Dale Dimmadome. - OK. 157 00:07:16,750 --> 00:07:20,057 And grandson of real estate mogul 158 00:07:20,057 --> 00:07:22,255 and owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome, 159 00:07:22,255 --> 00:07:23,618 Doug Dimmadome. 160 00:07:23,618 --> 00:07:26,750 Someday, I’m gonna own a company 161 00:07:26,750 --> 00:07:27,882 and a sports arena too. 162 00:07:27,882 --> 00:07:32,750 Haven’t decided which one or where, but it’s in my blood. 163 00:07:32,750 --> 00:07:33,288 Right. 164 00:07:33,288 --> 00:07:37,991 Oh, and these are my drones, O-PAIR 1 and O-PAIR 2. 165 00:07:37,991 --> 00:07:39,288 Let me give you a quick who’s who 166 00:07:39,288 --> 00:07:41,057 of the other fifth graders. 167 00:07:41,057 --> 00:07:41,915 That’s Trev, he’s my bud, 168 00:07:41,915 --> 00:07:43,651 so he probably won’t give you the time of day. 169 00:07:43,651 --> 00:07:46,816 That’s Winn, they’re cool. You don’t stand a chance. 170 00:07:46,816 --> 00:07:48,024 That’s Bev, she does soccer 171 00:07:48,024 --> 00:07:50,255 and insists on calling it football. 172 00:07:50,255 --> 00:07:51,651 - Yay! - Football! 173 00:07:51,651 --> 00:07:54,321 That’s Jasmine, sings a lot, sounds terrible. 174 00:07:54,321 --> 00:07:57,123 ♪ Laaa-ahh-ahh ♪ 175 00:07:57,123 --> 00:07:58,849 That’s Kev, kind of a big deal. 176 00:07:58,849 --> 00:08:02,222 He’s the face of Ya Boix sparkling Water. 177 00:08:02,222 --> 00:08:03,255 That’s Whispers Fred. 178 00:08:03,255 --> 00:08:05,750 He has a trending DimmVid channel doing ASMR. 179 00:08:05,750 --> 00:08:08,057 Gives me the creeps, but I respect the hustle. 180 00:08:08,057 --> 00:08:09,684 Squish. 181 00:08:09,684 --> 00:08:12,354 Squash. Crunch. 182 00:08:12,354 --> 00:08:13,222 And you, Hizzle? 183 00:08:13,222 --> 00:08:17,750 You’re the no-brain new girl who just sat in wet paint. 184 00:08:24,816 --> 00:08:26,288 ♪ Found myself a closet ♪ 185 00:08:26,288 --> 00:08:27,849 ♪ Gonna finish up in here ♪ 186 00:08:27,849 --> 00:08:30,915 ♪ Antony visiting will make everything OK ♪ 187 00:08:30,915 --> 00:08:34,816 ♪ La-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la ♪ 188 00:08:37,057 --> 00:08:39,717 A coupon for a dentist! 189 00:08:39,717 --> 00:08:42,354 Oh! A realtor’s flyer bragging about 190 00:08:42,354 --> 00:08:45,354 how much their last house sold for! 191 00:08:45,354 --> 00:08:47,222 Huh? Hmm. 192 00:08:47,222 --> 00:08:51,783 A magazine for retirees! - That’s us! 193 00:08:51,991 --> 00:08:53,717 Oh, how was your first day, pumpkin? 194 00:08:53,717 --> 00:08:56,255 Fine. Good. It was fine. 195 00:08:56,255 --> 00:08:58,123 When’s Antony coming? 196 00:08:58,123 --> 00:09:00,156 Antony! 197 00:09:00,156 --> 00:09:03,420 Oh, have you boarded? Oh, no. 198 00:09:03,420 --> 00:09:05,453 Antony can’t come. 199 00:09:05,453 --> 00:09:06,354 Oh, there’s a big storm. 200 00:09:06,354 --> 00:09:08,222 All the planes have been grounded. 201 00:09:08,222 --> 00:09:10,783 OK, you’re on speaker, Ant. 202 00:09:10,783 --> 00:09:11,684 Hi, Antony! 203 00:09:11,684 --> 00:09:14,024 Can you come next weekend instead? 204 00:09:14,024 --> 00:09:14,915 I’m sorry, small fry. 205 00:09:14,915 --> 00:09:18,123 I won’t be able to get away until the holiday break. 206 00:09:18,123 --> 00:09:19,354 But that’s so far away! 207 00:09:19,354 --> 00:09:21,882 I need help with my room and-- 208 00:09:21,882 --> 00:09:24,321 We understand, Antony. 209 00:09:24,321 --> 00:09:26,024 - Love you. - Be safe. 210 00:09:26,024 --> 00:09:27,354 Make good choices. 211 00:09:27,354 --> 00:09:30,882 Hazel, are you OK? 212 00:09:30,882 --> 00:09:32,915 I’m fine! I’m always fine! 213 00:09:32,915 --> 00:09:33,750 I’m being mature, right? 214 00:09:33,750 --> 00:09:38,816 Level 100 Queen Maturity or whatever I said yesterday! 215 00:09:38,816 --> 00:09:40,057 Our poor baby. 216 00:09:40,057 --> 00:09:41,255 There’s so much change. 217 00:09:41,255 --> 00:09:43,156 Let’s give her a moment to process. 218 00:09:43,156 --> 00:09:45,354 She’ll come to us in her own time. 219 00:09:45,354 --> 00:09:46,750 ♪ Gonna pack a bag ♪ 220 00:09:46,750 --> 00:09:48,156 ♪ Gonna leave this town ♪ 221 00:09:48,156 --> 00:09:49,387 ♪ Go see Antony ♪ 222 00:09:49,387 --> 00:09:51,222 ♪ Turn around this frown ♪ 223 00:09:51,222 --> 00:09:51,882 ♪ Yeah! ♪ 224 00:09:51,882 --> 00:09:54,882 ♪ Running away, running away ♪ 225 00:09:54,882 --> 00:09:57,288 ♪ Not in a bad way like on TV ♪ 226 00:09:57,288 --> 00:10:00,750 ♪ But in a good way ’cause it’s me ♪ 227 00:10:00,750 --> 00:10:03,882 ♪ And I know what I’m doing ♪ 228 00:10:09,585 --> 00:10:11,024 Did you hear that? 229 00:10:11,024 --> 00:10:15,717 Oh, for the last time, we do not have a ghost. 230 00:10:20,750 --> 00:10:21,882 What you doing? 231 00:10:21,882 --> 00:10:23,387 Going on a trip? - Oh. 232 00:10:23,387 --> 00:10:25,783 Uh, yeah. Yes. Vacation. 233 00:10:25,783 --> 00:10:27,882 Without your parents? 234 00:10:27,882 --> 00:10:29,156 They’re coming, um, later. 235 00:10:29,156 --> 00:10:31,420 Oh, hey, I wonder if you guys have more mail. 236 00:10:31,420 --> 00:10:33,816 Maybe you should check. - Ooh. 237 00:10:33,816 --> 00:10:35,123 Oh, you think? 238 00:10:35,123 --> 00:10:36,991 They’re sending their 10-year-old 239 00:10:36,991 --> 00:10:40,057 ahead of them on a vacation? 240 00:10:40,057 --> 00:10:41,717 Yes, it’s space camp. 241 00:10:41,717 --> 00:10:44,123 And at the end of the week, they come and see me 242 00:10:44,123 --> 00:10:46,849 take off in a rocket. 243 00:10:46,849 --> 00:10:48,816 Wow! Congratulations! 244 00:10:48,816 --> 00:10:51,189 I’ve always wanted to go to space. 245 00:10:53,915 --> 00:10:54,991 Again. 246 00:10:54,991 --> 00:10:57,420 So if your parents definitely know about this, 247 00:10:57,420 --> 00:11:00,882 then I guess you’d be OK with us heading up 248 00:11:00,882 --> 00:11:01,915 and saying congrats. 249 00:11:01,915 --> 00:11:04,486 OK, fine. I’m not going to space camp. 250 00:11:04,486 --> 00:11:06,123 Oh, no! Since when? 251 00:11:06,123 --> 00:11:09,816 Did you fail the physical? - I was never going. 252 00:11:09,816 --> 00:11:12,090 I just don’t want to be here anymore. 253 00:11:12,090 --> 00:11:13,222 I want to see my brother. 254 00:11:13,222 --> 00:11:16,288 Aw, you can’t run away on your own, kiddo. 255 00:11:16,288 --> 00:11:18,321 I tried to be OK with everything. 256 00:11:18,321 --> 00:11:19,849 Did I complain when my brother went 257 00:11:19,849 --> 00:11:22,849 all the way across the country for college? 258 00:11:22,849 --> 00:11:23,387 No! 259 00:11:23,387 --> 00:11:25,090 Did I complain when my parents decided 260 00:11:25,090 --> 00:11:27,519 to blow up my whole life by moving? No! 261 00:11:27,519 --> 00:11:30,354 But I had not a good day, and all I wanted 262 00:11:30,354 --> 00:11:32,123 was a visit from my brother. 263 00:11:32,123 --> 00:11:35,354 And now he can’t come because of some stupid storm! 264 00:11:35,354 --> 00:11:38,387 Well, I’m done with everything not being up to me. 265 00:11:38,387 --> 00:11:43,024 If Antony can’t come to me, I’m going to him! 266 00:11:43,024 --> 00:11:47,222 Cosmo, are you thinking what I’m thinking? 267 00:11:50,849 --> 00:11:52,321 Oh, Cosmo! 268 00:11:52,321 --> 00:11:54,915 Should we come out retir-- hey! 269 00:11:54,915 --> 00:11:57,453 She’s making a run for space camp! 270 00:11:59,486 --> 00:12:02,882 - Yike! - We can’t let you do this. 271 00:12:02,882 --> 00:12:04,156 She’s getting away! 272 00:12:06,453 --> 00:12:08,453 Let us help, Hazel. 273 00:12:08,453 --> 00:12:10,420 Appreciate the thought, but no thanks. 274 00:12:10,420 --> 00:12:12,090 Bye! Ah! 275 00:12:13,189 --> 00:12:14,958 Ah! 276 00:12:14,958 --> 00:12:16,958 Cosmo! 277 00:12:19,321 --> 00:12:21,991 Wait! Stop! 278 00:12:21,991 --> 00:12:23,288 Stop! 279 00:12:23,288 --> 00:12:25,915 Huh? Hazel! - No! 280 00:12:30,486 --> 00:12:33,090 Does this bus go to the airport? 281 00:12:33,090 --> 00:12:34,552 This ain’t a real bus, kid. 282 00:12:34,552 --> 00:12:36,354 It’s a prop. - What? 283 00:12:36,354 --> 00:12:38,288 And I’m no bus driver. I’m an actor. 284 00:12:38,288 --> 00:12:40,882 We’re filming a new Crimson Chin movie. 285 00:12:40,882 --> 00:12:43,156 "Chinfinty War." 286 00:12:43,156 --> 00:12:44,156 Hiyah! 287 00:12:44,156 --> 00:12:46,090 And action! 288 00:12:50,321 --> 00:12:51,915 Oh, I wish... 289 00:12:51,915 --> 00:12:55,156 Uh-oh. She said the magic word. 290 00:12:55,156 --> 00:12:56,519 I wish... - Eeh. 291 00:12:56,519 --> 00:12:57,486 She said it again. 292 00:12:57,486 --> 00:13:01,958 You know what happens when we hear the magic word. 293 00:13:01,958 --> 00:13:05,222 I wish I could just fly to Antony myself. 294 00:13:05,222 --> 00:13:07,156 Wanda, I feel itchy! 295 00:13:12,915 --> 00:13:14,958 We’re back, baby! 296 00:13:19,651 --> 00:13:23,090 Uh, What was that? 297 00:13:34,651 --> 00:13:37,024 What’s happening? Why am I a fly? 298 00:13:37,024 --> 00:13:38,387 And why are you flying? 299 00:13:38,387 --> 00:13:41,651 Well, I’m Cosmo. That’s Wanda. 300 00:13:41,651 --> 00:13:45,991 And we’re fairies! 301 00:13:45,991 --> 00:13:48,552 Fairies? No, no. 302 00:13:48,552 --> 00:13:49,486 This can’t be real. 303 00:13:49,486 --> 00:13:53,255 Oh, we’re real, all right. - Real fairies, that is. 304 00:13:53,255 --> 00:13:56,189 Not real humans. See? 305 00:13:56,189 --> 00:13:57,420 Not real human skin. 306 00:13:57,420 --> 00:13:59,519 We got this stretchy skin instead. 307 00:13:59,519 --> 00:14:01,991 And nothing inside our bodies. 308 00:14:04,189 --> 00:14:07,717 And our legs don’t match! 309 00:14:07,717 --> 00:14:10,486 But you were just-- and how am I-- 310 00:14:10,486 --> 00:14:11,222 Magic! 311 00:14:11,222 --> 00:14:14,354 The intensity of your wish activated our magic! 312 00:14:14,354 --> 00:14:16,321 We used to be fairy godparents to kids, 313 00:14:16,321 --> 00:14:18,684 but we’ve been retired for 10,000 years. 314 00:14:18,684 --> 00:14:21,453 Traveling the world through space and time. 315 00:14:21,453 --> 00:14:24,321 Exploring the wonders of ancient Rome 316 00:14:24,321 --> 00:14:25,585 before it collapsed. 317 00:14:25,585 --> 00:14:27,420 Hobnobbing with aristocracy 318 00:14:27,420 --> 00:14:29,453 in 18th century France. 319 00:14:29,453 --> 00:14:33,585 Witnessing this guy get sworn into the presidency. 320 00:14:33,585 --> 00:14:36,024 Ah, those were the days. 321 00:14:36,024 --> 00:14:38,189 Just take me back, Wanda. 322 00:14:38,189 --> 00:14:39,123 Take me back! 323 00:14:39,123 --> 00:14:41,354 Point is, Hazel, we’re magic and-- 324 00:14:41,354 --> 00:14:43,321 Hazel? 325 00:14:43,321 --> 00:14:44,156 Ooh, come back. 326 00:14:44,156 --> 00:14:46,057 We got to get you back to your loving parents 327 00:14:46,057 --> 00:14:48,750 before they realize you’re gone and panic. 328 00:14:48,750 --> 00:14:52,189 And preferably not as a fly? 329 00:14:57,057 --> 00:14:59,486 My mail! 330 00:14:59,486 --> 00:15:01,585 Oh! 331 00:15:04,354 --> 00:15:07,057 Whoa! Whoa! 332 00:15:07,057 --> 00:15:08,585 My dogs! 333 00:15:08,585 --> 00:15:12,156 Oh! Ah! Wah! 334 00:15:12,156 --> 00:15:15,486 Ah! Ugh, ah! 335 00:15:15,486 --> 00:15:17,783 Hey, my expensive stroller. 336 00:15:17,783 --> 00:15:19,090 I mean, my baby! 337 00:15:19,090 --> 00:15:22,288 That fly is about to fly right out of our sight 338 00:15:22,288 --> 00:15:25,321 if we don’t hurry. Hazel, slow down! 339 00:15:25,321 --> 00:15:28,618 Please! - I’m going to see Antony, 340 00:15:28,618 --> 00:15:31,519 and nothing can stop me! 341 00:15:36,123 --> 00:15:39,651 French fries! 342 00:15:41,189 --> 00:15:45,651 Mm! Crispy golden, Russet potatoes. 343 00:15:47,387 --> 00:15:50,717 Lightly salted with a hint of ketchup. 344 00:15:50,717 --> 00:15:53,090 Wanda, I have an idea. 345 00:15:53,090 --> 00:15:57,486 Or you might say a fry-dea. - OK. 346 00:16:01,618 --> 00:16:02,519 Mmm! 347 00:16:12,552 --> 00:16:13,585 Gotcha! 348 00:16:13,585 --> 00:16:15,321 Let’s sneak you back to your room 349 00:16:15,321 --> 00:16:17,684 and change you back before your parents realize 350 00:16:17,684 --> 00:16:18,618 you’re not at space camp. 351 00:16:18,618 --> 00:16:21,123 Sweetie, space camp was never-- 352 00:16:21,123 --> 00:16:24,486 Ugh, you know what? Never mind. 353 00:16:25,783 --> 00:16:27,585 We can’t let them know... - Can’t let them see... 354 00:16:27,585 --> 00:16:30,123 That Hazel’s a-- 355 00:16:30,123 --> 00:16:32,123 Hi! 356 00:16:32,123 --> 00:16:33,321 - Hi. - Hi. 357 00:16:33,321 --> 00:16:35,717 Oh, hello. What can I do you for? 358 00:16:35,717 --> 00:16:39,222 Marcus, sorry to visit you on the fly like this. 359 00:16:39,222 --> 00:16:40,354 I mean, with the fly. 360 00:16:40,354 --> 00:16:43,255 I mean, we had a quick question about-- 361 00:16:43,255 --> 00:16:45,321 crown! Your crown molding. 362 00:16:45,321 --> 00:16:49,519 Do you have a minute? - Uh, sure, of course. 363 00:16:49,519 --> 00:16:51,189 And Angela too. Both. 364 00:16:51,189 --> 00:16:53,750 In one room! 365 00:16:58,189 --> 00:17:01,288 So how’s about that weather? 366 00:17:01,288 --> 00:17:03,750 Oh, it’s nice. We like it. 367 00:17:03,750 --> 00:17:05,321 Uh, taxes? 368 00:17:05,321 --> 00:17:07,958 They’re necessary to a functioning society? 369 00:17:07,958 --> 00:17:09,387 True. 370 00:17:09,387 --> 00:17:12,222 I went through a car wash the other day. 371 00:17:12,222 --> 00:17:14,255 It was riveting! 372 00:17:14,255 --> 00:17:16,288 Eeeh! 373 00:17:16,288 --> 00:17:17,222 I’m gonna let you out 374 00:17:17,222 --> 00:17:19,453 and turn you back into a human Hazel. 375 00:17:19,453 --> 00:17:22,585 Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 376 00:17:22,585 --> 00:17:25,189 I’m coming, Antony! 377 00:17:26,651 --> 00:17:28,816 Ah. Plant Hazel? 378 00:17:30,651 --> 00:17:31,783 Toaster Hazel? 379 00:17:33,222 --> 00:17:34,189 And the soapy water 380 00:17:34,189 --> 00:17:36,519 creates a beautiful rainbow of color 381 00:17:36,519 --> 00:17:37,684 across the windshield. 382 00:17:37,684 --> 00:17:41,717 Oh, blue and purple and pink and hot pink 383 00:17:41,717 --> 00:17:44,618 and bubblegum pink and, uh... 384 00:17:44,618 --> 00:17:48,519 Why can’t I work this thing? 385 00:17:52,387 --> 00:17:55,882 Cosmo Hazel? Ugh! 386 00:17:55,882 --> 00:17:58,717 - Ah! - Ah! 387 00:17:58,717 --> 00:18:00,750 Ugh! 388 00:18:00,750 --> 00:18:03,354 - Ahh! - The ghost is back. 389 00:18:03,354 --> 00:18:03,915 Oh, no! 390 00:18:03,915 --> 00:18:06,991 Our welcome gift. Dramatic irony! 391 00:18:06,991 --> 00:18:09,585 Uh, what’s wrong with it? 392 00:18:09,585 --> 00:18:11,486 It’s going to eat that fly! 393 00:18:11,486 --> 00:18:13,453 Ah! The horror! 394 00:18:13,453 --> 00:18:14,717 Look away. 395 00:18:14,717 --> 00:18:16,354 The loss of innocent life. 396 00:18:16,354 --> 00:18:17,958 It’s-- it’s too much to bear. 397 00:18:17,958 --> 00:18:21,651 I guess we didn’t consider the moral implications 398 00:18:21,651 --> 00:18:22,684 of our gift. 399 00:18:22,684 --> 00:18:26,849 Let’s give Cosmo a moment to process his emotions. 400 00:18:26,849 --> 00:18:29,420 Oh, feel your feelings, Cosmo. 401 00:18:29,420 --> 00:18:32,255 Mm-hmm. Let them flow. 402 00:18:32,651 --> 00:18:33,750 Whoa! 403 00:18:33,750 --> 00:18:35,991 Oh, no! Oh, no! 404 00:18:35,991 --> 00:18:38,783 Oh, no, no, no, no, no! 405 00:18:42,024 --> 00:18:42,816 Don’t move. 406 00:18:42,816 --> 00:18:46,453 In school, I learned that the hairs of a Venus flytrap 407 00:18:46,453 --> 00:18:47,585 act as sensors. 408 00:18:47,585 --> 00:18:49,288 If anything touches them for long, 409 00:18:49,288 --> 00:18:52,321 it’ll snap shut, and trap us inside. 410 00:18:52,321 --> 00:18:54,453 So don’t freak out. 411 00:18:56,717 --> 00:18:57,618 I said don’t freak out! 412 00:18:57,618 --> 00:19:01,057 You can’t tell me that and expect me not to freak out! 413 00:19:01,057 --> 00:19:02,882 What are you doing here anyway? 414 00:19:02,882 --> 00:19:04,915 I thought ants live in colonies. 415 00:19:04,915 --> 00:19:06,420 Why did you leave them? 416 00:19:06,420 --> 00:19:07,453 I’m working. 417 00:19:07,453 --> 00:19:08,486 I smelled sweet nectar. 418 00:19:08,486 --> 00:19:12,849 All ants have specific jobs, and it’s my job to find food. 419 00:19:12,849 --> 00:19:15,552 But doesn’t your colony want you to stay with them? 420 00:19:15,552 --> 00:19:18,618 I love my work, and they’re happy for me. 421 00:19:18,618 --> 00:19:21,783 Sure, we get separated from each other for a time, 422 00:19:21,783 --> 00:19:24,354 but I always find my way back. 423 00:19:25,651 --> 00:19:27,915 What if you forget all about them? 424 00:19:27,915 --> 00:19:29,585 Oh. 425 00:19:29,585 --> 00:19:31,552 Yeah, that’ll never happen. 426 00:19:31,552 --> 00:19:34,387 The time I spend away only makes me appreciate 427 00:19:34,387 --> 00:19:37,519 my colony all the more. - So you miss them? 428 00:19:37,519 --> 00:19:39,651 You’re not just trying to get away from them? 429 00:19:39,651 --> 00:19:42,486 Nah, girl. Gotta live my own life. 430 00:19:42,486 --> 00:19:45,816 I’m Toni by the way. - Toni? 431 00:19:46,453 --> 00:19:48,651 You’re now the second ant Toni I know. 432 00:19:48,651 --> 00:19:50,915 It’s nice to meet you. I’m Hazel. 433 00:19:50,915 --> 00:19:52,618 Pleasure to meet you, Hazel. 434 00:19:52,618 --> 00:19:56,057 See, if it wasn’t for my job, I wouldn’t get to meet 435 00:19:56,057 --> 00:19:58,024 cool flies like yourself. 436 00:19:58,024 --> 00:20:02,849 I’m not a fly-- um, I am a fly! 437 00:20:03,882 --> 00:20:05,958 Toni, hold very still. 438 00:20:05,958 --> 00:20:08,750 I’m gonna get us out of here. 439 00:20:18,387 --> 00:20:22,354 Freedom! - Ah! 440 00:20:23,783 --> 00:20:24,958 Oi. 441 00:20:24,958 --> 00:20:25,651 They’re alive! 442 00:20:25,651 --> 00:20:29,552 I’ve never seen a man so stressed over insects. 443 00:20:31,453 --> 00:20:34,915 Fly Hazel, are you ready to be human Hazel again? 444 00:20:34,915 --> 00:20:37,519 Make the wish. - I’m ready. 445 00:20:37,519 --> 00:20:40,519 I wish I was human Hazel again. 446 00:20:43,387 --> 00:20:46,387 Hey, hey. 447 00:20:46,387 --> 00:20:50,552 So long, Ant Toni. 448 00:20:50,552 --> 00:20:54,519 Thanks for the talk! 449 00:20:54,519 --> 00:20:55,453 Hey, baby girl. 450 00:20:55,453 --> 00:20:59,090 I’m glad you decided to come out of your room. 451 00:20:59,090 --> 00:21:01,387 Me too. 452 00:21:04,585 --> 00:21:05,354 - Hi. - Hello. 453 00:21:05,354 --> 00:21:09,024 I just wanted to say sorry for trying to run away early-- 454 00:21:09,024 --> 00:21:13,816 ooh! Nice place! 455 00:21:14,849 --> 00:21:17,057 Whoa! 456 00:21:17,057 --> 00:21:20,057 Are we even in Dimmadelphia? 457 00:21:20,057 --> 00:21:24,717 Well, the hallway is, but the house, no. 458 00:21:24,717 --> 00:21:26,090 This is Fairy World. 459 00:21:26,090 --> 00:21:27,552 We have a spell on the front door 460 00:21:27,552 --> 00:21:30,090 that lets us choose which world we go out into. 461 00:21:30,090 --> 00:21:32,750 We wanted to try out life as humans, 462 00:21:32,750 --> 00:21:35,958 but it’s hard to give up the comforts of home. 463 00:21:35,958 --> 00:21:37,717 The last time we lived in the human world 464 00:21:37,717 --> 00:21:40,387 as godparents, we lived in a fishbowl 465 00:21:40,387 --> 00:21:42,156 for what felt like 20 years. 466 00:21:42,156 --> 00:21:44,717 Technically, it was only seven. 467 00:21:44,717 --> 00:21:45,882 This is amazing! 468 00:21:45,882 --> 00:21:47,849 I can’t believe I live next-door 469 00:21:47,849 --> 00:21:49,816 to actual fairy godparents! 470 00:21:49,816 --> 00:21:52,717 About that, we know we kind of bungled 471 00:21:52,717 --> 00:21:54,024 your wish to fly today. 472 00:21:54,024 --> 00:21:55,684 But do you think you’d be interested 473 00:21:55,684 --> 00:21:58,156 in being godkid to a couple of out-of-practice, 474 00:21:58,156 --> 00:22:00,849 formerly-retired green-and-pink-haired-- 475 00:22:00,849 --> 00:22:03,222 Are you kidding? 476 00:22:03,222 --> 00:22:05,618 Of course, I am! 477 00:22:05,618 --> 00:22:07,519 Today was amazing! 478 00:22:07,519 --> 00:22:09,618 Did you see me? I flew! 479 00:22:09,618 --> 00:22:11,024 And I ate so many fries. 480 00:22:11,024 --> 00:22:12,783 And I made friends with an ant. 481 00:22:12,783 --> 00:22:15,618 And I realized although I miss my brother, 482 00:22:15,618 --> 00:22:17,090 he needs to be on his own. 483 00:22:17,090 --> 00:22:19,915 And I could do things on my own, too. 484 00:22:19,915 --> 00:22:23,057 Well, let’s make this official. 485 00:22:23,057 --> 00:22:25,453 I’m Cosmo! 486 00:22:25,453 --> 00:22:27,189 And I’m Wanda! 487 00:22:30,453 --> 00:22:32,882 And we’re... 488 00:22:32,882 --> 00:22:36,618 My fairy godparents!