1 00:00:02,869 --> 00:00:09,199 ♪ ♪ 2 00:00:09,199 --> 00:00:12,638 [school bell ringing] 3 00:00:14,166 --> 00:00:16,199 [children shouting] 4 00:00:16,199 --> 00:00:17,737 Football! 5 00:00:19,803 --> 00:00:21,473 [groans] 6 00:00:22,539 --> 00:00:23,869 [crunching] 7 00:00:23,869 --> 00:00:25,308 Why aren’t we going in? 8 00:00:25,308 --> 00:00:27,374 Does she not know how the door works? 9 00:00:27,374 --> 00:00:30,133 Hazel, you have to push it harder! 10 00:00:30,133 --> 00:00:31,166 I can’t go in there. 11 00:00:31,166 --> 00:00:33,341 I don’t have anyone to sit with. 12 00:00:33,341 --> 00:00:35,605 I know being the new kid can be daunting, 13 00:00:35,605 --> 00:00:39,232 but you aren’t going to make any friends out here. 14 00:00:39,232 --> 00:00:40,935 You gotta get in there, champ! - Yeah! 15 00:00:40,935 --> 00:00:44,935 You know all there is to know about mushrooms and anime, 16 00:00:44,935 --> 00:00:47,407 and you have great puns! 17 00:00:47,407 --> 00:00:49,199 Yeah, I do. 18 00:00:49,199 --> 00:00:51,836 I’m "pun-defeated"! 19 00:00:51,836 --> 00:00:54,199 [bell rings] 20 00:00:54,199 --> 00:00:55,275 [laughs] 21 00:00:55,275 --> 00:00:55,836 Whoop! 22 00:00:55,836 --> 00:00:58,506 Please be careful with Board-tholemew. 23 00:00:58,506 --> 00:00:59,704 Whoa! 24 00:00:59,704 --> 00:01:00,803 both: Safety first! 25 00:01:00,803 --> 00:01:03,605 [frantic music] 26 00:01:03,605 --> 00:01:05,440 We’re here to help! 27 00:01:05,440 --> 00:01:06,803 Right. - Left. 28 00:01:06,803 --> 00:01:08,869 [yelps] 29 00:01:08,869 --> 00:01:10,407 [groaning] 30 00:01:10,407 --> 00:01:12,572 all: Go, new kid! Do the Dimmy Shimmy! 31 00:01:12,572 --> 00:01:17,770 Go, new kid! Do the Dimmy Shimmy! 32 00:01:18,935 --> 00:01:21,440 Hey, new kid, why aren’t you dancing? 33 00:01:21,440 --> 00:01:23,407 I’m not the new kid. I’m Hazel. 34 00:01:23,407 --> 00:01:27,440 Hey, Hazel, do the Dimmy Shimmy. 35 00:01:27,440 --> 00:01:29,374 all: Hey, Hazel, do the Dimmy Shimmy. 36 00:01:29,374 --> 00:01:32,407 Hey, Hazel, do the Dimmy Shimmy. 37 00:01:32,935 --> 00:01:33,539 Oof! 38 00:01:33,539 --> 00:01:36,638 Can’t lose the test sheets for the big test this week. 39 00:01:36,638 --> 00:01:38,341 If all the students don’t pass, 40 00:01:38,341 --> 00:01:40,539 Principal Krentz will make everyone 41 00:01:40,539 --> 00:01:42,506 repeat the school year. 42 00:01:42,506 --> 00:01:43,539 You OK, Hazel? 43 00:01:43,539 --> 00:01:45,803 Why aren’t you in the cafeteria with the other students? 44 00:01:45,803 --> 00:01:48,341 I don’t know how to do the Dimmy Shimmy. 45 00:01:48,341 --> 00:01:49,605 Well, you’re in good company. 46 00:01:49,605 --> 00:01:52,341 I don’t know how to do the Dimmy Shimmy either. 47 00:01:52,341 --> 00:01:55,968 But I can do a mean Cabbage Patch. 48 00:01:55,968 --> 00:01:58,638 [yacht rock music] 49 00:01:58,638 --> 00:02:00,671 [laughing] There you go. 50 00:02:00,671 --> 00:02:03,605 You and I have that old-school swagger. 51 00:02:03,605 --> 00:02:06,001 Don’t worry about not being up on trends. 52 00:02:06,001 --> 00:02:09,572 You’ll find your right crowd soon. 53 00:02:09,770 --> 00:02:11,506 Those were some nice moves, Hazel. 54 00:02:11,506 --> 00:02:14,869 Why didn’t you cut a rug like that in the cafeteria? 55 00:02:14,869 --> 00:02:15,638 I don’t know. 56 00:02:15,638 --> 00:02:16,968 I froze up around the other kids. 57 00:02:16,968 --> 00:02:19,407 But talking to Mr. Guzman is easy. 58 00:02:19,407 --> 00:02:21,341 Maybe that’s it. - What’s it? 59 00:02:21,341 --> 00:02:23,803 I haven’t made friends with the other students yet 60 00:02:23,803 --> 00:02:25,440 because I’m mature for my age. 61 00:02:25,440 --> 00:02:28,473 What would I even talk to them about, lunch trays? 62 00:02:28,473 --> 00:02:29,836 That’s kiddie stuff. 63 00:02:29,836 --> 00:02:31,869 [chuckles] Yeah, Mr. Guzman said 64 00:02:31,869 --> 00:02:33,407 I’d find the right crowd soon. 65 00:02:33,407 --> 00:02:34,341 But maybe I already have. 66 00:02:34,341 --> 00:02:37,034 I wish I could be friends with my teachers. 67 00:02:37,034 --> 00:02:41,440 We’re going to need some magic math for this one. 68 00:02:41,440 --> 00:02:43,935 Carry the wand. Divide by the poof. 69 00:02:43,935 --> 00:02:46,473 both: Algebra-ca-dalgebra! 70 00:02:46,473 --> 00:02:50,067 As you know, standardized testing is this Friday. 71 00:02:50,067 --> 00:02:52,737 We’ve had the highest numbers in the district 72 00:02:52,737 --> 00:02:53,803 nine years running. 73 00:02:53,803 --> 00:02:55,902 And if we get it again this year, 74 00:02:55,902 --> 00:02:58,034 I get a commemorative paperweight. 75 00:02:58,034 --> 00:03:02,638 This is a must, as my current paperweight is awful. 76 00:03:02,638 --> 00:03:04,506 [ship horn blares] 77 00:03:04,506 --> 00:03:08,671 Hence, I need you pushing your students full tilt this week. 78 00:03:08,671 --> 00:03:10,836 That means no shenanigans. 79 00:03:10,836 --> 00:03:11,803 [door creaks] 80 00:03:11,803 --> 00:03:14,902 - Hazel! - Hazelroni and Cheese! 81 00:03:14,902 --> 00:03:15,902 Hay Day! 82 00:03:15,902 --> 00:03:17,803 Sit next to me. 83 00:03:17,803 --> 00:03:18,704 What is going on? 84 00:03:18,704 --> 00:03:20,034 Hazel can sit wherever she wants, 85 00:03:20,034 --> 00:03:22,407 and she obviously wants to sit next to me. 86 00:03:22,407 --> 00:03:24,902 [chuckles] There’s no need to fight, y’all. 87 00:03:24,902 --> 00:03:27,374 There’s enough of me to go around. 88 00:03:27,374 --> 00:03:28,034 That’s enough! 89 00:03:28,034 --> 00:03:29,275 What did I just say about shenanigans? 90 00:03:29,275 --> 00:03:32,407 You need to find your way back to the cafeteria, Hazel. 91 00:03:32,407 --> 00:03:34,803 The Teacher’s Lounge is no place for a child. 92 00:03:34,803 --> 00:03:37,605 Looks like the wish didn’t affect Krentz 93 00:03:37,605 --> 00:03:39,067 because she’s not a teacher. 94 00:03:39,067 --> 00:03:40,001 She’s a principal. 95 00:03:40,001 --> 00:03:41,034 You want us to update the wish 96 00:03:41,034 --> 00:03:43,605 so you can be friends with her too? 97 00:03:43,605 --> 00:03:45,902 [big cat growling] 98 00:03:45,902 --> 00:03:47,506 Blegh, hard pass. 99 00:03:47,506 --> 00:03:48,341 I have a better idea. 100 00:03:48,341 --> 00:03:54,440 Aww, man, I sure wish this were a place for a child. 101 00:03:56,034 --> 00:03:57,539 Lighting shenanigans! 102 00:03:57,539 --> 00:04:00,737 [upbeat music] 103 00:04:00,737 --> 00:04:02,704 ♪ ♪ 104 00:04:02,704 --> 00:04:03,836 [horse neighing] 105 00:04:03,836 --> 00:04:06,605 Hmm, looks pretty kid-friendly in here to me. 106 00:04:06,605 --> 00:04:10,440 But--but it didn’t look like this a moment ago. 107 00:04:10,440 --> 00:04:11,803 What are you talking about? 108 00:04:11,803 --> 00:04:13,671 It looked like this when we came in. 109 00:04:13,671 --> 00:04:15,770 Besides, it’s, like, not even fair 110 00:04:15,770 --> 00:04:18,506 for you to make us test prep during our lunch. 111 00:04:18,506 --> 00:04:22,133 Isn’t that, like, against the law or something? 112 00:04:22,133 --> 00:04:22,770 Fine! 113 00:04:22,770 --> 00:04:25,067 Have your "mandatory lunch break." 114 00:04:25,067 --> 00:04:27,001 But after lunch, you better get back 115 00:04:27,001 --> 00:04:27,968 to preparing for that test. 116 00:04:27,968 --> 00:04:31,100 If your students don’t pass, they’ll repeat the school year. 117 00:04:31,100 --> 00:04:33,166 And that includes you, Hazel. 118 00:04:33,166 --> 00:04:34,803 Who, me? 119 00:04:34,803 --> 00:04:38,737 [laughter] 120 00:04:38,737 --> 00:04:41,199 Whoo-hoo! Hey-hey! 121 00:04:41,199 --> 00:04:44,232 ♪ ♪ 122 00:04:44,232 --> 00:04:46,473 This is the best class break ever! 123 00:04:46,473 --> 00:04:49,935 Ooh, speaking of which, we should head back to class. 124 00:04:49,935 --> 00:04:51,605 Sike! Sneak attack! 125 00:04:51,605 --> 00:04:53,506 Whoa! 126 00:04:54,473 --> 00:04:55,704 - Hiyah! - Incoming! 127 00:04:55,704 --> 00:04:56,935 Take that! Whoo-hoo! 128 00:04:56,935 --> 00:04:59,199 [bell rings] Yippee! 129 00:05:00,803 --> 00:05:02,836 [both cheering] 130 00:05:03,539 --> 00:05:05,001 But wasn’t that the bell? 131 00:05:05,001 --> 00:05:07,968 The other students won’t even notice we’re gone. 132 00:05:07,968 --> 00:05:12,067 [clock ticking] 133 00:05:13,067 --> 00:05:15,770 So are we allowed to leave? 134 00:05:15,770 --> 00:05:17,506 The big test is coming up. 135 00:05:17,506 --> 00:05:18,539 We gotta study. 136 00:05:18,539 --> 00:05:21,671 [dramatic musical flourish] 137 00:05:21,671 --> 00:05:23,100 [laughter] 138 00:05:23,100 --> 00:05:25,704 both: ♪ Ms. Mary Mack, Mack, Mack ♪ 139 00:05:25,704 --> 00:05:27,869 That’s me! Bye, Hazel! 140 00:05:27,869 --> 00:05:29,803 Catch you later, Hazy Daze! 141 00:05:29,803 --> 00:05:31,671 [clattering] [cat yowls] 142 00:05:31,671 --> 00:05:32,605 I’m OK! 143 00:05:32,605 --> 00:05:34,133 That was awesome! 144 00:05:34,133 --> 00:05:35,638 They love you. 145 00:05:35,638 --> 00:05:37,968 I knew I’d fit right in with the teachers. 146 00:05:37,968 --> 00:05:41,133 I wish every day could be as fun as today was. 147 00:05:41,133 --> 00:05:45,605 Ooh, I feel a montage coming on! 148 00:05:45,605 --> 00:05:47,572 [laughter] 149 00:05:47,572 --> 00:05:51,034 Whoo-hoo! [both cheering] 150 00:05:51,902 --> 00:05:52,935 [horse neighs] 151 00:05:52,935 --> 00:05:55,902 [upbeat music] 152 00:05:55,902 --> 00:05:57,605 Ugh. 153 00:05:57,605 --> 00:06:01,308 [whimpering] 154 00:06:02,869 --> 00:06:04,605 Ooh, that one looks like 155 00:06:04,605 --> 00:06:06,034 it’s got some heft to it. 156 00:06:06,034 --> 00:06:09,067 Mm, heavy. 157 00:06:09,067 --> 00:06:11,539 [gasps] 158 00:06:11,539 --> 00:06:12,869 Curse you! 159 00:06:12,869 --> 00:06:14,133 This is your doing. 160 00:06:14,133 --> 00:06:16,166 [whimpering] 161 00:06:16,166 --> 00:06:17,902 [sighs] 162 00:06:17,902 --> 00:06:19,034 [grunts] 163 00:06:19,034 --> 00:06:19,902 Get to class! 164 00:06:19,902 --> 00:06:22,308 Oh, I’m actually headed to the teachers’ lounge. 165 00:06:22,308 --> 00:06:26,308 No, you’re "actually" headed to class. 166 00:06:26,308 --> 00:06:28,001 With me. Now. 167 00:06:28,001 --> 00:06:30,869 The square root of 36 is a triangle, right? 168 00:06:30,869 --> 00:06:32,935 No, it’s the Pythagorean Theorem. 169 00:06:32,935 --> 00:06:35,902 I think you’re both right. 170 00:06:35,902 --> 00:06:38,836 I hope you’re all very stressed about today’s test. 171 00:06:38,836 --> 00:06:41,836 If you don’t pass, then I don’t get my new paperweight. 172 00:06:41,836 --> 00:06:44,100 And if I don’t get my new paperweight, 173 00:06:44,100 --> 00:06:46,704 you’ll all repeat this school year! 174 00:06:46,704 --> 00:06:49,001 Over a paperweight? 175 00:06:49,001 --> 00:06:50,737 Ahh! Hey! Ahh! 176 00:06:50,737 --> 00:06:51,803 [grunting] 177 00:06:51,803 --> 00:06:52,671 Yes. 178 00:06:52,671 --> 00:06:53,407 If you need me, 179 00:06:53,407 --> 00:06:55,232 I’ll be going from class to class 180 00:06:55,232 --> 00:06:56,704 giving the same announcement. 181 00:06:56,704 --> 00:06:58,067 I suppose I could use the intercom, 182 00:06:58,067 --> 00:07:00,968 but then I wouldn’t be able to see the looks of distress 183 00:07:00,968 --> 00:07:02,308 on your tiny faces, 184 00:07:02,308 --> 00:07:05,199 which is the best part of my job. 185 00:07:05,199 --> 00:07:07,034 The test is today? 186 00:07:07,034 --> 00:07:08,704 But I’m not ready! 187 00:07:08,704 --> 00:07:10,638 No one’s ever ready. 188 00:07:10,638 --> 00:07:11,704 OK, deep breath. 189 00:07:11,704 --> 00:07:14,275 Mr. Guzman had the test sheets the other day 190 00:07:14,275 --> 00:07:15,374 outside of the cafeteria. 191 00:07:15,374 --> 00:07:16,308 He’ll know where they are. 192 00:07:16,308 --> 00:07:19,034 Just gotta remind the teachers that today is test day. 193 00:07:19,034 --> 00:07:22,133 You’ve been paying attention every other week, right? 194 00:07:22,133 --> 00:07:23,308 You could still pass. 195 00:07:23,308 --> 00:07:24,968 It’s all going to be OK! 196 00:07:24,968 --> 00:07:26,374 Are you still talking to me? 197 00:07:26,374 --> 00:07:29,067 No! I’m, like, hyping myself up. 198 00:07:29,067 --> 00:07:31,232 Oh. OK. 199 00:07:31,836 --> 00:07:32,935 You guys, today is the-- 200 00:07:32,935 --> 00:07:36,232 [air horn blares] [party music] 201 00:07:36,232 --> 00:07:37,341 Hazel! 202 00:07:37,341 --> 00:07:39,803 [chuckles] 203 00:07:39,803 --> 00:07:42,067 Surprise! 204 00:07:42,067 --> 00:07:45,836 Happy four-day friend-iversary! 205 00:07:46,671 --> 00:07:48,440 What are you doing? 206 00:07:48,440 --> 00:07:50,199 We have testing today! 207 00:07:50,199 --> 00:07:51,407 Testing, shmesting! 208 00:07:51,407 --> 00:07:53,803 You sound like that party-pooping 209 00:07:53,803 --> 00:07:55,407 stinky head Krentz! 210 00:07:55,407 --> 00:07:56,770 But if I don’t pass, 211 00:07:56,770 --> 00:07:59,737 then I have to retake fifth grade! 212 00:07:59,737 --> 00:08:00,308 Yay! 213 00:08:00,308 --> 00:08:03,100 We can hang out for a whole nother year! 214 00:08:03,100 --> 00:08:04,133 What are you--no! 215 00:08:04,133 --> 00:08:05,067 Where are the test sheets? 216 00:08:05,067 --> 00:08:07,133 all: ♪ Do the Dimmy Shimmy, do the Dimmy Shimmy ♪ 217 00:08:07,133 --> 00:08:11,770 ♪ Do the Dimmy Shimmy, do the Dimmy Shimmy ♪ 218 00:08:11,770 --> 00:08:13,001 [growls] 219 00:08:13,001 --> 00:08:13,869 Oh, no! 220 00:08:13,869 --> 00:08:15,407 Those are the test sheets! 221 00:08:15,407 --> 00:08:18,166 [screams] [horse whinnies] 222 00:08:19,869 --> 00:08:22,275 [all crying] 223 00:08:22,275 --> 00:08:24,803 [grunts] [screams] 224 00:08:24,803 --> 00:08:26,836 What’s going on with the teachers? 225 00:08:26,836 --> 00:08:28,232 Why are they acting like that? 226 00:08:28,232 --> 00:08:29,869 Well, we had to decrease their maturity 227 00:08:29,869 --> 00:08:32,737 in the magic math to make them compatible friends for you. 228 00:08:32,737 --> 00:08:35,869 It looks like we forgot to set a minimum maturity 229 00:08:35,869 --> 00:08:37,275 on the equation. 230 00:08:37,275 --> 00:08:39,166 What? The equation has a series 231 00:08:39,166 --> 00:08:40,869 of complex fairy-ables. 232 00:08:40,869 --> 00:08:42,341 So ever since I made this wish, 233 00:08:42,341 --> 00:08:44,968 my teachers have been getting less and less mature? 234 00:08:44,968 --> 00:08:47,100 Yeah, so Mr. Guzman now has the maturity 235 00:08:47,100 --> 00:08:49,935 of a fourth grader, Mrs. Mack is in third grade, 236 00:08:49,935 --> 00:08:51,407 and Mrs. Velasquez is in pre-K. 237 00:08:51,407 --> 00:08:55,133 Well, she must have been pretty immature to start with. 238 00:08:55,133 --> 00:08:56,232 [goat bleats] 239 00:08:56,232 --> 00:08:59,001 But why did you have to make them less mature at all? 240 00:08:59,001 --> 00:09:01,803 The whole point was that I’m mature for my age. 241 00:09:01,803 --> 00:09:03,803 You are mature for your age, squirt. 242 00:09:03,803 --> 00:09:06,407 But you’re not as mature as a full-grown adult. 243 00:09:06,407 --> 00:09:09,100 What would you and your teachers even talk about? 244 00:09:09,100 --> 00:09:13,232 Traffic? Licking stamps? Lunch trays? 245 00:09:13,232 --> 00:09:14,704 Ugh. I guess not. 246 00:09:14,704 --> 00:09:18,133 But if you had to make the teachers less mature, 247 00:09:18,133 --> 00:09:19,902 that means I could have just been friends 248 00:09:19,902 --> 00:09:21,671 with the other students in the first place? 249 00:09:21,671 --> 00:09:23,869 That would have been easier, yes. 250 00:09:23,869 --> 00:09:26,968 A lot less math involved in that. 251 00:09:26,968 --> 00:09:27,539 Oh. 252 00:09:27,539 --> 00:09:30,133 I wish the teachers were back to normal. 253 00:09:30,133 --> 00:09:32,341 both: Done and done! 254 00:09:32,341 --> 00:09:33,308 Great news! 255 00:09:33,308 --> 00:09:35,308 Even though I don’t remember doing any practice tests 256 00:09:35,308 --> 00:09:38,473 with you and all your tests were covered in horse spit, 257 00:09:38,473 --> 00:09:39,803 you all passed. 258 00:09:39,803 --> 00:09:41,506 [air horn blaring] [all cheering] 259 00:09:41,506 --> 00:09:42,440 [horse whinnies] 260 00:09:42,440 --> 00:09:44,902 Yay. That was really great. 261 00:09:44,902 --> 00:09:45,902 [sighs] 262 00:09:45,902 --> 00:09:49,100 [upbeat music] 263 00:09:49,100 --> 00:09:51,067 Right back where we started. 264 00:09:51,067 --> 00:09:52,067 Ooh, I have an idea. 265 00:09:52,067 --> 00:09:54,166 You can wish that you had friends your own age. 266 00:09:54,166 --> 00:09:58,407 Or she can just walk in there and introduce herself. 267 00:09:58,407 --> 00:10:00,935 Uh, I think today, I’ll just focus 268 00:10:00,935 --> 00:10:03,001 on eating lunch in the cafeteria 269 00:10:03,001 --> 00:10:04,836 around the other kids. 270 00:10:04,836 --> 00:10:07,199 I can work up to introducing myself. 271 00:10:07,199 --> 00:10:08,440 Sounds good to us. 272 00:10:08,440 --> 00:10:10,199 [children chattering] 273 00:10:10,199 --> 00:10:10,902 Hi there. 274 00:10:10,902 --> 00:10:12,935 I saw you doing all that cool stuff with the teachers. 275 00:10:12,935 --> 00:10:14,001 What did you bring for lunch? 276 00:10:14,001 --> 00:10:15,440 My grandmother packed me com gà roti. 277 00:10:15,440 --> 00:10:17,067 I like your sweater. What’s your name? 278 00:10:17,067 --> 00:10:18,935 I’m Jasmine. We’re in the same class. 279 00:10:18,935 --> 00:10:20,275 What’s your book about? 280 00:10:20,275 --> 00:10:23,473 My name is Hazel, and my book is about mushrooms. 281 00:10:23,473 --> 00:10:26,902 Do you know why mushrooms have so many friends? 282 00:10:26,902 --> 00:10:31,001 - What? - Because they’re such fun-gis! 283 00:10:31,001 --> 00:10:33,935 [both laugh] 284 00:10:33,935 --> 00:10:39,199 And you’re my best friend, new paperweight. 285 00:10:39,199 --> 00:10:40,166 [laughs] 286 00:10:40,166 --> 00:10:42,869 [dramatic musical flourish] 287 00:10:42,869 --> 00:10:44,341 [growling] 288 00:10:46,232 --> 00:10:49,308 [upbeat music] 289 00:10:49,308 --> 00:10:56,902 ♪ ♪ 290 00:11:11,133 --> 00:11:13,935 ♪ Billionfold ♪