1 00:01:39,001 --> 00:01:40,334 We seek the healer. 2 00:01:56,834 --> 00:01:58,251 Follow me. 3 00:03:00,376 --> 00:03:03,293 Come. She will see you. 4 00:03:20,251 --> 00:03:21,543 Come forward. 5 00:03:23,001 --> 00:03:24,418 You're safe here. 6 00:03:39,209 --> 00:03:41,668 There doesn't appear to be anything wrong with you. 7 00:03:42,501 --> 00:03:44,001 We thought so too. 8 00:03:44,001 --> 00:03:48,126 But the Empire came to our village and examined all of the children. 9 00:03:48,126 --> 00:03:50,584 They took samples of their blood. 10 00:03:50,584 --> 00:03:53,126 Something about Micah frightened them. 11 00:03:53,126 --> 00:03:56,209 They wanted to take him away, so we-we fled. 12 00:03:56,209 --> 00:03:59,668 That's when we met the traveler and he told us to find you. 13 00:04:02,918 --> 00:04:04,543 I know of what you speak. 14 00:04:09,918 --> 00:04:15,001 Long ago, before the Empire, my family faced a similar situation. 15 00:04:15,793 --> 00:04:18,293 But it was the Jedi who came and took me. 16 00:04:19,668 --> 00:04:21,918 They trained me as their own. 17 00:04:22,709 --> 00:04:25,209 I saw amazing things. 18 00:04:26,084 --> 00:04:28,251 Traveled the stars with my Master 19 00:04:29,959 --> 00:04:31,876 before a darkness took me. 20 00:04:33,376 --> 00:04:35,001 But that was long ago. 21 00:04:36,334 --> 00:04:38,959 Are you saying our child is a Jedi? 22 00:04:40,501 --> 00:04:41,501 No. 23 00:04:42,043 --> 00:04:45,334 But your child, according to the old ways of the Jedi, 24 00:04:45,334 --> 00:04:47,626 has within him the potential. 25 00:04:48,209 --> 00:04:51,668 He would have been taken, like I was, to the Temple 26 00:04:51,668 --> 00:04:54,126 and trained as a Jedi Knight of old. 27 00:04:55,251 --> 00:04:58,168 But now such gifts are a curse. 28 00:04:59,584 --> 00:05:01,001 You are right to run. 29 00:05:01,001 --> 00:05:03,709 The Empire will take your child and use them. 30 00:05:04,501 --> 00:05:07,293 If not, something worse. 31 00:05:14,293 --> 00:05:16,709 Wise mother, someone is coming. 32 00:05:40,043 --> 00:05:41,209 You are dismissed. 33 00:05:41,834 --> 00:05:43,584 Take this family and go. 34 00:05:43,584 --> 00:05:45,126 Use my starship. 35 00:05:46,001 --> 00:05:49,959 But, wise mother, we are here to help you. 36 00:05:50,584 --> 00:05:52,376 You already have. 37 00:05:53,168 --> 00:05:55,001 The coordinates are in the ship's computer. 38 00:05:55,001 --> 00:05:57,168 Where are we taking them? 39 00:05:57,168 --> 00:05:59,126 To see an old friend. 40 00:05:59,668 --> 00:06:01,043 She'll understand what to do. 41 00:06:01,626 --> 00:06:04,626 Once we've completed what you ask, we'll return. 42 00:06:04,626 --> 00:06:06,126 There is no need. 43 00:06:07,543 --> 00:06:09,418 You've done more than you should. 44 00:06:10,209 --> 00:06:13,501 Take everything I've taught you and pass it on. 45 00:06:15,334 --> 00:06:18,209 We are grateful for your knowledge and kindness. 46 00:06:18,209 --> 00:06:20,209 What can we do to repay you? 47 00:06:25,626 --> 00:06:26,626 Live. 48 00:06:27,584 --> 00:06:28,584 Now go. 49 00:07:19,209 --> 00:07:20,709 Of course it's you. 50 00:07:21,209 --> 00:07:26,626 How ironic that when I am not seeking you, I find you at last. 51 00:07:27,376 --> 00:07:29,584 We had almost stopped searching. 52 00:07:29,584 --> 00:07:31,001 You should leave, Lyn. 53 00:07:31,501 --> 00:07:33,834 I have been sent for the child. 54 00:07:43,418 --> 00:07:45,501 Is this who you have become? 55 00:07:46,001 --> 00:07:49,084 Chasing down innocent children for your Empire? 56 00:07:49,084 --> 00:07:50,418 You're a traitor. 57 00:07:50,918 --> 00:07:53,168 I wouldn't expect you to understand. 58 00:07:53,168 --> 00:07:54,834 You're correct, Lyn. 59 00:07:55,584 --> 00:07:56,668 I do not. 60 00:07:56,668 --> 00:07:58,584 Do not call me that. 61 00:08:00,501 --> 00:08:01,876 Now step aside. 62 00:08:21,376 --> 00:08:22,959 Your anger makes you predictable. 63 00:08:42,376 --> 00:08:44,501 It's only proper to give them a head start. 64 00:08:44,501 --> 00:08:45,668 Stand aside. 65 00:08:46,751 --> 00:08:48,043 I will. 66 00:08:48,043 --> 00:08:51,043 But I warn you not to follow the child into that cave. 67 00:08:51,668 --> 00:08:53,334 You do not know the path. 68 00:08:53,959 --> 00:08:57,251 And if you go in, you will not come out. 69 00:08:57,251 --> 00:09:00,293 Fear is my ally, not yours. 70 00:09:00,293 --> 00:09:03,001 You choose your allies poorly. 71 00:09:07,501 --> 00:09:11,418 Once I am finished with the child, I will be back for you. 72 00:11:31,334 --> 00:11:32,751 You're lost. 73 00:11:33,918 --> 00:11:35,043 I warned you. 74 00:11:35,043 --> 00:11:37,209 Enough of your trickery! 75 00:11:37,209 --> 00:11:41,251 There is no trickery. I don't want you to die in here. 76 00:11:42,043 --> 00:11:46,168 Lay down your weapon, and I'll show you the way out. 77 00:11:46,168 --> 00:11:49,584 Do you know what they'll do to me for my failure? 78 00:11:50,293 --> 00:11:54,251 It seems fear is not your ally, but your master. 79 00:12:04,376 --> 00:12:05,459 Barriss. 80 00:12:06,751 --> 00:12:08,043 Barriss! 81 00:12:08,043 --> 00:12:09,251 I am here. 82 00:12:09,251 --> 00:12:12,251 - Let me help you. 83 00:12:19,126 --> 00:12:21,334 Barriss. 84 00:12:26,751 --> 00:12:27,959 I forgive you. 85 00:12:27,959 --> 00:12:30,376 I don't want your forgiveness. 86 00:12:30,376 --> 00:12:32,709 I want you to show me the way out. 87 00:12:32,709 --> 00:12:34,876 You know the way out. 88 00:12:35,543 --> 00:12:38,209 You just have to accept it, Lyn. 89 00:12:38,209 --> 00:12:40,043 Stop calling me that. 90 00:12:41,168 --> 00:12:43,251 But that is who you are. 91 00:12:45,793 --> 00:12:49,209 There is no way out, is there? 92 00:12:49,751 --> 00:12:52,543 That's what the Empire wants you to think. 93 00:13:29,209 --> 00:13:31,168 I am gonna get you out of here.