1 00:01:43,083 --> 00:01:47,166 They say we are "cursed children," 2 00:01:48,166 --> 00:01:52,666 because at birth, we possess the 3 00:01:48,167 --> 00:01:52,666 cursed power to control magical beasts. 4 00:02:02,666 --> 00:02:04,916 You worthless brats... 5 00:02:05,375 --> 00:02:06,958 I heard that a long, long time ago, 6 00:02:06,958 --> 00:02:09,416 it was an ability 7 00:02:06,959 --> 00:02:09,416 that only controlled livestock, 8 00:02:09,416 --> 00:02:11,250 but then someone started using it 9 00:02:11,250 --> 00:02:15,416 to control monsters in war 10 00:02:11,251 --> 00:02:15,416 and killed a lot of people, 11 00:02:15,958 --> 00:02:18,625 so we became loathed. 12 00:02:27,875 --> 00:02:31,333 I told you not to look at me 13 00:02:27,876 --> 00:02:31,333 with those nasty eyes. 14 00:02:33,541 --> 00:02:35,708 We were hit, kicked... 15 00:02:37,791 --> 00:02:40,500 Being sent flying by a kick 16 00:02:37,792 --> 00:02:40,500 was a daily occurrence. 17 00:02:42,791 --> 00:02:44,000 Why... 18 00:02:44,541 --> 00:02:46,375 do you beat me? 19 00:02:47,750 --> 00:02:50,583 I'll tell you when you can speak! 20 00:02:56,375 --> 00:02:58,875 When I asked a question once, 21 00:02:58,875 --> 00:03:02,208 I was beaten until 22 00:02:58,876 --> 00:03:02,208 I was almost unrecognizable, 23 00:03:02,208 --> 00:03:05,708 and I only got water 24 00:03:02,209 --> 00:03:05,708 with no food for three whole days. 25 00:03:10,958 --> 00:03:13,333 Maybe because of the cursed power, 26 00:03:13,333 --> 00:03:17,500 I happened to be able to read 27 00:03:13,334 --> 00:03:17,500 the minds of anyone in front of me. 28 00:03:17,500 --> 00:03:19,083 So that thing is demon folk... 29 00:03:19,083 --> 00:03:20,333 Maybe it's one of them who killed Mom! 30 00:03:20,333 --> 00:03:21,791 It's probably thinking of how to 31 00:03:20,334 --> 00:03:21,791 exterminate us humans! 32 00:03:20,335 --> 00:03:21,791 Maybe it's one of them who killed Mom! 33 00:03:21,791 --> 00:03:22,916 It's probably thinking of how to 34 00:03:21,792 --> 00:03:22,916 exterminate us humans! 35 00:03:22,916 --> 00:03:24,041 It's probably thinking of how to 36 00:03:22,917 --> 00:03:24,041 exterminate us humans! 37 00:03:22,918 --> 00:03:24,041 I'm so angry! 38 00:03:24,041 --> 00:03:25,958 It should have been that bastard! 39 00:03:27,416 --> 00:03:30,166 When they knew that 40 00:03:27,417 --> 00:03:30,166 I could read their minds, 41 00:03:30,458 --> 00:03:33,166 they got even more violent. 42 00:03:33,166 --> 00:03:36,041 It can read minds? How frightening! 43 00:03:36,041 --> 00:03:37,708 This is why I hate them! 44 00:03:37,708 --> 00:03:38,375 Useless wretch! 45 00:03:38,375 --> 00:03:39,041 Scum! 46 00:03:38,376 --> 00:03:39,041 Useless wretch! 47 00:03:39,041 --> 00:03:39,916 Scum! 48 00:03:39,042 --> 00:03:39,916 Just die! 49 00:03:39,916 --> 00:03:40,916 You filthy vermin! 50 00:03:45,500 --> 00:03:47,958 But no matter what 51 00:03:45,501 --> 00:03:47,958 awful things happened to me, 52 00:03:47,958 --> 00:03:52,500 I never retaliated, 53 00:03:47,959 --> 00:03:52,500 and I never even thought of doing so. 54 00:03:53,125 --> 00:03:58,458 Even though I hated that I was loathed, 55 00:03:53,126 --> 00:03:58,458 abused, and beaten, 56 00:03:58,458 --> 00:04:02,958 I never even wanted 57 00:03:58,459 --> 00:04:02,958 to think about hurting anyone else. 58 00:04:03,375 --> 00:04:06,708 More than anything, 59 00:04:03,376 --> 00:04:06,708 I just didn't want to see any more blood. 60 00:04:08,500 --> 00:04:09,625 However... 61 00:04:09,625 --> 00:04:14,416 You can help a certain country 62 00:04:09,626 --> 00:04:14,416 by taking these monsters with you. 63 00:04:16,250 --> 00:04:20,125 Demon folk can be useful to people... 64 00:04:16,251 --> 00:04:20,125 no, the nation. 65 00:04:20,583 --> 00:04:22,958 What could bring you more pride? 66 00:04:22,958 --> 00:04:25,708 I can be useful to people? 67 00:04:25,958 --> 00:04:28,833 If you simply do as I say, 68 00:04:28,833 --> 00:04:31,500 you will never be beaten 69 00:04:28,834 --> 00:04:31,500 for no reason again. 70 00:04:31,500 --> 00:04:33,750 I will let you eat your fill 71 00:04:31,501 --> 00:04:33,750 of delicious meals. 72 00:04:33,958 --> 00:04:36,833 And not just you, that goes 73 00:04:33,959 --> 00:04:36,833 for everyone here. 74 00:04:36,833 --> 00:04:37,958 I promise. 75 00:04:39,458 --> 00:04:42,750 But if you turn it down, 76 00:04:39,459 --> 00:04:42,750 you'll get the same treatment. 77 00:04:43,458 --> 00:04:47,250 Or rather, your days will be full 78 00:04:43,459 --> 00:04:47,250 of even more pain than they are now. 79 00:04:49,041 --> 00:04:51,750 Because he wore a magical device 80 00:04:49,042 --> 00:04:51,750 on his forehead, 81 00:04:51,750 --> 00:04:53,750 I couldn't read his mind. 82 00:04:55,958 --> 00:04:59,708 But that man always kept his promises. 83 00:05:00,125 --> 00:05:01,500 That's why... 84 00:05:07,125 --> 00:05:10,166 Since he promised me... 85 00:05:10,166 --> 00:05:13,416 I have to kill them... 86 00:05:13,416 --> 00:05:14,458 I have to- 87 00:05:19,541 --> 00:05:20,750 The seal! 88 00:05:22,791 --> 00:05:24,750 I can't control it anymore! 89 00:05:31,833 --> 00:05:34,458 I've messed up... 90 00:05:34,791 --> 00:05:36,208 Oh, no... 91 00:05:37,000 --> 00:05:40,958 Everyone's going to suffer again 92 00:05:37,001 --> 00:05:40,958 because of me... 93 00:05:40,958 --> 00:05:42,208 I'm sorry. 94 00:05:44,375 --> 00:05:47,875 But... now it can just kill me. 95 00:05:48,500 --> 00:05:54,416 I helped no one and nothing, 96 00:05:48,501 --> 00:05:54,416 but I didn't hurt anyone. 97 00:05:55,250 --> 00:05:59,041 I am happy to die here. 98 00:05:59,500 --> 00:06:07,666 If I'm reborn, I hope I won't 99 00:05:59,501 --> 00:06:07,666 get beaten so badly in my next life. 100 00:06:08,375 --> 00:06:12,625 I hope I can be at least 101 00:06:08,376 --> 00:06:12,625 a little bit useful to someone. 102 00:06:13,625 --> 00:06:20,958 And I hope I can have something 103 00:06:13,626 --> 00:06:20,958 delicious to eat, at least once. 104 00:06:27,916 --> 00:06:28,750 Parry! 105 00:06:34,791 --> 00:06:35,875 Why... 106 00:06:36,541 --> 00:06:39,875 Why is this person protecting me? 107 00:06:42,125 --> 00:06:43,166 Oh no! 108 00:07:02,666 --> 00:07:04,791 Huh? The bleeding stopped... 109 00:07:46,333 --> 00:07:47,958 That's good... 110 00:07:47,958 --> 00:07:50,458 I can make this work out after all. 111 00:07:54,083 --> 00:07:55,916 Dad. Mom. 112 00:07:56,583 --> 00:07:58,916 I'm going to go gather 113 00:07:56,584 --> 00:07:58,916 some ingredients in the mountains. 114 00:08:00,916 --> 00:08:02,291 It all started a short while 115 00:08:02,291 --> 00:08:06,458 after I returned from the training schools 116 00:08:02,292 --> 00:08:06,458 in the royal capital, at dinner time. 117 00:08:06,666 --> 00:08:09,083 I got a whole lot today! 118 00:08:09,625 --> 00:08:12,291 I'll dry these outside. 119 00:08:13,458 --> 00:08:15,458 And I'll pickle these. 120 00:08:15,458 --> 00:08:16,583 And the rest... 121 00:08:17,125 --> 00:08:19,583 I guess I'll stick them in a soup. 122 00:08:24,041 --> 00:08:25,583 Yummy! 123 00:08:26,250 --> 00:08:29,250 Even if there was 124 00:08:26,251 --> 00:08:29,250 something inedible in there, 125 00:08:29,250 --> 00:08:32,708 I thought it would just give me 126 00:08:29,251 --> 00:08:32,708 a bit of a stomachache. 127 00:08:36,458 --> 00:08:38,416 But it was highly poisonous. 128 00:08:45,416 --> 00:08:47,250 This is bad... 129 00:08:47,833 --> 00:08:50,208 Low... Heal... 130 00:09:04,083 --> 00:09:05,291 This is it... 131 00:09:06,666 --> 00:09:08,833 Dragon's Ruin. 132 00:09:09,166 --> 00:09:14,166 Mom told me never to eat this one. 133 00:09:15,541 --> 00:09:17,666 I still have work to do. 134 00:09:29,166 --> 00:09:31,625 Low Heal. 135 00:09:36,250 --> 00:09:37,750 It doesn't hurt... 136 00:09:37,750 --> 00:09:39,125 Am I better? 137 00:09:39,958 --> 00:09:41,833 I'm so hungry. 138 00:09:45,791 --> 00:09:47,291 Dragon's Ruin. 139 00:09:47,291 --> 00:09:48,500 I have to be care- 140 00:09:52,666 --> 00:09:54,375 A Poison Spike! 141 00:09:54,625 --> 00:09:56,958 I think... it also had... 142 00:09:58,375 --> 00:09:59,875 It was highly poisonous. 143 00:10:03,083 --> 00:10:05,750 Huh... I feel all right. 144 00:10:11,250 --> 00:10:13,833 If I'm okay eating poison, 145 00:10:11,251 --> 00:10:13,833 maybe I can eat this too. 146 00:10:19,916 --> 00:10:21,416 I don't believe it! 147 00:10:21,416 --> 00:10:23,583 This is incredibly delicious! 148 00:10:28,125 --> 00:10:30,750 The poison is spreading 149 00:10:28,126 --> 00:10:30,750 slower than yesterday. 150 00:10:30,750 --> 00:10:32,416 I gained some tolerance. 151 00:10:32,708 --> 00:10:34,000 All right! 152 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:37,416 This might lead to me 153 00:10:34,001 --> 00:10:37,416 acquiring a new skill! 154 00:10:38,291 --> 00:10:43,000 From then on I developed 155 00:10:38,292 --> 00:10:43,000 a taste for poisonous things. 156 00:10:45,958 --> 00:10:47,708 I'd collapse on occasion. 157 00:10:48,416 --> 00:10:51,458 In the end I didn't acquire any skills, 158 00:10:51,458 --> 00:10:55,458 but I could eat poisonous things at the 159 00:10:51,459 --> 00:10:55,458 cost of vomiting a small amount of blood. 160 00:10:57,000 --> 00:11:00,791 Gosh, I can't believe 161 00:10:57,001 --> 00:11:00,791 poisonous creatures are this yummy! 162 00:11:00,791 --> 00:11:02,208 What a discovery! 163 00:11:05,333 --> 00:11:06,708 And that's probably why... 164 00:11:07,916 --> 00:11:09,666 this thing is also delicious. 165 00:11:09,958 --> 00:11:10,833 Instructor! 166 00:11:14,250 --> 00:11:15,333 At first, 167 00:11:15,333 --> 00:11:18,583 I couldn't counteract the poison in time, 168 00:11:15,334 --> 00:11:18,583 so I spewed a little bit of blood, 169 00:11:18,583 --> 00:11:21,250 but I know from experience, 170 00:11:18,584 --> 00:11:21,250 that much is no big deal. 171 00:11:22,000 --> 00:11:23,625 Is the kid okay? 172 00:11:23,625 --> 00:11:26,250 It seems like the detoxification 173 00:11:23,626 --> 00:11:26,250 of my Low Heal took effect in time. 174 00:11:28,000 --> 00:11:28,791 Parry! 175 00:11:28,916 --> 00:11:29,791 Parry! 176 00:11:29,916 --> 00:11:30,791 Parry! 177 00:11:31,250 --> 00:11:32,541 Wow... 178 00:11:37,000 --> 00:11:40,250 He can take on 179 00:11:37,001 --> 00:11:40,250 such a horrible monster by himself?! 180 00:11:42,458 --> 00:11:43,416 Parry! 181 00:11:54,541 --> 00:11:55,708 That's huge. 182 00:11:56,291 --> 00:12:01,416 I guess this is the 183 00:11:56,292 --> 00:12:01,416 frog's all-or-nothing death strike. 184 00:12:02,166 --> 00:12:03,291 But... 185 00:12:05,750 --> 00:12:06,791 Parry! 186 00:12:27,625 --> 00:12:30,291 This sure is awful. 187 00:12:32,416 --> 00:12:37,000 Strange that such a huge and 188 00:12:32,417 --> 00:12:37,000 dangerous frog is outside the city. 189 00:12:37,833 --> 00:12:41,791 But even so, this poisonous of a frog 190 00:12:37,834 --> 00:12:41,791 is probably pretty tasty. 191 00:12:42,416 --> 00:12:43,541 Are you all right? 192 00:12:44,458 --> 00:12:45,458 Yeah. 193 00:12:47,208 --> 00:12:50,625 Uh, he's not looking too good. 194 00:12:50,625 --> 00:12:52,833 I'll have Lynne look him over later. 195 00:12:54,916 --> 00:12:57,333 That really was a close one. 196 00:12:57,333 --> 00:12:59,250 Did you come here all by yourself? 197 00:12:59,666 --> 00:13:02,375 Um... well, no. 198 00:13:02,375 --> 00:13:03,416 Oh? 199 00:13:03,416 --> 00:13:06,083 I'm the one who brought that thing here. 200 00:13:06,083 --> 00:13:10,208 B-because I promised... 201 00:13:06,084 --> 00:13:10,208 to bring it to the city. 202 00:13:11,083 --> 00:13:13,541 To the city? He promised? 203 00:13:13,541 --> 00:13:17,375 He went through all that trouble 204 00:13:13,542 --> 00:13:17,375 to bring that poison frog there? 205 00:13:17,375 --> 00:13:18,583 He can't mean... 206 00:13:19,208 --> 00:13:20,958 That HAS to be it! 207 00:13:21,583 --> 00:13:23,416 That frog... 208 00:13:23,416 --> 00:13:25,583 must've been for eating, huh?! 209 00:13:25,791 --> 00:13:28,958 Well, if you're trying to deliver 210 00:13:25,792 --> 00:13:28,958 that much fresh meat, 211 00:13:28,958 --> 00:13:32,458 getting it there while alive 212 00:13:28,959 --> 00:13:32,458 is the best way to do it, for sure. 213 00:13:32,958 --> 00:13:35,583 I understand he had 214 00:13:32,959 --> 00:13:35,583 to use seal to hide himself 215 00:13:35,583 --> 00:13:38,916 to be safe and not get robbed, 216 00:13:38,916 --> 00:13:41,000 and it's not surprising that a large city 217 00:13:41,000 --> 00:13:44,125 would also have the techniques 218 00:13:41,001 --> 00:13:44,125 to manage that poison properly. 219 00:13:44,125 --> 00:13:49,083 Maybe this kid even put in a lot of work 220 00:13:44,126 --> 00:13:49,083 to raise this frog the best he could... 221 00:13:49,083 --> 00:13:51,041 Yeah, grow up strong and healthy! 222 00:13:51,041 --> 00:13:54,625 Good boy, good boy, good boy! 223 00:13:51,042 --> 00:13:54,625 Such a good boy! 224 00:13:55,000 --> 00:13:59,416 I ruined the delivery 225 00:13:55,001 --> 00:13:59,416 of his precious stock to the city! 226 00:14:00,125 --> 00:14:03,041 I'm sorry I did this 227 00:14:00,126 --> 00:14:03,041 to your valuable food supply! 228 00:14:03,041 --> 00:14:04,041 Huh?! 229 00:14:04,041 --> 00:14:05,166 I'll pay for it. 230 00:14:05,166 --> 00:14:08,625 I don't have much money, though, 231 00:14:05,167 --> 00:14:08,625 so it'll take me some time! 232 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:10,333 Uh, no... 233 00:14:10,333 --> 00:14:12,750 You don't have to pay me for it. 234 00:14:12,750 --> 00:14:13,875 But... 235 00:14:13,875 --> 00:14:15,666 It's really okay, don't worry! 236 00:14:16,333 --> 00:14:20,083 Are you sure? 237 00:14:16,334 --> 00:14:20,083 It's in so many pieces now... 238 00:14:23,125 --> 00:14:24,250 Okay, then. 239 00:14:25,041 --> 00:14:29,291 But, how did you bring 240 00:14:25,042 --> 00:14:29,291 that ferocious creature this far? 241 00:14:30,250 --> 00:14:33,041 There's no way 242 00:14:30,251 --> 00:14:33,041 you could have dragged it here. 243 00:14:33,250 --> 00:14:36,791 I-I can control monsters. 244 00:14:37,083 --> 00:14:39,500 I used that to bring it all the way here. 245 00:14:39,500 --> 00:14:41,875 Wh-what do you mean 246 00:14:39,501 --> 00:14:41,875 you can control monsters?! 247 00:14:43,250 --> 00:14:48,666 This tiny kid can control 248 00:14:43,251 --> 00:14:48,666 that enormous monster? 249 00:14:49,125 --> 00:14:50,916 What an amazing skill. 250 00:14:51,250 --> 00:14:53,625 Are there others in the world 251 00:14:51,251 --> 00:14:53,625 that can do that sort of thing? 252 00:14:53,625 --> 00:14:55,791 Huh? Skill? 253 00:14:55,791 --> 00:14:57,125 Is it not one? 254 00:14:59,583 --> 00:15:01,250 I was born with it... 255 00:15:01,250 --> 00:15:02,958 It's that sort of power. 256 00:15:02,958 --> 00:15:05,458 B-born with it?! 257 00:15:05,458 --> 00:15:08,375 Being able to do that 258 00:15:05,459 --> 00:15:08,375 from the day you were born... 259 00:15:08,875 --> 00:15:10,458 Impressive. 260 00:15:10,458 --> 00:15:14,958 Something like that can only be 261 00:15:10,459 --> 00:15:14,958 a talent gifted from the heavens. 262 00:15:15,250 --> 00:15:16,875 U-um... 263 00:15:16,875 --> 00:15:18,750 I'm de- 264 00:15:20,791 --> 00:15:22,250 demon folk, so... 265 00:15:22,750 --> 00:15:23,958 Demon folk? 266 00:15:24,458 --> 00:15:25,791 Yeah. 267 00:15:25,791 --> 00:15:29,416 All demon folk can do that sort of thing. 268 00:15:29,416 --> 00:15:34,166 Ah, so basically demon folk 269 00:15:29,417 --> 00:15:34,166 are a tribe who all have that ability, 270 00:15:34,166 --> 00:15:36,416 and it's nothing special, right? 271 00:15:36,416 --> 00:15:37,458 Yeah. 272 00:15:38,750 --> 00:15:42,666 I've imagined so many times 273 00:15:38,751 --> 00:15:42,666 about what I'd do if I had that ability... 274 00:15:43,583 --> 00:15:46,708 I'd have animals help 275 00:15:43,584 --> 00:15:46,708 work the fields and stuff. 276 00:15:47,833 --> 00:15:51,125 If I can use birds, it'd be nice 277 00:15:47,834 --> 00:15:51,125 to have them deliver letters. 278 00:15:53,000 --> 00:15:56,041 Even at night, I wouldn't worry about 279 00:15:53,001 --> 00:15:56,041 getting attacked by stray dogs. 280 00:15:56,500 --> 00:15:58,333 That's seriously impressive. 281 00:15:58,666 --> 00:16:04,000 U-um, you aren't afraid of me 282 00:15:58,667 --> 00:16:04,000 being demon folk? 283 00:16:04,791 --> 00:16:07,000 You don't... hate me? 284 00:16:07,208 --> 00:16:08,875 What do you mean? 285 00:16:09,166 --> 00:16:13,875 There are people who are scared of, 286 00:16:09,167 --> 00:16:13,875 and also hate that I have, this power. 287 00:16:14,458 --> 00:16:17,416 Who would hate a power like that? 288 00:16:17,875 --> 00:16:21,500 Well, I don't think it's something you 289 00:16:17,876 --> 00:16:21,500 should pay much mind to, you know? 290 00:16:21,500 --> 00:16:24,875 They can say what they want, 291 00:16:21,501 --> 00:16:24,875 but that's a super useful ability. 292 00:16:26,166 --> 00:16:28,375 Useful? 293 00:16:29,000 --> 00:16:31,375 Me, really? 294 00:16:31,375 --> 00:16:32,666 Of course! 295 00:16:32,666 --> 00:16:34,791 That's how great of a skill it is. 296 00:16:34,791 --> 00:16:37,833 I wish I could take it off your hands. 297 00:16:47,541 --> 00:16:49,625 R-really? 298 00:16:49,625 --> 00:16:51,041 Can someone... 299 00:16:52,333 --> 00:16:57,208 like me really be needed? 300 00:17:00,583 --> 00:17:05,166 Unlike me, he was blessed 301 00:17:00,584 --> 00:17:05,166 with a desirable ability, 302 00:17:05,166 --> 00:17:08,541 so why does he have so little self-worth? 303 00:17:09,666 --> 00:17:12,625 He's probably focused 304 00:17:09,667 --> 00:17:12,625 on other things right now, 305 00:17:12,625 --> 00:17:14,541 but I'm sure this kid will go places. 306 00:17:20,208 --> 00:17:21,625 Of course. 307 00:17:21,625 --> 00:17:23,500 Way more than they'd need me. 308 00:17:23,500 --> 00:17:25,708 Hordes of them would, 309 00:17:23,501 --> 00:17:25,708 if that's what you want. 310 00:17:29,708 --> 00:17:30,833 Instructor! 311 00:17:32,291 --> 00:17:33,666 Are you all right? 312 00:17:33,666 --> 00:17:35,291 Yes, completely fine. 313 00:17:35,583 --> 00:17:37,083 I must treat you immediately. 314 00:17:37,083 --> 00:17:39,166 Nah, I'm really okay. 315 00:17:39,166 --> 00:17:40,958 I'm not even bleeding anymore. 316 00:17:40,958 --> 00:17:43,333 Not to brag, 317 00:17:40,959 --> 00:17:43,333 but I'm strong against poison. 318 00:17:44,500 --> 00:17:46,291 It makes no sense... 319 00:17:46,291 --> 00:17:49,333 That wasn't just deadly poison... 320 00:17:49,333 --> 00:17:52,125 That was a miasma, I'm sure of it. 321 00:17:52,666 --> 00:17:55,541 An extreme poison 322 00:17:52,667 --> 00:17:55,541 that even ruins the soil in its path. 323 00:17:55,791 --> 00:17:59,416 Taking that direct attack and then 324 00:17:55,792 --> 00:17:59,416 carrying on as if nothing has happened... 325 00:18:00,666 --> 00:18:03,416 No, there's one possibility. 326 00:18:04,333 --> 00:18:05,666 "Sacred Spirit." 327 00:18:05,666 --> 00:18:08,583 Instructor Sain the Sovereign of Salvation 328 00:18:05,667 --> 00:18:08,583 once showed it to me. 329 00:18:08,791 --> 00:18:13,333 By honing the body and mind 330 00:18:08,792 --> 00:18:13,333 like a saint, 331 00:18:13,333 --> 00:18:15,333 the technique purifies 332 00:18:13,334 --> 00:18:15,333 everything it touches 333 00:18:15,333 --> 00:18:16,916 and heals all wounds... 334 00:18:17,541 --> 00:18:21,166 It is the perfection he finally found 335 00:18:17,542 --> 00:18:21,166 at the end of his unconventional training. 336 00:18:22,375 --> 00:18:26,416 It took Instructor Sain 40 years, 337 00:18:26,416 --> 00:18:28,916 but Instructor Noor achieved it 338 00:18:26,417 --> 00:18:28,916 while still so young? 339 00:18:28,916 --> 00:18:32,208 Oh yeah, Lynne, 340 00:18:28,917 --> 00:18:32,208 please tend to this kid first. 341 00:18:33,166 --> 00:18:34,583 I-I'm fine. 342 00:18:34,583 --> 00:18:36,583 I don't need help either. 343 00:18:38,458 --> 00:18:40,166 Pale skin. 344 00:18:40,416 --> 00:18:43,083 Hair of silver mixed with light blue. 345 00:18:43,583 --> 00:18:47,041 Dark eyes that seem like they'll 346 00:18:43,584 --> 00:18:47,041 pull you into their depths... 347 00:18:47,375 --> 00:18:48,500 I knew it. 348 00:18:49,250 --> 00:18:51,083 Are you a demon folk child? 349 00:18:51,083 --> 00:18:54,041 Yeah, demon folk. 350 00:18:51,084 --> 00:18:54,041 You know your stuff! 351 00:18:54,041 --> 00:18:57,583 Even knowing this, 352 00:18:54,042 --> 00:18:57,583 Instructor, will this child- 353 00:18:57,583 --> 00:19:00,416 Uh, what do you intend to do? 354 00:19:00,708 --> 00:19:03,375 If I can, I want to take him 355 00:19:00,709 --> 00:19:03,375 in the carriage... 356 00:19:03,791 --> 00:19:05,333 Sir Noor, you can't- 357 00:19:05,333 --> 00:19:06,208 We can't? 358 00:19:07,541 --> 00:19:11,666 They are a dangerous race which 359 00:19:07,542 --> 00:19:11,666 many countries recommended killing... 360 00:19:11,958 --> 00:19:14,625 Are you really okay with that, Instructor? 361 00:19:14,625 --> 00:19:18,166 This child is demon folk, and the monster 362 00:19:14,626 --> 00:19:18,166 it brought along caused this situation... 363 00:19:18,166 --> 00:19:21,875 It sure is unfortunate that 364 00:19:18,167 --> 00:19:21,875 the wheat field got messed up... 365 00:19:21,875 --> 00:19:26,208 but he can't finish his job with 366 00:19:21,876 --> 00:19:26,208 the poison frog because of me. 367 00:19:26,375 --> 00:19:28,583 By "poison frog" do you mean 368 00:19:26,376 --> 00:19:28,583 that Black Death Dragon?! 369 00:19:28,583 --> 00:19:30,708 You were bringing a 370 00:19:28,584 --> 00:19:30,708 Black Death Dragon to the city?! 371 00:19:31,041 --> 00:19:33,041 This is far too dangerous, 372 00:19:31,042 --> 00:19:33,041 like I thought! 373 00:19:33,041 --> 00:19:34,708 Even if he is just a child. 374 00:19:35,083 --> 00:19:39,708 So you said you promised to do all that, 375 00:19:35,084 --> 00:19:39,708 but who asked you to? 376 00:19:41,291 --> 00:19:42,833 I don't know. 377 00:19:43,208 --> 00:19:45,458 They wouldn't tell me. 378 00:19:45,458 --> 00:19:47,875 Concealing the truth will do you no good. 379 00:19:47,875 --> 00:19:50,666 It would be a huge help 380 00:19:47,876 --> 00:19:50,666 if you told us the truth. 381 00:19:51,125 --> 00:19:52,833 I really don't know. 382 00:19:53,708 --> 00:19:57,208 I was raised this way. 383 00:19:58,250 --> 00:20:00,708 The frightened demeanor 384 00:19:58,251 --> 00:20:00,708 and look in his eyes... 385 00:20:00,708 --> 00:20:01,875 It's clear as day. 386 00:20:02,166 --> 00:20:03,875 This child is a slave. 387 00:20:04,625 --> 00:20:07,250 Slaves are outlawed in the Clays Kingdom, 388 00:20:07,250 --> 00:20:09,166 but that isn't the case 389 00:20:07,251 --> 00:20:09,166 in other countries. 390 00:20:09,166 --> 00:20:13,375 In all likelihood, he's a child soldier 391 00:20:09,167 --> 00:20:13,375 whose status is being taken advantage of. 392 00:20:14,083 --> 00:20:15,875 Do you have a home to go back to? 393 00:20:16,666 --> 00:20:19,916 Well, I was blindfolded part 394 00:20:16,667 --> 00:20:19,916 of the way here, 395 00:20:19,916 --> 00:20:23,416 and I don't know where 396 00:20:19,917 --> 00:20:23,416 the city I was in might be. 397 00:20:24,750 --> 00:20:26,875 Then what do you think about this? 398 00:20:27,333 --> 00:20:30,166 I'd like to give you 399 00:20:27,334 --> 00:20:30,166 a ride to the nearest city. 400 00:20:32,041 --> 00:20:34,541 What was I looking at? 401 00:20:35,458 --> 00:20:42,166 My father often warned me not to be misled 402 00:20:35,459 --> 00:20:42,166 by rumors and trust my own eyes, 403 00:20:42,833 --> 00:20:48,041 but I only saw a boy from 404 00:20:42,834 --> 00:20:48,041 a "wicked race" that scared me. 405 00:20:48,875 --> 00:20:54,291 I didn't see him as a malnourished child 406 00:20:48,876 --> 00:20:54,291 with nowhere to go. 407 00:20:55,333 --> 00:20:58,875 I'm so ashamed of myself 408 00:20:55,334 --> 00:20:58,875 for being small-minded. 409 00:20:59,625 --> 00:21:01,666 Now then, what's your name? 410 00:21:02,083 --> 00:21:03,000 Rolo. 411 00:21:03,500 --> 00:21:05,500 Rolo, huh? Great name. 412 00:21:05,500 --> 00:21:07,625 Short and easy to remember. 413 00:21:07,791 --> 00:21:08,833 Ines... 414 00:21:08,833 --> 00:21:10,833 I also have a favor to ask of you. 415 00:21:11,208 --> 00:21:14,375 Can we take this child, Rolo, with us? 416 00:21:14,708 --> 00:21:16,125 Lady Lynneburg. 417 00:21:16,125 --> 00:21:17,833 I understand how you feel. 418 00:21:17,833 --> 00:21:18,666 However... 419 00:21:18,666 --> 00:21:21,291 If there's no room for him, 420 00:21:18,667 --> 00:21:21,291 he can have my spot. 421 00:21:21,291 --> 00:21:23,208 That isn't the problem. 422 00:21:23,458 --> 00:21:26,458 Demon folk are not allowed entry 423 00:21:23,459 --> 00:21:26,458 into the Holy Theocracy of Mithra, 424 00:21:26,458 --> 00:21:28,791 which is our destination. 425 00:21:29,375 --> 00:21:31,791 It may be difficult to bring him with us. 426 00:21:31,791 --> 00:21:34,791 Likewise, even if we leave him 427 00:21:31,792 --> 00:21:34,791 on the way there, 428 00:21:34,791 --> 00:21:37,791 it would be difficult 429 00:21:34,792 --> 00:21:37,791 for this boy to survive alone. 430 00:21:38,125 --> 00:21:39,708 I understand that. 431 00:21:39,708 --> 00:21:41,375 If we bring him with us, 432 00:21:41,375 --> 00:21:45,291 we may be considered 433 00:21:41,376 --> 00:21:45,291 enemies of Mithra and attacked. 434 00:21:45,958 --> 00:21:47,625 Even so, I... 435 00:21:48,166 --> 00:21:50,541 This is unexpected. 436 00:21:59,041 --> 00:22:05,125 Huh, I thought it'd be 437 00:21:59,042 --> 00:22:05,125 long dead by now. 438 00:22:06,000 --> 00:22:10,958 {\an8}#6 I Parry Deadly Poison