1 00:00:05,541 --> 00:00:09,291 What could this man 2 00:00:05,542 --> 00:00:09,291 possibly need from me? 3 00:00:09,666 --> 00:00:12,750 I'm exhausted today 4 00:00:09,667 --> 00:00:12,750 and I want to go home now. 5 00:00:13,041 --> 00:00:16,083 So, what did you want me to join you for? 6 00:00:18,541 --> 00:00:20,125 For a mock battle. 7 00:00:20,458 --> 00:00:22,333 A-a mock battle? 8 00:00:22,875 --> 00:00:26,583 I don't think I've had a training partner 9 00:00:22,876 --> 00:00:26,583 since I went to those schools. 10 00:00:29,583 --> 00:00:33,000 I may not seem like it, 11 00:00:29,584 --> 00:00:33,000 but I'm quite famous in the royal capital. 12 00:00:33,166 --> 00:00:34,708 Choose whatever you'd like. 13 00:00:34,708 --> 00:00:37,791 Let me see what 14 00:00:34,709 --> 00:00:37,791 you're truly capable of, Mr. Hero. 15 00:00:39,125 --> 00:00:43,083 This is a godsend for a budding adventurer! 16 00:00:44,791 --> 00:00:47,041 Right, let's start our battle. 17 00:02:22,000 --> 00:02:24,541 I don't know how much of a challenge 18 00:02:22,001 --> 00:02:24,541 I'll be for him, 19 00:02:24,541 --> 00:02:28,541 but I'll take this as a chance to train 20 00:02:24,542 --> 00:02:28,541 with someone more skillful than me. 21 00:02:28,541 --> 00:02:31,500 A mock battle with Captain Gilbert? 22 00:02:31,666 --> 00:02:34,666 Who even is that guy? 23 00:02:31,667 --> 00:02:34,666 Hope he enjoys the afterlife. 24 00:02:34,833 --> 00:02:37,208 All right, let's do this. 25 00:02:48,791 --> 00:02:50,875 Such polished movement, 26 00:02:50,875 --> 00:02:53,375 and the way he controls 27 00:02:50,876 --> 00:02:53,375 his pace is impressive. 28 00:02:54,458 --> 00:02:57,500 He had to have trained like crazy 29 00:02:54,459 --> 00:02:57,500 to get himself to this level. 30 00:02:58,125 --> 00:02:59,333 But... 31 00:02:59,916 --> 00:03:01,708 why's he so slow? 32 00:03:02,875 --> 00:03:04,875 Oh, I think I get it. 33 00:03:05,333 --> 00:03:06,416 With me as his opponent, 34 00:03:06,416 --> 00:03:09,333 he sees no point in showing 35 00:03:06,417 --> 00:03:09,333 even a glimpse of what he can really do. 36 00:03:10,541 --> 00:03:11,750 Time out. 37 00:03:12,291 --> 00:03:13,500 What? 38 00:03:13,500 --> 00:03:16,416 I know you're taking it easy on me, 39 00:03:16,416 --> 00:03:18,791 but you don't have 40 00:03:16,417 --> 00:03:18,791 to hold back that much. 41 00:03:19,291 --> 00:03:20,750 Noted. 42 00:03:20,750 --> 00:03:24,500 Was I taking it down a notch 43 00:03:20,751 --> 00:03:24,500 because he's a normal human? 44 00:03:24,500 --> 00:03:27,041 Sorry about that. 45 00:03:32,541 --> 00:03:34,750 He's much faster than before. 46 00:03:35,125 --> 00:03:36,791 But, more importantly... 47 00:03:37,041 --> 00:03:40,833 the moment I evade him, 48 00:03:37,042 --> 00:03:40,833 he leaves himself completely open. 49 00:03:41,166 --> 00:03:43,458 It's like he's luring me in... 50 00:03:46,791 --> 00:03:47,875 Why? 51 00:03:47,875 --> 00:03:50,083 Why won't my spear touch him? 52 00:03:51,208 --> 00:03:52,666 No, this is a trap. 53 00:03:52,875 --> 00:03:55,666 I don't think he's seriously fighting. 54 00:03:57,125 --> 00:03:59,458 Damn... Try this on for size! 55 00:04:03,083 --> 00:04:04,250 He changed it up there! 56 00:04:04,958 --> 00:04:06,000 Gotcha! 57 00:04:13,750 --> 00:04:15,333 Not even close! 58 00:04:15,333 --> 00:04:16,916 I can still handle more. 59 00:04:16,916 --> 00:04:19,250 You can speed up. 60 00:04:21,541 --> 00:04:22,750 Oh yeah? 61 00:04:23,375 --> 00:04:27,500 Could it be that... 62 00:04:23,376 --> 00:04:27,500 he's already giving it all he's got? 63 00:04:28,041 --> 00:04:31,375 After all that solitary training I did... 64 00:04:31,375 --> 00:04:34,375 I might actually be getting stronger. 65 00:04:34,708 --> 00:04:37,750 Then even I... could maybe wi- 66 00:04:38,958 --> 00:04:40,875 Dragrave! 67 00:04:59,041 --> 00:05:01,125 Okay. This one's my loss. 68 00:05:08,583 --> 00:05:09,875 That was close. 69 00:05:10,666 --> 00:05:11,833 Unbelievable. 70 00:05:11,833 --> 00:05:14,666 How could anyone 71 00:05:11,834 --> 00:05:14,666 evade the captain's Dragrave? 72 00:05:14,666 --> 00:05:17,083 He was using a practice spear 73 00:05:14,667 --> 00:05:17,083 with a wide tip 74 00:05:17,083 --> 00:05:19,083 so the wind force sent that guy flying. 75 00:05:19,083 --> 00:05:22,125 If it was a battle spear, 76 00:05:19,084 --> 00:05:22,125 he would have lost his head. 77 00:05:22,458 --> 00:05:23,625 Yeah, really. 78 00:05:23,625 --> 00:05:27,375 People with talent like Captain Gilbert 79 00:05:23,626 --> 00:05:27,375 are one in a million. 80 00:05:28,791 --> 00:05:30,708 Talent, huh? 81 00:05:31,708 --> 00:05:35,875 I noticed I had a gift for this 82 00:05:31,709 --> 00:05:35,875 the moment I held a spear. 83 00:05:38,166 --> 00:05:39,083 Enough! 84 00:05:39,916 --> 00:05:41,833 Gilbert is the winner! 85 00:05:42,666 --> 00:05:44,666 That's the guy they talk about 86 00:05:42,667 --> 00:05:44,666 in the royal capital... 87 00:05:44,666 --> 00:05:46,625 The difference in their power 88 00:05:44,667 --> 00:05:46,625 is clear as day. 89 00:05:46,625 --> 00:05:49,500 There's no one in this village 90 00:05:46,626 --> 00:05:49,500 that can beat that guy anymore. 91 00:05:49,791 --> 00:05:52,833 The more I trained, 92 00:05:49,792 --> 00:05:52,833 the more polished my technique, 93 00:05:52,833 --> 00:05:55,500 and the more strength I'd gain. 94 00:05:56,041 --> 00:05:57,291 But... 95 00:06:03,875 --> 00:06:07,250 Did you enjoy yourself in our village? 96 00:06:07,458 --> 00:06:10,250 Yeah, right. That was painfully boring. 97 00:06:10,500 --> 00:06:14,875 I hear you go around to various areas 98 00:06:10,501 --> 00:06:14,875 searching for the strong, 99 00:06:14,875 --> 00:06:19,791 but I don't think there's anyone 100 00:06:14,876 --> 00:06:19,791 around here that can match you. 101 00:06:19,791 --> 00:06:23,833 Well, I've beaten every worthy opponent 102 00:06:19,792 --> 00:06:23,833 in the royal capital. 103 00:06:24,208 --> 00:06:27,500 I left there with high hopes, but... 104 00:06:28,666 --> 00:06:32,166 According to the rumors, 105 00:06:28,667 --> 00:06:32,166 the balance of power between the kingdom 106 00:06:32,166 --> 00:06:34,333 and their foreign neighbors is falling apart. 107 00:06:34,875 --> 00:06:37,833 Right now, those countries 108 00:06:34,876 --> 00:06:37,833 are calling for strong troops, 109 00:06:37,833 --> 00:06:41,416 and those troops will gather 110 00:06:37,834 --> 00:06:41,416 in search of fortune and fame. 111 00:06:42,625 --> 00:06:45,166 Perhaps you should go home 112 00:06:42,626 --> 00:06:45,166 and see about that. 113 00:06:46,000 --> 00:06:48,375 Return to the capital 114 00:06:46,001 --> 00:06:48,375 that is assembling its power. 115 00:06:53,208 --> 00:06:57,416 I returned to the royal capital and 116 00:06:53,209 --> 00:06:57,416 single-mindedly continued hunting demons. 117 00:06:59,958 --> 00:07:02,416 When I heard someone formidable 118 00:06:59,959 --> 00:07:02,416 had joined the corps, 119 00:07:02,416 --> 00:07:05,250 I challenged them to fights, 120 00:07:02,417 --> 00:07:05,250 and I thoroughly trounced them. 121 00:07:06,166 --> 00:07:08,416 This isn't enough. 122 00:07:08,416 --> 00:07:11,500 Is there no one who can give me 123 00:07:08,417 --> 00:07:11,500 a real challenge? 124 00:07:17,333 --> 00:07:19,041 I'm tired of this. 125 00:07:19,500 --> 00:07:21,833 Every fiber of my being is bored. 126 00:07:22,541 --> 00:07:26,041 I am surrounded by weaklings! 127 00:07:29,833 --> 00:07:31,375 So this is where you are. 128 00:07:33,291 --> 00:07:34,500 Instructor. 129 00:07:35,250 --> 00:07:39,166 You're looking glum for someone who's had 130 00:07:35,251 --> 00:07:39,166 the honorable alias of "Spear Sovereign" 131 00:07:39,166 --> 00:07:40,541 bestowed upon them. 132 00:07:40,750 --> 00:07:44,000 Just another bothersome title 133 00:07:40,751 --> 00:07:44,000 thrust upon me. 134 00:07:45,000 --> 00:07:46,416 How rude. 135 00:07:46,416 --> 00:07:50,208 I didn't realize a title equal to my 136 00:07:46,417 --> 00:07:50,208 Sword Sovereign rank was such a burden. 137 00:07:50,208 --> 00:07:51,708 It's boring. 138 00:07:52,000 --> 00:07:54,750 I'm sick of all these chumps. 139 00:07:54,750 --> 00:07:56,875 What about Ines? 140 00:07:57,291 --> 00:07:58,875 Ines? 141 00:07:59,083 --> 00:08:03,166 It's like, she's strong 142 00:07:59,084 --> 00:08:03,166 in a different way. 143 00:08:03,375 --> 00:08:06,375 But in a simple mock battle, 144 00:08:03,376 --> 00:08:06,375 I'd come out on top. 145 00:08:06,375 --> 00:08:07,666 Is that so? 146 00:08:07,666 --> 00:08:09,083 It'd be so much more interesting 147 00:08:09,083 --> 00:08:11,666 if there were more competent people 148 00:08:09,084 --> 00:08:11,666 like you, Instructor. 149 00:08:11,875 --> 00:08:14,208 Like me, huh? 150 00:08:15,250 --> 00:08:17,416 That does sound amusing. 151 00:08:17,416 --> 00:08:19,916 You must be bored too, right? 152 00:08:19,916 --> 00:08:21,833 Training soldiers and adventurers 153 00:08:21,833 --> 00:08:24,458 who hardly equal the power 154 00:08:21,834 --> 00:08:24,458 of one of your pinkies. 155 00:08:24,458 --> 00:08:26,958 In any case, I am to protect 156 00:08:24,459 --> 00:08:26,958 the royal capital. 157 00:08:26,958 --> 00:08:30,333 I can't win a war by myself, 158 00:08:26,959 --> 00:08:30,333 no matter how strong I am. 159 00:08:30,875 --> 00:08:32,083 Besides, 160 00:08:32,083 --> 00:08:35,583 someday, there will appear someone 161 00:08:32,084 --> 00:08:35,583 who will surpass me. 162 00:08:36,000 --> 00:08:38,333 Someday, huh. 163 00:08:38,750 --> 00:08:42,250 I hope they show up 164 00:08:38,751 --> 00:08:42,250 while I'm still in this position. 165 00:08:43,333 --> 00:08:46,041 I might keel over from boredom first. 166 00:08:48,041 --> 00:08:51,375 A man who defeated a minotaur 167 00:08:48,042 --> 00:08:51,375 all on his own... 168 00:08:52,041 --> 00:08:55,875 I wanted to know what kind of person 169 00:08:52,042 --> 00:08:55,875 could do that, but he makes no sense. 170 00:08:56,250 --> 00:09:00,041 He showed not one ounce of interest 171 00:08:56,251 --> 00:09:00,041 in the most lavish of rewards, 172 00:09:00,041 --> 00:09:03,375 and he was so discourteous, 173 00:09:00,042 --> 00:09:03,375 even in audience with the king. 174 00:09:03,750 --> 00:09:05,875 I thought he was all right. 175 00:09:06,291 --> 00:09:07,541 However... 176 00:09:07,541 --> 00:09:11,875 it didn't feel like he had the power 177 00:09:07,542 --> 00:09:11,875 to kill that monster at all. 178 00:09:11,875 --> 00:09:13,375 But even so... 179 00:09:18,250 --> 00:09:19,333 Why? 180 00:09:19,333 --> 00:09:21,500 Why won't my spear touch him? 181 00:09:27,625 --> 00:09:29,541 I can still handle more. 182 00:09:29,541 --> 00:09:31,458 You can speed up. 183 00:09:31,791 --> 00:09:33,458 Oh yeah? 184 00:09:34,708 --> 00:09:35,750 In that case... 185 00:09:35,750 --> 00:09:39,458 I'm coming at you full-force, as you wish. 186 00:09:40,541 --> 00:09:45,083 Much faster than the speed of sound, 187 00:09:40,542 --> 00:09:45,083 and my most powerful technique- 188 00:09:45,083 --> 00:09:49,041 I knew that if I let something like that 189 00:09:45,084 --> 00:09:49,041 loose on a person they'd die. 190 00:09:49,833 --> 00:09:55,458 It was the only way I could make him 191 00:09:49,834 --> 00:09:55,458 feel my spear in that moment! 192 00:09:55,875 --> 00:09:57,291 Dragrave! 193 00:10:07,500 --> 00:10:10,250 I had no idea what happened. 194 00:10:10,541 --> 00:10:14,333 For the first time in a head-on battle, 195 00:10:10,542 --> 00:10:14,333 I was thoroughly defeated. 196 00:10:14,333 --> 00:10:15,500 Furthermore... 197 00:10:15,500 --> 00:10:17,541 I give up. I've lost. 198 00:10:18,625 --> 00:10:19,583 What'd you say? 199 00:10:19,583 --> 00:10:21,125 I get it. 200 00:10:21,125 --> 00:10:23,541 There's no point in continuing to fight. 201 00:10:23,916 --> 00:10:27,458 Was he showing concern for me because 202 00:10:23,917 --> 00:10:27,458 we were in front of my subordinates? 203 00:10:27,458 --> 00:10:29,375 I'd never been so humiliated. 204 00:10:29,625 --> 00:10:32,541 What? What is it that you "get"? 205 00:10:32,750 --> 00:10:34,333 Yeah, let's stop. 206 00:10:34,666 --> 00:10:36,125 We've fought plenty. 207 00:10:36,875 --> 00:10:39,583 Moreover, those words he said as he left... 208 00:10:40,125 --> 00:10:43,583 I look forward to 209 00:10:40,126 --> 00:10:43,583 meeting up with you again. 210 00:10:55,833 --> 00:10:58,000 What are those cracks? 211 00:10:58,666 --> 00:11:00,958 When did that happen? 212 00:11:02,208 --> 00:11:04,791 I have no idea how he did that... 213 00:11:04,791 --> 00:11:07,750 Regardless, he evaded my technique, 214 00:11:08,041 --> 00:11:10,416 and he did it while I was at full strength. 215 00:11:10,958 --> 00:11:14,250 Looks like things are 216 00:11:10,959 --> 00:11:14,250 finally going to get exciting. 217 00:11:18,750 --> 00:11:21,583 But jeez, that was an amazing attack! 218 00:11:22,083 --> 00:11:27,000 There I was, 219 00:11:22,084 --> 00:11:27,000 thinking I was becoming stronger... 220 00:11:28,333 --> 00:11:33,708 but even after using Physical Enhancement 221 00:11:28,334 --> 00:11:33,708 and Featherstep to avoid it... 222 00:11:34,958 --> 00:11:39,416 If he hadn't held back just enough 223 00:11:34,959 --> 00:11:39,416 so that I could get away, 224 00:11:39,416 --> 00:11:41,625 I'd be dead by now. 225 00:11:42,333 --> 00:11:46,458 He went out of his way to warn me 226 00:11:42,334 --> 00:11:46,458 that pride will lead to death. 227 00:11:46,458 --> 00:11:48,500 That Al-something... 228 00:11:48,500 --> 00:11:50,500 No, Gil...? 229 00:11:50,958 --> 00:11:53,500 Pretty sure it was something-"bird." 230 00:11:53,500 --> 00:11:54,625 Bird... 231 00:11:55,416 --> 00:11:56,541 Filbird? 232 00:11:58,833 --> 00:12:00,250 That can't be right. 233 00:12:00,625 --> 00:12:02,416 I'm grateful he did all that. 234 00:12:02,875 --> 00:12:04,625 I'm still weak. 235 00:12:05,750 --> 00:12:08,416 I have to toughen up even more. 236 00:12:19,083 --> 00:12:20,291 Oh, wow! 237 00:12:20,291 --> 00:12:22,666 This is shockingly good 238 00:12:20,292 --> 00:12:22,666 at getting that mud out! 239 00:12:22,666 --> 00:12:25,833 It even gets the stubborn stuff 240 00:12:22,667 --> 00:12:25,833 stuck at the bottom! 241 00:12:26,958 --> 00:12:29,083 This sword really is great! 242 00:12:29,291 --> 00:12:31,250 Hey, he sure made quick work of that. 243 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:33,833 Didn't he? He does such a wonderful job. 244 00:12:34,333 --> 00:12:36,958 Just like Lynne's dad said, 245 00:12:36,958 --> 00:12:40,375 even if you're a little rough with it, 246 00:12:36,959 --> 00:12:40,375 it won't get a scratch. 247 00:12:40,833 --> 00:12:44,666 Well, it was pretty shabby when I got it, 248 00:12:40,834 --> 00:12:44,666 so maybe I'm just not paying attention. 249 00:12:44,666 --> 00:12:45,833 Noor! 250 00:12:45,833 --> 00:12:47,833 Can you take care of mine next? 251 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:50,583 Yeah, leave it to me! 252 00:12:56,458 --> 00:13:00,000 I'm glad my ditch clearing job 253 00:12:56,459 --> 00:13:00,000 is going well, but... 254 00:13:00,583 --> 00:13:05,083 Thanks to that I've had to stop 255 00:13:00,584 --> 00:13:05,083 my soil hauling job for a while. 256 00:13:05,958 --> 00:13:10,666 Since I can only take F-rank jobs, 257 00:13:05,959 --> 00:13:10,666 if work in the royal capital dries up, 258 00:13:10,666 --> 00:13:13,375 there'll be entire days 259 00:13:10,667 --> 00:13:13,375 where I have nothing to do. 260 00:13:14,416 --> 00:13:16,958 Now that I've got this, 261 00:13:16,958 --> 00:13:19,708 I may as well use it to try to be useful 262 00:13:16,959 --> 00:13:19,708 to people or something. 263 00:13:20,583 --> 00:13:23,083 I could use this as an oar... 264 00:13:23,083 --> 00:13:25,833 Nah, I'd have to buy a boat first. 265 00:13:26,416 --> 00:13:29,333 And it costs money to rent an oven. 266 00:13:29,583 --> 00:13:30,750 Oh, yeah! 267 00:13:30,750 --> 00:13:33,500 As long as I have the space to do it, 268 00:13:30,751 --> 00:13:33,500 I can use it as a griddle. 269 00:13:33,708 --> 00:13:37,458 But... the problem is the fire power. 270 00:13:37,458 --> 00:13:38,625 Tiny Flame. 271 00:13:39,791 --> 00:13:44,875 With my abilities, the best I can do 272 00:13:39,792 --> 00:13:44,875 is light my fingertip about this much. 273 00:13:44,875 --> 00:13:47,916 Even though I trained 274 00:13:44,876 --> 00:13:47,916 so much at those schools, 275 00:13:47,916 --> 00:13:51,125 I could only acquire skills 276 00:13:47,917 --> 00:13:51,125 of the lowest level. 277 00:13:55,375 --> 00:13:58,125 Lord Noor, good morning. 278 00:13:58,750 --> 00:13:59,916 Lynne... 279 00:14:00,500 --> 00:14:03,375 You are not permitted to take on 280 00:14:00,501 --> 00:14:03,375 such a familiar manner as you did. 281 00:14:04,291 --> 00:14:06,500 ...burg, my lady. 282 00:14:06,500 --> 00:14:08,083 Just call me Lynne. 283 00:14:08,083 --> 00:14:10,375 Did someone say something 284 00:14:08,084 --> 00:14:10,375 to you about that? 285 00:14:10,583 --> 00:14:13,750 Uh, no. Anyways, what are you doing here? 286 00:14:13,750 --> 00:14:15,375 Sorry for just showing up like this. 287 00:14:15,375 --> 00:14:18,208 I asked the guildmaster where you were... 288 00:14:18,208 --> 00:14:19,750 Am I bothering you? 289 00:14:19,750 --> 00:14:20,541 No. 290 00:14:20,875 --> 00:14:23,333 I didn't tell him the exact location though... 291 00:14:23,333 --> 00:14:24,875 Now that I think about it, 292 00:14:24,875 --> 00:14:27,541 she can find out where 293 00:14:24,876 --> 00:14:27,541 other people are using her skills. 294 00:14:28,125 --> 00:14:30,375 Why are you here to see me again? 295 00:14:30,375 --> 00:14:34,041 Well, I have a special request 296 00:14:30,376 --> 00:14:34,041 to ask of you today. 297 00:14:34,458 --> 00:14:38,041 I want you to accept me as your page. 298 00:14:38,916 --> 00:14:40,291 What even is that? 299 00:14:40,625 --> 00:14:41,458 Well. 300 00:14:41,458 --> 00:14:44,750 A page is someone who takes care 301 00:14:41,459 --> 00:14:44,750 of your everyday necessities, 302 00:14:44,750 --> 00:14:47,291 as they learn techniques 303 00:14:44,751 --> 00:14:47,291 and absorb knowledge from you. 304 00:14:47,291 --> 00:14:51,791 If I had to say, it's somewhat close 305 00:14:47,292 --> 00:14:51,791 to an assistant, or having an apprentice. 306 00:14:52,208 --> 00:14:54,916 Just allowing me 307 00:14:52,209 --> 00:14:54,916 to be around you is enough. 308 00:14:54,916 --> 00:14:57,333 I will cause you no trouble, 309 00:14:57,333 --> 00:14:59,208 so if you could please let me- 310 00:14:59,208 --> 00:15:00,208 No, thanks. 311 00:15:00,208 --> 00:15:00,875 Huh? 312 00:15:00,875 --> 00:15:04,833 Th-then, there was something 313 00:15:00,876 --> 00:15:04,833 you were unhappy with from the other day? 314 00:15:04,833 --> 00:15:08,750 Or perhaps, you think someone 315 00:15:04,834 --> 00:15:08,750 as young as I would be unreliable? 316 00:15:08,750 --> 00:15:09,708 No. 317 00:15:09,708 --> 00:15:14,333 If you let me stay, 318 00:15:09,709 --> 00:15:14,333 I'm sure I can be of use to you. 319 00:15:14,333 --> 00:15:15,333 I may not look it, 320 00:15:15,333 --> 00:15:18,666 but I've achieved the highest marks ever 321 00:15:15,334 --> 00:15:18,666 in all six training schools! 322 00:15:18,666 --> 00:15:19,750 That isn't the problem. 323 00:15:20,916 --> 00:15:24,583 There's nothing at all that I can teach you. 324 00:15:24,583 --> 00:15:29,333 I don't think you can help me, 325 00:15:24,584 --> 00:15:29,333 because I can do what I need to on my own. 326 00:15:29,541 --> 00:15:33,416 Th-then my family will 327 00:15:29,542 --> 00:15:33,416 pay you a handsome instructor's fee. 328 00:15:33,416 --> 00:15:35,833 No, I don't need that. 329 00:15:35,833 --> 00:15:40,083 In that case, you can use me 330 00:15:35,834 --> 00:15:40,083 to do whatever you'd like. 331 00:15:40,083 --> 00:15:42,833 As an assistant for requests from 332 00:15:40,084 --> 00:15:42,833 the adventurer's guild, or for odd jobs, 333 00:15:42,833 --> 00:15:44,000 anything at all! 334 00:15:44,000 --> 00:15:45,416 I don't need you to do that either. 335 00:15:45,416 --> 00:15:46,708 Th-then... 336 00:15:47,250 --> 00:15:49,208 I just don't have a need for you. 337 00:15:49,208 --> 00:15:50,375 I'm serious. 338 00:15:54,375 --> 00:15:57,541 I'll do whatever it takes to show you 339 00:15:54,376 --> 00:15:57,541 I can be of help to you... 340 00:15:59,041 --> 00:16:01,000 I hope this will make you believe me. 341 00:16:01,625 --> 00:16:03,583 Now, pardon me. 342 00:16:04,125 --> 00:16:05,541 Icicle Dance! 343 00:16:10,000 --> 00:16:11,208 Hellflare! 344 00:16:17,041 --> 00:16:20,541 This is one of the highest levels 345 00:16:17,042 --> 00:16:20,541 of magic skills that I can use. 346 00:16:21,166 --> 00:16:22,666 It's called Hellflare. 347 00:16:22,875 --> 00:16:24,083 And... 348 00:16:28,125 --> 00:16:29,541 Mist Blade. 349 00:16:41,583 --> 00:16:44,208 This is a secret of the thief class. 350 00:16:44,208 --> 00:16:45,875 The Sovereign of Shadows, 351 00:16:44,209 --> 00:16:45,875 Instructor Carew, 352 00:16:45,875 --> 00:16:47,666 was kind enough to impart 353 00:16:45,876 --> 00:16:47,666 this knowledge unto me. 354 00:16:47,666 --> 00:16:48,541 And also... 355 00:16:54,208 --> 00:16:55,875 Divine Slash! 356 00:17:02,166 --> 00:17:06,708 What I just showed you is the sacred-class 357 00:17:02,167 --> 00:17:06,708 skill of a swordsman, Divine Slash. 358 00:17:06,708 --> 00:17:08,583 It's a highly specialized technique, 359 00:17:08,583 --> 00:17:10,875 especially effective against the undead, 360 00:17:08,584 --> 00:17:10,875 and also- 361 00:17:10,875 --> 00:17:12,916 I get it. That's enough. 362 00:17:12,916 --> 00:17:15,291 Th-then do I have permission 363 00:17:12,917 --> 00:17:15,291 to become the page of- 364 00:17:15,291 --> 00:17:16,500 Still no. 365 00:17:18,041 --> 00:17:19,791 Why is she doing all this? 366 00:17:19,791 --> 00:17:24,333 It seems she's mistaken me for 367 00:17:19,792 --> 00:17:24,333 a person who's worth learning from. 368 00:17:24,666 --> 00:17:28,833 After seeing everything she just did, 369 00:17:24,667 --> 00:17:28,833 I understand her talents well. 370 00:17:28,833 --> 00:17:30,958 I almost feel pitiful compared to her. 371 00:17:31,166 --> 00:17:33,375 It's become more and more obvious 372 00:17:31,167 --> 00:17:33,375 there's nothing I can teach you. 373 00:17:34,625 --> 00:17:36,333 I-I'm... 374 00:17:36,333 --> 00:17:40,041 But my power has been recognized 375 00:17:36,334 --> 00:17:40,041 by the Six Sovereigns, 376 00:17:40,041 --> 00:17:43,500 and if you let me join you, 377 00:17:40,042 --> 00:17:43,500 I'm sure I can assist you in some way! 378 00:17:43,708 --> 00:17:48,750 I still think I'm nothing compared to you, 379 00:17:43,709 --> 00:17:48,750 but I beg of you! 380 00:17:48,750 --> 00:17:51,583 How can I make her understand? 381 00:17:51,583 --> 00:17:54,333 Maybe it's best 382 00:17:51,584 --> 00:17:54,333 to just show her the reality... 383 00:17:54,333 --> 00:17:58,791 Earlier, you showed me 384 00:17:54,334 --> 00:17:58,791 a lot of amazing skills you have, 385 00:17:58,791 --> 00:18:01,000 but I'll show you my own skills now. 386 00:18:01,500 --> 00:18:02,625 Tiny Flame. 387 00:18:10,250 --> 00:18:12,250 The young boy with no talent. 388 00:18:12,833 --> 00:18:16,458 The instructors at the royal capital's 389 00:18:12,834 --> 00:18:16,458 training schools would tell stories 390 00:18:16,458 --> 00:18:18,375 of this young boy. 391 00:18:19,833 --> 00:18:26,333 However, everyone interpreted them 392 00:18:19,834 --> 00:18:26,333 as fairy tales, created to teach lessons. 393 00:18:26,750 --> 00:18:32,083 Because the idea of that 394 00:18:26,751 --> 00:18:32,083 young boy was preposterous. 395 00:18:32,666 --> 00:18:34,916 As a twelve-year-old, 396 00:18:34,916 --> 00:18:36,875 he attended all six training courses 397 00:18:36,875 --> 00:18:40,750 known for their rigorous nature 398 00:18:36,876 --> 00:18:40,750 at the royal schools, 399 00:18:40,750 --> 00:18:43,208 and completed the full term for each. 400 00:18:43,416 --> 00:18:45,583 That sort of person cannot possibly exist. 401 00:18:45,583 --> 00:18:47,375 Everyone knows that. 402 00:18:48,208 --> 00:18:50,375 The brawniest warrior would give up 403 00:18:50,375 --> 00:18:54,708 after three days in that three-month 404 00:18:50,376 --> 00:18:54,708 long course, let alone a child... 405 00:18:55,125 --> 00:18:57,041 I thought the same thing... 406 00:18:57,750 --> 00:18:59,541 until I met that person. 407 00:19:00,750 --> 00:19:03,958 Instructor Oken 408 00:19:00,751 --> 00:19:03,958 showed me something once. 409 00:19:04,250 --> 00:19:07,000 What interesting thing 410 00:19:04,251 --> 00:19:07,000 do you have to show me? 411 00:19:07,250 --> 00:19:11,958 Lady Lynneburg, have a look. 412 00:19:14,833 --> 00:19:16,750 The Tiny Flame got bigger! 413 00:19:17,000 --> 00:19:18,083 Aha! 414 00:19:18,083 --> 00:19:20,041 Interesting, yes? 415 00:19:20,333 --> 00:19:23,291 Depending on the training, 416 00:19:23,291 --> 00:19:26,875 even the base level skill 417 00:19:23,292 --> 00:19:26,875 Tiny Flame can grow this large. 418 00:19:28,750 --> 00:19:31,958 It has absolutely no practical use, 419 00:19:28,751 --> 00:19:31,958 and for me who has lived 420 00:19:31,958 --> 00:19:35,833 more than 200 years and has some time 421 00:19:31,959 --> 00:19:35,833 on his hands, it's just a bit of fun. 422 00:19:37,166 --> 00:19:38,416 Tiny Flame. 423 00:19:40,166 --> 00:19:43,291 I tried countless times 424 00:19:40,167 --> 00:19:43,291 to do it myself too, 425 00:19:43,291 --> 00:19:46,333 but I couldn't make the flame 426 00:19:43,292 --> 00:19:46,333 even slightly larger. 427 00:19:46,833 --> 00:19:49,708 This is not something 428 00:19:46,834 --> 00:19:49,708 that could be done in a day, 429 00:19:49,708 --> 00:19:52,541 but it requires devotion to your studies 430 00:19:49,709 --> 00:19:52,541 for a very long time. 431 00:19:52,958 --> 00:19:56,208 And that's precisely why 432 00:19:52,959 --> 00:19:56,208 I was stunned speechless. 433 00:19:56,208 --> 00:20:00,708 It was many times bigger than what the 434 00:19:56,209 --> 00:20:00,708 world's greatest sorcerer Oken had done. 435 00:20:01,375 --> 00:20:03,708 A Tiny Flame 436 00:20:01,376 --> 00:20:03,708 that far outclassed the others. 437 00:20:03,958 --> 00:20:06,291 This is my Tiny Flame. 438 00:20:06,791 --> 00:20:10,208 The other five class skills 439 00:20:06,792 --> 00:20:10,208 are just like this one. 440 00:20:10,208 --> 00:20:12,291 Do you understand what this means? 441 00:20:14,333 --> 00:20:18,916 Basically, all six of his class skills 442 00:20:14,334 --> 00:20:18,916 are extraordinary. 443 00:20:19,333 --> 00:20:23,916 What did I just show to that 444 00:20:19,334 --> 00:20:23,916 monumentally powerful person? 445 00:20:24,583 --> 00:20:28,375 Just showing off some high-level skills 446 00:20:24,584 --> 00:20:28,375 that I've only memorized? 447 00:20:29,083 --> 00:20:31,000 He repelled those attacks from that Minotaur's axe 448 00:20:31,000 --> 00:20:33,750 with only a single broadsword 449 00:20:31,001 --> 00:20:33,750 in his hands numerous times. 450 00:20:33,750 --> 00:20:39,125 He didn't brag about his power and 451 00:20:33,751 --> 00:20:39,125 quietly went on working for other people. 452 00:20:39,833 --> 00:20:42,750 If I could put it into one word, 453 00:20:39,834 --> 00:20:42,750 I'd say he's strong. 454 00:20:42,750 --> 00:20:44,625 Not only in body, but in mind as well. 455 00:20:46,000 --> 00:20:48,750 He has the fortitude 456 00:20:46,001 --> 00:20:48,750 to live life on his own, 457 00:20:48,750 --> 00:20:50,708 so he will never yield to anyone. 458 00:20:51,625 --> 00:20:56,083 In the future, I will be in the position 459 00:20:51,626 --> 00:20:56,083 to lead this kingdom alongside my brother. 460 00:20:56,791 --> 00:21:01,875 The motto of the Clays royal family is 461 00:20:56,792 --> 00:21:01,875 "Those of royal blood must be strong." 462 00:21:02,291 --> 00:21:07,125 That's why more than anything I must learn 463 00:21:02,292 --> 00:21:07,125 how to achieve strength like that. 464 00:21:19,166 --> 00:21:20,291 Thanks for the meal! 465 00:21:24,083 --> 00:21:27,041 Lord Noor. I've figured it out. 466 00:21:28,125 --> 00:21:31,291 My own pride, as well as my immaturity. 467 00:21:33,416 --> 00:21:37,666 Until the day comes when 468 00:21:33,417 --> 00:21:37,666 you will recognize me as your page... 469 00:21:38,416 --> 00:21:42,500 Until that happens, I will follow 470 00:21:38,417 --> 00:21:42,500 behind you wherever you may go. 471 00:21:42,916 --> 00:21:45,125 Lord Noor. No... 472 00:21:45,541 --> 00:21:46,750 Instructor Noor. 473 00:21:47,583 --> 00:21:49,000 "Instructor"? 474 00:21:49,500 --> 00:21:51,500 Because the answer 475 00:21:49,501 --> 00:21:51,500 that I am in pursuit of... 476 00:21:51,500 --> 00:21:54,541 no, the supreme "strength" 477 00:21:51,501 --> 00:21:54,541 that generations upon generations 478 00:21:54,541 --> 00:21:56,416 of the Clays royal family have sought 479 00:21:56,416 --> 00:21:59,375 resides within this man. 480 00:22:00,541 --> 00:22:03,791 How... did this happen? 481 00:22:06,041 --> 00:22:11,000 {\an8}#3 I Parry Taking on a Page