1 00:00:05,416 --> 00:00:07,500 But why him, of all people? 2 00:00:08,291 --> 00:00:13,625 What was Father thinking, giving that man 3 00:00:08,292 --> 00:00:13,625 of unknown lineage the Black Blade? 4 00:00:15,333 --> 00:00:18,833 It was from when Father was an adventurer. 5 00:00:19,375 --> 00:00:20,625 He pushed into 6 00:00:20,625 --> 00:00:23,500 the deepest corner of the Dungeon 7 00:00:20,626 --> 00:00:23,500 of the Lost with the Sovereign Six. 8 00:00:23,500 --> 00:00:29,916 It was a long and dangerous quest 9 00:00:23,501 --> 00:00:29,916 that yielded a prime dungeon relic. 10 00:00:29,916 --> 00:00:33,000 That blade is made of 11 00:00:29,917 --> 00:00:33,000 an unknown material, 12 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:36,916 harder than mythril, 13 00:00:33,001 --> 00:00:36,916 orichalcum, and mana-metal. 14 00:00:37,916 --> 00:00:42,250 No matter the technique or skill used, 15 00:00:37,917 --> 00:00:42,250 nothing will cause even a scratch on it. 16 00:00:42,250 --> 00:00:44,833 It's otherwise known as 17 00:00:42,251 --> 00:00:44,833 the "Unbreakable Blade." 18 00:00:45,791 --> 00:00:53,666 The biggest question is, how has such 19 00:00:45,792 --> 00:00:53,666 a resilient material gotten so beat up? 20 00:00:54,666 --> 00:00:58,125 That sword has value 21 00:00:54,667 --> 00:00:58,125 beyond that of a weapon. 22 00:00:58,125 --> 00:01:00,708 To casually just let that sword go... 23 00:01:01,708 --> 00:01:02,958 No... 24 00:01:04,041 --> 00:01:05,666 I'm thinking about this wrong. 25 00:01:05,666 --> 00:01:10,000 Father has also noticed the sense 26 00:01:05,667 --> 00:01:10,000 of unrest hanging over this country. 27 00:01:11,958 --> 00:01:14,583 In all likelihood, 28 00:01:11,959 --> 00:01:14,583 Father is counting on that man. 29 00:01:19,416 --> 00:01:23,791 That man who defeated a minotaur 30 00:01:19,417 --> 00:01:23,791 and saved Lynne's life. 31 00:01:25,333 --> 00:01:27,833 He can be a secret weapon 32 00:01:25,334 --> 00:01:27,833 for a "something" 33 00:01:27,833 --> 00:01:29,375 that will happen in the future. 34 00:01:34,291 --> 00:01:36,041 Actually, Lynne... 35 00:01:36,041 --> 00:01:37,791 Is it okay for you to be seen out here? 36 00:01:37,791 --> 00:01:40,875 Yes. Right now, I am first 37 00:01:37,792 --> 00:01:40,875 and foremost an adventurer. 38 00:01:40,875 --> 00:01:42,208 Oh, okay. 39 00:01:42,666 --> 00:01:45,916 I'm thinking of going to 40 00:01:42,667 --> 00:01:45,916 the guild after eating. 41 00:01:45,916 --> 00:01:48,541 Sounds good, Instructor Noor! 42 00:01:49,416 --> 00:01:51,041 Oh, man. 43 00:01:51,041 --> 00:01:54,208 I'm really not someone who should be 44 00:01:51,042 --> 00:01:54,208 considered an instructor, 45 00:01:54,208 --> 00:01:56,166 but the more I try to 46 00:01:54,209 --> 00:01:56,166 clear up the misunderstanding 47 00:01:56,166 --> 00:01:58,041 the more complicated this situation gets. 48 00:01:59,250 --> 00:02:02,500 And she's following me everywhere 49 00:01:59,251 --> 00:02:02,500 like it's a normal thing to do. 50 00:02:03,583 --> 00:02:06,333 I'll get some work from the guild, 51 00:02:06,333 --> 00:02:11,500 and eventually she'll be able to grasp 52 00:02:06,334 --> 00:02:11,500 how simple of a person I am. 53 00:02:12,416 --> 00:02:15,000 I hope you find a good task, Instructor! 54 00:02:15,791 --> 00:02:17,375 Let's eat! 55 00:03:48,416 --> 00:03:49,750 Noor... 56 00:03:49,750 --> 00:03:53,291 Why are you with Lady Lynneburg? 57 00:03:53,291 --> 00:03:54,708 Master. 58 00:03:54,708 --> 00:03:58,708 As an adventurer, my name is Lynne. 59 00:03:54,709 --> 00:03:58,708 No need to add any titles. 60 00:03:58,708 --> 00:04:01,791 Oh, my apologies, Lynne. 61 00:04:02,750 --> 00:04:04,125 What's all this? 62 00:04:04,125 --> 00:04:06,500 Something happen again yesterday? 63 00:04:06,833 --> 00:04:07,958 Uh, well... 64 00:04:08,333 --> 00:04:11,333 It's really difficult to explain. 65 00:04:13,458 --> 00:04:15,208 It's fine, one of the rules here 66 00:04:15,208 --> 00:04:17,416 is to not stick your nose 67 00:04:15,209 --> 00:04:17,416 in other people's business. 68 00:04:17,416 --> 00:04:19,000 Forget I asked. 69 00:04:19,000 --> 00:04:21,750 Uh, but I wanted 70 00:04:19,001 --> 00:04:21,750 to get some advice though... 71 00:04:21,750 --> 00:04:24,833 So, what brings you here today? 72 00:04:21,751 --> 00:04:24,833 Looking for work? 73 00:04:24,833 --> 00:04:26,083 Uh, yeah. 74 00:04:26,083 --> 00:04:28,458 One two people can do, if possible. 75 00:04:28,458 --> 00:04:30,250 A two-person job, huh? 76 00:04:32,750 --> 00:04:36,458 I believe you're a silver B-rank, Lynne? 77 00:04:36,458 --> 00:04:37,458 Yes. 78 00:04:38,375 --> 00:04:42,208 If you two form a party, 79 00:04:38,376 --> 00:04:42,208 you can at least take on 80 00:04:42,208 --> 00:04:44,750 the goblin hunting job 81 00:04:42,209 --> 00:04:44,750 in the outskirts of the capital. 82 00:04:44,750 --> 00:04:46,583 G-gob... 83 00:04:46,583 --> 00:04:48,375 Goblin hunting?! 84 00:04:49,083 --> 00:04:52,041 Goblins are those monsters that 85 00:04:49,084 --> 00:04:52,041 adventurers the world over use 86 00:04:52,041 --> 00:04:54,208 to put their skills to the test! 87 00:04:54,500 --> 00:04:58,041 Sir, can we really take on that task?! 88 00:04:58,041 --> 00:04:59,208 Yeah. 89 00:04:59,208 --> 00:05:02,625 Lynne can accept silver tasks on her own, 90 00:05:02,625 --> 00:05:07,041 but bringing along a partner with 91 00:05:02,626 --> 00:05:07,041 a lower rank than hers is a liability. 92 00:05:07,041 --> 00:05:10,125 Normally, the job 93 00:05:07,042 --> 00:05:10,125 drops down a rank or two. 94 00:05:10,833 --> 00:05:14,375 Will this work out? 95 00:05:10,834 --> 00:05:14,375 A quest outside the castle! 96 00:05:14,375 --> 00:05:15,500 Whoa, wait... 97 00:05:15,500 --> 00:05:19,541 Doesn't this mean I'm taking 98 00:05:15,501 --> 00:05:19,541 advantage of Lynne's adventurer rank?! 99 00:05:19,958 --> 00:05:21,750 And to think, 100 00:05:19,959 --> 00:05:21,750 up until now all I wanted 101 00:05:21,750 --> 00:05:24,083 was for her to go back home 102 00:05:21,751 --> 00:05:24,083 as soon as possible. 103 00:05:28,083 --> 00:05:30,250 She sees right through me! 104 00:05:30,250 --> 00:05:33,458 How self-absorbed of me. 105 00:05:30,251 --> 00:05:33,458 I'm ashamed! 106 00:05:33,791 --> 00:05:38,333 Would Lynne seriously 107 00:05:33,792 --> 00:05:38,333 form a party with me? 108 00:05:38,333 --> 00:05:40,166 What's wrong? 109 00:05:40,166 --> 00:05:43,083 U-um, are you okay with this? 110 00:05:43,083 --> 00:05:48,750 I mean, I'm relying on your rank 111 00:05:43,084 --> 00:05:48,750 to take this job. 112 00:05:49,166 --> 00:05:51,000 Of course I'm okay with it! 113 00:05:51,000 --> 00:05:54,791 If there's anything I can do for you, 114 00:05:51,001 --> 00:05:54,791 Instructor, just say the word! 115 00:05:55,000 --> 00:05:56,708 R-really? 116 00:05:57,625 --> 00:06:01,375 I feel pitiful depending on 117 00:05:57,626 --> 00:06:01,375 such a young girl for this. 118 00:06:02,000 --> 00:06:03,000 But still... 119 00:06:03,625 --> 00:06:05,541 one of my dreams is coming true! 120 00:06:08,125 --> 00:06:09,583 Then let's head out. 121 00:06:09,583 --> 00:06:10,708 Wait! 122 00:06:10,708 --> 00:06:13,250 I haven't told you 123 00:06:10,709 --> 00:06:13,250 where you're going or anything! 124 00:06:14,458 --> 00:06:16,000 Oh, right. 125 00:06:16,416 --> 00:06:18,375 So you're gonna take this one, yeah? 126 00:06:18,375 --> 00:06:20,375 Yes, please. 127 00:06:21,541 --> 00:06:23,166 Don't push yourself too hard. 128 00:06:23,458 --> 00:06:27,291 A low threat level 129 00:06:23,459 --> 00:06:27,291 doesn't mean you'll be safe. 130 00:06:27,291 --> 00:06:30,333 I know what my limits are. 131 00:06:31,583 --> 00:06:33,833 You're going to this area. 132 00:06:33,833 --> 00:06:35,958 Only report what you've caught. 133 00:06:35,958 --> 00:06:37,958 That's the Forest of Beasts, isn't it? 134 00:06:37,958 --> 00:06:38,875 Correct. 135 00:06:38,875 --> 00:06:41,750 The right ear will be 136 00:06:38,876 --> 00:06:41,750 the proof of your successful hunt. 137 00:06:41,750 --> 00:06:46,000 You can't get compensated without it, 138 00:06:41,751 --> 00:06:46,000 so make sure you bring it back with you. 139 00:06:46,000 --> 00:06:48,625 The right ear, got it. 140 00:06:48,625 --> 00:06:52,541 Well, there've been reports lately of 141 00:06:48,626 --> 00:06:52,541 their numbers decreasing by a good amount, 142 00:06:52,541 --> 00:06:54,083 so if not one of them shows itself, 143 00:06:54,083 --> 00:06:56,125 pick some medicinal herbs or something 144 00:06:54,084 --> 00:06:56,125 and bring those back. 145 00:06:56,125 --> 00:06:57,125 Right. 146 00:06:57,125 --> 00:06:58,541 Okay, get on with it. 147 00:06:58,541 --> 00:07:00,708 And I'm serious, 148 00:06:58,542 --> 00:07:00,708 be careful not to get hurt. 149 00:07:01,500 --> 00:07:02,583 We're off! 150 00:07:08,875 --> 00:07:10,041 Open up! 151 00:07:20,458 --> 00:07:22,083 Let's get to it, Lynne. 152 00:07:22,083 --> 00:07:23,750 Sure thing, Instructor! 153 00:07:28,208 --> 00:07:30,666 So this is the Forest of Beasts, huh? 154 00:07:30,666 --> 00:07:32,875 The trees are pretty dense here. 155 00:07:33,333 --> 00:07:37,416 These are a different type of tree than 156 00:07:33,334 --> 00:07:37,416 the kind I see in the southern forests. 157 00:07:37,416 --> 00:07:38,541 They're huge! 158 00:07:38,541 --> 00:07:41,208 The ecology is a little different here 159 00:07:38,542 --> 00:07:41,208 than in other places. 160 00:07:41,208 --> 00:07:43,041 Oh, is it? 161 00:07:48,666 --> 00:07:52,208 Lynne, what kind of creatures are goblins? 162 00:07:52,208 --> 00:07:53,041 Huh? 163 00:07:53,041 --> 00:07:55,791 I mean, I'd like to 164 00:07:53,042 --> 00:07:55,791 hear about them beforehand. 165 00:07:55,791 --> 00:07:57,375 Uh, right! 166 00:07:57,375 --> 00:08:01,541 Normally, they hunt small animals 167 00:07:57,376 --> 00:08:01,541 as prey and eat the fruits off the trees, 168 00:08:01,541 --> 00:08:04,750 but they've been aggressively 169 00:08:01,542 --> 00:08:04,750 attacking humans for sustenance too. 170 00:08:05,125 --> 00:08:09,000 If we leave them be their numbers may grow 171 00:08:05,126 --> 00:08:09,000 too much it could lead to a food shortage, 172 00:08:09,000 --> 00:08:11,833 and then they could overflow 173 00:08:09,001 --> 00:08:11,833 into human villages. 174 00:08:11,833 --> 00:08:14,416 That's why adventurers 175 00:08:11,834 --> 00:08:14,416 are regularly hunting them 176 00:08:14,416 --> 00:08:16,333 and controlling their numbers. 177 00:08:16,333 --> 00:08:17,625 Controlling them... 178 00:08:17,833 --> 00:08:21,041 It's said that the abundance 179 00:08:17,834 --> 00:08:21,041 of the ecological system of the forest 180 00:08:21,041 --> 00:08:23,541 depends on whether or not 181 00:08:21,042 --> 00:08:23,541 there are goblins there, 182 00:08:23,541 --> 00:08:26,041 so it's not good to hunt them 183 00:08:23,542 --> 00:08:26,041 to extinction either. 184 00:08:26,750 --> 00:08:29,458 Actually, this forest also has 185 00:08:26,751 --> 00:08:29,458 rare flora and fauna you can see 186 00:08:29,458 --> 00:08:31,833 that are not found in other places, 187 00:08:31,833 --> 00:08:34,125 so it's also used as a training ground 188 00:08:34,125 --> 00:08:36,708 and a place to gain income 189 00:08:34,126 --> 00:08:36,708 for beginner adventurers. 190 00:08:36,708 --> 00:08:38,708 Good to know. 191 00:08:38,708 --> 00:08:43,333 Not only does Lynne have the skills, 192 00:08:38,709 --> 00:08:43,333 but she also has extensive knowledge. 193 00:08:43,791 --> 00:08:47,041 There's hardly anything I can teach her... 194 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:03,208 What about here? 195 00:09:03,875 --> 00:09:06,250 None here either. 196 00:09:06,250 --> 00:09:08,125 How about that... 197 00:09:08,125 --> 00:09:12,083 Under normal circumstances, 198 00:09:08,126 --> 00:09:12,083 we would have already encountered them. 199 00:09:12,958 --> 00:09:17,250 It seems the rumors about 200 00:09:12,959 --> 00:09:17,250 the goblin numbers dwindling are true. 201 00:09:18,083 --> 00:09:22,125 Oh, there's a response 202 00:09:18,084 --> 00:09:22,125 from a monster-like thing. 203 00:09:22,125 --> 00:09:23,750 It's a little far, though. 204 00:09:23,750 --> 00:09:24,875 For real? 205 00:09:24,875 --> 00:09:26,250 Yes. 206 00:09:26,250 --> 00:09:29,875 Doesn't seem like it'll take much time 207 00:09:26,251 --> 00:09:29,875 to get there, so let's go take a look. 208 00:09:32,958 --> 00:09:35,541 It keeps getting darker. 209 00:09:35,541 --> 00:09:38,291 There are a lot of very old trees 210 00:09:35,542 --> 00:09:38,291 around this part, 211 00:09:38,291 --> 00:09:40,625 and it's hard for the sun 212 00:09:38,292 --> 00:09:40,625 to shine through. 213 00:09:41,375 --> 00:09:44,083 Goblins seem to prefer a place like this. 214 00:09:44,083 --> 00:09:45,708 Oh, okay. 215 00:09:46,041 --> 00:09:47,125 What? 216 00:09:48,166 --> 00:09:49,125 What's wrong? 217 00:09:49,333 --> 00:09:53,291 The presence of a monster was up ahead... 218 00:09:53,666 --> 00:09:55,125 but it's disappeared. 219 00:09:55,125 --> 00:09:56,333 It's gone? 220 00:09:56,333 --> 00:09:57,500 Yes. 221 00:09:58,458 --> 00:10:01,000 Monsters are living things, too. 222 00:10:01,000 --> 00:10:05,125 Can't they die from illness or old age? 223 00:10:05,125 --> 00:10:08,083 That is definitely a possibility... 224 00:10:11,041 --> 00:10:12,583 Around here! 225 00:10:16,958 --> 00:10:19,541 There's... nothing there. 226 00:10:19,541 --> 00:10:21,166 Looks that way. 227 00:10:24,458 --> 00:10:26,291 No, wait. 228 00:10:30,833 --> 00:10:32,875 What is that? 229 00:10:39,791 --> 00:10:41,250 Uncover! 230 00:10:47,250 --> 00:10:48,375 Huh?! 231 00:10:49,333 --> 00:10:51,083 What is that? 232 00:10:55,833 --> 00:10:58,375 It's a goblin... 233 00:10:59,333 --> 00:11:01,458 That's a goblin?! 234 00:11:02,291 --> 00:11:05,166 It's way bigger than I imagined! 235 00:11:05,166 --> 00:11:07,375 They're said to be the weakest, 236 00:11:07,375 --> 00:11:09,125 but there's a huge difference 237 00:11:07,376 --> 00:11:09,125 in hearing about it 238 00:11:09,125 --> 00:11:10,458 and having one right in front of you! 239 00:11:11,708 --> 00:11:14,083 But those features check out. 240 00:11:14,083 --> 00:11:19,208 Green skin, walking on two legs, 241 00:11:14,084 --> 00:11:19,208 piercing, beast-like eyes! 242 00:11:21,583 --> 00:11:23,708 And they use tools! 243 00:11:29,291 --> 00:11:33,375 Do all adventurers handle these guys 244 00:11:29,292 --> 00:11:33,375 like they're nothing?! 245 00:11:34,791 --> 00:11:36,458 Of course she's freaked out. 246 00:11:36,458 --> 00:11:38,458 Although she's blessed with abilities, 247 00:11:38,458 --> 00:11:41,208 she still has very little 248 00:11:38,459 --> 00:11:41,208 actual combat experience. 249 00:11:42,083 --> 00:11:45,500 There's nothing to be scared of, Lynne. 250 00:11:42,084 --> 00:11:45,500 We're only up against a goblin. 251 00:11:48,875 --> 00:11:50,208 Terrifying. 252 00:11:50,458 --> 00:11:51,875 But I can't think about that! 253 00:11:52,958 --> 00:11:54,291 We're gonna take it down! 254 00:11:58,958 --> 00:12:00,875 Right, Instructor! 255 00:12:03,708 --> 00:12:05,000 Uncover! 256 00:12:11,041 --> 00:12:12,083 Huh?! 257 00:12:16,166 --> 00:12:19,333 That's the... Goblin Em- 258 00:12:20,166 --> 00:12:22,291 The Goblin Emperor! 259 00:12:23,208 --> 00:12:26,791 A subspecies of the Goblin King 260 00:12:23,209 --> 00:12:26,791 that is considered an extreme threat! 261 00:12:27,416 --> 00:12:31,458 The Goblin Emperor is a monster created 262 00:12:27,417 --> 00:12:31,458 from genetic manipulation by man. 263 00:12:31,458 --> 00:12:36,291 The deviant research that brought forth 264 00:12:31,459 --> 00:12:36,291 this forbidden knowledge is now banned! 265 00:12:36,625 --> 00:12:39,166 On top of that, 266 00:12:36,626 --> 00:12:39,166 this one eats its own kind, 267 00:12:39,166 --> 00:12:41,916 then ingests that power 268 00:12:39,167 --> 00:12:41,916 and grows stronger! 269 00:12:42,125 --> 00:12:45,750 There's nothing to be scared of, Lynne. 270 00:12:42,126 --> 00:12:45,750 We're only up against a goblin. 271 00:12:46,791 --> 00:12:48,208 I don't believe it! 272 00:12:48,208 --> 00:12:51,083 Did he come here because he sensed it?! 273 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:55,250 The reason he acted so excited 274 00:12:52,001 --> 00:12:55,250 to take on this job 275 00:12:55,250 --> 00:12:58,083 was because he wanted to eliminate 276 00:12:55,251 --> 00:12:58,083 this threat no one knew about! 277 00:12:59,375 --> 00:13:00,416 We're gonna take it down! 278 00:13:00,416 --> 00:13:04,041 That's right, I'm not alone right now! 279 00:13:07,541 --> 00:13:09,625 Right, Instructor! 280 00:13:18,541 --> 00:13:19,375 Parry! 281 00:13:22,250 --> 00:13:23,291 Parry! 282 00:13:32,791 --> 00:13:34,500 Trying to corner me? 283 00:13:34,500 --> 00:13:37,166 I'm not gonna let that happen! 284 00:13:37,166 --> 00:13:38,166 Parry! 285 00:13:41,666 --> 00:13:42,458 Lynne! 286 00:13:42,458 --> 00:13:43,458 Okay! 287 00:13:43,458 --> 00:13:45,166 Windcutter! 288 00:13:49,041 --> 00:13:50,541 Icicle Dance! 289 00:13:53,291 --> 00:13:54,791 I can't hit him! 290 00:13:54,791 --> 00:13:56,791 I didn't think it could be so quick! 291 00:14:01,541 --> 00:14:02,458 Parry! 292 00:14:06,666 --> 00:14:07,791 Instructor! 293 00:14:07,791 --> 00:14:08,833 Are you all right? 294 00:14:08,833 --> 00:14:09,916 In front of you! 295 00:14:12,041 --> 00:14:13,625 Parry! Parry! 296 00:14:16,625 --> 00:14:18,583 Parry! Parry! 297 00:14:18,791 --> 00:14:20,083 I have to do something... 298 00:14:25,583 --> 00:14:26,583 Huh?! 299 00:14:27,333 --> 00:14:28,666 Where's the wound?! 300 00:14:29,083 --> 00:14:32,750 Even Goblin Emperors 301 00:14:29,084 --> 00:14:32,750 shouldn't be able to recover that easily! 302 00:14:34,541 --> 00:14:36,041 What's that? 303 00:14:36,875 --> 00:14:38,041 Instructor! 304 00:14:38,041 --> 00:14:39,541 The mana-stone on its forehead! 305 00:14:39,750 --> 00:14:42,750 If you can get that off, 306 00:14:39,751 --> 00:14:42,750 we just might beat it! 307 00:14:48,541 --> 00:14:51,708 No way, was he watching 308 00:14:48,542 --> 00:14:51,708 how many I could parry? 309 00:14:53,250 --> 00:14:54,666 I can't block them all! 310 00:14:56,208 --> 00:14:57,708 Windblast! 311 00:15:06,916 --> 00:15:08,166 Are you okay? 312 00:15:08,166 --> 00:15:09,750 You're a lifesaver! 313 00:15:11,458 --> 00:15:12,708 It's just as I thought! 314 00:15:16,333 --> 00:15:19,875 It's constantly replenishing 315 00:15:16,334 --> 00:15:19,875 its power with the mana-stone. 316 00:15:22,291 --> 00:15:26,416 At this rate, we're just going 317 00:15:22,292 --> 00:15:26,416 to run out of stamina and magic! 318 00:15:28,416 --> 00:15:33,125 But, if your magic attacks can't hit him, 319 00:15:28,417 --> 00:15:33,125 then nothing I can do will work! 320 00:15:34,416 --> 00:15:37,708 Lynne, can you aim that at my back? 321 00:15:37,708 --> 00:15:39,250 Aim it to... 322 00:15:39,250 --> 00:15:40,708 You mean Windblast?! 323 00:15:40,708 --> 00:15:41,583 Yes. 324 00:15:48,750 --> 00:15:51,708 That move is powerful enough 325 00:15:48,751 --> 00:15:51,708 to demolish castle walls! 326 00:15:51,708 --> 00:15:53,625 No matter how strong you are, 327 00:15:51,709 --> 00:15:53,625 Instructor, it- 328 00:15:53,916 --> 00:15:55,541 It won't hit me directly. 329 00:15:56,791 --> 00:15:58,625 This sword can withstand it. 330 00:15:59,708 --> 00:16:03,166 I think the only chance we've got 331 00:15:59,709 --> 00:16:03,166 is to go faster than him! 332 00:16:04,041 --> 00:16:05,333 Okay! 333 00:16:09,791 --> 00:16:10,833 Here I go! 334 00:16:10,833 --> 00:16:11,750 You can do it! 335 00:16:11,750 --> 00:16:13,791 Windblast! 336 00:16:21,083 --> 00:16:22,833 Physical Enhancement! 337 00:16:25,875 --> 00:16:27,208 Featherstep! 338 00:16:29,208 --> 00:16:30,833 My body! 339 00:16:30,833 --> 00:16:31,916 Low Heal! 340 00:17:02,750 --> 00:17:03,916 Instructor! 341 00:17:03,916 --> 00:17:05,083 Where's the mana-stone? 342 00:17:05,083 --> 00:17:06,333 Right here. 343 00:17:11,125 --> 00:17:13,625 Lynne, will you finish it off? 344 00:17:14,041 --> 00:17:17,208 I'm sorry, but can you make sure 345 00:17:14,042 --> 00:17:17,208 it doesn't suffer much? 346 00:17:17,916 --> 00:17:19,166 All right. 347 00:17:35,333 --> 00:17:36,625 Hell Flare! 348 00:18:00,875 --> 00:18:03,083 I'm sorry, goblin. 349 00:18:04,708 --> 00:18:07,625 I'm gonna refrain from anymore 350 00:18:04,709 --> 00:18:07,625 goblin slaying for the time being. 351 00:18:10,083 --> 00:18:14,500 I shouldn't get overconfident 352 00:18:10,084 --> 00:18:14,500 and go into dangerous situations. 353 00:18:15,333 --> 00:18:19,916 I'll take on the next challenge 354 00:18:15,334 --> 00:18:19,916 after I've trained more 355 00:18:19,916 --> 00:18:22,041 and gotten stronger. 356 00:18:30,625 --> 00:18:33,416 So it was a Goblin Emperor this time. 357 00:18:33,416 --> 00:18:39,208 I can hardly fathom how powerful it was 358 00:18:33,417 --> 00:18:39,208 with this pure of a mana-stone. 359 00:18:39,208 --> 00:18:43,666 According to the reports, it was 360 00:18:39,209 --> 00:18:43,666 several times the size of a Goblin King. 361 00:18:43,666 --> 00:18:45,208 Yes, I see. 362 00:18:45,500 --> 00:18:47,958 Something like this is abnormal. 363 00:18:48,333 --> 00:18:51,750 The Magical Empire may be responsible 364 00:18:48,334 --> 00:18:51,750 for the incident itself. 365 00:18:52,208 --> 00:18:54,250 But this mana-stone... 366 00:18:54,250 --> 00:18:59,250 We think it could be a Demon's Heart 367 00:18:54,251 --> 00:18:59,250 from the Holy Theocracy of Mithra. 368 00:18:59,875 --> 00:19:01,250 How is Lynne? 369 00:19:01,666 --> 00:19:03,750 Only minor wounds, miraculously. 370 00:19:03,958 --> 00:19:06,375 Must have been a hard battle. 371 00:19:06,750 --> 00:19:09,291 It's amazing they were able 372 00:19:06,751 --> 00:19:09,291 to overcome it. 373 00:19:09,750 --> 00:19:12,291 The monster hid itself 374 00:19:09,751 --> 00:19:12,291 behind a powerful seal 375 00:19:12,291 --> 00:19:15,166 and ambushed them 376 00:19:12,292 --> 00:19:15,166 in the Forest of Beasts. 377 00:19:15,750 --> 00:19:20,833 Lady Lynneburg believes it had been there 378 00:19:15,751 --> 00:19:20,833 for a few days, maybe more. 379 00:19:21,083 --> 00:19:22,125 What? 380 00:19:22,125 --> 00:19:25,541 And this seal is one such that not even 381 00:19:22,126 --> 00:19:25,541 the Secret Corps can perceive it? 382 00:19:26,750 --> 00:19:29,000 But how were they carrying 383 00:19:26,751 --> 00:19:29,000 such a bulky thing 384 00:19:29,000 --> 00:19:31,333 all the way to this country 385 00:19:29,001 --> 00:19:31,333 in the first place? 386 00:19:31,666 --> 00:19:33,458 If it was summoning magic, 387 00:19:33,458 --> 00:19:35,916 the sensory network in the capital 388 00:19:33,459 --> 00:19:35,916 should have caught it. 389 00:19:36,333 --> 00:19:38,500 Were there no telltale signs 390 00:19:36,334 --> 00:19:38,500 in the perimeter? 391 00:19:38,875 --> 00:19:41,583 The number of goblins was decreasing, 392 00:19:41,583 --> 00:19:44,833 so the adventurer's guild has been 393 00:19:41,584 --> 00:19:44,833 requesting an investigation into it. 394 00:19:45,208 --> 00:19:49,375 There may have been several 395 00:19:45,209 --> 00:19:49,375 similar cases in other areas as well. 396 00:19:49,375 --> 00:19:54,458 This report is a summary of questionable 397 00:19:49,376 --> 00:19:54,458 instances from the last three months. 398 00:19:57,166 --> 00:19:58,708 Well done. 399 00:19:59,125 --> 00:20:00,875 Continue on with the investigation. 400 00:20:02,375 --> 00:20:07,791 Well, never thought that little runt from 401 00:20:02,376 --> 00:20:07,791 back then would grow up to slay goblins! 402 00:20:07,791 --> 00:20:10,500 It was way harder 403 00:20:07,792 --> 00:20:10,500 than I imagined it'd be. 404 00:20:10,500 --> 00:20:15,291 Lynne saved the day, 405 00:20:10,501 --> 00:20:15,291 and we managed to get the job done. 406 00:20:15,291 --> 00:20:17,583 Oh no, that isn't true! 407 00:20:20,375 --> 00:20:24,333 All the same, I should celebrate 408 00:20:20,376 --> 00:20:24,333 my first day hunting. 409 00:20:24,791 --> 00:20:27,791 It may be a minor thing 410 00:20:24,792 --> 00:20:27,791 to other adventurers, 411 00:20:27,791 --> 00:20:30,125 but to me this is a huge step forward. 412 00:20:30,458 --> 00:20:35,041 Let me guess, you just watched 413 00:20:30,459 --> 00:20:35,041 on the sidelines, huh? 414 00:20:35,041 --> 00:20:38,583 I guess that's the wiser choice, though! 415 00:20:38,583 --> 00:20:39,625 Yeah. 416 00:20:39,625 --> 00:20:42,625 To be honest, I just helped out a little. 417 00:20:42,625 --> 00:20:46,416 I have no idea where I'd be now 418 00:20:42,626 --> 00:20:46,416 if Lynne hadn't been there. 419 00:20:46,416 --> 00:20:49,625 I'M the one that only helped 420 00:20:46,417 --> 00:20:49,625 YOU out a little... 421 00:20:49,625 --> 00:20:54,458 Well, even goblins 422 00:20:49,626 --> 00:20:54,458 are still a threat to newbies, 423 00:20:54,458 --> 00:20:56,625 so it was good experience, right? 424 00:20:56,833 --> 00:20:58,791 You said it. 425 00:20:58,791 --> 00:21:03,208 Until I saw them in real life, 426 00:20:58,792 --> 00:21:03,208 I had no idea goblins were like that, 427 00:21:03,208 --> 00:21:06,833 and I hadn't even thought about the stone 428 00:21:03,209 --> 00:21:06,833 on its forehead being a weak point. 429 00:21:06,833 --> 00:21:09,500 A stone on the forehead? 430 00:21:06,834 --> 00:21:09,500 What are you talking about? 431 00:21:09,500 --> 00:21:13,791 It was a reddish color, 432 00:21:09,501 --> 00:21:13,791 and a pretty stone at that... 433 00:21:13,791 --> 00:21:15,875 Oh, you mean the mana-stone? 434 00:21:15,875 --> 00:21:19,541 It's normally buried in the heart 435 00:21:15,876 --> 00:21:19,541 or the throat, though. 436 00:21:20,875 --> 00:21:23,958 You sure that was really a goblin? 437 00:21:24,125 --> 00:21:26,625 I really do think it was. 438 00:21:26,625 --> 00:21:27,541 Yeah! 439 00:21:27,541 --> 00:21:30,291 If that's what you say it is, Instructor, 440 00:21:27,542 --> 00:21:30,291 then it's a goblin. 441 00:21:30,291 --> 00:21:32,250 No matter what anyone says! 442 00:21:33,833 --> 00:21:36,416 Might've been a rare type, then. 443 00:21:36,916 --> 00:21:40,208 Now then, show me the proof of the kill. 444 00:21:40,208 --> 00:21:41,750 I'm gonna get you your cash. 445 00:21:44,208 --> 00:21:46,291 The right ear. 446 00:21:46,291 --> 00:21:49,500 I told you to remember to bring it back. 447 00:21:52,750 --> 00:21:53,916 What's wrong? 448 00:21:55,166 --> 00:21:57,708 We burnt the goblin up. 449 00:21:57,708 --> 00:21:59,375 To ashes. 450 00:21:59,375 --> 00:22:00,375 What? 451 00:22:06,000 --> 00:22:10,958 {\an8}#4 I Parry a Goblin