1 00:00:23,583 --> 00:00:25,458 Infuriating... 2 00:00:25,458 --> 00:00:27,458 Absolutely vexing! 3 00:00:34,125 --> 00:00:35,166 Your Majesty? 4 00:00:35,166 --> 00:00:37,583 You're covered in dirt! 5 00:00:35,167 --> 00:00:37,583 What happened? 6 00:00:37,583 --> 00:00:39,208 Moreover, where are all the others? 7 00:00:40,166 --> 00:00:41,666 Those damned incompetents! 8 00:00:41,666 --> 00:00:44,333 Why do I bother giving them such 9 00:00:41,667 --> 00:00:44,333 high-caliber weaponry 10 00:00:44,333 --> 00:00:45,625 if they can't even use it properly?! 11 00:00:47,125 --> 00:00:48,125 Your Majesty... 12 00:00:48,125 --> 00:00:49,666 What in the world could that be? 13 00:00:52,166 --> 00:00:54,458 Th-this can't be real... 14 00:00:55,333 --> 00:00:57,500 It's the Dragon of Calamity... 15 00:00:58,250 --> 00:00:59,458 But how? 16 00:00:59,458 --> 00:01:01,666 The Brionac should have killed it! 17 00:01:02,250 --> 00:01:03,500 Don't tell me... 18 00:01:03,500 --> 00:01:05,666 It got resurrected? 19 00:01:05,666 --> 00:01:07,875 That sort of thing 20 00:01:05,667 --> 00:01:07,875 shouldn't be possible... 21 00:01:09,666 --> 00:01:11,750 But they have that one bastard. 22 00:01:12,083 --> 00:01:16,750 A diabolical man that can use 23 00:01:12,084 --> 00:01:16,750 healing magic far beyond anyone else... 24 00:01:16,750 --> 00:01:17,833 Sain! 25 00:01:18,125 --> 00:01:20,291 Wait, even if he did heal it, 26 00:01:20,291 --> 00:01:22,916 it's impossible for them 27 00:01:20,292 --> 00:01:22,916 to just sic that dragon on me. 28 00:01:22,916 --> 00:01:25,000 Which means someone is controlling it... 29 00:01:25,000 --> 00:01:26,166 Demonfolk? 30 00:01:28,000 --> 00:01:29,791 Where is that man?! 31 00:01:30,625 --> 00:01:31,541 Pardon? 32 00:01:31,541 --> 00:01:33,541 That one beast tamer! 33 00:01:33,541 --> 00:01:35,000 Do you mean Master Lude? 34 00:01:35,000 --> 00:01:36,291 He's already left for Sarenza. 35 00:01:36,291 --> 00:01:38,458 It seems there's urgent business 36 00:01:36,292 --> 00:01:38,458 that requires his attention. 37 00:01:38,458 --> 00:01:40,291 That damned sly dog... 38 00:01:40,291 --> 00:01:41,708 Changed sides, has he?! 39 00:01:43,291 --> 00:01:45,333 Why didn't you detain him?! 40 00:01:45,541 --> 00:01:50,083 Y-Your Majesty, you told us 41 00:01:45,542 --> 00:01:50,083 to give him special treatment, so... 42 00:01:52,375 --> 00:01:54,541 Your Majesty, please compose yourself! 43 00:01:54,541 --> 00:01:56,791 Why don't you stop 44 00:01:54,542 --> 00:01:56,791 standing around like an ass 45 00:01:56,791 --> 00:01:58,750 and come up with a plan to fix this?! 46 00:01:58,750 --> 00:02:00,291 Damned good-for-nothings! 47 00:02:01,125 --> 00:02:02,291 As you wish. 48 00:02:02,291 --> 00:02:04,875 Hey! Get the device ready! 49 00:02:04,875 --> 00:02:07,375 Huh? Which device do you mean? 50 00:02:07,500 --> 00:02:09,083 The Keraunos! 51 00:02:09,375 --> 00:02:10,625 Keraunos?! 52 00:02:11,166 --> 00:02:12,583 Hurry it up! 53 00:02:13,041 --> 00:02:16,291 W-with all due respect, 54 00:02:13,042 --> 00:02:16,291 that weapon is still in the testing stage. 55 00:02:16,291 --> 00:02:17,500 The power output remains too high, 56 00:02:17,500 --> 00:02:19,625 and the sights haven't finished 57 00:02:17,501 --> 00:02:19,625 being properly aligned. 58 00:02:19,625 --> 00:02:22,416 On top of that, 59 00:02:19,626 --> 00:02:22,416 it's dangerous to use in the city! 60 00:02:22,416 --> 00:02:23,750 You pathetic fools! 61 00:02:25,250 --> 00:02:28,166 Do you not see the disaster 62 00:02:25,251 --> 00:02:28,166 that's right in front of your eyes? 63 00:02:28,166 --> 00:02:31,541 B-but, even so, the possibility of 64 00:02:28,167 --> 00:02:31,541 collateral damage is very real- 65 00:02:36,875 --> 00:02:38,041 Do it. 66 00:02:38,041 --> 00:02:39,666 We just need one shot. 67 00:02:39,666 --> 00:02:41,666 That's all it will take to kill it. 68 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:43,625 If you can't aim it properly, 69 00:02:43,625 --> 00:02:46,208 then just implement Mana Tracing 70 00:02:43,626 --> 00:02:46,208 on the gun barrel. 71 00:02:46,208 --> 00:02:48,208 Yes, Your Majesty, as you command! 72 00:02:48,208 --> 00:02:50,541 Pitiful dragon. 73 00:02:50,875 --> 00:02:54,083 I'm going to blow you away 74 00:02:50,876 --> 00:02:54,083 without a single trace this time. 75 00:02:54,750 --> 00:02:56,125 Acquiring target. 76 00:02:56,416 --> 00:02:58,833 Direction: 1120. 77 00:02:58,833 --> 00:03:00,916 Angle of fire: 40 degrees. 78 00:03:00,916 --> 00:03:02,541 Mana tracing applied. 79 00:03:07,333 --> 00:03:10,291 This is the greatest technological 80 00:03:07,334 --> 00:03:10,291 wonder in the empire, 81 00:03:10,291 --> 00:03:13,375 developed under the wise leadership 82 00:03:10,292 --> 00:03:13,375 of Deridas the Third: 83 00:03:13,375 --> 00:03:14,583 The light of judgement! 84 00:03:19,333 --> 00:03:20,125 Parry! 85 00:03:28,208 --> 00:03:29,458 Wh-what's going on? 86 00:03:29,458 --> 00:03:32,083 The trajectory of Keraunos changed 87 00:03:29,459 --> 00:03:32,083 and now it's raining down on us! 88 00:03:32,083 --> 00:03:34,208 What could have caused that?! 89 00:03:34,208 --> 00:03:36,208 B-because it was set to trace mana! 90 00:03:36,208 --> 00:03:38,541 Our mana furnaces 91 00:03:36,209 --> 00:03:38,541 have become its new target! 92 00:03:38,541 --> 00:03:41,916 Who authorized using that setting?! 93 00:03:38,542 --> 00:03:41,916 You imbeciles! 94 00:03:43,916 --> 00:03:45,708 We're all done for. 95 00:03:45,708 --> 00:03:48,458 Ugh! I can't deal with 96 00:03:45,709 --> 00:03:48,458 this mess any longer! 97 00:03:49,458 --> 00:03:52,291 You're in charge of handling the rest! 98 00:03:49,459 --> 00:03:52,291 That's an order from your direct superior! 99 00:03:52,291 --> 00:03:53,583 W-wait! 100 00:03:53,583 --> 00:03:55,541 You, Aide, do something! 101 00:03:55,541 --> 00:03:57,041 That's an order 102 00:03:55,542 --> 00:03:57,041 from your direct superior! 103 00:04:01,000 --> 00:04:02,625 It's been a pleasure, sir! 104 00:04:02,625 --> 00:04:03,666 You bastards! 105 00:04:03,666 --> 00:04:05,041 I'll have your heads for this! 106 00:04:12,291 --> 00:04:13,750 S-stop... 107 00:04:13,750 --> 00:04:15,166 Please stop... 108 00:04:15,541 --> 00:04:18,000 Don't hit those... 109 00:04:15,542 --> 00:04:18,000 Anywhere but those! 110 00:04:21,541 --> 00:04:23,500 M-make it stop... 111 00:06:01,541 --> 00:06:04,583 I'm sorry, I've lost track of him. 112 00:06:04,583 --> 00:06:06,208 I'm trying to seek out his location, 113 00:06:06,208 --> 00:06:09,041 but it's as if there's a thick wall 114 00:06:06,209 --> 00:06:09,041 preventing me from doing so. 115 00:06:09,041 --> 00:06:12,166 Sounds like he took refuge 116 00:06:09,042 --> 00:06:12,166 in a building made of mana metal. 117 00:06:12,291 --> 00:06:13,708 Instructor Noor... 118 00:06:19,625 --> 00:06:21,041 Something's heading this way. 119 00:06:24,166 --> 00:06:26,041 It's magnitudes stronger 120 00:06:24,167 --> 00:06:26,041 than that light from before! 121 00:06:26,041 --> 00:06:26,958 Dodge it! 122 00:06:26,958 --> 00:06:27,791 There's not enough time! 123 00:06:27,791 --> 00:06:29,666 Everyone, get behind me! 124 00:06:33,875 --> 00:06:35,250 Instructor Noor! 125 00:06:35,416 --> 00:06:36,541 Parry! 126 00:06:44,833 --> 00:06:46,041 Thank goodness... 127 00:06:47,375 --> 00:06:48,750 Instructor! 128 00:06:56,333 --> 00:06:57,958 What do you think you're doing?! 129 00:06:57,958 --> 00:07:01,791 You were the one who ordered me to come up 130 00:06:57,959 --> 00:07:01,791 with a way to fix this, Your Majesty. 131 00:07:01,791 --> 00:07:02,916 Bastards! 132 00:07:02,916 --> 00:07:05,250 You must realize this is treason 133 00:07:02,917 --> 00:07:05,250 against the crown! 134 00:07:05,416 --> 00:07:08,000 But it's also the only way we can ensure 135 00:07:05,417 --> 00:07:08,000 the empire survives! 136 00:07:08,000 --> 00:07:09,541 S-stop it... 137 00:07:09,541 --> 00:07:12,125 H-help! Someone! 138 00:07:12,125 --> 00:07:15,458 There is no one here 139 00:07:12,126 --> 00:07:15,458 who is still willing to obey you. 140 00:07:15,458 --> 00:07:16,750 Say your prayers. 141 00:07:22,291 --> 00:07:24,333 Phew. What a stroke of luck. 142 00:07:29,583 --> 00:07:32,250 Hm? The sparkly gold old man... 143 00:07:33,250 --> 00:07:34,750 Who the hell are you?! 144 00:07:34,750 --> 00:07:36,333 Do you mean to protect this man? 145 00:07:36,333 --> 00:07:37,416 Uh, no? 146 00:07:37,416 --> 00:07:39,166 Then stay out of our way! 147 00:07:39,166 --> 00:07:41,041 I'm not sure what's happening, 148 00:07:39,167 --> 00:07:41,041 but calm down. 149 00:07:41,958 --> 00:07:42,541 Parry! 150 00:07:44,625 --> 00:07:46,291 Old man, get down! 151 00:07:48,625 --> 00:07:50,291 What are you attacking me for? 152 00:07:51,333 --> 00:07:52,875 This guy's a skilled bodyguard. 153 00:07:52,875 --> 00:07:54,291 We all have to charge him together! 154 00:07:54,291 --> 00:07:55,458 Wait, this is a misunderstanding! 155 00:07:55,458 --> 00:07:59,375 I don't see any other way 156 00:07:55,459 --> 00:07:59,375 to interpret this situation! 157 00:07:59,875 --> 00:08:00,791 Parry! 158 00:08:02,250 --> 00:08:05,750 That man has brought irreparable harm 159 00:08:02,251 --> 00:08:05,750 upon our country! 160 00:08:05,750 --> 00:08:08,500 And he must atone for it with his life! 161 00:08:08,791 --> 00:08:10,166 I don't know what's going on, 162 00:08:10,166 --> 00:08:12,083 but can't you just talk this out or something? 163 00:08:12,083 --> 00:08:14,541 Were that possible, 164 00:08:12,084 --> 00:08:14,541 we'd have done it long ago! 165 00:08:15,250 --> 00:08:16,500 Is that a bomb?! 166 00:08:16,666 --> 00:08:17,666 Watch out! 167 00:08:19,250 --> 00:08:20,208 Oops. 168 00:08:24,083 --> 00:08:26,333 Why are you ganging up on him like this?! 169 00:08:26,333 --> 00:08:27,750 He's just an old man, you know?! 170 00:08:27,750 --> 00:08:29,625 Hold on, you're the one 171 00:08:27,751 --> 00:08:29,625 who sent him flying. 172 00:08:29,750 --> 00:08:33,250 I mean, isn't this guy supposed 173 00:08:29,751 --> 00:08:33,250 to be your emperor? 174 00:08:33,250 --> 00:08:35,208 I can't make heads or tails 175 00:08:33,251 --> 00:08:35,208 of this situation. 176 00:08:35,500 --> 00:08:37,875 You don't need to understand! 177 00:08:39,250 --> 00:08:40,166 Oh no! 178 00:08:45,416 --> 00:08:46,666 Cut it out already! 179 00:08:46,666 --> 00:08:48,166 What is your deal?! 180 00:08:48,166 --> 00:08:49,916 Are you just trying to kill him yourself?! 181 00:08:49,916 --> 00:08:51,666 No, of course not! 182 00:08:51,666 --> 00:08:54,458 He's old enough to kick 183 00:08:51,667 --> 00:08:54,458 the bucket any day now. 184 00:08:54,458 --> 00:08:56,041 Why not let nature take its course? 185 00:08:56,041 --> 00:08:58,625 Because we don't have 186 00:08:56,042 --> 00:08:58,625 a single moment to spare! 187 00:08:58,625 --> 00:09:01,125 The enemy is already 188 00:08:58,626 --> 00:09:01,125 invading our territory! 189 00:09:01,125 --> 00:09:03,958 And they've got that 190 00:09:01,126 --> 00:09:03,958 Dragon of Calamity in tow! 191 00:09:04,291 --> 00:09:05,666 Invading? 192 00:09:05,833 --> 00:09:09,791 That's precisely why we need to show them 193 00:09:05,834 --> 00:09:09,791 we have no intention of fighting! 194 00:09:09,791 --> 00:09:13,291 Our country is doomed 195 00:09:09,792 --> 00:09:13,291 unless we offer them this man's head! 196 00:09:13,875 --> 00:09:15,416 It's for our survival! 197 00:09:15,916 --> 00:09:17,125 Wait right there. 198 00:09:18,416 --> 00:09:22,958 We appreciate your thoughtfulness, 199 00:09:18,417 --> 00:09:22,958 but there will be no need for all of that. 200 00:09:23,708 --> 00:09:27,208 Dead men cannot atone 201 00:09:23,709 --> 00:09:27,208 for their crimes, after all. 202 00:09:27,458 --> 00:09:29,750 You guys made it. What a relief. 203 00:09:29,750 --> 00:09:31,958 Instructor, I'm glad you're safe. 204 00:09:32,083 --> 00:09:32,958 Yeah. 205 00:09:32,958 --> 00:09:35,583 I thought I was gonna die, 206 00:09:32,959 --> 00:09:35,583 but I got lucky. 207 00:09:36,000 --> 00:09:37,583 Are these people who I think they are? 208 00:09:37,583 --> 00:09:38,583 Yes. 209 00:09:38,583 --> 00:09:39,583 Sir Noor. 210 00:09:39,583 --> 00:09:42,833 Will you let us take care 211 00:09:39,584 --> 00:09:42,833 of everything from here on? 212 00:09:42,833 --> 00:09:45,833 Sure, I think the safest way to handle this 213 00:09:42,834 --> 00:09:45,833 is to negotiate rather than fight. 214 00:09:45,833 --> 00:09:48,833 And it doesn't seem like 215 00:09:45,834 --> 00:09:48,833 they'll listen to me. 216 00:09:48,833 --> 00:09:50,000 I am in your debt. 217 00:09:50,000 --> 00:09:53,708 Lynne, could you go with Sir Noor 218 00:09:50,001 --> 00:09:53,708 and tend to his wounds? 219 00:09:54,791 --> 00:09:57,083 Let's go, Instructor Noor. 220 00:09:57,291 --> 00:09:59,583 Okay. Good luck sorting this out. 221 00:10:01,750 --> 00:10:03,083 Now then... 222 00:10:03,083 --> 00:10:06,625 It's been a while since our 223 00:10:03,084 --> 00:10:06,625 last encounter, Circuit of Ten. 224 00:10:06,625 --> 00:10:07,958 Prince Rein... 225 00:10:07,958 --> 00:10:10,500 Please lower your swords, gentlemen. 226 00:10:10,500 --> 00:10:13,666 Before anything else, 227 00:10:10,501 --> 00:10:13,666 we'd like to talk to that man. 228 00:10:15,333 --> 00:10:18,166 Help... Spare me... 229 00:10:18,166 --> 00:10:19,500 Spare you? 230 00:10:19,500 --> 00:10:22,375 Are you saying that you want forgiveness? 231 00:10:23,375 --> 00:10:26,166 Yes, of course I intend to forgive you. 232 00:10:26,166 --> 00:10:28,125 R-really? Then I- 233 00:10:28,125 --> 00:10:32,208 There are currently 23 people 234 00:10:28,126 --> 00:10:32,208 in our nation who have gone missing. 235 00:10:32,500 --> 00:10:33,541 What? 236 00:10:33,750 --> 00:10:37,333 Nineteen people have been buried 237 00:10:33,751 --> 00:10:37,333 under crumbling homes. 238 00:10:37,708 --> 00:10:40,208 Thirteen people that have 239 00:10:37,709 --> 00:10:40,208 burned to death in fires. 240 00:10:40,208 --> 00:10:43,041 Thirty-eight people 241 00:10:40,209 --> 00:10:43,041 injured by falling debris. 242 00:10:43,458 --> 00:10:44,708 Furthermore, 243 00:10:44,708 --> 00:10:48,750 the people who were torn apart, crushed, 244 00:10:44,709 --> 00:10:48,750 and reduced to mangled pieces of flesh 245 00:10:48,750 --> 00:10:51,250 by the beasts you 246 00:10:48,751 --> 00:10:51,250 unleashed in the city! 247 00:10:51,250 --> 00:10:52,833 There are 127 of those. 248 00:10:53,500 --> 00:10:57,041 That's the total number of casualties 249 00:10:53,501 --> 00:10:57,041 in my country. 250 00:10:58,000 --> 00:11:00,583 Although, I'm sure there are more 251 00:10:58,001 --> 00:11:00,583 we don't know about. 252 00:11:01,375 --> 00:11:04,041 Wh-why are you telling me this? 253 00:11:04,041 --> 00:11:07,375 Just as I said earlier, 254 00:11:04,042 --> 00:11:07,375 I will forgive you. 255 00:11:07,958 --> 00:11:11,791 That is, only if you're willing to 256 00:11:07,959 --> 00:11:11,791 experience the same amount of suffering 257 00:11:11,791 --> 00:11:14,791 as all those I just mentioned. 258 00:11:17,000 --> 00:11:18,250 Once that's finished, 259 00:11:18,250 --> 00:11:21,916 I would like to hold a multinational talk 260 00:11:18,251 --> 00:11:21,916 about reparations and ending the war. 261 00:11:22,458 --> 00:11:24,958 Do I hear any objections to this proposal? 262 00:11:24,958 --> 00:11:26,458 No objections! 263 00:11:26,458 --> 00:11:27,833 W-wait! 264 00:11:27,833 --> 00:11:29,541 What in the world do you mean by... 265 00:11:29,541 --> 00:11:31,208 the same amount of suffering? 266 00:11:31,458 --> 00:11:32,916 No need to worry. 267 00:11:32,916 --> 00:11:35,708 You'll experience the same, 268 00:11:32,917 --> 00:11:35,708 but you won't die. 269 00:11:35,916 --> 00:11:40,250 Even if we break off your legs 270 00:11:35,917 --> 00:11:40,250 and crush your innards, 271 00:11:40,250 --> 00:11:43,458 I shall make sure you are 272 00:11:40,251 --> 00:11:43,458 healed enough by the end 273 00:11:43,458 --> 00:11:45,791 to at least participate in the talks. 274 00:11:45,791 --> 00:11:47,541 H-help me... 275 00:11:48,791 --> 00:11:52,000 Even if you can't tolerate the suffering 276 00:11:48,792 --> 00:11:52,000 and you lose consciousness, 277 00:11:52,000 --> 00:11:54,041 I'll bring you back. 278 00:11:54,041 --> 00:11:56,916 And you can cry and scream 279 00:11:54,042 --> 00:11:56,916 as much as you'd like. 280 00:11:58,166 --> 00:11:59,958 P-please, spare me! 281 00:12:01,041 --> 00:12:03,416 Don't get me wrong. 282 00:12:03,791 --> 00:12:07,000 We aren't doing this 283 00:12:03,792 --> 00:12:07,000 because we want to. 284 00:12:08,250 --> 00:12:10,791 What we want is for you 285 00:12:10,791 --> 00:12:14,583 to thoroughly understand 286 00:12:10,792 --> 00:12:14,583 the pain you put our people through. 287 00:12:15,416 --> 00:12:18,208 That's all it's going to cost you 288 00:12:15,417 --> 00:12:18,208 for forgiveness. 289 00:12:19,750 --> 00:12:24,291 Our nation is incredibly merciful... 290 00:12:19,751 --> 00:12:24,291 don't you think? 291 00:12:33,916 --> 00:12:35,125 Thanks. 292 00:12:35,125 --> 00:12:36,833 I feel much better. 293 00:12:36,833 --> 00:12:38,583 Glad to hear that, Instructor. 294 00:12:39,958 --> 00:12:41,708 All this damage... 295 00:12:41,708 --> 00:12:44,041 Did that light from earlier cause it? 296 00:12:44,625 --> 00:12:46,000 That's right. 297 00:12:46,458 --> 00:12:49,666 The powerful mana beam 298 00:12:46,459 --> 00:12:49,666 that you deflected got split, 299 00:12:49,666 --> 00:12:51,625 and rained down on the imperial capital. 300 00:12:51,625 --> 00:12:54,500 Oh, damn. I did something awful... 301 00:12:54,500 --> 00:12:56,583 Don't let it bother you. 302 00:12:56,583 --> 00:12:59,375 You did it to protect us, Instructor. 303 00:12:59,750 --> 00:13:01,708 That may be true, but... 304 00:13:01,708 --> 00:13:03,541 Someone must have died, right? 305 00:13:03,541 --> 00:13:05,833 You don't have to worry about that. 306 00:13:05,833 --> 00:13:09,333 Apparently, the facilities that got destroyed 307 00:13:05,834 --> 00:13:09,333 were all mana furnaces. 308 00:13:09,500 --> 00:13:10,666 Mana furnaces? 309 00:13:10,666 --> 00:13:11,500 Yes. 310 00:13:11,500 --> 00:13:14,416 Those areas have a very high 311 00:13:11,501 --> 00:13:14,416 concentration with mana, 312 00:13:14,416 --> 00:13:16,166 so people can't even enter them. 313 00:13:16,416 --> 00:13:17,875 Oh, yeah? 314 00:13:17,875 --> 00:13:19,291 Then that's good. 315 00:13:19,583 --> 00:13:23,458 Of course, it will affect the lives 316 00:13:19,584 --> 00:13:23,458 of the citizens here, 317 00:13:23,750 --> 00:13:26,541 but not as much as the people 318 00:13:23,751 --> 00:13:26,541 of our nation. 319 00:13:29,666 --> 00:13:30,833 Brother! 320 00:13:34,250 --> 00:13:36,916 Then it's all over now, right? 321 00:13:36,916 --> 00:13:37,791 Yeah. 322 00:13:37,791 --> 00:13:39,666 From here on, both our countries 323 00:13:37,792 --> 00:13:39,666 are moving towards 324 00:13:39,666 --> 00:13:41,208 coordinating post-war reconstruction. 325 00:13:41,458 --> 00:13:45,125 The war barely started 326 00:13:41,459 --> 00:13:45,125 and now it's already over? 327 00:13:45,416 --> 00:13:49,000 Then I don't get why we just 328 00:13:45,417 --> 00:13:49,000 didn't talk it out from the beginning. 329 00:13:51,500 --> 00:13:53,375 So, what about the old man? 330 00:13:53,375 --> 00:13:54,625 The emperor? 331 00:13:54,625 --> 00:13:57,125 He chose to abdicate the throne. 332 00:13:57,458 --> 00:14:01,708 And it's likely his grandchild 333 00:13:57,459 --> 00:14:01,708 will be chosen to inherit the crown next. 334 00:14:01,708 --> 00:14:03,125 His grandchild, huh? 335 00:14:03,375 --> 00:14:06,041 They're only 10 years old at this point. 336 00:14:06,041 --> 00:14:08,541 Which means that a guardian 337 00:14:06,042 --> 00:14:08,541 has to be appointed. 338 00:14:09,125 --> 00:14:10,750 It will be the Circuit of Ten 339 00:14:09,126 --> 00:14:10,750 you met earlier. 340 00:14:11,083 --> 00:14:12,708 Those ten guys, huh? 341 00:14:13,583 --> 00:14:16,000 Sir Noor? Do I have your name right? 342 00:14:16,000 --> 00:14:17,291 Yeah. 343 00:14:17,500 --> 00:14:19,541 Sorry about earlier. 344 00:14:19,541 --> 00:14:21,833 I'd like to apologize for 345 00:14:19,542 --> 00:14:21,833 misunderstanding the situation 346 00:14:21,833 --> 00:14:23,208 and turning our blades on you. 347 00:14:23,208 --> 00:14:25,750 I will do whatever it takes 348 00:14:23,209 --> 00:14:25,750 to make amends. 349 00:14:25,750 --> 00:14:28,833 I'm not really worried about it, 350 00:14:25,751 --> 00:14:28,833 so you don't need to make amends. 351 00:14:28,833 --> 00:14:31,625 More importantly, you need to reconsider 352 00:14:28,834 --> 00:14:31,625 your morals if you think it's okay 353 00:14:31,625 --> 00:14:33,166 to gang up on the elderly like that. 354 00:14:33,291 --> 00:14:36,000 Right, I know it is something 355 00:14:33,292 --> 00:14:36,000 I should be ashamed of. 356 00:14:36,333 --> 00:14:39,041 Had you not been there to stop us, 357 00:14:39,041 --> 00:14:42,625 our empire would have ended up 358 00:14:39,042 --> 00:14:42,625 in a very nasty civil war. 359 00:14:43,041 --> 00:14:45,000 I'd like to thank you, wholeheartedly. 360 00:14:45,000 --> 00:14:47,791 No, I really don't deserve your thanks... 361 00:14:47,791 --> 00:14:50,291 It's more like I was the one 362 00:14:47,792 --> 00:14:50,291 who got saved, you know? 363 00:14:50,291 --> 00:14:51,166 Huh? 364 00:14:51,166 --> 00:14:54,458 I thought I was done for 365 00:14:51,167 --> 00:14:54,458 when I leapt off the dragon's back, 366 00:14:55,041 --> 00:14:58,541 but luckily, you guys had a floor 367 00:14:55,042 --> 00:14:58,541 for me to land safely on. 368 00:14:59,208 --> 00:15:01,166 Lucky to land safely on the floor? 369 00:15:04,166 --> 00:15:07,083 You truly are an amusing man! 370 00:15:07,083 --> 00:15:09,875 Okay, let's leave it at that, then. 371 00:15:09,875 --> 00:15:11,875 But don't forget: 372 00:15:13,000 --> 00:15:16,916 In the future, we will spare 373 00:15:13,001 --> 00:15:16,916 no expense to assist you. 374 00:15:16,916 --> 00:15:19,625 So if you ever need our help, let me know. 375 00:15:19,625 --> 00:15:22,375 We will risk our lives 376 00:15:19,626 --> 00:15:22,375 to come to your aid. 377 00:15:22,541 --> 00:15:24,000 Wow, that's dramatic. 378 00:15:24,000 --> 00:15:25,291 I'll be okay. 379 00:15:25,291 --> 00:15:26,708 Don't hesitate to ask. 380 00:15:27,125 --> 00:15:30,833 Anyways, I'm sorry I damaged 381 00:15:27,126 --> 00:15:30,833 your city so badly. 382 00:15:31,250 --> 00:15:32,666 Instructor Noor... 383 00:15:33,250 --> 00:15:35,291 There's no need 384 00:15:33,251 --> 00:15:35,291 to concern yourself with that. 385 00:15:35,291 --> 00:15:38,833 As of right now, 386 00:15:35,292 --> 00:15:38,833 there are no reports of dead or injured. 387 00:15:38,833 --> 00:15:40,333 The crimes of our country, 388 00:15:40,333 --> 00:15:43,875 which threw away the treaty 389 00:15:40,334 --> 00:15:43,875 and attacked your nation, 390 00:15:43,875 --> 00:15:45,791 are far more serious. 391 00:15:45,958 --> 00:15:49,083 But tell me if there's anything 392 00:15:45,959 --> 00:15:49,083 I can do for you. 393 00:15:49,083 --> 00:15:51,291 I can at least help get rid of the rubble. 394 00:15:51,291 --> 00:15:52,333 Really? 395 00:15:52,333 --> 00:15:55,000 You're a good-hearted person, 396 00:15:52,334 --> 00:15:55,000 almost to a fault. 397 00:16:00,625 --> 00:16:03,250 It says it's bored and wants to go home. 398 00:16:06,416 --> 00:16:07,833 Well, please excuse us. 399 00:16:08,208 --> 00:16:10,541 From here on out, 400 00:16:08,209 --> 00:16:10,541 we'll correspond through messengers. 401 00:16:10,750 --> 00:16:13,333 Yes, please return home safely. 402 00:16:13,916 --> 00:16:15,500 Oh, I almost forgot. 403 00:16:15,625 --> 00:16:16,666 Sir Noor! 404 00:16:17,750 --> 00:16:20,000 My apologies for not giving my name. 405 00:16:20,000 --> 00:16:24,416 I am the imperial sorcerer Randeus, 406 00:16:20,001 --> 00:16:24,416 of the Circuit of Ten. 407 00:16:24,791 --> 00:16:25,916 Okay. 408 00:16:25,916 --> 00:16:28,166 Ran... Randeus, right? 409 00:16:28,166 --> 00:16:29,333 I'll remember. 410 00:16:29,333 --> 00:16:30,291 Maybe. 411 00:16:31,333 --> 00:16:34,791 I do look forward 412 00:16:31,334 --> 00:16:34,791 to seeing you again someday. 413 00:16:34,791 --> 00:16:36,916 Yeah, I'll see ya around. 414 00:16:37,250 --> 00:16:38,791 Okay. We're taking off. 415 00:16:49,500 --> 00:16:51,375 Rolo, will you ask it something? 416 00:16:52,541 --> 00:16:56,083 On the way home, 417 00:16:52,542 --> 00:16:56,083 can we fly closer to the ground? 418 00:16:56,791 --> 00:16:58,541 Okay, I'll ask. 419 00:16:58,833 --> 00:17:00,333 Instructor Noor... 420 00:17:00,333 --> 00:17:03,791 I can tell he's deeply concerned 421 00:17:00,334 --> 00:17:03,791 about the damage done to this nation. 422 00:17:03,791 --> 00:17:07,875 What a compassionate person he is. 423 00:17:03,792 --> 00:17:07,875 I must learn from his example! 424 00:17:11,333 --> 00:17:13,875 We've all returned safely. 425 00:17:14,208 --> 00:17:16,583 The war is now over. 426 00:17:16,583 --> 00:17:19,000 Sorry to make you do 427 00:17:16,584 --> 00:17:19,000 all the negotiating, Rein. 428 00:17:19,000 --> 00:17:21,833 You can fill me in on the details later. 429 00:17:21,833 --> 00:17:24,708 Before that, I must extend thanks 430 00:17:21,834 --> 00:17:24,708 to our savior. 431 00:17:24,708 --> 00:17:25,708 Yes. 432 00:17:25,708 --> 00:17:28,875 Sir Noor made incredible 433 00:17:25,709 --> 00:17:28,875 contributions on the battlefield. 434 00:17:28,875 --> 00:17:31,125 He needs a reward worthy of his deeds. 435 00:17:31,125 --> 00:17:33,416 Reward? No, I don't want one. 436 00:17:33,416 --> 00:17:34,500 What? 437 00:17:35,041 --> 00:17:38,416 I'm flattered, but I'm not really 438 00:17:35,042 --> 00:17:38,416 in need of anything. 439 00:17:38,416 --> 00:17:39,583 No, no. 440 00:17:39,583 --> 00:17:41,625 You can't just refuse this time. 441 00:17:41,625 --> 00:17:44,583 I need to provide you 442 00:17:41,626 --> 00:17:44,583 with a proper reward, 443 00:17:44,583 --> 00:17:46,875 or else it will set a bad example. 444 00:17:47,458 --> 00:17:49,375 I get that, but... 445 00:17:49,375 --> 00:17:51,666 Man, this family really 446 00:17:49,376 --> 00:17:51,666 wants to push stuff on you 447 00:17:51,666 --> 00:17:53,708 even if you say 448 00:17:51,667 --> 00:17:53,708 you don't want anything. 449 00:17:56,250 --> 00:17:59,250 Actually, there is one thing 450 00:17:56,251 --> 00:17:59,250 I want to ask for. 451 00:17:59,250 --> 00:18:01,666 O-oh? Ah, I see! 452 00:18:01,666 --> 00:18:03,833 Go ahead, just name it. 453 00:18:03,958 --> 00:18:06,958 Well, I would like you 454 00:18:03,959 --> 00:18:06,958 to help this kid out. 455 00:18:06,958 --> 00:18:09,583 Uh, what? Me? 456 00:18:11,250 --> 00:18:13,875 This child is demonfolk, correct? 457 00:18:13,875 --> 00:18:14,833 Yes. 458 00:18:14,833 --> 00:18:16,708 Seems he doesn't have anyone to live with. 459 00:18:16,708 --> 00:18:19,250 Since he was abandoned 460 00:18:16,709 --> 00:18:19,250 by a group of merchants. 461 00:18:19,250 --> 00:18:22,333 Then what is your request? 462 00:18:22,625 --> 00:18:24,416 I want you to let him live in the capital. 463 00:18:24,416 --> 00:18:28,583 And provide him with a normal life, 464 00:18:24,417 --> 00:18:28,583 just like all the other citizens. 465 00:18:30,666 --> 00:18:33,375 I considered us living together, 466 00:18:33,708 --> 00:18:36,750 but it's better for him to be looked after 467 00:18:33,709 --> 00:18:36,750 by a rich family, 468 00:18:36,750 --> 00:18:39,750 and not someone with 469 00:18:36,751 --> 00:18:39,750 an unsteady income, like me. 470 00:18:40,041 --> 00:18:41,541 Instructor Noor... 471 00:18:42,083 --> 00:18:45,875 You said you'd give me a house 472 00:18:42,084 --> 00:18:45,875 and land before, right? 473 00:18:45,875 --> 00:18:47,958 Something like that would be fine. 474 00:18:47,958 --> 00:18:50,750 And some clothes and food 475 00:18:47,959 --> 00:18:50,750 would be good, if you can. 476 00:18:50,750 --> 00:18:52,125 All right. 477 00:18:52,125 --> 00:18:57,333 But for that to happen, this boy will 478 00:18:52,126 --> 00:18:57,333 need to become a citizen of this kingdom. 479 00:18:57,333 --> 00:18:59,666 Is that what you wish? 480 00:18:59,958 --> 00:19:03,041 He's saved me countless times. 481 00:19:03,041 --> 00:19:07,541 The only reason that huge dragon 482 00:19:03,042 --> 00:19:07,541 did what I said was because he was with me. 483 00:19:07,541 --> 00:19:09,375 No, it was because you- 484 00:19:09,375 --> 00:19:11,250 No need to be humble. 485 00:19:11,750 --> 00:19:15,500 If Rolo weren't there, the war wouldn't 486 00:19:11,751 --> 00:19:15,500 have ended so quickly. 487 00:19:15,500 --> 00:19:17,291 That's all I want. 488 00:19:18,416 --> 00:19:20,833 Of all the things he could ask for... 489 00:19:20,833 --> 00:19:23,250 The Holy Theocracy of Mithra 490 00:19:20,834 --> 00:19:23,250 regards the demonfolk as enemies, 491 00:19:23,250 --> 00:19:25,041 which means accepting one in our kingdom 492 00:19:25,041 --> 00:19:28,166 will cause a rift in 493 00:19:25,042 --> 00:19:28,166 the relations between us. 494 00:19:28,166 --> 00:19:29,666 Just so you know... 495 00:19:30,000 --> 00:19:32,250 I don't need anything aside from that. 496 00:19:32,541 --> 00:19:36,416 If you want to give me other rewards, 497 00:19:32,542 --> 00:19:36,416 then spend them elsewhere instead. 498 00:19:36,416 --> 00:19:39,625 There is no shortage of people 499 00:19:36,417 --> 00:19:39,625 who've lost their homes. 500 00:19:40,666 --> 00:19:41,666 And that's really 501 00:19:41,666 --> 00:19:44,458 where you should be focusing 502 00:19:41,667 --> 00:19:44,458 all your resources on right now, isn't it? 503 00:19:46,458 --> 00:19:48,416 That is true... 504 00:19:48,833 --> 00:19:51,958 As a matter of fact, 505 00:19:48,834 --> 00:19:51,958 you're absolutely right. 506 00:19:56,958 --> 00:20:00,208 This guy really likes to laugh, huh? 507 00:20:04,375 --> 00:20:12,083 If I'm reborn, I hope I won't 508 00:20:04,376 --> 00:20:12,083 get beaten so badly in my next life. 509 00:20:12,625 --> 00:20:16,333 I hope I can be at least 510 00:20:12,626 --> 00:20:16,333 a little bit useful to someone. 511 00:20:17,083 --> 00:20:24,166 And I hope I can have something 512 00:20:17,084 --> 00:20:24,166 delicious to eat, at least once. 513 00:20:37,500 --> 00:20:42,083 For the time being, 514 00:20:37,501 --> 00:20:42,083 you will be living here together with me. 515 00:20:43,166 --> 00:20:45,625 So, welcome home, Rolo. 516 00:20:48,666 --> 00:20:49,875 What's wrong? 517 00:20:49,875 --> 00:20:51,666 They prepared a nice meal for us, 518 00:20:51,666 --> 00:20:53,583 but it'll get cold 519 00:20:51,667 --> 00:20:53,583 if you don't hurry and eat. 520 00:20:53,583 --> 00:20:54,666 Huh? 521 00:20:54,916 --> 00:20:56,875 I can eat this? 522 00:20:57,166 --> 00:20:58,833 Of course you can. 523 00:20:58,833 --> 00:21:00,208 This is our dinner. 524 00:21:00,208 --> 00:21:02,916 Or is there something here 525 00:21:00,209 --> 00:21:02,916 you don't like? 526 00:21:06,958 --> 00:21:09,333 This is... real food? 527 00:21:10,916 --> 00:21:12,958 Come now, don't be shy. 528 00:21:12,958 --> 00:21:15,500 No one will be angry with you 529 00:21:12,959 --> 00:21:15,500 no matter what you eat. 530 00:21:15,500 --> 00:21:17,375 Have as much as you want. 531 00:21:17,708 --> 00:21:18,958 Okay then... 532 00:21:18,958 --> 00:21:21,625 Thanks for the... food. 533 00:21:24,541 --> 00:21:26,625 It's... soft? 534 00:21:36,833 --> 00:21:38,000 What's the matter? 535 00:21:45,666 --> 00:21:47,958 It's... delicious. 536 00:21:57,791 --> 00:22:01,583 Slow down, no one will 537 00:21:57,792 --> 00:22:01,583 take it from you, okay? 538 00:22:03,625 --> 00:22:04,541 Yeah. 539 00:22:06,083 --> 00:22:11,041 {\an8}#11 I Parry Divine Wrath