1 00:00:22,083 --> 00:00:23,458 This is awful. 2 00:00:24,000 --> 00:00:27,750 I wonder if Auntie Stella and the guys 3 00:00:24,001 --> 00:00:27,750 at the construction site are okay. 4 00:00:31,333 --> 00:00:34,083 Looks like the guild 5 00:00:31,334 --> 00:00:34,083 made it through somehow. 6 00:00:42,500 --> 00:00:46,291 It's been a while since I've taken 7 00:00:42,501 --> 00:00:46,291 a good look at this signboard. 8 00:00:46,875 --> 00:00:48,791 An adventurer, huh? 9 00:00:48,791 --> 00:00:51,791 You didn't get one decent skill?! 10 00:00:51,791 --> 00:00:54,958 You spent a full three-month term 11 00:00:51,792 --> 00:00:54,958 practicing at every training school, 12 00:00:54,958 --> 00:00:56,791 and you couldn't get a single one? 13 00:01:00,583 --> 00:01:03,166 Noor, sorry... 14 00:01:03,958 --> 00:01:06,791 but I can't let you register 15 00:01:03,959 --> 00:01:06,791 as an adventurer like that. 16 00:01:09,500 --> 00:01:14,625 I never imagined I'd reunite 17 00:01:09,501 --> 00:01:14,625 with my instructors from back then. 18 00:01:15,166 --> 00:01:19,875 I last saw them, what, 19 00:01:15,167 --> 00:01:19,875 fifteen years ago? 20 00:02:51,083 --> 00:02:53,500 {\an8}Clays Royal Capital - 15 Years Ago 21 00:02:53,500 --> 00:02:56,041 Let me train as a swordsman! 22 00:02:56,500 --> 00:02:57,750 Train? 23 00:02:58,208 --> 00:02:59,666 You? 24 00:02:59,666 --> 00:03:02,666 Do you have a permit from 25 00:02:59,667 --> 00:03:02,666 the Adventurer's Guild? 26 00:03:02,666 --> 00:03:05,250 I just got one from the guildmaster! 27 00:03:07,625 --> 00:03:09,250 The training is intense. 28 00:03:09,500 --> 00:03:11,625 Are you prepared to bear with it? 29 00:03:11,625 --> 00:03:12,666 Yes! 30 00:03:17,500 --> 00:03:18,708 That's enough! 31 00:03:19,083 --> 00:03:21,333 Tomorrow's going to be even more intense. 32 00:03:30,125 --> 00:03:32,750 He'll be lucky to last three days. 33 00:03:37,791 --> 00:03:40,125 It's day 10 now, huh? 34 00:03:40,125 --> 00:03:44,125 At the very least, the tenacity of this kid 35 00:03:40,126 --> 00:03:44,125 is definitely nothing to scoff at. 36 00:03:46,416 --> 00:03:47,375 Next! 37 00:03:51,416 --> 00:03:52,500 Next! 38 00:04:00,750 --> 00:04:03,166 Never drop your sword, 39 00:04:00,751 --> 00:04:03,166 even if you break a bone! 40 00:04:03,166 --> 00:04:05,125 The enemy will not wait for you! 41 00:04:12,333 --> 00:04:14,833 Hard to believe his eyes 42 00:04:12,334 --> 00:04:14,833 are still so full of vigor 43 00:04:14,833 --> 00:04:17,625 after getting his body and 44 00:04:14,834 --> 00:04:17,625 mind put through the wringer! 45 00:04:18,458 --> 00:04:21,875 This kid might actually have 46 00:04:18,459 --> 00:04:21,875 a promising future. 47 00:04:23,708 --> 00:04:24,750 Instructor! 48 00:04:25,375 --> 00:04:28,000 When will I get to learn a skill? 49 00:04:28,333 --> 00:04:30,750 That isn't something I decide. 50 00:04:30,916 --> 00:04:34,541 Can you at least show me 51 00:04:30,917 --> 00:04:34,541 what kind of skill I might get? 52 00:04:54,500 --> 00:04:56,041 How was that? 53 00:04:56,041 --> 00:04:57,666 A-amazing! 54 00:04:57,666 --> 00:04:59,416 I couldn't see most of it! 55 00:04:59,416 --> 00:05:00,833 Yeah, that figures. 56 00:05:01,041 --> 00:05:05,625 It's a swift-foot technique that makes 57 00:05:01,042 --> 00:05:05,625 my slashes difficult for even me to follow. 58 00:05:05,625 --> 00:05:08,416 A boy like this probably 59 00:05:05,626 --> 00:05:08,416 couldn't even see me with his bare eyes- 60 00:05:08,416 --> 00:05:10,083 You kept the same rhythm the entire time. 61 00:05:10,083 --> 00:05:12,333 Like whoosh, slash, sa-sa-slash! 62 00:05:12,666 --> 00:05:14,125 Steady like a clock! 63 00:05:14,833 --> 00:05:17,750 Whoosh, slash, sa-sa-slash! 64 00:05:19,833 --> 00:05:22,583 Whoosh, slash, sa-sa-slash! 65 00:05:23,000 --> 00:05:24,000 Whoosh, slash, sa-sa-slash! 66 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:25,666 Such latent potential. 67 00:05:24,001 --> 00:05:25,666 Whoosh, slash, sa-sa-slash! 68 00:05:25,666 --> 00:05:27,958 If nurtured properly, he could match me... 69 00:05:26,542 --> 00:05:27,958 Whoosh, slash, sa-sa-slash! 70 00:05:27,958 --> 00:05:29,000 no, surpass me, even! 71 00:05:27,959 --> 00:05:29,000 Whoosh, slash, sa-sa-slash! 72 00:05:29,000 --> 00:05:29,791 no, surpass me, even! 73 00:05:30,708 --> 00:05:33,208 2 Months After 74 00:05:30,709 --> 00:05:33,208 Training Started 75 00:05:31,458 --> 00:05:32,666 How strange. 76 00:05:34,833 --> 00:05:35,750 Parry! 77 00:05:37,375 --> 00:05:40,291 Why hasn't he been able 78 00:05:37,376 --> 00:05:40,291 to learn a skill aside from Parry? 79 00:05:41,250 --> 00:05:42,541 All he needs is one. 80 00:05:42,541 --> 00:05:45,333 Just one skill that 81 00:05:42,542 --> 00:05:45,333 could be considered useful... 82 00:05:45,958 --> 00:05:48,541 3 Months After 83 00:05:45,959 --> 00:05:48,541 Training Started 84 00:05:46,958 --> 00:05:48,583 That's enough, Noor. 85 00:05:48,583 --> 00:05:49,791 Unfortunately- 86 00:05:49,791 --> 00:05:51,541 Wait! Just give me a little longer- 87 00:05:51,541 --> 00:05:52,416 There's no point. 88 00:05:52,416 --> 00:05:54,833 Going any further would 89 00:05:52,417 --> 00:05:54,833 be a waste of your time. 90 00:05:56,250 --> 00:05:59,625 Parry isn't enough for someone 91 00:05:56,251 --> 00:05:59,625 to make it as a swordsman. 92 00:05:59,625 --> 00:06:00,791 Alas. 93 00:06:00,791 --> 00:06:03,875 It seems Swordsmanship is the one thing 94 00:06:00,792 --> 00:06:03,875 he didn't have the aptitude for. 95 00:06:03,875 --> 00:06:07,333 Perhaps it would be better 96 00:06:03,876 --> 00:06:07,333 if you chose another path. 97 00:06:07,333 --> 00:06:11,291 Your talent may be found 98 00:06:07,334 --> 00:06:11,291 in another training school. 99 00:06:13,625 --> 00:06:16,916 I'm sure there's another path 100 00:06:13,626 --> 00:06:16,916 for this child. 101 00:06:17,666 --> 00:06:19,000 Whoa, whoa. 102 00:06:19,000 --> 00:06:22,916 Are you serious about taking part 103 00:06:19,001 --> 00:06:22,916 in my training regiment, kid? 104 00:06:22,916 --> 00:06:25,666 The swordsman instructor 105 00:06:22,917 --> 00:06:25,666 told me to try somewhere else. 106 00:06:25,833 --> 00:06:27,541 Sig did, huh? 107 00:06:27,541 --> 00:06:30,583 I had heard he was looking 108 00:06:27,542 --> 00:06:30,583 after some kid, but... 109 00:06:31,666 --> 00:06:34,333 He looks small enough 110 00:06:31,667 --> 00:06:34,333 to get blown away by a light breeze. 111 00:06:34,333 --> 00:06:36,750 I want to be an adventurer, 112 00:06:34,334 --> 00:06:36,750 no matter what! 113 00:06:37,125 --> 00:06:40,500 The role of a warrior is 114 00:06:37,126 --> 00:06:40,500 to become the shield for their allies. 115 00:06:40,500 --> 00:06:41,833 You understand that? 116 00:06:41,833 --> 00:06:43,000 Yeah! 117 00:06:44,791 --> 00:06:47,375 All right, let's give it a go. 118 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:50,333 2 Months After 119 00:06:48,001 --> 00:06:50,333 Training Started 120 00:06:54,916 --> 00:06:59,125 I'll give the boy credit, 121 00:06:54,917 --> 00:06:59,125 I never thought he'd get this far. 122 00:07:12,375 --> 00:07:16,291 Damn, talk about being tough AND gutsy! 123 00:07:16,291 --> 00:07:18,000 If he just acquired a skill, 124 00:07:18,000 --> 00:07:20,416 I could raise this kid 125 00:07:18,001 --> 00:07:20,416 to be a literal invincible shield... 126 00:07:23,375 --> 00:07:25,375 3 Months After 127 00:07:23,376 --> 00:07:25,375 Training Started 128 00:07:24,000 --> 00:07:25,416 Sorry, Noor. 129 00:07:25,416 --> 00:07:27,250 I can keep going! 130 00:07:27,375 --> 00:07:29,416 I acknowledge your efforts, 131 00:07:29,416 --> 00:07:34,208 but what you have acquired is a slight 132 00:07:29,417 --> 00:07:34,208 improvement of your physical abilities. 133 00:07:34,208 --> 00:07:38,041 If you force yourself to continue on, 134 00:07:34,209 --> 00:07:38,041 you will lose your life. 135 00:07:38,875 --> 00:07:41,333 I know it sucks, but you gotta move on. 136 00:07:42,125 --> 00:07:43,958 He's toughed it out more than most. 137 00:07:43,958 --> 00:07:46,375 He deserves to be where 138 00:07:43,959 --> 00:07:46,375 his efforts will get rewarded. 139 00:07:46,916 --> 00:07:48,875 Please let me train here. 140 00:07:48,875 --> 00:07:50,750 You really wanna do this? 141 00:07:50,750 --> 00:07:51,875 Yes! 142 00:07:51,875 --> 00:07:53,916 Well, if you insist. 143 00:07:53,916 --> 00:07:55,458 Okay, here. 144 00:07:55,791 --> 00:07:57,583 Try to throw it over there. 145 00:07:58,500 --> 00:07:59,750 That sure is far. 146 00:07:59,750 --> 00:08:01,000 Just do it. 147 00:08:01,625 --> 00:08:04,958 After he misses, I'll just make up 148 00:08:01,626 --> 00:08:04,958 a random reason to reject him. 149 00:08:04,958 --> 00:08:07,125 I can already tell he'll be the 150 00:08:04,959 --> 00:08:07,125 troublesome type of studen- 151 00:08:08,250 --> 00:08:09,750 Was that okay? 152 00:08:10,416 --> 00:08:11,625 Do it again. 153 00:08:12,958 --> 00:08:14,041 Perfect. 154 00:08:14,541 --> 00:08:15,666 Yeah, right! 155 00:08:15,666 --> 00:08:17,791 This is the exact opposite of perfect! 156 00:08:21,750 --> 00:08:25,500 Instructor, why am I doing nothing 157 00:08:21,751 --> 00:08:25,500 but throwing stones? 158 00:08:25,875 --> 00:08:28,750 Because I just know 159 00:08:25,876 --> 00:08:28,750 you're gonna be trouble, duh! 160 00:08:29,083 --> 00:08:30,666 I wanna use a bow. 161 00:08:37,166 --> 00:08:40,958 Okay, get a good grip on it 162 00:08:37,167 --> 00:08:40,958 and then assume the shooting position. 163 00:08:40,958 --> 00:08:43,375 A good grip? Like thi- 164 00:08:44,750 --> 00:08:46,291 Why'd it break?! 165 00:08:46,291 --> 00:08:48,541 That's what I was afraid of... 166 00:08:52,791 --> 00:08:55,666 Give me a break already, kid! 167 00:08:55,666 --> 00:08:59,125 We're all out of training bows now, 168 00:08:55,667 --> 00:08:59,125 so just use mine. 169 00:08:59,625 --> 00:09:01,458 This one shouldn't break 170 00:08:59,626 --> 00:09:01,458 no matter how strong he- 171 00:09:05,625 --> 00:09:08,125 Just stick to throwing stones, got it?! 172 00:09:08,500 --> 00:09:09,875 Okay. 173 00:09:11,208 --> 00:09:13,500 2 Months After 174 00:09:11,209 --> 00:09:13,500 Training Started 175 00:09:16,000 --> 00:09:18,208 Where did you learn to do that? 176 00:09:18,208 --> 00:09:19,541 Nobody taught me. 177 00:09:19,541 --> 00:09:21,208 This is just how I've always hunted birds. 178 00:09:21,208 --> 00:09:23,250 The super colorful ones 179 00:09:21,209 --> 00:09:23,250 that like to swoop down from the sky 180 00:09:23,250 --> 00:09:24,166 to grab mountain rabbits. 181 00:09:25,791 --> 00:09:27,416 You've got to be kidding me... 182 00:09:27,416 --> 00:09:29,750 That's a thunderflash! 183 00:09:32,500 --> 00:09:35,791 It's difficult for even a seasoned hunter 184 00:09:32,501 --> 00:09:35,791 with a superior bow 185 00:09:35,791 --> 00:09:37,416 to bring those things down... 186 00:09:37,416 --> 00:09:40,333 Although, I could totally do it 187 00:09:37,417 --> 00:09:40,333 with my eyes closed. 188 00:09:44,166 --> 00:09:47,250 Is there any point in him being here? 189 00:09:47,750 --> 00:09:49,458 Your term is over. 190 00:09:48,333 --> 00:09:50,500 3 Months After 191 00:09:48,334 --> 00:09:50,500 Training Started 192 00:09:49,458 --> 00:09:50,541 Get out of here. 193 00:09:50,666 --> 00:09:53,125 Huh?! But I haven't learned anything ye- 194 00:09:53,125 --> 00:09:57,458 You totally lack the sense 195 00:09:53,126 --> 00:09:57,458 to handle any sort of delicate weaponry! 196 00:09:57,458 --> 00:09:59,875 Just settle for throwing stones. 197 00:10:02,041 --> 00:10:04,416 Such a pain in the butt. 198 00:10:04,625 --> 00:10:08,125 You've already got enough to hack it 199 00:10:04,626 --> 00:10:08,125 even without a bow. 200 00:10:11,041 --> 00:10:12,166 I see. 201 00:10:12,166 --> 00:10:14,041 You're the Noor I've heard about. 202 00:10:14,666 --> 00:10:15,666 Sure, why not. 203 00:10:15,666 --> 00:10:17,458 Huh? Are you sure? 204 00:10:17,458 --> 00:10:20,208 Come with me. 205 00:10:17,459 --> 00:10:20,208 We're starting right away. 206 00:10:23,958 --> 00:10:26,083 Sense the enemy's presence. 207 00:10:26,083 --> 00:10:29,541 And sneak up on them 208 00:10:26,084 --> 00:10:29,541 without making a single sound. 209 00:10:32,333 --> 00:10:34,416 He isn't bad. 210 00:10:38,916 --> 00:10:40,041 All right! 211 00:10:40,166 --> 00:10:41,291 Ow! 212 00:10:41,291 --> 00:10:43,083 You'll have to do better than that! 213 00:10:43,083 --> 00:10:46,125 There are various traps 214 00:10:43,084 --> 00:10:46,125 rigged along this corridor. 215 00:10:46,333 --> 00:10:48,625 Avoid falling into any of those traps 216 00:10:48,625 --> 00:10:51,625 and make your way to this 217 00:10:48,626 --> 00:10:51,625 hard-to-open treasure chest! 218 00:10:51,625 --> 00:10:53,458 Avoid the traps, huh? 219 00:10:53,458 --> 00:10:54,583 Got it! 220 00:11:04,541 --> 00:11:05,625 Parry! 221 00:11:09,166 --> 00:11:10,125 Stone Throw! 222 00:11:11,708 --> 00:11:13,500 Incredible. 223 00:11:13,500 --> 00:11:14,875 But, uh... 224 00:11:15,250 --> 00:11:17,333 he's missing the point of the exercise. 225 00:11:18,541 --> 00:11:20,875 You failed to dismantle the traps 226 00:11:18,542 --> 00:11:20,875 leading to the treasure chest 227 00:11:18,958 --> 00:11:21,625 3 Months After 228 00:11:18,959 --> 00:11:21,625 Training Started 229 00:11:20,875 --> 00:11:23,500 and your situational awareness 230 00:11:20,876 --> 00:11:23,500 is poorly lacking. 231 00:11:23,500 --> 00:11:25,083 There is no hope of you becoming a spy. 232 00:11:26,416 --> 00:11:31,416 But even so, this boy has stamina 233 00:11:26,417 --> 00:11:31,416 and tenacity that is beyond comparison. 234 00:11:31,416 --> 00:11:33,291 Those are good qualities to have. 235 00:11:33,291 --> 00:11:36,250 If he ever gives up on becoming an 236 00:11:33,292 --> 00:11:36,250 adventurer, 237 00:11:36,250 --> 00:11:39,583 I'll extend him an invite to join 238 00:11:36,251 --> 00:11:39,583 the royal capital's intelligence agency. 239 00:11:40,541 --> 00:11:42,125 Oh ho? 240 00:11:42,125 --> 00:11:45,291 You're quite a young applicant, 241 00:11:42,126 --> 00:11:45,291 aren't you? 242 00:11:45,500 --> 00:11:49,291 I'm sure there was an age requirement 243 00:11:45,501 --> 00:11:49,291 of at least 15 years old... 244 00:11:49,458 --> 00:11:51,875 I got a permit from the Guildmaster, 245 00:11:51,875 --> 00:11:54,375 and I've already trained 246 00:11:51,876 --> 00:11:54,375 at the other schools. 247 00:11:55,125 --> 00:11:56,750 It didn't work out, though. 248 00:11:56,750 --> 00:11:58,375 Oh ho! 249 00:11:59,625 --> 00:12:02,333 2 Months After 250 00:11:59,626 --> 00:12:02,333 Training Started 251 00:12:07,833 --> 00:12:10,416 Well, it seems the reason 252 00:12:07,834 --> 00:12:10,416 you struggle to use magic 253 00:12:10,416 --> 00:12:13,000 is because there's no mana 254 00:12:10,417 --> 00:12:13,000 flowing through you in the first place. 255 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:14,833 Why doesn't it flow through me? 256 00:12:15,083 --> 00:12:17,583 Perhaps you were just born that way. 257 00:12:17,583 --> 00:12:19,166 In which case, 258 00:12:19,166 --> 00:12:23,250 the only hope of changing that is for you 259 00:12:19,167 --> 00:12:23,250 to go inside the Mana Resonance Room. 260 00:12:23,458 --> 00:12:25,750 Mana Reso-what? 261 00:12:26,875 --> 00:12:28,500 Let me give it a shot! 262 00:12:31,291 --> 00:12:33,333 Well, I suppose you can. 263 00:12:33,333 --> 00:12:36,625 But leave immediately 264 00:12:33,334 --> 00:12:36,625 if it starts feeling too intense. 265 00:12:38,250 --> 00:12:41,083 He hasn't come out yet?! 266 00:12:41,083 --> 00:12:41,875 No, sir. 267 00:12:41,875 --> 00:12:43,750 Th-that isn't good! 268 00:12:44,291 --> 00:12:46,833 That room drastically amplifies 269 00:12:44,292 --> 00:12:46,833 all of the human senses 270 00:12:46,833 --> 00:12:48,333 and he's been in there for days?! 271 00:12:48,333 --> 00:12:49,750 It could kill him if we're not careful! 272 00:12:52,666 --> 00:12:54,000 Noor! 273 00:12:54,666 --> 00:12:55,791 What is it? 274 00:12:55,791 --> 00:12:58,916 A-are you okay? 275 00:12:55,792 --> 00:12:58,916 Anything wrong with your body? 276 00:12:58,916 --> 00:13:00,291 Not at all. 277 00:13:00,291 --> 00:13:01,791 Don't interrupt me. 278 00:13:01,791 --> 00:13:03,666 I feel like I'm close 279 00:13:01,792 --> 00:13:03,666 to having a breakthrough. 280 00:13:04,458 --> 00:13:05,375 Huh? 281 00:13:09,708 --> 00:13:12,041 This is the only spell I learned... 282 00:13:09,750 --> 00:13:12,500 3 Months After 283 00:13:09,751 --> 00:13:12,500 Training Started 284 00:13:12,041 --> 00:13:13,291 Oh ho. 285 00:13:13,541 --> 00:13:17,250 It's astonishing that Tiny Flame 286 00:13:13,542 --> 00:13:17,250 is all you've gotten after months of training. 287 00:13:17,375 --> 00:13:21,875 It's rare to see people 288 00:13:17,376 --> 00:13:21,875 as incapable of magic as you are. 289 00:13:23,833 --> 00:13:25,833 But, given your lack of mana, 290 00:13:25,833 --> 00:13:29,166 it's actually impressive 291 00:13:25,834 --> 00:13:29,166 how far you've come. 292 00:13:30,166 --> 00:13:31,541 What?! 293 00:13:31,541 --> 00:13:33,500 Am I seeing this right?! 294 00:13:33,500 --> 00:13:35,583 I-is he dual casting?! 295 00:13:35,583 --> 00:13:38,583 It took me 50 years to get to that point, 296 00:13:38,583 --> 00:13:41,916 yet he managed it on his own 297 00:13:38,584 --> 00:13:41,916 in just three months?! 298 00:13:44,000 --> 00:13:46,500 This won't help me be an adventurer. 299 00:13:48,416 --> 00:13:49,916 Indeed it won't. 300 00:13:49,916 --> 00:13:53,500 Turns out this isn't 301 00:13:49,917 --> 00:13:53,500 the place for you, huh? 302 00:13:54,041 --> 00:13:55,750 It's such a pity. 303 00:13:55,750 --> 00:13:58,416 He has so much talent. 304 00:13:58,625 --> 00:14:00,500 If only his body 305 00:13:58,626 --> 00:14:00,500 was more attuned to magic, 306 00:14:00,500 --> 00:14:04,500 he could have been known through 307 00:14:00,501 --> 00:14:04,500 the land as an unparalleled magician. 308 00:14:06,958 --> 00:14:09,000 First, let me ask you: 309 00:14:09,125 --> 00:14:12,291 Did you undergo the rite of blessing 310 00:14:09,126 --> 00:14:12,291 when you were a still a small child? 311 00:14:12,291 --> 00:14:14,541 The rite? What's that? 312 00:14:14,541 --> 00:14:18,250 Only students who were selected 313 00:14:14,542 --> 00:14:18,250 in advance and undergo that rite 314 00:14:18,250 --> 00:14:19,708 can train at this school. 315 00:14:19,708 --> 00:14:21,083 I'm sorry. 316 00:14:21,083 --> 00:14:24,708 I'm not leaving until you agree 317 00:14:21,084 --> 00:14:24,708 to let me train here. 318 00:14:26,875 --> 00:14:28,416 Do as you wish. 319 00:14:46,916 --> 00:14:49,750 I'm not leaving until you agree 320 00:14:46,917 --> 00:14:49,750 to let me train here. 321 00:14:50,750 --> 00:14:51,875 Is that so? 322 00:14:59,833 --> 00:15:03,583 He can't seriously intend 323 00:14:59,834 --> 00:15:03,583 to stay there forever... 324 00:15:33,041 --> 00:15:36,083 I will allow you to participate 325 00:15:33,042 --> 00:15:36,083 in the basics of our training. 326 00:15:36,250 --> 00:15:38,791 But you must understand 327 00:15:36,251 --> 00:15:38,791 there is no guarantee 328 00:15:38,791 --> 00:15:40,875 that you will actually learn a skill. 329 00:15:43,000 --> 00:15:44,583 3 Months After 330 00:15:43,001 --> 00:15:44,583 Training Started 331 00:15:46,916 --> 00:15:49,250 That is most certainly Low Heal. 332 00:15:49,625 --> 00:15:51,708 How is this even possible? 333 00:15:52,583 --> 00:15:53,583 But... 334 00:15:53,583 --> 00:15:55,958 Yes, unfortunately for you, 335 00:15:56,416 --> 00:16:01,125 Low Heal won't be recognized as a 336 00:15:56,417 --> 00:16:01,125 serviceable skill to become an adventurer. 337 00:16:01,416 --> 00:16:02,541 That figures. 338 00:16:02,791 --> 00:16:05,208 I didn't have any luck here, either... 339 00:16:06,958 --> 00:16:09,500 Although it only works on scratches, 340 00:16:09,500 --> 00:16:15,291 it's impressive you can use low-level 341 00:16:09,501 --> 00:16:15,291 healing magic without a natural blessing. 342 00:16:19,416 --> 00:16:21,166 He performed a miracle on his own 343 00:16:21,166 --> 00:16:24,416 without undergoing the rite or using 344 00:16:21,167 --> 00:16:24,416 a holy spirit for an intermediary... 345 00:16:25,166 --> 00:16:26,458 So, in a manner of speaking, 346 00:16:26,458 --> 00:16:30,125 that means he can wield the 347 00:16:26,459 --> 00:16:30,125 power of miracles without limit. 348 00:16:34,708 --> 00:16:36,666 Master Sain! About Noor... 349 00:16:39,166 --> 00:16:41,125 He's disappeared from the capital?! 350 00:16:42,166 --> 00:16:44,583 I should have stopped him yesterday... 351 00:16:44,875 --> 00:16:46,916 Well, we can just leave him be, right? 352 00:16:46,916 --> 00:16:49,708 That kid's strong enough 353 00:16:46,917 --> 00:16:49,708 to hack it on his own. 354 00:16:49,708 --> 00:16:50,791 No. 355 00:16:50,791 --> 00:16:52,666 If we invest our time 356 00:16:50,792 --> 00:16:52,666 in nurturing his gifts, 357 00:16:52,666 --> 00:16:56,291 then that boy will undoubtedly 358 00:16:52,667 --> 00:16:56,291 become someone extraordinary. 359 00:16:56,291 --> 00:16:57,625 Oh ho... 360 00:16:57,625 --> 00:16:59,500 You're right about that. 361 00:16:59,500 --> 00:17:03,583 I never imagined he was going through 362 00:16:59,501 --> 00:17:03,583 the same thing at all the other schools... 363 00:17:04,208 --> 00:17:08,000 We should all train him 364 00:17:04,209 --> 00:17:08,000 and give him guidance. 365 00:17:08,625 --> 00:17:10,958 That boy is overflowing with promise. 366 00:17:11,916 --> 00:17:13,583 I have no objection to that. 367 00:17:13,916 --> 00:17:15,458 Although that makes it 368 00:17:13,917 --> 00:17:15,458 more difficult for me 369 00:17:15,458 --> 00:17:17,083 to recruit him to 370 00:17:15,459 --> 00:17:17,083 the intelligence agency... 371 00:17:17,625 --> 00:17:19,833 I'm of the same opinion as Sain. 372 00:17:20,416 --> 00:17:21,458 I am, too. 373 00:17:21,916 --> 00:17:23,750 I guess if you guys insist... 374 00:17:24,041 --> 00:17:25,333 How about you, Sig? 375 00:17:28,541 --> 00:17:31,375 I'm heading off on a journey 376 00:17:28,542 --> 00:17:31,375 to find Noor now. 377 00:17:31,375 --> 00:17:32,708 Hey! Whoa, now! 378 00:17:32,708 --> 00:17:35,583 I understand your eagerness, 379 00:17:32,709 --> 00:17:35,583 but please calm down. 380 00:17:37,208 --> 00:17:38,875 Now then, just to be clear: 381 00:17:38,875 --> 00:17:42,083 As the Sovereign Six, we will take Noor in 382 00:17:38,876 --> 00:17:42,083 and raise him as a group. 383 00:17:42,083 --> 00:17:43,625 You all agree, right? 384 00:17:44,375 --> 00:17:48,291 Then, let's get started 385 00:17:44,376 --> 00:17:48,291 and look for him right away. 386 00:17:58,291 --> 00:17:59,833 Oh, it's Noor! 387 00:18:00,083 --> 00:18:02,166 Hello, sir, I'm glad you're safe. 388 00:18:02,166 --> 00:18:03,875 Yeah, made it through somehow. 389 00:18:03,875 --> 00:18:05,458 This was lying on the ground outside. 390 00:18:05,458 --> 00:18:08,500 Oh, I guess it flew off. 391 00:18:08,500 --> 00:18:09,833 Thanks. 392 00:18:10,166 --> 00:18:13,916 Weren't you supposed to head to Mithra? 393 00:18:13,916 --> 00:18:17,083 Oh, but I guess you saw what was 394 00:18:13,917 --> 00:18:17,083 happening in the royal capital. 395 00:18:17,083 --> 00:18:20,125 Yeah, I turned around and rushed back. 396 00:18:20,125 --> 00:18:23,791 You're all caked in mud. 397 00:18:20,126 --> 00:18:23,791 And your clothes are burned... 398 00:18:23,791 --> 00:18:27,625 It was a hectic day. 399 00:18:23,792 --> 00:18:27,625 I had to move around a lot. 400 00:18:27,625 --> 00:18:29,583 Well, that's a disaster for ya. 401 00:18:29,583 --> 00:18:31,541 Everybody's in the same boat. 402 00:18:31,541 --> 00:18:34,000 I had an awful time, too. 403 00:18:34,000 --> 00:18:36,125 I'm completely worn out too. 404 00:18:36,458 --> 00:18:38,125 About that, Noor. 405 00:18:38,125 --> 00:18:40,125 Hate to do this when you're so dog tired, 406 00:18:40,125 --> 00:18:45,000 but the construction guild boss 407 00:18:40,126 --> 00:18:45,000 has been searching high and low for you. 408 00:18:45,000 --> 00:18:47,875 He needs ya to haul away some rubble and 409 00:18:45,001 --> 00:18:47,875 help build temporary housing and the like. 410 00:18:48,125 --> 00:18:50,708 I figured that would be the case. 411 00:18:48,126 --> 00:18:50,708 That's why I came. 412 00:18:50,708 --> 00:18:51,625 Where is he? 413 00:18:51,958 --> 00:18:54,875 I'll get you a map. Take it with you. 414 00:19:01,291 --> 00:19:03,166 Having you here is a huge help! 415 00:19:03,166 --> 00:19:06,583 When you're here 416 00:19:03,167 --> 00:19:06,583 our progress is off the charts! 417 00:19:06,583 --> 00:19:08,750 Glad I can help. 418 00:19:10,750 --> 00:19:14,916 This really was a crazy day... 419 00:19:15,958 --> 00:19:18,000 I went on a trip by carriage... 420 00:19:19,000 --> 00:19:20,416 met Rolo... 421 00:19:23,250 --> 00:19:26,291 I got sent flying by Lynne's magic... 422 00:19:29,458 --> 00:19:33,041 and then I got sent flying 423 00:19:29,459 --> 00:19:33,041 by Lynne's magic... 424 00:19:33,458 --> 00:19:34,916 A bunch of stuff happened, 425 00:19:34,916 --> 00:19:38,333 but getting sent flying by Lynne's magic 426 00:19:34,917 --> 00:19:38,333 is what I remember the most... 427 00:19:41,458 --> 00:19:45,333 I'm going to need some rest 428 00:19:41,459 --> 00:19:45,333 and food pretty soon. 429 00:19:46,333 --> 00:19:49,541 But I can't afford to quit just yet! 430 00:19:51,500 --> 00:19:53,916 I'm sure you've already noticed, 431 00:19:53,916 --> 00:19:57,250 but the Holy Theocracy of Mithra 432 00:19:53,917 --> 00:19:57,250 was working behind the scenes 433 00:19:57,250 --> 00:19:59,708 with Deridas on this war. 434 00:19:59,708 --> 00:20:00,583 Yes. 435 00:20:00,750 --> 00:20:03,416 From the minotaur incident to the 436 00:20:00,751 --> 00:20:03,416 Magical Empire's weaponry, 437 00:20:03,416 --> 00:20:06,500 high purity mana-stones that can 438 00:20:03,417 --> 00:20:06,500 only be produced in that country 439 00:20:06,500 --> 00:20:08,625 have been a factor at every possible turn. 440 00:20:09,541 --> 00:20:13,333 Looking forward, 441 00:20:09,542 --> 00:20:13,333 it seems our days won't be peaceful. 442 00:20:13,833 --> 00:20:19,125 However, there are people 443 00:20:13,834 --> 00:20:19,125 our nation can depend on. 444 00:20:35,250 --> 00:20:37,416 And most importantly, 445 00:20:38,416 --> 00:20:41,541 right now, we have that man. 446 00:20:47,375 --> 00:20:49,958 Thanks! Eat up! 447 00:20:53,750 --> 00:20:55,125 Instructor Noor. 448 00:20:55,125 --> 00:20:58,000 Thank you so much for yesterday. 449 00:20:58,000 --> 00:20:59,958 I should be thanking you. 450 00:20:59,958 --> 00:21:01,875 It was hard for you too, right? 451 00:21:02,416 --> 00:21:04,041 Are you handing out provisions? 452 00:21:04,416 --> 00:21:05,583 Yes. 453 00:21:05,583 --> 00:21:08,625 I'm also treating those who are injured. 454 00:21:09,000 --> 00:21:10,875 Are you here to help 455 00:21:09,001 --> 00:21:10,875 with the restoration work? 456 00:21:10,875 --> 00:21:11,958 Yeah. 457 00:21:18,500 --> 00:21:23,041 I'm handing these out to everyone, 458 00:21:18,501 --> 00:21:23,041 so have one if you like. 459 00:21:23,416 --> 00:21:24,791 Can I really? 460 00:21:24,791 --> 00:21:26,000 By all means! 461 00:21:26,000 --> 00:21:27,000 Thanks. 462 00:21:28,166 --> 00:21:32,166 I'm going back to distributing these, 463 00:21:28,167 --> 00:21:32,166 so goodbye for now. 464 00:21:32,541 --> 00:21:34,666 Okay. Good luck! 465 00:21:34,666 --> 00:21:35,791 Thanks! 466 00:21:35,791 --> 00:21:37,916 Don't overwork yourself, Instructor! 467 00:21:41,833 --> 00:21:46,041 Man, I really wouldn't be where I am 468 00:21:41,834 --> 00:21:46,041 without everybody's help. 469 00:21:46,875 --> 00:21:48,166 Okay. 470 00:21:49,291 --> 00:21:50,916 I can move much better now. 471 00:21:51,958 --> 00:21:54,541 This is a really good, sturdy sword. 472 00:21:54,875 --> 00:21:58,875 Although it won't see much flashy action, 473 00:21:54,876 --> 00:21:58,875 as long as I'm holding onto it. 474 00:22:00,958 --> 00:22:04,458 But in spite of everything, 475 00:22:00,959 --> 00:22:04,458 I want to be an adventurer. 476 00:22:05,625 --> 00:22:11,916 I want to go on adventures like the heroes 477 00:22:05,626 --> 00:22:11,916 in the storybooks Dad read to me. 478 00:22:12,875 --> 00:22:16,333 For right now, let me put you 479 00:22:12,876 --> 00:22:16,333 to good use here. 480 00:22:16,333 --> 00:22:17,958 Noor! 481 00:22:18,541 --> 00:22:20,708 We've cleared out enough in this area! 482 00:22:21,375 --> 00:22:23,208 Are you good to keep working elsewhere? 483 00:22:23,666 --> 00:22:24,958 Sure thing! 484 00:22:31,333 --> 00:22:34,333 {\an8}#12 I Parry Everything 485 00:22:31,334 --> 00:22:32,333 Parry! 486 00:22:49,166 --> 00:22:53,291 Well, I guess this is where 487 00:22:49,167 --> 00:22:53,291 my real work starts!