1 00:00:00,109 --> 00:00:06,831 [Bad Memory Eraser] 2 00:00:06,855 --> 00:00:09,193 [This drama is fictional and the characters, names, institutions, events, organizations, and circumstances are not real.] 3 00:00:09,218 --> 00:00:10,698 [We followed the production guidelines when filming child actors and animals.] 4 00:00:17,216 --> 00:00:20,082 Ace serve! A strong serve of 207km per hour. 5 00:00:20,082 --> 00:00:21,316 [The Junior World Championships 2007] 6 00:00:21,316 --> 00:00:25,082 A thirteen-year-old boy is rewriting tennis history. 7 00:00:25,082 --> 00:00:28,082 Lee Goon of South Korea. We're so proud of you. 8 00:00:28,082 --> 00:00:29,648 [I only see you, Lee Goon] [Lee Goon over fried chicken] 9 00:00:32,649 --> 00:00:35,149 He looks so comfortable with himself. 10 00:00:35,149 --> 00:00:37,049 He manages himself strictly too. 11 00:00:37,049 --> 00:00:40,916 The ball kid appearing on the screen right now is Lee Goon's younger brother. 12 00:00:40,916 --> 00:00:43,282 They're joined at the hip. 13 00:00:44,582 --> 00:00:46,649 It's not over yet. 14 00:00:46,649 --> 00:00:49,416 You think you can beat me looking like it's already over? 15 00:00:49,416 --> 00:00:51,782 You have to win at least one game. 16 00:00:51,782 --> 00:00:54,549 A physical battle or a mental battle. 17 00:00:54,549 --> 00:00:56,549 Shut up! 18 00:00:58,216 --> 00:01:04,616 Yes. A family hero will soon become Korea's national hero. 19 00:01:13,949 --> 00:01:15,949 Out. 20 00:01:24,782 --> 00:01:25,782 Champion point. 21 00:01:25,782 --> 00:01:28,816 To win the Junior World Championships, 22 00:01:28,816 --> 00:01:32,216 only one more point to go. 23 00:01:50,682 --> 00:01:52,849 No! 24 00:01:56,116 --> 00:01:57,149 Game. Goon! 25 00:01:57,149 --> 00:02:01,482 The winner! Lee Goon is the winner! 26 00:02:06,916 --> 00:02:10,882 Lee Goon is lying on the ground. What's happening? 27 00:02:10,882 --> 00:02:13,016 Goon! 28 00:02:14,249 --> 00:02:17,549 Goon, are you okay? 29 00:02:18,716 --> 00:02:23,021 What if I hadn't thrown myself that day? 30 00:02:23,021 --> 00:02:24,582 Are you okay? 31 00:02:24,582 --> 00:02:26,749 Of course, I'm well aware 32 00:02:26,749 --> 00:02:29,882 that there's nothing I can do to change the past. 33 00:02:29,882 --> 00:02:31,549 Harder as I try to forget, 34 00:02:31,549 --> 00:02:34,382 this bad memory 35 00:02:34,382 --> 00:02:38,416 just gets etched on like a tattoo. 36 00:02:45,416 --> 00:02:51,397 [Episode 1, Bad Memory Eraser] 37 00:03:25,016 --> 00:03:29,282 People say life can change in a split second. 38 00:03:29,282 --> 00:03:34,116 What if that moment is filled with bad memories? 39 00:03:34,116 --> 00:03:37,549 Bad memories can cause various psychiatric disorders. 40 00:03:37,549 --> 00:03:41,849 For instance, posttraumatic stress disorder. 41 00:03:43,777 --> 00:03:46,626 [Invitation] 42 00:03:49,116 --> 00:03:50,582 Here is the wine you ordered. 43 00:03:50,582 --> 00:03:52,849 I gave it to you in a large glass this time. 44 00:03:52,849 --> 00:03:55,249 You must be annoyed. 45 00:03:57,916 --> 00:04:00,516 Low self-esteem and chronic depression. 46 00:04:00,516 --> 00:04:04,116 I'm not an alcoholic or anything, but… 47 00:04:04,116 --> 00:04:07,949 Paranoia due to increased emotional response and hallucinatory experiences. 48 00:04:07,949 --> 00:04:09,416 Just because I'm in first class, 49 00:04:09,416 --> 00:04:14,416 I'm not trying to drink a lot to get my money's worth. 50 00:04:14,416 --> 00:04:17,316 Dysfunctional personality development due to central serotonin deficiency. 51 00:04:17,316 --> 00:04:20,949 I ran out of small glasses, so I gave it to you in a big one. 52 00:04:20,949 --> 00:04:25,049 I'm sorry. I was thinking about something else, 53 00:04:25,049 --> 00:04:29,016 so I overreacted. 54 00:04:29,749 --> 00:04:32,182 You must be going to your class reunion. 55 00:04:32,182 --> 00:04:35,316 I was going to go to my class reunion 56 00:04:35,316 --> 00:04:39,082 to meet my first love. I'm thinking about it. 57 00:04:39,082 --> 00:04:43,182 But if someone like me confesses his feelings, she wouldn't like it, right? 58 00:04:43,182 --> 00:04:46,716 He has low self-esteem, persecution complex, and passive-aggressive behavior too. 59 00:04:46,716 --> 00:04:48,149 Of course, it'd be so terrible. Why bother asking? 60 00:04:48,149 --> 00:04:51,849 I'm sure she'd be happy if you were to confess to her. 61 00:04:55,782 --> 00:04:59,716 What? Do you have something to say to me? 62 00:05:00,516 --> 00:05:01,882 Well… 63 00:05:01,882 --> 00:05:06,316 I've been watching you for a while… 64 00:05:06,316 --> 00:05:07,749 I have a boyfriend. 65 00:05:07,749 --> 00:05:10,016 No, I mean… 66 00:05:21,616 --> 00:05:25,716 - May I have two wet tissues, please? - Sure. One moment, please. 67 00:05:26,449 --> 00:05:28,582 Thank you. 68 00:05:41,349 --> 00:05:43,782 Gosh, that startled me. 69 00:05:43,782 --> 00:05:48,616 I wasn't hitting on you. 70 00:05:57,749 --> 00:05:59,616 Are you… okay? 71 00:05:59,616 --> 00:06:03,182 My temporary veneer. 72 00:06:03,182 --> 00:06:05,249 My temporary veneer. 73 00:06:05,249 --> 00:06:09,249 Your tooth… Did you lose your front tooth? 74 00:06:11,693 --> 00:06:13,216 I'm so relieved. 75 00:06:13,216 --> 00:06:16,216 It's a temporary veneer before I get my dental implant. 76 00:06:16,216 --> 00:06:18,182 - Gosh, I have to give a presentation. - I'm so sorry. 77 00:06:18,182 --> 00:06:20,149 Let me compensate you for it at least. 78 00:06:20,149 --> 00:06:23,316 No. It's okay. 79 00:06:23,316 --> 00:06:25,616 But still… 80 00:06:39,016 --> 00:06:41,316 That startled me. 81 00:06:45,016 --> 00:06:49,882 Well, I have important data stored in here. 82 00:06:52,116 --> 00:06:58,182 We're experiencing turbulence. Please remain in your seat and fasten your seatbelt. 83 00:07:02,149 --> 00:07:04,882 Are you okay? 84 00:07:04,882 --> 00:07:09,016 By any chance… 85 00:07:21,049 --> 00:07:23,749 I'm fine. Just go. 86 00:07:30,416 --> 00:07:34,381 If you're hurt because of me, please give me a call. 87 00:07:34,406 --> 00:07:36,165 [Kyung Ju Yeon] 88 00:07:49,949 --> 00:07:54,016 We've already moved all our belongings to Australia, Mother. 89 00:07:54,016 --> 00:07:56,482 We wanted Goon 90 00:07:56,482 --> 00:08:01,216 to train under an Australian coach who is the best in the world. 91 00:08:01,216 --> 00:08:06,082 We even used all his retirement money to put down the deposit. 92 00:08:06,716 --> 00:08:10,349 We've never imagined things would turn out this way. 93 00:08:11,149 --> 00:08:12,916 But still. 94 00:08:12,916 --> 00:08:18,282 How could you leave him behind? He's still a child. 95 00:08:19,582 --> 00:08:25,682 We have no choice because of health insurance. 96 00:08:25,682 --> 00:08:30,782 He'd be devastating to watch his brother getting lessons in his place. 97 00:08:30,782 --> 00:08:35,682 It was a difficult decision for us too. 98 00:08:35,682 --> 00:08:38,649 Please take care of him just for a few years. 99 00:08:40,649 --> 00:08:45,582 My goodness, my poor grandson. 100 00:08:53,482 --> 00:08:56,716 Sweetie, stop. Come on, sweetie. 101 00:08:58,216 --> 00:09:01,349 Sweetie. My goodness. 102 00:09:01,349 --> 00:09:03,649 Goon. 103 00:09:07,349 --> 00:09:09,716 Mom. 104 00:09:13,116 --> 00:09:17,149 Mom. Mom! 105 00:09:20,882 --> 00:09:23,782 Mom, take me too! 106 00:09:25,216 --> 00:09:29,616 Mom, don't leave me! 107 00:09:30,549 --> 00:09:32,716 Mom! 108 00:09:36,616 --> 00:09:38,649 My medal. 109 00:09:46,049 --> 00:09:50,282 Are you okay? Open your eyes. 110 00:09:52,082 --> 00:09:54,316 Are you okay? 111 00:10:00,082 --> 00:10:01,749 Professor Han, I just landed. 112 00:10:01,749 --> 00:10:04,016 I got the documents from the Cambridge Medical Research Institute. 113 00:10:04,016 --> 00:10:08,149 The animal importation procedures are quite strict, so I was delayed a little. 114 00:10:10,716 --> 00:10:13,382 Put it on now. 115 00:10:13,382 --> 00:10:17,382 - Your mom will scold me too. - I don't want to, Father. 116 00:10:17,382 --> 00:10:20,882 [Lee Shin of the Republic of Korea, the Winner of Wimbledon 2022] 117 00:10:20,882 --> 00:10:23,416 Here he comes. Here he comes! 118 00:10:35,316 --> 00:10:37,682 Did you expect to win? 119 00:10:37,682 --> 00:10:41,216 Mr. Lee Shin, please say a word. How do you feel? 120 00:10:41,216 --> 00:10:44,216 Wait, he isn't Lee Shin. 121 00:10:44,216 --> 00:10:45,749 Gosh, what's going on? 122 00:10:45,749 --> 00:10:48,982 Hey, he's over there! 123 00:11:01,416 --> 00:11:03,682 I'm sorry. 124 00:11:15,116 --> 00:11:18,549 - What? - Can I have that? 125 00:11:21,982 --> 00:11:23,182 Mr. Lee, please say a word. 126 00:11:23,182 --> 00:11:26,216 Please tell us your determination going forward. 127 00:11:26,216 --> 00:11:30,382 "Let's win one at least. A physical battle or a mental battle." 128 00:11:31,416 --> 00:11:33,482 Wait, just one word. Please. 129 00:11:33,482 --> 00:11:35,649 You have to win at least one game. 130 00:11:35,649 --> 00:11:38,016 A physical battle or a mental battle. 131 00:11:38,016 --> 00:11:39,516 How unoriginal. 132 00:11:39,516 --> 00:11:42,549 - Mr. Lee! - Let's talk next time. 133 00:11:51,882 --> 00:11:53,316 You've been a professional athlete for many years now. 134 00:11:53,316 --> 00:11:55,849 Do you still get nervous to get in front of the camera? 135 00:11:55,849 --> 00:11:58,549 You're taking good care of your mental health, right? 136 00:11:58,549 --> 00:12:01,982 - Yes. - That isn't Shin's fault. 137 00:12:01,982 --> 00:12:05,482 I told him to hold them down until we got out, but he couldn't even do that. 138 00:12:05,482 --> 00:12:09,949 It's not Goon's fault, either. Don't blame him. 139 00:12:09,949 --> 00:12:13,182 Hey, Goon. Where is he? 140 00:12:13,182 --> 00:12:17,049 - Hey, Goon! - Oh, my. Did he not get on? 141 00:12:17,049 --> 00:12:19,316 Hey, son. Take a deluxe taxi home. 142 00:12:19,316 --> 00:12:23,249 Just charge Shin's credit card all you want. 143 00:12:50,644 --> 00:12:54,116 [Special Animal Transport Vehicle] 144 00:12:54,116 --> 00:12:56,182 Hello. 145 00:13:03,049 --> 00:13:04,982 Thank you. 146 00:13:04,982 --> 00:13:07,716 Success. Finally here. Let's go. 147 00:13:07,716 --> 00:13:10,549 His name is Mouse No. 107. 148 00:13:10,549 --> 00:13:15,316 Three months ago, he experienced an electric shock trying to fetch food. 149 00:13:15,316 --> 00:13:19,149 After that, even if we gave him delicious food or made his surroundings comfortable, 150 00:13:19,149 --> 00:13:22,049 he kept getting indigestion. 151 00:13:32,016 --> 00:13:36,082 A bad memory. Everyone has at least one bad memory, right? 152 00:13:36,082 --> 00:13:38,882 A memory of a serious accident that caused physical harm. 153 00:13:38,882 --> 00:13:41,049 A harsh word uttered by a family member at times. 154 00:13:41,049 --> 00:13:45,782 Or the moment you were mercilessly abandoned by someone you loved. 155 00:13:45,782 --> 00:13:50,449 Once a bad memory gets created, it turns into an irreversible trauma. 156 00:13:50,449 --> 00:13:55,516 Bad memories that are painful, upsetting, and bitter. 157 00:13:55,516 --> 00:13:59,816 What if you can erase them forever? 158 00:13:59,816 --> 00:14:05,416 For example, what if there is a bad memory eraser? 159 00:14:23,616 --> 00:14:25,882 Gosh, it's so cold. 160 00:15:10,649 --> 00:15:13,449 Hey, you're home. 161 00:15:13,449 --> 00:15:15,616 I don't know about anything else, but you won't go hungry at least. 162 00:15:15,616 --> 00:15:17,816 Hey, you took a taxi home, right? 163 00:15:17,816 --> 00:15:21,349 You needed to get on quickly. You missed the car by moving so slowly. 164 00:15:21,349 --> 00:15:23,616 Go get changed and come back out. 165 00:15:28,449 --> 00:15:30,816 Hey, Shin. 166 00:15:31,916 --> 00:15:33,116 I don't want to. 167 00:15:33,116 --> 00:15:35,549 Come on. Go. 168 00:15:41,516 --> 00:15:42,682 Goon, come eat. 169 00:15:42,682 --> 00:15:45,116 Gosh, seriously. 170 00:15:48,349 --> 00:15:51,449 I don't want to eat. 171 00:15:51,449 --> 00:15:54,216 Okay. I just need to get kimchi. 172 00:15:58,349 --> 00:16:02,582 Why did you have to put the kimchi refrigerator in my room? 173 00:16:02,582 --> 00:16:05,482 You're the one who moved into the kimchi storage room. 174 00:16:05,482 --> 00:16:09,482 You moved in out of nowhere after going out of business. 175 00:16:30,912 --> 00:16:33,328 [Psychology, Please Help My Self-Esteem] 176 00:16:44,416 --> 00:16:46,249 Do you think you're a ninja? 177 00:16:46,249 --> 00:16:48,949 Why do you always wear black? 178 00:16:48,949 --> 00:16:51,082 Wear something bright. 179 00:16:51,082 --> 00:16:52,849 Stop slouching too. 180 00:16:52,849 --> 00:16:57,016 Okay. I'm sorry. 181 00:16:57,016 --> 00:17:01,249 You keep apologizing at the end of every sentence. Stop doing that. 182 00:17:01,249 --> 00:17:03,282 Okay, I'm sorry… 183 00:17:05,482 --> 00:17:06,749 Chicken breast again. 184 00:17:06,749 --> 00:17:10,482 I hate you, but you must really hate me too. 185 00:17:10,482 --> 00:17:13,216 I don't eat boiled meat. 186 00:17:13,216 --> 00:17:15,182 Can you make the menu more even 187 00:17:15,182 --> 00:17:18,682 by switching off between chicken soup and fried chicken? Wouldn't that be great? 188 00:17:18,682 --> 00:17:20,916 Mom cooked this with love. Eat up, okay? 189 00:17:20,916 --> 00:17:23,449 I haven't tasted it yet, but I'm sure it's delicious. 190 00:17:24,282 --> 00:17:26,882 Here's a drumstick. 191 00:17:26,882 --> 00:17:28,349 Gosh, it's hot. 192 00:17:28,349 --> 00:17:30,349 Are you alright? 193 00:17:30,916 --> 00:17:34,216 All moms must be invincible. 194 00:17:34,216 --> 00:17:38,349 I'd gladly sacrifice my hands for my child. You must've been hungry. 195 00:17:38,349 --> 00:17:42,649 What's certain is that she wasn't referring to me when she said, "my child." 196 00:17:42,649 --> 00:17:45,882 The pecking order is obvious just from the order of food being served. 197 00:17:45,882 --> 00:17:47,616 First in line. 198 00:17:47,616 --> 00:17:50,449 Second in line. 199 00:17:53,316 --> 00:17:56,149 Third in line. 200 00:17:56,149 --> 00:17:59,382 The once successful eldest son of this family is in last place now. 201 00:17:59,382 --> 00:18:01,382 Here. 202 00:18:02,349 --> 00:18:05,482 Perhaps, I was mistaken. 203 00:18:05,482 --> 00:18:07,482 She must've felt bad about what happened at the airport. 204 00:18:07,482 --> 00:18:10,882 Maybe because I worked hard serving as Shin's manager in the U.K.? 205 00:18:10,882 --> 00:18:15,382 Or because I'm the eldest son, the pillar of this family? 206 00:18:15,382 --> 00:18:17,582 Give it to Cola. 207 00:18:18,282 --> 00:18:20,582 Fourth in line. 208 00:18:20,582 --> 00:18:23,849 I'm last in line behind the dog. 209 00:18:25,882 --> 00:18:30,216 The issue is that even the dog knows that. 210 00:18:30,216 --> 00:18:32,982 I must teach the dog a lesson that I come before him. 211 00:18:32,982 --> 00:18:34,982 Hey. 212 00:18:38,316 --> 00:18:40,249 I'd stop if I were you. 213 00:18:40,249 --> 00:18:42,482 Lee Goon. 214 00:18:49,249 --> 00:18:52,016 Hey, you… 215 00:18:52,016 --> 00:18:55,249 Let me tell you a secret about your birth. 216 00:18:55,916 --> 00:19:00,382 Your mom and dad are not the same breed. 217 00:19:00,382 --> 00:19:04,116 You're a crossbreed. 218 00:19:04,116 --> 00:19:06,282 A mutt! 219 00:19:12,849 --> 00:19:14,749 Come on, do something. 220 00:19:14,749 --> 00:19:15,782 Did you bite Cola? 221 00:19:15,782 --> 00:19:17,816 Cola! 222 00:19:20,216 --> 00:19:21,949 Hey, what's wrong? 223 00:19:21,949 --> 00:19:24,582 You mutt. 224 00:19:24,582 --> 00:19:26,982 You mutt! 225 00:19:29,849 --> 00:19:33,449 Great. It's really great. 226 00:19:33,449 --> 00:19:35,649 You know that the minister is coming to our school presentation tomorrow, right? 227 00:19:35,649 --> 00:19:37,382 Yes, please don't worry a thing. 228 00:19:37,382 --> 00:19:39,882 We'll make sure… 229 00:19:43,449 --> 00:19:46,116 to prepare thoroughly. 230 00:19:49,649 --> 00:19:51,949 You'll be able to showcase the mouse you brought back from the U.K., right? 231 00:19:51,949 --> 00:19:53,982 Yes, sir. 232 00:19:56,349 --> 00:19:58,082 Absolutely. 233 00:19:58,082 --> 00:20:00,382 Why don't we go now, sir? 234 00:20:00,382 --> 00:20:02,482 Yes, let's go. 235 00:20:08,016 --> 00:20:09,849 Ju Yeon. 236 00:20:09,849 --> 00:20:11,916 Te O. 237 00:20:14,049 --> 00:20:16,516 I heard that you gave a great presentation right away. 238 00:20:23,949 --> 00:20:26,682 Aren't you happy to see me? It's been four months. 239 00:20:26,682 --> 00:20:27,916 Good job. 240 00:20:27,916 --> 00:20:31,282 - Thank you. - You held up well. 241 00:20:40,216 --> 00:20:44,049 Out of all people, why did it have to happen in front of Te O? Because of that loser. 242 00:20:44,049 --> 00:20:47,882 No, something good's about to happen. Lightning never strikes twice. 243 00:20:47,882 --> 00:20:53,849 Once tomorrow's presentation goes well, I'll have plenty of time for dates with Te O. 244 00:20:55,427 --> 00:20:56,516 [Neuroscience Laboratory] 245 00:20:56,516 --> 00:21:00,416 They've been so hard on us saying our team spends too much money. 246 00:21:00,416 --> 00:21:06,316 But at last, our brain research center will achieve our dream of extending human lifespan! 247 00:21:08,116 --> 00:21:11,682 Now that Dr. Kyung is back and the result is good too, 248 00:21:11,682 --> 00:21:15,349 shall we go for a team dinner? Let's go? 249 00:21:15,349 --> 00:21:18,249 Korean, Chinese, or Japanese cuisine? Or chicken and beer? 250 00:21:18,249 --> 00:21:22,782 Let's go for beef and beer. Beef and beer! 251 00:21:24,682 --> 00:21:27,349 Call them. 252 00:21:27,349 --> 00:21:29,049 Hello? May I make a reservation? 253 00:21:29,049 --> 00:21:30,549 We have to work late tonight. 254 00:21:30,549 --> 00:21:32,616 I'll call you back. 255 00:21:32,616 --> 00:21:36,282 Please hold your horses and prepare thoroughly, so that tomorrow's presentation goes smoothly. 256 00:21:36,282 --> 00:21:39,449 Please keep checking humidity, temperature, and bowel movements of Mouse No. 107. 257 00:21:39,449 --> 00:21:42,749 I don't want six years of our research to go down the drain. 258 00:21:42,749 --> 00:21:45,849 Then, we'll be off to the clean room now. 259 00:21:45,849 --> 00:21:48,449 - Yes, let's go. - We'll go now. 260 00:21:51,449 --> 00:21:55,082 You're so heartless. 261 00:21:55,082 --> 00:21:57,816 Do you know what the researchers call you? 262 00:21:57,816 --> 00:21:59,216 Elsa! 263 00:21:59,216 --> 00:22:03,782 You can kill the greatest mood at once and make people feel like they're walking on eggshells. 264 00:22:06,049 --> 00:22:08,116 Keep up the good work. 265 00:22:09,749 --> 00:22:13,282 You're a psychiatrist. How can you be so cold-hearted? 266 00:22:13,282 --> 00:22:17,282 Do you even know that I'm handling all the complaints you get from the patients? 267 00:22:17,282 --> 00:22:20,549 That's why I asked you to spare me from counseling patients in detail. 268 00:22:20,549 --> 00:22:22,116 You know that I'm not good at that. 269 00:22:22,116 --> 00:22:25,782 It's not that you're not good. You're just not interested. 270 00:22:25,782 --> 00:22:28,849 I've given everything for this research under Professor Han since medical school. 271 00:22:28,849 --> 00:22:30,749 My life depends on this. 272 00:22:30,749 --> 00:22:35,949 If anything goes wrong, I'll not forgive them. 273 00:22:45,682 --> 00:22:47,216 Are those documents from the U.K.? 274 00:22:47,216 --> 00:22:48,582 Gosh, my head hurts. I'm so jet-lagged. 275 00:22:48,582 --> 00:22:51,216 I'm sorry. They're your personal belongings. 276 00:22:51,216 --> 00:22:54,582 - Show me after you unpack. - Okay. 277 00:22:59,689 --> 00:23:00,982 [Lee Goon] 278 00:23:00,982 --> 00:23:03,416 What? This isn't my bag. 279 00:23:03,416 --> 00:23:08,416 My bag was swapped with that of a man who was obsessed with wearing all black. 280 00:23:08,416 --> 00:23:11,782 It has important documents that the future of humanity depends on… 281 00:23:11,782 --> 00:23:15,349 Forget it. May I have his contact information? 282 00:23:15,349 --> 00:23:17,349 I… 283 00:23:21,516 --> 00:23:23,149 Okay, understood. 284 00:23:23,149 --> 00:23:25,382 Hello, Dr. Kyung. 285 00:23:27,982 --> 00:23:32,182 His number is written here. How did I miss that? Gosh. 286 00:23:32,182 --> 00:23:34,149 The line is busy. Please leave a message after the beep… 287 00:23:34,149 --> 00:23:37,882 Who on earth is he talking to? 288 00:23:37,882 --> 00:23:40,049 Why are you calling me in the middle of a lesson? 289 00:23:40,049 --> 00:23:43,682 I'm so frustrated teaching elementary school kids. 290 00:23:44,382 --> 00:23:46,549 You got the invitation for the class reunion, right? 291 00:23:46,549 --> 00:23:47,916 You're going tomorrow no matter what, right? 292 00:23:47,916 --> 00:23:50,316 - I'm not sure. - What? 293 00:23:50,316 --> 00:23:53,916 Your first love you've been longing for might come. You have to go no matter what. 294 00:23:53,916 --> 00:23:57,182 Our school was the only elementary school in that tiny little rural town. 295 00:23:57,182 --> 00:24:01,349 You can ask around at least, right? 296 00:24:01,349 --> 00:24:03,482 When will you be able to find her again if you miss this opportunity? 297 00:24:03,482 --> 00:24:06,349 Just go and be a man, okay? 298 00:24:06,349 --> 00:24:08,216 "I've liked you for a long time." 299 00:24:08,216 --> 00:24:11,449 "Let's go out." Just tell her that. 300 00:24:13,149 --> 00:24:14,382 Okay, take a break for five minutes. 301 00:24:14,382 --> 00:24:19,716 Even if we were to see each other again, why would she like someone like me? 302 00:24:21,416 --> 00:24:24,016 You're so frustrating. 303 00:24:24,016 --> 00:24:26,349 You have such low self-esteem, man. 304 00:24:26,349 --> 00:24:30,482 You must have high self-esteem to succeed in love or career, okay? 305 00:24:30,482 --> 00:24:32,449 No. 306 00:24:32,449 --> 00:24:36,349 You must succeed to have self-esteem. 307 00:24:36,349 --> 00:24:38,649 An extra 308 00:24:39,582 --> 00:24:44,716 could never catch up to the lead character. Never. 309 00:25:00,616 --> 00:25:02,516 Excuse me. 310 00:25:02,516 --> 00:25:04,749 You can't park here. 311 00:25:06,216 --> 00:25:08,449 Please leave now. 312 00:25:13,282 --> 00:25:16,549 Pardon me. Where can I park then? 313 00:25:16,574 --> 00:25:17,872 [Big Picture Agency] 314 00:25:25,010 --> 00:25:26,416 [The Heart of Big Picture Agency, Lee Shin] 315 00:25:26,416 --> 00:25:29,882 What? You've never seen anyone taking a dump? 316 00:25:47,316 --> 00:25:49,382 Why do you… 317 00:25:52,482 --> 00:25:54,716 Awesome. You're that guy, right? 318 00:25:54,716 --> 00:25:55,982 The legendary tennis genius. 319 00:25:55,982 --> 00:25:57,449 If you're looking for Lee Shin… 320 00:25:57,449 --> 00:25:59,282 You're Lee Goon, the tennis player. 321 00:25:59,282 --> 00:26:01,416 Right? 322 00:26:04,149 --> 00:26:05,616 Yes… I am. 323 00:26:05,616 --> 00:26:06,916 Awesome. 324 00:26:06,916 --> 00:26:09,216 I'm a big fan of yours. 325 00:26:09,216 --> 00:26:12,582 I started playing tennis after watching your footage. 326 00:26:12,582 --> 00:26:16,849 Oh, you're Cha Si On, right? 327 00:26:16,849 --> 00:26:19,016 You're under this agency too? 328 00:26:19,016 --> 00:26:20,416 Agency… 329 00:26:20,416 --> 00:26:22,716 - Yes… - Awesome. 330 00:26:22,716 --> 00:26:24,482 Are you playing tennis again? 331 00:26:24,482 --> 00:26:27,482 You were the first Korean to win a world championship medal too. 332 00:26:27,482 --> 00:26:29,682 Can you show me the medal sometime? 333 00:26:29,682 --> 00:26:33,082 The medal? I lost it. 334 00:26:33,082 --> 00:26:35,082 You lost the medal? 335 00:26:35,082 --> 00:26:38,682 What? That's crazy. How awful. 336 00:26:38,682 --> 00:26:40,849 Then, do a rally with me sometime. Okay? 337 00:26:40,849 --> 00:26:44,416 Sure, why not? I'm busy, but I'll try to make time. 338 00:26:44,416 --> 00:26:46,882 For real? All right! 339 00:26:49,516 --> 00:26:51,216 Hey, look who's here. 340 00:26:51,216 --> 00:26:54,682 Ms. Cha Si On, the nation's favorite girl is here. 341 00:26:54,682 --> 00:26:57,616 Shall we go inside? Let's go. 342 00:26:57,616 --> 00:26:59,749 See this? Look. 343 00:26:59,749 --> 00:27:01,482 Shin's picture is here too. 344 00:27:01,482 --> 00:27:04,749 We'll put your pictures all along the wall too, Si On. 345 00:27:04,749 --> 00:27:07,082 Ms. Cha Si On is here. 346 00:27:11,849 --> 00:27:15,482 Oh, I forgot my pen. 347 00:27:18,182 --> 00:27:22,949 Hello, manager. Could you please get me a nice, cold drink? 348 00:27:22,949 --> 00:27:27,349 Someone scribbled on my face. It really pisses me off. 349 00:27:27,349 --> 00:27:29,782 An inside job. 350 00:27:29,782 --> 00:27:31,582 Anything cold will do. 351 00:27:31,582 --> 00:27:36,016 Cold yuja tea with lots of whipped cream 352 00:27:36,016 --> 00:27:38,782 and caramel syrup, please. 353 00:27:43,816 --> 00:27:45,582 - Hello? - Hello? 354 00:27:45,582 --> 00:27:47,582 This is Mr. Lee Goon's number, right? About the luggage-- 355 00:27:47,582 --> 00:27:50,516 - No, thanks. - Hello? Please hold on. 356 00:27:50,516 --> 00:27:52,016 I'm the owner of that luggage. 357 00:27:52,016 --> 00:27:54,216 Our bags got switched. 358 00:27:54,216 --> 00:27:55,782 The airport called me already. 359 00:27:55,782 --> 00:27:57,882 Then, why didn't you answer my calls? 360 00:27:57,882 --> 00:28:00,582 - I called and texted you so many times. - Your order is ready. 361 00:28:00,582 --> 00:28:02,882 I'll send it over to you this week, 362 00:28:02,882 --> 00:28:04,349 so please text me your address. 363 00:28:04,349 --> 00:28:07,316 When? Hello-- 364 00:28:08,316 --> 00:28:09,816 Excuse me. 365 00:28:09,816 --> 00:28:13,549 You didn't put enough whipped cream. 366 00:28:13,549 --> 00:28:17,582 What's wrong with him? He thinks he's the only one who is busy? 367 00:28:17,582 --> 00:28:19,849 He's driving me nuts. 368 00:28:28,449 --> 00:28:29,949 Come in, Goon. 369 00:28:29,949 --> 00:28:32,749 What? Hi, mister. 370 00:28:32,749 --> 00:28:34,149 Come sit over here. 371 00:28:34,149 --> 00:28:36,416 I said, come in. 372 00:28:54,116 --> 00:28:56,616 Go make a copy. 373 00:28:58,982 --> 00:29:01,782 As for the advertisement… 374 00:29:04,082 --> 00:29:06,449 Data is nothing but numbers. 375 00:29:06,449 --> 00:29:08,316 What matters is systematic analysis. 376 00:29:08,316 --> 00:29:11,116 Oh, please do it for me. 377 00:29:11,116 --> 00:29:13,182 Come on. 378 00:29:18,716 --> 00:29:20,149 Do you want me to? 379 00:29:20,149 --> 00:29:22,316 One moment. 380 00:29:29,849 --> 00:29:31,982 Your stroke speed is good 381 00:29:31,982 --> 00:29:34,516 as well as your muscle mass, but… 382 00:29:36,482 --> 00:29:38,682 What's wrong? 383 00:29:39,516 --> 00:29:41,516 It's been progressing quite a bit. 384 00:29:41,516 --> 00:29:45,149 You injured your knee, didn't you? 385 00:29:45,149 --> 00:29:47,182 Hey! 386 00:29:47,182 --> 00:29:49,016 Are you out of your mind? 387 00:29:49,016 --> 00:29:51,849 Don't you dare jinx things by mentioning injuries to an athlete. 388 00:29:51,849 --> 00:29:53,849 Mind your business, okay? 389 00:29:53,849 --> 00:29:57,049 I'm letting you be Shin's manager because he asked me. 390 00:29:57,049 --> 00:30:00,716 You're mooching off your little brother. 391 00:30:02,482 --> 00:30:06,582 Hey, why don't you go make a copy of these? 392 00:30:13,649 --> 00:30:15,182 What's his problem? 393 00:30:15,182 --> 00:30:18,016 He doesn't know how to handle his own matters. 394 00:30:18,016 --> 00:30:19,116 He's always causing trouble. 395 00:30:19,116 --> 00:30:23,482 Gosh, I thought he was a tennis genius, but actually, he's a total loser. 396 00:30:23,482 --> 00:30:27,182 What? Did he get into trouble again? 397 00:30:27,182 --> 00:30:30,616 His little brother is doing so great. What's wrong with him? 398 00:30:30,616 --> 00:30:32,749 What a loser. 399 00:30:45,382 --> 00:30:48,682 I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. 400 00:30:51,037 --> 00:30:54,371 Excuse me. I sent you so many text messages. Shouldn't you reply me by now at least? 401 00:30:54,371 --> 00:30:55,771 Can't you be a little considerate? 402 00:30:55,771 --> 00:30:58,704 Call me as soon as you turn on your phone! 403 00:30:59,237 --> 00:31:05,071 Please call me right way. I beg you. Just a text message will do. 404 00:31:18,671 --> 00:31:21,471 Dr. Kyung. 405 00:31:21,471 --> 00:31:23,837 It's a type of anxiety disorder. 406 00:31:23,837 --> 00:31:26,804 If you do things to change up your mood, meet up with some friends, 407 00:31:26,804 --> 00:31:30,304 or make yourself believe that you left your worries behind, 408 00:31:30,304 --> 00:31:34,004 and your anxious feeling 409 00:31:34,004 --> 00:31:37,004 will ease up quite a bit. 410 00:31:37,004 --> 00:31:41,504 I feel like the earth is spinning. 411 00:31:41,504 --> 00:31:46,071 Dr. Kyung, I must go now. 412 00:31:46,071 --> 00:31:49,004 The earth is spinning. It's spinning. 413 00:32:03,404 --> 00:32:04,904 The phone is powered off… 414 00:32:04,904 --> 00:32:07,237 Gosh, seriously. Is this guy a con artist? 415 00:32:07,237 --> 00:32:08,671 Is he trying to get money out of me? 416 00:32:08,671 --> 00:32:14,071 I hope he isn't a broker who sells documents to another hospital research lab for money. 417 00:32:17,371 --> 00:32:19,537 Hello? 418 00:32:19,537 --> 00:32:21,837 An emergency patient? 419 00:32:22,571 --> 00:32:25,404 - Can you tell me about the patient? - He has wrist pain. 420 00:32:25,404 --> 00:32:27,104 Wrist pain? 421 00:32:27,104 --> 00:32:29,471 Why did you call me instead of neurosurgery or orthopedics? 422 00:32:29,471 --> 00:32:33,304 He's a former patient of Professor Han, but he isn't here. 423 00:32:36,037 --> 00:32:38,671 - Where is the patient? - This way, please. 424 00:32:39,737 --> 00:32:42,471 Doctor, my wrist hurts so much. 425 00:32:42,471 --> 00:32:44,904 Please give me some painkillers. 426 00:32:48,871 --> 00:32:50,304 Can you describe the pain? 427 00:32:50,304 --> 00:32:52,804 You're a psychiatrist. 428 00:32:52,804 --> 00:32:55,337 Please call a neurosurgeon. 429 00:32:55,337 --> 00:32:57,137 You heard the result of your CT scan, right? 430 00:32:57,137 --> 00:33:01,304 Please administer the strongest one you have here. Nothing else will work. 431 00:33:01,304 --> 00:33:05,071 That shot is for critically ill patients only. 432 00:33:05,071 --> 00:33:09,904 I've been ill for 15 years. How much worse must I be to be considered critically ill? 433 00:33:10,971 --> 00:33:12,637 Please hand me a hammer. 434 00:33:12,637 --> 00:33:13,837 Pardon me? 435 00:33:13,837 --> 00:33:16,237 I must crush his arm to give him that shot. 436 00:33:16,237 --> 00:33:18,904 You don't know anything about pain. 437 00:33:18,904 --> 00:33:23,504 I don't care if it's a neurosurgeon or a pain specialist. Get me anyone. Please! 438 00:33:23,504 --> 00:33:28,737 You know that it's somatization disorder caused by neurosis, right? It's fake pain. 439 00:33:31,637 --> 00:33:35,737 I don't want psychiatric treatment. 440 00:33:35,737 --> 00:33:40,437 It won't work anyway and my pain will remain. 441 00:33:43,737 --> 00:33:47,304 Okay, fine. I'll administer a tranquilizer. 442 00:33:57,537 --> 00:33:59,037 What was that for? 443 00:33:59,037 --> 00:34:01,971 How do you feel? Your right wrist isn't hurting anymore, is it? 444 00:34:01,971 --> 00:34:04,704 You came in regularly for ten years, but haven't been doing that lately. 445 00:34:04,704 --> 00:34:06,704 You've only been coming to the emergency room biweekly. 446 00:34:06,704 --> 00:34:09,237 I tried everything over ten years, 447 00:34:09,237 --> 00:34:11,837 including hypnosis and neurofeedback. 448 00:34:11,837 --> 00:34:14,471 How much longer must I endure to forget? 449 00:34:14,471 --> 00:34:16,504 Ten more years? 450 00:34:16,504 --> 00:34:18,837 Or 20 more years? Or only after I die? 451 00:34:18,837 --> 00:34:24,537 If you keep getting catered treatments, you'll get better eventually. 452 00:34:25,404 --> 00:34:30,537 Then, you must be living your life forgetting all the bad memories. 453 00:34:30,537 --> 00:34:36,004 I would sell my soul to you if only I could forget it. 454 00:34:39,404 --> 00:34:41,904 I'm not done treating you. Where are you going? 455 00:34:41,904 --> 00:34:44,271 What a great doctor you are. 456 00:34:45,004 --> 00:34:47,971 My wrist doesn't hurt at all anymore. 457 00:34:50,304 --> 00:34:53,071 Have you decided to meet her? 458 00:34:53,071 --> 00:34:55,237 Your first love? 459 00:34:58,204 --> 00:35:00,504 Aren't you so traumatized that 460 00:35:00,504 --> 00:35:04,704 you're even afraid of meeting your first love? 461 00:35:04,704 --> 00:35:07,304 Because bad memories can be offset by good memories 462 00:35:07,304 --> 00:35:10,404 once you meet her without being afraid. 463 00:35:11,504 --> 00:35:14,737 What if even good memories turn into bad memories? 464 00:35:14,737 --> 00:35:17,237 Will you take responsibility? 465 00:35:24,504 --> 00:35:27,037 What should we do? 466 00:35:27,037 --> 00:35:29,437 He said, he's fine now. 467 00:35:32,637 --> 00:35:36,204 It doesn't state what his traumatic memories are about. 468 00:35:38,904 --> 00:35:41,437 Lee Goon. 469 00:35:41,437 --> 00:35:45,037 Lee Goon? Wait, Lee Goon? 470 00:35:52,071 --> 00:35:56,971 Is he the owner of the luggage then? 471 00:35:56,971 --> 00:35:59,404 Please excuse me for a moment. 472 00:36:00,837 --> 00:36:02,271 You fool. 473 00:36:02,271 --> 00:36:04,037 Why do you not want to go? 474 00:36:04,037 --> 00:36:07,137 This could be your one and only chance. 475 00:36:09,271 --> 00:36:11,637 I'm not going. 476 00:36:12,871 --> 00:36:14,737 You punk. You're like wired earphones 477 00:36:14,737 --> 00:36:18,237 keep getting tangled no matter how hard I try. 478 00:36:18,237 --> 00:36:21,304 It's like a Pandora's box. 479 00:36:22,604 --> 00:36:24,404 I'm afraid to open it. 480 00:36:24,404 --> 00:36:26,637 I see. 481 00:36:27,304 --> 00:36:28,671 It's scary to open it. 482 00:36:28,671 --> 00:36:31,771 It's like going into a public restroom… 483 00:36:34,371 --> 00:36:36,571 And the toilet seat lid is down. 484 00:36:36,571 --> 00:36:38,604 I wonder what's inside. 485 00:36:38,604 --> 00:36:41,437 You're so afraid to lift it up. 486 00:36:42,571 --> 00:36:45,037 And your stomach cramps are getting worse. 487 00:36:46,171 --> 00:36:49,237 You have no choice, so with the tips of your fingers, 488 00:36:49,237 --> 00:36:52,604 you lift it up mustering up the courage. 489 00:36:52,604 --> 00:36:54,171 Poop. 490 00:36:54,171 --> 00:36:57,337 Chicken gizzard. Eat up. 491 00:37:00,571 --> 00:37:03,004 It's no big deal once you open it. 492 00:37:03,004 --> 00:37:04,537 Hey, just lift it up and see. 493 00:37:04,537 --> 00:37:06,504 In the worst-case scenario, it's just poop. 494 00:37:06,504 --> 00:37:10,337 Well, rejection is the worst thing that could happen, you know? 495 00:37:12,371 --> 00:37:14,704 I hate myself 496 00:37:14,704 --> 00:37:17,171 for being like this too. 497 00:37:18,837 --> 00:37:21,171 I have no confidence. 498 00:37:22,737 --> 00:37:24,304 So, can I ask you a favor? 499 00:37:24,304 --> 00:37:28,437 Can you go to the class reunion tomorrow and ask around for me 500 00:37:28,437 --> 00:37:33,604 to see if anyone knows… the girl 501 00:37:33,604 --> 00:37:38,704 who was with me? Just her name at least. 502 00:37:39,637 --> 00:37:41,537 Crazy punk. 503 00:37:41,537 --> 00:37:43,937 Help me, man. 504 00:37:48,204 --> 00:37:51,171 I'm the doctor from earlier today. 505 00:37:51,171 --> 00:37:54,337 And I'm the owner of that luggage. 506 00:37:54,337 --> 00:37:58,037 I didn't call you so late because of my luggage. 507 00:37:58,904 --> 00:38:03,004 I spoke too hastily without knowing what memory caused your trauma. 508 00:38:03,004 --> 00:38:07,471 But I didn't underestimate the seriousness of your pain. 509 00:38:08,537 --> 00:38:11,837 I won't be irresponsible and cliché to say that time will help you forget. 510 00:38:11,837 --> 00:38:15,771 I won't. I can't say that, either. 511 00:38:17,104 --> 00:38:21,737 But just drop in whenever you feel upset. 512 00:38:21,737 --> 00:38:26,804 You won't be able to forget, but you can get used to it at least. 513 00:38:49,037 --> 00:38:54,104 I'll be able to become happy like you now, right? 514 00:39:12,337 --> 00:39:16,504 I'll bring your luggage to the hospital tomorrow morning. 515 00:39:20,871 --> 00:39:25,071 Let's make history tomorrow. 516 00:39:35,037 --> 00:39:37,204 What's wrong with this? 517 00:39:55,237 --> 00:39:59,004 What's on my calendar today? Let's see. 518 00:40:00,837 --> 00:40:03,337 A class reunion invitation? 519 00:40:04,204 --> 00:40:06,804 I'm so envious. 520 00:40:06,804 --> 00:40:08,571 I lived in Australia the whole time, 521 00:40:08,571 --> 00:40:12,171 so I have no classmates in Korea. 522 00:40:12,171 --> 00:40:14,004 It sounds fun. 523 00:40:14,004 --> 00:40:17,837 Should I go tell them that I'm your little brother to bring up your status? 524 00:40:17,837 --> 00:40:21,837 I can go help you out. 525 00:40:25,271 --> 00:40:29,337 My goodness. How scary. 526 00:40:36,437 --> 00:40:39,971 You have to come at once when I text you later, okay? 527 00:40:45,171 --> 00:40:48,504 Can't he just forget that memory? 528 00:41:05,604 --> 00:41:09,404 Please leave a message after the beep… 529 00:41:14,971 --> 00:41:16,771 [Incoming call] Lastly, 530 00:41:16,771 --> 00:41:19,037 our brain research center… 531 00:41:19,037 --> 00:41:21,771 No, the future of our hospital is in your hands. 532 00:41:21,771 --> 00:41:23,971 If we don't secure this budget, we won't be able to continue our research. 533 00:41:23,971 --> 00:41:25,471 You can't allow any mistakes. 534 00:41:25,471 --> 00:41:27,504 Yes, sir. 535 00:41:28,037 --> 00:41:31,037 Really, one final comment. That mouse is sensitive to strong lights, right? 536 00:41:31,037 --> 00:41:32,704 Make sure to check the lighting in the seminar room. 537 00:41:32,704 --> 00:41:35,171 Yes, sir. 538 00:41:35,171 --> 00:41:37,671 Now really, one final comment. 539 00:41:45,637 --> 00:41:49,004 You even grouped them by color today. 540 00:41:49,937 --> 00:41:52,204 Ta-da. 541 00:41:53,104 --> 00:41:54,271 I hope you like it. 542 00:41:54,271 --> 00:41:59,537 You know that you're on the blacklist of athletes who get psychological care, right? 543 00:41:59,537 --> 00:42:02,771 We've known each other for so long. 544 00:42:03,337 --> 00:42:05,204 Please keep it a secret from my coach 545 00:42:05,204 --> 00:42:08,371 and prescribe it exactly the same. 546 00:42:09,004 --> 00:42:13,104 You don't have to tell me. I know what you need by looking at the way you act. Don't you worry. 547 00:42:13,104 --> 00:42:16,937 I'm busy today, so leave now. 548 00:42:18,371 --> 00:42:20,604 Do you have a blind date? 549 00:42:20,604 --> 00:42:23,237 My future sister-in-law who you've been waiting for 50 years. 550 00:42:23,237 --> 00:42:26,171 Do I finally get to meet her? 551 00:42:26,171 --> 00:42:28,737 Don't even bring up that topic unless you're setting me up with someone. 552 00:42:28,737 --> 00:42:31,837 I have something more important than that. A research presentation, okay? 553 00:42:34,804 --> 00:42:36,204 It's the document that I'm presenting today. 554 00:42:36,204 --> 00:42:40,571 I even used premium paper. What do I do? 555 00:42:41,604 --> 00:42:43,937 "Bad Memory Eraser"? 556 00:42:43,937 --> 00:42:46,304 Hey, this is a top-secret document. 557 00:42:46,304 --> 00:42:48,571 You can erase memories? 558 00:42:48,571 --> 00:42:50,237 Bad memories? 559 00:42:50,237 --> 00:42:52,604 It's more like hiding them, not erasing. 560 00:42:52,604 --> 00:42:55,871 You're tricking the brain in a way. 561 00:42:55,871 --> 00:42:57,937 Gosh, I'm busy. Get out. 562 00:42:57,937 --> 00:42:59,371 Gosh, seriously. 563 00:42:59,371 --> 00:43:01,937 Gosh, what am I going to do? Is it okay now? 564 00:43:05,371 --> 00:43:09,637 Just erase bad memories? 565 00:43:10,837 --> 00:43:13,337 Are you here? Where are you? 566 00:43:13,337 --> 00:43:17,437 Yes, I'll be right there with your luggage. 567 00:43:19,304 --> 00:43:21,504 Yes, Professor. Has the minister arrived? 568 00:43:21,504 --> 00:43:24,504 I need five minutes… Actually, could you give me ten minutes, please? 569 00:43:24,504 --> 00:43:26,637 We can do it. 570 00:43:26,637 --> 00:43:28,637 - Be careful. Be careful. - It's okay. It's okay. 571 00:43:28,637 --> 00:43:30,937 It's okay. I'm sorry. 572 00:43:30,937 --> 00:43:32,137 It's okay. It's okay. 573 00:43:32,137 --> 00:43:34,904 - Be careful. - We're just moving. It's okay. 574 00:43:34,904 --> 00:43:37,337 There we go. 575 00:43:42,237 --> 00:43:44,371 I'll make it dark for you. 576 00:43:47,571 --> 00:43:48,571 Welcome. 577 00:43:48,571 --> 00:43:50,037 [Seminar on Brain and Mental Health] 578 00:43:50,037 --> 00:43:51,037 Sir. 579 00:43:51,037 --> 00:43:52,504 - Minster. Thank you for coming. - My goodness, sir. 580 00:43:52,504 --> 00:43:55,771 - Welcome. - Thank you for your hard work. 581 00:43:56,504 --> 00:43:58,304 I want to be reborn as him in my next life. 582 00:43:58,304 --> 00:44:01,104 He's the second-most valuable mouse after Mickey Mouse. 583 00:44:01,104 --> 00:44:03,537 He is worth more than the two of us combined. 584 00:44:03,537 --> 00:44:05,804 He's worth ten billion won, you know? 585 00:44:06,496 --> 00:44:08,566 Dr. Nam! No! 586 00:44:23,037 --> 00:44:25,404 Wait, he isn't inside! 587 00:44:29,071 --> 00:44:31,471 Everyone, don't move! 588 00:44:31,471 --> 00:44:33,871 Don't move an inch. 589 00:44:33,871 --> 00:44:37,137 No. 107. No. 107! 590 00:44:38,571 --> 00:44:41,271 - Oh, he's over there! - Excuse us. 591 00:44:42,304 --> 00:44:45,771 Come to the main entrance. Right now. 592 00:44:52,104 --> 00:44:53,137 No! 593 00:44:53,137 --> 00:44:55,637 He's over there! Out of my way! 594 00:45:00,337 --> 00:45:02,371 Please. 595 00:45:15,237 --> 00:45:18,237 Stay calm. You remember me, right? 596 00:45:18,237 --> 00:45:20,704 It's me. 597 00:45:21,237 --> 00:45:25,071 I know it's been very tough for you. Dr. Yeo. 598 00:45:28,271 --> 00:45:31,071 Here you go. You must be hungry. 599 00:45:31,071 --> 00:45:33,704 Eat this and reconsider, okay? 600 00:45:33,704 --> 00:45:35,704 Here. 601 00:45:37,271 --> 00:45:42,104 That's right, it's me. We've gone through ups and downs together for the past 100 days. 602 00:45:42,104 --> 00:45:44,937 Here you go. Come on. 603 00:45:47,671 --> 00:45:52,237 Endure it just one more day today, and you'll be completely free. 604 00:45:52,237 --> 00:45:54,704 Eat this and hang on just one more day, okay? 605 00:45:54,704 --> 00:45:57,937 Please. You just need to eat it. 606 00:45:57,937 --> 00:46:00,904 Please eat it. 607 00:46:05,337 --> 00:46:07,171 No. No! 608 00:46:07,171 --> 00:46:09,337 No! 609 00:46:26,704 --> 00:46:30,471 No. It can't be. 610 00:46:30,471 --> 00:46:34,037 Gosh, what's wrong? Did something happen? 611 00:46:38,604 --> 00:46:40,204 Gosh. 612 00:46:40,204 --> 00:46:42,937 I just washed my car today. 613 00:46:44,504 --> 00:46:48,104 And why didn't you answer my calls? I've been waiting for so long. 614 00:46:48,104 --> 00:46:53,537 Don't you see that he lost his life? 615 00:46:55,939 --> 00:46:59,308 Is that your mouse? 616 00:46:59,904 --> 00:47:03,871 But the mouse ran in front of my car out of nowhere. 617 00:47:03,871 --> 00:47:07,171 It wasn't my fault, 618 00:47:07,171 --> 00:47:11,337 but how much do you want? I'll compensate you. 619 00:47:11,337 --> 00:47:15,004 Gosh, that sucks. 620 00:47:15,004 --> 00:47:17,571 Was he your pet or something? 621 00:47:19,571 --> 00:47:23,437 Just because he's a mouse, do you not consider him a living being? 622 00:47:23,437 --> 00:47:27,537 What? You'll compensate me? You can't put a value on life. 623 00:47:27,537 --> 00:47:32,037 So, how much will you pay me? Do you even know what he means to me? 624 00:47:32,037 --> 00:47:36,137 To you, he may just be a mouse that goes around the sewers, but to me, he's a precious life. 625 00:47:36,137 --> 00:47:39,704 He sacrificed himself for people like you. 626 00:47:40,604 --> 00:47:44,271 Have you ever sacrificed yourself for anyone? 627 00:47:44,271 --> 00:47:47,971 Have you ever been a meaningful person to anyone? 628 00:47:51,771 --> 00:47:54,471 Are you saying… 629 00:47:54,471 --> 00:47:59,937 Are you saying, this mouse is worthier than me? 630 00:48:02,604 --> 00:48:04,604 But, wait… 631 00:48:06,704 --> 00:48:09,204 You asked me last time. 632 00:48:09,837 --> 00:48:11,804 You want an answer? 633 00:48:11,804 --> 00:48:14,004 I wouldn't go if I were her. Why? 634 00:48:14,004 --> 00:48:17,504 No matter what you do, you'd be indulging yourself in inferiority complex and self-pity 635 00:48:17,504 --> 00:48:21,937 that you could never escape from memories of the past. 636 00:48:21,937 --> 00:48:24,571 Until the day you die. 637 00:48:27,437 --> 00:48:30,104 Until the day I die? 638 00:49:02,997 --> 00:49:07,182 [Your sacrifices for welfare and animal health will not be in vain, so rest in peace, souls.] 639 00:49:18,471 --> 00:49:21,337 It's almost time. Why aren't they here yet? 640 00:49:27,671 --> 00:49:29,671 Sir. 641 00:49:29,671 --> 00:49:32,337 Where is Kyung Ju Yeon? What about the mouse? 642 00:49:32,337 --> 00:49:36,237 I'm sorry, sir. Well… The thing is… 643 00:49:47,971 --> 00:49:50,971 Here he is. 644 00:49:53,604 --> 00:49:55,571 This is Mouse No. 107, 645 00:49:55,571 --> 00:49:58,037 the successful subject mouse. 646 00:49:58,037 --> 00:50:02,537 Unfortunately, he passed away 30 minutes ago. 647 00:50:02,537 --> 00:50:06,237 But because we were able to erase all the bad memories he had, 648 00:50:06,237 --> 00:50:10,004 I want to take comfort in believing that he passed away with only good memories. 649 00:50:10,004 --> 00:50:14,137 I have no doubt that you've understood the research result 650 00:50:14,137 --> 00:50:16,371 based on images and graphs. 651 00:50:16,371 --> 00:50:19,204 He sacrificed himself for the sake of humanity's happy future. 652 00:50:19,204 --> 00:50:22,404 Please don't let his death be in vain 653 00:50:22,404 --> 00:50:24,271 and give us one more chance. 654 00:50:24,271 --> 00:50:28,937 100 days from now, I'll demonstrate to you with Subject No. 108. 655 00:50:36,471 --> 00:50:38,337 So you mean, 656 00:50:38,337 --> 00:50:41,104 if we approve your budget, 657 00:50:41,104 --> 00:50:43,937 you'll show us Subject Mouse No. 108? 658 00:50:43,937 --> 00:50:47,271 The 108th experiment won't be done on a mouse. 659 00:50:47,271 --> 00:50:52,804 If you'd allow it, I'd like to show it through human subject research. 660 00:50:55,804 --> 00:50:58,371 Human subject research? 661 00:51:01,937 --> 00:51:04,137 Who's the subject? 662 00:51:14,037 --> 00:51:16,004 Here you go. 663 00:51:16,004 --> 00:51:18,471 Can I get an autograph too? 664 00:51:32,304 --> 00:51:34,571 I wouldn't go if I were her. Why? 665 00:51:34,571 --> 00:51:38,037 No matter what you do, you'd be indulging yourself in inferiority complex and self-pity 666 00:51:38,037 --> 00:51:42,637 that you could never escape from memories of the past. 667 00:51:42,637 --> 00:51:45,271 Until the day you die. 668 00:51:51,871 --> 00:51:54,471 Where are you going? Goon! 669 00:52:10,904 --> 00:52:11,937 [Ethics Committee Emergency Meeting] 670 00:52:11,937 --> 00:52:16,637 Bad memories that one can't forget lead to more bad memories being created. 671 00:52:16,637 --> 00:52:18,704 Hey, Goon. Where are you going? 672 00:52:18,704 --> 00:52:20,504 Aren't you going to eat before you go? 673 00:52:20,504 --> 00:52:23,537 Hey, Goon. Take your medicine at least. 674 00:52:31,004 --> 00:52:36,471 The memories one creates on his or her own thinking that he or she is unlovable. 675 00:52:38,004 --> 00:52:40,971 Si On, let's get ready. 676 00:52:40,971 --> 00:52:45,471 Bitter memories that don't seem like it'd matter to anyone. 677 00:52:45,471 --> 00:52:47,104 By the way, 678 00:52:47,104 --> 00:52:50,171 I'm not renewing my contract with this agency. 679 00:52:50,171 --> 00:52:53,371 I can't let you mooch off me, either. 680 00:52:53,371 --> 00:52:58,004 Even false memories that seem like you're the only one making sacrifices. 681 00:53:15,537 --> 00:53:19,437 It'd no longer be just in the past because they're stuck in the past. 682 00:53:19,437 --> 00:53:22,471 We'll be erasing their painful memories instead of offering ineffective consolation. 683 00:53:22,471 --> 00:53:26,337 Would that be unethical and immoral? 684 00:53:28,037 --> 00:53:33,237 I sincerely ask that you don't take away the opportunity someone may need desperately. 685 00:54:03,837 --> 00:54:06,171 No! 686 00:54:37,704 --> 00:54:39,171 - What happened? - What happened? 687 00:54:39,171 --> 00:54:41,071 He fell from a bridge into the river. 688 00:54:41,071 --> 00:54:42,871 I suspect a skull damage due to impact. 689 00:54:42,871 --> 00:54:45,437 He had a cardiac arrest ten minutes ago and was administered CPR. 690 00:54:45,437 --> 00:54:47,804 - Please prepare the operating room. - Yes, doctor. 691 00:54:51,937 --> 00:54:55,937 Shin, are you okay? 692 00:54:57,037 --> 00:55:01,337 Professor, please help. 693 00:55:11,504 --> 00:55:14,337 Don't worry too much. 694 00:55:34,037 --> 00:55:37,504 No matter what you do, you'd be indulging yourself in inferiority complex and self-pity 695 00:55:37,504 --> 00:55:40,837 that you could never escape from memories of the past. 696 00:55:40,837 --> 00:55:42,671 Until the day you die. 697 00:55:42,671 --> 00:55:46,737 Is it… because of me? 698 00:55:49,304 --> 00:55:51,771 What's going on? You can't touch anything. 699 00:55:51,771 --> 00:55:53,204 If you can't bear to watch, go outside. 700 00:55:53,204 --> 00:55:56,937 No, it's okay. I'd like to watch. 701 00:55:58,271 --> 00:56:00,771 I'll make an incision here now. 702 00:56:00,771 --> 00:56:02,871 Okay. 703 00:56:03,904 --> 00:56:07,204 Calmly and slowly. 704 00:56:22,337 --> 00:56:24,571 No! 705 00:56:28,004 --> 00:56:32,037 Mom, take me too! 706 00:56:34,171 --> 00:56:36,171 I'm sorry. 707 00:56:38,604 --> 00:56:42,537 You could never escape from memories of the past. 708 00:56:42,537 --> 00:56:45,037 Until the day you die. 709 00:57:11,637 --> 00:57:13,471 Are you okay? 710 00:57:13,471 --> 00:57:15,804 Open your eyes. 711 00:57:17,637 --> 00:57:19,971 Are you okay? 712 00:58:55,437 --> 00:58:57,104 You, no… 713 00:58:57,104 --> 00:58:59,337 Lee Goon? 714 00:59:00,204 --> 00:59:01,604 You wake up? 715 00:59:01,604 --> 00:59:05,337 Do you know where this is? 716 00:59:09,271 --> 00:59:12,537 Mr. Lee, do you remember anything? 717 00:59:12,537 --> 00:59:15,304 Do you remember why you are here? 718 00:59:21,604 --> 00:59:25,937 Do you remember who I am? 719 00:59:25,937 --> 00:59:28,471 Do you recognize me? 720 00:59:31,637 --> 00:59:35,571 Who do you think I am? 721 00:59:45,471 --> 00:59:47,704 Finally… 722 00:59:53,171 --> 00:59:55,704 Finally we met. 723 01:00:10,004 --> 01:00:11,804 Hello? 724 01:00:11,804 --> 01:00:13,137 My first love! 725 01:00:13,137 --> 01:00:17,104 ♫ Only to me ♫ 726 01:00:17,104 --> 01:00:20,971 ♫ Can you please come? ♫ 727 01:00:25,037 --> 01:00:28,937 ♫ Look at me, look at me, look at you ♫ 728 01:00:28,937 --> 01:00:32,837 ♫ Like today, if I can walk a path ♫ 729 01:00:32,837 --> 01:00:36,771 ♫ Along with you ♫ 730 01:00:36,771 --> 01:00:40,671 ♫ Like tomorrow, if I can ♫ 731 01:00:40,671 --> 01:00:45,192 [Bad Memory Eraser] 732 01:00:45,216 --> 01:00:46,783 I'm his first love? 733 01:00:46,783 --> 01:00:48,083 I must have heard it wrong, right? 734 01:00:48,083 --> 01:00:50,583 What if I didn't hear it wrong? Are there any side effects? 735 01:00:50,583 --> 01:00:53,116 I am that handsome, tall, and sexy Lee Goon. 736 01:00:53,116 --> 01:00:54,783 I think you were looking for me unofficially. 737 01:00:54,783 --> 01:00:56,916 I'm your doctor, not your first love. 738 01:00:56,916 --> 01:00:58,649 You still don't remember me? 739 01:00:58,649 --> 01:01:00,616 Ju Yeon. It's an emergency. The subject has escaped. 740 01:01:00,616 --> 01:01:02,816 Did I fall down those stairs and have an accident? 741 01:01:02,816 --> 01:01:04,983 Do you remember? When is your last memory? 742 01:01:04,983 --> 01:01:07,716 The subject must never be aware of 743 01:01:07,716 --> 01:01:10,316 the experiment or of his past. 744 01:01:10,316 --> 01:01:12,683 Are you feeling bad? Mister! 745 01:01:12,683 --> 01:01:15,183 An error occurred during the clinical trial? 746 01:01:15,183 --> 01:01:18,316 What have you done to me?