1 00:00:10,487 --> 00:00:12,387 Police are warning of a new toxic. 2 00:00:12,389 --> 00:00:15,023 Drug, a drug that can kill. Within. Seconds. 3 00:00:15,025 --> 00:00:18,460 Emergency rooms are seeing more overdoses than ever before. 4 00:00:18,695 --> 00:00:19,928 Do you know where it comes from? 5 00:00:19,930 --> 00:00:23,582 No. This is a brand. 6 00:00:23,650 --> 00:00:26,118 They're searching rooftops and helicopters and abandoned 7 00:00:26,120 --> 00:00:29,354 Buildings on foot for people who may have taken the drug. 8 00:00:29,423 --> 00:00:31,757 I have never seen up to that point in my career. 9 00:00:31,759 --> 00:00:33,892 This type of crisis. 10 00:00:33,894 --> 00:00:39,114 The officials worried it is a new synthetic super drug. 11 00:00:39,216 --> 00:00:42,484 My analysis concluded that it was fentanyl. 12 00:00:42,519 --> 00:00:43,118 Fentanyl. 13 00:00:43,187 --> 00:00:46,521 Fentanyl. Fentanyl. Fentanyl. 14 00:00:46,623 --> 00:00:50,258 So. Where's it coming from? 15 00:00:50,327 --> 00:00:54,646 47 year old george markert is the alleged kingpin. 16 00:00:54,731 --> 00:00:56,748 Marquart really. Was. 17 00:00:56,750 --> 00:00:59,351 A real life walter white. 18 00:00:59,353 --> 00:01:02,020 Just didn't seem like the type. 19 00:01:02,022 --> 00:01:05,390 He was the genius, the chemist, the mad scientist. 20 00:01:05,459 --> 00:01:09,127 He figured out a simple process to collect the united states 21 00:01:09,129 --> 00:01:10,796 With all the fentanyl. 22 00:01:10,798 --> 00:01:12,114 In the world. 23 00:01:12,116 --> 00:01:13,949 Fentanyl came onto the scene because. 24 00:01:13,951 --> 00:01:15,183 Of george marquart. 25 00:01:15,185 --> 00:01:16,017 It's scary. 26 00:01:16,420 --> 00:01:18,887 To think that something like that could happen right. Here. 27 00:01:18,889 --> 00:01:21,957 He never expressed remorse, never said he was sorry 28 00:01:21,959 --> 00:01:23,625 Because he wasn't. 29 00:01:23,627 --> 00:01:27,546 If I did not know that every bit of it was true, 30 00:01:27,648 --> 00:01:31,449 I probably would not believe it myself. 31 00:01:31,552 --> 00:01:33,451 This is the true story 32 00:01:33,453 --> 00:01:37,789 Of the deadliest clandestine chemist in american history 33 00:01:37,858 --> 00:01:42,561 And the birth of this street fentanyl epidemic. 34 00:01:42,662 --> 00:01:47,616 Is told by the man who created it. 35 00:01:47,684 --> 00:01:48,817 Susan product. 36 00:01:48,819 --> 00:01:50,118 It was made. For. 37 00:01:50,120 --> 00:01:52,654 Killing people. 38 00:01:52,656 --> 00:01:54,823 So you feel like you were able to successfully 39 00:01:54,825 --> 00:01:59,311 Pull that off for a long running? For 40 00:01:59,363 --> 00:02:01,746 Many years. 41 00:02:01,748 --> 00:02:03,748 I'm john roberts. 42 00:02:03,750 --> 00:02:05,784 And this is 43 00:02:05,786 --> 00:02:22,984 The godfather of fentanyl. 44 00:02:23,053 --> 00:02:24,653 In 2014, 45 00:02:24,655 --> 00:02:27,622 George eric marquart, the criminal mastermind 46 00:02:27,624 --> 00:02:30,625 Responsible for unleashing street fentanyl, 47 00:02:30,627 --> 00:02:34,279 Agreed to a series of exclusive interviews with former oklahoma 48 00:02:34,281 --> 00:02:39,150 Bureau of narcotics agent john matier. 49 00:02:39,219 --> 00:02:41,152 I thought he was the most unique 50 00:02:41,154 --> 00:02:44,155 And interesting character ever in american crime. 51 00:02:44,258 --> 00:02:48,026 The guy just killed more people than all of the serial killers. 52 00:02:48,095 --> 00:02:55,817 You can name put together. 53 00:02:55,952 --> 00:02:59,654 Most of these interviews were recorded on audio cassette. 54 00:02:59,756 --> 00:03:01,856 Publishing and on. 55 00:03:01,959 --> 00:03:04,593 A few were recorded on video. 56 00:03:04,595 --> 00:03:08,980 Most people have never heard about this case. 57 00:03:09,082 --> 00:03:11,149 All are being heard and seen 58 00:03:11,151 --> 00:03:14,853 Now for the first time. 59 00:03:14,922 --> 00:03:30,619 So you want to hear some stories. 60 00:03:30,721 --> 00:03:31,720 I'm jenny. 61 00:03:31,722 --> 00:03:35,056 And I'm mary. 62 00:03:35,125 --> 00:03:35,657 Our brother's 63 00:03:35,792 --> 00:03:38,960 Name is george eric mccourt. 64 00:03:39,029 --> 00:03:41,846 We always called him eric because our father's name 65 00:03:41,848 --> 00:03:44,849 Was george. 66 00:03:45,085 --> 00:03:48,086 Growing up in waukesha, wisconsin, 67 00:03:48,221 --> 00:03:52,691 We were very traditional family, 68 00:03:52,793 --> 00:03:55,126 Just like tv shows about the fifties, 69 00:03:55,128 --> 00:03:56,695 You know, stay at home mom. 70 00:03:56,697 --> 00:04:00,148 Dad goes to work every day. 71 00:04:00,217 --> 00:04:03,718 We lived in a little house on the corner. 72 00:04:03,820 --> 00:04:10,792 Our grandparents lived next door. 73 00:04:10,894 --> 00:04:12,027 As a young child, 74 00:04:12,029 --> 00:04:16,047 He was adorable. 75 00:04:16,116 --> 00:04:19,351 He had really engaging eyes. 76 00:04:19,419 --> 00:04:21,453 Adults were always very drawn to him 77 00:04:21,455 --> 00:04:24,489 Because he was remarkably intelligent 78 00:04:24,524 --> 00:04:29,427 From an early age. 79 00:04:29,496 --> 00:04:32,480 He would put together electrical circuits. 80 00:04:32,482 --> 00:04:36,318 He would work on the doorbell at our grandparents house. 81 00:04:36,386 --> 00:04:40,155 He was very, very curious. 82 00:04:40,223 --> 00:04:43,825 Sometime in the early grades, I started 83 00:04:43,927 --> 00:04:48,079 Fooling around with chemistry. 84 00:04:48,148 --> 00:04:50,749 I had several chemistry set ups. 85 00:04:50,751 --> 00:04:52,984 The big models was all of this. 86 00:04:52,986 --> 00:04:55,487 And that's. 87 00:04:55,489 --> 00:04:58,490 It was the most astonishing thing. 88 00:04:58,725 --> 00:05:03,261 All these processes were fascinating. 89 00:05:03,330 --> 00:05:05,046 His passion was chemistry. 90 00:05:05,048 --> 00:05:08,216 I mean, that was very clearly his passion. 91 00:05:08,318 --> 00:05:15,357 And so our parents, they always encouraged his curiosity. 92 00:05:15,459 --> 00:05:18,193 But we always knew eric was a little different. 93 00:05:18,195 --> 00:05:20,595 Everybody knew eric was a little different. 94 00:05:20,597 --> 00:05:21,746 Since he was so bright. 95 00:05:21,748 --> 00:05:22,981 They wanted him to 96 00:05:22,983 --> 00:05:25,383 Fit into their mold of what a bright kid should do. 97 00:05:25,385 --> 00:05:27,018 And yes, and he didn't want. 98 00:05:27,020 --> 00:05:29,154 To and he didn't want to. 99 00:05:29,156 --> 00:05:32,157 That's about it. 100 00:05:32,192 --> 00:05:35,360 The sociologists will tell us that the strongest 101 00:05:35,362 --> 00:05:39,280 Predictor of whether someone is going to end up in prison 102 00:05:39,349 --> 00:05:43,151 Is how well they adapt in school. 103 00:05:43,220 --> 00:05:45,120 Interest in work for which learners 104 00:05:45,122 --> 00:05:48,890 See a purpose provides its own discipline. 105 00:05:48,959 --> 00:05:53,711 I wanted nothing to do with formal education. 106 00:05:53,814 --> 00:05:57,582 To me it was someone telling me how to think. 107 00:05:57,684 --> 00:06:08,560 I wanted no part of. 108 00:06:08,612 --> 00:06:11,112 When marquart is just 13 years old. 109 00:06:11,114 --> 00:06:13,782 A nearby university holds a lecture that will 110 00:06:13,784 --> 00:06:16,751 Change his life 111 00:06:16,753 --> 00:06:22,290 And the course of history. One. 112 00:06:22,392 --> 00:06:23,291 It was dr. 113 00:06:23,293 --> 00:06:26,895 Oppenheimer of the manhattan project 114 00:06:26,963 --> 00:06:33,418 That was open to anybody that could attend. 115 00:06:33,453 --> 00:06:37,655 We live in a very unusual world 116 00:06:37,757 --> 00:06:41,376 Marked by great and irreversible changes. 117 00:06:41,461 --> 00:06:46,581 One zero. 118 00:06:46,683 --> 00:06:48,283 I was very deeply 119 00:06:48,285 --> 00:06:53,521 Impressed by his that. 120 00:06:53,607 --> 00:06:57,559 After the lecture he opens it up to questions 121 00:06:57,661 --> 00:07:02,747 And we ended up with quite a conversation going 122 00:07:02,816 --> 00:07:06,818 Turned into sitting in the back of a chemistry department at 123 00:07:06,887 --> 00:07:11,456 2:00 in the morning with julius robert fucking oppenheimer. 124 00:07:11,525 --> 00:07:12,524 That's a 125 00:07:12,526 --> 00:07:16,060 Conversation you don't forget. 126 00:07:16,129 --> 00:07:19,214 That night I decided whatever the decisions 127 00:07:19,216 --> 00:07:22,217 In my life, right or wrong, 128 00:07:22,319 --> 00:07:25,820 I'm going to make them myself. 129 00:07:25,889 --> 00:07:35,146 And was very determined to do so. 130 00:07:35,248 --> 00:07:37,015 When he got to high school, 131 00:07:37,017 --> 00:07:40,451 The school did not have the facilities or the expertise 132 00:07:40,453 --> 00:07:43,454 Sometimes to deal with the things he wanted to know. 133 00:07:43,690 --> 00:07:46,858 So they sent him to colleges in the area 134 00:07:46,860 --> 00:07:53,615 For some classes. 135 00:07:53,683 --> 00:07:54,449 The professor 136 00:07:54,718 --> 00:07:57,685 Over atlas college took me over to the library 137 00:07:57,787 --> 00:07:58,753 And showed me 138 00:07:58,922 --> 00:08:03,341 How to sonically search the literature of chemistry 139 00:08:03,426 --> 00:08:07,345 The way a professional chemist does. 140 00:08:07,430 --> 00:08:09,247 That may have been the most important thing 141 00:08:09,249 --> 00:08:13,084 That ever happened to me. 142 00:08:13,153 --> 00:08:14,419 There's a saying 143 00:08:14,421 --> 00:08:18,389 That seeking knowledge is like opening doors. 144 00:08:18,458 --> 00:08:22,026 There are many doors to choose from. 145 00:08:22,095 --> 00:08:23,294 And soon, 14 146 00:08:23,296 --> 00:08:26,281 Year old marquart will use his newfound knowledge 147 00:08:26,383 --> 00:08:35,423 To open an exceptionally dark one. 148 00:08:35,492 --> 00:08:36,658 Oddly, eric 149 00:08:36,726 --> 00:08:41,095 Had very unusual friendships with, like, our father's doctor. 150 00:08:41,114 --> 00:08:42,146 The doctor. 151 00:08:42,148 --> 00:08:45,550 One of his jobs was corner corner, 152 00:08:45,652 --> 00:08:50,054 And he had the key to rest haven. 153 00:08:50,156 --> 00:08:52,790 It's a giant building across the street from our house. 154 00:08:52,792 --> 00:08:54,492 Very, very close. 155 00:08:54,494 --> 00:08:59,681 At that time, it was abandoned. 156 00:08:59,749 --> 00:09:01,516 What eric told me later 157 00:09:01,518 --> 00:09:06,988 Is that the doctor had him making heroin, using codeine. 158 00:09:06,990 --> 00:09:11,192 There was laying around in the morgue there. 159 00:09:11,294 --> 00:09:13,795 I mean, he was just a kid, 160 00:09:13,797 --> 00:09:15,446 14 years old, and somebody is taking 161 00:09:15,448 --> 00:09:19,484 Advantage of it and asking him to make heroin. 162 00:09:19,586 --> 00:09:24,789 At the time, I wasn't really familiar with heroin. 163 00:09:24,858 --> 00:09:27,292 I made it outside of the fact that I had a vague 164 00:09:27,294 --> 00:09:29,727 Awareness that people dealt themselves 165 00:09:29,729 --> 00:09:32,880 Some trouble with stuff like this. 166 00:09:32,983 --> 00:09:35,183 It may seem unbelievable, 167 00:09:35,185 --> 00:09:39,153 But there are some people who twist their minds on purpose 168 00:09:39,255 --> 00:09:42,624 With substances that are swallowed or smoked 169 00:09:42,726 --> 00:09:46,928 Or even injected into the bloodstream. 170 00:09:46,997 --> 00:09:50,982 Not a lot of fun making this stuff. 171 00:09:51,084 --> 00:09:53,951 When I was isolating with salt, 172 00:09:53,953 --> 00:09:56,521 I got quite euphoric. 173 00:09:56,523 --> 00:09:59,424 A person who starts using heroin gets a pleasant feeling 174 00:09:59,426 --> 00:10:02,427 Of well-being for a while. 175 00:10:02,595 --> 00:10:04,796 I guess you could describe it as if you were going 176 00:10:04,798 --> 00:10:06,547 To feel this way all the time. 177 00:10:06,549 --> 00:10:09,017 You couldn't really be feeling quite good. 178 00:10:09,019 --> 00:10:14,188 I mean, it was no worries, no cares. 179 00:10:14,290 --> 00:10:16,691 I realize people that are addicted, 180 00:10:16,693 --> 00:10:18,760 That was what they sought. 181 00:10:18,762 --> 00:10:20,878 And I took note of that. 182 00:10:20,880 --> 00:10:25,450 So, you know, I guess I'm doing things right. 183 00:10:25,552 --> 00:10:27,118 Got a four year old or something 184 00:10:27,120 --> 00:10:31,589 Approaching three ounces and he kept it, 185 00:10:31,658 --> 00:10:33,691 Which I knew no one could. 186 00:10:33,693 --> 00:10:36,361 So any such thing. 187 00:10:36,363 --> 00:10:38,846 I didn't meet those people 188 00:10:38,848 --> 00:10:47,522 Until later. 189 00:10:47,590 --> 00:10:48,923 I think the reason he got into 190 00:10:48,925 --> 00:10:53,227 Making drugs was because he was asked to. 191 00:10:53,296 --> 00:10:56,180 Eric was just basically flattered 192 00:10:56,182 --> 00:11:00,485 That this doctor thought he was bright enough to make him 193 00:11:00,487 --> 00:11:05,857 Illegal drugs. 194 00:11:05,925 --> 00:11:08,793 A few years later, they expelled him 195 00:11:08,795 --> 00:11:14,048 From high school for nonattendance at the. 196 00:11:14,117 --> 00:11:17,118 My parents wanted me to work for her in the school 197 00:11:17,120 --> 00:11:19,320 And get very good grades and be a doctor 198 00:11:19,322 --> 00:11:20,988 Or a lawyer or an engine chief. 199 00:11:20,990 --> 00:11:23,458 And I wasn't interested. 200 00:11:23,460 --> 00:11:29,881 What a bad feeling generated. 201 00:11:29,949 --> 00:11:31,449 I started off 202 00:11:31,451 --> 00:11:36,187 All these illegal acts more and more 203 00:11:36,256 --> 00:11:39,857 And individualistic by nature, 204 00:11:39,926 --> 00:11:42,927 That individualism has become a dirty word 205 00:11:43,062 --> 00:11:47,181 Synonymous with sociopaths. 206 00:11:47,283 --> 00:11:50,384 That leads to the thought, well, sociopath. 207 00:11:50,420 --> 00:11:54,088 Oh, the impact of a sociopath will kill me. 208 00:11:54,090 --> 00:11:58,693 Or sociopath. 209 00:11:58,762 --> 00:11:59,694 He never 210 00:11:59,696 --> 00:12:00,778 Took drugs because it 211 00:12:00,780 --> 00:12:05,183 Disconnected him from his head and he kind of liked 212 00:12:05,218 --> 00:12:06,751 What was in his head. 213 00:12:06,753 --> 00:12:08,186 But our parents never told us 214 00:12:08,188 --> 00:12:11,155 What was going on with him making drugs. 215 00:12:11,157 --> 00:12:14,158 Until one day some comment came up. 216 00:12:14,360 --> 00:12:17,628 And so at that point, mom had to tell us that 217 00:12:17,697 --> 00:12:21,783 He was in jail. 218 00:12:21,851 --> 00:12:26,988 April of 1965, that was my first arrest. 219 00:12:27,090 --> 00:12:30,057 I went to the university of wisconsin. 220 00:12:30,059 --> 00:12:32,426 I found chemistry part with stuff thrown 221 00:12:32,428 --> 00:12:37,915 And rubbed it. 222 00:12:37,984 --> 00:12:40,918 More and more young people are using lsd. 223 00:12:40,920 --> 00:12:44,522 Lsd certainly has a solid foothold. 224 00:12:44,657 --> 00:12:45,923 As he got older, 225 00:12:45,925 --> 00:12:48,209 More people started asking about drugs 226 00:12:48,211 --> 00:12:49,727 Because they were college campuses 227 00:12:49,729 --> 00:12:51,412 And they were the sixties. 228 00:12:51,414 --> 00:12:54,949 Often disguised in innocent looking sugar cubes. 229 00:12:55,051 --> 00:12:56,150 Lsd can be. 230 00:12:56,152 --> 00:12:57,685 Made by anyone with a. 231 00:12:57,687 --> 00:13:00,154 Basic skill in chemistry. 232 00:13:00,156 --> 00:13:05,660 Or is all of us talking there or on lsd before that? 233 00:13:05,728 --> 00:13:07,728 Can you make all this stuff? 234 00:13:07,730 --> 00:13:10,681 I said, we are. 235 00:13:10,817 --> 00:13:12,517 And they were willing to pay 236 00:13:12,519 --> 00:13:15,486 Money for. 237 00:13:15,655 --> 00:13:17,822 He needed equipment to do that. 238 00:13:17,824 --> 00:13:23,561 And so he would pilfer glassware from here and there 239 00:13:23,663 --> 00:13:25,980 At one of the smaller 240 00:13:25,982 --> 00:13:28,983 Colleges in milwaukee. 241 00:13:29,152 --> 00:13:32,420 He was giving science lectures to some classes. 242 00:13:32,522 --> 00:13:38,059 He was passing himself off as a government physicist 243 00:13:38,161 --> 00:13:42,280 As part of a scam to get glassware. 244 00:13:42,382 --> 00:13:44,582 I was one man, half academic, 245 00:13:44,584 --> 00:13:47,051 But that was the end of plundered 246 00:13:47,053 --> 00:13:49,954 Because it caught up with me and kept me in jail 247 00:13:49,956 --> 00:13:54,525 For a little while. 248 00:13:54,594 --> 00:13:58,246 The last time he was actually at home 249 00:13:58,248 --> 00:14:02,950 For any length of time was when we were 11 or 12. 250 00:14:03,019 --> 00:14:06,020 It was about 1970. 251 00:14:06,155 --> 00:14:08,689 I think mom always felt that 252 00:14:08,691 --> 00:14:18,482 We brought out the best in him because he was a good brother. 253 00:14:18,551 --> 00:14:20,184 But some of the stuff he got involved 254 00:14:20,186 --> 00:14:24,622 With was with dubious people. 255 00:14:24,691 --> 00:14:26,290 Our parents pretty much told him, 256 00:14:26,292 --> 00:14:32,513 You can't bring the drugs and that stuff around the girls. 257 00:14:32,615 --> 00:14:36,550 So there was tension between him and our parents. 258 00:14:36,619 --> 00:14:38,886 And at the end of that summer, 259 00:14:38,888 --> 00:14:42,256 We went east to a family wedding 260 00:14:42,325 --> 00:14:44,058 While we were gone. 261 00:14:44,060 --> 00:14:46,928 He stole daddy's car. 262 00:14:46,930 --> 00:14:52,183 He was about 23 years old, and he disappeared 263 00:14:52,285 --> 00:14:56,120 Into the night. 264 00:14:56,189 --> 00:14:59,073 He never talked to my parents again, ever. 265 00:14:59,075 --> 00:15:00,658 It broke their heart. It was hard. 266 00:15:00,660 --> 00:15:04,028 It was very, very hard. 267 00:15:04,097 --> 00:15:08,282 It was very hard. 268 00:15:08,384 --> 00:15:11,319 I saw no future for me there. 269 00:15:11,321 --> 00:15:14,322 I want to do an adventurous lifestyle 270 00:15:14,324 --> 00:15:16,407 And be freedom to pursue 271 00:15:16,409 --> 00:15:21,562 My own interests. 272 00:15:21,664 --> 00:15:25,333 I had this feeling that 273 00:15:25,385 --> 00:15:28,719 Times were changing, 274 00:15:28,821 --> 00:15:34,125 That I wanted to be a part of it. 275 00:15:34,227 --> 00:15:35,860 The 1960s are often 276 00:15:35,862 --> 00:15:42,249 Thought of as the drug era, 277 00:15:42,318 --> 00:15:44,785 But actually it's the 1970s 278 00:15:44,787 --> 00:15:47,989 When drug use in the united states 279 00:15:48,057 --> 00:15:50,241 Explodes. 280 00:15:50,243 --> 00:15:53,227 America's public enemy number one in 281 00:15:53,229 --> 00:15:56,213 The united states is drug abuse. 282 00:15:56,416 --> 00:15:58,949 We know and can show that there are many places 283 00:15:58,951 --> 00:16:02,153 Where drugs are openly sold heroin, speed, acid 284 00:16:02,288 --> 00:16:05,389 And a long list of commonly used uppers and downers 285 00:16:05,391 --> 00:16:06,557 Are readily available. 286 00:16:06,626 --> 00:16:09,326 Just as soon as you've agreed to buy a joint for a dollar, 287 00:16:09,328 --> 00:16:10,528 You can get immediate prices 288 00:16:10,530 --> 00:16:13,748 For the hard and often dangerous stuff. 289 00:16:13,816 --> 00:16:16,684 And so as experimentation with illicit drugs 290 00:16:16,686 --> 00:16:20,721 Becomes more mainstream, 291 00:16:20,823 --> 00:16:22,923 George eric marquart 292 00:16:22,925 --> 00:16:26,494 Finds himself in the right place at the right time 293 00:16:26,496 --> 00:16:29,780 To capitalize on the nation's growing demand for drugs 294 00:16:29,849 --> 00:16:34,218 And propel himself into infamy. 295 00:16:34,287 --> 00:16:35,619 I had been working on 296 00:16:35,621 --> 00:16:39,490 Steven all over the country for a few years. 297 00:16:39,592 --> 00:16:42,593 But the lsd is a sporadic demand. 298 00:16:42,795 --> 00:16:47,448 There isn't a mass repeat usage. 299 00:16:47,550 --> 00:16:51,619 I wanted something more reliable. 300 00:16:51,721 --> 00:16:52,987 A drug addict. 301 00:16:52,989 --> 00:16:57,842 He's got a constant need to have more 302 00:16:57,894 --> 00:17:01,729 Amphetamine and more opiate y. 303 00:17:01,931 --> 00:17:03,514 Lamb, lamb, lamb. 304 00:17:03,516 --> 00:17:06,517 They just want more and more and more and more. 305 00:17:06,686 --> 00:17:09,887 That creates a constant demand 306 00:17:09,989 --> 00:17:18,529 And lots of interest to me. 307 00:17:18,631 --> 00:17:20,481 In early 1975, 308 00:17:20,483 --> 00:17:27,288 29 year old marquart arrives in oklahoma and. 309 00:17:27,356 --> 00:17:29,423 Got acquainted with the place 310 00:17:29,425 --> 00:17:32,426 Just so I could live the style of life 311 00:17:32,428 --> 00:17:39,817 That I wanted to and do what I wanted to do. 312 00:17:39,886 --> 00:17:41,819 My name is john madigan. 313 00:17:41,821 --> 00:17:44,321 I was a narcotics agent at the oklahoma bureau. 314 00:17:44,323 --> 00:17:47,825 Narcotics 315 00:17:47,894 --> 00:17:52,029 Lp and was established in the summer of 1975 316 00:17:52,248 --> 00:17:56,851 To investigate any drug related crime anywhere in the state. 317 00:17:56,919 --> 00:17:59,920 It's funny because oklahoma is a socially conservative state. 318 00:17:59,922 --> 00:18:03,991 They call it the buckle of the bible belt. 319 00:18:04,093 --> 00:18:07,361 But in the seventies, there was a lot of oil money. 320 00:18:07,396 --> 00:18:10,314 A lot of people came in chasing that money. 321 00:18:10,316 --> 00:18:13,017 This caused the problem with meth. 322 00:18:13,019 --> 00:18:16,587 The consumers of this stuff were mostly people 323 00:18:16,589 --> 00:18:18,556 Working in the oil fields, you know, 324 00:18:18,558 --> 00:18:20,357 And they went out there and they wanted to work 325 00:18:20,359 --> 00:18:22,693 16 hour days and make a lot of money. 326 00:18:22,695 --> 00:18:26,380 And carry all weekend. 327 00:18:26,415 --> 00:18:29,316 Methamphetamine was cheaper than coke. 328 00:18:29,318 --> 00:18:31,785 So you had a lot of people that were buying it 329 00:18:31,787 --> 00:18:33,720 Because they wanted that kind of high, 330 00:18:33,722 --> 00:18:37,808 But they were getting it from a cheaper product. 331 00:18:37,860 --> 00:18:39,260 At high dosages. 332 00:18:39,262 --> 00:18:42,646 We often see an amphetamine psychosis. 333 00:18:42,748 --> 00:18:50,921 This paranoia produces a great deal of violence. 334 00:18:51,023 --> 00:18:52,323 Drugs were 335 00:18:52,325 --> 00:18:56,260 Booming in oklahoma at that point in time, partly 336 00:18:56,262 --> 00:19:00,447 Because we're right in the middle of the country. 337 00:19:00,550 --> 00:19:03,017 Oklahoma sits at the intersection 338 00:19:03,019 --> 00:19:07,454 Of interstate 35 and interstate 40. 339 00:19:07,523 --> 00:19:09,890 So there was a lot of traffic coming through 340 00:19:09,892 --> 00:19:15,279 And a lot of biker activity 341 00:19:15,381 --> 00:19:16,714 And a lot of the biker 342 00:19:16,716 --> 00:19:19,717 Gangs sold drugs. 343 00:19:19,952 --> 00:19:21,485 I'm elaine. God. 344 00:19:21,487 --> 00:19:27,491 I was the first bureau of narcotics female agent. 345 00:19:27,593 --> 00:19:28,792 At the time. 346 00:19:28,794 --> 00:19:33,047 I came to oklahoma city and stayed with a friend of mine 347 00:19:33,115 --> 00:19:37,384 Who had a friend that was very interested in meeting me. 348 00:19:37,486 --> 00:19:41,422 That was robert harris, who? 349 00:19:41,490 --> 00:19:44,291 Harris approached me about the possibility 350 00:19:44,293 --> 00:19:49,380 Of making amphetamines, methamphetamine 351 00:19:49,482 --> 00:19:51,115 Labs, and I couldn't do 352 00:19:51,117 --> 00:19:54,084 Any kind of chemistry thing before. 353 00:19:54,320 --> 00:19:56,036 There are so many pagans. 354 00:19:56,038 --> 00:19:58,489 Motorcycle gang had the money. 355 00:19:58,491 --> 00:20:02,726 We were 50% partners, 356 00:20:02,795 --> 00:20:04,962 But we got that place over on north west. 357 00:20:04,964 --> 00:20:07,615 Fergus. 358 00:20:07,617 --> 00:20:13,220 Then I went to work. 359 00:20:13,289 --> 00:20:14,421 The whole operation 360 00:20:14,423 --> 00:20:18,892 Was quite successful. 361 00:20:18,995 --> 00:20:21,979 I guess the people harris was selling to loved it, 362 00:20:22,114 --> 00:20:25,916 So I couldn't live a comfortable lifestyle. 363 00:20:25,985 --> 00:20:29,987 They all said I was the best. 364 00:20:30,056 --> 00:20:33,057 They would attract the stuff in coffee rangers. 365 00:20:33,225 --> 00:20:37,928 It was strictly white, and it looked just like coffee made. 366 00:20:38,030 --> 00:20:39,613 But I began to notice 367 00:20:39,615 --> 00:20:41,649 Harris would treat them in the house 368 00:20:41,651 --> 00:20:45,019 And go to the horror store, the finished product, and take 369 00:20:45,021 --> 00:20:48,689 So my way. 370 00:20:48,791 --> 00:20:52,660 Harris had severe drug problems, 371 00:20:52,728 --> 00:20:56,180 And you know how people like that are. 372 00:20:56,248 --> 00:21:00,851 They'll fuck you and they'll certainly quit 373 00:21:00,953 --> 00:21:01,852 Anyway. 374 00:21:02,054 --> 00:21:05,856 I took off as a lady for the weekend to have some fun 375 00:21:05,958 --> 00:21:07,491 And wanted to return. 376 00:21:07,493 --> 00:21:11,028 The laboratory had been cleaned out. 377 00:21:11,097 --> 00:21:14,448 All the equipment had been taken, 378 00:21:14,550 --> 00:21:15,382 Basically. 379 00:21:15,518 --> 00:21:17,651 Harris felt he had learned enough from me 380 00:21:17,653 --> 00:21:21,322 To run the operation by himself. 381 00:21:21,424 --> 00:21:24,091 Got ripped off. 382 00:21:24,093 --> 00:21:28,329 Somebody goes up to me and some fuckin food 383 00:21:28,397 --> 00:21:31,715 For one way or another, whether I have to work 384 00:21:31,717 --> 00:21:35,085 With the other side or whether I have a purpose and devil 385 00:21:35,187 --> 00:21:39,556 I I'm going to fuck the person. 386 00:21:39,625 --> 00:21:45,412 So I did what I did. 387 00:21:45,481 --> 00:21:48,615 In the summer of 1975, jimmy birdsong 388 00:21:48,684 --> 00:21:52,486 Was one of the agents in the oklahoma city office. 389 00:21:52,555 --> 00:21:55,956 He got a call from well, he got a call from a guy 390 00:21:55,958 --> 00:21:57,424 He'd never heard of before, 391 00:21:57,426 --> 00:22:01,862 And the guy wanted to tell him about a methamphetamine lab. 392 00:22:01,964 --> 00:22:06,050 Turned out to be george eric marquart. 393 00:22:06,118 --> 00:22:07,985 We talked about this whole thing, 394 00:22:07,987 --> 00:22:11,955 And I'd given jimmy all the details of harris. 395 00:22:12,058 --> 00:22:15,692 I heard the conversation went something like, 396 00:22:15,728 --> 00:22:18,128 I can inform on a person that's making meth, 397 00:22:18,130 --> 00:22:20,647 But he's making bad meth, so I'd be glad to 398 00:22:20,649 --> 00:22:23,350 Give everything out on him. 399 00:22:23,419 --> 00:22:25,719 It was like hitting the jackpot. 400 00:22:25,721 --> 00:22:30,357 And this is a call about a major drug lab in oklahoma city 401 00:22:30,459 --> 00:22:31,658 In boston. 402 00:22:31,660 --> 00:22:36,746 Harris cooking dope in his backyard. 403 00:22:36,782 --> 00:22:39,683 The bureau thought that was astonishing. 404 00:22:39,685 --> 00:22:48,292 Jimmy but it was like the truth. 405 00:22:48,360 --> 00:22:51,261 Mark hart's tip results in the largest clandestine 406 00:22:51,263 --> 00:22:55,315 Lab bust to date for the oklahoma bureau of narcotics 407 00:22:55,418 --> 00:22:58,252 And marks the beginning of his budding reputation 408 00:22:58,254 --> 00:23:02,456 As a notorious drug maker in his own right. 409 00:23:02,558 --> 00:23:04,191 I was a prosecutor 410 00:23:04,193 --> 00:23:07,194 Witness at the harris trial, 411 00:23:07,430 --> 00:23:12,416 And I gave some pretty spectacular testimony. 412 00:23:12,485 --> 00:23:14,485 It was unbelievable. 413 00:23:14,487 --> 00:23:17,354 He admitted all of his past 414 00:23:17,356 --> 00:23:21,425 Crimes, were pretty proud of it, actually, and bragged 415 00:23:21,427 --> 00:23:25,579 On how good a chemist he was and how crummy a chemist. 416 00:23:25,648 --> 00:23:30,851 Harris was made a very big impression on the jury. 417 00:23:30,920 --> 00:23:33,720 Harris got convicted, 418 00:23:33,722 --> 00:23:38,392 Countless little laughs nailed on the wall. 419 00:23:38,494 --> 00:23:40,828 As part of his agreement to testify. 420 00:23:40,830 --> 00:23:45,382 Marquart also agrees to a larger deal 421 00:23:45,451 --> 00:23:49,219 Immunity from any pending charges for past crimes 422 00:23:49,288 --> 00:23:54,158 So long as he continues to work as an informant. 423 00:23:54,260 --> 00:23:57,661 That's when I first met in person 424 00:23:57,730 --> 00:24:01,648 George eric marquart, 425 00:24:01,750 --> 00:24:02,115 When we met 426 00:24:02,485 --> 00:24:05,452 At the bureau in oklahoma city. 427 00:24:05,554 --> 00:24:08,288 First impression he wasn't like anybody 428 00:24:08,290 --> 00:24:11,959 That I'd ever run across before in the drug business. 429 00:24:12,060 --> 00:24:17,047 He was personable, friendly, real open. 430 00:24:17,149 --> 00:24:19,683 I remember I walked in and I said, 431 00:24:19,685 --> 00:24:24,254 George marquart, nobody calls me george mccord. 432 00:24:24,356 --> 00:24:28,458 If squeak, you motherfucker, are you? 433 00:24:28,527 --> 00:24:29,760 He doesn't look like a squeak. 434 00:24:29,762 --> 00:24:31,795 He's a big guy. 435 00:24:31,797 --> 00:24:32,746 Said it was a nickname 436 00:24:32,748 --> 00:24:34,848 That had been given to him by his grandmother 437 00:24:34,850 --> 00:24:38,619 When he was a little kid. 438 00:24:38,687 --> 00:24:40,954 He used to sign his letters 439 00:24:40,956 --> 00:24:43,757 With squeak, and he would draw a little mauser. 440 00:24:43,759 --> 00:24:46,727 Or I guess it was a squeak rat. 441 00:24:46,729 --> 00:24:49,713 But I never heard where it came from. 442 00:24:49,882 --> 00:24:54,184 No, we never call them that. 443 00:24:54,286 --> 00:24:57,788 There was a wrist police to me that quite a lot. 444 00:24:57,890 --> 00:25:00,958 And I said, I don't mind law enforcement. 445 00:25:00,960 --> 00:25:02,492 That's the game. 446 00:25:02,494 --> 00:25:02,926 And that's 447 00:25:03,562 --> 00:25:06,997 A game that should be played between serious players. 448 00:25:07,049 --> 00:25:10,117 He was definitely the smartest criminal I ever met 449 00:25:10,119 --> 00:25:13,954 In 35 years of law enforcement. 450 00:25:14,023 --> 00:25:17,024 This is a guy who never graduated from high school. 451 00:25:17,226 --> 00:25:19,860 One time I sat there for 3 hours 452 00:25:19,862 --> 00:25:22,846 And I didn't understand a word that guy said. 453 00:25:23,048 --> 00:25:25,916 We pro-family citizens will put our own values 454 00:25:25,918 --> 00:25:29,720 Or sign on in leading offensive cell phone systems or save 455 00:25:29,722 --> 00:25:33,357 The lives of all 456 00:25:33,425 --> 00:25:34,024 Informants. 457 00:25:34,026 --> 00:25:35,892 Had to be a high caliber 458 00:25:35,894 --> 00:25:38,745 Or they weren't really worth having as an informant. 459 00:25:38,747 --> 00:25:41,114 It turned out that marquart knew more about chemistry 460 00:25:41,116 --> 00:25:44,585 Than trained chemist. 461 00:25:44,653 --> 00:25:46,853 Done some good stuff. 462 00:25:46,855 --> 00:25:49,656 People believed we were going to be making 463 00:25:49,658 --> 00:25:53,594 A lot of lab cases with the help of marquart. 464 00:25:53,629 --> 00:25:55,879 That was the promise. 465 00:25:55,881 --> 00:25:59,082 Of course, my objectives wasn't the same. 466 00:25:59,184 --> 00:26:01,451 I mean, people aren't what you think 467 00:26:01,453 --> 00:26:05,188 They are, right? 468 00:26:05,257 --> 00:26:09,259 He became a legend in oklahoma 469 00:26:09,261 --> 00:26:14,848 Among the people who worked the drug cases. 470 00:26:14,950 --> 00:26:17,484 But like any good con 471 00:26:17,486 --> 00:26:20,487 Man, mark park had spent a tail. 472 00:26:20,556 --> 00:26:22,689 And then you will have a point in time 473 00:26:22,691 --> 00:26:25,892 Where you realize you're being sucked in. 474 00:26:26,028 --> 00:26:28,645 Half the time I was 13, so 475 00:26:28,647 --> 00:26:30,647 And the other half of the time I was running in a 476 00:26:30,649 --> 00:26:33,517 Drug lab someplace. 477 00:26:33,585 --> 00:26:36,553 Oh, what a complicated life. 478 00:26:36,555 --> 00:26:39,323 It was kind of nerve racking. 479 00:26:39,325 --> 00:26:42,693 Then I realized I had to move. 480 00:26:42,795 --> 00:26:45,195 He just vanished. 481 00:26:45,197 --> 00:26:46,980 Just took off. 482 00:26:46,982 --> 00:26:49,483 He skipped out of town, and people 483 00:26:49,485 --> 00:26:52,486 Didn't know where he was. 484 00:26:52,488 --> 00:26:55,288 Everybody knew, though, that 485 00:26:55,290 --> 00:26:58,759 Wherever he was, he was going to be making more drugs. 486 00:26:58,861 --> 00:27:05,349 That was what he did. 487 00:27:05,451 --> 00:27:09,152 Then went up to the pacific northwest. 488 00:27:09,221 --> 00:27:11,421 So now I was at large. 489 00:27:11,423 --> 00:27:14,091 I started laughing at last foot. 490 00:27:14,093 --> 00:27:15,892 You mean like I'm out here running around 491 00:27:15,894 --> 00:27:17,894 Like a western bad ass with a pistol? 492 00:27:17,896 --> 00:27:23,283 And then he said, yeah, okay. 493 00:27:23,352 --> 00:27:24,551 Anyway, 494 00:27:24,553 --> 00:27:30,323 And quite a lot of dope up in seattle. 495 00:27:30,392 --> 00:27:33,226 Within a month or two of him disappearing. 496 00:27:33,228 --> 00:27:36,146 Warren henderson, who was the agent up in tulsa, 497 00:27:36,148 --> 00:27:38,982 Was buying meth undercover from some guy 498 00:27:38,984 --> 00:27:42,018 Who said he was getting them from the pacific northwest, 499 00:27:42,221 --> 00:27:46,056 Supposedly from somebody named squeak. 500 00:27:46,125 --> 00:27:49,192 Warren realized they were dealing with me 501 00:27:49,428 --> 00:27:55,949 And proceeded to chase me. 502 00:27:56,018 --> 00:27:59,820 People were looking for him in seattle. 503 00:27:59,922 --> 00:28:02,823 I know several agents went up and look for him. 504 00:28:02,825 --> 00:28:05,392 Couldn't find him. 505 00:28:05,394 --> 00:28:07,994 By the time he found out where I live, 506 00:28:07,996 --> 00:28:11,598 I had bailed. 507 00:28:11,650 --> 00:28:13,016 But somehow or another, 508 00:28:13,018 --> 00:28:16,019 They followed me over to spokane. 509 00:28:16,155 --> 00:28:18,755 If you've seen breaking bad, he remembered how they started 510 00:28:18,757 --> 00:28:19,890 Off with an rv 511 00:28:19,892 --> 00:28:23,960 Moving around and cooking in different remote places. 512 00:28:24,029 --> 00:28:26,780 They started going to campgrounds and parks 513 00:28:26,782 --> 00:28:28,181 And make a voucher to. 514 00:28:28,183 --> 00:28:32,419 And then he moved to another location. 515 00:28:32,488 --> 00:28:33,520 And rolled down 516 00:28:33,522 --> 00:28:36,523 The columbia river gorge, 517 00:28:36,692 --> 00:28:40,761 Making it all the various campgrounds. 518 00:28:40,863 --> 00:28:44,581 Marquart really was a real live 519 00:28:44,783 --> 00:28:47,617 Walter white. 520 00:28:47,619 --> 00:28:48,952 That was probably on 521 00:28:48,954 --> 00:28:53,089 Top of my game is a hit and run drug manufacturer 522 00:28:53,158 --> 00:28:55,058 For old fuck where they started. 523 00:28:55,060 --> 00:28:56,726 You know. 524 00:28:56,728 --> 00:28:58,962 A lot of times they got really close. 525 00:28:58,964 --> 00:29:00,847 People say, yeah, we saw that guy, 526 00:29:00,849 --> 00:29:03,850 We smelled some weird stuff, 527 00:29:03,952 --> 00:29:07,687 But he's gone. 528 00:29:07,756 --> 00:29:08,655 It wasn't a forever 529 00:29:08,657 --> 00:29:15,495 Fun way of making a living. 530 00:29:15,564 --> 00:29:17,547 The thrill of the chase. 531 00:29:17,549 --> 00:29:21,751 It's part of the fast side of every criminal 532 00:29:21,820 --> 00:29:25,622 And that's part of the allure as well. 533 00:29:25,691 --> 00:29:27,457 I'm larry harris. 534 00:29:27,459 --> 00:29:34,114 I was squeaky silly for two and a half years. 535 00:29:34,183 --> 00:29:34,915 Anyone, 536 00:29:35,217 --> 00:29:39,385 No matter where they are in the pantheon of crime, 537 00:29:39,454 --> 00:29:42,689 That thrill of the chase, the thrill of being chased. 538 00:29:42,791 --> 00:29:44,891 That's all part of it. 539 00:29:44,893 --> 00:29:46,493 The only be the game is the game. 540 00:29:46,495 --> 00:29:51,214 And you just found the game so interesting. 541 00:29:51,283 --> 00:29:54,484 Every time I got off another batch, I'd look up 542 00:29:54,486 --> 00:29:57,854 At the moon and the stars and it said for once more. 543 00:29:57,956 --> 00:30:04,027 Don't know. They feeding it. 544 00:30:04,129 --> 00:30:04,628 After a few 545 00:30:05,247 --> 00:30:07,614 Months, we actually obm said, you got to come home. 546 00:30:07,649 --> 00:30:08,949 The whole office is out. 547 00:30:08,951 --> 00:30:14,254 File on this guy and you're in the wrong state. 548 00:30:14,323 --> 00:30:18,391 The reality is law enforcement can't spend endless time 549 00:30:18,393 --> 00:30:23,346 And money chasing down one clandestine chemist. 550 00:30:23,448 --> 00:30:26,783 But sometimes even the most notorious criminals 551 00:30:26,852 --> 00:30:37,160 Can't help coming back to what they know. 552 00:30:37,229 --> 00:30:38,161 The agents 553 00:30:38,263 --> 00:30:43,116 Get back to the tulsa area, and lo and behold, 554 00:30:43,151 --> 00:30:46,286 Warren henderson was watching a payphone 555 00:30:46,421 --> 00:30:49,122 And just happened to see george eric marquart 556 00:30:49,124 --> 00:30:55,829 Get on the telephone. 557 00:30:55,898 --> 00:30:56,880 Probably not 558 00:30:56,882 --> 00:30:59,883 A real good thing to do in retrospect, 559 00:31:00,051 --> 00:31:02,485 But I had some customers in that area 560 00:31:02,487 --> 00:31:06,790 And I needed to make some money. 561 00:31:06,925 --> 00:31:09,659 Henderson just waited for him to get back in his truck 562 00:31:09,661 --> 00:31:20,520 And then followed him south down to a little town called beggs. 563 00:31:20,622 --> 00:31:23,523 Beggs is about 25 miles south of tulsa. 564 00:31:23,525 --> 00:31:28,061 It's about 1100 people. 565 00:31:28,130 --> 00:31:29,646 It was a place you could drive by 566 00:31:29,648 --> 00:31:33,083 And not paying attention to it all. 567 00:31:33,151 --> 00:31:36,085 It's just a very typical 568 00:31:36,087 --> 00:31:42,125 Oklahoma town. 569 00:31:42,227 --> 00:31:42,993 And I was going 570 00:31:42,995 --> 00:31:46,179 To make £20 of meth 571 00:31:46,181 --> 00:31:51,418 Over a period of several weeks 572 00:31:51,519 --> 00:31:59,893 And clean the operation up. 573 00:31:59,962 --> 00:32:02,395 So they followed him down to a house 574 00:32:02,397 --> 00:32:07,817 That was set back about 100 yards from the road. 575 00:32:07,886 --> 00:32:11,187 If you were to drive by that house, you would believe 576 00:32:11,189 --> 00:32:16,026 It was just any good okie living their life. 577 00:32:16,094 --> 00:32:18,128 But knowing marquart, 578 00:32:18,130 --> 00:32:22,349 You knew there had to be a lab. 579 00:32:22,417 --> 00:32:24,250 The agents now have the possibility 580 00:32:24,252 --> 00:32:28,922 Of busting marquart in the act of drug manufacturing, 581 00:32:28,991 --> 00:32:33,326 A crime that will carry a much heftier penalty. 582 00:32:33,445 --> 00:32:36,346 So we set up surveillance 583 00:32:36,348 --> 00:32:44,721 To be watching the house 24 seven. 584 00:32:44,790 --> 00:32:45,522 The smell 585 00:32:45,991 --> 00:32:47,991 Is the first thing it hits you when you go in a meth lab. 586 00:32:47,993 --> 00:32:48,692 And that's why 587 00:32:49,261 --> 00:32:52,479 Most of the labs back in those days were out in rural areas. 588 00:32:52,547 --> 00:32:55,315 The main chemical used for cooking meth 589 00:32:55,317 --> 00:32:58,752 Was something called similar acetic acid. 590 00:32:58,820 --> 00:33:03,623 It is one of the worst smelling things you'll ever encounter. 591 00:33:03,692 --> 00:33:06,543 We were trying to figure out if somebody is cooking meth. 592 00:33:06,545 --> 00:33:10,030 You could always get a whiff of that. 593 00:33:10,082 --> 00:33:12,716 The agents decide to send two undercovers 594 00:33:12,718 --> 00:33:31,101 Up to the house to see if they can smell the chemicals. 595 00:33:31,186 --> 00:33:33,453 And they were going to say they had car trouble and could. 596 00:33:33,455 --> 00:33:35,955 Could they use the phone? 597 00:33:35,957 --> 00:33:37,857 The two agents they picked were lonnie 598 00:33:37,859 --> 00:33:44,080 Wright and lane dodd. 599 00:33:44,182 --> 00:33:46,182 When we walked up to the 600 00:33:46,184 --> 00:33:51,921 House, it was exhilarating. 601 00:33:51,957 --> 00:33:53,890 I knew I was going to get to 602 00:33:53,892 --> 00:33:59,679 Be a part of this major case and I was going get to meet 603 00:33:59,714 --> 00:34:03,083 The person that I'd been hearing about all this time. 604 00:34:03,151 --> 00:34:12,892 The infamous marquart. 605 00:34:12,994 --> 00:34:14,327 Young lady 606 00:34:14,329 --> 00:34:17,914 And her associate came to the door. 607 00:34:17,999 --> 00:34:19,582 They needed to make a phone call. 608 00:34:19,584 --> 00:34:23,319 Could they use my telephone? 609 00:34:23,454 --> 00:34:25,121 He said, no. 610 00:34:25,123 --> 00:34:28,057 And we said, what's going on? 611 00:34:28,059 --> 00:34:30,226 I apologized to them profusely. 612 00:34:30,228 --> 00:34:32,445 I would like to let them use my phone. 613 00:34:32,447 --> 00:34:36,349 But unfortunately, I was doing something colby related. 614 00:34:36,351 --> 00:34:38,318 It smelled bad. 615 00:34:38,320 --> 00:34:42,889 You could smell the drugs from the porch without question. 616 00:34:42,991 --> 00:34:45,391 He did not let us in, 617 00:34:45,393 --> 00:34:56,853 But it was clearly enough to get a warrant. 618 00:34:56,955 --> 00:35:01,291 The following morning, 619 00:35:01,326 --> 00:35:06,629 First thing, 620 00:35:06,698 --> 00:35:07,780 They went to execute 621 00:35:07,782 --> 00:35:14,120 The search warrant, 622 00:35:14,222 --> 00:35:19,125 Got there and knocked and he answered the door. 623 00:35:19,194 --> 00:35:22,195 He shows up at the door with a gas mask on 624 00:35:22,230 --> 00:35:26,549 And pulls his gas mask back. 625 00:35:26,618 --> 00:35:27,684 And he says, well, come on in. 626 00:35:27,686 --> 00:35:29,986 You guys caught me red headed. 627 00:35:29,988 --> 00:35:31,754 I'll show you how the lab is working 628 00:35:31,756 --> 00:35:37,627 And I'll turn. It off for you. 629 00:35:37,696 --> 00:35:39,662 He had the attitude 630 00:35:39,664 --> 00:35:42,649 That it was, in a way, a game, 631 00:35:42,751 --> 00:35:47,120 And he took us through proudly showing what was going on. 632 00:35:47,222 --> 00:35:51,024 Basically, I gave them a guided tour of, well, this is this. 633 00:35:51,092 --> 00:35:55,495 And this was that wasn't really showing off the process 634 00:35:55,497 --> 00:35:56,512 Or anything like that. 635 00:35:56,514 --> 00:35:58,147 I just didn't want any of the people 636 00:35:58,149 --> 00:36:01,651 Handling this stuff to be injured. 637 00:36:01,720 --> 00:36:04,020 To see the home 638 00:36:04,022 --> 00:36:07,023 Decked out just like a chemistry lab 639 00:36:07,158 --> 00:36:12,729 Was extraordinary. 640 00:36:12,831 --> 00:36:20,587 I was totally amazed by what we saw. 641 00:36:20,655 --> 00:36:23,289 Very few people have as many projects going on. 642 00:36:23,291 --> 00:36:27,160 It just doesn't happen with most chemists. 643 00:36:27,229 --> 00:36:30,513 He had one room where he was making them amphetamine 644 00:36:30,682 --> 00:36:34,017 And in the second room he was making two, four, five 645 00:36:34,019 --> 00:36:37,587 Try meth, oxy, amphetamine. 646 00:36:37,656 --> 00:36:39,822 You said that the effects were very similar 647 00:36:39,824 --> 00:36:45,695 To methamphetamine, plus lsd. 648 00:36:45,797 --> 00:36:48,014 He was a real chemist. 649 00:36:48,016 --> 00:36:49,916 I just did one thing and one thing only, 650 00:36:49,918 --> 00:36:51,751 And it was fairly straightforward. 651 00:36:51,753 --> 00:36:57,023 Whereas he was always looking for new challenges, 652 00:36:57,125 --> 00:37:03,579 How to make things that had never been made before. 653 00:37:03,648 --> 00:37:06,082 The discovery of the bags lab marks a chilling 654 00:37:06,084 --> 00:37:09,519 Turning point in mccourt's illegal drug banking career. 655 00:37:09,587 --> 00:37:13,056 It is here that agents discover marquart has been 656 00:37:13,058 --> 00:37:15,024 Secretly experimenting with creating 657 00:37:15,026 --> 00:37:20,213 Totally new and powerful drugs, a pursuit he will later achieve 658 00:37:20,282 --> 00:37:35,862 With devastating results. 659 00:37:35,930 --> 00:37:38,114 After he was arrested, 660 00:37:38,116 --> 00:37:41,017 He was transported to muskogee, which is where the federal 661 00:37:41,019 --> 00:37:46,956 Court is, and eastern district of oklahoma. 662 00:37:47,058 --> 00:37:50,059 Interview take one more. 663 00:37:50,195 --> 00:37:51,894 My name is john osgood. 664 00:37:51,896 --> 00:37:53,413 In 1978. 665 00:37:53,415 --> 00:37:57,317 I was an assistant united states attorney for the oklahoma 666 00:37:57,319 --> 00:37:58,551 Bureau of narcotics. 667 00:37:58,553 --> 00:38:00,453 Came to me with the case involving mr. 668 00:38:00,455 --> 00:38:03,456 Marquart. 669 00:38:03,658 --> 00:38:06,426 He ended up pleading guilty fairly quickly, 670 00:38:06,428 --> 00:38:09,879 Which is unusual in a case like this. 671 00:38:09,964 --> 00:38:12,248 When you plead guilty, there is no trial. 672 00:38:12,250 --> 00:38:13,766 You just give a factual basis 673 00:38:13,768 --> 00:38:17,653 For the crime and then the judge would impose a sentence. 674 00:38:17,756 --> 00:38:19,222 At the time that mr. 675 00:38:19,224 --> 00:38:21,157 Mccourt was sentenced. 676 00:38:21,159 --> 00:38:24,026 I had felt I got to know him a little. 677 00:38:24,028 --> 00:38:25,611 Just from our interaction, 678 00:38:25,613 --> 00:38:27,113 I kind of felt sorry for the guy. 679 00:38:27,115 --> 00:38:28,848 I mean, he was the mad scientist, 680 00:38:28,850 --> 00:38:31,751 So to speak, or the genius, the chemist. 681 00:38:31,753 --> 00:38:35,288 And I didn't think he 682 00:38:35,357 --> 00:38:38,307 Was that big of a threat. 683 00:38:38,309 --> 00:38:40,860 So I tried to tell him, maybe you ought to show 684 00:38:40,862 --> 00:38:42,295 A little contrition. 685 00:38:42,297 --> 00:38:48,217 Go in there and behave yourself, and maybe you'll do okay. 686 00:38:48,253 --> 00:38:51,587 And he didn't take my advice. 687 00:38:51,656 --> 00:38:53,423 I went to court and went down there 688 00:38:53,425 --> 00:38:56,959 And told him I'd do it again. 689 00:38:57,028 --> 00:38:59,345 He just told the judge he was a drug dealer. 690 00:38:59,347 --> 00:39:00,246 He liked what he did. 691 00:39:00,248 --> 00:39:01,948 He thought he was good at what he did 692 00:39:01,950 --> 00:39:05,918 And he would continue to do it probably when he got out. 693 00:39:05,987 --> 00:39:08,921 And told agents and court, I will start up 694 00:39:08,923 --> 00:39:10,156 Another operation 695 00:39:10,158 --> 00:39:13,192 And I can have a good time and make lots of drugs 696 00:39:13,194 --> 00:39:18,347 And you can come down and chase me around. 697 00:39:18,383 --> 00:39:20,216 He made no bones about the fact that 698 00:39:20,218 --> 00:39:25,455 As soon as he got out of there, he was going to do it again. 699 00:39:25,523 --> 00:39:27,323 And he was the first one that ever made 700 00:39:27,325 --> 00:39:30,626 That kind of performance in the courtroom. 701 00:39:30,728 --> 00:39:33,312 I was just I was shocked. 702 00:39:33,314 --> 00:39:38,151 Judge morris gave him ten years, strongest ends he could get. 703 00:39:38,253 --> 00:39:41,521 And that began the rest of his story. 704 00:39:41,623 --> 00:39:46,592 This thing was fought before it turned wicked. 705 00:39:46,694 --> 00:39:49,662 That book. 706 00:39:49,848 --> 00:39:53,249 As a result of the biggs bust, george eric marquart is sent 707 00:39:53,251 --> 00:39:57,220 To federal prison in a dark and ironic twist of fate. 708 00:39:57,322 --> 00:40:00,323 This will propel him down the road to becoming 709 00:40:00,358 --> 00:40:07,680 The godfather of fentanyl. 710 00:40:07,782 --> 00:40:11,217 And getting shipped to australia. 711 00:40:11,319 --> 00:40:12,752 And I know it doesn't have 712 00:40:12,754 --> 00:40:16,456 A particularly nice reputation. 713 00:40:16,524 --> 00:40:18,090 It's a very bad place. 714 00:40:18,092 --> 00:40:20,460 It ships after 715 00:40:20,462 --> 00:40:23,746 Shifter that punched a hole 716 00:40:23,815 --> 00:40:27,683 A couple of days in isolation. 717 00:40:27,752 --> 00:40:29,819 And you had nothing, 718 00:40:29,821 --> 00:40:36,192 No blankets, no sheet, no mattress, nothing. 719 00:40:36,294 --> 00:40:43,132 So don't fuck up. 720 00:40:43,184 --> 00:40:45,651 At the time, most top level mobsters 721 00:40:45,653 --> 00:40:51,891 From east coast crime families are sent to lewisburg. 722 00:40:51,993 --> 00:40:54,060 Guys like john gotti, boss of new york's 723 00:40:54,062 --> 00:40:57,380 Gambino family, and henry hill, the gangster 724 00:40:57,382 --> 00:40:59,448 Who inspired the movie goodfellas. 725 00:40:59,450 --> 00:41:03,853 Both served time here. 726 00:41:03,955 --> 00:41:04,687 Mafiosi 727 00:41:04,889 --> 00:41:07,707 Are all housed in an area called j block. 728 00:41:07,792 --> 00:41:11,027 This is the block where marquart is also assigned, 729 00:41:11,129 --> 00:41:14,347 Meaning he is now surrounded by some of the most powerful 730 00:41:14,349 --> 00:41:17,350 Drug trafficking kingpins in the country. 731 00:41:17,552 --> 00:41:20,419 The very people who will look to capitalize 732 00:41:20,421 --> 00:41:27,593 On his unique expertise. 733 00:41:27,662 --> 00:41:33,182 Of the gangster show. 734 00:41:33,218 --> 00:41:34,550 You know, because john flows 735 00:41:34,552 --> 00:41:37,553 Like that, you're looking for a good conversation. 736 00:41:37,689 --> 00:41:39,689 You know, 737 00:41:39,691 --> 00:41:44,327 And I find for a good conversation, 738 00:41:44,412 --> 00:41:50,383 Notorious criminals. 739 00:41:50,451 --> 00:41:53,452 Prison is an interesting experience. 740 00:41:53,588 --> 00:41:57,123 Some people go to prison and do their time and get out and 741 00:41:57,191 --> 00:41:59,492 Behave themselves. 742 00:41:59,561 --> 00:42:02,728 But some people spend a substantial amount of time 743 00:42:02,730 --> 00:42:04,614 Discussing how to do more crime, 744 00:42:04,616 --> 00:42:06,682 Better crime, and supposedly crime. 745 00:42:06,684 --> 00:42:07,617 They're not going to get caught 746 00:42:07,718 --> 00:42:10,620 Committing the next time when they're outside. 747 00:42:10,788 --> 00:42:13,689 So mark, court was probably somewhat 748 00:42:13,691 --> 00:42:17,994 Of a minor celebrity in prison because of the mystique 749 00:42:17,996 --> 00:42:22,181 Surrounding his operation in oklahoma. 750 00:42:22,283 --> 00:42:25,251 They will find out what you are there for them. 751 00:42:25,353 --> 00:42:27,286 That's just the nature prison. 752 00:42:27,288 --> 00:42:30,089 You know, I was a representative 753 00:42:30,091 --> 00:42:34,694 Of a relatively new and novel type of criminal. 754 00:42:34,762 --> 00:42:39,582 So I was well known in the prison population. 755 00:42:39,684 --> 00:42:43,886 Everybody knew he was the real deal and better at what he did. 756 00:42:43,888 --> 00:42:47,089 And most of the other people who were forced 757 00:42:47,125 --> 00:42:54,046 A good fight and lost. 758 00:42:54,115 --> 00:42:57,116 Like a serial killer lived next door to me 759 00:42:57,218 --> 00:42:59,885 Because the next step was like, everyone train. 760 00:42:59,887 --> 00:43:05,691 He was one bad motherfucker. 761 00:43:05,827 --> 00:43:07,026 He would simply kill the 762 00:43:07,028 --> 00:43:10,880 People that he believed was. 763 00:43:10,948 --> 00:43:13,316 Another major figure in the running that ran heroin 764 00:43:13,318 --> 00:43:15,351 Between France and new york and was stabbed to death 765 00:43:15,353 --> 00:43:18,154 Last night, just hours before a team of federal prison 766 00:43:18,156 --> 00:43:22,041 Officials arrived to conduct an investigation. 767 00:43:22,093 --> 00:43:24,894 So you knew that he had the capacity 768 00:43:24,896 --> 00:43:28,080 To be particularly vicious. 769 00:43:28,149 --> 00:43:30,016 But I found her on the train 770 00:43:30,018 --> 00:43:41,827 Rather restrained. 771 00:43:41,896 --> 00:43:44,013 One day, 772 00:43:44,015 --> 00:43:48,484 Louis siravo took me down his show. 773 00:43:48,586 --> 00:43:50,353 He was all very fascinated 774 00:43:50,355 --> 00:43:53,789 By these new drugs, but couldn't replace the u.S. 775 00:43:53,791 --> 00:43:57,760 Supplying cheryl 776 00:43:57,862 --> 00:44:01,780 And funny. 777 00:44:01,816 --> 00:44:03,916 Then he said, I've got an article. 778 00:44:03,918 --> 00:44:05,985 I want you to 779 00:44:05,987 --> 00:44:10,756 Look at this drug. 780 00:44:10,825 --> 00:44:13,392 And it was the first time 781 00:44:13,394 --> 00:44:17,813 I ever heard the name churchill 782 00:44:17,882 --> 00:44:21,350 Bullshit. 783 00:44:21,419 --> 00:44:26,555 This is going to be an interesting. 784 00:44:26,624 --> 00:44:27,356 Coming up 785 00:44:27,358 --> 00:44:31,060 On the godfather of fentanyl. 786 00:44:31,162 --> 00:44:32,578 George eric marquart 787 00:44:32,580 --> 00:44:34,780 Makes a discovery that will make the mass 788 00:44:34,782 --> 00:44:37,249 Production of street fentanyl possible. 789 00:44:37,251 --> 00:44:40,953 For the first time ever. 790 00:44:41,022 --> 00:44:43,389 Suddenly there was a heavy smoke 791 00:44:43,391 --> 00:44:46,292 Pouring from not as a flash, 792 00:44:46,294 --> 00:44:50,346 And I held it up to the light and I could just get 793 00:44:50,348 --> 00:44:53,349 A glimpse of crystals, pure 794 00:44:53,584 --> 00:44:56,185 Crystals. 795 00:44:56,187 --> 00:44:57,820 And law enforcement is about 796 00:44:57,822 --> 00:45:01,590 To find themselves in a race against the clock to stop it. 797 00:45:01,659 --> 00:45:02,958 We're going to start fucking 798 00:45:02,960 --> 00:45:06,796 Blanketing the east coast with fentanyl. 799 00:45:06,881 --> 00:47:13,939 Here we go.